Shine_Mothers Day Invite_2016
Shine_Mothers Day Invite_2016
FOUNDATION SHINE INCORPORATED Mother’s Day Luncheon 2016 Please send to: Foundation Shine Incorporated PO Box 503, Salisbury, 5108 - By the 27h April 2016- Special Thanks to Our Sponsors Mother’s Day Luncheon 2016 CLEVELAND FREIGHT LINES MARIA KENDA JEWELLERY Please find enclosed $_____________ for ___________ tickets @ $90 each (non refundable) Please find enclosed $ _____________________ donation as I am unable to attend Name: ________________________________________________ RIBBON WHIRLS RMT MODEL MANAGEMENT But we can do small things SHOWIES BOUTIQUE Address: ______________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Payment Type: Cheque Cash Visa Signature: _____________________________________ Credit Card #: ___ ___ ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ /___ ___ ___ ___ Expiry: ___ ___ / ___ ___ WHITELINE TRANSPORT ZINK - THE ELEMENT OF HAIR We thank you for your past valued support of Foundation Shine and we look forward to continuing our mission towards making a difference to the day to day lives *please make cheques payable to: FOUNDATION SHINE INC. Please advise of any special dietary requirements: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ with great love. Mother Teresa MasterCard Name on Card: ____________________________________ Not all of us can do great things. of those suffering from mental illness Mother’s Day Luncheon 2016 Enjoy a day brimming with happiness, and know that It gives us great pleasure to invite you to the 2016 FOUNDATION SHINE MOTHERS DAY LUNCHEON in the BANQUET ROOM, ADELAIDE FESTIVAL CENTRE - King William Road, Adelaide (Complimentary parking at Torrens Parade Grounds - parking opens 10:30am, closes 4pm) Tuesday 3rd May 2016 - 12pm start to 3pm (doors will open at 11.30am) Tickets $90 each ALL FUNDS will go to: CATHERINE HOUSE INC Solutions for women experiencing homelessness MIFSA Mental Illness Fellowship SA Enjoy a delicious two course lunch with fine wines, followed by tea and coffee. Our ever effervescent EVE GOODINGS of Hills Radio 88.9fm will host an afternoon of fun, friendship and most importantly, fund raising for mental health. Join Foundation Shine Ambassador, AMANDA BLAIR in conversation about mental health. Information and services for those living with mental illness HEADSPACE Support for young people 12 -25 with mental health LIFELINE ADELAIDE Providing 24-hour telephone Iconic SHOWIES BOUTIQUE will mesmerise with their latest fashions. RSVP - 27th April, 2016 Service to people in crisis and online support Sharon Middleton – 0418 826 272 or email or Robyn May 0418 848 319 Foundation Shine - raising awareness and funds for mental health.