timpul md
timpul md
Join the leader! Online Sales-House Daniel Dragan Tel: 265-116 , Mob: 0794-00-786, E-mail: daniel.dragan@protv.md Olga Bordeianu Tel: 265-117, Mob: 0794-01-354, E-mail: olga@protv.md Join the leader! 22 most visited sites in Moldova. 1 700 000 unique visitors per month (67% of Internet users from Moldova). The biggest news sites package in Moldova (13 sites with over 1 400 000 unique visitors per month, over 75% of news consumers). www.protv.md - the biggest news site in Moldova. The biggest group of sites for women in Moldova (5 sites with over 600 000 unique visitors). www.perfecte.md - the biggest site for women in Moldova. Unique price. Unique banner’s format. Consolidated statistics. Join the leader! News sites Women lifestyle sites Others PROdigital - Traffic Total PROdigital www.protv.md www.noi.md www.perfecte.md www.timpul.md www.kp.md www.deschide.md www.inprofunzime.md www.totul.md www.acasatv.md www.ziarulnational.md www.realitatea.md www.terra.md www.mamaplus.md www.aquarelle.md www.kankan.md www.profm.md www.bani.md www.businessclass.md www.golos.md www.stirinonstop.md www.stireata.md www.topmedia.md 800 000 650 000 430 000 415 000 355 000 340 000 280 000 225 000 200 000 180 000 160 000 85 000 80 000 75 000 70 000 70 000 45 000 40 000 25 000 25 000 10 000 5 000 * Source: Google Analytics/Gemius Unique visitors/month 1 700 000 PROdigital - Traffic Pageviews Altele protv.md deschide.md Total PROdigital 39 200 000 pageviews kp.md perfecte.md * Source: Google Analytics/Gemius noi.md protv.md 14 700 000 noi.md 5 900 000 perfecte.md 4 130 000 kp.md 2 900 000 deschide.md 2 570 000 inprofunzime.md - 1 900 000 timpul.md 1 510 000 acasatv.md 1 000 000 totul.md 1 000 000 realitatea.md 930 000 ziarulnational.md 765 000 kankan.md 380 000 terra.md 330 000 mamaplus.md 305 000 profm.md 230 000 stirinonstop.md 190 000 aquarelle.md 190 000 bani.md 145 000 businessclass.md 45 000 golos.md 45 000 stireata.md 30 000 topmedia.md 5 000 Advertising - classic and rich-media banners Advertising - Video and branding Commercial articles and sponsorship Campaigns Optimization and Reporting PROdigital Network offers a range of optimization capabilities, that maximize the efficiency of advertising campaigns: • Demographic targeting by selecting sites or chapters of sites with the highest affinity to the campaigns’ target audience. • Geo-targeting – targeting campaigns by certain countries or cities. • Frequency capping – limiting the number of views per unique visitor. • Targeting the time slots or days of week. • For rich-media banners - stop close, stop click , restart period. Ad Ocean (ad server) allows reporting and analysing of advertising campaigns by a wide range of parameters: • Unique visitors, page-views, clicks; • CPM, CTR, CPC, CPA; • Rich Media: teaser closes, clicks on teaser, clicks on banners etc.
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1 700 000 unique visitors
Campaigns Optimization and Reporting
PROdigital Network offers a range of optimization capabilities, that maximize the efficiency
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