Road Guard


Road Guard
Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd Company Reg. No. 1992/001223/07 | ©Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd 2013, 2014, 2015
“Life is full of
unexpected events
that can lead to
unwanted stress
and financial
burden. Your Road
Guard membership
will go some of the
way towards
alleviating this by
offering these
fantastic benefits
at an affordable
Altech Netstar Road Gaurd, your unique
membership package offering you an accident
and pothole damages recovery and fines
alert service along with additional discount
benefits at Tiger Wheel & Tyre nationwide.
Road Guard is managed and administered by Road Protect (Pty) Ltd
For assiance from Road Guard simply call 0861 001 008 during office hours
(8am to 5pm during weekdays). Once your membership has been verified, you will be given
a case number and referred to a legal practitioner for assistance and assessment.
monthly premium.”
Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd Company Reg. No. 1992/001223/07 | ©Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd 2013, 2014, 2015
- Accident Alert
- Pothole Alert
- Fines Alert will
provides victims of
assists you in
work with you to
motor vehicle
recovering 100%
notify you of all
accidents in South
of the money
fines, and then
Africa with
that you have
provide a quick,
immediate access to
paid out as a
easy and painless
an effective Road
result of pothole
channel to get
Accident Fund (RAF)
damages to your
these fines paid,
claims management
tyres, mags, rims
with the added
system that
and vehicle.
benefit of
manages your claim
guaranteed fine
from start to finish.
Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd Company Reg. No. 1992/001223/07 | ©Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd 2013, 2014, 2015
This benefit is for the member, spouse
and children up to the age of 18,
or up to 25 if in full-time education
ert Offers
What Accident Al
supports you throughou
ct guides and
• Relief – Accident Prote
e or deal
you do not have to queu
the entire process so that
re that you have everythin
with the RAF
and balanced claim. You
you need to submit a fair
d to you
in half the time compare
your payout from the RAF
submitting the claim your
the RAF
ive 100% of the payout from
• Recoveries – You rece
full medical,
expert team will provide
to end. Who
support from beginning
legal and administrative
t on the rules
can claim for is dependen
can claim and what you
merits of
advise you
of the RAF.
will also tell
you should proceed. They
your claim and whether
r the cost
your RAF claim and cove
you what you will need for
ions, reports, medico-legal
of any extra legal consultat
arial opinions
be required
your injuries, which may
earnings resulting from
to support your claim
The Problem
Our Solution
Limits of Services
South Africa has one of the highest road accident
counts in the world, with statistics showing that
someone will die in an accident every 13
minutes. The impact of these deaths or injuries
can have a catastrophic effect in terms of
physical, emotional and financial loss for both the
victim and the victim’s family. Thankfully, we do
have support in the form of the Road Accident
Fund (RAF) which provides compulsory cover for
all users of South African roads against such road
accident deaths or injuries. The problem is that
injured victims, or the families of those that have
died, are faced with huge challenges when
processing a claim with the RAF at a time when
they can ill afford this additional stress.
Furthermore, the RAF claims process can be
extremely costly, time consuming and
complicated which makes getting compensation
very difficult.
Accident Alert service includes:
Your membership must be fully paid up at the time of the incident.
• an effective RAF claims management service
with 100% of any pay out being passed
straight back to you
The Accident Alert service is only available for accidents that occur in the Republic of South Africa.
• full legal and medical assistance to assess
the merits of your case
• full administrative support and
documentation preparation for your claims
• an assessment of the medical expenses
incurred as a direct result of your injury
• further legal and medical support to ensure
you have all the necessary consultations
and reports needed to support your claim
• representation when dealing with the RAF
Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd Company Reg. No. 1992/001223/07 | ©Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd 2013, 2014, 2015
Accident Alert limits their service where their legal practitioner advises that you should not
proceed with your claim based on the merits of your case and taking into account the rules of the
RAF. If this is in conflict with your view or there is a material conflict between your assessment
and their legal practitioner’s assessment, the case will be referred to the Accident Protect
Advisory Panel for review. The decision of the Accident Alert Advisory Panel will be final and
binding on all the parties. The Accident Alert Advisory Panel will consist of the Accident Alert legal
advisor and two external independent legal advisors. Accident Alert will not be responsible for any
costs incurred in referring your case to the Panel.
You are at all times free to get outside second opinions but the cost of these will not be borne by
Accident Alert unless approved in writing. You are not obliged to use the services of Accident Alert
in the event of which Accident Alert will not be liable for any costs incurred by you.
At the time of the accident, you must have complied with all the legal and regulatory
requirements of the Acts governing the RAF. As the RAF is an independent party, Accident Alert
cannot guarantee performance by the RAF.
What Pothole Al
ert Offers
This benefit is for the member and
spouse and any vehicle in their name
• Relief – Pothole Alert deals
with the Road Authoritie
s on your
behalf from beginning to
end, and you receive your
much faster compared to
if you submitted the claim
• Recoveries – You rece
ive 100% of the payouts
from the Road
• Representation – Their
expert team provide full
legal and
administrative support and
representation, ensuring
that they
have assessed the meri
ts of your case before reco
mmending a
claim and that they have
everything they need to
submit the
claim on your behalf.
Tiger Wheel & Tyre (TWT
) – Tiger Wheel & Tyre, the
leading provider
of tyres, wheels and serv
ice related products, offer
members preferential rates
on all their products and
with a further 5% off their
total invoice!* All you have
to do is give
us a call and we’ll locate
your nearest TWT store and
let them
know you are coming.
*Before tax and excluding
insurance products
The Problem
Our Solution
Limits of Services
Our roads take a pounding every
day from heavy traffic, weather
and road works which can cause
wear and tear to the road and
eventually form unevenness and
potholes. The problem is that
these potholes often take a long
time to be repaired because the
authorities managing the roads
are stretched in terms of
resources and funding.
Unfortunately because of this,
our vehicles and tyres are at risk
of being damaged or destroyed.
Pothole Alert service includes:
Your membership must be fully paid up at the time of the incident. This service is limited to irreparable tyre damage
and repairable/irreparable damage to mags, wheel rims and vehicles as a result of a pothole or road works on a road
within the borders of the Republic of South Africa. Pothole Alert will assist only in respect of vehicle(s) owned by you
and your spouse.
• complete and free case management of
the claims process to obtain maximum
possible compensation for tyres, wheel
rims and mags damaged as a result of
potholes (or road works) in the
Republic of South Africa
• 100% of the payout paid straight back
to you
• free assistance with quotes for
replacement tyres and access to
preferential rates through Pothole Alert
tyre retail partners
• proactive follow-ups to make sure
potholes are repaired to prevent future
No service will be provided:
• if you have already claimed or are in the process of claiming for the damage from your insurance company;
• if the incident is not reported to us within 5 working days of the incident; or
• if the Pothole Alert assessor advises that you should not proceed with your claim based on the merits of your case.
If you do not agree, or there is material conflict between your assessment and that of the assessor, the case will
then be referred to the Pothole Alert Advisory Panel. The decision of the Pothole Alert Advisory Panel will be final and
binding on all the parties. The Pothole Alert Advisory Panel will consist of an admitted attorney as well as a tyre
expert from a leading tyre retailer. Pothole Alert will not be responsible for any costs incurred in referring your case
to the Panel.
You are at all times free to get outside second opinions as well as external legal advice and representation, but the
costs of these will not be borne by Pothole Protect, unless we have agreed to these in writing. At the time of the
incident, you must have complied with all the legal and regulatory requirements of the Roads Acts of South Africa and
other such relevant legislation. As the Road Authorities are independent third parties, Pothole Alert cannot guarantee
performance by the Road Authorities.
Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd Company Reg. No. 1992/001223/07 | ©Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd 2013, 2014, 2015
This is for our members only
t Offers
What Fines Aler s of dealing with Traffic
away the stres
• Relief – Fines Alert take
pay for
peace of mind that you only
Departments and provide
e fines,
Once you have paid thos
those fines
be no
settlement so there will
they provide a proof of fines
e roadblocks.
nasty surprises at futur
tiated as
100% of all discounts nego
• Reco
any previously paid fines
well as all recoveries on
legal and
expert team provides full
• Representation – Their
c fines
representation on all traffi
administrative support and
related matt
ned copy
benefit, please send a scan
To take advantage of this or fax it to
of your ID
s Protect can register you
086 500 2217 so that Fine
their fines monitoring syst
The Problem
• guaranteed fine reductions
Most road users have had a fine for a minor road
indiscretion at some stage or another, yet often
these are not paid up which can lead to increased
penalties or even legal action. The problem is that
we are not always aware that we have been given
a fine, and when we do receive one, we are not
always sure that these fines have been issued
legitimately. It is also often an expensive and
timely exercise to check, verify and pursue any
action to get fines reduced and paid.
• an easy, quick, safe and secure fines
payment facility
Our Solution
If you have any handwritten fines, you can
scan and email them to Fines Alert along with a
copy of your ID to
or fax it to 086 500 2217.
Fines Alert service includes:
• a quick and efficient traffic fines monitoring and
notification system with 100% of fine
discounts/recoveries passed back to you
• full legal assistance to assess the legitimacy and
legality of fines
Fines Alert will present the merits of the fine to the relevant traffic department and any
recovery/discount will be passed back to you.
• proof of fines settlement
Fines Alert will provide an invoice for fines payments. Once you have paid the invoice in full,
Fines Protect will provide proof that the fine has been settled and cleared.
How it works
Limits of Services
Using a copy of your ID, Fines Alert check the
traffic fines database against any outstanding
fines in your name and will then contact you if
they identify any such fines.
The Fines Alert service is limited to the main member and your membership must be fully paid
up at the time of the fine being issued.
Fines Alert will collect supporting documents
such as a statement of the incident, a copy of
the fine as well as a copy of your driver’s
Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd Company Reg. No. 1992/001223/07 | ©Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd 2013, 2014, 2015
The Fines Alert service is limited to traffic fines issued within the Republic of South Africa.
Fines are said to be ‘issued’ once they are posted onto or
and therefore Fines Protect can only check and notify clients of fines that are posted onto these
websites. Other fines that are not posted onto these websites can be dealt with by Fines Protect,
but Fines Protect must be notified of these by the client before service can commence.
At the time of the fine, you must comply with all the legal and regulatory requirements of
the Roads Acts of South Africa and other such relevant legislation.
Fines Alert does not guarantee the performance of the traffic department and does not
include Aarto de-merit points reductions.
Our member benefit rules apply to all these benefits.
A Summary of your
road Guard Benefits
Road Protect Benefits
Accident Alert – Road Accident Fund (RAF) claims
management system that manages your claim from
start to finish.
Pothole Alert – Recovery service for pothole damages to
your tyres mags, rims and vehicle.
Fines Alert – Road fine notification and guaranteed fines
reduction service.
The Service Fee
R95.00 per month. Price subject to a maximum of
4 vehicles. Any additional vehicle will be subject to
an additional fee of R10 per vehicle.
For assistance with any of the services above please contact us during office hours (8am to 5pm during weekdays) on:
0861 001 008
Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd Company Reg. No. 1992/001223/07 | ©Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd 2013, 2014, 2015
For assistance from Road Guard simply call
0861 001 008
Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd Company Reg. No. 1992/001223/07 | ©Altech Netstar (Pty) Ltd 2013, 2014, 2015