Comenius Regio project „Extrakey“ Schools´ extra
Comenius Regio project „Extrakey“ Schools´ extra
Comenius Regio project „Extrakey“ Schools´ extra-curricular activities Good practice booklet 2013 National Directorate of Mersin Province and Tallinn Education Department Comenius Regio Partnership "Extra-Curricular Activities for improved key competences through creative learning environments and cooperation - Extrakey“ carried out in the frame of Lifelong Learning Programme during the years 2011-2013. As Provincial Education Directorate in Mersin we strongly believe the contributions of the individuals and institutions either public or private to the various extra curricular activities to the benefit of the students. Apart from the curricular and the textbooks the students everywhere in all of the world always show high interest and concern for enjoyable and creative activities.Through this project we intended to encourage the students,school staff and families as well to demand, search and experience for expanded extra curricular activities.This process will undoubtedly feed physical,emotinal and mental developments of the school students. Under Provincial Education Diroctorate in Mersin the schools have formal social clubs ,however there is extra hobby schools in education system of Talinn .In any case the schools are unique centres for the students,so they should be enriched with various extra curricular activities rather than the ordinary ones.All partner schools in the project have realised many extra-curricular activities including also those enchancing cultural awareness and social sensitivity. Throughout the project National Education Diroctorate in Mersin and Tallin Education Department studied to facilitate the learning environments by the means of educational cooperations and network as much as possible to the benefit of the students in their academic life and life skills.We hope the plan for extra curricular activities will be renewed yearly in accordance with the changing needs and resources without rejecting the willing of the students. The project will possibly move forward the initiatives of the studies at extra curricular activites and life long learning concept. The project partners were Tallinn Education Department, the general education schools: Vanalinna Hariduskolleegium, Pirita Majandusgümnaasium, Õismäe Kool and Pelgulinna Gümnaasium and Tallinn Hobby Centre „Kullo“, National Directorate of Mersin Province, the general education school Pirireis İlkogretim Okulu, the vocational school Toroslar Kiz Teknik ve Meslek Lisesi and Mersin Public Education Centre & Aksam Sanat Okulu Mudurlugu. The project participants have increased their knowledge and skills on how to organize better the students´ extra-curricular activities and there is a willingness of the educational institutions to implement the received ideas, experiences and goo practice for example regarding the involvement of the community and parents into the hobby education activities together with the children and young people and on the development of the cooperation between the different generations. More than a half of the Tallinn students are involved in the hobby education and hobby activities because our families are interested in their children developments alongside of the general education school. We are glad that our parents and young people understand that the participation in the hobby group gives an extra value for the rest of the life: new knowledge, friends and social skills. The hobby education could also help the young people to choose his/ her profession and career. The hobby education has the growing role of supporting and providing the positive learning experience and self-determination of the young people. We wish the courage and continuity to the teachers and schools in creating, introducing and using new ideas with the young people in their hobby education activities. This booklet is making an effort to help you on this way. The additional materials can be found on the websites of Tallinn Education Department and National Directorate of Mersin Province. PIRIREIS PRIMARY SCHOOL Making studies on the adults and the students to making them consciousness about protecting the environment Fevzi Altuntaş, Head Teacher of Pirireis Primary School Raising social responsibility and environmental awareness The Students were informed about Community Service. The Community service, selected in the first row “Public Awareness Campaign for Students about having a better environment for living, the purpose of it was explained and how to handle the students can do about it is designed. The waste and garbage in school garden was collected in order to draw the attention for environmental pollution. This litter was exhibited in an area that everyone can see. Some information was gathered about the Environmental Pollution campaign and the posters and photos were displayed. The research has been done on the consequences of environmental pollution on organisms and the human health. These studies conducted on Environmental Pollution, were displayed in various school boards. PIRIREIS PRIMARY SCHOOL “Silifke Göksu Deltası Natural Life Park” Dr.Adnan Yıldırım, Deputy Head Teacher of Pirireis Primary School Being familiar with the local and natural attractions-bird species and raise the environment awareness The delta of the Göksu, including Akgöl Lake and Paradeniz Lagoon, as one of the most important breeding areas in the Near East; Many bird species have been observed. Among others, Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) lays eggs here. As a school, we have a small group of native Turkish birders which arranges birding tours all across the province. Mersin is an extraordinary country with diverse geography, habitats and species for birds. PIRIREIS PRIMARY SCHOOL “The exhibition of the child and the zoolatry” Yüksel Usta, Deputy Head Teacher of Pirireis Primary School Development of emotional expression by personal experience through art and writing The apparent love of the children for animals is encouraged to express through art work and writing. The products have been exhibited to the interest of all the school children. Declaration on the Protection of Animals “was displayed on the panels. Children and Animal Love" club students shared the pictures and texts on the billboards. Extinct and endangered animals in our country and around the world were searched and results were shared with students in the club. The writings about the "Animals our friends in our house” were displayed on the panel. Toroslar Technical and Vocational School for Girls The club of Entrepreneurship No to Nylon Bag Campaign” İhsan Lale, Deputy Head Teacher of Toroslar Technical and Vocational School for girls. Raising concern for environment and promoting using biodegradable products instead of dirty nylon bags. The students of Entrepreneurship Club started the campaign to increase the use of paper bag ,designed a paper shopping bag, Municipality was the sponsor and produced the bags and the ss.promoted to use it by delivering in the local market place . Toroslar Technical and Vocational School for Girls The students of Child Development Department “Dress Animated Fashion Show” Gülay Karatobak, Deputy Head Teacher of Toroslar Technical and Vocational School for girls. Strengthening the Professional knowledge through enjoyable and pedagogic real life experience and designing the dresses of animation characters The students’ designing the dresses of animation or legendary characters and organized a fashion show. They contributed to Traditional preschool festival held by the Governorship & Directorate. Toroslar Technical and Vocational School for Girls The club of sport “Mediterranean Games Sports Club” .M.Ali Kaya Teacher of PE in Toroslar Technical and Vocational School for girls. Introducing and developing the basic skills of different sports and physical education Providing the students to gain physical, mental and emotional attainments The students were introduced with different sports and encouraged to be involved in competitions. The team of Badminton came first in Toroslar town and 2. in the Province and received their medal from the Governor in June 6th. 2013. We know that at high levels of play, especially in singles, the sport demands excellent fitness: players require aerobic stamina, agility, explosive strength, speed and precision. We aim to carry bout all these activities. As it is also a technical sport, it requires good motor coordination and the development of sophisticated racquet movements which is important for the students. Mersin Public Education Centre “Turkish Folk Dance Groups” Mr. Zeki Müthiş Deputy Director in Mersin Public Education Center Increasing the familiarization with the traditional culture through music and folk dance The formal school students willing to attend the folk dance courses apply and attend either in their schools or in a certain course center after school or at weekends for free Folk dances are performed at weddings, engagement ceremonies, when sending young men off to perform their military service, at national and religious festivals, after victories, going to and coming back from from the high plateaus. In Turkey folk dance is invariably accompanied by musical instruments. In some regions, women perform also folk dances to the accompaniment of folk songs. Tallinn Old Town Educational Collegium Creativity contest of art, music and literature on the topic of development the connection of the generations Katrin Tanvel, Head Teacher of Music House, Tallinn Old Town Educational Collegium Anu Johanson, Head of Music House, Tallinn Old Town Educational Collegium Tallinn Old Town Educational Collegium has found the creativity contest as good practice to develop the cooperation between the generations. The theme of this year’s creation contest for art, music and literature was „If I would be old. If I would be young.“ Everyone was welcome to participate in the contest, not only children but people from our school of all ages. Whether your thoughts are presented as written word, by the sound of music or by the shapes and colors of the visual world, you can perform together with your mothers and fathers, grandparents or your colleagues with their children. The experiences and memories for different generations will become the bridge between children and their parents, dreams combining into one and giving a new impulse in life. The creativity contest gave a chance to gaze into the lives and experience of people who have lived for many autumns: to listen and write down their stories, to live through it again through music, art or written words, to go back to that time when the world was different. Art work of the family „The window to the childhood of grandmother“ got the first prize in the art contest. The music contest was held by the Music School and the concert took place on the 18th of February in Old Town Music House. About 100 students participated and 20 of them in the ages between 6 and 19 were nominated with the prizes. There were music pieces for different instruments, voices, ensembles and soloists. The concert was very interesting, emotional and creative and received very positive feedback. The literature contest was held by elementary and primary school and gymnasium. 60 students participated and 15 of them were chosen as winners. For the young people this was an opportunity to connect with their elders, to study their griefs and joys, to find mutual understanding. The final ceremony took place during the Independence Day celebrations in the Tallinn Methodist Church on the 22nd of February 2013. Pirita Majandusgümnaasium/ Pirita School of Economics Pet Day at school Eve Reinola, Head of Extra-Curricular Activities, Pirita Majandusgümnaasium At our school the Pet Day took place on the 31st of May 2013. This is one of the traditional events - as good practice to show care and tolerance - that began in the school from year 2000. We have called the event to life to let people know what is important in pet keeping and to open their eyes regarding this topic. Our aim is also to explain that pet is not a toy and needs constant care. Pet Day has had several visitors throughout the years, including representatives of Estonian Animal Protecting Union, vets, dogs and dog guides of the Voluntary Reserve Rescue Team, guests from Nõmme Nature House, different clubs have introduced dog and cat breeds etc. The event has had plenty of media coverage in the most popular Estonian national commercial TV channel Kanal2’s prime-time program Reporter. This year, instructors and dogs from the School of Guide and Assistance Dogs in Tartu visited us. They explained the relevant role of guide dogs, how they are taught, why they shouldn’t be disturbed while working etc. Lots of students brought their pets to the schools´ Pet Day. For example dogs, cats, hamsters, squirrels, and birds, to introduce them and talk about their habits and activities. In addition we watched a fun movie about pets which was put together from video clips made by students. The Pet Day had around 500 participants – primary school students, teachers, and parents. Õismäe Kool/ Õismäe School School festival „I love break!” Jelena Andrejeva, Head of Extra-Curricular Activities, Õismäe Kool A new tradition – the festival „I love break!“ was born in the school. It takes place in the last day of the first and third terms. During these days the lessons were replaced with the breaks and during the break time the lessons took place. Students are the key participants during the break times. Different new activities, competitions and games offered to the students, for example in lego games, room for animals, table tennis, table football and hockey. The elementary students played active games and high school girls danced in the hall. There have been cases, when teachers surprised students and colleagues with their skills. For example: math teacher had unexpectedly been a champion of corona and teacher of mother tongue showed her skills in table tennis. The relationships have been improved between the students and teachers which are very important for all participants in the learning process. The students participated actively in different activities during the breaks. Pelgulinna Gümnaasium/ Pelgulinna Gymnasium “Healthy spirit in the healthy body” Tiina Tiit, Head of Extra-Curricular Activities of Pelgulinna Gymnasium Our good practice is connected with the defense game and camp “Healthy spirit in healthy body” to develop the social skills and cooperation between the students. This is an interesting and very useful camp for students at the age of 13-14. This year it took place in the forest and was connected with different workshops, lectures on the student´s obligations and rights by the youth policemen. The camp gave an opportunity to use everyday knowledge in practice, to make duties and rights for the teenage pupils. This was four days long camp where every young person could account on his knowledge and skills. There were handicraft, cooking, and sport workshops. Also different orienteering games in the forest were included. One big part of this camp was communication with pupils from other schools of Northern-Tallinn region, making friendship relations, introducing Estonian and Russian folk culture, making brain twisters and camp evenings. Before going to the camp in the forest students have done different workshops during the school year. They have prepared and performed their own shows; they have made different drawing competitions and have taken part in big working action “Let’s do it”. This entire project which ended with this four days camp lasted all the school year. All children taking part in this project were very satisfied. Arriving from the camp they were happy, tired and full of engine. It was a good possibility to end the school year and I think we will make it as a tradition. Tallinn Hobby Education Centre „Kullo“ "Talents´ Hour" Kairi Kaugema, Deputy Head, Tallinn Hobby Education Centre „Kullo“ A series of performances of "Talents´ Hour" is a new project of Kullo which was started this school year following the renovation of Kullo's main building. During the renovation a place for performances was made in the lobby, so that everyone who has the wish to share their skills and talents with others can do so. Yet another place for performing was created in the adjacent exhibition room in which there is now a useful amplification system. At the start of the school year we notified the teachers and pupils of the new chance to perform and by now many have used it to showcase their abilities and entertain others. The opening event of the series was a concert of the folk music group “Piibar” at the beginning of last November, when musicians from different generations played together - children alongside adults. The audience included mothers and fathers, daughters and sons, grandmothers and grandfathers, as well as other Kullo visitors. At the end of November last year the small children's music group gave a lovely Father's Day concert in which the mothers and fathers were also included. They performed for grandparents and sisters and brothers. In December there were performances every week. On the first weekend of the month Kullo's violin students offered a musical experience together with teacher Mihkel Kuusler. The week after that beautiful Christmas songs could be heard performed by song studio “Sinilill” and in the flute concert every students involved in the performance - even those who had only been studying the instrument for a few months. On the 18th of December the guitar students played a concert and on 22nd of December the instrumental group “Sõleke” gave a performance where adults and children once again played together. The first event of 2013 was a dance evening for the seniors of Kristiine city district where the music was provided by Piibar, led by teacher Toivo Luhats. The Independence Day of Estonia was celebrated on February 21 with a concert by the small children's music group. A large spring party welcoming all residents of Kristiine city district was held on March 22. Among the performers were Kati Tantsustuudio and the folk music group ”Piibar”, with a guest appearance by the senior dance group of Kristiine Social Centre. In April the students of our drum class showed off their abilities, and in May the children of song studio “Sinilill” and violin students once again took to the stage. This series of events has provided both the students of Kullo and their parents experience with performing and also working together. It has strengthened ties between generations while giving a wonderful chance to spend time with the family. Concert of folk music group „Piibar“ in Kullo on November 2012. Concert of the children of Kullo music group with their parents in Kullo on 21.02.2013. Mersın Students’ Portfolios PİRİREİS İLKOKULU / PIRIREIS PRIMARY SCHOOL Visiting Our Friends at the Delta of Göksu & Natural Park, Mersin-TURKEY Ali Kaan ÜSTÜN, Pirireis Primary School, 4th level, age 11 Our school brought us as 40 classmates to the Delta of Göksu and Natural Park on Sunday, 20 of April, 2013. It was the first time for me to go such a beautiful and natural park with full of different kinds of birds. It was amazing for me to observe different species from Partridge to White Pelican. Our guide said that some of the species are becoming extinct. I said to him that “I wish I had something to do for them to prevent extinction.” My teacher warned me not to pollute our environment and air which must be very clean for birds. Birding began with a visit to the Goksu Delta, and a chance to explore the lakes and surrounding wetland and farmland. The Goksu Delta consists of a large flat area where the Goksu River enters the Mediterranean Sea, and includes two lakes, Akgol and Paradeniz, and a huge sand spit which extends into the sea. The southern watchtower, overlooking Akgol Lake, was our first stop, and this gave us the chance to scan the lake and surrounding reeds in search of Purple (grey-headed) Swamphen and Marbled Duck, which are two of the local specialties. I did not see these species, but enjoyed scanning over the reeds in search of different raptor species in amongst the common Western Marsh Harriers. When we came to seaside I saw some traces on the sand and ask our guide. He said that it was traces of Loggerhead Sea Turtle known as Caretta Caretta. I learnt many things about this cute animal. The loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), or loggerhead, is an oceanic turtle distributed throughout the world. It is a marine reptile, belonging to the family Cheloniidae. The average loggerhead measures around 90 long when fully grown, although larger specimens of up to 280 cm have been discovered. The adult loggerhead sea turtle weighs approximately 135 kg, with the largest specimens weighing in at more than 450 kg. The skin ranges from yellow to brown in color, and the shell is typically reddish-brown. No external differences in gender are seen until the turtle becomes an adult, the most obvious difference being the adult males have thicker tails and shorter plastrons than the females. The loggerhead sea turtle is found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans, as well as the Mediterranean Sea. It spends most of its life in saltwater and estuarine habitats, with females briefly coming ashore to lay eggs. The loggerhead sea turtle has a low reproductive rate; females lay an average of four egg clutches and then become quiescent, producing no eggs for two to three years. The loggerhead reaches sexual maturity within 17–33 years and has a lifespan of 47–67 years. After all those informative data I learnt also that Carettas lay their eggs to the sands under my feet and after hatching babies have to walk long to reach the sea. I learnt many things from this trip including many kinds of birds and my old friend who needs help, caretta caretta. I will respect these animals and tell my friends to respect them also. TOROSLAR KIZ TEKNİK ve MESLEK LİSESİ / TOROSLAR VOCATIONAL and TECHNICAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS WAR AGAINST PLASTIC BAGS, Mersin-TURKEY Elif KAYA, Toroslar Vocational and Technical School For Girls, The club of Entrepreneurship in Mersin, 9th level, age 15 My name is Derya and I am 15 years old. I have been studying at this school for two years. I am always interested in environment pollution and saving nature. In my school, I have chance to do something for keeping our environment clean. I have joined some clubs and organizations about environment. One of them is the club of Entrepreneurship. It seems like about earning Money, but the clubs main aim is to develop environment friendly products. First, we search for harmful consumption products. People often use plastic bags. We decided to produce environment friendly bags. With the help of Toroslar Town Municipality, we started campaign about increasing the usage of paper bag. We produced paper bags and delivered it to the local and supermarkets. It took too much time but we accomplished a big mission in the name of environment. It was good opportunity for us to make something for environment. MERSİN HALK EĞİTİM MERKEZİ / MERSIN PUBLIC EDUCATION CENTER Our National Folk Dances, Mersin-TURKEY Zehra İrem FIRAT, Mersin Public Education Center, 11th level, age 17 There are many different types of folk dances performed in various ways in Turkey, and these reflect the cultural structure of each region. The bar in Adıyaman province, the halay in the East and Southeast, the hora in Thrace, the horon in the Black Sea and spoon dances in and around Konya are the best known examples of these. These are all we learnt in the center where I took dance courses for 2 years. We took different kinds of courses. Folk dances are performed at weddings, engagement ceremonies, when sending young men off to perform their military service, at national and religious festivals, after victories, going to and coming back from from the high plateaus and at meetings such as ferfene, yaren talks, barana or sira gezmesi. Dances are generally performed in all suitable open areas, but may also be performed in close areas as well. People who enjoy reputations as good folk dancers are especially invited to wedding ceremonies. These are respectable people who have knowledge of that region's music and folk dances. Folk dances owe their rich variety of moves to such people, who happily improvise while performing in order to show off their skills. In this way, dances are successfully passed on to people who may or may not be capable of dancing themselves, especially the young ones. Tallinn Students’ Portfolios Eliisabet Sarv, Vanalinna Hariduskolleegiumi Gümnaasium/ Tallinn Old Town Educational Collegium, Form 10 My Extra-Curricular Activities: Ceramics, Painting, Wood work, Zither playing, Japanese language What I have achieved and what are my future plans regarding my hobbies? Clay work is relaxing and I can always give away gifts my works as gifts. I like to try different techniques. I tried turning this year. I got an award for my work with coffee-pot at our school´s creativity contest. I went to learn painting that not to forget my earlier experiences from art school. I like most the water colours but I would like to learn using also other paints. I reached to the wood work regarding my wish to make a zither for myself on my own. It is not ready yet hereby it is my aim to finish it. I have studied a lot on the use of wood and I can use this material better now. Playing the zither has given me a lot. I have participated in several folk music camps, learned new pieces of music of different countries and met many wonderful persons. I worked at Tallinn dockside of cruise ships where I played zither to the tourists. I have participated on the contest of zither playing in 2011 and 2012 where I received the special prizes. Thanks to the zither playing I have the experiences regarding the performing on the stage. I will continue playing zither in the future, perhaps in some music group or band or teaching the others. My zither playing could be seen and listen here. My performance will start from 35th minutes. I have learned Japanese for three years. My aim is to learn to speak Japanese fluently. I would like to visit Japan in the future. It is possible that I will go to the university to study the orient culture and Japanese language. Regarding the learning of Japanese I have got a lot of new knowledge about Japan. Kristjan Vigla, Pirita School of Economics, Form 7 My favourite sport is basketball. I started to play basketball already in the first grade. At first almost everybody in our class went to play basketball. Later only eight boys were left. Our team name was BC STAR BOYS. We have had many competitions in Estonia and in Finland. I enjoyed the time we spent together with my friends after school. This spring I joined another club. Now I play at KK VIIMSI and I have got many new friends. In June we have holidays. The trainings start again in July and then we have 2 training camps. I think that all young people should go in for sports, then you have many friends, you can play in competitions, get new friends and see new places. I like basketball a lot and hope to play it for a long time. Viktoria Abukarova, Õismäe School My Extra-Curricular Activities: theatre hobby group and music hobby group I came to study at the Õismäe School in the second grade. Not everything went smoothly both in my studies and in my extra-curricular activities. It was often difficult for me to get on well with teachers and classmates. Sometimes we could not see eye to eye with the leaders of the school hobby groups and projects. I was keen on sports. On several occasions, I successfully took part in athletic competitions. In 2009, I was chosen to represent our school in the paralympic athletic competition in Germany. Unfortunately, I did not go there. I had to train a lot before the competition, but at a certain moment I got tired of it all, said rude things to the teachers and refused to go. At that time I wanted to show everyone that I was independent. In the end, my classmate went to Germany instead of me. And in the theatre hobby group everything was different. I played in the puppet theatre. I enjoyed playing one of the leading roles. I rehearsed a lot and was happy about my successes. Lessons in the theatre hobby group taught me to be confident in myself and to take into account the opinions of other children. Now I attend the music group. For a long time, my favourite singer had been Michael Jackson. I listened to his songs, watched his music videos and tried to move on the stage the way Michael did. I could even do the moonwalk more or less well. The music teacher offered me to sing Michael Jackson’s song. I performed this song at the Singing Joy contest and was awarded the Judges’ Special Prize. This spring I performed a Russian folk song at the same contest and gained the first place among the senior students. In the future, I plan to keep on attending the music hobby group. I like singing very much and I would also like to learn to play the guitar. Glen-Ander Popovitš, Pelgulinna Gymnasium, Form 9 My extra-curricular Activities: playing piano and learning languages My name is Glen and I am 16 years old. I study at Pelgulinna Gymnasium. I have many different hobbies and things I like to do with my spare time. Most of them are considered with music. But some others are languages and my looks. I have played piano for ten years and it is going very well and my skills have become very good. I win almost every piano competition that I have taken part in. I can play almost every song that I hear, although they might sound a little bit primitive. I have sung almost all my life. I have taken part in many different singing contests and I have done very well. When I finish school, I would like to become a singer. Sometimes I combine my singing and piano playing, which brings me to my next topic. I like to play the piano and sing at the same time. That is why I do not play classical music on the piano. I only play these songs that make me feel comfortable, because I am not a robot. This is my secret of winning these piano competitions. I pick my own songs. When I play these songs the judges are very impressed, because they like to hear something different. Now let´s talk about my others passion – languages. I am learning Japanese by myself, when I watch animas. I would like to learn Spanish and next year I am going to let my Spanish friend teach me some. Now a little bit about my other hobby - this is bound up with my looks. I started wearing contact lenses. These lenses that I am wearing look very creepy and I think that it is fun to see how people react to them. I want to look different, not mainstream. Karola Kaugema, Tallinn Hobby Centre „Kullo“, 15 years old I have been learning in Hobby Centre “Kullo” since I was five years old. I started my studies at “Kullo” in ABS studio and in dance classes of Kati`s Dance Studio at the very young age. I took part of these classes for four years. But the most I love to draw. So I started painting, drawing and glass painting classes that I have been attending for nine last years. This year I went additionally to the car driving class. This year I started singing in the mix choir of my elementary school - Pelgulinna Gymnasium. Many years I attended badminton training. Last year I had leg injury and I had to give up my sport training. Recently I have not found time for sports after school and hobby school classes. In extracurricular activities I am involved almost every day. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays I practice car driving in Kullo car driving class. On Wednesdays I attend choir practice as well. There are art classes on Fridays and Saturdays. When there is some free time left for me, I fill it usually with drawing and painting as these are my favourite activities. Even I am tired after school day, I forgot my tiredness in my hobby classes. I always want to go there - it makes me feel happy and satisfied. This is what I love to do and enjoy very much. Everything I learn in my classes of hobby school I can use elsewhere as well. There are many young people at different age in hobby classes. They come from different primary and elementary schools. Sometimes we hang out together and do something interesting and thrilling. It helps me to develop my social and presentation skills, to grow my self- esteem. From all these hobby classes I have found lots of friends and interesting young people to communicate with. Through hobby school classes I am participated in many competitions and achieved success many times. This year I gained the title as Tallinn`s Young Culture Doer. I am very proud and happy for the title and it does to me honour. The project "Extra-Curricular Activities for improved key competences through creative learning environments and cooperation - Extrakey“ implemented in the frame of Comenius Regio Partnerships of the Lifelong Learning Programme during the years 2011-2013. Piri Reis Primary School Toroslar Technical and Vocational School for Girls Mersin Public Education Center Tallinn Old Town Educational Collegium Pirita Majandusgümnaasium Õismäe Kool Pelgulinna Gümnaasium Tallinn Hobby Centre „Kullo“
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