Featured in this issue - kpa


Featured in this issue - kpa
USMMA KP Alumni - Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc.
Fortune Center, 42 Idlewild Street, Bel Air, MD 21014 Tel: (410) 420-0080
E-mail: kpa-cpa@kpa-cpa.com Web: http://www.kpa-cpa.com
USMMA KPA-CPA News 051813
View as MS Word document - Click: http://kpa-cpa.com/USMMAAF%20CPC/USMMA%20KPA-CPA%20News%20051813.doc
View as PDF - Adobe Acrobat Reader File - Click: http://kpa-cpa.com/USMMAAF%20CPC/USMMA%20KPA-CPA%20News%20051813.pdf
Please pass this information to your Chapter, fellow Alumni & Friends of Kings Point!
Note - All Newsletters are also posted to our web site:
http://www.kpa-cpa.com USMMA KP Alumni - Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc. - News Page
Featured in this issue:
1. KP Alumni Plebe Welcome Events – Class of 2017
2. USMMA KP Alumni – Mid-Atlantic Chapters – Plebe Welcome Invitation 060113
3. Mid-Atlantic Alumni Plebe Welcome USMMA Class of 2017 on June 1, 2013
4. National Maritime Day Commemoration SAT May 18, 2013 Aboard N.S. Savannah in Baltimore
5. Training Cruise Aboard T/V Liberator – Baltimore Port Visit for NMD - 051713 - 051913
6. SS UNITED STATES Conservancy Presentation Onboard N.S. SAVANNAH 051813
7. Merchant Marine Medal for Outstanding Achievement Award to Captain Tim Brown '65 051813
8. National Maritime Day Commemoration May 22, 2013
9. NMD Commemoration – Galveston Bay – Brazosport Chapter Friday May 17, 2013
10. NMD Commemoration – Los Angeles / Long Beach Chapter May 22, 2013
11. NMD Commemoration – Connecticut Shoreline Chapter May 22, 2013
12. NMD Commemoration – San Francisco Chapter May 22, 2013
13. NMD Message From MARAD, DOT Washington, D.C.
14. NMD Commemoration - DOT Washington, D.C.
15. NMD Commemoration – Propeller Club & KP Club of Washington, D.C. Wed May 22, 2013
16. NAMEPA 2013 National Maritime Day Seminar/Dinner & AMVER Awards Tue May 21, 2013
17. NMD Commemoration – Delaware Shore Chapter May 18, 2013
18. Hearing Scheduled - Maritime Transportation: The Role of U.S Ships and Mariners 052113
19. Maritime Industry Congressional Sail-In May 8, 2013 Washington, D.C.
20. Military Sealift Command Holds Change of Command
21a. U. S. Merchant Marine Academy Observance of National Maritime Day 2013
21b. The United States Merchant Marine Academy Announces 2013 Commencement Speaker
21c. 2013 Graduation Schedule
21d. USMMA Celebrates Midshipman Appreciation Day
22. Matsuda Steps Down as U.S. Maritime Administrator
23. MARAD Small Shipyard Grants mean a lot to Steve Williams and many others
24. USMMA KP Alumni – Port of Houston Chapter Hosts Midshipmen to OTC
25. U.S. Merchant Marine and World Maritime Review published May 2013 Issue USNI Proceedings
26. U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Table Banners Available!
27. KP Alumni – Port of Mobile Chapter hosts Marine Industry Golf Tournament 043013 – RSVP!
28. Maersk Line, Limited Invests in Eight Newer Vessels and Renews Its Commitment to U.S. Customers
29. Rep. Elijah Cummings Honored at 29th Annual Salute to Congress
31. USMMA Earns 2012-13 Landmark Conference SAAC Sportsmanship Cup
32. 12 Mariners Named to the Landmark Conference Spring Honor Roll
33. Visit the Academy Web site: http://www.usmma.edu
Academy Website Communications page http://www.usmma.edu/communications
Academy Website Alumni Information page http://www.usmma.edu/alumni
34. Commemorating Memorial Day – Monday May 27, 2013
35. Memorial Day 2013 TV Programming and Marathons
36. KPA-CPA Welcomes New Chapters
NOTE: This edition of USMMA KPA-CPA News 051813 is provided in two (2) formats - as hypertext linked:
View as MS Word document - Click: http://kpa-cpa.com/USMMAAF%20CPC/USMMA%20KPA-CPA%20News%20051813.doc
View as PDF - Adobe Acrobat Reader File - Click: http://kpa-cpa.com/USMMAAF%20CPC/USMMA%20KPA-CPA%20News%20051813.pdf
Ref: USMMA KPA-CPA News 051813
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1. KP Alumni Plebe Welcome Events – Class of 2017
An important established goal of our KP Alumni Chapters is to promote Kings Point through service to the USMMA Admissions
Recruiting Program. We KP Alumni have an excellent opportunity to promote the Academy, and to encourage applications from
the most qualified students who will carry forward our proud heritage.
The USMMA KP Alumni – Chapter Presidents Alliance, Member Alumni Chapters, have agreed that hosting an Alumni Plebe
Welcome Program is a core Mission Support event. Our event is an "Alumni Welcome" for Plebes, Families, and those students
interested in appointment to Kings Point. The USMMA Parents Association provides a Plebe Welcome and Orientation for
incoming Plebes and their families, ie: what to expect at Indoctrination, Basics for Reporting to Kings Point etc. This Parents
event is a welcome to the Parents Association. These events are certainly a noble effort, and purposely narrow in focus.
The USMMA Alumni Chapters provide a larger and different picture to our invited guests. The KP Alumni Chapters provide
Admissions Recruiting Programs worldwide. We recruit the Candidates, we assist them through the application process, we invite
these applicants to various Alumni and Midshipman events throughout the year, and we provide exposure opportunities to these
candidates. We then provide an Alumni Plebe Welcome program annually which has a multi-purpose mission. We provide yet
another Maritime Industry Orientation, an opportunity for our guests to meet Alumni, Midshipmen, Academy representatives and
fellow Plebe Classmates. Again - we invite Plebes, Families, and those students interested in appointment to Kings Point. This
event serves as a great Admissions Recruiting Program for those interested in attending Kings Point - with or without appointment
to date. We ALSO provide “Useful Tips for Incoming Plebes and Helpful Suggestions for Parents”. This, however, is only one of
our Mission objectives for this event.
Our 50 Year Legacy Class program provides a link between the past and the future, by receiving their class! It is important to
understand that the KP Alumni serve as a vital connection for these Plebes and their families. Our Alumni Admissions Recruiting
Representatives present the Appointment Letters to the Plebes at High School Awards Assemblies. Our Alumni Chapters provide
Mission Support, Financial Support, Midshipman and Sports Team Hosting, opportunities for our Midshipmen to travel and
participate in field academic and vocational opportunities, Midshipman Berthing worldwide, Maritime Industry Internship
Assignments, Chapter Event participation, etc. etc. It is extremely important to Plebes / Midshipmen that they know their KP
Alumni Chapter and that they are involved with our Alumni from the beginning of their Kings Point experience. These Midshipmen
will one day be Kings Point Alumni!
Additionally, we have been very successful in gaining Midshipman Parent members in our Chapter(s). Once the Parents
understand the leadership role that the KP Alumni play in the support of the Academy, and the well being of their Midshipmen,
they are most eager to affiliate as a member of our Chapters.
After Midshipman Appointments are made, we have yet another opportunity to provide a positive impact to these young men and
women who will be attending Kings Point. Our KP Alumni Chapters are encouraged to provide a KP Alumni Plebe Welcome
Event, or to actively participate in such an event that is hosted by a USMMA Parents Association Chapter or Region.
All KP Alumni Chapters are requested to provide information about YOUR KP Alumni Plebe Welcome Event, or one in which you
will participate. We will post your event and provide recognition of your Mission Support! All KP Alumni are welcome to
participate in these events.
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2. USMMA KP Alumni – Mid-Atlantic Chapters – Plebe Welcome Invitation 060113
Chesapeake Chapter is pleased to host our
Annual Mid-Atlantic Kings Point Alumni Chapters Plebe Welcome for the incoming USMMA Class!
- All USMMA Class of 2017 Appointees, and their families
- Students who will be attending the New Mexico Military Institute (NMMI) – Academy Prep School Program
- All High School and College Students who are interested in attending the USMMA
- High School and College Representatives who are interested in learning more about the USMMA
- All Kings Point Alumni interested in speaking about Maritime or Military Careers. Share your Kings Point Experience!
Cost: $ 0.00! All attendees are welcome – NO CHARGE!
Description: Our event is hosted at The Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies (MITAGS), 692 Maritime
Boulevard, Linthicum Heights, Maryland 21090. We begin with a Continental Breakfast “Meet & Greet”, followed by a forum of
Maritime and Military career professionals. Our speakers will provide a brief overview of their “Kings Point Experience” and their
careers after graduation. All of our participants will have opportunities to speak with our presenters one-on-one for a personalized
addressing of their questions. We will enjoy a delicious 3 entrée buffet luncheon in the Conference Center main dinning room.
Our program will close with our special cake cutting ceremony, and a “receiving of the Class of 2017” by the 50 Year Legacy
Class of 1967!
All attendees - RSVP TODAY! Kings Point Alumni Mid-Atlantic Region Chapter Presidents and all KP Alumni who are interested
in making a presentation are requested to contact us ASAP. Your partnership efforts will be appreciated!
Gary G. Hicks ’76 - President, USMMA KP Alumni – Chesapeake Chapter, Inc. Fortune Center, 42 Idlewild St., Bel Air, MD 21014
Tel: (410) 420-0080 E-mail: kpchesapeake@comcast.net Web Site: http://www.kpchesapeake.com
Tim Sumner '66 – President, USMMA KP Alumni – Delaware Shore Chapter
Regional Vice Chairman - Mid-Atlantic & International – East, USMMA KP Alumni – Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc.
Tel: (240) 475-2426 E-mail: tsumner66@verizon.net
(L to R) Mid-Atlantic Region Plebe Candidates entering Class of 2016 and
their families from NJ, PA, DE, MD, WV, Washington D.C., and VA!
(L to R) Welcome Cake Ceremony - 50th Year Legacy Kings Point Class of
1966 “receives” the Plebe Class of 2016! Midshipman Nickolas Sottile ‘12
– USMMA Regimental Drill & Ceremonies Officer, Tim Sumner (KP ’66),
President , Delaware Shore Chapter, Tom Harrelson (KP ’66) –
Washington, D.C. Chapter, and Midshipman Daniel Thacker (KP ’13) Regimental Drill & Ceremonies Officer
USMMA KP Alumni - Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc.
Fortune Center, 42 Idlewild Street, Bel Air, MD 21014, Tel: 410-420-0080, Cell: (410) 652-8141
E-mail: kpa-cpa@kpa-cpa.com Web: http://www.kpa-cpa.com
"Tell America!” “Tell America About Kings Point and the U.S. Merchant Marine!”
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3. Mid-Atlantic Alumni Plebe Welcome USMMA Class of 2017 on June 1, 2013
Mid-Atlantic Alumni Plebe Welcome USMMA Class of 2017
Get Acquainted with Classmates, Midshipmen, Kings Point Alumni, Maritime Professionals!
Saturday June 1, 2013 – 10:00AM to 2:00PM
hosted at The Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies (MITAGS)
692 Maritime Boulevard, Linthicum Heights, Maryland 21090
Funding Provided by USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter, Inc.
Presented in cooperation with:
USMMA KP Alumni - Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc. and USMMA Mid-Atlantic Parents’ Club
Program Agenda
9:30AM Participants Check-in. Continental breakfast items provided. (Lobby – North Academic Building # 3) Get Acquainted with Fellow
Classmates Midshipmen, Alumni & Maritime Industry Professionals! Plebe Candidates entering Class of 2017 and their families have been
invited from NJ, PA, DE, MD, WV, Washington D.C., and VA! MITAGS Maritime Museum Tour – self guided
10:00AM Commence Presentation - CCMIT Bldg #2 - South Residence Tower, Dining Room Lower Level
10:00AM Welcome - Gary G. Hicks ’76 - President, USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter, Inc.
10:15AM Speaker Presentation(s)
(1) “Useful Tips for Incoming Plebes and Helpful Suggestions for Parents” –
- Michael & Fay Edmondson ‘A - Midshipman & Parents Association Liaison, KP Chesapeake Chapter
(2) “The World of Career Options for USMMA Graduates” – Comments from KP Alumni & Maritime Industry Professionals
- A number of Speakers, including attending USMMA Midshipmen and recent Graduates.
12:45PM Luncheon served – The Conference Center at the Maritime Institute
1:30PM Welcome Cake Ceremony – 50th year Legacy Kings Point Class of 1966 to “receive” their plebe class of 2017!
- USMMA Class of 1967 representative(s) to be announced
- Tim Sumner (KP ’66) – President, USMMA KP Alumni - DE Shore Chapter &
Regional Vice Chairman – Mid Atlantic & International East, USMMA KP Alumni – Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc.
1:55PM Concluding Remarks - Gary G. Hicks ’76 - President, USMMA KP Alumni – Chesapeake Chapter, Inc.
2:00PM F.W.E. (Finished With Engines!)
All USMMA Alumni, Midshipmen, Parents, Plebes, Families, Students interested in Appointment to the USMMA and
Guests are welcome! This event is presented at NO COST $ 0.00 to our participants!
* Overnight accommodations available at the Conference Center Hotel, at the Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies, Linthicum
Heights, MD. For reservations please call Hotel directly - Toll Free at (866) 900-3517 or email reservations@ccmit.org
Website: WWW.MITAGS.ORG Directions to MITAGS: http://www.mitags.org/download/documents/CCMIT-Directions.pdf
A Special Thank You!
We acknowledge the generous support of our Mid-Atlantic Region - Alumni Plebe Welcome Program, provided to our USMMA Midshipman, and all of
our program attendees by: The Conference Center at the Maritime Institute - Glen Paine (KP '78) - Executive Director.
We are grateful for the technical & publication support of our Event Program Brochure by:
The Maritime Institute of Technology & Graduate Studies - Glen Paine (KP '78) - Executive Director.
Welcome KP Alumni Plebe Welcome Program Brochure Advertisers
$ 100.00 (1/4 page) $ 200.00 (1/2 page) $ 400.00 (full page). Publication is sized 8.5" (H) x 5.5" (W), Multi-page, bi-fold, color printing.
Please provide text & logo art as jpeg, gif or other standard graphic file(s) by TUESDAY May 28, 2013. All corporate, organization or individual
advertisers are welcome. Proceeds are used to fund our Plebe Welcome event and Midshipman Support Activities.
Check payable to: KPChesapeake Payments can also be made online
Visit our website http://www.kpchesapeake.com, KP Chesapeake - Additional Upcoming Events Highlight page
Ref: KP Chesapeake Alumni Plebe Welcome 060113 http://kpchesapeake.com/Events/KP%20Chesapeake%20Alumni%20Plebe%20Welcome%20060113.doc
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4. National Maritime Day Commemoration SAT May 18, 2013 Aboard N.S. Savannah in Baltimore
KP Chessie
National Maritime Day Commemoration and Armed Forces Day Observance
SAT May 18, 2013 10:00AM
Aboard N.S. Savannah, in the Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimore!
Free Tours of all the participating ships, also Maritime Expo & Career Fair 10:00AM to 3:00PM
Crabcake Luncheon in the Passenger Dining Room (meal optional – pre-payment required! Details below.)
Sponsored by the Port of Baltimore National Maritime Day Committee: USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter, Ft. Schuyler Maritime
Alumni – Baltimore Chapter, Baltimore Port Alliance, Baltimore Maritime Exchange, Baltimore & Chesapeake Steamboat Company, Maryland
Port Administration, and Nuclear Ship Savannah Association, and others…in cooperation with the U. S. Maritime Administration.
The World’s First Nuclear-Powered Merchant Ship – "Atoms for Peace" Program
A National Historic Landmark of the United States
Pier 13, Canton Marine Terminal, 4601 Newgate Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21224
Speaker: Honorable Barbara A. Mikulski (invited)
United States Senator representing the State of Maryland, & Chairwoman – Senate Appropriations Committee
David T. Matsuda - Maritime Administrator
Presenting the National Maritime Day Presidential Proclamation
Congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley - Past Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission
Providing a Port of Baltimore Welcome
featuring A Tribute to Captain Harry Marshall KP ’44 (1924-2012),
former President and Owner of American Foreign Shipping Co., Inc.
ProgramProgram- Agenda
The Port of Baltimore National Maritime Day Committee hosted the Fifth Annual National Maritime Day Commemoration and
Armed Forces Day Observance on Pier 13, Canton Marine Terminal, 4601 Newgate Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21224
The Committee members include the USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter, Ft. Schuyler Maritime Alumni – Baltimore
Chapter, Baltimore Port Alliance, Baltimore Maritime Exchange, Baltimore & Chesapeake Steamboat Company, Maryland Port
Administration, and Nuclear Ship Savannah Association, and others, working in cooperation with the U. S. Maritime
This highly successful event was attended by greater that 1,200 members of the public, seafarers, military representatives,
federal, state and local government supporters, and Maritime Academy Graduates including KP Chesapeake and Delaware Shore
Chapter Members! Pier 13 featured a Port-wide Maritime Exposition & Career Fair including a number of organizations providing
exhibits and displays. One such notable exhibit included TEACH FLEET Presentation on Pier 13 - the world’s largest Lego Ship
Model Collection, geared for K-12 STEM. TEACH FLEET: Think Big, Dream Big, Build Big!
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(L to R) USMMA Midshipmen Crew of the T/V Liberator board the N/S
(L to R) Pier 13 featured a Port-wide Maritime Exposition & Career Fair
attended by greater that 1,200 members of the public, seafarers, military
representatives, federal, state and local government supporters, and
Maritime Academy Graduates including KP Chesapeake and Delaware
Shore Chapter Members!
The event also hosted an assembly of 12 vessels. Ship tours were provided aboard the N.S. Savannah, & all participating vessels
including: (subject to change) a Moran tug, Baltimore City Fire Department Fireboat, U.S. Army Transport tug CAT LAI,
Association of Maryland Pilots - Pilot Boat, Maryland Department of Natural Resources fast response vessel, Baltimore City Police
Department Marine Division response vessel, Vane Brothers towing vessel M/V Chesapeake, and the USMMA Training Vessel T/V LIBERATOR, among additional vessels docking and undocking throughout the day.
(L to R) Baltimore City Fire Department Fireboat John R. Frazier
(L to R) U.S. Army Transport tug CAT LAI
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(L to R) USMMA Training Vessel - T/V LIBERATOR
(L to R) Vane Brothers towing vessel M/V Chesapeake
The N.S. SAVANNAH was a great attraction, and the host of our National Maritime Day Commemoration and Armed Forces Day
Observance on the Promenade Deck.
Special Presentations aboard the N/S Savannah included:
- SS UNITED STATES Conservancy presentation, onboard N.S. SAVANNAH (Eisenhower Room), at 10:05AM and 2:00PM
- National Maritime Day Ceremony <Webcast provided by Maritime TV>
A KP Alumni “Tell America!” Program. “Tell America About Kings Point and the U.S. Merchant Marine!"
- Including special guest presenters: Congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley – Past Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission, The
Honorable David T. Matsuda – Maritime Administrator, Paul “Chip” Jaenichen – Deputy Maritime Administrator, RADM James
Helis, Ph.D. – Superintendent, USMMA, and Rev. Msgr. John L. FitzGerald, Ph.D., Captain, USN (Ret.) Apostleship of the Sea,
Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Colors Honors provided by NJROTC Cadets from the Baltimore Maritime Industries Academy, USMMA Midshipmen Crew of
the T/V Liberator, and NJROTC Cadets (including Drum & Bugle Corps) from the Delaware Military Academy! Music of the
USMMA Midshipman Regimental Band! Wreath laying / Bell Ringing / Water Cannon and Ship cannon salute!
(L to R) NJROTC Cadets (including Drum & Bugle Corps) from the
Delaware Military Academy. - Tim Sumner (KP ’66) – USMMA KP Alumni
- Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc. - RVC Mid-Atlantic & International East,
Midshipman Ashley Markey (KP ’14) – a graduate of DMA, Master Chief
David Call, USN (Ret.), Gary G. Hicks (KP ’76) - President, USMMA KP
Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter
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(L to R) ) USMMA Midshipman Appointee Class of 2017 - Cadet
Commander Donald Wiegner, NJROTC (Middletown, DE) sounds
“Assembly” while the USMMA Midshipmen Crew of the T/V Liberator salute
(L to R) Colors Honors provided by NJROTC Cadets from the Baltimore
Maritime Industries Academy
(L to R) USMMA Midshipman Appointee Class of 2017 - Cadet Commander
Donald Wiegner, NJROTC (Middletown, DE) with Don (Father) and Sharon
Introduction Quarterdeck Dais Guests
- Master Chief Petty Officer David Call, USN (Ret.) – Naval Science Instructor, Delaware Military Academy - NJROTC
- Chief Petty Officer Edwin Craig, USN (Ret.) – Naval Science Instructor (NSI), Baltimore Maritime Industries Academy - NJROTC
- Gary G. Hicks (KP ’76) - President, USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter
- Rev. Msgr. John L. FitzGerald, Ph.D., Captain, USN (Ret.) Apostleship of the Sea, Archdiocese of Baltimore
- Honorable Barbara A. Mikulski - United States Senator representing the State of Maryland
- Honorable David T. Matsuda – Maritime Administrator
- Honorable Helen Delich Bentley – former Congresswoman and Past Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission
- Captain Donald Marcus (KP ’79) – President, International Organization of The Masters, Mates & Pilots
- John C. Knauss (’91 NYMC) – President, Ft. Schuyler Maritime Alumni – Baltimore Chapter
- RADM James Helis, Ph.D., USMS – Superintendent, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
- Honorary Commodore Tim Brown (KP ’65), USMS, Master Mariner
- Tim Sumner (KP ’66) – USMMA KP Alumni - Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc. - RVC Mid-Atlantic & International East
- Maizie Cummings-Rocke – Chairman, Baltimore and Chesapeake Steamboat Company
- Commander Christopher Gasiorek (KP ’95), USMS – USMMA Director of Waterfront Activities
- Wayne Britz (KP ’66) – Chairman & President – Nuclear Ship Savannah Association (NSSA)
- Captain Eric Nielsen (KP ’81) – President, Association of Maryland Pilots
- Stanley Wheatley (KP ’47) - first Chief Engineer of the N/S Savannah
- Captain Joseph Schwartzstein (KP ’96) – Association of Maryland Pilots & Chairman KP Chesapeake Chapter Port Committee
- Paul "Chip" Jaenichen - Deputy Maritime Administrator.
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(L to R) Captain Donald Marcus (KP ’79) – President, International
Organization of The Masters, Mates & Pilots, RADM James Helis, Ph.D.,
USMS – Superintendent, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Paul "Chip"
Jaenichen - Deputy Maritime Administrator, Honorable David T. Matsuda –
Maritime Administrator, Gary G. Hicks (KP ’76) - President, USMMA KP
Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter, and National Anthem Soloist NJROTC
Cadet Zion Shaw, Baltimore Maritime Industries Academy
(L to R) Chief Petty Officer Edwin Craig, USN (Ret.) – BMIA, Rev. Msgr.
John L. FitzGerald, Ph.D., Captain, USN (Ret.) Apostleship of the Sea,
Archdiocese of Baltimore, Captain Timothy A. Brown (KP ’65), Captain
Donald Marcus (KP ’79) – President, International Organization of The
Masters, Mates & Pilots, RADM James Helis, Ph.D., USMS –
Superintendent, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Paul "Chip" Jaenichen Deputy Maritime Administrator, Honorable David T. Matsuda – Maritime
Administrator, Gary G. Hicks (KP ’76) - President, USMMA KP Alumni Chesapeake Chapter
Welcome to Attending USMMA Midshipman Appointees Class of 2017
- Seine' De Veau (Salisbury, MD),
- Cadet Commander Donald Wiegner, NJROTC (Middletown, DE)
(L to R) Seine' De Veau (Salisbury, MD), Captain Arthur Jensen (KP ’44),
and Cadet Commander Donald Wiegner, NJROTC (Middletown, DE) lead
the “Pledge of Allegiance
(L to R) USMMA Midshipman Appointee Class of 2017 - Seine' De Veau
(Salisbury, MD), Tim Sumner (KP ’66) – USMMA KP Alumni - Chapter
Presidents Alliance, Inc. - RVC Mid-Atlantic & International East, Gary G.
Hicks (KP ’76) - President, USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter
Welcome Quarterdeck Honorary Bell Ringers
- Susan Gibbs (SSUSC, granddaughter of William Francis Gibbs),
- Anne Marshall (daughter of Captain Harry Marshall (KP ’44)
- Sarah Stouky (Granddaughter of the late NSSA Chairman Jon Stouky
- Concetta Cannon (wife of the late Tom Cannon (KP ’55) – retired Chief Engineer of N/S Savannah
Armed Forces Day Saturday, May 18, 2013 "United in Strength" - A Brief History –
by: NJROTC Cadet Commander Donald Wiegner (Middletown, DE), USMMA Midshipman Appointee Class of 2017
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May 18, 2013
(L to R) RADM James Helis, Ph.D., USMS – Superintendent, U.S. Merchant
Marine Academy, Paul "Chip" Jaenichen - Deputy Maritime Administrator,
Honorable David T. Matsuda – Maritime Administrator, Gary G. Hicks (KP
’76) - President, USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter, John C.
Knauss (’91 NYMC) – President, Ft. Schuyler Maritime Alumni – Baltimore
Chapter, NJROTC Cadet Commander Donald Wiegner (Middletown, DE)
presenting Armed Forces Day History
Port of Baltimore Welcome - A Brief History:
Honorable Helen Delich Bentley – former Congresswoman and Past Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission
National Maritime Day - A Brief History –
By: RADM James Helis, Ph.D., USMS – Superintendent, United States Merchant Marine Academy
(L to R) Paul "Chip" Jaenichen - Deputy Maritime Administrator, Honorable
David T. Matsuda – Maritime Administrator, Gary G. Hicks (KP ’76) President, USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter, John C. Knauss (’91
NYMC) – President, Ft. Schuyler Maritime Alumni – Baltimore Chapter,
Susan Gibbs, Honorable Helen Delich Bentley – former Congresswoman
and Past Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission presents: Port of
Baltimore Welcome - A Brief History
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(L to R) Paul "Chip" Jaenichen - Deputy Maritime Administrator, Honorable
David T. Matsuda – Maritime Administrator, Gary G. Hicks (KP ’76) President, USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter, John C. Knauss (’91
NYMC) – President, Ft. Schuyler Maritime Alumni – Baltimore Chapter,
RADM James Helis, Ph.D., USMS – Superintendent, U.S. Merchant Marine
Academy presents: National Maritime Day - A Brief History
(L to R) Honorable David T. Matsuda – Maritime Administrator presents:
“National Maritime Day 2013”
(L to R) Tim Sumner (KP ’66) – USMMA KP Alumni - Chapter Presidents
Alliance, Inc. - RVC Mid-Atlantic & International East presents: A Tribute to
Captain Harry Marshall KP ’44 (1924-2012), former President & Owner American Foreign Shipping Co, Honorable Helen Delich Bentley – former
Congresswoman and Past Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission,
Wayne Britz (KP ’66) – Chairman & President – Nuclear Ship Savannah
Association (NSSA), Sarah Stouky (Granddaughter of the late NSSA
Chairman Jon Stouky, Matthew Pringle (Grandson of the late Tom Cannon
(KP ’55) – retired Chief Engineer of N/S Savannah, Concetta Cannon (wife
of the late Tom Cannon (KP ’55) – retired Chief Engineer of N/S Savannah,
and Anne Marshall (daughter of Captain Harry Marshall (KP ’44)
A Short History on National Maritime Day
Background: The Voyage of the SS Savannah
On May 22, 1819, the S.S. Savannah left its home port of Savannah, Georgia, on its way to Liverpool, England. The ship "put to
sea with steam and sails" and reached Liverpool, England, in 29 days and four hours, becoming the first steamship to cross the
While the steam engine performed faultlessly, it was not the only means of propulsion; historians have estimated that the
Savannah was under sail 80% of the time. Nonetheless, it was an impressive achievement, one that signaled the beginning of the
era of steam, and American technological leadership.
1933: Congress Declares May 22 to be National Maritime Day
By a Joint Resolution passed on May 20, 1933, Congress declared May 22 to be National Maritime Day. This is the text of the
Whereas on May 22, 1819, the steamship The Savannah set sail from Savannah, Georgia, on the first successful transoceanic
voyage under steam propulsion, thus making a material contribution to the advancement of ocean transportation:
Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
That May 22 of each year shall hereafter be designated and known as National Maritime Day, and the President is authorized and
requested annually to issue a proclamation calling upon the people of the United States to observe such National Maritime Day by
displaying the flag at their homes or other suitable places and Government officials to display the flag on all Government buildings
on May 22 of each year.
National Maritime Day has been declared a Day of Remembrance and Prayer for Mariners and People of the Sea by the U.S.
Conference of Catholic Bishops. This Day of Remembrance and Prayer was Observed nationwide for the first time on May 22 ,
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National Maritime Day Commentary: David T. Matsuda – Maritime Administrator
Introduction by: Gary G. Hicks (KP ’76) - President, USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter
“National Maritime Day 2013”
Presentation by: Honorable David T. Matsuda - Maritime Administrator
A Tribute to Captain Harry Marshall KP ’44 (1924-2012), former President & Owner - American Foreign Shipping Co
by: Chief Engineer Tim Sumner (KP ’66) - USMMA KP Alumni - Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc. - RVC Mid-Atlantic &
International East
Quarterdeck Honorary Bell Ringer Anne Marshall (daughter of Captain Harry Marshall (KP ’44) was asked to stand and be
Honorable Mention of Those Officers & Port Facilities Engineers of N/S Savannah who have recently passed:
Presentation by: Wayne Britz (KP ’66) – Chairman & President – Nuclear Ship Savannah Association (NSSA)
Quarterdeck Honorary Bell Ringer Concetta Cannon (wife of the late Tom Cannon (KP ’55) – retired Chief Engineer of N/S
Savannah was asked to stand and be recognized”
- Tom Cannon (KP ’55), Chief Engineer
- Thaddeus (Ted) Kedzierski, Chief Engineer, VP FAST
- Herb Hanson, Port Engineer, Savannah
- George Manz, SRO, last Training Officer
- Luther Daniels, Chief Engineer
Honorable Mention of Jon Stouky, Founder and Past Chairman of the Nuclear Ship Savannah Association (NSSA)
Presentation by: Wayne Britz (KP ’66) – Chairman & President – Nuclear Ship Savannah Association (NSSA)
Quarterdeck Honorary Bell Ringer Sarah Stouky (Granddaughter of the late NSSA Chairman Jon Stouky), was asked to stand and
be recognized
Honorable Mention of the SS UNITED STATES and William Francis Gibbs
Presentation by: Erhard Koehler – Manager, Savannah Technical Programs, MARAD
Quarterdeck Honorary Bell Ringer Susan Gibbs (SSUSC, granddaughter of William Francis Gibbs),was asked to stand and be
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Commemoration Wreath Laying / Moment of Silence / Quarterdeck Bell Ringing
(L to R) Honorable Helen Delich Bentley – former Congresswoman and
Past Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission, RADM James Helis, Ph.D.,
USMS – Superintendent, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
(L to R) Commemoration Wreath Laying / Moment of Silence / Quarterdeck
Bell Ringing. Commander Christopher Gasiorek (KP ’95), USMS – USMMA
Director of Waterfront Activities, Captain Robert Marshall (KP ’52), USN
(Ret.), Paul "Chip" Jaenichen - Deputy Maritime Administrator, USCG
Captain of the Port of Baltimore, RADM James Helis, Ph.D., USMS –
Superintendent, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Wayne Britz (KP ’66) –
Chairman & President – Nuclear Ship Savannah Association (NSSA)
(L to R) Honorable David T. Matsuda – Maritime Administrator, Cadet
Commander Donald Wiegner, NJROTC (Middletown, DE), Captain Arthur
Jensen (KP ’44), Captain Timothy A. Brown (KP ’65), Maizie CummingsRocke – Chairman, Baltimore and Chesapeake Steamboat Company,
Commander Christopher Gasiorek (KP ’95), USMS – USMMA Director of
Waterfront Activities, Captain Robert Marshall (KP ’52), USN (Ret.), Paul
"Chip" Jaenichen - Deputy Maritime Administrator, USCG Captain of the
Port of Baltimore, and RADM James Helis, Ph.D., USMS – Superintendent,
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
(L to R) John C. Knauss (’91 NYMC) – President, Ft. Schuyler Maritime
Alumni – Baltimore Chapter, RADM James Helis, Ph.D., USMS –
Superintendent, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Anne Marshall (daughter
of Captain Harry Marshall (KP ’44), Captain Arthur Jensen (KP ’44),
Honorable David T. Matsuda – Maritime Administrator, Gary G. Hicks (KP
’76) - President, USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter, Paul "Chip"
Jaenichen - Deputy Maritime Administrator, Captain Donald Marcus (KP
’79) – President, International Organization of The Masters, Mates & Pilots,
Rev. Msgr. John L. FitzGerald, Ph.D., Captain, USN (Ret.) Apostleship of
the Sea, Archdiocese of Baltimore
Our program concluded with the Annual Singing of Heave Ho, led by CDR Chris Gasiorek, USMS – Master, T/V Liberator &
USMMA Midshipmen Crew of the T/V Liberator (Accompanied by audio.
Taps – presented by Delaware Military Academy Drum & Bugle Corps – Echo Taps
Playing: Taps / Eternal Father 2:52 (Music Of The Regimental Band CD)
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12:00PM to 1:30 PM – Crabcake Luncheon in the Passenger Dining Room
The KP Chesapeake Chapter hosted a Crabcake Luncheon in the N/S Savannah Passenger Dining Room for 130 guests.
Special luncheon presentations included:
National Maritime Day Luncheon Dedication “The 142”
By: Captain Joseph Schwartzstein (KP ’96) – Association of Maryland Pilots &
Chairman KP Chesapeake Chapter Port of Baltimore Committee
National Maritime Day Luncheon Dedication “The 142”
During WWII, Mariners, including Cadets enrolled at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, were on the front lines of War Zones the
moment their ships left U.S. ports, subject to attack by submarines, surface raiders, mines, bombers, kamikaze, and land-based
Cadets went to sea with their books and were required to write reports Upon return, describing enemy craft seen, damage, lifeboat
voyages, acts of heroism, etc.. In 450 reports filed, cadets described attacks on 250 different ships, of which 220 were sunk. At
least 8,651 mariners were killed at sea, and an estimated 11,000 wounded. Among them were 142 Deck or Engine Cadets of the
U.S. Merchant Marine Cadet Corps who were killed in action when their ships were torpedoed, bombed, or from other war-related
causes. In addition, 68 men were killed soon after their speeded-up graduation.
Seven U.S. Merchant Marine Cadets were awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, the Merchant Marine's highest award for
"heroism beyond the call of duty."
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, by virtue of its war dead, is the only Federal Academy authorized to carry a Battle Standard.
The USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter, Inc. dedicates this luncheon program to these “142 Cadet-Midshipmen” who were
killed in action during WWII.
(L to R) Captain Joseph Schwartzstein (KP ’96) – Association of Maryland
Pilots & Chairman KP Chesapeake Chapter Port Committee presents:
National Maritime Day Luncheon Dedication “The 142”
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(L to R) RADM James Helis, Ph.D., USMS – Superintendent, U.S. Merchant
Marine Academy, Gary G. Hicks (KP ’76) – Chairman & President, USMMA
KP Alumni – Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc. and Tim Sumner (KP ’66) –
USMMA KP Alumni - Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc. - RVC Mid-Atlantic &
International East
Merchant Marine Medal for Outstanding Achievement
awarded to Captain Timothy A. Brown - USMMA Class of 1965.
The presentation will be made by David T. Matsuda - Maritime Administrator and Paul "Chip" Jaenichen - Deputy Maritime
KP Chesapeake Chapter Maritime Industry Event Partner - Captain Donald Marcus (KP '79) President, International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots, will make congratulatory remarks.
(L to R) USMMA Midshipmen Crew of the T/V Liberator, Gary G. Hicks (KP
’76) – Chairman & President, USMMA KP Alumni – Chapter Presidents
Alliance, Inc., Chris Brown (Brother of Tim), Captain Donald Marcus (KP
’79) – President, International Organization of The Masters, Mates & Pilots,
Captain Timothy A. Brown (KP ’65) receiving Merchant Marine Medal for
Outstanding Achievement, Paul "Chip" Jaenichen - Deputy Maritime
Administrator, RADM James Helis, Ph.D., USMS – Superintendent, U.S.
Merchant Marine Academy
(L to R) Captain Timothy A. Brown (KP ’65) receiving Merchant Marine
Medal for Outstanding Achievement, Paul "Chip" Jaenichen - Deputy
Maritime Administrator, RADM James Helis, Ph.D., USMS –
Superintendent, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, and USMMA Midshipmen
Crew of the T/V Liberator
(L to R) ) USMMA Midshipmen Crew of the T/V Liberator, Captain Donald
Marcus (KP ’79) – President, International Organization of The Masters,
Mates & Pilots, Gary G. Hicks (KP ’76) – Chairman & President, USMMA
KP Alumni – Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc., Chris Brown (Brother of
Tim), Captain Timothy A. Brown (KP ’65) receiving Merchant Marine Medal
for Outstanding Achievement, Paul "Chip" Jaenichen - Deputy Maritime
Merchant Marine Medal for Outstanding Achievement
The Merchant Marine Medal for Outstanding Achievement is a decoration of the United States Merchant Marine awarded by
the United States Maritime Administration. It was established in 2002 and is awarded to members of the maritime industry who
have made extraordinarily valuable contributions to the merchant marine. Awarded to recognize merchant mariners who have
participated in an act or operation of humanitarian nature directly to an individual or groups of individuals. This medal may be
awarded to those leaders in the maritime industry who have dedicated years of service or achievement and/or given an
extraordinary valuable contribution or work to the maritime industry. This medal requires the Maritime Administrator’s approval for
award. http://www.marad.dot.gov/mariners_landing_page/mariner_medals/mariner_medals.htm
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L6.. Plaque in honor of Jon Stouky - founder of the NSSA
Dedication by:
- Stanley Wheatley (KP ’47) - first Chief Engineer of the N/S Savannah
- Wayne Britz (KP ’66) – Chairman & President – Nuclear Ship Savannah Association (NSSA)
- Erhard Koehler – MARAD, Manager of N/S Savannah Technical Programs
(L to R) Stanley Wheatley (KP ’47) - first Chief Engineer of the N/S
Savannah, Erhard Koehler – MARAD, Manager of N/S Savannah Technical
Programs, Wayne Britz (KP ’66) – Chairman & President – Nuclear Ship
Savannah Association (NSSA)
(L to R) Plaque in honor of Jon Stouky - founder of the NSSA
Cake Cutting Ceremony
National Maritime Day Commemoration Cake
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(L to R) Cake # 1 - Paul "Chip" Jaenichen - Deputy Maritime Administrator
assists Sarah Stouky (Granddaughter of the late NSSA Chairman Jon
Stouky, as Gary G. Hicks (KP ’76) – President, KP Chesapeake Chapter,
and Anne Marshall (daughter of Captain Harry Marshall (KP ’44) observes.
Honorary Cutting included:
Susan Gibbs (SSUSC, granddaughter of William Francis Gibbs), Anne
Marshall (daughter of Captain Harry Marshall (KP ’44), Sarah Stouky
(Granddaughter of the late NSSA Chairman Jon Stouky, Concetta Cannon
(wife of the late Tom Cannon (KP ’55) – retired Chief Engineer of N/S
Savannah, Stanley Wheatley (KP ’47) - first Chief Engineer of the N/S
Savannah, Wayne Britz (KP ’66) – Chairman & President – Nuclear Ship
Savannah Association (NSSA)
National Maritime Day Commemoration Cake Honoring the N/S Savannah
(L to R) Cake # 2 - Seine' De Veau (Salisbury, MD), USMMA Midshipman
Appointee Class of 2017, and NJROTC Cadet Commander Donald Wiegner
(Middletown, DE), USMMA Midshipman Appointee Class of 2017.
Honorary Cutting included: RADM James Helis, Ph.D., USMS –
Superintendent, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Honorary Commodore
Tim Brown (KP ’65), USMS, Master Mariner, Captain Donald Marcus (KP
’79) – President, International Organization of The Masters, Mates & Pilots,
Honorable David T. Matsuda – Maritime Administrator, Paul "Chip"
Jaenichen - Deputy Maritime Administrator, Gary G. Hicks (KP ’76) –
President, KP Chesapeake Chapter
Enjoy our event slide shows!
KP Ches NMD&AFD Balto NS Savannah 051813 http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=2YctWzNm0azY
KP Ches NMD&AFD Balto NS Savannah JMH 051813 http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=2YctWzNm0a2M
KP Ches NMD&AFD Balto NS Savannah JRH 051813 http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=2YctWzNm0a1A
KP Chesapeake - National Maritime Day Aboard N.S. Savannah May 18, 2013
Dave Gardy (KP ’80) - Chairman and CEO - TV Worldwide
4206 F Technology Court, Chantilly, Va. 20151 www.TVWorldwide.com
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A Tribute to Captain Harry Marshall KP ’44 (1924-2012),
former President and Owner of American Foreign Shipping Co., Inc.
Captain Harry Marshall KP ‘44
USMM Cadet Harry Marshall, 1942, aboard the SS Thomas Hartley
Captain Marshall was born March 12, 1924, in Jackson (Breathitt County) Kentucky. His passing was December 18, 2012, in New Jersey.
He was the eldest child and eldest son of Thomas Franklin and Nelle (Haddix) Marshall. Harry William was named for his two grandfathers. He
was born in the home of his maternal grandparents, William and Margaret (Gabbard) Haddix, both descendents of the original settlers of
Breathitt County, Kentucky. Harry married Mary Margaret Kelly on August 30, 1947 and together they raised six accomplished children.
He was appointed to the U.S. Merchant Marine Cadet Corps in 1942. As a Deck Cadet, he served aboard the "Thomas Hartley" for sixteen
months of which eight were spent in Murmansk and Molotovsh in Convoy IW53 which became known as the "Forgotten Convoy."
After graduating in 1944, Harry Marshall joined American Foreign Steamship Corporation, a company whose origins predated World War I.
Rising from Third Mate on the "Wildwood," he became Master of the "William P. McArthur" in 1947. In May, 1947, he came ashore serving as
Assistant Port Captain, Port Captain and Vice President of Operations until mid-1984.
From 1984 to 1996, Harry was President and Owner of American Foreign Shipping Co., Inc. In that capacity he served as General Agent and
Ship Manager for the Maritime Administration, managing freighters and tankers in the Ready Reserve Force. AFS was engaged in vessel
conversions, no-notice activations, maintenance, upgrades and outportings as well as activating and operating RRF vessels in Desert
Shield/Desert Storm. AFS also operated tankers in the USN Afloat Prepositioning Fleet during Somalia peace keeping. He was invited and
testified, as Ship Manager, before the House Merchant Marine Subcommittee in the Persian Gulf Sealift hearings.
The service Captain Marshall has devoted to the U.S. Maritime Industry and to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, NY, has been
recognized with the 1979 Alumni Associations' Outstanding Professional Achievement Award, the 1999 Kings Pointer of the Year Award, and
the 2004 Lifetime Achievement Award. He served as a Director Emeritus of the USMMA Alumni Foundation.
Captain Marshall’s other achievements/awards include: USMMA Room 105 Fulton Hall being named for him in 1992. On January 9, 2006, the
conference room of the American Merchant Marine Museum at Kings Point was named for Captain Marshall. He also served as Chairman of the
Kings Point Fiftieth Anniversary Class Gift Committee in 1994.
Vice Admiral Albert J. Herberger, (KP ’55)USN (Ret.), former Maritime Administrator, recognized Harry W. Marshall's outstanding achievements
with these words: "...a lifetime of service to the US maritime industry and significant contributions, exceptional performance and long standing
dedication to the Maritime Administration in support of Strategic Sealift."
National Maritime Day Speaker - Honorable Barbara A. Mikulski, U.S. Senator (D-MD)
U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) serves as Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. She is the Committee’s first woman
chair, succeeding Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii), who sadly passed away in December 2012. The Senate Appropriations Committee is
the largest committee in the U.S. Senate. The Senate Appropriations Committee’s role is defined by the U.S. Constitution, which requires
"appropriations made by law" prior to the expenditure of any money from the Federal treasury. The Committee writes the legislation that
allocates federal funds to the numerous government agencies, departments and organizations on an annual basis.
The USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter is fortunate to have developed a good working relationship with Senator Mikulski as she
represents the entire state of Maryland. Chesapeake Chapter Members also serve on the Service Academy Congressional Nomoination Review
Board for Senator Mikulski.
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5. Training Cruise Aboard T/V Liberator – Baltimore Port Visit for NMD - 051713 - 051913
We were pleased to welcoming the Midshipmen aboard the T/V Liberator to the Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimore on May
17-19, 2013 in support of National Maritime Day Commemoration. The vessel was docked at the Baltimore Inner Harbor, West
Wall, and was open for tours.
Sail Baltimore http://www.sailbaltimore.org/ Baltimore’s official committee for visiting ships.
Sail Baltimore provides a free program of visiting ships and maritime events to Baltimore residents and visitors.
The T/V Liberator (Length overall: 108′, Draft: 8′) is a training vessel for the United States Marine Merchant Academy (USMMA) in
Kings Point, NY. Before arriving at the USMMA in 2007, Liberator was known as YP-679, a training vessel at the US Naval
Academy and the Office of Naval Research. Regularly underway with Midshipmen, she can often be found cruising the waters of
Long Island Sound and Southern New England.
(L to R) Meet the Midshipman Crew of the USMMA Ship T/V Liberator!
Visit USMMA web page:
(L to R) USMMA Ship T/V Liberator participates in KP Chesapeake Chapter
National Maritime Day Commemoration May 22, 2009, aboard N.S.
Savannah, in the Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimore, at Pier 13, Canton
Marine Terminal, 4601 Newgate Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21224
6. SS UNITED STATES Conservancy Presentation Onboard N.S. SAVANNAH 051813
The SS UNITED STATES CONSERVANCY made a presentation on Saturday May 18, 2013 at 10:00AM. This presentation was
featured during the National Maritime Day Commemoration aboard N.S. Savannah, in the Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimore!
All were welcomed to this no-cost presentation aboard the N.S. Savannah, Eisenhower Room, Pier 13, Canton Marine Terminal,
4601 Newgate Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21224
Additional information is available about the SS United States Conservancy http://www.ssusc.org/
SS UNITED STATES CONSERVANCY, P.O. BOX 32115, WASHINGTON, DC 20007 888.488.7787 info@ssusc.org
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7. Merchant Marine Medal for Outstanding Achievement Award to Captain Tim Brown '65 051813
On March 19, 2013 the USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter, Inc. in partnership with the International Organization of
Masters, Mates & Pilots (IOMMP) hosted a Maritime Industry Dinner Program at The Conference Center at the Maritime Institute,
Linthicum Heights, MD. The dinner featured a Tribute to Captain Tim Brown (KP ’65), International President (Retired), IOMMP in
recognition of his leadership and lifelong devotion to his fellow Mariners, Masters, Mates and Pilots. Captain Tim Brown (KP ’65)
received an Honorary Appointment as Commodore USMS from MARAD during this program.
In March of 2013, the Directors of the USMMA KP Alumni – Chapter Presidents Alliance and the KP Alumni - Chesapeake
Chapter Leadership Committee Members provided a recommendation to MARAD, and requested the approved, for the Merchant
Marine Medal for Outstanding Achievement to be awarded to Honorary Commodore Captain Timothy A. Brown, USMS, Master
Mariner - USMMA Class of 1965.
The award presentation was made at our Special Crabcake Luncheon Program aboard the N/S Savannah, in the Passenger
Dining Room, immediately following our National Maritime Day Commemoration Saturday May 18, 2013 Aboard N.S.
Savannah, in the Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimore, on Pier 13, Canton Marine Terminal, 4601 Newgate Avenue,
Baltimore, MD 21224
The presentation was made by Paul "Chip" Jaenichen - Deputy Maritime Administrator. Captain Donald Marcus (KP '79) President, International Organization of Masters, Mates, and Pilots, made congratulatory remarks.
Congratulations Honorary Commodore Tim Brown (KP '65), Master Mariner!
(L to R)
(L to R)
(L to R)
Merchant Marine Medal for Outstanding Achievement
The Merchant Marine Medal for Outstanding Achievement is a decoration of the United States Merchant Marine awarded by the United
States Maritime Administration. It was established in 2002 and is awarded to members of the maritime industry who have made extraordinarily
valuable contributions to the merchant marine. Awarded to recognize merchant mariners who have participated in an act or operation of
humanitarian nature directly to an individual or groups of individuals. This medal may be awarded to those leaders in the maritime industry who
have dedicated years of service or achievement and/or given an extraordinary valuable contribution or work to the maritime industry. This medal
requires the Maritime Administrator’s approval for award. http://www.marad.dot.gov/mariners_landing_page/mariner_medals/mariner_medals.htm
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8. National Maritime Day Commemoration May 22, 2013
One of the established goals of our KP Alumni Chapters is the promote Kings Point and the U.S. Merchant Marine.
"Tell America!” “Tell America About Kings Point and the U.S. Merchant Marine!”
The annual commemoration of National Maritime Day provides an excellent opportunity to highlight our alma mater and to support
our Maritime Industry. All KP Alumni Chapters are encouraged to provide information about YOUR National Maritime Day
Commemoration Event. We will post your event and provide recognition of your Mission Support! All KP Alumni are welcome to
participate in these events.
We have provided a copy of the NATIONAL MARITIME DAY 2012 PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATION for your use, in the event
that you event is held prior to the 2013 release.
Ref: NMD Presidential Proclamation 2012
9. NMD Commemoration – Galveston Bay – Brazosport Chapter Friday May 17, 2013
A National Maritime Day Commemoration Ceremony was held at the Port of Galveston, Texas Seaport Museum at Pier 22 Friday,
May 17, 2013 commencing at 2:00 pm. This Annual event was hosted in cooperation with: Galveston Historical Foundation /
Texas Seaport Museum, Bay-Houston Towing Co. / G&H Towing Company, United States Coast Guard, Galveston Seafarers
Center, Galveston-Texas City Pilots, and International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots (MM&P).
- Introduction and Welcome Remarks – Captain John Peterlin III, Port of Galveston
Captain Michael J. Mierzwa, USCG (Ret.), Port Director, Port of Galveston
- Presentation of the Colors – Color Guard, U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Houston/Galveston
- Pledge of Allegiance – Edward A. “Eddie” Janek, President - Propeller Club of the United States, Port of Galveston
- Posting of the Colors - Color Guard, U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Houston/Galveston
- Invocation – Chaplain Karen Parsons SFO, Apostleship of the Sea, Galveston Seafarers Center
- Remarks on Texas Maritime Academy at Texas A&M University at Galveston: Tammy K. Lobaugh, Director and Assistant
Superintendent for Operations & Administration, Texas A&M University at Galveston and Texas Maritime Academy
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- American Merchant Marine Veterans – Remarks on the Merchant Marine and Convoy Duty in World War II
- Reading of Presidential Proclamation for National Maritime Day 2013
- Reading of John Masefield Poem, “Sea Fever”: Mr. James L. “Jamie” White
Executive Director, Texas Seaport Museum at Galveston / 1877 Barque ELISSA
- Remarks regarding the second restoration of the Tall Ship of Texas, ELISSA
- Background of the U.S. Merchant Marine Memorial Plaque at Texas Seaport Museum, and the plaque at Pier 22 – Ships sunk in
the Gulf of Mexico during World War II
- Wreath Laying Ceremony – At the U.S. Merchant Marine Memorial Plaque
- Reading of Psalm 107:23-30 – Mr. Vandy Anderson, Chairman-Board of Pilot Commissioners of Galveston County
- Reading of the Merchant Marine Memorial Plaques – Capt. Christos Sotirelis, Presiding Officer of Galveston-Texas City Pilots
and Mr. Vandy Anderson, Chairman-Board of Pilot Commissioners of Galveston County
- Laying the Wreath, including: American Maritime Officers – AMO (Mr. Dave Weathers), American Merchant Marine Veterans,
Marine Engineers Beneficial Association - M.E.B.A. D-1 (Mr. Mike Dunklin), Masters, Mates & Pilots – MM&P (
Capt. Wayne Farthing), Seafarers International Union – SIU (Mr. Mike Russo), Texas Maritime Academy (
Ms. Tammy Lobaugh), U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Alumni (Capt. John Peterlin III ’76),
- Celebration and Salute to the U.S. Merchant Marine: U.S. Merchant Marine Anthem “Heave Ho!”
- Benediction – Chaplain Karen Parsons SFO, Apostleship of the Sea, Galveston Seafarers Center
- Retiring of the Colors - Color Guard, U.S. Coast Guard, Sector Houston/Galveston
PLAQUE #1 – At the ELISSA. Inscription Reads:
JUNE 6, 1944
PLAQUE #2 – At Pier 21 in the grass near the Texas Navy Monument.
Inscription Reads:
AND ALLIES – 1941-1945.
AMERICAN WATERS – JANUARY 1, 1942 – JUNE 30, 1942.
U.S. 7,980 MEN, 733 SHIPS / U.K. 30,132 MEN, 2,177 SHIPS
Captain John Peterlin III (KP ’76) – Senior Director of Marketing and Administration - Port of Galveston
President – USMMA KP Alumni – Galveston Bay – Brazosport Chapter
KPA-CPA - Regional Vice Chairman - Southwest & International - Latin America
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10. NMD Commemoration – Los Angeles / Long Beach Chapter May 22, 2013
National Maritime Day Commemoration Wednesday May 22, 2013 - The annual Maritime Day Observance and Memorial Service
will be held on Wednesday May 22nd at the American Merchant Marine Memorial in San Pedro at 11 AM. The ceremony will be
followed by lunch at the Ports O' Call Restaurant at 12 PM. The cost of lunch is $45 (the Memorial Service free of charge). We
have reserved a table for the Kings Point contingent. If you don't RSVP with us you can still attend the lunch, but we won't be able
to confirm you a seat at the KP table. RSVP with myself or Dick Cober. Send Dick the checks or pay at the door.
Matt Hartzell (KP '94) – President president.la@kpalumni.com
Members of the KP Alumni – Santa Barbara / Ventura County Chapter will also attend.
American Merchant Marine Veterans Memorial, San Pedro, CA
American Merchant Marine Veterans Memorial – “Jacobs Ladder” sculpture, San Pedro, CA
11. NMD Commemoration – Connecticut Shoreline Chapter May 22, 2013
The USMMA KP Alumni - Connecticut Shoreline Chapter will commemorate National Maritime Day Commemoration at Fort
Trumbull, CT. on May 22, 2013. The event will take place on Wednesday May 22, 2013 at 12:00PM, at the Merchant Marine
Memorial Park (former Maritime Officers Training School) at Fort Trumbull. The memorial is located at New London’s Merchant
Marine Memorial Park on Bowditch Street.
Captain Earl Maxfield, Jr. (KP ’50) of Old Saybrook, CT., will present the Presidential National Maritime Day Proclamation. The
event is open to the public, and all are welcome to attend.
USMMA KP Alumni - Connecticut Shoreline Chapter 2009 National Maritime
Day Commemoration at Fort Trumbull, CT. May 22, 2009.
Tom Carrol (KP ’61) delivers the Presidential Proclamation.
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Fort Trumbull State Park New London
12. NMD Commemoration – San Francisco Chapter May 22, 2013
National Maritime Day will be commemorated on Wednesday May 22, 2013 from 1100-1200. All are welcome to participate in a
brief ceremony aboard the MARAD vessel MV CAPE ORLANDO, followed by tours of the ship and her capabilities as part of the
strategic sealift Ready Reserve Force. The event is hosted by the U.S. DOT Maritime Administration Pacific (MAR617) Safety &
Security, and San Francisco Chapter Member Kurt Birkhahn (KP ’85), MARAD Marine Engineer & Surveyor.
The MV Cape Orlando is located at Pier #1, 1499 Ferry Point Road, Alameda Point, 94501 (nearby to the USS HORNET museum
that is located at pier #3).
Require additional event information? Contact:
Bob Featherer (KP ’68) - CFO/CFG, KP Alumni – San Francisco Chapter, 707-333-7127 bobf12@juno.com or
Charlie Hermosa (KP ’99) – President – KP Alumni – San Francisco Chapter, chermosa@tripleb.com
MV Cape Orlando (T-AKR-2044)
MV Cape Orlando is one of Military Sealift Command's 27 Roll-on/Roll-off Ships and one of the 48 RRF ships in Military Sealift
Command's Sealift Program Office.
• Length:
635 feet
• Beam:
91 feet
• Draft:
30 feet
• Displacement:
32,799 long tons
• Speed:
16.2 knots
• Civilian:
FOS 25/ ROS 9 contract mariners
• Time to Activate:
5 days
• Government-Owned/ Chartered:
13. NMD Message From MARAD, DOT Washington, D.C.
Maritime Day 2013
Each year on May 22 our country celebrates National Maritime Day.
This observance recognizes America’s Merchant Marine for all the great contributions and sacrifices they’ve made – and still
make today – for our country.
The United States has always been and will always be a great maritime nation. From our origins as 13 British colonies, through
every period of peace and conflict since, the Merchant Marine has been a pillar in this country’s foundation of prosperity and Ref:
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security. They power the world’s largest economy and strengthen our ties with trading partners around the world, all while
supporting our military forces by shipping troops and supplies wherever they need to go.
This year, ceremonies and celebrations throughout the country will recognize Maritime Day and the people our maritime nation
depends on. Here in Washington, DC, you can join us for our national ceremony at the Department of Transportation
headquarters at 10 am on May 22. If you're far from the nation's capital, please click on the link below to find an event near your
Maritime Day is a time-honored tradition that recognizes one of our country's most important industries. We hope to celebrate
alongside you on May 22.
A listing of Local Events http://www.marad.dot.gov/education_landing_page/maritime_day/local_events/Maritime_Day_Events.htm
Click video link: http://www.marad.dot.gov/video/MARAD_2013_Maritime_Day.wmv
14. NMD Commemoration - DOT Washington, D.C.
Celebrate National Maritime Day
The Honorable David Matsuda
Maritime Administrator, U.S. Department of Transportation
Rear Admiral Thomas K. Shannon, USN
Commander, Military Sealift Command
Cordially invite you to attend
the National Maritime Day Observance and Wreath-Laying Ceremony
Wednesday, May 22, 2013 At 10:00 a.m.
U.S. Department of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C.
Keynote Speaker for the National Maritime Day Observance:
The Honorable Ray LaHood, U. S. Secretary of Transportation
R.S.V.P. by 16 May 2013
Military: Summer White or Service Equivalent Civilian: Business Attire
Please consider the use of public transportation for this event.
Contact The Propeller Club for information about the luncheon following the ceremony.
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15. NMD Commemoration – Propeller Club & KP Club of Washington, D.C. Wed May 22, 2013
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16. NAMEPA 2013 National Maritime Day Seminar/Dinner & AMVER Awards Tue May 21, 2013
NAMEPA 2013 National
Maritime Day
Seminar/Dinner and
AMVER Awards
NAMEPA EIM Seminar: 2-6PM
AMVER Dinner/Awards: 6-9PM
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
2:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Eastern Time
National Press Club
529 14th St NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20045 USA
Business Attire
View Event Information & Fees
View Seminar Agenda
Monday, May 20, 2013
Please respond by clicking one of the buttons
Having trouble with the link? Simply copy and paste the entire address listed below into your web browser:
View Event Information & Fees
View Seminar Agenda
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17. NMD Commemoration – Delaware Shore Chapter May 18, 2013
The Delaware River and Bay Authority (DRBA) and the United States Merchant Marine Academy Alumni - Delaware Shore
Chapter joined together to host a National Maritime Day Celebration at the Ferry Terminal in Lewes, DE on Saturday, May 18.
National Maritime Day, established by the United States Congress in 1933, honors the contributions of the American merchant
marine – civilians who have defended the freedom of the United States since 1775 and who executed the largest sealift the world
has ever known during World War II. Observance of National Maritime Day also honors the maritime industry and the benefits it
brings Americans in terms of transportation, jobs, goods, and recreational opportunities.
This event included a remembrance ceremony with a wreath laying at the Unknown Sailors’ Cemetery Graveyard, to honor early
seafarers who perished on the Lewes beaches.
Known as the First Town in the First State, Lewes enjoys a heritage that is rich in maritime history and current maritime interests.
“Dating back to the first settlement in 1631, Delaware - and particularly the City of Lewes - has a unique place in the annals of
American maritime history,” said DRBA Chairman Bill Lowe. “The objective of this event is to celebrate merchant marine
professionals and to promote the community’s rich maritime history.” Tim Sumner, a USMMA Admissions Field Representative
noted that, “This celebration is an opportunity to learn about the American Merchant Marine – its service in foreign and domestic
trades, historic support of the Nation’s military, and the many careers it offers.”
USMMA training vessel T/V MARINER and Midshipman crew at Delaware River and Bay Authority (DRBA) dock on
Saturday May 19, 2012, National Maritime Day Commemoration event.
During the event, the ferry TWIN CAPES was open for public tours of the engine room and bridge; and at the adjacent finger pier.
A Delaware Bay and River Pilot Association launch also participated. Maritime Day participants provided exhibits inside the
terminal lobby and glass skywalk, and on the boardwalk behind the terminal. These included the U S Naval Academy, SUNY
Maritime College, the U S Coast Guard Academy and the USCG Auxiliary. Also participating were Randive commercial divers,
photographer Kevin Fleming, Abraxus Studio of Art, the Lewes Historical Society, Zwaanendael Museum, Overfalls Lightship
display, Fort Miles and the Lewes Fire Department.
Tim Sumner (KP ’66), President - USMMA Alumni, Delaware Shore Chapter
KPA-CPA - Regional Vice Chairman - Mid-Atlantic & International - East
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18. Hearing Scheduled - Maritime Transportation: The Role of U.S Ships and Mariners 052113
The next scheduled hearing of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Coast Guard
and Maritime Transportation is scheduled for May 21, 2013 10:00am - Maritime Transportation: The Role of U.S Ships and
Mariners http://transportation.house.gov/hearing/maritime-transportation-role-us-ships-and-mariners
On Tuesday, May 21, 2013, at 9:30AM, in 2167 Rayburn House Office Building, the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime
Transportation will meet to examine the contributions of U.S. – flagged vessels and American mariners to our economy and
national security.
Summary of Subject Matter
- The Honorable John Porcari, Deputy Secretary, Department of Transportation
- General William M. Fraser, III, Commander, U.S. Transportation Command
- Mr. Fred Harris, CEO, NASSCO; on behalf of Shipbuilders Council of America
- Joseph H. Pyne, Chairman and CEO, Kirby Corporation; on behalf of American Maritime Partnership
- Mr. Augustin Tellez, Executive Vice President, Seafarers International Union
- Mr. Mike Jewell, President, Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association
watch the live webcast on May 21st »
About the House Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee
Duncan Hunter (R-CA, 50 District)
House Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee 113th Congress
507 Ford HOB, Washington, DC 20515 (202) 226-3552
Staff: John Rayfield, Staff Director, Geoff Gosselin, Professional Staff, Stephen West, Military Fellow
The Honorable Duncan Hunter (R-CA, 50 District)
Chairman, Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee
House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, 2165 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515
Washington D.C. Office • 223 Cannon HOB • Washington, D.C. 20515 •
Phone: (202) 225-5672 • Fax: (202) 225-0235 Scheduler: Carly DeBeikes E-mail: carly.debeikes@mail.house.gov
The Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation has jurisdiction over the activities of the United States
Coast Guard, including its duties, organization, functions, personnel, the Coast Guard Academy, and the Coast Guard Auxiliary.
The Coast Guard enforces the laws of the United States on waters under U.S. jurisdiction and on the high seas. The service’s
many missions include search and rescue, illegal drug and migrant interdiction, oil spill prevention and response, maritime safety
and security, maintaining aids to navigation, icebreaking, and enforcement of U.S. fisheries and marine pollution laws.
The Subcommittee also has jurisdiction over regulation of ocean shipping and the merchant marine, except as it relates to
national security.
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Issues and agencies under the jurisdiction of the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee include:
- United States Coast Guard
- Maritime transportation safety
- Navigation, port and waterway safety
- Maritime transportation regulatory activities, including the regulation of vessels and merchant seaman,
- State boating safety programs
- Marine environmental protection, generally as related to vessel operations (oil and plastics pollution, invasive/aquatic nuisance
species transported by vessels, international agreements concerning transportation of oil and hazardous substances)
- Port security
- Federal Maritime Commission and the regulation of ocean shipping
- The Jones Act (United States cabotage laws governing shipping of goods and passengers between any two points in the
U.S. - -Exclusive Economic Zone)
- Non-national security aspects of the merchant marine
House Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Subcommittee 113th Congress Members
Duncan Hunter, California, Chairman
Don Young, Alaska
Howard Coble, North Carolina
Frank A. LoBiondo, New Jersey
Patrick Meehan, Pennsylvania
Steve Southerland, II, Florida, Vice Chair
Tom Rice, South Carolina
Trey Radel, Florida
Bill Shuster, Pennsylvania, (ex officio)
19. Maritime Industry Congressional Sail-In
John Garamendi, California, Ranking Member
Elijah E. Cummings, Maryland
Corrine Brown, Florida
Rick Larsen, Washington
Timothy H. Bishop, New York
Janice Hahn, California
Lois Frankel, Florida
Nick J. Rahall, II, West Virginia, (ex officio)
May 8, 2013 Washington, D.C.
The fourth annual Congressional Sail-In was held on Capitol Hill May 8, 2013. The Sail-In events of the past three years have
been widely supported by the American maritime industry, including ocean carriers, labor unions and terminal operators.
Everyone interested in supporting our U.S. Merchant Marine was strongly encouraged to participate in the U.S. Maritime
Coalition's Sail-In, to meet with elected representatives and to help give a voice in Congress to the men and women of
the U.S. merchant marine. Participants joined dozens of representatives of maritime labor and industry in meetings with
congressional representatives, senators and key staff members across Capitol Hill.
The purpose of the Sail-In is to increase congressional awareness of the importance of America's maritime industry to the
economic and national security of the United States, and to bolster support for the programs and policies important to the U.S.-flag
merchant marine and the jobs of American merchant mariners and America's maritime workforce.
Outline for the day
As in the past the Sail-In was a one-day event on Capitol Hill—this year on Wednesday, May 8.
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The day began with a buffet Continental breakfast from 8:30–9:30 in room B339-B340 of the Rayburn House Office Building
where it’s been held in the past, best accessed via the building’s Independence Avenue entrance. At the breakfast, participants
were seated with their “team”. There was no speaker. Instead this was a time for the teams to meet among themselves and review
the following: 1) The basic outline for their Congressional meetings that day, including the maritime issues to be discussed and in
what sequence; 2) What questions might come up and how to answer them; 3) What each member of the team—from their
experience and knowledge—could contribute in the meetings that will underscore the points being made; 4)Information about the
individual members of Congress and/or staff with whom the team will be meeting. In other words, this will be a time to be get down
to brass tacks. Then at 9:30—or before, depending on the time of your team’s first meeting—you and your team will leave the
breakfast for your meetings.
From approximately 9:30 to 12:00 Noon the teams had two to four pre-arranged meetings with members of Congress and/or their
staff. Lunch was “on your own” with your team in one of the Senate or House cafeterias. From the early afternoon until about
5:00 p.m. the teams had two to four additional meetings with members of Congress and/or their staff.
Closing reception, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. , Room #253—Russell Senate Office Building (Senate Commerce Committee Room).
In summary, participants in the Sail-Ins represented virtually every segment of the American maritime industry. The event has
been found to be an effective way to convey to Congress the depth and breadth of an industry that is integral to our economy and
national security. Last year, we had 160 registrants and 172 meetings with members of Congress or staff—a record number of
meetings. This year we exceeded last year partly because the Sail-In is becoming well-known. In scheduling Congressional
meetings we’re finding that many of the offices were expecting us, obviously associating the spring with the Sail-In. We hear: “Yes
… it’s Sail-In time again.”
Dave Gardy (KP ’80) interviews Captain Lee Kincaid (KP ’77) – President, American Maritime Congress
Interview with Lee Kincaid at The 4th Annual Maritime Industry Congressional Sail-In May 8, 2013
Dave Gardy (KP ’80) - Chairman and CEO - TV Worldwide
4206 F Technology Court, Chantilly, Va. 20151 www.TVWorldwide.com
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20. Military Sealift Command Holds Change of Command
Attribution: Military Sealift Press Release: Military Sealift Command Holds Change of Command May 10, 2013
For more information, contact: Jessica Alexander 202-685-5060
Norfolk, Va. - Rear Adm. Thomas K. Shannon relieved Rear Adm. Mark H. Buzby as commander, Military Sealift Command,
during a change of command ceremony aboard USNS Spearhead (JHSV 1), May 10.
Gen. William M. Fraser III, commander, U.S. Transportation Command and Adm. William Gortney, commander, U.S. Fleet
Forces, were the guest speakers.
Rear Adm. T. K. Shannon (left) and Rear Adm. Mark Buzby congratulate each other during a
change of command ceremony aboard the USNS Spearhead (JSHV 1). Shannon relieved Buzby
as commander, Military Sealift Command.
U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Apprentice Jesse A. Hyatt
Buzby, a native of Atlantic City, N.J., assumed command of MSC in Oct. 2009 and ensured ready logistics support for carrier
strike groups, expeditionary strike groups and ground force commanders operating forward every day.
While under Buzby's command, MSC ships delivered services, supplies and equipment to all branches of the U.S. military and
their combatant commanders around the world, including support to Operations Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom, Unified
Response in Haiti (2010) and Tomodachi in Japan (2011). He also led the command through a worldwide reorganization, "One
MSC," that streamlined operations, eliminated duplication and improved efficiency - ultimately saving the Navy millions in
personnel costs over the next 10 years.
MSC also supported the successful planning and conversion of USS Ponce (LPD 15) to an interim afloat forward staging base in
2012 and accepted delivery of the remaining T-AKE class, a new missile range instrumentation vessel (USNS Howard O.
Lorenzen) and the first-ever joint high-speed vessel (USNS Spearhead) on-time and on-budget during Buzby's tenure.
"It's been an honor and privilege of a lifetime to serve as the Commander of MSC and represent this team of Sailors, Civilian
Mariners, and shore-based civil servants who are truly the lifeline of support for our Navy and military worldwide," said Rear Adm.
A graduate of Maine Maritime Academy and native of Calais, Maine, Shannon assumed command of MSC following his last tour
of duty as Commander, Carrier Strike Group One in San Diego, Calif.
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"Thank you for your trust in me and my ability to lead this critical command," said Rear Adm. Shannon. "I am passionate about our
important mission, I am honored and humbled by your trust, and will strive constantly to deserve it."
Shannon's at sea assignments include tours aboard USS Jack Williams (FFG 24), USS Nicholson (DD 982) and USS Boone
(FFG 28). His afloat staff duty includes chief staff officer in Destroyer Squadron 14 and surface operations officer in Cruiser
Destroyer Group 12. He was also commanding officer of USS De Wert (FFG 45), commanding officer of USS Vicksburg (CG 69)
and air defense commander for the John F. Kennedy Battle Group.
MSC operates approximately 110 non-combatant, civilian-crewed ships that replenish U.S. Navy ships, conduct specialized
missions, strategically preposition combat cargo at sea around the world and move military cargo and supplies used by deployed
U.S. forces and coalition partners.
Rear Adm. T. K. Shannon
Rear Adm. Mark Buzby
Click Photo for Bio RADM Shannon http://www.msc.navy.mil/N00p/command.htm
Click Photo for RADM Buzby Bio http://www.navy.mil/navydata/bios/navybio.asp?bioID=63
Media: Members of the media are invited to the change of command ceremony beginning at 10 a.m. on Friday, May 10. The
ceremony is aboard USNS Spearhead at Pier 13 at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek. Tours are available for the media
immediately following the ceremony and can be scheduled via email to susan.melow@navy.mil or by calling (757) 443-2710.
Military Sealift Command Holds Change of Command May 10, 2013
Dave Gardy (KP ’80) - Chairman and CEO - TV Worldwide
4206 F Technology Court, Chantilly, Va. 20151 www.TVWorldwide.com
Virtual Tour: Please visit http://mscsealift.dodlive.mil/2013/02/08/usns-spearhead-jhsv-1-a-virtual-welcome-aboard/ for a feature
on Spearhead.
Read more: http://www.dvidshub.net/video/282108/all-hands-update-usns-spearhead-visitsmayport#.UZqGhlLHSB5#ixzz2Trn1Kjkz
VIDEO: All Hands Update: USNS Spearhead Visits Mayport
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We congratulate Marcie Katcher - Director of External Affairs, for her outstanding work of “upgrading“ the Academy website!
Visit the site for up-to-date ACADEMY COMMUNICATIONS http://www.usmma.edu/communications
Marcie Katcher - Director of External Affairs, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, 300 Steamboat Road, Wiley Hall, Kings Point,
New York 11024 katcherm@usmma.edu Ofc: 516-726-6048 Fax: 516-773-5582
21a. U. S. Merchant Marine Academy Observance of National Maritime Day 2013
Regimental Ceremony, Daughters of the American Revolution Tree Dedication, New Museum Opening and Book
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Contact: Marcie Katcher
Tel: 516-726-6048
PRESS RSVP to katcherm@usmma.edu by May 21
KINGS POINT, N.Y., Wednesday, May 22, 2013– Members of the press are invited to cover National Maritime Day events at the
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy on May 22, 2013 starting at 12:10 p.m. The Academy will honor the day with a brief ceremony at
Barney Square followed by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) tree dedication in memory of Margaret Corbin, a role
model for equality in military service. The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy was the first federal academy to admit women in 1974,
two years before any of the other service academies, and actively supports equality in military service.
Following the tree dedication, the American Merchant Marine Museum will host a new exhibit from the Seamen’s Church Institute
entitled: Sermons to Sea-Land: TheSeamen’s Church Institute of New York and New Jersey, along with items from its own
collection. The museum will make a series of announcements including a new book publication by the late Herman E. Rosen ‘44,
Gallant Ship, Brave Men: The Heroic Story of a WWII Liberty Ship, that recounts a cadet-midshipman’s first-hand experience of
being torpedoed and spending 30 days in an open lifeboat.
Curators of the new exhibit will officially unveil the exhibit and give a presentation at 1:00 p.m. after the tree dedication. In honor of
Maritime Day, the museum will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The beautifully landscaped and peaceful grounds of the
museum are in full bloom during this season. The grassy areas, picnic tables, benches, patios, and telescope will be available for
use all day for picnics and leisure.
WHAT: National Maritime Day Celebration
12:10 – 12:15 p.m.
Maritime Day Celebration (Barney Square)
Regiment in Formation
Admiral Helis welcomes midshipmen and guests. After the reading of the Presidential Proclamation and brief statement,
he will welcome those in attendance to the tree dedication and museum events.
12:25 – 12:45 p.m.
American Merchant Marine Museum – 200 feet east at Quarters L
Dedication of Elm Tree by Daughters of the American Revolution
1:00 – 1:30 p.m.
American Merchant Marine Museum
Curators presentation of new museum exhibit Sermons to Sea-Land:The Seamen’s Church Institute of New York and
New Jersey
Announcement of the new book publication by the late Herman E. Rosen ‘44, Gallant Ship, Brave Men: The Heroic Story
of a WWII Liberty Ship
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, located in Kings Point, N.Y, educates and graduates licensed merchant mariners and
leaders of exemplary character who will serve America’s marine transportation and defense needs in peace and war. The U.S.
Merchant Marine is administered by the Maritime Administration under the auspices of the Department of Transportation.
On the web:U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
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21b. The United States Merchant Marine Academy Announces 2013 Commencement Speaker
KINGS POINT, New York, May 14, 2013 – The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) today announced that Gen. William M.
Fraser III, Commander, U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), has been chosen as this year's commencement
speaker to be held at USMMA on Monday, June 17, 2013.
USTRANSCOM is the single manager for global air, land and sea transportation for the Department of Defense. Composed of
three component and two subordinate commands USTRANSCOM skillfully coordinates transportation missions and provides
enabling capabilities worldwide. USTRANSCOM provides unsurpassed logistics capability to the United States through its
management of people, trucks, trains, railcars, aircraft, ships, information systems and infrastructure.
General Fraser has extensive wartime, contingency and humanitarian relief operational experience. During Operation Enduring
Freedom he led an intelligence fusion organization that provided direct support to the warfighter.
Prior to assuming his current position, Fraser was the assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and served as
Commander, Air Combat Command, Langley Air Force Base, Va., and as Air Component Commander for U.S. Joint Forces
Command, where he led over 130,000 Total Force Airmen.
“It is my honor to address the graduates of the Merchant Marine Academy. The graduates of this academy have an outstanding
reputation in all branches of military service and our civilian U.S. flagged commercial fleet which we at USTRANSCOM rely on in
accomplishing our global mission,” said Fraser.
“The United States Merchant Marine Academy is honored to have General Fraser as our commencement speaker. He epitomizes
the ideals of our Academy. He is an outstanding role-model for our graduates who are about to embark on a lifetime of service
and leadership,” said Rear Admiral James A. Helis, superintendent.
USMMA is a federal service academy that educates and graduates licensed merchant mariners and leaders of exemplary
character who serve America’s marine transportation and defense needs in peace and war. With 95 percent of the world’s
products transported over water, these leaders are vital to the effective operation of our merchant fleet for both commercial and
military transport. Academy graduates abide by the motto “Acta Non Verba" - deeds not words, and are leaders that exemplify the
concept of service above self. USMMA is administered by the U. S. Maritime Administration under the auspices of the U. S.
Department of Transportation. For more information about USMMA’s commencement please click:USMMA 2013 Graduation.
Updated: Tuesday, May 14, 2013
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21c. 2013 Graduation Schedule
2013 graduation schedule finalapproved.doc
This schedule is provided for your convenience, it is only tentative but will be posted here one it is finalized.
DOT is committed to ensuring that information is available in appropriate alternative formats to meet the requirements of persons
who have a disability. If you require an alternative version of files provided on this page, please contact
ExternalAffairs@usmma.edu .
Updated: Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Monday June 17, 2013 1000 Commencement Exercises – Class of 2013 – Tomb Field
21d. USMMA Celebrates Midshipman Appreciation Day
KINGS POINT, N.Y. - May 8, 2013 – On Wednesday, the United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) celebrated
Midshipman Appreciation Day. In spite of the rainy weather, the event, which was hosted by the Midshipman Council and
supported by the Commandant of Midshipman, was a huge success. The annual event offered a reprieve from regimental
activities and focused on fun.
“We appreciate and value our Midshipmen for all four years they attend the Academy,” said Rear Admiral James A. Helis,
Superintendent. “But Midshipman Appreciation Day enables us to show the Midshipmen that we recognize their dedication to
excellence and commitment to service by providing them with an evening of fun and relaxation. ”
About 600 midshipman participated, joined by faculty and staff. They enjoyed live music, carnival food and many activities.
Highlights included a hot dog eating contest, inflatable Olympic obstacle course and a live musical performance by the allmidshipman band, Pass in Review.
The midshipmen truly enjoyed the day. “The band was really good,” said Midshipman Emily Olsen. “It was a great way for us to
get together and get away from the stress of our studies.”
Updated: Thursday, May 16, 2013
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BALTIMORE, Md., Friday, May 17, 2013 – The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy’s training vessel T/V LIBERATOR, which is used
for midshipmen training along the East Coast, will dock in the Port of Baltimore in observance of National Maritime Day, a
celebration that honors the U.S. Merchant Marine for their sacrifices and contributions to our nation.
In partnership with Sail Baltimore, which is providing free dock space at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, the training vessel will be open
for tours on Friday evening, May 17 and Saturday evening, May 18, 2013. The vessel will also dock at Canton’s Pier 13 on
Saturday afternoon, May 18, where the public can tour the training vessel from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., meet with midshipmen and learn
about careers in the maritime industry at the Maritime Day Expo and Career Fair. On Saturday morning, the press will be given a
special photo and video opportunity to tour the vessel and speak with U.S. Merchant Marine Academy’s Head of Waterfront
Operations and Training, Commander Christopher Gasiorek.
The T/V LIBERATOR will also be open for public tours by the USMMA midshipmen crew on the training vessel Friday evening,
May 17 and Saturday evening, May 18, 2013.
T/V LIBERATOR, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy’s training vessel, opens for public tours in honor of
Maritime Day to highlight maritime careers that are vital to our country’s economy and defense.
Friday, May 17, 2013
6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Public tours (Inner Harbor)
Saturday, May, 18, 2013
7 a.m. – 8 a.m. Press opportunities on board vessel: Inner Harbor
9 a.m. – 10 a.m. Press opportunities on board vessel: Canton Pier 13
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Public tours: Canton Pier 13
5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Public tours: Inner Harbor
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, located in Kings Point, N.Y, educates and graduates licensed merchant mariners and
leaders of exemplary character who will serve America’s marine transportation and defense needs in peace and war. The U.S.
Merchant Marine is administered by the Maritime Administration under the auspices of the Department of Transportation.
On the web: U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
22. Matsuda Steps Down as U.S. Maritime Administrator
Attribution: The Maritime Executive, May 13, 2013 By MarEx
David Matsuda, the U.S. Maritime Administrator, announced today that he is stepping down.
Matsuda, who previously worked as the primary transportation counsel to Sen. Frank Lautenberg, was responsible for overseeing
more than $1 billion in federal assistance to modernize over 100 of America's small shipyards, upgrade 25 U.S. ports, and build
new vessels in the U.S.
He helped secure the future of the 60-ship militarily-useful merchant fleet by leading the charge with an industry coalition on
Capitol Hill to advocate passage of the agency's 10-year, $2 billion Maritime Security Program.
During his three years as administrator, Matsuda tackled legacy agency challenges-- including environmental cleanup of the
California Suisun Bay fleet site and addressing ailing infrastructure at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy--and refocused the
agency on future maritime challenges including use of alternative maritime fuels like liquefied natural gas and Panama Canal
expansion impacts on U.S. ports.
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“Dave was a valuable member of my team,” said Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. “I’m particularly proud of his work to
improve federal maritime education programs and revitalize the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy."
Matsuda also sent out the following statement:
I write you because we have had an opportunity to work together to help strengthen our maritime industry and because you have
shown a continuing interest in the Maritime Administration.
Over the last four years, our agency has worked hard to seize every opportunity to advocate for a strong U.S. maritime industry,
and I have been honored to play a part in this historic administration’s efforts. This honor is multi-layered and includes the
opportunity to serve our country, serve alongside dedicated professionals, and serve the men and women who work on the water
every day.
In considering and fully appreciating this honor, I have recently made the difficult decision to move on from my position at the
Maritime Administration later this month.
Taking the helm as Acting Administrator will be Deputy Administrator Chip Jaenichen. He and the rest of our team are dedicated
to ensuring a smooth transition of agency leadership.
In conducting our Nation’s maritime business, I have had the privilege of working with and learning from the Maritime
Administration’s many dedicated employees as well as the countless professionals in America’s maritime industry who care about
the future of our industry and work hard to sustain and grow it.
I am sure the Maritime Administration will not forget your interest or partnership, and I hope we have the opportunity to work
together in the future. If I can be of service in any way, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Dave Matsuda
23. MARAD Small Shipyard Grants mean a lot to Steve Williams and many others
FAST LANE: The Official Blog of the U.S. Secretary of Transportation – May 16, 2013
America’s maritime industry is critical to our nation’s economy. Federal investments in our ports and shipyards not only help keep
goods moving for farmers and manufacturers; with more than 107,000 jobs in the U.S. shipbuilding and repairing industry, our
investments also make a big difference to workers nationwide.
For example, when our Maritime Administration awarded more than $150 million to help foster modern, globally competitive
shipyards through its Small Shipyard Grant Program, we put men and women to work in good jobs.
Steve Williams, at the yard and on the job!
One of those workers is Steve Williams, a ship fitter with four decades of experience. He entered the industry in 1973 after a stint
as a paratrooper in the U.S. Army Airborne:
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"I was laid off in 2009 after more than 35 years of steady work, " Steve said. "I was in Pascagoula, Mississippi, and the
opportunities just weren't there. You can't imagine the sudden uncertainty--almost as bad as jumping out of a plane.
That's a big job
"Not one to be down and out, I took my talents, and my wife, to Texas to look for work--a search that proved unsuccessful. So, I
took work in Maryland as a laborer for a bathroom renovation company. I felt like I was 21 again, just rolling out of the Army--I had
no experience, and I was drawing a pretty low wage.
"I did some research on ship work in Maryland and found General Ship Repair Corporation. Until that point, they had not been
hiring, but I submitted an application anyway.
"Then, the shipyard got a grant from the Maritime Administration to build a new drydock, and suddenly they were looking for
workers. In March, 2010, I was hired.
The new drydock at General Ship Repair in Baltimore
"Once we got the drydock built, General needed people to help them with the work the new drydock brought in. So they took me
“Finally, I was back doing the kind of work I had been trained to do, the work I was best at. And now that I've been with General
Ship Repair for three years, I can't imagine myself anywhere else. I am truly grateful to the management at General.
"I'm also grateful to MARAD --all of us are-- for the grant that helped make it happen.
“Like I said, I was out there trying to find work and had even been willing to take a low-paying job in an entirely new state. But it
was MARAD's investment in General Ship Repair that turned things around. It gave the company the ability to attract a new line of
business and expand their operations.
“That grant created good jobs for me and my coworkers; it means something to a lot of people."
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Ship fitter at work
24. USMMA KP Alumni – Port of Houston Chapter
Hosts Midshipmen to OTC
Bill Briggs (KP ’96) – President, announces that the USMMA KP Alumni – Port of Houston Chapter provided their annual
sponsorship and hosting of USMMA Midshipmen to attend the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in
Houston, Texas. The POH Chapter sponsored Midshipmen included Midshipman Alex Coviello ’13 (Cape Coral, FL) and
Midshipman John Witte ’13 (Odessa, FL). Our Midshipmen were the guests of the Kings Point Alumni Port of Houston Chapter,
during the week of May 6-10, 2013. This is one of the largest offshore conferences in the world and offered our Midshipmen great
opportunities for networking with industry professionals as well as possibly providing some job opportunities upon graduation. The
POH Chapter provided a variety of activities throughout the week. The Chapter arranged at their expense travel by air from either
La Guardia or Kennedy Airport into Bush IAH or Hobby Airport in Houston, TX. A rental car was also being provided. The
Midshipmen were berthed with a local alumnus located close to the OTC venue.
As mentioned, the OTC Conference took place from Monday 6 May and ran through Thursday 9 May. Midshipmen were
encouraged to register for the event online which allowed them complimentary admittance to the technical sessions and
exhibitions for the week.
Additionally, the USMMA KP Alumni – Port of Houston Chapter provided their annual OTC Happy Hour Event on Wednesday May
8, 2013 from 6:00PM to 8:00PM, at The Tasting Room Wine Bar, Uptown Park (610 W. Loop and Post Oak), 1101 Uptown Park
Blvd, Houston, TX 77056 Tel: 713-622-4477 www.tastingroomwines.com
USMMA KP Alumni - Chesapeake Chapter Midshipman member Heath Bachman ’13 (Fallston, MD) will also be attending OTC
2013 along with Midshipman James Pilliod '13 (Waterford, CT) (father – James Pilliod (KP ’76). The USMMA KP Alumni – Port of
Houston Chapter will include all Kings Pointer OTC attendees, including our Midshipmen, in their Wednesday evening reception.
The KP Chesapeake Chapter and the KPA-CPA pledged their support of our Midshipmen attending the OTC 2013 in whatever
manner requested.
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25. U.S. Merchant Marine and World Maritime Review published May 2013 Issue USNI Proceedings
The much respected Annual Review, authored by Dr. Shashi Kumar – Master Mariner, Academic Dean, USMMA, has been
published in the May 2013 issue of USNI Proceeding! We look forward to reading this most informative article.
Proceeding Magazine - May 2013 Vol. 139/5/1,323
2013 U.S. Merchant Marine and World Maritime Review
U.S. Merchant Marine and World Maritime in Review By Shashi Kumar
There was no shortage of government inducements to turn the lackluster tide in 2012—stimulus spending in China and Japan,
quantitative easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve, and multiple actions by the European Central Bank to strengthen the Eurozone.
But as the year evolved, weak macroeconomic fundamentals decisively trumped monetary policy initiatives and continued their
choke on global commerce, hence the maritime sector. Anyone who characterizes 2012 as even marginally better for shipping
than 2011 can do so only because the bar was set far too low. Both last year and the current one will go down in maritime
business annals as part of a bleak, monotonous, and particularly long period of volatility that began in 2009. This was yet another
excruciating year for the global maritime community.
The complete article will be posted after permissions are received from the publisher.
Visit our web site: http://www.kpa-cpa.com USMMA KP Alumni - Chapter Presidents Alliance - Home Page
26. U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Table Banners Available!
USMMA Table Banners provide an outstanding presence for our Academy Admissions Programs. These banners were provided
at one time by the federal government. They are no longer available through the Academy Admissions Department due to budget
The KPA-CPA is pleased to offer these banners for sale at cost, and modestly priced, due to our quantity order, along with a
number of KP Alumni and Merchant Marine interest items.
All items can be purchased by On-Line Payment using a credit card and our PayPal secure payment system. All prices include
shipping and handling.
Visit our web site http://www.kpa-cpa.com USMMA KP Alumni - Shopping Online
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Table Banner. Price: $ 100.00
Description: NEW - EXCLUSIVE OFFERING! Screen printed, nylon, size 72”x 72”. A “must-have” for every KP Alumni Chapter!
Perfect for USMMA Admissions Recruiting events and KP Alumni Chapter functions.
“Tell America!” “Tell America About Kings Point and the U.S. Merchant Marine!"
Ref: USMMA KPA-CPA News 051813
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27. KP Alumni – Port of Mobile Chapter hosts Marine Industry Golf Tournament 043013 – RSVP!
The Port of Mobile held its Annual Kings point Marine
Industry Golf Tournament at Timber Creek Golf Course, in
Spanish Fort, Alabama. The Port of Mobile Chapter had a
great turnout and the players agreed that this is one of the
best tournaments every held in Mobile!
One of the regular participants/sponsors (Trey LeBlanc from
Rolls-Royce Marine) hit a hole-in-one on one of our prize
holes and won an iPad. It was Trey's first hole-in-one ever.
Shane Nolen '93 – President,
USMMA KP Alumni – Port of Mobile Chapter
Phone: 251-621-6002 Cell: 251-533-1135
(L to R) Admiral James Helis accepting $ 8,000.00 check (Proceeds of the
2012 Golf Tournament!) from Port of Mobile Chapter President Shane Nolan
’93, December 8, 2012
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(L to R): Dave Hiscox, Matt Scuillo, Shawn Lauer, David Flaherty, Dan
Nice, Shane Nolen, Kevin Mershon, Richard Tremayne, and Patrick Ward.
(Not pictured: Tom Ames Nice, Shane Nolen, Kevin Mershon, Richard
Tremayne, and Patrick Ward. (Not pictured: Tom Ames).
28. Maersk Line, Limited Invests in Eight Newer Vessels and Renews Its Commitment to U.S.
Attribution: May 7, 2013 Press Release, Maersk Line, Limited http://www.maersklinelimited.com/News/news.php?st=sid25
Maersk Line, Limited (MLL) has purchased and is currently reflagging eight newer and larger containerships to upgrade the ocean
transportation services provided to its U.S. military, government and commercial customers.
MLL's investment of approximately half a billion dollars in eight vessels will improve the quality of service to the Middle East and
Mediterranean Sea from the U.S. East Coast. Since 2000, MLL has invested over $1.75 billion dollars to modernize its fleet in
support of the U.S. government and military. The vessels are about 10 years younger than the outgoing ships, offering improved
fuel efficiency and environmental performance.
"These eight newer vessels, along with the global transportation network that connects them, demonstrate our commitment to our
customers. We are proud to serve the U.S. military and to deliver U.S. food aid worldwide," said John Reinhart, MLL's President
and CEO. "MLL is focused on continual improvement, and these ships will further increase reliability and shrink our environmental
The vessels will join Maersk Line's weekly Middle East Container Line service (MECL1) throughout May and June. This route
serves commercial customers and the U.S. military, and it transports U.S.-grown food aid. MECL1 will be the industry's only direct
U.S. flag service to and from the U.S. East Coast and Pakistan, and the service includes a new stop in Algeciras, Spain.
All eight vessels will join the Maritime Security Program (MSP) and Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement (VISA). "We are
pleased to bring more modern and useful assets into the MSP and VISA fleets," said Reinhart. "The vessels will augment our
nation's security and sustain jobs for the U.S. Merchant Marine, the fourth arm of our national defense."
"The efforts of the mariners onboard the transitioning vessels and colleagues ashore have been excellent, assuring a timely and
smooth progression of the reflagging process," stated Reinhart. MLL works with four U.S. maritime labor unions to crew its fleet of
56 U.S. flag vessels and employs about 1,200 American seafarers every day.
Vessel reflagging is a complex process that involves coordination between commercial and government stakeholders. Ensuring
an efficient reflagging process is critical to MLL's core business of operating and maintaining U.S. flag vessels. The coordination
of 16 vessel transfers (eight in, eight out) demands expertise and alignment at all levels of the organization.
Reflagging a ship ensures that it meets the stringent safety, environmental, operational and compliance standards required by the
U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and other U.S. maritime authorities.
MLL's engineering team performs a gap analysis on each ship to assess its compliance with USCG requirements and makes any
necessary modifications. Once a vessel meets these requirements and receives all U.S. government approvals, the vessel can
come under the U.S. flag, making it eligible to carry cargo for the U.S. military, other government entities and commercial
"We want to express our gratitude to the U.S. Transportation Command, the Maritime Administration, the U.S. Coast Guard, and
our labor union partners," said Reinhart. "With their support, these eight ships will increase the versatility of the U.S. flag fleet. We
believe that the addition of these ships, achieved through our successful cooperation, will benefit all of our customers and their
vital missions."
The eight incoming vessels are named in honor of American cities that have brought industrial vitality to the U.S. economy through
manufacturing, finance, transportation, and exports. This ship names are: Atlanta, Chicago, Columbus, Denver, Detroit, Hartford,
Memphis, and Pittsburgh. Maersk Chicago was the first of the eight vessels to be reflagged; she came under the U.S. flag on May
1, 2013.
Corporate Overview http://www.maersklinelimited.com/AboutUs/Overview.php
Maersk Line, Limited (MLL) is an American company, headquartered in Norfolk, Va., that provides U.S. flag transportation, ship
management and maritime technical services to government and commercial customers. As a business within the A.P. Moller Maersk Group, MLL uniquely combines unparalleled experience, maritime expertise and global intermodal capability. In 1983,
MLL won its first government contract to convert and operate five military prepositioning ships. Since then, we have managed and
operated nearly 100 vessels of varying types and sizes. With the largest U.S. flag fleet in commercial service, we employ
approximately 1200 U.S. mariners daily and work with all the major U.S. maritime unions.
Ref: USMMA KPA-CPA News 051813
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MAERSK US Flag Transportation Services
MAERSK Ship Management and Chartering
MAERSK maritime technical services MTS
29. Rep. Elijah Cummings Honored at 29th Annual Salute to Congress
Attribution: Previously released by The Maritime Executive, April 12, 2013 By MarEx
The International Propeller Club of the Unites States honored Representative Elijah Cummings at the Propeller Club’s annual
Salute to Congress Dinner, held on May 7th at the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, Va. The Propeller Club’s Salute to
Congress dinner is the maritime industry’s most prestigious and anticipated annual event in the Nation’s Capital. For more than a
quarter century, the Club and its members have recognized Members of Congress who have demonstrated consistent support for
the maritime industry and the United States-flag Merchant Marine.
“The Propeller Club considers it an honor to recognize Representative Elijah Cummings,” stated Propeller Club President Sonny
Smith of Paducah, Ky. “We looked forward to the opportunity to thank him for his support for the maritime sector of the U.S.
economy through his service on the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation and his commitment to the
education of the next generation of mariners.”
More than 300 guests were expected to attend and honor Rep. Cummings, including individuals from the executive and legislative
branches as well as independent agencies, leaders from the maritime industry and members of the Propeller Club from
throughout the nation. Past recipients of the award also include then-Speaker Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill, the first honoree in 1985,
and then-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott in 1997. Recent honorees include Senator David Vitter, Representative Ike Skelton,
and Representative Norm Dicks, last year’s recipient. A complete list can be found at http://propellerclubhq.com/default.aspx?pageId=17.
The International Propeller Club of the United States is a non-profit, international association dedicated to the promotion of the
maritime industry, commerce and global trade. The Propeller Club aggressively promotes the maritime industry through many of
its programs and partnering with other similar organizations. For more information, go to www.propellerclubhq.com.
Click Here to view full dinner coverage. Congressman Cummings stated, "If we don't guard our industry there will be none."
Dave Gardy (KP ’80) - Chairman and CEO - TV Worldwide
4206 F Technology Court, Chantilly, Va. 20151 www.TVWorldwide.com
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Mission: This ceremony is to signify the successful completion of license and academics at the Merchant Marine Academy for the
Class of 2013. The event should be enjoyable for the midshipman while at the same time be carried out in a dignified manner that
is in keeping with the traditions, rules, and regulations that govern the Regiment of Midshipmen.
- MIDN CAPT Daniel Galginaitis, 1/C Regimental Commander
Regimental Commander
Regiment of Midshipmen
Commandant of Midshipman
Situation: Following the successful completion of license it is a Kings Point tradition to ring the bell in the middle of the oval to
signify having completed the course of education at the United States Merchant Marine Academy. Following the Bell Ringing the
Class of 2013 will commence their leave period between license and graduation.
Mission: This ceremony is to signify the successful completion of license and academics at the Merchant Marine Academy for
the Class of 2013. The event should be enjoyable for the midshipman while at the same time be carried out in a dignified manner
that is in keeping with the traditions, rules, and regulations that govern the Regiment of Midshipmen.
Bell Ringing Formation/Ceremony: Khaki’s with garrison cover.
Cookout: Issued PT gear/ running suits
1100-1330: Cookout for the Class of 2013 at Land Hall.
TBD: Licensing Exam Grades are posted.
NLT 20 Minutes following the posting of the license exam results midshipman from the class of 2013, who successfully passed
licensing, will muster by companies in the Oval.
Leave/Liberty. Commences AFTER the completion of the Bell-Ringing
Ceremony. Specific policy for the period 31 May to 12 June to be published in a separate Commandant Notice.
Bell-Ringing Ceremony Formation. First Company, Second Company, and the Regimental Staff will form up on the South Side of
the Oval. Third, Fourth, and Band Company will form up on the North Side of the Oval. The ceremony will begin when the RC
calls the Companies to attention. Following remarks by the Superintendent and the Dean, the RC will announce commencement
of the bell-ringing. Midshipmen must remain in the complete Uniform of the Day throughout formation and the actual bell-ringing.
Cookout. The cookout will be coordinated by the Class Presidents from the Class of 2013 and 2014. Starting at 1030 popcorn
and wing will be available in Land Hall. At 1100 burgers and hotdogs will be available on the patio facing the waterfront. The Class
of 2014, Delano Staff, along with ED midshipman will cook the burgers and hotdogs on the grills outside of Land Hall.
No food or beverages will be allowed to leave Land Hall or the patio areas. At 1330 foodservice will cease and clean-up will begin.
By 1400 Land Hall will be cleared; clean-up will be completed by the Class of 2014 and ED midshipman.
Land Hall will be off-limits from 1000 to 1430 to all underclass not directly supporting the event or the clean-up.
As directed by:
MIDN CAPT Daniel Galginaitis, 1/C Regimental Commander
MIDN LCDR Spencer Fletcher, 1/C Regimental Honor Board Chair and First Class President
Any questions should be directed up the Chain of Command or to the Class Officers
Respectfully Submitted,
M/N CAPT Daniel Galginaitis, 1/C
Regimental Commander
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M/N LCDR Spencer Fletcher, 1/C
Regimental Honor Board Chair & First Class President
31. USMMA Earns 2012-13 Landmark Conference SAAC Sportsmanship Cup
Attribution: www.USMMASports.com
Complete Story: http://www.usmmasports.com/General/2012-13/Sportsmanship_Cup
Courtesy of the Landmark Conference
Towson, MD – The United States Merchant Marine Academy has won the Landmark Conference Student-Athlete Advisory
Committee (SAAC) Sportsmanship Cup for the 2012-13 year. The Mariners are first-time recipients as Juniata College took home
the Cup in its first two years.
The award is calculated by adding all of the sportsmanship votes during the year and dividing the total by the number of Landmark
sports the institution sponsors. After each sports season the head coach of each team, in consultation with his or her captains,
voted on the top three sportsmanship teams and a winner was announced.
Coaches and captains are encouraged to rank opponents based on their view of the sportsmanship of each institution with factors
including, but not limited to: fair play, graciousness in victory, respectfulness in defeat, fan behavior and conduct, courtesy and
helpfulness as hosts.
USMMA was deemed the most sportsmanlike in men’s soccer, volleyball, men’s indoor track and field as well as men’s outdoor
track and field while generating an average of 9.13 points for the year. Juniata finished at 8.65 and Goucher College placed third
in the standings with an average of 8.17.
In addition to finishing first in four sports, USMMA finished in the top half of the standings in 10 of its 15 sports. The Mariners took
the early lead after the fall season and held off a late charge from Juniata and Goucher this spring.
2012-13 Team Sportsmanship Winners
Baseball: Drew
Men's Basketball: Juniata
Women's Basketball: Moravian
Men's Cross Country: Juniata
Women's Cross Country: Catholic
Field Hockey: Goucher
Men's Lacrosse: Drew
Women's Lacrosse: Goucher
Men's Soccer: USMMA
Women's Soccer: Moravian
Softball: Juniata
Men's Swimming: Goucher
Women's Swimming: Goucher
Men's Tennis: Moravian
Women's Tennis: Goucher
Men's Indoor Track: USMMA
Women's Indoor Track: Juniata
Men's Outdoor Track: USMMA
Women's Outdoor Track: Goucher
Volleyball: USMMA
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32. 12 Mariners Named to the Landmark Conference Spring Honor Roll
Attribution: www.USMMASports.com
Complete Story: http://www.usmmasports.com/General/2012-13/HonorRollSpring
Towson, MD -- The following United States Merchant Marine Academy student-athletes were recognized by the Landmark
Conference for their exceptional performance in the classroom during the 2012-13 spring season:
Michael Ackerman**
Men's Lacrosse
Malvern, PA
Christopher Anthony*
Men's Lacrosse
Cleveland, OH
Timothy Buxton**
Seattle, WA
Danny Collins*
Sleepy Hollow, NY
Moana Kawatachi
Santa Maria, CA
Nicholas Nalette
Goffstown, NH
Ian Motley
Men's Lacrosse
Ossining, NY
Matthew Pastuszak
Men's Track & Field
Berlin, CT
Joseph Policastro
Hauppauge, NY
Troy Smith
Men's Lacrosse
Deer Park, TX
Nicolas Walsh
Men's Track & Field
Dubai, UAE
Connor Wilcox
Men's Lacrosse
Dallas, TX
*Denotes one previous Honor Roll selection
**Denotes two previous Honor Roll selections
The Honor Roll recognizes all winter student-athletes who have reached sophomore standing with a cumulative GPA of 3.20 or
The conference will release its list of All-Academic Team honorees on Tuesday, May 21.
Ref: USMMA KPA-CPA News 051813
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33. Visit the Academy Web site: http://www.usmma.edu
Academy Website Communications page http://www.usmma.edu/communications
The Office of External Affairs works closely with stakeholders from congress, community, industry, government and members of
the press providing information on the life, events and policies of the Academy. It is the liaison with the Office of Communications
at the Maritime Administration and the Department of Transportation.
From Homecoming to Graduation the Office of External Affairs is part of the management team for Academy special events,
community outreach, press conferences and VIP tours. Throughout the year the Office of External Affairs works closely with the
alumni and parents and the Merchant Marine Museum.
Contact Us - External Affairs ExternalAffairs@usmma.edu Phone: (516) 726-6048
300 Steamboat Road, Kings Point, New York 11024 Business hours: 0800-1630 ET, M-F
Academy Website Alumni Information page http://www.usmma.edu/alumni
Want to keep in touch with all the latest Academy news and events?
Click here to sign up for the Academy’s newsletter featuring a message from Admiral Helis and other Academy news.
Interested in learning how to make a donation to the Academy?
As part of its five-year strategic plan, the Academy has created a new Needs List, outlining its top ten Margins of Excellence
needs for the coming year. Each item on the list will help the Academy achieve the goals defined its Strategic Plan, from
providing Cutting-Edge Programs and developing Sound Leadership to creating a Dynamic Campus Culture.
Alumni, parents and other Kings Point supporters can review the Needs List:
2013 Margins of Excellence Needs List
You can also learn more about how to make a donation here:
Guide to Gift Giving
Alumni also can stay involved with the Academy by joining one of several Kings Point alumni groups, including:
The KP Alumni-Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc.
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Alumni Association and Foundation
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Sailing Foundation
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34. Commemorating Memorial Day – Monday May 27, 2013
This weekend, our country will celebrate Memorial Day. We'll cookout, relax, and visit with friends and family. But this holiday
weekend is about more than barbeques, swimming pools, and family get-togethers. As we celebrate the Memorial Day Weekend,
let us keep in mind what we are "celebrating" - those who made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that Americans, and people
around the world, would be able to reap the benefits of freedom. Those who fought and died on the battlefield did so to protect
our country, our way of life, and our freedom. It is now our calling, and our responsibility, to ensure that future generations never
fail to realize how blessed we are to live in a country like the United States, a country whose Constitution guarantees its citizens'
This weekend, think about our great country and the freedom we enjoy. Think about our men and women in uniform, and the
sacrifices they are making for all of us. Remember those who paid a heavy price in defense of that freedom. As we celebrate
their countless contributions and selfless sacrifice, let us pledge to one another that we will continue to carry that torch of freedom.
For an inspirational reminder of why we celebrate Memorial Day, please visit www.forest.ws/WeSupportU.htm
35. Memorial Day 2013 TV Programming and Marathons
Memorial Day 2013 in the United States is Monday, May 27. Leading up to and including that day, over Memorial Day 2013
weekend, there will TV programs remembering veterans; special programming of other sorts; and also several programming
marathons of series and movies.
National Memorial Day Concert 2013 – May 26 Live at 8pm on PBS; replay at 9:30pm (check local listings). Gary Sinise and Joe
Mantegna again host this annual event that honors the service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform, and all who have
given their lives to defend our freedom. Airing live from the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, the concert features an all-star lineup
performing with the National Symphony Orchestra. Candice Glover, the Season 12 winner of American Idol, will give a special
performance of the national anthem. Also featured during the evening will be a tribute to the “Greatest Generation,” featuring the
stirring remembrances of decorated World War II veteran and renowned actor Charles Durning (pictured at top of page as a young
infantryman in World War II), who passed away last December and who was a longtime contributor to this concert. And, on the
60th anniversary of the Korean War Armistice, the broadcast will honor the sacrifices of the veterans who fought and perished in
this “forgotten war.”
Watch: The 2013 National Memorial Day Concert Promo
(http://video.pbs.org/video/2365002640), on PBS.
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See more from National Memorial Day Concert
36. KPA-CPA Welcomes New Chapters
Chapter Development is a vital activity for the KPA-CPA. The establishment of KP Alumni Chapters worldwide has enabled all of
our KP Alumni to participate in Mission Support of the Academy, the Midshipmen, the Alumni and the U.S. Merchant Marine!
Captain Ronald L. Campana (KP ’71) – President, Port of New Orleans Chapter, serves this important activity, as our Chairman –
KPA-CPA Chapter Development. Ron also serves our organization as KPA-CPA Regional Vice Chairman - Southeast &
International – Caribbean. Ron is actively involved in assisting the progress of our current Member Chapters, as well as growing
our organization with the development of new Chapters. We thank Ron, and all KP Alumni who are involved in this important
outreach, for inclusion of ALL KP Alumni worldwide in our Mission of Support for Kings Point!
Examples of the types of activities and Mission Support provided by our KP Alumni Chapters are noted in our
KPA-CPA AnnualChapterReport 123112 http://kpa-cpa.com/USMMAAF%20CPC/KPA-CPA%20AnnualChapterReport%20123112.doc
Please contact Captain Ron Campana (KP ’71), or any of our Regional Directors, if you have an interest in developing a new KP
Alumni Chapter in your area! All are welcome to participate in this rewarding fraternal outreach!
Where in the world are USMMA KP Alumni Chapters located?
Roster - By Region, of the existing 128+ USMMA Alumni Chapters ... worldwide!
Visit web site http://www.kpa-cpa.com/
Reference: USMMA KPA Chapters Region Roster WEB POST
Gary G. Hicks ‘76
Chairman & President
USMMA KP Alumni - Chapter Presidents Alliance, Inc.
Fortune Center, 42 Idlewild Street, Bel Air, MD 21014
Tel: 410-420-0080 E-mail: kpa-cpa@kpa-cpa.com
Web: http://www.kpa-cpa.com
Cell: (410) 652-8141
"Tell America!” “Tell America About Kings Point and the U.S. Merchant Marine!”
Northeast & International - Canada East - Regional Vice Chairman - Richard J. Roche '81 (Central NY Chapter)
Mid-Atlantic & International - East – Regional Vice Chairman - Tim Sumner '66 (Delaware Shore Chapter)
Southeast & International - Caribbean - Regional Vice Chairman - Captain Ronald L. Campana ’71 (New Orleans Chapter)
Southwest & International - Latin America - Regional Vice Chairman - Captain John G. Peterlin III '76 (Galveston Bay-Brazosport Chapter)
Mid-Continent & International - Canada Central - Regional Vice Chairman - Robert H. Cooper '77 (Central Ohio Chapter)
Pacific & International - West - Regional Vice Chairman – Kenneth J. Fidyk '71 (Santa Barbara /Ventura County Chapter)
West & International - Pacific Northwest - Regional Vice Chairman <interim> – Kenneth J. Fidyk '71 (Santa Barbara /Ventura County Chapter)
"The Chapters shall exist to serve, assist and perpetuate the United States Merchant Marine Academy, its Regiment of Midshipmen, faculty,
staff, alumni and the United States Merchant Marine. It shall foster and encourage the development of the Academy and the Merchant Marine,
and shall enhance the prestige thereof by acquisition, preservation and dissemination of information pertaining to their history, activities,
methods and objectives, and shall render moral support and material aid thereunto.”
USMMA KPA-CPA - 128+ USMMA KP Alumni Chapters worldwide, working together in Mission Support to Kings Point!
Visit the KPA-CPA
Ref: USMMA KPA-CPA News 051813
via www.USMMA.edu !
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