The Seanachaidh - Texas Scottish Festival
The Seanachaidh - Texas Scottish Festival
The Seanachaidh VOL 27 NO. 1 eNewsletter of the Texas Scottish Festival & Highland Games Spring 2016 The 30th annual TEXAS SCOTTISH FESTIVAL & HIGHLAND GAMES are scheduled for May 13-14-15th, 2016. Renowned for its outstanding entertainment, the Festival again features some of the top Scottish performers in the world including acclaimed Scottish fiddler and composer Brian McNeill, Scottish fiddler John Taylor, Balladeer Ed Miller, and the Scottish/Celtic groups Clandestine, Jiggernaut, Seamus Stout, Piper Jones Band, Murder the Stout, Scotland Rising, and Cleghorn in addition to many other artists and performers. Featured at our Friday night opening concert is The Killdares. The Texas Scottish Festival is recognized as the number one Scottish festival in North America for Scottish entertainment and talent. The 2016 Highland Games will again be hosting some of the top Scottish athletes from North America and include professional, amateur, female, and novice athletic competitions. Also featured are Scottish Highland Dance and Scottish National Dance competitions. The featured and host bagpipe band will be the championship North Texas Caledonian Pipes & Drums. Unique foods such as Scotch Eggs, Haggis, Neeps & Tatties, Fish & Chips, and the usual festival and international foods will be available. New for 2016 is the Texas Rugby Tournament and an extensive Genealogy Seminar. Scheduled events include Professional, Amateur, Female, & Novice Athletics, Scottish Fiddle Workshop, Children's Games & Activities, Educational Seminars, a Gaelic Language Seminar, Scottish Country Dancing, a Bonniest Knees Contest, a Scotch Whisky Tasting, Celtic Harp, Bodhran Drum Workshop, an All-Scottish Breed Dog Show, Lassies Galore, a feature Ceilidh, Scotch Ale Brewing Competition, Fiddle Faddle, Folk Music, a Shortbread Contest, three large Entertainment/Pub tents, two Celtic Rock Concerts, and more. If it’s Scottish, we’ve got it! ---See page 3 for a list of activities--- 30th Annual Texas Scottish Festival & Highland Games Join our Internet Groups The Seanachaidh is a publication of the Texas Scottish Festival & Highland Games, the Texas Scottish Festival Association, and Arlington Highland Games, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to the promotion, study, and preservation of Scottish, Gaelic, & Celtic traditions, history, music and culture. All correspondence should be addressed to the TSF&HG offices. Texas Scottish Festival & Highland Games Texas Scottish Festival Association Post Office Box 511 Clifton, Texas 76634 Telephone (800) 363-SCOT (7268); Fax (254)675-3273 E mail: Web Page: Supporters of The Texas Scottish Festival has an online presence with a support group on FaceBook. Check the site and join to find up-to-date information and visit with others about the Texas Scottish Festival & Highland Games. Click on the link below— TSF&HG FaceBook Site TSF&HG Committee Chairpersons Executive Director / Ray McDonald Director of Operations / Fred Stewart Field Operations / Thomas King Operations Ombudsman / Scott Davis Entertainment Chairman / Craig Van Winkle Ticket Office / Rebecca Hopkins, Caitlin McDonald Volunteer Coordinator / Trish Williamson Info / Dog Rescue Groups / Rebecca Hopkins Sound & Schedules / David Glass Clans & Societies / Gordon Parmalee & Fred Stewart T-Shirt sales / Wendy Walker Davis Highland Dance Chairman / Diane Krugh Festival Pipe Major / Bob Richardson Festival Program / Jeannie Beal Badges / John Beal Athletics Chairman / Aaron Woods Vendor Chairman / Fred Stewart Beverage Chairman / Will Ross Beverage Committee / Frank Salazar Ice / Andrew Schmoke Church & Kirking / Trish Williamson Shortbread Contest / Jeanie Beal Chaplain / open Patrons / Terry McDonald Solicitor / Kathryn Lanford Scottish Country Dancing / Lisa Polk Scottish Harp / Rebekah Passmore Dog Events Chairperson / Susan Crutcher Publicity / open Trophies & Awards / John McInnis Operations Emeritus / F. M. Daniels Photo Contest / Jim McCrain Bonniest Knees / Cindi Newell Children’s Events / Hazel Greene Rugby / John Crawford & Aaron Robertson Whisky Tasting & Seminars / Sib Woehr Scotch Ale Contest / Jamie Kirmser Education Coordinator / Cynthia Repasky Web Site / Jim McCrain The 30th Annual Texas Scottish Festival & Highland Games May 13- 15, 2016 Maverick Stadium University of Texas at Arlington 5:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Friday 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday Scheduled Activities Generally in the order of 1st appearance Friday Genealogy Seminar (all day) Scottish Vendors & Crafts Pub Tents & Celtic Music Scottish Food & Drink Novice Athletic Competition Patrons BBQ Calling of the Clans Concert featuring The Killdares Scheduled Entertainers Brian McNeill Ed Miller Jiggernaut FW Scottish Pipes & Drums Tullamore Clandestine Cleghorn Seamus Stout Jed Marum Piper Jones Band The Selkie Girls Scottish Thunder Jil Chambless & Scooter Muse Margaret Gravitt Murder the Stout Scotland Rising The Killdares and special host bagpipe band: North Texas Caledonian Pipes & Drums Saturday Scottish Vendors & Crafts Clan & Society Tents Scottish Breed Dog Show Pub Tents & Celtic Music Scottish Food & Drink Educational Seminars Rugby Tournament Highland Dance Competitions Bagpipe Band Performances Children's Events Amateur Athletics / Professional Athletics Scottish Country Dancing Shortbread Competition Bonniest Knees Contest Scotch Whisky Tasting Lassies Galore with Emily Fiddle Faddle with Brian McNeill Sunday Kirking Services Scottish Vendors & Crafts Clan & Society Tents Masters Athletics / Female Athletics Pub Tents & Celtic Music Scottish National Dance Competitions Bagpipe Band Performances Children's Events Scottish Fiddle Workshop Educational Seminars Finale The 30th Annual Texas Scottish Festival & Highland Games Pipes of the Executive Director HOST HOTEL for 2016 February 15, 2016 Dear Members I am so looking forward to our 30th anniversary festival this year. As always we have a great line up of performers and events Be sure to take advantage of our ‘valuable’ discount coupons found in this newsletter. Enclose them with your ticket order form, remembering to deduct the amount of the discount you are using. Again I hope that you, our wonderful TSFA membership and supporters, can volunteer a couple of hours to assist us. See you in MAY!!!! Ray McDonald Volunteers Needed If you can volunteer two hours sometime during the festival, we do need your help. Please download the Volunteer Form from the website or email Trish Williamson, our Festival volunteer chairperson and Volunteer coordinator: Link to Volunteer & Registration Forms: click here for Volunteer Forms ! Quality Inn-Arlington Highlands 121 I-20 East @ Matlock Road, Arlington, Texas Book Early for BIG SAVINGS Reservation Telephone: 817-467-3535 Mention “Scottish Festival” rates The Quality Inn at Arlington Highlands will be the weekend festival HQ when not on site and the accommodation for all our entertainers, judges, and competitors. We have the entire hotel so we can customize the weekend for our Scottish Festival attendees. The Quality Inn is only 4 miles from Maverick Stadium, our festival site, and is located near our original home, the former Caelum Moor. NOTE--Be sure to identify yourself as attending the Scottish Festival or they may inform you that the hotel is blocked. Of course it is blocked for us, but you must inform the hotel your are in the Scottish Festival group. Book early for rates as low as $73.50 For additional Travel information contact the Arlington Convention and Visitors Bureau. Visitors Information Center (800) 342-4305 (Toll Free) $10 Discount Coupon $10 Apply this coupon towards the purchase of a 2016 Patrons Package (Limit one coupon per Patrons package) Coupon Expires April 15, 2016 If you have already paid full price for a Patrons Package you may use this coupon for an additional T-Shirt voucher (You must send a self addressed stamped envelope and coupon to receive vouchers.) $10 Discount Coupon $10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coupon Page --Print this page-- Order Tickets Now Include your discount coupon with your Ticket Order Form ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $20 Discount Coupon $20 Apply this coupon towards the purchase of a 2016 Sustaining Patrons Package (Limit one coupon per Sustaining Patrons Package) Coupon Expires April 15, 2016 If you have already paid full price for a Patrons Package you may use this coupon for two additional T-Shirt vouchers (You must send a self addressed stamped envelope and coupon to receive vouchers.) $20 Discount Coupon $20 The 30th Annual Texas Scottish Festival & Highland Games 2016 Registration Forms Information and/or Entry forms for the following events will be available on our web site: Registration Forms Link Clan Registration Bagpipe Band Competition Highland Dance Competitions Shortbread Contest Celtic Brew Contest Scottish Breed Dog Show Vendor Forms Volunteer Form Tartan Pass for 2016 To encourage clan participation on Friday evening, the Texas Scottish Festival has continued the special Tartan Pass admission package for the weekend. The Tartan Pass will include an admission ticket for each day, a festival program, and a Friday Welcome BBQ ticket. This is a great value at $50.00 per person. We encourage you to take advantage of this package. Enjoy the excellent BBQ, the complementary beverages, desert, and then enjoy the Calling of the Clans. Of course stay for the Celtic-rock show following. NEW For 2016 Genealogy Seminar Stadium Parking UTA has indicated that they may charge for parking this year. As of date we have no information as to amount to be charged if they decide to do it. If so our Ticket Packages will not include parking this year. Texas Scottish Festival & Highland Games Advance Ticket Order Form ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Friday or Sunday Tickets! ! ! ! ! Saturday Only Tickets ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! _____Adults / per day--$12.00 ! (gate price $18.00) ! ! _____Children (6-12) $4.00 circle day requested _____Adults -$8.00 ! ! ! ! ! ! (gate price $12.00) circle day needed ! ! ! (Friday admission includes ceilidh & concert)! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! _____Teen (13-17) $7.00! ! ! ! ! _____Children (6-12) per day $4.00! ! _____Teen (13-17) $7.00 _____Tartan Pass Package / $50.00 per adult includes daily admission Friday-Saturday-Sunday Festival Program and Howdy BBQ Ticket _____Weekend Admission Pass / $25.00 per adult includes daily admission Friday-Saturday-Sunday Festival Program included with purchase of 2 or more Weekend Passes _____Weekend Admission Pass / $15.00 per teen (13-17) _____Weekend Admission Pass / $9.00 per child (6-12) _____Patrons Package / $95.00 per person includes daily admission F-S-S , Howdy BBQ, Festival T-shirt, Program, Program listing, Patrons Club (in press box), and more. _____Sustaining Patrons Package / $295.00 includes two complete Patrons packages (see above), Complementary bottle of single malt scotch whisky, two tickets to Scotch Whisky tasting (on site), Special listing in Program, Patrons Club (in press box), Chilled bottled water, Five raffle tickets ($20.00 value), and more Amount Enclosed $_______________ ! Name (s) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ! Address______________________________________________________________________________________ ! City_____________________________________________State_______________ Zip Code__________________ ! Email Address (for TSF membership-not to be shared) ____________________________________________________ Discount advance tickets are available by mail only if received by April 25th. Please include a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope or a $1 bill to cover postage & handling. Orders without return postage may be picked up at the will-call window at the event. Add your totals and send Order Form to: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Texas Scottish Festival Tickets Post Office Box 511 Clifton, Texas 76634 Why Support the TSF&HG? You do support the festival you say. You come every year, pay for your Patrons Package, and sit in the hot sun for three days. Yes you do, and we thank you for it. We could not make this happen every year without you. Heritage festivals across the US used to be a dime a dozen, but you might have noticed lately that they are growing fewer and fewer. Sources of funding, both corporate and civic, have gradually dried up, there is a lot of competition for your attention and your dollars, and the cost of everything from insurance to rental fees to gas has skyrocketed. Gloomy picture is it not? For the TSF&HG the picture is far from gloomy. Now in our 30th year, we are still going strong, and recognized as one of the largest and most preeminent Scottish music festivals in North America, offering the best in local and international talent, world-class athletics and dance competition, not to mention enough education and cultural events, and food and merchandise vendors to keep you occupied for days. Yes, we will be raising our Patrons Package fees this year, for the first time in 16 years, and we’re still a bargain by anyone’s estimation. Buying a concert ticket for any of our headliners will cost your more than your three days’ admission to the festival where you get to hear them perform not just once, but several times. And unlike many festivals you get everything we offer for one fee; there are no separate charges for seminars, the Friday night ceilidh, the Calling of the Clans, or any other event at the festival. As important as ticket sales are to the festival, of even more importance is your “intangible” support. Amazingly, there are people who have lived in the metroplex their entire lives who do not know about the Texas Scottish Festival & Highland Games. Do you tell folks what a great festival we have? Invite them to come out? Do you talk about all the great things the festival has to offer? Call your local news stations and ask that they cover the event? You, our patrons, volunteers, and loyal festival-goers are all very important to us and we could not make it happen every year without you. We have a festival to be proud of but it doesn’t happen without a lot of sustained work and support. Thanks for all you do to help us make this happen for the last 29 years. Here’s to the next 30.
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