1 Links Media`s Participation in the VII Reunión Técnica de Iniciativa
1 Links Media`s Participation in the VII Reunión Técnica de Iniciativa
Links Media’s Participation in the VII Reunión Técnica de Iniciativa Amazónica contra la Malaria (AMI) and Iniciativa contra las Enfermedades Infecciosas en América del Sur (SAIDI) Lima, Peru April 7-18, 2008 Trip Report Marisabel Sánchez, M.P.H. Rodolfo Pereira Anngie Caballero Links Media, LLC 707 Conservation Drive, Suite 300 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 USA Tel: (+1) 301-987-5405 Fax: (+1) 301-987-5498 Email: msanchez@linksmedia.net Contract Number: GHS-I-00-03-00037-00 Task Order Number: 01 Author(s) Name: Marisabel Sánchez Language: English and Spanish Date of Publication: June 10, 2008 1 About Links Media Links Media is a full-service communications company providing organizations with an array of technologies and methods to influence behavior, communicate risk, and mobilize resources to generate positive change. Links Media’s services include market research, strategic communications, multimedia production, partnership building and advocacy, and knowledge dissemination. Currently, Links Media is leading communication and advocacy efforts in support of multisector and multifactor antimicrobial resistance (AMR) containment strategies in South America through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Amazon Malaria Initiative (AMI) and the South American Infectious Diseases Initiative (SAIDI). Abstract From April 7-18, 2008, Marisabel Sánchez and Rodolfo Pereira of Links Media traveled to Lima, Peru to participate in the Seventh Technical Meeting of AMI, followed by meetings of the SAIDI Steering Committee. Links Media’s Anngie Caballero is an incountry employee. The objective of the meetings was to offer technical assistance and information dissemination guidance to the attendees of each meeting. Links Media’s trip involved the following specific activities: • • • • • • • Providing technical assistance in the coordination of AMI’s information dissemination activities. Managing the dissemination activities planned to place AMI and malaria control in the public agenda. Participating in and providing technical assistance for the SAIDI Steering Committee meeting. Working with the SAIDI P4 team in supervising the communication and advocacy activities included in the strategic and operational plans. Collaborating with SAIDI P4 to determine the next steps for the Initiative. Informing USAID about the activities, progress, goals, opportunities, and next steps of AMI and SAIDI. Compiling this trip report and details of media coverage. 2 Recommended Citation Sánchez, M.; Pereira, R.; Caballero, A.; Weavers, S. 2008. Links Media Participation in the VIIReunión Técnica de Iniciativa Amazónica contra la Malaria (AMI) and Iniciativa contra lasEnfermedades Infecciosas en América del Sur (SAIDI); Lima, Peru; April 7-18, 2008. Submitted to the U.S. Agency for International Development by Links Media, LLC. Gaithersburg, Maryland: Links Media, LLC. Key Words Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Guyana, Suriname, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, AMI, SAIDI, malaria, infectious diseases, tuberculosis, antimicrobial resistance, communications, information dissemination. 3 Table of Contents Acknowledgements Acronyms Background Purpose of the Trip Source of Funding for the Trip Links Media Trip Summary AMI Meeting SAIDI Meeting Daily Activity Overview Annex 1: Trip Agenda Annex 2: AMI Media Report Annex 3: Selected Media Coverage Generated by Links Media Annex 4: Links Media Presentation at AMI Meeting Annex 5: Summary of Responses and Selected Surveys Annex 6: Request for Country Clearance—AMI and SAIDI Meetings 4 4 5 6 8 8 9 9 12 13 16 18 23 32 41 48 Acknowledgements The authors of this report would like to express their sincere appreciation to the staff of thePeruvian Ministry of Health (MINSA) and our partners at The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Management Sciences for Health (MSH), the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). The authors wish to express their thanks to the Links Media and PAHO staff for their assistance in developing agendas and providing logistical support. The authors also thank Links Media’s María Eugenia Reos and Sandra Sánchez for translation assistance and preparation of tables and graphics. The authors would also like to thank the USAID Peru Mission, in particular Dr. Jaime Chang; and USAID’s Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, in particular Peg Marshall, Ph.D., and Dr. Trenton Ruebush. 5 Acronyms AMI AMR APUA CDC LAC MINSA MSH PAHO SAIDI TA TB USAID USP Amazon Malaria Initiative Antimicrobial resistance Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Latin America and Caribbean Ministerio de Salud (Peru) Management Sciences for Health Pan American Health Organization South American Infectious Disease Initiative Technical assistance Tuberculosis U.S. Agency for International Development U.S. Pharmacopeia 6 Background The Amazon Malaria Initiative (AMI) is a USAID-funded, eight-country regional program in the Amazon basin. Partner countries are Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. Through a consortium of partners, including the ministries of health of the eight countries, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Links Media, Management Sciences for Health (MSH), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), and the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP); AMI is working to prevent and contain malaria in the Amazon basin and bring lessons learned and networking to the other countries of the region. Some of the specific activities of the partnership include: • • • • • • • Determining drug efficacy in the various parts of the region and working toward the implementation of evidence-based antimalarial drug policies Harmonizing of national drug policy with specific sub-regions of the partner countries Building human capacity regarding malaria issues Building decentralized laboratory capacity through the use of minilabs Testing the effectiveness and appropriate use of selected new rapid diagnostic methods Integrating vector control through selective control application Addressing drug quality control through procurement, distribution chain management, and marketing oversight Strategic partner Links Media leads communication and outreach activities targeting the policy-makers, health care professionals and service-provider communities, consumer groups, and individuals essential to sustaining effective infectious diseases programs. Gaining the active support and acceptance of these target audiences will help ensure the continued promotion and adoption of related best practices. This goal can be achieved by: • • • Providing technical assistance to build their capacity and help them inform and educate target audiences about the need for sustainable programs addressing malaria. Developing a dissemination plan that includes the use of new and existing information and educational resources and materials, approaches, and venues to inform and educate target audiences about the value and need for sustainable programs addressing malaria. Making timely information on malaria widely available to health care providers. 7 • • • • • Promoting timely utilization of information on malaria and hospital infection surveillance and control in the formulation of evidence-based policies, strategies, and interventions. Promoting the monitoring and evaluation of activities and strategies. Discussing feedback from international and in-country partners. Encouraging health professional groups, health providers, and consumers to participate in educational activities regarding best practices. Increasing public knowledge of key infectious disease issues. 8 South American Infectious Disease Initiative (SAIDI) The South American Infectious Diseases Initiative (SAIDI) is also funded by USAID and involves the same core group of technical partners, with the addition of the Alliance for Prudent Use of Antibiotics (APUA). SAIDI partners are active in Bolivia, Paraguay, and Peru, and are taking an active approach to identifying issues in antimicrobial resistance in pilot community programs. The initiative includes providing technical assistance in medication quality assurance, proper storage and distribution of medicines, accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment, and communicating the benefits of adhering to scientifically proven methodologies for diagnosis and treatment. SAIDI works to address many infectious diseases and limit their impact on the communities. Tuberculosis has been a recent focus of the partners. As with AMI, Links Media’s communication and outreach activities target policymakers, health care professionals and service-provider communities, consumer groups, and individuals, and are essential to sustaining effective infectious diseases programs. Gaining the active support and acceptance of these target audiences will help ensure the continued promotion and adoption of related best practices. 9 Purpose of the Trip From April 7-18, 2008, Marisabel Sánchez and Rodolfo Pereira of Links Media traveled to Lima, Peru to participate in AMI and SAIDI activities including the Seventh Technical Meeting of AMI, AMI annual Steering Committee meeting and SAIDI working planning and evaluation-related activities meetings. Anngie Caballero, an incountry Links Media consultant, also participated in AMI and SAIDI activities. The objective of the meetings was to offer technical assistance and information dissemination guidance to the attendees of each meeting. Links Media’s trip involved the following specific activities: • • • • • • • Providing technical assistance in the coordination of AMI’s information dissemination activities. Managing the dissemination activities planned to place AMI and malaria control in the public agenda. Participating in and providing strategic planning input to the AMI annual Steering Committee meeting. Working with the SAIDI P4 team in supervising the communication and advocacy activities included in the strategic and operational plans. Collaborating with SAIDI P4 to determine the next steps for the Initiative. Informing USAID about the activities, progress, goals, opportunities, and next steps of AMI and SAIDI. Compiling this trip report and details of media coverage. Source of Funding for the Trip Funds from the USAID Bureau for Latin American and the Caribbean for the AMI and SAIDI projects supported this trip. 10 Links Media Trip Summary From April 7-18, 2008, Marisabel Sánchez and Rodolfo Pereira of Links Media traveled to Lima, Peru to participate in the VII Reunión Técnica de Iniciativa Amazónica contra la Malaria (Amazon Malaria Initiative, AMI) and Iniciativa contra las Enfermedades Infecciosas en América del Sur (South American Infectious Diseases Initiative, SAIDI) Links Media’s Anngie Caballero, an in-country consultant, also attended the meetings. Links Media’s work for the AMI and SAIDI meetings was to: 1) Coordinate press coverage and provide framework for information dissemination 2) Assess the conceptual framework on how to disseminate the partners’ achievements in AMI 3) Conduct interviews with partners and survey their thoughts on information dissemination and implementing communication strategies 4) Provide strategic input for the AMI initiative work projected for FY 08 and 09 AMI Meeting Press coverage and media exposure Through an extensive coordination effort, Links Media secured unprecedented press coverage of the AMI meeting. Peruvian journalists interviewed USAID, Peruvian Ministry of Health (MINSA) officials, and AMI partner representatives for television, radio, newspapers, and online publications. Using the media channels, coverage reached an estimated audience of 2,160,800 million persons. Some of the most prestigious national news media outlets and shows covered the issue of malaria in the Amazon and highlighted the achievements of AMI and USAID’s contribution to preventing and controlling malaria. Some of the outlets and shows covering the topic included El Comercio, Canal 7, Radio Nacional, Radio La Luz, and Fulanos y Menganos (PLUS TV). Prior to the conference, Links Media approached our partners to receive their input regarding the appropriate message to disseminate. It was agreed to emphasize advances in addressing prevention and control of malaria, the utilization of best practices, lessons learned, shared solutions, and the identification of strategies for continuing the initiative’s momentum. 11 Links Media will build on this significant achievement, and continue our productive relationships with the media outlets and journalists involved as we move forward in implementing the dissemination plan. The successful implementation of the media plan also provides AMI with a template for future meetings. Given the Peruvian media’s willingness to help spread the word on malaria, we hope for similar assistance in other partner countries. Implementing the strategies identified in the conceptual framework Marisabel Sánchez presented on guiding principles, strategies, audiences, identifying needs, and recognizing media triggers that will permit us to move in and begin media coverage strategy. She explained the importance of understanding that media coverage and journal publishing alone do not constitute a media strategy. These are not the results; rather, they are part of the process. The goal of the media strategy is to keep malaria on the public agenda in the partner countries. Using the media and publications can be an important part of this goal. Proposed articles will include intermittent irrigation of rice (IIR), impregnated mosquito nets (a CDC project is under way in Iquitos), and policy change analyses. The process for development and review of scientific and technical articles was confirmed. Links Media’s team of writers will work with CDC’s Alexandre Macedo de Oliviera for technical review before submitting articles to USAID for review. Conceptual framework for communication strategy Partners were receptive to the presentation on the conceptual framework for communications, and surveys given after the presentation helped them identify their needs. The survey responses revealed several areas where the partners could use Links Media’s help: • Identifying potential content • Help with publication organization, writing, editing, and publishing • Helping the partners to communicate multisectorially—outside specific studies and reflecting the achievements of AMI • Data collection and interviews with in-country staff, which have been ongoing problems [(Links Media is looking at coordinating travel with PAHO to collect information from the field and to interview researchers and program people (Suriname, Guyana, Brazil, Peru)]. 12 The assessment also helped Links Media identify a talented pool of potential spokespersons for AMI. Some will require ongoing additional training in working with the media and conveying the desired message. There is also a need for ongoing one-onone contact with partners in the field to brainstorm on methods to disseminate AMI’s achievements. During the steering committee meeting, Links Media discussed new ideas for gathering information and resources from partners. Additional topics for investigation for publications were identified, and Links Media will follow up with MSH, CDC, and PAHO to discuss. A summary of survey responses can be found in Annex 5. Links Media reminded the partners that we are developing a comprehensive AMI Web site for storage of all AMI-generated materials. This site will serve as the central repository for AMI information, and will link to the partner sites. The meeting allowed Links Media to acquire a great deal of information on field studies, upcoming technical activities, and confirmed the importance of meeting with partners (in country and in the United States) to develop a good cornerstone for communication activities. The meeting also clarified that it is important to monitor and evaluate AMI priorities. The challenges of developing and maintaining an effective communication strategy for AMI are greater than previously understood. Media coverage samples, presentations from the AMI meeting, and survey responses can be found as Annexes on the forthcoming CD-ROM. 13 SAIDI Meeting While in Peru, SAIDI held its annual steering committee meeting. Links Media attended the meeting to discuss methods for continuing SAIDI’s work by mobilizing non-USAID resources. The attendees agreed that that the community evaluation objective is to be completed no later than August 2008. After discussion with Jan Karlo Zavalaga—the SAIDI national coordinator for Peru— Links Media held meetings with Asociación Peruana de Consumidores y Usuarios (ASPEC) and Health Politics Initiative (HPI) to discuss maintaining the momentum of the SAIDI interventions on drug quality processes, drug regulation, and consumer advocacy. ASPEC will provide Links Media with a written update document, and they committed to the idea that the SAIDI community workgroup would make a presentation to HPI on community progress. In a series of meetings with Lisabel Cabrera, Links Media discussed progress in the evaluation of communication intervention methodology. Marisabel Sánchez answered questions on logistical arrangements and discussed preparing a list of interviewees. As with AMI, the goal is to keep SAIDI’s activities on the public agenda. Links Media also attended a meeting and social event with SAIDI P4 to discuss progress, challenges, and the lower value of the U.S. dollar versus Peruvian soles. A workgroup is looking at changing activities due to a $5,000 shortfall caused by currency value fluctuation. Discussion included resource allocation through ASPEC grant writing and partnerships, especially addressing antibiotic use and sale of antibiotics without a prescription. Next Steps • • • • • Coordinate monthly telephone conferences to discuss and present action items for AMI and SAIDI. Plan on-site meetings to provide ongoing media training. Supervise and monitor the included/understood activities of the AMI media plan. Supervise and monitor the activities of each of the SAIDI P4 lines of action that are included/understood in the strategic and operational plan. Disseminate information on the successes, benefits, and lessons of AMI. 14 Daily Activity Overview Monday, April 7, 2008 Links Media convened meetings of spokespersons, attended by Trent Ruebush, USAID; Peg Marshall, USAID; Jaime Chang, USAID; Mabe Arce, USAID; Gustavo Bretas, MSH; Roberto Montoya, MSH; Lourdes Barrios, MSH; Marisabel Sánchez, Links Media; Rodolfo Pereira, Links Media; Anngie Caballero, Links Media; and Luis Miguel León, MINSA. The briefing book and CD was distributed to all of the meeting participants. Links Media trained the spokespersons, discussing the main topics to deliver to the media, and explaining how we would coordinate media pitches and interviews with them. The USAID banners and press materials were prepared for the meeting. As arranged by Links Media, CPN Radio interviewed USAID’s Dr. Jaime Chang during the program A Punto de Jesús Alzamora. A SAIDI meeting was held with Lisabel Cabrera. The meeting was a short evaluation of progress and coordination with the SAIDI P4 team. Tuesday, April 8, 2008 Links Media participated in the AMI Technical Meeting. Press coverage was obtained in El Comercio with the title “Amazon Initiative against Malaria meets in Lima” (“Iniciativa Amazónica contra La Malaria se reúne en Lima”), and media coverage on Canal 7, Radio Nacional, and Radio La Luz. Recordings were produced in the studio of the Program Fulanos y Menganos – PLUS TV. The episode aired on May 14. Photocopies of the published articles in the media were given to the participants. The objective of this dissemination activity was to demonstrate the Initiative’s achievements in influencing opinion and to generate a partnership with the journalists in order to continue disseminating the messages in their programs. Wednesday, April 9, 2008 Agencia Andina de Noticias and Radio Programas del Perú, key media in the country, published on AMI, the first in an internet article and the latter in an interview on the topic with Dr. Jaime Chang. 15 El Peruano, an official newspaper, published the article, “Peru is a Leader in Malaria Treatment” (“Peru lider en tratar la Malaria”), with statements from Dr. Luis Miguel León, MINSA, and Dr. Trent Ruebush, USAID. Canal 7 aired statements from AMI partners (USAID, PAHO, MINSA) during their morning news broadcast; and the Andean agency of the News and Radio Programs of Peru, the main media in the nation, published information on AMI on the internet in an interview with Dr. Jaime Chang. The Peruvian published “Peru Leader in Treating Malaria,” quoting Dr. Luis Miguel León, MINSA, and Dr. Trent Ruebush, USAID. Thursday, April 10, 2008 Marisabel Sánchez presented on the communication strategies of diffusion and communication in the AMI context, responded to participants’ questions, and invited them to complete a survey covering suggested content for publication, success stories, and data that the partners could offer in helping to disseminate knowledge obtained since AMI’s inception. A summary of survey responses can be found in Annex 5. During a meeting of spokespersons, it was noted that updated country numbers and statistics are needed in advance. It was suggested to have a spokespersons trained to work with the media by holding continuing mini-trainings (individual and group). Links Media recorded interviews with Edgar Barillas, MSH; Juan Carlos Arraya, Minister of Health and Sports, Bolivia; José Lázaro de Brito, Ministry of Health, Brazil; Marco Fidel Suarez, OPS Bolivia; Luis Miguel León, MINSA Peru; Stephen Vreden, University Hospital Paramaribo, Suriname; Gustavo Bretas, OPS Suriname; Jaime Chang, USAID Peru; Rainer Escalada, OPS Washington; Raúl Veloz Pérez, Minister of Health, Ecuador; Víctor Pribuda, USP; José Pablo Escobar Vasco, OPS Colombia; Nicolás Cerón, PAHO Guyana; and Roberto Montoya, OPS Brazil. Friday, April 11, 2008 AMI Steering Committee Meeting. Sunday, April 13, 2008 Programas del Peru interviewed Dr. Luis Miguel León (MINSA). Dr. León discussed AMI’s work and the achievements made in Peru. Monday, April 14 and Tuesday, April 15, 2008 Links Media meetings. 16 Wednesday, April 16, 2008 Links Media participated in three meetings, in which discussion focused on the need for SAIDI P4 to coordinate with these institutions: Asociación Peruana de Consumidores (ASPEC), Iniciativas de Políticas, and MINSA’s Office of Communications. 1. Meeting with ASPEC, attended by Jaime Delgado, President of ASPEC; Crisólogo Cáceres, ASPEC; and Marisabel Sánchez and Anngie Caballero, Links Media. Attendees discussed work that highlights the consumer’s role in deciding on the selection of products (antibiotics). ASPEC indicated that it has been working with five countries on marketing strategies to face the potentially unethical commercialization of pharmaceuticals; and indicated that due to eagerness to sell medicines, the problem cannot be fixed with a prescription. They also indicated that joint campaigns (including physicians) could be developed to inform consumers on the purchase of pharmaceuticals and on the adequate use of antibiotics. ASPEC mentioned that— as a key activity—local radio outlets exist where they can spread messages directed to the consumers through radio ads at a national level. 2. Meeting with Iniciativas de Política, attended by Manuel Vargas, German Rojas, Marisabel Sánchez, and Anngie Caballero. Iniciativas wishes to work on sustainable actions and those within the community that emphasize the work of public-private partnerships. Through initiatives and technical assistance, the organizations would be able to improve the availability and the supply of medicines in the public sector. The implementation of the National Policy of Medicine (Política Nacional de Medicamentos) would facilitate the design of strategies in the country tied to National Health Strategies. In the meeting, the participants identified civil organizations as groups that must drive the process, as well as private-sector companies that can help strengthen the civil society, as an important counterpart to the State. They requested a document that contains the developed activities in SAIDI P4 that emphasize the sustainability through private-public partnerships, and in this manner, help to strengthen the civil organizations through active participation. 3. Meeting with the General Office of Communications (MINSA), attended by Rubén Trujillo, Director General OGC MINSA, Marisabel Sánchez, and Anngie Caballero. Attendees discussed the initiatives that were worked on with MINSA, 17 and how joint work might be continued. Mr. Trujillo showed interest in the subject of avian influenza, crisis communication, and on the curriculum that Links Media has developed in this topic. Adopting this document (curriculum) for health communicators was proposed, as were workshops for journalists and spokespersons on avian influenza. Thursday, April 17, 2008 Meetings scheduled for Rodolfo Pereira. Friday, April 18, 2008 Activities included a meeting between President of PromPerú and Rodolfo Pereira, and a final meeting with the SAIDI members to exchange ideas with the national partners. 18 Annex 1 Agenda de visita Links Media 7-18 abril 2008 VII Reunión Técnica Amazon Malaria Initiative - AMI & SAIDI LUNES 07 ABRIL 11am – 12pm Reunión Links Media – USAID – OPS Lugar: Hotel Plaza Del Bosque 12pm – 1pm Reunión Equipo de Gestión AMI y portavoces Lugar: Hotel Plaza Del Bosque 5:00pm Reunión Links Media Lugar: Hotel Plaza Del Bosque Participantes: Marisabel, Rodolfo, Lisabel y Anngie MARTES 08 – JUEVES 10 ABRIL 9am – 6pm VII Reunión Técnica Amazon Malaria Initiative – AMI Lugar: Hotel Plaza Del Bosque VIERNES 11 ABRIL 9am – 6pm Reunión Comité Timón AMI Lugar: Hotel Plaza Del Bosque SABADO 12 ABRIL 12pm – 3pm Reunión Links Media Lugar: Miraflores Park Plaza Participantes: Marisabel, Rodolfo, Lisabel, Jan Karlo y Anngie 6pm Visita Parque de la Reserva – Circuito Mágico de Agua LUNES 14 – MARTES 15 ABRIL Reuniones Marketing Links Media MIERCOLES 16 ABRIL 10 am Reunión ASPEC Lugar: José del Llano Zapata 354 Miraflores - ASPEC oficinas Participantes: Marisabel, Edson, David y Anngie 12 pm Reunión ADIFAN - Asociación de Industrias Farmacéuticas de Origen y Capital Nacionales 19 Sr. Manuel Yzaga Salazar - Presidente Lugar: Jr. Los Laureles Nro. 365 Urb. San Isidro Participantes: Marisabel, Edson, David y Anngie 2 pm Reunión ALAFARPE - Asociación Nacional De Laboratorios Farmacéuticos; Sr Augusto Rey de la Cuba - Director Ejecutivo Lugar: Los Pelicanos 130, San Isidro Participantes: Marisabel, Edson, David y Anngie 4 pm Reunión MINSA – Oficina de Comunicaciones Lugar: Av. Salaverry 810 3er piso – Jesús Maria Participantes: Marisabel, Lisabel y Anngie JUEVES 17 ABRIL 10 am Reunión BBDO Lugar: Av Jorge Basadre 951 Participantes: Marisabel, Lisabel y Anngie 12 pm Reunión ALICORP Lugar: Av/. Argentina 4793 Carmen De La Legua – Callao 3pm – 5pm Reunion SAIDI P4 Lugar: DISA I Callao Participantes: Marisabel, Jan Karlo, David, Edson, David, DEMID Callao, Red BEPECA, Lisabel y Anngie VIERNES 18 ABRIL 11am – 1pm Reunion SAIDI P4 Lugar: DISA I Callao Participantes: Marisabel, Jan Karlo, David, Edson, David, DEMID Callao, Red BEPECA, Lisabel y Anngie 20 Annex 2 AMI Media Report In order to conduct a comprehensive media outreach program, Links Media implemented aserious methodological approach to gain access to the public opinion in Peru and disseminate across a variety of platforms the significant achievements AMI has made in reducing malaria morbidity and mortality in the Amazon basin. 1. Methodology In order to create a solid media outreach campaign, we did the research, writing, and editing of a Briefing Book, containing information devoted to the press and the spokespersons. The process included obtaining a clearance document for all the information we produced. The clearance was granted before the conference by USAID’s Public Information Office. 2. Message Prior to the conference in Peru, we approached all our partners to receive input regarding the exact message we wanted to disseminate. After several consultations, we agreed to emphasize not the meeting itself, but the sharing of advances in addressing malaria, the utilization of best practices, lessons learned, shared solutions, and the identification of strategies for continuing the initiative’s momentum. We wanted to reinforce the concept that malaria is a truly global health issue, and respects no international borders or continental distance. Despite the advances made in vector control, disease detection, effective therapies, and communicating the risks of the disease, 30 million people in Latin America are still at risk for contracting this potentially fatal disease. The adopted message had three specific subtexts, as follows: • AMI uses a multi-pronged approach, based on a partnership between organizations that provide technical assistance, each contributing with their own expertise in complementing fields. Partnerships are also in place with malariarelated organizations working in each country. • USAID’s Latin America and Caribbean Bureau, Office of Regional Sustainable Development (LAC/RSD) developed AMI in 2001 to address ineffective control and treatment of malaria. USAID’s contribution to the partnership has averaged an investment of US$2 million per fiscal year. • AMI’s partner countries are Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela. 21 To disseminate our message, our main concern was to avoid any political implication that could risk our entire communications strategy. In some AMI partner countries, controversies exist regarding the nature and purposes of North-South cooperation. We decided to take the opportunity to highlight South-South collaboration. 22 3. Messengers As part of our methodological approach, we identified key AMI representatives to act asspokespersons to interact with the media. We developed a list of specialists—in consultation with all partners—based on their knowledge of the themes and messages adopted. At the same time, we provided a Fact Sheet, with subjects and topics of conversation with different media outlets. We also provided an Executive Summary and a Spokesperson’s Guide. Before any interview with the media, we conducted a debriefing session with the spokespersons to discuss in detail the message, the tone, and the approach. 4. Platforms Links Media conducted an intensive field research to determine the main news media organizations with national coverage and high impact in all segments of the population. Our objective was to determine the size and demographic composition of our potential targeted audience. According to marketing studies and some audience measurement reports1, we targeted the country’s news programs based on influence in shaping public opinion and influencing opinion leaders. We also took into consideration national statistics on estimated total number of individual viewers, and on specific demographics. Based on those studies, we concluded that radio is the main source of information in Peru,followed by TV and print media. The Internet is still a growing new media outlet but its influence—especially in high-income segments of the population—must be seriously considered. After indentifying the proper platforms to carry out our message, our next step was to approach in person or by phone the main journalists that are real opinion leaders in Peru, to facilitate an in-depth understanding of the issues involved. We debriefed Raul Vargas, the main presenter of the radio news program “Ampliacion de Noticias” (RPP)2; Jose Maria Salcedo (TV Program “Fulanos y Menganos,” Plus TV)3 (Salcedo also hosts the Sunday version of “Ampliacion de Noticias;”4 Laura Puertas (America TV, Cuarto Poder)5; Juan Carlos Lujan (Editor Health Section “El Comercio”)6; Rodolfo Espinal (Editor Andina News Agency); Simon Romero (New York Times Bureau Chief Andean Region); and Marco Zileri (Caretas Weekly Magazine). a. Radio After a careful evaluation of our findings, regarding the size and demographic composition of our potential targeted audience, we decided to target specific media outlets, combining several media platforms to amplify our goal of reaching a wider audience. 23 Our first choice was RPP, the main national network radio, with an estimated daily listenership of 700,000 people. Within this radio station, we selected two news programs: “Ampliacion de Noticias” and “Ampliacion de Noticias del Domingo.” Another targeted news radio program was “A Punto,” hosted by Maria Teresa Braschi and Jesus Alzamora. This program reaches an audience mostly in the highest demographic sector, interested in political and economic issues.7 24 b. Television The TV shows that we selected were nightly news programs, like “Confirmado” from IRTP, and the talk show “Fulanos y Menganos.” The spokespersons were also interviewed by other cable news outlets, but with limited audiences. We obtained a firm arrangement with “Cuarto Poder” to air a segment produced by us at Links Media. Our production is estimated to end in August 2008. c. Newspapers We approached the newspaper El Comercio, which published an article regarding AMI in their main health section. El Peruano also published two articles on the same topic.7 RPP is a daily news program with live interviews with main opinion leaders. RPP is heard in Peru and the Andean region. Anchors: Raúl Vargas, Augusto Alvarez Rodrich and Patricia del Río. Ampliación de Noticias is the most listened-to program on the radio in Peru, from 8 am to 10 am. 5. Conclusions a. Audience reached In total, we reached an audience estimated at 2,160,800 people across several platforms, including radio, TV, print media, and cable. The main spokespersons were Dr. Jaime Chang (USAID/Peru), Dr. Luis Miguel Léon (MINSA), and Dr. Gustavo Bretas (PAHO). In reaching out to our targeted audience, we took into consideration demographic information and researched the audience to obtain precise information of all media organizations. Our main objective was to disseminate the main themes of the malaria conference at a national and regional level. We selected some media outlets based on their impact on opinion leaders, such as politicians, congressional representatives, and administration officials. Through our efforts and the excellent coverage we received, we are able to conclude that malaria was a main news issue in Peru during the conference. Audience measurement is any method of measuring how many people are in an audience, usually in relation to radio listenership and television viewership. It often also includes demographic and sometimes psychographic information, to help broadcasters determine who is listening, rather than just how many. 2 Ampliacion de Noticias is the most successful radio program in Peru. It has an audience of 700,000 listeners. 3 Fulanos y Menganos has an audience of 15,000 viewers. 4 Sunday’s Ampliacion de Noticias has an audience of 600,000 listeners. 5 Cuarto Poder is considered the most influential TV program, with 1.7 million viewers. 1 25 6 7 El Comercio is the most influential newspaper in Peru, with a daily audience of 560,000 readers. The audience is calculated to be 30,000 listeners 26 Annex 2a Earned Media Report VII Malaria Meeting - AMI April 8-10, 2008 Brief Description of Coverage: 2,160,800 people reached. On April 7 a meeting took place with the AMI spokespersons where they were provided with key facts of the event as identified in the Clearance Document. During this meeting there were questions answered and suggestions were offered on how to handle the media. Afterwards, a schedule of interviews was developed and the obtained media coverage was monitored, as seen in the following table: Name of Media Outlet Type of Media Date of Coverage (and time if applicable) Length of Transmission Number of Times Printed/Aired Circulation/ Audience Link Media Contact CPN Radio Radio 04-07-2008 4:30pm 20 minutes 1 30,400 listeners (per half hour)* Dr. Jaime Chang & Dr. Luis Miguel León prensacpn@cpnradio.pe, dpalomino@cpnradio.pe El Comercio Press (printed & online) 04-08-2008 145 words, 2 paragraphs 1 560,600 readers** www.elcomercio.com.pe/edicionimpre sa/Html/2008-0408/ecvf080408a10.html mzapata@comercio.com.pe, hvillalobos@comercio.com.pe, susan.avellaneda.t@gmail.com PLUS TV Television 04-08-2008 20 minutes 5 Fulanos y Menganos - Chema Salcedo - Dr. Chang & Dr. Bretas jsalcedo@rpp.com.pe Radio Nacional Radio 04-08-2008 6:45am 6 minutes, 2 seconds 1 Dr. Luis Miguel León frodriguez@irtp.com.pe Radio La Luz Radio 04-08-2008 10:30am 3 minutes 16 seconds 1 Dr. Chang prensa@radiolaluz.com, jluisbendezu@hotmail.com Andina – Online 04-09-2008 321 words, 1 www.andina.com.pe/Espanol/Noticia.a respinal@editoraperu.com.pe 5,400 listeners (per half hour)* n/a 27 Name of Media Outlet Type of Media Date of Coverage (and time if applicable) Length of Transmission Number of Times Printed/Aired Circulation/ Audience 9 paragraphs Link Media Contact agencia peruana de noticias El Peruano Internet spx?id=3mNNs8v2unY= Press (printed & online) 04-09-2008 446 words, 10 paragraphs 1 80,000 prints at a national level Dr. Luis Miguel León www.elperuano.com.pe/edc/2008/04/0 9/act10.asp smendoza@editoraperu.com.pe, susanarosam@yahoo.com El Peruano Press (printed & online) 04-17-2008 786 words, 18 paragraphs 1 80,000 prints at a national level Dr. Jaime Chang www.elperuano.com.pe/edc/2008/04/1 7/act9.asp smendoza@editoraperu.com.pe, susanarosam@yahoo.com TV Perú – Canal 7 Television 04-09-2008 9:30am Dr. Chang, León y Valcarcel julgueflo@hotmail.com, prensa@irtp.com.pe Radio Programas del Perú RPP Radio 04-09-2008 9:45am 6 minutes, 42 seconds 1 Dr. Jaime Chang www.rpp.com.pe/detalle_121068.html belias@gruporpp.com.pe, adominguez@gruporpp.com.pe Canal 51 Television 04-09-2008 12:00 pm 15 minutes 2 Dr. Gustavo Bretas info@lasaludhoy.com, jaimeteranasmat@hotmail.com Radio Programas del Perú RPP Radio 04-13-2008 9:04 am 6 minutes, 42 seconds 1 700,100 listeners (per half hour)* Dr. Luis Miguel León trujillano@gruporpp.com.pe Youtube Online Internet 04-14-2008 2 minutes, 30 seconds Video viewed n/a www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rn57f1mi uxs 1 700,100 listeners (per half hour)* 28 Name of Media Outlet Type of Media Date of Coverage (and time if applicable) Length of Transmission Number of Times Printed/Aired Circulation/ Audience Link 42 times as of May 7, 2008 (*) http://www.cpi.com.pe/descargas/RADLIM08.pdf / http://www.cpi.com.pe/boletin.asp?id=141 (**)http://www.cpi.com.pe/descargas/DIALIM07.pdf / http://www.cpi.com.pe/descargas/Kantar-CPI.pdf 29 Media Contact Annex 3 Selected Media Coverage Generated by Links Media Dr. Luis Miguel León, Ministerio de Salud – Perú and Dr. Trenton Ruebush, USAID, interviewed by official newspaper El Peruano. Date: April 9th 2008 Location: Plaza Del Bosque Hotel – San Isidro – Lima, Perú Photographer Name: El Peruano 30 News Release Date: April 8th 2008 Location: El Comercio 31 Dr. Jaime Chang, USAID, interviewed by official newspaper El Peruano. Date: April 17th 2008 32 News Release Date: April 8th 2008 Location: El Comercio 33 Dr. Jaime Chang, USAID, interviewed by Andina Agencia Peruana de Noticias Date: April 8th 2008 Location: Plaza Del Bosque Hotel – San Isidro – Lima, Perú Photographer Name: Anngie Caballero 34 Dr. Jaime Chang, USAID and Gustavo Bretas, OPS, interviewed by Chema Salcedo in TV show: Fulanos & Menganos Date: April 8th 2008 Location: Media Networks - PLUS TV Photographer Name: Anngie Caballero 35 Agencia Andina de Noticias Date: April 9th 2008 Location: Andina Agencia Peruana de Noticias 36 Agencia Andina de Noticias Date: April 9th 2008 37 Location: Andina Agencia Peruana de Noticias Dr. Jaime Chang, interviewed by Radio Programas del Perú Date: April 9th 2008 Location: Radio Programas del Perú Photographer Name: RPP - Radio Programas del Perú 38 30 Annex 4 Links Media Presentation at AMI Meeting 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Annex 5 Summary of Responses and Selected Surveys 1. On projects, investigations, technical documents and studies, which have been: a. Published • Economic Impact of Malaria (before AMI) • Policy of Antiviral Medicine in Ecuador • Best Food Practices, Ecuador SHEN 2007 • Resistance of P. falciparum or CQ/SP at Province of the Coast 2004 b. Presented • Academic Meetings-National and International Congress • American Society Tropical Medicine Hygiene • RAVREDA meetings for the past seven years • Profile of the situation of the medicine supplies in the AMI countries • Analysis of the best practices to improve the adherence to the treatment in the AMI countries • Resistance of AS+SP P.f. • Adhesion of P. vivax CQ+PR 7 days/14 days • Resistance of P. vivax to CQ • Guide for treatment of P. falciparum and P. vivax • In vivo study c. In the pipeline • Management Reports, Malaria present past and future • Technical document: Technical Norm for the Attention of Malaria and Serious Malaria • Use of fast test to diagnosis of Malaria • Resistance of the P.f. to the use of CQ+SP (Combination Therapy) • Manual of Bolivian norms of diagnosis and treatment of the Malaria d. To be presented • Surveillance of AMRs to antimalarials • Resistance of P. vivax to Amodiaquine • Deficiency in males at risk for malaria • G6PD- Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiencies • Surveys on knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions on the Malaria e. Executed Studies 48 • Study of effectiveness of phamacokin in 3 time frames (5, 7, and 14 days) • Situation of the management of antiviral in Ecuador • Control of the malaria in the Amboro, Ecuador • Drug efficiency studies with quinine, mefloquine + artesunate, coartem f. Not Published • Situation of resistance of vectors or insecticides g. Not Presented • Use of molecular markers for resistance of P. falciparum • Epidemiological Surveillance System of of Malaria 2. Who provides direct access to the information and the resources? o MINSA and the Regional Health Offices through expert opinions o Surveys at local level o Revision of local information 3. Do you have audiovisual material (e.g. video, maps, graphics, and statistics)? How could Links Media obtain this information? o Through the research centers: INS, CIDEIM (Cali, Colombia), Antioquia University, Malaria and PECET Groups in Colombia o Via e-mail o ES National – MINSA (Ministry of Health) o Through the Regional Coordination of the RAVREDA Project (Dr. Roberto Montoya) o Via the National Information System of Health (www.sns.gov.bo) o Epidemiological Bulletins 4. Do you have AMI success stories you could share with us? o Control in the Department of Naviño and Choco, Colombian Pacific Coast o Impact in Suriname, Improvement in Info Systems o Obtaining diagnoses using rapid testing o Profile and policy of promoters of health of the Amazonia o Effective introduction of ACTs in all the AMI countries and the decrease of the incidence of malaria as consequence o Paper on Drug Policy Change in Peru o Elaboration of frameworks and adapted policies that are being put in practice and that have contributed to the control of the malaria in the country 49 o Millennium development goals of 2015 have been reached in reducing malaria incidence. Slides available at the Malaria Centre in Paramaribo o The studies on resistance of the vectors to insecticides o Quality control of medicines with mini labs that demonstrated until now the good quality at national level o Decrease Malaria cases o In vivo studies o Increase Capacity Building: Information Technology 5. What AMI human-interest stories can you share with us? o No more epidemics of malaria in Amerindian children in Suriname o Organization and response by promoters of health o The Story of the Mining Population o The belief of the Indigenous population 6. Whom should we contact as spokespersons and sources of information? o Dr. Julio Padilla, National Coordinator of the Prevention and Malaria Control Program and other diseases transmitted by vectors o Dra. Pilar Perez, Coordinator of the Malaria Program, Department of Naviño o Dr. Freddy Cordoba, Coordinator of the Malaria Program, Dept. Choco o The Director of Health Dr. M. Eersel as spokesperson, Drs. Resida and Panchoe (Bureau of Public Health, BOG), and Dr. Stephen Vreden and Leopoldo Villegas. o Dra. Arletta Anez and Dr. Marco Fidel Suarez o National Malaria Programs, Departments of Medicine Provision o Malaria Programme o People who have the capacity to communicate in a specific and clear way. 7. Please identify specific subjects you are currently having trouble solving. o Joint of the Control Program with all the initiatives of RAVREDAAMI, PAMAFRO Project, Global Funds, Project Adaptation to the climatic change for Malaria and Dengue. o Publications, discussion list, and blog for the network o Publishing Suriname’s information in a broader public forum o Medicines management (logistical for training supervision at peripheral level) o Communication with the immigrant population 50 51 52 53 54 Annex 6 Request for Country Clearance—AMI and SAIDI Meetings From: "Buendia, Paola(PERU/HPN)" <pbuendia@usaid.gov> Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 07:58:39 -0500 To: "Marshall, Peg (LAC/RSD)" <PeMarshall@usaid.gov>, <bkubiak@linksmedia.net>, <msanchez@linksmedia.net> Cc: "Cochella, Pilar(PERU/EXO)" <pcochella@usaid.gov>, "Rios, Nelly(PERU/HPN)" <nrios@usaid.gov>, "Thollaug, Susan(PERU/HPN)" <sthollaug@usaid.gov>, "Chang, Jaime(PERU/HPN)" <jachang@usaid.gov> Conversation: Travel Concurrence for Links Media staff Subject: Travel Concurrence for Links Media staff This is to inform you that the Team Leader of the Office of Health, Susan Thollaug, concurs with the trip to Peru of Ms. Marisabael Sanchez, President, Links Media and; Rodolfo Pereira, Public Relations & Media Specialist, Links Media, during April 6 – 18, 2008 Purpose: to participate in the VII Technical Meeting of the AMI and for the pre-planning of the strategic plan of 2008 program activities for the SAIDI. Hotel: Hotel Plaza del Bosque (April 6-12) Miraflores Park Plaza (April 12-18) Control Officer: Jaime Chang Office number: 511-618-1266 Home number: 511-224-1963 55