1 NEW YORK DECA FALL HANDBOOK “SUCCESS SINGS WITH NEW YORK DECA” 2015-2016 2 NEW YORK DECA CONTACT INFORMATION Chairperson: Mitchell Beresa State Charter Association Advisor: Mary Peres Vice Chairperson: Nela Hawthorne Contest Chairperson: Gary Spaid Judges Chairperson: Gerald Hathaway Membership Conference Registration: Lindsay DeLucca: Claude Commisso: Dan Greaven Michele Adams: Louise Di Cesare, Melissa Garofalo, Alan Balsdon: Kris Casto: James Casini: Region 1 N Region 1 N Region 3 Region 9 Region 10 Region 10 Region 12 Region 12 Region 11-13 Advisor to the Executive Council: Sally Kaufman 3 The Dates Listed in this Calendar are Subject to Change 2015 September 11 Board of Trustees Meeting Albany New York NEW YORK Deadline for National and State DECA Dues and Membership Roster to DECA Inc. November 15 (Registration online at Send purchase order/check to DECA, Inc. Reston, VA. DO NOT MAIL TO NEW YORK DECA. 20-22 December 14-18 NARCON – The Ultimate DECA Power Trip-Austin Texas Must be a paid rostered member to attend On Line Testing 2016 January 15-Feb Regional Competitive Event Programs 8 Executive Council POW Projects Due 8 Honor Society Applications Due-Mary Peres 8 State Officer Applications Due-Mary Peres 8 Travel Scholarship Applications Due- Mary Peres 13 14 14-16 27 28 29 29 Written entry lists to Gary Spaid Early Arrivals for Planning Meeting New York Board of Trustees Meeting Rochester NEW YORK Due Date for manuals mailed to Gerald Hathaway. Must include Written Event Statement of Assurance and Academic Integrity, 2016, and the correct number of photocopies (3 individually stapled copies.) Manuals accepted but with ten penalty points. Must include Written Event Statement of Assurance and Academic Integrity, 2016, and the correct number of photocopies (3 individually stapled copies.) Manuals accepted but with ten penalty points if received not postmarked by 5 PM. Must include Written Event Statement of Assurance and Academic Integrity, 2016, and the correct number of photocopies (3 individually stapled copies.) Manuals Received After 5 pm on January 29 disqualified. Non-Written entry lists to Gary Spaid by January 30, 2015 30 Regional entry lists, from Regional Leaders, by January 30, 2016 30 SCC Registration due 4 New Continued ……… February 8-12 March 7 Planning Committee arrival in Rochester March 8 Early arrivals SCC March 9-11 15 15 March April 15 SCC On-Line Testing Week High School State Career Development Conference, Rochester NY Decision on Academy Attendees ALL ICDC DROPS MUST BE REPORTED ASAP ICDC registration Due 23-27 Nashville TN Board of Trustees Meeting May 6 All Board Members Newly Elected & Current Executive Council June/July TBD State Officer Training QUESTIONS Information Mary Peres Membership Mitchell Beresa Conference Registration Power Trip SCC/ICDC -New Contest Gary Spaid Judges Gerald/Arlene Hathaway 5 2015-2016 DECA INC. REGISTRATION PROCEDURES 1. In your membership packet that you received from national DECA, you will find instructions for accessing DECA Inc.’s Online Membership System. 2. You must have access to an active internet connection and log into the following site to register your chapter for the 2015-2016 school year. Do not send membership money to NEW YORK DECA . All registration fees are to be sent to national DECA. New York DECA will be able to review your membership data that is sent to DECA Inc. 3. Deadlines - Your online membership roster is due by November 15, 2015. 4. REGIONAL ALLOTMENTS ARE BASED SOLELY ON PAID ROSTERED MEMBERS AS OF NOVEMBER 15. YOU MUST BE A PAID MEMBER TO COMPETE NO EXCEPTIONS! 5. Membership - All paid members of New York DECA must also be paid members of DECA, Inc. 6. Minimum Chapter Size - All chapters must pay minimum dues to DECA, Inc. equivalent to at least ten (10) members up to 100% in order to receive DECA, Inc. services. 100% membership refers to 100% of the students enrolled in a Marketing Education program at a High School. 7. New chapters - may be exempt from the minimum chapter size policy for the initial year. 8. You will receive membership materials via return mail from DECA, Inc. These materials will include membership pins and identification cards for every member registered with your chapter. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for processing and mailing. 9. For competition purposes, the roster must be processed with an actual check by the stated deadlines to be eligible to compete. For regional allotments the check must be received. 10. Dues – Dues to both NEW YORK DECA and DECA, Inc. are non-transferable and non-refundable. 6 COMPETITIVE EVENT INFORMATION GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR MANUAL REGISTRATION CONTEST CHAIRPERSON GARY SPAID JUDGE CHAIRPERSON GERALD HATHAWAY Once a manual is registered with Contest Chairperson Gary Spaid by January 13, 2016 in the Written Event Direct Entry Form, the named student(s) is/are bound to and must register for that event. MANUALS ENTERED IN THE WRONG COMPETITVE EVENT CATEGORY WILL NOT BE CHANGED FOR ANY REASON! 1. If an error in this registration occurs NO MATTER WHOSE FAULT (Advisor, Chapter President, Secretary), the student will either be required to withdraw from all competitions or compete in the registered event even if that is the wrong event. Please verify the registration spreadsheet before you submit it as changes will not be permitted. 2. A total of four copies of each manual must be sent, one of which must be in the official DECA folio along with the WRITTEN EVENT STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, 2016. (Page 73 DECA Guide) If you are submitting 6 different written events all 6 must have the correct number of copies. A 10 point penalty shall be assessed for failure to follow this procedure. 3. No student may use a cell phone in the content/cluster area. No cell phone is to be brought to a New York competitive event by a student for any reason. If a student or team has a cell phone in the cluster/content area they will be disqualified from their competitive event immediately. The only exceptions to this rule are: Advertising Campaign, Sales Demonstration, Professional Selling, and Wholesale Selling If you are using the cell phone as a prop, the cell phone must be registered for use at the check in table prior to going to the contest/cluster area. 4. Every Competitive Event Participant will be required to show photo identification in order to compete. The following are VALID examples of photo ID: All ID’s must be current! Passport Current School ID Sheriff ID Motor Vehicle Issued ID Original Yearbook Immigration Card Students may enter only one competitive event. There are no exceptions to this rule. Any student who is registered for more than one event, be it personal, chapter or research team project, will be immediately disqualified from all events. 7 Every effort will be made to strictly enforce the penalty points as printed in the DECA Guide. Encourage your local advisors/competitors to review the competitive event guidelines carefully before submitting their event. WRITTEN EVENTS INFORMATION MANUAL-WRITTEN EVENT DUE DATES JANUARY 27, 2016 –RECEIVED NOT POSTMARKED JANUARY 28, 2016 MINUS 10 POINTS-RECEIVED NOT POSTMARKED JANUARY 29, 2016 MINUS 10 POINTS IF RECEIVED BY 5 PM ET AFTER 5 PM EASTERN TIME-- MANUAL DISQUALIFIED MANUALS ENTERED IN THE WRONG COMPETITVE EVENT CATEGORY WILL NOT BE CHANGED FOR ANY REASON! IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU MONITOR WHEN AND WHERE YOU MAIL YOUR WRITTEN EVENT. DO NOT RELY ON CLERKS TELLING YOU IT WILL BE DELIVERED OVER NIGHT. ALLOW FOR TRAVEL TIME, WEATHER, PLANE, TRAIN, TRUCK DELAYS! MAIL Three copies plus the original (total of four copies) of each manual must be submitted. Judge Chairperson will NOT make photocopies for you! Only the original copy needs to be in the required binder or folio as stated in the competitive events rules and guidelines along with the WRITTEN EVENT STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, 2016-page 73 DECA GUIDE The three individually stapled copies are to be placed inside the official DECA folio, and one copy hole punched inside of the folio, for a total of four (4), for each manual submitted. A 10 point penalty shall be assessed for failure to follow this procedure. 8 If the correct number of copies and the WRITTEN EVENT STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, 2016 are not included, the manual will be disqualified. The signed WRITTEN EVENT STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, 2016 is to be placed in the original manual only. Failure to place the signed WRITTEN EVENT STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, 2016 (it can be found on page 73 DECA Guide) in the original manual will result in that manual not being judged. REMINDERS: The Judge Coordinator is not responsible to make photocopies for you place report in a DECA folio or insert a WRITTEN EVENT STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, 2016 Failure on your part to meet the above requirements and meet the deadline date is your responsibility and if an error occurs it is solely your fault. As Chapter Advisor it is your responsibility to make sure and verify that all directions have been followed. No excuse be accepted. 9 Copies of the WRITTEN EVENT STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, 2016 Original can be found on page 73 of the DECA Guide. Mail all manuals to: Gerald Hathaway Judge Chairperson 28 Niagara Shore Drive Tonawanda, NEW YORK 14150-1117 Email: Phone: 716-693-1739 If you have any questions PLEASE……ASK BEFORE the due date! 10 WRITTEN EVENT STATEMENT OF ASSURANCES AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY, 2016 Original page 73 DECA GUIDE-THIS IS A SAMPLE COPY Research and report writing are important elements of modern business activities. Great care must be taken to assure that the highest ethical standards are maintained by those engaging in research and report writing. To reinforce the importance of these standards, all written entries in DECA’s Competitive Events Program must submit this statement as part of the entry. The statement must be signed by the DECA member(s) and the chapter advisor. I understand the following requirements are set forth by DECA Inc. for all Competitive Event entries containing a written component. These requirements are additional to the general rules and regulations published by DECA Inc. By signing this statement, I certify that all are true and accurate as they relate to this entry. 1.The contents of this entry are the results of my work or, in the case of a team project, the work of current members of this DECA chapter. 2.No part of this entry has previously been entered in competition. 3.This entry has not been submitted in another DECA competitive event. 4.Credit for all secondary research has been given to the original author through the project’s bibliography, footnotes or endnotes. 5.All activities or original research procedures described in this entry are accurate depictions of my efforts or, in the case of team projects, the efforts of my team. 6.All activities or original research described in this entry took place between the 2015 Chartered Association Career Development Conference and the 2016 Chartered Association Career Development Conference. 7.I understand that DECA has the right to publish all or part of this entry. Should DECA elect to publish the entire entry, I will receive an honorarium from DECA. Chapters or individuals with extenuating circumstances may appeal the right to publish the entry to the executive committee of the board of directors prior to submission of the project for competition. This statement of assurances must be signed by all participants and the chapter advisor, and submitted with the entry, or the entry will be given 15 penalty points. Participant’s Signature Participant’s Signature Participant’s Signature Print/Type Participant Name(s) Competitive Event Name School Chartered Association (State/Province) To the best of my knowledge, I verify that the above statements are true and that the student’s (students’) work does not constitute plagiarism. Chapter Advisor’s Name Chapter Advisor’s Signature Chapter Advisor’s Email Hole punch and place in front of the written entry. Do not count as a page. PROJECT ORIGINALITY In many written events, chapters have settled on a strategy that uses the same well-developed projects year after year. Succeeding chapter teams often take the previous year’s successful project and seek to improve it. If that strategy works in achieving a chapter’s goals and the experience teaches the principles of DECA, the strategy serves the chapter, the community and DECA well. 11 Chapters submitting entries for chapter team events, however, should be challenged to do more than update the previous year’s written project. Project committees should avoid even reviewing the previous year’s entry. Judges (whose assignment is to evaluate a project according to established guidelines) will be impressed by the originality of a chapter’s project. Plagiarism of projects judged previously will automatically disqualify a chapter from competition and eligibility for awards. 12 CANDIDATES FOR EXECUTIVE COUNCIL STATE OFFICER INFORMATION The process to run for state office will begin as in the past with the application. In addition to the current application, the following supporting documents must be submitted: Three Letters of Recommendation-All on appropriate letterhead. This document cannot be a one sentence statement endorsing the candidate but must be a detailed letter of endorsement citing specific examples of the candidate’s qualifications. Letter # 1 must be from the DECA Advisor of the applicant’s school Letter # 2 must be from a teacher, administrator, or guidance counselor from the applicant’s school Letter # 3 may be written by an individual that can speak in regard to the applicant’s qualifications. Potential recommenders could include: a coach, a boss, etc. Letters from relatives (mother, father, etc.) fellow Chapter members/school friends, alumni members are not acceptable. REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION 1. An official School Transcript 2. Resume3. Candidate Statement (Separate document do not include as part of your resume) What your goals are if elected as a New York DECA State Officer? What are your hopes and dreams if elected as a New York DECA State Officer? How would DECA be better off, if you served as a New York DECA State Officer? 13 All Necessary forms and signatures Completed Application (can be found on New York DECA web site) ALL SUPPORTING MATERIAL, APPLICATION, LETTERS AND REQUIRED FORMS AS OUTLINED IN THE STATE OFFICER PACKET ARE TO BE MAILED TO: MARY PERES, CHARTER ASSOCIATION ADVISOR 285 HILL ROAD GOSHEN NY 10924 ALL DOCUMENTATION MUST BE RECEIVED NOT POSTMARKED BY JANUARY 8, 2016. NOMINATIONS PROCEDURE State Officer Nomination Procedures will commence at the State Career Conference. Round 1 The applicant will meet with the Nominations Committee for a minimum of two (2) interviews. At that time each candidate will have the opportunity to deliver a prepared presentation as to why they should be elected/slated for office. 14 PRESENTATION GUIDELINES This presentation should be tailored to the office the applicant is running for This presentation has a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes Following the presentation the committee will have the opportunity to question the candidate based upon his/her presentation as to why you should be (insert desired office)? This will be a maximum of ten minutes Not more than three (3) standard sized posters not to exceed 22 ½ inches by 30 ½ inches All attachments must fit within the dimensions of the poster. One (1) personal laptop computer One (1) desktop flip chart easel 12 x 10 inches Only visuals that can be carried into the Nomination room by the candidate are acceptable. No one is allowed to carry any material, visuals or supplies into the Nomination area for the candidate. No set up time will be allowed. Candidates must furnish their own materials and equipment No items of monetary value may be handed to the committee or left with the committee. Dispensing food or drinks is not allowed A period of questioning by the nominations committee based on the presentation Candidates are advised: o No internet will be provided nor allowed in your presentation. o Each nominations committee member is allowed to ask questions based upon the presentation. 15 ROUND # 2 The second round of caucusing will provide the Nominations Committee with the opportunity of asking each applicant the same prepared questions. Following these procedures, candidates will be slated if qualified The Nominations Committee will be made up of 2 members from the Executive Council 1 Student member from each Region 2 Adult Committee members- Prospective candidates will come from the Judges List and former DECA Advisors who are present. Effective 2016 Executive Council Officers are: President Executive Vice President Vice President of Communications Vice President of Finance Vice President of Competition IMPORTANT REMINDER If your student is elected to the office of President the home school Advisor must serve as Advisor to the Executive Council. 16 2015‐2016 COMPETITIVE EVENTS LIST Below are highlights of the changes made to DECA’s competitive event program. WRITTEN AND PREPARED EVENTS The following changes will be made to all written and prepared events (Business Operations Research Events, Chapter Team Events, Entrepreneurship Events, Marketing Representative Events, Professional Selling and Consulting Events and Stock Market Game) effective in the 2015–2016 school year: For all 30-page written events, the executive summary may now be up to three pages, either single or double-spaced. Presentation times will be 15 minutes, which will include the presentation and time for judges’ questions. The guidelines will no longer specify a certain number of minutes for each component. The evaluation criteria for oral presentations in the Chapter Team Events will be derived from project management performance indicators. The evaluation criteria for oral presentations in the Entrepreneurship Events will be derived from entrepreneurship performance indicators. ENTREPRENEURSHIP EVENTS Beginning with the 2015–2016 school year, the Business Management and Entrepreneurship Events category will now simply be called Entrepreneurship Events. It will feature the following changes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Entrepreneurship Innovation Plan will be the Innovation Plan and have new guidelines that follow a portion of the lean start-up model. Learn about the lean start-up model at Entrepreneurship participating—creating an Independent Business will be the Start-Up Business Plan and will have new guidelines that follow the lean start-up model. Entrepreneurship Written will be the Independent Business Plan and have new guidelines that follow the lean start-up model and require significant financial projections. Entrepreneurship Participating—Franchising Business will be the Franchise Business Plan and have new guidelines that follow the Small Business Administration’s business plan model. Entrepreneurship-Growing Your Business will be the Business Growth Plan and have modifications to the guidelines. 17 6. The International Business Plan will remain the same but the guidelines will be similar to the Independent Business Plan with a section to discuss the country where the business is to be conducted. NEW ACCOUNTING VBC TRACK FOR 2015–2016—PILOT EVENT The 2015–2016 Virtual Business Challenge will feature a pilot competition based on the new Virtual Business Accounting simulation. In the fall qualifying round, students will use forensic accounting to identify fraud and errors in simulated businesses. Their scores will be based on accurate identification of issues and speed. In the winter qualifying round, students will use managerial accounting techniques to maximize profits. In the final competition at ICDC, students will race to correctly identify fraud and accounting errors as quickly as possible. REVISED PERFORMANCE INDICATOR LISTS Slightly revised and improved performance indicator lists will be used beginning with the 2015–2016 school year. Be sure to download the newest performance indicators at COMPETITIVE EVENTS 2015-2016 PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION EVENTS 1. Principles of Business Management and Administration—PBM 2. Principles of Finance—PFN 3. Principles of Hospitality and Tourism—PHT 4. Principles of Marketing—PMK TEAM DECISION MAKING EVENTS 1. Business Law and Ethics Team Decision Making—BLTDM 2. Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making—BTDM 3. Financial Services Team Decision Making—FTDM 4. Hospitality Services Team Decision Making—HTDM 5. Marketing Communications Team Decision Making—MTDM 6. Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making—STDM 7. Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making—TTDM INDIVIDUAL SERIES EVENTS 1. Accounting Applications Series—ACT 2. Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series—AAM 3. Automotive Services Marketing Series—ASM 4. Business Finance Series—BFS 5. Business Services Marketing Series—BSM 6. Food Marketing Series—FMS 7. Hotel and Lodging Management Series—HLM 8. Human Resources Management Series—HRM 9. Marketing Management Series—MMS 18 10. Quick Serve Restaurant Management Series—QSRM 11. Restaurant and Food Service Management Series—RFSM 12. Retail Merchandising Series—RMS 13. Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series—SEM PERSONAL FINANCIAL LITERACY EVENT 1. Personal Financial Literacy—PFL BUSINESS OPERATIONS RESEARCH EVENTS 1. Business Services Operations Research—BOR 2. Buying and Merchandising Operations Research—BMOR 3. Finance Operations Research—FOR 4. Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research—HTOR 5. Sports and Entertainment Marketing Operations Research— SEOR CHAPTER TEAM EVENTS 1. Community Service Project—CSP 2. Creative Marketing Project—CMP 3. Entrepreneurship Promotion Project—EPP 4. Financial Literacy Promotion Project—FLPP 5. Learn and Earn Project—LEP 6. Public Relations Project—PRP BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP EVENTS 1. Independent Business Plan –EIB (replaces Entrepreneurship Written Event) 2. Innovation Plan – EIP (replaces Entrepreneurship Innovation Plan) 3. International Business Plan -IBP 4. Start Up Business Plan -ESB (replaces Entrepreneurship Participating Event) 5. Franchising Business Plan EFB (replaces Entrepreneurship Participating Event) 6. Business Growth Plan EBG(replaces Entrepreneurship—Growing Your Business) (open to DECA members who own their own businesses) MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE EVENTS 1. Advertising Campaign—ADC 2. Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan—FMP 3. Sports and Entertainment Promotion Plan—SEPP PROFESSIONAL SELLING AND CONSULTING EVENTS 1. Financial Consulting—FCE 2. Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling—HTPS 3. Professional Selling—PSE ONLINE EVENTS 1. Stock Market Game—SMG 2. Virtual Business Challenge Accounting (Pilot)—VBCAC 3. Virtual Business Challenge Hotel Management—VBCHM 19 4. Virtual Business Challenge Personal Finance—VBCPF 5. Virtual Business Challenge Restaurant—VBCRS 6. Virtual Business Challenge Retail—VBCRT 7. Virtual Business Challenge Sports—VBCSP Specific performance indicator lists are available at 20 Please check the National DECA website for additional information on all Pilot Events being offered. New York State Events Decision Making *Job Interview front desk clerk Marriott Hotel *Public Speaking *Sales Demonstration Visual Advertising –can be for profit or non profit Wholesale Selling ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Test type to be administered: (M)= Marketing (F)= Finance (H)= Hospitality (BM)= Business Management (BA)=Business Administration Special Online Events (Not available at State Competition Level) *Stock Market Game *Virtual Business Challenge Retail *Virtual Business Challenge Sports *Virtual Business Challenge Restaurant *Virtual Business Challenge Finance Corporate Partner Projects (Not available at State Competition Level) *FIDM Challenge Public Speaking Topics-New York State Event-Success Sings With New York DECA Regionals Prepared Public Speaking Topics: How did your voice resonate in your DECA Chapter? State Prepared Public Speaking Topics: How has DECA helped you raise your voice in your community? 21 New York DECA SCC ON-LINE TESTING Again this year we will be using on-line testing for the SCC. The plan is to open testing on February 8 through February 12. This will allow one week for all students to take the tests they need for the SCC. The Plan Each Regional Leader, or their designee, will become an administrator for the tests within their region. These people must notify the NYS Contest Chairperson, with their e-mail address, so authorizations can be granted and passwords assigned to each Administrator. Regions will be able to use a central testing site or multiple test sites as long as they have a proctor for each site (room). DECA advisors cannot be proctors. DECA Advisors should not be present in testing rooms during test times. Proctors must be neutral persons, who can administer tests by giving up a couple of hours. The Proctors will receive names of students to be tested, along with Contest and DECA ID information from the NYS Contest Chairperson and Regional Administrators. The proctor will need to print out “testing tickets” for the students. These tickets include the password needed to sign on and take the test. They will collect these “testing tickets” at the end of the tests. The tests will consist of 100 multiple choice question. The questions for each test will be presented randomly to each student. The student needs to sign on, verify the test information and take the test. They will be given 60 minutes to complete the test. Students who need longer, based on their IEP must notify the Regional Administrators, who will be able to individually extend the testing time needed for individuals. If for any reason a student is “knocked out” of the test before time expires, he/she can contact the Proctor to assign a new password, as the original password is good to only sign into a test once. (Note if for any reason the student leaves the testing page to look at other sites, they will be “knocked out” of the test.) All data is stored about the test including the time remaining. The start over does NOT give the student more time to complete the test. The TEST Site(s) for the each Region needs to have the following take place. 1) To make sure the test is not blocked from the test sender site, make sure you log in ahead of time and spell your school name correctly. 2) It will be important at each site that the IT team knows about the testing dates, so they do not attempt to update equipment during the tests time. Updating equipment has been known to knock the tests off line while the student is taking the test. 22 If a student needs to be added to the test rolls, the regional administrator will have the authority to do so. The Regional administrator will also have access to selected reports about the testing. However the test scores will only be reported to the NYS Contest Chairperson Note: Regions may also elect to test online for their regional elimination contests. The cost to the Region is $0.85 per student. The same information stands for regional elimination contests tests also. However the region will have access to the student scores. Contests with SCC On-Line Testing Advertising Campaign Event .............................................................................. (M) Fashion Merchandising Promotion Plan ............................................................ (M) Sports & Entertainment Promotion Plan ........................................................... (M) Hospitality & Tourism Professional Selling ........................................................ (H) Financial Consulting ........................................................................................... (F) Professional Selling ............................................................................................ (M) Financial Literacy................................................................................................ (FL) *Accounting Applications ................................................................................. (F) *Apparel & Accessories ..................................................................................... (M) *Automotive Services Marketing ...................................................................... (M) *Business Finance .............................................................................................. (F) *Business Services Marketing ............................................................................ (M) *Food Marketing ................................................................................................ (M) *Hotel and Lodging Management .................................................................... (H) *Human Resources Management ..................................................................... (BM) *Marketing Management ............................................................................ (M) *Quick Serve Restaurant Management ............................................................. (H) *Restaurant & Food Service Management ........................................................ (H) *Retail Merchandising ....................................................................................... (M) *Sports & Entertainment Marketing ................................................................ (M) *Business Law and Ethic Team Decision Making Event..................................... (BM) *Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making Event .............................. (M) *Financial Services Team Decision Making Event ............................................. (F) *Hospitality Services Team Decision Making Event .......................................... (H) *Marketing Communications Team Decision Making ....................................... (M) *Sports & Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making Event.................. (M) *Travel & Tourism Team Decision Making Event .............................................. (H) *Principles of Business Management & Administration ................................... (BA) *Principles of Finance ........................................................................................ (BA) *Principles of Hospitality & Tourism.................................................................. (BA) *Principles of Marketing .................................................................................... (BA) 23 On-Line Testing at the Regional Level? It’s your Region’s call if you want to or not. Here are some reasons to use On-Line Testing Saves time on site. You have the scores before you go on-site. It costs just $.85 per student. No Xeroxing of tests No Scantrons or Scantron Machines. Practice the on-line testing system before SCC Testing. Contact Gary Spaid before October 1, 2015, and he will set you up. You must name a regional administrator who will supervise your region. Tests can be given the week of December 14-18 and you can show up on-site to just role play. For regions that test only, you are all done with a field trip to regional contests. It also lets your students use the computer to practice for States. National DECA is currently investigating On line Testing for the near future . It makes sense. It’s the way of the future. Gary Spaid Call (585)734-5959 24 QUALIFICATIONS FOR ENTERING INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE COMPETITIVE EVENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. All participants must be active members of DECA with the current year’s dues on file with DECA Inc. prior to March 1 of the current school year. All participants and written entries must be approved and authorized for entering competition by their chartered association through official competitive events registration forms. All participants and written entries must meet the specifications set forth for each activity. All participants must have participated in chartered association, district and/or local competition, or qualified through online competition. All entry forms and creative entries must be submitted by the chartered association advisor or designee according to announced deadlines. A participant may enter only one of the competitive events with a participatory component during DECA’s international conference. No additions or substitutions may be registered for competition after the deadline set forth by DECA Inc. A written entry may not be entered in more than one international conference competitive event during a given year. Once a written entry is entered in international conference competition, the identical content material may not be entered in international conference competition again. All participants must attend the briefing sessions scheduled for their competitive event during the international conference. Participants are required to follow the official DECA dress code outlined on this page. All written entries must include a signed copy of DECA’s Written Event Statement of Assurances and Academic Integrity (page 73). Participants must bring a photo ID to all event briefings, testing sessions and presentations. If a photo ID is not available, an advisor must verify the participant’s identity. 25 IMPORTANT CONFERENCE FORM DEADLINES A $100 cancellation fee will apply to all SCC cancellations ten days prior to the start of the conference. There are no refunds for ICDC. Refunds for SCC are only issued if notification is received before February 19, 2016. There are no refunds issued after this date. Room substitutions may be submitted- must be male/male or female/female. Please email nydecaregistration@aol and cc your Board Representative. NAME OF FORM WHO IS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT WHERE/WHEN Advisor/Designee Security Form All Advisors NOVEMBER 15, 2015 Mail to Mitchell Beresa 222 E 93rd Street Apt 33E New York NY 10128 FAILURE ON THE PART OF ANY ADVISOR TO SUBMIT THIS FORM BY 11/15 WILL CAUSE THEIR CHAPTER NOT TO RECEIVE ID NUMBERS FOR REGIONAL PROGRAMS or obtain a W-9 Code of Conduct 31 Items Health Form All Adults/Chaperones Regional Rep 2/18/16 All Students Regional Rep 2/18/16 Principal Memo One per Chapter Regional Rep 2/18/16 Emergency Form All Advisors/Chaperones Regional Rep 2/18/16 Hotel Responsibility Form One per Chapter Regional Rep 2/18/16 Room Check In Sheet All Chaperones At Curfew 11:30 Curfew is for Advisors and Students 26 Honor Society The purpose of the New York DECA Honor Society is to recognize Business/Marketing students for their academic excellence and involvement in New York DECA. The Honor Society is open to all rostered New York DECA members who meet the following criteria: Have been active in New York DECA for at least 3 years Have competed at States Have an overall average of at least 85%* Business Subject average 90%* Students must be currently enrolled in business/marketing class/program* *A transcript is required to verify the above Advisors must provide a copy of the chapter roster, along with a letter of recommendation that verifies the following: Positive character Leadership (evidence by committee chair positions, officer/chair or other leadership position in student organizations, civic/community leadership roles, etc. Service: Evidenced by volunteer activities in the school and/or community, etc. Five (5) students from each school will be recognized at the State Career Conference Documentation is due (not postmarked) by January 8, 2016. All supporting documentation is to be mailed to Mary Peres, 285 Hill Road, Goshen, NY 10924. THE CHAPTER ADVISOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING VERIFICATION IN THE FORM OF A LETTER OUTLINING THE ABOVE INFORMATION. 27 NEW YORK STATE DECA CAREER CONFERENCE SCHOLARSHIP New York State DECA will be offering a scholarship for high school DECA members who will be attending the 2016 New York State DECA Conference. The scholarship will cover the student’s hotel and registration cost at the quad rate. Because the scholarship funds that we have are limited, we ask that you only apply if the funds are truly needed. If you were a recipient last year you are not eligible this year. In order to apply for the scholarship, you must complete the following application and submit all supporting documentation by January 8, 2016. Late applications will not be accepted. The home district advisor(s) of the student(s) chosen for the scholarship will be informed on or about January 20, 2016. The New York State DECA Board of Trustees attending the January Board Meeting will make scholarship decisions. Decisions will be based upon both financial need as well as the completed application. Please be assured that all information provided will be kept in the strictest confidence by the Board of Trustees. Please do not wait until after your Regional program to apply. If you believe you have a student that qualifies and might be attending SCC it is better to submit the application on time rather than have the student miss out on the award! Mail the following documents by the deadline in order to be considered for the scholarship: 1. The scholarship application. 2. From the student a one to two page statement explaining your current involvement in DECA and how you see the organization helping you in your future. 3. A statement regarding your financial need on school letterhead from a guidance counselor/school administrator (not your DECA advisor). The original copy of the statement from a guidance counselor/school administrator must also be mailed in a sealed envelope, affixed with 28 the school seal along with all supporting material and application to the address below: Mary Peres 285 Hill Road Goshen, NY 10924 If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mary Peres at prior to the due date. DEADLINE DATE FOR APPLICATION AND ALL SUPPORTING MATERIAL AND DOCUMENTATION JANUARY 8, 2016 LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT CONSIDERED FOR REVIEW. *Do not wait until Regionals to apply. If you have a student you think might qualify submit their name as early as possible. 29 APPLICATION Student Name:_________________________________________________ Grade:_______________ Number of Years in DECA:_____________ Have you competed at the New York State DECA Competition: Yes No Have you competed at the International DECA Competition: Yes No If you have competed in either the New York State or International DECA Competitions, briefly describe what year(s) you competed, what event(s) you competed in, and if you placed. DECA Chapter:________________________________________________ DECA Advisor:________________________________________________ DECA Advisor Email:___________________________________________ Region:_______________________________________________________ How much is your chapter charging you to attend the 2016 New York State DECA Competition? Please attach cost breakdown on school letterhead. 30 FROM YOUR EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Experienced Leaders Greetings New York DECA, Our new and exciting DECA year has finally begun; with over 6,700 of our colleagues actively participating in the organization statewide! This year celebrates both the newly inducted and returning members of DECA by rewarding chapters with membership achievement recognition. We especially want to lend our support this year to freshman members, who are beginning their DECA journey, and urge our chapters to mentor them in order to ensure they have a successful and productive first year. We also encourage chapters to sign up professional alumni members, as it could it be helpful for chapter campaign activities and will increase DECA’s overall membership, as well as give an opportunity to gain more corporate support. New York DECA’s membership achievement awards will be bestowed upon the chapters at our 2016 SCC in Rochester; including chapters with more than 15 new members or more than a 15% increase in membership. The awards should encourage members to advocate for their chapters, as well as broadcast the importance of DECA to their school. Congratulations to all of our new chapters and members, and best of luck in fulfilling your chapter membership goals! Irene Kowalski President New York DECA, 31 Community Oriented Helping the community is an integral part of New York DECA’s mission. For this school year, the New York DECA Executive council has chosen to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital as the recipient of the Community Service project. St. Jude’s is helping the world understand and defeat childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. They are focusing on making big discoveries, funded mainly by public donations, to ensure that young children all over the world are able to grow up. People’s contributions make free treatment for families possible. In a little more than half a century, the organization has helped push the survival rate for childhood cancer by 60%. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is located in Memphis, Tennessee. A popular fundraiser is the “Mathathon.” More information about the charity and fundraising ideas can be found at New York DECA is supporting this charity to give back to the community and to make a difference in the lives of those in need. We are encouraging all members and chapters throughout New York to fundraise and donate as much as possible. Our goal is $5,000. The Executive Council will recognize all New York DECA chapters that contribute to the state charity, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Awards will be based upon donations received by January 8th. Please send all donations to Treasurer Shaan Legros at the address below: Shaan Legros Attention Kristen Casto Orchard Park High School 4040 Baker Rd. Orchard Park, NY 14127, 32 DECA Display Contest Show your chapter’s pride in DECA and fulfill one of DECA’s main guiding principles, being community oriented through this year’s DECA Display Contest. A bulletin board or display demonstrates to your school community what your chapter and DECA are all about. You can raise awareness of your DECA chapter, showcase your member’s accomplishments, and promote DECA events. For this reason, the Executive Council will recognize the chapters that have the best DECA display cases/Bulletin Boards. Chapters will be split into three groups: new chapters, chapters will less than 50 members and chapters with 50 members or greater. If a chapter qualifies for two categories, they must indicate only one category for consideration. A winner will be chosen from each group and recognized at the SCC. All entries must meet the guidelines listed below and will be evaluated based on the following rubric. GUIDELINES The minimum size of the bulletin board or display is 4 feet by 5 feet Posters or trifolds may not be used as the actual display or bulletin board, but can be attached or placed in the bulletin board/display Each chapter must submit 1-3 photos of their bulletin board or display to by January 8th. RUBRIC Use of National Theme “Be Epic” Diversity (multiple students & activities) Visual Appeal (organization, clarity) New York DECA Spirit Creativity 0 Points Does not use theme 1-10 Points Uses theme occasionally Focuses on one student or activity Disorganized, hard to understand Focuses on 1-2 students or activities Mostly organized, some parts are hard to understand Mentions New York DECA Stands out, unique Does not mention New York DECA Plain, not unique 10-20 Points Uses theme throughout bulletin board Focuses on 3 or more students or activities Completely organized and understandable Conveys pride in New York DECA Shows great creativity TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS: 30 33 Professionally Responsible Dear New York State DECA Members and Advisors, “Success Sings” is this year’s New York DECA theme – a message central to this year’s ICDC location in Nashville, Tennessee and to our organization as a whole. The theme, decided upon by our Executive Council, resonates with the values presented by DECA. We hope to inspire our members to become academically prepared, community oriented, professionally responsible, and experienced leaders. If you work hard and persevere through all your DECA activities, whether it is competing or even running for an officer position, you will surely see that success will sing with you. In order to succeed as an association, we urge you to be in contact with Officer Team 56, as it is our ultimate goal to help you! To stay updated on New York DECA, it is important to check in with social media. Be sure to “like” New York DECA’s Facebook page and follow our Twitter handle (@NewYorkDECA). In addition, the Executive Council’s contact information can be found on This year, along with our state theme, we would also like to promote the national theme which is “Be Epic”, followed by the #beDECAepic. With regard to our state theme, this year’s public speaking event will focus around the following two questions: “How did you make your voice resonate in your DECA Chapter this year?” and “How has DECA helped you raise your voice in your community?” New York DECA has a lot of exciting moments planned for this school year, and we would like you all to keep the theme in mind as you grow through your DECA journey! The Executive Council and I are excited to have you explore the new opportunities this year and we hope you take advantage of them! Get involved in campaigns for membership and charity, participate in the new bulletin board contest, run for state office, and work hard for your competition. Whatever it is that you do in DECA, just remember that “Success Sings” with you! Thank You, Riya Shah New York DECA Secretary 34 Dear New York DECA, Sadly summer is over but that’s okay because this means it’s the start of a new DECA year! As the 2015-2016 school year commences, there are so many ways to get involved and be “DECA EPIC!” Be on the lookout for DECA’s Chapter Campaigns and their dates! There are so many exciting challenges, and opportunities that are perfect for developing your chapter’s Program of Leadership, building lasting partnerships within your school and community, increasing the growth of your chapter, and allow your chapter to gain the recognition it deserves! There are 5 chapter campaigns to select from: Global Entrepreneurship Week Due November 16-23, 2015 Promotional Due December 1, 2015, Community Service Due December 1, 2015, Up Membership Due December 1, 2015 Advocacy Campaign February 1, 2016. These 5 campaigns cover several aspects of DECA as well as setting up specific goals for your chapter! The chapter campaigns also provide an opportunity to attend the THRIVE academy in Nashville, Tennessee and chapters who complete each campaign also have the opportunity to receive a certificate, flag, pennant, and a plaque at their State Career Conference. Team 56 urges you to explore what DECA’s Chapter Campaigns has to offer and encourages you to be “DECA EPIC!” Thank you for the privilege of serving you on the Executive Council and I look forward to all the accomplishments that lie ahead! Thank You, Nicole Nissan New York DECA Parliamentarian 35