Course Guide2016 - Challenger Institute of Technology
Course Guide2016 - Challenger Institute of Technology
COURSE GUIDE 2016 Challenger Institute of Technology comprehensive course guide Government of Western Australia Department of Training and Workforce Development Challenger Make a better choice Challeng Challenger Institute of Technology is Western Australia’s most registered training organisation. We offer more than from Fremantle to the Peel region and inland to Murdoch. contents Studying at Challenger Institute General information for students Career Development Service Higher education pathways Apprenticeships and traineeships Career/Challenger course list Course information APPLIED ENGINEERING (including acept) er Oil and Gas Engineering – Technical and Civil Engineering – Technical and Mechanical Engineering – Electrical and Electronic Metals and Engineering Security AUTOMOTIVE Automotive Servicing Building and Construction Building and Construction Plumbing and Gas Fitting Electrical BUSINESS and Information Technology Accounting and Bookkeeping Human Resources Business and Management Marketing Business Information Technology COMMUNITY SERVICES, HEALTH, Sport and LIFESTYLE Beauty Hairdressing Aged Care and Nursing Combo Disability Children’s Services and Education Community Services Work Fitness and Sport Massage Health and Nursing Skills for Training and Employment Aboriginal Workforce Development Welcome/Return to Work HOSPITALITY and TOURISM Events Hospitality Kitchen Operations and Commercial Cookery Travel and Tourism Maritime STUDIES diverse 300 courses at 10 locations Aquaculture Fishing Operations Marine Studies Maritime Operations Marine Engineering (STCW) Maritime Operations (STCW) Outdoor Recreation Logistics, Warehousing and Stevedoring SCIENCE and THE ENVIRONMENT Animal Studies Conservation and Land Management Floristry Horticulture/Landscape Pest Management/Health and Safety Environmental Science Laboratory Technology/Applied Science 4 6 6 8 10 12 15 16 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 25 25 27 28 30 30 31 33 35 36 37 41 41 43 44 45 47 49 50 51 52 55 55 59 62 62 64 67 70 72 72 73 74 74 77 78 80 81 83 83 85 87 88 90 92 93 Studying at Challenger INSTITUTE Courses at Challenger Institute can be offered on a full-time (approximately 16 – 20 hours per week) or part-time basis and in some teaching areas through f lexible delivery or online. Courses are subject to availability and/or numbers may be limited. The information in this course guide covers full-time courses, except where indicated. There are different enrolment processes for full-time and part-time study and for enrolling into a short course. For more information on courses and modes of delivery Call our Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or visit our website www. Applications for full-time study 2016 COURSE GUIDE 2016 Applications for all full-time courses (except where indicated as ‘local application’) are processed through State Training Admissions. All access and bridging courses and special ‘combo’ courses are ‘local application’. Applications for these courses are made direct to the campus indicated. 4 Applications for all other courses are made online at the State Training Admissions website: Alternatively a PDF version of the application form can be downloaded from http://tasonline. and the downloaded application form can be completed and posted directly to State Training Admissions, PO Box 7810 Cloisters Square, Perth WA 6850 or lodged in person at any Challenger Institute campus or any other state training provider (formerly known as TAFE) campus. State Training Admissions can be contacted on 6212 9888. The fax number is 9229 5461. CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Semester 1, 2016 Applications 31 August 2015 Applications open. 2 December 2015 Round 1 – Applications close. Please note: Applications up to this date will be considered for Round 1 offers only. Applications received after 2 December 2015 will be considered for Round 2 offers. 5 January 2016 Round 2 – Applications close. Offers 6 January 2016 First round offers sent out. 15 January 2016 Second round offers sent out. ENROLMENTS 12 and 13 Jan 2016 First round offers. 20 Jan 2016 Second round offers. Skills for Training and Employment courses have a different application process. These courses are processed locally at the relevant campuses and enrolments usually take place on campus at the same time as enrolments for part-time study. Please contact our client contact centre on 1800 001 001 for details about these courses and how to apply. Part-time study, f lexible delivery and short courses A range of subjects from many courses are offered on a part-time or f lexible delivery basis each semester. For more information, please visit our website: www.challenger., contact our client contact centre on 1800 001 001 or email: info@challenger. Flexible delivery enables students to study at their own pace with access to a lecturer at designated times. Fees and charges Fees are payable at the time of enrolment. However, fee instalment plans are available to eligible students. Fortnightly payments by a direct debit are required for all instalment plans. Fees are generally paid each semester and the total charge is currently made up of the following components: • Tuition fee: these fees apply to all qualif ications including apprenticeships and traineeships. • Resource fee: this fee covers the cost of materials and consumables provided by the institute. Resource fees vary depending on the content of the course. Some courses such as marine studies, f ishing operations, horticulture and outdoor recreation, incur high resource fees. NOTE: • Resource fees do not include the cost of text books, uniforms or workbooks which may be required. • Instalment plans are not available to students who are eligible for VET FEE-HELP For more information on our fees and charges visit our website at Challenger Institute of Technology is an approved VET provider under the VET FEE-HELP Assistance Scheme. VET FEE-HELP is an income-contingent loan scheme that assists eligible students to pay for all or part of their Vocational Education and Training (VET) tuition fees when studying one or more eligible VET courses. VET FEE-HELP is only available for higher level Vocational Education and Training (VET). At Challenger these are all diploma, advanced diploma qualif ications, and the approved certif icate IV courses below: 1. CHC40108 Certif icate IV in Aged Care 2. CHC40312 Certif icate IV in Disability 3. CHC40708 Certif icate IV in Community Services Work 4. CHC40213 Certif icate IV in Education Support VET FEE-HELP can be used to pay all or part of an eligible student’s course fees, but cannot be used for additional study costs. To f ind out if you are eligible, or for more information, contact Fee help is available for courses carrying the VET FEE-HELP symbol. Entrance requirements Each qualif ication (other than access and bridging courses) has a set of entrance requirements, which are designed to ensure all those who gain entry to a course have the competencies or skills and abilities required to effectively participate in the program. Entrance requirements differ based on the complexity of a qualif ication and are currently expressed as generic competencies OR a prerequisite competency-based qualif ication (i.e. a lower level qualif ication, such as requiring completion of a certif icate III before applying for a certif icate IV course). The generic competencies are communication skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) and maths skills. Some courses will only require competency in communication skills; other courses will require competency in both communication and maths skills. (Many courses will have no maths skills requirement). These generic competencies have benchmarks which are expressed as: • Basic skills •• Developed skills ••• Well-developed skills •••• Highly-developed skills These indicators will be mapped back to levels attained at school or other forms of evidence. Selection criteria Each course has a limited number of places. Selection criteria are used to rank eligible applicants when there are more applicants than places available in a course. For the majority of courses, applicants need only to provide documentary evidence that they meet the entrance requirements. However, some of the more popular (competitive) courses will require applicants to address selection criteria. The selection criteria model gives points for: 1. Qualif ication pathways (complete or incomplete certif icates) 2. Work experience/Employment 3. Secondary education/Skill development note: State Training providers entry processes are subject to change in 2016. Students can access the latest and most detailed Information, including minimum entrance requirements and addressing selection criteria, on the Training WA website (www. The information in this course guide is correct at the time of publication, however, in some study areas new training programs are being developed and this may result in new course numbers, names and information. Before lodging an application to study, it is strongly recommended you check the course number and location details on the Training WA website: and either call the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: info@challenger. Courses are subject to suff icient enrolments. Course codes NATIONAL CODE: Identif ies Nationally Recognised Qualif ication (e.g. PMA30108) COURSE CODE: Used to apply for full-time study via State Training Admissions (e.g. Course code: W516) 5 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Short courses are offered at different times throughout the year. Information is available on our website or by calling 1800 001 001 VET FEE-HELP COURSE GUIDE 2016 Skills for Training and Employment courses General information for students COURSE GUIDE 2016 Our Career Development and Student Services teams offer the following support and assistance to students. 6 • Application, selection, enrolment and induction/orientation procedures. • Course information, including content and vocational outcomes. • Fees and charges, including refund policy and exemptions (where applicable). • Provision for language, literacy and numeracy assessment. • Client support, including any external support arranged for clients. • Flexible learning and assessment procedures. • Welfare and guidance services. • Appeals, complaints and grievance procedures. • Disciplinary procedures. • Staff responsibilities for access and equity. • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) applications. For more information on any of the above, please contact 1800 001 001 or visit our website: CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Duty of care – minors The school leaving age is 17 years. This means that all young people must be either in training or employed in their 16th or 17th year. If you choose to study at Challenger it is policy that the institute will record attendance in every class and the duty of care team has a responsibility to notify your parent/guardian of any absences. If this is not an option for you then you will need to talk to the duty of care coordinator at Challenger Institute about whether or not you may be eligible to apply for independent minor status. iConnect and student email Challenger students will regularly access iConnect, a secure student launchpad. iConnect ensures students can easily access their student email (Off ice 365) and timetable while remaining informed via on-site announcements, links and forms. iConnect also includes quick links to Moodle, password management, services, and student-centred news and events. Non-smoking policy All Challenger Institute campuses are smoke-free – inside and outside. Career Development Service Challenger Institute provides a free service to ensure prospective and current students receive the best opportunities for success in the workplace and in their future careers. Our Career advisors can assist with career planning, career pathways and course selection and will provide advice on: university pathways, retraining, application and selection processes, Recognition of Prior Learning, apprenticeships and traineeships, industry skills shortage needs and changing or withdrawing from a course. Face-to-face appointments and telephone consultations are available with our career advisors who are based at our main campuses. Visits and presentations to schools and community groups can also be arranged. To book an appointment, please call 1800 001 001. Our Career Skills Off icer is available to assist students with job search techniques, resumes and employmentrelated queries. This free service is offered to Challenger Institute students and recent graduates. Workshops for students focusing on building employability and career management skills are offered at each of our main campuses. Workshops include job search and networking, resumes and application letters, and interview techniques. For more information visit our website:, email:, or call 1800 001 001. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Learning at school, TAFE or university isn’t the only way people gain skills and knowledge. Many highly-skilled people have gained and developed their skills through different pathways such as paid employment, community work, volunteering and taking part in informal training. Do you already have some of the skills and knowledge related to the course you’re interested in? If so, you may be a candidate for a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment. The RPL process involves a preassessment interview to see if you have skills and knowledge relevant to current industry standards. You will then be given the opportunity to work with an RPL assessor to identify what evidence you have, or can demonstrate, and whether it meets the industry standards. You might f ind you have all the skills for a qualif ication, or the assessor might recommend some further training to help you gain a qualif ication. Please note fees apply for both the pre-assessment interview and RPL assessments. Email: or call our career development advisers on 1800 001 001. Disability Student support advisers are available to provide support to current students who have diagnosed disabilities, medical conditions or learning diff iculties. Student support advisers can provide information to prospective students with disabilities about support available while studying. In addition, referral support is available to students experiencing a crisis. The service offered is free, voluntary and conf idential. Students are required to be registered with Student Support Services if they wish to access assistance. Students may self-refer or be willing to be referred by a lecturer. Conf identiality is maintained, however, students are encouraged to give permission to Student Support Services’ staff to inform lecturers where necessary to facilitate learning. Student Support Service staff work closely with lecturing staff to provide necessary “reasonable adjustment” in accordance with the Disability Standards for Education 2005. In addition, Challenger Institute has a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan which sets out the steps being taken to improve access for people with disabilities. Challenger has three student support advisers based at Rockingham and Fremantle (Beaconsf ield) and Murdoch campuses. A part-time service is also available at our Peel campus. For more information please email: Aboriginal Student Support Services provides assistance and support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, in conjunction with Kadadjiny Mia at Challenger Institute. The following types of assistance may be accessed: • • • • • • • Assistance with application and enrolment Career development service referrals Tutorial assistance and support Assistance with Abstudy applications Assistance with Centrelink services Assistance with fee and instalment plans Referrals to external support agencies Aboriginal Student Support staff are available at the following campuses: • Fremantle (Beaconsf ield) campus 9239 8327 (part-time) • Rockingham campus 9599 8714 • Peel campus 9586 7410 (part time) Please call for more information or to make an appointment at any campus. Alternatively, email ATSI.studentsupport@ Aboriginal Training and Workforce Development Challenger’s Aboriginal Training and Workforce Development service assists organisations to determine their training needs and offers a range of customised training services to enhance employability, up skill and achieve sustainable career development outcomes for Aboriginal people within the workplace, through a “hands-on” support intensive approach. We provide training, qualif ications, RPL referrals, recruitment assistance and other workplace development services tailored specif ically for Aboriginal people, resulting in increased retention and productivity. The ATWD team is proud of its reputation and relationships with a diverse range of clients in key industry areas. For more information phone 9599 8622 or visit our website Our staff can assist you with advice on careers, career pathways, retraining, Recognition of Prior Learning and employment information and advise you about studying at Challenger and choosing appropriate courses. Challenger Institute Vocational Education and Training (Vet) In Schools Programs Challenger Institute is one of the largest providers of VET in Schools (VETiS) programs in Western Australia and works collaboratively with government and non-government secondary schools to develop a broad range of programs suitable for students in Years 10, 11 and 12. VETiS programs enable school students to gain knowledge and skills relevant to industry and employment while studying towards their secondary graduation. On successful completion of their VETiS program and secondary studies, students receive their WA Certif icate of Education (WACE) as well as units of competency or an entire qualif ication from a nationally recognised Industry Training Package. Challenger Institute offers VETiS programs at all of its campuses, in partnership with schools and through school based traineeships and school based apprenticeships. Parents interested in VETiS pathways should discuss their child’s options with their school VET coordinator. More information can be obtained by phoning 9599 8652 or email vetis@ 7 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Types of assistance available include advocacy, Auslan interpreting services, equipment support, provision of alternative formats on request and alternative exam conditions (e.g. requests for additional time). Aboriginal Student Support Services COURSE GUIDE 2016 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES University pathways at Challenger Institute of Technology COURSE GUIDE 2016 Challenger Institute courses can provide pathways to university... 8 On completion of a certif icate IV or diploma, graduates can use their qualif ication to apply for entry to a wide range of courses at university. Qualif ications at the diploma level or advanced diploma level may also provide credit of up to one year advanced standing in a three or four year degree. This can shorten your university studies signif icantly and save you money. SPECIAL REGIONAL PROGRAM FOR ROCKINGHAM AND MANDURAH STUDENTS Challenger Institute students who study selected diplomas at the Peel or Rockingham campuses can transfer straight into the second year of a related degree at Murdoch University. CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Challenger Institute has a diverse range of advanced standing agreements with Curtin, Murdoch and Edith Cowan Universities and University of Notre Dame. The partnership between the two institutions has created a unique opportunity for local students to receive a bachelor’s degree that has an emphasis on practical skills with a solid theoretical foundation. Students graduating from identif ied courses within the study areas on the following list may gain credit into a bachelor’s degree at the relevant university. For the most up-to-date information on what courses can lead to a university degree, visit Challenger’s website or contact admissions at your preferred university who are happy to consider advanced standing on a case-by-case basis. Students with specif ic Challenger Institute diplomas can enrol into accounting, information technology, events management and sustainable development degrees. The diplomas lead directly into the second year of the degrees, which will be offered with a f lexible learning model at the regional campuses. Peel NURSING COMBO WITH MURDOCH UNIVERSITY For information on Challenger Institute’s university pathways... Phone: 1800 001 001 or Email: The Nursing Combo is an exciting initiative jointly offered by Challenger Institute and Murdoch University for people seeking a career in nursing. It is a one-year full-time program of study in which students complete a Certif icate IV in Aged Care Work while studying additional university units. The course is specif ically designed for mature-age students living in the Peel region. Successful completion of the certif icate will guarantee students entry into Murdoch University’s School of Nursing to become a registered nurse. A key feature of the degrees is the inclusion of an internship program in the third year, which will build upon the vocational links established in the diploma. To f ind out more about the diplomadegrees call 1300 MURDOCH or email: U ni v ersit y path ways at C hallenger I nstitute o f T echnolog y • Engineering • Business and marketing • Community Services and Education • Logistics • Health, Science and the Environment • Hospitality, Tourism and Events Murdoch University THE University of Notre Dame Edith Cowan university • Community Services and Education • Health, Science and the Environment • Business and Marketing • Information Technology • Marine/Maritime Gradutes of Challenger Institute who are successful in their application for entry to a University of Notre Dame course may apply for advanced standing. The enabling programs and degree courses and corresponding Challenger Institute diplomas and advanced diplomas to which this arrangement applies are available on our website at • Business • Community Services and Education • Engineering • Health, Science and the Environment • Hospitality, Tourism and Events • Information Technology • Marine/Maritime • Oil and Gas COURSE GUIDE 2016 Curtin University 9 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E PLEASE NOTE: This information is correct at the time of publication. Please refer to our website for the most up-to-date information on university pathways at Challenger Institute. Traineeships and Apprenticeships Traineeships and apprenticeships are a great way to develop your skills and get paid at the same time. We will help you move from where you are today to where you want to be in the future. We will ensure that your learning expectations are met by tailoring the content of your training programs to suit yours and the industry’s needs. Challenger Institute has a long history of working with employers across a broad range of industries, to support apprenticeships and trainees. COURSE GUIDE 2016 Challenger’s apprenticeships and traineeship programs are customised to ensure that the skills and knowledge developed by each apprentice or trainee align to the needs of the organisation. Each apprenticeship/ traineeship is treated as unique and tailored to the needs of both employers and yourself as the trainee or apprentice. The programs feature: 10 • Recognition of prior learning of the competencies already held. • Competency based on-the-job training and assessment. • Self-paced learning. • Project or enterprise-based learning and assessment. • Intensive support programs including off-the-job training as required. Higher level traineeships are also available to up-skill existing workers. The programs are f lexible to enable an apprentice/trainee to commence their training at any time during the year. CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Nationally recognised certif icates of competency are awarded on the successful completion of a Challenger Institute apprenticeship or traineeship. For more information go to: au/future-students/apprenticeships-and-traineeships/ Pages/default.aspx Delivering to aboriginal people Challenger Institute offers a range of customised training services to enhance employability, up-skill and achieve sustainable career development outcomes for Aboriginal people within the workplace. Our training is targeted to meet workplace needs, delivered in a ‘hands-on’ way and support-intensive. We focus on job readiness, building conf idence, and industry-specif ic skills. Our trainers are skilled and experienced in delivering skills outcomes for Aboriginal clients. We provide traineeships and apprenticeships tailored specif ically for Aboriginal people, resulting in increased retention and productivity within the workplace. Finding a traineeship or apprenticeship For general information about apprenticeships, check out these government websites: • • • • ice or and associated links or phone the DTWD Apprenticeship Off ice on 13 19 54. Finding an employer to take you on as a trainee or apprentice is similar to f inding a job. Here are some helpful hints: • Complete relevant studies (e.g. pre-apprenticeship course) – which will increase your employability skills and provide relevant work experience with potential employers. • Register with your local Job Network Provider • Contact Group Training Schemes ( au/apprenticentre or see telephone book). • Answer advertisements in the newspaper (The West Australian and local newspapers). • Approach employers directly with an up-to-date resume and offer yourself as a potential trainee or apprentice. • Discuss with your school career adviser. APPRENTICESHIPS Apprenticeships • A traineeship is a full-time or part-time employment-based training arrangement. • Trainees gain work experience and have the opportunity to learn new skills in a hands-on environment. • On successful completion, the trainee earns a nationally recognised qualif ication, which can improve future employment prospects and be used to qualify for further training courses (e.g. a higher level certif icate or diploma qualif ication). • Training is usually conducted both on-the-job and off-the-job. There are some traineeships which can be completed entirely on-the-job. • An association with an approved registered training organisation, such as Challenger Institute, is necessary for the off-the-job training and/or the on-the-job assessment requirements. • Most traineeships are completed within 12 to 24 months, however f lexible training arrangements may be available to meet the needs of the business and the trainee. • An apprenticeship is a full-time or part-time employment-based training program • Apprenticeships provide an opportunity for individuals to learn all aspects of a trade. • Practical skills at work are combined with complementary training at a state training provider, such as Challenger Institute. • Most apprenticeships are completed in approximately three to f ive years. More recently there is increased f lexibility in apprenticeship training, which can vary the term of an apprenticeship. Full-time pre-apprenticeship and other trade related TAFE study can also reduce the term of an apprenticeship Challenger institute offers traineeships in the following areas: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Information Technology (Networking) • Information Technology (Support) • Information Technology (Systems Analysis and Design) • Information Technology (Websites) • Irrigation • Kitchen Operations • Laboratory Skills/ Technology • Landscaping • Logistics Operations • Make-up Services • Management • Marine Engineering – Marine Engine Driving • Maritime Operations (Integrated Rating) • Maritime Operations (Coxswain) • Marketing • Nail Technology • Parks and Gardens • Pathology Collection • Patisserie • Pest Management • Process Plant Operations/ Technology • Production Systems • Retail Cosmetic Services • Rural Operations • Salon Assistant • Sampling and Measurement • Seafood Processing • Social Housing Work • Sterilisation Services • Stevedoring • Tourism • Turf Management • Vehicle Servicing • Warehousing and Storage • Wholesale Nursery • Workplace Health and Safety • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Automotive Electrician Automotive Technician (Light vehicle) Automotive Technician (Marine) Automotive Technician (Motor cycle) Bricklaying Carpenter Carpentry and Joinery Chef Electrical Fitting Electrical Instrumentation Electrical Mechanics (Electrical Licence) Engineering Tradesperson (Electrical) Engineering Tradesperson (Fabrication) – Light/Heavy Engineering Tradesperson (Fabrication) – Marine Fitout Engineering Tradesperson (Mechanical) – Marine Fitter Engineering Tradesperson (Mechanical) – Fitting and/or Machining Gardening Hairdressing Landscape Gardening Locksmithing Nurseryperson Patisserie Plant Mechanic Plumbing and Gas Fitting Roof Plumbing Shipwrighting and Boatbuilding Solid Plastering Turf Management Wall and Ceiling Fixing 11 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Arboriculture Accounting Accounts clerical work Admissions clerical work (Health Industry) Aged Care Work Allied Health Assistance Animal Studies Aquaculture Automotive Electrical Automotive Mechanical Beauty Beauty Therapy Bookkeeping Business Business Administration Coding Clerk Community Services Work Conservation and Land Management Disability Work Draftsperson Drainage Electronics Electronics and Communications Engineering Engineering – Advanced/ Higher Trades Engineering – Production Systems Engineering – Technician/ Mechanical Events Technical Fishing Operations Fitness Floriculture Floristry Frontline Management Government Health Practice Management Health Services Assistance Horticulture Hospitality Hospitality (Supervision) Human Resources Information Technology Challenger institute offers off-the-job training in the following apprenticeship areas: COURSE GUIDE 2016 Traineeships TRAINEESHIPS Career COURSE GUIDE 2016 Aboriginal Education Assistant/Aboriginal Islander Education Officer (AIEO) Aboriginal Leadership and Management Assistant Accounting/Accountant Accounts Payable Receivable/Payroll/Clerk Administrative Assistant Aged Care/Direct Care Worker/Coordinator Aluminium Fabricator/Welder Animal Attendant/Animal Carer Aquaculture Farmhand/Hatchery Assistant Aquaculture Supervisor Architectural Technician Assistant Programming Developer Automotive Mechanic Bank Officer/Teller Bar Attendant/Barista Bookkeeper/BAS (Business Activity Statement) Agent Beauty Therapist/Consultant Boilermaker (Fabrication) Bricklayer Budgeting Officer Carpenter 12 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Catering Manager Chef Chef – Patisserie Chef Supervisor Chef – Patisserie Supervisor Civil and Structural Engineering Associate Clerical Officer (General) Coastal/Land Rehabilitation Officer Conservation/Land Management Manager Construction Trades Assistant Community Support Agency/Welfare Worker Computer Salesperson (Hardware/Software) Computer Networker Computer Support/Systems Officer Costing Clerk/Credit Officer Council Parks/Gardens Worker Cruise Attendant/Tour Guide/Deckhand Data Entry Processor Database Administration/Programmer Deckhand/Crew Member/Ferry Hand Disability Worker/Coordinator Draftsperson (Civil and Structural) Draftsperson (Mechanical) Early Childhood Assistant/Educator Early Childhood Educator/Coordinator Education Assistant Electrical Engineering Associate Electronics Engineering/Technician Electrician/Electrical Fitter Engineering Associate (Mechanical) Engineering Assistant Enrolled Nurse Environmental Scientist/Manager Environmental Technician Event/Conference Assistant Event Manager Field Officer/Assistant Finance Officer Fish Farm Hand /Field Supervisor Fisheries/Marine Safety Officer Fitness Instructor Fitter/Mechanical Fitter Florist/Floristry Manager Food Processing Technician Forest Technical Officer Forestry/Coastal Management Worker Function Waitperson Gardener Gym Instructor Challenger course Certificate III/IV in Education Support Certificate IV in Frontline Management Diploma/Advanced Diploma of Accounting Certificate III in Accounts Administration Certificate II in Business/Certificate III in Business Certificate III/IV in Aged Care/Diploma of Community Service Coordination Certificate II in Engineering Pre-apprenticeship [Fabrication Heavy] plus Apprenticeship Certificate II in Animal Studies/Certificate III in Companion Animal Services Certificate II/III in Aquaculture Diploma of Aquaculture Diploma of Civil Construction Design Diploma of Software Development Certificate II Automotive Servicing Technology(Pre-apprenticeship plus Apprenticeship) Certificate III in Accounts Administration/Certificate IV in Accounting Certificate III/IV in Hospitality Certificate IV in Bookkeeping/Accounting/Diploma of Accounting Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy/Diploma of Beauty Therapy Certificate II in Engineering Pre-apprenticeship [Fabrication Heavy] plus Apprenticeship Certificate II in Construction Pathways Pre-apprenticeship (Brick and Blocklaying) plus Apprenticeship Diploma/Advanced Diploma of Accounting Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway – Trades) [Carpentry and Joinery Pre-apprenticeship] plus Apprenticeship Diploma/Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Certificate III in Commercial Cookery plus Trade Certificate III in Patisserie plus Trade Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery Certificate IV in Patisserie Diploma/Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design Certificate II in Business/Certificate III in Business/Certificate III in Accounts Administration Certificate III/IV in Conservation and Land Management Certificate IV/Diploma of Conservation and Land Management Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway – Trades) Certificate III/IV/Diploma of Community Services Work/Certificate IV in Social Housing Certificate II/III in Information, Digital Media and Technology Certificate IV/Diploma of Information Technology Networking Certificate IV in Information Technology Support Certificate IV in Accounting/Diploma of Accounting Certificate III in Horticulture/Certificate III in Landscape Construction Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology/Certificate II/III in Business Certificate IV in Information Technology Networking/Support/ Programming Certificate II in Fishing Operations Certificate III/IV in Disability Diploma/Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design Diploma of Engineering Technical/Advanced Diploma of Engineering Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care/Certificate IV in School Aged Education and Care Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care Certificate III/IV in Education Support Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology – Electrical Diploma of Electronics and Communications Engineering Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) [Electrotechnology Pre-apprenticeship] plus Apprenticeship Advanced Diploma of Engineering Certificate III in Engineering – Technical Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 Nursing) Diploma of Environmental Monitoring and Technology Certificate IV in Environmental Monitoring and Technology Certificate III in Events Diploma of Events Certificate III/IV in Conservation and Land Management Certificate IV in Accounting/Diploma/Advanced Diploma of Accounting Certificate II/III in Aquaculture Diploma of Marine Studies Certificate III/IV in Fitness Certificate II in Engineering Pre-apprenticeship Mechanical (Fitter and Machinist) plus Apprenticeship Certificate II/III/IV in Floristry (part-time) Diploma of Laboratory Technology Diploma of Conservation and Land Management Certificate IV in Conservation and Land Management Certificate III/IV in Hospitality Certificate III in Horticulture Certificate III in Fitness/Certificate IV in Fitness 48 58 30/31 30 33 44/46 21 83 72 73 18 39 23 30 64/65 30 41 21 25 30/31 25/26 65/66 67 68 68 69 18 33/30 85/86 86 25/26 49/58 37 38 40 30 88/89 80 37/33 38/39/40 73 45 18 19 47 47 48 20 20 28 19 19 53 92 92 62 63 85/86 30/31 72 74 50 21 87 94 86 86 64/65 88 50 Hairdresser Help Desk Operator/Support Home Care Worker Horticulture Technical Officer/Tradesperson Hospital Food Service Manager Hotel Manager Human Resources Officer/Manager/Advisor Inventory and Supply Officer IT Support Technician IT Network Manager/Administrator IT Systems Analyst/Programmer Kitchen Hand Laboratory Analyst Laboratory Technician Land Care Worker Land Rehabilitation/Environmental Field Officer Landscape Gardener Machinist/Fitter and Machinist Marine Engineer /Engineer Watchkeeper Sterilisation Technician Tax Agent (Registered) Teacher Assistant Tour Guide Tour Guide/Maritime Guide Tourist/Visitor Information Officer Tourism Manager Training Officer Waitperson Wall and Ceiling Fixer Web Support Programmer Welder Certificate III in Hairdressing plus Apprenticeship 43 Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology/Certificate IV Information Technology Support 37/40 Certificate III in Aged Care 44 88 Certificate III/IV in Horticulture/Diploma of Horticulture Certificate IV in Hospitality/Diploma of Hospitality 65 Diploma/Advanced Diploma of Hospitality 65/66 Certificate IV/Diploma of Human Resources Management/ Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources) 31/32 Certificate II/III in Logistics/Certificate III in Warehousing Operations 81 Certificate II/III in Information, Digital Media and Technology/Certificate IV in Information Technology/Support/Networking 37/38 Diploma of Information Technology Networking/Diploma of Software Development 38/39 Certificate IV in Programming/Diploma of Software Development 39 Certificate II in Kitchen Operations 67 Diploma of Laboratory Technology 94 Certificate III in Laboratory Skills/Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques 93 Certificate II, III, IV in Conservation and Land Management 85/86 Certificate IV in Conservation and Land Management 86 Certificate II in Landscaping/Certificate III Landscape Construction/Certificate IV/Diploma in Landscape Design 89/90 Certificate II in Engineering Mechanical Fitter and Machinist Pre-apprenticeship plus Apprenticeship 21 Diploma of Maritime Operations (Engineer Watchkeeper)/Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering Class 2) plus Sea Time 77/78 Certificate II in Engineering Heavy Fabrication Pre-apprenticeship plus Apprenticeship 21 Certificate IV/Diploma/Advanced Diploma of Marketing 35 Diploma of Remedial Massage 51 19 Diploma of Engineering Technical/Advanced Diploma of Engineering Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques 93 Certificate IV in Business/Frontline/ Management/Diploma/Advanced Diploma of Management/Human Resources 33/34 93 Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques Certificate II in Music 61 Certificate II in Nail Technology 42 Certificate IV/Diploma of Environmental Monitoring and Technology 92 38 Certificate IV/Diploma in Information Technology Networking 88 Certificate III in Horticulture Certificate IV in Business/Business Administration/Diploma of Management 33/34 36 Certificate IV in Business Administration Certificate III/IV in Fitness 50 Certificate III in Pest Management 90 26 Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway – Trades) [Solid Plastering Pre-apprenticeship] plus Apprenticeship Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-apprenticeship) plus Apprenticeship 27 Certificate III in Laboratory Skills/Certificate IV Laboratory Techniques 93 16 Certificate II/III in Process Plant Operations Certificate II/III in Process Plant Operations/Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology 16 Diploma/Advanced Diploma in Process Plant Technologies 16/17 Certificate III in Business Administration 36 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery plus over three years on-the-job training 67 33/36 Certificate II in Business/Certificate III in Business/Business Administration Certificate IV/Diploma in Human Resources Management/Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources) 31/32 Certificate II/III in Outdoor Recreation 80 Certificate IV in Health Science Foundations/Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 Nursing) 53 Certificate III in Aged Care 44 Certificate IV in Information Technology 38 Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement 93 Certificate II in Aquaculture 72 Certificate III/IV in Business Administration/Certificate III in Business 32 – 35 Certificate II in Security Operations 22 93 Diploma of Laboratory Technology Certificate II in Engineering Heavy Fabrication Pre-apprenticeship plus Apprenticeship 21 Certificate II in Engineering Heavy Fabrication Pre-apprenticeship plus Apprenticeship 21 Diploma of Beauty Therapy 41 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Master up to 35m near coastal)/Diploma of Maritime Operations (Master up to 80m/Master < 500GT)/Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Master Unlimted) 75/76/79 Certificate III/IV in Sterilisation Services 54 Advanced Diploma of Accounting 31 Certificate III/IV in Education Support 48 Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism/Certificate III in Tourism 70/71 Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation/Certificate III 80 Certificate III in Tourism/Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism 70/71 Diploma of Travel and Tourism 71 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (part-time) – Contact Challenger Institute for more information NA Certificate III/IV in Hospitality 64/65 Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway – Trades) [Wall and Ceiling Lining Pre-apprenticeship] plus Apprenticeship 26 Certificate IV in Information Technology/Diploma of Software Development 38/39 Certificate II in Engineering Heavy Fabrication Pre-apprenticeship plus Apprenticeship 21 13 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Marine Fabricator Marketing Officer/Sales Manager/Research Massage Therapist/Masseuse Mechanical Engineering Draftsperson/Technician Medical Laboratory Technician Middle Manager/Supervisor Mine Laboratory Technician Musician/Recording Studio Technician Nail Artist/Technician Natural Resource Manager Network Administrator/Support Technician Nursery Worker/Garden Centre Assistant Office Administrator/Manager/Supervisor Personal Assistant Personal Trainer Pest Controller Plasterer Plumber and Gasfitter Primary Products Inspector Production Operator Process Plant Technician/Production Plant Operator/ Control Room Operator Process Plant Supervisor Purchasing Officer Qualified Chef Receptionist Recruitment Consultant Resort Activities Registered Nurse (Pathway) Residential Care Worker Sales Representative (Information Technology) Sampling Assistant Seafood/Retail Factory Processor Secretary/Clerical Assistant Security Guard Senior Laboratory Technical Officer Sheet Metal Worker Shipwright (Aluminium Shipbuilding) Skin and Spa Therapist/Manager Ships Master Challenger course COURSE GUIDE 2016 Career COURSE GUIDE 2016 Challenger Institute 14 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E course information... COURSE GUIDE 2016 Challenger Institute of Technology offers more than 300 nationally accredited courses and works closely with a range of industries to ensure you are highly skilled and job ready. 15 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E APPLIED ENGINEERING Oil and Gas PMA30113 ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Certificate III in Process Plant Operations To meet entry requirements at Challenger, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications skills and maths. (COURSE CODE: J572) ABOUT THIS COURSE This course is offered by off-campus learning to those working in the processing industry or a relevant industry – chemical or mining. COURSE GUIDE 2016 The course is competency-based, which requires those undertaking the training to prove competence by completing practical assessments in the workplace, as well as showing theoretical competence. 16 The time taken to complete the course is dependent on the individual, although only 12 months is allowed to complete the competencies in each enrolment, dependent on previous qualif ications and experience. PMA20113 Certificate II in Process Plant Operations (COURSE CODE: J570) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE This course is eight weeks full-time and can also be offered as a one year part-time course or by off-campus learning to those working in the processing industry or a relevant industry – chemical or mining. This course forms part of the Chemical, Hydrocarbons and Oil Ref ining National Training Package (PMA08) giving you exposure to the fundamentals of process plant operations. Graduates from this course will have the knowledge and experience to access highly rewarding entry-level trainee production operator jobs. DURATION Eight weeks full-time (one year part-time) ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet Challenger’s entry requirements, candidates are required to have achieved the basic skills (•) benchmark in communications skills. For further information, please call our Contact Centre Off icer on 1800 001 001. LOCATION Australian Centre for Energy and Process Training (ACEPT) ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements at Challenger, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark in both communications skills and maths. This qualif ication is suitable for those working within the chemical, hydrocarbons and oil ref ining industry. You must be employed as an operator in the oil/gas, chemical, oil ref ining or mining industry and have access to relevant plant and equipment. For further information, please call our Contact Centre Off icer on 1800 001 001. LOCATION Off-campus learning via Australian Centre for Energy and Process Training (ACEPT) PMA40113 Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology (COURSE CODE: J571) ABOUT THIS COURSE This course is offered by off-campus learning to those working in the processing industry such as oil and gas, oil ref ining, chemical or mining. The course is competency-based, which requires those undertaking the training to prove competence by completing practical assessments in the workplace, as well as showing theoretical competence. The time taken to complete the course is dependent on the individual, although only 12 months is allowed to complete the competencies in each enrolment, dependent on previous qualif ications and experience. This qualif ication is suitable for those working within the chemical, hydrocarbons and oil ref ining industry. You must be employed in the chemical and oil ref ining industry as an operator and have access to relevant plant and equipment. For further information, please call our Contact Centre Off icer on 1800 001 001. LOCATION Off-campus learning via Australian Centre for Energy and Process Training (ACEPT) PMA50108 Diploma of Process Plant Technology (COURSE CODE: W518) ABOUT THIS COURSE This course is 20 weeks full-time, and is available via off-campus learning to those working in the processing industry or a relevant industry – chemical or mining. The course is competency-based, which requires those undertaking the training to prove competence by completing practical assessments in the workplace, as well as showing theoretical competence. The time taken to complete the course by off-campus learning is dependent on the individual, although only 12 months is allowed to complete the competencies in each enrolment, dependent on previous qualif ications and experience. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements at Challenger, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills. The Diploma of Process Plant Technology offers advanced technical training to people who may have completed PMA40113 Certif icate IV in Process Plant Technology or a relevant qualif ication, or who have signif icant relevant industry experience without formal qualif ications. For further information, please call our Contact Centre Off icer on 1800 001 001. LOCATION Off-campus learning via Australian Centre for Energy and Process Training (ACEPT) APPLIED ENGINEERING Oil and Gas MEM40105 ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Advanced Diploma of Process Plant Technology Certificate IV in Engineering [Instrumentation] (COURSE CODE: W519) (COURSE CODE: WT46) ABOUT THIS COURSE MEM40105 The WT46 Certif icate IV in Engineering (Instrumentation) is only offered to Australian Certif ied Grade ‘A’ Electrician and WA97 Certif icate IV in Engineering [Electrical Instrumentation] is available to Electrical Apprentices in stage 2, 3, or 4. This course is 20 weeks full-time, and is available via off-campus learning to those working in the processing industry or a relevant industry – chemical or mining. The course is competency-based, which requires those undertaking the training to prove competence by completing practical assessments in the workplace, as well as showing theoretical competence. The time taken to complete the course by off-campus learning is dependent on the individual, although only 12 months is allowed to complete the competencies in each enrolment, dependent on previous qualif ications and experience. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS For further information, please call our Contact Centre Off icer on 1800 001 001. LOCATION Off-campus learning via Australian Centre for Energy and Process Training (ACEPT) (COURSE CODE: WA97) LOCATION Australian Centre for Energy and Process Training (ACEPT) ABOUT THIS COURSE This course is competency-based and is offered as a one year part-time course with a f lexible learning component to electrical apprentices and electricians. This course forms part of the Metals and Engineering Training Package (MEM05). Two training pathways are available; WT46 for Electricians and WA97 for Electrical Apprentices. Graduates from this course will have the knowledge and experience to gain highly rewarding instrumentation control system industrial jobs. 17 DURATION CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E The Advanced Diploma of Process Plant Technology offers advanced technical training to people who have completed PMA50108 Diploma of Process Plant Technology. Certificate IV in Engineering [Electrical Instrumentation] For further information, please call our Contact Centre Off icer on 1800 001 001. COURSE GUIDE 2016 PMA60108 The time taken to complete the course is dependent on the individual, although only 12 months is allowed to complete the competencies after enrolment. Electrical apprentices are required to attend the campus for 200 hours. The required time spent on campus for electricians varies depending on prior instrumentation experience. PATHWAY S PROCESS P L A NT O PER AT I O N S SCH O O L YEAR 11 J570 Certif icate II in Process Plant Operations CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E U N I V E R S I TY J570 Certif icate II in Process Plant Operations J572 Certif icate III in Process Plant Operations (must be employed in relevant industry) J571 Certif icate IV in Process Plant Technology (must be employed in relevant industry) W518 Diploma/W519 Advanced Diploma of Process Plant Technology (must be employed in relevant industry) Bachelor of Technology • Entry level position to industry • Production plant operator • Production complex operator • Process plant technician • Production operator (supervisor) • Control room operator • Senior production (process) technician • Process plant engineer in the following industries: - oil and gas - chemical - mining - pharmaceutical YEAR 12 J570 Certif icate II in Process Plant Operations APPLIED ENGINEERING COURSE GUIDE 2016 Engineering – Technical and CIVIL 18 MEM30505 Certificate III in Engineering – Technical (COURSE CODE: W240) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide graduates with practical skills and knowledge to carry out technical support functions in mechanical engineering research, design and manufacture operations. Students will learn skills in computer aided drafting, computing, materials testing and mechanical design. Students will also learn about safety in the workplace, quality controls, maths, and science. Students will practice the skills they have learned in an engineering environment. DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements at Challenger, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications skills and maths. More information about entrance requirements is available from: www. RII50513 RII60513 Diploma of Civil Construction Design Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design (COURSE CODE: j666) (COURSE CODE: j651) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to draft engineering plans to Australian and New Zealand standards. Students will learn about civil construction techniques, drafting urban roads, materials testing, soil mechanics, engineering maths and physics and surveying. Students will also learn skills in Computer Aided Design (CAD), engineering drafting, storm water drainage and foundations. This qualif ication aims to provide theoretical and practical education and training such that graduates may gain employment at the engineering associate level within the building and construction industry. Students will learn about different areas in engineering, including construction, maintenance, design and testing. This qualif ication aims to provide theoretical and practical education in civil and structural design. Graduates may gain employment as a drafter in the civil and structural engineering f ields. Subjects include those covered in the Diploma of Civil Construction Design, plus you will learn about the design and drafting of concrete and steelwork. DURATION One semester (following completion of the Diploma of Civil Construction Design) DURATION ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Three semesters To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well-developed skills (•••) benchmark in communication skills and maths. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements at Challenger, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications skills and maths OR successful completion of a Certif icate III in Engineering – Technical. Successful completion of a Diploma of Civil Construction Design will meet the entrance requirements. More information about entrance requirements is available from: More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION LOCATION Fremantle Fremantle PATHWAYS ENGINEERING – CIVIL / STRUCTURAL & ENVIRONMENTAL CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E W240 Certif icate III in Engineering – Technical J666 Diploma of Civil Construction Design J651 Advanced Diploma of Civil Construction Design Bachelor of Applied Science (Construction Management and Economics). Bachelor of Engineering Civil and Construction Engineering. LOCATION Fremantle U N I V E R S I TY • Engineering assistant technical • Engineering Draftsperson – Civil/structural – Computer aided drafting • Engineering Draftsperson – civil/structural – Computer aided drafting • Engineering associate (civil/structural) • Engineering associate (environmental engineer) • Technical off icer • Civil engineer • Environmental engineer APPLIED ENGINEERING MEM30505 Certificate III in Engineering – Technical (COURSE CODE: W240) This qualif ication will provide graduates with practical skills and knowledge to carry out technical support functions in mechanical engineering research, design and manufacture operations. Students will learn skills in computer aided drafting, computing, materials testing and mechanical design. Students will also learn about safety in the workplace, quality controls, maths, and science. Students will practice the skills they have learned in an engineering environment. DURATION Two semesters ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements at Challenger, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications skills and maths. To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well-developed skills (•••) benchmark in communication skills and maths. More information about entrance requirements is available from: More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION LOCATION Fremantle Fremantle MEM50212 MEM60112 Diploma of Engineering – Technical Advanced Diploma of Engineering (COURSE CODE: J367) (COURSE CODE: J368) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide the student with practical skills and knowledge to produce drawings to design specif ications for manufacture by an engineering workshop. This qualif ication will provide the student with practical skills and knowledge to carry out mechanical engineering detailed drafting and design and oversee the installation and maintenance of machinery. The student will learn a range of computer drafting skills as well as develop knowledge of engineering processes and principles. The student will learn about the engineering drafting industry and safety in the workplace along with skills to prepare drawings, design mechanical equipment, operate and maintain mechanical systems, project management, OH&S, quality systems and team building. The student will be able to use the skills they have learnt by undertaking an engineering project in mechanical or mechatronics. The student will learn a range of computer drafting skills as well as develop their knowledge of engineering processes and principles. They will also learn skills in computing and engineering graphics, maths and science, materials, systems, standards and processes, safety in the workplace, effective communication and quality controls. Successful completion of this qualif ication provides the opportunity to become an engineering draftsperson/technician. PATHWAY S ENGINEERING – TECHNICAL / MECHANICAL SCH O O L YEAR 11 A113 Certif icate II in Electronics Up to one year’s advanced standing if Advanced Diploma completed CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E W240 Certif icate III in Engineering – Technical J367 Diploma of Engineering Technical J368 Advanced Diploma of Engineering DURATION Four semesters or two semesters after completion of J367 Diploma of Engineering Technical. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS U N I V E R S I TY Bachelor of Engineering: • Mechanical • Mechatronic To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well-developed skills (•••) benchmark in communication skills and maths. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Fremantle YEAR 12 W240 Certif icate III in Engineering Technical Note: we can no longer offer diploma units to year 12 students. • Engineering assistant technical • Engineering draftsperson (mechanical) – computer aided drafting • Engineering associate (mechanical) • Technical off icer • Tool designer • Mechanical engineer 19 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE DURATION One semester COURSE GUIDE 2016 Engineering – TECHNICAL AND MECHANICAL APPLIED ENGINEERING Engineering – Electrical and Electronic DURATION NOTE: The word “paraprofessional” is emphasised in these descriptions, to differentiate between the paraprofessional (non-trades) courses, which are delivered by this electrical/ electronic engineering section, and trade courses which are delivered by the electrical trades section. Please call 1800 001 001 to discuss your options. Three semesters. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well-developed skills (•••) benchmark in communication skills and maths. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Fremantle COURSE GUIDE 2016 UEE62111 20 Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology – Electrical (COURSE CODE: A175) Diploma of Electronics and Communications Engineering (COURSE CODE: A160) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE This three semester, full-time, paraprofessional qualif ication provides the practical skills and knowledge to assemble, install, test service and repair electronic equipment in general electronics and basic communications. Students will learn about electrical and amplif ier principles, microprocessors, power control systems, data communications and safety in the workplace. They will also learn about circuit analysis, digital electronics, computing and programming microprocessors. The diploma has a focus on developing breadth, depth, and complexity of skills and understanding. Successful completion of this qualif ication provides the opportunity to gain entry level technician positions of testing electronic equipment and also sales positions. The diploma has a focus on developing breadth, depth, and complexity of skills to enable the individual to plan and initiate alternative approaches to the applications of skills or knowledge across a broad range of technical and/or management requirements. ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication provides enabling competencies to design and validate/ evaluate electrical equipment and systems and provide technical advice/sales. DURATION Four semesters ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well-developed skills (•••) benchmark in communication skills and maths. More information about entrance requirements is available from: PAT H WAY S LOCATION Fremantle ENGI NEERI NG – ELECT RICAL / ELECT RONIC CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E A137 Certif icate IV in Electronics and Communications A160 Diploma of Electronics and Communications Engineering • Engineering assistant • Technician • Technical off icer • Technician • Engineering associate Up to one year’s advanced standing if Advanced Diploma completed U N I V E R S I TY A175 Advanced Diploma of Engineering Technology – Electrical Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) • Technical off icer • Technician • Engineering associate • Electrical engineer • Electronics engineer APPLIED ENGINEERING Metals and Engineering They will also learn about safety and quality control and undertake up to four weeks of a work placement. Successful completion of the qualif ication provides the opportunity to become a trades assistant, gain an apprenticeship to become a mechanical f itter, f itter and machinist, machinist or to gain a traineeship in engineering. This qualif ication will provide the practical skills and knowledge in a range of metal fabrication and welding trades. More information about entrance requirements is available from: They will also learn about safety in the workplace and quality control. They will also undertake up to four weeks of a work placement. LOCATION ABOUT THIS COURSE DURATION One Semester (two terms) ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications and maths skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from PATHWAYS LOCATIONS Rockingham, Peel M E TA LS A ND ENGINEERING STUDIES W233 Certif icate II in Engineering CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E Certif icate II in Preapprentice Studies in Engineering • WC27 Mechanical Fitter and Machinist Pre-app • WC28 Heavy Fabrication Pre-app Improved chances of securing an apprenticeship (Certif icate in Trade Studies) YEAR 12 W233 Certif icate II in Engineering SEMI-SKILLED METAL WORKER • Trades assistant • Storeperson • Process operator • Apprentice Certif icate III & IV in Engineering (a variety of streams available TRADESPERSON • Fabrication • Aluminium • Welder • Sheet metal worker Mechanical • Machinist • Fluid power • Marine f itter • Locksmith • Mechanical f itter • Plant mechanic • Electrical U N I V E R S I TY • Diploma of Engineering (a variety of streams available) • Advanced Diploma of Engineering (a variety of streams available) • Bachelor of Engineering: - Civil and Construction - Mechanical - Electrical • Bachelor of Applied Science (Construct Management and Economics) • Engineering associate • Qualif ied engineer 21 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Successful completion of the qualif ication provides the opportunity to become a trades assistant, gain an apprenticeship to become a sheet metal fabricator, boilermaker, heavy metal fabricator or a welder, or gain a traineeship in engineering. Rockingham This qualif ication will provide you with practical skills and knowledge in a range of metals and engineering industry areas. You will learn skills in using tools, measuring and calculating, technical drawing, load shifting, thermal cutting, using mechanical cutting equipment and machining. You will also learn about safety in the workplace, computing and maths. You will practice the skills you have learned in a workshop environment. YEAR 11 ABOUT THIS COURSE ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS (COURSE CODE: WC27) SCH O O L (COURSE CODE: WC28) To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communication skills and maths. DURATION Certificate II in Engineering (Mechanical Fitter and Machinist Pre-apprenticeship) Certificate II in Engineering Heavy Fabrication Pre-apprenticeship This qualif ication will provide you with practical skills and knowledge in a range of metals and engineering industry areas. You will learn skills in using tools, measuring and calculating, technical drawing, load shifting, thermal cutting, using mechanical cutting equipment, and welding. You will also learn about safety in the workplace, computing and maths. You will practice the skills you have learned in a workshop environment. One Semester (Two terms) MEM20105 MEM20105 COURSE GUIDE 2016 This qualif ication provides the practical skills and knowledge to make and repair parts, machines and tools. APPLIED ENGINEERING COURSE GUIDE 2016 Security 22 CPP20212 Certificate II in Security Operations (COURSE CODE: J351) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will develop the practical skills and knowledge required to work as a security guard or crowd controller. Specif ic skills include effective communication, respond to security risk situation, patrol premises, use communication systems, f irst aid, and protect safety of persons. NOTE: Graduates wishing to apply for a security licence must be at least 18 years of age and have no criminal record. DURATION Three weeks. Scheduled regularly throughout year. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to demonstrate basic communication skills (•) benchmark. Prior to enrolment, the candidate must: pass a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) test. Phone 9599 8630 or 0407 479 056 for specif ic course advice. More information about entrance requirements is available from: or LOCATION Rockingham Automotive Automotive servicing DURATION ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS One semester Trade Certif icate (Automotive) ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS LOCATION To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications and maths skills. An interview may also be required. Kwinana Campus (Automotive) More information about entrance requirements is available from: AUR20412 Certificate II in Automotive Qualifications (Employment Based) LOCATIONS Kwinana Campus (Automotive), Peel Campus AUR20212 (COURSE CODE: WC06) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide you with skills and knowledge used in the automotive vehicle servicing sector. You will learn skills in carrying out servicing operations, inspecting and servicing engines, steering and suspension systems, carrying out repairs to single electrical circuits and using and maintaining workplace tools and equipment. You will also learn how to apply safe work practices and apply basic automotive troubleshooting processes. This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to gain employment in the automotive industry. The course also provides knowledge and skills that articulate with recognised apprenticeships in the automotive area. Course graduates have an improved chance of gaining an apprenticeship as they have already completed part of the off -the-job training requirements and gained valuable practical experience on-the-job. Note: There may be competitive entry to this course. Available on demand. Contact 9599 8750 for more information. LOCATION Kwinana Campus (Automotive) LPG Servicing and Repair ABOUT THIS COURSE Challenger Institute of Technology offers gap training for the AUR20212 Certif icate II in Automotive Air-Conditioning Technology for qualif ied and experienced automotive technicians wishing to update their skills and knowledge in automotive air-conditioning. On enrolment, applicants must supply evidence of a trade certif icate and/or automotive qualif ication. Available on demand. Contact 9599 8750 for more information. LOCATION Kwinana Campus (Automotive) PATHWAYS A UT OMO T I VE SCH O O L YEAR 11 J369 Certif icate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E WC06 Certif icate II in Automotive Servicing Technology (Light Vehicle Servicing Pre-apprenticeship) J394 Certif icate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology (for indentured apprentices only) J391 Certif icate III in Automotive Electrical Technology YEAR 12 J376 Certif icate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation WC04 Certif icate II in Automotive Electrical Technology (Automotive Electrical) Pre-apprenticeship • Automotive mechanic • Automotive electrician • Marine mechanic • Heavy duty diesel mechanic 23 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology (Light Vehicle Servicing Pre-apprenticeship) (Course Code: J781) A Refrigerant Handling Licence (RHL) is required to work on air-conditioning equipment in the automotive industry. To be eligible to apply for a RHL licence you must hold a Certif icate II in Automotive Air-Conditioning Technology. Applying for a licence is done through the Australian Refrigeration Council’s website: COURSE GUIDE 2016 Certificate II in Automotive Tyre Servicing Technology (COURSE CODE: J371) AUR20512 (Course Code: J373) AUR21913 Certificate II in Automotive Air-onditioning Technology NOTE: Course information may change due to training package updates prior to delivery. Therefore the following Information is to be used as a guide only. For general enquiries and updated information please contact our Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001. Certificate II in Automotive Electrical Technology Automotive recognition of prior learning WHOLE OF TRADES, RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING – AUTOMOTIVE Contact 1800 001 001 to f ind out more information on how to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning in any of the following qualif ications: AUR20412 Certificate II in Automotive Electrical Technology (Course Code: J373) COURSE GUIDE 2016 AUR21913 24 Certificate II in Automotive Tyre Servicing Technology (Course Code: J781) AUR30312 Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology (Course Code: J391) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E AUR30612 Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology (Course Code: J394) AUR30812 Certificate III in Motorcycle Mechanical Technology (Course Code: J396) Building and Construction Brick and Blocklaying / wall and floor tiling DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark in both communications and maths skills. NOTE: Some courses are offered in Semester 1 only. 52443wa LOCATION Rockingham, Peel 52443wa (COURSE CODE: Wc11) Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway – Trades) (Wall and Floor Tiling Pre-apprenticeship) ABOUT THIS COURSE (COURSE CODE: Wc14) This is a pre-vocational course for learners seeking a career in a construction trade. The f irst stage of the course is common to 11 construction trades and provides an introduction to the industry, its culture, occupations, job roles and workplace expectations. The units of competency cover essential occupational health and safety requirements, the industrial and work organisation structure, communication skills, work planning, and basic use of tools and materials. Learners are able to consider the 11 trades during the initial stage and while attending work experience. The latter stage of the course provides the learner with a choice to complete specif ic competencies from a particular trade stream that lead directly into a trade qualif ication, with full articulation and credit transfer, when seeking an apprenticeship. ABOUT THIS COURSE This is a pre-vocational course for learners seeking a career in a construction trade. The f irst stage of the course is common to 11 construction trades and provides an introduction to the industry, its culture, occupations, job roles and workplace expectations. The units of competency This course comprises training at Challenger Institute and structured work experience in the wall and f loor tiling trade area. It is designed to enhance skill development in all aspects of carpentry and joinery. Pre-apprentice course graduates need to be indentured by an employer before they can go on to training as an apprentice, however, graduates have a very good chance of gaining an apprenticeship as they have covered a large part of the off -the-job training requirements and gained valuable practical experience on-the-job. DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark in both communications and maths skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: PAT H WAY S LOCATION Rockingham CONST RUCT I ON SCH O O L YEAR 11 1599 Certif icate II in Building and Construction (Pathway – Trades) CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E Relevant Pre-apprenticeship course in Construction • Bricklaying & Blocklaying • Carpentry & Joinery • Plumbing • Solid Plastering • Wall & Ceiling Lining • Wall & Floor Tiling Improved chance of securing an Apprenticeship (Certificate III in Trade Studies) Diploma of Builders’ Registration (Currently NOT on offer at Challenger) PLUS additional industrial experience • Construction trades assistant in relevant area • Tradesperson’s status in relevant trade • Registered builder YEAR 12 1599 Certif icate II in Building and Construction (Pathway – Trades) 25 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway – Trades) (Brick and Blocklaying Pre-apprenticeship) More information about entrance requirements is available from: cover essential occupational health and safety requirements, the industrial and work organisation structure, communication skills, work planning, and basic use of tools and materials. Learners are able to consider the 11 trades during the initial stage and while attending work experience. The latter stage of the course provides the learner with a choice to complete specif ic competencies from a particular trade stream that lead directly into a trade qualif ication, with full articulation and credit transfer, when seeking an apprenticeship. COURSE GUIDE 2016 This course comprises training at Challenger Institute and structured work experience in industry. It is designed to enhance apprenticeship prospects in the building and construction industry. Pre-apprentice graduates will need to be indentured by an employer before they continue training as an apprentice, however graduates have an improved chance of gaining an apprenticeship as they have already completed the equivalent of stage one of the off -the-job training. Building and Construction COURSE GUIDE 2016 Carpentry and joinery / Plastering / wall and ceiling lining 26 52443wa 52443WA 52443WA Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway – Trades) (Carpentry and Joinery Pre-apprenticeship) Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway – Trades) (Solid Plastering Pre-apprenticeship) Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway – Trades) (Wall and Ceiling Lining Pre-apprenticeship) (COURSE CODE: Wc17) (COURSE CODE: wc12) (COURSE CODE: WC13) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This is a pre-vocational course for learners seeking a career in a construction trade. The f irst stage of the course is common to 11 construction trades and provides an introduction to the industry, its culture, occupations, job roles and workplace expectations. The units of competency cover essential occupational health and safety requirements, the industrial and work organisation structure, communication skills, work planning, and basic use of tools and materials. Learners are able to consider the 11 trades during the initial stage and while attending work experience. The latter stage of the course provides the learner with a choice to complete specif ic competencies from a particular trade stream that lead directly into a trade qualif ication, with full articulation and credit transfer, when seeking an apprenticeship. This is a pre-vocational course for learners seeking a career in a construction trade. The f irst stage of the course is common to 11 construction trades and provides an introduction to the industry, its culture, occupations, job roles and workplace expectations. The units of competency cover essential occupational health and safety requirements, the industrial and work organisation structure, communication skills, work planning, and basic use of tools and materials. Learners are able to consider the 11 trades during the initial stage and while attending work experience. The latter stage of the course provides the learner with a choice to complete specif ic competencies from a particular trade stream that lead directly into a trade qualif ication, with full articulation and credit transfer, when seeking an apprenticeship. This is a pre-vocational course for learners seeking a career in a construction trade. The f irst stage of the course is common to 11 construction trades and provides an introduction to the industry, its culture, occupations, job roles and workplace expectations. The units of competency cover essential occupational health and safety requirements, the industrial and work organisation structure, communication skills, work planning, and basic use of tools and materials. Learners are able to consider the 11 trades during the initial stage and while attending work experience. The latter stage of the course provides the learner with a choice to complete specif ic competencies from a particular trade stream that lead directly into a trade qualif ication, with full articulation and credit transfer, when seeking an apprenticeship. This course comprises training at Challenger Institute and structured work experience in the carpentry and joinery trade area. It is designed to enhance skill development in all aspects of carpentry and joinery. Pre-apprentice course graduates need to be indentured by an employer before they can go on to training as an apprentice, however, graduates have a very good chance of gaining an apprenticeship as they have covered a large part of the off -the-job training requirements and gained valuable practical experience on-the-job. This course comprises training at Challenger Institute and structured work experience in industry. It is designed to enhance apprenticeship prospects in the building and construction industry. Preapprentice graduates will need to be indentured by an employer before they continue training as an apprentice, however graduates have an improved chance of gaining an apprenticeship as they have already completed the equivalent of stage one of the off -the-job training. DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark in both communications and maths skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: www. LOCATIONS Rockingham, Peel DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark in both communications and maths skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Rockingham This course will provide the practical skills and knowledge to apply and f ix the internal wall and ceiling lining of homes and commercial buildings. You will learn skills that enable you to read plans, take measurements and prepare surfaces and students will undertake a supervised work placement where they will apply the skills and knowledge they have learned. Successful completion of this qualif ication provides the opportunity to gain an apprenticeship to become a wall and ceiling liner. You will need to be employed and registered as an apprentice before you can commence apprenticeship training. DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark in both communications and maths skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Rockingham Building and Construction Plumbing / Gas fitting 52700WA CPC40912 CPC32713 Certificate II in Plumbing (Plumbing Pre-apprenticeship) Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services Certificate III in Gas Fitting (COURSE CODE: WC19) (COURSE CODE: J497) ABOUT THIS COURSE NOTE: May be competitive entry. ABOUT THIS COURSE This course will provide the skills, knowledge and understanding to carry out gas f itting work in WA. The course uses student centred workbooks, tutored delivery and simulated practical assessment to conf irm competency. The course has also been endorsed by Energy Safety WA for the application of a G class permit. This course comprises training at Challenger Institute and structured work experience in the plumbing and gas f itting trade area. It is designed to enhance skill development in all aspects of basic plumbing. Pre-apprentice course graduates need to be indentured by an employer before they can progress to apprentice training, however graduates have an improved chance of gaining an apprenticeship as they have covered part of the off -the-job training and gained valuable practical experience on-the-job. DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS DURATION Dependant on prior industry experience. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS DURATION Approximately 12 months part-time study ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Applicants must hold a current WA trade persons license, registered with the PLB of WA. It is a requirement that the student obtains their G class restricted permit, to work under supervision. Further information can be provided by Challenger. LOCATION Rockingham 27 LOCATION Rockingham and via correspondence for local, remote and FIFO students, to cover parts of the program. CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark in communications skills and the developed skills (••) benchmark in maths skills. An interview may also be required. This course will provide the theoretical knowledge and assessments required by the Plumbers Licensing Board (PLB) to obtain a plumbing contractors licence in WA upon successful completion. This course is delivered in f ive separate parts and includes Business units, Drainage, Sanitary, Water and Backf low. Each subject is dealt with in a separate study block and can be completed during the year on dates that suit the candidate. The business units are completed via correspondence. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Rockingham PATHWAYS P LU MB IN G & GASFITT I N G SCH O O L YEAR 11 WC19 Certif icate II in Plumbing (Plumbing Pre-apprenticeship) CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E WC19 Certif icate II in Plumbing (Plumbing Pre-apprenticeship) J787 Certif icate III in Plumbing J493 Certif icate III in Roof Plumbing Improved chance of securing an Apprenticeship (Certif icate III in Trade Studies) YEAR 12 WC19 Certif icate II in Plumbing (Plumbing Pre-apprenticeship) COURSE GUIDE 2016 ABOUT THIS COURSE (COURSE CODE: J789) • Construction trades assistant in relevant area Tradesperson’s status in relevant trade • • • • Plumber and drainer Plumber and gasf itter Gasf itter Roof plumber Building and Construction Electrical 52648WA Completion of this qualif ication covers part of the f irst year of apprentice training in this trade. This qualif ication aims to provide you with the initial skills and knowledge that prospective employers are looking for and enhances apprenticeship opportunities. Course in Electrical Trade Licensing (COURSE CODE: 3706) Do you have your letter of approval from Energy Safety? If so contact us for our next available course. Available in a two week block or part-time delivery. Pre-apprentice graduates need to be indentured by an employer before they can progress to apprentice training. However, pre-apprentice course graduates have an improved chance of gaining an electrical apprenticeship, as they will have already developed some essential skills in the electrical trade area. DURATION Two weeks ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To enrol in this course, the student is required to provide a letter from Energy Safety stating their eligibility to attend the course. COURSE GUIDE 2016 NOTE: colour vision clearance is required. 28 UEE22011 Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) (Electrotechnology Pre-apprenticeship) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E (COURSE CODE: WC20) ABOUT THIS COURSE This entry level qualif ication will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to work safely in an electrotechnology environment, solve problems in multiple d.c. circuits and extra low voltage single path circuits. You will learn skills that will enable you to identify the required components/ materials and use routine equipment, plant or technology. This qualif ication will provide the practical skills and knowledge to install, operate, and maintain electrical and communications equipment and systems in electrical generation for domestic, business and industrial markets. You will learn skills that enable you to use tools, take electrical/ electronic measurements, interpret technical drawings, and solder materials. You will also learn about maths, safety in the workplace and quality control procedures. You will practice the skills you have learned in a workshop environment and undertake a supervised work placement. DURATION LOCATION One semester Rockingham (Contact on 9599 8628 to book). ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications and maths skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATIONS Rockingham PATHWAYS ELECT RICA L PRE-APPRENT I C ESHI P STUDI ES SCH O O L YEAR 11 WC20 Certif icate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) [Electrotechnology Pre-apprenticeship] CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E WC20 Certif icate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) [Electrotechnology Pre-apprenticeship] Improved chances of securing an apprenticeship (Certif icate III in Electrical Trade Studies) • Trades assistant • Storeperson tradesperson • Electrician • Engineering tradesperson - Electrical - Instrument • Electrical mechanic • Electrical Fitter YEAR 12 WC20 Certif icate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) [Electrotechnology Pre-apprenticeship] Building and Construction Electrical Testing and Tagging of Portable Appliances (PAT) and Portable Residual Current Devices (RCD’s) (COURSE CODE: 0512) PREREQUISITES None LOCATION Rockingham (Available on demand or at your workplace. For larger numbers, contact 9599 8628 to book). • • • • PV Grid Connect Capstone Refresher Training Smart Wiring Repairing Plugs to 240 Volts 29 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST TAKEN FOR SHORT COURSES IN THE FOLLOWING: COURSE GUIDE 2016 This course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills to conduct inservice safety inspections and testing of single phase portable electrical equipment used on-site of the organisation to comply with Australian Standards. This course will also provide participants with the knowledge and skill to conduct in-service safety inspections and testing of portable residual current devices, their construction, operation and performance characteristics used on-site of the organisation to comply with Australian standards. Business and Information Technology ACCOUNTING / BOOKKEEPING One semester LOCATIONS • S718 Diploma of Accounting Fremantle, Peel, Rockingham FNS40211 This course will provide the practical skills and knowledge to work as a bookkeeper in a business or your own practice. More information about entrance requirements is available from: COURSE GUIDE 2016 Students will learn manual and computerised accounting to undertake duties such as completing business activity statements and instalment activity statements and other tax requirements, cash and accrual accounting systems and establishing and maintaining a payroll system. DURATION Certificate III in Accounts Administration One semester (COURSE CODE: D703) • S718 Diploma of Accounting CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE This course will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to record and create the summaries of f inancial transactions of a business or other organisation. Students will learn skills to enable them to process journal entries, payroll and perform f inancial calculations, prepare, process and maintain f inancial records and prepare f inancial reports. The course is designed to provide the graduate with the skills and knowledge to perform manual and computerised account keeping using MYOB, for completing the f inancial transactions of a business or organisation. Along with training in the Microsoft Off ice programs such as Word and Excel, this course will assist with developing communication skills relevant to working in an off ice. FURTHER STUDY ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills and maths skills OR successful completion of D703 Certif icate III in Accounts Administration or equivalent. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATIONS Fremantle, Peel, Rockingham Note: New training programs are being developed and this may result in new course numbers, names and information. FNS40611 Certificate IV in Accounting DURATION (COURSE CODE: D707) One semester ABOUT THIS COURSE FURTHER STUDY • D706 Certif icate IV in Bookkeeping • D707 Certif icate IV in Accounting ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications skills and maths skills. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS ABOUT THIS COURSE (COURSE CODE: D706) 30 FURTHER STUDY To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills and maths skills AND successful completion of D703 Certif icate III in Accounts Administration or equivalent. Certificate IV in Bookkeeping FNS30311 DURATION More information about entrance requirements is available from: This course will provide the practical skills and knowledge to record and create summaries of the f inancial transactions of a business. Students will use manual and computerised accounting to undertake duties such as completing a business activity statement and other tax requirements, operational reporting, f inancial statements and MYOB. LOCATIONS Fremantle, Peel, Rockingham FNS50210 Diploma of Accounting (COURSE CODE: S718) ABOUT THIS COURSE Students will learn about commercial law, how to produce and analyse f inancial reports, prepare tax returns, report on business performance, and manage budgets. Successful completion of this qualif ication provides the opportunity to become an assistant accountant, bookkeeper or senior f inancial clerk. Following completion of this qualif ication, graduates can choose to progress on to further study in S735 Advanced Diploma of Accounting or may apply to study Bachelor of Business/Commerce programs at university and may be granted advanced standing (credit). DURATION One semester FURTHER STUDY • S735 Advanced Diploma of Accounting ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Successful completion of D707 Certif icate IV in Accounting OR equivalent. LOCATIONS Fremantle, Peel, Rockingham QUALIFICATIONS UNDER REVIEW NOTE: New training programs are being developed and this may result in new course numbers, names and information. Business and Information Technology ACCOUNTING / BOOKKEEPING / Human Resources FNS60210 BSB41013 Advanced Diploma of Accounting Certificate IV in Human Resources (COURSE CODE: S735) (COURSE CODE: J518) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE Please contact our Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 for details. Students will gain skills in complex tax returns and lodgements, complex corporate f inancial reports and corporate governance activities. This qualif ication will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to work in a range of support positions in human resources management, including human resources assistant, or human resources off icer. QUALIFICATIONS UNDER REVIEW DURATION Students will learn about human resources functions, recruiting, selecting and inducting staff, performance management, employee relations procedures and a range of administrative and management tasks. DURATION One semester One semester FURTHER STUDY Further Study Following completion of this qualif ication, graduates can apply to study Bachelor of Business/Commerce programs at university and may be granted advanced standing (credit). LOCATIONS Fremantle, Rockingham ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills OR successful completion of a Certif icate III in any business related area or equivalent. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION PAT H WAYS Fremantle, Rockingham ACCO U N TA NTS, BO OKK EEPERS & ACCOU N T I N G C LERKS CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E D703 Certif icate III in Accounts Administration D707 Certif icate IV in Accounting S735 Advanced Diploma of Accounting Bachelor of Business in Applied Accounting/ Commerce • Professional accountant Accounts Clerk Accounting Clerk Accounting Assistant Assistant Accounting Roles may include: • Accts payable/ receivable clerk • Off ice clerk Roles may include: • Senior accounts clerk • Costing clerk • Bookkeeper Roles may include: • Senior f inance and costing clerk • Assistant accountant Roles may include: • Budgeting off icer • Finance off icer • Tax agents – registration is available after relevant work experience • Accounts clerk • Payroll clerk • Accts payable/ receivable clerk U N I V E R S I TY S718 Diploma of Accounting D706 Certif icate IV in Bookkeeping Bookkeeper Roles may include: Up to one year advanced standing if Diploma/Advanced Diploma completed NOTE: New training programs are being developed and this may result in new course numbers, names and information. 31 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Successful completion of S718 Diploma of Accounting OR equivalent. • J520 Diploma of Human Resources Management NOTE: A number of units from these qualif ications are offered on a part-time or f lexible delivery basis. COURSE GUIDE 2016 Students will have the opportunity to develop higher level accounting concepts and prepare for accounting roles such as public accounting, f inancial and management accounting by obtaining knowledge and skills relating to costing, budgeting, taxation, f inancial accounting and f inancial management. Part-time and Flexible delivery Business and Information Technology Human Resources BSB50613 ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS FURTHER STUDY Diploma of Human Resources Management To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (•••) benchmark in communications skills AND successful completion of J518 Certif icate IV in Human Resources or equivalent. After successful completion of this course, graduates are able to make application to study further in the HR/business/commerce area at university level with advanced standing (credit). More information about entrance requirements is available from: ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS (COURSE CODE: J520) ABOUT THIS COURSE COURSE GUIDE 2016 This qualif ication will provide students with the practical skills and knowledge to work in a range of supervisory positions in human resources management, including human resources advisor, senior human resources off icer or human resources manager. 32 LOCATION Fremantle BSB60907 Students will learn about managing human resources services, performance management systems and workforce planning and a range of managerial skills that contribute to the effective conduct of human resources functions in an organisation or business area. Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources) DURATION This qualif ication will be offered by Challenger Institute on a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) basis only. (COURSE CODE: D189) One semester after completion of J518 Certif icate IV in Human Resources BSB41013 FURTHER STUDY CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E After successful completion of this course, graduates are able to make application to study further in the HR/business/commerce area at university level with advanced standing (credit). Please email: or telephone a Career Development Adviser on 9239 8066 for more information. ABOUT THIS COURSE This course is an extension to the Diploma of Human Resources Management. This qualif ication focuses on the practical skills and knowledge to provide leadership and direction in human resources activities. Skills include managing the strategic planning of human resources, organisational change and providing leadership. This course develops the knowledge and skills of individuals seeking a career in a senior human resources role. PATHWAYS HU M A N RESOURC ES Up to one year’s advanced standing if Diploma/Advanced Diploma completed. CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E J518 Certif icate IV in Human Resources • Human resources off icer • Human resources assistant U N I V E R S I TY • Bachelor of Business/ Commerce • Bachelor of Arts (various) J520 Diploma of Human Resources Management D189 Advanced Diploma of Management (Human Resources) • Senior human resources off icer • Human resources advisor • Human resources manager • Human resources supervisor • Human resources manager *Note: students entering direct into the Diploma will have to complete additional units of competence from the Certificate IV. To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to have successfully completed J520 Diploma of Human Resources Management or equivalent. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Fremantle Part-time and Flexible delivery NOTE: A number of units from these qualif ications are offered on a part-time or f lexible delivery basis. Please contact our Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 for details. QUALIFICATIONS UNDER REVIEW NOTE: New training programs are being developed and this may result in new course numbers, names and information. Business and Information Technology Business AND Management BSB20112 BSB30112 BSB40212 Certificate II in Business Certificate III in Business Certificate IV in Business (COURSE CODE: J335) (COURSE CODE: J337) (COURSE CODE: J344) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication is designed to equip students with the basic knowledge, skills and attributes required for entry level clerical and administrative positions where work is carried out under supervision. The course includes training in introductory computing skills, keyboarding speed and accuracy, mail, preparing/processing f inancial documentation for cash f low and records, and the operation/maintenance of general off ice equipment. This qualif ication will provide students with the skills and training essential to gain employment in a large or small organisation as a general clerical assistant. Students have the opportunity to learn higher level skills in the areas of communication, computing, (word processing, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, MYOB) and organisational skills. The course is also a bridging course to various higher level business courses in management. This qualif ication will provide the practical skills and knowledge to provide leadership and management in meeting business objectives. Students will learn skills in business administrative procedures, staff recruitment, team development and business strategies. Successful completion of this qualif ication and suitable experience provides the opportunity to become a supervisor, or administrator across all industry sectors. DURATION DURATION One semester One semester One semester FURTHER STUDY FURTHER STUDY • J338 Certif icate III in Business Administration • J337 Certif icate III in Business Graduates can choose to progress on to further study in a range of Certif icate IV qualif ications, including: ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS • J334 Certif icate IV in Business • J518 Certif icate IV in Human Resources LOCATIONS ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications skills and maths skills OR successful completion of J335 Certif icate II in Business or equivalent. More information about entrance requirements is available from: Fremantle, Peel LOCATION Fremantle, Rockingham, Peel PATHWAYS ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills OR successful completion of a Certif icate III in any business related f ield. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Fremantle, Rockingham QUALIFICATIONS UNDER REVIEW NOTE: New training programs are being developed and this may result in new course numbers, names and information. Up to one year’s advanced standing if Diploma/Advanced Diploma completed. B USIN ESS & M ANAG E MEN T SCH O O L YEAR 11 J335 Certif icate II in Business CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E J337 Certif icate III in Business J344 Certif icate IV in Business J345 Certif icate IV in Frontline Management J518 Certif icate IV in Human Resources D156 Certif icate IV in Marketing clerical officer Senior Clerk/ Administrator D173 Diploma of Management D164 Diploma of Business U N I V E R S I TY D184 Advanced Diploma of Management Bachelor of Arts (various) • Senior manager YEAR 12 J337 Certif icate III in Business Roles may include: • Accounts clerk • General clerical /admin assistant • Off ice administration assistant • Receptionist Roles may include: • Team leader (managing people and controlling resources) • Senior clerk Team leader Supervisor Team Manager Roles may include: • supervisor • coordinator • managing people and controlling resources Roles may include: • Various management level positions Roles may include: • Various management level positions • Managing people, organisational change and regulatory issues 33 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E More information about entrance requirements is available from: FURTHER STUDY • D173 Diploma of Management • D164 Diploma of Business COURSE GUIDE 2016 To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark in both communications skills and maths skills. DURATION Business and Information Technology COURSE GUIDE 2016 BUSINESS AND Management 34 BSB50207 BSB51107 BSB60407 Diploma of Business Diploma of Management (COURSE CODE: D164) (COURSE CODE: D173) Advanced Diploma of Management ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE (COURSE CODE: D184) This qualif ication will develop skills and knowledge across a wide range of business operations. Students will learn skills in marketing including e-marketing, undertaking projects and risk management as well as managing performance and recruitment. Successful completion of this qualif ication will equip students with the skills, knowledge and competencies to work effectively in a variety of roles across a range of industries. This qualif ication will provide the practical skills and knowledge to manage operational areas of an organisation. Students will learn skills to manage risk and operational plans, manage people performance and facilitate continuous improvement. This course equips students with the skills, knowledge and competencies that are necessary to function effectively in middle management or a senior supervisory role. DURATION One Semester following completion of a Certif icate IV. Two semesters (includes J344 Certif icate IV in Business), or one semester following J344 Certif icate IV in Business. FURTHER STUDY FURTHER STUDY After successful completion of this course, graduates are able to make application to study further in the business/commerce area at university level with advanced standing (credit). After successful completion of this course, graduates are able to make application to study further in the business/commerce area at university level with advanced standing (credit). DURATION CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well developed skills (•••) benchmark in communications skills OR successful completion of a Certif icate IV in a business related area. To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well developed skills (•••) benchmark in communications skills OR successful completion of a Certif icate IV in a business related area. More information about entrance requirements is available from: More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION LOCATION Fremantle Fremantle This qualif ication will be offered by Challenger Institute on a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) basis only. Please email: or telephone a Career Development Adviser on 9239 8066 for more information. ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication focuses on the practical skills and knowledge for managing strategic and operational areas of an organisation. Skills include how to manage and lead the planning, operations and continuous improvement of organisations and skills to review and develop business plans and manage risks. FURTHER STUDY After successful completion of this course, graduates are able to make application to study further in the business/commerce area at University level with advanced standing (credit). ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the highly developed skills (••••) benchmark in communications skills OR successful completion of D173 Diploma of Management. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Fremantle Part-time and Flexible delivery NOTE: A number of units from these qualif ications are offered on a part-time or f lexible delivery basis. Please contact our Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 for details. QUALIFICATIONS UNDER REVIEW NOTE: New training programs are being developed and this may result in new course numbers, names and information. Business and Information Technology Marketing FURTHER STUDY BSB60507 • D174 Diploma of Marketing Advanced Diploma of Marketing To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills OR successful completion of a Certif icate III in a business related area or equivalent. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Fremantle BSB51207 Diploma of Marketing (COURSE CODE: D174) Note: New training programs are being developed and this may result in new course numbers, names and information. BSB41307 Certificate IV in Marketing This qualif ication will be offered by Challenger Institute on a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) basis only. Please email: or telephone a Career Development Adviser on 9239 8066 for more information. ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication focuses on the skills and knowledge required to promote and sell products or services, including the marketing of existing products and developing markets for new products or services. Students have knowledge of marketing principles and research, identifying market opportunities, prof iling the market, analysing consumer behaviour, target marketing and implementing and monitoring the market mix (the blend of product, price, place and promotion). This qualif ication will provide graduates with a broad range of management and marketing knowledge and skills to assist in promoting and selling products or services, including the marketing of existing products and developing markets for new products or services. Please email: or telephone a Career Development Adviser on 9239 8066 for more information. ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication focuses on the practical skills and knowledge of marketing as well as providing skills in management. This qualif ication will be offered by Challenger Institute on a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) basis only. Please email: or call a Career Development Advisor on 9239 8066 to discuss this option. ABOUT THIS COURSE This course is an extension to D174 Diploma of Marketing. This qualif ication focuses on the practical skills and knowledge of marketing and sales. Skills include developing marketing strategies and a marketing plan, manage the marketing process, develop and manage direct marketing campaigns and manage and evaluate international marketing opportunities. This course develops the knowledge and skills of individuals seeking a career in marketing, direct marketing, sales, PR or advertising, or individuals who want to improve their overall skills and knowledge in this f ield. FURTHER STUDY Students will have the knowledge to evaluate marketing opportunities, establish and adjust the marketing mix (the blend of product, price, place and promotion), plan market research and manage projects. Graduates are able to make application to study further in the marketing/commerce area at university level with advanced standing (credit). The diploma is a useful qualif ication for people seeking employment as sales supervisors and sales managers. To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the highly developed skills (••••) benchmark in communications skills OR successful completion of D174 Diploma of Marketing or equivalent. FURTHER STUDY Graduates can apply for entry to business/ commerce programs at university and may be granted advanced standing (credit). ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well developed skills (•••) benchmark in communications skills OR successful completion of a Certif icate IV in a business related area or equivalent. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Fremantle ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Fremantle QUALIFICATIONS UNDER REVIEW NOTE: New training programs are being developed and this may result in new course numbers, names and information. 35 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E (COURSE CODE: D156) This qualif ication will be offered by Challenger Institute on a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) basis only. (COURSE CODE: D185) COURSE GUIDE 2016 ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Business and Information Technology Business BSB20112 BSB30412 BSB40507 Certificate II in Business (COURSE CODE: J335) Certificate III in Business Administration Certificate IV in Business Administration ABOUT THIS COURSE (COURSE CODE: J338) (COURSE CODE: D148) This qualif ication is designed to equip students with the basic knowledge, skills and attributes required for entry level clerical and administrative positions where work is carried out under supervision. The course includes training in introductory computing skills, keyboarding speed and accuracy, mail, preparing/processing f inancial documentation for cash f low and records, and the operation/maintenance of general off ice equipment. COURSE GUIDE 2016 DURATION 36 One semester FURTHER STUDY • J338 Certif icate III in Business Administration • J337 Certif icate III in Business ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark in both communications skills and maths skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATIONS ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This course follows on from the Certif icate II in Business giving students higher level skills in the areas of communication, computing, (word processing, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, MYOB) and organisational skills. This course follows on from the Certif icate III in Business Administration by equipping students with the knowledge, skills and attributes required to work effectively in an off ice environment, in roles that require conceptual, operational and supervisory capabilities. Graduates from this course can seek employment in a diverse range of clerical positions; including as a receptionist, customer service off icer, records off icer/ secretary, and administration off icer. The skills covered include producing complex documents using the latest computer software, planning and conducting meetings, team work and customer service. It is recommended that students enter directly into this course if they have gained the essential skills covered in the Certif icate II in Business either at high school or as a result of previous related training/ employment. DURATION FURTHER STUDY Graduates can choose to progress on to further study in a range of Certif icate IV qualif ications, including: ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills AND successful completion of J338 Certif icate III in Business Administration or equivalent. • D148 Certif icate IV in Business Admin • J334 Certif icate IV in Business • J518 Certif icate IV in Human Resources PATH WAY S More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATIONS SCH O O L YEAR 11 J335 Certif icate II in Business YEAR 12 J337 Certif icate III in Business One semester • D164 Diploma of Business • D173 Diploma of Management To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communication skills and maths skills OR successful completion of a Certif icate II in a Business related area. O FFICE ADMINIST RATI O N DURATION FURTHER STUDY One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Fremantle, Peel Graduates can apply for positions such as administration off icer, clerical administrator, personal assistant, desktop publisher, executive secretary, and secretary. Fremantle, Peel, Rockingham More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATIONS Fremantle QUALIFICATIONS UNDER REVIEW NOTE: New training programs are being developed and this may result in new course numbers, names and information. CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E U N I V E R S I TY J335 Certif icate II in Business J338 Certif icate III in Business Administration D148 Certif icate IV in Business Administration D173 Diploma of Management Bachelor of Arts (various) ENTRY LEVEL CLERICAL • Administrative assistant • Customer service off icer • Accounts clerk • Executive/personal assistant • Off ice administration assistant • Customer service advisor Supervisor Roles may include: • Various management level positions • Public relations off icer • Administration off icer Roles may include: • Receptionist • Customer service off icer • Administrative assistant Business and Information Technology DIGITAL MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY ICA20111 ICA30111 ICA30111 Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology (COURSE CODE: D555) (COURSE CODE: D556) Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology (Network Administration) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE (COURSE CODE: CT84) This qualif ication will provide the practical skills and knowledge to operate the essential software applications of a computer. Students will learn skills that enable them to operate a computer and use software applications which could include word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentation packages, internet, email and basic web page construction. Students will also learn about the different f ields of information technology. This qualif ication provides students with the skills and knowledge to support information technology activities in the workplace across a wide range of ICT areas, including technical support, network administration, web technologies, software applications and digital media technologies. Students will learn how to install and customise operating systems, perform basic diagnostic support, advise clients on the suitability of software packages, and customise and document software changes. This course provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in a wide range of general information and communications technology (ICT) technical functions and to achieve a degree of selfsuff iciency as an advanced ICT user. DURATION One semester (also available part-time) NOTE: The units of competency within the Certif icate III can vary between campuses. Please contact the Institute for more information. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications skills and maths skills OR successful completion of Certif icate II in Information Digital Media and Technology OR equivalent. More information about entrance requirements is available from: DURATION LOCATION One semester (also available part-time) Rockingham ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS More information about entrance requirements is available from: To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications skills and maths skills OR successful completion of Certif icate II in Information Digital Media and Technology OR equivalent. LOCATIONS Peel, Rockingham, e-Tech Campus (South Terrace) More information about entrance requirements is available from: www. PATHWAYS Peel, Rockingham, e-Tech Campus (South Terrace) CHALLENGER INSTITUTE OTHER COLLEGES NOTE: A number of units from these qualif ications are offered on a part-time or f lexible delivery basis. Please contact our Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 for details. QUALIFICATIONS UNDER REVIEW LOCATION in formation t ech nology – GEN ERAL Part-time and Flexible delivery NOTE: New training programs are being developed and this may result in new course numbers, names and information. Up to one year’s advanced standing if Diploma completed. UNIVERSITY D555 Certif icate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology D556 Certif icate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology D557 Certif icate IV in Information Technology Diploma/Advanced Diploma of Information Technology Bachelor Degree • Off ice assistant • Records assistant • Junior office assistant • • • • • • Network operations technician • Computer technician • Systems support off icer • Systems administrator • Customer service support • Technical support • PC support • Information systems administrator • Help desk operator • Systems manager • IT systems administrator • IT off ice manager • IT manager • Helpdesk manager Help desk assistant Help desk operator ICT operations support PC support Technical support 37 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark for communications skills. DURATION One semester (also available part-time) COURSE GUIDE 2016 After successful completion of this course, graduates will have the foundation skills and knowledge to use ICT in any industry. ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication provides students with the skills and knowledge in a wide range of ICT areas with particular focus on network administration skills. Students learn how to administer network peripherals and identify and resolve network problems. Business and Information Technology COURSE GUIDE 2016 Information Technology 38 ICA40111 ICA40411 ICA50411 Certificate IV in Information Technology Certificate IV in Information Technology Networking Diploma of Information Technology Networking (COURSE CODE: D557) (COURSE CODE: D560) (COURSE CODE: D570) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This course provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in a wide range of general information and communications technology (ICT) technologies and to support small to medium enterprises (SMEs) that require broader rather than more specialised ICT support. This course will further develop a student’s practical skills and knowledge in the installation and management of simple networks. Students will learn skills in installation, conf iguration, monitoring and administration of a network, automating network processes and network security. Students will also learn about effective communication, documentation and general business skills. This qualif ication provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to manage, as an independent ICT specialist or as part of a team, the installation of a range of networks, including internetworking, security and e-business integration. Persons working at this level apply a wide range of knowledge and skills in basic system support, hardware support, network support, web design technology and multimedia. Successful completion of this course will provide the graduate with the opportunity to gain employment in various IT support roles. Successful completion of this course will provide the graduate with the opportunity to gain employment as a network administrator, network manager, network operations engineer, network operations technician or network technician. A further study option is the D570 Diploma of Information Technology Networking ICA50411. DURATION DURATION One semester (also available part-time) One semester (also available part-time) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications skills and maths skills or completion of Certif icate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology or equivalent. To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications skills and maths skills OR successful completion of Certif icate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology or equivalent. More information about entrance requirements is available from: More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Rockingham, e-Tech campus (South Terrace) LOCATION PATHWAYS Peel in format ion technology– NE TWORKING CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E D555 Certif icate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology D556 Certif icate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology, OR • • • • • Help desk assistant Help desk operator ICT operations support PC support Technical support DURATION • One semester (also available part-time) e-Tech. • Two semesters (also available part-time) Rockingham. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well developed skills (•••) benchmark in communications skills and the developed skills (••) benchmark in maths. In addition successful completion of Certif icate IV in Information Technology Networking is highly recommended. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Rockingham, e-Tech campus (South Terrace) QUALIFICATIONS UNDER REVIEW Up to one year’s advanced standing if Diploma completed. NOTE: New training programs are being developed and this may result in new course numbers, names and information. U N I V E R S I TY D560 Certif icate IV in Information Technology Networking D570 Diploma of Information Technology Networking • Network support • Network operations support • Network operations technician • Network support technician • Network administrator • Network analyst • IT administrator • Network designer • IT operations administrator • Network manager • Network support coordinator • Network operations analyst • Network security coordinator • Network e-Business coordinator Bachelor of Applied Information Systems CT84 Certif icate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology (Network Administration) • Off ice assistant • Records assistant • Junior off ice assistant Successful completion of this qualif ication provides the graduate with the opportunity to gain employment as a network administrator, IT administrator, IT operations administrator, network services administrator, network support coordinator, network operations analyst, network security coordinator or as a network e-business coordinator. Business and Information Technology Programming / Software development ICA50711 Successful completion of this qualif ication provides you with the opportunity to work as a programmer. Possible job roles include analyst/programmer, applications programmer/developer/programmer. Diploma of Software Development Two semesters (Also available part time). ABOUT THIS COURSE ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS This qualif ication provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in programming and software development. A person with this qualif ication would create new software products to meet an initial project brief or customise existing software products to meet customer needs. To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications skills and maths skills or completion of Certif icate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology or equivalent. Successful completion of this qualif ication provides the graduate with the opportunity to gain employment as an analyst programmer support, assistant programming developer, assistant software applications programmer, assistant software developer, database support programmer or a web support programmer. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Rockingham ICA40511 Certificate IV in Programming (COURSE CODE: D561) ABOUT THIS COURSE Part-time and Flexible delivery NOTE: A number of units from these qualif ications are offered on a part-time or f lexible delivery basis. Please contact our Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 for details. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Rockingham PATHWAYS information technology – PROGRAMMING software development QUALIFICATIONS UNDER REVIEW NOTE: New training programs are being developed and this may result in new course numbers, names and information. Up to one year’s advanced standing if Diploma completed. U N I V E R S I TY CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E D555 Certif icate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology D556 Certif icate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology D561 Certif icate IV Programming • Off ice assistant • Records assistant • Junior off ice assistant • • • • • • Analyst programmer support • Assistant programming developer • Assistant software applications programmer • Assistant database support programmer • Assistant web support programmer Help desk assistant Help desk operator ICT operations support PC support Technical support ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well developed skills (•••) benchmark in both communication and math skills. In addition candidates should have completed the Certif icate IV in Programming or equivalent. D573 Diploma of Software Development Bachelor of Technology (Computing) Bachelor of Information Systems • Analyst programmer • Programming developer • Software applications programmer • Software developer • Database support programmer • Web support programmer • • • • • • Multimedia developer Software services Information systems IT support manager IT security manager Systems designer 39 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E This qualif ication will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to develop basic programming skills in the most commonly used programming languages. You will learn programming using at least two different programming languages including object oriented design. You will also learn graphical user interface development, how to use software libraries, and writing technical documentation. DURATION Two semesters (also available part time). COURSE GUIDE 2016 (COURSE CODE: D573) DURATION Business and Information Technology Information Technology This qualif ication provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in supporting clients in a range of technical areas. Students will gain knowledge and skills in industry specif ic areas such as service desk, database, sustainability and network support. DURATION Part-time and Flexible delivery NOTE: A number of units from these qualif ications are offered on a part-time or f lexible delivery basis. Please contact our Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 for details. One semester (also available part-time) ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS COURSE GUIDE 2016 To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications skills and maths skills OR successful completion of Certif icate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology or equivalent 40 More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION e-Tech Campus (South Terrace) ICA40211 Certificate IV in Information Technology Support (COURSE CODE: D558) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication provides the student with the skills and knowledge to administer commercial database systems and to provide database support to an organisation. Students will learn how to design, create, optimise and backup databases, with supporting skills in managing simple projects and in creating technical documentation. Students will have the choice of studying in the areas of service desk, database, sustainability and network support to suit particular needs. PATHWAYS in format ion technology – SUP POR T CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E Diploma level courses available at another TAFE College. OTHER COLLEGES UNIVERSITY D555 Certif icate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology D556 Certif icate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology D558 Certif icate IV in Information Technology Support Diploma of Information Technology Systems Administration Bachelor Degree Provides clerical workers with: • Off ice assistant • Records assistant • Junior office assistant • Help desk assistant • Help desk operator • ICT operations support • PC support • Technical support • • • • • • Assistant IT manager • Systems administrator • Internet/Intranet administrator • Internet/ Intranet systems administrator • IT support manager Computer technician Customer support Database support Help desk support Network support technician • PC support technician • Technical support or user support technician QUALIFICATIONS UNDER REVIEW NOTE: New training programs are being developed and this may result in new course numbers, names and information. Community Services, Health Sport & Lifestyle Beauty ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS DURATION To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills benchmark (••) in communications skills and basic skills benchmark (•) in maths. Two semesters. This qualif ication is embedded and can be completed in conjunction with S780 SIB40110 Certif icate IV over 12 months. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS More information about entrance requirements is available from: www. This qualif ication is currently embedded alongside the Certif icate IV in Beauty Therapy. Interested persons should contact the Commercial Course Coordinator on 9239 8295 for further information on course delivery, dates and costs. Applicants for this course apply direct to the institute and not through the State Training Admissions process. LOCATIONS Fremantle Campus (Beaconsf ield), Peel SIB50110 Diploma of Beauty Therapy LOCATION (COURSE CODE: S781) Fremantle, Peel ABOUT THIS COURSE Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy (COURSE CODE: S780) ABOUT THIS COURSE You will also learn skills in advanced facial treatments, waxing, body treatments, massage, and develop beauty therapy treatment plans. Students will develop skills in aromatherapy massage, design and apply make-up for photography. As part of this qualif ication students have the opportunity to work in our state-ofthe-art beauty therapy clinic located in Fremantle and at the Fremantle Campus (Beaconsf ield) where you will be able to apply the skills and knowledge you have learned. Graduates will have the option to take up the Diploma of Beauty Therapy in Semester 2 in conjunction with Certif icate IV. DURATION Two semesters 41 This qualif ication is suitable for those who want to work relatively autonomously. It involves the self-directed application of knowledge and skills and involves personal responsibility and autonomy in performing complex technical operations. The work ref lected in this qualif ication may include participating in teams and group or team coordination. PATHWAYS B EA UTY TH ER APY SCH O O L YEAR 11 CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E S780 Certif icate IV in Beauty Therapy S781 Diploma of Beauty Therapy U N I V E R S I TY Bachelor of Health Sciences Aesthetics SIB70110 Graduate Certif icate in Intense Pulse Light and Hair Laser Reduction S777 Certif icate II in Retail Make-up & Skin Care OR school-based traineeship in S777 or S778 Certif icate II in Nail Technology YEAR 12 S777 Certif icate II in Retail Make-up & Skin Care OR school-based traineeship in S777 or S778 Certif icate II in Nail Technology • Beauty practitioner • Beauty therapist (specialising in makeup for photography) • Beauty consultant • Small business owner • Cruise ship • Spa and saunas • Beauty practitioner (specialising in electrology) • Beauty therapist (specialising in makeup for photography) • Beauty consultant • Small business owner • Management/ supervisory positions in the beauty industry • Cruise ship • Spa and saunas • Intense Pulse Light practitioner • Beauty practitioner and plastic surgery clinic • Medi spa practitioners • Cruise ship • Spa and saunas CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E This qualif ication will develop key practical skills and extensive knowledge of beauty sciences to provide a full range of face and body treatments. You will learn about skin biology, skin science, nutrition, anatomy and physiology and cosmetic chemistry. COURSE GUIDE 2016 SIB40110 This qualif ication covers beauty therapy treatments and services which may include facial massage, body massage, hair removal, spa treatments, microdermabrasion and advanced facial treatments such as peels. Graduates become skilled beauty therapists who can work in salons, spas and the wider beauty industry. Community Services, Health Sport & Lifestyle Beauty SHORT COURSES To f ind out more about any of the following short courses, please call 1800 001 001 Eyelash Extension Workshop Learn the art of eyelash extensions, and become part of one of the beauty industries fastest growing trends. Eyelash extensions can enhance and accentuate the eyes adding density, length and volume without the use of mascara. LOCATION Fremantle, Peel COURSE GUIDE 2016 Spray Tanning Workshop 42 This course includes the key practical skills and knowledge to perform a professional spray tan. You will receive a spray tan as part of your training. SIB20210 Certificate II in Nail Technology (COURSE CODE: S778) Traineeship pathway only. CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Learn the key practical skills, retail and industry knowledge to work in the beauty industry performing acrylic nail enhancement, nail art and manicure and pedicure services. LOCATION Fremantle, Peel (Traineeship pathway only). SIB20110 Certificate II in Retail Make-up and Skin Care (COURSE CODE: S777) Traineeship pathway only. Learn the key practical skills and retail and industry knowledge to work in the make-up industry. This course is ideal for those wishing to work as a freelance make-up artist in photographic, bridal and cosmetic retail centres. LOCATION Fremantle, Peel (Traineeship pathway only). LOCATION Fremantle, Peel Waxing, Tinting and Lash Perming This course includes the key practical skills and knowledge to temporarily remove hair, provide eyebrow and eyelash tinting and to perm eyelashes. This will enable students to provide waxing services, eyebrow and eyelash tinting services and eyelash perming. LOCATION Fremantle, Peel Acrylic Nails This course is about learning to apply acrylic or gel nails, and applying nail art. It also covers hygiene practices used in the nail and beauty industry, care for the natural nail and how to complete a full set of nail enhancements to meet clients needs. Makeup Artistry This course is for those who want to work in the makeup industry and who want to learn how to design and apply makeup for bridal, photography and evening makeup. This course also covers how to maintain good hygiene with the tools of the trade and work with clients on various designs. Community Services, Health Sport & Lifestyle Hairdressing SIH30111 Certificate III in Hairdressing (COURSE CODE: D590) NOTE: Before undertaking training in the Certif icate III in Hairdressing you will need to be indentured to an apprenticeship program in a hairdressing establishment. SHORT COURSES To f ind out more about any of the following short courses, please call 1800 001 001 Men’s cutting Advanced men’s cutting DURATION Four semesters, part-time on campus combined with on the job training. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements candidates are required to achieve basic skills (•)benchmark in both communication and math skills. LOCATIONS SIH20111 Certificate II in Hairdressing (COURSE CODE: D589) DURATION 12 months, two semesters. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS • • • • Good communication skills Commitment to safe work practices Able to work effectively in a team Able to follow instructions SIH40111 Certificate IV in Hairdressing (COURSE CODE: D591) This course is available through a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process, and is designed to expand the development of complex technical skills and knowledge of hairdressing practitioners. LOCATIONS Fremantle, Peel PATHWAYS H AIR D R ESSI NG SCH O O L YEAR 11 D589 Certif icate II in Hairdressing CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E 5778 Certif icate II in Nail Technology S779 Certif icate III in Beauty Services D590 Certif icate III in Hairdressing (for indentured apprentices only) S777 Certif icate II in Retail Makeup and Skincare YEAR 12 • D589 Certif icate II in Hairdressing • School based traineeship available in Beauty, Makeup and Nail Technology • Beauty therapist • Hairdresser 43 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E NOTE: This salon assistant traineeship is completed in the salon as “on the job” training. OTHER HAIRDRESSING QUALIFICATIONS AVAILABLE COURSE GUIDE 2016 Fremantle Community Services, Health Sport & Lifestyle COURSE GUIDE 2016 AGED CARE / NURSING COMBO 44 CHC30212 CHC40108 Certificate III in Aged Care Certificate IV in Aged Care (COURSE CODE: J005) (COURSE CODE: D278) Peel Nursing Combo ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication provides training for the position of a direct care worker who provides services to aged persons. The ultimate goal of this relationship is a state of health, wellbeing and independence appropriate to the aged person’s needs and desires. This course includes a signif icant period of time in the workplace where students will be required to demonstrate their competencies for their f inal assessment. On completion of the Certif icate III, graduates may f ind employment in aged care settings or progress towards the Certif icate IV in Aged Care. This qualif ication builds on the skills and knowledge the participant would have gained in Certif icate III in Aged Care. The units of study are more demanding and provide a deeper understanding of the issues concerning aged clients and service provision for this target group. Graduates will be able to enter the workforce as direct service providers in an agency that provides services to aged persons. Note: Graduates aged 18 years and over are generally preferred for employment in this industry, and most employers will not employ minors. Therefore students under the age of 18 might not be able to meet the workplace assessment requirements of this qualif ication DURATION One semester, full-time. The Nursing Combo is an exciting initiative offered by Challenger Institute and Murdoch University for those seeking a career as a registered nurse. This Career Combo will provide a pathway and prepare graduates for the Bachelor of Nursing degree at Murdoch University. The Nursing Combo is a one year full-time program of study in which students will complete Certif icate IV in Aged Care as well as additional university units. The course is specif ically designed for mature age students who are seeking career pathways into: Note: Graduates aged 18 years and over are generally preferred for employment in this industry, and most employers will not employ minors. Therefore students under the age of 18 might not be able to meet the workplace assessment requirements of this qualif ication. • Aged care work • Nursing studies • A nursing career DURATION Two semesters (February intake only). Applications to this course are made direct to Peel campus. DURATION One semester full-time or two semesters part-time ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E For further information on this course and application processes, please contact a contact centre off icer on 1800 001 001. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills and the basic skills (•) benchmark in math. More information about entrance requirements is available from Successful completion of Certif icate III in Aged Care or equivalent. A national police certif icate is required prior to work placement and employment in most community services agencies. A national police certif icate is required prior to work placement and employment in most community services agencies. LOCATION LOCATION Peel Rockingham Mature aged students are encouraged to apply. A national police certif icate is required prior to work placement and employment in most community services agencies. NOTE: This qualif ication is offered part-time via f lexible delivery for existing workers in the related community services sector. PATHWAYS LOCATIONS Peel, Rockingham This qualif ication can also be done fulltime as a Combo Course where students complete additional university units. COUrse UNDER REVIEW Course coding may change due to training package updates prior to delivery. AGED CARE SCH O O L YEAR 11 CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E J005 Certif icate III in Aged Care D278 Certif icate IV in Aged Care J044 Diploma of Community Serices Coordination Bachelor of Science • Aged care worker • Personal carer • Personal care assistant • Aged care worker • Aged care coordinator • Program coordinator • Service manager • Team leader Profession will be dependent on university units studied • Sociologist • Psychologist J002 Certif icate II in Community Services YEAR 12 J588 Certif icate III in Education Support U N I V E R S I TY Bachelor of Arts in Community Development Bachelor of Nursing (Murdoch University) • Registered nurse Community Services, Health Sport & Lifestyle DISABILITY culturally diverse clients, administration, information management, networking and advocacy essential for disability work. You will spend a signif icant amount of time on work placement where you will be required to demonstrate your competencies for your f inal assessment. CHC40312 Successful completion of this qualif ication provides you with the opportunity to gain entry level positions as a community/ disability support worker in community or residential settings, disability employment support worker, accommodation worker or become a care/home care assistant, or to continue your studies with the Certif icate IV in Disability. This qualif ication will further develop your practical skills and knowledge to develop services and programs to meet the emotional, physical and social needs of people with disabilities. You will learn skills in advanced communication, empowerment techniques and how to design processes to support daily living activities. You will also learn how to design and deliver programs that are accessible and enhance community integration. You will develop an understanding of the legal and ethical requirements for working in disability services. As part of this qualif ication you will undertake a supervised work placement where you will be able to apply the skills and knowledge you have learned. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS CHC30408 To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills. Certificate III in Disability More information about entrance requirements is available from: www. (COURSE CODE: D271) This qualif ication will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to enhance life style, promote independence and empowerment and encourage people with disabilities to participate in community activities. You will develop an understanding of the nature and provision of disability services and the safety procedures and ethical behaviour required in working with people with disabilities. You will also develop skills in effective communication, working with LOCATION Rockingham ABOUT THIS COURSE DURATION One semester – full-time ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Successful completion of Certif icate III in Disability or equivalent. Plus relevant employment in the industry when studying part-time. A national police certif icate federal police clearance is required prior to work placement and employment in most community services agencies. LOCATION Rockingham PATHWAYS NOTE: This qualif ication is only offered via f lexible delivery for existing workers in the related community services sector. disabili t y wor k SCH O O L YEAR 11 CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E D271 Certif icate III Disability J013 Certif icate IV Disability J044 Diploma in Community Services Coordination U N I V E R S I TY Bachelor of Arts in Community Development Bachelor of Social Science J002 Certif icate II Community Services YEAR 12 J588 Certif icate III in Education Support • Disability support worker • Personal care support worker • Lifestyle support offf icer • Senior disability support worker • Local support coordination • Program coordinator • Senior manager • Team leader Profession will be dependent on university units studied • Sociologist • Psychologist 45 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE Mature aged students are encouraged to apply. A national police certif icate is required prior to work placement and employment in most community services agencies. (COURSE CODE: J013) COURSE GUIDE 2016 DURATION One semester full time only Certificate IV in Disability Community Services, Health Sport & Lifestyle Community Services CHC52212 DURATION Diploma of Community Services Coordination One semester full-time (Only available semester one). (COURSE CODE: J044) A Certif icate IV in Aged Care, community services, disability, or mental health or relevant employment in the industry. Electives available: • • • • Aged Care Community Services Disability Mental Health COURSE GUIDE 2016 ABOUT THIS COURSE 46 This qualif ication relates to work across the community sector, but particularly in organisations involved in community care services in a range of aged care, community services, disability or mental health services settings such as residential facilities, group homes, community agencies and government departments. As a signif icant part of this qualif ication, students will undertake supervised work placement, and lectures, tutorials and assessments will be oriented to the workplace. CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Students will learn to provide supervision support to community sector workers, maintain legal and ethical work practices, manage limited budgets and f inancial accountabilities, and maintain an effective community sector work environment. NOTE: Graduates aged 18 years and over are generally preferred for employment in this industry, and most employers will not employ minors. Therefore students under the age of 18 might not be able to meet the workplace assessment requirements of this qualif ication. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Please note that students are required to provide a national police certif icate prior to attending work placement. LOCATION Rockingham NOTE: This qualif ication is offered via f lexible delivery for existing workers in the related community services sector. COUrse UNDER REVIEW Course coding may change due to training package updates prior to delivery. Community Services, Health Sport & Lifestyle CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (COURSE CODE: J587) Delivery of this course includes both institute-based delivery and work placement in a long day care centre. On completion of this qualif ication, graduates are encouraged to proceed towards the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care. Graduates can also seek employment in child care settings assisting diploma qualif ied workers in providing for the intellectual, social, emotional and physical needs of children aged 0 to 5 years. DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: A working with children check and a medical clearance are required prior to work placement. LOCATIONS Peel, Rockingham NOTE: This qualif ication is also offered part-time via f lexible delivery for existing workers in a suitable early childhood service. CHC50113 Certificate IV in School Age Education and Care Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (COURSE CODE: J589) (COURSE CODE: J594) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication gives outside school hours care workers the skills to plan activities and provide care to children, facilitating their leisure and play and enabling them to achieve their developmental outcomes. This qualif ication covers workers who conduct vacation programs as well as before and after school care activities for children of school age. A large component of this course takes place in the workplace, in a long day care centre. Graduates can seek employment as fully qualif ied childcare workers in settings such as long day care, occasional care, out-ofschool-hours care and family day care. Students will learn to work effectively with children in outdoor school hours care, support the development of children, provide experiences to support children’s play and learning, and ensure the health and safety of children. DURATION Two semesters, part-time ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: This role involves providing for the intellectual, social, emotional and physical needs of children aged 0 to 5 years within early childhood education and care settings. Alternatively, graduates may apply for entry into related university degree courses (e.g. Bachelor of Education – Early Childhood). DURATION Three semesters, full-time or two semesters following completion of Certif icate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (J587) Six semesters, part-time. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills. A working with children check and a medical clearance are required prior to work placement. LOCATION LOCATION Rockingham NOTE: This qualif ication is also offered part-time via f lexible delivery for existing workers in a suitable outside school hours care service. Rockingham NOTE: This qualif ication is also offered parttime via f lexible delivery for existing workers in a suitable early childhood service. PATHWAYS ch ildren ’s s ervi c es SCH O O L YEAR 11 J002 Certif icate II Community Services YEAR 12 J888 Certif icate III in Education Support CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E J587 Certif icate III in Early Childhood Education and Care J589 Certif icate IV in School Aged Education and Care U N I V E R S I TY J594 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) • Qualif ied educator in: - Long day care - Family day care - Coordinator long day care • Primary school / early childhood teacher or • Early childhood educator (Child care) (optional) • Early Childhood Educator/Assistant • Early Childhood Educator 47 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE CHC40113 COURSE GUIDE 2016 Children’s Services and Education Community Services, Health Sport & Lifestyle Children’s Services and Education CHC30213 CHC40213 More information about entrance requirements is available from: Certificate III in Education Support Certificate IV in Education Support (COURSE CODE: J588) (COURSE CODE: J590) ABOUT THIS COURSE COURSE GUIDE 2016 This course provides students with the skills to work effectively in an education environment and facilitate the implementation of planned education programs. 48 note: students are required to provide a department of education criminal check and working with children check prior to attending work placement. Delivery of this course includes work placement in a school environment. On completion of the course, graduates may seek employment in schools, assisting teachers in working with children from 3 to 15 years old (K-10). It should be noted that employment is highly competitive, and it is recommended that graduates progress to further training. DURATION One semester, full-time. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark communication skills. CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E More information about entrance requirements is available from: ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication covers workers in a range of education and school settings who provide assistance and support to teachers to facilitate students’ learning under broad based supervision. Some job roles may require tasks to be performed with a moderate level of autonomy and/or the provision of supervision/leadership to other staff/volunteers. Students will learn to support the behaviour of children and young people, identify and respond to children and young people at risk, work with diversity in the education environment, and assist in the facilitation of student learning. NOTE: Graduates aged 18 years and over are generally preferred for employment in this industry, and most employers will not employ minors. Therefore students under the age of 18 might not be able to meet the workplace assessment requirements of this qualif ication. DURATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A department of education criminal check and working with children check is required prior to work placement and employment in schools. LOCATIONS Fremantle, Peel, Rockingham NOTE: J588 is also offered as an indigenous focus course. See page 55 for more details. One semester full-time ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark communication skills. NOTE: Certif icate III in Education Support is a preferred entry pathway for this qualif ication. PATHWAYS ED UCAT IO N SU PPOR T SCH O O L YEAR 11 CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E U N I V E R S I TY J588 Certif icate III in Education Support J590 Certif icate IV Education Support J594 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care Bachelor of Education (primary) or Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) • Education assistant • Education assistant • Centre coordinator • Inclusion support facilitator • Qualif ied educator • Primary school/early childhood teacher J002 Certif icate II Community Services YEAR 12 J588 Certif icate III in Education Support LOCATION Fremantle, Rockingham, Peel CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (COURSE CODE: J594) Community Services, Health Sport & Lifestyle CHC30112 CHC40708 CHC50612 Certificate III in Community Services Work Certificate IV in Community Services Work Diploma of Community Services Work (COURSE CODE: J004) (COURSE CODE: D284) (COURSE CODE: J037) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This course aims to provide students with the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to work in a range of community work settings. The course includes a requirement for participation in volunteer work in a community services agency. Job prospects in welfare and community work are much improved for those with higher qualif ications and it is anticipated that the majority of graduates will choose to progress on to further study in the Certif icate IV in Community Services Work and the Diploma of Community Services work. This course can lead to employment opportunities in youth centres, child protection agencies, women and men’s refuges and accommodation services dealing with issues including homelessness, drug and alcohol, domestic violence and mental health. This course will help you develop skills in effective communication, advocacy and community development, ethics and legal requirements. Job prospects in welfare and community work are much improved for those having gained a diploma and it is anticipated that the majority of graduates will choose to progress on to further study in the Diploma of Community Welfare Work. The course includes a signif icant period of time in the workplace where students will be required to demonstrate their competencies for their f inal assessment. DURATION Successful completion of the course also provides a possible avenue into university within areas such as community development, human services, psychology and social work. DURATION One semester, full time ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills. One semester, full time ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS More information about entrance requirements is available from: A national police clearance is required prior to work placement and employment in most community services agencies. NOTE: Completion of Certif icate III in Community Services Work is a preferred entry pathway for this qualif ication. A national police certif icate is required prior to work placement and employment in most community services agencies. LOCATIONS Fremantle, Peel LOCATION Fremantle and Peel PATHWAYS YEAR 11 J002 Certif icate II Community Services CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E J004 Certif icate III in Community Services Work D284 Certif icate IV in Community Services Work J037 Diploma of Community Services Work U N I V E R S I TY Bachelor of Arts in Community Development YEAR 12 • Community services worker • Welfare support worker • Welfare worker • Case worker A national police certif icate is required prior to work placement and employment in most community services agencies. NOTE: This qualif ication is also offered parttime via f lexible delivery for existing workers in the related community services sector. Bachelor of Social Science Community support worker ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to have successfully completed CHC40708 Certif icate IV in Community Services Work D284 or extensive relevant employment experience. LOCATIONS Bachelor of Social Work J588 Certif icate III in Education Support One year, full time. Fremantle, Peel COMMUN ITY SERVI C ES WORK SCH O O L DURATION Profession will be dependent on university units studied. • Welfare worker • Community development off icer • Social worker 49 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills. This workplace experience enables students to apply competencies and build networks. You will develop competencies in community development, client service provision as well as gaining a theoretical groundwork in relevant areas such as sociology. Graduates of the course can seek employment in the community services industry, for example in administration, community development, community welfare and resource management areas. COURSE GUIDE 2016 Community Services Work Community Services, Health Sport & Lifestyle Fitness and Sport SIS40210 Certificate IV in Fitness (COURSE CODE: D438) ABOUT THIS COURSE COURSE GUIDE 2016 This qualif ication is for people in the f itness industry who wish to work as a nationally registered personal trainer. The qualif ication covers the business aspects of being a personal trainer, programming and conditioning for clients with apparent health as well as special needs. Students will gain skills and knowledge in functional anatomy, nutrition, personal training for older adults and children, and working with allied health professionals. 50 SIS30313 Certificate III in Fitness (COURSE CODE: J760) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Entry to this course is competitive and applicants will need to address selection criteria. It is recommended that prospective students discuss their applications with a career development adviser. To make an appointment please telephone 1800 001 001. ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide graduates with the practical skills and knowledge to plan and conduct a f itness program and a group exercise class. Students will learn about the role of f itness instructors, exercise science and gain an overview of work in the industry. Students will learn skills in effective communication, administration and organisation. You will also learn administration and organisation, f itness appraisals and equipment maintenance. As part of this qualif ication students undertake a supervised work placement where they will be able to apply the skills and knowledge they have learned. DURATION One semester. Please note this qualif ication is delivered in f irst semester (February) each year. There is no new intake mid-year. As a nationally registered f itness trainer you will be able to work as a personal trainer either in your own small business or as part of a team at a f itness centre or health club. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Fremantle This short course is offered to qualif ied f itness professionals currently working in the f itness industry who want to expand their skills and knowledge and provide sports massage to their clients, or to current students who want to increase their skills base and graduate with a broader range of skills to use in the f itness Industry. This course covers how to provide sports massage, working with athletes and personal training clients, f irst aid and sports massage techniques that are used in industry. Students will be invited to participate in sports events and work with athletes and competitors. DURATION One semester. Please note this qualif ication is delivered in second semester (July) only. There is no intake in February. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to have successfully completed J760 Certif icate III in Fitness. LOCATION Fremantle Note: These qualif ications are also delivered together over one semester, providing students with the opportunity to become a gym instructor and personal trainer sooner and work in the f itness industry PATHWAYS FIT N ESS CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E J760 Certif icate III in Fitness D438 Certif icate IV in Fitness • Gym instructor • Personal trainer • Older adults trainer • Children’s trainer ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills. Short Course Sports Massage U N I V E R S I TY • Bachelor of Education (Physical Education • Bachelor of Science (Exercise and Sports Science) • Bachelor of Sport Management • Bachelor of Sport and Recreation Management • Bachelor of Health and Physical Education Community Services, Health Sport & Lifestyle Massage HLT50307 ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS: Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Practice Diploma of Remedial Massage (COURSE CODE: J072) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication provides you with practical skills and knowledge to perform remedial treatments for well being, musculoskeletal dysfunction and health remediation purposes. You will learn skills to assess a client’s needs and plan and conduct a remedial massage based on knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Education is provided in a wide range of soft tissue massage techniques including: deep tissue, trigger point, myofascial, manual lymph drainage, sports, advanced chair massage and other specialisation techniques. To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well developed (•••) communication skills benchmark and the basic skills (•) benchmark in Math. In addition, candidates are required to complete J072 Certif icate IV in Massage Therapy Practice or equivalent. This qualif ication will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to work within a massage framework for the provision of a professionally skilled relaxation/therapeutic massage. You will learn a range of skills that will enable you to be prof icient in relaxation and therapeutic massage, corporate chair massage and pre and post sports event massage and basic stretching. A basic level of musculoskeletal anatomy, physiology and pathology will be covered as well as basic assessment skills for identifying a range of common health conditions and postural imbalances. Students will work under professional supervision to provide massage treatments to the general public in the live works environment at Challenger, and within the community at sporting and general interest events. This qualif ication provides skills in therapeutic relaxation massage and may be used by people working: • • • • within a clinic or in their own clinic in a health service in a spa facility in a palliative care facility or hospital DURATION One Semester Entrance Requirements To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well-developed (…) Communication skills benchmark and the basic (.) maths skills benchmark. This qualif ication is also available via Recognition of Prior learning (RPL) please call 1800 001 001 for more information. LOCATION Fremantle During this qualif ication, students will have the opportunity to conduct and complete a large number of massages of varying types, work on a variety of clients in the community and work in and with the massage industry. Students will also take part in remedial massage live work, located in the West End of Fremantle to apply their knowledge and skills into practice. This qualif ication provides the opportunity to work as a remedial massage therapist, and work within the industry as either a sole practitioner or as part of a health clinic. Opportunities for pathways to university level health education exist for students graduating with the Diploma of Remedial Massage. On successful completion of this qualif ication graduates are eligible for membership to massage industry associations and health fund insurance provider status including Medibank Private. More information about entrance requirements is available from: OTHER REQUIREMENTS First Aid Certif icate is useful but not a prerequisite. Students are encouraged to own their own massage table. LOCATION Fremantle Part-time Massage Courses Short courses in Aromatherapy, Positional Release, Seated Chair Massage Stone Therapy Massage and Ref lexology are offered to qualif ied practitioners. Prerequisites apply. Please contact 9239 8295 for further information and to register your interest. Short Course Sports Massage This short course is offered to qualif ied f itness professionals currently working in the f itness industry who want to expand their skills and knowledge and provide sports massage to their clients, or to current students who want to increase their skills base and graduate with a broader range of skills to use in the f itness Industry. This course covers how to provide sports massage, working with athletes and personal training clients, f irst aid and sports massage techniques that are used in industry. Students will be invited to participate in sports events and work with athletes and competitors. PATHWAYS DURATION Full-time: two semesters (one year) RE M EDI A L M ASSAG E CH A L L E N G E R U N I V E R S I TY J072 Certif icate IV in Massage Therapy D087 Diploma of Remedial Massage Bachelor of Health Science • Entry/Basic level therapist in the areas of general health services, spa facilities, aged and palliative care • Massage therapist in the areas of sports, wellness, disabilities and health care • Registered nurse • Health off icer 51 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Successful completion of this qualif ication will provide a direct entry into the Diploma of Remedial Massage qualif ication. (COURSE CODE: D087) COURSE GUIDE 2016 HLT40312 Community Services, Health Sport & Lifestyle Health and Nursing ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills. COURSE GUIDE 2016 Successful applicants will be required to obtain and provide the following: 52 HLT32512 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance (COURSE CODE: J065) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE This course will provide graduates with the practical skills and knowledge to assist health staff in the provision of services to clients/patients within a health care setting. Students will learn about team work and effective communication, infection control processes and procedures and basic medical terminology. This qualif ication covers workers in a range of work roles who provide assistance to health professional staff with the care of clients. Health Services Assistance involves the worker in direct client contact under supervision. The elective units selected at Challenger Institute are job oriented for general work functions. DURATION One semester • Medical certif icate conf irming f itness to complete the qualif ication and able to work in the industry. • Senior First Aid Certif icate (Provide First Aid + Apply First Aid or equivalent) which will remain current for the duration of the course. • Evidence of tuberculosis clearance. • Evidence of vaccination for Hepatitis B (or commencement of same). • MRSA clearance if candidate has worked or been an in-patient of a health care facility outside Western Australia in the previous 12 months. • A current Health Department of Western Australia Criminal Record Screening Clearance. • Working with Children Check. • A National Police Certif icate. • Evidence of immunisation requirements for working in a Department of Health hospital. Note: Entry into this course at Murdoch campus is by local application. For more information about entry into this course phone 1800 001 001. LOCATIONS Murdoch, Rockingham NOTE: On completing J065 the Certif icate III in Health Services Assistance, we offer three additional pathways that have been structured for specif ic work functions such as Assistant in nursing, Operating theatre support and Allied Health. These three pathways will require further units of competence to study see below: The three pathways that Challenger offer are: 1.Assistant in Nursing (AIN) – The Assistant in nursing units will provide you with the advanced skills and knowledge in the area of acute care, such as assist nursing team and provide support in an acute care environment. You will learn skills and the underpinning knowledge to assess clients and manage client care along with First Aid skills all within a contemporary health simulated environment (three units of competence to study from CT90 Acute Care). 2.Operating theatre support – The units for this role will provide you with the advanced skills and knowledge in the area of operating theatre support, such as provide equipment support in an acute care environment. You will learn skills and the underpinning knowledge to maintain a sterile f ield, manage client care and provide theatre support services (four units of competence to study from HLT42012 Certif icate IV in Operating Theatre Technical Support). 3. Allied Health – The units for this role will provide you with the advanced skills and knowledge in the area of Allied Health assistant, such as physiotherapy assistant, speech pathology assistant, occupational therapy assistant or Allied health assistant. You will learn skills and the underpinning knowledge to assist with an allied health program, organise workplace information and work effectively with older people (three units of competence to study from HLT32412 Certif icate III in Allied Health Assistance). Community Services, Health Sport & Lifestyle Health and Nursing 52722WA ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Certificate IV in Health Science Foundations Please contact a Career Development Advisor on 1800 001 001 to discuss entry requirement options. (COURSE CODE: 3744) NOTE: This course is under review. The course coding may change due to accredited course updates prior to delivery. To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well developed skills (•••) benchmarks in communication skills and developed skills (••) benchmark in maths. NOTE: Applicants who meet the entrance requirements will be required to undertake a mandatory pre-entry assessment covering numeracy, comprehension skills and literacy prior to an offer being made. HLT51612 ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide preparation for entry into a Diploma of Nursing and will provide the academic knowledge for entry into a Bachelor of Science (Nursing) at university. It is for those who seek to study at tertiary level but who have not satisf ied the necessary secondary education requirements. Students will improve their maths and communication skills and learn about physics, chemistry, microbiology and human biology. The qualif ication will enhance the educational prospects for those wishing to undertake further study to train as an enrolled nurse or a registered nurse. DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS More information about entrance requirements is available from: More information about entrance requirements is available from: (COURSE CODE: J108) Successful applicants will be required to obtain and provide the following: NOTE: entry to the Diploma of Nursing is very competitive. It is recommended that you discuss your application with a Career Development Advisor. Please telephone 1800 001 001/9239 8066 to make an appointment. • Medical certif icate conf irming f itness to complete the qualif ication and able to work in the industry. • Senior First Aid Certif icate (or equivalent) which will remain current for the duration of the course. • Evidence of tuberculosis clearance. • Evidence of vaccination for Hepatitis B (or commencement of same). • MRSA clearance if candidate has worked or been an in-patient of a health care facility outside Western Australia in the previous 12 months. • A current Health Department of Western Australia Criminal Record Screening Clearance. • Working with Children Check. • A National Police Certif icate. ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication covers the application of nursing skills and knowledge required to be eligible for enrolment with the nursing and midwifery regulatory authorities. During this qualif ication the student will take part in a number of supervised clinical practices in different health settings, providing a range of experiences required for professional nursing practice. Students will study anatomy and physiology, infection control, and legal and ethical parameters of nursing practice. On completion of the Diploma of Nursing, graduates can gain employment in the health industry. LOCATION Murdoch PATHWAYS LOCATION Murdoch DURATION Three semesters (18 months) N U R SIN G SCH O O L YEAR 11 CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E J065 Certif icate III in Health Services Assistance J065 Certif icate III in Health Services Assistance U N I V E R S I TY 3744 Certif icate IV in Health Science Foundations OR D278 Certif icate IV in Aged Care J108 Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2) • Bachelor of Science – Occupational Therapy • Bachelor of Science – Speech Pathology • Bachelor of Science – Paramedical Science • Bachelor of Health Science • Bachelor of Nursing • Personal carer • Aged care worker • Enrolled nurse • • • • YEAR 12 J065 Certif icate III in Health Services Assistance • Patient care assistant • Assistant in nursing Registered nurse Speech pathologist Paramedic Occupational Health Off icer • Nutritionist 53 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well developed skills (•••) benchmarks in communications skills and the developed skills benchmark (••) in maths. Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled / Division 2 Nursing) COURSE GUIDE 2016 NOTE: Enrolment in February and July, subject to availability. Community Services, Health Sport & Lifestyle Health and Nursing HLT31112 HLT43812 Certificate III in Sterilisation Services Certificate IV in Sterilisation Services (COURSE CODE: J055) (COURSE CODE: J098) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication covers workers who provide a range of varied activities in a sterilising service or department. This qualif ication is suited to Australian Apprenticeship pathways. This qualif ication covers workers who operate in a senior specialist role in a sterilising service or department. This worker is responsible for a range of functions, including the application of standards and quality requirements, stock maintenance and management and the eff icacy of equipment and supplies. Prerequisites apply. DURATION One semester. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS COURSE GUIDE 2016 To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmarks in communications skills. 54 Entry to this course is through the State Training Admissions application process. HLT61107 Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled / Division 2 Nursing) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E (COURSE CODE: D111) NOTE: To gain entry into this qualif ication, candidates must be eligible for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia as an Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse. This qualif ication covers Enrolled/Division 2 nursing work in areas of specialisation and is delivered through a combination of online and workplace delivery. Have to be working in theatres. Specialisation offered CT80 Advanced Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 Nursing) Anaesthetics. DURATION One semester LOCATION Murdoch More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Online with workplace delivery Murdoch DURATION One semester. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Successful completion of Certif icate III in Sterilisation Services. Entry to this course is by local application to Challenger Institute. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Online with workplace delivery Murdoch Skills For Training and Employment Aboriginal Workforce Development The Certif icate IV program is delivered via f lexible delivery one day per week, over a 40 week period. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Applications for this course must be made directly to the Aboriginal Workforce Development Off icer. Come in and speak with our Aboriginal Workforce Development Off icer or call 9599 8622. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION – ABSTUDY APPROVED A working with children clearance is required prior to work placement and employment in schools. CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support NOTE: Certif icate IV in Education Support may meet minimum entry requirements for application into Bachelor of Education. Come talk with an Aboriginal Workforce Development Off icer regarding options and direction. LOCATION See page 48 Will be delivered primarily from Rockingham Campus but may also be delivered from various other locations. Contact 9599 8622 for more information. CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support (COURSE CODE: J590) ABOUT THIS COURSE The Certif icate III and IV courses are designed for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people already working/ volunteering as Education Support (Teacher Assistant) or Aboriginal Islander Education Off icers (AIEO). These courses will develop and increase your current skills and further explore indigenous cultural heritage while you study towards formal qualif ications in the career path in Education Support. Units are arranged into f ive study clusters covering the following areas: • • • • • Aboriginal focus in schools Health and safety Classroom support Practical workplace skills Development and behaviour 52526WA Certificate I in Wider Opportunities for Work (WOW) • • • • • • Art and design Hospitality Construction Indigenous education support Horticulture Tourism It is recognised as equivalent to Year 10 (high school) for further State Training entry purposes. Contact the relevant campus for more details on the content and focus of the WOW course. DURATION One semester, or can be tailored/negotiated to meet group needs ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS There are no entrance requirements for this course, however if the course is tailored to meet the needs of a specif ic target group then preference is given to people who fall within the target group. Contact 9599 8622 for more information. LOCATIONS Fremantle, Rockingham, Peel, various off campus locations. NOTE: Course will only run subject to numbers. (COURSE CODE: 7175) ABOUT THIS COURSE This course is a bridging program suitable for indigenous students wanting to explore further training options while refreshing their general education skills. Students have the opportunity to build self-conf idence and learn new skills, while working towards gaining the academic requirements necessary for entering vocational courses. The Wider Opportunities for Work course has a general education focus as well as incorporating various vocational units. Subjects include communication for work, technology for work, career development, workplace practice or community based projects. COURSE 7175 UNDER REVIEW Course coding may change due to training package updates prior to delivery. 55 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E (COURSE CODE: J588) Additionally, one or more vocational streams may be included in the course. Courses may be tailored to meet the needs of specif ic groups. In some cases, students will enrol in a full Certif icate I level training package qualif ication, while at the same time receiving general education support. Examples of Certif icate I qualif ications include: COURSE GUIDE 2016 DURATION Certif icate III: This program is delivered via f lexible delivery one day per week, over a 20 week period which can be followed by the Certif icate IV. Skills For Training and Employment Aboriginal Workforce Development DURATION 52561WA One semester (or can be tailored to group needs). Certificate III in Leadership Development ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS There are no formal entry requirements to gain entry into the Certif icate I in Leadership Development. However an interview may be needed to determine the suitability of this course for the participant. LOCATIONS Fremantle, Rockingham, Peel, various off-campus locations. 52562WA COURSE GUIDE 2016 Certificate II in Leadership Development 56 (COURSE CODE: 7182) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E The following courses are available at various Challenger Institute campuses. Arrangements can be made for off-site delivery, structured to suit clients’ needs. For more information, or to apply for these courses please contact: Leadership and Aboriginal Workforce Development on 9599 8661 52560WA Certificate I in Leadership Development (COURSE CODE: 7181) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication provides a good steppingstone for further studies, going into work and becoming actively involved in the community. It also provides participants with employability skills which are applicable to a range of industries and career groups. It allows participants to explore the processes of understanding themselves, f itting into a team, recognising the various roles individuals can undertake within the community, as well as assisting participants to build networks and conf idence in their own capacity to achieve meaningful outcomes. A major component of the leadership course is active participation in a team or community based project. Participants are required to work in a team to undertake a practical project which benef its not only the team or community, but also contributes to their own skill development and achievement. ABOUT THIS COURSE The course qualif ication is designed to further develop and enhance a person’s leadership skills. It allows participants to develop self, work collaboratively with other team members, plan and participate in team meetings, communicate effectively and identify the rights and responsibilities of others. A major component of the leadership course is active participation in a team or community based project. Participants are required to work in a team to undertake a practical project which benef its not only the team or community, but also contributes to their own skill development and achievement. DURATION One semester (or can be tailored to group needs). ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS There are no formal entry requirements to gain entry into the Certif icate II in Leadership Development. However an interview may be needed to determine the suitability of this course for the participant. LOCATIONS Fremantle, Rockingham, Peel, various off-campus locations. (COURSE CODE: 7183) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication allows participants to manage their own personal development, promote cultural sensitivity when working with others, identify the principles of mentoring, lead teams and individuals, organise and run formal meetings and produce relevant business documents to support team objectives and personal leadership roles. A major component of the Leadership Course is active participation in a community or work based project. Participants are required to work in a team, to effectively initiate, plan, implement and evaluate a practical project which benef its not only the community/workplace, but also contributes to their own skills development and achievement. DURATION Two semesters ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS There are no formal entry requirements to gain entry into the Certif icate III in Leadership Development. However it is recommended that learners have good literacy skills and knowledge of the basic functions of word processing and/or desktop publishing software applications to assist with the design and development of business documents. An interview will be needed to determine the suitability of this course for the participant. LOCATIONS Fremantle, Rockingham, Peel, various off campus locations. COURSES 7181 – 7184 (LEADERSHIP) AND J345 (FRONT LINE MANAGEMENT) UNDER REVIEW Course coding may change due to training package updates prior to delivery. Skills For Training and Employment COURSE GUIDE 2016 Aboriginal Workforce Development 57 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E PATHWAYS A boriginal Wor k for c e D evelopmen t SCH O O L YEAR 11 7182 Certif icate II in Leadership Development CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E 7183 Certif icate III in Leadership Development J344 Certif icate IV in Business U N I V E R S I TY D173 Diploma of Management D184 Advanced Diploma of Management Bachelor of Arts (various) Supervisor Roles may include: • various management level positions or human resources Team manager Roles may include: • various management level positions • Managing people organisational change and regulatory issues Senior manager J345 Certif icate IV in Frontline Management YEAR 12 7182 Certif icate II in Leadership Development TEAM LEADER Roles may include: • supervisor • coordinator • managing people and controlling resources Skills For Training and Employment COURSE GUIDE 2016 Aboriginal Workforce Development 58 52559WA BSB40812 CHC40912 Certificate IV in Leadership Development Certificate IV in Frontline Management Certificate IV in Social Housing (COURSE CODE: 7184) (COURSE CODE: J345) (COURSE CODE: J016) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication provides training for existing leaders who want to validate and/or enhance their leadership skills. It allows participants to explore and manage their own professional development, analyse the fundamentals of leadership, lead and develop individuals and teams, mentor others and write complex business documents. One of the major components of this course involves management of a community or work based project. Participants are required to effectively identify, plan, administer, monitor, f inalise and review a practical project which benef its not only the community/ workplace, but also contributes to their own skill development and achievement. Designed for those already working as, or aspiring to become, supervisors or managers and requiring a formal qualif ication. This qualif ication provides the skills and knowledge required to undertake the role of a frontline manager in a wide range of organisational and industry contexts. At this level frontline managers provide leadership and guidance to others and take responsibility for the effective functioning and performance of the team and its work outcomes. You will learn management strategies including how to implement an operational plan, show leadership in the workplace and promote team effectiveness. This qualif ication is aimed at workers who are engaged in delivering social housing services and support to tenants and residents, applicants and the community, including clients who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness. The qualif ication is also appropriate for policy workers in the nongovernment sector. It covers such areas as responsibility for tenancy management and communication techniques to build and maintain strong relationships with colleagues and clients based on respect and trust. DURATION Two semesters ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E To gain entry into this course, participants will be required to have the following: • Currently employed in an organisation. • Well developed communication skills (written and verbal). • Knowledge of how to operate Word processing software. • Familiarity with using the internet and email. • Regular access to a computer and the internet. • Highly self-motivated. LOCATIONS Online Delivery/Flexible Delivery COURSE 7184 (Leadership) and J345 (Frontline management) UNDER REVIEW Course coding may change due to training package updates prior to delivery. This course is available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for block release program with Abstudy assistance. Flights and accomodation are provided. DURATION Two semesters. However, f lexible delivery allows course to be tailored to client’s needs. FURTHER STUDY • D173 Diploma of Management ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To gain entry into this course, participants will be required to have the following: • Currently employed in an organisation. • Developed communication skills (written and verbal). • Knowledge of how to operate word processing software. • Familiarity with using the internet and email. • Regular access to a computer and the internet. • Highly self-motivated. LOCATIONS Online Delivery/Flexible Delivery Note: This course is available as a block release program with Abstudy assistance Flights and accommodation are provided. DURATION Two semesters. However, f lexible delivery allows course to be tailored to client’s needs. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To gain entry into this course, participants must be working in the community housing, public housing, or SAAP sector, or, hold a position in a social housing related service. They will also be required to have the following: • Currently employed in an organisation. • Developed communication skills (written and verbal). • Knowledge of how to operate Word processing software. • Familiarity with using the internet and email. • Regular access to a computer and the internet. • Highly self-motivated. LOCATIONS Online Delivery/Flexible Delivery Skills For Training and Employment Welcome/Return to Work Emphasis is on building self esteem and gaining conf idence through a supportive and encouraging learning environment. Students are encouraged to work through the subject areas at their own pace. NOTE: Application for all access programs are made directly to the campus listed. For further information, please call a course information off icer on 1800 001 001. 22236VIC (COURSE CODE: 7187) 22237VIC Certificate II in General Education for Adults (COURSE CODE: 7188) 22238VIC Certificate III in General Education for Adults (COURSE CODE: 7189) ABOUT THESE COURSES These courses serve as general bridging programs for those who wish to gain the academic requirements necessary to enter vocational areas of study, the Police or Defence Force, or to complement study in other vocational areas. The courses also benef it those who wish to enhance skills for personal, employment or community purposes. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS There are no entrance requirements for this course, however if the course is tailored to meet the needs of a specif ic target group then preference will be given to people who fall within the target group. Contact your nearest campus for enrolment information. LOCATIONS Certificate I in EAL (Access) (COURSE CODE: 1670) 22251VIC Certificate II in EAL (Access) (COURSE CODE: 1671) 22253VIC Certificate III in EAL (Access) (COURSE CODE: 1673) ABOUT THESE COURSES These EAL (English as an Additional Language) courses aim to develop skills in English listening, speaking, writing and reading for participants from language backgrounds other than English. The three levels in the access stream provide a clear pathway for a wide range of learners who want to develop general English language and literacy skills and knowledge for participating effectively in the Australian community. LOCATIONS Fremantle, Peel, Rockingham Fremantle, Peel, Rockingham NOTE: 7188 Certif icate II in General Education for Adults is also available via online learning. This online course focuses on reading and writing, mathematics, pathways to learning, project work and computer skills. You will need: Access to a reliable computer; Internet access for email; research and log on to the online learning system. For further information contact 1800 001 001. PATHWAYS General Education for Adults (CGEA)) CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E 7187 Certif icate I in General Education for Adults 7188 Certif icate II in General Education for Adults Further study: Certif icate II level Further study: Certif icate II or III level or university bridging course. 7189 Certif icate III in General Education for Adults Further study: Certif icate III, IV or diploma level or university bridging course. These higher level qualif ications may have pre-requisites. 59 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Certificate I in General Education for Adults Students who complete the Certif icate II in General Education for Adults qualify for the well-developed skills (•••) benchmark in maths skills and communication skills, for vocational course entry purposes. 22250VIC COURSE GUIDE 2016 The program is offered through three certif icate levels, with each certif icate usually requiring one semester of full-time study to complete. Each course aims to provide a general education. That is, initial skill development in reading, writing and numeracy, and skill development in a variety of areas to meet personal needs and to facilitate participation in the community, workplace and further education and training. In some cases, courses are delivered specif ically for young people. Skills For Training and Employment Welcome/Return to Work 52528WA 52529WA Course in Gaining Access to Training and Employment (GATE) (Introductory) Certificate I in Gaining Access to Training and Employment (GATE) (COURSE CODE: 7177) ABOUT THESE COURSES NOTE: Course numbers will change in 2016 The courses in Gaining Access to Training and Employment (GATE) and GATE (Introductory) are bridging/preparatory courses enabling learners to extend their general education, prior to entering a range of vocational training programs, employment or community participation. COURSEs 7176 (NOW) and 7177 (Gate) (Introductory) UNDER REVIEW COURSE GUIDE 2016 Course coding may change due to training package updates prior to delivery. 60 52527WA Certificate I in New Opportunities for Women (NOW) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS ABOUT THIS COURSE There are no entrance requirements for this course. Applications for this course must be made directly to a campus. This course serves as a bridging program for women who have typically had a break from the workforce and are looking to embark on a new career direction. The course is one semester, three days per week with classes during school hours. Subjects include return to study, introduction to computing, effective communication, practical maths, exploring employment and education options, personal management and introduction to career development. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS There are no entrance requirements for this course, however if the course is tailored to meet the needs of a specif ic target group then preference will be given to people who fall within the target group. Contact your nearest campus for enrolment information. LOCATIONS Fremantle, Peel, Rockingham Students enrol in either the Introductory GATE course, or the general GATE course, depending upon their individual skill levels prior to commencing. The way the course is delivered depends on the needs of the student. Specif ic programs may be offered for young people, people with intellectual disabilities, pregnant teenagers and young parents. Subjects may include communication, maths, personal development, technology, program support, community participation, learning through practice and introduction to work opportunities. (COURSE CODE: 7176) The course offers women an opportunity to explore various career options, build self-conf idence and gain academic standards necessary to enter vocational courses. (COURSE CODE: 7178) LOCATIONS Rockingham, Fremantle, Cockburn, Peel. Contact the institute for more information on the different programs and offerings. PATHWAYS NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN (NOW) Wider opportunities for work (WOW) Gaining Access to Training and employment (GATE) No minimum entry requirements CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E 7176 Course in New Opportunities for Women (NOW) Further study Certif icate I, II or III level* 7175 Course in Wider Opportunities for Work (WOW) 7178 Certif icate I in Gaining Access to Training and Employment (GATE) * Can vary depending on the background of each student. Skills For Training and Employment Welcome/Return to Work 52526WA CUS20109 Certificate I in Wider Opportunities for Work (WOW) Certificate II in Music (COURSE CODE: 7175) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This program engages students who have an interest in exploring a career in the music industry. The course provides students with a broad knowledge of skills required for further study and to be able to work in the music industry in a variety of sectors including performance, composition, business and production. The Wider Opportunities for Work course has a general education focus as well as incorporating various vocational units. Subjects include communication for work, technology for work, career development, workplace practice or community based projects. Contact the relevant campus for more details on the content and focus of the WOW course. DURATION One semester. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS There are no entrance requirements for this course, however if the course is tailored to meet the needs of a specif ic target group then preference is given to people who fall within the target group. Contact your nearest campus for enrolment information. LOCATIONS This course may be offered at Peel, Fremantle and Rockingham. Please check with the campus. COURSEs 7178 (GATE) and 7175 (WOW) UNDER REVIEW Note: Course codes may change in 2016 in accordance with legislation and amendments. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS – LOCAL APPLICATION All applicants must attend an audition before being offered a place. LOCATION Rockingham NOTE: Additional Skills for Training and Employment programs may be offered. Phone: 1800 001 001 for the latest information. 61 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Additionally, one or more vocational streams may be included in the course. Courses may be tailored to meet the needs of specif ic groups. In some cases, students will enrol in a full Certif icate I level training package qualif ication, while at the same time receiving general education support. Examples of Certif icate I qualif ications include a Certif icate I in Business, Information Technology, Visual Arts or Music. It may be recognised for further entry purposes. DURATION Generally one semester. Please phone: 1800 001 001 or attend Rockingham campus for more information. COURSE GUIDE 2016 This course is a bridging program suitable for anyone wanting to explore further training options while refreshing their general education skills. Students have the opportunity to build self-conf idence and learn new skills, while working towards gaining the academic requirements necessary for entering vocational courses. (COURSE CODE: D353) Hospitality and Tourism Events These may be event management companies, event venues or organisations which organise their own events. Work could be undertaken in an off ice environment where the planning of events takes place, on-site at venues where events are staged or a combination of both. Possible job titles include: COURSE GUIDE 2016 • • • • • • • • • • 62 conference assistant event administrative assistant event assistant event operations assistant exhibitions assistant in-house meetings assistant junior event coordinator logistics assistant meetings assistant venue assistant DURATION One semester SIT30612 Certificate III in Events (COURSE CODE: J434) ABOUT THIS COURSE CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E This qualif ication provides the skills and knowledge for an administrative or operational events support role. Event organisation and management takes place across the full spectrum of business and community activity. Work would be undertaken in an off ice environment where event planning and organisation takes place, at an event site or a combination of both. Depending on the job outcome you can acquire the relevant skills through a selection of a wide range of elective units. This qualif ication ref lects the role of individuals who use a range of events administrative or operational skills. They use discretion and judgement and have knowledge of industry operations. They work with some Independence under the guidance of more senior event personnel, using plans, policies and procedures to guide work activities. The qualif ication is suitable for an Australian apprenticeship pathway. JOB ROLES Events are diverse in nature and this qualif ication provides a pathway to work in event operations in a range of industries including the tourism and travel, hospitality, sport, cultural and community sectors. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills and the basic skills (•) benchmark in math. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATIONS Peel, Fremantle PATHWAYS EVEN T M A N AG E M EN T CHALLENGER INSTITUTE J434 Certif icate III in Events J451 Diploma of Events • conference assistant • event administrative assistant • event assistant • event operations assistant • exhibitions assistant • in-house meetings assistant • junior event coordinator • logistics assistant • meetings assistant • venue assistant • • • • • • conference coordinator event coordinator event planner event sales coordinator exhibitions coordinator in-house meetings coordinator • meetings coordinator • venue coordinator other colleges Advanced Diploma of Events One year’s advanced standing with Curtin University if Diploma completed UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Tourism (Applied Events Management) • Convention service manager • Sales or marketing director • Public relations director Hospitality and Tourism SIT50212 ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Diploma of Events There are two alternative pathways for entry into the Diploma of Events. The candidate must either: (COURSE CODE: J451) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to plan and organise special events and to manage and supervise such activities. You will learn skills in coaching and managing staff, marketing, developing event proposals, bids and programs, developing sponsorship programs, managing projects, f inance and budgeting, implementing and monitoring business systems and providing on site management of events. You will also learn about the legal requirements to work in this area. This qualif ication ref lects the role of individuals who use sound knowledge of event management processes and a broad range of skills to coordinate event operations. They operate independently and make operational event management decisions. JOB ROLES These may be event management companies, event venues or organisations that organise their own events. Work could be undertaken in an off ice environment where the planning of events takes place, on-site at venues where events are staged or a combination of both. Possible job titles include: • • • • • • • • conference coordinator event coordinator event planner event sales coordinator exhibitions coordinator in-house meetings coordinator meetings coordinator venue coordinator DURATION One year (two semesters), or one semester for students who have completed the Certif icate III in Events. NOTE: The f irst semester of the Diploma covers Certif icate III and therefore covers entry requirements. LOCATIONS Fremantle, Peel 63 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Events are diverse in nature and this qualif ication provides a pathway to work in events in a range of industries including the tourism and travel, hospitality, sport, cultural and community sectors. • Have achieved a Certif icate III qualif ication in an events-related area. Certif icate III qualif ications which are particularly relevant include those in the areas of: • business • entertainment • hospitality • museums and libraries • music • sport and recreation • tourism, OR • Have paid or voluntary employment experience at an operational, coordination or management level in an events-related f ield. A current or previous job role that involves or has involved the application of skills and knowledge relevant to the staging and management of functions and events would be appropriate. As a minimum, employment experience must ref lect the breadth, depth and complexity of a qualif ication at Certif icate II level, as def ined in the AQF guidelines. COURSE GUIDE 2016 Events Hospitality and Tourism Hospitality This qualif ication ref lects the role of skilled operators who use a range of well-developed hospitality skills. They use discretion and judgement and have a sound knowledge of industry operations. They work with some independence and under limited supervision and may provide operational advice and support to team members. This qualif ication provides a pathway to work in organisations such as restaurants, hotels, motels, clubs, pubs, cafés and coffee shops. DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet Training WA entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communications skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATIONS Fremantle, Peel This qualif ication also allows an outcome for small businesses requiring multi-skilled employees. COURSE GUIDE 2016 The qualif ication is suitable for an Australian apprenticeship pathway. 64 JOB ROLES Individuals with this qualif ication are able to perform roles such as: SIT30713 Certificate III in Hospitality • preparing and serving drinks at a bar • preparing and serving espresso coffee • serving food, wine and other beverages at tables (COURSE CODE: J618) ABOUT THIS COURSE CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E This qualif ication will provide you with the skills and knowledge for an individual to work in organisations such as restaurants, hotels, motels, clubs, pubs, cafés and coffee shops. You will learn hospitality service skills in customer service, effective teamwork, hygiene and food safety. Depending on your choice of elective units, you will also learn about accommodation services, commercial cookery and catering, food and beverage, gaming and tourism sales and operations. Possible job titles include: • • • • • • • • espresso coffee machine operator food and beverage attendant front desk receptionist function attendant function host restaurant host senior bar attendant waiter PATHWAYS H OSPI TALITY SCH O O L YEAR 11 PLEASE NOTE: This qualification includes work experience placement at prominent establishments throughout Perth CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E U N I V E R S I TY J618 Certif icate III in Hospitality J623 Certif icate IV in Hospitality J627 Diploma of Hospitality J628 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Bachelor of Business (Hospitality Management) • espresso coffee machine operator • food and beverage attendant • front desk receptionist • function attendant • function host • restaurant host • senior bar attendant • waiter • bar supervisor or team leader • concierge • duty manager • food and beverage supervisor or team leader • front off ice supervisor or team leader • shift manager • banquet or function manager • chef de cuisine • chef patissier • front off ice manager • kitchen manager • restaurant manager • sous chef • unit manager (catering operations) • area manager or • hotel motel operations manager manager • cafe owner or manager • catering manager • club secretary or • own business manager • executive chef • executive housekeeper • executive sous chef • food and beverage manager • head chef • motel owner or manager • rooms division manager J616 Certif icate II in Hospitality YEAR 12 J429 Certif icate II in Kitchen Operations OR J427 Certif icate II in Tourism *Note: students entering direct into the Certificate IV will have to complete additional units of competence from the Certificate III. Hospitality and Tourism Hospitality JOB ROLES JOB ROLES Individuals with this qualif ication are able to perform roles such as: Individuals with this qualif ication are able to perform roles such as: • managing a department in a large hospitality enterprise • managing a small hospitality enterprise Possible job titles include: • • • • bar supervisor or team leader concierge duty manager food and beverage supervisor or team leader • front off ice supervisor or team leader • shift manager SIT40313 Certificate IV in Hospitality (COURSE CODE: J623) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication ref lects the role of skilled operators who use a broad range of hospitality skills combined with sound knowledge of industry operations. They operate independently or with limited guidance from others and use discretion to solve non-routine problems. Many individuals have supervisory responsibilities and plan, monitor and evaluate the work of team members. This qualif ication provides a pathway to work as a team leader or supervisor in hospitality organisations such as restaurants, hotels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafes and coffee shops. The qualif ication is suitable for an Australian apprenticeship pathway. DURATION DURATION One year (two semesters), or one semester for students who have completed the Certif icate III in Hospitality. Three semesters, or one semester for students that have completed Certif icate IV in Hospitality ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet Training WA entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well developed skills (•••) benchmark in communications skills. To meet Training WA entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well-developed skills (•••) benchmark in communications skills and the basic skills (•) benchmark in math. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATIONS Fremantle, Peel SIT50313 Diploma of Hospitality (COURSE CODE: J627) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent as a manager in any hospitality functional area. This individual would possess a sound theoretical knowledge base and be able to use a range of specialised, technical or managerial competencies to plan, carry out and evaluate their own work and/or the work of their team. Work would be undertaken in various hospitality settings, such as restaurants, hotels, catering operations, motels, clubs, pubs, cafés and coffee shops. This qualif ication ref lects the role of individuals who use sound knowledge of industry operations and a broad range of managerial skills to coordinate hospitality operations. They operate independently, have responsibility for others and make a range of operational business decisions. This qualif ication provides a pathway to work in any sector of the hospitality industry as a departmental or small business manager. There are two recommended alternative pathways for entry into the Diploma of Hospitality. The candidate must either: Have achieved a Certif icate IV in Hospitality; OR have paid or voluntary employment experience at an operational, coordination or management level in hospitality. This should include a current or previous job role that involves or has involved the application of skills and knowledge relevant to a supervisor. As a minimum, employment experience must ref lect the breadth, depth and complexity of a qualif ication at Certif icate IV level, as def ined in the AQF guidelines. LOCATIONS Fremantle 65 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E This qualif ication provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in skilled operations and team leading or supervision. Work would be undertaken in various hospitality settings such as restaurants, hotels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafés and coffee shops. You will learn to monitor work operations, manage f inances within a budget, research and present information, manage people and coach others in job skills. Possible job titles include: • banquet or function manager • chef de cuisine • chef patissier • front off ice manager • kitchen manager • restaurant manager • sous chef • unit manager (catering operations) COURSE GUIDE 2016 • supervising the operation of a bar or restaurant • providing visitor information Hospitality and Tourism hospitality JOB ROLES Individuals with this qualif ication are able to perform roles such as: • senior manager in a large hospitality enterprise • owner or manager of a hospitality enterprise Possible job titles include: • area manager or operations manager • cafe owner or manager • club secretary or manager • executive chef • executive housekeeper • executive sous chef • food and beverage manager • head chef • motel owner or manager • rooms division manager COURSE GUIDE 2016 DURATION 66 One semester after completion of Diploma of Hospitality SIT60313 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality (COURSE CODE: J628) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent as a senior manager in any hospitality functional area. This individual would analyse, design and execute judgements using wide ranging technical, creative, conceptual or managerial competencies. Their knowledge base may be specialised or broad and they are often accountable for group outcomes. Work would be undertaken in various hospitality settings, such as restaurants, hotels, catering operations, motels, clubs, pubs, cafés and coffee shops. This qualif ication ref lects the role of individuals operating at a senior level who use substantial industry knowledge and wide-ranging, specialised managerial skills. They operate independently, take responsibility for others and make a range of strategic business decisions. This qualif ication provides a pathway to work in any sector of the hospitality industry as a senior manager in large organisation or small business owner or manager. The qualif ication is not suitable for an Australian apprenticeship pathway. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet Training WA entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well-developed skills (•••) benchmark in communications skills and the developed skills (••) benchmark in math. There are two recommended alternative pathways for entry into the Advanced Diploma of Hospitality. The candidate must either: Have achieved a Diploma in Hospitality; or have paid or voluntary employment experience at an operational, coordination or management level in hospitality. This should include a current or previous job role that involves or has involved the application of skills and knowledge relevant to a manager. As a minimum, employment experience must ref lect the breadth, depth and complexity of a qualif ication at diploma level, as def ined in the AQF guidelines. LOCATION Fremantle Hospitality and Tourism Kitchen Operations / Commercial Cookery This qualif ication provides a pathway to work in kitchen operations in organisations such as restaurants, hotels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafes, cafeterias, coffee shops and institutions such as aged care facilities, hospitals, prisons and schools. The qualif ication is suitable for an Australian apprenticeship pathway and for VET for Schools delivery. JOB ROLES Individuals with this qualif ication are able to perform roles such as: • preparing breakfast items • preparing a range of fast food items • preparing sandwiches • preparing appetisers and salads • preparing hot and cold desserts SIT20312 Certificate II in Kitchen Operations (COURSE CODE: J429) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide you with the skills and knowledge to undertake a range of kitchen functions in restaurants, hotels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafes, cafeterias and coffee shops. You will learn to prepare and serve food and beverages, prepare and produce appetisers, salads, vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes. You will learn about workplace cleanliness, safe food handling practices and hospitality information usage. DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark in communication skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: Certificate III in Commercial Cookery (COURSE CODE: J619) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to plan, organise, prepare and cook food in a commercial cooking environment. You will learn about effective communication, occupational health and safety procedures and workplace hygiene. You will also learn skills to produce quality foods, plan menus, prepare food according to dietary or cultural needs, control costs, work as part of a team and serve a range of meals in a professional manner. You will practice the skills you have learned in a simulated work environment or at an appropriate hospitality establishment. This qualif ication provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent as a qualif ied cook, who use a wide range of cookery skills. They use discretion and judgement and have a sound knowledge of kitchen operations. They work with some independence and under limited supervision and may provide operational advice and support to team members. The qualif ication is suitable for an Australian apprenticeship pathway. PATHWAYS LOCATIONS Fremantle, Peel COM M ERCIA L CO O K ER Y/ Patisserie SCH O O L YEAR 11 J429 Certif icate II in Kitchen Operations CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E J429 Certif icate II in Kitchen Operations Improved chance of securing an Apprenticeship (Certif icate III in Trade Study) J619 Certif icate III in Commercial Cookery J624 Certif icate IV in Commercial Cookery or or J622 Certif icate III in Patisserie J622 Certif icate IV in Patisserie • Qualif ied cook/chef • Head chef or • Patissier • Chef • Chef de Partie • Head Chef or • Chief Patissier U N I V E R S I TY J627 Diploma of Hospitality J628 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Bachelor of Business (Hospitality Management) • banquet or function manager • chef de cuisine • chef patissier • front off ice manager • kitchen manager • restaurant manager • sous chef • unit manager (catering operations) • area manager or operations manager • cafe owner or manager • club secretary or manager • executive chef • executive housekeeper • executive sous chef • food and beverage manager • head chef • motel owner or manager • rooms division manager • Hotel motel manager • Catering manager • Own business YEAR 12 J616 Certif icate II in Hospitality OR J427 Certif icate II in Tourism • • • • • breakfast cook catering assistant fast food cook sandwich hand take-away cook 67 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Possible job titles include: • breakfast cook • catering assistant • fast food cook • sandwich hand • take-away cook SIT30813 COURSE GUIDE 2016 This qualif ication ref lects the role of individuals working in kitchens who use a def ined and limited range of food preparation and cookery skills. They are involved in mainly routine and repetitive tasks and work under direct supervision. Hospitality and Tourism Commercial Cookery / Patisserie JOB ROLES SIT40413 SIT31113 Individuals with this qualif ication are able to perform roles such as: Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery Certificate III in Patisserie (Course Code: J624) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to produce a range of patisserie products. You will learn skills required to produce pastries, desserts, cakes, yeast goods, chocolate and petit fours. • preparing appetisers, salads, stocks, sauces and soups • preparing vegetables, fruit, eggs and farinaceous dishes • selecting, preparing and cooking poultry, seafood and meat • preparing hot and cold desserts, pastries, cakes and yeast goods • planning and preparing food for buffets Possible job title includes: • Cook COURSE GUIDE 2016 DURATION 68 One year. Or one semester for students who have the completed the Certif icate II in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations). ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATIONS CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Fremantle, Peel This qualif ication will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to plan, organise, prepare and cook food in a commercial kitchen environment. You will learn about effective communication, occupational health and safety procedures and workplace hygiene. You will also learn skills to produce quality foods, plan menus, prepare food according to dietary or cultural needs, control costs, work as part of a team and serve a range of meals in a professional manner. You will practice the skills you have learned in a simulated work environment or at an appropriate hospitality establishment. This qualif ication ref lects the role of commercial cooks who have a supervisory or team leading role in the kitchen. JOB ROLES Individuals with this qualif ication are able to perform roles such as: • coordinating cooking operations • develop menus to meet special dietary requirements • planning and costing basic menus • leading, managing and coaching others • managing f inances within a budget • implementing and monitoring workplace safety practices (COURSE CODE: J622) You will also learn about procedures needed to control stock and costs, ensure a safe and hygienic workplace and interpret f inancial information. This qualif ication ref lects the role of pastry chefs who use a wide range of patisserie skills. They use discretion and judgement and have a sound knowledge of kitchen operations. They work with some independence and under limited supervision and may provide operational advice and support to team members. Work would be undertaken in various hospitality enterprises where patisserie products are prepared and served, including patisseries, restaurants, hotels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafes and coffee shops. JOB ROLES Individuals with this qualif ication are able to perform roles such as: • basic cooking • preparing hot and cold desserts, pastries, cakes and yeast goods Possible job title includes: Possible job title includes: • Chef • Chef de partie • patissier DURATION Two semesters. Or one semester for students who have the completed the Certif icate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery). Three Semesters. Or one semester for students who have the completed the Certif icate III in Commercial Cookery. DURATION ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills. To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION LOCATION Fremantle Fremantle Hospitality and Tourism SIT40713 Certificate IV in Patisserie (Course Code: J626) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to produce a range of patisserie products. You will learn skills required to produce pastries, desserts, cakes, yeast goods, chocolate and petit fours. You will also learn about procedures needed to control stock and costs, ensure a safe and hygienic workplace and interpret f inancial information. Skills required to work in a team and supervise and coach others will be covered. This qualif ication ref lects the role of pastry chefs who have a supervisory or team leading role in the kitchen. They operate independently or with limited guidance from others and use discretion to solve non-routine problems. This qualif ication provides a pathway to work in restaurants and coffee shops. JOB ROLES • designing and producing buffet showpieces • modelling sugar based decoration • preparing and modelling marzipan • coordinating cooking operations • leading, managing and coaching others • managing f inances within a budget • implementing and monitoring workplace safety practices Possible job title includes: • Chef de partie • Chef patissier DURATION Three Semesters. Or one semester for students who have the completed the Certif icate III in Patisserie. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Fremantle To f ind out more about any of the following short courses, please call 1800 001 001. Bar and Service of Drinks Learn correct bar and drinks service procedures and gain the basic knowledge/ ability to operate standard bars correctly and eff iciently. LOCATION Fremantle, Peel Learn the Art of Coffee Making Considering a career in hospitality and wish to work in a café, hotel or restaurant? This short course will make you highly attractive to employers! Alternatively, you may just want to impress friends with the perfect cappuccino. LOCATION Fremantle, Peel Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol Get the training needed to satisfy the requirements under state/territory legislation. Anyone involved in the service of alcohol must complete this unit. LOCATION Fremantle, Peel Hygiene for Food Handlers Get the training required to follow key hygiene procedures that apply in hospitality and tourism enterprises. Particularly relevant to staff working in kitchens, housekeeping, and tour operations involving the preparation of food. LOCATION Fremantle, Peel Challenger Institute of Technology is an award winning hospitality and tourism training centre. Challenger took out the 2013 Sir David Brand Award for Tourism at the 40th annual WA Tourism Awards, and won gold in the Tourism Education and Training category for the third consecutive year. The WA Tourism Awards recognise tourism excellence and reflect the passion and professionalism of tourism operators across WA. 69 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Individuals with this qualif ication are able to perform roles such as: SHORT COURSES COURSE GUIDE 2016 Patisserie / Short courses Hospitality and Tourism Travel and Tourism Work would be undertaken in an off ice environment where the planning of tourism products and services takes place, in the f ield where tourism products are delivered or a combination of both. The f ield includes any destination, local or regional area, tourist precinct, site, attraction or onboard form of transportation. COURSE GUIDE 2016 The qualif ication ref lects the role of individuals who use a range of welldeveloped tourism service, sales or operational skills. They use discretion and judgement and have a sound knowledge of industry operations. They work with some independence and under limited supervision and may provide operational advice and support to team members. 70 SIT30112 Certificate III in Tourism ABOUT THIS COURSE CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E This qualif ication will provide you with the skills and knowledge to be competent in a range of tourism sales, operational and tour delivery skills. • retail travel sales consultant • airport check in staff and customer service • f light attendant and cabin crew for airline • reservation agent and tourism wholesalers • co-ordinator and reservation agent for tour operators • visitor information agent consultant • attraction attendant and customer service off icer for theme parks • customer service and salesperson for wineries and cellar door • tourism attraction attendant and guide for museum • inbound tour co-ordinator DURATION The qualif ication is suitable for an Australian apprenticeship pathway. One semester JOB ROLES To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark in both communication skills and maths skills. This qualif ication provides a pathway to work in many tourism industry sectors and for a diversity of employers including tour operators, inbound tour operators, visitor information centres, attractions, cultural and heritage sites and any small tourism business requiring multi-skilled employees. (COURSE CODE: J432) Possible job titles include: PATHWAYS ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATIONS Fremantle, Peel T R AV EL AN D TO URISM SCH O O L YEA R 1 1 CH A LLEN G ER I N ST I TUT E OTHER COLLEGES U N IV ER SITY J432 Certif icate III in Tourism J443 Certif icate IV in Travel and Tourism J450 Diploma of Travel and Tourism Advanced Diploma of Tourism Bachelor of Arts Bachelor Degree in Tourism • retail travel sales consultant • airport check in staff and customer service • f light attendant and cabin crew for airline • reservation agent and tourism wholesalers • co-ordinator and reservation agent for tour operators • visitor information agent consultant • attraction attendant and customer service off icer for theme parks • customer service and salesperson for wineries and cellar door • tourism attraction attendant and guide for museum • inbound tour co-ordinator • • • • • • • manager: • inbound groups • inbound sales incentives • tour operations • marketing operations • product reservations • retail travel agency sales • visitor information • senior manager • business development manager • director of operations • owner/operator of tourism business • convention services manager • tour guide • travel guide • hotel sales/marketing director • hotel public relations director • urban and regional planner J427 Certif icate II in Tourism YEA R 1 2 J429 Certif icate II in Kitchen Operations • • • • account manager assistant manager marketing coordinator operations supervisor product coordinator promotions off icer reservations sales or call centre supervisor senior operations coordinator senior or supervisory retail consultant sales coordinator sales executive Hospitality and Tourism Travel and Tourism Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism (COURSE CODE: J443) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in a broad range of highlydeveloped technical tourism sales and marketing, operational or tour delivery skills. The qualif ication allows for multiskilling or for specialisation in a limited range of skills that specif ically relate to either tourism operations or marketing coordination. Work would be undertaken in an off ice environment where the planning of tourism products and services takes place, in the f ield where tourism products are delivered or a combination of both. The f ield includes any destination, local or regional area, tourist precinct, site, attraction or onboard form of transportation. JOB ROLES This qualif ication provides a pathway to work in any sector of the tourism and travel industry as a supervisor or a senior operations or sales coordinator. This qualif ication allows for multitasking and for specialisation in operations or marketing. Possible job titles include: • • • • • • • • • • • account manager assistant manager marketing coordinator operations supervisor product coordinator promotions off icer reservations sales or call centre supervisor senior operations coordinator senior or supervisory retail consultant sales coordinator sales executive • sales coordinator or sales executive • marketing coordinator • product coordinator • promotions off icer • account manager – corporate DURATION One and a half semesters (three terms) OR one term for students who have completed the Certif icate III in Tourism. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATIONS Fremantle, Peel SIT50112 Diploma of Travel and Tourism (COURSE CODE: J450) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication provides you with the skills and knowledge to be competent in a broad range of managerial skills in tourism operations, marketing and product development, underpinned by a range of operational competencies chosen as electives. The qualif ication allows for multiskilling or for specialisation in a limited range of skills that specif ically relate to operations management or marketing and product development. This qualif ication ref lects the role of individuals who use sound knowledge of industry operations and a broad range of managerial skills to coordinate tourism and travel operations or marketing and product development activities. They operate independently, have responsibility for others and make a range of operational business decisions. The qualif ication is not suitable for an Australian apprenticeship pathway. JOB ROLES This qualif ication provides a pathway to work in any sector of the tourism and travel industry as a departmental or small business manager. This qualif ication allows for multitasking and for specialisation in either operations management or marketing and product development. Possible job titles include – Manager: • inbound groups • inbound sales incentives • tour operations • marketing operations • product reservations • retail travel agency sales • visitor information DURATION Two semesters or one term for students who have completed the Certif icate III in Travel and Tourism. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well-developed skills (•••) benchmark in communication skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Fremantle, Peel Outdoor Recreation COURSES Challenger Institute offers the following courses which have a Marine Tourism focus through the Maritime campus (Fremantle); • SIS20213 Certif icate II in Outdoor Recreation J755 • SIS30413 Certif icate III in Outdoor Recreation J761 For more information about these courses, or call 1800 001 001. 71 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E The qualif ication ref lects the role of individuals who use a broad range of sales and marketing or operational skills combined with sound knowledge of industry operations. They operate independently or with limited guidance from others and use discretion to solve non-routine problems. Many people have supervisory responsibilities and plan, monitor and evaluate work of team members. Possible job titles for the marketing specialisation include: COURSE GUIDE 2016 SIT40212 Maritime Studies Aquaculture SFI30111 FURTHER STUDY Certificate III in Aquaculture W990 Diploma of Aquaculture DURATION (COURSE CODE: W986) Two semesters commencing February (First semester Certif icate II; Second semester Certif icate III). NOTE: July intake only ABOUT THESE COURSES COURSE GUIDE 2016 The aquaculture industry provides many diverse and interesting career opportunities for graduates. These courses essentially prepare students for work in freshwater and marine f ish farms as a leading hand/f ield supervisor. 72 Challenger Institute works closely with local, national and international industry groups to ensure our training is industry-relevant and high quality. The Diploma of Aquaculture is also recognised as an entry pathway into many university aquaculture degrees. CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E SFI20111 Certificate II in Aquaculture A fully equipped marine f inf ish hatchery is in operation at Challenger Institute and provides students with the opportunity to develop the practical skills needed to f ind employment in this exciting industry through experience in growing species such as Yellowtail Kingf ish, Barramundi, Pink Snapper, Silver Perch, Black Bream as well as a range of molluscs and crustacea. Currently over 45% of the world’s harvest is from aqua farms and increasing rapidly. This industry is quite diverse and now requires skilled workers in hatchery and on-growing operations as well as in many support services. Employment prospects are currently good for entry level graduates, especially for those wanting to travel outside the metro area and interstate. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark for communication skills. Candidates may enter W986 Certif icate III in Aquaculture after completion of W984 Certif icate II in Aquaculture. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) This combined qualif ication prepares students for employment as leading hands and line managers in the aquaculture Industry and entry into the Diploma of Seafood Industry (Aquaculture). (COURSE CODE: W984) NOTE: February intake only PATHWAYS AQ U ACULTURE SCH O O L YEAR 11 W984 Certif icate II in Aquaculture CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E W984 Certif icate II in Aquaculture W986 Certif icate III in Aquaculture (Online/f lexible delivery options). (12 months W984/W986). U N I V E R S I TY W990 Diploma of Aquaculture Degree or Masters Degree Aquaculture or Marine Science • Fish farm technician • Small business operator (f ish farming/breeding) • Field off icer e.g. Fisheries, CSIRO, private f ish farms • Fisheries off icer • Research off icer YEAR 12 W984 Certif icate II in Aquaculture (continued from year 11) • Fish farm assistant • Hobby aquarium shop assistant • Seafood processor PART-TIME: A number of units from the above qualifications can be studied on a part-time basis. Please call 1800 001 001 for details. Maritime Studies Aquaculture / Fishing operations SFI20211 Diploma of Aquaculture Certificate II in Fishing Operations (COURSE CODE: W990) (COURSE CODE: W985) NOTE: February start only. NOTE: February and July intake. ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE The Diploma of Aquaculture prepares students to work as a supervisor, a small business operator or leading technician involved in the research, development, production, marketing and distribution of high quality farmed product derived from either freshwater or marine systems. This program has become popular with domestic and international students wanting to enter the industry with advanced technical and business skills. This course provides students with the skills and knowledge to gain employment as a deckhand in the f ishing industry. Learn the skills required to be a deckhand: ropes and knots, vessel stability and maintenance, vessel handling skills, f ishing skills and techniques. Graduates are actively recruited by local and interstate universities with advanced standing upon enrolment into their aquaculture, marine and environmental science programs. Past students have gained employment as various off icers in Fisheries Departments, hatcheries, farms, retail and wholesale outlets. Bachelors Degree, Masters Degree, PhD Aquaculture, Environmental or Marine Science, and other related f ields. DURATION DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark for communication skills. MAR20313 Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 near coastal) MAR30913 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Master up to 24 metres near coastal) MAR40613 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Master up to 35 metres near coastal) 52697WA Diploma of Marine Studies 73 More information about entrance requirements is available from: CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E FURTHER STUDY This course provides a pathway to a career in the commercial f ishing industry, tourist/charter boats, work boats, ferries and dive boats. PATHWAYS LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) Two semesters ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet Challenger’s entry requirements, candidates are required to have successfully completed a qualif ication or an accredited course (equivalent or higher) to W986 Certif icate III in Aquaculture. LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) PATHWAYS FISHING OPERATIONS / COASTAL – FISHING CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E W985 Certif icate II in Fishing Operations J711 Certif icate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 near coastal) J717 Certif icate IV in Maritime Operations (Master up to 35m near coastal) J714 Certif icate III in Maritime Operations (Master up to 24m near coastal) PLUS sea time J565 Diploma of Maritime Operations (Up to 500 GT or Master 80m) PLUS sea time • Deckhand COURSE GUIDE 2016 SFI50111 Various master/skipper/marine engine driver employment opportunities on • Fishing vessels Extra specif ic sea time for trading vessels • Ferries • Tugs • Off-shore workboats Maritime Studies Marine Studies / Maritime Operations 52697WA ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS MAR20313 Diploma of Marine Studies To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills and the well developed skills (•••) benchmark in maths skills Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 near coastal) (COURSE CODE: 3731) NOTE: Competitive entry. February and July intakes. COURSE GUIDE 2016 ABOUT THIS COURSE 74 This course provides students with skills and knowledge to gain employment in the maritime industry or for further studies in marine sciences in the university sector. This course has a scientif ic theme with components in marine biological and ecological systems, f ishing and aquaculture technology and management strategies. Students will also study seamanship, small vessel operations and maintenance, coastal navigation and meteorology. This course has a signif icant component of practical training on board our f leet of vessels, in designated f ishing and engineering workshops and in laboratories. CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Students undertaking the Diploma of Marine Studies will also be enrolled into MAR20313 Certif icate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 Near Coastal) and complete this as part of the Diploma. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) PATHWAYS MAR30913 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Master up to 24 metres near coastal) (Course code: J714) NOTE: Course codes, information and entrance criteria may change in accordance with legislation amendments. ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide the practical skills and knowledge to take charge of a commercial vessel of less than 12 metres in length operating within 15 nautical miles of the coast. You will learn skills in navigation, maintenance and engineering, marine radio operation, f irst aid and safety at sea. The holder of an unrestricted Certif icate of Competency as a Coxswain is qualif ied to act in the following positions: • Master on a f ishing or trading vessel less than 12m in length for inshore operations (within 15 n miles). • Engineer on a f ishing or trading vessel less than 12m in length with engines less than 250 kW for inshore operations (within 15 n miles). DURATION Six weeks NOTE: this course is offered four times a year. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS DURATION Specif ic industry requirements. For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: Two semesters PATHWAYS M AR INE STU DIES SCH O O L J755 Certif icate II in Outdoor Recreation (COURSE CODE: J711) Note: There are specif ic industry requirements associated with this qualif ication. Candidates are advised to read the relevant Guidance Notices for Coastal Qualif ications on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website; LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E J711 Certif icate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 near coastal) 3731 Diploma of Marine Studies Coxswain (oral exam only) PLUS sea time U N I V E R S I TY J714 Certif icate III in Maritime Operations (Master up to 24m near coastal) Bachelor of Marine Science PLUS sea time • Farmhand • Technical assistant • Deckhand • Skipper – f ishing boats/ charter boats/patrol vessels/ferries/work boats • Fisheries off icer • CALM marine ranger • Deckhand – charter/ customs/f ishing • Sales assistant marine chandler • Research off icer • Middle management positions within Fisheries WA • Skipper – f ishing boats/charter boats/patrol vessels/ ferries/work boats • • • • Fisheries off icer CALM marine ranger Research off icer Senior management positions within Fisheries WA/CALM Maritime Studies MAR30913 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Master up to 24 metres near coastal) ABOUT THIS COURSE The holder of an unrestricted Master up to 24 m Certif icate of Competency is qualif ied to act in the following positions (as per certif icate issued): • Master on a f ishing or trading vessel less than 24m in length for offshore operations (within 200 n mile). • Chief Mate on a trading vessel less than 35m in length for ACMW operations (within 600 n mile). • Chief Mate on a f ishing vessel less than: –80m in length for offshore operations (within 200 n miles) or –35m in length for unlimited domestic operations. • Watchkeeper on a f ishing vessel less than 80m in length for offshore operations (within 200 n mile) or • Watchkeeper on a f ishing or trading vessel less than 35m in length for ACMW operations. DURATION 12 – 15 weeks NOTE: This course can be completed in four blocks with each block duration varying 1 – 4 weeks. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Specif ic industry requirements. For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: Specif ic industry requirements. For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: NOTE: There are specif ic industry requirements associated with this qualif ication. Candidates are advised to read the relevant Guidance Notices for Coastal Qualif ications on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website; NOTE: There are specif ic industry requirements associated with this qualif ication. Candidates are advised to read the relevant Guidance Notices for Coastal Qualif ications on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website; LOCATION LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) Maritime campus (Fremantle) MAR40613 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Master up to 35 metres near coastal) (COURSE CODE: J717) 75 ABOUT THIS COURSE CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E (COURSE CODE: J714) DURATION Nine weeks. NOTE: this course is offered four times a year. Can be completed in three blocks with each block duration varying 1 – 4 weeks. The holder of an unrestricted Certif icate of Competency as a Master less than 35 m is qualif ied to act in the following positions: • Master on a trading vessel less than: – 35m in length for operations (within 600 n miles*) or – 80m in length for inshore operations (within 15 n miles). • Chief Mate on a f ishing or trading vessel less than 80m in length for ACMW operations (within 600 n miles*). PATHWAYS (*AMSA endorsement required) D ECK CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E J711 Certif icate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 near coastal) COURSE GUIDE 2016 Maritime Operations J714 Certif icate III in Maritime Operations (Master up to 24m near coastal) J717 Certif icate IV in Maritime Operations (Master up to 35m near coastal) J565 Diploma of Maritime Operations (Master up to 500 GT or Master 80m) Various master/skipper/marine engine driver employment opportunities on • Fishing vessels Extra specif ic sea time for trading vessels • Ferries • Tugs • Off-shore workboats Maritime Studies Maritime Operations MAR50413 MAR30813 MAR40513 Diploma of Maritime Operations (Master up to 500GT or Master 80 metres) Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 2 near coastal) Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 near coastal) (COURSE CODE: J565) (COURSE CODE: J713) (COURSE CODE: J716) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE Master Less than 80m near coastal pathway: The holder of an unrestricted Certif icate of Competency as a Marine Engine Driver Grade 2 is qualif ied to act in the following positions: The holder of an unrestricted Certif icate of Competency as a Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 is qualif ied to act in the following positions: • Chief Engineer on vessels with engine power less than 750kW for offshore operations (within 200 n miles) • Second Engineer on vessels with engine power less than 1500 kW for offshore operations (within 200 n miles). Chief Engineer on vessels with engine power less than: COURSE GUIDE 2016 The holder of an unrestricted Certif icate of Competency as a Master less than 80 m near coastal is qualif ied to act in the following positions: 76 • Master on a commercial vessel less than 80m in length for ACMW operations (within 600 n miles*) OR • Master on a commercial vessel that is both less than 3000 GT and less than 100m in length for ACMW operations (within 600 n miles*). (*AMSA endorsement required) DURATION 10 months (approximately). NOTE: This course is offered twice a year. Can be completed in seven blocks + short courses with each block duration varying 3 – 6 weeks. CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Specif ic industry requirements. For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: Note: There are specif ic industry requirements associated with this qualif ication. Candidates are advised to read the relevant Guidance Notices for Coastal Qualif ications on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website; LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) NOTE: A number of units from the above qualif ications can be studied on a part-time basis, please call 1800 001 001 for details. NOTE: Course codes, information and entrance criteria may change in accordance with legislation amendments. DURATION Four weeks. NOTE: This course is offered four times a year. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Specif ic industry requirements. For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: Note: There are specif ic industry requirements associated with this qualif ication. Candidates are advised to read the relevant Guidance Notices for Coastal Qualif ications on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website; LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) • 1500kW – for restricted offshore operations (within 200n miles). • 750kW – for ACMW operations (within 600 n miles*). (*AMSA endorsement required) DURATION 8 – 9 weeks. Duration may be longer depending on endorsements. Note: This course can be completed in two blocks with each block duration varying 3 – 5 weeks. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Specif ic industry requirements. For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: NOTE: There are specif ic industry requirements associated with this qualif ication. Candidates are advised to read the relevant Guidance Notices for Coastal Qualif ications on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website; PATHWAYS LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) COASTAL M A R IN E EN G IN E D R IV ER CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E J711 Certif icate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain near coastal) J713 Certif icate III in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver – Grade 2 near coastal) J716 Certif icate IV in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver – Grade 1 near coastal) Various master/skipper/marine engine driver/marine engineer employment opportunities on: • Fishing vessels Extra specif ic sea time for trading vessels • Ferries • Tugs • Off-shore workboats J718 Diploma of Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering – Class 3 near coastal) Maritime Studies Marine Engineering (STCW) ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Maritime campus (Fremantle) Specif ic industry requirements. For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: info@ MAR50213 Diploma of Maritime Operations (Engineer Watchkeeper) (COURSE CODE: J563) Diploma of Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering Class 3 near coastal) ABOUT THIS COURSE In general terms, the holder of an unrestricted Certif icate of Competency as an Engineer Class 3 is qualif ied to act as Chief Engineer on vessels with engine power less than: • 3000kW – for offshore operations (within 200 n miles); or • 1500kW – for ACMW operations (within 600 n miles*). (*AMSA endorsement required) The holder of a Certif icate of Competency as an Engineer Class 3 may apply to AMSA for an STCW-95 Endorsement as a Chief Engineer on a ship of less than 3000kW propulsion power for voyages up to 200 n miles offshore. DURATION 12 weeks. Duration may be longer depending on enrolments and trade skills. NOTE: There are specif ic industry requirements associated with this qualif ication. Candidates are advised to read the relevant fact sheets for seafarer certif icates on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website; LOCATION ABOUT THIS COURSE Maritime campus (Fremantle) The watchkeeper program provides students with the basic skills and knowledge required to maintain and operate marine engines, machinery and systems as well as theoretical knowledge required by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) for the position of marine engineer watchkeeper on board vessels with a propulsive power of 750kw or more, operating in Australian coastal and international voyages. COURSE J563 – Maritime Operations (Engineer watchkeeper) UNDER REVIEW Course coding may change due to training package updates prior to delivery. Successful completion of this qualif ication and the required sea time plus the AMSA oral examination, enables students to obtain the AMSA certif icate of competency as an Engineer Watchkeeper. PATHWAYS MARI N E EN G IN EER IN G ( STCW ) Trade qualification PLUS industry experience CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E J563 Diploma of Maritime Operations (Engineer Watchkeeper) PLUS sea time J567 Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering Class 2) J569 Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering Class 1) Engineer Class 2 Engineer Class 1 NOTE: This course can be completed in two blocks + short courses with each block duration varying 5 – 6 weeks. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: Watchkeeper 77 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E (COURSE CODE: J718) NOTE: this course can be completed in four blocks + short courses with each block duration varying 4 – 6 weeks. LOCATION NOTE: Course codes, information and entrance criteria may change in accordance with legislation amendments. MAR50613 DURATION Up to 30 weeks. Duration may be longer depending on endorsements and trade skills. COURSE GUIDE 2016 Note: There are specif ic industry requirements associated with this qualif ication. Candidates are advised to read the relevant Guidance Notices for Coastal Qualif ications on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website; Maritime Studies Maritime Operations (STCW) ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS DURATION Specif ic industry requirements. For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: Two semesters (one year). NOTE: This course can be completed in four blocks + short courses with each block duration varying 5 – 10 weeks. NOTE: There are specif ic industry requirements associated with this qualif ication. Candidates are advised to read the relevant fact sheets for seafarer certif icates on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website; Maritime campus (Fremantle) NOTE: Course codes, information and entrance criteria may change in accordance with legislation amendments. COURSE GUIDE 2016 MAR60313 78 Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering Class 2) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E (COURSE CODE: J567) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication is recognised by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) as part of the requirements for the award of a Certif icate of Competency as Marine Engineer Class 2. Successful completion of this qualif ication will enable students, after appropriate sea service and oral examination, to apply for the Certif icate of Competency from AMSA. Students will gain the knowledge components of the marine engineering program in the areas of mechanics, thermodynamics, electrotechnology, maths and computing. You will also gain skills at the management level in marine safety, marine management, legislative compliance, naval architecture and vessel maintenance. You will learn about electrical, electronic and control engineering along with the operation and maintenance of marine engineering plant and equipment. Specif ic industry requirements. For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: Note: There are specif ic industry requirements associated with this qualif ication. Candidates are advised to read the relevant fact sheets for seafarer certif icates on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website; LOCATION MAR60113 ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS LOCATION Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering Class 1) Maritime campus (Fremantle) (COURSE CODE: J569) ABOUT THIS COURSE Successful completion of this qualif ication will enable students, after appropriate sea service, to apply for examination by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) as Marine Engineer Class 1. You will gain skills and knowledge at the management level in naval architecture, equipment maintenance and marine safety. You will also learn about the management of the engineering division of a ship, the operation and management of the marine engineering plant and equipment and the management of electrical, electronic and control equipment. COURSE J567 and J569 Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering class 1 & 2) UNDER REVIEW Course coding may change due to training package updates prior to delivery. PATHWAYS MARI T I M E O PER ATIO N S (STCW ) CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E J551 Certif icate III in Maritime Operations (Integrated Rating) J564 Diploma of Maritime Operations (Watchkeeper Deck) J568 Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Master Unlimited) PLUS sea time PLUS sea time PLUS sea time • Deck watchkeeper • Chief mate • Master International Ships COLLEGE Degree Australian Maritime College PLUS IR Certif icate PLUS sea time DURATION Two semesters (one year). NOTE: this course can be completed in four blocks + short courses with each block duration varying 5 – 10 weeks. • Ship management maritime business • Pilot Maritime Studies Maritime Operations (STCW) MAR30113 DURATION MAR60213 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Integrated Rating) Nine months (times may vary depending on endorsements required). Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Master Unlimited) ABOUT THIS COURSE This course will equip new entrants to the maritime industry with practical skills and competence in general shipboard operations consistent with their duties on modern merchant vessels, and provide skills to perform maintenance and lookout duties on ships’ decks and in engine rooms. Students will learn to deal with the demands and opportunities of a team approach to shipboard operations and the course will provide a pathway for ratings intending to pursue a career as a watchkeeping off icer. DURATION ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Specif ic industry requirements. For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: Note: There are specif ic industry requirements associated with this qualif ication. Candidates are advised to read the relevant fact sheets for seafarer certif icates on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website; www. LOCATION Ten weeks. Maritime campus (Fremantle) NOTE: This course is offered four times a year. MAR50413 For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS NOTE: There are specif ic industry requirements associated with this qualif ication. Candidates are advised to read the relevant fact sheets for seafarer certif icates on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website; LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) and trainee’s place of employment. MAR50313 Diploma of Maritime Operations (Watchkeeper Deck) (COURSE CODE: J564) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication meets the academic requirements for the Deck Watchkeeper Certif icate of Competency. Students will learn skills in marine safety, communications, ship knowledge, seamanship, cargo and bridge operations. Those undertaking command qualif ications will also gain skills in command navigation, medical care and the management of the vessel. (COURSE CODE: J565) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication is suitable for people who work in the maritime industry as a Master, Chief Mate or Watchkeeper Deck on ships of less than 500 gross tonnage (GT) in any operating area, or as Master or Chief Mate of vessels less than 3000 GT operating in near coastal waters. DURATION 10 months (Times may vary depending on endorsements required) ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Specif ic industry requirements. For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: Note: There are specif ic industry requirements associated with this qualif ication. Candidates are advised to read the relevant fact sheets for seafarer certif icates on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website; LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication is suitable for people who work as a Master in the maritime industry on ships of any gross tonnage in any operating area. DURATION Nine months. NOTE: This course can be completed in six blocks + short courses with each block duration varying 4 – 8 weeks. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Specif ic industry requirements. For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: Note: There are specif ic industry requirements associated with this qualif ication. Candidates are advised to read the relevant fact sheets for seafarer certif icates on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website; LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) 79 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Specif ic industry requirements. For further details please contact the Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 or email: Diploma of Maritime Operations (Master up to 500GT or Master 80 m) (COURSE CODE: J568) COURSE GUIDE 2016 (COURSE CODE: J551) NOTE: this course can be completed in seven blocks + short courses with each block duration varying 3 – 6 weeks. Maritime Studies Outdoor Recreation (Marine Tourism Focus) A pathway to further study is the Certif icate III in Outdoor Recreation (one semester). A competitive selection procedure may apply. DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark for communication skills. On completion of this qualif ication the student is job ready for the following tourism based operations: More information about entrance requirements is available from: COURSE GUIDE 2016 Candidates must be capable of swimming (prof iciently) 400 metres continuously in 13 minutes, swim 200 metres in the ocean in seven minutes, tread water for 15 minutes both in the pool and ocean and snorkel 400 metres in 10 minutes. 80 LOCATION SIS30413 Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation Certificate III in Outdoor Recreation (COURSE CODE: J755) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Dive master qualif ications are a prerequisite for dive instructor qualif ications for those interested in pursuing this option. Students can also complete the STCW95 Certif icate of Safety Training at an additional cost, which is internationally recognised. NOTE: Competitive entry. February and July start. (COURSE CODE: J761) ABOUT THIS COURSE Applicants must gain approval from the course coordinator to gain a position in this course, if they have not completed SIS20213 Certif icate II in Outdoor Recreation J755. This is a f lexible training program with on and off-the-job components, as well as self-paced learning and lecturer delivered sessions. Participants must be highly motivated and able to study independently. ABOUT THIS COURSE This course has a focus on marine tourism and provides students with the practical skills and knowledge to work as a deckhand, tour guide or hospitality worker in the marine tourism industry. Students learn practical seamanship, f ishing, the marine environment, gain skills to conduct a charter and provide tour commentaries, prepare and serve food and drinks, sea kayak, snorkel and dive. Graduates are issued with an Elements of Shipboard Safety Certif icate, a bronze medallion and diving qualif ications to PADI standard if they nominate to do the PADI course. PATHWAYS OUTDOOR RECREATION SCH O O L YEAR 11 DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark for communication skills. Completion of SIS20213 Certif icate II In Outdoor Recreation J755 is a preferred pathway. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) No specific entry requirements May be subject to interview U N I V E R S I TY CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E J755 Certif icate II in Outdoor Recreation • Deckhand f ishing charter, dive charter, ecotourism charter, sailing charter • Onshore tour operations – e.g. snorkelling tours, sea kayaking tours • General purpose hand ferry operations • Shore based tourism and marine tour guiding • Cruise ship – recreational/activities off icer • Hospitality Further pathways include articulation into higher level tourism and management qualif ications. Maritime campus (Fremantle) SIS20213 This course further develops knowledge and skills from the Certif icate II in Outdoor Recreation. The course has a signif icant f lexible delivery component, which encourages personal development and supervision skills. Students will work with Certif icate II students in a mentoring and supervisory capacity. J761 Certif icate III in Outdoor Recreation J755 Certif icate II in Outdoor Recreation 3731 Diploma of Marine Studies Bachelor of Marine Tourism Dive Master Bachelor of Arts Tourism and Events Management Master Certif icate of Prof iciency YEAR 12 J761 Certif icate III in Outdoor Recreation • Tour guide/ Maritime guide • Deckhand • Tour guide/maritime guide • Deckhand • Coxswain • Dive master • Tour guide/maritime guide • Deckhand • Coxswain • Dive master • Master/Mate (AMSA approved) • • • • Marine biology Marine tourism Charter boats White boats and super yachts Maritime Studies Logistics, Warehousing and Stevedoring TLI21610 TLI31610 Certificate II in Warehousing Operations Certificate III in Warehousing Operations (COURSE CODE: W917) (COURSE CODE: W925) NOTE: On the job or school-based traineeship delivery available. NOTE: On the job or school-based traineeship delivery available. ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication is aimed at new entrants to the Transport and Logistics industry. People will develop a good understanding about teamwork, safety, product knowledge, inventory systems. DURATION ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Traineeship 24 months (Duration may vary for non-trainee students) Student’s are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark for communication skills. LOCATION Student’s place of employment and online Challenger offers Logistics courses from entry level through to Diploma level. These courses are suitable for storeman, warehouse supervisors and logistics Managers. These courses are delivered on the job as a traineeship, at Maritime Training Centre on a part-time basis and through the Recognition of Prior (RPL) learning process. If you are interested in these courses please contact the Logistics Coordinator on 9239 8089 or Client Contact Centre on 1800 001 001 TLI21810 Certificate II in Logistics (COURSE CODE: W919) NOTE: On the job or school-based traineeship delivery available. ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication is aimed at new entrants to the Transport and Logistics industry. DURATION 12 months ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Student’s are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark for communication skills. LOCATION Student’s place of employment and online. TLI21413 Certificate II in Stevedoring (COURSE CODE: J532) NOTE: On the job or school-based traineeship delivery available. ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication is aimed at new entrants to the Transport and Logistics industry. DURATION 12 months ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Student’s are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark for communication skills. LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) (face to face). Student’s place of employment and online. LOCATION Student’s place of employment and online. Maritime campus (Fremantle) (face to face). TLI32410 Certificate III in Logistics (COURSE CODE: W931) NOTE: On the job traineeship delivery available. ABOUT THIS COURSE People who wish to develop current skills, knowledge and techniques in areas of documentation, quality, records and safety and environment. DURATION Traineeship 24 months (Duration may vary for non-trainee students) ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Basic language, literacy, numeracy and communication skills. LOCATION Maritime campus (Fremantle) (face to face). Trainees place of employment. 81 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Logistics operations incorporates distribution by air, sea, rail, road, through ports and warehouses with the use of IT Systems such as GPS and supply chain inventory tracking systems. Challenger Institute offers courses that can assist your career in the fast changing and varied warehouse operations, stevedoring and logistics industry. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Basic language, literacy, numeracy and communication skills. COURSE GUIDE 2016 DURATION 12 months Maritime Studies Logistics, Warehousing and Stevedoring TLI41810 TLI50410 Certificate IV in Warehousing Operations Diploma of Logistics (COURSE CODE: W942) (COURSE CODE: W938) NOTE: Face to face delivery ABOUT THIS COURSE NOTE: On the job traineeship delivery available. ABOUT THIS COURSE COURSE GUIDE 2016 It is designed to enhance the Team leaders skills and knowledge to eff iciently manage warehouse operations. 82 Development of the skills and knowledge to perform effectively at management level in a warehousing and logistics environment. DURATION Part-time 12 months DURATION ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS • Part-time 12 months • On the job traineeship 36 months • Online Industry experience is required in order for underpinning skills in this area. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Maritime campus (Fremantle) Must have access to a workplace LOCATION LOCATION • Trainees place of employment • Maritime campus (Fremantle) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E PATHWAYS Logis t i cs SCH O O L YEAR 11 CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E u niver s i t y W919 Certif icate II in Logistics W931 Certif icate III in Logistics W942 Diploma of Logistics Bachelor of commerce, logistic and supply chain management (eligible for advanced standing) • Entry level dispatch and receivables off icer • Administration off icer • Senior dispatch and receivables off icer • Administration off icer • Warehouse management • Transport management • Procurement/ purchasing • Logistics management • Senior operational and strategic management W919 Certif icate II in Logistics YEAR 12 W931 Certif icate III in Logistics PATHWAYS Wareh ousing CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E SCH O O L YEAR 11 u niver s i t y W917 Certif icate II in Warehousing Operations W925 Certif icate III in Warehousing Operations W938 Certif icate IV in Warehousing Operations W942 Diploma of Logistics Entry level storeman warehouse operator • Senior storeman • Team leader • Warehouse administration • Supervisory roll • Transport supervisor • Transport coordinator •Warehouse W917 Certif icate II in Warehousing Operations Bachelor of commerce, logistic and supply chain management (eligible for advanced standing) YEAR 12 W925 Certif icate III in Warehousing Operations management • Transport management • Procurement/ purchasing • Logistics management • Senior operational and strategic management Science and the Environment Animal Studies ACM30410 ACM30612 Certificate III in Companion Animal Services Certificate III in Pet Grooming (COURSE CODE: S681) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication provides the practical skills and knowledge to feed, water and care for a range of companion animals in an eff icient and humane manner. Students will learn about animal behaviour and health, genetics, nutrition and anatomy and physiology of animals. Students will also learn skills to assist customers with animal selections, handling and transporting of companion animals. DURATION One year (two semesters) ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS ACM20110 More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Murdoch Certificate II in Animal Studies The duties require excellent customer service skills, a high standards of cleanliness and professionalism, as well as patience and a genuine empathy for animals. It is highly recommended that whilst undertaking this qualif ication, students engage in either paid employment or substantial period of work placement in a workplace that provides pet grooming services. DURATION One year (two semesters). ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications skills and maths skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: (COURSE CODE: S677) ABOUT THIS COURSE LOCATION This qualif ication will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to assist in a veterinary practice or other animal care establishments such as a kennel or cattery. You will learn skills in animal care and how to assist a veterinarian in a surgery preparation. You will also learn skills to carry out reception duties, respond to emergencies, and follow safety procedures in animal care workplaces. Murdoch DURATION One semester – full-time. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entrance requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills and basic skills (•) benchmark in maths. More information about entrance requirements is available from: www. LOCATION Murdoch, Peel PATHWAYS AN I MAL STU D IES SCH O O L YEAR 11 CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E S681 Certificate III in Companion Animal Services J361 Certificate III in Pet Grooming First semester: S677 Certif icate II in Animal Studies • Grooming assistant • Kennel / cattery hand • Animal attendant YEAR 12 First semester: S677 Certif icate II in Animal Studies 83 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E NOTE: Entry to the Certif icate II in Animal Studies and Certif icate II in Companion Animal Services is very competitive. It is recommended that prior to applying you discuss your application with a career development adviser. Please telephone 1800 001 001 or 9239 8066 to make an appointment. To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communications skills and maths skills. This qualif ication is suited to candidates operating within an organisation that provides professional pet grooming services. A pet grooming attendant undertakes salon reception and housekeeping duties as well as bathing, brushing, trimming and other basic grooming services for domestic pets, this traditionally entails dogs and in some cases cats. COURSE GUIDE 2016 ABOUT THIS COURSE (COURSE CODE: J361) Science and the Environment ANIMAL STUDIES Industry Accredited Dog Trainer ABOUT THIS COURSE After consultation with industry, Challenger Institute of Technology offers this training for those seeking entry into the companion dog training industry. This formal training is endorsed and accredited by industry. COURSE GUIDE 2016 The seven units are: 84 • Conduct companion animal training classes ACMCAS410A • Provide training advice to companion animal owners ACMCAS409A • Identify and respond to animal behaviour ACMACR403A • Provide enrichment for animals ACMGAS302A • Provide basic f irst aid for animals ACMGAS206A • Contribute to workplace health and safety processes ACMOHS301A • Work effectively in the companion animal industry ACMCAS301A DURATION The main units will take two semesters followed by industry placement for your f inal work place assessment. Generally part-time classes are offered on Saturdays. CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Suitable for mature age students, with basic communication and maths skills, looking for formal qualif ications in the industry or those seeking entry into the industry. Please note that entry into this course is currently by local application. LOCATION Murdoch Science and the Environment Conservation and Land management DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills and the basic skills (•) benchmark in maths skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: FURTHER STUDY AHC21010 Certificate II in Conservation and Land Management (COURSE CODE: D460) D480 Certif icate III in Conservation and Land Management LOCATIONS AHC31410 Certificate III in Conservation and Land Management (COURSE CODE: D480) ABOUT THIS COURSE This course provides a general vocational outcome in the conservation and land management industry at trade level. Students will build on the subjects covered in Certif icate II in Conservation and Land Management. Topics covered include land management using chemicals to control weed and pest problems (to current licensing standards), conservation and natural area restoration, parks and wildlife and aquatic environments, navigating in remote area using mapping and GPS software, timber construction and safe operating of chain saws. DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Murdoch, Peel ABOUT THIS COURSE This course provides entry-level training for the conservation and land management industry. More information about entrance requirements is available from: www. PATHWAYS FURTHER STUDY D508 Certif icate IV in Conservation and Land Management LOCATIONS Murdoch CON S ERVAT ION & L AN D M AN AG E M EN T SCH O O L YEAR 11 D449 Certif icate I in Conservation and Land Management u niver s i t y CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E D460 Certif icate II in Conservation and Land Management D480 Certif icate III in Conservation and Land Management D508 Certif icate IV in Conservation and Land Management D523 Diploma of Conservation and Land Management Bachelor of Arts (various) • Environmental worker • Land management/ rehabilitation/ vegetation f ield assistant • Technical off icer • Supervisory/ management positions • Supervisor • Manager • Supervisor • Manager • Environmental consultant • Ecologist • Project Manager D454 Certif icate II in Horticulture (only available to Education Support Students) YEAR 12 • Land care worker D449 Certif icate I in Conservation and Land Management (only available to Education Support Students) 85 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills and the basic skills (•) benchmark in math skills. It is preferred that students have successfully completed D460 Certif icate II in Conservation and Land Management, or equivalent. COURSE GUIDE 2016 Students gain a wide range of practical skills and supporting knowledge to equip them for employment under supervision in many sectors of the conservation and land management industry. Training is provided in the areas of weed, native animals and plant recognition, propagation, fencing and path construction, machinery, basic chemical use and safety. Science and the Environment COURSE GUIDE 2016 Conservation and Land management 86 AHC40910 AHC51110 Certificate IV in Conservation and Land Management Diploma of Conservation and Land Management (COURSE CODE: D508) (COURSE CODE: D523) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication allows individuals to develop post trade skills and knowledge to become specialists within the conservation and land management industry. This course is designed to ref lect the role of personnel working in management roles in the conservation and land management Industry. This course provides practical skills and knowledge to lead and coordinate conservation and land management activities. Students learn about the various areas of the industry such as producing maps and collecting GIS data, establishing Pest management plans, planning of land and natural resources management including costing, budgeting and reporting. DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills and the basic skills (•) benchmark in math skills and have successfully completed D480 Certif icate III in Conservation and Land Management OR equivalent. FURTHER STUDY D523 Diploma of Conservation and Land Management LOCATION Murdoch Students develop high level technical skills in collecting and classifying plants, conducting biological surveys, planning river restoration works, as well as developing conservation strategies and management plans, while meeting legislative requirements. DURATION One semester FURTHER STUDY Completion of the Diploma will enable you to apply for advanced standing (partial credit) into several related university degrees. The amount of credit awarded towards your degree is variable. For further information refer to ‘advanced standing’ information on the University Websites. Examples of relevant degrees are provided below: • Bachelor of Science (for example): – Environmental Science – Environmental restoration – Conservation Biology ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well developed skills (•••) benchmark in communication skills and the basic skills (•) benchmark in math skills AND have successfully completed D508 Certif icate IV in Conservation and Land Management; or equivalent; or substantial and relevant experience by negotiation and interview with the RTO. LOCATION Murdoch Part-time Units from the qualif ications on this page are available on a part-time basis. Please call 1800 001 001. Science and the Environment Floristry SFL30110 SFL40110 Certificate III in Floristry Certificate IV in Floristry (COURSE CODE: D545) (COURSE CODE: D546) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This course provides trade level training in a wide range of practical skills and supporting knowledge to equip students for employment in many sectors of the f loral industry. Students learn from award winning lecturers of technical expertise for themed designs and advanced design skills for specialist work such as wedding design styles and wired work. Certif icate III in Floristry is well suited to those with a creative mind and an eye for beauty and graduates will be able to work in the industry with minimum supervision as retail shop f lorists or studio f lorists. This course provides training in both aspects of small business operation and planning and advanced f loristry skills. Technical skills cover a broad range of varied f loristry activities and applications, most of which are complex and non-routine including large scale f loristry design as this qualif ication draws on the skills learnt at Certif icate III level and take it to the next level. Certif icate IV graduates will be able to work as senior f lorists or retail shop managers. SFL20110 Certificate II in Floristry (Assistant) (COURSE CODE: D544) LOCATIONS Murdoch, Bunbury ABOUT THIS COURSE 87 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E This course delivers entry level f loristry training where students participate in a variety of subjects covering basic construction, and design, and the retail areas of sales and service to f loristry customers. Graduates are able to work in industry as a retail f loristry assistant. DURATION Part-time only, one day a week, 12 months LOCATIONS PATHWAYS Murdoch FLOR IST RY SCHOOL YEAR 11 Part-time only CHALLENGER INSTITUTE OTHER COLLEGES D545 Certif icate III in Floristry D546 Certif icate IV in Floristry Diploma of Floristry Design • Senior f lorist/ supervisor • Specialist f lorist • Manager • Self-employed • Owner operator D544 Certif icate II in Floristry (Assistant) YEAR 12 D545 Certif icate III in Floristry LOCATION Murdoch COURSE GUIDE 2016 DURATION Part-time only, one day a week, over 18 months DURATION One day a week, 12 months (after completion of Certif icate III in Floristry or equivalent). Science and the Environment Horticulture The f irst six weeks of this course will include intensive delivery of three Certif icate II units to prepare students for the remainder of the semester. DURATION One semester FURTHER STUDIES • D503 Certif icate IV in Horticulture ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS COURSE GUIDE 2016 To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communication skills and maths skills and successfully complete D454 Certif icate II in Horticulture or equivalent. 88 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E This course builds on the knowledge and skills gained at Certif icate II level and provides practical skills and knowledge to undertake horticultural tasks in a specialised area. The course provides training in the areas of gardening, nursery, pests, diseases and weeds, plant knowledge, irrigation, soils, plant nutrition, horticultural machinery use, chemical use and horticultural safety. This qualif ication requires a reasonable level of physical f itness. (COURSE CODE: D516) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE Diploma of Horticulture This course provides graduates with skills suited to a variety of occupations at a management level. Employment prospects exist in local government, state government, nursery and turf, f loriculture, gardening and the landscape industry. (COURSE CODE: D503) (COURSE CODE: D473) AHC50410 LOCATION Certificate IV in Horticulture Certificate III in Horticulture LOCATION Murdoch Murdoch AHC40410 AHC30710 ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communication skills and maths skills and successfully complete any accredited Certif icate III in Horticulture or equivalent This course provides graduates with skills suited to a variety of occupations at a supervisor level. Employment prospects exist in local government, state government, nursery and turf, f loriculture, gardening and the landscape industry. DURATION One semester DURATION One semester FURTHER STUDIES Bachelor of Business (Horticulture) – Curtin University. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Successful completion of any accredited Certif icate IV in Horticulture or equivalent or higher. FURTHER STUDIES LOCATION • D516 Diploma of Horticulture Murdoch PATHWAYS H OR TICULTURE SCH O O L YEAR 11 CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E D454 Certif icate II in Horticulture D473 Certificate III in Horticulture D503 Certif icate IV in Horticulture D454 Cert. II in Horticulture • D466 Landscaping • D475 Landscaping D466 Cert. II in Landscaping • D459 Sports Turf Management • D479 Sports Turf Management 1560 Certif icate IV in Landscape design • D455 Arboriculture • D474 Arboriculture D460 Cert. II in Conservation and Land Management D516 Diploma of Horticulture U N I V E R S I TY Bachelor of Horticulture Bachelor of Business (Horticulture) Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management) D518 Diploma of Landscape Design YEAR 12 D454 Cert. II in Horticulture D466 Cert. II in Landscaping D460 Cert. II in Conservation and Land Management • Manual worker in the horticulture industry • Skilled worker in the horticulture industry • Technical off icer • Supervisory/ management positions • Supervisory/ management positions • Horticulture scientist Science and the Environment Landscape LOCATION Murdoch AHC30910 Certificate III in Landscape Construction (COURSE CODE: D475) ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication provides the practical skills and knowledge to design garden landscapes or renovate existing gardens. AHC21610 Certificate II in Landscaping (COURSE CODE: D466) This qualif ication provides the practical skills and knowledge to establish and maintain landscapes. It is the starting point to develop a foundation of knowledge and skills that can be built on in higher level courses. The course provides a wide range of practical skills and supporting knowledge to equip students for employment under supervision in the landscape sector of the horticultural industry. DURATION One semester FURTHER STUDIES • D503 Certif icate IV in Horticulture • 1560 Certif icate IV in Landscape Design Certificate IV in Landscape Design (COURSE CODE: 1560) ABOUT THIS COURSE This course provides training for the landscape design profession. It delivers a range of practical and theoretical skills and knowledge about landscape design including plant knowledge for designers, design and manual drafting, landscape construction theory, small business skills and sustainability in landscape design. This qualif ication will provide students with a wide base of landscape design skills and knowledge to equip them to become either self-employed or to gain employment as landscape design professionals in local government or the landscape industry. DURATION Two semesters ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communication skills and maths skills and: More information about entrance requirements is available from: • Have successfully completed D475 Certif icate III in Landscape Construction OR equivalent OR • Have successfully completed the following competencies; AHCLSC201A Assist with landscape construction work, AHCLSC203A Install aggregate paths, AHCLSC204A Lay paving, AHCPGD201A Plant trees and shrubs, AHCPCM201A Recognise plants, AHCPGD203A Prune shrubs and small trees FURTHER STUDIES NOTE: Some landscaping tasks also require students to have an understanding of geometry More information about entrance requirements is available from: • D475 Certif icate III in Landscape Construction Murdoch Training is provided in the areas of hard landscaping, pests, diseases and weeds, plant knowledge, horticultural machinery use, chemical use and horticultural safety. DURATION One semester ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills and successfully complete D466 Certif icate II in Landscaping or equivalent. LOCATION LOCATION Murdoch ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the Basic skills (•) benchmark in communication skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: COURSE 1560 (Landscape design) UNDER REVIEW Course coding may change due to training package updates prior to delivery. 89 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE Students will learn how to select materials and plants for landscape projects, set out and landscape a range of sites, and construct stone, brick, block and timber structures and features and learn about irrigation installation and safety in the workplace. Landscaping involves physical labour and students will be required to demonstrate a reasonable level of f itness. 52549WA COURSE GUIDE 2016 Note: Some landscaping tasks also require students to have an understanding of geometry Science and the Environment LANDSCAPE / PEST MANAGEMENT AHC50610 CPP30911 Diploma of Landscape Design Certificate III in Pest Management (COURSE CODE: D518) (COURSE CODE: D766) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to design garden landscapes or renovate existing gardens. You will learn how to assess a landscape site, design or construct landscape features, produce computer-aided drawings and prepare quotes and tenders. You will also learn about sustainable landscape designs, managing landscape projects and permaculture principles and practices This qualif ication provides students with the practical skills and knowledge to apply pesticides and carry out appropriate pest management treatments for domestic and commercial properties. You will learn skills in how to advise clients on pest prevention and control, maintain equipment, detect pest damage and the presence of pests in buildings and surrounding areas, and implement a pest management plan. Two semesters 90 This is a specialist qualif ication for landscape designers, therefore previous experience in the industry is expected. Entry into this course is by local application call 1800 001 001 for more information. CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E COURSE GUIDE 2016 DURATION ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the well developed skills (•••) benchmark in communication skills and the developed skills (••) benchmark in math skills. LOCATION Murdoch Participants must enrol in CPPPPMT3006A Apply Pesticide to Manage Pests as a prerequisite for the rest of the certif icate. This unit enables participants to apply for a restricted licence required for working in the industry. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES This course is aimed at new and existing workers. It will provide you with the skills required for employment in the pest control and pest management industry and to apply for a full pest management license. DURATION Two semesters - This course is offered on campus by f lexible delivery if employed in the pest management industry. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills, and the basic skills (•) benchmark in maths skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Murdoch Science and the Environment BSB41412 BSB51312 Certificate IV in Workplace Health and Safety Diploma of Workplace Health and Safety (COURSE CODE: J346) (COURSE CODE: J347) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE The Certif icate IV in Workplace Health and Safety is entry-level qualif ication for those who are working in a work health and safety role or have completed Certif icate III in WHS and want to be WHS coordinators or full time WHS off icers. This course is aimed to formalise the knowledge of those who coordinate and maintain WHS program within an organisation. It ref lects the roles of practitioners who apply a substantial knowledge base and well developed skills in a wide variety of WHS contexts and is ideal if you have had experience as a WHS off icer and have the desire to further your career as a WHS manager. DURATION This course is delivered online via f lexible delivery and can be completed within a maximum of 12 months. As the learning materials are available online you may complete as soon as your submission has been assessed. Email: BSB30712 Certificate III in Workplace Health and Safety (COURSE CODE: J340) This course provides students with practical skills and knowledge to work within the f ield of workplace health and safety. The students learn a broad range of competencies, including the identif ication of hazards, risk assessment and emergency procedures to organise workplace monitoring and provide support to a team. This course is for people whose main job is not dedicated to WHS but who take it on as a voluntary duty. Completion of Certif icate III in Workplace Health and Safety or vocational expertise in workplace health and safety role (health and safety representative or committee member) is desired but not essential. No prerequisites exist for this course. Further study option is Diploma in Workplace Health and Safety. LOCATION Online with regular workshops to assist participants with course work. This training will equip students with the skills required to operate as a workplace health and safety assistant, committee member or representative. COURSE J340, J346 and J347 (Workplace Health and Safety) UNDER REVIEW For further information email: Course coding may change due to training package updates prior to delivery. DURATION Online f lexible delivery only, with regular workshops to assist participants with course work. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication skills, and the basic skills (•) benchmark in maths skills. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Online DURATION This course is delivered online via f lexible delivery and can be completed within a maximum of 12 months. As the learning materials are available online you may complete as soon as your submissions have been assessed. Email: whs. ENTRANCE/FURTHER STUDY OPTIONS Preferred pathway is completion of BSB41412 Certif icate IV in Workplace Health and Safety or extensive experience in providing guidance to others in matters relating to workplace health and safety as a workplace health and safety coordinator. This is desired but not essential. Students who have previously completed Certif icate IV in WHS (BSB41412) will be granted credit towards equivalent Diploma core units. Further study options: After achieving the BSB51312 Diploma of Workplace Health and Safety, candidates may undertake the BSB60612 Advanced Diploma of Workplace Health and Safety, a qualif ication for those individuals who analyse, design and execute judgments using wide ranging technical, creative, conceptual or managerial competencies. LOCATION Online with regular workshops to assist participants with course work. 91 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE ENTRANCE/FURTHER STUDY OPTIONS Possible job outcomes are workplace health and safety manager, WHS practitioner or senior WHS off icer. COURSE GUIDE 2016 WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY Science and the Environment Environmental Science DURATION CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Two semesters Completing this course will allow you to seek employment as an environmental technician/technical off icer, water resource off icer or f ield off icer in areas such as local government agencies, the mining sector and a range of environmental consultancies. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to have achieved the developed skills (••) benchmark in communication and maths. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Murdoch MSS5021 COURSE GUIDE 2016 Diploma of Environmental Monitoring and Technology 92 (COURSE CODE: D553) MSS40211 Certificate IV in Environmental Monitoring and Technology (COURSE CODE: D551) CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to collect and analyse environmental samples and process environmental data for the purpose of minimising the impact of human activity on the environment. Students undertake a range of f ield-based activities including vegetation surveys, geological formation recognition, water and soil sampling and testing and the use of GPS in environmental monitoring applications. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Completing this course will allow you to seek employment as an environmental technician/technical off icer, water resource off icer or f ield off icer/assistant in areas such as local government agencies, the mining sector and a range of environmental consultancies. ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will give you practical skills and the knowledge needed to sample, measure and record environmental information. Skills include preparing environmental impact assessments, ArcGIS mapping, Carbon Accounting and Sustainable workplace practices, assessing Environmental Indicators used in Sate of the Environment Reporting and developing methods to monitor and minimise the harmful effects associated with pollution/contamination. • Bachelor of Science (for example: Environmental Science, Sustainability, Marine Science, Biological Science, Conservation Biology) DURATION Three semesters. No mid year intake. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Candidates are required to have the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communication skills and maths. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION PATHWAYS Murdoch EN VI RONM EN TA L SCIEN C E CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E D551 Certif icate IV in Environmental Monitoring and Technology D553 Diploma of Environmental Monitoring and Technology FURTHER STUDY • D553 Diploma of Environmental Monitoring and Technology • Bachelor of Science (for example: Environmental Science, Sustainability, Marine Science, Biological Science, Conservation Biology) FURTHER STUDY Completion of the Diploma will enable you to apply for advanced standing (partial credit) into several related university degrees. The amount of credit awarded towards your degree is variable, however can be up to a year reduction in your University studies. For further information refer to ‘advanced standing’ information on the University Websites. Examples of relevant degrees are provided below. U N I V E R S I TY MURDOCH UNIVERSITY Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science/ Restoration/Technology) Bachelor of Science (Conservation Biology) • Environmental management technician • Natural resource supervisor • Environmental assistant • Environmental technologist Science and the Environment Laboratory Technology MSL20109 MSL30109 MSL40109 Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement Certificate III in Laboratory Skills Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques (COURSE CODE: W734) (COURSE CODE: W735) (COURSE CODE: W736) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide the student with a range of entry level sampling and measurement skills used in many industries, including construction, manufacturing, mining and environmental industry sectors. This qualif ication will provide you with basic training in fundamental laboratory skills needed to gain employment as a laboratory attendant or assistant in a diverse range of scientif ic laboratories. This qualif ication will provide you with broad scientif ic knowledge and technical skills in a lab context. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES As a graduate of this course you could seek employment as a samples preparer, or sample sorter. A Certif icate III in Laboratory Skills will provide entry into a Certif icate IV in Laboratory Techniques or Certif icate IV in Health Science Foundations. DURATION CAREER OPPORTUNITIES One semester As a graduate of this course, you could seek employment as a laboratory assistant, instrument operator or similar in a scientif ic laboratory. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Rockingham One semester (mid-year intake available) FURTHER STUDY • W736 Certif icate IV in Laboratory Techniques or 7170 Certif icate IV in Health Science Foundations • D551 Certif icate IV in Environmental Monitoring and Technology • W737 Diploma of Laboratory Technology SCH O O L YEAR 11 DURATION Two semesters. Mid year intake available. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to have the basic skills (•) benchmark in communication skills. To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to have the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communication skills and maths skills or successful completion of Certif icate III in Laboratory Skills or equivalent. More information about entrance requirements is available from: More information about entrance requirements is available from: ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS PATHWAYS LABORATOR Y T ECHN OLO GY FURTHER STUDY • W737 Diploma of Laboratory Technology • D553 Diploma in Environmental Monitoring and technology LOCATIONS LOCATIONS Rockingham Murdoch, Rockingham CH A L L E N G E R I N ST I TUT E U N I V E R S I TY W735 Certif icate III in Laboratory Skills W736 Certif icate IV in Laboratory Techniques W737 Diploma of Laboratory Technology W738 Advanced Diploma of Laboratory Operations Bachelor of Science or • Laboratory assistant • Technical assistant • Instrument operator • Technical off icer • Technical specialist • Laboratory supervisor • Senior technical off icer • Research supervisor • Product developer (brochures) • Product information advisor W734 Certif icate II in Sampling and Measurement Bachelor of Technology YEAR 12 W735 Certif icate III in Laboratory Skills 93 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to achieve the basic skills (•) benchmark in communication skills. DURATION CAREER OPPORTUNITIES As a graduate of this course, you could seek employment or promotion as a laboratory technician, instrument operator or similar, in a diverse range of scientif ic laboratories. COURSE GUIDE 2016 FURTHER STUDY • W735 Certif icate III in Laboratory Skills • W736 Certif icate IV in Laboratory Techniques • W737 Diploma of Laboratory Technology • D551 Certif icate IV in Environmental Monitoring and technology Skills attained throughout the course encompass chemical and biological laboratory techniques, providing you with the skills to work in a range of different laboratories. Science and the Environment Laboratory Technology MSL50109 MSL60109 Diploma of Laboratory Technology Advanced Diploma of Laboratory Operations (COURSE CODE: W737) (COURSE CODE: W738) ABOUT THIS COURSE ABOUT THIS COURSE This qualif ication will provide you with advanced technical skills and scientif ic knowledge. A broad range of skills are acquired during this course including the use of complex chemical spectrophotometry and chromatography instrumentation, as well as specialist biological techniques including microbiology, histology and haematology. This course is aimed at those planning, coordinating and managing quality assurance processes in a laboratory. Experienced laboratory managers are encouraged to apply for recognition of prior learning. COURSE GUIDE 2016 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES 94 As a graduate of this course, you could seek employment as a laboratory technician, technical off icer or f ield off icer in a diverse range of scientif ic laboratories. DURATION Four semesters (or two semesters if completed a Certif icate IV in Laboratory Techniques). FURTHER STUDY CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Completion of the Diploma will enable you to apply for advanced standing (partial credit) into several related university degrees. The amount of credit awarded towards your degree is variable, however can be up to a year reduction in your University studies. For further information refer to ‘advanced standing’ information on the University Websites. Examples of relevant degrees are provided below. • Bachelor of Science (for example: Chemistry, Biomedical Science, Biological Science, Medical Science) ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS To meet entry requirements, candidates are required to have the developed skills (••) benchmark in both communication skills and maths skills and successful completion of Certif icate IV in Laboratory Techniques or equivalent. More information about entrance requirements is available from: LOCATION Murdoch CAREER OPPORTUNITIES This course is aimed at senior technicians or laboratory supervisors. DURATION Offered as RPL (Recognised Prior Learning) for people currently working in a laboratory as supervisors. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Completion of Diploma of Laboratory Technology and substantial period of employment at a supervisory level in the Laboratory f ield. LOCATION Workplace training only. COURSE GUIDE 2016 N OTES 95 CHAL L ENGER INSTITUT E Course Information and general enquiries Phone: 1800 001 001 TTY: 9336 5629 (hearing impaired) Email: For Career Development Services Appointments can be made with a career development adviser or the student employment officer on designated days and times, at the following locations: • Fremantle campus (Beaconsf ield) • Maritime campus (Fremantle) • Murdoch campus • Peel campus (Mandurah) • Rockingham campus Australian Centre for Energy and Process Training Campus (ACEPT) 9 Gardiner Avenue, Munster Western Australia 6166 campuses To find out more about the courses listed in this prospectus. challenger institute of technology campus locations Kwinana Campus (Automotive) Cnr Gilmore Avenue and Sulphur Rd, Orelia Western Australia 6167 e-tech Campus Maritime Campus 41 South Terrace, Fremantle Western Australia 6160 1 Fleet Street, Fremantle Western Australia 6160 Fremantle Campus Murdoch Campus 15 Grosvenor Street, Beaconsfield Western Australia 6162 130 Murdoch Drive, Murdoch Western Australia 6150 Heathcote Campus Peel Campus (Peel Education and Training Campus) Murray House, Heathcote Duncraig Road, Applecross Western Australia 6153 Education Drive, Mandurah Western Australia 6210 Henderson Campus Rockingham Campus 12 Egmont Road, Henderson Western Australia 6166 Simpson Avenue, Rockingham Western Australia 6168 Challenger Institute of Technology RTO Provider Number 4265 Please note: The courses listed in this prospectus will run only if there is suff icient demand. New qualif ications may be under development and all courses are subject to change. Please check with your nearest campus for the latest information on qualif ications and course numbers. CTP81/July2015 Client Contact Centre for all course enquiries contact us Contact us