at Tales - Cattail Creek Country Club


at Tales - Cattail Creek Country Club
Cattail Creek Country Club
3600 Cattail Creek Drive | Glenwood, MD 21738 | 410.489.4653
at Tales
June 2011
5:00 p.m.– Arrive, Pitch Tents on Club lawn
6:00 p.m.– Dinner Buffet, Pool Open
8:45 p.m.– Storytelling around fire pit with Bill Wood
9:45 p.m.– Snacks & S’mores
10:00 p.m.– Stargazing with Stardoc, Joel Goodman
8:00 a.m.– Breakfast on the Lower Patio
View the complete menus for
dinner & breakfast, find out
what to bring and sign up your
family on the Club’s website.
$32++ Kids | $45++ Adults
This event is for all Members and is
sponsored by the Crocs Swim Team; a
portion of the proceeds will go directly
to the Crocs to fundraise for their team
at Tales
From the Desk of the General Manager
Dear Member,
Ready or not, summer is here, and we have just opened
our pool facility to 90 degree temperatures. The
weather has been very inconsistent this spring, but it
appears that better weather and many good times are in
our future.
The month of June also marks
the full time reopening of our
Lower Patio for lunch service
(remember the regular dining
room is close Monday ~ Friday
for lunch). In the event of rain
or excessive heat, the regular
dining room will be opened for Joseph Fulco, CCM
General Manager
that day. If you have not had a
chance to review our summer social calendar but I am
sure that you have, please see all the wonderful events
planned for the month of June listed below.
Prime Rib Night - Saturday, June 4
Men’s President’s Trophy - Sat. & Sun., June 4 & 5
Men’s First Thursday Tennis Social - Thursday, June 9
Nine & Dine Golf Event - Friday, June 10
CCWTA Social: Peace, Love & Tennis - Friday, June 10
School’s Out Pool Party - Friday, June 17
CCWTA Social: Let’s Hear it for the Boys - Friday, June 17
Overnight Camp Out at the Club - Saturday, June 18
Father’s Day Brunch & Dinner - Sunday, June 19
CCWTA Breakfast at Wimbledon - Tuesday, June 28
I want to let you know about two new events this summer designed for the family. First is our Family Camp
Out on Saturday, June 18th, and as your social director
for the evening, it is going to be fantastic. The afternoon
will begin at the pool but gravitate over to the Lower
Patio area in the late afternoon to pitch a tent and stake
your claim for the evening. The festivities will include a
bonfire, a storyteller, roasting s’mores, adults will sip
adult beverages, and everyone will spend the night un-
June 2011
der the stars at Cattail (I’m still not sure if I am spending
the night yet but it sounds good?). Sunday morning we
will welcome a big breakfast buffet served by your favorite Clubhouse Manager, Scott Lockwood.
The second event, on Friday, July 15th , is our Movie
Night featuring “Gnomeo and Juliette.” The best part is
that we are showing the movie at the pool. Members
can float in the pool and watch the movie, this should be
a blast.
The Club’s membership drive continues to move forward. We have welcomed 27 new social Members and 8
golfing Members. We really need one big membership
push before everyone starts to migrate away to their
favorite summer vacation spot.
For those taking a staycation here at Cattail, you will not
be bored. Chris Harriman has the golf course in magnificent shape. I continue to receive tons of positive feedback regarding the golf course, club grounds and entranceway to the Club. Keep up the good work Chris.
Joe Mattingly is extremely busy with our summer tennis
program and Karen Heinz is off to another great swim
team year, go Cocs!!!!!!
The Club will be launching a pilot program this month as
we will be offering babysitting services three mornings
(Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays). The guidelines
for this service are listed in the newsletter. Please take
the time to review this and all the information included
in this newsletter.
I welcome your feedback and I look forward to seeing
you at the Club often.
Joseph C. Fulco, CCM
General Manager
at Tales
Kid Zone
June 2011
The Kid Zone is a pilot program in response to our Members’ requests for short-term babysitting service that would allow them to get in a workout in the Fitness Center, lunch in the Clubhouse, a tennis match or 9 holes of golf. It is a work-in-progress and once implemented, we
will evaluate, tweak and enhance the Kid Zone offerings. As you use the service, we encourage
you to provide feedback and suggestions. New and gently used toy donations are welcome.
Our goal is to open the Kid Zone in the latter part of the month of June.
Reservation Policy
Advance Reservations
$8 per child/hour
$4 per additional sibling/ hour
Day-of Reservations
If you do not have an advance
reservation, you may call the day
of to see if children are already
registered. If so, you may sign
your child up at the below rates:
$10 per child/hour
$5 per additional sibling/hour
Late pick up fee is $25
per 15-minute period.
Advance reservations are required and may be made between 24 hours
to 2 weeks prior, in person, or by calling Katelyn Rubright at extension
396. Reservations left on voicemail are not guaranteed until confirmed
by staff.
Reservations may be rescheduled or cancelled without a fee, if Kid Zone
is notified at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled reservation; no voicemails please, you must speak with a staff member directly. Failure to
cancel will result in full charge of the reserved time.
Kid Zone limits reservations to maintain a 6:1 child to babysitter ratio.
Children may stay at the Kid Zone no more than 3 hours at a time.
Hours of
ages 3-9 years
old may use
the Kid Zone and
must be potty-trained.
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
at Tales
Kid Zone Rules
All children will be encouraged to get
along with others. If a conflict should
arise, the child or children involved will
discuss the conflict with a staff member
to resolve the situation. If children
need calming time, the staff will designate a specific place for children to sit
and gain self control. Parents will be
notified verbally and in writing of significant problems and may be required
to attend a parent conference. If no
solution can be attained and intolerable
behaviors persist, your child will be suspended for a specified period from Kid
June 2011
ceeding 100 degrees
Toys & Personal Belongings
Only comfort toys are permitted, not
electronic devices such as PSP, Nintendo, etc. Due to the age range of children and choking hazards, staff may ask
children to put away small objects they
may have brought with them such as
hair clips, coins, etc.
Children having diarrhea including the
result of certain medications at a rate
of three times within a two hour period
will be sent home and unable to return
to the center until they have gone 24
hours without these symptoms.
Food & Drink
Outside food & drink is not permitted;
snacks will be available for purchase.
(Parent approval required.)
Children will be sent home and cannot
return until 24 hours after the vomiting
has ceased.
Kid Zone will not accept children with a
Kid Zone registration forms must be
fever of 100 degrees or more. Children
Room Rules:
completed and on file, including each
who are sent home with a fever cannot
No running in the room at any time.
child’s health history and special needs/ return to Kid Zone until they have been
No yelling or screaming.
accommodations before the first visit. fever free for a period of at least 24
Keep hands and feet to yourself.
Registration information, including con- hours.
No name calling or bad language.
tact information should be updated
Communicable Diseases
Follow directions.
periodically with Kid Zone staff. Parents
Children with any suspected communiReturn toys to their places..
will be notified verbally, and in writing,
cable disease will be removed from Kid
No playing of violent games.
should any accidents occur under Kid
Zone and will only be re-admitted after
No fighting.
Zone supervision. Emergency help will
being cleared by the child’s physician.
be contacted for injuries.
1st Offense- The first time a child comAny rash that cannot be explained or is
mits any of these infractions there will Medication
questionable, will need to be seen by
be a warning and we will redirect that Only prescribed emergency medication the child’s physician and a note will be
child to a quiet activity, for example a
such as Epi-pens will be administered if required verifying that the rash is not
book, or toy. A written report will be
required. Non-emergency prescribed
contagious before the child may return
completed by Kid Zone staff.
and over-the-counter medicine will not to Kid Zone.
be administered.
2nd Offense- If the child commits the
Children with pink eye or any eye ininfraction again, the parent will be noti- Illness
flammation will be sent home and unfied verbally and in writing.
Children with a contagious illness or a
able to return until the inflammation
has been diagnosed and/or treated.
3rd Offense- If there is a third offense,
Zone. In order to prevent the spread of We ask that the child return only with a
the child may be removed. The parent
germs, the staff of Kid Zone reserves
note of re-admission from their physiwill be informed that the child may not
the right to deny an appointment if a
return to Kid Zone for 2 weeks.
child appears to be sick. If your child
Any child with a bacterial diarrhea inAttendance:
develops any of the following sympfection, hepatitis, infectious mononuThe parent must remain on Club prop- toms, you will be required to remove
cleosis, strep, or staph infections, or
erty at all times, while the child is at Kid your child immediately: excessive diartuberculosis must have a doctor’s writZone. Please inform the Kid Zone staff, rhea, vomiting, discharge from nose,
ten permission in order to return to Kid
prior to leaving your child, what your
eyes throat or ears, contagious illness
exact location will be on the Club’s
(rashes, colds, pink eye, etc.), fever ex-
at Tales
June 2011
Prime Rib Night Saturday, June 4
5:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
All meals include side
salad, baked potato,
vegetable medley, and
side of béarnaise sauce.
12-oz. Queen Cut - $26
16-oz. King Cut - $31
Bananas Foster - $7
Chocolate Fondue - $6
June Club Closings
Clubhouse Closed
Thursday, June 23 &
Friday, June 24
All day due to the Gentlemen’s
Invitational Tournament.
Clubhouse Closed for Lunch
Saturday, June 25,
opening at 5:00 p.m. for dinner.
Father’s Day a la Carte Dinner
5:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Seafood MinestroneShrimp, Crab, Onion, Carrots, Celery,
Fennel, Navy Beans, and Tomato $7
Father’s Day Brunch Buffet
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Buffet Menu
Carved Roasted Prime Rib & Turkey
Omelet Station
Shrimp Nasi Goreng
Cheese Tortellini with Chicken, Leeks, Spinach
and Vodka Rose Sauce
Grilled Vegetable Display
Seafood Minestrone
Buttermilk Pancakes & French Toast
Home Fries
Hickory Smoked Bacon & Maple Sausage
Smoked Salmon and Trout Display
Fresh Fruit
Scrambled Eggs
Danish, Muffins, Bagels, Donuts
Dessert Buffet
Kid’s Buffet to include:
Chicken Nuggets
Macaroni and Cheese
Mozzarella Sticks
$29++ Adults | $20++ Teens 13-17
$14++ Kids 7-12 | $10 Kids 3-6
Register on the Club’s online calendar.
Potato Leek Soup
Caramelized Potato and Leek Soup
with Shallot Confit $6
Sweet and Spicy Thai Shrimp
Thai Spiced Shrimp, Asian Pear and Cucumber Salad, and Pickled Ginger $12
Caribbean Chicken Medallions
Caribbean Spiced Chicken Medallions,
Jalapeno-Mango Salad, Citrus Couscous,
Summer Squash, Red Bell Peppers, and
Rum & Balsamic Reduction $17
Salmon “Bulgogi”
Grilled Salmon, Napa Cabbage, Shiitake
Mushrooms, Jasmine Rice, Soy-Ginger
Glaze, and Tatsoi $25
Veal Bologna
Roasted Garlic- Madeira Wine Sauce, ZucGoat Cheese Crisp and Raspberry Salad
chini, Sundried Tomatoes, Angel Hair
Red Raspberries, Goat Cheese Croquette,
Pasta, and Pecorino Cheese $24
Toasted Almonds, Belgian Endive, and
Champagne Vinaigrette $9
Maryland Crab Cakes
Vegetable Medley, Mashed Potato, and
Crispy Oyster and Gazpacho
choice of Cocktail or Tartar Sauce
Crispy Oyster, Gazpacho Sauce, Tatsoi,
Single $22 Double $34
Lime, Cilantro, and Olive Oil $9
Oven Roasted Tuna
Iceberg Wedge
Pan Roasted Rare Tuna, Gazpacho Sauce,
Blue Cheese Crumbles, Chopped Bacon,
Pickled Ginger, Wasabi, Scallion Rice,
Scallions and Buttermilk Ranch $9
French Beans, and Pea Shoots $26
Roasted Prime Rib of Beef
Vegetable De Jour, Baked Potato,
finished with Au Jus and served with
a side of Béarnaise Sauce
King Cut 16oz $31 Queen Cut 12oz $26
Grilled Filet Mignon & Glazed Portobello
Grilled Filet Mignon, Worcestershire
Glaze, Portobello Mushroom, Haricot
Verts, Mashed Potato and Cabernet
Horseradish Sauce $34
Dessert Menu Available
at Tales
Welcome May New Members!
Congratulations on your decision to join
and welcome to the Cattail Creek family.
The Hughes Family
Tim, Kelly, Aidan, Branson,
Callum & Decklin
The Noorani Family
Robert, Lisa, Rachel & Jacob
The Silverstein Family
Scott, Jannette, Hala & Adam
The Paliotta Family
Mark, Angela, Isabella, Thomas
& Matthew
The Smith Family
Burkeley, Kim, Burkeley & Farrah
The Savage Family
Gregory, Nichole, Alexis, Trinity & Mia
It pays to refer your friends!
June 2011
Congratulations to the following Members who
have already qualified to receive a new Member
referral bonus this year:
Jeff & Andrea Baker
Darryl & Kara Hockstra
John & Victoria Sessler x2!
Gordon & Diana Wright
David & Diane Michalski
Larry & Theresa Michele
James & Laurie Jobson
Drew & Gail Clark
Larry & Jennifer Kraemer
Mike & Liz Malone
Michael & Catherine Taylor
Scott & Mary Porter
Greg & Jan Lowe
John & Lisa Lengel
Buddy & Susan Emerson
Cindy Wright
Richard & Lura Fleece
Beau & Karen Volley
Roger & Sandy Wolfgang
Chip & Leanne Harrison
Jeff & Erin Baehr
Frank & Barbara Twardzik
Scott & Sandy Segrist
Chuck & Joanna Campbell
Michael & Shannon Shapiro
We’ve put a program in place for 2011
that rewards YOU for your referrals!
*Members who refer a family that participates in a trial
option, will receive a referral bonus when the new family
commits to Membership.
Who are you going to refer to the Club today?
statement credit for every new Golf
Member you refer who joins the Club.
statement credit for every new Social
Member you refer who joins the Club.
Are you and another Member equally
responsible for a referral? We can split
the credit for you!
Golf Tournaments, Tennis Camp,
Swim Team…Oh My!
...Fireworks, Pool Parties, Milkshakes
and More!
Social Initiation Special
*A two-year Membership commitment applies.
Special concludes June 30, 2011
Social Initiation after June 30, 2011
$3,500 in-full or $4,000 in two installments
Want to try it before you buy it?
Golf Initiation Options
$13,500 in-full
$15,000 in three equal installments
Want to try it before you buy it?
Take advantage of a 12-month
Trial Golf Membership
• No initiation upfront.
• Pay trial dues for 12-months.
• 12-month commitment to Trial Golf
Membership with credit card on file.
• At the end of the 12-month trial, choose to
accept an initiation option and join the
Club or walk away at no additional cost.
• Commit to Membership with an initiation
option at any point during the 12-month
trial and revert to standard dues.
Trial Golf Membership sign-up
concludes on June 30, 2011
Take advantage of a 12-month
Trial Social Membership
• No initiation upfront.
• Pay trial dues for 12-months.
• 12-month commitment to Trial Social
Membership with credit card on file.
• At the end of the 12-month trial, choose to
accept an initiation option and join the
Club or walk away at no additional cost.
• Commit to Membership with an initiation
option at any point during the 12-month
trial and revert to standard dues.
Trial Social Membership sign-up
concludes on June 30, 2011
Cattail Creek
Country Club
3600 Cattail Creek Drive, Glenwood, MD 21738
Call Lynn Slupski at 410.442.1772 ext. 233
at Tales
June 2011
From the Green Department…
Chris Harriman, Golf Course Superintendent
I have detailed many different happenings on the new
club website under the Green Department blog. HopeHopefully everyone had enough of spring because it left fully we can utilize this area well, and when you have a
in a hurry! Low temperatures and record rains were the question about something on the golf course, you can
story of the past two months and now we are touching
look to the blog for an answer. Otherwise, send me an
on 90 degrees in the afternoons. The Green Department email or call with a question.
has done everything possible to prepare for this summer
and we are ready. The golf course is very healthy.
With the many changes that have occurred on the
Course, I am happy to field inquiries. As always, I hope
As the temperatures rise, the need to apply water will
to see you on the Course very soon!
increase. So far we have gotten an abundance of rains
and some timely thunderstorms but that luck will run
out. This year we have employed a number of things to
help us utilize water as much as possible. The first is the
1st Assistant,
actual overall health of the turf. Healthy grass uses less
George Castro,
water. In addition we are using wetting agents that will
takes a moisture
help the soil and sand take up water quickly and allow
reading on one of
the plant to utilize water as needed. Lastly, we will also
the putting
be using moisture probes to measure volumetric water
content in areas. These probes instill confidence in the
watering team and help us find out what is going on underneath the turf. Rest assured, if water is being applied
on the Golf Course, there is a reason and it is being used
Nine and Dine | Friday, June 10
5:30 p.m. Shotgun, dinner to follow.
Golf is included with Tournament Club or $25 per couple
if not TC member. Pre-fix dinner is $30++ per person.
1st Course: (Choice of One)
Soup De Jour
Baby Mixed Greens Salad
All skill levels welcome! Join us to enjoy the
social aspect of golf and meet new friends!
Entrée: (Choice of One)
Grilled Sword Fish,
Mango-Papaya Salsa, Haricot Verts, and Scallion Rice
Chicken Paillard
Haricot Verts, Scallion Rice, and Champagne Truffle Vinaigrette
Grilled Flat Iron Steak,
Haricot Verts, Baked Potato, and Side of Madeira Wine Sauce
Assorted Cookies, Berries, and Mini Crème Brulee
at Tales
A Summer Update from Golf
Greg Stark, PGA, Head Golf Professional
Now that the rainy season is behind us, it is time to play
some golf. Although many of us didn’t get much of a
chance to play a lot of golf in the spring, the rain and cool
nights have had a great effect on the golf course. It is in
great condition and now is the best time to enjoy the
beauty and splendor of Cattail Creek.
Whether it is a causal round with your kids or a serious
match with your buddies, the club is the place to be. We
have several great events scheduled for the summer.
We are proud to introduce the World Championship of Putting on Friday, June 3 at 7pm. This is the first of three
qualifying event, concluding with the finals in September. Let’s find out who is the best putter at Cattail, all are
welcome to participate.
Also in June is the Men’s President’s Trophy (June 4-5), a
Nine & Dine Event(June 10) and 2 Men’s Twilight Events
(June 14, June 28). These events are sure to fill up, so don’t
be left on the outside.
The early summer is a great time to entertain clients and
guests at the club. We have many different options from
which to choose. A breakfast meeting followed by a golf
clinic and a round of golf are a great way to entertain those
corporate customers. Ricky Serrano( Director of Instruction) and I would be honored to work with your guests.
Junior Golf is underway at Cattail as the kids have been
qualifying for our 9 and 18 hole Interclub Team. Camps for
all ages and skill levels are available. We will also be setting
up private golf lessons for juniors who need it in the coming weeks. Several of our Juniors have been competing on
a National level this spring, we wish them well in the coming months, as their tournament schedule is in full bloom.
Lastly, we have two new Professional Golf Management
Students interning at the Golf Shop for the Summer. Brian
Anderson is a student at UMES on the Eastern Shore of
Maryland and Andrew Bulizak is a student at SUNY-Delhi in
up state New York. Please welcome them to Cattail.
June 2011
Tip from the Teaching Pro– The Rough
Ricky Serrano, PGA
I keep hearing how the golf course is in great
shape, BUT the rough is hard to play out of. Well
here’s my tip when you find yourself playing out
of thick grass.
The first thing you need to know is thick grass will
slow down your clubhead to the point you’ll
barely be able to get the ball out. The second note
is the thick rough will close your clubface at impact.
Your club selection on this shot is restricted to the
short irons -- 8, 9, and the wedges -- with the
pitching wedge usually the best choice. Play the
ball about two inches back in your stance because
you're going to have to go down after the ball. To
further increase the steepness of the swing, open
your stance a few degrees so that your feet,
knees, hips and shoulders align to the left. Your
clubhead should align square to the target line. It's
the same basic alignment as for a slice, but when
playing a short iron from the rough you won't
have to worry about slicing the ball.
Since the grass will grab at your club and close the
face at impact, you'll want an extra-firm grip in
your left hand. On the other hand, you can aim
the clubface a bit right of your target at address,
thereby allowing the grass to turn the face into a
square position at impact.
The swing should be an aggressive, forceful one. If
you get a kick out of swinging hard, this is the
place to enjoy yourself. It's a powerful, steep chop
that must go down and through the thick stuff. Be
sure to keep the club accelerating through impact;
otherwise you'll risk moving the ball only a few
feet. The faster you can get the club moving
through the ball, the faster that ball will climb out
of its nest and the farther it will go.
at Tales
“Approach Shots”
The Right Age to Take up Golf
Nic Flickinger, First Assistant
Here is a question that is asked of me every so often:
how old should my child be before he/she can start
taking golf lessons?
I took my first swings with a golf club when I was six.
My grandfather is a golfer and I used to watch him hit
golf balls in his backyard. I told him that I wanted to hit
balls too so he cut down my very first golf club; it was
a MacGregor 5-iron. Aside from showing me how to
grip the golf club, he never provided me with any serious instruction. I simply watched him swing and did
my best to mirror his movements. As a result, my golf
swing looks very much like his. To this day, I have
never really
had a formal
golf lesson.
Aside from tips
and advice
from friends
and other
PGA Golf
the only
instruction I
Nick and Grandpa Rudy
have had on
my swing has come from my grandfather. Growing up I
was also involved in other sports: baseball, basketball,
and my favorite, hockey. I was on the high school golf
team all four years, lettering every year. When I went
off to college, I golfed casually but never focused on
my game at all but the more I played, the more my
love for the game grew. That’s when I decided to make
it my career.
June 2011
improve on my skills: hand-eye coordination, flexibility, reflexes, and so on. Many of the skill sets involved
in the other sports helped me to translate many movements and actions in the golf swing.
So back to my original question….how old should my
child be? I feel there are a few components that need
to be there before the child takes up the game.
First, the child should have his/her own interest in the
game. I have seen it before where a parent is out on
the driving range with their son or daughter and the
child has no interest in being there or doing anything
related to golf. Before I saw my grandfather doing it,
that was me! I wanted nothing to do with golf until I
saw him hitting balls. The child should develop their
own desire for the game and on their time frame.
Some pick it up early, while others a little later, and
some not at all.
It is also important for the child to be at an age where
they can understand what is being presented to them
with regards to the swing. It is necessary for them to
understand the concepts that are being illustrated. The
youngest student that I have ever worked with was
three years old. I was able to provide her with very basic golf swing instruction and she was able to correlate
that into the physical movements required. She has
developed into quite the young lady golfer!
Most importantly, learning the game of golf needs to
be fun. When I work with junior golfers, I find it vital to
infuse the instruction with elements that are going to
make the lesson enjoyable for them. The trick is to get
them learning the game without them really knowing
that they are doing so. I have watched many PGA Professionals do this and it is always great to watch junior
golfers walk away from those lessons with a smile on
their face.
Playing other sports too helped me gain an appreciation for golf as well. Growing up I thought that I was
going to be a hockey goaltender for the rest of my life
If you have questions regarding instruction for your
however, where I lived, and injuries made it impossible
junior golfer, please contact the Golf Professional Staff.
for me. Playing the sports that I did helped me to
at Tales
A Word from the Pro:
Joe Mattingly,
Director of Tennis
Congratulations to the Champions and Finalists of the 2011
Member Guest. The Finalists
were Fern Babkes and her
guest Linda Shojaei, the Champions were Toni Wood and her
guest Mary Vincent. We had a
full draw and a waiting list for
the first time. Many thanks to
Jodi Lahman and Toni Wood
for all their help preparing for
the event.
Junior Charleston Trip
August 11-14
We will be taking a group of juniors to Wild Dunes in August to
drill and play with the local
Charleston juniors. All levels
are welcome as long as the
players can serve and keep
score. We will be flying out on
Thursday morning returning on
Sunday afternoon. We will have
reduced housing at the resort
and several Adults looking after
the players. The cost for the
tennis portion of the trip is $350.
If you are interested in the trip
please contact me for more
Howard County
Challenge Cup
I also encourage you to participate in the Howard County
Challenge Cup on Saturday
July 9th 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Forest Hill Country Club
All levels welcome, singles,
doubles, mixed doubles, men
and women. Please sign up
online starting June 11th.
USTA News:
Good luck to all of the USTA
teams that will be representing
the Club in the District Playoffs
and Championships.
Pro Shop News:
All of the new Wilson and
Balboa demo racquets are in.
Upcoming Events:
June 9th
Men’s First Thursday Social
June 13th
Summer Junior League &
Junior Summer Camp: Session
I begins
June 27th
All Sports Camp: Session I
July 2nd
Anniversary Tennis Events 4:00
p.m., Pro Challenge
July 9th
Howard County Challenge Cup
Tip of the Month:
Contact Point
As simple as watching the ball
sounds it is without a doubt one
of the most difficult concepts in
tennis. How often do you actually see the ball hit your strings
during your swing?
The next time you step on the
court try to say the word “ CONTACT “ as you hit the ball. This
one word can get your mind
and eyes focused on hitting the
sweet spot of your strings.
I look forward to seeing you on
the courts this month!
June 2011
Weekly Tennis Clinic Schedule
Registration for clinics is available on
the Club’s website. A minimum of 3
Members must be signed up for any
given clinic 24-hours in advance for it to
be held. If the minimum is not met, the
instructor will call any Members signed
up to cancel. Clinics begin April 11.
Adult Beginner Clinic
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Cardio Tennis Drill
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Quick Start (Ages 4-9)
4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Adult Beginner
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Cardio Tennis Drill
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Doubles Strategy
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Quick Start (Ages 4-9)
4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Cardio Tennis Drill
9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
* Blue text indicates a Junior Clinic.
60-minute Clinic - $26
90-minute Clinic - $38
at Tales
June 2011
Friday, June 17
Sign up online and attend any one of these
upcoming CCWTA membersonly events and be entered to
win this gorgeous silver tennis
bracelet handmade by Julie
Seanez, Pro Shop Manager.
Drawing to be held at Breakfast
at Wimbledon on June 28.
CCWTA Social:
Peace, Love & Tennis
5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
D.J. ~ Games ~ Buffet ~ Over 200 friends!
$17++ Adults $12++ Kids 12 and Under
Buffet Menu
BBQ Shrimp Skewers, Burgers, Greek Cucumber
Salad, Tomato Caprese, Fresh Fruit, Caribbean
Chicken with Mango Dressing, Macaroni and Cheese,
Chicken Nuggets, Chicken Salad with Avocado
*This is the only dining option at the pool this evening.
Friday, June 10th
6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. –Tennis Play
Dinner Immediately After
Food & Drinks by signature.
Drink Special: $5 Psychedelic Sipper
CCWTA Social:
Let’s Hear it for the Boys!
Friday, June 17th
6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. - Tennis Play
Dinner Immediately After
Bring your husband or a male Member
friend! Food & drinks by signature.
Beer Special: $3 Domestics, $4 Imports
Breakfast at Wimbledon
Tuesday, June 28th
9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Founder’s Lounge
Menu: Warm Scones, French
Toast, Bagels, Devonshire
Cream, Strawberries & more!
$11++ per person
Group Swim Lessons are now forming for June and are open
for registration on the Club’s online calendar!
The 4-class sessions are $70 per child.
You can view the offered sessions and ages groups, along
with descriptions of each group clinic on our website. Click
on the Swim tab and then swim lessons.
Register your child right on the
website. Classes are available in the
mornings and afternoons for beginners
ages 3-6 and intermediates, ages 7-12.
at Tales
Summer Camp
Junior Golf Day Camp
Ages 8-14
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Session 1
June 14-17
Session 2
July 19-22
Session 3
August 2-5
Session 4
August 16-19
Session 5
August 23-26
$259 per Golf Member Child, per week
All Sports Camp
Ages 8-14
(Golf, Tennis, and Swim)
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Session 1
June 27 - July 1
Session 2
July 25 - July 29
$389 per week - Golf Member Child
$459 per week - Social Member Child
Little Tykes Golf Camp
Ages 5-7
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. or
4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Series of 3 Tuesday Classes
June 21, June 28, and July 12
$100 per Golf Member Child
Girls Only Golf Clinic
Ages 8-14
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Tuesdays -Come to one or all
June 21, July 19, August 2, & August 16
$35 per clinic or $110 for the series
Group Swim Lessons
Session 1 Morning & Afternoon classes are forming and begin
towards the end of June visit the swim section of the website
or the online calendar to register.
Beginner lessons (ages 3-6) & Intermediate (ages 7-12)
are both offered.
June 2011
Summer Junior Tennis Camps
Camp I: Ages 4-12
Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Camp II: Ages 13 and Up
Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
$300 per week
$275 for an additional sibling
$350 per drop-in week (no registration)
Camp III: High School
Monday - Thursday, 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
$225 per week
$275 per drop-in week (no registration)
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Session 8
*Session 9
June 13-17
June 20-24
June 27-July1
July 4-8
July 11-15
July 18-22
July 25-29
August 1-5
August 9-13 (Tu - Sa)
High Performance Academy
Tournament-level Juniors | 34-Weeks
April 12 - June 11 & August 15 -November 15
Mondays & Thursdays - 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Saturdays - 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
$55 per clinic is 6 or more purchased
$65 per single clinic
All Sports Camp
Ages 8-14
(Golf, Tennis, and Swim)
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Session 1
June 27 - July 1
Session 2
July 25 - July 29
$389 per week - Golf Member Child
$459 per week - Social Member Child
2011 Cattail Creek Country Club Junior Golfer Registration Form
(fill out one form for each child)
Name: _________________________________
Gender: M/F
DOB: ____________
Parent(s) Name: ______________________________________ Member #: __________
Home Address: ____________________________________________________________
Parent Cell Phone(s) : ________________________ / _____________________________
Junior Cell Phone: _________________________________________________________
Parent(s) Emails: __________________________________________________________
Junior Email: _____________________________________________________________
Summer Junior Golf Camp
Junior Golf Day Camp
(check one or more weeks)
___ Session 1 (June 15-18)
___ Session 2 (July 20-23)
___ Session 3 (July 27-30)
___ Session 4 (August 10-13)
___ Session 5 (August 17-20)
Girls-only Golf Clinics
(check one or more dates)
___ June 29
___ July 13
___ August 3
___ August 17
All-Sports Camp
___ Session 1 (June 28-July 2)
___ Session 2 (August 2-6)
Little Tykes Camp
___ June 22, June 29, July 13
Allergies/Medical Conditions: _____________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Other than Parent (Name, Cell Phone, Relationship: ______________________________
Parent Signature
2011 Cattail Creek Country Club Junior Tennis Registration Form
(fill out one form for each child)
Name: _________________________________
Gender: M/F
DOB: ____________
Parent(s) Name: ______________________________________ Member #: __________
Home Address: ____________________________________________________________
Parent Cell Phone(s) : ________________________ / _____________________________
Junior Cell Phone: _________________________________________________________
Parent(s) Emails: __________________________________________________________
Junior Email: _____________________________________________________________
Summer Junior Tennis Camp
(check one or multiple sessions AND one age category)
___ Session 1 (June 13 - 17)
___ Camp I (Ages 4-12)
___ Session 2 (June 20 - 24)
(M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
___ Session 3 (June 27 - July 1)
___ Session 4 (July 4 - 8)
___ Camp II (Ages 13+)
___ Session 5 (July 11 - 15)
(M-F, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
___ Session 6 (July 18 - 22)
___ Session 7 (July 25 - 29)
___ Camp III (High School)
___ Session 8 (August 1 - 5)
(M-Th, 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.)
___ Session 9 (August 9 - 13 )* Tu-Sa
All-Sports Camp (Ages 8-14)
___ Session 1 (June 28-July 2)
___ Session 2 (August 2-6)
Summer Junior League
___ Novice (Ages 4-7)
___ Futures (Ages 7-10)
___ Challengers(Ages 10 - 14)
___ Satellites (Ages 14-18)
___ “The Gamut” Tennis Ladder
T-Shirt Size (circle one): Ch-S, Ch-M, Ch-L, XS, S, M, L, XL
Allergies/Medical Conditions: _____________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Other than Parent (Name, Cell Phone, Relationship: ______________________________
Parent Signature
at Tales
June 2011
Welcome home!
Your Club should always feel like an extension of your own home.
Share your ideas with us and let us know how we can better serve you.
Board of Directors Executive Committee
Andy Wilson, President | 301.674.9785
General Manager ext. 231
Greg Stark, PGA
Tom Cole, Vice President
Head Golf Professional ext. 222
Nic Flickinger
Gary Garofalo, Treasurer
First Assistant Golf Professional ext. 223
Joe Mattingly ext. 235
Dick Lombardo, Secretary
Tim Halter
Drew Clark, Past President
Director of Tennis
Head Tennis Professional ext. 235
Julie Seanez
Board of Directors
Tim Reid
Jack Quinn
Dave Jackson
Dick Lombardo
John Jorgenson
Christine Callahan
Joe Fulco, CCM
Jim Scalley
Howard Feldman
Cheryl Guth
Jay Swearingen
Jan Pundzak
Mike Jack
Committee Chairs
Golf - Howard Feldman
Green - John Jorgenson
Tennis - Christine Callahan
Membership - Ray Ignacio
Finance - Gary Garofalo
Facilities - Rick Pundzak
House - Jan Pundzak
IT - Jay Swearingen
Swim Team - Karen Banas
Social - Jodi Lahmann
Tennis Pro Shop Manager ext. 235
Chris Harriman
Golf Course Superintendent 410.489.9178
Kim Kordon
Controller ext. 232
Tom Caswell
Executive Chef ext. 246
Scott Lockwood
Clubhouse Manager ext. 234
Katelyn Rubright
Banquet Manager ext. 396
Rob Anderson
Facility Engineer ext. 247
Lynn Slupski
Membership/Marketing Director ext. 233
Club Phone Numbers
Main Clubhouse
Golf Shop
Green Department
Tennis Pro Shop