Putting plans into action


Putting plans into action
Celebrating the technicians who
put us on the road to recovery / 4
Former Backus junior volunteer
wins scholarship / 7
The William W. Backus Hospital
VOL. 43, NO. 42
Windham Community Memorial Hospital
backushospital.org • windhamhospital.org
OCTOBER 24, 2014
Putting plans
into action
Surprise Ebola drill tests East Region’s preparedness
Dressed in full personal protective equipment, Backus nurses Karen Butterworth-Erban, RN,
center, nurse manager for Hartford HealthCare East Region Emergency Services; and Renee
Malaro, RN, right, talk to Jen Clachrie, RN, Clinical Educator, East Region Emergency Services, who was acting as a patient during an Ebola preparedness drill that included the
Norwichtown Backus Family Health Center, Backus Emergency Department and the
Windham Emergency Department on Thursday, Oct. 23.
A weekly newsletter for East Region employees, volunteers, patients and friends.
Gift Shop
October 24, 2014
Years in the making
Items of the Week
A great gift idea.
Pink for October
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is
nearly through but it’s never too
late to show your support. Breast
cancer awareness item are for sale
now in the Auxiliary to Windham
Hospital Gift Shop.
MON. - WED. / 9:30 A.M. – 7:30 P.M.,
THURS. - FRI. / 9:30 A.M. – 6:30 P.M.,
SAT. / 9:30 A.M. – 4 P.M., SUN. / 1 – 4 P.M.
MON. - FRI. / 9 A.M. - 4 P.M.
A piece of bone is closely examined by those taking part in an autopsy
on the exhumed body of Ellis Ruley Saturday, Oct. 18, at Backus Hospital.
From left are cameraman David Chmielewski; filmmaker Glenn
Palmedo-Smith; Mirela Stancu, MD, chief of pathology at Backus; Detective Dave Lamoureux, State Police Major Crime Squad Eastern District;
Detective Trevor Robinson (back to camera), Norwich Police Department;
retired medical examiner Dr. Michael Baden; and Hunter Smith, son of
filmmaker Glenn Palmedo-Smith. The autopsy was conducted as part of
an ongoing investigation into foul play that might be the subject of a future movie.
Backus to host blood drive Oct. 24
Backus will host an American Red Cross Blood on Friday,
Oct. 24, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. in the main lobby conference rooms at Backus Hospital, 326 Washington St. in
To schedule an appointment to give blood, e-mail Ginny
James at virginia.james@hhchealth. org or call 860-889-8331, ext. 4211 or
Upcoming Auxiliary
vendor sales
About HospiTell
HospiTell is published each Friday by
the Communications Departments of
The William W. Backus Hospital and
Windham Hospital. Employees, medical staff and volunteers can have HospiTell e-mailed to their homes by
sending a request to
To submit news:
E-mail: publicrelations@wwbh.org
Fax: 860-892-6964
Deadline: Wednesdays at noon
Backus: Idletimes will be the featured
dealer for the next Backus Auxiliary vendor sale Friday, Oct. 31, from 9
a.m. to 4 p.m. in the main lobby conference rooms. Items include pillow
quilts, runners, napkins, pocketbooks and more.
Silver Web will be the featured dealer for the next Auxiliary to Windham vendor sale Thursday, Nov. 6, from 9 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. in the atrium.
All sales by each auxiliary benefits the host hospital!
October 24, 2014
Everyday care doesn’t take a back seat
Dear Colleagues,
While the Ebola situation has been garnering headlines and the attention of our nation, quietly behind the scenes Backus and
Windham staff have been displaying extraordinary discretionary effort to deal with high
patient census over a long period of time.
For a few days this week our focus was on
planning and conducting an Ebola drill at
Backus, Windham and Plainfield, but when
the dust settles we still have real patients to
care for. I want to be sure that we don’t lose
sight of these day-to-day efforts.
Thank you to everyone for your effort, including frontline staff and managers for
stepping out of your comfort zones to work
long hours and care for patients who need our help.
When you pile on top of this an Ebola drill, which took
an enormous amount of planning and resources, as well
as other expectations such as open enrollment and
mandatory vaccinations, you might become concerned
about our ability to juggle so many things at once. I am
happy to report that we have not missed a beat — not
only did we pull off a successful Ebola drill at three East
Region locations, we also delivered high quality, safe patient care throughout.
We are not sure exactly sure what is causing this high
patient volume, but one thing is certain —
our staff members are using their HRO and
H3W behaviors to do some very hard work.
Despite what comes your way, you are putting our patients first, no matter what obstacles there might be. Once again I want to
thank you for this.
This is a proud moment for Backus and
Windham. We are working together as a
team, leaning on one another at a time when
we are being tested on all levels — personally
and professionally.
I am more confident than ever that if an
Ebola patient did arrive at our doors, we will
use our screening tools and training to handle the situation. But, perhaps more importantly, I know we have what it takes to care for our
patients even in the most challenging situations.
There is no doubt we will continue to be tested — flu
season is just around the corner — but I am confident we
will pass with flying colors.
That’s all for now,
Golfers and guests were
treated to a spectacular fall
day at the third annual Laura
Beth Seder Memorial Golf
Tournament on Friday, Oct. 17,
at Mohegan Sun Golf Club.
Welcoming the field, at right,
are Tournament Founders
Scott Seder and daughter Lexi Seder, Tournament Chairs Eileen and Dr. David Kalla, and
Dave Whitehead, Hartford HealthCare East Region President. This year’s tournament raised
nearly $45,000 in support of the Backus Breast Health Initiative.
Celebrating National
Pharmacy Week
All week long, Backus and Windham hospitals
have been celebrating National Hospital Pharmacy
Week Oct 19-25, which acknowledges the vital contributions that pharmacists and technicians make to
patient care in our nation’s health care institutions.
Pharmacists are increasingly filling critical roles
on modern, collaborative health care teams to provide direct patient care and advocacy. Patient-centered care has always been part of pharmacists’
tradition and history, and it will continue to be their
Eric Arlia
Dan Bessette
Carol Bielenda
Phil Bunick
Jennie Cornell
Laurie Keegan
Aga Kolodziejczak
Marilyn Maley
Brianne Nichols
Vira Patsmeko
Tricia Reid
Sue Sharpley
Leanne Spears
Daniel Vo
Ashley Warning
October 24, 2014
Jay Lee
Carol Savluk
Karen Stedman
Crystal Walsh
Eric Remillard
Chris Carnaroli
Crystal Garosshen
Phil Hritcko
Vicky Lambert
Mark Mikkelson
Ryan Jones
JP Sergio
Jill Asselin
Lisa Beltram
Erica Haynes
Lisa Kim
Steve Luciano
Pat Middleton
Nick Pereira
Shannon Slota
Cheryl Walker
Wen Zheng
Deb Albuja
Justine Allard
Amanda Caron
Alisha Demers
Steffanie Devolve
Miranda Hawes
Jean Hershberger
Gabby Koeppe
Yvonne Kohl
Ashley Laporte
Greg Ledogar
Lisa Pepin
Cassie Platt
Julie Scott
Janet Simon
Dina Dossantos
Andy Reguin
Donna Strmiska
Karen Brouwer
Kate Wheeler
Steve Costanzo
Lauren Fisk
Charlie Sibicky
Chris Sibicky
Ann Marie
Maryann Calderon
Amanda Santiago
Maria Lopez
Dianne Galligan
Maureen Rice
Bernie Shanley
John Beam
Jerry McKee
Stephanie Charron
Kristina Oddo
Ruby Tuesday is extremely proud to be part of your hometown
and believes in giving back. As a fellow member of the community,
we invite you to participate in...
Ruby Tuesday’s Community GiveBack Program.
Grab your family and friends and join us at
location on the dates listed below. Please
Diabetes Day
present this flyer to your server, and we
will give back 20% of your purchase to the organization.
Monday, November 17, 2014
12 Noon - 2 PM in the Atrium
“Building a Better Breakfast”
To make a reservation, call us at 860-423-0056 or visit us online at
rubytuesday . com
Organization's Name:
Event Name:
Date(s) of Visit:
11/6/2014 11/7/2014 11/8/2014
A free community event.
Throughout the afternoon: vendors,
demonstrations, health screenings,
information, games, and more...
October 24, 2014
Ebola drill tests our readiness
Backus, Windham and Natchaug
hospitals all took part in a surprise
Ebola drill Thursday, an opportunity to
test strengths and weaknesses in case
a real scenario were to occur. The drill
continued Friday at the Plainfield
Backus Emergency Care Center.
“I would like to thank all of our East
Region staff, clinical and non-clinical,
for all they did to make this drill a
success,” said Patrick Turek, Regional
Manager of Emergency Preparedness.
“We were able to really test our abilities, and do so on top of a very high
patient census. This took an enormous amount of discretionary effort
and in the end we will be better prepared because of it.”
The drill began around 8 a.m. at the
Norwichtown Backus Family Health
Center. The mock patient, Jen
Clachrie, RN, East
Region Emergency
Services Clinical
Educator, played
the role of a patient. She complained of flu-like
symptoms so staff automatically
began using the Ebola screening tool.
By using this tool they found out that
the patient had recently traveled to
Liberia for a mission and had been in
contact with sick people.
Staff then gave her a mask to wear
and isolated her in a room. Janet Andrade, LPN, donned protective clothing and spoke to the patient through
the door without entering the room,
which is protocol. Meanwhile, another
staff member called the Hartford
HealthCare situation room for guidance. The mock patient then began
having respiratory difficulties and collapsed, so they called an ambulance
to have her brought to the Backus ED
where she would be stabilized and
then transported to a special unit at
Hartford Hospital.
The drill was also an opportunity
Above left, American Ambulance workers dressed in full personal protective gear get ready to transport a "patient" during an Ebola preparedness
drill Thursday. The drill began at the Norwichtown Backus Family Health
Center where the “patient” was first seen and then transported to the
Backus Emergency Department. Above right, Cory Herrick, RN, assistant
nurse manager of emergency services at Windham Hospital, walks out of
a room that had been set aside for an Ebola preparedness drill, which also
included Natchaug Hospital. The door of the room and sections of the hallway had been covered with plastic as a precautionary measure.
for community partners to test their
readiness, so American Ambulance
came to pick up the patient, using its
protocols and protective equipment. A
call was placed to Backus so they
would be prepared to receive the patient.
When the mock patient arrived at
Backus, she was brought to a special
room where EMS personnel wearing
protective clothing attempted to stabilize her before she was transported
to Hartford. At the same time, maintenance began hanging 100 feet of plastic barrier to isolate the area from the
rest of the ED.
Later in the day, the same mock patient presented a Natchaug Hospital.
However, this time she refused to stay
and drove herself to the Windham
Hospital Emergency Department,
where they tested their knowledge
and protocols.
Karen Spaulding from patient access greeted the patient as she entered the Windham Emergency
Department reception area. By asking
the initial screening question about
travel and alerting the ED, she began
the process that led to patient isolation.
“It hits really close to home when
the patient is right in front of you,”
Spaulding said. “I’m glad we had this
drill. I hope we have more.”
At the end of the day, hospital officials met to discuss the East Region’s
strengths and weaknesses, and will
develop an action plan to solidify
Ebola protocols.
The drills on Thursday and Friday
were part of an overall drill throughout Hartford HealthCare. Media from
across the state covered the drills, including locally The Day of New London
The Bulletin and the Willimantic Chronicle.
“We want the public to understand
that we are taking the Ebola situation
very seriously and doing our best to
prepare ourselves,” Turek said. “Practice makes perfect.”
TB testing schedule
n Wednesday, Nov. 5
noon - 4 p.m.
n Thursday, Nov. 6
6 - 10 a.m.
n Monday, Nov. 10
noon - 4 p.m.
n Thursday, Nov. 13
4 - 7 p.m.
n Tuesday, Nov. 18
7 - 11 a.m.
n Tuesday, Nov. 18
9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
n Monday, Nov. 24 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
n Monday, Dec. 1
7 a.m. - noon
main lobby conference room 3
main lobby conference room 3
BOCC conference room 1
main lobby conference room 3
Plainfield Lab
main lobby conference room 3
BOCC conference room 1
main lobby conference room 1
TB testing resumes in November
The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention requires the hospital
to undergo a self-assessment each
year to determine our TB exposure
risk. As a result of this assessment,
we are once again required to test
employees for TB exposure.
We will continue to use the T-Spot
method. Employees whose birthdays
fall between the months of September and December are required to
complete this requirement during
one of the sessions being held in the
month of November. Above is the
schedule for the rest of the T-Spot
sessions for November.
Betsy Makuch,
RN, left, Lynne
McPhee, center,
and team captain Bobbie
Maschka were
three of the 21
Windham Healers from Windham Hospital’s
Relay for Life
Windham Relay team raises nearly $3,000
Windham Hospital’s Relay for Life team, the Windham Hospital Healers,
raised nearly $3,000 during the Windham Area Relay for Life held on Oct. 18-19
at Eastern Connecticut State University. Forty-six area teams with 360 members
participated in the overnight event that raised money and awareness in the fight
against cancer. Windham Hospital sponsored the event’s survivor luncheon.
Like Backus Hospital on Facebook at
October 24, 2014
of Safety
survey begins
Oct. 27
As you might be aware our HHC
Quality and HR teams have been
working on the implementation of
the Culture of Safety Survey. This
survey is scheduled to begin Oct.
27. It will be administered by Press
Ganey via email to all employed
staff and employed providers.
Some key points:
n Press Ganey will send out the
first email link to staff to access the
n During week one the quality
team will work with those departments without email access to
identify a computer by which the
staff can sit and with a passcode
access the survey
n Every Tuesday and Thursday
Press Ganey will email a completion rate by facility.
n Press Ganey will send a reminder to employees who have not
taken the survey. A third reminder
will be sent on a date determined
by HHC.
n On Nov. 14 the survey will be
locked down
n Survey results will be finalized
by Press Ganey on Dec. 5
n In early December the Quality
and HR department leads will
begin to review the data and develop an overview of the survey
outcomes. The data will be sorted
by facility, department and unit
n There are five very important
Employee Engagement pulse questions included in this survey.
Safety and quality is at the core
of everything we do. Our commitment to high reliability and safety
requires teamwork, and we need to
hear the voice of every single member of our team.
October 24, 2014
EAG to sponsor Spook-A-Thon walkers
Peyton McGill and mother Linda
Rookard-McGill during the MLK
Scholarship dinner at the Mystic
Marriot on Oct. 16. Peyton was one
of six New London County students
to win the $20,000 scholarship.
Team Backus is looking for walkers for the Family 4K Cornstalk Walk at the
Spook-A-Thon on Oct. 25 at the Dodd Stadium from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Everyone who signs up to walk with Team Backus — The Backus Warriors — will
receive free admission and all activities courtesy of the Backus Employee Activity Group (EAG). Admission for non-registered patrons is $5 per person at
the door.
Together we can make a difference for our cancer patients at Backus.
Walk… make a donation… have fun… bring the kids. Sign up today at
Former Backus
wins MLK
Peyton McGill, son of Backus Senior
Accountant Linda Rookard-McGill, has
been honored as one of six New London County high school students to
win the prestigious Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. Scholarship.
The $20,000 scholarship is given
based on academic performance and
community involvement. Peyton was
recognized with five others during a
dinner at the Mystic Marriot on Oct. 16.
Peyton received some of his education right at Backus Hospital. He attended the childcare center at Backus
and also participated in the Backus
Junior Volunteer Bridge Program.
“Peyton has always been connected
to Backus Hospital, not just through
me working here,” Linda says.
Peyton is a high honor student at
Marine Science Magnet High School in
Groton and is a semi-finalist in the
National Merit Scholarship Program.
He plans to studying electrical engineering and is considering attending
Georgia Tech or Boston University.
Backus was a sponsor of the event,
contributing to the scholarships.
Windham cancer support group meets weekly
Windham Hospital hosts a weekly cancer support group on Wednesdays
from 5:30 - 7 p.m. in the Johnson Room off the main lobby. Family members
and caregivers are welcome.
Pre-registration is preferred. For more information or to pre-register, call
860-456-6770 or 855-494-INFO.
October 24, 2014
Fund donation
is a gift
to colleagues
Prostate Cancer Screening
Saturday, November 8
9 AM - 1 PM, AMC in main lobby
Urologists Dr. Franklin Friedman, Dr. Casey
McCullough, and Dr. Brandon Stahl will conduct
a prostate exam and a PSA blood test will be
drawn. Results will be available in a week.
Men who have not been seen in a urologists’
office within the past year are eligible for this
free screening.
Call 860.892.6900 to make your appointment.
With the holiday season just
around the corner, please consider
making a donation to the Backus
Catastrophic Fund. A growing number of individuals and departments
have opted to make donations to
the fund in lieu of providing gifts to
each other. With the cold weather
coming, the need for heating fuel
will grow, so these gifts will help all
winter, long before and after the
holidays have come and gone.
The Catastrophic Fund was developed in the early 1990s to assist
Backus Hospital employees who
find themselves faced with extraordinary financial hardships. The
fund, which relies entirely on donations from interested persons or
groups, has anonymously helped
many of our colleagues through
some very difficult situations, ranging from the loss of insurance coverage to dealing with personal
hardships and tragedies.
Your consideration and goodwill
is most appreciated as always. Donations may be made at the CorePlus Credit Union in the Annex
building, or given to Sister Rita Johnson, SSND, Director of Pastoral Care.
Cardiac support
group meets Nov. 12
The Backus Cardiac Disease support group will host its next session
on Wednesday, Nov. 12, from 6-7
p.m. in the hospital’s library.
The support group is open to anyone who needs support in managing cardiac disease. If you have
questions, call 860-889-8331, ext.
October 24, 2014
Backus Help Desk transition update
It’s been a couple of weeks since
Backus help desk calls were transitioned to the Hartford HealthCare
central help desk on nights and
weekends. Please review this update
as it relates to issues/concerns that
have come up.
tral Help Desk. Going forward there
will be a special message posted on
the phone line so that you are aware
of the fact that longer wait times are
occurring due to response to an urgent issue.
Identity verification
The message you hear when you
contact the Help Desk on nights and
weekends indicates that you can
press zero if your message is not related to CPOE. This is the number
most callers should use for general
Per Backus’ HIPAA security policy, it
is required that you provide a personal identification number (PIN) before the help desk can reset your
password. This policy has been in
place for some time and can be found
on the HIPAA Security Policy page of
the Backus Intranet. If you do not remember the PIN you established, or
have not yet established one, you will
be asked for another form of identification when you call the help desk to
reset your password. Once identity is
confirmed please select a PIN that you
will remember in the future should
you need to have your password reset.
Message prompts
From Patient to Professional: A Self-Made Man
featuring Tony Ferraiolo, LPC
You are invited to a LGBTQ
Networking event to
Celebrate the one-year
anniversary of the opening
of The Right Track/LGBTQ
Specialty Track in Young
Adult Services.
Unexpected downtime
If a critical issue (i.e. system downtime) is occurring at Backus or another HHC facility this can create a
large call volume for the HHC Help
Desk. This may result in longer wait
times on nights and weekends when
staffing is limited. This occurred during our first week using the HHC Cen-
Basket raffle to
benefit Crohn’s and
Colitis Foundation
help desk needs like password resets,
hardware issues, etc. It appears that
some folks may be hanging up and
dialing zero. You must press zero
while listening to the message for it
to be routed appropriately. Please do
not hang up and dial 0 as this will
send you to the Backus Switchboard.
The Backus Switchboard will not be
able to help you with your issue or
reset your password.
Please reach out to Angie Mathieu
at ext. 2260 if you have any questions.
Institute of Living
Hartford Room
Commons Building, 2nd floor
Hartford, CT
Guest speaker Tony Ferraiolo, LPC, is a Certified Life Coach and
Trans Advocate who will share selected scenes from the award-winning
documentary video, A Self-Made Man by filmmaker Lori Petchers.
The documentary highlights Tony’s transition, and includes scenes
from the trans support group he facilitates for youth and parents.
The event is free to providers and is sponsored by the Family Resource
Center at the Institute of Living. There will be opportunities to connect
and network with other providers who specialize in working with this
population. Food and beverages provided.
Hosted by
Laura M. I. Saunders, PsyD, ABPP
The staff at Norwich GI Associates
will be holding a basket raffle at Backus
on Wednesday, Nov. 5, from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. in the MOB/cafeteria alcove.
The proceeds will benefit the
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of
America. Baskets themes include: holiday dinner, wine, ice cream, mink
teddy bear and others.
Clinical Coordinator, The Right Track/LGBTQ Specialty Track in Young Adult Services
860.545.7009 | Laura.Saunders@HHCHealth.org
RSVP by October 21 to Patricia Graham at
October 24, 2014
News and notes from the
EAG employee
craft fair
n The annual Employee Craft Fair will
be held on Thursday, Nov. 6, from 4-7
p.m. and Friday, Nov. 7, from 7:30 a.m. 4 p.m. Space is available for $30 for employees and $40 for non-employees.
Please contact Donna at ext. 4513 for
donna.mclaughlin@hhchealth.org for
more information.
Discount Providence
Bruins hockey tickets .
Backus Café Menu
n Please join the Providence Bruins at 7
p.m. on Friday, Oct. 24, for their annual
Pink in the Rink game at the Dunkin
Donuts Center in Providence. $5 from
each ticket sold for the game against
the Norfolk Admirals will benefit the
Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource
Foundation. The players will be in pink
jerseys and all are encouraged to don
pink clothing and join in a great cause.
Tickets are $18 and can be purchased
from Donna McLaughlin at ext. 4513 or
email donna.mclaughlin@hhchealth.
movie tickets
n Discount Lisbon
Landing Digiplex
movie tickets are
available through
Cathy Saunders in Diagnostic Imaging or
Donna McLaughlin in Food and Nutrition for $8.
EAG weekly prize
winner for Oct. 24
n Morgan Villano — Backus
Home Health Care
Call Cathy Saunders at ext. 2105 to collect
your prize.
About the EAG
n The EAG is a small team of employees who plan and coordinate
fun and discounted activities for all
employees to enjoy. Contact the
group by e-mailing the EAG Committee Group through the Backus email system.
steak teriyaki / chicken tenders with dipping sauces / chef’s choice / mixed vegetables
/ jasmine rice
SUNDAY, Oct. 26
meatball grinder / fish and chips
MONDAY, Oct. 27
ENTREES: bacon, cheddar and ranch chicken on pretzel roll / dijon porkloin with brown
gravy / three cheese lasagna / SOUPS: chicken brown rice / cream of tomato / SIDES:
broccoli and cauliflower / caribbean blend / chive mashed potatoes / french fries
TUESDAY, Oct. 28
ENTREES: fajita beef salad / baked stuffed chicken with gravy / baked manicotti with
garlic bread / SOUPS: beef vegetable / creamy jack'd cauliflower / SIDES: malibu blend
/ green beans / mashed potatoes / onion rings
Oct. 29
ENTREES: chicken vegetable quesadilla / baked american chop suey / potato crusted
cod / SOUPS: chicken noodle / creamy corn chowder / SIDES: fiesta corn / asparagus
tips / french fries / wild rice pilaf
ENTREES: beef chili in bread bowl / breaded pork cutlet with apple sauce / greek style
baked haddock / SOUPS: portuguese with kale / vegetarian minestrone / SIDES: baby
carrots / harvard beets / rice pilaf / roasted red potatoes
FRIDAY, Oct. 31
HALLOWEEN SPECIAL: bloody wings / mummified meatloaf / butternut succotash /
SOUPS: chef’s choice / boston clam chowder / SIDES: broccoli / sicilian blend vegetables / jasmine rice / fries
DAILY FARE: A variety of hot paninis, cold wraps and pizza specials are available on a rotating basis
The Backus cafeteria is open daily from 6:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Hot food is served from 6:30 - 10:30 a.m.; 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.; and 5 - 6:30 p.m.
October 24, 2014
Discount for HHC
employees for Six
Flags Scare Fare
Six Flags New England is offering
HHC employees a discount on its
New England Scare Fare, Saturday,
Oct. 25.
The $43.99 package price includes
admission, parking, catered lunch,
and access to all haunted attractions
including the four premium haunt
zones: Wicked Woods, Zombie's Revenge, Total Darkness, and Midnight
Mansion — a savings of $71. If you
are a season pass holder, the price
will be just $22.72.
Tickets are available until Friday,
Oct. 24. Visit sixflags.com/newengland and enter the code Scare8.
For more information, contact
Heidi Brisson at 413-786-9300, ext.
3247 or hbrisson@sftp.com
Kathy Nelson, APRN, from the Windham Hospital School Based Health
Center at Windham High School, joined students, faculty and staff as
they showed their support for National Bullying Prevention Month’s
Unity Day on October 22. The group was joined together by an orange
paper chain during a ceremony in the school’s gymnasium.
ENTREE: spaghetti with marinara or clam sauce / garlic breadstick / SOUPS: carrot ginger / soup du jour / SIDES: whole wheat pasta / asparagus tips / SANDWICH: vegetable grilled panini with spinach, hummus, lettuce and tomato on multigrain bread
TUESDAY, Oct. 28
ENTREE: roast turkey with gravy and sides / SOUPS: cream of mushroom / soup du jour
/ SIDES: garlic mashed potatoes / stuffing / butternut squash / SANDWICH:
cheese, vegetable or chicken quesadillas with sides of guacamole, sour cream and salsa
Oct. 29
OKTOBERFEST: potato pancake with applesauce and sour cream / jagerschnitzel / beer
roasted bratwurst and onions / SOUPS: cabbage and beef / soup du jour / SIDES: german spaetzle / red cabbage and apple / SANDWICH: grilled turkey panini
ENTREE: baked potato bar / fried zucchini sticks / SOUPS: split pea with ham / soup
du jour / SIDES: baked potato / broccoli / SANDWICH: sausage and pepper grinder
FRIDAY, Oct. 31
ENTREE: fried fish platter with cod, shrimp, and clam strips over fries / SOUPS: new
england clam chowder / soup du jour / SIDES: french fries / chef’s choice vegetables /
SANDWICH: ribeye supermelt grilled panini with caramelized onions and swiss
ENTREE: grilled chicken cacciatore / SOUP: southwestern chicken and black bean /
SIDES: red mashed potatoes / italian green beans / SANDWICH: roast beef ciabatta
SUNDAY, Nov. 2
ENTREE: eggplant parmesan / SOUP: chicken and rice / SIDES: sweet potato fries /
mixed vegetables / SANDWICH: grilled chicken ranch panini
BREAKFAST: Served weekdays only and includes a variety of hot items including oatmeal, cream of wheat,
yogurt bar, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, homefries and a breakfast sandwich (Selection varies by day)
Sumner Cafeteria Menu
MONDAY, Oct. 27
The Sumner Cafeteria open from 6:30 - 10:30 a.m.; 11:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.; 2 - 2:30 p.m. and 3 - 6:30 p.m.
Hot food is served from 6:30 - 9:30 a.m.; 11:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.; and 5 - 6:30 p.m.
October 24, 2014
General Store is a free classified ad section for the benefit of
East Region employees, retirees, medical staff and volunteers.
We welcome your submissions by the hospital Intranet, fax (860-892-6964), mail or by e-mailing publicrelations@wwbh.org.
The deadline for submissions to be included in each Friday’s HospiTell is Wednesday at noon.
HospiTell will include community events for not-for-profit organizations based in eastern Connecticut that are open to the
public and free of charge. We do not accept ads for real estate, firearms or personal ads. Please do not list hospital phone numbers or
hospital e-mail addresses for responses. You must submit your item weekly if you want it to appear more than one week.
To have HospiTell e-mailed to you, or for questions about the General Store, please call Ginny James, Backus Corporate
Communications, at 860-889-8331, ext. 4211, or e-mail her at virginia.james@hhchealth.org.
AIR HOCKEY TABLE — Seven-foot Arctic Wind game
with high-powered fan, works excellent. Gently
used. Comes with paddles, pucks and vinyl cover.
Asking $750 or best offer. Email
pipercub22@yahoo.com for pictures.
LEATHER POKEMON JACKET — Boys size 12, excellent condition, asking $50 or best offer. Call 860-8875976.
NEW LAMINATE FLOORING — Handscraped, VGroove, medium brown, covers 180 square feet, $300.
Call 860-642-6428.
MISC. ITEMS — 2006 Subaru Outback Wagon,
113,000 miles. Good condition $9,700 negotiable.
Leather recliner sofa and chair, $800, like new.
Washer, 3 years old, $300. Call 860-546-0678.
HOME FURNISHINGS — One small desk, one computer desk and one couch. Some upholstery damage, but comfortable. Call 860-861-2007 and it’s
TENANT — Backus or Windham Hospital employee
sought for one sunny room with walk-in closet
Close distance to Backus Hospital, $575 per month.
Call 860-425-5271.
VENDORS — Norwich Sts. Peter & Paul “Kris Kringle
Fair,” Saturday, Nov. 8, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 860-8879857.
VENDORS — Craft, hobby, products show hosted by
the Lebanon Volunteer Fire Department Auxillary on
Saturday, Nov. 22, at the Lebanon Fire Safety Complex. Call 860-942-8283.
CRAFTERS — Otis Library is looking for crafters for
their Otis Festival, Saturday, Nov. 22. Applications
are available at www.otislibrarynorwich.org or call
860-889-2365, ext. 127.
VENDORS — Saturday, Dec. 6 and Sunday, Dec. 7,
Holiday Bazaar, Sacred Heart School, Groton. Call
HALLOWEEN SILENT MOVIE NIGHT SPOOKTACULAR — Friday, Oct. 24 at 7:30 p.m. at Christ Church
School of the Arts, 78 Washington St., Norwich. John
Barrymore in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, organist is
Robert Humphreville. Suggested donation is $5. Call
860-425-0663 with questions.
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Leffingwell House Museum, 348
Washington St., Norwich. Fifth annual street ringing.
Visitors welcome.
TURKEY DINNER — Saturday, Oct. 25, 5-7 p.m. at Lee
Memorial Church. Turkey, gravy, potatoes, homemade stuffing, corn, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls,
homemade desserts, $11 for adults, $8 for children
five to 12 years old, children under 4 years old are
free. Call 860-887-5886 for ticket reservations.
26, 9:30 a.m. at the Holiday Inn, 10 Laura Blvd., Norwich. Refreshments available along with the program “A Health Odyssey” presenting Judi Deglin,
PharmD, commonly used medications in women
over 50 years old. Renee Kohanski, MD, anxiety, depression, insomnia. Janine Sitko, MS, RD, CDN, fab
food or fad food. Moderated by Julie Ruditsky
Lofreddi, a.
Tuesday and Thursday, 6 - 7 p.m. in the Griswold Elementary School cafeteria. Class features low-impact
aerobics, weights and pilates. Bring your own mats
and weights. For more information, call 860-3764741.
SAILING AROUND THE WORLD PROGRAM — Tuesday, Oct. 28, at 6:30 p.m. at Lee Memorial Church Fellowship Hall. Presented by Janet and Mark Gorrell.
Hear the stories of their sailing adventures on their
24-month journey across 27 countries and 30,000
miles. Admission: $5 per person.
EMPOWER NEW ENGLAND — Presents “The Seven
Dimensions of Life,” Thursday, Oct. 30, 7-8 p.m. at
Windham Hospital, main entrance, 112 Mansfield
Ave., Willimantic. Free and open to the public,
handicapped accessible, 12 week series, informational, educational. For more information call 860935-5107 or visit our website
at www.EmpowerNewEngland.org.
WINES OF AUTUMN — Saturday, Nov. 1, from 5-7
p.m. at the Norwich Free Academy Slater Atrium,
305 Broadway, Norwich. Sponsored by the Woman’s
City Club of Norwich Scholarship Fund. Refreshments, wine, tickets $20 in advance or at the door.
Call 860-887-2315 or 860-887-7515.
YOUTH CAMPAIGN 2014 — Friday, Nov. 7, and Saturday, Nov. 8, at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 9, at 6:30
p.m. at ICP Healing Community Church, 20 Hope St.,
Willimantic. Special guest and preacher Evangelist
Samuel Ortiz, free and open to the public. Call 860423-3277 for more information.
CHOWDER NIGHT 2014 — Saturday, Nov. 8, 5:30-8
p.m. at Christ Episcopal Church, 78 Washington St.,
Norwich. Three chowders, salad, rolls, apple cobbler, apple cider, $10 adults, $8 seniors and children,
live music, take out available.
TAI CHI & QIGONG — Tuesday, Nov. 4, 6:30-8 p.m. at
33 Gallows Lane, former Thames Science Center,
New London or Monday, Nov. 10, 6:30-8 p.m. at 400
New London Tpke., Norwich. Free introductory class
for health and healing. Visit www.eaglesquesttaichi.com for more information.
ClinicalKey demonstrations part of Hospital Library Month
Staff can celebrate National Medical Librarians Month
with hands-on demonstrations of ClinicalKey, a premier
medical information resource, on Oct. 27 from 9 a.m. - 2
p.m. in the Windham Hospital Medical Library and on Oct.
28 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the Backus cafeteria.
ClinicalKey is an electronic clinical information resource designed to provide staff with fast, relevant answers from Elsevier’s enormous library of medical and
surgical books, journals and more. ClinicalKey is available
throughout the Hartford Health Care system.
ClinicalKey demonstrations session will include:
n Hands-on demonstrations of ClinicalKey capabilities
n Knowledgeable brand ambassadors on-site to answer
n Registration for personalized ClinicalKey access
Kate Cheromcha, MLIS, East Region Librarian will be on
site for both sessions to help register staff for easy remote
access to ClinicalKey and to provide information all the
other library services and resources available for Hartford
HealthCare staff

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