EXECUTIVE SUMMARY D President's Transmittal 1:81 Board Transmittal 0 Action !81Consent Recommendation that the Broward College Board of Trustees authorize Disposal, trade-in, donation or sale by bid of surplus property assets for the month of February 2014. Presenter: John Dunnuck, VP Operations Considerations: The equipment on the attached list has been declared surplus, obsolete, or unserviceable by the property custodian (using department). Authorization is requested to dispose, trade-in, donate or sell the equipment in the method that is in the best interest of the college and in accordance with applicable policies, procedures and statutes regarding disposal of surplus property. How does this impact student success: Continuous improvement through inventory control. What Specific Goal of the Strategic Master Plan is advanced through this action: Goal 3 - Initiative 3.1.2 - Improve the efficiency of indirect student support. Fiscal Impact: N/A Small Business Firm: Yes D No D N/A 1:81 Broward Firm: Yes D No D N/ A 1:81 Prepared by: Zaida Riollano, Interim AVP, Business Services and Resource Management · & Reviewed by: N/A Attorney's Office Budget Office __ Q IZl<$6Sk SVP, Howdyshell or Olliff 3n3110J ClH'u'MOCl8 S3JIACIJS .t t1 ~ 1,.r:rn n~ mld +]2 :2 Md £- 83.:J tlOl 03Al3J3tl CID/DHS COLOR CODES 1. YELLOW HIGH:C GHTER: ASSET TAGGED ITEM LISTED IN DHS PROGRAM LISTED ON BOARD PACKET 2. - -- - - BELOW THRESHOLD (UNDER $1000.00) NOT LISTED ON BOARD PACKET 3. OR PINK ASSET TAGGED ITEM NOT LISTED IN CID OR DHS PROGRAM LISTED ONLY IN CID PROGRAM LISTED IN DHS PROGRAM STATUS COLUMN AS "DISPOSED" NOT LISTED ON BOARD PACKET REQUEST FOR DISPOSAL ACTION FEB 2014 ANALYSIS CERTIFICATE ASSET# 3652 3653 51154 41167 3653 3653 3653 3653 3654 3655 3656 48391 48404 48413 45942 29629 47700 55124 3656 3656 54975 42013 3656 3656 3656 3656 3656 3656 3657 3657 3657 3657 55050 48197 51675 25427 42137 3657 3657 44276 55378 DATE DESCRIPTION 3/13/2008 1/13/2008 1/2/2006 1/2/2006 1/2/2006 5/24/2005 10/7/1997 7/20/2005 6/17/2004 5/29/2009 5/20/2003 6/11/2009 12/6/2005 SMARTBOARD PROJECTOR LIFE FITNESS CURL MACHINE GATEWAY LAPTOP GATEWAY LAPTOP GATEWAY LAPTOP DELL LAPTOP CADEX BATIERY ANALYZER LAERDAL MEGACODE MAN IKIN DELL COMPUTER 7/22/2003 8/2/1993 5/23/2003 7/16/2004 9/18/2009 3/31/2011 12/19/2007 56609 50883 56319 10/28/2010 56608 3/31/2011 UA3502 N/A IMAC COMPUTER GATEWAY COMPUTER HP COMPUTER GATEWAY COMPUTER PEBBLE ID PRINTER POLAROID ID CAMERA HP LASERJET PRINTER NIMLOK EXHIBIT MOBILE DISPLAY EPSON PROJECTOR HP LAPTOP HP LAPTOP HP LAPTOP HP LAPTOP DRIVING SIMULATOR DISPOSITION UNSERVICEABLE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE SURPLUS UNSERVICEABLE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE OBSOLETE UNSERVICEABLE DEPARTMENT C/C- LRC C/CWELNESS C/C - BIOLOGY C/C - BIOLOGY C/C - BIOLOGY TELECOM & NETWORK C/C - EMS N/C- EMS S/C-TECH S/C-TECH S/C-TECH S/C - TECH S/C - TECH S/C - TECH S/C -TECH S/C - TECH N/C-TECH N/C-TECH N/C - TECH N/C - TECH N/C - TECH N/C-TECH C/C- CJI FEB 2014 DISPOSAL ~ ~ BROvVA.RD ~COLLEGE 'N ' N N . Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets OVER $1 ,000 br-:iw 1 r d .ed '.l 11 3 Cc:-2010 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER. DISPOSAL, ANO REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD Dispos ition 41231 Each Staff must check only one annrooriate box below Cost Center Administrator· ' Campus L'Jst I Stclen !Trace-!nl Unser11ce3tle l Donation I Obsolete I Surolus 1_ 2 l'' lv1 -::. .,,.( ·..) C. !"'_<..... staff I I I x I I I Camous: IBuildina: IRoom: Other (Explainl I 17 I 1<16 NOTE: Lost/Stolen items reauire a Police Reoort with this form Cost Center· 1 ASAP Do ltem(s) req uire pick-up by Material Services? ~~s. X _r_ro•;tIf~~ If Yes. Picked on or before what~~te? _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Initiating Property Custodian Signature ~/ flt ._..-t Property ControVMatenal Seri1ices Signature. 1 Date ~ Date Prooety Control .\udit Number· / r/ ~ I _ '---.:> 8-(1;, / 13 --~~,r---- Phone Phone ~ U~ D ~-------4 ---------t Form 10· 1) Enrer the appropriate information below 2) Save this document as "yourcampus property disposal-date.xlsx" (ex South Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 3) Email to ravi/ and c c: dmcdade® Items Ex. Description Gateway E-4000 Computer (SAMPLE ONLY) 1 2 SMARTBOARD 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Asset 00123456 p ;1 .> 0051154 Serial Number 123456789 2000i-DVX-R2-20161 •BROWARD. t0. . coLLEGE Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets OVER $1 ,000 11 5 Oct-2010 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER, DISPOSAL, AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD Disposition Each Staff must check only one aooropriate box below Campus Lo5t I St:ilen T•=de- ln l Unser1iceable Doration I Obsolete I Surolus Cost Cemer .Administrat:wLUIS MELENDEZ Staff I I I X I Campus: !Building: Other (Explain) !Room: I 11 CENTRAL I 121 NOTE: Lost/Stolen items reauire a Police Report with this form Cost Center· 1 11 521 Do ltem(s) require pick-u~ by Material Services? AS SOON POSIBLE Yes· X If Yes. Picked on or before what date? No· Pallet ID· ------------ -Ot(?__Da_~=-~2_1o_s1_13 ln11lallng Property Custodian Signature Property ControVMatenal Services Signature. ~ Propety Control Audit Number· _ __ Date _ __ __ _ __ Phone - - - - - - - - - - 1 Phone. - - - - ----1 Form ID 1) Enter the appropriate information below 2) Save this docum ent as "yourcampus property disposal-dare.xlsx " (ex South Propert'/ Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 3) Email to and cc: Items Ex. 1 Description Gateway E4000 Computer (SAMPLE ONLY) LIFE F ITNESS I LEG CURL MACHINE Asset 00123456 0041167 Serial Number 123456789 SL35-S-99720 1----+------ -- - ----------------+--------+------------t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 / f 13/ll3 • BH.O\NA.RD. teA.C~OLLEGE Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets UNDER $1 ,000 Nww. browa n Le d u v· 6 . Oct-201 0 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER DISPOSAL AND REMOVAL FROM PROPER..Y RECORD _ _ _ _ __ 7 DisJ Each Staff must check on Campus Lost I Stolen ITracie-In I Unservice; Obsclel•! Sur lus ' Administrator:S teve Obem1uf ~+---'--'--'--+-;:c_;;_~x__.... Staff I I I Cam us: 1Bu1ldin9: Other CExolain l !Room: Centr 31 7 157 NOTE: LosUStolen items require a I 'olice Reoort with this form Do ltem(s) require pick-up by Material Se1v1ces? Cost Cente ,o-s it~ io _ n r 111 5·1·1 ____, x Yes: 12/12/13 _ _ _ If Yes, Picked on or before what date? - - - - - - - - - - - - No· __ ln111at1ng Property Custodian Signature: .-#~ ' ~:--... . . ._ -~ -- • Propeny C·mtrol/Material Services Signat•Jre: . . ~ -· - Date: --""-=~~or.,=~--+ 23(053 Propety Control Audit Number· ~ '--- Pallet f[1: \1 /2_7 /',~2- ,, r- .::.-· ·-r 7 .../ Phone: -~w_--'--.-> ?/S/G Date: -~~~--I Phone: - - - - - - - - < Form ID: _ _____ _ _ __ ---· -··- - - -- ----====================----:_--======= --------1) E11 ter <11e C1ppropriat1t i n form ation below 1 2) Save thi! d ocument as "yourcampus pmperty dlsposal-date.xlsx" (ex South Property Tran sf er 10-31-09.i l sx) 1 13) Em,1 i/ to ·avil es(Ji)browanl.ed11 and cc: dm.;.;..;; "'a°"d'"" e,,...;@b-'ro-'-'w-'a-r:-'-d.-'-ed _u_ if tems Ex. Desc ription Gateway E-4000 Computer (SJ\MPLE ONLY) 1 2 3 _,___ ___ 4 _ _ _ _ _--.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - , r - - - - -- - - Asset 00123456 Gateway laptop TA6 0048391 Gateway laptop TA6 0048404 Gateway laptop T A6 0048413 ,4.L.L 1,\ JD /-r_l, Serial Number 123456789 , I /;;/oG I I 5 6 7 --+------ - 8 r - ------------ -- -- - -- -- - - -- - -- - -+-- - - -- - --+--- - - - - ----~ -------·-------------------~!-------- 1 9 L-~'- ------------·----------------+---------1-------- ----...j -10 ! '1'I ·12 ' -·--------'------------------+----- - - - +---------- -l----'-lf·13 14 i ------- ---'-'---- -----------------0----------+------- ----~ ~ ·~- -- - ------· --------------------+------- ---;------- 17 18 ·19 -~~-------- ------·---------------~-----~-+---------------1 20 - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - -- --------L- - - -- - -- - - - ----' ---~~------------------------->---------+------- rf My ~ uc,1111ents 1Purchas11191~.la1e11aJ Ser;rces\Property Disposal Temi;late_UNDER_ 1K_2009.xlsx 1 /d/C~ I /:~/OG ABROWARDW {0.;.COLLEGE Controlled Property Disposal Form ~,:~~-i~~~-'.'PV~R'$f_9.9, .P.. ,~ www.broward . edu v1.6 Oct-2010 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER, DISPOSAL, AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD Disposition 163185 Each Staff must check only one aooropr/ate boK below Campus Lost I Stolen ITrade-Inl Unserviceable I Donation I Obsolete I Surplus Cost Center Administrator: Ken Libutti Staff I I I I I ~ I rC~a~m~1p~,u~s:_ ___,l~B~u~ild~in~ 1q~:_ _ _+IR~o~o~m ~:_ _ ___,,___ _+O~t~h~er~(~Ex~ro~la~l~nlc......::D~is~p~os~a~I-------------~-~ I I NOTE: Lost/Stolen Items require a Police Report with this form Cost Center: Do ltem(s) require pick-up by Material Services? Yes: If Yes, Picked on or before what dale? - - - - - - - - - - No: X Initiating Property Custodian Signature: fJO~Date: - - - - - - - 12/3/2013 Property ControUMaterial Services Signature: ..i.'> fe£ A- .t-fMJf.\1.\- c.:, Propety Control Audit Number: Pallet ID: 2(953 I /u~ate: - - - - - - - ~ Phone: 201-7524 - - - - ----! Phone: _ _ _ _ _ _ _-1 Form ID: 1) Enter the appropriate Information below 2) Save this document as ''yourcampus property dlsposal-date.xlsx" (ex South Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 3} Email to and cc: Items Description Asset Serial Number Ei(.~..,.,~~ pateway~E4000:Comp"ute"r:(SAMPLE ONLY-kc-;.~~.::y-.~_':1;~{fo!#-t:~:.1';;. 0(}123~56=:-:2~,~~"-~ 12·3456789:;;i·::..~,.'· ,i. '~f.o?.'~ 4.''i~ 1 2 3 4 DELL Latitude X1 45942 j 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H:\My Oocuments\Pun:hasing\Malelial Servk:as\PropertyOlsposalT emplate-OVER_ 1KOS-23-201 O.xlsx CNDG6951 5(8'1 /oS Kevin Delsoin From: Howard Dansky Friday, December 06, 2013 12:01 PM Kevin Delsoin Amanda Williams RE: Inventory update SCAN15923.pdf Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: l<evin , Th e lapto p was disposed of so per Amanda I fi lled out a dispo sal from and send it to h er. The correspondence is in th e emai l thread . Thanks. Howa rd D<rnsky Director Teleco m and Network Services 'E : 954 -201- 7524 I Browa rd College I : hdan sky@browa rd .edu From: Kevin Delsoin Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 11:57 AM To: Howard Dansky; Amanda Williams Subject: RE: Inventory update Good Morning Howard, I need a location in order to get the Material Movement team to pick it up from you. Thanks and have a great wee kend!! Coo rdinator, Fixed Asset Property & Records Storage Material Services Broward College 350 l SW Davie Rd .. Bldg. 23 Davie. FL .33314 PH: 954 -2Jl -6834 , FAX: 954 -201-6844 Property Disposal Under $1000 https: //workplace.broward. edu / departments/adm in/procuremen t/ Department%20Forms/ Property%20Disposal%20Ass et%20Under%20$ 1000. pdf Property Disposa l Over $1000 et%200ver%20$1000.pdf Property Tra nsfer Form https://workplace.browa rd .edu/ departments/ admin/procurement/Departme nt%20Forms/ Property%20Co ntrolled%20T ransfer%20Form .pdf From: Howard Dansky Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 11:16 AM To: Amanda Williams Cc: Kevin Delsoin Subject: RE: Inventory update Amanda, Attached is the disposal form for DELL Latitude Xl 0045942 CNDG6951 Let me know if thi s is ok or if th ere is anyth ing else I need to do let me know. Thanks. Howa rd From: Amanda Williams Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 11 :23 AM To: Howard Dansky Cc: Kevin Delsoin Subject: RE: Inventory update Hi Howard, Yes, please request the asset tag from Kevin Delsoin in Material Services (I'm assuming the asset numbers will stay the same). Also, please send me the serial numbers from the new equipment so that I can update the asset informatio n. For the lost laptop, please send me a completed disposal form (see link for form to use) once it's ready. Disposal form link: h ttps: //wo rkplace.broward.ed u / departments /ad min /ft nance/ Fina nce%20 For ms /P roperty%2 0 Disposal% 2 0 Form% 20%20Assets%200VER%2 0$1.000%20 l 0-201 O.pdf. Thanks, Amanda From: Howard Dansky Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2013 11:08 AM To: Amanda Williams Subject: RE: Inventory update Amanda, 2 We have credit with our N etwork vendor from our trade ins and we are getting extra equi pment that wil l be over $1000. So there wi ll not be a P.O. associated with the equipment. Do you want us to proceed as usual and request the asset tag ju st not have the p.o. info associated w ith it? Anot her que stion the Dell laptop from th e ema il below I believe was thro w n out when we cleaned up downtow n . What do we need to do paperwork wise? DELL Latitude X1 Thanks. 0045942 Howard From: Howard Dansky Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 2:01 PM To: Amanda Williams Subject: RE: I nventory update Amanda - I think that we th rew this out when we were cleaning up Dow ntown getting ready for the move. W hat do I need to do as far as inventory wise? Thanks. Howard From: Howard Dansky Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 10:46 AM To: Amanda Williams Subject: RE: Inventory update Thanks. From: Amanda Williams Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 11:11 PM To: Howard Dansky Subject: RE: Inventory update Hi Howard, This is still an active asset in BC inventory, last scanned in 31/ 331 on 2/ 25/ 13. From : Howard Dansky Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 10:27 AM To: Amanda Williams Subject: Inventory update Amanda, When you have time can you check and see if th e follow ing is in BC inven tory or was it disposed DELL Latitude Xl 0045942 CNDG6951 Than ks Ho1ivard Dansky 3 Director Telecom and Network Services ~: 954-201-7524 I Broward College I : hdansky@browa rd .edu eed Technolo!!v Help? Need in formation about Broward Coll e!!e IT? How to Buv Tech nolo!!v? 4 ~ I~ROvVARD ~COLLEGE 6400 NW 6th Way - Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Broward Co ll ege N.1me d One of th e Top ll) Commurtit}' Co ll eges in the ~.1 ti o n . ·1HE ASPEt STITUTE Please Note: Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications to or from College employees regarding Co llege business are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this email communication may be subject to public disclosure. ~ Please consider the e nvironm ent b efore printing this ema il. 4 •BROWARDM coLLEGE te... Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets OVER $1,000 www. broward . edu v1 .6 Oct-2010 REQUEST FOR TRA NSFER, DISPOSAL, AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD Disposition 112484 Each Staff must check onlv one annrooriate box below Campus Lost I Stolen Trade-Inl Unserviceable I Donation I Obsolete I Surplus Cost Center Administrator: Philip Bachers Staff I I I I I Other (Exolainl For Public Surplus Auction Campus: IBuildinq: I Room: Central I 08 I 228 NOTE: Lost/Stolen items reauire a Police Reoort with this form Cost Center: x Do ltem(s) require pick-up by Material Services? Yes : X If Yes . Picked on or before what date? No: Initiating Property Custodian Signature: ~/~ Property Control/Material Services Signature: Pallet ID: ---- - -- - ---- ~ ) Propety Control Audit Number: Date: November 26, 201 3 Date: I d-- J Cf- / f 3 954-201 -6920 Phone: - - - - -Phone: - - - - --! - - -- --! Form ID: 1) Enter the appr opriate information below 2) S,we this document as "your campus property disp osal-date.xlsx· (ex South Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 3) Email to ravi/es@broward. edu and cc: dm cdade@browar lterr.s Ex. Description Gateway E-4000 Computer (SAMPLE ONLY) Asset 00123456 1 Cadex Battery Analyzer, 2 plus 12 assorted battery adapters. 3 4 (a total of 2 small boxes to pick up) "2~+,, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H: .My Documents Purchasing' Matenal Sef'l1ces PropertyD1sposalTemplate-OVER_ 1K05-23-2010 xlsx Serial Number 123456789 0029629 VGAC02 173 N/A N/A ABROWARD- (.0,.coLLEGE Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets OVER $1,000 www . brow Cost Center: 112482 Oct-2010 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER, DISPOSAL, AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECO RD Dispos itio n Each Staff must check only one aooropriate box below Campus Staff Cost Center Administrator: P h ilip Bachers Campus: North vl 6 IBuildinq: 41 I I Room: 154 I Lost I Stolen ITrade·In l Unserviceable I Donation I Obsolete I Surplus I I I I I I Other (Explain) used for parts x NOTE: Lost/Sto len it em s re a uire a Police Reoort w ith this form Do ltem(s) require pick-up by Material Se rvices? Yes: If Yes. Picked on or before what date? x No: Initiating Property Custodian Signatu re: 'l1f (},~ Property Control/Material Services Signature: Propety Control Audit Number: Pallet ID: ~ - oate: N ove m ber 21, 201 3 __.Ba2 954-201-6920 Phone: o::::::::=_ 3GS5 Phone: Form ID: 1) En ter the appropriate information below 2) Save this document as "yourcampus prop erty disposal-date.xlsx" (ex South Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 3) Email to and cc: Items Ex. 1 2 Description Gateway E-4000 Computer (SAMPLE ONLY) L ae rdal M ega Code K elly A s set 00123456 [)r-[ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H ' My Documents'PurchasinglMatenal Serv1ces' PropertyD1sposalTemplate-O\fER_ 1KOS-23-2010 xlsx 0047700 Serial Number 123456789 N /A +t:;cfo. Con trolled Property Disposal Fo rm Assets OVER $1 ,000 REQU ES T FOR TRANS FER. DISPOSAL. AND REMOVAL FR OM PROPERTY RECORD 14 1223 Dis position Cost Center· Cost Center .lcn1r1str3tcr Q3ve P~ters Campus Staff I Los< I Ca,.,,01..s j Rocm i Bu1lo1ro South I 101 I 87 Do ltem1s , require pick-up O'J l'vlatenal Ser11ces? x Yes No· I I If Yes P1ckec on or t:efore ·Nhat date? lnitiat;ng Prcperty Custodian Signature Propen'/ Ccntrol1Matenal Ser11ces S1gnal:Jre Each Staff must check o n lv one aooropriate box below I Ste Ien I Trade- £n l Unseniceal::ie I Dcna11on I I I Obsolete x I I Surolus Other 1E.<01a1n i NOTE LosOStclen items 'ecu1re a Police Reccn Nltn this fcrm ASAP a:-Gd 14 Pailet ID 1z..\,0)1~ Date Phone 'c \ l1' (~I Date 365& Prooetv Cortrol Audit Numter· I I I Phcne Form ID 1) Enter Che appropriare informarion below 2) Save this document as "yourcampus property disposal-dace.xlsx" (ex South Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 3) Email to and cc: dmcdade( Items Ex. Description Gateway E-4000 Computer Asset 00123456 1 DELL OptiPlex 2 M-AC GATEWAY E-SERIES 3 4 HP COMP 7900 5 Gateway E-4500 Computer 6 7 8 Serial Number 123456789 55124 G28LTH1 <v/1=rfo' I\ 54975 QP9210T30TH s/;J't/c 11 ' 42013 30175384 \ 55050 f C> rl ~ _? :)o / GATEWAY ESX-E400- (> {'J-c/C MXL92217XT 1¥ /11 /<5 48197 36 124217 i 41044 28681929 3/6/oS 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 I I I I I I I I Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets OVER $1 ,000 1 Cost Center· 1~ Nov -0 9 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER, DISPOSAL, AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD 141223 Disposition Each Staff must check onlv one aooropri ate box below Cost Center Administrator· Dave Peters Campus !Room. IBu1ldina. South I 87 I 101 Do ltem(s) require pick-up by Material Services? Yes · Lost Campus Staff I Stolen I Trade-In! Unser1iceable l Donation I Obsolete I Surplus I I I X I Other (Exolain1 NOTE LosUStolen items require a Police Reoon with this form __X__ lf Yes, Picked on or before what date? ____A_S'"""A_P_ _ _ _ _ __ No. \ ( \ _.. Initiating Property Custodian Signature Prooetv Control Audit Number· Date: Sc:/~; , .,,/#'~ate - Property Controt/Mater:al Services Signature· ?;G, "'-N'\~ h,, Pallet ID· 17 _(~~---+\_1_0_\~13___ Phone - - - -- - - - - - i --'-\_2.___J...) Phone - - - - - - - - - - 1 _1_~-1)_1'-=~-- ~ Form ID 1,1 Enter the appropria te information b<?/ow 2) Save this document as "yourcampus property disposal-date.xlsx " (ex Sourh Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 3) Email to raviles@:! and cc: Items Ex. Des cription Gateway E-4000 Computer Asset Serial Number 00123456 123456789 9427 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets OVER S1 ,000 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER. DISPOSAL. AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD 1-l'.223 Disposition Each Staff must check only one aoorooriate box below Ccst Center ;..:mm1s1ra1cr· D:::i•1e :::eters Campus I Los: I Stolen I Trade-In! Unser11ceable I Donauon I Otsclete I Surolus I Staff I I I I I I Camous IBuliainc. I Roam Other I Exolain , I NOTE Losv Stolen items recu1re 3 Police Recor: Nltr :his form South I I 101 I 87 Do ltem{SJ rec,uire ;:i1ck-up oy Material Ser11ces? Cos: Center I x Yes No x If Yes Picked '.'ln or before Nhat date? lnit1at1ng Property Custodian Signa ture Prcperty Contrcl/MatePal Ser11ces Signature 1C Pallet 10· ASAP ~~Dote l<-\1 0\\ 3 c =yt11Ad.~oate I 1 '\ Phone P'-ore j'L \ t 0 Procet'/ Control Audit Number· Form ID 1) !:nter the approp r'atc information below 2) Save this document as "yourcampus proper!'/ disposal-date.xlsx"' (ex South Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 3) Email to and cc: dmcdade(@broward. edu Items Ex. 1 2 3 D.escription ,Gateway E-4000 Computer - I Asset 00123450 AI FB3 9o c,, 13:3 ONE PODIUM Serial Number 123456789 N/A 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I' 17 18 I I I 19 I I ' I 20 21 I I I 22 I I I .I I I Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets OVER S1 ,000 •1 l 6 Nov -C9 REQUEST FOR TRANSFE R. DISPOSAL. AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD 141223 Dis pos it ion Each St aff mus t c h eck onl v o n e aooropriate box b elow Cost Center ,<i.dministrator: Dave P<:!ters Camp us Lost I Stolen !Trade- In! Unserviceable! Donation I Obsolete I Surplus Staff I I I I I I Camous· IBu11dinq I Room Other (E.<plain1 South l 87 NOTE: LosUStolen items require a Police Reoort .v1th this form I 101 Do ltem(s) require pick-up by Material Services? Cost Center x x Yes. No. If Yes. Picked on or before what date? Initiating Property Custodian Signature Property Control/Material Services Signature. ~ ASAP Pallet ID· ~Dote \:l_\1 u) _ - I ~ 13 Phone Phone ,, ,, loate. 3GSG Propety Control Audit Number· Form ID: 1) Enter the 1ppropriate information below 2) Save this do cument as "yourcampus property disposal-date.xlsx" (ex South Prop erty Transf er 10-31-09.xlsx) 3) Email to ra viles( and cc: dmcdade( Items Des cr ip tio n Ser ial Nu m ber Asset Ex. Gateway E-4000 C om puter 123456789 00123456 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HP LASERJ ET PRINTER 4200N 1L O ri .> 4213 7 CN BX4 20104 .. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 C Users • AopData Lccal'M1cr-::s01; l/l•roc•.-,s r:mccra-; !r.terre1 =les Com:ri Outloo• cg33-2.i2•D1SPOSAL - Pr:nters Over tJCO <Is~ .- Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets Unde r $1 ,000 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER. DISPOSAL. AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD Dis position Ccst Center 14'.223 Each Staff must check only one aooropriate box below Ccs: Center .!c~in1s:ratcr· Dave Pster3 CamD1.. S l81..1lcino !Reem. South I 87 I 101 Do ltemts 1 reqwe pick-u p oy Material Sel"11ces? x Yes No 'I If Yes Picked Jn or before Nrat date? lnitia:ing Prcper.·1 Custodian I I Ocsolete Omer 1E,(p1a1n1 NOTE Lost/Steier. items rec:i..1re a Pchce Reccr: Nlth tn1s fcrm ASAP 19 Campus Les; I Staff I s.~nature ... I Srclen ITrade-rnl Unser11ceable I I I I I Pallet ID ~ Date 1'l. \\\)\ r.,A' '6:atdJ2 L.oate \2\\0) Proi:;er.y Contro11Matenal Ser11ces Signature Procetv Control Audit Number· Dcnaucn 13 P!ione \.s Phare x I I Surolus Form ID· t) Enrer the ;ippropriare information below 2) Save this document as "yourcampus property disposal-dare.xlsx" (ex Sourh Property Transfer 10-31-09 xlsx) 3) Email to ravi/esla> and cc: dmcdade( Items Ex. Description Gateway E-4000 Co mputer 1 2 3 -. Serial Number 123456789 '1 L/:;;_ ?- w Dt-i- S ) 1 NIM LOK EXH IBIT Box 44276 1 EXH IBIT #1 BOX 18715 N/ A / N/ A ./ / ONE rv' STAND NG 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I 18 19 I I 20 21 I Asset 00123456 ·- - - I I I I I I I l I' I I - - - ---- - - •BROWARD. coLLEGE te... Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets OVER $1,000 www . bro ward. edu v1 .6 Oct-2010 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER, DISPOSAL, AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD Disposition 144102 Each Staff must check o n/ one a propriate box below Campus Lost Stolen Trade-In Unserviceable Donation Obsolete Sur lus Cost Center Administrator:Clyde B. Arnold Ill Cost Center: X S~ff Cam us: North Bu1ldin Room: 49 108 NOTE: Lost/Stolen items re uire a Police Re ort with this form Do ltem(s) require pick-up by Material Services? Yes: If Yes. Picked on or before what date? - - -- - - -- -- - No: X Initiating -P-ro-p-ert_y_C"'tod;oo S;go.t"<e Pallet ID: [! ~~D•te _ 1_2.._ - _f _J_·-_1_·_]__ Property Control/Material Services Signature: ~ Date: __i_a-_(_13--'-/_/_~__ Propety Control Audit Number: Phone: - - - -- - --t Form ID: 1) Enter the appropriate information below 2) Save this document as "yourcampus property disposal-date.xlsx " (ex South Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 3 Email to raviles and cc: dmcdade Items Ex. Descriptio n Gateway E-4000 Computer (SAMPLE ON LY) Asset Serial Number 123456 123456789 0 Ep son 1825 55378 KG4F970227L 7/ 1g/cR 4 HP2740 0056609 2CE1080LWR "3>/ ~ 1/I I 0o HP 2710 0050883 2CE74814K6 ( ;;/ ti-/0~ HP2740 0056319 2CE0400MG9 ,o/;;8!1< 0056608 2CE1080LWS 3/ 31(11 1 2 3 ., 4 .,, 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 HP2740 ~ --- H.'My Docume nts 1Purchas1ngl Malenal Serv1ces1 Property01sposalTemplale-O'IER_ 1KOS-23-2010 xlsx o 3Q 'fo 5 7& 33 7 "--BROWARD. coLLEGE te... Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets UNDER $1,000 Cos! Center: 251703 v.1.6 Oct-20 10 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER, DISPOSAL, AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD Disposition Each Staff must check on/ one a Cost Center Administrator:Carlos Parra Campus Lost ro rlat& box below Stolen Trade-In Unserviceable Obsolete Su lus x s~ Room: Cam us: Buildln : 68 270 South Do ltem(s} require pick-up by Material Services? x 12/10/13 _ _ _ If Yes, Picked on or before what date? _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ Yes: No: lnillaling Property Custodian Signature: Date: /).., Pallet ID: S 1 /:> Date: _ __ _ __ __ Propety Control Audit Number: Phone: ~17 7 Phone: _ _ __ _ _ _-1 Form ID: 1) Enter the appropriate lnfonnatton below 2) Save this documen t as •yourcampus property dlsposal-date.xlsxn (ex South Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 3 Em<!il to ravl/es and c;c;: dmcdade® Ex. Gatewa E-4000 Com uter SAMPLE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Asset Serial Number 00123456 123456789 Four drawer cabinet 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H:\My Oocumenls\Purchasing\Ma1erial Services\Property Oispooal Templale_UNDER_1 K_2009.xlsl< ABROWARDW Controlled Property Disposal Form te...coLLEGE Assets UNDER $1,000 v.1.6 Oct-2010 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER, DISPOSAL, AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD Disposition Each Staff must check only one aooroprlate box below Cost Center Administrator:N/A Campus Lost I Stolen IT.rade· fnl Unserviceable Donation I Ob solete I Surolus x I Staff I I I I Camous: IBuildina: IRoom: Other IExolainl Central 21 134 I I NOTE: LosVStolen items require a Police Report with this form Do ltem(s) require pick-up by Material Services? Cost Center:N /A If Yes, Picked on or before wh<!t date? John Crabtre?Jwill pick up on Yes: No: ., x Pallet ID: Property Control/Material Services Signature: - .,,, · 11 .-v dlt/ ~- I " - 11._ ,ff. ''~ D t . 1 1-21 ~13 /7 a e. Initiating Property Custodian Signature: fi-cf:·t th /JI I NI oet9&r??J.• ~ \/'O. 11-21-13 ~---- 6805 I 0 .'.Jt7,f;{q_ Phone: Date: Propety Control Audit Number: Phone: 1/~.2/ -13 Form ID: 1) Enter the appropriate Information below 2) Savo this document as "yourcampus property d/sposal-date.xlsx" (ex South Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 31 Email to ravl/ and cc: dmcdade< Items Descrlotlon Ex. . Gateway E-4000 Computer(SAMPLE ONLY} 1 2 3 Serial Number Asset ~6789 ·;- · -·- Canon Image Runner 2200 Model F140100 Copy Machine . .. MPG51014 ID: 11267030 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H.IMy Documentsl Purchasing\Materlal Services\Property Disposal Template_UNDER_I K_ 2009 xlsx 1I I I •BROWARD~ Controlled Property Disposal Form te...coLLEGE Ass ets UNDER $1,000 www . brow a rd .edu Cost Center: I Eac h Staff must check onlv one aooropriate box below Mark Griff in Campus Staff IRoom: IBuildinq: l...en"C".raJ. Oct-2010 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER, DISPOSAL, AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD Disposition 710025 Cost Center Administrator: Campu~ : v.1.6 ~.:S I Lost I Stolen I Trade-In l Unserviceable I Donation I I I I Obsolete A I Surplus I Other (Explain) NOTE: LosVStolen items require a Police Reoort with this form L.L I Do ltem(s) require pick-up by Material Services? x Yes: No: If Yes, Picked on or before what date? Initiating Property Custodian Signatur~~ 12/10/2013 Jean Griff in Property Control/Material Services Signature: Propety Control Audit Number: Date: Pallet ID: 12/03/2013 Phone: 6813 Phone: Date: Form ID: 1) Enter the appropriate information below 2) Save this document as "yourcampus property disposal-date.xlsx" (ex South Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 3) Email to and cc: Items Ex. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Descr iption Gateway E-4000 Computer (SAMPLE ONLY) Brother Intellifax 4100e A sset 00123456 N/A 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H:\My Oocuments\Purchasing\Material Services1Property Disposal Template_UNDER_ 1K_2009 xlsx Serial Number 123456789 U61639H7J609587 Controll ed Property Disposa l Form Assets UNDER S1,000 REQUES T FOR TRANSFER. DISPOSAL. AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD 141223 Disposition Each Staff must check only one aaarooriate box below Cost Cer.ter Adri1r.1st;etcr· Da•1e Peters Campus l'.)st I Stolen ITrace-In I Unser1iceable I Donatien I Obsolete I Surcilus I Staff I I I I I I Camous I Bulicin4 IRcori South I 87 I 101 NOTc Lost/Stolen items recu1re a P'.)hCe Recort Nlth 1h1s form Do ltemi s 1 rec;u1re pick -up by Material Ser11ces? Cos; Center· x X Yes . If Yes P:cked on or beiore Nnat jate? No Initiating Prooerty Custodian Signature Property Control1tvl atena l Ser11ces Signature Pallet ID ASAP ------------ ~ 2L • t;;;<~~ Prooel'I Cortrol Audit Numoer_ Date Date p:.)I C) ) \ 15 J l '2. { I 0 \ l Phone - -- -- - ----! ~ Phor.e - -- - - - - - - - ! Form ID 1) En ter the 1ppropriat!! information below 2) Save this document as "yourcampus property disposa/-date.xlsx" (ex South Prop erty Transfer 10-31-09.x lsx) 3) Email to raviles(O) and cc: dmcdade(O) Items Ex. Description Gateway E-4000 Com pute r 1 2 3 4 5 6 I Asset Ser ial Numbe r 00123456 123456789 OV ERHEAD PROJECTOR 3M 9100 N/ A 1114046 OV ERHEA D PROJECTOR 3M 1740 N/A 1700 57018 OVERHEAD PROJECTOR 3M 1740 N/ A 170094 173 OVE RHEAD PROJECTOR 3 M 9700 N/ A 500569 OVERHEAD PROJECTOR 3 M 9800 N/ A 6~fGt54~ OVERHEAD PROJECTOR 3M 9100 N/ A 63 1257 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I 14 1 sI 16 17 I 1s I 19 20 I I 21 22 I I I I I I I I I I Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets UNDER S1 ,000 REQUEST FOR TRANSFER. DISPOSAL, ANO REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD Disposi tion 1-11223 Cos; Cent.::r Ccst Center ,l.cmin1s•r3tor· I 1 I Camo1.s l 8u1ld1rq I Room South I 87 I 10\ Do ltem(s l reqLl1re pick-up by Materi al Ser11ces? x Yes No ~~ "-, r:;;:j?4 . - I I I Ooraticn I Obsolete I I ASAP I Contr;)l/Ma:er;al Ser11ces S1gnaitJre I Stclen ITr;ide-inl Unser 1iceable l x !Orner E.<ola1n1 !NOTE. Lcs~S tol e n items recu1re a Police Keocr. NHh ;his form I If Yes P:cked on :::r before what date? ln1t1aung Prcperty Custcd1an P rc pe 1 ~y Each Staff must check onlv one aooropriate box below Campus I L-:;st I Staff I Da 1e =>=ters - L..~ ,~_./__, 1'2. l1 D~\.) Date P-1 Da;e - Prooet•t Control Audit Number· 15 Pallet ID \C ) Phone I~ Phore Ferm ID 1) Enter the Jppropriate information below 2) Save this document as "yourcampus property disposal-date.x/sx" (ex South Property Transfer 10-31 -09.xlsx) 3) Ema il to raviles(fi>, and cc: dmcdade(fi>, Items Ex . ·' .: .., I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Desc ription Gateway E-4000 Computer ~ N/A MH31201074 N/ A 13AA13187 rJ N/ A E31A78634 TELEPHONE NEC DT· PAD N/ A 11604939 TELEPHONE NEC OT- PAD N/ A 18100186Ll TELEPHONE NEC OT-PAD N/ A 14401418Kl TELEPHONE NEC OT-PAD N/ A 17300233Ll TELEPHONE NEC OT-PAD N/ A 11107912Hl TV WITH UNREADABLE S/N N/ A N/A HP DOCKING STATION N/ A BFOXOH094602ES HP DOCKING STATION N/ A BFOXOH094602E4 JVC DISC PLAYER N/ A 15991100 TECHNICS CASSTTE DECK N/ A AH4K27A641 TV .. TV . I Serial Number 123456789 Asset 00123456 I I I I I I I I Sur::ilus Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets UNDER S1,000 I I3 Nc 1-: c; REQUEST FOR TRANSFER. DISPOSAL. AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECOR D Disposition Eac h Staff must c h eck only o ne appro pri ate b ox below Cos; Cer.ter ,i. .: n1r 1s; ~:;1c r Campus I Lest I S;olen I Trade-In! Unser11ce3blel Dorai:cn I Obsolete I Surolus Da•1e =>ete' s I I I I Staff I I I I Camous IOther tE.<olain 1 IBu1ldinc !Reem I South INOTE LostJ Stolen items require a Po11ce Recort Nltn this rcrm I 10 1 I 87 I Do ltem( s1 rec;uire pick -up 'JY Material Ser11ces? Cost Center 141223 I x x Yes No If Yes Pic ked :in or ce•ore what date? lnitraar.g Prcper.y Custodian S1gnawre Proi:;er.y Control/Material Ser11ces S 1 ~rat ure . Pallet ID· AS.AP ~Date 7~ ~/(: =~~Date I Propel'/ Control Audit Number 20 1<-i1 ~ ~lj' Phone j 1 \l }l3 Phone I '2.. For'Tl ID· -- 1) En ter the Jppropriatc in fo r mation below 2) Save this document as "yourcampus property disposal-date.xlsx" (ex South Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 3) Ema il to and cc: Items Ex. Des cription Gateway E-4000 Computer 1 2 3 '2 I MONITORS Asset Serial Number 00123450 123456789 f) ~ 11 SETS OF PC SPECKER5 3 PROJECTORS HOLDERS . - N/ A N/ A N /A N/A N/ A N/ A 4 5 1 UPS 11 N/ A 313304996 8 CARTS j N/ A N/A 6 3 TABLES 1i N/ A N/ A 7 3 FILES CABINET N/ A N/ A 8 AIWA RADIO N/A PJOOS11132 9 SANYO RADIO NO S/ N N/ A N/ A 49- ~Ol'il R~OIO IQO Sl'E~R'.ERS . ,,' • -""---- 4412 13 14 HP (J!;ScltlcT Pr.11• ~ ~ ,c-rrL. .- 1..1'10 I u t I " " .LJU u 15 16 I 18 I 17 I 19 20 21 ' 22 I I I I -· - iiiil9~ . - - - -.'7V'O - •BROvVARD. te...coLLEGE Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets UNDER $1 ,000 www . br oward .e du Cost Center: 144 102 REQUEST FOR TRANS FER, DISPOSAL, AND REMOVA L FROM PROPERTY RECORD Disposition E ach Sta ff must check only o n e appropriate b ox b elow Campus Sta ff Cost Center Administrator:Clyde B . Arnold Il l Campus: IBuilding: IRoom: North 49 108 I I Do ltem(s) require pick-up by Material Services? Yes: No: x Oct- 201 o '' · 1 6 Lost I Stolen Trade-lnl Unserviceable I Donation I I I Property Control/Mate.rial $er:ilice_s x I I Surplus Pallet ID: // ~4 ! fate: ~~ Signature: Obsolete Other (Explain) NOTE: LosUStolen items require a Police Report with this form If Yes, Picked on or before what date? Initiating Property Custodian Signature: I I ~ Date: Propety Control Audit Number: {_ Z- - 1 '$ - /--3 Phone: 12>--(1 3ft3 Phone: 9<;;c/- ?o l - ?t:!/ 3 Form ID: 1) Enter th e ap propriate information b elow 2) Save this document as "yourcam pus p roperty disposal-date.xlsx" (ex South Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 31 Email to and cc: dmcdadel.@br Items Ex. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Descripti on Gateway E-4000 Computer (SAMPLE ONLY) Asset 00123456 Serial Number 123456789 D C7900 / , 0609553 2UA852082V D C7900 J 0609542 2UA8520839 Deskjet 6122 v , N /A D (3) LC D Monito rs v'" N/A (2) P rojector B u lbs - Burn t v-- N/A D N/A D (1) u nder monitor spe aker base v / ~ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 H:'My Oocuments•Purchasing\Matenal Serv1ces'Property Disposal Template_UNOER_ 1K_ 2009 xlsx MY2AT292JW N/A N/A N /A -'BROWARD'" {0.. coLLEGE Controlled Property Disposal Form Assets UNDER $1 ,000 www.broward.e du Ocl-201o REQUEST FOR.-rRANSFER, DISPOSAL, AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD Disposition I Cost Center: ( / v Jlr1fll--/' 1 12~.8 Cost Center Adminislralo~ Each Staff must check only Campus Staff I BuildiMi:V v '"'v '!'Room: Campus: I CENTRAL 21 105 I I Do ltem(s) require pick-up by Material Services? x Yes: No: v.1.6 If Yes, Picked on or before what date? . Initiating Property Custodian Signature: Property ControUMalerial Services Signature: one aaaropriate box below Lost I Stolen ITraGle-I nl Unserviceable I Donation I Obsolete I Surplus x 1 I I I I I Other (Explain) NOTE: LosVStolen items reauire a Police Report with this form 12/16/13 Pallet ID: ~ -/ ·-))- . Date: ~ ~ Date: Propety Control Audit Number: 12-10-1 3 Phone: i?-( t3 /J 3 Phone: Form ID: 1) Enter the appropriate Information below 2) Savo this document as "yourcampus property disposa/-date.xlsx" (ox South Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 3) Email to and cc: Items Ex.----: Description Gateway E-4000 Computer. (SAMPlE.ONLY). ,_,-_- - - ..·. - - Asset 00123456 - .·, .. _-::.~-. ; Serial Number 123456789- - - -· 1 2 IBM LEXMARK 6781-025 TYPEWRITER N/A 11RKC24 BROTHER BEM-630 TYPEWRITER NIA M58293355 3 HP PHOTOSMART 7550 PRINTER NIA CN29A421RG 4 HP LASERJET 1020 PRINTER N/A CNBK799875 5 6 7 8 HP SCANJET 5590 SCANNER WITH DRIVER CD N/A US6AHSROHG HP SCANJET 4570c SCANNER N/A CN27VS506Q HP SCANJET 3970 SCANNER N/A CN449B20KG HON FIVE DRAWERS BEIGE COLOR CABINET 028765 (RED) N/A (IN 21/133) 9 10 HON FIVE DRAWERS BEIGE COLOR CABINET 028764 (RED) N/A (IN 21/133) BRETFORD BLACK COLOR METAL LARGE AN CART N/A N/A (IN 21/134) PA~~A69~~16 e:r: 326~4-~E-r -Ni* ~86~ 12 BRETFORD BLACK COLOR METAL LARGE AN CAR N/A NIA 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PANASONIC CT-32G14A 32" TV SET 0333 17 (BLUE) LD91060883 t wo SHELVES CABINET WOOD/METAL BEIGE COLOR TF025 (RED) N/A (IN 21/134) TWO SHELVES CABINET WOOD/METAL BE IGE COLOR TF023 (RED) NIA (IN 21 /134} NAVY BLUE OFFICE CHAIR ON FIVE WHEELS N/A N/A H :\M~ Docurnents\Purchasing\Malerial SeNices\Property Disposal Ternplole_ UNDER_ 1K_2000.xlsx ·-:=-::_:.-: A BROWARD. Controlled Property Disposal Form \0.iCOLLEGE As sets UNDER $1,000 •1 www. broward. ed u Cost Cente r· 1 44101 Each Staff must check onlv one aooropriate box below L::;s1 I Stclen Trade-!r.I Unser11ceable I Dcnation I Obsclete I Surplus x I I I I I Other <Explain). NOTE. Losl/Stolen items require a Police Report Nllh this form Campus Staff Campus. IBuildinq !Room 1-t7 Central 17 I I Do ltem(s) require pick-up by Material Ser 11ces? x If Yes . Picked on or before what date? Initiating Property Cust_odian Signature · Property Control/Material Services Signature ) Pallet ID Mt-it?:\j I/) / 11 <l ~ /~ ' Pror-e1y Control Aucit Number it I I J(f3 Date /t (dJf Date t3 Phone CJ&& > Phone. . Form ID 1) Enter the appropriate information below 2) Save this document as "yourcampus property disposal-date.xlsx" (ex South Property Transfer 10-31-09.xlsx) 3) Email to and cc: dmcdade( Items Ex. 1 2 3 Description Gateway E-4000 Computer (SAMPLE ONLY) Asset 00123456 Panasonic 27" Model CT-2786\/YD TV Monitor NIA - 4 I 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C-:t-2 Q' J REQUEST FOR TRANSFER, DISPOSAL, AND REMOVAL FROM PROPERTY RECORD Disposition Cost Center P.ominis1ra1or Nestor Pereira Yes . No· 1s ·- - I I I. Serial Number 123456789 LC831401112 ,
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