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January 2010 Volume 30, No. 1 In-Grain GET READY for EXPO 2010 Grain Elevator and Processing Society The Knowledge Resource for the World of Grain Handlng Industry Operations w w w. g e a p s . c o m Pack your lucky shoes for three busy days of Expo featuring 239 companies in 368 booths. Look inside for maps of the Expo Halls and complete exhibitor listings. ...pages 15-31 Registration Now Open for Next Distance Education Courses NEW! GEAPS 525 Management of Insect Pests in Stored Grain March 8-April 16, 2010 GEAPS 520 Quality Grain Management March 8-April 9, 2010 ...pages 32-33 EXCHANGE New GEAPS Leaders to be Announced Next Month The 2010 GEAPS elections closed Jan. 18, and the newest leaders will be announced on stage Exchange 2010 next month. Bill Lyster, current International board director and Greater Iowa Chapter member, will likely be the next to fill Mark Fedje’s current position of International second vice president when Fedje becomes first vice president next month. Lyster ran unopposed for the position and if elected will be on track to the 2012-2013 GEAPS presidency. The candidates in the races for director positions on the International and Associates boards faced more opposition. Five candidates vied for three available positions on the International board, and seven candidates threw their hats in the ring for four positions on the Associates board. The slate of candidates was ratified in November by GEAPS’ International board, certifying that all nominees met criteria. In addition to the annual leadership elections, GEAPS Regular and Associate members also cast their votes on proposed changes to their respective bylaws. Results of the leadership and bylaws elections will be announced at GEAPS’ annual meeting, to be held Tuesday, Feb. 23, at Exchange 2010 in Wichita, Kan. GEAPS Grain Elevator and Processing Society http://www.geaps.com 4248 Park Glen Rd Minneapolis MN 55416 USA Phone (00-1) 952-928-4640; Fax (00-1) 952-929-1318 Email info@geaps.com GEAPS’ vision is to be “the knowledge resource” by providing key information in these “core competencies”: • Grain Quality Management • Grain-Handling Equipment Management • Handling Systems & Operations Technology Management • Facility Operations Management • Agribusiness Environment & Management Practice • Human Resources Management • Property & Casualty Risk Management By providing information relevant to these seven skill sets or knowledge categories, GEAPS aims to meet the needs of grain-industry professionals, and to help them successfully perform their jobs. In-Grain Volume 30, No. 1 January 2010 In-Grain (ISSN 0746–8008) is published monthly ($36/year, members; $48/year, non-members) by the Grain Elevator and Processing Society Periodicals postage paid at Minneapolis MN. POSTMASTER: Send address change to In-Grain, 4248 Park Glen Rd., Minneapolis MN 55416 USA International officers Rick Krier (first vice president, left), Buzz Tourangeau (president, center) and Mark Daniels (board chair) will be on hand when the IEC meets in January.) GEAPS Staff David Krejci Executive Vice President Executive Committee to Meet in Minneapolis The GEAPS International Executive Committee will meet Jan. 25-26 in Minneapolis for their final meeting before Exchange 2010. Before the fun on the Expo Hall floor next month, the IEC has a full agenda to get through. Agenda items include: Adrianne Fjerstad Manager, Member Services Chuck House Manager, Professional Development Julia Kloehn Manager, Chapter Services • 2010 Leadership Conference • 2010-2011 committee leader appointments • The GEAPS-Kansas State University partnerships • GEAPS International board leader orientation review • Financial resources management reports • The 2010-2011 GEAPS scholarships • Chapter business enterprise and tax liability considerations Karin Maida Safety Awards Amy McGarrigle Manager, Member Services & Information Stephanie Nero, editor Manager, Marketing and Communications Jason Stones The IEC will meet again in Minneapolis this June. Manager, Member Services and Publications Juli Wagner Manager, Administration & Meeting Services 2 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 www.geaps.com Before You Hit the Trail Your Checklist for Wichita . To help you make your GEAPS Exchange 2010 is just weeks away ed to Exchange 2010 in devot n plans to join us, we have a special sectio our convenient checkAnd . form n tratio regis this issue -- including a see you in Wich ita! list covers all the Exchange 2010 basics. We’ll How to Register Where to Stay Show Up Early Twice as Nice Sponsor Support Bundle Up! www.geaps.com There’s still time to save on Exchange 2010 registration! Members and nonmembers can save 15% on onsite prices when they register through Feb. 15. See page 12 for details on savings and registration types. You can also register online at www.geaps.com. Our Exchange hotels sold out early, but flip to page 11 for a list of additional hotels with availability for Exchange delegates. Many of our popular education programs, like the Opening Workshop and Expo Hall pods, fill up fast. Plan to arrive early to the sessions that most interest you, as seating is first-come, first-served. Look over the educational program schedule on pages 8-9 for a complete list of session topics and program descriptions. Following the ribbon-cutting ceremony, you’ll have your choice of halls to explore! For Exchange 2010, we have reserved two Expo spaces in the Century II Performing Arts & Convention Center. For floor maps of the two halls, see pages 18-19. GEAPS has been able to set the bar high year after year at the Exchange thanks in no small part to our generous and loyal sponsors. When a company steps up to the plate and sponsors an Exchange event, they become an “All-Star Sponsor”—and we let people know how much we appreciate it! For more information about sponsorship, see page 5 or contact Juli Wagner at the GEAPS office; (952) 928-4640; juliw@geaps.com. The average temperatures in Wichita at Exchange time get a few degrees below freezing and top out around 50 degrees. That may be 50 degrees higher than at home for many members, but you’ll still want a coat for when you’re out and about in downtown Wichita. GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 3 SCHEDULE HIGHLIGHTS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 8-1130 a.m. 1-5 p.m. COMMITTEE MEETINGS International Board of Directors Meeting - meeting times vary Educational Programming Chapter Resource & Database Training Distance Education Membership NGFA Safety, Health & Environmental Quality 7-11 p.m. 8 Get-Acquainted Party SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 6 30 -730 a.m. Fun Run-Walk 3-5 p.m. 1115 a.m.-2 45 p.m. 8-11 a.m. Expo 2010 Opening Workshop “Developing Your Future Leaders” 12 p.m. Expo Lunch Idea Exchange “Why Don’t They?...I Did!” and “What’s New?” 5-7 p.m. Welcome Reception in the Expo Halls MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22 730 -10 a.m. Associates Annual and Board Meeting 2 45-345 p.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS 1015 a.m.-2 30 p.m. Expo 2010 8-9 a.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS It’s All About You Dust Collection Systems: An Overview DOT Safety Rating Systems 10 30 -1115 a.m. & 115-2 p.m. Expo Ed Pods 915-1015 a.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS What Should You Do Before the Ambulance Arrives? Dust Collection & Regulatory Compliance Bin Sweeps vs. Skid-Steer Doors 1130 a.m. Expo Lunch Developing a Fumigation Management Plan Current Research in Grain Handling & Storage I Employee Orientation: Starting Off on the Right Foot 4-5 p.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS Bearings Installation and Preventive Maintenance Current Research in Grain Handling & Storage II Chapter Leader Workshop TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 730 -8 30 a.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS Asset Management of Concrete Structures Shipping Grain in Containers Getting More from your Hazard Monitoring Systems 845-945 a.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS Construction-Project Oversight Developing an Electrical Safety Program for your Workplace Using a PLC for More than Just a PushButton Replacement 2-3 p.m. CONCURRENT SESSIONS 945 a.m.-145 p.m. Expo 2010 10 30 -1115 a.m. Expo Ed Pods 1130 a.m. Expo Lunch The Mechanized Grain Elevator Food Defense and Regulation NGFA Safety, Health & Environmental Quality Forum 315-445 p.m. Annual Meeting 6-8 30 p.m. 8 President’s Reception & Banquet 8 30 -11 p.m. Club GEAPS WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 715-845 a.m. Educational Programming Committee Meeting 8 a.m.-6 p.m. TOUR optional KSU: Grain Science Lab Tour 1230-330 p.m. International Board of Directors Meeting at KSU For highlights of the Guest Program, see page 10. 4 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 8—ticket required www.geaps.com 2010 All-Star Sponsors The Exchange 2010 Sponsorship Program is off to a stellar start. The following companies have stepped up to graciously sponsor Exchange 2010. As you can see, the higher the dollar amounts, the more stars you get. And that adds up to more recognition and perks for sponsoring companies. If you would like to join this elite group, go to www.geaps.com or contact Juli Wagner at the GEAPS office; (952) 928-4640; juliw@geaps.com. FRISBIE Buhler Inc C-TEC Inc Chief Agri-Industrial Division The Essmueller Co FWS Group RCI Schlagel Inc West Central Agrex Inc Amerisafe Inc Borton LC Bratney Companies CHS Inc EMW Industrial GSF/DICKEY-john InterSystems Nationwide Agribusiness Tapco Inc Tramco Inc www.geaps.com AIRLANCO Ag Partners LLC Ag Processing Inc Andco Actuators Bailey-Parks Urethane Cargill Inc Degesch America Inc Kice Industries Inc McPherson Concrete Storage Sys Inc PMI LLC Seedburo Equipment Co Shuttlewagon Inc Sioux Steel Co Union Iron Works Inc Younglove Construction LLC GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 5 educational program Every year, the Exchange educational program is one of the most highly anticipated—and well reviewed—parts of the Exchange, with all program topics designed for members, by members. With 18 session topics and a dozen Expo Hall pod sessions, plus the Opening Workshop, the Exchange 2010 Educational Program offers 32 combined hours of educational opportunities for delegates. In choosing topics for the sessions, workshop and pods, the Educational Programming Committee worked to ensure all parts of the program respond directly to member—and industry—needs. Every Exchange 2010 education opportunity has been developed for grain operations professionals by grain operations professionals—GEAPS members. From over 130 session topics submitted, the EPC made their final selections based on which would be the most relevant and useful for Exchange delegates. The committee paired these topics with an Opening Workshop on effective management of younger employees, plus 12 pod sessions on Dust Collection Systems and Maintenance, in order to create a comprehensive, high-quality education program with something for everyone. “In grain operations, ongoing education means the difference between a good employee and a great one, or between accident recovery and one that never happens in the first place,” said EPC Chair Kathy Reading. “The knowledge of employees at elevators and processing facilities impacts everything from individual safety to the global food supply. Our committee is proud to present another year of relevant session topics that will help make our industry better, safer and smarter.” Student Day Idea Exchange Fourteen people with bright ideas or products new to the grain operations industry have been selected to make presentations at GEAPS’ Idea Exchange this year. The program, set for Sunday, Feb. 21, will give each participant time on stage to explain their innovations. The GEAPS Educational Programming Committee selected the final presenters at their Nov. 13 meeting in Minneapolis, Minn. The EPC reviews applications in detail and selects those most appropriate for presentation. Idea Exchange has two parts. One, “What’s New?,” provides a forum for participants to discuss products that are new to the industry, or which have unique, new features. The other part, “Why Don’t They?... I Did!,” focuses on innovations made at grain facilities that others could find useful. Participants in Idea Exchange this year selected by GEAPS’ Educational Programming Committee: Why Don’t They?... I Did! Grain-Bridge Break-up Tools, Ed Kleinwort, St. Ansgar Mills Rescue Tube Utilization, Roger Ward, The Andersons What’s New? Safety Rail System, CEEC Inc 156 ft. Diameter Commercial Grain Bin, Brock Grain Systems 3D LevelScanner, BinMaster Charm ROSA BEST Aflatoxin P/N Test Kit, Charm Sciences The Corn Hog, Allatoona Machinery Co AgriDry Bullseye Roof Exhauster Monitor/Controller, AgriDry LLC First Strike Soft Bait, The Industrial Fumigant Co Series III Auto-Extendable Sweep, Sudenga Industries Inc Polycan Repel Grain Envelope, Canamer International Inc AFC400 Air Flow Sensor, Lakeland Companies N-ViroMotive Locomotive, National Railway Equipment Co Pro Model, Integris USA 6 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 Educational Program for Students Monday, Feb. 22 Student Day 2010 will provide students planning to enter the field of grain operations with the opportunity to participate in the Exchange through a program tailored to their interests and needs. Through a combination of special presentations and one-on-one interaction, students will learn about issues currently facing the world of grain operations and connect with established industry professionals. Student day includes two components. First, professionals in various grain operations fields will address students regarding topics of interest in the agribusiness world today, as well as share their own professional and educational backgrounds and their experiences in the industry so far. Following the presentations, Membership Committee volunteers will lead students on individual or small-group tours of the Exchange Expo. Attendance at Student Day also entitles students (and accompanying faculty members) to attend all regular education programs during the conference. Participating students will also become complimentary Student members of GEAPS for the duration of their schooling plus one year past their graduation date—GEAPS’ way of investing in the future of the industry. www.geaps.com Opening Workshop Developing Your Future Leaders Sunday, Feb. 21, 8–11 a.m. In line with popular Exchange educational session topics in recent years—as well as the theme of the 2008 and 2009 GEAPS Leadership Conferences—the Opening Workshop at Exchange 2010 in Wichita will focus on developing the workforce. The morning-long session, kicking off the Wichita education program, will discuss developing the next generation of leaders at your company. The 2010 Exchange Educational Programming Committee has brought in Jim Doyle, a professional speaker and leadership consultant, to present the workshop. Doyle will “give the audience something tangible to use at their offices or facilities the very next day,” said EPC Chair Kathy Reading. The session will begin with an overview of how young professionals operate in the working world. What impact does the “feel” of a workplace have on them? How important is the relationship between employee and boss? Doyle emphasizes the importance of taking time in the hiring process to choose employees who fit in with your company on multiple levels and will be better resources over the course of their careers. The next portion of the seminar will focus on finding people who possess attributes you need for long-term success, as well as examining your own leadership style to see how you fit into the equation. Are you a leader or a manager? How do you engage your workers? How can getting to know your employees make them better and more efficient on the job? The Opening Workshop will also teach you to engage your employees and assess them for strengths and weaknesses; establish trust in a working relationship; create a leader development program to identify candidates for promotions; and, finally, create a positive workplace environment of workers who go the extra mile. “We hope that as many people as possible will take advantage of this opportunity to hear Jim speak,” said Reading. “It will be well worth getting up early on Sunday morning!” Expo Pods Dust Control Equipment Monday, Feb. 22, 10:30–11:15 a.m. & 1:15–2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23, 10:30–11:15 a.m. www.geaps.com Tuesday, Feb. 23 10:30-11:15 a.m. Broken Bag Detection Using Triboelectric Measurement, Monitor Technologies Monday, Feb. 22 10:30-11:15 a.m Going Green: Save Energy with Dust Collection Control, Lakeland Co 1:15-2 p.m. Pipe Sizing Concerns, Kice Industries Tuesday, Feb. 23 10:30-11:15 a.m. Dust Collector Safety and Maintenance Concerns, MAC Equipment Pod 4 – Hall II East Monday, Feb. 22 10:30-11:15 a.m. Bag-House Maintenance and Repair, AIRLANCO 1:15-2 p.m. Dust System Design Changes, Rolfes@Boone Pod 2 – Hall I West SCHEDULE OF EXPO PODS Pod 3 – Hall I Southwest Pod 1 – Hall I Northwest Exchange 2010 marks the fourth year of smallgroup “pod” educational sessions in the Expo Hall. Since it started with the first sessions back in 2007, the pod program has since grown steadily over the years in response to demand. The upcoming Exchange will offer a dozen pod sessions, all on topics related to dust collection systems and maintenance. What makes the pods such a standout? It’s the real-world information not available anywhere else. Exchange delegates get up close to equipment, learning about it directly from manufacturers. It’s a golden opportunity for hands-on education on equipment features, uses and maintenance. “Our pod focus this year is on `Dust Collection’ —from bag house maintenance and troubleshooting, to demonstrating how air velocity and material weight impact the efficiency of a dust filter. The pods will also cover dust suppression using mineral oil, newer filter systems, and how to save energy using controllers,” said Educational Programming Committee Chair Kathy Reading. “We will be bringing in the experts in these fields so they can share their tips and know-how right to the show floor. You won’t find this opportunity for hands-on demonstrations in a small group atmosphere at any other convention!” Pods have a maximum capacity of 30 people, and attendance is first-come, first served. Take a look at the pod schedule (right) and show up early to help secure your place. Thanks to the EPC, GEAPS Associate members and other vendors, who offer their equipment for use in the pods and help produce the program. Monday, Feb. 22 10:30-11:15 a.m. Mineral Oil Dust-Suppression System, Edward J Heck and Sons 1:15-2 p.m. Advantages of Newer Filter Systems vs. Dust Collection Bags, Donaldson Torit Tuesday, Feb. 23 10:30-11:15 a.m. Methods and Applications of Dust Control Techniques, Martin Engineering Monday, Feb. 22 10:30-11:15 a.m. Particulate Emissions Monitoring & Intelligent Control Devices, BinMaster 1:15-2 p.m. Fan Design, Arrow Co Tuesday, Feb. 23 10:30-11:15 a.m. Monitoring and Cleaning of Dust System Filters, Dwyer Instruments *Note: Pod locations indicated above (northwest, east, etc.) correspond roughly to expo-hall floor plans as they appear on pages 18-19 and not to compass points. GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 7 educational sessions See the schedule on page 4 for the times for these sessions. AGRIBUSINESS ENVIRONMENT AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES The Mechanized Grain Elevator: How Did We Get Here? William J. Brown, author, Cincinnati, OH The mechanized grain elevators of today have their roots in American history. This session, by the author of a new book, will discuss how we got here, and why an understanding of the past may be useful to us in the future. What necessities led to the invention of the mechanized elevator? How did it work? How did grain elevators become so important to the development of the U.S.? How did they influence grain handling in other countries? And what happened to the old American classics? GRAIN FACILITY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Shipping Grain in Containers: An Opportunity for Your Company? Bo DeLong, vice president and grain manager, The DeLong Co Inc, Clinton, WI This session will discuss the logistics, and advantages and disadvantages, of shipping grain in containers. Although the economy has been in decline, eventually the U.S. will see more of those steel boxes and they’ll need a haul-back overseas. Could it be an opportunity for your company? The session will discuss the mechanics of loading in containers, markets, economics, drayage and other considerations. Construction-Project Oversight: What Do You Do When The Manager’s Not On Site? Jerry Wille, president, Curry-Wille & Assoc, Ames, IA What do you do when a company or facility manager can’t be on site to monitor a construction project? How do you ensure that the work will get done precisely according to plan? This session will discuss how to create a detailed check-list, covering everything appropriate—from the size of the excavation to the quality of the stairway handrails to the grades of bolt utilized. The session will focus on steel-tank construction management as an example, but will also apply to construction oversight generally. Asset Management of Concrete Structures Richard W. Kobetz, PE, independent consulting engineer, president, Sunfield Engineering Inc, Cedar, MI This session will discuss methods and recommended practices for monitoring the integrity of concrete structures. Different tools that managers can use for recognizing potential problem areas will be covered, along with how to develop an effective structure-monitoring process. Topics will include a brief overview of the design of concrete structures typically used in grain elevators, developing a baseline review, the recognition and evaluation of serious vs. less serious issues, and when to call in professional assistance, and what to expect from it. GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT Bin Sweeps vs. Skid-Steer Doors Ed Kovarik, project manager, Bratney Companies, Boise, ID Which of the options makes sense for your facility? Find out at this session, which will discuss the pros and cons of bin-sweep systems and skid-steer doors, providing comparative information on material, labor and electrical costs, maintenance requirements, and manpower and safety considerations. Bearings: Installation and Preventive Maintenance John Ahart, industry manager, Emerson Power Transmission, Overland Park, KS This session will offer a nuts-and-bolts look at bearing types and designs, and how to install and maintain them. It will cover mounted-bearing types and capabilities, radial and thrust loads, ring-locking mechanisms, seal designs, thermal expansion and misalignment, lubrication types and methods, and installation and removal methods. Dust-Collection Systems: An Overview Dinesh Mali, vice president engineering, Caltex BMH Systems/ Shanta Engineering, Irving, TX This session will provide a fundamental overview of dust-control systems. It will discuss what equipment is vented, CFM and velocity determinations, duct sizing, dust-collector sizing, balancing ductwork, and other key dust-control considerations. HANDLING SYSTEMS AND OPERATIONS TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Getting More from Your Hazard-Monitoring Systems Doug Forst, president, CMC Industrial Electronics Ltd, Burnaby, BC, Canada Hazard-monitoring equipment at grain facilities can supply high-quality information that can be used to improve maintenance practices. This session will discuss what types of data (including bearing temperatures and belt-tracking statistics) can be retrieved from hazards-monitoring systems, show how it can be obtained in usable formats, and how it can be applied for maximum value. Using a PLC for More than Just a Push-Button Replacement Steve Reed, director of sales, Kasa Industrial Controls, Salina, KS In this session, you will learn how you can be assured that you are running your equipment to full capacity. The session will review the latest in monitoring, the advantages and disadvantages of web-enabled Human-Machine-Interface, what to look for in order to prevent problems from happening and how remote access can help save money. It will also discuss how executives can use the data from a facility to make good business decisions. The presentation will use real-life case studies, as well as the latest research. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Employee Orientation: Starting Off on the Right Foot Jeff Frizell, human resources manager, MKC, Moundridge, KS Getting employees started on sound footing takes some knowledge, organization and effort, but it’s likely to pay off in the long term. This session will discuss what companies should consider to set the stage early in the employment process—from the job offer through the first day, week and month at work. It will cover topics ranging from simply taking the new person to lunch and touring the facility to explaining the employee handbook, creating a learning-and-development plan, and establishing a climate of mutual trust. 8 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 www.geaps.com GRAIN-QUALITY MANAGEMENT Current Research in Grain Handling & Storage: What Does It Mean, and Where Do We Go Next? Paul Armstrong, agricultural engineer, USDA-ARS, Grain Marketing Production Research Center, Manhattan, KS Leland McKinney, assistant professor, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS Klein Ileleji, assistant professor & extension engineer, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Dr. Charlie Hurburgh, professor, Iowa State University, Ames, IA Members of GEAPS’ Educational Programming Committee have allocated almost two hours for this special, interactive session, designed to update industry pros about advances in grain-quality research, and also to get their ideas about where to focus next. Professors participating in the NC-213 research consortium at major universities will discuss promising results of their investigations. The session will cover practical applications of research relating to CO2 monitoring, quality traits in wheat, distillers-grains handling, and geographical mapping of grain-quality differences. They’ll also be asking for industry input about operational problems that need solving. This has been a difficult year; come prepared with your list of the top issues that someone needs to solve. Developing a Fumigation Management Plan Pamela Peckman, quality and technical services, The Industrial Fumigant Co, Olathe KS If your facility or company fumigates for pest control, it probably needs a Fumigation Management Plan, or FMP, to comply with Environmental Protection Administration and State Lead Agency requirements. FMPs are organized, written plans detailing steps involved to ensure a safe fumigation. This session will provide background and discuss basic requirements, supporting documents needed and safety monitoring. Information specific to railcar fumigations will also be discussed. PROPERTY AND CASUALTY RISK MANAGEMENT Developing an Electrical Safety Program for Your Workplace Mark Wirfs, president, R&W Engineering Inc, Beaverton, OR Electrical safety in processing facilities is extremely important because of the proliferation of handling and other equipment driven by many motors. Within the context of OSHA electrical safety requirements, the most comprehensive standard for electrical safety in the workplace is NFPA No. 70E. This presentation will provide a basic overview of the requirements to set up and implement a plant electrical safety program. It will use the principles of NFPA 70E extensively and include discussion about program requirements, electrical hazards (including shock and arc flash), and methods of controls for your employees. Dust Collection and Regulatory Compliance Don Lear, senior engineer, Kice Industries, Wichita, KS Recent revisions to standards of the National Fire Protection Assn. have affected the way in which dust-collection systems must be designed, built and installed. This presentation will provide information about the revised standards, address what facilities need to do to ensure that a dust collector is NFPA-compliant, and provide insight as to what future legislation may be coming for the industry. What Should You Do Before the Ambulance Arrives? Gary Curmode, fire chief, Sedgwick County Fire Dept, Sedgwick County, KS Someone gets hurt at your facility. You call 911. Now what? Besides providing basic first aid or CPR, what should you do medically during the next 10 or 15 minutes? What can and should you do ethically and legally? This session will help grain-facility professionals start thinking about what their obligations, responsibilities and limitations might be before emergency help arrives. A Look at DOT Safety-Rating Systems Brian Hammer, fleet consultant, Nationwide Agribusiness, Des Moines, IA A new federal system for identifying and rating drivers and carriers that have had safety problems may soon be in place, and if your company transports grain, you’ll be affected. This session will discuss the new Comprehensive Safety Analysis method (CSA 2010) and how it works. Knowing the details will help companies deal with “unsatisfactory” or “conditional” ratings, which could put the brakes on their trucking operations, sideline drivers or make it more difficult to get insurance. It’s All About You Chuck Martinek, loss control consultant, risk-management services, LaMair-Mulock-Condon Co, W Des Moines, IA GEAPS members who attended this popular, interactive session at Exchange 2009 said we needed to offer it again. It’s designed to motivate management and employees to develop a positive safety culture at their companies. By identifying responsibilities and the underlying causes of accidents, supervisors and workers will learn how to manage safety as a team. Food Defense and Regulation Richard Ryan, assistant deputy director, asset protection division, corporate security department, ADM, Decatur, IL Mark Cheviron, corporate vice president-corporate security and services, ADM, Decatur, IL Food defense is the subject of a Homeland Security Presidential Directive and has been the focus of hundreds of meetings, discussions, and projects— and now regulation. This session will provide information concerning the current status of food-defense risk assessment, planning and regulation, as well as the processes and implications involved. Operations Safety, Health & Environmental Responsibility Forum Hosted by the NGFA Safety, Health and Environmental Quality Committee This operations issues forum, hosted by the NGFA Safety, Health & Environmental Quality Committee, will feature discussion of current, developing and emerging issues impacting grain handling operations. The forum is an opportunity to get insight and answers directly from leading industry experts at the forefront of these critically important components of grain and feed operations. www.geaps.com GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 9 GUEST EVENTS Social Events Guest Welcome Reception & Expo Grand Opening Guest Breakfast Sunday, Feb. 21, 9:30–11:15 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23, 8:30–9:45 a.m. Hosted by the guests of our International officers and Host Advisory Council, this is a great opportunity to make new friendships or meet up with friends from the past. Light refreshments will be served and a representative from the Wichita Convention and Visitors Bureau will be available with information about ways to experience the city during your stay. Kick off the final day of the Exchange with all of the friends you have met. Plan your day’s activities over a full breakfast buffet and then head out for a morning of sightseeing or rest and relaxation. Keeper Kafe and World Treasures Guest Tours Sunday, Feb. 21, 1–4:30 p.m. Travel back in time as you board the heated River City Trolley for a delightful scenic drive. You’ll take in views of the Arkansas River crossing over the bridge of two rivers, guarded by Wichita’s own “Keeper of the Plains” statue. First stop is the Keeper Kafe, located in the Mid-America All-Indian Center, where you’ll get just a taste of the museum during our visit with dessert of Indian fried bread. You may return to the museum during your free time later in the week and see all it has on display. The afternoon continues with a trolley ride to Historic Old Town to tour Wichita’s Museum of World Treasures. Explore three floors of dinosaurs, ancient civilizations, Marilyn Monroe’s jewelry, Elvis’ handkerchief and local artifacts of plains Indians. The Tastes, Sights and Sounds of Wichita Monday, Feb. 22, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. First stop on this tour is at the Crown Uptown Theatre. Join the theatre in celebrating 33 years of providing Broadway-style shows and a delicious all-you-care-to-eat buffet prepared by the Crown Uptown’s chef and his outstanding culinary staff. The performance is the hit show “All Shook Up!” featuring the music of Elvis: It’s 1955 in a sleepy Midwestern town. One girl’s dream is kick-started when a guitar playing, hip-shaking, motorcycle-riding hunk comes to town and helps the community discover the magic of romance and the power of rock 'n' roll! This new musical features Elvis Presley’s greatest hits, including “Jailhouse Rock,” “Heartbreak Hotel,” “Don’t Be Cruel,” “Burning Love” and many more! Board the trolley after your performance and get your chocolate fix at our next stop, Cero’s, Wichita’s hand-dipped chocolate and candy tradition since 1885. What’s better than coffee and chocolate on a brisk Wichita afternoon? Guests will get a chance to try their skills as they make their own hand-dipped treats. While one half of the group is chocolating, the rest will travel uptown to the College Hill area to experience the 1915 Frank Lloyd Wright Prairie House, which is considered among his best designs. Designed for the prominent journalist and Statesman Henry J. Allen and his wife Elsie J. Nuzman Allen, who was active in local art organizations, the house was occupied until late 1947. The house is considered the last of the Prairie Houses and is full of unique features and one-of-a-kind original furnishings designed by Wright specifically for this home. Guest Optional Event Wichita Art Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1–5 p.m. This tour will take you to the studio of Rollin Karg, a renowned glass artisan from the Midwest who designs and creates small and massive sculptural pieces from molten glass, usually shaped in a freeform, asymmetrical manner. He brings the glass to life through his dynamic use of color, especially dichroic colors—a color that transmits one color while reflecting another—which adds a unique dimension to the piece. Guests on the Karg Art Studio tour will get to watch as Karg and other glass artisans create works of art right in front of their eyes. Then it’s off to the Wichita Art Museum to view additional works by Karg as well as hundreds of other artists. 10 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 www.geaps.com GEAPS EVENTS G GEAPS Annual Meeting Tuesday, Feb. 23, 3:15–4:45 p.m. The GEAPS Annual Meeting is the place to catch up on every facet of the association during the past year. GEAPS 2009-2010 International President Buzz Tourangeau will detail GEAPS’ accomplishments since the 2009 Annual Meeting in St. Louis, as well as goals for the coming year and beyond. The Annual Meeting is open to everyone, and most Exchange attendees are GEAPS members. Attend the Annual Meeting to learn about current and developing programs at GEAPS, hear about the rewards of volunteer leadership, and learn about opportunities for involvement at every level. The Annual Meeting also includes the GEAPS Safety Awards presentation and the presentation of awards to those people who have made special contributions to GEAPS through leadership, member recruitment, outstanding service to their chapter and more. The Annual Meeting is also the place to be for the final drawing of the ten $100 winners in the Expo Lotto. Remember, you MUST be present to win the Lotto cash! Database Training for Chapter Leaders Chapter Leader Workshop Saturday, Feb. 20, 3–5 p.m. Passing the Leadership Torch Does your chapter struggle with managing its member contact list? Consider attending the Online Member Database Training that will be held at Exchange 2010 in Wichita. This training will explore the database tools available to chapter leaders. Chapter secretaries, this is especially for you! This training will show you how to streamline the work you do by teaching you how to utilize the very same contact lists that GEAPS staff use. After attending this training you will have chapter leader access to the database and you’ll be able to send emails right through the system! You’ll also be able to set up an automatic welcome email (to be sent when a new member joins your chapter), create surveys and view your chapter’s roster at your convenience. Intrigued by what the database has to offer? Join us on Saturday, February 20, from 3-5 p.m. Bring your laptop with a wireless Internet card, or let us know if you’ll need to use a GEAPS laptop. There is no cost to attend this training but please pre-register by contacting Julia Kloehn at (952) 928-4640 or juliak@geaps.com. Monday, Feb. 22, 4–5 p.m. So you’ve found a new volunteer leader for your chapter board…how do you begin to explain what they have signed up for? You’re not alone in wondering how to best train your new leaders. This workshop will explore ways to ease the leadership transition and give your new volunteers the tools they need to succeed as chapter leaders. Come and join our roundtable discussion and learn from other chapter leaders. Before you pass the torch, make sure you’ve got a system in place to help your new leaders pick up where you left off. The Chapter Leader Workshop is presented by the GEAPS Chapter Resource Committee each year at the GEAPS Exchange. It is intended for all chapter leaders and any chapter member interested in chapter leadership. The Chapter Leader Workshop is the only educational session at the GEAPS Exchange dedicated solely to improving the overall quality of your chapter. HOTELS H High demand for hotel rooms at Exchange 2010 has led to an early room block sellout at our three Exchange hotels in Wichita. To assist with the placement of out-of-towners in February, the Wichita convention and visitors’ bureau has reached out to other local hotels with availability for Exchange delegates. Please contact the hotels directly to secure your reservation, and be sure to mention you are with the GEAPS Exchange. At right is a list of alternate hotels with all the amenities to make your Exchange 2010 stay a comfortable one. www.geaps.com Clarion Inn & Suites.........$79.00 plus tax 5805 W Kellogg Dr, Wichita, KS, (316) 942-7911 Comfort Suites Airport.........$99.00 plus tax 7515 W Taft St (Ridge & Kellogg) Wichita, KS, (316) 773-1700 La Quinta Inn & Suites Wichita Airport.........$79.00 plus tax 5500 W Kellogg Dr, Wichita, KS, (316) 943-2181 Holiday Inn .........$79.00 plus tax 549 S Rock Rd, Wichita, KS, (316) 686-7131 GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 11 registration information This page contains general information on registering to attend GEAPS Exchange 2010. Questions? Call GEAPS at 00-1 952-928-4640. How to Register What are the Early Discounts? There are two ways you can register for GEAPS Exchange 2010—either by completing the form on page 15 and faxing/mailing it to GEAPS with your payment, or by registering online at www.geaps.com. (Credit card payment required for online option.) Whichever way you choose, if your registration and payment are received by Jan. 21, you will qualify for substantial registration discounts. You can customize the registration package that best fits your needs. Look over the different options available below to ensure that you will get the Exchange experience that you are looking for. All attendees who pre-register for the Exchange will receive a confirmation. For those who register online and provide an e-mail address, they will receive a confirmation via e-mail. Registrations sent to the GEAPS office will be confirmed by e-mail (when provided) or regular mail. You will save 25% on the onsite price for all events if your form and payment are received by Jan. 21, 2010. This “early pre-registration” discount is your incentive to register now. If either your registration form or payment is received after Jan. 21 but before the pre-registration cut-off date of Feb. 15, 2010, you will still qualify for the “pre-registration” discount, which saves you 15% on the onsite prices. Any registrations made onsite will be charged the full price. Who Needs to Register All Exchange events are open only to individuals who are registered and wearing their official badges. This includes the Expo Hall and all à la carte and optional events. All exhibitors also need to register individually for the Exchange (see right). Guests of registrants must also register and wear their badge to access any event. If they are only planning to share hotel accommodations, but not attend any Exchange events, they do not need to register. What if I’m not a GEAPS member? Delegates who are not active GEAPS members when they register and purchase a ‘full’ registration at the non-member rate will receive GEAPS membership through June 2011. A confirmation of your new membership will be sent separately from your Exchange registration confirmation (after the conference). Note: The membership offer does not include exhibitors, unless they elect to enclose an additional $235/each to cover the membership dues. What if I Have to Cancel? Registration cancellations received by GEAPS no later than Jan. 21, 2010, entitle the registrant to a full refund. Cancellations received after that date will be charged a 25% administrative fee. Refunds can be made only when the refund request is made in writing and received by Feb. 15, 2010. There are no refunds for cancellations made onsite. All refunds will be processed after the conference. Consult your hotel confirmation for instructions on canceling reservations. For Exchange Exhibitors All exhibitors coming to the Exchange must register individually. Each person planning on attending must send in a registration form (or register online). Each exhibiting company receives two complimentary exibitor registrations per each 10’x10’ booth they have reserved. Exhibitors may purchase guest, à-la-carte or optional tickets. As a perk for being part of the Exchange, all exhibitors receive the GEAPS member rate for tickets, regardless of whether the individuals are members or not. (See note at left regarding non-members.) Any additional individuals beyond the two complimentary exhibitor registrations may also attend but must purchase additional exhibitor registrations (at a special reduced rate). Exhibitors cannot register with complimentary Expo passes or an Expo-only ticket. know your registration options What’s included? Use this table to choose the registration that’s right for you. Opening Workshop (Sun.) Educational Program (Sun. - Tue.) Exchange Expo (Sun. - Tue.) Get-Acquainted Party (Sat.) Fun Run/Walk (Sun.) Expo Lunch (Sun. - Tue.) Welcome Reception (Sun.) Annual Meeting (Tue.) President’s Reception & Banquet (Tue.) Club GEAPS (Tue.) KSU Grain Science Facility Tour (Wed.) Guest Welcome Reception (Sun.) Guest “Keeper Kafe & World Treasures” (Sun.) Guest “Tastes, Sites & Sounds of Wichita” (Mon.) Guest Breakfast (Tue.) Guest “Wichita Art” (Tue.) 12 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 Delegate Full One-Day Sunday Only Monday Only Guest Tuesday Only Full Base Exhibitor Expo Only (onsite) optional for all attendees optional for all attendees optional for all guests www.geaps.com GEAPS EXCHANGE 2010 REGISTRATION FORM Type or print all information; photocopy this form as needed for additional registrants. Fax or mail completed form (with payment) to GEAPS: Fax (00-1) 952-929-1318; Mail 4248 Park Glen Rd, Minneapolis MN 55416 USA, or register online at www.geaps.com. P L E A S E P R I N T C L E A R LY 1. Are you a GEAPS member? Yes No circle one Regular Chapter Associate Is your company exhibiting? Affiliate No Yes Student EXHIBITOR REGISTRATION OPTIONS (Note: For non-members who register for a ‘full registration’, your registration entitles you to a membership through June 2011. Check this box if declining membership offer. This does not include exhibitor registrations.) Exhibiting companies receive two complimentary Exhibitor Registrations per 10’x10’ booth. These include all expo hours and educational sessions from Sunday to Tuesday. Additonal Exhibitor Registrations can be purchased at a special rate. Guests, optional and à la carte events can be added below. PRE-REGISTRATION RATES 2. Delegate FIRST NICKNAME (IF DIFFERENT) Before Jan. 21 5. Exhibitor Registration Complimentary Additional LAST n/c $275 After Jan. 21 n/c $315 DELEGATE REGISTRATION OPTIONS 6. Delegate Full Registration Includes all of the à la carte events below Member Non-Member JOB TITLE COMPANY 7. One Day Registration (Please specify which day) Sunday Monday Tuesday Member Non-Member MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE/PROV ZIP/PC COUNTRY PHONE FAX 8. Guests Full Registration Includes all of the à la carte events below Base Registration E-MAIL 3. Guest (Guests are non-industry individuals—spouses or significant others—who will accompany the delegate above.) FIRST PRE-REGISTRATION RATES Before Jan. 21 NICKNAME (IF DIFFERENT) $680 $915 $780 $1,015 $250 $375 $290 $430 $375 $390 $100 $115 9. à la carte Events Get-Acquainted Party (Sat.) $85 President’s Reception & Banquet (Tues.) $90 Guests only: “Keeper Kafe & World Treasures” (Sun.) $40 Guests only: “Tastes, Sites & Sounds of Wichita” (Mon.) $100 10. Optional Activities (not included in “Full Registrations”) Fun Run (Sun.) KSU Grain Science Facility Tour (Wed.) Guests only: “Wichita Art” (Tue.) After Jan. 21 n/c $25 $25 x x $100 $105 $50 $110 x x x x n/c $30 $30 x x LAST HOME MAILING ADDRESS CITY 11. Payment Enclosed — US funds only Indicate total payment and circle one; must be received with registration. STATE/PROV ZIP/PC Total Payment: $ COUNTRY Check or Master/Visa/AmEx Account Number HOME PHONE Will you or your guest need any special accommodations due to a disability or dietary needs? Check here to be contacted by a member of the GEAPS staff. Expiration Date 4. Is this your first time attending a GEAPS Exchange? Signature Yes DO NOT WRITE HERE www.geaps.com / Print Name No Date Amt Check Reg DO NOT WRITE HERE GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 13 EXTRAS Get-Acquainted Party Saturday, Feb. 20, 7–11 p.m., Hyatt Regency Wichita Grand Eagle Ballroom The Exchange kicks off with a western twist on the traditional annual Get-Acquainted Party. Just after sundown, mosey over to the Hyatt Ballroom, where all travel-weary trail hands can belly up to the bar to wash down the trail dust and grab some western-style vittles at the buffet. Take a load off while listening to the toe-tapping Diamond W Wranglers and clap your hands as you are entertained by the famous Dixie Lee Dancing Gals, known for their highstepping, petticoat-twirling ways. If you’re feeling lucky, venture over to the high-stakes “Kansas Hold ‘em” poker table (we’re not in Texas anymore). If you think you’re trail material, show those city slickers what’s what and head to the Corral and hop onto “Brutus,” the best bucking, kicking and spinning mechanical bull in the country. Or try your hand at electronic calf roping atop “Victor,” our life-size stationary horse. Get your lassos ready! Admission includes two drink tickets per person, a full dinner buffet, games and entertainment. The party is included in the Delegate and Guest Full registrations and can also be purchased separately à la carte. President’s Banquet and Club GEAPS Tuesday, Feb. 23, 6–11 p.m., Hyatt Regency Wichita Grand Eagle Ballroom Exchange 2010 will wind down with some well-deserved fun at the President’s Banquet and Club GEAPS. Exchange attendees and guests will begin the evening with cocktails outside the ballroom (beverage coupons provided with Banquet ticket) before heading inside to join GEAPS officers for dinner and the evening’s entertainment. Once again, the banquet will include our featured entertainment. Comic magician Tim Gabrielson will wow Exchange attendees with his highly technical magic while keeping us laughing throughout the show. Following the Banquet, Exchange 2010 will end on a high note with Club GEAPS, a casual event including desserts, live music, drinks and conversation. Grab a dessert (or two!) and enjoy the music while winding down another great Exchange. Banquet tickets are included in Delegate and Guest Full registrations and can also be purchased à la carte. Club GEAPS does not require a ticket and is open to all Exchange 2010 attendees and guests. 14 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 KSU: Grain Science Lab Tour Wednesday, Feb 24, 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Kansas State University, GEAPS' strategic partner for continuing education and professional development, has been an important participant in the great tradition of grain science since 1905, when it set up a small-scale mill in the corner of a chemistry laboratory, leading to the Department of Milling Industries. With the addition of a feed curriculum in 1951; a baking program in 1963; and finally a commitment to all aspects of grain science, processing and utilization in 1966, the program evolved into the distinguished Grain Science and Industry department. Today, this program has a long-standing reputation of exceptional students, global industry influence and cutting-edge research. The Grain Science and Industry program at Kansas State University is the only program of its kind in the United States, and during Exchange 2010 you’ll get the chance to take a closer look at the teachings and research at the Grain Science laboratory facility and how it is changing the face of the grain industry. Transportation will be provided from the Hyatt Regency Wichita to Manhattan, Kan., where you’ll tour the facilities, have lunch and get an in-depth update of current research. You’ll arrive back at the Hyatt Regency Wichita no later than 6 p.m. If you are interested in attending, be sure to schedule your hotel and air accordingly. Fun Run Walk – A Full 1 10 of a Marathon Sunday, Feb. 21, 6:30 a.m. start Whether you want to run or walk 2 miles, 5 miles, 10 or 26, we’ll map it out for you: this is the event for those of you with the extra get up and go on Sunday morning of the Exchange. There is no fee for the Fun Run, but please let us know if you’re bringing your running shoes by marking this event on the registration form. www.geaps.com EXhibitors ! NEW Exhibitor YEAR Exhibitor WHAT’S NEW Honoree Companies making their debut at GEAPS Exchange. Exhibitors who have exhibited for years or more. The companies with the longest tenure have been exhibiting for years. Companies with new products, equipment or services featured in the “What’s New” portion of the Idea Exchange program. expo 2010 Providers of products, equipment and services for grain processors and handlers gather together once a year to create an international marketplace of the industry. This is it. TEAM Player Many GEAPS exhibitors are also GEAPS DirectaSource advertisers. These companies are designated TEAM Players, or Total Exhibiting Advertising Marketers. You can identify them at the Exchange by the hot orange TEAM ribbons on their badges. Look them up in the edition of GEAPS DirectaSource. GEAPS Exchange exhibitors are listed alphabetically on the following pages. Use these listings for addresses, phone and fax numbers, email addresses and other contact information. Maps of the Expo Halls is on pages - . These listings also identify four special groups of exhibitors, with icons in the left margin (see left). EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS B Components Ltd ........................................................................................ *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Sabrina Dr, East Peoria, IL YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor b-usa@go b.com; www.go b.com TEAM Rick Fifer/Johnny Wheat Player “Manufacturers: steel and polymer elevator buckets, forged conveyor chain. Hazard and level monitors.” AGRI-associates ............................................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Plaza Tower Building, W th St, Ste YEAR Kansas City, MO Exhibitor ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) TEAM gjp@agriassociates.com; www.agriassociates.com Player Glenn J Person AIRLANCO ..................................................................................................... *see ad on back of “Maps & Programs” tab *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource YEAR PO Box , Hwy S, Falls City, NE Exhibitor ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) TEAM rkrebs@airlanco.com; www.airlanco.com Player Ron Krebs “Manufacturers of aeration, unloading, dust control and pneumatic conveying equipment.” AIRMATIC Inc ................................................................................................. TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Three Tun Rd, Malvern, PA Player ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) rbraun@airmatic.com; www.airmatic.com Bob Braun “Railcar & silo unloading: Workmaster™ gate openers, vibrators, BinButler™ aerators; Martin® silo cleaning www.geaps.com A-MECS Corp ............................................................................................... Phoenix B/D - Kangnamgu Yeoksamdong, Seoul Republic of Korea NEW / ; Fax Exhibitor info@a-mecs.kr S H Shin “Color sorting machine for grain and seed” ! Abel Mfg Co Inc .............................................................................................. N Mayflower Drive, PO Box , Appleton, WI ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR michael.breon@abelusa.com Exhibitor Mike Breon Accu-Steel Cover Buildings ........................................................................... PO Box , Templeton, IA ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) sales@asicoverbuildings.com; www.asicoverbuildings.com Wes Owen “Engineered fabric-covered hot-dip-galvanized steel truss storage buildings.” Action Unloaders / Tank Connection.............................................................. N th, Parsons, KS ( ) ; Fax ( ) mhorton@actionunloaders.com; www.tankconnection.com Matt Horton “Tank Connection steel silos with Action Unloader silo reclaim systems.” Adams Building Contractors Inc .................................................................... TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Yukon Dr, Jackson, MI Player ( ) ; Fax ( ) jkilgore@adamsbc.com Josh Kilgore NEW “Agri/industrial construction, contractor, millwright, engineering, design Exhibitor build” ! GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 15 EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS Agri Systems.................................................................................................. Minnesota Ave, Billings, MT ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR mhamlin@agrisystems.net; www.agrisystems.net Exhibitor Matthew Hamlin AgriDry LLC ................................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource PO Box , Edon, OH WHAT’S NEW ( ) ; Fax ( ) Honoree sales@agridryllc.com; www.agridryllc.com TEAM Eli Troyer Player AgriLogistics Inc........................................................................................... E Lincoln Ln, Gardner, KS ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) brianb@agrilogistics.com; www.agrilogistics.com Brian Bickford AgVision Agribusiness Software ..................................................................... N Ankeny Blvd, Ankeny, IA ( ) ; Fax ( ) dmi @dmicomputer.com; www.agvisionsoftware.com Shelley Laracuente “Agribusiness Software” Allatoona Machinery Co ............................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource N Main St, Acworth, GA WHAT’S NEW ; Fax ( ) ( ) Honoree sales@radialstackers.net; www.radialstackers.net TEAM Marianne Gilliam Player “ , bph drive-over conveyors & ’ belt conveyors for filling bunkers. Aposgran ..................................................................................................... Bolsa De Comercio De Rosario, Edificio Torre Paraguay to Piso, Rosario Argentina aposgran@bcr.com.ar; www.aposgran.org.ar Juan Carlos Nieva “APOSGRAN is an Argentine association dedicated to technical expertise in grain handling.” Applied Power Products ............................................................................... Trapp Rd, St Paul, MN ( ) , ( ) FOR-BELT; Fax ( ) YEAR arfield@appliedpowerproducts.com; www.appliedpowerproducts.com Exhibitor Angela Field “Goodyear Pathfinder belting, buckets, pulleys, Flexco and Eagle PD drives.” Argonics Inc ................................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource th St, Gwinn, MI YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor information@argonics.com; www.argonics.com TEAM Janice Kantola Player “Polyurethane sheets for head sections, distributors, elbows, spouts and transitions.” The Arnold Co ................................................................................................ TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Harmony Lane, Trenton, IL Player ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) sales@arnoldcompany.com; www.arnoldcompany.com Arnold Huelsmann “Rail car door opener—air or electric. Plug doors/freight doors.” All-State Industries Inc ................................................................................... S th St, W Des Moines, IA ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR dberner@all-stateind.com Exhibitor Doug Berner “Conveyor/elevator belting, machined plastics and urethanes.” Arrow Corp Inc ............................................................................................. Airport Rd, Winnipeg, MB R H V Canada ( ) ; Fax ( ) arrow@arrowcorp.com; www.arrowcorp.com Rick Gergatz “Equipment manufacturer of grain processing, handling and dust collection components.” Andco Actuators ............................................................................................ *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Port Northwest Dr, Houston, TX YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor angela.flynn@dresser.com; www.dresser.com TEAM Angela Flynn BM&M Screening Solutions ............................................................................ Production Blvd, Surrey, BC V S P Canada ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) info@bmandm.com; www.bmandm.com Collin Jackson “BM&M is a leading rotary grain cleaner supplier.” Player BS&B Pressure Safety Management LLC ....................................................... E th St, Tulsa, OK ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) brianne.walton@bsbsystems.com; www.bsbsystems.com Bri’Anne Walton “Manufactures/distributes explosion protection/suppression technology worldwide.” Bailey-Parks Urethane.................................................................................... *see ad on back of “Saturday, February Ͷ” tab *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource YEAR Gilbert Ave, Memphis, TN Exhibitor ; Fax ( ) ( ) ,( ) TEAM sales@baileyparks.com; www.baileyparks.com Player Jill Richards “Manufacture urethane products: liners and wear parts for spouting and conveyors.” Batterton Waterproofing Inc .......................................................................... PO Box , Marquis, York, NE ( ) , ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR mikebwi@hotmail.com; www.battertonwaterproofing.com Exhibitor Michael W Batterton 16 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 www.geaps.com EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS Bayer CropScience ......................................................................................... TW Alexander Dr, Research Triangle Park, NC ( ) YEAR phil.gibson@bayercropscience.com Exhibitor Phil Gibson “Stored grain protectants.” Behlen Mfg Co................................................................................................ *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource PO Box , E rd St, Columbus, NE YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor behlen@behlenmfg.com; www.behlenmfg.com TEAM Kirk Nelson Player “Steel grain storage tanks and buildings, handling equipment, Berico commercial dryers.” Bequisa - Bernardo Quimica SA....................................................................... ROD Padre Manoel Da Nobega Km Sao Vincente SP Brazil ; Fax cbernard@bequisa.com.br; www.bequisa.com.br Marcelo Pereira “Aluminum phosphide.” Bindicator/Kistler-Morse ................................................................................ Venture Blvd, Spartanburg, SC ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR sales@bindicator.com Exhibitor Stephanie Hanna BinMaster ...................................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource PO Box , N th St [ ], Lincoln, NE YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor info@binmaster.com; www.binmaster.com Todd Peterson WHAT’S “Point and continuous bin level indicators and monitoring, inventory NEW Honoree measurement, and flow & dust detection.” Borton LC ...................................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource PO Box , E st St, Hutchinson, KS YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor borton@borton.biz; www.borton.biz TEAM Chuck Burleigh Player “Contractors/Engineers offering construction services for the grain, feed and processing industries.” Brandt Road Rail Corp .................................................................................. Mill St, Regina, SK S P E Canada ( ) ; Fax ( ) slinzmayer@brandt.ca; www.brandt.ca Steve Linzmayer “Powerful mobile car mover that’s both road and rail legal.” Bruins Instruments....................................................................................... Lindberghstrasse , Puchheim Germany - ; Fax - I.bruins@bruins.de; www.bruinsinstruments.com Ingrid Bruins Buhler Inc ...................................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource th Ave N, Plymouth, MN YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor buhler.minneapolis@buhlergroup.com; www.buhlergroup.com TEAM Mark Larson Player “Grain handling: conveying, loading/unloading, filters and grain processing equipment.” Bunting Magnetics Co .................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource S Spencer Rd, Newton, KS YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor bmc@buntingmagnetics.com; www.buntingmagnetics.com TEAM Charles Whitt Player “Permanent magnetic separation and metal detection equipment for machine protection and product quality.” CAMCORP Inc .............................................................................................. Pflumm Rd, Lenexa, KS ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) NEW tracyj@camcorpinc.com Exhibitor Tracy Janssen “Supplier of Dust Collection and Pneumatic Conveying Systems and Equipment.” ! CEEC Inc ...................................................................................................... Main St, Box , Wabasso, MN ( ) ; Fax ( ) WHAT’S NEW bill@redred.com; www.ceecusout.com Honoree Bill Sietsema “Construction, Millwright, Temporary Storage, Grain Covers, Cranes” CL Smith Industrial Co .................................................................................... Arnold Tenbrook Rd, Arnold, MO ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR pbielicki@clsmithindustrial.com; www.clsmithindustrial.com Exhibitor Paul Bielicki CMC Industrial Electronics Ltd ...................................................................... TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Gilmore Way, Burnaby, BC V G W Canada Player ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) sales@cmciel.com; www.cmciel.com Douglas Forst Bratney Companies ........................................................................................ *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource th St, Des Moines, IA YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor sales@bratney.com; www.bratney.com TEAM Allan Tedrow Player Brock Grain Systems ...................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource N Higbee St, PO Box , Milford, IN YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor brock@brockgrain.com; www.brockgrain.com TEAM Darren Zink Player “Manufacturers of grain storage, handling, conditioning and drying systems.” WHAT’S NEW Honoree www.geaps.com GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 17 EXPO HALL 1 POD 1 951 949 Johnson 947 943 941 939 937 935 933 931 929 MFS/ 945 Crippen/ Magik RL Comco WL Maljohn Rich Monitor Arnold York/ AgVision Northland Port-Land Connell Kleener Painting Stormor 921 917 Honeyville 900 Midwest Paint 958 LOUNGE Structural Sioux Restoration River Steel Argonics Vigen 946 944 942 940 938 930 847 831 845 843 841 839 & Kepler Andco Integra Heck Sons Weber Rotex Mole Master Draeger Wear-Concepts Sweet Specialty 928 924 922 827 Tom-Cin 823 Schumacher Integris 854 852 GVS dbcSMART software 755 753 Hutchinson/ Electro-Sensors Process& Storage Mayrath 844 747 842 743 745 912 821 815 840 741 Columbian BM&M Material Charm Handling Sciences 739 TecTank AGRI- Central associates States 832 733 830 729 826 PMI Pestcon BaileyParks 727 GSF/ Industrial Fumigant Safe-Grain DICKEYjohn EBM Frisbie 822 723 Orkin /PCO LeMar 740 641 643 KC Supply Hoffmann Tornum 653 POD 2 742 Seedburo Tramco 639 Rolfes@Boone 600 Laidig LOUNGE Temputech 640 541 Brock 659 543 814 713 Younglove 539 CENTER LOUNGE 625 Todd & Delux Sargent 722 623 720 621 60 Hi R 521 511 50 532 433 Essmueller 528 431 Batterton Natl Foss Railway Vertical 447 453 439 423 524 Tapco Cytec 522 Sukup Borton Fle 514 411 Toshiba 40 Westrup TSGC 454 452 359 Fall Cattron Protection Mathews 355 353 358 430 333 GSI Buhler 327 426 Springland VAA 339 Nu-Hy Grossman 428 Tritech 124 Stewart & Stevenson Kice 253 247 243 239 Bratney 231 Rubber 240 Mech & Ceramic 143 141 POD 3 General 154 Shuttlewagon 139 100 148 PMI 142 Sioux Steel Het ron ic B e 133 qu isa D 131 ick son LOUNGE 257 OHMART /VEGA 134 Romer TE Ibberson 200 258 136 Sioux Steel 126 AgriDry BinMaster Ex Pit pre ss 346 EXP Sun 11 128 Trackmobile Ce ntr al L ife 357 129 Railworks Air ma tic 300 Lakeland 512 Mid-Co 421 400 457 710 613 Triple/S TM All-State Harris Riley MAC Equipment LAW-MAROT -MILPRO 4B Fenwal 714 615 Union Iron Carter Day MEGA 544 445 810 Buntin 500 Pepper 658 18 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 Sidney 820 721 70 Gamet Abel 746 647 8 Shore C Bayer 700 757 CompuW 920 80 Tandem CL Smith Pneumat 9 90 800 Lambton 857 Donaldson Torit Kings Valley 957 915 Emerson CalumetPenreco Mon 10 Tue 94 www.geaps.com 604 505 510 ontinent RBH 00 504 405 00 PO HOURS nday, Feb. 21 15 a.m. - 245 p.m. nday, Feb. 22 015 a.m. - 230 p.m. esday, Feb. 23 45 a.m. - 145 p.m. www.geaps.com 600 Chief Agri Systems 501 John Deere Westeel Sudenga McPherson 500 402 Hulcher 401 Liftco 400 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 ow Arr 1706 el Ste u c Ac 1705 RN Fabrications ng stro d r No 4 1709 1714 1700 Krech Deakin LOUNGE 1411 1510 Industria Magneticsl PattWD erson 1409 1508 1715 Micada Mas aba VICAM SyControl stems 1405 1504 Adams Grain Jou 1407 1506 rnal 3 1502 HABCO Pressure Sa 1401 1500 fety USDA FGIS Mapcon 140 1800 18 RCI 1501 1717 D Custrovmice J&8 Se rane 171 C 1606 Action/ Tank Kasa 1507 1505 1600 A-MECS 1503 APOSGRAN Imperial 1822 rain Rebs co Meridian Ctry Grain Co19 1 Elv Hist Scty ncept Sys tems W82o1 r G ld s Drake 17O13jard rson Siemen 1712 Hotstart 17La10 1711 00 3 1 Dwyer Warrior Br uins 1703 170 00 602 Schlagel exco QED RBH Thern 1700 UPI 700 Co 1700 ntro l Stu ff C MC 1702 605 Maxi-Lift/ Dura-Buket 704 AIRLANCO Roller Bindicator 1818 00 0 0 18 611 701 1816 Rapat 705 1814 MSA InterSystems ection - Feed & Food Prot Natione Grain tch wid 1810 in Wa a r 9 G 0 8 1 en Neog 8 180 e Applied Low 7 rtex P00ower o V 180 SA 1301 14 SI 6 dt 180 n Dow a r CAMCORP03 1402 ld B 5 dt 13 n 180 ngfie a r pri Calb sto-X it OS 4 Hogenson05P14re04 1 180 AFC 0 mm 2 1 u S 13 C S 2 130 l est Side o r t KSU Intersta13te07s W1406 ConChief 4 0 3 13 m 0 120 Custoystems 120 ona o S i t r g a Al 202 line A 306 Sky 1207 1 11 ech t a 110 R&R Soy 204 icC 209 1308 r ics 1 g M 1 A ist cus Ma0r log1206 C 1 E 5 CE 1211 13 110 Degesch 1813 711 EN g Grain Belt Supply Behlen E 00 T R A NC LOUNGE 1823 MIL ESTO CK D O P 4 911 1 Martin C-TEC C 802 o Fabrnbelt 18 03 ric Cen New tur y Screw Conveyor 1400 813 150 0 Weigh ENTRANCE 00 160 0 913 1812 EXpo Hall 2 GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 19 EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS C-TEC Inc ....................................................................................................... *see ad on back cover *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource YEAR S Lincoln Ave, Ste , York, NE Exhibitor ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) TEAM ctec@ctecconcrete.com; www.ctecconcrete.com Player Greg Wurst “silo concrete repair, restoration and roof coatings; nationwide services, licensed.” Calbrandt Inc ............................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Seventh St S, Delano, MN YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor epetsch@brdt.biz; www.brdt.biz TEAM Ed Petsch Player “Railcar progressors, railcar indexers, railcar gate openers” Calumet - Penreco .......................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Petrolia St, Karns City, PA YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor mark.westerlage@calumetspecialty.com TEAM www.calumetspecialty.com Player Mark Westerlage “NF quality food-grade white mineral oil, kosher approved.” Carter Day/Jacobson ...................................................................................... rd Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN ( ) YEAR bulldog@carterday.com; www.carterday.com Exhibitor Matthew Ernst “Manufacturer of machinery for cleaning, sizing and size reduction for grains.” Cattron Group Intl .......................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource W Shenango St, Sharpsville, PA YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor sales@cattrongroup.com; www.cattrongroup.com TEAM Jim Kingerski Player “Portable radio remote controls for locomotives, cranes and grain loaders.” Central Life Sciences ...................................................................................... TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource E Woodfield Rd, Ste W, Schaumburg, IL Player ( ) ; Fax ( ) conrel@central.com; www.diacon .com Mark Taylor “Diacon® products provide dependable, long-lasting protection against product pests.” Central States Enterprises LLC........................................................................ W Old Hwy , Salina, KS ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) roger@centralse.com; www.centralstatesenterprises.com Roger Sanborn Charm Sciences Inc......................................................................................... Andover St, Lawrence, MA ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) WHAT’S NEW info@charm.com; www.charm.com Honoree Gary Dorrell “Rapid, convenient and economical mycotoxin tests from Aflatoxin to Zearalenone.” Chief Agri-Industrial Div ................................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource E th St, PO Box , Kearney, NE YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor steve.ginter@chiefind.com; www.agri.chiefind.com TEAM Stephen Ginter Player “Manufactures storage bins, conveying/handling and aeration/drying equipment.” 20 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 Columbian TecTank ........................................................................................ PO Box , S st St, Parsons, KS ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR sales@columbiantectank.com; www.columbiantectank.com Exhibitor David Wheat “Columbian TecTank shop fabricated bolted and welded (smooth-wall) storage tanks.” Comco Mfg .................................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource A th St E, Saskatoon, SK S K X Canada YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor info@comco-controls.com; www.comco-controls.com TEAM Cheryl Mann Player “Facility control/automation systems, integrated maintenance and power management capabilities.” CompuWeigh Corp ......................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Middle Quarter Rd, Woodbury, CT YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor laura@compuweigh.com; www.compuweigh.com TEAM Laura Secor Player “Bulkweigh scales & controllers, software systems for truck, rail & ship. Automation & PLC systems” Concept Systems Inc .................................................................................... Fescue St SE, Albany, OR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) contact-us@conceptsystemsinc.com www.conceptsystemsinc.com Control Chief Corp ........................................................................................ Williams St, PO Box , Bradford, PA ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR dtenney@controlchief.com; www.controlchief.com Exhibitor Dave Tenney “Wireless radio remote controls for locomotives, cranes and grain loaders.” Control Stuff Inc ........................................................................................... TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Paul Av S, PO Box , Cologne, MN Player ( ) ; Fax ( ) stuff@controlstuff.com; www.controlstuff.com Josh Coder “Custom control systems. Designed, built, installed, serviced.” Control Systems Software LLC ..................................................................... th St., Urbandale, IA ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) NEW carols@controlss.com; www.controlss.com Exhibitor Carol Stewart ! Cornbelt Fabric Structures ............................................................................ IL Hwy , Buda, IL ( ) ; Fax ( ) ben@macongc.com Ben Endress “Manufacturer of steel truss, clear span, fabric covered buildings” Country Grain Elevator Historical Society ..................................................... Prospector Tr, Bozeman, MT ( ) ; Fax ( ) bselyem@grainelevatorphotos.com; www.cgehs.org Barbara and Bruce Selyem “Preserving the heritage of North American country grain elevators.” Crippen Northland Superior Supply ................................................................ Unit Lagimodiere Blvd, Winnipeg, MB R J K Canada ( ) ; Fax ( ) wbowles@crippensuperior.com; www.northlandsuperior.com Willy Bowles “Grain and seed cleaners, parts.” www.geaps.com EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS Custom Agri Systems Inc .............................................................................. Co Rd R, Napoleon, OH ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) NEW customag@bright.net; www.casindustries.com Exhibitor Jessica Hetzel “Complete design and installation of material handling, drying, storage equipment.” ! Custom Service Crane Inc ............................................................................. E Oak # , Mahomet, IL ( ) ; Fax ( ) terry@customservicecrane.com; www.customservicecrane.com Terry Winters “crane service, sales & rental, specialized lifts, rigging and machinery moving.” Cytec Industries Inc ........................................................................................ Garner Rd, Niagara Falls, ON L E S Canada ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR custinfo@cytec.com; www.cytec.com Exhibitor Roger Cavasin “ECO FUME® and VAPORPH OS®, the safer, greener, faster fumigants for post harvest storage.” dbc SMARTsoftware....................................................................................... Parkwood Chase, Acworth, GA ( ) ,( ) ext. ; Fax ( ) YEAR sherryd@dbcsmartsoftware.com; www.dbcsmartsoftware.com Exhibitor Sherry Drutman “dbcSMARTsoft® : World class Windows™ commodity management and financial software system.” Deakin Electric Inc ........................................................................................ S Main, Spearman, TX ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) don@bossautomation.com; www.deakinelectric.com Don Fuller www.geaps.com Degesch America Inc ...................................................................................... *see ad on back of “Monday, February ” tab PO Box , Weyers Cave, VA YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor info@degeschamerica.com; www.degeschamerica.com Herb Yeaman “Phostoxin®, Magtoxin®, Fumi-cel®, Fumi-strip®, Detia® Fumex, J-System®, Degesch Generator.” Delux Mfg Co ................................................................................................. PO Box , Airport Rd, Kearney, NE ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR info@deluxmfg.com; www.deluxmfg.com Exhibitor Eric Michel “Continuous flow grain dryers.” Dickson Chemical Co Inc ................................................................................. PO Box , Stuttgart, AR ( ) ; Fax ( ) customersupport@dicksonchemical.com www.dicksonchemical.com David Culp “Fumigations, Fumigants, Fogging Sprays & Equipment, Pest Control Services, Safety Equipment” Donaldson Torit ............................................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource West th St, PO Box , Minneapolis, MN YEAR ; Fax ( ) ( ) ,( ) Exhibitor donaldsontorit@donaldson.com; www.donaldsontorit.com TEAM Dave McGovern / Wylie Musel Player “Baghouses and dust collectors, replacement filters and parts.” Dow AgroSciences........................................................................................ Zionsville Rd, Indianapolis, IN ( ) rwbraun@dow.com; www.dowagro.com Bob Braun “ProFume Gas Fumigant” GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 21 EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS Draeger Safety Inc ......................................................................................... Technology Dr, Pittsburgh, PA ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) prodinfo@draeger.com; www.draeger.com Dick Dreiling Drake Inc ..................................................................................................... TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Rd Q, Waco, NE Player ( ) ; Fax ( ) davedrake@windstream.net; www.drakeinc.net Dave Drake “Professional services provided with quality and safety.” Dwyer Instruments Inc ................................................................................. PO Box , Hwy , Michigan City, IN ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) lit@dwyer-inst.com; www.dwyer-inst.com Andrew Orlowski “Level controls, bin vibrators, speed switches, valves, gauges, pressure switches” EBM Mfg Inc................................................................................................... Sherwood Rd, Ste , Norfolk, NE ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR matt@ebmmanufacturing.com; www.ebmmanufacturing.com Exhibitor Matt Podany “Gentle roll cleaner, conveyors, and spouting accessories.” Edward J Heck & Sons Co ................................................................................ PO Box , S th Street ( ) Omaha, NE ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) ejheck@ejheck.com; www.ejheck.com Andrew Heck “Mineral oil dust suppression systems and Hammermill screens.” Electro-Sensors Inc ........................................................................................ Blue Circle Dr, Minnetonka, MN ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR sales@electro-sensors.com; www.electro-sensors.com Exhibitor Philip Rae “Speed monitors/controls, speed switches, tachometers, vibration monitors, hazard monitoring” Emerson Power Transmission ......................................................................... Buffington Rd, Florence, KY ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR jcatalano@emerson-ept.com; www.emerson-ept.com Exhibitor Jackie Catalano “Eight branded product lines, providing solutions to your drive problems.” The Essmueller Co .......................................................................................... PO Box , Laurel, MS ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR essmueller@essmueller.com; www.essmueller.com Exhibitor Harold Mauck “We provide innovative conveying/handling equipment for our customers.” FOSS North America Inc ................................................................................. Wallace Rd, Eden Prairie, MN ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR info@fossnorthamerica.com; www.foss.us Exhibitor Mark Host “Infratec grain analyzer, GIPSA & NTEP certified, test weight capabilities.” Fall Protection Systems Inc ............................................................................. N Lindbergh Blvd, Hazelwood, MO ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR sales@fallprotectionsystems.com Exhibitor www.fallprotectionsystems.com Amanda Brockling 22 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 Feed & Grain Magazine ................................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Janesville Ave, PO Box , Ft Atkinson, WI YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor arlette.sambs@feedandgrain.com; www.feedandgrain.com TEAM Arlette Sambs Player “Industry magazine serving the grain handling and processing, feed manufacturing and retailing markets.” Fenwal Protection Systems Inc ....................................................................... Main St, Ashland, MA ( ) YEAR laurie.doherty@fs.utc.com; www.fenwalprotection.com Exhibitor David Grandaw Flexco ............................................................................................................ Wisconsin Ave, Downers Grove, IL ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR kfinnegan@flexco.com; www.flexco.com Exhibitor Kevin Finnegan “Providing belt conveyor solutions for splicing, cleaning, spillage, tracking and belt slippage.” Food Protection Alliance .............................................................................. Nolan Dr, Laplace, LA ( ) ; Fax ( ) sroy@fpalliance.com; www.fpalliance.com Stephen Roy Frisbie Construction Co Inc ............................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Box , E K- Hwy, Gypsum, KS YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor frisbie@fcci.biz TEAM Michael A Frisbie Player “Since family owned: specializing in grain handling, materials processing equipment and millwright services.” GSF/DICKEY-john........................................................................................... SW Ordnance Rd, Ankeny, IA ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR richf@gsfinc.com; www.gsfinc.com Exhibitor Richard Flaugh “DICKEY-john grain moisture meters and NIR analyzers; truck probes; in-bin samplers, CCTV.” GSI Group ...................................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource E Illinois St, PO Box , Assumption, IL YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor gsisales@gsiag.com; www.grainsystems.com TEAM Tim Florey Player “Complete system provider of grain storage, aeration, drying, and handling equipment.” GVS Ltd ......................................................................................................... El Monte, Prairie Village, KS ( ) ; Fax ( ) ejrickel@kc.rr.com; www.portaprobe.com Ed Rickel “Vacuum sampling probe used for all bin sizes and types.” Gamet Mfg Inc ............................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Prior Ave N, St Paul, MN YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor info@gametmfg.com; www.gametmfg.com TEAM Mark Olson Player “Complete line of automatic grain sampling equipment, truck probes, accessories, and support equipment.” www.geaps.com EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS General Rubber & Plastics............................................................................... PO Box , N. Ky Ave, Evansville, IN ( ) ; Fax ( ) info@genrub.com; www.genrub.com Cindy Blackwell/Suzie Dossett “A leading distributor of lining materials and maintenance needs.” Hogenson Construction Inc .......................................................................... PO Box , th Ave NE, West Fargo, ND ( ) hogenson@hogenson.net; www.hogenson.net Dunnley Mattke Grain Belt Supply Co....................................................................................... E Diamond Dr, PO Box , Salina, KS ( ) , ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR salesman@grainbeltsupply.com; www.grainbeltsupply.com Exhibitor Douglas Beauchamp “Grain Belt manufactures a wide variety of grain handling equipment.” Honeyville Metal Inc ....................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource S W, Topeka, IN NEW ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor info@honeyvillemetal.com; www.honeyvillemetal.com TEAM “Dust collection, fans, cyclones, baghouses, grain handling, elevators, Player conveyors, distributors.” Grain Journal ............................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Pershing Ct, Decatur, IL YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor mark@grainnet.com; www.grainnet.com TEAM Mark Avery Hotstart ...................................................................................................... PO Box ,E Alki, Spokane, WA ( ) www.kimhotstart.com Jason Barnes “Engine layover heaters.” Player GrainWatch USA .......................................................................................... State Rte , Streetsboro, OH ( ) thazlehurst@agratronix.com Tim Hazlehurst “Grain temperature, grain moisture, measuring and storage management solutions” Grossman & Associates Inc ............................................................................. N Neil St, Champaign, IL ,( ) ; Fax ( ) ( ) YEAR howecw@comcast.net; www.gman.com Exhibitor Bill Howe HABCO Inc ................................................................................................... E Berg Rd, Salina, KS ( ) ; Fax ( ) NEW Joe Hodges Exhibitor “Quality Millwright Contractor specializing in grain storage & handling systems.” ! Harris Companies ........................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource N Illinois St, Atwood, IL YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor scott-harris@harriscompanies.com; www.harriscompanies.com TEAM Scott Harris Player “Experienced manufacturers and service providers of safe, quality vertical transportation.” ! Hulcher Services Inc ....................................................................................... Kimberly Dr, Denton, TX ( ) ; Fax ( ) rhillen@hulcher.com; www.hulcher.com Robert Hillen “Transfer and vacuum various commodities including bulk grain, feed & fertilizers.” Hutchinson/Mayrath ...................................................................................... W Crawford St, PO Box , Clay Center, KS ; Fax ( ) ( ) ,( ) ggregg@hutchinson-mayrath.com www.hutchinson-mayrath.com Gary Gregg “Conveying, grain handling screw type drag chain & paddle belt.” Imperial Systems Inc .................................................................................... Imperial Dr, Jackson Center, PA ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) tcraig@isystemsweb.com; www.isystemsweb.com Jeremiah Wann “Dust collection equipment for the grain and seed industry.” Hetronic ........................................................................................................ NW th, Oklahoma City, OK ( ) mecton@hetronic.com; www.hetronic.com Mark Ecton Hi Roller Conveyors ........................................................................................ *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource West th St, Sioux Falls, SD YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor sales@hiroller.com; www.hiroller.com TEAM Mike Spillum Player “Totally enclosed, self-cleaning and self-reloading belt conveyors.” Hoffmann Inc ................................................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource th St S, Muscatine, IA YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor hoffmann@hoffmanninc.com; www.hoffmanninc.com TEAM Paul Reed/Al Steiner Player “Design, construct silos, chimneys utilizing jumpform, slipform techniques, equipment installation.” www.geaps.com GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 23 EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS The Industrial Fumigant Co ............................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource W th St ( ), PO Box , Olathe, KS YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor ifc@indfumco.com; www.indfumco.com TEAM Jerry Heath Player WHAT’S NEW Honoree Industrial Magnetics Inc ............................................................................... M- S, Boyne City, MI ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) NEW imi@magnetics.com; www.magnetics.com Exhibitor Dennis O’Leary “Magnetic equipment for the grain processing industry.” ! Integra Plastics Inc ......................................................................................... th St SE, Madison, SD ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR jhesse@integraplastics.com; www.integraplastics.com Exhibitor Jeany Hesse “Manufacturer of heavy & lightweight custom sized grain storage covers.” Integris USA LLC ............................................................................................ *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource , Overland Park, KS W th St, Ste YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor bruce@integrisusa.com; www.integrisusa.com TEAM Bruce Scott Player “PC-based advanced grain management grain storage monitoring and control systems.” WHAT’S NEW Honoree Interstates Companies ................................................................................. N Main Ave, Sioux Center, IA ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) jim.higley@interstates.com; www.interstates.com Jim Higley “Electrical construction, electrical engineering, automation, and instrumentation” Intersystems .................................................................................................. *see ad on back of “Expo & Exhibitors” tab *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource YEAR N th Ave, Omaha, NE Exhibitor ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) TEAM bulkmatl@intersystems.net; www.intersystems.net Player Ray Vrtiska “Manufacturer of bulk material handling equipment for the grain and processing industry.” J&D Construction Inc .................................................................................... Hwy , Montevideo, MN ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) NEW aaron@jdconstinc.com Exhibitor Aaron Zahn ! John Deere Agri Services ................................................................................ Mansell Rd Suite , Alpharetta, GA ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR agriservices@johndeere.com; www.johndeereagriservices.com Exhibitor Bruce Binnix “Scale automation systems for platform and bulk; bin management systems.” Johnson System Inc ........................................................................................ TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource US Hwy N, Marshall, MI Player ,( ) ; Fax ( ) ( ) info@johnsonsysteminc.com; www.johnsonsysteminc.com Howard Johnson “Major manufacturer of catwalks, tower and temporary storage solutions.” KC Supply Co Inc ............................................................................................ PO Box , Wyoming St ( ) Kansas City, MO YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor jefflavery@kcsupply.com; www.kcsupply.com Jeff Lavery “KC Supply stocks conveying and elevating equipment as well as safety supplies.” Kansas State University ............................................................................... Grain Science & Industry Department, Shellenberger Hall Manhattan, KS ( ) ; Fax ( ) grains@ksu.edu Dirk Maier “Grain operations distance education, grain quality management, wheat quality testing.” Kasa Industrial Controls Inc .......................................................................... TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource E Ave B, Salina, KS Player ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) hroker@kasacontrols.com; www.kasacontrols.com Heath Roker “Automation, controls system design, UL control panels, PLC HMI, programming” Kepler Weber Group ....................................................................................... Dom Pedro II Ave, , th Flr, Porto Alegre Rio Grande do Sul Brazil ; Fax marketing@kepler.com.br; www.kepler.com.br Kice Industries Inc .......................................................................................... Mill Heights Dr, Wichita, KS ( ) ; Fax ( ) lglen@kice.com; www.kice.com Lonnie Glen “Kice. We make your job easier. Today.” 24 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 www.geaps.com EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS Kings Valley Industries Inc .............................................................................. PO Box , Madera, CA ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR kvimadera@aol.com Exhibitor Gary Geist Krech Ojard & Associates.............................................................................. W st St, Suite , Duluth, MN ( ) ; Fax ( ) NEW jeff .heller@krechojard.com; www.krechojard.com Exhibitor Jeff Heller “Consulting engineering services: mechanical, electrical, structural, civil, manne, rail, architectural” ! LAW-MAROT-MILPRO.................................................................................... Brouillette, St Hyacinthe, QC J T G Canada ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR info@law-marot.com; www.law-marot.com Exhibitor Luc Bouchard “Screen cleaners, aspirators, indented cylinders, grain dryers, process equipment.” Laidig Systems Inc ......................................................................................... Dragoon Tr, Mishawaka, IN ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR sales@laidig.com; www.laidig.com Exhibitor Dave Carpenter “Automated reclaiming equipment for cone and flat bottom silos & bins.” Lakeland Companies ...................................................................................... Lindsay St, Minneapolis, MN ( ) ; Fax ( ) WHAT’S NEW Daryl Horak Honoree Lambton Conveyor Ltd ................................................................................... R # , Florence, ON N P R Canada ( ) YEAR Richard DePooter Exhibitor Larson Engineering ...................................................................................... E Enterprise Ave, Ste , Appleton, WI ( ) ; Fax ( ) khaverland@larsonengr.com; www.larsonengr.com Kirk Haverland “Engineering services for the agricultural/biofuel industries.” LeMar Industries Corp .................................................................................... NE th Ave, Des Moines, IA ( ) ; Fax ( ) info@lemarindustries.com; www.lemarindustries.com Richard Martin “Catwalk, towers, structural steel, transport conveyors.” MAC Equipment ............................................................................................. NW th Terrace, Kansas City, MO ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR althousem@macequipment.com; www.macequipment.com Exhibitor Mike Althouse “Solutions for air quality requirements and pneumatic conveying challenges.” MEGA Dryers ................................................................................................. TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Belgrano , Lincoln BA Argentina Player ( - ) ; Fax ( - ) megax@secadoramega.com.ar; www.secadorasmega.com.ar Marcelo Valfiorani MFS/York/Stormor/Brownie Systems.............................................................. E Hwy , Box , Grand Island, NE ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) lfreeman@go-brownie.com Lindsey Freeman “Manufacturers of grain handling storage and structural equipment” MILESTOCK ................................................................................................. PO Box , St Bruno, QC J V P Canada ,( ) ; Fax ( ) ( ) “ Products for handling and processing of bulk material.” Magik Kleener Sales Inc .................................................................................. th St, Harlan, IA ( ) ; Fax ( ) magik@harlannet.com; www.magikkleenersales.com Mick Schmidt “Zigzag cleaner, no power required, farm and commercial models available.” Maljohn Co Ltd ............................................................................................... Hendershot Rd, Hannon, ON L R lP Canada ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR maljohn@maljohn.com; www.maljohn.com Exhibitor Jason Galbraith “Impact and abrasion resistant plastics for the grain handling industry.” Mapcon Technologies Inc .............................................................................. Harbach Blvd, Suite B, Clive, IA ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) NEW tkopsa@mapcon.com; www.mapcon.com Exhibitor Thomas Kopsa “Computerized Maintenance Management Software (CMMS)” ! Liftco LLC ...................................................................................................... N Squirrel Run, PO Box , Arkansas City, KS ( ) ; Fax ( ) liftcollc@yahoo.com; www.liftcollc.com Terry Ramsey “Cage and Belt Manlift service and repair” Lowe Contracting Services Inc ...................................................................... SR South, Crawfordsville, IN ( ) ; Fax ( ) NEW wlowe@lowecon.com Exhibitor Lester Lowe “Specializing in construction of corrugated commercial grain storage and dryers.” ! www.geaps.com GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 25 EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS Marcus Construction Co Inc .......................................................................... PO Box , th Ave SW, Prinsburg, MN ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) jim@marcusconstruction.com Randy Wright “Flat grain & fertilizer storage building contractor & construction manager.” Mid-Continent Industries Inc .......................................................................... SE th St, PO Box , Newton, KS ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR kschraeder@midcontinentindustries.com Exhibitor www.midcontinentindustries.com Kent Schraeder “Buying dockage/FM? Do not have to. MC Kicker dockage/FM testers.” Martin Engineering ........................................................................................ One Martin Pl, Neponset, IL ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR info@martin-eng.com; www.martin-eng.com Exhibitor Cheryl Osborne “Air supported belt conveyors, dust management, railcar unloading accessories, silo cleaning” Midwest Paint Services Inc ............................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Crooked Canyon Rd, PO Box , Black Hawk, SD YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor info@agpainting.com; www.agpainting.com TEAM Craig Bower Player “Complete restoration for agri-business facilities over years; great safety records.” Masaba Mining Equipment ........................................................................... Street, PO Box , Vermillion, SD ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) www.masabainc.com Scott Jacobs Mathews Co ................................................................................................... Industrial Ave, PO Box , Crystal Lake, IL ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) pfarr@mathewscompany.com; www.mathewscompany.com Phil Farr “Continuous flow grain dryers.” Maxi-Lift/Dura-Buket..................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Midway Rd [ ], PO Box , Dallas, TX YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor info@maxilift.com; www.maxilift.com TEAM Bo Fisher Player “Tiger-Tuff, HD-Max, CC-Max and Dura-Buket elevator buckets.” McC Inc ........................................................................................................ TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource th Ave, Greenfield, MN Player ( ) ; Fax ( ) cortneym@mccormickconstruction.com www.mccormickconstruction.com Cortney McCormick McPherson Concrete Storage Systems Inc ....................................................... TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource N Augustus, PO Box , McPherson, KS Player ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) rhouse@mcphersonconcrete.com www.mcphersonconcrete.com Roy House “Specialist in jumpform concrete construction.” Mechanical & Ceramic Solutions ..................................................................... Hammond and Gregg Streets Building , Carnegie, PA ( ) ; Fax ( ) kevinb@mcs-pa.com Kevin Bernard “Ceramic and abrasion resistant products. Fabrication bonding and field installation.” Meridian Manufacturing Group ..................................................................... Expansion Blvd, Storm Lake, IA ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) info@meridianmfg.com; www.meridianmfg.com “Manufacturer of high quality smooth wall, hopper bottom bins” Micada ......................................................................................................... W Hwy , Hope, ND ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) mike.micada@gmail.com; www.micada.us Micheal Graham 26 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 Mole Master Services Corp.............................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource State Route , Marietta, OH YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor contact@molemaster.com; www.molemaster.com TEAM Dan Bruenderman Player “Silo-bin cleaning services and equipment sales and rentals.” Monitor Technologies LLC .............................................................................. , Elburn, IL W Keslinger Rd, PO Box ( ) , ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR monitor@monitortech.com; www.monitortech.com Exhibitor Scott Bonine “Supplier of level measurement solids flow, particle emission and bin aeration equipment.” National Railway Equipment Co ...................................................................... S Robey St, Dixmoor, IL ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR j.jackiw@nationalrailway.com Exhibitor Joe Jackiw “New locomotive manufacturer, re-manufacturer, leasing, sales, and field WHAT’S service.” NEW Honoree Nationwide Agribusiness .............................................................................. TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Locust St Dept , Des Moines, IA Player ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) vmsshare@nationwide.com; www.nationwideagribusiness.com Brad Snyder “Property and casualty insurance and risk management.” Neogen Corp ................................................................................................ Lesher Pl, Lansing, MI ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) NEW foodsafety@neogen.com Exhibitor Paul Pfeiffer ! New Century Ag Recruiters........................................................................... Hwy JJ, Norborne, MO ( ) ; Fax ( ) info@newcenturyag.com; www.newcenturyag.com Clint Deitch “Agricultural executive recruiting firm. America’s premier resource of agribusiness professionals.” Nordstrong Equipment Ltd ........................................................................... Chester St, Winnipeg, MB R L W Canada ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) dmerriman@nord-sen.com; www.nord-sen.com Damien Merriman “Bulk material handling and conveying equipment, railcar progressioners and winches.” www.geaps.com EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS Nu-Hy Inc ...................................................................................................... PO Box , Turlock, CA ( ) ; Fax ( ) pat@wilkeysheetmetal.com Patricia Wilkey QED Dryer Sales Mfg Inc ................................................................................. th St, Rockford, IL ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR www.QEDdryers.com Exhibitor Steven Morreim OHMART/VEGA ............................................................................................. Rosslyn Drive, Cincinnati, OH ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) info@ohmartvega.com; www.ohmartvega.com Jasilyn Weaver “Instrumentation for measurement of level, density, weight, and pressure.” R&R Contracting Inc ..................................................................................... N Washington St, Grand Forks, ND ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) mail@rrcontracting.net; www.rrcontracting.net Mark Reimer “Railroad contractor - design, build, and maintenance” Orkin/PCO Services Inc ................................................................................... b - th St East, Saskatoon, SK S K L Canada ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) skennedy@pcocanada.com; www.pco.ca Sam Kennedy RBH Mill & Elevator Kansas City ............................................................. & *see ad on back of “Sunday, February ͷ” tab *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource YEAR N Topping Ave, Kansas City, MO Exhibitor ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) TEAM grainequipment@worldnet.att.net; www.rbhme.com Player Mark Dohnalek “Belting, buckets, urethane, pulleys, sensors, spouting, railcar gate openers, safety equipment” PMI LLC ................................................................................................ & N Dayton Ave, Ames, IA ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR dev@pmiiowa.com; www.pmiiowa.com Exhibitor Dale Vinsand “New construction, renovation, millwright, repair, design of elevators, feedmills, processing plants” Pepper Maintenance Systems ......................................................................... Stringtown Rd, Minier, IL ,( ) ; Fax ( ) ( ) YEAR rspringer@peppermaintenance.com Exhibitor www.peppermaintenance.com Randy Springer “Providing predictive maintenance services utilizing infrared thermography and vibration analysis.” Pestcon Systems Inc ....................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Firestone Pkwy, Wilson, NC YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor pestconsys@cs.com; www.pestcon.com TEAM George Hunt Player “Fumigants, grain protectants, insecticides, rodenticides, respiratory protection, gas detection equipment, etc.” RCI .............................................................................................................. West th St, Horton, KS ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) ron.demaray@rci-safety.com; www.rci-safety.com Ron Demaray “RCI has been providing businesses with innovative safety solutions for over years.” RL Painting & Mfg Inc ..................................................................................... N Stateline Rd, Union City, OH ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) loricox@woh.rr.com; www.rlpainting.com Rick Scholl RN Fabrications Inc ...................................................................................... PO Box , Salisbury, MD ( ) ; Fax ( ) reggie@rnfabrications.com; www.rnfabrications.com Reggie White “Manufacturers of quality material handling systems.” Pit Express ..................................................................................................... Dingerson Rd, Payson, IL ( ) ; Fax ( ) Steve Mast “Drive over pit unloader” Pneumat Systems Inc ..................................................................................... Mohr Dr, Mankato, MN ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR jrblomqu@pneumat.com; www.pneumat.com Exhibitor Jim Blomquist “Bin cleaning equipment and contract cleaning specialists - faster, safer, easier.” Presto-X LLC ................................................................................................ Leavenworth St, Omaha, NE ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) www.prestox.com “Commercial/Industrial pest management services – the experts In pest control - established .” Process and Storage Solutions ........................................................................ PO Box , Appleton, WI ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) NEW mike@processandstorage.com; www.processandstorage.com Exhibitor Mike Ramczyk “Consulting, engineering & process equipment sales to the feed & grain industry” ! www.geaps.com GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 27 EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS RailWorks ...................................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource W th St, PO Box , Lakeville, MN YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor jrhansen@railworks.com; www.railworks.com TEAM James R Hansen Player “Railroad track construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, supplies and engineering.” River Consulting............................................................................................. TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource # Sanctuary Blvd, Ste , Mandeville, LA Player ( ) ; Fax ( ) kfry@riverconsulting.com; www.riverconsulting.com Kevin Fry “Facility design, structural, mechanical, electrical, controls and construction management.” Rapat Corp ..................................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource O’Donnell Street, Hawley, MN YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor toddsparrow@rapat.com; www.rapat.com TEAM Todd Sparrow Player “Material handling equipment including conveyors, distributors and accessories.” Rolfes @ Boone ............................................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource th Ln, PO Box , Boone, IA YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor kmiles@rolfesatboone.com; www.rolfesatboone.com TEAM Kevin Miles Player “It’s what’s built in that makes us stand out.” Rebsco Inc.................................................................................................... TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource US Rte W, PO Box , Greenville, OH Player ( ) ; Fax ( ) sales@rebsco.com; www.rebsco.com Dale Hunt/Rick Koons NEW “Millwrights, design, engineering and construction management. Custom Exhibitor fabrications.” ! Rich Connell AGRI-SEARCH Inc ....................................................................... PO Box Moses Ct, Arthur, IL ( ) ; Fax ( ) dave@agri-search.com; www.agri-search.com Dave Allen “Professional ag recruiting specializing in grain, agronomy, & GM searches.” Riley Equipment Inc ....................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource S Old Decker Rd, PO Box , Vincennes, IN YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor engineer@rileyequipment.com; www.rileyequipment.com TEAM Larry Agler Player “Manufacturers of quality bulk material handling equipment and accessories.” Romer Labs Inc .............................................................................................. Stylemaster Dr, Union, MO ( ) ; Fax ( ) office@romerlabs.com; www.romerlabs.com Steve Nenonen “Complete line of mycotoxin test kits and in-house analytical services.” Rotex Global LLC............................................................................................ Knowlton St, Cincinnati, OH ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR saschmidt@rotex.com; www.rotex.com Exhibitor Steve Schmidt “Gyratory screeners for grain cleaning and process screening.” SCAFCO Grain Systems Co ............................................................................ TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource E Broadway, Spokane, WA Player ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) rheaton@scafco.com; www.scafco.com Regan Heaton “Manufacturer of grain storage system since .” Safe-Grain/Maxi-Tronic Inc ............................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Irwin-Simpson Rd Ste D, Mason, OH YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor schant@safegrain.com; www.safegrain.com TEAM Scott Chant Player “Hazard monitoring, preventative maintenance, grain temperature, aeration, dust control systems.” Schlagel Inc.................................................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Emerson Ave N, Cambridge, MN YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor sales@schlagel.com; www.schlagel.com TEAM Tim Greiner Player “Grain and feed handling equipment.” Schultz’s Inter-State Ag Inc .......................................................................... nd Street, Monroe, WI ( ) ; Fax ( ) NEW tim@schultzag.com; www.schultzag.com Exhibitor Tim Schultz “Design/build, installation, and maintenance for storage bins, material handling, and drying equipment.” ! Schumacher Elevator Co Inc............................................................................ *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource One Schumacher Way, Denver, IA YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor donk@schumacherelevator.com; www.schumacherelevator.com TEAM Don Kester Player “ to lb manlift (special purpose personnel elevator) with VVVF drive.” 28 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 www.geaps.com EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS Screw Conveyor Corp...................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Hoffman St, Hammond, IN YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor jong@screwconveyor.com; www.screwconveyor.com TEAM Joe Ong Player “Manufacturer of dry bulk material handling equipment.” Specialty Industries Inc .................................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Grand Ledge Hwy, Sunfield, MI YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor sales@siiusa.net; www.siiusa.net TEAM Lloyd Cunningham Player “General contractor/millwrights in feed, grain and flour milling industries.” Seedburo Equipment Co ................................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource S Mt Prospect Rd, Des Plaines, IL YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor sales@seedburo.com; www.seedburo.com TEAM Tom Runyon Player “Grading, testing, handling and safety equipment for the agricultural industries” Springfield Plastics Inc ................................................................................. W State Route , Auburn, IL ( ) ; Fax ( ) “Plastic corrugated aeration pipe and fittings ”, ” and ”.” Shore Sales Co ............................................................................................... Enterprise Dr, Rantoul, IL ( ) YEAR shoresales@msn.com Exhibitor Fred Seeber Shuttlewagon Inc ........................................................................................... *see ad on back of “Sponsors & Leadership” tab PO Box , Doctor Geaves Rd, Grandview, MO YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor info@shuttlewagon.net; www.shuttlewagon.com Jack Highfill Sidney Mfg Co ................................................................................................ N Main St, Sidney, OH ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR rjurosic@sidneymfg.com; www.sidneymanufacturing.com Exhibitor Ryan Jurosic “Personnel elevators from one to four passenger capacities.” Siemens Industry Inc .................................................................................... Sumneytown Pike, Spring House, PA ( ) NEW www.usa.siemens.com/ia Exhibitor “Process Instrumentation for bin level detection, motion detection, and weighing.” ! Sioux Steel Co ................................................................................. , , *see ad on back of “Tuesday, February ” tab TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Player / th Street, PO Box , Sioux Falls, SD ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) bogorman@siouxsteel.com; www.siouxsteel.com Bill O’Gorman “Corrugated grain bin systems and tension fabric building flat storage.” Springland Mfg .............................................................................................. PO Box , Rivers, MB ROK lXO Canada ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR sales@springland.ca Exhibitor Robert Frederick Stewart & Stevenson - Rail King ...................................................................... E Freeway, Houston, TX ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR railking@ssss.com; www.stewartandstevenson.com Exhibitor James Lyon “Rail King® mobile railcar movers making switching operations simply efficient.” Structural Restoration Inc .............................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource E th St, Minneapolis, MN YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor structuralmn@hotmail.com; www.structuralrestoration.com TEAM Bing Threet Jr Player “Restoration repairs to masonry and concrete structures.” Sudenga Industries Inc ................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Kingbird Ave, PO Box , George, IA YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor sales@sudenga.com; www.sudenga.com TEAM Sales Player WHAT’S NEW Honoree Skyline Roofing Services .............................................................................. Grimes Ave N, Minneapolis, MN ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) stan.volkman@skylinecdbs.com; www.skylinecbs.com Stan Volkman “Energy efficient roof systems designed to solve your roofing challenges.” Soyatech LLC ............................................................................................... Clark Point Rd, Ste , PO Box Southwest Harbor, ME ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) greg@soyatech.com; www.soyatech.com Greg Hartford www.geaps.com GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 29 EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS Sukup Mfg Co................................................................................................. TEAM *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource th St, PO Box , Sheffield, IA Player ( ) ; Fax ( ) info@sukup.com; www.sukup.com John Hanig “Grain bins through ’, portable dryers, tower dryers, conveyors, legs” Thern Inc ....................................................................................................... Industrial Pk Rd, PO Box , Winona, MN ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR info@thern.com; www.thern.com Exhibitor Scott Thelen “Manufacturer of winches and hoists for load out chutes, conveyors, rail car pullers and barge positioners.” Summit Software Inc ................................................................................... Flagstaff Cove, Fort Wayne, IN ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) sales@summit-soft.com; www.summit-soft.com Tom Scheller “Integrated accounting & inventory management software” Todd & Sargent Inc ......................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource SE th St, Ames, IA YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor akerrigan@tsargent.com; www.tsargent.com TEAM Alex Kerrigan Player “Turn-Key design, engineering and construction services.” Sweet Manufacturing Co ................................................................................ PO Box , E Leffel Lane, Springfield, OH ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) sales@sweetmfg.com; www.sweetmfg.com Michael Gannon “Galvanized material handling equipment including elevators, drag, chain, and belt conveyors.” TE Ibberson Co ............................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Fifth St S, Hopkins, MN YEAR ; Fax ( ) ( ) Exhibitor tei@ibberson.com TEAM Steve Schmitt Player “Award-winning provider of design/build construction services for years.” TMSA - Tecnologia em Movimentacao SA........................................................ *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Av Bornardino Silveira Pastoriza # YEAR Porto Alegre, RS Brazil Exhibitor ; Fax TEAM luciano.schuch@tmsa.ind.br; www.tmsa.ind.br Player Luciano Schuch “Electromechanical solutions for conveying, handling and processing solid bulk materials.” TSGC Inc ........................................................................................................ *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource A Hudson Ave W, PO Box , Spirit Lake, IA YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor tsgc@tsgcinc.com; www.tsgcinc.com TEAM Darwin Winkowitsch Player “Complete line of grain temperature monitoring equipment and bearing/ belt alignment monitors.” Tandem Products Inc ...................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Dight Ave S, Minneapolis, MN YEAR ( ) ,( ) ext. ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor info@tandemproducts.com; www.tandemproducts.com TEAM Ernest Percy Player “Rhino Hyde liners, Everwear buckets, Reli-A-Sense detectors, Probe-AVac, wear solutions.” Tapco Inc ....................................................................................................... *see ad on inside front cover *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource YEAR Rock Industrial Park Dr, St Louis, MO Exhibitor ( ) , ( ) AT-TAPCO; Fax ( ) TEAM sales@tapcoinc.com; www.tapcoinc.com Player Carl Swisher “Elevator buckets, elevator bolts, abrasion resistant liners, elevator belt splices.” Tom-Cin Metals Inc......................................................................................... Industrial Park Av, PO Box , Hortonville, WI ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR info@tom-cinmetals.com; www.tom-cinmetals.com Exhibitor Dennis Paulie “Bulk storage systems, bolted bins, structural support systems and control gates.” Tornum AB..................................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Box , Kvänum, SE , SWEDEN YEAR ; Fax ( ) ( ) ,( ) Exhibitor keith@naequipment.net; www.tornum.se TEAM Keith Locklin Player “Grain cooler, dryers, storage, KANALSYSTEM™ for aeration - self unloading.” Toshiba Intl Corp ............................................................................................ W Little York Rd, Houston, TX ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) john.obrien@tic.toshiba.com; www.toshiba.com/ind Sales “NEMA premium efficiency motors.” Trackmobile Inc .............................................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Executive Dr, LaGrange, GA YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor trackmobile@trackmobile.com; www.trackmobile.com TEAM Carol Johnson Player “World’s leading manufacturer of mobile railcar movers.” Tramco Inc ..................................................................................................... E th St N, Wichita, KS ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR sales@tramcoinc.com; www.tramcoinc.com Exhibitor “Tramco manufactures a complete line of chain and belt conveyors.” Triple/S Dynamics Inc ..................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource S Haskell Ave, PO Box , Dallas, TX YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor jfs@sssdynamics.com; www.sssdynamics.com TEAM Jim Sullivan Player “The Texas Shaker® QC vibrating screen for grain cleaning.” Tritech Fall Protection .................................................................................... -D LB Mcleod Rd, Orlando, FL ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR Don@tritechfallprotection.com; www.tritechfallprotection.com Exhibitor Don Yurchevich “Your turnkey OSHA compliant railcar loading fall protection solution providers.” Temputech Inc ............................................................................................... Hwy W, Byhalia, MS ( ) ; Fax ( ) tomherrera@temputech.com; www.temputech.com Thomas Herrera Sr. 30 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 www.geaps.com EXCHANGE 2010 EXHIBITORS USDA GIPSA/FGIS........................................................................................ Rm S Agriculture Bldg, Independence Ave SW Washington, DC ( ) ; Fax ( ) william.e.bates@usda.gov William Bates “Official grain inspection & weighing service.” Warrior Mfg LLC ........................................................................................... th Ave SE, PO Box , Hutchinson, MN ( ) ; Fax ( ) NEW paul.soukup@warriormfgllc.com Exhibitor Paul Soukup “Structural support systems including catwalks / support towers / custom fabrication” Union Iron Works Inc ...................................................................................... *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource S th St, PO Box , Decatur, IL YEAR ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor sales@unionironworks.com; www.unionironworks.com TEAM Dave Wernsing Player “Specializing in bulk materials handling equipment and systems. Truck probes for grain elevator and processing Wear-Concepts Inc ......................................................................................... Heartland Drive, Liberty, MO ( ) ; Fax ( ) tradeshows@wearcon.com; www.wearcon.com Samuel R. Hall “Wear solutions for large material handling systems.” United Phosphorus ........................................................................................ NW , Warrensburg, MO ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR slade.baker@uniphos.com Exhibitor Slade Baker “Weevil-cide tablets, pellets & bags - the leading phosphine fumigant.” Van Sickle, Allen & Associates ........................................................................ *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Xenium Ln N, Ste , Plymouth, MN YEAR ; Fax ( ) ( ) ,( ) Exhibitor ghaldorson@vaaeng.com; www.vaaeng.com TEAM Gene Haldorson Player “Consulting engineers and planners to the Ag and Industrial markets.” VICAM, A Waters Business ........................................................................... Maple St, Millford, MA ( ) ,( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR vicam@vicam.com; www.vicam.com Exhibitor Patricia Jackson “VICAM offers rapid mycotoxin tests for the food and feed industries.” Vertical Software Inc ...................................................................................... Keller St, Bartonville, IL ( ) ; Fax ( ) pat@verticalsoftware.net; www.verticalsoftware.net Patrick Gilroy “The standard of excellence for agri-business products since .” Vigen Construction Inc ................................................................................... PO Box , Grand Forks, MN ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR Cory Vigen or Jeff Vigen Exhibitor “Design/build contractors for the grain, feed and flour industries.” Vortex Valves North America, a div of Salina Vortex Corp .............................. Vortex Ave, Salina, KS ( ) ; Fax ( ) vortex@vortexvalves.com; www.vortexvalves.com Russ Barragree “Slide, gates, and diverters for dry bulk solids” ! West Side Salvage Inc ................................................................................... nd Ave, Atkins, IA ( ) ; Fax ( ) salvage @netins.net Gene Schwers “Salvage-recovery, transfer, loading and unloading of bulk commodities; -hour emergency service.” Westeel Ltd.................................................................................................... Desautels St, PO Box , Winnipeg, MB R C N Canada ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR westeel@westeel.com Exhibitor Steve Idt Westrup Inc.................................................................................................... E Park Blvd Ste , Plano, TX ,( ) ; Fax ( ) ( ) YEAR westrupinc@aol.com; www.westrup.com Exhibitor Geoff Rudesill “Industrial air/screen machines: high performance & high capacity. New CC Series for grain terminals.” World Grain.................................................................................................. *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Main St, Ste , Kansas City, MO YEAR ( ) ; Fax ( ) Exhibitor mcornwell@sosland.com; www.world-grain.com TEAM Mark Cornwell Player “International trade publications for the grain, feed and flour industry.” Younglove Construction LLC ........................................................................... TEAM *see ad on back of “Monday, February ” tab *see ad in ͶͷͶ-Ͷͷͷ DirectaSource Player E th St, PO Box , Sioux City, IA ( ) ; Fax ( ) younglove@younglovellc.com; www.younglovellc.com Loren S Field, PE, Snr VP “The nation’s leading designer/builder of bulk materials handling facilities.” WD Patterson Co Inc .................................................................................... E th Ave, N Kansas City, MO ( ) ; Fax ( ) jeffr@wdpatterson.com Jeff Roumph “Dry bulk material handling, processing, automation, dust collection, storage representative.” WL Port-Land Systems Inc .............................................................................. Mt Lebanon Blvd, Ste , Pittsburgh, PA ( ) ; Fax ( ) YEAR rpongratz@wlport-land.com; www.wlport-land.com Exhibitor Richard Pongratz “Engineering, design, and construction services for bulk storage and material handling.” www.geaps.com GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 31 EDUCATION Registration Now Open for Pest Management, Grain Quality Distance Education Courses With the first two GEAPS-KSU courses of 2010 underway, registration is open for the next available courses. “Management of Insect Pests in Stored Grain,” the second of four new courses for 2010, will focus on common pests in stored grain as well as provide the fundamental knowledge needed to manage infestations using both nonchemical and chemical methods. The course will take place over six weeks. “Grain Quality Management,” a GEAPS classic, is back again for winter 2010. This fiveweek course focuses on the management and maintenance of quality grains and oilseeds. Lecture topics include quality factors of valueadded grains and oilseeds, moisture content determination, grain sampling and quality standards, the relationship between air and grain properties, and more. All GEAPS - K SU distance education courses are designed specifically for profes- sionals in grain operations and related fields. CDs with course “lectures” are mailed to participants, who the engage in a user-friendly but structured Web-based curriculum developed and administered by KSU. Through additional study time and assignments, students stay motivated and are encouraged to interact with the course instructor and fellow students. Students follow and online syllabus, working through each course lesson in sequence, and taking quizzes to make sure the material has been mastered. Although students must complete the courses within the specified period, they’re free to do so on their own schedules—day or night, seven days a week. Course tuition is currently $515 for GEAPS members and $715 for non-members. For complete information on these distance education courses, go to www.geaps. com. GEAPS 525: Management of Insect Pests in Stored Grain GEAPS 520: Quality Grain Management March 8-April 16, 2010 March 8-April 9, 2010 Course description: This six-week professional development course focuses on insect pests associated with stored grain, and provides fundamental knowledge required to manage insect infestations using practical non-chemical and chemical methods. The goals of GEAPS 525 are to enhance the basic knowledge and skills of all those involved in handling and storing grain to make timely pest management decisions while protecting the quality of stored grain and the environment. Course description: This five-week professional development course focuses on the management and maintenance of quality grains and oilseeds, and includes lectures on quality factors of value-added grains and oilseeds; moisture content determination; grain sampling and quality standards; quality assured production of IP grains; relationship between air and grain properties; fan selection and operational management for drying, conditioning and aerating grains; grain storability, deterioration and mycotoxins; insect pest identification; pest management strategies for prevention and control; and S.L.A.M. based stored grain management. Syllabus Lecture 1 – Overview of Grain Storage Structures Lecture 2 – Economically Important Insects Associated with Stored Grain: Primary Feeders Syllabus Lecture 1 – Grain Quality Properties Lecture 3 – Economically Important Insects Associated with Stored Grain: Secondary Feeders Lecture 2 – Moisture Content Lecture 4 – Devices for Sampling Insects in Stored Grain: Absolute Methods Lecture 4 – Quality Assured Grains from Production through Delivery Lecture 5 – Devices for Sampling Insects in Stored Grain: Relative Methods Lecture 5 – Relationship between air and grain properties, and airflow rates Lecture 6 – Pest Management Basics and Concepts Lecture 7 – Preventive Tactics for Managing Stored Grain Insects Lecture 8 – Responsive Tactics for Managing Stored Grain Insects Lecture 3 – Grain Inspection and Quality Standards Lecture 6 – Fan sizing, selection, and operational strategies Lecture 7 – Storability and deterioration of grains and oilseeds Lecture 8 – Insect Pests of Stored Grains and Oilseeds Lecture 9 – Proper Use of Grain Protectants Lecture 9 – Stored Product Pest Control Lecture 10- Proper Use of Grain Fumigants Lecture 10 – S.L.A.M. based quality management of stored grains and oilseeds Lecture 11 – Fumigation Safety Considerations Lecture 12 – Integrated Management of Stored Grain Insects 32 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 www.geaps.com GEAPS 520 — Grain Quality Management March 8 to April 9, 2010 GEAPS 525 — Management of Insect Pests in Stored Grain March 8 to April 16, 2010 R EG ISTR ATIO N Register online at www.geaps.com or use this form and fax/mail to GEAPS (info at bottom). Select course GEAPS 520 GEAPS 525 The registration deadline is Feb. 10, 2009. Registration fee GEAPS member: $515 Non-member: $715 Fax or mail your complete registration to GEAPS (details below). Name Fee includes tuition and all class materials (CDs), which will be mailed to students. CDs contain course lectures. Title Company Mailing address City State Zip Country e-mail REQUIRED Phone Fax Cancellation Policy: Before the class begins, registrant is entitled to a full refund, on condition that they return the CDs at their own expense. Registrants who cancel up to seven days after class begins are entitled to retake the same course the next time it’s offered, without charge. No refunds after the class begins. Substitutions allowed at the qualifying fee rate (member or non-member). Fees must be paid at the time of registration. Payment type: Check(enclosed) Credit Card Payment amount US $ Credit payment: Account No. GEAPS The Grain Elevator and Processing Society Am Ex MC Visa Exp. Date 4248 Park Glen Rd Minneapolis, MN 55416 (952)928-4640/Fax (952)929-1318 www.geaps.com; info@geaps.com Name on card (print) Signature www.geaps.com Kansas State University GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 33 MEMBERSHIP New Members Welcome these new members who joined GEAPS recently. Canadian Prairies Willy Bowles Rick Brahniuk Earl Geddes Russell George sponsored by Slav Waplak Andrew Kolbeck Glenn Miller sponsored by Stan Burgess Aaron Sjodin Paul Wilson sponsored by Slav Waplak Cherokee Strip Casey Bruns Gateway Michael Gerdeman Golden Triangle Harley Rady sponsored by Billy Friend Great Plains Rod Barker sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Albert Collins sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Terry Collins sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Art Duerksen sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Kady Fischer sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Bob Garland Clay Henningsen sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Dan Higgins sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Jeff Holling sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Seren Humburg sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau John Keller sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Mark Meenen sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Jodi Nelson sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Wes O’Bannon sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Casey Richard Rollin Roth sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Ted Schultz sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Tom Stewart sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Alan Tillberg sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Eric Werth sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Rick Wolting sponsored by Buzz Tourangeau Greater Iowa Rod Blackford Chris Shannon Mid-South Frank Cosner Josh Prewett Gulf South Ricky Creed Chris Frederking Minneapolis Brett Baldwin Ruben Chong Velarde Rob Glumack Don Malinowski Dean Mitchell sponsored by Mark Larson Steve Key Hoosier Alisha Lowry sponsored by Brett Ridge Matt Plasterer Intermountain Kimberly Hayden Kansas City Greg Clark William Kimmell Dennis Todd Michigan/S. Ontario Christine McWhinney sponsored by Calvin Kerr Non-Chapter Gabriel Albici Jimmie Bradley sponsored by Eric Kelley Corina Ionescu George Kovach Troy Miller Fabio Nocenti Seaway James Miller sponsored by Jerry Heath Mid-America Don Underwood sponsored by Rick Smithpeter Mid-Atlantic Bob Petruzzi sponsored by Randy Stauffer Four GEAPS Chapters Sponsor Bin Entry/Technical Rescue Classes in 2010 2010 just began, and already four GEAPS chapters have planned to sponsor Bin Entry/ Technical Rescue courses during the year. The courses, which focus on beginning and intermediate techniques for preventing and recovering from grain entrapment, are offered through the Safety and Technical Rescue Association (SATRA). If your chapter would like to sponsor a course, contact member Wayne Bauer, Michigan/ So. Ontario Chapter, wayne.bauer@starofthewest.com. Date Chapter Location March 23-24 Mid-South Riceland Stuttgart, Ark. May 7-8 Mid-Atlantic Perdue Farms Berlin, Md. June 21-23 Michigan/So. Ontario Star of the West Frankenmuth, Mich. August 18-20 Seaway The Andersons Maumee, Ohio August 24-25 Michigan/So. Ontario Blyth Inn Blyth, Ontario 34 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 www.geaps.com CHAPTER NEWS Canadian Prairies The Canadian Prairies Chapter held its November meeting on the 16th at the Marion Hotel in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Forty members and guests were in attendance to listen to Mike McAndless, Risk Balance Inc, speak on the topic of Risk Management. Mike showed a video of the events surrounding the 1959 collapse of the UGG Annex at Thunder Bay. The presentation also included discussion of the different aspects of risk management and its importance. Columbia River The Columbia River Chapter held its October meeting on the 11th at Great Western Malting Co in Vancouver, Wash. Twelve members and guests were in attendance to listen to Paul Woerkenberg, Western Integrated Tech, speak on the topic of Maxi-Lift Buckets. Greater Nebraska The Greater Nebraska Chapter held its December meeting on the 15th at the Howard Johnson Hotel in Grand Island, Neb. Thirteen members and guests were in attendance to listen to Nick Friant, grain handling coordinator for Cargill Inc, speak on the topic of Grain Quality Management. Nick’s talk and slide presentation was conducted virtually over the Internet. Inland Empire The Inland Empire Chapter held its December meeting on the 19th at the Red Lion Inn in Richland, Wash. Eleven members and guests were in attendance for a holiday dinner and gift exchange. After dinner there was a roundtable discussion about the fall harvest and local issues. Mid-America The Mid-America Chapter held its November meeting on the 20th at the Fremont Dinner Train in Fremont, Neb. Seventeen members and guests participated in a train ride, dinner and mystery play. North Iowa The North Iowa Chapter held its December meeting on the 14th at the Mason City Country Club in Mason City, Iowa. Eighteen members and guests were in attendance to listen to Jeff Vansteenburg, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, speak on the topic of DNR updates Kansas City Chapter “Podcast” By Ron Demaray, RCI, Kansas City Chapter The GEAPS Kansas City Chapter had their first “podcast” on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2009. Well, it wasn’t really a podcast, but we did have pods— four, to be exact. Our program began at 1 p.m. with an “at-will” tour of the National Agricultural Center and Hall of Fame in Bonner Springs, Kan. The afternoon pod sessions began at 3 p.m. and concluded with a catered dinner at 6 p.m. The four pod sessions were all related to maintenance and the program was attended by 50 people, many of whom were not GEAPS members. Each pod was approximately 40 minutes long. Each pod’s monitor was a specialist in their field, and directed the question-and-answer sessions at the Ron Demaray end of each demonstration. Displays on hand included a working elevator leg; leg monitoring equipment; gearboxes, motors, and bearings; a bag house filter; parts of a screw; and round bottom drag. www.geaps.com and regulations. Seaway The Seaway Chapter held its December meeting on the 8th at the Holiday Inn - French Quarter in Perrysburg, Ohio. Twenty-three members and guests attended the Christmas Party, featuring motivational speaker Dick Schafrath. A short business meeting was also held. Thunder Bay The Thunder Bay Chapter held its November meeting on the 26th at the Da Vinci Centre in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Twenty-eight members and guests were in attendance to listen to Tim Heney speak on the topic of the Port of Thunder Bay and its advantages. Twin Ports The Twin Ports Chapter held its December meeting on the 16th at the Hammond Steak House in Superior, Wis. Fifteen members and guests were in attendance for the Holiday Social Event. A short business meeting was also held and membership pins were presented to two 20-year members. Chapter Corner The pod sessions were well attended, and were supported and led by several people. The leg and monitoring pod was led by Bill Held from RBH Mill & Elevator Kansas City. Doug McCan from Safe-Grain/ Maxi-Tronic Inc talked about drives, motors and bearings. John Ahart from Emerson Power Transmission discussed aeration and bag house maintenance. Scott Chant of Safe-Grain/Maxi-Tronic Inc, Jeff Branson of Donaldson Torit, and Wayne Haskovec from MaxiFlo were group leaders of the flat and round bottom drags and screw conveyors. The chapter would like to thank all monitors, presenters and participants. A special thanks goes out from the Kansas City Chapter to Tom Pruess of RBH Mill & Elevator Kansas City, our chapter secretary/treasurer. This successful program would not have happened without his dedication. When everyone else was busy, Tom just kept us all focused on holding a successful event. Many positive comments were heard from those who attended and we are looking forward to offering this program type again! GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 – 35 Periodicals Postage Paid Minneapolis, MN Grain Elevator and Processing Society 4248 Park Glen Rd Minneapolis MN 55416 USA (ISSN) 0746 8008 Publications Mail Agreement Number: 41508543 CALENDAR The most extensive and up-to-date calendar can be found at the GEAPS Web site. c ha p t e r s Canadian Prairies February 11 Curling Funspiel, Heather Curling Club, St. Boniface, MB, 1 p.m. Cherokee Strip February 6 Meeting, Enid, OK, location and time: TBD Cornbelt February 6 Ladies Night, Conklins Barn Theatre, Goodfield, IL, time: TBD Golden Triangle January 21 Samplers, Houston International Seafarers Center, Houston, TX, 6 p.m. Great River February 10 Pre-GEAPS Exchange Meeting, Buffalo Wild Wings, Quad Cities, IA, 6 p.m. Greater Iowa January 20 Electrical Live Line Demo with Grain Journal Film Documentation, Ag Information Center, Nevada, IA, 11:30 a.m. Gulf South January 21 Meeting, Belle Terre Country Club, LaPlace, LA, 6:30 p.m. February 18 Meeting, Belle Terre Country Club, LaPlace, LA, 6:30 p.m. 36 – GEAPS In-Grain | January 2010 Hoosier February 9 Spouses Night Out, Kokomo, IN, location and time: TBD Intermountain February Annual Meeting & Officer Election, date and location: TBD Kansas City January 23 New Years 2010 and Spouse Appreciation Valentines Party, Argosy Casino, Riverside, MO, 6:30 p.m. Michigan/S. Ontario January 26 Silo Fires, Joint meeting with Seaway, Cabelas, Dundee, MI, 9 a.m. Mid-America February 9 FGIS Updates, Mark Fulmer, Lincoln Inspection, Mahoney State Park, Ashland, NE, 11:30 a.m. Mid-Atlantic February 9 Meeting, Chesapeake, VA, location and time: TBD Mid-South February 4 31st Annual Exposition and Equipment Display, Brinkley Convention Center, Brinkley, AR, time: TBD North Iowa January 22 Christmas Gathering, location and time: TBD Oregon Trail January 20 Meeting, Moose Lodge, Ogallala, NE, 5:30 p.m. February 17 Meeting, Moose Lodge, Ogallala, NE, 5:30 p.m. Seaway January 26 Silo Fires, Joint meeting with Michigan/S. Ontario, Cabelas, Dundee, MI, 9 a.m. Siouxland Thunder Bay March 25 Meeting, Da Vinci Center, Thunder Bay, ON, 6:30 p.m. Tri-State February 4 Texas High Plains Grain Elevator Workshop, Ashmore Inn & Suites, Amarillo, TX, time: TBD Twin Ports January 20 Meeting, Hammond Steak House, Superior, WI, 5:30 p.m. February 13 Ladies Night, Barkers Island, Superior, WI, time: TBD Vancouver January 19 John Koorn, Landig Systems, Cheers Restaurant, North Vancouver, BC, 4 p.m. www.geaps.com