May 2014 - Rosedale Community Association
May 2014 - Rosedale Community Association
Vol. 19, # 9 901 - 11 Avenue NW, Calgary, AB T 2 M 0 C 2 dates Weds., April 30 Canada Income Tax deadline $$$ Saturday , May 3 Cinco de Mayo - RCA Hall 8 pm Tuesday, May 6 Rosedale Community meeting - 7 pm Thursday, May 8 - Arbor Day Sunday , May 11 Mothers’ Day Monday, May 19 - Victoria Day The Rosedale Reporter is published ten times per year by volunteers of the Rosedale Community Assn. Deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month. Please keep submissions to 300 words or less, as space is limited. Submissions and photos from community residents are welcomed and appreciated! Editors Olwen and Wayne Thomas May Reminds Us of Changes web- May , 2014 - Olwen Thomas The Monday closest to May 25 each year is Victoria Day, a statutory holiday in Canada celebrating the 64 year reign of Britain’s Queen Victoria. The date continues as the official birthday for Queen Elizabeth, who became queen in 1953. Over time, the holiday has morphed into the kick off to summer with many now referring to it as "May Long" with camping, BBQs, and spring planting on the agenda. Just as the holiday has changed, so too has the neighbourhood. In the early part of the 20th century, SAIT became a presence in the area opening the "castle" in 1922 after being housed in other venues for several years, and is now an expansive, modern campus . Crescent Heights High School originated in the Balmoral School building prior to moving to its current site, and set to celebrate 100 years in 2015. Balmoral School (left), named after the Royal castle in Scotland, is a designated historical building, one of the few original sandstone structures remaining. The stately Bishop's House and grounds at the south end of 7A Street is now a private residence. When Queen Elizabeth ascended the throne, Rosedale was blossoming as a residential community. A number of homes from the earlier part of the century are still in existence with the Huber home on Crescent Road a fine example of the architecture of the day. Several families have generations continuing in the older homes such as the Nixons, Mills, Campbells, Pillidges and the Lennons to name a few. While families such as the Kearls have offspring living nearby. Kate Reeves' book "Rosedale Stories" published in 2000, and available at the public library, highlights many families who have been in the area forty plus years. As the neighbourhood ages, the style of housing has also changed from the smaller one story with fewer bedrooms and bathrooms to larger 21st century designs. The sense of community has not changed with caring, involved families supporting the community centre which was established in 1950. A number of additions to the building and grounds have provided a vibrant location for activities and celebrations, and especially a place for new comers to Rosedale to meet both old and new residents. On this Victoria Day, why not take time to enjoy the historical aspects of Rosedale along with new developments such as the promenade and McHugh Bluff pathways? Enjoy the much anticipated long weekend of Spring, whether you choose the traditional Victoria Day or ‘May Long’. 1 Rosedale reporter Rosedale Traffic Requests To City - Fotis Kalantzis, Traffic Chair Rosedale Community Association In response to the invitation from Ward 7 City Councillor, Druh Farrell, the traffic committee suggests the following 1) Cut-through traffic: a. at the intersection of 7th Ave NW and Center St between 16:00 and 18:00 hours. Many drivers turn west there, although it is prohibited from 15:30 to 18:00 and then they continue west and on to Crescent Rd and then cut through the whole neighborhood and out on to 10th St NW. b. in the afternoon at 4th St NW on to 13th Ave NW west, drivers turn illegally into Rosedale. c. Also, many drivers turn illegally in the afternoon from10th St NW on to13th Ave NW east. d. Also drivers turn illegally in the morning hours from 16th Ave NW on to 7 St NW South. 2) Excessive speeds…..please enforce speed limits: a. During all times of the day, but especially between 16:00-18:00, many will drive over 60-70 km/h (on a 50 km zone) going north on 10th St NW (between 5th Ave and 16th Ave NW). As a result some days, it is almost impossible and outright dangerous for us to drive out of Rosedale and turn south from 13 Ave SW on to 10th St NW (recently, there was a t-bone accident here). Perhaps, move the south-bound bus stop north of the intersection. The Roads department needs to study this exit from Rosedale onto 10th Street to go south. b. Excessive speeds also occur at various times on both 13 Ave NW and on Crescent Rd NW and many times on the streets that connect. Police need to enforce speed limits on Crescent Rd and the Roads department needs to change the speed limit to 30km/h. We feel that police enforcement is important for all these key areas. Neighbourhood Transition - Wayne Thomas Here we are, a privileged, single family residential community, tucked away in a semi-parkland setting, perched on a wonderful view-point, overlooking the downtown of one of Canada’s most vibrant cities. Life is good! But, our City, like many fast-growing urban centres, is undergoing many transitions. We’re adding vehicular traffic volume, even as we initiate dedicated bikelanes, and plan for new transit corridors. The face of family housing in Rosedale is moving from small bungalows to multistory and much larger homes. There is an active City discussion surrounding the ‘housing density / suburban sprawl’ dilemma. We are hearing that auto emissions may be the #1 environmental threat we now face. We live at a faster pace, and our personal interests can easily be at odds with those of other citizens, and even with our neighbours. How do we help make some of these transition more positive? How can change work for us all ? Fortunately, we have people busy within our community on ideas to help with traffic concerns, and we are acting in concert with surrounding communities, like Crescent Heights, to tackle common issues. We have an active recreational component in Rosedale, with yoga, meditation, tennis, soccer, walking groups, movie nights, dance, pub nights, and much more. When we think of making Rosedale a safer traffic zone, we can then consider taking advantage of our preferred location in the City, and many of us could walk and bicycle rather than jump in the car. Our City Parks and Transportation Departments are taking a longer look at McHugh Bluff pathways and trails as they relate to a comprehensive ‘walkability’ plan. We live in a very safe community for both adults and school-aged kids, and we should get out and enjoy it ... on foot. We can all become more community conscious; greet your neighbours, pay attention to what’s going on around us, and pitch in to help when there are projects in the works to improve our small community. How would you like things to go here in Rosedale, and in the wider community? Sharing challenges and ideas can help us find better ways. As we approach the 100th anniversary of the school, it seems fitting for our community, to reflect on the Crescent Heights HS motto, Crescit Eundo (We grow as we progress). Thanks to this month’s sponsors 2 Rosedale Rosedale Classified and reporter News- > Little Free Libraries have been springing up all over Calgary over the last several years. Rosedale’s LFL is right in front of our Community Hall, and available for use by residents. Take a book ... leave a book ! Connecting Calgary communities. > 18+ Soccer ... The Rosedale Community Association, unfortunately, cannot register players over the age of 18 in our community teams. However, we have an alternative option for you! Call Brad at 403-990-2615 or email for more information. > Each year, the Samaritan Club of Calgary donates about 500 layette packages to new Moms and babies who need help. We are always looking for new baby hats (newborn size), bibs, blankets, yarn and flannelette. Please contact Mara at 282-2653 or > Wanted: cat/house sitter. Suitable for working student but must be prepared to stay overnight. Needed for week in late June and probably other times as established by mutual agreement. Call Bob or Lindsay at (403) 289-1348 or e-mail > The CBC - Calgary Reads Annual Book Sale , which is May 23rd from 9 am-7 pm and May 24th from 9 am -midnight, will be accepting donations of used books & multi media. May 10th-May 18th at the Calgary Curling Club, 720 - 3 Street NW or at the Calgary Food Bank, 5000 - 11 Street SE. from April 23-May 9th. > Rosedale Community Association - Annual General Meeting, June 10 at the RCA Hall. Time to be announced. C-Train Plans are Taking Shape - City Councillor, Druh Farrell Calgary Transit is close to finalizing the route for the North Central LRT, which will extend from the downtown all the way to Harvest Hills. The North Central route is the north half of the Green Line, a major north/south busrapid-transit and LRT line outlined in RouteAhead, Calgary’s 30-year strategic plan for transit. Rather than the high floor trains that we’re used to, the Green Line will use less costly low-floor technology. The North Central LRT is needed for residents and businesses along the major corridors in the north. Almost 50,000 cars travel along Centre Street, Edmonton Trail and 4th Street NW corridors every day, not including trips on Deerfoot Trail from the North Central neighbourhoods. Centre Street, at 30,000 bus passengers a day, is the most successful transit route in Calgary, far surpassing the 18,000 daily vehicle counts. A victim of its own success, the transit demands on Centre Street exceed supply. An LRT would provide faster, cleaner, and more efficient trips for over 100,000 passengers. The Green Line will be designed with sustainability in mind. Among other guiding principles, the Green Line will provide and enhance: · connections between people and places through walking and cycling, and links with new and existing bus routes, · neighbourhood development and revitalization, · vitality of local businesses by promoting business development and access, · Complete Streets including landscaping, urban design, and pedestrian and cycling networks. Over the coming months, City staff will conduct further analysis and engage with the public to determine the final alignment of the Green Line. One of the critical decisions remaining is whether to run the line up Centre Street or Edmonton Trail and whether to place the tracks above or below ground along certain sections. Staff will report back with their recommendations to Council by the end of 2014. You can find out more by visiting For more information about Ward 7, please visit my website at 3 Rosedale Be a Responsible Pet Owner - reporter Carol Blakey A recent situation at the McHugh Bluff off-leash park where a dog bit another owner and their dog leads us to urge pet owners to be considerate of others, and to know the pertinent City by-laws for responsible pet ownership. What’s happening Section 13 of Calgary’s Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw 23M2006 requires – “The Owner of a dog in an “off Leash area” shall ensure that such dog is under control at all times.” The bylaw is very specific about what “under control” means and all dog owners should understand the definitions and the implications. The Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw also prohibits “at-large cats”. Section 37 specifically states that an Enforcement Officer “may capture and impound any cat Running at Large with respect to which a complaint under this Bylaw has been made”. However, despite the regulations, possible fines and danger from coyotes that prey in the area, we continue to have issues with residents letting their cats roam . Some residents have spent decades developing safe havens for a surprisingly wide variety of bird life, and the maturity and variety of Rosedale trees and bushes provides an excellent habitat for chickadees, nut hatches, northern flickers and house wrens. Rosedale is a small, friendly and unique community within a very large city. Our residents want to remain “neighbourly” and not be put in a position where they have to contact enforcement agencies to report irresponsible pet owners. To that end, we encourage all pet owners to become familiar with the Bylaw governing pet ownership in Calgary. The Bylaw can be downloaded at: Infractions can be reported at: Animal & Bylaw Services, 3-1-1. ***** International Migratory Bird Day The City of Calgary has been proudly participating in this annual celebration for the past 10 years and will again be hosting our popular event this Mother’s Day! Join Parks staff and local experts for a fun-filled day of games, entertainment and activities to celebrate bird migration and conservation. On May 11, 10am – 4pm, at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary. 4 Link to more info The annual pathway and river cleanup is scheduled parks for Sunday, May 4! To get involved contact 311 or visit our website Check out Disaster Alley on Sunday, May 4 from 11-3. disasteralley This exciting, family event is fun and free for everyone! The Lion Awards are accepting applications for lionawards those who have supported heritage conservation in Calgary! The deadline is June 2 Please package and label Search your household hazardous “hhw” on waste properly. You can dispose of it at designated and select City drop-off locations the first link Celebrate our trees and green spaces on Arbor Day, parks May 8! Arbor Day is an annual event that falls on the first Thursday in May The Airport Trail Tunnel is officially opening on May airporttunne 24! This exciting event is l free for all and runs from 11-2 In April Roads will start Spring Cleanup. Please sweep move your cars from the street when work is scheduled. Watch for signs or view the schedule online Property tax assistance is available to eligible lowptap income homeowners experiencing financial hardship Golf season is back! Visit our website for info on free golf golf programs. Don’t forget download the new and FREE Golf App! Did you know, many non- urgent 311 services can be 311 submitted 24/7/365 on the free 311 Calgary App or on our website? Rosedale reporter Hip - Kids May Project Study Promotes Healthy Living - - Marnie Worbets “Fashion for school and fun” Researchers at the University of Calgary are conducting the “Pathways to Health” study in your community. The aim of this study is to understand the role of neighbourhoods in supporting physical activity and healthy diet. Only a few households will be randomly selected to participate in your community. We would greatly appreciate if you would complete the survey package if your household receives one. Your views and opinions are extremely important to us. If your household receives the “Pathways to Health” survey package in the mail, and you have any questions, please contact the lead investigator Dr. Gavin McCormack ( or 403-220-8193). This month, we are going to help teenage girls from low-income homes with their wardrobe. Your new or very gently used clothing, shoes, accessories can be donated and will be given out through My Best Friend’s Closet at Making Changes. You can also make a funky bracelet or other piece of jewellery to adorn their new outfit. Your project needs to be completed and dropped off to 750 Crescent Rd, NW ( can be left on the doorstep) by the week of May 19th. The mandate of Making Changes is to empower women of all ages through knowledge and a selection of attire to inspire confidence. Website : Development Permits Committee – Bob Moir, Laura Snowball and James Reid New Applications and Permits (Residents wishing to view the drawings relating to any new applications may contact any one of the Rosedale Development Permit Committee members.) 1427 – 6A Street – DP2014-0865 – Our Committee passed out notices for this contextual development to adjacent neighbours and a meeting of those parties interested was held. A letter of our concerns has been forwarded to the City planning representative. 1420 – Crescent Road – DP2014-0653 – A set of plans has recently been submitted for our perusal. Our Committee passed out notices for this discretionary development to adjacent neighbours and a meeting of those parties interested was held on Wednesday, April 2nd. A letter of our concerns has been forwarded to the City planning representative. Previously-reported Developments 502 Alexander Crescent - (DP2013-2869) and 1304 – 4th Street – DP2013-3396 – We have received Development Permit drawings for these neighbouring properties. Both projects meet the City requirements for a Contextual Development. 1403 – 8th Street – DP2013-4680 – Demolition work has started on this project. 1150 – 9th Street – DP2013-4228 –This project is well under construction. 1401 – 7 Street –The Committee has received an amended development permit application that meets the Contextual guidelines and is approved by the City. The RDPC are pleased that several of our initial concerns with this development were addressed by the designer and that the building now is in line with the contextual guidelines. We expect that demolition and subsequent construction should commence shortly. (Residents wishing to view the drawings relating to any of the above-noted developments may contact any one of the Rosedale Development Permit Committee members.) Additional information about Development Permits or Committee Information may be found on the Rosedale website at http:// . 5 Rosedale reporter CALL - May Events - Carol Gerein YOGA CLASSES: These events at the RCA Hall are open to all Rosedale residents at no charge. CALL Café: Monday, May 12 - The Writer in Winter, with Sharon Butala RCA Hall, 1 - 3 p.m. (Free for members - Guests welcome. No registration.) You can’t separate being an old writer from being an old person, and further, from the differing effects of aging on women and men. The condition in itself of being old is quite wonderful (aside from illness and debilitation) but the aging/aged writer is as subject to ageism as old people are in any profession. Sharon Butala has published sixteen books of both fiction and nonfiction. She has won a number of awards and has been shortlisted twice for the Governor General’s Award and once for the Commonwealth Prize. Treks and Travels - $5 charge at the door for non-members. No registration required. Guests welcome! We are looking for more CALL adventurers–CALL members and others– to come forward to stimulate and inspire us with accounts of their treks and travels. If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact us by e-mail at Treks and Travels: A Brief History of the Burgess Shale Wednesday May 21 at 7:30-9:30 p.m. at RCA Hall The animals of the Burgess Shale have taught us more about early life on Earth than any other fossil locality in the world. Studied for over 100 years, the remarkably preserved fossils have changed the way science views early life history and have shaped modern evolutionary theory. Speaker- David Moore holds an MSc in geology and paleontology and has been a guide with the Burgess Shale Geoscience Foundation for over twenty years. There are a number of new interest groups starting up in May and 2 Art Gallery Tours. See the CALL website - for more information - Gathering Your Wisdom , Personal Finances for Grownups , Art Gallery Tours, The Glenbow - "Made in Calgary - the 1990's" , Art Gallery Tours, - The Esker Foundation Hold That Trowel ! After a long snowy winter, we are all anxious to get out to till the soil. But, be patient, do some of the prep work, let the lawn dry out and sweep away signs of mold; choose spots for new perennials and shrubs, and look forward to Victoria Day for most planting. The City usually plants annuals about June 1, but, if you just can't wait, perhaps a few hardy pansies in pots will do the trick. Be sure to look for crocuses on McHugh Bluff; a hopeful sign of spring. 6 IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH & YOUR LIFE! All levels welcome - work to your own abilities no yoga experience necessary. ‘Yoga 4 Backs‘- Monica/Amber Mondays until June 23 - 7:30–8:30 p.m. no class May 19 - Drop-in $12/class Hatha yoga- Sophie,9:30– 11:00 am Mondays until June 21 (**no class May 19) Drop-in $15/class Wednesdays until June 23 $15/class Fridays until - June 25 $15/class Please note – anyone taking any RCA classes needs a valid Rosedale Community Membership. Louise Riley Library - May 2014 1904 14 Ave NW Mon to Thurs - 10 am - 9 pm Fri / Sat 10 am – 5 pm ... Sun 12 – 5 pm Check at the Library for May events : Programs are FREE with your library card. Register in person, by calling 260-2620 or online at Mondays, 2-4 pm - Computer coaching Thursdays @ Your library - Ebook Doctor- help with OverDrive or E-reading? Drop in for assistance with your ebook and e-reader questions. Thurs , May 22, June 26, July 17, and Aug. 21, 2 - 3:30 p.m. No Regn Summer - Tablets and Media Creation -Weds, July 7, 7-8:30 pm, Registration required Fort Calgary On the Road - Sat, June 21, from 2-3:30 pm, No registration required. ***** 2014 Rosedale Community Memberships $25/ family $15/single or $5/senior household. Your membership fee supports so many valuable community initiatives that help make Rosedale a special place to live. If you are participating in a community program, you need to have a membership. Call Marnie (282-6921) or drop off to 750 Crescent Rd, NW. Go to and purchase a membership online. Rosedale Soccer News - reporter Nadine Kallen ‘Song Dogs in the City’ - Weather Cancellation Policy - As our soccer season is short, we do our best to keep to the scheduled nights. As a general rule, we will only cancel games if there is lightning or the fields are too wet from DAYS of rain. If it is just a lightly rainy night, soccer will still be ON. In the rare case that we do call off soccer, it is the decision of the soccer committee, not the coaches*. We will post weather cancellations by 5:00 pm the night of soccer at soccer/ *Note: for U10 - U18 teams, it is the decision of the coaches, upon consultation with the other coaches AT THE FIELD. Expect to show up and play regardless of the weather. Volunteering - Our soccer league is made possible by the hundreds of volunteer hours that parents put in. Please make sure to honour the volunteer commitment you signed up for at registration. If you need to change your volunteer role, please email our volunteer coordinators at - A jane’s Walk Volunteer Requests: 1) we need someone with a mower to help keep the lines clear. 2 ) we are looking for a Soccer Co-Commish in-training 3) a coach for U14 mixed team. Those of us with small dogs, big dogs, cats, rabbits, small children, or any naturalist interests might be keen on the May 2nd ‘Jane’s Walk’ - ‘Song Dogs in the City’ with Shelley Alexander. Soccer “Commish” - This will be my last season as our "Soccer Commish". I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful members of our soccer committee for all of their help! Without these dedicated people, soccer wouldn't happen. I would be happy to help out any new person(s) who may be interested in filling the Soccer Commish role. Ideally, this could happen this season to ease in the transition. Please get in touch if you think you can help. If this role is not filled, there will be no community soccer next season. Get a glimpse of coyotes’ activity in an urban setting during this 1 and 1/2 hr. walk in Nose Hill Park. Go to the Jane’s Walk website for more details calgary/song-dogs-city/ Rosedale Tennis Season Underway - David Paterson To officially kick-off the season, everyone is invited to our annual Opening Day Social, on Saturday, May 10th at 3:00 PM. Whether you are a serious tennis player looking for a place to play, thinking about taking up the game, or would just like to enjoy some socializing with your neighbours, mark this date on your calendar and be sure to join us for an enjoyable afternoon and evening. The event will go rain or shine, as the Community Hall is booked. BBQ burgers are provided at 5pm, with a salad or dessert your entry ticket. Plans are to have some mix-in tennis for adults and some demo tennis lessons for kids & demo cardio tennis for adults. Membership ($65 for a family if RCA member) and Lesson Applications are only available on the website: download, fill-out and mail/deliver as per instructions on applications. Keep in mind that reduced membership fees will be in effect only until Saturday, May 10th -- so make sure you get your registrations in early. RTC is very excited to be offering some new programs this year. We have acquired a new coach and very accomplished instructor, Scott Wilson, who will be conducting Junior after- school programs starting May 5 and 2 summer camps in July. Classes will be based on age and skill level. Private/semi private lessons will be offered depending on court availability. Also new this year are adult cardio tennis classes - a great way to tune up for the tennis season. Demos will be held for the lessons and classes at our Spring Social, May 10. Go to to see full details and to register. Classes fill up fast and are on a firstcome-serve basis. 7 Rosedale reporter No Fools, April 1st Hockey ! - Dave Guebert Facebook Moms Rosedale/Crescent Heights and Calgary Moms & Tots Playgroup/Connection Moms, join our Facebook group to connect with other moms that have little ones not yet in school. Meet each other for coffee, playdates, play at the park/school playground or just a stroll along Crescent Rd. Its easy! Join the group and when you are planning to go outside with your wee one, just send out the word of where and what time you will be there. Who knows maybe you will meet a great neighbour/friend! Contact Danielle Lennon Rosedale Community Assn Volunteer Board -: When Mother Nature gives you lemons, make lemonade ! The never ending March cold spell gave us the opportunity to resurrect the outdoor rink, and for the first time that anyone can remember, we were able to play hockey outdoors in April. There is a certain novelty to playing outdoors at 8:00 in the evening in full daylight. Only in Calgary. Movie Nights at RCA Hall First Wednesdays each month ... May 7, June 4, 7 - 10 pm Registration is unlimited, but please e-mail to for more info and give us an idea of numbers Do you have a favourite film ... an “indy” film , a doc, a film noir ? We will view and discuss films suggested by you. Popcorn will be provided! President - Position open Vice-President - Curtis Atkinson, 616-6556 Treasurer - Dave and Deb Guebert, 289-2667 Past President - Dave Morris, 616-9023 Secretary - Cindy Fyvie, 282-8496 Development Permits - Bob Moir, 289-1348, Laura Snowball, James Reid, (587) 223-5766 Hall Rental - Donna Anderson, Hall Maintenance - Bill Wood, 289-6221 Hall Events Coordinator - John Tatlow, 284-0577 McHugh Bluff - Graeme Price, Membership - Marnie Worbets, 282-6921 Newsletter - Wayne and Olwen Thomas, 282-3573 RCA Life Cycle- David Paterson, 289-5677 Rink - Dave Guebert Soccer - Nadine Kallen, Tennis - David Paterson, 289-5677 Traffic - Fotis Kalantzis, 827-3738, James Reid, 587-223-5766 C.A.L.L - Barbara Grant, 984-9011, and Carol Gerein, 282-0672. Directors at Large - Jan Hammerlindl, Carol Blakey Curtis Atkinson – Your Resident Realtor When it’s time to buy or sell your home, expect more ! RE/MAX Real Estate Central Thanks to this month’s sponsors 403.616.6556 8 Please attach this poster to the front of your fridge now or you might miss out!! Cinco de Mayo celebration! The Mike Clark Band, this time featuring special guest Steve Pineo! Rosedale Hall -- 901 -11th Ave. NW Dancing, Rockin, Adult Gaiety – A Romp Not to be Missed! Sat. May 3, 8 – 12 pm) Get there early, we’re gonna exceed capacity. $15 at the Door, Cash Bar (Tequila Served!!), Warm up band is Southbound Charlie (Rosedale Talent). Money refunded if you don’t have a great time. Mike Clark truly is one of Canada's premiere blues and roots artists and has been nominated for a Maple Blues Award in the category of "Horn Player of the Year" for three consecutive years. In 2008 and 2010 Mike has been named “Sax Player of the Year” by the Calgary Blues Music Blues Music Association's Hall of Fame. He has performed with Albert Collins, Son Seals, Amos Garrett, The Downchild Bluesband, and Dutch Mason to name a few. He's recorded with Johnny V (If My Daddy Could See Me Now), Donald Ray Johnson (Pure Pleasure), Tim Williams (Live at Kaos), Ray Montana (Hip October), Steve Pineo (Steve Pineo with Horns) and can be heard on many other sessions. The core of The Mike Clark Band consists of Brain Pollock (Amos Garrett and EH Team and Bill Bourne) on bass, and Thom Moon ( Ian Tyson) on drums, a veteran rhythm section that's well-versed in the mastery of playing music as opposed to playing songs. On guitar is virtuoso Brett Spaulding . Add to this the fiery and expressive Saxophone and vocals of Mike Clark and you have an exciting and unforgettable musical experience. “The word “finesse” comes to mind when defining Steve Pineo. He is, all around, the best guitar player I have ever worked with.” Billy Cowsill -- The Cowsills, The Blue Shadows, The Co-Dependents