Workshop Information Pack
Workshop Information Pack
Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title Workshop Information Pack Workshop Large Spain Madrid 24th February 2013 1 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title Partners 2 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title Contents 1. Program ....................................................................................................................... 4 2. Information about the workshop ................................................................................ 6 3. Information about the professional facilitator.......................................................... 34 4. Workshop location .................................................................................................... 36 5. Transport ...................................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido. 6. Participating organizations confirmed ...................................................................... 37 3 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title 1. Program EASW WORKSHOP PROGRAM on the search for funding policies / programs that promote food innovation in relation to health Inprofood, towards an inclusive programming for sustainable food research, is an innovative project funded by the seventh Framework Program of the European Union, that aims to draw together the civil society, the scientific community and the companies to deal with policy issues on food and health research. A one-day Scenario Workshop, brings together participants having different profiles, knowledge, perspectives and experiences, to discuss on research programs in the area of nutrition and health and co-create scenarios of future programming, to ascertain barriers and to propose possible measures and strategies for achieving common solutions. The workshop was carried out in a relaxed atmosphere and included activities and group dynamics, to promote the development of ideas and scenarios by the participants, and the holding of plenary presentations with the working group. Information panels were present to facilitate the task of the group and the results of workshop interactions are documented in a descriptive manner. Facilitation of the workshop was conducted by a team of facilitators (RED Group team) to conduct the group work process. Venue: Workshop Date: Timetable: Contact: FIAB Madrid Headquarters (C/Velázquez, 64 – 3rd floor) 21 February 2013 9.00 am to 4.30 pm Pilar García Pérez. CTAEX Training In-charge Tel. 924 448 077 4 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title EASW WORKSHOP SCHEDULE 9.00 am REGISTRATION OF PARTICIPANTS 9.05 am WELCOME OF PARTICIPANTS Clarification of the framework and scope of EASW project and matching EASWs, INPROFOOD project. Explanation of objectives and results of EASW References to the programming of research projects on health and food. 9.35 am Sociometry of the group and instructions for working in groups 10.00 am Homogeneous group work to identify research areas and barriers in funding and research 11.10 am COFFEE BREAK 11.20 am Continuation of homogeneous group work 12.00 pm Plenary of presentation 12.30 pm Heterogeneous group work to co-create future programming scenarios 2.15 pm BUFFET-LUNCH 2.45 pm Plenaries of presentation and clarification 3.30 pm Reflection on the Workshop and assessment 4.00 pm FAREWELL AND CLOSURE OF THE WORKSHOP 5 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title 2. Information about the Workshop 1.- HOMOGENEOUS WORK GROUPS INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOMOGENEOUS WORK GROUPS (1) Negative scenarios Purpose: Identify important fields of research and "worst-case scenarios" (or bad practices or negative cases) for research and innovation programs in food and health. Guidelines for group work: Decide on a person to take notes on the flipchart. Make sure that everyone has something to say in a balanced way. Seek mutual understanding and consensus whenever possible, but not to underestimate or hide disagreements or differences, make them transparent. Timetable, 21 February 2013: 10.00 am. Commencement of homogeneous work groups 11.10 am. Break 11.20 am. Continuation of homogeneous working groups 12.00 pm to 12.30 pm. Plenary of presentation. Content for homogeneous work groups: 1) Important fields of research, in relation to the development of high quality, healthy products, safe and sustainable food: What items –from the point of view of the group– must be investigated? How to group these items in a reasonable manner? 2) Ways to organize funding and research in these fields: Identify barriers and difficulties in funding and research, in the area of food and health, from the knowledge of the group. What should be avoided in the organization of funding and research? 6 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title FLIPCHART I BLUE GROUP 1) Important fields of research, in relation to the development of high quality, healthy products, safe and sustainable food: What items –from the point of view of the group– must be investigated? How to group these items in a reasonable manner? 7 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title FLIPCHART TRANSCRIPT 1 BLUE GROUP 1) Initial Phase - Use of biofactory plants - Bioprospecting - Use of plant improvement - Genetic Improvement 2) Cultivation Phase - Prophylaxis - Animal welfare - Feed Improvement Animal - Plant nutrition - Harness New species 3) Collection and processing Phase 4) Marketing Phase - Marketing innovation - Smart packaging (Traceability-Authenticity) - Active packaging (prolong shelf life of food, avoid deterioration) - Cold chain maintenance - Information /Training - consumer and/or chain operators Within these last 3 items the following are included: - Automation. Mechanization - Optimisation and recycling of raw materials - Use of by-products 8 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title FLIPCHART 2 BLUE GROUP 2) Ways to organize funding and research in these fields: Identify barriers and difficulties in funding and research, in the area of food and health, from the knowledge of the group. What should be avoided in the organization of funding and research? FLIPCHART TRANSCRIPT 2 BLUE GROUP - Lack of Public-Private collaboration Lack of technology transfer Duplication of funding of the same action 9 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title - Poor planning in the funding of projects Very long periods to resolve and to fund Mono-disciplinary committees in the assessment of projects. Partiality of assessors () Lack of utilisation of research agendas of technological platforms and other agencies Inadequate funding throughout the duration of the project Lack of cooperation in public-public, public-private and govt-public-private network Lack of correlation between project funding and execution Lack of intellectual property protection and awareness 10 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title FLIPCHART 1 RED GROUP 1) Important fields of research, in relation to the development of high quality, healthy products, safe and sustainable food: What items –from the point of view of the group– must be investigated? How to group these items in a reasonable manner? FLIPCHART TRANSCRIPT 1 RED GROUP 1) New sources of proteins of vegetable origin Novel foods New formulations in animal feed. 2) Promote healthy fatty acids in food of animal origin. 11 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title FLIPCHART 2 RED GROUP 2) Ways to organize funding and research in these fields: Identify barriers and difficulties in funding and research, in the area of food and health, from the knowledge of the group. What should be avoided in the organization of funding and research? 12 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title FLIPCHART TRANSCRIPT 2 RED GROUP Researchers: Duplication of groups or centres Lack of Synergy between researchers, centres or companies Non-efficient OTRIS (Offices for the Transference of Research Results) Research has to do everything Lack of capacity for undertaking research in transfer towards companies or its research sector Lack of preliminary information in preparation for European projects Company: Lack of understanding / meeting between company and the sector we work Lack of valid interlocutors between researchers and company or sector Parks: Technology-based companies from different origins: universities, OPIS (Public Research Entities) Common to these three sectors: Excessive bureaucracy Lack of office management of European projects Low participation in lobbying of European projects. 13 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title FLIPCHART 1 GREEN GROUP 1) Important fields of research, in relation to the development of high quality, healthy products, safe and sustainable food: What items –from the point of view of the group– must be investigated? How to group these items in a reasonable manner? 14 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title FLIPCHART TRANSCRIPT 1 GREEN GROUP Health, Food Security and Nutrition - Excessive medicalisation of food - A lot of R&D+i focused on compounds and not on food. Interactions? - Inexorable duration of health research Sustainability of the chain - Lack of understanding and joint vision of the food chain - Firstly little orientation of R&D+i towards the needs of the sector and lack of leadership in processes - Need to make greater efforts in R&D+i in raw materials that reduce external dependency, even focussing on traditional products The R&D+i in food does not always bring value to the consumer because it does not meet their demands. 15 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title FLIPCHART 2 GREEN GROUP 2) Ways to organize funding and research in these fields: Identify barriers and difficulties in funding and research, in the area of food and health, from the knowledge of the group. What should be avoided in the organization of funding and research? 16 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title FLIPCHART TRANSCRIPT 2 GREEN GROUP Funding problems - The assessment system of projects is not participatory. - The 6th and 7th Framework Program had barriers for the participation of beneficiaries - Difficulty of access to funding of food and minority productions (minority materials) - Difficulty of access to funding for R&D+i when it is not a company or University (Association of companies) - The requirement of research experience presents a barrier to new researchers - The EC should not only consult topics with researchers Problems in the organisation of research - The R&D+i needs do not always arise from the recipients - There are duplications and repetitive R&D+i lines - Lack of a real collaborative spirit among different operators to improve the results thanks to greater efficiency - Little use of new technologies (ICTS 2.0) - The assessment system of researchers does not pursue to solve real problems - Very few patents are made - There is a gap between the scientific community and agro-food sector (double track) - The consultations of the European Commission do not manage representative participation - Lack of Spanish officials in relevant decision-making positions at the community level. 17 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title DEBATE IN THE PLENARY SESSION OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE HOMOGENEOUS GROUPS - There is no transversality that goes from the field to the consumer. - There is a lack of collaboration and understanding among researchers. - Spreading of awareness of tools must be done, the mission of technological platforms is to disseminate. Spreading of awareness of tools is pending. - There is a problem or deficit with the technological platforms i.e., there are no farmers in none of them, research, innovation is being carried out (agrarian party) without talking to the ultimate beneficiaries, they are not in the process nor have they been able to lead it. Also in the food part consumers who are the ones who ultimately decide whether or not to buy a product are missing. - Problems with OTRIS and transfer, do not known how to transfer. All the groups have had problems with OTRIS, something is not functioning properly. Technology platforms: corporate vision, focusing on the various stages of the chain. Within all the stages that a product has. Excessive bureaucracy: Do only the researchers say so? Everyone has difficulties at the time of submitting projects, the time it takes…, the bureaucracy problem is taken for granted. 18 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title 2 .- HETEROGENOUS WORK GROUPS. INSTRUCTIONS FOR HETEROGENOUS WORK GROUPS (2) Positive scenarios Purpose: Identify the "best-case scenarios" (or desirable trends) for research and innovation programs in food and health. Guidelines for group work: Decide on a person to take notes on the flipchart. Make sure that everyone has something to say in a balanced way. Seek mutual understanding and consensus whenever possible, but not to underestimate or hide disagreements or differences, make them transparent. Timetable, 21 February 2013: 12.30 pm. Commencement of heterogenous work groups 2.15 pm. Buffet-lunch break 2.45 pm. Plenaries of presentation and clarification 3.30 pm. Reflection on the Workshop and assessment 4.00 pm. Farewell and closure of the workshop. Content for heterogeneous work groups: Reflect and develop in group on "positive scenarios": How should research and innovation programs be organized for the development of high quality, healthy, secure and sustainable food products? Take work on the "negative scenarios" as a starting point. Avoid being too abstract and general. Trust your experience and the specific information you have on real cases. Discuss the different points of view and find a joint solution. 19 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title Write down the different scenarios or desired trends taking into account the following issues on how the future programming should be, regarding: a) Decision-making on relevant topics/areas (who must decide and participate and how decisions are to be taken). b) Decision-making on the funding of projects (How these decisions should be taken and how to select the operators involved). c) Quality criteria (What scientific criteria must considered with regard to sustainability?). d) Exploitation of the results (How they should be used? How rights or patents should be defined? How can they be easily accessible?). e) Assessment of the project (How it should be organised? With what criteria?). f) Design of the project (Types of cooperation, distribution of roles, management, budget-tasks-relations...). 20 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title FLIPCHARTS BLUE GROUP (1) HETEROGENEOUS 21 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title 22 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title 23 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title FLIPCHARTS RED GROUP (2) HETEROGENEOUS 24 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title 25 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title 26 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title FLIPCHARTS GREEN GROUP (3) HETEROGENEOUS 27 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title 28 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title 29 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title TRANSCRIPT OF FLIPCHARTS OF THE HETEROGENEOUS GROUPS Write down the different scenarios or desired trends taking into account the following issues on how the future programming should be, regarding: a) Decision-making on relevant topics/areas (who must decide and participate and how decisions are to be taken). Group 1 BLUE - Prioritization of R&D lines also based on private capital - Public-private coordination (Comp-In -Govt) Group 2 RED - Open process: Technology Platforms to draw together the entire sector and operators - Multidisciplinary assessment committees (CE) - Interaction between the technological platforms on the national scale - Assessment committee: the consumer must be represented Group 3 GREEN - Based on actual needs of the industry / productive fabric (consumer) - Funding in time according to the project goal. Long term vs short term - Promote public-private partnerships b) Decision-making on the funding of projects (How these decisions should be taken and how to select the operators involved). Group 1 BLUE - Influence over decision-making by agencies more localized with more direct knowledge of the problem - "Complete" multidisciplinary assessment groups - Public-private funding of projects of interest Group 2 RED - Spain: Should have positioning in strategic sectors for the country. Group 3 GREEN Decision making 1) Research areas / topics 30 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title - All in general those involved in the chain Weight based on the position in the chain (consumer is not the same as researcher depending on what the project is based upon) 2) Funding - Funding agency -> Advisory bodies > Advisory bodies abreast of what is being researched. Take into account Non duplicity, establishing synergies c) Quality criteria (What scientific criteria must be considered with regard to sustainability?). Group 1 BLUE Actual impact of the outcome of the project (not just of optimum management) Group 2 RED End user Inclusion Useful research outcome for the sector Group 3 GREEN - Projects with participation of companies. - The average curriculum of the group must prevail on the name of the senior researcher - With potential for transfer - Align scientific quality and economic return d) Exploitation of the results (How they should be used? How rights or patents should be defined? How can they be easily accessible?). Group 1 BLUE Information has to reach the "user": Creating channels of dissemination. Promotion of protection models-regime Group 2 RED - Bolster / promote marketing of patents - Innovation brokers (new technologies) - Open Access to publications (research outcomes) - Informational publications ( "translate" scientific language into common language in order to reach out to the final consumer). 31 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title Group 3 GREEN - Faster - Cheaper e) Assessment of the project (How it should be organised? With what criteria?). Group 1 BLUE The "unwritten" criteria in calls must be clear to everyone Group 2 RED - Multidisciplinary, participatory and transparent assessment - Greater assessment of the outcome, final assessment. Group 3 GREEN - Scientific quality: The Project and Groups wherein participated - Actual potential for exploitation (company) and dissemination - Economically viable f) Design of the project (Types of cooperation, distribution of roles, management, budget-tasks-relations...). Group 1 BLUE Prior agreement on the scope of the project amongst the consortium partners Group 2 RED - Role of Technological Platforms to promote Public-Private partnerships - Greater participation in Technology Platforms of the sector - Greater consensus on the national scale - Further training to submit professional projects (different drafts) - SOST Training Courses (few seats) - Information about expert entities in project preparations Certification entities - Sign agreements with consortium at the commencement of projects Group 3 GREEN - Networked - Synergies amongst groups that are doing similar things 32 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title PLENARY DEBATE We believe that groups enrich each other. It has been repeated a lot of times to increase and promote public-private cooperation, so as to respond more to the technological challenges of the productive sector, to the actual demands of society. Also try to include all the sector or specific topic, if 20 agencies or relevant experts have to collaborate, to enable all of them to participate, encourage participation, learn and any one who wants to is able to participate. 3.- WORKSHOP ASSESSMENT 3.1.- MEASUREMENT WITH WORD CARD Active participation Communication amongst different groups The Workshop has been dynamic and productive Intensity, debate Networking Creative and interesting Integrate ideas in research Collaborative and constructive workshop Usual Active participation Very timely, the decision making system has to change 3.2.- INDIVIDUAL FULFILLMENT WITH ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE (See assessment report in ANNEX 1) 33 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title 3. Information about the professional facilitator There was participation from three facilitators of RED "Formación y Desarrollo" S.L.U. team. ( 1. MARÍA LUISA LOZANO GIL She is a trainer and advisor of agencies. She was the founder of "Training and Development NETWORK" in 1995 and its first president. With university education in Education Sciences and additional training in Methodology of Participation, Equality of Opportunity and Creativity, has since 1988, built her professional career in the cooperative company "Taller Zafra" of Educación Popular, as self employed worker and starting in 1997 as partner member of Grupo RED. She has coordinated and delivered numerous training projects in methodology of participation and equal opportunities with women, youth and discriminated minorities and promotion of social participation. She has worked with social organisations and brokers, private companies and public institutions – local governments, development partnerships, associations, associative networks…– in many rural areas and cities of Extremadura and other Communities. She is founding partner and voluntary of ACUDEX, associative promotion association. She has coordinated the department of Knowledge and Imagination of the Young Initiative Cabinet and among other projects, the implementation of the decree of Participation through training events in several regions of Extremadura, the revitalisation of Joint Women's Councils, MEDEA program of IMEX, and the drafting group of the Preliminary Draft of the Law on Equality between men and women and against gender-based violence in Extremadura. She currently coordinates the services of the company in the ROT II Project (Provincial Government of Badajoz) and IMEX (Government of Extremadura). 2. MIGUEL ÁNGEL MORENO PULIDO He is a Technical Engineer in Computer Management from the University of Extremadura and employee of Grupo RED since March 2006. He has been a part of various digital literacy projects such as the "Internet for All" campaign by the Ministry of Industry in Caceres, Badajoz, Cuenca, Ciudad Real; as teacher in several courses of Office automation and Graphic Design, and at Grupo RED as Revitalisation Operator of the Tele-centre Network of the public enterprise RED.ES in Caceres, Badajoz and Malaga and as a technician-trainer in several courses of advanced computing for local technicians. Technical-coordinator in training programs and technological literacy of Red Conecta and Conecta Joven, convened by ACUDEX with Esplai Foundation. Also participates in on-line training or e-learning projects and in the building and maintenance of websites. He is part of the Observatory team that coordinated the drafting and assessment of 34 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title the IV Youth Plan of Extremadura. With additional training in Moodle, participates in the management of platforms for training of trainers in virtual environments. Collaborates with several services of participation of ROT Project of the Provincial Government of Badajoz. 3. JOSÉ FRANCISCO GRAS MUÑOZ Advisor to agencies and director partner of the business and work initiative Grupo RED ( since 1995. Previously, he was the director of the Popular University of Zafra, where he worked from 1984 to 1990, partner of "Taller Zafra" of Educación Popular S. Coop. Ltda. (1990-1992) and director of programs of the Board of Trustees "Pedro de Ibarra" of the Provincial Government of Caceres (1992-1995). Currently he carries out professional activity as a advisor and sole manager of RED “Formación y Desarrollo” S.L.U., with headquarters in Extremadura. He is a member of the Advisory Council of Esplai Foundation and author and co-author of publications and articles specialized on innovation, social development and territorial cooperation. Participates as a volunteer with CRAC and ACUDEX associative promotion associations. Founding Partner of Knowledge and Imagination cluster of Extremadura. He has worked professionally with Iniciativa Joven since 2004 and with the General Directorate of Training for Employment of the Government of Extremadura since 2008. From within Grupo RED has coordinated amongst other projects, the design of I Comprehensive Plan for Extremaduran Citizens Abroad and their Return and collaborates with services of the Department of Equality and Local Development of the Provincial Government of Badajoz. The team of Grupo RED companies provides services in training, equality and social participation, entrepreneurship and territorial development. 35 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title 4. Workshop Location Madrid. FIAB Madrid Headquarters (C/Velázquez, 64 – 3rd floor). 36 Workshop Information Pack| Workshop title 6. Confirmed participants and agencies and attendants Nº ENTITY 1 INTERCITRUS COAG 2 FORO INTERALIMENTARIO 3 ORGANIZACIÓN INTERPROFESIONAL PARA IMPULSAR EL SECTOR CUNÍCOLA 4 ORGANIZACIÓN INTERPROFESIONAL DEL ACEITE DE OLIVA ESPAÑOL 5 ALERTA-CITOLIVA 6 BIOVEGEN 7 PLATAFORMA TECNOLÓGICA AGRICULTURA SOSTENIBLE 8 Plataforma Tecnológica de la Pesca y la Acuicultura 9 PACKNET 10 INIA 11 PARQUE CIENTÍFICO MADRID 12 Hospital Puerta de Hierro 13 CITA 14 CDTI TYPE BUSINESS BUSINESS BUSINESS BUSINESS NPO NPO NPO NPO NPO PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC 37