Cyndy`s Meeting Notes - Mother Lode Goldhounds


Cyndy`s Meeting Notes - Mother Lode Goldhounds
April 2016
El Presidente Mike
Cyndy’s Meeting Notes
Hello Goldhounds from Don,
At the end of the meeting on Friday, March 11th several people asked me for the information I had presented
during my talk about research and prospecting, with ideas about places to go. I said I would send a short
summary of what I covered.
Questions were also asked about various reference books. Some are listed in this review. Here it is:
Gold and Where to Find it
* Placer (Rivers, pits, hillsides, underground, etc)
* Hardrock
-------------------Areas covered:
* Bear River
* State Parks North and Middle Forks
- Ponderosa
- Mineral Bar
- Yankee Jims
- Drivers Flat
* BLM Wild and Scenic River system
- Pennyweight Bar
- Toro Mine and Pickering
- Green Valley
- Stevens trail
* South Fork of the American
- Cronan Ranch
We also covered several screen images of old maps, vein strikes, etc. Here's some CD's I referenced. These
are made by and they cover some historic documents and books. The CD's are run by the
Google Chrome and are not compatible with Apple computers. Pioneer Mining has these CD's for sale. I think
they are about $15.00 each. The information presented is great research data. It takes some basic study
to understand how to look at the data. Once you have it down it's really easy.
The CD’s to look for include:
* Sierra Nevada Folios. 1894-1900. The originals are about 2 ft x 3ft. I have a few of them. This CD covers
them all.
* Register of Mines and Minerals 1898-1905. This is great mine research data.
* The Mother Lode System of California. USGS Professional Paper # 157
Sharing also offers other CDs. Check out their web site
Here's also a list of some good books that cover old channels, mines, and historic mining data.
* The Tertiary Gravels of the Sierra Nevada by Waldemar Lindgren 1911.
* History of Placer County, Thompson and West 1882.
* The History of Gold Discoveries in the Northern Mines Of California Mother Lode System. by Lewis Swindel
year 2000. Lew covers newspaper accounts of mining 1848-1875. ISBN 1-55212-472-x
* The Auriferous Gravels of the Sierra Nevada of California. by JD. Whitney. 1880. A very rare book and difficult
to find. This is the most referenced book of them all. An original copy runs about $800.
* Placer Mining for Gold in California. Bulletin 135. Division of Mines. San Francisco. 1948
This list can go on and on. I'll have a more extensive list at the ICMJ Summit. I'll be the first speaker for the
Summit on Saturday April 16th in Placerville (10:30 AM) . Hope to see you
That's if for now. Hope this helps some.
See you next month,
Another Goldhound has been called home to help take care of the gold in heaven
Kenneth Gardner was called home on March 8, 2016. The service was held on April 2, 2016. Ken and his wife, Leona, had
been members of the Goldhounds since 1996.
News From Annie
April 16 & 17- The Gold Summit is happening this year! It will be at the El Dorado County
Fairgrounds, 100 Placerville Dr., Placerville, CA. Saturday 10:00 AM-5:00 PM, Sunday
10 AM-4:00 PM. There are hourly lectures on different subjects, about 80 booths and
demonstrations, and The NUGGETS will be teaching gold panning. If you want to help The
Nuggets let Ray Dodds know. His contact information is below.
The Goldhounds usually help out on Friday also with unloading vendor’s merchandize,
setting up, and take down on Sunday after closing, along with security during the event.
There are 4 places that will be needing security. A couple of them may have a space for 2
people. The security positions are for 1 & ½ hours at each position. Before going to your
position, please check in at the Goldhounds booth with Cyndy. If you can only make it
for one day, that is fine. Your help will be needed!
If you would like to help out with this event, please contact Cyndy. She will need for
you to sign up and give her your shirt size for your free T-Shirt from ICMJ, for helping
out. Hope to see you there!
Ray Dodds says Thank You to everyone that helped teaching adults and kids during
the Roseville Rockroller Gem and Mineral Show. This is always a fun and busy
event! We taught a total of 228 vials over the weekend! The proceeds from this
event will go toward buying more gold and vials for future events. Thank You to
all of the NUGGETS that came out and helped us get this set up, with the teaching
on both days, and taking down the town and loading it into the trailer! YOU truly
The Nuggets can use some help at the
following events:
April 16 & 17- The ICMJ Gold Summit at the
El Dorado County Fairgrounds, 100
Placerville Dr., Placerville, CA. Saturday
10:00 AM-5:00 PM, Sunday 10 AM-4:00 PM.
Pssst you don’t have to be a Nugget to help
the Nuggets. Come on out and join us. If you
would like to help the Nuggets with any of
these events please contact RAY DODDS at:
Phone 530-367-5539 or by email at:
The Biggest Nugget of them All!
Ray Dodds
is only a few days away!
Venue: April 16 & April 17, 2016, at the El Dorado County
Fairgrounds, 100 Placerville Drive, Placerville, California.
Over 80 booths featuring the latest in prospecting and mining
equipment. (Booth spaces are sold out.)
Hours: Saturday, April 16
10am - 5pm
Sunday, April 17
10am - 4pm
Cost: $5 at the door. Children under 12 are free with a paid adult. (Fairgrounds charges $5 parking.)
The Lecture Schedule for Saturday April 16, and Sunday April 17 is now set:
Saturday, April 16
How to Research a Promising
Location for Gold Prospecting
11:30am Staking and Holding Mining Claims
12:30pm Current Regulations & Permitting
Old Mines: Hazards & Benefits for the
Amateur Prospector
2:30pm Gold & Precious Metals Markets
3:30pm Basic Gold Prospecting Techniques
4:30pm Raffle
Sunday, April 17
10:30am Mineral Identification
Retaking Control of Regulations
Through Mining Districts
12:30pm Metal Detecting for Gold
1:30pm Gravity Separation
Ask The Experts: Question and
Answer Session
3:30pm Raffle
Don Robinson
Chris Ralph
Charles Watson
Professor George Wheeldon
Leonard Melman
Chris Ralph
Chris Ralph
Scott Harn & Clark Pearson
Steve Herschbach
Dr. Thom Seal
Chris Ralph, Scott Harn, Clark Pearson, Dr. Thom
Seal, Pat Keene, Leonard Melman
In addition, there will be an Ask The Experts booth throughout Saturday & Sunday staffed with experts
in panning, detecting and mineral processing. Bring your questions! There's a suggested donation of $2
(with all proceeds going to Public Lands for the People) but a donation is certainly not required!
Kid's Activities:
The Mother Lode Goldhounds will have gold panning available, and a kid's scavenger hunt is free of
Mother Lode Goldhounds Schedule of Events 2016
We meet the second Friday of every month from 7-9 pm at the Veterans Hall, 100 East Street, Auburn, CA.
Directions: Take Hwy. 80 toward Auburn, get off at Hwy 49 and turn toward downtown Auburn.
At the first stop light turn right, drive one block and turn right again. The Veterans Hall sits on your left.
Bring your friends. The Public is invited. Come early for snacks, buy door-prize tickets, and visit with friends.
Special Events Schedule for 2016
April 16 - 17, 2016
ICMJ Gold Summit and Show
Hope you are planning to attend,
we could always use help with this event!
Bear River Campground Outing #1
Members Only Outing
See below for more details
May 12 – 16, 2016
Monthly meeting will
be held at this event.
August 13, 2016
Auburn Heritage Trails event - Watch for more information later this year.
Sept. 2-5, 2016
Labor Day weekend and we will be having our State and National Gold
Panning Championships! We will be sending out more information on this
as it gets closer.
Sept. 11-18, 2016
World Gold Panning Championships in Placerville, CA
More information as it gets closer.
Oct. 27 – 31, 2016
Bear River Campground Outing #2
Members Only Outing
See below for more details
Bear River Outings
It looks like we will be having 2 outings at the Bear River Group Campground this year! The first on May 12 - 16th and
the second one on October 27-31. Just a gentle reminder, these outings are for MEMBERS ONLY. So make sure that your
membership is up to date. There will be more information on this next month.
Bear River Outing May 12 – May 16, 2016
Make sure your Application/Disclaimers and dues are up to date so you can join us at this fun-filled outing! If you have a
question about, feel free to contact me at 530-346-9481 or email me at: .
This is the Group Campground that we use at the Bear River. Instructions on how to get there are at the end of this
message. Please direct any further questions to me. There will be a sign-in area when you come into the camping area.
Please sign in immediately before setting up camp. There will be someone at the sign-in area. This outing is for Members
Only. The club pays for the campgrounds. You only need to bring supplies for yourself plus for the Saturday night and
Sunday Morning Breakfast Potlucks. BRING WATER for drinking and clean up, there is no running water at the
You can come in for a day outing or stay for every day and night, or anything in between. The campground is ours
completely. It will not be used by others.
There will be a lock on the gate, with a combination setting of “7-7-7”. This is a simple tumbler lock where you set each
number and then open the lock. When you re-lock it, turn some of the tumblers off the combination. This is the same for
each of the past few years. It’s important for you to re-lock the gate after every entrance and exit, and make sure the lock
is through the Placer County lock. That way they can get in and out if they need to.
We’ll have a potluck dinner on Saturday evening starting at 5:00PM, and you all know we start on time! Bring a dish to
share for eight (8) people. Be prepared and have your food ready and on the table by no later than 4:45 PM.
18th Annual Potluck Breakfast will be held on Sunday morning and will start at 8:00 am. You don’t want to miss this
either. Be sure to bring juice, rolls, or other breakfast goodies to share with others.
As for mining and prospecting equipment, within the park area is non-motorized; meaning motorized equipment of ANY
kind is not allowed. Not even solar powered mining equipment. We can run motorized equipment below the park area
where we always do (no dredging of course). This means we can power sluice. The one requirement for power sluicing is
that the water and tailings from the sluice cannot run back into the river. It must be dissipated by a holding dam or by
running back into the bench gravels and disappearing. Normal hand sluicing is permitted within the park area. The lower
boundaries will be flagged so you’ll know you can start if you want to power sluice. Detecting, sluicing, sniping, and
panning are permitted in the park area and outside as well. There are no restrictions here.
At this moment campfires are not permitted. This may change before the outing. We generally are permitted to have a
group campfire.
The facility consists of pit toilets, picnic tables and river access. You may park along the road but not on the bench area
itself. Do not block the road. Bring plenty of drinking water, chairs, extra tables and pop-ups if you have them. The
weather is always subject to change at this time of year. Be prepared!
The Bear River Campground is only on the park side of the river where we camp. The opposite bank is private land so
please keep that in mind.
This is a super outing for us and we’ll likely have 90 or more people. Parking your rig, tent, etc., is important to conserve
space. We’ll likely have someone directing parking.
I want to remind everyone, if you belong to another group and have been camping in the campground before us, you
must pack up your site and leave with that group. You can then get in line to re-enter the campground with us. We go
into the campgrounds as a group only. This is to satisfy our group insurance, and out of fairness to our all members.
Directions –
Take Hwy 80, going toward Reno from Auburn. About 10 miles past Auburn, take the West Weimar Crossroads off of
Interstate 80. Go left over the freeway, (North) for 1.5 miles. Turn right at the T intersection at Placer Hills Road, travel
2.5 miles to Plum Tree Road and turn left on Plum Tree Road to the Bear River Park/Campground on your left. The
Parking lot is on the left at the bottom of the hill, turn left into the parking lot, then g, through the Green Gate at the far
left of the parking lot (combo 7-7-7). This private group campground is about one mile after you go through the gate. Be
sure to lock the gate thru the other lock when you come in or leave.
For those of you coming the first time we recommend you use the instructions above There is another way through
Colfax, if you know it. It’s a good way to go as well if you are familiar with the route.
Watch your emails for any other information as we get closer to the outing date.
World Gold Panning Championships 2016
It's time for another gold rush! Gold panners from around the world agree, and will head to Placerville and the El Dorado
County Fairgrounds in September. The World Gold Panning Championships will take place there from September 11th to
the 18th.
The event is expected to draw hundreds of international competitors from over 22 countries around the globe, along
with a large and very competitive group of locals from all over gold country and the United States. The weeklong event,
El Dorado County Gold Week, will be festive, educational, colorful, and is sure to showcase the skills needed to compete
at this level.
The championship will open with a parade of nations on Main Street in Placerville, and it just gets better from there.
Expect music, people in 1849 costumes, educational stations for students, gems and minerals, craftspeople with
handmade treasures, dancing, and a wide variety of food, along with much more, including the legendary Studebaker
Wheelbarrow Races.
Excursions to Coloma to see the Coloma Players and the historic Sutters Mill, Gold Bug Park in Placerville, the wine
country, Historic Main Street Placerville, and Apple Hill just start the list of things to do when you're not watching the
world’s best panner’s finding gold in their pans.
An impressive list of community sponsors has signed on for the event. Spearheaded by Richard “Uncle Fuzzy” and Joyce
Mason, the organizing committee has been working since early 2013 to bring the Championships back to the California's
gold country. Community members up and down Highway 49 have pitched in to make this a memorable event for
For a full look at what's ahead, go to the event website at Make plans now to be a
part of this new gold rush. Bring your pans and join the competition!
Goldhounds Meeting Schedule for 2016
April 8, 2016
May 13, 2016
Goldhound meeting at
Bear River Outing
Goldhound meeting
Auburn Veterans Hall, 100 East St., Auburn, CA
No meeting at the Veterans Hall
We will hold the meeting at the Bear River Outing
The outing is Members Only
June 10, 2016
Goldhound meeting
Auburn Veterans Hall, 100 East St., Auburn, CA
July 8, 2016
Goldhound meeting
Ice Cream Social!!!
Auburn Veterans Hall, 100 East St., Auburn, CA
Aug. 12, 2016
Goldhound meeting
Auburn Veterans Hall, 100 East St., Auburn, CA
Sept. 9, 2016
Goldhound meeting
Auburn Veterans Hall, 100 East St., Auburn, CA
Oct. 14, 2016
Goldhound meeting
Auburn Veterans Hall, 100 East St., Auburn, CA
Nov. 11, 2016
(subject to change)
Goldhound meeting
Auburn Veterans Hall, 100 East St., Auburn, CA
Dec. 9, 2016
Goldhound meeting
Auburn Veterans Hall, 100 East St., Auburn, CA
Hello Goldhounds,
This year we are going to take a few day trips to the American River North fork and the Bear River. Starting in
February and running through October on the second Saturday of each month. There will also be one campout
other than the Bear River and the Gold Panning Championships. The day trips will be for gold panning, sluicing,
and metal detecting. I will post directions the month before each trip comes around.
Robert Jordan
Gold Prospectors Association of America (GPAA)
We meet the third Saturday in January, April, July and October
River City Prospectors Chapter meets quarterly in Rio Linda, CA. GPAA has member only claims and outings.
Their “Pick & Shovel Gazette” has good information for everyone who supports mining. For GPAA Gold Show
dates check: or call 1-800-551-9797. The club has claims and outings for members.
Their “Pick & Shovel Gazette” has good information for everyone! Contact Jim Hutchings at (530) 367-5108 or
contact the GPAA at 800-551-9797. Visit
Roseville Rock Roller Gem & Mineral Society
Meetings on the second Tuesday of every month at the Placerville Fairgrounds in Roseville, 800 All American
City Blvd. or email
Sacramento Valley Detecting Buffs
Meetings on the first Thursday of every month at the Sacramento County Old SMUD Building, corner of
Elkhorn & Don Julio in North Highlands, CA.
El Dorado County Mineral & Gem Society
Call (530) 676-2472 or visit
Placerville Gold Country Treasure Seekers
A club for metal detecting enthusiasts. For more information contact Ken Wright,
Gold Pan California, Gold Adventures
1021 Detroit Ave., Concord, CA – For more information call (925) 825-GOLD
Golden Caribou Mining
A small-scale mining gold club in Belden, CA. For more information call (530) 283-5141 or visit
UPI - United Prospectors
Meets every other month at outings, - Info 209-567-9987. Club can offer
outings to claims. 2401 E. Orangebury Ave., Modesto, 95355 - phone (209) 567-2370.
Shasta Miners
Club has claims for members use. Meetings at 7 PM on the third Wednesday of every month at the Moose
Lodge on Lake Blvd. in Shasta, CA., just up from Shopko on the left. Call (530) 623-0744
The 16 to 1 Underground Gold Miners Museum
Contact them for tours of a working underground mine and special events. (530) 287-3330
Write: PO Box 907, Alleghany, CA 95910 Email:
Comstock Gold Prospectors
Meetings on the fourth Tuesday of every month at the Masonic Lodge, 2425 Pyramid Way, Sparks, NV. Write
P.O. Box 20781, Reno, NV 89515 or visit
Western Mining Alliance – Miners who fight for our rights to dredge and mine in California. WMA has a great
online newsletter and a great people to work with.
ICMJ’s PROSPECTING AND MINING JOURNAL - Scott Harn, Editor, and his team works hard to get this monthly
mining magazine on line & in the mail. Check them out. - -831-479-1500. ICMJ
offers current news on the dredging regulations, PLP, Miner’s Alliance, and are the best online source of recent
gold news. You can search for great “how-to” and “where-to” articles on dredging, metal detecting, mining
operations, assaying, legislative updates, geology, history, metals prices and financial news.
Public Lands for the People
PUBLIC LANDS FOR THE PEOPLE - 7194 Conejo Dr., San Bernardino, CA 92404, (909) 889-3039,
WWW.PLP2.ORG . P.L.P. continues to work on your behalf to keep public lands open. Donations are tax
deductible. They have great raffles posted in the ICMJ to help with attorney fees and they need help!
Fighting for your right to mine is very expensive so PLP is auctioning off any donations you can make to help
raise money. If you can help they will take just about anything from old heirlooms to vehicles.
PLP hosts a running auction for gold on eBay.
AMRA - American Mining Rights Association
is a 501 (c)(3) Non-profit Association and was created by miners and public land users, for miners and public
land users to preserve and maintain their rights as they pertain to access to their public lands and their rights
to obtain the minerals on those lands. We are not a gold club but rather an advocacy group.
American Mining Rights Association
PMB #607, 6386 Greeley Hill Rd., Coulterville, CA 95311
NAME BADGES: Club name badges can be ordered at any club meeting. See Member Stephen Johnson at the
meeting as you come in the door - Badge with Pin Clasp: $4.50 Magnetic Badge: $5.00.
FORREST GRIBBLE is in charge of our Monthly Raffles. Thank You Forrest for all you do to help the club out. You
and your Dad (Ron) are a real blessing to our Nuggets & Goldhounds.
See Cyndy Burchard if you are interested in a Goldhounds T-shirt. You can call at 530-346-9481 or email her at: Cyndy will need to know what size you need, and for the women, whether you want
a Gold OR Pink one. If you worked at the Gold Panning Championships and signed in with the person in charge,
you will receive a shirt. Otherwise they are $16 each.
Announcement on Jackets and T-shirts
I have the T-shirts and Jackets from Dancing Dawg Productions. If you haven’t paid me for your Jacket, now is the time! If
you see these jackets and would like to place an order, please Cyndy Burchard. We need to have at least 12 at a time to
get them back quickly. The cost is $45 each.
GOLDHOUND PATCH for your hat or jacket are can be bought at each meeting for $6.00 each.
See Cyndy Burchard
CYNDY BURCHARD is in charge of our membership and is the club Secretary, as well as our Sunshine Lady.
Cyndy also sends emails out for the Goldhounds.
A BIG THANK YOU to Cyndy for all her hard work.
GOLDHOUND MEETINGS are held the 2nd Friday of each month at the Auburn Veterans Hall, 7:00PM-9:00PM,
100 EAST ST., AUBURN, CA. Take Hwy. 80 toward Auburn, get off at Hwy 49 and turn toward Old Town Auburn.
At the Lincoln turn right, go one short block and turn right again on to East Street. The Veterans Hall sits on the
left, parking is in the back. Invite your friends, the public is always welcome to attend.
Do you have something for sale? For Barter? A request of your fellow miner’s?
Or just want to offer something free for the asking?
List it free for all Goldhounds, here on the Goldhound Classifieds. Send your ad and contact information to
Sherry Andersen at along with any photos needed. Your ad will be in the next
newsletter and can go on the Goldhounds Live page on web site if requested.
Here are some idea's for gifts for the guy who has everything:
SHERRY this is RAY DODDS asking for a space in the newsletter…
Up For Sale: 40 acre claim Slate Creek, Yuba County. Lots of bedrock, steep canyon. $2,000
For information Call Ray Dodds @ (530) 367-5539 Or email
PLP auctions on eBay. Contact PLP at
Remember, these auctions help to raise money for PLP to keep fighting our mining and dredging rights.
The Keene A52 sluice measures 101/4” wide by 501/2” long - the flare is 18” across at the top and has miner’s carpet and a classifier
($110.00). The E-Z sluice I also want to sell is 71/4” wide by 30” long. The flare on the E-Z sluice is 121/2” wide at the top - It has
miner’s moss($45.00). Contact Bob Nordhausen
of Mother Lode Goldhounds
and cannot be used without expressed written permission.
Don’t even try it, remember, we hang claim jumpers.
The Mother Lode Goldhounds and Nuggets want to Thank Hansen Brothers
for their generous donations of gravel used by the Nuggets
during gold panning demonstrations and lessons.
For questions regarding your membership status please contact
Cyndy Burchard at or call (530) 346-9481
If you would like to join/renew your membership, please print out this form
and send the completed form with a check/money order payable to:
Mother Lode Goldhounds, P.O. Box 1371, Colfax, CA 95713
( ) $40.00 Individual ( ) $45.00 Family ( ) Senior & Spouse (age 70+) $30
( ) New membership or ( ) Renewal (one year applies to all)
CITY________________________________ STATE__________ZIP CODE__________________
I hereby apply for membership/renewal with the Mother Lode Goldhounds. I fully understand
Mother Lode Goldhounds and its agents do not provide goods or services for any of my activities
including, for example, mining equipment or supplies, lodging, transportation, food, etc. Mother Lode
Goldhounds is not liable for any negligent or unwillful act or failure to act by providers of such goods
or services during my activities. I acknowledge that there may be certain risks involved with activities
as a member including, but not limited to, rugged or uneven terrain, uncertain or unpredictable river
currents, physical exertion for which I am not prepared, or other unknown forces of nature, high
altitude, accident or illness without access to means or rapid evacuation or availability of medical
supplies, the adequacy of medical attention once provided, or negligence on part of Mother Lode
I hereby agree to be responsible for my own welfare and accept any and all risks of
unanticipated events, illness, injury, emotional, trauma or death. I acknowledge that the cost of
Mother Lode Goldhounds membership is based upon participants executing this release of liability.
That whatever recreational event I, or my family attend, I am responsible and at no time will have
legal or financial claim against, nor will hold responsible, any member or club official of the Mother
Lode Goldhounds for any damages or injuries. I agree that this release shall be legally binding upon
me personally, all members of my family and all minors travelling with me, my heirs, successors,
assigns and legal representatives, it being my intention to fully assume all risk associated with my
activities as a member of the Mother Lode Goldhounds.
I have read and fully understand this release and membership application.
SIGNATURE________________________________________ DATE______________________
Frank, finding nuggets on the
North Fork.
P.O. Box 149, Foresthill, Ca. 95631
One Year Membership: $45.00 Family $40.00 Individual
Editor: Sherry Andersen (916) 812-7813
Goldhounds (530) 367-2891 email:

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