Fall 2016 Language: English Format:PDF
Fall 2016 Language: English Format:PDF
FALL 2016 / CONTENT New Releases title Gestalten Backlist A–Z page The Monocle Guide to Drinking and Dining . . . . . . 2 Evergreen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 The Way of the West . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Graphic Recording . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 The Monocle Travel Guide Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Berlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Los Angeles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Rome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Copenhagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Toronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Wildside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Look Inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The Hinterland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 We Are Dandy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Below Zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Scandinavia Dreaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 First Things First! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 I Don’t Have a Favourite Colour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Wonderwall Case Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Copy Paste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Container Atlas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Africa Rising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 By The People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Porsche 911 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Lost In City Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 The Flyfisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Pencil Perfect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Gestalten Recent List title page The Drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Kaleidoscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 The Tale of Tomorrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Divine Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 How to Make a Nation: A Monocle Guide . . . . . . .49 How to be Chap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Blue Blooded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Surf Odyssey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Otherworldly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Velo 3rd Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 The Age of Collage Vol. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Infinite Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 PhotoViz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 The Intelligent Lifestyle Magazine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Olaf Breuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 The Design Hotels™ Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 title page The Age of Collage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Around the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Barley & Hops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Carsten Nicolai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 The Chamber of Curiosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 The Craft and the Makers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Crafted Meat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 The Delicious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Forever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 From Tip to Toe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Gentlemen, Start Your Engines! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 The Great Wide Open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Hello, I am Erik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Hide and Seek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 I am Dandy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Illusive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68 The Journey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Kitchen Kulture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Knife and Fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Less and More . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Let’s Go Out Again . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Liquid Spaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84 Living Under the Sun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66 Los Logos 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 A Map of the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Mind the Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 The Monocle Guide to Better Living . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 The Monocle Guide to Cosy Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 The Monocle Guide to Good Business . . . . . . . . . . . 63 The Monocle Travel Guide Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 The New Nomads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Northern Delights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Off the Road. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 On Beer and Food . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Once in a Lifetime Vol. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 Out of the Jar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 The Outsiders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 A Poor Collector’s Guide to Buying Great Art . . . .70 The Ride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 The Ride 2nd Gear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Rock the Shack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 The Shopkeepers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Start Me Up!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 The Still Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67 The Story of Eames Furniture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 Traditional Couture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 TITLE THE MONOCLE GUIDE TO DRINKING AND DINING DESIGN & FASHION MONOCLE was launched by Tyler Brûlé in By: Monocle Features: Full color, hardcover, 400 pages, 20 × 26.5 cm Price: € 45 (D) £ 40 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-668-1 NEW ABOUT MONOCLE 2007 as a monthly magazine briefing on global affairs, business, culture, design, and much more. Today, MONOCLE is a complete, media brand with a suite of travel guides under its belt, a 24-hour radio station, a film-rich website, retail ventures around the globe, and cafés in Tokyo and London. Besides their London HQ they have seven international bureaux in New York, Toronto, Istanbul, Singapore, Tokyo, Zurich, and Hong Kong. At their core is the simple belief that there will always be a place for a print brand that is committed to telling fresh stories and sending photographers on assignments. Release: September 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] In this vibrant large-format manual, discover and explore good food and its power to shape both people and places. If Monocle were a restaurant it would be where local produce is simply prepared, wine is served without fuss, and all are welcome. It would anchor the neighborhood, support young chefs, and none would worry about Michelin stars. This world of slow-ish food and pleasures informs the forthcoming guide to food and drink. As with much of Monocle’s work, it inspires those who would like to rescue a forlorn vineyard or corner store while revealing the best market in Helsinki or café in Auckland. It speaks to a global generation who may hold an MBA but feel that a decent burger chain is the way ahead. From famed faces sharing tales over supper to anecdotes from raconteurs and a sprinkling of recipes, our editors have prepared a truly nourishing experience. Hungry for more? 2 FRONTLIST 3 FRONTLIST TITLE NEW DESIGN & FASHION EVERGREEN Living with Plants Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-673-5 Release: September 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] From rooftop gardens to flora-laden balconies, flowers and plants bestow warm grace to unconventional and indoor spaces. Private paradises nestled in the backyards of homes. Rooftops that act as community gardens. Edible patches of beauty hidden within city blocks. Evergreen shows the green aesthetic statement that allows city dwellers to bring nature back into the every day and quenches urban gardening desires. Living with plants is mutually beneficial. Beyond the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen, leaves, flowers, and stems bring a warm and individual charisma to any space. From interior decorations to citywide projects, Evergreen invites both community and individual to nurture their green thumb and create a horticultural paradise. 4 FRONTLIST 5 FRONTLIST TITLE ESCAPE THE WAY OF THE WEST The Photography of Jim Krantz By: Jim Krantz Editors: Gestalten & Nina Zywietz Features: Full color, hardcover, 320 pages, 24.5 × 33 cm Price: € 49.90 (D) £ 45 $ 69 ISBN: 978-3-89955-676-6 NEW ABOUT JIM KRANTZ JIM KRANTZ has spent much of his career photographing the American West. A student of Ansel Adams and represented by the James Danziger Gallery, he has continued to create iconic photos that communicate the persona of the American cowboy and the image of the Marlboro Man. Release: October 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] The beauty, myth, and reality of the American West captured in the emotive and striking photographs of Jim Krantz. The Way of the West depicts the reality behind a romanticized lifestyle of grit, gumption, and backbone, while honoring the authenticity and mythology of the American West. Feel the sun beating through a cotton shirt. Smell the dust as the breeze drives across the open plain. Taste the salt of the sweat and hear the distant highway in its duet with the hawks overhead. The Way of the West rawly and artistically displays the intimate relationship between nature’s desert landscapes and the people who live and work among the dust and the clouds. An iconic folk hero, the cowboy is equal parts human being and philosophical ideal, and only one part of the Western frontier. The photos of Jim Krantz collected in The Way of the West tell the complete story; they illustrate a state of mind driven by the simplicity of life on the plains, the illusive idea of true freedom, and personal portraits of an exceptional circle of friends. 6 FRONTLIST 7 FRONTLIST TITLE VISUAL CULTURE GRAPHIC RECORDING Live Illustrations for Meetings, Conferences and Workshops Editors: Anna Lena Schiller & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 176 pages, 24 × 28 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 55 ISBN: 978-3-89955-656-8 NEW ABOUT ANNA LENA SCHILLER Listen and draw —ANNA LENA SCHILLER’S profession sounds like a dream job, but the freelance consultant is actually very busy. She helps various companies to better structure and visualize their meetings, holds workshops about visual thought, and teaches at the Bauhaus University in Weimar. Graphic Recording denotes the release of her first book. Release: September 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] Graphic Recording —creating live, on-site illustrations to document and visualize presentations, workshops, and meetings —is popular and spreading rapidly. This is the definitive guide. To see the big picture, draw it first. Graphic recording is the rapidly growing practice of visualizing the content of a presentation or meeting by drawing it live with markers and a large sheet of paper. Hand-drawn cartoons and diagrams entertainingly represent key messages, ideas, goals, and results, ensuring high engagement and retention. This book is the first how-to guide for creating graphic recordings and using them to make meetings and workshops more effective. Expert graphic recorder Anna Lena Schiller reveals the essential tools and techniques with examples and helpful visuals. 8 FRONTLIST 9 FRONTLIST TITLE THE MONOCLE TRAVEL GUIDE SERIES TRAVEL GUIDE NEW LOS ANGELES By: Monocle Monocle editor in chief: Tyler Brûlé Monocle editors: Andrew Tuck, Joe Pickard Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 Sorry, there is no cover available yet! The definitive travel guides that make you feel like a local wherever you go. Monocle reports from around the globe. As its editors and correspondents dart from city to city, they get to know the best places to rest their heads, stretch their limbs, and kick back with a contact in a hard-tofind cocktail bar. That information is now available in The Monocle Travel Guide Series: a line-up of titles that speaks to readers in an informed but informal way about everything from architecture to art, late-night bars to early-morning markets. Designed to be compact and collectable, these books go beyond the traditional tourist beats to make sure visitors get the best out of a city —no matter how short their stay. The guides are also discerning: they will not list a hundred places to eat, but they will focus on what is best for any occasion. “Just what we look for in a travel guide. To-the-point, with competent recommendations and a clear stance.” SKYLINES ROME Sorry, there is no cover available yet! BERLIN 10 Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Joe Pickard Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-681-0 COPENHAGEN Sorry, there is no cover available yet! Sorry, there is no cover available yet! Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Joe Pickard Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-680-3 Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Joe Pickard Features: full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-679-7 FRONTLIST Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Joe Pickard Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN:978-3-89955-682-7 TORONTO Sorry, there is no cover available yet! 11 Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Joe Pickard Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-683-4 FRONTLIST TITLE NEW ESCAPE WILDSIDE The Enchanted Life of Hunters and Gatherers Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-672-8 Release: September 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] The woods are alive with possibilities: Retreat into nature, meet mushroom pickers, collectors, and explorers. Build cabins and scenic trails, create crafts, or start inspired projects. This is the way to the forest. Step into the woods —refuge and escape and home. Some go there to hike or fish. The people and projects presented in this book do so much more. Join them as they gather honey from wild hives and pick mushrooms from beneath secretive oaks. Build a cabin of your own, or a lookout up there in the treetops. Bike trails, walking paths, woodcrafts. Anything and everything to experience the forest, both architectural and intangible. With profiles and essays that inspire us to step off the beaten path and photographs that bring the experience home, Wildside is the guide to modern outdoor activities. 12 FRONTLIST 13 FRONTLIST TITLE VISUAL CULTURE JUAN VELASCO served as Art Director at LOOK INSIDE Cutaway Illustrations and Visual Storytelling NEW ABOUT JUAN VELASCO Editors: Juan Velasco & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24.5 × 33 cm New Price: € 39,90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-639-1 National Geographic for many years and has won multiple awards from the Society of News Design and Malofiej. He is the founder and creative director of 5W Infographics, a company based in Madrid, New York, and Washington, D.C. A detailed portrait of the information designer can be found in Gestalten’s A Life in Illustration. Release: September 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] The cutaway illustrations in this book allow our eyes to see what usually remains hidden. They open up houses, bodies, and objects, and explain them. Looking at the outside of things such as architecture, anatomy, or vehicles does not usually reveal much about their internal structures and functions. To learn more, we need to see inside them. Look Inside features infographics that cut up or take apart their subjects and make them transparent. The resulting cross sections and interior views present precise detail in multiple layers. Including work from both centuries past and the cutting-edge present, Look Inside is an unparalleled compendium of cutaway techniques and their wide-ranging applications. Renowned information designer Juan Velasco provides insight into their history and theory. 14 FRONTLIST 15 FRONTLIST TITLE NEW ARCHITECTURE THE HINTERLAND Cabins, Love Shacks and Other Hide-Outs Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 288 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-663-6 Release: September 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] The cabin has become our third place, our hideaway where we can recharge our spirits and reconnect with ourselves, away from the restraints of society and the stress of the everyday. This book presents the best new cabin architecture and design. We all need to be somewhere else, just for a little while. The cabin is that somewhere else. They allow us to get into a different state of mind, one where we can just have a good time. Four walls and a roof and a weekend —these getaways free us from the distracting and unessential, and put us back in touch with nature and our own inner peace. In cabins, we can savor solitude or share experiences with friends among mountains, rivers, woods, and wildlife. The Hinterland explores architecture and design approaches to creating the refuges that refresh and revitalize amidst the beauty of nature. 16 FRONTLIST 17 FRONTLIST TITLE DESIGN & FASHION WE ARE DANDY The Elegant Gentleman around the World Photographs by Rose Callahan Texts by Nathaniel Adams Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 288 pages, 22.5 × 29 cm Preis: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-667-4 ABOUT NATHANIEL ADAMS ABOUT ROSE CALLAHAN NATHANIEL „NATTY“ ADAMS has been involved with the historical and contemporary Dandy phenomenon for many years —it even informs his own wardrobe. A research grant aided the studied journalist in traveling around the world and into the eclectic homes of various Dandies. New York is more than the current home of filmmaker and photographer, ROSE CALLAHAN; the city is also the site and start of her involvement with the Dandy. In 2008, she created the blog The Dandy Portraits, where she documents the many facets of the modern gentleman. Shortly afterwards, she met Natty Adams and the idea for I am Dandy was born. Release: October 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] Around the world, dandies embrace style while respecting their local cultural traditions. Dandyism transcends fashion —it is a committed way of life. An international survey of the global dandy community from the creators of I am Dandy. From America to Africa to Asia, dandyism is a way of life. It is fashion in the best sense, self-esteem through style. And, in every country, it takes a unique form as dandies draw on the local context and fashion culture to shape their looks. We Are Dandy throws open the doors of the wardrobe and explores the dandy as a global phenomenon. With texts as witty as the subjects are stylish, the book pokes between the folds to let us know these exceptional individuals. For them, their dandy fashion is more than a trend or a phase, it is who they are, the outer expression of their inner selves. Photographs and profiles paired with clever histories reveal what it takes to look your best around the world. 18 FRONTLIST 19 FRONTLIST NEW TITLE NEW ESCAPE BELOW ZERO Adventures out in the Cold Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 55 ISBN: 978-3-89955-678-0 Release: October 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] From dog sledding to ice fishing to waterfall climbing to bandy, countless possibilities await beyond the crowded ski slope and traditional winter activities. Create the winter wonderland that you desire and crave. Colder temperatures invite a variety of unique ways to interact with nature. Dog sleighs and snowshoes facilitate movement across snowy plains for everyday icy life whilst ice motocross and figure skating provide a burst of adrenaline. Whether you are looking for a vacation spot where the sun shimmers off of a glittering frozen cliff or for an athletic alternative to the conventional ski slopes, Below Zero celebrates the search for cabins instead of offices and parkas instead of suit jackets. Through images of landscapes dusted in a powdery palette and depictions of cold weather athletics, any questions of what to do with a snow day are answered in Below Zero. This volume explores the brisk side of nature’s beauty and the adventures that await when the mercury drops. 20 FRONTLIST 21 FRONTLIST TITLE NEW ARCHITECTURE SCANDINAVIA DREAMING Nordic Homes, Interiors and Design Editors: Angel Trinidad, Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-670-4 European Release: September 6, 2016 International Release: October 20, 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] Scandinavian design has a worldwide reputation for the effortless combination of classical restraint and warm materials. Nordic solutions and inspirations create an aesthetically balanced and traditionally elegant space. Modern and minimalist. Rational but stylish. The world of Scandinavian architecture is a visual vault of grace, understated elegance, function, and tradition. From tile-covered roofs born from the existence of nearby clay deposits to large windows that let in light during the shorter winter days, Scandinavia Dreaming provides insight into Nordic design and showcases the skilled craftsmanship. Artisans fresh from design school breathe new life into the traditional usage of tile, wood, glass, ceramics, and other customarily Nordic materials. Scandinavia Dreaming tells their story and that of their predecessors: an aesthetic and historic journey through a world of style and heritage. Reading between the sleek lines and delving into the rich traditions: the balanced and stylish aesthetic of Scandinavian architecture inspires global mimicry. 22 FRONTLIST 23 FRONTLIST TITLE NEW VISUAL CULTURE FIRST THINGS FIRST! New Branding and Design for New Businesses Editors: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 28 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-671-1 Release: September 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] Creative outsiders and first-time founders are redefining what used to be called corporate design in a more holistic and playful way. A breath of fresh air from a new breed. Striking corporate design is a must-have for any new business. For the outsiders and first-timers entering the market, corporate design is not an add-on, it is part of the soul of the business itself. And it demands fresh ideas unfettered by standard approaches. This book presents real examples from shop owners and mechanics, dentists and organic farmers —businesses discovering corporate design for the first time —as well as from traditionally creative companies like marketing agencies or restaurants, and hotels. With profiles and photographs it explores their novel approaches to corporate design. 24 FRONTLIST 25 FRONTLIST TITLE DESIGN & FASHION I DON’T HAVE A FAVOURITE COLOUR Editor: Hella Jongerius Features: Full color, hardcover, 152 pages, 23 × 21 cm Price: € 35 (D) £ 30 $ 45 ISBN: 978-3-89955-665-0 NEW ABOUT VITRA Creating innovative products and concepts is VITRA’S essence. Developed in Switzerland and installed worldwide, they build inspirational spaces. VITRA believes in loyalty, durable products, sustainable growth, and the power of design. The Vitra Campus and Design Museum inspire visitors, inform the design process, and create a flourishing atmosphere. Release: May 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] A vibrant lesson in the interaction between facades and surfaces. Discover the uses and explore the possibilities of a nuanced world of colors and textures. Ten years ago, the designer Hella Jongerius began a research project for the Swiss furniture company, Vitra, to study the properties and possibilities of colors, textures, finishes, and materials. This long-term project has resulted in the Vitra Colour & Material Library, which is dedicated to the establishment and further development of an intelligent system of colors, materials, and textiles that make it easy to create inspiring environments in offices, homes and public spaces. In the book I Don’t Have a Favourite Colour, Hella Jongerius describes her method of research and the application of its results to the Vitra product portfolio. 26 FRONTLIST 27 FRONTLIST TITLE ARCHITECTURE WONDERWALL CASE STUDIES Works by a Global Interior Design Firm By: Winkreative Features: Full color, hardcover, 360 pages, 23 × 30 cm Price: € 49.90 (D) £ 45 $ 69 ISBN: 978-3-89955-647-6 Release: August 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ABOUT WONDERWALL ABOUT WINKREATIVE WONDERWALL is an interior design firm that has won worldwide renown for its unconstrained approach in conceptualizing distinctive retail environments which enhance the brand vision of its clients, all the while respecting traditional design philosophies. Founded by Masamichi Katayama in 2000, the Tokyo-based firm has worked extensively around the globe, developing design concepts that touch the subconscious of the occupant of each individual space. WINKREATIVE is an international branding, design and creative agency distinguished by its global focus, editorial authority and rigorous strategic approach. With 60 multilingual staff, it serves more than 40 clients in 15-plus countries, all of which are united by premium positions in their respective markets. Founded by Tyler Brûlé in 1998, WINKREATIVE continues to evolve as a unique, multidisciplinary agency, focused on solving real-world business challenges through intelligent creative work. ] Masamichi Katayama’s Wonderwall studio combines a truly Asian approach to retail with a global outlook that has resulted in worldwide success and influence. Wonderwall’s East meets West approach to retail design has produced influential successes like UNIQLO, the Diesel flagship store, and the futuristic innards of Intersect by Lexus. The design house is based in Tokyo, with a scope and inspiration unbound by geographic borders. The bold unconstrained approach brings conventional visual branding into question and infuses new life into existing concepts. A colorful Asian take on retail design and Katayama’s admitted obsession with cuboid forms blend to successfully form design spaces that visually display branding. Wonderwall Case Studies gathers these projects for an inside look at what makes their designs succeed. 28 FRONTLIST 29 FRONTLIST NEW TITLE COPY PASTE How Advertising Recycles Ideas VISUAL CULTURE NEW TITLE SAMPLE COVER A Practical Guide to Container Architecture By: Joe la Pompe Editor: Mike Koedinger Features: Full color, hardcover, 228 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 55 ISBN: 978-3-89955-690-2 ] NEW CONTAINER ATLAS NEW ISBN Release: August 2016 [ ARCHITECTURE Editors: Han Slawik, Julia Bergmann, Matthias Buchmeier, Sonja Tinney Features: Full color, hardcover, 288 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 49.90 (D) £ 45 $ 69 ISBN: 978-3-89955-669-8 Release: postponed to Spring 2017 [ SAMPLE COVER ] Taking a second look at advertising campaigns: revealing reproductions, trumpeting creativity, and inspiring all to look just a little closer. A reinvigoration of an architectural classic. Added projects provide insight into the ever-developing world of container architecture. Books about advertising are supposed to be a source of inspiration, yet here is one that takes the opposite tack. Not that the dozens of adverts compiled here are bad — au contraire. They have been presented at major industry conferences and some have even won awards —but because many of them are, knowingly or not, reproductions. Whether that is the result of deliberate plagiarism or unlucky coincidence remains an open question. You are free to judge for yourself. An expanded reprint of a beloved tome, this book presents a wide range of projects in container architecture —a contemporary architectural phenomenon. In addition to previously released projects, nearly twenty new examples await to inspire and to engage. Container Atlas features container structures used as pop-up stores and temporary exhibits as well as sophisticated housing and office spaces that provoke and inspire while setting new standards in functionality and aesthetics. But the book is not only visually inspiring. Because it documents plans, describes associated costs, and suggests concrete solutions for common problems, it is a practical reference for architects, planners, and cultural activists as well as event and marketing managers, to guide them in deciding what types of containers are best suited to their upcoming projects. For nearly 20 years, JOE LA POMPE has pursued a passion for uncovering identical adverts. Working undercover, today he is the world’s best known “copycat hunter”. The French blogger is followed by advertisers from around the world, who love his revelations. Until he catches them, that is. Copy Paste, his third book, campaigns for more creativity. You will have to read it at least twice. 30 Architect and professor HAN SLAWIK is reputed as an international expert on the theme of container architecture. Together with his team, he has been involved for many years with not only the precise theory of, but also the realization of, modular buildings. FRONTLIST 31 FRONTLIST TITLE NEW DESIGN & FASHION AFRICA RISING Fashion, Design and Lifestyle from Africa Editor: Gestalten, Design Indaba Features: Full color, hardcover, 304 pages, 24 × 30 cm New Price: € 39,90 (D) £ 40 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-641-4 Release: September 2016 African fashion and design is colorful, unconventional, fresh, elegant, and self-confident. Africa Rising showcases the work of young creatives from the continent’s vibrant metropolises. Africa’s young, self-confident creative scene is attracting worldwide attention and its work is showing the continent in a new light. Its dynamic design and fashion, as well as the products of its other creative industries, constantly surprise with their unique combination of innovation and tradition. African design, like that of other regions, often reflects or acts as a catalyst for social and economic developments. Interdisciplinary artists such as Die Antwoord and Xander Ferreira have made names for themselves well beyond Africa’s borders. Their work and that of their contemporaries redefines African creativity and calls stereotypes and clichés into question. That spirit extends to the vibrant restaurant scene, with fresh approaches to regional foods and beverages, and to the hotels and even safari lodges that exemplify the very special African approach to enjoying life. Africa Rising is a compelling exploration of this scene’s talented pioneers and their outstanding projects. 32 FRONTLIST 33 FRONTLIST TITLE DESIGN & FASHION CYNTHIA E. SMITH serves as Cooper Hewitt, BY THE PEOPLE Designing a Better America By: Cynthia Smith Editor: Cooper Hewitt Features: Paperback, rounded corners, 256 pages, 21 × 27 cm Price: € 25 (D) £ 20,00 $ 40,00 ISBN: 978-3-89955-691-9 No US Distribution Release: September 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER NEW ABOUT CYNTHIA E. SMITH Smithsonian Design Museum’s Curator of Socially Responsible Design. Trained as an industrial designer she led multidisciplinary projects for cultural institutions. After earning a graduate degree from Harvard’s Kennedy School, she joined Cooper Hewitt where she integrates her work experience with her advocacy on human rights and social justice issues. She co-authored The Politics of Genocide: U.S. Rhetoric vs. Inaction in Dafur for the Kennedy School Review; curated the Design with the Other 90 % exhibition series; co-curated the Design Triennial: Why Design Now?; serves on international design juries; and lectures widely on socially responsible design. ] How can design alleviate poverty? By the People explores the interplay and commonalities between poverty relief and design solutions. Designing a Better America — the third volume in Cooper Hewitt’s series for socially responsible design — examines how design is effectively challenging poverty and social inequality in urban and rural communities. The book explores current social, economic, and environmental themes in America and its bordering countries. While the issues highlight conditions in the United States, the focus on marginalized and underserved communities is universal. By the People coincides with Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum’s exhibition of the same name, which explores underserved communities in America amidst growing social, economic, and environmental challenges and a rise in public awareness of social inequality. 34 FRONTLIST 35 FRONTLIST TITLE ESCAPE PORSCHE 911 The Ultimate Sportscar as Cultural Icon By: Ulf Poschardt & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 200 pages, 21 × 26 cm Price: € 35.00 (D) £ 30 $ 40 ISBN: 978-3-89955-687-2 NEW ABOUT ULF POSCHARDT Born in Nuremberg in 1967, Ulf Poschardt is a graduate of philosophy and the deputy editor of Die Welt, Welt am Sonntag, and N24. In his professional past, Poschardt was chief editor of the Süddeutsche Zeitung magazine and of Vanity Fair. His other publications include DJ Culture and 911, a book dedicated to the Porsche 911. Release: November 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] The thinking man’s sports car: a symbol of the relentless desire for peak power and limitless performance, the Porsche 911 inspires a worldwide ripple effect. When Ferdinand Porsche could not find a sportscar he liked, he decided to build one himself. The rest is history. Jerry Seinfeld collects Porsches, Steve McQueen loved the car. Since its launch, the 911 has built a reputation for itself as “the thinking man’s sportscar”. It is not just a car but a cultural icon with a fanbase spanning young to old, east to west, rich and poor. 36 FRONTLIST 37 FRONTLIST TITLE TRAVEL GUIDE LOST IN CITY GUIDES [ SAMPLE COVER By: LOST iN Managing Directors: Joseph Djenanji, Philipp Majcher Editor-in-Chief: Uwe Hasenfuss Features: full colour, softbound, 68 pages, 6.3 × 8.3 in / 16 × 21 cm Price: €10 (EU), $12 (US), £9 (UK) NEW ABOUT LOST Getting lost in the city is not about throwing away the map. It’s about surrendering yourself to the essence of the place. The sights, smells, flavours and sounds that make it unique. The photography, the art, the creativity that provide its individual inspiration. Getting lost is diving headfirst into what makes each city its own. ] Getting lost is diving headfirst into what makes each city its own. LOST iN guides present cities from the perspective of creative locals. Artists, chefs, designers and musicians share their passion for their hometown. Their tips are complemented by in-depth stories, photo showcases and fiction — revealing the true essence of the city. BERLIN (2nd edition) PARIS (2nd edition) ISBN: 978-3-00-045169-0 ISBN: 978-3-00-045170-6 Availability: May Availability: May LONDON VIENNA AMSTERDAM ISBN: 978-3-00-047389-0 Availability: May ISBN: 978-3-00-048381-3 ISBN: 978-3-00-048733-0 Availability: May Availability: May Availability: May NEW YORK IBIZA BUENOS AIRES ISBN: 978-3-946647-00-3 ISBN: 978-3-946647-07-2 Availability: May Availability: June COPENHAGEN LOS ANGELES ISBN: 978-3-946647-02-7 ISBN: 978-3-00-052805-7 Availability: June Availability: May LISBON WARSAW ISBN: 978-3-946647-01-0 ISBN: 978-3-946647-03-4 Availability: June Availability: June ISBN: 978-3-00-052496-7 Availability: May MILAN ISBN: 978-3-00-048130-7 BARCELONA UPCOMING CITY GUIDES: STOCKHOLM FRANKFURT ZURICH TOKYO ISBN: 978-3-946647-04-1 ISBN: 978-3-946647-06-5 Availability: June Availability: June MIAMI 38 ISBN: 978-3-00-049198-6 ISBN: 978-3-00-049494-9 ISBN: 978-3-00-050272-9 ISBN: 978-3-946647-05-8 Availability: May Availability: May Availability: May Availability: June FRONTLIST 39 FRONTLIST TITLE ESCAPE THE FLYFISHER The Essence and Essentials of Flyfishing Editors: Thorsten Strüben, Jan Blumentritt, Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 30 cm New Price: € 39,90 (D) £ 40 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-674-2 NEW ABOUT THORSTEN S. & JAN B. For over fifteen years, fly fishing has been the elixir of life for THORSTEN STRÜBEN. He is an instructor with the European Fly Fishing Association where he teaches budding fly fishers the discipline. Strüben also acts as an ambassador for Loop, the largest tackle manufacturer in the industry. In The Flyfisher, he pairs his knowledge of the scene with his technical expertise. A freelance creative director from Hamburg and an active fly fisher for several years, JAN BLUMENTRITT and his friends partake in fly fishing adventures as much as possible. Blumentritt also joins anglers and fly tyers on fishing expeditions as a photojournalist. Release: postponed to Spring 2017 [ SAMPLE COVER ] Fly fishing is an inimitable form of escapism for outdoor enthusiasts. Much more than a sport, fly fishing invites connecting with nature and the defining of a personal aesthetic. Equal parts outdoor meditation and escapism, fly fishing appeals to a diverse audience. The dedicated focus on the task at hand makes daily life fade away and the fly-fisher is free to connect with the soothing sounds of the water while awaiting a catch. From rod to reel to weighted line, the art of fly fishing is rife in details. Filled with photos of anglers and their habitats, the craftsmanship of tying flies, and expert discussions on the right gear to wear to wade into a favorite river, The Flyfisher is the first comprehensive discussion of this multifaceted sport. It is as much about the triumphant catch as the craft of building bait paired with the art of appreciating the overall experience as well as the method. 40 FRONTLIST 41 FRONTLIST TITLE THE PENCIL PERFECT The Untold Story of a Cultural Icon VISUAL CULTURE Text: Caroline Weaver Editor: Gestalten Illustrated by Oriana Fenwick Features: Full color, hardcover, 144 pages, 21 × 26 cm Price: € 29.90 (D) £ 25 $ 40 ISBN: 978-3-89955-675-9 NEW ABOUT CAROLINE WEAVER CAROLINE WEAVER opened CE Pencil Enterprise, a shop in New York’s Lower East Side that is dedicated to the pencil and the coordinating accessories. For the obsessively passionate pencil collector, there is nothing better than the smell of wood and the ritual of sharpening. Release: postponed to Spring [ SAMPLE COVER ] Intimate and individual, pencil and paper are a personal touch in a digital age. The pencil is our direct connection between mind and page. We tell the story of an overlooked cultural icon with anecdotes, unexpected facts, and hand-drawn pencil-and-paper illustrations. This book features profiles of pencil crafters, anecdotes about famous writers and their favorite pencils, and essays about the surprising role of pencils in world history and culture. The Pencil Perfect explores the culture, heritage, manufacture, and meaning of the pencil. The humble instrument is now more relevant and romanticized than ever because it reconnects us with a simpler time. More and more of us are putting down the smartphone —and picking up a pencil. This small, every day object brings us back to the simple and the tangible. 42 FRONTLIST 43 FRONTLIST TITLE ESCAPE RECENT THE DRIVE Custom Cars and Their Builders Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 400 pages, 30 × 27 cm Price: € 49.90 (D) £ 45 $ 69 ISBN: 978-3-89955-651-3 Release: June 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] Better than the original and a long way from factories and assembly lines. Handcrafted, radical, and subversive, these custom cars are designed and made by a small number of specialists around the globe. De Tomaso Pantera “ADRLN” by Ringbrothers: Making Your ADRNLN Run Yellow From early hot rods and lowriders to modern tuning: this book presents a huge variety of unique cars from around the world. Automobiles have been tuned, restored, and rebuilt for years, but —whether made for leisurely cruising or peak performance —today’s custom machines are more interesting than ever before. After exploring custom motorcycles in The Ride and The Ride 2nd Gear, it’s high time to focus on the four-wheeled scene. The Drive showcases the diversity and reach of this custom movement. Each car is utterly unique; each builder a true personality. Passion and craft meet in their workshops in North America, Europe, and Asia. The resulting vehicles —and this book — are for anyone for whom a car is so much more than just a way to get around. The 1971 DeTomaso Pantera is a gorgeous car, but the Ringbrothers take on this 1971 Pantera is nothing other than breathtakingly captivating. I n 1969 an up-and-coming car company, DeTomaso, ushered in a deal with Ford to supply them with some American V8 power inside their new sports car and the Pantera was born. During the course of production, from 1971 to 1992, there would be over 7,000 Pantera seen prowling off the finish line in Modena, Italy. Originally penned by Italian design company Ghia the very first car that would be shown to the public wore yellow paint, which would become one of the most popular colors for the car. The Ringbrothers, Jim and Mike, are both car aficionados by birth and they began innovating and working on cars at the age of 10 and 11 years old. Their studio and shops can be found in Spring Green, Wisconsin and is not only home to their custom car works but is primarily a collision and repair shop for the small city. Performing one to two custom restorations a year they also sell hand-made carbon fiber, billet metal accessories, and custom fiberglass pieces - the shop is a jack and master of all trades. Their craftsmanship has recently come into stardom though as they have won multiple accolades at the SEMA custom car show in the past few years. This is also where, in 2013, their work with a 1971 DeTomaso Pantera named ADRNLN mesmerized audiences and workshops alike. 104 was positive. So over a Christmas break he went to work making a mock-up by cutting up the shell of a roadster with an angle grinder, rebuilding the body with re-defined panels and shape. The car that emerged was indeed something special. So was born the Eagle E-Type. Since the early 1990s, a host of upgrades and innovations have been developed in house for owners to choose from when they commission an Eagle. Engine work can be geared for touring or highspeed use, and can include a custom made billet crankshaft, even an ally cylinder block for further weight reduction. Cooling and braking systems are upgraded; interiors come in a choice of spec and materials; and ECU managed power steering lightens things up, should the buyer wish it, yet retains that all-important driver feedback. Engines can be worked up a full 4.7 litre capacity—an increase of power by 50 % over a period car. All through the aim has been to “only make modifications that enhance and never dilute the unique spirit of the original.” Such ambition does not come cheap of course. But when you consider prices of over £ 200,000 for a top-condition original E-Type, investing in an Eagle at around twice that amount—a car with all the style of the original but the performance of a modern supercar—one can understand why it is an idea more and more wealthy clients are going with. Henry makes the point that a large part of the process for customers is seeing their own input come to life, builder and buyer going through “an in-depth conversation… so that we can fully understand the personal wishes, expectations, and intended usage of the car.” In many ways, then, it’s impossible to improve on perfection, which is why Eagle have not sought to do so. They have, rather, started from 92 Eagle Hoonicorn RTR Driver: Ken Block Muscular Mustang Driving star Ken Block wanted to raise the stakes with the Gymkhana 7—and this Mustang tour de force does that in abundance. T here are few cars with the sheer presence of a Ford Mustang. It has it all: great history, a great name, an unmistakable shape. Dial in cool drivers—especially Steve McQueen in Bullet—and it adds up to a legacy few cars can come near to, let alone match. And auto designers have not been slow in borrowing from the classic profile—but why not? Everything from the Ford Capri to Toyota’s Celica offer up traces of the Mustang, not to mention its catch-up contempories such as the Camaro and the Barracuda. But then the Mustang heralded a new and exciting era for American automotive production, virtually singled headedly. With its launch, the so-called “Pony car” was born—open top and two-door rides, which majored on engine performance and slick styling, priced for the masses. So when ace stunt and rally driver Ken Block wanted to move his Gymkhana series of specials and videos away from breathing fire on more modern motors, the Mustang was a natural base to start from. But this Mustang has a come a long way. 386 44 105 Ringbrothers RECENT LIST Ken Block 45 RECENT LIST 387 The Eagle 4.7 litre, aluminum six cylinder is a true piece of engineering art, but it,s not beautiful but will pull the Low Drag GT from 0 – 60 mph in under five seconds and surprise the driver in less than one second. first principles, calling on over 30 years of skill and knowledge in order to produce an E-Type for the modern world, but staying loyal to the aesthetic and ambition of the first cars. In the words of Paul Brace: “The essence of the Speedster was for folk to see it drive past, double take, and think ‘Wow!—that was a really tasty looking E-Type’—not ‘There goes an Eagle Speedster’.” (DL) 93 TITLE Kaleidoscope ARCHITECTURE TITLE RECENT KALEIDOSCOPE 46 Utopian Architecture in the Modernist Realm Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 288 pages, 24 × 30 cm New Price: € 39,90 (D) £ 40 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-644-5 A stunning collection of expressive interiors that meld sophisticated colors and patterns to create unique urban living spaces. Interiors can be loud again. More and more people are turning to high-contrast spaces with brilliant wall colors and patterned sofas. Our rooms can look how we feel. Leaving unifying trends behind, today’s cutting-edge interior design focuses on creating personal concepts customized to individual inhabitants. Unique pieces and eccentric combinations are both used to set the scene in eye-catching ways. Kaleidoscope is a showcase of surprisingly different residences that range from the beautiful to the bizarre. While some of the featured examples are reminiscent of time capsules and others of film sets, all of them defy categorization. The book offers inspiration for anyone bold enough to re-imagine interior design in any way they can think. Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 400 pages, 24,5 × 33 cm Price: € 49.90 (D) £ 45 $ 68 ISBN: 978-3-89955-570-7 The retro-futuristic epoch is one of the most visually spectacular in architecture’s history. The utopian buildings of the 1950s and 1970s never go out of style. This book compiles radical ideas and visionary structures. The Tale of Tomorrow documents the utopian architecture of the 1960s and 1970s —a time when anything felt possible as architects began to think further and further outside the box. The book focuses exclusively on built manifestations of utopian ideas. Rather than mixing together abstract theorists with practitioners, it focuses on the tangible embodiments of such forward thinking. Highlighting well-known projects as well as the more obscure and offbeat, the collection of utopian approaches compiled here maintain their visual power and infectious optimism nearly half a century later. Whether an organically shaped residence or a towering sculptural complex, the projects in this book stand as poignant suggestions of what might have been and, perhaps, what could still be. RECENT LIST RECENT THE TALE OF TOMORROW Living in Color & Patterns Living in Color and Patterns ARCHITECTURE 47 RECENT LIST TITLE Divine Food FOOD & BEVERAGE TITLE RECENT DIVINE FOOD Food Culture and Recipes from Israel and Palestine Food Culture and Recipes from Israel and Palestine DESIGN & FASHION RECENT HOW TO MAKE A NATION: A MONOCLE GUIDE Editors: David Haliva & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 304 pages, 21 × 26 cm Price: € 35 (D) £ 30 $ 45 ISBN: 978-3-89955-642-1 By: Monocle Features: Full color, hardcover, 338 pages, 20 × 26.5 cm Price: € 45 (D) £ 40 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-648-3 Release: August 2016 [ SAMPLE COVER ] [ SAMPLE COVER ] Israel and Palestine share an outstanding and dynamic cuisine. Divine Food is a visually striking collection of recipes from local markets, Arab traditions, the nomadic tribes of the desert, and the hip restaurants of Tel Aviv. What characteristics and values define a country? Which countries are particularly successful in terms of education, economics, or culture? In this book, Monocle provides a global perspective on the distinct qualities of nations. Divine Food takes readers on a culinary journey through Israeli and Palestinian cuisine and its local varieties —from the ArabJewish kitchen of the north to nomadic specialties of the Negev Desert, from the contemporary food scene of Tel Aviv to the fish dishes of the coast. The book presents a wide range of delicious recipes. Because the food of the region is characterized by authenticity and tradition, it also provides insight into the origins of iconic dishes. Both a stunning regional portrait and a go-to cookbook, Divine Food is a must-have for any foodie. Monocle’s books with Gestalten have shown you how to build a better life, business, and home. But now Monocle raises the bar: how do you run a great country? They are not talking about might, muscle, or nationalism —although you need a bit of a swagger every now and then. They are talking about a country that feels like a cohesive community, knows what to value, and goes out into the world to gently get its way with soft power, fine ambassadors, and compelling cultural offerings. At home, this country celebrates good education, well-made institutions, and its own people and their skills. How to Make a Nation: A Monocle Guide is a thought-provoking primer that informs and inspires. The best ideas don’t need to be invented —they need to be found and copied. Let Monocle be your guide. The author of several cookbooks, art director, and publicist DAVID HALIVA has teamed up with a handpicked group of chefs, restaurateurs, and photographers to produce Divine Food. With fifteen years of experience shaping corporate identities for Israeli companies and organizations, he is also the founder of the magazine 42 Degrees, which has made a lasting impact on Tel Aviv’s creative scene. 48 MONOCLE was launched by Tyler Brûlé in 2007 as a monthly magazine briefing on global affairs, business, culture, design, and much more. Today, MONOCLE is a complete media brand with a suite of travel guides under its belt, a 24-hour radio station, a film-rich website, retail ventures around the globe, and cafés in Tokyo and London. Besides their London HQ they have seven international bureaux in New York, Toronto, Istanbul, Singapore, Tokyo, Zurich, and Hong Kong. At their core is the simple belief that there will always be a place for a print brand that is committed to telling fresh stories and sending photographers on assignments. RECENT LIST 49 RECENT LIST TITLE DESIGN & FASHION TITLE RECENT HOW TO BE CHAP The Surprisingly Sophisticated Habits, Drinks and Clothes of the Modern Gentleman DESIGN & FASHION RECENT BLUE BLOODED Denim Hunters and Jeans Culture Editor: Gustav Temple & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 272 pages, 22.5 × 29 cm Price: € 35 (D) £ 30 $ 50 ISBN: 978-3-89955-640-7 [ SAMPLE COVER Editors: Thomas Stege Bojer, Josh Sims, Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 28 cm New Price: € 39,90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-646-9 ] A tweed suit, pipe, umbrella, and hat; a large dose of British humor and no sports —well, except for cricket. The Chap is the modern English gentleman, and he’s out to conquer the world. Jeans are equal parts subculture and establishment. Worn as both work clothes and luxury fashion, they are practically universal. This book contains everything you need —and want —to know about jeans. How to be Chap explores the roots of the English gentleman and follows them to the present day. Today’s chaps live according to their own rules —with hats, pipes, and, of course, British humor. Inspired by men such as Beau Brummell and Lord Byron, they maintain proper English ideals and virtues. By stepping back to tradition, they’re advancing a lifestyle revolution. In this book, chap expert Gustav Temple explains how a chap dresses, where he goes on vacation, which sports he plays (cricket) and which ones he doesn’t (everything else). From the historical foundations of British gentlemen’s culture to today’s dos and don’ts, How to be Chap provides thorough answers to chap-related questions and plenty of cultivated laughs. No other garment has the iconic status of jeans. Almost everyone has at least one pair in their closet, and many can even remember the first ones they wore. Jeans are never out of fashion, and they will continue to outlive other sartorial trends for the foreseeable future. A contemporary overview of our favorite article of clothing, Blue Blooded introduces traditional brands as well as designers who are stirring up the industry. It explores styles and cuts, and provides answers to questions including where jeans originated, what a selvage is, and how raw denim should be washed. The book covers the topic of jeans in its entirety —from their rivets to their various washes and from their cultural history to a recommended selection of stores where they can be bought. Style authority GUSTAV TEMPLE cofounded the British magazine The Chap in 1999. This publication is dedicated to rescuing the English gentleman from extinction and consequently saving our world from moral and sartorial collapse. Chapter 4 Revolution Begins in the Dressing Room Before a Chap sets foot into the outside world, ready to wreak havoc on its bland conformity, he needs to be dressed in such a manner as both to be taken seriously by the public, but also to cause a sartorial sensation wherever he may roam. If cars are not screeching to a halt beside you, then you are not dressed correctly for an anarcho-dandyist. THOMAS STEGE BOJER is the force behind the online magazine Denimhunters. There, jeans lovers can find product recommendations, care tips, industry news, a wellinformed glossary, and much more. He previously worked for a variety of fashion brands as a shop manager and branding specialist. The British journalist JOSH SIMS writes about fashion and lifestyle for publications including the Financial Times, the Independent, Wallpaper*, and Esquire. He is also the author of several books and style guides. – 73 – 50 RECENT LIST 51 RECENT LIST TITLE ESCAPE TITLE RECENT SURF ODYSSEY The Culture of Wave Riding DESIGN & FASHION RECENT OTHERWORLDLY Avant-Garde Fashion and Style Editors: Andrew Groves & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 320 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 55 ISBN: 978-3-89955-653-7 Editors: Theo-Mass Lexileictous & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 304 pages, 24.5 × 33 cm New Price: € 39,90 (D) £ 40 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-638-4 Cold-water surfing, the most remote surf spots, spectacular photography, illustrations, and custom boards: Surf Odyssey documents the modern cult of surfing as its own subculture and way of life. Fashion from another planet. Unwearable, subversive, radically post-human, alien. Otherworldly presents avant-garde garments, styling, fashion photography, and young designers who are a whole galaxy away from the mainstream. Beyond mainstream surfing lies an uncharted sea of creativity, community, and independence that celebrates the true nature of surfing. Surf Odyssey depicts this contemporary surf culture: the adrenaline-rush of cold-water surfing, the daunting treks through the terrain of Africa balanced by the welcoming Temple of Enthusiasm in Bali, the quest to find nature in its purest form, and the reward of finding oneself. Images from pioneering outdoor photographers and poignant portraits of movers and shakers in the scene narrate a tale of modern wave-riding. Surf Odyssey underlines the natural connections between environmental responsibility and the thrill of embracing an unbroken wall of water whilst showcasing the products and places that comprise this unique community. Other rules apply to the fashion of the future. New technologies and materials make things possible today that could not have even been imagined in the past. Hightech fabrics and melting forms are no longer science fiction but reality. Fashion is constantly reinventing itself, but many designers and stylists are now taking it to extremes. Inspired by the odd, mutant, and deformed, they are redefining clothing to expand the body —from wearables to the utter transfiguration of the human silhouette. Otherworldly showcases a fashion avantgarde between futurism and fetish. Featuring work by designers such as Lucy McRae, Peter Popps, Marina Hoermanseder, and Viktor & Rolf, it not only explores this groundbreaking development but also its fruitful interplay with photography. Born 1985 in Limassol, Cyprus, THEOMASS LEXILEICTOUS can be described as fashion director, creative director, set designer, researcher, art director, and editor. In addition to this myriad of titles, Lexileictous works as a visual and performance artist. His ventures include features in Dazed and Confused, ARTE TV, and FLAUNT, iconic collaborations with pop-stars and high-fashion brands, and ongoing work for a solo show to be presented early 2017. Multitalented graphic artist ANDREW GROVES is also a passionate surfer and deeply involved in the surfing scene. The designer has a special focus on surfing and outdoor lifestyles; his illustrations have graced the pages of publications like the New York Times, Huck Magazine, the New Yorker, GQ, Wired, and the Guardian. In 2011, he founded Miscellaneous Adventures, a project for which he hand-carves practical objects from wood. 52 RECENT LIST 53 RECENT LIST TITLE ESCAPE TITLE RECENT VELO 3RD GEAR Bicycle Culture and Stories ART THE AGE OF COLLAGE VOL. 2 Contemporary Collage in Modern Art Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 28 cm Price: € 38 (D) £ 32.50 $ 49.95 ISBN: 978-3-89955-652-0 Editors: Dennis Busch & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 320 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 44 (D) £ 40 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-583-7 Bicycles are the new cars. Whether custom-made, sleek, playful, or electric, they are not only a means of transportation but also have cultural value. Velo 3rd Gear introduces the world’s best bikes along with their makers and related products. Collage is as topical as ever. The Age of Collage Vol. 2 is a striking collection of work that ranges from subversive to museum-worthy. While some examples make explicit statements, others are gloriously Dada. As more and more people see bicycles as the best way to get around, bikes have evolved. Today, e-bikes power past urban traffic. All-wood bikes bomb slopes. Cargo bikes haul gear and goods. Handlebars sync with phones and GPS buzzes through grips, enabling no-look navigation. These bikes, their makers, and their riders are defining the pedal-fueled future. Velo 3rd Gear is a showcase of today’s most covetable bicycles, the latest designs and technologies, and truly stylish bikerelated clothing. It shares compelling perspectives, stories, and experiences from the growing community of cyclists worldwide and introduces a wide range of products and accessories to satisfy its diverse needs and discerning aesthetics. Bringing disparate images and items together, collage transcends the boundaries between artistic disciplines. The traditionally analog technique has its roots in surrealism and Dada. Having effortlessly evolved to embrace digital tools and the combinatory freedom that they offer, collage is now making a promising comeback. The Age of Collage Vol.2 presents the work of more than 80 collage artists — from established names including John Baldessari and Richard Prince to up-andcoming talents such as Lola Dupré. A follow-up to The Age of Collage, the book is a comprehensive showcase of the surprising diversity of this genre today. DENNIS BUSCH is an artist, musician, and author. Known for his own radical collages, his insider knowledge of the contemporary scene also helped shape our previous release, The Age of Collage. 54 RECENT LIST 55 RECENT LIST RECENT TITLE ARCHITECTURE TITLE RECENT INFINITE SPACE Contemporary Residential Architecture and Interiors Photographed by James Silverman Visualizing Information Through Photography Editors: James Silverman & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 272 pages, 24 × 30 cm New Price: € 39,90 (D) £ 40 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-598-1 PhotoViz explores the intersection of photography, infographics, and data visualization. Combining cutting-edge technology and classic photographic techniques enables us to tell stories and visualize information more powerfully and compactly than ever before: a full day of flights all at once, invisible Wi-Fi networks, global trade, intimate psychology, movement, time itself, and more. Within this mesmerizing photographic world, striking images reveal the power of tools ranging from long exposure and slit-scan photography to post-processing, collage, and metadata. PhotoViz is a source of inspiration and a crucial resource for designers and photographers alike. Already renowned for his work on data visualization, editor NICHOLAS FELTON examines the past and present realms of photographic visualization and points to innovative possibilities for the future. He is best known for his work on Facebook’s Timeline and his Feltron Personal Annual Reports. photographers of architecture and interiors in the world today; he is a Briton who resides in Sweden traveling the world for his projects. Images by Silverman appear regularly in magazines such as Architectural Digest, Interior Design, and Dwell. RECENT LIST Editors: Nicholas Felton & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 55 ISBN: 978-3-89955-645-2 The stories told with graphics and infographics are now being visualized through photography. PhotoViz shows how these powerful images are depicting correlations, making the invisible visible, and revealing more detail than classic photojournalism. JAMES SILVERMAN is one of the foremost 56 RECENT PHOTOVIZ Endless expanses. Interior design, architecture, and spectacular views of sweeping landscapes. Infinite Space showcases James Silverman’s masterful photography of stunning houses. This book is a dazzling compilation of dream houses with a view, photographed by James Silverman on his travels. Whether of a remote mountain cabin in Norway, a sensuous desert oasis in Morocco, or a monolithic concrete home in Switzerland, Silverman’s photographs capture the seemingly uninterrupted flow between interiors and exteriors. The featured architecture is defined by elements that absorb, reflect, or deliberately break with their surroundings. Silverman’s images play with perspective and sight lines. They underline the harmony of perfectly composed juxtapositions of built structures and natural landscapes. Collected here, they also show how “infinite space” has become a key precept of contemporary architecture around the world. VISUAL CULTURE 57 RECENT LIST TITLE VISUAL CULTURE RECENT TITLE OLAF BREUNING THE INTELLIGENT LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE Smart Editorial Design, Ideas and Journalism Editors: Francesco Franchi, Christian Rocca, Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 272 pages, 24.5 × 33 cm Price: € 49.90 (D) £ 45 $ 68 ISBN: 978-3-89955-631-5 By: Olaf Breuning Features: Full color, hardcover, 224 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 55 ISBN: 978-3-89955-649-0 How can infographics help magazines and newspapers succeed? Francesco Franchi, whose meditations on the evolution of editorial design were documented in Designing News, answers this question in The Intelligent Lifestyle Magazine. The Intelligent Lifestyle Magazine Magazine Cover and Cover Story The Intelligent Lifestyle Magazine Magazine 1 2 3 4 5 Eccetera Section: IL 42, June-July 2012. Opening page prominently referring to the article by Alberto Flores d’Arcais on the annual gathering held in Iowa as a tribute to John Wayne. Eccetera Section: IL 41, May 2012. Opening page prominently referring to the article by Carlo Piano on the Genoese company Tecnodidattica, world leader in the production of world globes. Eccetera Section: IL 43, September 2012. Opening page prominently referring to the article by Stefano Pistolini on the lasting appeal of the Superman character. Eccetera Section: IL 40, April 2012. Opening page prominently referring to the article by Stefano Pistolini about the skateboarding subculture. Eccetera Section: IL 47, December 2012. 6 7 Other Sections Eccetera 4 5 6 7 Opening page of the section prominently referring to the article by Claudio Cerasa, describing a soccer match seen on a TV outside broadcasting van. The title of the article is broken up and can be reconstructed by following the numbers that allude to an original soccer game plan. Eccetera Section: IL 45, October 2012. Opening page prominently referring to an article by Federica Sasso that portrays Vito Aiuto, pastor of the Resurrection Presbyterian Church of Williamsburg in Brooklyn and hipster singer-songwriter. Eccetera Section: IL 48, February 2013. Opening page prominently referring to the article by Tim Small on the videogame Grand Theft Auto. Eccetera The section Eccetera — Cose leggere e vaganti (Etcetera — Light Entertainment Here and There) appeared in issues 34-48. It contained articles on music, movies, art, fashion, and other amusements, with a special focus on pop culture, new trends, and fascinating facts gathered the world over. The section is nearly always laid out on a yellow background and enriched by photographs, illustrations, and explanatory boxes. The opening page of Eccetera, constructed on a grid that varies each time, often mixes graphics, illustrations, and photos (mostly blocked out), and summarizes some of the content on the following pages. 1 2 3 220 COVER ] Born in Switzerland and now based in New York, Olaf Breuning works in a variety of media including photography, video, installation, drawing, and painting. Testing the limits of humor and contemporary aesthetics, Breuning’s photo-collages, sculptures, paintings, and comics are simultaneously funny and provocative, absurd and eerie, tragic and fragile. His work provides ironic commentary on the clichés and trappings of our time. The NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, an international cultural center focusing on contemporary photography and visual art, is presenting an Olaf Breuning retrospective in the summer of 2016. This publication accompanies the exhibition. Documenting a cross section of Breuning’s extensive work, it provides a compelling overview of his oeuvre. exceptional talents working in graphic design today, has been IL’s art director since 2008. Thanks to his distinctive visual concepts, the magazine has received worldwide acclaim and is widely considered to be a modern classic. In 2013, Gestalten published Franchi’s Designing News, which explores the future of the news and media industries in our digital age. The Intelligent Lifestyle Magazine SAMPLE Interdisciplinary artist Olaf Breuning depicts the world we live in with a keen sense of irony. FRANCESCO FRANCHI, one of the most CHRISTIAN ROCCA is IL’s editor-in-chief and an expert on Italian and American politics. He regularly appears on Italian talk shows and radio programs and has written three non-fiction books on geopolitics and a literature essay on the Canadian writer Mordecai Richler. His latest writing foray is an essay on Italy’s quest to emerge from the crisis and an anthology of IL’s best articles. Since 2010, he has written a column on international politics for Il Sole 24 Ore. Previously he served as the American correspondent for Il Foglio. 221 Magazine Cover and Cover Story The first IL covers were designed according to a standard layout consisting of a full-page photograph (or, more rarely, an illustration), a title with a three-line summary, and three “screamers” beneath the name of the magazine. The latter was inserted in a colored rectangle that either blended or contrasted with the colors of the cover photo, and the individual letters of the logo were spaced to reveal the image beneath. The barcode was positioned on a pink background — the same pink that identifies Il Sole 24 ORE, the daily that publishes IL as a supplement. When the magazine graphics were rethought, it was decided to create a more flexible cover, similar in style to that of a news magazine. So from no. 34 onward, the typography gallery was more varied, and photographic, illustrated, and typographic covers were alternated. The placement of the titles, summaries, 1 127 58 subheads — if used — and even the logo, changed with each issue. Likewise, different fonts were adopted (though these always belonged to the families previously selected for the project) and lettering was sometimes used. The only “rule” was that the graphic style of the cover had to match that of the cover story in the magazine. This story was sometimes told in a single text, but more often in various articles, some of which had a broader reach and addressed the same subject directly or obliquely. The theme was chosen for its newsworthiness (e.g. euroskepticism on the cover of no. 50) or for its relevance to IL’s identity (e.g. 30- and 40-year-olds contending with power on the cover of no. 69). The cover stories were enhanced by photographs, illustrations, explanatory boxes, and infographics where necessary, according to a flexible scheme. Cover: IL 01, September 2008. New Seducers. The first cover of IL was dedicated to Barack Obama who was then the Democratic candidate in the U.S. presidential election. 1 64 65 RECENT LIST 36 RECENT OLAF BREUNING [ Francesco Franchi is the art director of IL: Ideas and Lifestyle, the monthly magazine supplement to the Italian daily newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore. The publication weaves fearless graphic design together with editorial layouts that make stories burst out of the page and compelling visual storytelling every bit as bold as the journalism. A radically innovative approach that feels like an instant classic. The Intelligent Lifestyle Magazine is the first comprehensive look at the editorial philosophy and design process behind “the greatest magazine in the world“. IL’s art director, Francesco Franchi, and editor in chief, Christian Rocca, reveal the inside scoop with insights, examples, and anecdotes from the magazine’s foundation to its ongoing groundbreaking run. The Intelligent Lifestyle Magazine illustrates how typography and infographics, illustration, deft branding, attention to detail, and human curiosity combine to create innovative, flourishing print media. This resource will inspire not only art directors, designers, and media professionals, but all who delight in pairing information with style. ART 37 59 RECENT LIST TITLE ARCHITECTURE TITLE RECENT THE DESIGN HOTELS™ BOOK ESCAPE THE RIDE 2ND GEAR Edition 2016 New Custom Motorcycles and Their Builders By: Design HotelsTM Features: Full color, hardcover, 512 pages, 23 × 32 cm Price: € 59.90 (D) £ 50 $ 80 ISBN: 978-3-89955-661-2 Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 352 pages, 30 × 27 cm Price: € 49.90 (D) £ 45 $ 68 ISBN (Rebel Edition): 978-3-89955-636-0 ISBN (Gentlemen Edition): 978-3-89955-589-9 [ Charismatic hoteliers, exceptional designers, and contemporary interior design: those who seek to discover design trends in the hotel industry or those who simply desire a stylish holiday or business trip will find abundant inspiration and information. Each edition of the much-anticipated Design Hotels™ Book details the company’s stunning portfolio of one-of-a-kind, handpicked hotels. The book includes exquisite photographs of bold new hotels and design legends, and stories of the original hoteliers who brought them to life. The Red Dot Design Award and a “Special Mention” from the German Design Council are some of the honors the publication has received. The 2016 edition of The Design Hotels™ Book showcases 296 of the world’s most extraordinary hotels. And, once more, its popular “Influencers” series returns —“The Influencers 2016” celebrates the work of 10 creative design and architecture geniuses changing the face of design today. Rebel ] [ Gentlemen ] Motorcycles as motorcycles are meant to be: radical, stylish, subversive, raw. The Ride 2nd Gear continues to present the latest custom bikes and the best builders on the planet. This book presents a stunning selection of recent custom motorcycles and the small, local workshops around the globe in which they are built. Its pages are filled with bikes that offer extraordinary design and driving experiences. Some examples stem from, or are based on classic models that may be up to 80 years old. Others are art bikes made for show or futuristic visions inspired by the aesthetics of science fiction. But whether they preserve or radically expand on traditional craftsmanship, these custom machines are more agile, faster, and, therefore, more fun than anything produced in the past. DESIGN HOTELS™ represents and mar- kets more than 290 independent hotels worldwide. It provides them with an international platform for innovation and exchange with other member hotels, guests, and opinion leaders from relevant industries. Design Hotels™ also offers them services from concept development to sales. 60 RECENT LIST 61 BACKLIST OFF THE ROAD THE MONOCLE GUIDE TO BETTER LIVING THE MONOCLE GUIDE TO COSY HOMES THE MONOCLE GUIDE TO GOOD BUSINESS Many of us long to get away from it all in the great outdoors. Converted vans, trucks, and other vehicles are increasingly popular means of escape that provide temporary homes amid isolated terrain, and endless skies. Full of writing, reports, and recommendations, The Monocle Guide to Better Living is original, informative, entertaining and comprehensive. This is not a book about glitz but rather an upbeat survey of products and ideas built to treasure and last. A handbook for making a home that will stand the test of time; take knocks and scuffs in its stride; and where lives can unfold, children grow up, and dogs run wild. This book offers multifaceted perspectives on the world of work today and in the future — from compelling business ideas to inspiring company cultures. Category: Escape Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 21 × 26 cm Price: € 35 (D) £ 30 $ 45 ISBN: 978-3-89955-594-3 Category: Design & Fashion By: Monocle Features: Full color, linen hardcover, 408 pages, 20 × 26.5 cm Price: € 45 (D) £ 40 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-490-8 Categories: Design & Fashion By: Monocle Features: Full color, linen hardcover, 402 pages, 20 × 26.5 cm Price: € 44 (D) £ 40 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-560-8 Category: Design & Fashion By: Monocle Features: Full color, linen hardcover, 304 pages, 20 × 26.5 cm Price: € 45 (D) £ 40 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-537-0 More and more people are driving off the beaten path to explore the world between destinations. Off the Road is a collection of these outdoor adventures and the vehicular travel companions and equipment that make them possible. Its stunning photography transports readers to awe-inspiring landscapes while revealing the lifestyle of those who make their homes on wheels —at least temporarily. The book also tells the stories of globetrotters who travel on a dime, weekend explorers, surf libertines, and professional adventurers who have created a slice of paradise wherever they chose to park. Whether traveling solo, among friends, or with young children in tow, Off the Road celebrates the joy of being on the go. Monocle is one of the most successful magazines to be developed in the past decade. Armed with an unmistakable sense of aesthetics and journalistic tenacity, its team —led by editor in chief Tyler Brûlé —has created an intelligent publication that continually inspires a global readership who are interested in everything from diplomacy to design. For its first-ever book, the editorial team looks at one of their core themes: how to live well. The result is The Monocle Guide to Better Living, an original, informative, and entertaining collection of writing, reports, and recommendations. This is not a book about glitz but rather an upbeat survey of products and ideas meant to be treasured and last. When you turn the pages of most interior and architecture books you are confronted with homes of polished perfection: places where it appears that nobody actually lives. Architects, stylists, and photographers create pictures that miss out on the key fact: homes are for living in. A survey of everything you need to create the residence you want, this Monocle book reveals how to turn a house into a home —whether in a Chicago skyscraper or on Australia’s sunshine coast. Both a practical guide and a great source of inspiration, The Monocle Guide to Cosy Homes presents the interiors, furniture, and locations you need to know about along with portraits of the people who can make them happen. It is a book about living better —and cosily. The Monocle Guide to Good Business is a book for would-be business leaders, start-ups, and established companies that feel it’s time for some new ideas. It’s a book made to be used. Write in its margins and earmark the pages. But don’t expect management speak or miracles for untold riches. This is not a book about staging a revolution. Rather, this is a book about doing things well —from how you run the show to the pens you buy. And even about taking your dog to work. The 304-page book features original photography and illustrations printed on a selection of the highest-quality papers. The Monocle Guide to Good Business is a handbook for those who want to make a company that will last; it’s the ultimate reference for doing a job you love. Explorers, Vans, and Life Off the Beaten Track 62 BACKLIST 63 BACKLIST TITLE TRAVEL GUIDE The magazine, MONOCLE, covers the world with its network of bureaus in New York, Toronto, Zurich, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Tokyo, and Singapore. It also employs more than 30 dedicated correspondents — in cities from Bangkok to Bogotá, São Paolo to Stockholm—as well as a team of on-the-road reporters based out of its headquarters in London. This team’s deep understanding of cities and all they have to offer has now been compiled in The Monocle Travel Guide Series. THE MONOCLE TRAVEL GUIDE SERIES The definitive travel guides that make you feel like a local wherever you go. 8 Miami C H Hotels F Food and drink R Retail E Culture D Design and architecture S Sport and fitness W Walks I LONDON NEW YORK HONOLULU Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Nelly Gocheva Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-573-8 Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Nelly Gocheva Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-575-2 Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Joe Pickard Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-660-5 TOKYO HONG KONG Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Nelly Gocheva Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-574-5 Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Nelly Gocheva Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-576-9 Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Joe Pickard Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-634-6 MADRID BANGKOK SYDNEY Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Nelly Gocheva Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-624-7 Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Nelly Gocheva Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-633-9 MIAMI 8 Need to know 7 Essays Index 64 Come on board! Navigate your way through the city’s outposts of good food, design, retail and more. Anchors aweigh! ... Istanbul C Windsurfing. Swimming. Jet-skiing — Juice bars. Ice cream. Coffee — Art. Vinyl. Fashion ... ABOU T MONOCLE H Hotels F Food and drink R Retail E Culture D Design and architecture S Sport and fitness W Walks I BACKLIST ... Selam! A portrait of the city’s outposts of good food, design, retail and more. Iyi eglenceler! Noch kein Cover verfügbar. Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Joe Pickard Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-659-9 SINGAPORE Singapore Index ... C C Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Sophie Grove, Christopher Lord Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-623-0 Need to know H Hotels F Food and drink R Retail E Culture D Design and architecture S Sport and fitness W Walks I Essays Index Shops. Books. Records — Kuehs. Hawker centres. Bars — Architecture. Galleries. Museums ... 65 Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Joe Pickard Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-622-3 On your marks! Tackle the city’s outposts of good food, design, retail and more. Full steam ahead! ... BACKLIST PARIS Need to know H Hotels F Food and drink R Retail E Culture D Design and architecture S Sport and fitness W Walks I Essays Index Boutiques. Books. Records — Pâtisseries. Markets. Bistros — Cinemas. Galleries. Museums ... Bonjour! Drink in the city’s outposts of good food, design, retail and more. Santé! Vienna C Essays Music. Galleries. Museums — Meze. Tea gardens. Lahmacun — Kilims. Jewellery. Linen Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Ed Stocker Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-632-2 RIO DE JANEIRO ISTANBUL 7 Need to know Noch kein Cover verfügbar. Paris ... VIENNA Need to know H Hotels F Food and drink R Retail E Culture D Design and architecture S Sport and fitness W Walks I Essays Index Ateliers. Furniture. Antiques — Coffeehouses. Markets. Bars — Music. Art. Museums. ... Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Joe Pickard Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-658-2 Servus! Waltz with us through the city’s outposts of good food, design, retail and more. Prost! ... Editors: Tyler Brûlé, Andrew Tuck, Joe Pickard Features: Full color, hardcover, 148 pages, 14 × 21 cm Price: € 15 (D) £ 9.99 $ 15 ISBN: 978-3-89955-662-9 FROM TIP TO TOE LIVING UNDER THE SUN ONCE IN A LIFETIME VOL. 2 THE STILL LIFE The Essential Men’s Wardrobe Tropical Interiors and Architecture Places to Go for Travel and Leisure In Product Presentation and Editorial Design A guide for those who want to be impeccably stylish, this book presents iconic men’s clothing from a carefully curated selection of brands, makers, and shops around the world. Embracing outdoor surroundings as much as indoor possibilities, tropical houses have become a source of new impulses for architecture, interiors, and furniture design worldwide. Cultivate your wanderlust with this journey to the most beguiling get-aways in the world. Whether a grand hotel, an eco-lodge, or a familyrun bed and breakfast, this book celebrates the luxury of having unparalleled experiences in extraordinary destinations. Still life is a classic back in bloom. The Still Life showcases the evolution of this age-old genre in today’s product portraiture. Category: Architecture Editors: Gestalten & Michelle Galindo Features: Full color, hardcover, 304 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 44 (D) £ 40 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-592-9 Category: Escape Editors: Clara Le Fort & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 55 ISBN: 978-3-89955-591-2 The tropics are not only an address, but also a way of life. Living Under the Sun is a stunning showcase of modern tropical interiors and architecture that meld local design tradition and bold innovation in compelling ways. More than anywhere else on earth, the tropics demand an architecture that can bridge the gap between what is outside —sea, sand, sky, and sun —and what lies within. The villas, family homes, artists’ ateliers, and beach shacks featured in the book embrace their outdoor surroundings to offer fresh, often surprising indoor possibilities that are ideally suited to their climates. The elegantly easy-going work exemplifies how to create tranquil settings to soothe our hectic lives, regardless of our geographical location. Once in a Lifetime Vol. 2 presents a diverse range of destinations for those longing for incredible travel experiences, whether they are seeking an adventure or a retreat. Some will be attracted to cities —the urban flair of Vienna, the bustle of Tokyo, the rich history of Marrakech —and their sumptuous hotels. Others will want to be pampered at a wellness resort; find peace and quiet in an isolated mountain hut; fulfill a childhood dream of going on a safari; or see, hear, and smell a tropical rain forest. Wherever the journey leads, the architecture, interiors, and creative details of the featured locations contribute to each destination’s charm, and highly individualized service guarantees an unforgettable stay. Categories: Design & Fashion Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 21 × 26 cm Price: € 38 (D) £ 32.50 $ 49.95 ISBN: 978-3-89955-568-4 Men who are style-savvy exude a sense of relaxed confidence — from the hats on their heads to the soles of their shoes. To achieve this flair, they need a dependable set of sartorial tools that will see them through any occasion in any season, and bring out their individual personality. From Tip to Toe features a carefully curated collection of brands and makers who all embody this spirit, as well as a selection of recommended shops from around the world. Some have long and storied histories while others bring new thinking to the table, but what they all share is a sense of quality, honesty, and élan that won’t let the stylish man down. 66 BACKLIST 67 BACKLIST Category: Visual Culture Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 288 pages, 24.5 × 33 cm New Price: € 39,90 (D) £ 40 $ 65 ISBN: 978-3-89955-581-3 In contrast with the immobility of the objects it depicts, still life has been speedily making a comeback onto contemporary platforms —from glossy magazines to Instagram feeds. This book showcases new directions in product portraiture by some of the most imaginative photographers, designers, and stylists of our time. Still life staples such as dead game and fruit bowls can still be seen in today’s of-the-moment arrangements, but they are now presented alongside the latest fashion accessories or luxury gadgets. The elaborate tabletops, collages, installations, and photographic illustrations featured in The Still Life bridge past and present, and skillfully meld elements of scenography and sculpture with the art of selling. CRAFTED MEAT ILLUSIVE THE DELICIOUS LESS AND MORE The New Meat Culture: Craft and Recipes Contemporary Illustration Part Four A Companion to New Food Culture The Design Ethos of Dieter Rams Mouth-wateringly inspirational, Crafted Meat is an informative contemporary survey of a culinary art that plays a significant role in today’s new food culture. Building on the success of our best-selling Illusive series, this fourth volume is a comprehensive showcase of contemporary illustration that shows how the technique is interacting with different art forms. From modern foraging and entomophagy to future foods involving 3D printing, this book compiles current food trends from around the world. This is Dieter Rams’s 808-page book about his work, back in print in its original form with a PVC softcover and slipcase. The relevance of famous Braun designer Dieter Rams in modern design remains undiminished. Category: Visual Culture Editors: John O’Reilly & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 400 pages, 21 × 26 cm Price: € 29.90 (D) £ 25 $ 39.95 ISBN: 978-3-89955-587-5 Category: Food & Beverage Editors: Giulia Pines & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 240 pages, 24 × 28 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 55 ISBN: 978-3-89955-585-1 Category: Visual Culture Editors: Klaus Klemp, Keiko Ueki-Polet Features: Full color, PVC cover in slipcase, 808 pages, 19 × 23 cm Price: € 69.90 (D) £ 55 $ 90 ISBN: 978-3-89955-584-4 As the demand for work in illustration continues to grow, this medium is becoming a key component in the fields of advertising, communication, and reporting. Illusive, the definitive reference of contemporary illustration, showcases the work of both established names and new talents from around the world. The book demonstrates the dynamism of this creative technique, documents global trends, and features an impressive variety of illustration styles and design approaches spanning from luscious fashion sketches to unapologetic protest images. Its scope makes Illusive a rich source of ideas for illustrators, painters, and all visual artists, as well as for graphic and editorial designers. Today, food and beverages are a vital part of creative culture. The Delicious presents pioneers, traditionalists, and entrepreneurs who are breaking new ground and enriching the culinary world with their innovative concepts. The book also presents eatery owners who are creating unusual spaces for the enjoyment of food, moving away from the classic restaurant setting. Eating is more than a pastime, it’s a party; food is more than nourishment, it’s a social experience. This book helps you stay up-to-date with the world’s cooking and dining trends. In The Delicious, everything is possible, everything is delectable, and everything promises full enjoyment. Now available again, this is the definitive reference book on the work of Dieter Rams. In his more than 40 years at Braun, Rams established himself as one of the most influential designers of the twentieth century. True to the principle of “less, but better,” his elegantly clear visual language not only defined product design for generations, but also our fundamental understanding of what design is and what it can and should do. Less and More offers boundless inspiration for anyone interested in the aesthetic and functional aspects of applied design. The book features images of hundreds of Rams’s products as well as his sketches and models. It also contains texts by international design experts that explain how the work was created and put it into a contemporary context. Category: Food & Beverage Editors: Hendrik Haase & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 28 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 55 ISBN (U.K. Edition): ISBN (U.S. Edition): 978-3-89955-596-7 978-3-89955-637-7 Fine charcuterie is experiencing an undeniable revival. Combining quality with consciousness, young butchers are shaking up the trade and making delectable products from premium ingredients, rediscovering pâtés, sausages, and cold cuts. Crafted Meat documents current developments in today’s new meat culture for both epicures and makers. The book offers must-know information and expert tips for cooking enthusiasts and anyone who cares about what they eat. In addition to introducing the differences between cattle breeds and cuts of meat, it offers advice on which questions to ask a butcher and what to look for when making a purchase. It also includes a selection of delicious recipes that bring the new meat movement to the home table. Portraits Bæst BÆST, THE RESTAURANT FOUNDED BY CHRISTIAN PUGLISI AND KIM ROSSEN, IS LOCATED IN GULDBERGSGADE IN COPENHAGEN, DENMARK, WHERE IT HAS SERVED DELICACIES FROM REGIONAL ORGANIC PRODUCTS PREPARED IN THE BUTCHER’S SHOP AND PIZZA OVEN SINCE 2014. 108 68 BACKLIST 69 BACKLIST A POOR COLLECTOR’S GUIDE TO BUYING GREAT ART MIND THE MAP OUT OF THE JAR THE SHOPKEEPERS Illustrated Maps and Cartography Crafted Spirits & Liqueurs Storefront Businesses and the Future of Retail Everything you always wanted to know about the art market but were afraid to ask. A pioneering collector explains how to use passion and intuition to acquire key pieces or build a collection —even on a limited budget. A follow-up to our best-selling publication A Map of the World, this book features the cuttingedge of creative contemporary cartography. Creative handcrafted spirits: this book presents an inspiring overview of the best distilleries around the world. Category: Art By: Erling Kagge Features: Full color, hardcover, 192 pages, 17 × 24 cm Price: € 29.90 (D) £ 25 $ 39.95 ISBN: 978-3-89955-579-0 Category: Visual Culture Editors: Antonis Antoniou & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 288 pages, 24.5 x 33 cm New Price: € 39,90 (D) £ 40 $ 65 ISBN: 978-3-89955-588-2 Category: Food & Beverage Editors: Cathrin Brandes, Christian Schneider, Dirk Mönkemöller Features: Full color, hardcover, 240 pages, 24 × 28 cm Price: € 38 (D) £ 32.50 $ 49.95 ISBN: 978-3-89955-571-4 Retail is in upheaval, yet small shops are experiencing a rebirth. Driven by the personalities behind them and featuring select products, atmospheric interiors, and impeccable service, these spaces offer promising alternatives to webshops and chains. A Poor Collector’s Guide to Buying Great Art offers sound advice to those who want to buy art but don’t know how or where to do it. They might have preferences in terms of styles, but they’re not familiar with how the buying process works. Perhaps they already have specific pieces in mind but don’t yet trust the rules of the art market —if such rules actually exist. What does someone actually need to know to prevent their personal tastes from leading them to make the wrong investment decisions? On his way to becoming a passionate art collector himself, Norwegian adventurer Erling Kagge had to learn these ropes and answer this exact question. In this practical yet entertaining book, he illuminates all aspects of becoming an expert at buying art that one will enjoy for many years. Maps are a fascinating expression of contemporary visual culture. Their styles may range from simple to intricate and from restrained to vivid, but all maps unlock the world and make it more accessible. In our age of omnipresent satellite navigation systems, personal interpretations of our surroundings are gaining in importance. Today, the craftsmanship of cartographers and the distinct visuals of map illustrators are increasingly valued by both professional designers and a growing community of those passionate about maps. Mind the Map provides new perspectives on the world in map form. It offers surprising and inspiring bird’s eye views of places that we thought we knew and unexpected access to unfamiliar terrain. Distilling spirits is an age-old craft that is currently experiencing a renaissance. Today’s young distillers are striking the right balance between tradition and innovation. They are using premium ingredients to create a wide array of artisanal spirits that offer exceptional taste experiences. Out of the Jar presents a meticulously curated selection of the best and most unusual spirits from small manufacturers around the world. It introduces personalities who are cultivating rare varieties of fruit, reviving high-proof family recipes, or labeling each of their bottles by hand. A compelling overview of today’s crafted spirits and those who make them, Out of the Jar is a guidebook for professionals, gourmets, and all enthusiasts looking to enjoy a distinctive drink. 70 BACKLIST 71 Categories: Design & Fashion Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 30 cm New Price: € 39,90 (D) £ 40 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-590-5 BACKLIST In the age of online shopping, opening a store and becoming a shopkeeper seems like a bold move. Yet from Vienna to Vancouver, storefronts are emerging once again as worthy opponents for commercial corporations. Customers embrace individual businesses that share the distinctive knowledge, personalities, vision, and humor of their owners. Whether brand new and based on innovative ideas or passed down for generations and revamped, the stores and their shopkeepers featured in this book stand out for the singular experience they provide to their customers and the personal selection of items they sell. The Shopkeepers celebrates the diversity and creativity of brick-and-mortar businesses, telling the stories of the shops and their unique owners. CARSTEN NICOLAI THE GREAT WIDE OPEN THE JOURNEY THE OUTSIDERS Parallel Lines Cross at Infinity New Outdoor and Landscape Photography The Fine Art of Traveling by Train New Outdoor Creativity Carsten Nicolai´s stimulating audio-visual art challenges our perception and worldview. This book explores the work of the internationally renowned German artist. Atmospheric photography that follows today’s intrepid adventurers to the most breathtaking places in the world. Train trips are classic yet very of the moment. This book introduces its readers to a wide variety of trains and routes from around the world that all offer extraordinary travel experiences. Products, brands, and ideas that capture the evolving ethos of today’s outdoor and lifestyle entrepreneurs. Category: Escape Editors: Jeffrey Bowman & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 352 pages, 24.5 × 33 cm Price: € 49.90 (D) £ 45 $ 68 ISBN: 978-3-89955-555-4 Category: Escape Editors: Gestalten & Michelle Galindo Features: Full color, hardcover, 272 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 55 ISBN: 978-3-89955-569-1 Category: Escape Editors: Jeffrey Bowman & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 272 pages, 24 × 28 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 36.99 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-513-4 The Great Wide Open is a compilation of photographs that capture and celebrate the new desire for outdoor adventure. From Iceland to Mongolia, this book takes you on a visual journey to some of the Earth’s most breathtaking places. Lose yourself amidst endless horizons, within the depths of a forest, or on a mountain peak. An inspiring exploration of natural wonders, the book also includes a few stories from the people behind the lens —ordinary people who set out to do extraordinary things. The Great Wide Open is an ode to the outdoors, bound to awaken a thirst for adventure and prompt you to act on it. Train travel is one of the best ways to decelerate from our fast-paced daily lives. The Journey presents a varied selection of remarkable travel opportunities by train from around the world including the Venice Simplon Orient Express, the Glacier Express, the TransSiberian Railway, and the El Transcantabrico. Featuring historic luxury wagons, spectacular panoramic railways, and timeless itineraries, it takes the reader for a ride through breathtaking canyons and romantic scenery. Striking images, informative geographical material, and personal experiences bring these train adventures, which range from the quick three-hour trip to the transcontinental journey lasting several days, to life. More and more of us are turning to the great outdoors when seeking peace, balance, and a touch of adventure to offset our daily grind. The Outsiders showcases the outlook and passions of the new creative scene that has emerged and draws inspiration from this development along with its original products, brands, and ideas. The book captures the refreshing and evolving ethos of today’s smartly successful outdoor entrepreneurs and features interviews with key players from across the sector. Catering to modern globetrotters, these innovators are rethinking the ways in which the challenges posed by the wilderness meet the aesthetic needs of design-literate adventurers. The results are often radical, but always likeable with the occasional romantic or ironic wink. Category: Art Editors: Gerd Harry Lybke, Carsten Nicolai Features: Full color, hardcover, 304 pages, 23 × 30 cm Price: € 49,90 (D) £ 45 $ 78 ISBN: 978-3-89955-597-4 Art is freedom. Everything is possible. Carsten Nicolai creates according to a strict application of his own rules—and has established an impressively clear artistic perspective. Parallel Lines Cross at Infinity showcases Nicolai’s fascinating work, which explores the boundaries and intersections of art, nature, and science. Carsten Nicolai uses patterns, codes, equations, televisions, computers, neon tubes, and other devices. The world is his laboratory and art his experiments. He analyzes, fragments, and condenses data to give his audience direct access to complex processes of time, space, and sound. Parallel Lines Cross at Infinity offers a wealth of inspiration for those interested in avant-garde art, mathematics, science, experimental music, as well as conceptual thinking and design. yes/no, 2008 / pionier I, 2011 / anti, 2004 / raster gradient, 2009 / 334m/s, 2007 72 BACKLIST 243 73 BACKLIST AROUND THE WORLD THE NEW NOMADS A MAP OF THE WORLD THE AGE OF COLLAGE Temporary Spaces and a Life on the Move The World According to Illustrators and Storytellers Contemporary Collage in Modern Art The Atlas for Today The life of urban nomads places new demands on cities, residences, and working spaces. This book presents temporary architecture, flexible room and furniture concepts, and tools for a generation that feels at home in every corner of the globe. Contemporary maps in line with the zeitgeist by today’s most original and sought-after designers, illustrators, and mapmakers. Spontaneous, irreverent, and personal, collage fits more perfectly into our current world than almost any other artistic technique. This modern atlas presents our world in striking images and clear texts. The book is not just for graphic designers, but also for anyone who is curious about how we live today. Categories: Architecture, Escape Editors: Gestalten & Michelle Galindo Features: Full color, hardcover, 224 pages, 24 × 28 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 55 ISBN: 978-3-89955-558-5 Category: Visual Culture Editors: Antonis Antoniou & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 224 pages, 24.5 × 33 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-469-4 Category: Art Editors: Dennis Busch & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 288 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 34.99 $ 58 ISBN: 978-3-89955-483-0 Category: Visual Culture Editors: Andrew Losowsky & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 272 pages, 24.5 × 33 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 49.95 ISBN: 978-3-89955-497-7 Mobility is the ultimate new form of freedom. Today’s creatives thrive on a lifestyle that enables them to work six months in a shared office in Berlin, spend the summer in a caravan in Chile, and show up in time for their next project at a temporary desk in New York. This growing trend has generated visionary ways of designing products and spaces that facilitate a nomadic yet high-tech life. From a modular dwelling system on wheels to an inflatable classroom in a repurposed dumpster, this book compiles a wide range of flexible spaces and innovative products that define today’s nomads. Through innovative technology and by thinking outside the box, the designers behind these concepts give people the freedom to call the entire world their home. Maps help us understand and navigate the world. For centuries, maps have become better, more refined, and more precise — there are no blind spots anymore. While Google Maps and GPS systems have become our tools of choice for navigation, contemporary maps have evolved into platforms for cutting-edge illustration, experimental data visualization, and personal visual storytelling. A Map of the World is a compelling collection of work by a new generation of mapmakers. From accurate and surprisingly detailed representations to personal, naïve, and modernistic interpretations, the featured projects range from maps and atlases inspired by classic forms to cartographic experiments and editorial illustrations. The Age of Collage is a striking documentation of today’s continued appetite for destructive construction. Showcasing outstanding current artwork and artists, the book also takes an insightful behind-the-scenes look at those working with this interdisciplinary and cross-media approach. The featured collages are influenced by illustration, painting, and photography and play with elements of abstraction, constructivism, surrealism, and dada. Referencing scientific images, pop culture, and erotica, they reflect humanity’s collective visual memory and context. Through confident cuts, brushstrokes, mouse clicks, or pasting, the work expands the possibilities of the genre while turning our worldview on its head along the way. Looking through an atlas has always been a fascinating way to explore the world. Around the World is a contemporary evolution of an atlas tailored to our information age. With eye-catching graphics, current topics, and clear texts, the book is for anyone who is curious about the state of our planet and how we live today. Alongside classic facts about nature, history, culture, and politics, Around the World’s compelling information graphics thoroughly explain complex processes that impact our lives, such as global trade and changing demographics. Enthralling, attractive, and revealing, the book also visually explores events that have left indelible marks on our collective conscience including September 11 and Japan’s Fukushima disaster. 74 BACKLIST 75 BACKLIST GENTLEMEN, START YOUR ENGINES! THE RIDE The Bonhams Guide to Classic Sports & Race Cars New Custom Motorcycles and Their Builders Bonhams is the world’s go-to source for classic race and sports cars. In this book, the auction house presents a selection of the most breathtaking models and tells their stories. The motorcycle is back! The Ride is about custom motorcycles as motorcycles are meant to be and the people who build and drive them. Los Logos 7, the latest edition in our Los Logos series, showcases current developments in logo design. Category: Escape Editors: Jared Zaugg & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 320 pages, 30 × 27 cm Price: € 49.90 (D) £ 45 $ 70 ISBN: 978-3-89955-567-7 Category: Escape Editors: Chris Hunter & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, landscape format, 320 pages, 30 × 27 cm Price: € 49.90 (D) £ 45 $ 65 ISBN: 978-3-89955-491-5 Category: Visual Culture Editors: Gestalten, Nina C. Müller, George Popov Features: Full color, hardcover, 400 pages, landscape format, 24 × 19 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 49.95 ISBN: 978-3-89955-546-2 Category: Design & Fashion Photography: Gregor Hohenberg Editors: Gestalten, Gregor Hohenberg, Annett Hohenberg Features: Full color, half-linen hardcover, 320 pages, 24.5 × 33 cm Price: € 49.90 (D) £ 45 $ 68 ISBN: 978-3-89955-572-1 Gentlemen, Start Your Engines! reveals the undeniable icons of the classic car scene. As lovers of exclusive limited series, recordmaking vehicles, and legendary races themselves, Jared Zaugg and the team at Bonhams went all out in their efforts to collect the best of the best in this publication —and it shows. Every page gives the reader a sense of the intensity of true automobile culture. Large-format images showcase sleek shapes and tactile vintage interiors in loving detail. The book features a selection of models that go far beyond mere technical stats and gleaming chrome. Rather, they all offer something far more valuable: compelling stories. All the big names are included, but the focus is on what can be found behind the logos and the polished surfaces. Similar to the fresh contemporary scene that has established itself around bicycles in the last few years, the motorcycle is currently undergoing an aesthetic rebirth. A young subculture worldwide is discovering the motorcycle as an expression of its personality and creativity. The Ride explores motorcycle riding as it is meant to be: as a means of getting around with attitude, as an extension of one’s own body, as an expression of personal freedom, but also as a significant challenge to technical expertise, craftsmanship, physics, discipline, and driving skill. Los Logos 7 is an authoritative reference on contemporary logo design worldwide. Like the previous editions of the Los Logos series, the book is both a guide to the latest innovations as well as a harbinger of coming trends. The 400-page, fully indexed compendium presents an unparalleled selection of cutting-edge examples from around the globe intuitively arranged according to style or motif. Six interviews with leading designers in corporate, logo, and label design punctuate the publication and offer a look behind the scenes at younger as well as established agencies. The practical handbook is a must-have for any designer, brand manager, trend scout, or marketing strategist. In Traditional Couture, German photographer Gregor Hohenberg portrays the individuals, young and old alike, who currently wear authentic, traditional attire throughout his homeland. With an eye and sensibility with which he usually works with international fashion magazines, Hohenberg captures the glorious details of this distinctive clothing, its intricate tailoring, the dignity of those who wear it, and the beauty of their surroundings. Together, the dazzling photographs and insightful texts in Traditional Couture succeed in giving heritage fashions a contemporary context that fits perfectly with today’s passion for handcraft and paves the way for future styles. 76 BACKLIST LOS LOGOS 7 TRADITIONAL COUTURE Folkloric Heritage Costumes 77 BACKLIST Traditional clothing represents the cultures and handcraft of the regions where it is produced. Its creativity and longevity is inspiring fashion designers of today and tomorrow. ROCK THE SHACK HIDE AND SEEK START ME UP! THE CHAMBER OF CURIOSITY The Architecture of Cabins, Cocoons and Hide-Outs The Architecture of Cabins and Hide-Outs New Branding for Businesses Apartment Design and the New Elegance From weekend homes to get-away cabins, this architecture embodies our longing for relaxing in nature. Our longing for simplicity, clarity, and retreat often leads us into nature. Hide and Seek showcases a range of charming and elegant hideouts that satisfy this yearning. Little brand, big effect: today’s corporate design is being redefined by distinctive visual creativity. Today’s glamorous chambers of curiosity are to apartment design what the dandy is to fashion. Category: Architecture Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 240 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-466-3 Category: Architecture Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-545-5 Category: Visual Culture Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 28 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-556-1 Category: Architecture Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 36.99 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-517-2 Rock the Shack takes us to the places we long for. For the first time in the history of humankind, more people live in cities than in the country. Yet, at the same time, more and more city dwellers are yearning for rural farms, mountain cabins, or seaside homes. These kinds of refuges offer the promise of what urban centers usually cannot provide: relaxation, being out of reach, getting back to basics, and feeling human again. The book is a survey of such contemporary refuges from around the world —from basic to luxury. The look of the structures from the outside is just as important as the view from inside. What these diverse projects have in common is an exceptional spirit that melds the uniqueness of a geographic location with the individual character of the building’s owner and architect. The cabins and hideaways featured in Hide and Seek offer exceptional yet convenient ways to escape urban routines. The compelling dwellings meld traditional architecture with modern living in fascinating and surprising ways. Whether located in the forest or in the mountains, whether minimalistic or cozy, they exemplify how to create remote shelters that bring calm and balance to our hectic lives. With the right concept, furniture, décor, and atmosphere, even small or basic designs become stunning sanctuaries. Hide and Seek is a contemporary survey of contextual architecture and interior design that channels our shared desire for peace and quiet. These projects have the power to get people in touch not only with their surroundings, but also with themselves. Start Me Up! is a compendium of innovative corporate design for a new generation. Brimming with imaginative business ideas from a turban tailoring house to an artistically ambitious mattress manufactory, this book presents brands that break away from stereotypes through their visual identities. Brands are people and people are brands: the featured examples show that entrepreneurship today is more personal than ever before and that businesses can be seen as extensions of the passionate professionals who founded them. A showcase of the best in innovative branding from around the world, Start Me Up! collects work by creative agencies who are transforming business ideas into personalized narratives through striking visual storytelling strategies. The most fascinating apartments are always those that reflect the essence of their occupants. The Chamber of Curiosity is a captivating selection of interiors that tell compelling stories of their owner’s unconventional personalities and life paths. Each page transports the reader into their eccentric, deeply personal, and consistently fascinating spaces. We are welcomed into the private worlds of exotics, dandies, and hedonists featuring stunning work by architects and designers as well as objects collected by savvy hunters and gatherers. In the collage-like rooms showcased in this book, anything goes except uniformity. Its rich images are complemented by portraits of trailblazing interior designers and texts about the featured owners and their furnishings. 78 BACKLIST 79 BACKLIST THE STORY OF EAMES FURNITURE HELLO, I AM ERIK BARLEY & HOPS ON BEER AND FOOD Erik Spiekermann: Typographer, Designer, Entrepreneur The Craft Beer Book The Gourmet’s Guide to Recipes and Pairings Now available again, this lavish publication tells the story of Eames furniture in unparalleled detail on 800 pages with more than 2,500 images. Erik Spiekermann is the epitome of a typographer. This comprehensive book is the first to showcase his body of work and tell the story of his life. Going back to basics, small breweries are using meticulous craftsmanship to create beers with rich taste. These beers represent a new authenticity and way of life. Good beer is a taste-intensive and surprisingly versatile accompaniment to good food —often better suited than wine. This book presents recipes and fundamentals that explore the pairing of food and beer. Category: Design & Fashion By: Marilyn Neuhart with John Neuhart Features: Full color, hardcover, 2 volumes in slipcase, 800 pages, 25.5 × 29.2 cm Price: € 150 (D) £ 140 $ 199 ISBN: 978-3-89955-230-0 Category: Visual Culture Editor: Johannes Erler Features: Full color, hardcover, 320 pages, 22 × 28 cm Price: € 45 (D) £ 40 $ 60 ISBN (E): 978-3-89955-519-6 Category: Food & Beverage Editors: Sylvia Kopp & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 248 pages, 24 × 28 cm Price: € 35 (D) £ 30 $ 49.95 ISBN (E): 978-3-89955-533-2 Category: Food & Beverage Editor: Thomas Horne Features: Full color, hardcover, 168 pages, 21 × 26 cm Price: € 29.90 (D) £ 25 $ 39.95 ISBN: 978-3-89955-564-6 Erik Spiekermann is one of the best-known graphic designers in the world. He not only represents German typeface and corporate design like no other, but his work and the companies he has founded have had an unparalleled influence on contemporary graphic design around the globe. The visual biography Hello, I am Erik is the first comprehensive exploration of Spiekermann’s more than 30-year career, his body of work, and his mindset. Contributions by Michael Bierut, Neville Brody, Mirko Borsche, Wally Olins, Stefan Sagmeister, Christian Schwartz, Erik van Blokland, and others round out this insightful publication. Hello, I am Erik uses the typeface REAL. Each copy includes a code so that everyone who buys it can download the regular weight of this font for free. Barley & Hops gives beer connoisseurs a behind-the-kettles look at their favorite beverage —from its historical origins and regional distinctions to current developments. Compiled by renowned beer sommelier Sylvia Kopp, the book includes portraits of those who are united in their passion for craft beer, the brewing process, and creating something unique. Here, they share their personal stories of how they came to brew beer and, in the process, give insight into how beer is advancing our drinking culture today. Barley & Hops introduces a range of brews with individual facets that lend themselves to different tastes, occasions, and foods. It also includes a glossary with key beer-related terminology and recipes. Cheers! Beer had long been grossly underestimated as an accompaniment to sophisticated cuisine, but the booming craft beer movement is now sparking a fundamental shift. When a strong companion for a meal is needed, a beer’s spices and hoppy character make it an excellent choice. This book gives you the fundamentals to explore the pleasurable pairing of food and beer, along with varied recipes and useful tips. But beer is not only for drinking. Used as an ingredient, it can provide dishes with the perfect seasoning. It can work as a harmonious complement to a dish or provide it with a surprising contrast, remaining distinct while not overshadowing any flavors. On Beer and Food opens a world of taste possibilities. In this unique publication, Marilyn and John Neuhart tell the story, to paraphrase Charles Eames himself, of how Eames furniture got to be the way it is. The Story of Eames Furniture is a biography — not of an individual person, but of arguably the most influential and important furniture brand of our time. Brimming with more than 2,500 images and insider information, this two-volume book in a slipcase sheds new light on the context in which the furniture of Charles and Ray Eames was created. It documents in unparalleled detail how the design process in the Eames Office developed as well as the significant roles played by specific designers and manufacturers. THE LOST ABBEY/PORT BREWING KALIFORNISCH KLEIN-BELGIEN O RT ! SA N M A RC O S , K A L I FO R N I E N , U SA EIGENTÜMER ! TOMME ARTHUR, VINCE UND GINA M A R SAG L I A , J I M C O M STO C K B R A U M E I S T E R ! T O M M E A R T H U R U N D M AT T W E B S T E R GRÜNDUNG ! 2006 Bourbon, Brandy, Sherry, Wein – mehr als tausend Eichenfässer stehen im Keller von Port Brewing in Kalifornien. Darin reifen Biere, die es so in den Vereinigten Staaten selten gibt: inspiriert von der belgischen Biertradition, gebraut im Geiste der großen Trappistenbiere. Vince Marsaglia, einer der Gründer von Port Brewing, ist weder Mönch, noch hat er Verbindungen zu einem Kloster, aber den Traum einer Klosterbräu hegte er lange. Und wenn sich eine Gelegenheit bietet, weiß er sie zu ergreifen. Die erste Gelegenheit bot sich, als er Tomme Arthur für „Pizza Port“, sein damaliges Brewpub, engagierte. Der Brauer teilte Marsaglias Liebe für belgische Biere. Er braute die bewährten Westküsten-Ales und experimentierte nebenbei mit wilden Hefen – mit Brettanomyces und Bakterien, die außerhalb von Belgien oft als Organismen angesehen werden, die das Bier verderben. Gleich die ersten Versuche haben begeisterte Abnehmer gefunden. Nur an den kleinen Auflagen hatten die Genießer etwas auszusetzen. Die zweite Gelegenheit ergab sich 2005, als Stone Brewing aus ihrem damaligen Brauhaus in San Marcos auszog, um sich an anderer Stelle zu vergrößern. Eine Chance für Port Brewing, an diesem Ort eine eigene, belgisch inspirierte Produktlinie aufzubauen und der steigenden Nachfrage zu begegnen. The Lost Abbey war aus der Taufe gehoben. Das Label steht für herausfordernde, komplexe Ales. Belgien liefert dabei die Inspiration. Tomme Arthurs Ziel ist es nicht, die bekannten Stile getreu nachzubrauen, sondern den Geist zu bewahren und weiterzuentwickeln. Die Idee für ein bestimmtes Geschmacksprofil weist den Weg, der Brauprozess folgt. Die sauren Braustile, besonders die fassgereiften Lambiks, haben es Arthur angetan. Da die wilden Hefen, die sich im Gebälk alter belgischer Braustätten ansiedeln, für eine TOMME ARTHUR, DER MAGIER DER HEFEN, VERWIRKLICHT SEINE VERSION EINER KLOSTERBRÄU IN KALIFORNIEN. Spontanvergärung in Kalifornien nicht zur Verfügung stehen, experimentiert Arthur bewusst mit verschiedenen Kulturen und Zutaten: unterschiedlichen Brettanomyces-Stämmen, Milchsäurebakterien, Mikroorganismen aus dem Holz der Eichenfässer, Früchten und Kräutern. Das Mischen der verschiedenen gereiften Biere ist dann die Kür. Manchmal braut Arthur auch mit zahmen Lagerhefen, vergärt sie aber bei höheren, Ale-typischen Temperaturen. Die unkonventionelle Herangehensweise hat Tomme Arthur zum Kultstar der Craft-Bier-Szene mit großer, treuer Anhängerschaft gemacht. Dabei wirkt er in der persönlichen Begegnung eher scheu. Der „Magier der Hefen“ hat sich trotz des Ruhms seine Bescheidenheit und Hingabe bewahrt. Bereits 2006, im ersten Jahr von Lost Abbey, regnete es Auszeichnungen: beste Kleinbrauerei und bester Kleinbrauer beim Great American Beer Festival; ein Jahr später Champion Small Brewery und Brewer beim World Beer Cup. Unzählige Preise bekamen die einzelnen Biere der Lost Abbey, eins jedoch sticht hervor: „Cuvee de Tomme“. Diese Kostbarkeit ist eine Verbeugung vor den roten Ales Flanderns. Ein mit Rosinenpüree gebrautes Quadrupel, vergoren mit drei Brettanomyces-Hefen, gelagert auf Sauerkirschen in Bourbon- und Rotweinfässern – eine Einladung, sich auf die Magie einzulassen und sich zum keltischen Kreuz, dem Zeichen der Lost Abbey, zu bekennen. 139 138 80 BACKLIST 81 BACKLIST LET’S GO OUT AGAIN KNIFE AND FORK NORTHERN DELIGHTS Interiors for Restaurants, Bars and Unusual Food Places Visual Identities for Restaurants, Food and Beverage Scandinavian Homes, Interiors and Design Interior designers and architects worldwide are using new concepts to make going to a restaurant a multisensory experience. Original and unconventional visual identities from the world of eating, drinking, and hospitality. Reveals why everyone feels at home in a Scandinavian interior. Whether traditional, Nordic, or futuristic, the kitchen is the new living room —a place to cook, eat, and celebrate. This book showcases the latest interiors and kitchen concepts. Category: Architecture Editors: Gestalten & Michelle Galindo Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 28 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 55 ISBN: 978-3-89955-559-2 Category: Visual Culture Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 28 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-535-6 Category: Architecture Editors: Emma Fexeus & Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 60 ISBN: 978-3-89955-472-4 Category: Architecture Editors: Gestalten & Michelle Galindo Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 55 ISBN: 978-3-89955-557-8 Going out to a restaurant or bar is always about more than just eating and drinking. Whether we’re seeking the adventure of a once-in-a-lifetime culinary experience or the familiarity of traditional cuisine, atmosphere makes a difference and we increasingly want it to be all-consuming. Let’s Go Out Again is an eclectic showcase of atmospheric eating spaces from around the world. The featured projects represent state-of-the-art collaborations among architects, artists, designers, restaurateurs, and chefs that target not only all of our senses, but our identities and values too. The book is comprised of six chapters, each of which exemplifies an aesthetic and conceptual point of view: Understatement, Modern Musings, Rough and Local, Progressive, Graphic Spaces, and Dramatic. The work featured in Knife and Fork proves that even small enterprises can create big design concepts —despite limited budgets. Exploring how clever corporate identities can help new or niche businesses succeed, the book is an inspiration for anyone thinking about founding their own company or giving an existing one an unforgettable look. Although based on very different ideas, the businesses presented in Knife and Fork are all defined by their originality and personal character. From chocolate manufacturers to cooking schools, these distinctively eye-catching approaches to branding represent a new generation of entrepreneurs who understand how to creatively visualize business ideas and successfully communicate them across all channels. Northern Delights reveals why hardly any other interior or product design is so timeless, so functional, so aesthetic, and of such high quality as that of Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark. The book’s stunning selection of Scandinavian design ranges from individual products to skillfully staged living spaces. It showcases classic, minimal, rustic, and pop styles that are united by their simplicity, functionality, and love of light. Although it also presents iconic designs, the book focuses on the work of young talents who are consciously building upon local sustainable design traditions and further developing them in a way that is consistent, intelligent, and reflects an unerring sense of style. The kitchen is the new living room: a space for social gathering, collaborative cooking, and event hosting. Undergoing immense transformation through time and continually adapting to current social and aesthetic trends, the room that used to be a service area relegated to the back of the house is now the multi-functional hub of the home. Kitchen Kulture is an inspiring visual feast. The examples presented here are testing grounds for innovation as well as lively spaces that inspire a higher quality of life by promoting better eating habits and bringing together family and friends. From vast open-plan kitchens to studio kitchenettes, the professionals behind these designs uncover the full potential of today’s kitchen through their creativity. 82 BACKLIST 83 KITCHEN KULTURE BACKLIST I AM DANDY LIQUID SPACES FOREVER THE CRAFT AND THE MAKERS The Return of the Elegant Gentleman Scenography, Installations and Spatial Experiences The New Tattoo Tradition with Attitude The dandy is back! Today, a variety of men are discovering contemporary dandyism and giving it their own signature look. Surprising spatial experiences for all senses: this book features art, interior design, architecture, and striking scenography that leave lasting impressions. Tattoos have gone mainstream. Here comes the tattoo underground. Craftsmanship is an expression of quality, passion, and mindset. This book is a showcase of crafted products created by small manufacturers. Category: Design & Fashion Editor: Gestalten Photographs: Rose Callahan; Texts: Nathaniel Adams Features: Full color, hardcover, 288 pages, 22.5 × 29 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 36.99 $ 58 ISBN: 978-3-89955-484-7 This book documents the well-kempt lives of 57 protagonists of contemporary dandyism with a keen, yet empathic eye. Their carefully composed portraits not only depict the clothes, accessories, and homes of their subjects, but also capture the essence of their lifestyles in thoroughly entertaining and deeply insightful texts. The diversity of the men portrayed in I am Dandy is striking. They come from a variety of different countries, cultures, and social circles and make their livings in a range of occupations. By showcasing their styles, attitudes, and philosophies in all of their nuances, the book reveals that dandyism today is an attitude and calling that can be cultivated on any budget. Category: Architecture Editor: Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 24 × 30 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 35 $ 55 ISBN: 978-3-89955-561-5 Category: Design & Fashion Editors: Gestalten & Floyd Schulze Texts: Matt Lodder, Nick Schonberger Features: Full color, hardcover, 256 pages, 22.5 × 29 cm Price: € 39.90 (D) £ 37.50 $ 49.95 ISBN: 978-3-89955-442-7 The foundation of a meaningful relationship between artist and audience, museum and visitor, or brand and customer is based on an unforgettable experience. Yet these groups of people are more discerning than ever before: they want a personalized moment, to be informed and entertained, and, above all, to be inspired. Liquid Spaces features a wide spectrum of unconventional environments ranging from experimental installations to complex productions. Each one of these spaces plays with the boundaries of human perception, triggering sensual encounters that activate the senses in surprising ways. The book is thus a showcase of the most innovative concepts, most radical designers, and most demanding clients. Tattoos now have mass appeal, but beyond the mainstream, a new tattoo underground has developed. It is as innovative, diverse, inspiring, and controversial as the motifs it creates. Forever is a stunning documentation of this dynamic current scene. The book showcases key tattoo innovators and a broad range of fresh styles. In addition to its cutting-edge selection of quality visuals, it features insightful text portraits of artists Alex Binnie, Yann Black, Scott Campbell, Curly, El Monga, Fergadelic, Mike Giant, Thomas Hooper, Jon John, Alix Lambert, Guy Le Tatooer, Duke Riley, Robert Ryan, Jonas Uggli, Amanda Wachob, and Duncan X. A preface by heavily tattooed art historian Matt Lodder puts current developments in tattooing into historical context. Category: Design & Fashion Editors: Duncan Campbell, Charlotte Rey, Gestalten Features: Full color, hardcover, 272 pages, 24 × 30 cm New Price: € 39,90 (D) £ 40 $ 65 ISBN: 978-3-89955-548-6 Craftsmanship is more in demand than ever. There are already many people who are not concerned with a logo, chasing the next trend, or contributing to a disposable society. They would rather seek objects of real value and own things with which they can truly identify. The Craft and the Makers showcases savvy businesses that are choosing to focus on craftsmanship and aiming to create things with a soul. The book introduces small enterprises as well as the personalities that drive them. Whether furniture, porcelain, or leather goods, all of the products featured here offer today’s true luxury: the perfect fusion of creativity and craftsmanship that results in quality and durability. 36 37 LON DON U K above: Limited edition German oak bath oil manufactured with traditional artisan methods in Austria. left: Frank Leder’s designs are inspired by the history of ordinary working-class German men. 84 BACKLIST 85 BACKLIST GE R M A N Y Press Contacts Distribution Imprint International Gestalten Katharina Hegemann Tel. +49 (0)30 72 61 32 225 Fax +49 (0)30 72 61 32 222 k.hegemann@gestalten.com www.gestalten.com Gestalten Die Gestalten Verlag GmbH & Co. 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KG Mariannenstraße 9 –10 10999 Berlin Germany Tel. +49 (0)30 72 61 32 200 Fax +49 (0)30 72 61 32 222 sales@gestalten.com 86 Gestalten UK Die Gestalten Verlag UK Ltd. 65 London Wall London EC2M 5TU United Kingdom Tel. +44 (0) 20 76 28 48 29 Fax +44 (0) 20 76 28 48 28 UKenquiries@gestalten.com www.gestalten.com Gestalten US Gestalten Corp. 900 Broadway, Suite 603 New York, NY 10003 USA Tel. +1 (212) 99 52 720 Fax +1 (212) 99 52 733 USenquiries@gestalten.com www.gestalten.com Gestalten publications are distributed worldwide through our global network of distributors and sales representatives. For any inquiries regarding sales and distribution, please contact us at sales@gestalten.com and we will be happy to give you feedback from our head office in Berlin and/or direct you to one of our local representatives. Please note that all titles, designs, prices, publication dates, and specifications contained within this catalog are subject to change at any time and without notice. Date: March 2016 Cover images: Whisper of a pion by Anna Bakhareva & Olya Osokina Font: Malaussène Translation by Laure Afchain, foundry: www.gestaltenfonts.com © Die Gestalten Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin 2016 All rights reserved. Title number 9213 (also available in a German edition: Title no. 9212) This catalog was printed on paper certified by the FSC ®.
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