

MAY 2015
V O L U N T E E R . S U P P O R T. M A K E A D I F F E R E N C E .
Community Corner is the place to go to learn more about the many community events and
organizations City National is proud to support.
Colleagues Spread Financial Literacy
Goldfish Zombie Author Visits Vegas
Josh Najarro Volunteers With Santa
Ana Pony Baseball
UCLA Extension
Colleagues Help The Huntington
City National Workplace Giving
Campaign is Here and Colleagues Can
Donate to the Charity of their Choice
With No Administrative Fee!
May 1 marked the start of City National’s annual
Workplace Giving Campaign, which runs through
May 31.
Year after year, colleagues manage to raise the
generosity bar. In 2014, nearly 90 percent of the
bank’s colleagues participated in the campaign,
raising more than $1.1 million.
Golf for a Good Cause
Cloud Climbers Fight for Air
Race for Success
March for Babies
I n light of this tremendous success, the 2015
campaign goal is $1.25 million
This year’s campaign is co-chaired by Chief Financial Officer Christopher Carey
and Executive Vice President of Wealth Management Services Rich Gershen.
“It is our pleasure to co-chair the annual City National Workplace Giving
Campaign. Our colleagues are truly standard bearers of generosity and
compassion and it is really we who follow your lead. We hope you are as excited
as we are about the new choices the campaign offers, and that you will join us in
reaching our $1.25 million goal. Thank you for your willingness to make a true
impact on the lives of others,” Chris and Rich said in a joint statement.
For the first time, Workplace Giving is offering colleagues an open choice/no
fee campaign. All donations made to any organization via the Workplace Giving
web portal during the month of May count to the campaign, and as a thank
you, City National will absorb any associated administrative fees.
That’s right!
Give to any accredited 501(c)(3) charitable organization and 100 percent of
colleague donations will be forwarded to the organization(s) of your choice.
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Step One is to Re-enroll
Everyone needs to re-enroll
Step one is to access the Workplace Giving website and
re-enroll. On May 1, you should have received an email
from “2015 City National Bank Workplace Giving
Campaign” with your UserID and temporary password.
Newer colleagues will be sent their welcome email as
they enter the system each week during the campaign.
From there, colleagues can select one or a combination of
City National’s seven strategic partner organizations, or
designate a charity of their choosing. The bank’s strategic
partners are:
Now that it the campaign is completely open with no
fees, everyone who wishes to participate must opt-in
by accessing the website and making your elections.
Colleagues who give by payroll will be automatically
enrolled for ongoing payroll deduction on a go-forward
basis, but everyone must opt-in this year to be included in
the campaign.
American Cancer Society
American Red Cross
Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America
Reading is The way up
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Save the Children
United Way
The 2015 campaign features a number of incentives,
olleagues who return their contribution forms by May
31 will be entered into a drawing for a $150 City National
Visa® gift card.
olleagues participating in payroll deduction will be
entered into a second drawing for a $150 City National
Visa gift card.
eekly drawings – with a different prize each week –
will be held for colleagues who increase their giving by
10 percent or more over 2014, with a minimum annual
contribution of $150.
Donor levels remain the same as last year:
Bronze ($250+)
Silver ($500+)
Gold ($1,000)
Colleagues at these levels will receive a pin and be entered
into a drawing – at the campaign’s conclusion – for terrific
prizes at each level.
Colleagues are automatically entered into every drawing
for which they qualify. A colleague may win only one of
the above drawings annually.
If you have questions about the campaign, contact
Jennifer Nickerson at (213) 673-7603 or
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City National Celebrates 40 Years in Orange County
Flashback 40 years, and it was on this date that the bank put
down its first roots in Orange County, Calif. City National
opened a branch office in Newport Beach on April 28, 1975.
The branch was located near the ocean at Newport Lido
where it housed a Float-in Window that allowed clients the
convenience of doing their banking from their boats.
Four decades later, City National’s Orange County footprint
now includes a Regional Center in Irvine, along with seven
full-service branches throughout the region, as well as a roster
of colleagues that currently numbers more than 116 and
represents all areas of the bank, including: Core Banking;
Private Client Services; Commercial Banking Services; Real
Estate; City National Rochdale; Treasury Management; Trust
& Estate Planning; and Residential Lending.
“We are very proud of what City National has accomplished
in Orange County the past 40 years,” said Kevin Dunigan,
executive vice president and Orange County regional executive.
“Our success is directly linked to the clients and communities
we serve. If our clients succeed, then we’ve done our job,
and over the past four decades we have helped thousands of
entrepreneurs, businesses and families.”
In addition to helping businesses grow and become more
successful throughout Orange County the past 40 years, City
National also has helped hundreds of nonprofit organizations
become stronger and more vibrant. In recognition of these
relationships, the bank awarded $40,000 to 40 nonprofit
groups. Dozens of bank colleagues delivered $1,000 grants to
40 deserving nonprofit and community-based organizations as
part of City National’s 40th anniversary celebration in Orange
“Community outreach is an integral part of our success in
Orange County,” Dunigan added. “We’re only as strong as our
communities, and awarding an additional $40,000 to so many
wonderful nonprofit agencies throughout the county reaffirms
our commitment to the region.”
Here’s just a few of the happy organizations who received
grants. Check out more photos at #thebig40 or on
City National’s Facebook page.
Orange County Child Abuse Prevention Center receives a grant from Andrew Amaro,
Geoff Ramirez and Lynn Loe, Real Estate (5th, 6th and 7th from left).
Kevin Dunigan, Orange County Regional Executive, (left) presents check for Casa
Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens
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City National Celebrates 40 Years in Orange County
Felix Yan from PCS (center) presents a grant to HomeAid Orange County.
Project Hope is the lucky recipient of a $1,000 check delivered by Craig Caliger, CBS (far left).
Los Alamitos Branch Manager Mayra Martinez (left) presents a check
to Harbor Interfaith Services
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Literacy and financial education are the foundation for future success. See how City National supports literacy in our communities
through Reading is The way up® and Dollars + Sense.
Colleagues Spread Financial Literacy
April was Financial Literacy Month, and colleagues responded
big time by participating in our many Dollars + Sense lessons.
Kudos and thanks to all who stepped up and helped spread
the financial word and look for more upcoming opportunities
to teach financial education classes.
Private Client Services’ Executive Vice President Michael Pagano walks a group of fifthgraders through a Dollars + Sense lesson.
City National colleagues showed up in force at John Marshall Elementary School in
Orange County, Calif. (from l to r): Sean Steichen (Small Business-La Palma), Patrick
O’Day (CNR Investment-Irvine), George Aristizabal (Irvine Branch), Allen Ilano
(Small Business-Orange County Airport), and Chris Chen (Marketing).
The Asian-American Caucus hosted a Dollars + Sense day at Los Angeles’ Solano
Elementary School and several colleagues answered the call. (from l to r): David Jun
(CLC-Credit Business Banking), Leesa Mac (CLC-Credit/SBA), Jessie Shaw (Residential
Lending), Pam DiMaria (Real Estate), Changmin Kim (Controller’s), and Michael
Pagano (Private Client Services).
Deryl Feinner (Small Business-South Orange County) shares financial wisdom with
sixth-graders at John Marshall Elementary School.
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Business & Technology Services’ Roberta McGaughey (third from right) presented a Dollars
+ Sense lesson to enthusiastic sixth-graders -- including her nephew, fourth from right -- at
Valencia Valley Elementary School in Santa Clarita.
Students at John Marshall Elementary School in Orange County, Calif., increased
their financial literacy thanks to (from l to r): Deryl Feinner (Small Business-South
Orange County), Marie-Lou Godinez (CBS-Orange County), Danielle Mouradian
(CBS-Orange County), Chris Chen (Marketing), and Sean Steichen (Small
Business-La Palma).
Goldfish Zombie Author Visits Vegas School
As part of its Reading is The way
up® literacy program, City National
sponsored a visit by children’s book
author Mo O’Hara to Jesse D. Scott
Elementary School in North Las
Vegas, Nev. Creator of the popular
series My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish,
O’Hara signed some 200 copies
of her most recent creation, which
were then distributed to appreciative
Children’s author Mo O’Hara made an appearance at Jesse D. Scott Elementary School in North Las Vegas, Nev.
Reading is The way up® is now on Facebook.
Click here to “like” the page and receive all the latest updates in your newsfeed.
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UCLA Extension
As a general rule, if
you’re going to sign
your son up for youth
baseball, you’re going to
choose the team closest
to your home. That was
Commercial Banking
Services’ Josh Najarro’s
initial inclination as
well, until he dug a little
deeper and discovered
Commercial Banking Services’ Josh Najarro keeps a watchful eye on his
that the teams in his
players, including his own son (far right).
immediate area didn’t
need what he very much wanted to share: specifically, his time and talents. In
fact, these leagues actually were putting volunteers on waiting lists. So Josh cast
a wider volunteer net and discovered Santa Ana Pony Baseball – an Orange
County, Calif., league that welcomed Josh with open arms.
That’s why Josh currently can be found on a baseball diamond – four times a
week – coaching a gaggle of 4- and 5-year-old Tee-ball players. While much of
this nonpaid position falls into the bureaucratic category – scheduling practices,
ordering uniforms, coordinating fundraisers – Josh embraces the opportunity.
“It feels like you can have an early, positive influence on these kids,” he says.
“It’s a chance to be a mentor and a role model.”
Josh additionally has found the experience fulfilling. “It’s so rewarding to see
them smile when they know they’ve made a good play,” he explains. Adding,
“It’s also rewarding to see their day-to-day improvement and their dedication to
teamwork and to developing a commendable work ethic.”
When the Tee-ball season comes to a close in June, Josh can relax…at least long
enough to stow the baseball gear, head to the soccer field, and morph from
Credit Analyst Najarro to Soccer Coach Najarro.
To learn more about the Santa Ana Pony Baseball,
Donate more than 20 volunteer hours of your time in a year? Dollars for
Doers allows you to direct $250 for 20+ hours and $500 for 40+ hours to
the organization(s) you support. Record your hours on the Community
Corner website and follow the instructions to submit your request.
HR Learning and
June 2, 2015
12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m.
CN Plaza, Los Angeles Room, 13th floor
Are you tapping into every resource to
keep your skills sharp?
Join us for the May Lunch and Learn for
a fast-paced and informative presentation
by a very enthusiastic team from UCLA
Extension, as they share information
about programs and classes that could
boost your career growth. Hear from
colleagues who have benefited from the
various programs and meet some of our
very own colleagues who are instructors!
There will be time for questions and
Cookies will be served and all attendees
will be entered in a raffle to win a
Starbucks gift card.
Bring your lunch and join us!
RSVP to Min Yoo at
if you plan to attend.
City National’s Lunch and Learn is an
ongoing educational series for colleagues
to gain valuable information about issues
regarding their health, well-being and
professional development.
This session will be videotaped and
uploaded on InfoLink.
Click here to view videos of past
Lunch & Learn sessions:
Watch Lunch and Learn Videos.
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Colleagues Help The Huntington
The Huntington Library – in San Marino, Calif. – recently
held its annual fund-raising plant sale, and several colleagues
graciously volunteered their time and talents to help make the
event a blooming success.
Front row, from l to r: Mehrnoosh Moradi (Audit), and Marilyn Kabakov
(Entertainment). Back row, from l to r: Ricardo Sotomayor (Treasury), Joel Velasco (SBA),
Jose Perez (Audit), RJ Javier (Audit), Ricardo Vazquez (Audit), and Ina Sotomayor
(Ricardo Sotomayor’s wife).
Golf for a Good Cause
For the fifth consecutive year, Corporate Real Estate’s
Harry Topping – along with his siblings – recently hosted
The Topping Brothers Invitational Benefitting Autism
Speaks at the TPC Valencia golf course in Santa Clarita,
Calif. Listed as Team Topping—City National Bank, this
fund-raising effort earned fourth-place honors by bringing
in more than $20,000! All proceeds were donated to Autism
Speaks, the world’s leading autism science and advocacy
organization, dedicated to funding research into the causes,
prevention, treatments and a cure for autism; increasing
awareness of autism spectrum disorders; and advocating for
the needs of individuals with autism and their families.
Cloud Climbers Fight for Air
City National’s company team – the Cloud Climbers –
recently participated in the American Lung Association’s
annual “Fight for Air Climb,” which involved traversing
1,391 steps to the top of Los Angeles’ Aon Center. The
team, captained by Business & Technology Services’
Roberta McGaughey, raised an impressive $2,200 for this
important cause.
Cloud Climbers’ members pose after conquering more than 1,300 steps. Back row,
from l to r: Kien Lam, Jason Olds, Leo Alonso, Gavril Lourie, Dan Dotlich, and Gina
Calipes. Front row, from l to r: Roberta McGaughey, Bill Cunningham, and Gina’s
spouse Lamberto Calipes. Participating colleagues not pictured: Rachel Goco, Celeste
Lopez, and Michele McPherson.
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Race for Success – Success!
City National’s Race for Success Run/Walk team –
captained by Jason Olds – did the bank proud and raised
much appreciated funds for schools in the SoCal cities of
Playa del Rey, Playa Vista, and Westchester.
City National’s Race for Success team included (from l to r) Lamberto Calipes (spouse
of Gina Calipes); Jason Olds; Gina Calipes; Mark Chavez; Bill Cunningham; Robert
Quan; Dan Dotlich; Anna Huang (spouse of Robert Quan); and Roberta McGaughey.
Participating in the run/walk – but not pictured – were Karen Olds (spouse of Jason
Olds) and John Zhang. And on hand to cheer the team on was BATS’ Executive Vice
President John Beale and his family.
March for Babies
Credit Risk Review’s Carol Bedolla was among the hundreds of people who took
part in the recent 2015 March for Babies at Rancho Jurupa Park in Jurupa Valley,
Calif. Sponsored by the March of Dimes, this annual event – which takes place
at sites nationwide – raises money to fund community programs designed to help
mothers have healthy, full-term pregnancies.
Not only did Carol captain City National’s Inland Empire team, but her daughter
– Khloe – was selected to receive recognition on “Ambassador Avenue” – a March
of Dimes’ campaign that shares the stories of babies who were born prematurely but
who are now healthy. Carol expressed her sincere thanks and appreciation to all who
supported “Team Khloe.”
Credit Risk Review’s Carol Bedolla’s daughter, Khloe,
was selected to receive recognition as part of the March
of Dimes’ “Ambassador Avenue” campaign.
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To sign up for these and many more volunteer opportunities, visit the Community Corner Website. For opportunities during work
hours, you must clear your time off with your manager PRIOR to volunteering. Time off is given at manager’s discretion.
Join City National’s Team
Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that causes red blood cells to change
from a normal, round shape to a crescent, or sickle shape. These misshaped blood cells
are not able to pass through the blood vessels, thus causing severe pain, as well as damage
to organs and tissues Sickle cell disease (SCD) affects millions of people throughout the
world and is particularly common among those whose ancestors came from sub-Saharan
Africa, Spanish-speaking regions in the Western Hemisphere (South America, the
Caribbean, and Central America), Saudi Arabia, India, and Mediterranean countries such
as Turkey, Greece, and Italy.
When: May 16, 2015
9 a.m. – Registration
10 a.m. – Walk
Where: L
os Angeles Southwest College
1600 West Imperial Highway
Los Angeles, CA 90047
Human Resources’ Lynette Rentie is City National’s team captain.
Click here to join the team.
Attention Las Vegas Colleagues – Backpack Packing Event
Three Square Food Bank is holding a Backpack for Kids event and is looking for 25
City National colleagues to help pack bags of nonperishable, kid-friendly food items
that will be distributed to more than 5,000 children in over 275 schools throughout
Southern Nevada.
When: May 19, 2015
5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Where: Th
ree Square Food Bank
South Campus
4190 N. Pecos Rd.,
Las Vegas, NV 89115
Instructions: Arrive 10 minutes prior to shift starting. Wear closed-toe shoes, kneelength shorts or pants, and shirts with sleeves. To sign up, click here.
2015 Three Square Volunteer Opportunities!
Three Square needs volunteers every day to help feed the food insecure throughout the
Las Vegas region. They have a variety of opportunities for individuals and groups Monday
-Saturday. For more information, click here or contact
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Honor Those Who’ve Served
New Directions for Veterans – a nonprofit agency that assists homeless vets and the
West Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce – invites members of the public to walk in
honor of those who have served, and those who are currently serving in the Armed Forces
to benefit veterans who are struggling. There are over 4,000 veterans currently living on
the streets of Los Angeles.
When: May 25, 2015
Registration – 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.
Run start – 8 a.m.
Walk start – 9 a.m.
Where: W
est LA Veterans Affairs
Medical Campus
11303 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90073
Treasury Management’s Barbara Allen-Watkins is heading City National’s team.
Click here to join her.
Support Special Needs Athletes and Peers
Special Needs Athletes and Peers (SNAP) is holding a skate-a-thon fundraiser to
support the Valencia SNAP Flyers Hockey Club – a hockey team for individuals with
developmental disabilities. Proceeds from last year’s event funded a team trip to Canada
for an international tournament!
When: May 30, 2015
5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Where: I ce Station Valencia
27745 N. Smyth Dr.
Valencia, CA 91355
To participate, donate, or for more information contact Karen Curran at
(213) 673-8707 or
The Shatterproof Challenge – Save Lives by rappelling 24 stories!
Addiction is preventable and treatable. In the United States alone, alcohol and other
drugs claim more than 135,000 lives every year – 350 people every day, 15 every hour.
Shatterproof is a national organization committed to protecting children from addiction
to alcohol or other drugs and ending the stigma and suffering of those affected by the
disease. Lead by Team Captain Chris Carey, the City National Bank Team will rappel
off the Sheraton Los Angeles Downtown Hotel to raise funds and awareness for the
prevention, treatment and recovery of this disease. Join us in this effort to alter the course
of this disease and save countless lives. Register. Raise money. Rappel!
When: Thursday, June 11, 2015
Where: S heraton LA Downtown Hotel
711 Hope Street
LA, CA 90017
To sign-up or to support, please visit the City National Team page.
Please use discount code “CITYNATIONALBANK” to waive the $55 registration cost.
Minimum fundraising of $1,000 required.
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Avon Breast Cancert Walk – San Francisco
AVON 39 helps fund research, awareness, and education, while providing assistance for
families currently battling breast cancer.pregnancies.
When: 7/11/2015 – 7/12/2015
Where: AVON 39 San Francisco route starts at Fort Mason.Trek gorgeous neighborhoods
like North Beach and Pacific Heights, then cross the iconic Golden Gate Bridge,
through Sausalito and the scenic countryside of Marin.
Commercial Banking Services’ Kathleen Brownell is serving as Team Captain. To
join her team, click here. For additional information, contact Kathleen at (415) 5762550 or
Be a Hero – Be a Volunteer
The Special Olympics World Games will be held in Los Angeles from July 25 through
Aug. 2. Some 7,000 Special Olympics athletes – representing 177 countries – will be
competing, and 30,000 volunteers are needed to ensure that this is the memorable
event these individuals deserve.
Two volunteer avenues are available.
Applications can be completed at: or http://www.
Lace-up your sneakers - Team In Training and Team City National want you!
City National is seeking participants to join TNT and fundraise for The Leukemia
& Lymphoma Society in exchange for race entry fees and travel accommodations
to one of their numerous terrific endurance events, as well as a season’s worth of
coaching, turn-key group fitness training sessions, and customized mentor support!
For more information on the amazing events you can be part of on your way
to funding a cure for cancer, click here or contact City National Team Captain at (310) 888-6052.
Be a Hero. Become a Volunteer Tutor at Carthay Elementary School.
We’re looking for caring colleagues interested in becoming volunteer tutors for the
2015-2016 school year– through Reading Partners – at Carthay Elementary School in
Los Angeles. Reading Partners connects passionate volunteers with struggling readers to
help students build strong literacy skills, gain confidence, and develop a passion for reading.
City National recognizes the importance of literacy and supports its colleagues with paid
time off for reading opportunities.
Those interested should contact Min Yoo at
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City National’s support of our community provides additional benefits for you, our colleagues. As a corporate member of
various arts and cultural organizations, we often receive perks that we’re able to pass on to you.
The California Shakespeare Theater is offering City National colleagues a
20% discount on all tickets for its 2015 Summer Season at the Bruns Outdoor
Amphitheater in Orinda. To purchase tickets contact Derik Cowan at or (510) 548-9666 and don’t forget to mention the
20% discount. Tickets also can be purchased by using promo code CITYNATL20.
For more information about the California Shakespeare Theater, visit
City National is proud to sponsor The Old Globe Theatre.
To purchase discounted tickets, follow these steps:
o to;
Select the production;
Select your performance;
Enter promo code: CNB (click continue);
Choose your seats and complete checkout.
As part of our partnership with the Grammy Museum, we have a loaner pass good
for admission for 2 and 10% discount in the museum store. To borrow the pass for
up to seven days, please contact with your desired
As part of City National’s sponsorship of the Pasadena Symphony and POPS,
colleagues will receive at 10% discount on any tickets for the remaining
2014-2015 Pasadena Symphony season, as well as for the entire five- concert
Pasadena POPS season.
Visit and use
discount code CNB15.
City National is proud to partner with the Library Foundation of Los Angeles.
The Library Foundation sponsors a lecture series entitled [ALOUD]: A celebrated
literary series of conversations, readings, and performances at the downtown Central
Library. [ALOUD] brings together today’s brightest cultural, scientific, and political
luminaries with the curious minds of Los Angeles. Events are usually free to the
public on a first come, first seated basis. For a schedule of upcoming [ALOUD]
events, visit
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City National’s partnership with The Huntington Library, Art Collections and
Botanical Gardens in San Marino, Calif., provides us with a loaner employee access
pass good for admission for up to two adults and accompanying children under 18
years of age. To borrow the pass for up to seven days, please contact with your desired date. To learn more about The
Huntington, visit
As part of our partnership with the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, colleagues
receive a 20% discount on new memberships and 10% discount in the museum
store. Show your business card or badge I.D. to enjoy this wonderful museum! Visit
the new LACMA today!
We have a limited number of free passes that are available on a first-come, first-served
basis. Limit one per colleague. Remember, your City National I.D. already admits
you. Please contact
As part of our corporate partnership with the Natural History Family of
Museums, colleagues can enjoy complimentary admission for you plus one guest.
Come back as many times as you want! It’s simple to print your tickets right at
home. To redeem your FREE corporate admission tickets to Natural History
Museum, the Page Museum at La Brea Tar Pits, or William S. Hart Museum in
Valencia, please click here and use promo code CNBNHM.
We’re pleased to promote the Water Conservation Garden at Cuyamaca
College in El Cajon. The Garden promotes water conservation in the Southern
California landscape through exhibits and programs that educate and inspire the
public. This venue also is a learning laboratory for the dedicated gardener, as well as
a delightful place for an afternoon stroll, while gathering lots of information about
water-wise, or California-Friendly® gardening. Admission is free
Did you know that the California Science Center in Los Angeles offers FREE
admission to permanent exhibit galleries? If you haven’t been lately, you need to
visit this interactive museum to see what all the fun is all about. Visit for more information.
City National is now one of Berkeley Rep’s corporate partners. As a result, colleagues
can save 20% (or 50%, if you’re under 30) on theatre tickets for the Berkeley, Calif.,
organization’s 2014/2015 season. Visit o view current
and upcoming performances. To purchase tickets, simply call Berkeley Rep’s box
office at (510) 647-2949 and mention City National’s 20% corporate discount. A
10% discount also is available on adult and youth classes at the Berkeley Rep School
of Theatre. Call the school at (510) 647-2906 and request the 10% offer.
Have an idea for a story for Community Corner?
Contact Jennifer Nickerson at (213) 673.7603 or