Golf Country - Straus News
Golf Country - Straus News
Golf Country A Guide to Area Golf Courses 2013 Spring 2013 Golf Country 2 Farmstead Golf & Country Club’s IPMFHPMGDPVSTFJTPQFOUPUIFQVCMJD $&-"5*/(0635)"//*7&34"3: Walking or riding, enjoy the beautiful Sussex County landscape at affordable rates. Readers Choice Award For Best Golf Course Gold Winner 6 Years In A Row! Visit our website at when making a tee time reservation and receive a 10% discount. Senior (60+) rates available Monday through Friday. Lunch and dinner are served daily. Open to the public. Make reservations now and join us for Easter Brunch on March 31st and Mother’s Day Brunch on May 12th. For tee time reservations – ext.105 For group outings ext.106 For brunch and banquet information ext.102 Farmstead Golf & Country Club -BXSFODF3PBEt-BGBZFUUF/+t 3 Golf Country Spring 2013 Looking for a Place to Play? Whether you live in Orange, Sussex, Passaic or Pike County there are an amazing array of great golf courses and learning centers that can bring this time honored pastime to everyone in the family. For a complete list of area courses see pages 5, 6 and 7. Play A Round All Year ‘Round Bring A Foursome $25 per person for 18 holes Weekdays. Includes Cart. Must present coupon. Exp 6/30/13 Friendly & Quiet Country Golf At Its Best 1VCMJD)PMFT1BSt$BSUT"WBJMBCMFt4OBDL#BS 8F)POPS"MM$PVSTF$PVQPOT 4FOJPS$JUJ[FO%JTDPVOUT 10 Weekday 18 hole rounds with cart ~ $300 Seniors (60 yrs & older) $250 Regular Price $39 Round 18 Hole Greens Fees ~ $15 - $30 (Cart Extra) 9 Hole Rates Available Play Orange County’s .PTU$IBMMFOHJOH)PMF$IBNQJPOTIJQ(PMG$PVSTF "13*-01&/)064&$"--'03%&5"*-4 1SJWBUF.FNCFSTIJQ:PV$BO"GGPSE Golf Country is published by Straus News, Inc. 20 West Ave., Chester, NY 10918 845-469-9000 Get in the Game! /P*OJUJBUJPOPS"TTFTTNFOU'FFT 1SP4IPQr(PMG1SPr'VMM4FSWJDF3FTUBVSBOU#BS &MFHBOU#BORVFU'BDJMJUJFT 0UUFS3Er$BNQCFMM)BMM/: rXXXPUUFSLJMMDPVOUSZDMVCDPN Spring 2013 Golf Country 4 Hudson Valley’s Most Scenic and Challenging Course 18-hole, par 72 championship golf course 2SHQWRWKH3XEOLF5HGXFHG:HHNHQG5DWHV0HPEHUVKLSV 5RXWH*DUULVRQ1<WKHJDUULVRQFRP Present this ad for $10 off Weekday Golf Valid Mon - Fri. Not valid on holidays or weekends 9 Hole Executive Course All Natural Turf Driving Range Open 7 Days 845-258-4455 *OHQZRRG5G3LQH,VODQG1< Ladies & Mens Leagues Affordable Golf Affordable Golf At The Area’s Hidden Gem SAVE $10/ROUND PLUS 2 FREE ROUNDS with The Lynx “Copper” Card $95 5IF-ZOY(PMG$MVCt(0-' UIFMZOYHPMGDMVCDPNtUIFMZOY!QUEOFU Monthly Golf Memberships “Silver” (Ages 18-30) $75/Month Lynx “Gold” $150/Month Full “Platinum” $250/Month Newton Golf Centre 251 Rt. 206 South, Newton Phone 973-383-GOLF $3.00 OFF Jumbo Bucket per person Not to be combined with any other offer OPEN DAILY $1.00 OFF Mini Golf per person Not to be combined with any other offer 5 Golf Country Spring 2013 *8,'(72$5($ Golf Courses Ballyowen Golf Club :KHDWVZRUWK5RDG+DPEXUJ1[&U\VWDOJROIUHVRUWFRP This par 72 “Links Course” has been designed by world renowned architect Roger Rulewich. Situated on 250 sprawling acres atop a plateau, Ballyowen is home to plush green fairways, pristine white bunkering and challenging wheat-yellow fescue. Bear Brook Golf Club 5RXWH1HZWRQ1%HDUEURRNJROIFRP The Bear Brook Professional Staff promises you’re going to love this course. 18 hole championship golf course overlooking spectacular mountainside vistas. Black Bear Golf Club 5RXWH1)UDQNOLQ1[&U\VWDOJROIUHVRUWFRP Since its opening in 1996, Black Bear has been a popular destination for golfers of all skill levels. Located at the basin of the Wallkill Mountains, Black Bear twists and turns through rugged woodlands while capturing the beauty of panoramic vistas, sweeping IDLUZD\VDQGQDWXUH¶VVSOHQGRU6DWHOOLWH2I¿FHRI'DYLG/HDGEHWWHU*ROI$FDGHP\ Cascades Golf Club :LOG7XUNH\:D\+DPEXUJ1- [&U\VWDOJROIUHVRUWFRP &DVFDGHVLVWKHQHZHVWJROIFRXUVHDWWKH&U\VWDO6SULQJV5HVRUW$QRWKHU5RJHU5XOHZLFK designed course features a dramatic design with a great mix of target golf and well guarded greens. The lush fairways wind along the basin of the Wallkill Valley with spectacular views around every corner. Cascades is home to some of the most pristine and undulating greens at the resort. Cliff Park Inn Golf Course 2II6WDWH5RXWH0LOIRUG3$ [&OLIISDUNLQQFRP 2XUQLQHKROH3*$JROIFRXUVHLVDVEHDXWLIXODVLWLVFKDOOHQJLQJ7KH¿UVW3*$FRXUVHWREH designed by a woman, it features a handicap of 68.1/115. You’ll revel in both the joy of the game and the splendor of the surroundings. Cr ystal Springs Golf Club 2QH:LOG7XUNH\:D\+DUG\VWRQ1[&U\VWDOJROIUHVRUWFRP The Robert von Haggue layout opened in 1991 and has been challenging golfers ever since with an incredible blend of rugged mountain terrain, towering grass mounds and EUHDWKWDNLQJYLHZV³7RS7RXJKHVW&RXUVHVLQ$PHULFD´'DYLG/HDGEHWWHU*ROI$FDGHP\ Culver Lake Golf (DVW6KRUH5G%UDQFKYLOOH1 Walk-ins & beginners welcome. Spring 2013 Golf Country 6 Falkirk Estate And Countr y Club 6PLWK&ORYH5RDG&HQWUDO9DOOH\1< )DONLUN(VWDWHFRP The Hudson Valley’s Premier Wedding Venue. Originally founded in 1922 by a group of local businessmen the legacy lives on with current local businesses using this beautiful course to seal the deal or create wonderful golf outings for their clients. Newly designed locker rooms with sauna, steam room and massage room. The new banquet halls can hold over 350 guests. Falkirk Estate Far mstead Golf & Countr y Club /DZUHQFH5G/DID\HWWH1IDUPVWHDGJROIFRP Located in beautiful Sussex County, this privately owned 27-hole golf course has been offering some of the most beautiful scenery and challenging golf in Northwest New Jersey for the past 45 years. Farmstead offers top quality golf, stunning surroundings, delicious food and a caring staff all at reasonable rates. Farmstead is also available for golf outings and banquets of all occasions including weddings. Garrison Golf Club 5RXWH*DUULVRQ1< 7KHJDUULVRQFRP The Garrison Golf Club is an 18-hole, par 72 championship golf course. Perched some 800 feet above the Hudson River with stunning views of the rugged Hudson Highlands terrain as its backdrop, few courses in the country are favored with as lovely a setting. We encourage the presence of birds and wildlife and pursue our commitment to a cleaner DQGVDIHUHQYLURQPHQWWKURXJKFHUWL¿FDWLRQLQWKH$XGRERQ,QWHUQDWLRQDOSURJUDP Glen Brook Golf Club +LFNRU\9DOOH\5G556WURXGVEXUJ3$ *OHQEURRNJROIFOXEFRP Hickory Hill Golf Course 5RXWH$:DUZLFN1< 2UDQJHFRXQW\Q\SDUNVFRP The 18-hole “Hickory Hill” course at the Hickory Hill Golf Course facility in Warwick, New York features 6,797 yards of golf for the longest tees for a par of 72. The course rating is 73.6 and it has a slope rating of 128. Highpoint Country Club 6KRUH'ULYH0RQWDJXH1+LJKSRLQWJFFRP High Point is a beautiful 18 hole championship golf course with a challenging combination of links style and shot making layouts but still playable for any level of golfer which makes it great for events, memberships or just daily play. Mansion Ridge 2UDQJH7XUQSLNH0RQURH1< PDQVLRQULGJHJFFRP To play at Mansion Ridge is to experience the best that golf has to RIIHU$W0DQVLRQ5LGJH\RX¶OO¿QGDQHVFDSHZKHUH\RXFDQFKDO lenge your game and enjoy the camaraderie of other serious golfers. Come discover why serious golfers make Mansion Ridge their home for golf. Morris County Park Commission ZZZPRUULVSDUNVQHW Golf Digest 4-Star Rated Best Places To Play Flanders Valley G.C. %HUNVKLUH9DOOH\*&3LQFK%URRN*&6XQVHW9DOOH\*& Minerals Golf Club The course at Glen Brook is one of the oldest golf in the Pocono 0RXQWDLQV,WLVDJHQWO\UROOLQJFRXUVHWKDWRIIHUVDJUHDWYDULHW\RI holes to play. With scenic mountains in the background, it is a sporty, QHYHUERULQJFRXUVHWRSOD\*OHQ%URRNEULQJVZDWHULQWRSOD\RQ¿YH KROHVDQGKDVUHODWLYHO\VPDOOJUHHQV,I\RXDUHWLUHGRIELOOLDUGWDEOHFRXUVHORQJÀDW and uninteresting) then Glen Brook will rekindle a zest for real golf. There’s a challenge on every hole, both for the high and low handicapper. 9HUQRQ1[&U\VWDOJROIUHVRUWFRP 1DPHGDVRQHRIWKH7RS6KRUW&RXUVHVLQ$PHULFD0LQHUDOVLV home to skillful par threes and fours that accentuate the dramatic natural mountainside landscape. Minerals is also home to Family Golf where there is a wonderful array of family friendly amenities, family sized golf carts and each green has two sets of cups RQHUHJXODWLRQVL]HDQGRQHRYHUVL]HGIRUWKHNLGV Great Gorge Golf Club Monroe Country Club 5RXWH0F$IHH1[&U\VWDOJROIUHVRUWFRP Designed by George Fazio, this 27 hole complex offers an exceptional challenge for golfers of all skill levels. Great Gorge has three unique 9 hole layouts that twist through spectacular rock formations, diverse water hazards, sparkling lakes and dramatic elevation changes. The natural setting and characteristic of Fazio playability has led to a 4-star ranking by Golf Digest. Green Ridge Golf Club 6WLOO5RDG0RQURH1< PRQURHFRXQWU\FOXEQ\FRP 0RQURH&RXQWU\&OXELVDVHPLSULYDWHKROH\GJROI course which is open to the public on weekdays and after 2:00 30RQZHHNHQGV0RQURH&RXQWU\&OXEEXLOWLQUHÀHFWVWKH best traditions of golf courses designed during that era. The course places a premium on the player’s ability to master their short game on the par 4’s and 5’s while the par 3’s require an accurate tee shot in order to score well. Monroe is a 9 hole course offering 18 teeing areas that provide a variety of challenges for those who desire to play 18 holes *UHJRU\5RDG-RKQVRQ1< *UHHQULGJHJROIFOXEFRP Newton Country Club 2UDQJH&RXQW\¶VQHZHVWKROHJROIFRXUVHRSHQHGLQ$ friendly country golf club with rolling hills, bunkers and water hazard. $IXOOVHUYLFHSURVKRSZLWKDSURIHVVLRQDOFXVWRPFOXEPDNHULVDYDLO DEOHIRU\RXUUHSDLUV7KHFOXEKRXVHDOVRKDVDVQDFNEDUZLWKEHHU & wine) and a collection of golf memorabilia & clubs. Green Ridge Golf Club is open all year round, unlike most other golf courses that close for the winter. The classic design of Newton Country Club’s golf course is not only a challenge to the avid golfer, but also a spectacular scenic and viVXDOGHOLJKW1HZWRQ&RXQWU\&OXEEHFDPHRQHRIWKH¿UVWFRXUVHVLQ WKHVWDWHRI1HZ-HUVH\WREHUHFRJQL]HGDQGFHUWL¿HGDVDQ$XGXERQ:LOGOLIH6DQFWX DU\2QO\JROIFRXUVHVLQ1HZ-HUVH\DUHFHUWL¿HG &OXE5G1HZWRQ1QHZWRQFRXQWU\FOXERUJ 7 Golf Country Spring 2013 Osiris Country Club /DNH2VLULV5G:DOGHQ1< RVLULVFFFRP Osiris Country Club is a premier private club located in the Hudson Valley, just outside the city limits of Walden, New York. Osiris is truly a unique course. Originally a 9-hole course built in 1927, the course was later improved to create a challenging 18-hole course, which was envisioned and designed by Francis Duane in 1965, on the lush Old Turner Farm. Otterkill Golf & Countr y Club The Lynx At River Bend Golf Club 1HYHUVLQN'ULYH'HHUSDUN1< *2/)WKHO\Q[JROIFOXEFRP Located on the banks of the Neversink River, at the foot of the PDJQL¿FHQW6KDZDQJXQN0RXQWDLQVLQ'HHUSDUN1<7KH/\Q[DW River Bend Golf Club offers 18 scenic holes of golf built around water hazards and Oxbow ponds. This par 71 course includes a fully stocked pro shop, FOXEKRXVHSOXV¿QHGLQLQJLQ7KH*ULOODW5LYHU%HQG. 2WWHU5RDG&DPSEHOO+DOO1< RWWHUNLOOFRXQWU\FOXEFRP Wallkill Golf Club Otterkill is an 18 hole par 72 golf course, designed by William F. Mitchell and completed in 1957. The course measures 6860 yards from the Championship tees with a rating of 73.8 and a slop of 139. Otterkill is very playable for all handicappers as there are 4 sets of tees from which to play. The facilities include a grass driving range, as well as a short game practice area. ZDOONLOOJFRQOLQHFRP Wallkill Golf Club, established in 1910 is one of the area’s oldest courses. This historic 9 hole private course offers affordable membership and a full calendar of events. The course measures 5799 yards with a course rating of 67.9 and a slope of 121. Rolling Greens Golf Club Warwick Valley Countr y Club 1HZWRQ6SDUWD5RDG1HZWRQ15ROOLQJJUHHQVJROIFRP 5ROOLQJ*UHHQV*ROI&OXE,QFDQKROHJROIFRXUVHORFDWHGLQ EHDXWLIXO6XVVH[&RXQW\LVUHODWLYHO\ÀDWDQGRSHQZLWKFRQWRXUHG fairways and rather tricky with well-bunkered greens. Easy to walk. Golfers encounter ponds on the par three 9th and 18th holes. Scenic Far ms Golf Course *OHQZRRG5RDG3LQH,VODQG1< 6FHQLFIDUPVJROIFRP Offers a professionally designed, all natural 9-hole executive golf course, which challenges the advanced golfer as well as the beginner. With the short game in mind, you will confront sand traps, grass bunkers, water hazards and excellent putting green. Two par-four holes let you sharpen your distance skills . Two dual tee boxes add extra challenge to your second round of nine Skyview Golf Club /DID\HWWH5G6SDUWD16N\YLHZJROIFRXUVHFRP 6N\9LHZZDVGHVLJQHGE\5REHUW0F1HLO*ROI&RXUVH$UFKLWHFWRI the Northeast Golf Company. The routing at SkyView is woven through the striking natural terrain of the site. Unique outcroppings of stone, grand sheer rock cliffs and long vistas to the surrounding valleys frame and GH¿QHWKHPRYHPHQWRIWKHJROIKROHV7KHVHPHPRUDEOHIHDWXUHVVWUDWHJLFDOO\DQG DHVWKHWLFDOO\HQJDJHWKHSOD\HUVVHQVHVWKURXJKRXWWKHJRO¿QJH[SHULHQFH Stony Ford Golf Course 550 Route 416 0RQWJRPHU\1< The 18-hole “Stony Ford” Course at the Stony Ford Golf Course facility in Montgomery, New York features 6,651 yards of golf from the longest tee for a par of 72. The course rating is 72.4 and it has a slope rating of 128. Storm King 5LGJH5RDG&RUQZDOO1< Storm King is a private, members owned club. Located in the beautiful Hudson Valley, The course will challenge golfers of all skills. Playing at par 72 and just under 6300 yards, the course rewards accuracy 2DNODQG$YH:DUZLFN1< ZZZZDUZLFNYDOOH\FFRUJ The Warwick Valley Country Club was founded in 1958. With a golf course, four lighted tennis courts, pool, pro shop and clubhouse, the Club provides a center for family sports as well as a social club for its members. 2XUJROIFRXUVHLVIXOO\LUULJDWHGWRSURYLGHSHDNJRO¿QJFRQGLWLRQV\HDUURXQG:LWKIURQW and back tees - the course measures 5,778 yards for 18 holes and plays to a par of 71. The 6th hole, at 565 yards with a 200 yard uphill carry off the tee and a pond in front of WKHJUHHQLVRQHRIWKHDUHD¶VPRVWFKDOOHQJLQJSDU¿YHV7KHPL[RIKROHVSURYLGHV a course that is friendly to beginners yet challenging to better golfers. West Hills Countr y Club *ROI/LQNV5G0LGGOHWRZQ1< ZHVWKLOOVFRXQWU\FOXEFRP The New West Hills Country Club has transformed the country club experience in the mid-Hudson Valley. Our multi-million dollar renovaWLRQKDVFUHDWHGRQHRIWKH¿QHVWJROIDQGUHFUHDWLRQDOYHQXHVLQWKH region. Nestled along the majestic Wallkill River, West Hills Country Club offers a complete vacation experience for the entire family. ,QDGGLWLRQWRRQHRIWKHDUHDV¶V¿QHVWJROIFRXUVHVIHDWXULQJ 27 holes of championship golf with 5 new challenging holes. West Point Golf Course 5RXWH5RXWH::HVW3RLQW1< ZHVWSRLQWPHUFRP The 18-hole “West Point” course at the West Point Golf Course facility in West Point, New York features 6,007 yards of golf from the longest tees for a par of 70. The course rating is 68.6 and it KDVDVORSHUDWLQJRI'HVLJQHGE\5REHUW7UHQW-RQHV$6*&$ the West Point golf course opened in 1948. Wild Turkey Golf Club 2QH:LOG7XUNH\:D\+DUG\VWRQ1[FU\VWDOJROIUHVRUWFRP Designed by Roger Rulewich, Wild Turkey is the Resort’s most popular course since its opening in 2001. The parkland style par 71 takes golfers through multiple variety of terrains, ridgelines, wooded areas, natural lakes and quarries. This challenging yet approachable course possesses the best scenic vistas as far as the eye can see. 'DYLG/HDEHWWHU*ROI$FDGHP\ Spring 2013 Golf Country 8 *ROI&RXQWU\ 'DWHV$URXQGWKH*UHHQ April June 3 July 18 Wallkill Golf Club )UDQNOLQ1-2SHQ+RXVH 3DWULFN'¶$OLVR)RXQGDWLRQ7RXUQDPHQW &RQWDFW7KH*ROI&OXEDW0DQVLRQ5LGJH Call for details 973-827-9620 845-782-7888 /DGLHV,QYLWDWLRQDO :DUZLFN9DOOH\&RXQWU\&OXE :DUZLFN1< April June 7 2WWHUNLOO*ROI&RXQWU\&OXE &DPSEHOO+DOO1<2SHQ+RXVH 2FFXSDWLRQ3UR$07RXUQDPHQW &RQWDFW7KH*ROI&OXEDW0DQVLRQ5LGJH Call for details 845-427-2020 845-782-7888 May 15 June 27 845-782-7888 1RUWKHUQ1-9HWHUDQV0HPRULDO&HPHWHU\ DW)DUPVWHDG*ROI&OXE /DID\HWWH1- 2UDQJH&RXQW\&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH $QQXDO:RPDQLQ%XVLQHVV2XWLQJ DW:LQGLQJ+LOOV*ROI&RXUVH 0RQWJRPHU\1< :(/)RXQGDWLRQ7RXUQDPHQW &RQWDFW7KH*ROI&OXEDW0DQVLRQ5LGJH For info contact May 30 contact or 845-457-9700 2UDQJH2SHQ*ROI&KDOOHQJH 2UDQJH&RXQW\&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH 845-457-9700 845-986-9609 July 12 August 8 86*$6HQLRU$PDWHXU &RQWDFW7KH*ROI&OXEDW0DQVLRQ5LGJH September 13 845-782-7888 September 21 )ULHQGV0LFKDHO7RXUQDPHQW &RQWDFW7KH*ROI&OXEDW0DQVLRQ5LGJH 0HPEHU*XHVW :DUZLFN9DOOH\&RXQWU\&OXE :DUZLFN1< 845-782-7888 845-986-9609 WARWICK VALLEY COUNTRY CLUB Founded 1958 Half Price Initiation Fees Limited Time Only: March 1st through May 31st Membership Starting at $550* WVCC offers the best family value for a Private Country Club in the Hudson Valley and surrounding areas. GOLF r64("SBUFEQBSHPMGDPVSTFPQFOBMMZFBS /FX(PMG1SP3BZNPOE.JMB[[P TENNISrMJHIUFE)ZESP'FE4PGU$PVSUT POOL r"DFOUFSQJFDFGPSGBNJMZSFDSFBUJPOJODMVEJOHBXBEJOHQPPM CLUBHOUSE r/FXMZSFOPWBUFETQBDJPVTEJOJOHSPPNQBUJP XJUIGVMMTFSWJDFCBS"MTPBWBJMBCMFGPSQBSUJFT VQUPQFPQMF PRO SHOPr-PDLFSBOETIPXFSGBDJMJUJFTBWBJMBCMF &RVJQNFOUBUDPNQFUJUJWFQSJDFT LESSONSr(PMG5FOOJT4XJN-FTTPOTBWBJMBCMF * Starting price for Social Membership plus tax and applicable fees. Membership in Warwick Valley Country Club is one of the best entertainment buys available. For more information call 845.986.9609 Warwick Valley Country Club 0BLMBOE"WFr8BSXJDL/: 9 Golf Country Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Golf Country 10 Play Golf at our Historic 9 Hole Private Course Wallkill Golf Club “Our Little Gem In Franklin” 0WFS:FBSTPGõVBMJUZ(PMG 7FSZ"ĈPSEBCMF.FNCFSTIJQr1("1SP New Members Welcome Experience the course first hand at our Spring Open House ~Call for details~ 34 Maple Rd. Franklin, NJ XBMMLJMMHDPOMJOFDPNr (ur& 3 " $) in yo a Put Drive r(PMG$BSUT r#PBUT57T37T r$BST r5SVDLT5SBDUPST & More... 55 Hatfield Lane, Goshen, NY | 845.294.7001 Call for a Dealer Nearest You. 7 SPECTACULAR GOLF COURSES – 1 AMAZING RESORT! Uf,iÜ>À`ÃiLiÀà «³Þ>ÌÞ>Àà Uf>Vi>À,>}iiLiÀà « UÓE1`iÀ¶*>ÞvÀfÓt Ui>}ÕiÃvÀiE7i U>`iú-Ü}¼-«»ÛiÌà U>ÞvE/ÕÀ>iÌà 4BMFTt4FSWJDFt3FOUBMT 9356UJMJUZ7FIJDMFT4FDVSJUZ"NCVMBODF-VYVSZ(PMG$BST -477FIJDMFTTUSFFUMFHBM Financing Available All major credit cards accepted 845-856-4440 Authorized Dealer Our customers are our #1 priority! Golf memberships starting at $160 per month at a beautifully maintained Jack Nicklaus course. Daily Fees Starting at $49 Weekdays and $99 Weekends Tournament Greens Fees Starting at $59. All packages include 18 holes, cart, bag drop services, practice facility & manual scoring. Banquet Facilities available for corporate meetings and social events including sweet sixteen’s, birthdays, bridal & baby showers. 1292 Orange Turnpike Monroe, NY 10950 · 845-782-7888 Orange County Chamber of Commerce Annual Women in Business Golf Outing Thursday, June 27, 10:00am-4:00pm Winding Hills Golf Course, Montgomery, NY Play 18 holes of golf on the beautiful Winding Hills course, or participate in the three-hour Introduction to Golf School, taught by Winding Hills Pro Gil Anderson. Fee of $130 includes buffet lunch on the patio, golf or golf school, goody bag, awards reception. Sponsorship opportunities also available. Thursday, May 30 Orange Open Golf Challenge $#..;19'0r$.#CK BEARr%#5C#&'5r%R;56#.5PRING5 GR'#6)1RG'r/+0'R#.5rWILD 6URKEY Hamburg, Vernon, Franklin %T[UVCN)QNH4GUQTVEQOrGZV Orange County Chamber of Commerce & United Way of Dutchess/Orange Region Information for both outings: 845-457-9700 or 11 Golf Country Spring 2013 P lay Our Pristine 18 Hole Golf Course Overlooking the Majestic Ramapo Mountains &RUSRUDWH*ROI2XWLQJV1HZO\5HGHVLJQHG/RFNHU5RRPV:LWK6DXQDDQG6WHDP5RRP 7ZLOLJKW6SHFLDOV6HQLRUDQG-XQLRU5DWHV'LVFRXQW0HPEHUVKLS$YDLODEOH :HHNGD\/XQFK6SHFLDOV1HZ3XE)HDWXULQJ+')ODW6FUHHQ79V %UHDWKWDNLQJ9LHZV0RGHUQ(OHJDQFH Falkirk Estate )LQH&XLVLQH8QVXUSDVVHG6HUYLFH 6PLWK&ORYH5RDG&HQWUDO9DOOH\1HZ<RUN The Hudson Valley’s Premiere Wedding & Event Venue and COUNTRY CLUB IDONLUNHVWDWHFRP HYHQWV#IDONLUNHVWDWHFRP JROI#IDONLUNHVWDWHFRP3UR6KRS Spring 2013 Golf Country 12 Drive A Little... SAVE A LOT! ROUTE 23, SUSSEX SHOP FROM HOME SERVICE/PARTS: 877-355-5564 SALES: 1-877-776-4640 SHOWROOM: • PARTS/SERVICE: