the families advocate
the families advocate
THE FAMILIES ADVOCATE NEWSLETTER OF NAMI ALAMEDA COUNTY A Program of the Mental Health Association of Alameda County Family Leadership Training Program The Family Education and Resource Center (FERC), provides outreach, education and support to family/ caregivers of people with mental illness. It also facilitates input and feedback to Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services decision makers at all levels about the important roles family/caregivers play in supporting their loved ones and about the experiences and needs of family/caregivers. FERC works closely with County and contract agencies to promote a family/caregiver perspective and a more family/caregiver and consumer driven system of care. FERC has designed a new training program for "families" (people who have the lived experience of providing care for a loved one with a serious mental health challenge) on advocacy, leadership skills and promoting the family voice and perspective within the mental health system. Approximately 10 family members will receive the extensive training and upon completion, begin participating (as available) in steering, quality review and planning committees, program/organization boards and policy advocacy on behalf of the family members' perspective. For more information, go to or call 510-746-1700. **Keeping up with state budget cuts** If you are trying to keep track of the large cuts in the state budget and to be clear about the potential impacts of these, there are several good sources of information on the internet. These include: NAMI California (, Mental Health Association in California ( and the California Disability Community Action Network ( - this latter site provides very detailed and up to the minute information. VOL. 33, NO.4 April, 2011 Estate Planning is April meeting topic Our April 14th speaker will be Baron L. Miller, who has been an attorney in private practice in San Francisco continuously sincei 973. He has been writing and lecturing on the subject of estate planning for families of people with mental illness for many years and he is a recognized expert in this field oflaw. He will talk about Special Needs Trusts which can offer families a way to provide for some of the needs of their loved one after the family caregiver is gone. Mr. Miller has an adult child who has suffered from schizophrenia since 1989. He is a long time NAMI member and advocate for families of the mentally ill, and he has made frequent presentations on the subject of mental illness to schools, community and professional groups and governmental bodies. There will be time for questions, bring yours! *2011 NAMI Walk* Help us reach our goal of raising $40,000 this year by supporting NAMI Alameda County in the 7th Annual NAMIW alk to be held in Golden Gate Park on Saturday, May 21 st. You can be the captain of your own team,join one of our teams, walk on your own or sponsor one of our walkers. Online, you can visit www.namiwalksfbay.orgto sign up as a walker, or to make a fast and secure donation to sponsor an Alameda County walker. If you prefer not to use the internet, you may call the MHA office at 510835-5010 to request aNAMIWalkwalkerregistration or donation form. NAMI EDUCATIONAL MEETING Thursday, April 14, 2011 - 7:30 pm "Estate Planning for Families of People with Mental Illness" SPEAKER -BaronL. Miller, Esq., Miller & Miller, San Francisco Meeting will be held in Conference Room C at Eden Hospital, 20103 Lake Chabot Rd., Castro Valley. Call 510-835-5010 for more information or directions. The Mental Health Association is affiliated with the California and National Mental Health Associations. NAMI Alameda County is affiliated with NAMI California and NAMI National. ~ Nonprofit Org U.S. Postage PAID Oakland, Calif. PERMIT No. 1977 Mental Health Association of Alameda County THE FAMILIES ADVOCATE 954 60th Street, Suite 10 Oakland, CA 94608 (510) 835-5010 ADDRESS SERVICES REQUESTED FAMIL Y SUPPORT Groups sponsored byNAMI Alameda COUlltvAFRICANAMERICANFAMILYSUPPORTGROUP. Fourth Tuesday, 5:30-7:30 pm, Mental Health Association, 954 60th St. #10, Oakland. Call Steve Bischoff at 51O-835-50IOformore info. SOUTH COUNTY FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP. 2nd & 4th Tuesday, NEW TIME - 6:30 pm, 31600 Alvarado Blvd., Union City,attheHollyCenter. Support for the caregivers - we find hope with friends and family who understand. Call Patty Espeseth to let us know you're coming,510-535-5115x Ill. Family support groups sponsored by ot"ersNAMI - EAST BAY. Second Wednesday, 7 pm at the Albany Methodist Church, 980 StannageA ve. at MarinA ve. inAlbany. Enter StannageA ve. door &come upstairs. Also, support group for families of children, adolescents & teens with mental illness meets at 7 pm on the third Tuesday at Albany Methodist Church; call 510-524-1250 for more info. CHINESE-LANGUAGEFAMILYSUPPORTGROUPS. Family Support for Healthy Minds- Mandarin & Cantonese speaking famil ies meet one Saturday each month from 10 am to noon. Meetings are held at 523 8th St. in Oakland. Call 510-522-0924 for more info. BERKELEYBIPOLARSUPPORTGROUP.EveryThursday, 7-9 pm & Saturday II-I pm.,HerrickHospital- Level A. Open to both families and to persons being treated for bipolar disorder. For more info call Janna Wertzat51 0-6532959 or Mayona Endahl at 510-420-0868. BERKELEY FAMILIESSUPPORTGROUP. First& third Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 pm at 2636 M.L.K. Jr. Way. For parents, spouses and partners. Call Marcella Sabin 510-9817668 for more info. GROUPS IN ALAMEDA FAlTH-BASEDSUPPORTGROUP-NewName"Hope for HurtingFamilies & Friends"-NewTime& Location - 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7-9 pm, Crosswinds Church, 6444 Sierra Ct., Rm. 104, Dublin. For more info contact Pat Ackerman at 925-846-4894 or FAMILYCAREGIVERSOFOLDERADULTS WITHMENTALILLNESS. - ForthThursday, 1-2:30 pm, North Oakland Senior Center. For more info call Roberta Tracy at51 0-60 I-I 074 or MonicaNowakowski THEDEPRESSIONANDSADNESSSUPPORT GROUP - A program of the Life Reaching Across to Life Organization. Every Monday, 7:30-9 pm, 3833 Peralta Blvd., Suite D, Fremont. Formore info call J. "Scotty" Scott at 5 I0-745-9500 or Rev. Barbara Meyers at51O-796-5722. DBSACASTROVALLEY. Every Friday, 7: 15-8:45 pm, Eden Hospital, Conference Room A, 20 I03 Lake Chabot Rd. For more info email dbsa., website www. dbsall or call AI Pereira, chapter facil itator, at 925-462 -6415. KAISER FAMILY EDUCATION & SUPPORT GROUP. 6weekseries; Wednesdays,5:30-7pm, 3900 Broadway in Oakland. Call Cathy Farrell at51O-7526714 to pre-register. Not a drop-in group. Individual must be Kaiser member to attend this group VILLAFAIRMONTSUPPORTGROUP Every Wednesday, 6 pm, meets in the Conference Room, for families who have or had a relative in either of the Villa Fairmont programs. Call Maisie Ketron/Ann Elliott at 510-352-9690 for more info. Our websites: COUNTY DBSA TRI-VAlLEY,PLE4SANTON. EveryWednesday, 7; 15-8:45 pm, St. Clare's Episcopal Church, Classroom I, 3350 Hopyard Rd. For more info email,websitewww.dbsalliance.orgl tri- valleybipolar or call AI Pereira, chapter facilitator, at 925-462-6415. NAMITRI-V ALLEY FAMILYICAREGlVERSUPPORTGROUPS. Second Monday, 7: 15-9 pm, Livermore Publ ic Library, 1188S.LivermoreAve. Fourth Monday, 7: 15-9 pm, Pathways To Wellness, 5674 Stoneridge Dr., Ste. 114, Pleasanton. For more info call Marsha McInnis at 925-980-5331 or email marsha FAMILYICAREGIVERIPROVIDER SUPPORT GROUP - Every Tuesday, 6-7 pm at Fairmont Hospital. 15400 Foothill Blvd., Building C, San Leandro. Call Maurice Fried at 510-895-4369. NAMITRI-VALLEYPARENTRESOURCE&SUPPORTGROUP- Firstand third Tuesday, 7-9 pm, Pathways To Well ness, 5674 Stoneridge Dr., Ste. 114, Pleasanton. Call Suzi Glorioso at 925-443-1797 or email glorios4@comcast.netformoreinfo. *NEW* FAMILYICAREGIVERSUPPORTGROUP First & third Thursday, 5:30-6:30 pm, John George Psychiatric Pavilion, 2060 Fairmont Dr., San Leandro, Court House Room. Call Beverly Bergmanat51 0-835-0 188 for more info. FAMILY/CAREGIVER ADVOCATE MHAAC office hours: Man, Tues, Wed, Thurs from 11:30-4 & Fri 9-5, call 510-835-0188. John George Pavilion hours: Man, Tues, Wed & Thurs 5-7:30 pm, call 510-835-0188. &