Classifieds - Chesterland News
Classifieds - Chesterland News
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 CHESTERLAND NEWS Page 11 Classifieds AUTOS & AUTO PARTS GARAGE SALES $ C A S H F O R V E HI CLE S $ CHARDON COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE B I G T RU C K S , C A R S , E T C . !"#$%&'()*+,"#%)-+.%)/0&1 !"#$%%&'(%)'*+,, CASH up to$15,000 for CARS•TRUCKS•TRACTORS CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT•TRAILERS MOTORCYCLES•CLASSIC CARS Running or not. Also vehicles for scrap 440-465-8795 FOR RENT 234)56)789)."#%)!%(:)+;)<=,=&>)2+0$ !"#$%&'$%($")*$+,$-./0$("01230 !"#$%&'(()* +(,,-#./0 1"2"$&*3"%& !"#$%&"'()*"')+,#."/)0)+1/ !"#$%&'(()*!+",% -",#*.#/+"#0&*(11*2/3*456 Small 2 Bedroom Modular Home. Stove, Refrigerator. Has set up for Washer & Dryer. Non-Smoking, No Pets. $550 + Security Deposit. Large Yard. Middlefield. 440-636-5747 FOR SALE !"#$% !"#$%&'()%*%+,#$%*%-.',"(/01$ !"#$%&'()*+,-&')#.)/.+0&')1.#$,2! 34#&'56&')6,2)7'86+& !"#$%&'()*")'+)',-.'!%"'/*"0 !"#$%&'()*+$#,'-$*%,%'.%/.$0 23%456&78%-89+5:;< =>?*@A?*BA>> CHESTERLAND: Jewelry & More Jewelry, Collectables, Silver Plates, Guitar, Records, Trains, Sports Cards & Misc., Collectable Glassware, VHS movies & many interesting items. 12873 Manchester. Friday & Daturday 5/29 &5/30 9am-4pm. NOVELTY: CLEARING OUT!! Rugs, furniture, drapes, pictures, outdoor misc, jewelry, decorator items, tools, clothing. 14830 Hitching Post Lane (near 306 & 87), 5/28 & 5/29, 9am-6pm If you need to have a moving sale, estate sale or garage sale, call Kathy Willis at 440-729-2790 for assistance. Experienced. References available. We are now doing partial estate buyouts. RUSSELL: Mahogany siderboard, Queen Anne sideboard, Woold Oreiental rug 9x12, signed artists prints, misc. old saws, some tools, much misc. 8507 Perry Dr. (just off 306) May 30-31. 9-5 CHESTERLAND: Garage Sale. May 28, 29, 30. 10am - 5pm. 9136 Ranch Dr. HUNTSBURG: Garage Sale. Exercise Equipment, Baby Items, Living Room Chairs & Rocker. Lots of Misc. May 28th & 29th. 9-5. May 30th 9-12. 16129 Huntley Rd. REAL ESTATE Linda Ebersbacher Sawdust bagged in 50 lb. bags and big plastic bags. NW corner of Swine Creek and Bundysburg roads. Pick up only. 2009 Summerland Camper stored indoors and in Excellent Condition. Sleeps 4. Asking $6500. 440-834-8326 Wurlitzer Orbit III Synthesizer Organ. 1971 Vintage. $400. Call: 216701-5707 Plumbers Stainless Steel flexible supply lines. $4.00 individ. box of 25, $2.00 a piece. $50.00. 330-618-6987 MinnKota Trolling Motor - 30lb.Thrust - 30"-Shaft, New-used once. Includes New NAPA Battery with 2+year warranty and MinnKota Power Center Case. $185 - 216/9781888. PERENNIALS FOR SALE: Below wholesale prices! Please call 440-5649755 Call 440-318-1111 Residential cleaning: personal touch for your home! 30 years experience, detailed, trustworthy, hardworking, efficient woman. Steady, reliable. Call Cindy, 440-477-5017. Joe Eicher: doing roofing, siding, remodeling, cleanout houses. We do most anything. Call between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. 440-813-4272. No answer, leave message. Offering special discounts for interior and exterior painting and staining this season. 16 years experience. Professional and insured. Call Dan, 440-342-4552. Complete tree service, yard & storm damage clean-up, down tree removal, brush chipping. 440-729-9400. John’s Plumbing: Affordable, reliable. Water heaters, toilets, faucets, drain cleaning, gas lines, sump pumps, well tanks. 440-285-0800. !"#$%&'&()'%*+&(,+-.%($+%##%/*-0 .../!"#$%&'&()'%*+&(/+-.%($+%##%/*-0 Guitar Lessons: Beginner to advanced. Any and all genres. Experienced teacher with over 2,000 lessons. Banjo and bass also available. Call Danny, 216-906-0448. 440-223-8900 • Land for Sale: 12.42 Acres Geauga County. Chardon-Windsor Rd. Heavily wooded, Mature Trees. Over 650ft. of frontage. Gas & Mineral rights to transfer. $110,900. 330-206-4279 House For Sale. Russell Township. 4 Bedroom Colonial. 2.5 Baths, Basement, Large Deck, 3+ Acres, Large Barn, Newer Septic, West G Schools. Hurry! $229,900. 440-289-0708 Updated Amish Built House-Barn. 2x Acres. 8 Bedroom or Duplex. Country kitchen, Spacious LR, $175,000. Middlefield. No Zoning. 440-635-1133 !'-/$'-/$ 0)')"1-',* 213.,$)11(0 #',/.-$)11(0 -"./012 GRANDPA’S Toys • Trains Coins • Bottles Fishing Lures GRANDMA’S Costume Jewelry Compacts • Perfume Linens • Knickknacks ALSO BUYING: !"##$%%&'(()'*+%, Misc. Collections and Estates WANTED: BUYING OLD RECORDS 33s & 45s !"#$%&%!"''(%)*++( !&,(%-".' Call 216-315-8216 !!!!!!"#$%&'!!!!!! 4$%2(&5'1 12(%35#'! !($35#'. . +2-56'7 7 + + * 7 + 6) $ %& 83 (% 51 !"#$%& '( (%#') )$ %*'+ + ,'- ( %* .'/ /(0-$%12'2 2+ +31 (()*+,-*../- 7$33'8 8(#'6 65(1+%(!35'8 86 $ 0 51 Fluid Film Undercoating and Rust Preventive: $125 Truck, add $25 for Plow, $100 car. Nights and weekends. Brian, 440-668-6164, by appointment. RENT RV. 2014 Nash 25C. Sleeps 4-7. We'll deliver and pick up. Use for 4H at the Fair, your home, for company, etc... 440-729-7845 VACATION RENTAL Chautauqua Lake: prime summer dates still available- Lakefront, 3 BR, 2 BA, sleeps 8. Sunroom, deck, boat dock. Furnished, all amenities. 440-953-8687. Pics/ WANTED Family of Four (one dog) looking to rent home in the Chardon School District. References available. 440346-9100 Old wooden fishing lures, wooden duck decoys, old steel traps (mouse to bear). Call Lee, 440-313-8331. Woodchip Mulch: Chips-not debris. 5+ yds. $70 delivered. 2y, 1y, Fresh. 440-286-4507 Foosball table $50, Bowflex exercise machine $50; 440-856-6109 8920 Fairmount Road Novelty 44072 Mobile Welding: certified welder. Lincoln Electric trained. I can come to you. Lawn equipment, trailers, etc. Call Jeff, 440-856-5617. For Sale. 1997 Coachman Ford Motor Home, Class A, 32FT. Gasoline. Runs Good. Sleeps 6. Self Contained. Good Condition. Asking $12,500. 440-8348600 Craftsman 6HP, 30 Gal. Air Compressor. $100 / Louisville 20ft Aluminum Ext. Ladder. $75. / Craftsman 1.5HP Rider & Table. $100. All Like New. 440-632-0682 8 am to 3 pm Realtor ® • Mega Million Dollar Producer 12668 Chillicothe Rd.• Chesterland OH 44026 Patio Umbrella New $35, Table Saw. Dewalt. $700, Crib Extras $75, Radio Control Plane. $250, Twin Mattress & Frame. $35. 440-834-1850 Air-Compressor-Garner-Denver gas screw-717 hours-hoses-jackhammer and blades and sandblaster tank-Ford engine-$4,900. 440-944-2211 !"#!$ %&'(")*$ +&,-")&,. 422851 !"##$#%&'!&#'( Fridays, May 22 & 29 and Saturdays, May 23 & 30 Old National Geographic magazines, bound or unbound, before 1920. Will consider 1920s-1960s. 440-321-5474. Wanted: old electric toy Running or not. 440-570-1377. SERVICES Educational. SAT/ACT tutoring. Individualized. 20-years experience and success. Also Algebra 1 through Calculus tutoring. Tutoring for enrichment, advancement or credit. 440-338-3563. trains. !"#$%& -- !"#$%& -- !"#$%& Old Toys, Records, Baskets, Jars Swords, Medals, Guns & Parts, * P a r t i a l P r o c e e d s S u p p o r t Ve t s * C all Us 440-296- 2288 WORK WANTED College Students. Int/Ext. Painting, Yardwork, Power-washing, Guttercleaning, any other misc. labor. Call Eric 440-488-5057 Elderly Care. Sitter/Companion. Reliable, caring, experienced. Will help with light housekeeping, doctor visits, meals, laundry, shopping, errands, pet care. Call 440-564-7597. Do You Have a House for Sale? Advertise to all of Geauga County! Call 440-729-7667 • Classified Deadline is Friday at Noon • • Page 12 CHESTERLAND NEWS Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Help Wanted Wanted: Landscaping / Miscellaneous worker. Starting at $10/hr, more with experience. Need Drivers License. 440338-3563 Elderly care needed in Chesterland Home. 3 - 8:15pm. Mon - Fri. Background Check and References Required. $9/hr. Call Beth. 440-382-9122 Experienced roofer to join crew. $25/hr to start. 440-256-3075. HELP WANTED: Laser job shop. Manufacturing personnel and light assembly, entry level, competitive starting wage, benefits. First shift. Applications taken 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. Creative Processing, 17540 Rapids Road, Burton. HELP WANTED: Schneiders Saddlery. Retail store: Permanent full time/part time sales associates/cashiers. Enjoy the benefits of working with other horse enthusiasts in a fun environment with many employee perks. Interested applicants e-mail RN/LPN, Home Care. 2-4 days a week, 6am - Noon. $22/hr, no experience necessary. Retired Nurses Welcome. Please Call. 440-720-1950 Need simple yard help. Must be dependable with drivers license. $9/hr. Lance Yandell. 440-554-5046 CLERICAL SPECIALIST 2. Full-time position with Geauga County Job & Family Services. Must be proficient in Microsoft Office applications, organized & manage a variety of job responsibilities including transcribing confidential tapes; receptionist & switchboard back up; electronic document scanning; mail runs; applicant logging, conduct BCI/FBI checks and general clerical tasks. BCI/FBI background, BMV checks & drug test required. $21,590/yr. with excellent benefits. Send resume to P.O. Box 309, Attn: Clerical Specialist 2, Chardon, OH 44024 or e-mail EOE 60K+ Per Year. Full Benefit Package + Bonuses. CDL-A 1 Yr. Exp. 855-454-0392 Holland is hiring Drivers in Akron. Drvs w/ 1 year or 50k miles exp, w/ tanker & hazmat. The recruiter will be on site June 2, 3 & 4 from Noon to 5pm at 3140 Massillon Rd., Akron, OH, 44312. ! Two Men and a Truck Moving and Storage !* !)!%$&-)*%)!-)* &)(,!),*+),).!+ )#!#+)%*'&)++!&%&))+'/ *.##*%!+*+)/* &+!-+''#!%+*%''#/!%')*&% +#&/&!"#! !!(#$""'#&( )"'"(+"')&& #!(!#$-&(&&& &!)!"('!#' ,$%. !(#'(#"'/$$ -#-/ +++&*!&("#! !" $ $ $ !$# !" $ !$! Interested applicants may submit resume with salary requirements to Are you self-motivated? Like working with people? Have sales experience? Karlovec Media Group is hiring inside sales representatives to work from our Chesterland office. We are seeking self-motivated and aggressive salespeople who aren’t afraid of a challenge. Karlovec Media Group publishes the Geauga County Maple Leaf, Chesterland News and Kirtland Chronicle. Sales areas will include both print and online media. Candidates must be able to manage time wisely and meet deadlines. All of our staff must be willing to work in a team environment to help grow our newspapers. The ability to understand and live with a deadline-driven business is a must. The ideal candidate would have at least two years of sales experience. Required skills: • Develop new leads by cold calling. • Attain new business accounts and sponsorships. • Generate revenue and meet sales targets. • Establish, maintain and grow relationships with client base and agencies. • Strong interpersonal skills. • Additional customer service duties may be required. This is an hourly position. Submit resume to Your Community Newspaper Since 1967 Positions Available For Head Chef, Sous Chef, and Line Cook. June thru August • 16-24 ft. Non-CDL OH, WV, PA areas • Some Overnights Expenses & OT paid Must have clean record Able to lift 40-50 lbs. Experience required, competitive compensation. Send resume to (just east of Rt. 306/322 intersection) We are the new BISTRO 608 at Grand View. We offer casual and fine dining. 13404 Old State Road Middlefield, OH EEO/AAE Minorities/Females/Persons with Disabilities/Protected Veterans CHESTERLAND NEWS N OW HIRIN G Summer Truck Driver GREAT JOBS DO EXIST " !!!! "#! $! !! $ ! $! " # ! If interested, please submit resume with salary requirements via email to: %!*+$)#(&-!!)()!' !!#)&'#!(-$%## )#'' #,%&#.'#'($%&$* $"%''$#(&($$)&&$#&'#(')!!("%&((" #$%%$&()#('*!!%!*+$)#(&-!!$&' $"%((*'!&-$"%&#'*#('$#$)&&$# ")&&#(#')&#%&$&+$& ,%&## ' !!!$#(&"!(&'((#'(&$#!-%&&&' ")'(*)&&#(%&$&,%&#%!)' Interested applicants may submit resume with salary requirements to: How to Write the Perfect Classified Ad Write your classified ad simple, clear and direct. First, write a catchy and unique headline. It makes or breaks the ad and must get a prospect’s attention and tell them what your ad is about. Describe what you are selling by its most commonly understood name. Second, pack as much information as you can into just a few words. Always include price; most readers won’t respond to an ad without a price. Third, keep the body of your ad short. Shorter is better and there is no need to write complete sentences, but avoid abbreviations. Lay out essential information (size, color, make, model, year and condition) and give out your contact information. Wednesday, May 27, 2015 CHESTERLAND NEWS Page 13 Service Directory • LAWN MAINTENANCE • Demolition and New Construction • Excavation and Site Work • Concrete Tearouts and New Installation • Driveways, Walkways and Patios • Retaining Walls • Basement Waterproofing • Tree Service • Snowplowing !"#$%&$'(($)"'%#*$'+($,'-%"$#.$*.%/$0.1"$./$)%&2+"&&3 CDEFGHEFIDJG !"#""$%&'((%)('*+,( !"#$%&'"(")$*&'%+,-".%'' !"%'/+0$#!"-.,/1"&%2*)2*& 445677868878 WANTED: 589:;"<98=>?".@AAB !".%''".%2//2*& !"#+."3#'$%2*&4"3%$*'"-'%023' !"5,6'%-"+7"-.$*)2*&".2/5'% !"#"$% #&$ '& ( ) * ) ( " + , 800-854-3084 440-285-7100 SPECIALIZING IN ALL ASIAN CARS & TRUCKS 12491 Bass Lake Road, Munson 44024 !"#$%&'( ")*+,+-%&. !"#$%&'()*"+$)&',"#',%&'$'!"./0"1/%,")2-"34,56"#',%&'$'!"7--%8%/29 gas, water and electric lines !"1%8'"(/$:"culverts, post hole drilling !";4%,-%2<"#'=/,%8%/2"concrete tear outs !";)9'='28">)8'$0$//?%2<" !"##$%& !"#$)%2)<'">/$:" '$" % ' (($ $ !"@'("#$%&'()*9" ()*+," *( -$ !"+$)-%2<" !"A)2-"B,')$%2<" !";$4966/<<%2<" !".$''">/$:" !"C/2-9 440-465-8795 • 440-254-4281 !"#$%&'( )*+,!"+%-$. !"#$%&'&()*$+,%'(-( .&,%/",'012(3"45 ! "# # $ # % & ' ( )& # % (440) Visit our website for Coupons and Specials at ;0,--)*+15016-783<5) /-3150)=)>150)?6/@155,/87-) ?10)A6//B,8A)57-/8C Complete Tree Service MOWING & LAWN CARE !"#$%&'()*#((#+),+-.),#$/%0%#1 2#'34('.+#)$'/#3 56#$)78)9#'$3)#:;#$%#(&# <$##1#$)40)/4;)=-'+%/9)>/'(1'$1)?441+#3 !"#$%&'()*+%,-"! !"#$%&%'%() *#+,-./-%00%() *#+,-.-1))%() ,$+20.)#%(3%() -4#3,/40" 3#4%(4)" 54$"#0#11!%() 01(3.%(,$4&&4$%1( !!"#$%&#!""$ '%((')*+,--,./0+1)234 *+15016-783)9:)!!"%( 0&1&"',/.&( 2&%-!+& 440-729-9400 Yard & Storm Damage Clean-up !"#$%&'()(%&*&%&"+&#(,-,!.,/.& Forever Grateful Landscaping LLC !"#$%&'(")*+,'-$. !"/,0'"1,&'2+','3+ !"4+0"/,0'."5"6+$,&%. !"#*&2"#++7&'("5"8+%,2&9' !"1-*3:";'.2,**,2&9' !"/,'7.3,$+"<+.&('"5"6+.29%,2&9' 440-338-6404 313-8796 #=4;>6"<;#)>?4@# !" # $ % & $ # & ' ( ) ( % *) + EDUCATORS T H AT SEALCOAT , )" - . ( + %/ / %+ + ( & $ ' ") 0 1 ( Patios • Driveways • Walks • Steps Garage Floors • Masonry Work !"##$%"&$ '()$"$*)+",$-)./+0 112341531665 ./01,.2,+3+1401,.2, 56./0./7+8+906././7 5&#$$:&#+;($"-)<+=+>#?@+,#A-)-$"-)< !"#$%&'(#%)*%'+%,-% +./0123#4#'25212.62/ !"#$%#&'()*+,#$-*#)% FREE ESTIMATES 440-669-7569 Asphalt Sealing Hot Crack Filling • Patching Call Nick • 440-786-1375 SENIOR DISCOUNTS RE S IDE NT IAL /COMME RCIAL $ C A S H F O R V E HI CLE S $ NUISANCE ANIMAL REMOVAL •Racoons •Beavers •Groundhogs •Opossum •Muskrats •Skunks •and Many More Dead Amimal Removal !"##$#%&'!&#'( B I G T RU C K S , C A R S , E T C . !"#$%%&'(%)'*+,, Full Cleanup•Trimming•Mulching Patios • Retaining Walls • Stone Veneer – FAIR PRICIN G – !"#$%&$'()*+',%-*./0' 440-623-3947 Estrong Landscaping LLC M I K E’ S BACKHOE SERVICE BRANDON JOHNSON 440-342-1168 Humane Treatment of all animals OVER 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE !"#$%&'()*#+%,-./% Drain Tile • Catch Basins • Culvert Pipes Footers • Driveway Grading +0*123TOP QUALITY BARK MULCH !"##$%&'($$$))*+,-.+,/0* All Sizes • Delivered & Spread $28.50/ton All Colors $29.50/yard 44567896:;;< !"#$%&'()*)%(&%)#+!%,%-' WILL REMOVE & REPLACE All Sizes • Reasonable Rates !"#$%&'&()*%&+*%,&-.&/%0%11),2 ../012304556 • Classified Deadline is Friday at Noon • 440-729-7667 • Page 14 CHESTERLAND NEWS Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Real Estate Transfers Following is a list of real estate transfers for the week ending May 15, provided as a public service by the Geauga County Auditor’s Office. Transfers may involve the sale of land only. AUBURN TOWNSHIP Harry D. Hackett, 17968 Ravenna Road, to Geauga Savings Bank, $100,000. (5.19 acres) Delores G. Goldfarb, 622 Blue Spruce Trail (Unit 622), to Laura C. Anfang, $265,000. (0.00 acres) BAINBRIDGE TOWNSHIP Wendy D. Colebrook (TOD), 7505 Muirwood Court, to Glen T. and Gayle Hansen, $392,500. (1.64 acres) Linda G. Carlson, 16930 Knolls Way, to Inglewood Associates Inc., $235,000. (0.00 acres) John P. Malone, 8636 Peppermill Run, to Joseph J. Zidlicky and Angela M. Catania, $430,000. (2.01 acres) Amy K. Mizeres, 8340 Chagrin Road, to Laura Susanne Etling Shwonek and Craig R. Shwonek, $240,000. (2.00 acres) Wendy J. Sapp, 8330 Stoney Brook Drive, to Philip J. and Karen M. Sasak, $309,500. (0.47 acres) BURTON TOWNSHIP Andrew R. and Lou Ann Magersupp, 13999 Aquilla Road, to Joseph W. Vrobel Jr., $392,000. (24.80 acres) CITY OF CHARDON Melina E. Nemeth, 438 North St. (Unit 1B), to Robert and Donna Benz, $65,000. (0.00 acres) CHESTER TOWNSHIP Michelle A. Long, 11980 Oakwood Lane (Unit 24), to Buster S. and Jaime J. Beck, $313,500. (3.08 acres) Philip J. Graffy, 7115 Fox Ledges Lane, to Eric J. and Simone C. Puening, $686,000. (3.00 acres) CLARIDON TOWNSHIP U.S. Bank National Association (trustee), 13256 Aldenshire Drive, to Thomas Delong, $91,000. (1.00 acres) HAMBDEN TOWNSHIP Andrew R. and Julie Rajko Fetchik, Knotty Pine Lane (s/l 9), to Anthony Z. REAL ESTATE MIDDLEFIELD VILLAGE Frederick R. and Kristine R. Spagnolo, 14868 Lantern Court, to U.S. Bank Trust, N.A. (trustee), $93,400. (0.31 acres) MONTVILLE TOWNSHIP Caleb Gilronan and Jennifer Kay, 16405 Joann Drive, to James H. Burlingame and Barbara E. Brod, $174,900. (1.63 acres) Allen Beech Jr., 8830 Clay St., to Caleb J. and Jennifer K. Gilronan, $220,000. (5.20 acres) MUNSON TOWNSHIP Geauga County Habitat for Humanity Inc., 12280 Bradford Drive, to Keith A. Whiting, $160,000. (1.89 acres) NEWBURY TOWNSHIP Greg R. and Kathleen R. Bell, 15780 Messenger Road, to William F. Myers and Elizabeth U. Meyers, $266,000. (3.05 acres) Jessica Knautz and Matthew Walters, 14035 Ravenna Road, to West Claridon Management LLC, $140,000. (3.19 acres) Steve A. Kelly, 15590 Park View Drive, to Paul Robinson, $262,500. (3.37 acres) RUSSELL TOWNSHIP Susan M. Guthrie, 9380 Fairmount Road, to Thomas and Laylah Loiczly, $220,000. (8.80 acres) Alexander McMillan, 8529 Silvercreek Drive, Carl R. Goodwin II, $215,000. (1.74 acres) Mark G. and Antonietta, 14839 Trappers Trail, to Bank of America, $801,000. (5.00 acres) Sarah J. Cruise (trustee), 7301 Wharton Road, to Richard T. and Elizabeth J. Oliver, $1,100,000. (5.12 acres) Faith Pescatore (trustee), 90 11 Kinsman Road, to Christopher P. Thorman (trustee), $650,000. (5.03 acres) Wells Fargo Bank N.A., 8576 Fairmount Road, to Alexander Bardzilauskas, $88,000. (1.27 acres) SOUTH RUSSELL VILLAGE Gordon R. and Kathleen R. Bell, 826 Sun Ridge Lane, to William and Meghan Laws, $450,000. (1.66 acres) HUNTSBURG, OH LISTING! 12449 Old State Road AUCTION WEDNESDAY June 3rd 6:00pm On Site 14601 Garden St. Burton, OH 44021 and Trisha L. Broyles, $71,0 0 0. (4.05 acres) !"#$%&'(#("%%%)*+(,#,"%%%-.($"%%%/0'1+#02" Sandra O’Conner Give me a call! (216) 598-2906 Property description- Corner Lot 3 bedroom 1 full with outbuilding on .075 acre. PP#05-041210. Property ViewingMay 27 6:00pm to 6:30pm and To Settle the Estate Jerome Sayre Sr. Probate #11PE000465. 30 minutes prior to auction Opening Bid $84480 (2/3 of appraised value $128,000) To see these great homes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uctioneers: Jerry Hall 440-476-7269 !"#$%&'()*%+,-% Wednesday, May 27, 2015 CHESTERLAND NEWS M D Realty, Ltd. 440-632-5055 Page 15 Your Local Realtor LOVELY COLONIAL ~ Meticulously maintained Colonial on 1.15 Village acres. Offers 4 Bedrooms, eat-in kitchen with built-in booth, formal dining room, inviting screened-in front porch, oversized garage that turns into screened summer patio area for entertaining. Concrete drive and older original barn where tons of memories have been made over the past century! Such character and charm…a must see! MIDDLEFIELD ~ $169,000 PRIVATE SETTING ~ If you’ve been looking for privacy, look no more you’ve just found it! This 3Br, 2.5 bath Cape style home with wrap around porch has a 600 Ft. +/- setback from the road on Pine lined driveway! This solid home offers 2240 sq.ft. of living space plus full basement. Eat-in kitchen, formal dining, possible 1st floor bedroom and living room with brick hearth for wood burner. 2 large out buildings and Approx. 6 acres. Huntsburg ~ $169,000 CUSTOM BUILT RANCH ~ This 2000 +/- Sq.Ft. home sits on nice tree lined 1 acre lot. Features beautiful newer hardwood floors, living room with vaulted ceiling and stunning floor to ceiling stone fireplace, inviting foyer, sunroom with skylights, large eat-in kitchen and 1st floor laundry. Walk out lower level offers plenty of light in the finished rec. room, and tons of storage area. PARKMAN TWP ~ $225,000 VILLAGE COLONIAL ~ 4 BR, 2.5 bath Colonial on cul de sac setting. Main floor offers eat-in kitchen with breakfast bar, formal dining room, spacious living room and 1st floor ½ bath. Upstairs offers 4 Bedrooms and 2 full baths and laundry shoot. Lower level features Recreation room and plenty of storage area. Excellent location near schools! Nice covered rear deck overlooking woods. Middlefield Village…$189,900 NEW PRICE ~ Lots of Colonial charm but contemporary convenience! This home offers 4 bedrooms and 1 full bath in Middlefield Village. First floor master with walk in closet. Oversized kitchen w/breakfast bar. Dining room has newer flooring that flows into the freshly painted living room. Upstairs offers 3 additional bedrooms with generous closet space, and 7x6 play room or dressing room. Detached 32x40 garage with workshop space. Inviting front porch. $122,900 MOVE IN THIS SPRING! Start the new Season in a NEW HOME! 100% FREE No-obligation Home Market Evaluation NO C OST • NO OBLIGATION • JUST RESULT S Find out the real reason your home didn’t sell when you had it listed. “I Sell Homes Other Realtors Can’t!” Angelo Marrali HOMES OF DISTINCTION SPECIALIST Sales Partner to John DeSantis, Mega Million Dollar Producer 440-525-3718 • 440-974-7846
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