
Founded in 2001
Winter Season 2015
Celebrating our 15th Winter Season
This winter we had five senior teams, seven junior teams and a strong interest in summer season. We are
continuing to grow, a strong sign of a club with a great friendly family orientated reputation. This shows that
we are well supported throughout our community and that our players are having fun and want to get their
friends involved. We would like to welcome all new players and hope that they continue to be involved with
our club. It was a good effort by all teams throughout the season and a big congratulations to our three
junior teams that made it to finals. Well done to our U9 side who finished Runners Up in their division and
our U11 side who finished PREMIERS in an amazing game that went into overtime! It was a great effort from
both teams!
Our club is run by volunteers and people committed to the future success of the Netball Club. I would like to
take this opportunity to thank all of the coaches, team managers, scorers, time keepers, support staff and
committee for all their efforts throughout the season. Your support and effort goes a long way to making our
seasons enjoyable for all.
We would also like to thank our umpires, who thankfully this season, covered the majority of our games so
the player roster was only used a couple of times. Thanks go out to Vanessa Graham and Brenda Farrelly
for organising our junior and senior games throughout the season. To those that assisted Vanessa and
Brenda in either organising umpires or by filling in as an umpire, your help was much appreciated. Umpiring
is a vital part of every club, so we thank everyone who can help out in this area.
A huge thank you goes out to all of the companies that sponsored us for awards this year. The donations
from these businesses help us to run and maintain the professional organisation that we have. Often these
are from small grass roots businesses, who in turn are sponsoring a grass roots club so please continue to
support the people that support the club.
- Neds Emporium
- The Duke Hotel
- Fish Bone Café Glenelg
- The Original Pancake Kitchen
- Nippys
- Edwardstown Specsavers
- San Churros Marion
- Cold Rock and Video Ezy Ascot Park
- Letcher Moroney Chartered Accountants
- Morphettville Park Sporting Club
This has been my first winter season as President, and it has been challenging but rewarding at the same
time. I have had some big shoes to fill and thankfully, I have had a great committee behind me to help
support and guide me through this first year. I would like to thank two of our past Presidents: Nicole Clark
who has given me a lot of guidance in regards to policies and advice. Also, Julie Cameron who, as our
immediate past President, set the bar high and her enthusiasm and energy to create such a welcoming
environment for our players has been inspiring. To my amazing secretary Stacey Pengilly, thank you for
making sure everything ran smoothly for me and everyone else. To the rest of our committee, thank you for
your help, time and efforts throughout the season. Thank you to you all.
Nicole Budd
It has been another busy year for the Morphettville Park Netball Club and I would like to thank the entire
committee for their support and assistance throughout the season, we truly are a great team!!
Firstly I want to congratulate our summer E Grade team on their premiership win and our junior teams that
made finals this winter season, what a fantastic achievement. Although none of our seniors made finals this
winter, I just want to congratulate everyone on giving 110% each and every game. This year we had quite a
few friendly new faces amongst our senior and junior teams and hopefully everyone will return next season
to develop what we have achieved this year.
Rebuilding is a part of every club and at the moment Morphettville Park Netball Club is in a rebuild stage,
especially with our seniors. With many players deciding to take a break we have had to do a great deal of
recruiting to continue the development of the club, we have seen so many new players and younger girls
coming up into seniors, which in time will see us move forward and take the netball world by storm. Our club
will continue to grow through the continued support of it’s new, current and past members.
We ran NetSetGO during school term two, which was very successful, and I’d like to thank Kristen Ryan,
Jodie Crouch and Rebecca Raneburg for all their help in running this. Without the continued support of our
volunteers we wouldn’t be able to host such events as these.
Sponsorship is a great deal in keeping our club going and without it we wouldn’t be able to offer our weekly
awards or help purchase new equipment. Having said that I would like to thank and welcome new
sponsorship from:
- Ned’s Emporium
- The Duke
- San Churro’s Marion
- Nutrimetics
And also continued sponsorship from:
- Pizza Royale
- Edwardstown Spec Savers
- The Original Pancake Kitchen
- Fish Bone Café
- Nippy’s
- Cold Rock and Video Ezy Ascot Park
- Morphetville Park Sporting Club
- Letcher Moroney Chartered Accountants
Thanks go to anyone else who donated in any way to our club for 2015. We had some fantastic Awards
during the year, which saw fantastic support at our awards nights during the season.
The club has had another successful year with fundraising with the sale of ACCU Lottery books, Chocolates
and our quiz night which raised $1,100, thank you to all players, parent, coaches and anyone else who
donated items.
Finally I would like to thank everyone that puts into this club to make it what it is. There is so much work that
goes on unnoticed to make this club run the way it does. Big thanks goes to our President Nicole Budd, she
has done an overwhelming amount of work for the club this year, as I learn my role and more about the
running’s of the club Nic has taken on a lot more responsibility, so thank you for being patient with me.
Thank you to all members, committee, coaches, umpires, family and friends for their ongoing commitment to
this great club and look forward to seeing you all again in 2016.
Stacey Pengilly
I am pleased to present the attached Financial Statement for the Netball Club for the year 2014/15.
An earlier than usual AGM has resulted in the financial report only covering the period from 1 September
until 12 August. As yet the financial records have not been audited but this will occur in the near future.
It should be noted that the operations of the club in this period resulted in a deficit of approximately $13,000.
There are a number of outstanding amounts for chocolates and lottery tickets which when deposited will
reflect a much smaller loss.
It should be noted also that I actively encouraged the committee members and officials of the club to identify
as many areas of the club where extra or replacement equipment or coaching aids were required. This
resulted in the purchase of additional first aid equipment, a lap top solely for club use, various training
equipment and maintenance of the training courts and clubhouse.
A number of unpaid accounts also existed at the start of this financial period and the payment of those
weighed heavily on the net result for the season.
With no outstanding debts though the club still remains in the enviable position of having a strong financial
base leading into another season.
I am full of admiration for the committee of this club and the dedication and workload they have undertaken
over the past 12 months is inspiring and I hope appreciated by all players and supporters and I would like to
acknowledge the help they have given me to tread softly into a female dominated sport.
Robert Thiele
This year’s AGM was held in August, along with our summer registrations and a working bee. It would have
to be one of our biggest attendances for an AGM and it was great to see some new people there and to
have some fresh faces keen to help out and join the committee. We all know that if there were no players
there would be no club, but just as important are the committee because without them there would be no
club for the players to play for.
I would personally like to thank each and every person on our committee, for their help and dedication
throughout this last year. There can be some long nights at committee meetings so thank you to all for giving
up your free time away from your partners and families. For those committee members who haven’t
continued on, thank you for volunteering your time, your service to the club has be great appreciated.
Hopefully you all enjoyed your time on the committee.
If there is anyone that is thinking about joining the committee please don’t hesitate to do so. You get to
spend some time with some really funny, amazing people, and being on the committee doesn’t require any
particular skill. You only have to be able to give some of your time and most importantly, you just need to
really love your club.
To the management committee of Winter Season 2015 thank you so much for all of your hard work,
dedication and support.
Nicole Budd
Nicole Budd
Marketing & Sponsorship Coordinator
Jodie Crouch
Vice President
Merchandise Coordinator
Alanna Kwok
Stacey Pengilly
Umpires Coordinator
Vanessa Graham
Assistant Secretary
Britt Burton
Junior Coordinator
Robert Thiele
Scores Recorder
Julie Cameron
Assistant Treasurer
General Committee Members
Davina Carne
Brenda Farrelly
Kristen Ryan
Grant Whitaker
Jess Evans
Nicole Clark
Renae Gollan
Rebecca Drumm
Brenda Farrelly
Paula Murphy
Terry Duckford
2015 (Post-Humously)
It is with great pleasure that we welcome Paula Murphy and Terry Duckford as Life Members of
Morphettville Park Netball Club in 2015 in recognition of their outstanding service to the Club.
Terry was senior Coach at Morphies for many years, coaching both the A grade and B grade teams. He was
also the Scores Recorder, the Umpires Coordinator and one of our few Netball Directors. SAUCNA knew
him by name and were often calling him out over the loud speaker to sort out some issue. He was one of the
few people from our club who would lend a hand at the association working bees and was involved with our
club in a way that was ‘old school sport’.
Terry was a coach and a friend of mine for many years. A few years ago he stopped being involved in the
club but he always kept in contact with his ‘favourites’ via Facebook. When Terry passed away, it was a lot
of his ‘old school’ netball girls that went to his funeral to say goodbye.
We all have so many individual memories of Terry that it’s hard to cover them all. For those who knew
Terry, we all know he was one of a kind. We still talk about Terry at training and run some of the “Terry” drills
that he was so famous for. I know for me, he always had a straight down the line chat with you about your
game or the running of this club. We would argue and then five minutes later he would come up to me, put
his arm around my shoulders and say “you know you are my favourite president.” I know Lou talks about his
memory a lot and how he would bring you into the breaks, talk to you about the game then finish with a ‘now
bugger off’. Classic Terry.
He was involved in choosing the 10 year ‘Team of the Decade’ with Barb Morgan and would often talk about
how he would just get a team he liked and then would complain that ‘being girls you all go off and get
pregnant and stuff at some point and then I have to find somebody else’ in a tongue-in-cheek way. I’m really
pleased to see that the Club has honoured Terry with life membership so he gets his name on the board and
his legacy at the Club continues. Especially for those of us who had the privilege of having him as a Coach,
committee member or a friend. Congratulations on your Life Membership Terry. I’ll never get my girls as fit
as you managed to get us, but I hope you are smiling at your recognition... just a little. Still miss you mate.
Now bugger off.
Nicole Clark
Inaugural President
While we celebrated during the season the girls who achieved milestone games for MPNC, we would like to
formally recognise their achievements. Below is a brief history of each player.
Britt Burton
Started playing for MPNC in 2007
- 2007 Runner up B & F D Grade
- 2009 Coaches Award C Grade
- 2011 Coaches Award C Grade
- 2008 Vice-Captain D Grade
- 2013 Vice-Captain D Grade
Congratulations on 100 games with MPNC.
Julie Cameron
Started playing for MPNC in 2003 and was the MPNC Club President 2011 – 2014.
- 2003 B&F Runner-up D Grade and was a Representative Player
- 2004 B&F Runner-up C Grade
- 2005 C Grade Captain and won B & F C Grade
- 2006 B&F Runner-up C Grade and was part of the Winter C Grade Premiership Team
- 2009 B&F Runner-up C Grade
- 2010 C Grade Captain and won B & F and Coaches Award Trophy C Grade
- 2011 Representative Player
- 2012 B&F C Grade
- 2013 C Grade Captain, B & F C Grade and MPNC Club Person of the Year
- 2014 C Grade Captain
- 2015 C Grade Captain
Congratulations on 150 games with MPNC.
Vanessa Graham
Started playing for MPNC in 2006, has represented the Club in 20 games and has been the Umpires
Coordinator for the past two seasons.
- 2006 Joint B & F B Grade
- 2009 Representative Player
- 2010 B & F 2010 B Grade and won the B Grade Coaches Award
- 2011 Representative Player
- 2012 joint winner of the B Grade Coaches Award
Congratulations on 150 games with MPNC.
Paula Murphy
Started playing for MPNC in 2002 and has represented the Club in 24 games. She has been a past
Secretary for MPNC and was part of the MPNC 10 year ball Committee
- 2002 A grade Runner-up
- 2003 part of the B Grade Premiership team and was a Representative Player for SAUCNA
- 2004 joint B Grade B & F
- 2004-2005 part of the Summer B Grade Premiership teams
- 2005 B Grade B & F and Representative Player
- 2006 B Grade B & F and Winter C Grade Premiership team
- 2007 B Grade Runner-up and Winter B Grade Premiership team
- 2009 won the Dean Laurence Medal, was part of the CANA Nationals Premiership team and
Representative Player
- 2010 B Grade B & F
- 2011 Representative Player
- 2012 B Grade Runner-up
- 2013 B Grade Runner-up
Congratulations on 200 games with MPNC.
Brenda Farrelly
Barbara Howse
Renae Gollan
Julie Cameron
Nicole Budd
Nicole Budd
A “Club Person of the Year Award” was introduced in 2010 to be presented at Presentation Night each
year. The award is nominated by members of the netball club and voted on by the Executive Committee.
Nominations have been made by members of the club. The criteria is someone within the club that has
been a great club person or a great contributor to the club (it may be filling in umpiring, might be their
particular role on the committee, their contribution on court, coaching etc).
This year we are proud to announce that this year’s winner is NICOLE BUDD.
“I would like to nominate Nicole Budd - she is a multi-tasking superstar. She plays, coaches, umpires
and spends time finding cover, organising presentations and many other things.
As a coach, she is positive and bubbly. She encourages the girls to try new positions and knows how
to talk to them. A group of 15-ish aged girls can be quite hard work, they have a lot going on with
school, part time jobs and boyfriends to contend with.
She is easy going and always tried to accommodate everyone's needs, but she had a couple of rules
that she stuck with - ie: not turning up to training = first spell off the court, and the girls learnt to
respect that. She even organised a couple of social events for the girls - dinner and a trip to BOUNCE and she even BOUNCED with them.....HATS off!!
As a player - (I have watched her a few times this year) she is 100% committed - and she practises
what she preaches when coaching. She is continually pushing herself and that translates to her
coaching as well.
As an umpire, she is fair - and what more can you ask for in an umpire.
As a supporter - any games I have seen where she is watching, she is always shouting out a few words
of encouragement.
As a person, she is approachable, generous with her time, easy going and just a great person to be
I think the club is very lucky to have her, and I think she would make a great MPNC Club Person of the
MPNC welcomed the following new senior players to the club in 2015!
Emma Jordan
Molly St John
Teneale Frigo
Tayla Lovering
Alyce Jones
Rachel Rowe
Emma Taylor
Brooke Taylor
Kylee Goldmsith
Michaela Liddle
Cassie Bennier
Annalise Keen
Caitlin McManus
It would be great to see your names in the “Top Five” in the years to come!
MPNC welcomed the following new junior players to the club in 2015!
Sofia Kouzionis
Grace Raeburn
Keira Smith
Logan Fazulla
Lilly Newell
Lily Peters
Milla Taylor-Campbell
Gemma Boss
Zoe Pullen
Barb Morgan
Jessica Fanto
Jazz Glasgow
Best & Fairest:
Alix Lovering
Runner Up:
Jessica Fanto
Coach’s Award:
Jessica Fanto
Back Row: Steph Drogemuller, Molly St John, Jazz Glasgow (VC), Emma Jordan, Barb
Morgan (Coach).
Front Row: Alix Lovering, Jessica Fanto (C), Alexa Borak
Absent: Rebecca Drumm
This has been a building season for our team. With only a couple of players from last years’ “A team”
available the majority of the team were new to A1 and a number of players were also new to the
Morphettville Club.
During the season we experienced a lot of disruption to the team dynamic due to players being unavailable
across most weeks. A big thank you goes to all those players who filled in for us enabling us to field an A1
team each week.
Despite being relatively unsuccessful on the scorecard we have in fact had a good season, often having
more than 50% of the play and with a lot of positives coming out of our matches by improving our skill and
fitness levels and building towards a strong skilled team going forward.
The team this season consisted of:
Jasmin Glasgow (Vice Captain) – Jaz started the season in defence, then became the steadying point in
goals. She had a solid season and used her experience to help direct some of our newer players both on
and off the court.
Emma Jordan – Emma was new to the club this season and fitted well into the team working hard in goal
attack using her speed around the court.
Molly St John – Molly was also new to the club this season and as well as being an accurate goalie,
developed her attacking skills as wing attack for us in the second half of the season.
Alix Lovering – Alix was very strong in centre giving lots of drive and making numerous intercepts each
match. Alix also polled very well in the Associations Joy Smith Award (Best & Fairest in A1) with 20 points an excellent result for her first year in A1.
Alexa Borak – Alexa played in both wing positions this season and used her defensive skills to good effect in
wing defence.
Rebecca Drumm – Bec was a key player in wing attack settling the attack down and passing accurately into
the circle. When she headed off overseas in the second half of the season she was sorely missed.
Stephanie Drogemuller – Steph was fairly new to our club and had a good year in defence with strong
defensive skills and numerous intercepts.
Jessica Fanto (Captain) – Jess was a key leader of the group as well as being very strong in any position
she was asked to play. She was outstanding in defence as well as attack. Jess worked hard both on and off
the court, organising fill-ins, etc. Because of her dedication to the team and Club and her skill and
willingness to play any position allocated her, I have chosen her for this season’s Coach’s Award.
Barb Morgan
Louise Batsavalis
Nicole Budd
Vanessa Graham
Best & Fairest:
Ashleigh Smith
Runner Up:
Jessica Smith
Coach’s Award:
Vanessa Graham
Back Row: Louise Batzavalis (Coach), Nicole Budd (C), Paula Murphy, Vanessa Graham
(VC), Teneale Frigo.
Front Row: Tayla Lovering, Jessica Smith, Ashleigh Smith, Hannah Fisher
Absent: Kylee Goldsmith
The 2015 season for the B Grade came with some highlights, some major milestones and some low points
for our players.
Some of these milestones include Vanessa Graham’s 150 game and Paula Murphy’s 200 game. What a
huge achievement for both of you. Congratulations!
Once again the SAUNCA A2 competition this season was extremely close with the deciding top four coming
down to the last minor round and percentages.
We started this season with four new players in the side. The first half of the season was quite unsettled due
to players travel commitments, injuries and a pregnancy (not that it really stopped her – congratulations
Ness!). The team had to adapt to playing with different team mates and in different positions each week
which was a hard ask. The second half of the season we started to “click” as a group but unfortunately we
left our run too late, missing out on finals.
We had some great come backs, wins and the majority of our losses this year were only by 1-2 goals. I felt
proud that no one in the team ever gave up and they continued to stay positive throughout the whole
Hopefully next year we can settle in from the start of the season as I know these girls are unstoppable when
playing with determination as a team.
Thank you all for the opportunity to coach such amazing personalities with many laughs along the way.
Louise Batzavalis
Nicole Clark
Julie Cameron
Kristy Moore
Best & Fairest:
Julie Cameron and Gail Warren
Coach’s Award:
Julie Cameron
Back Row: Emma Hull, Britt Burton, Sammie McGregor, Louise Batzavalis, Stacey
Pengilly, Gail Warren
Front Row: Nicole Clark (Coach), Julie Cameron (C), Kristy Moore (VC)
Absent: Dianne Rogers (Assistant Coach)
Well, what an amazing season! No… we didn’t make the finals. Yes, we finished bottom of the ladder. This
is nowhere near a true indication of the season we had! The C Team started the season with a few positive
wins but some big challenges with games and the first half of the season did not put us in a great position for
finals. Even at this point, the team was already in place.
This bunch of ladies were enjoying the season either way because we had a good side, were playing good
netball, and had spent the season to this point really supporting each other. The second half of the season,
we stepped up the training and team work and thought we would work even harder! The second half of the
minor round and we started winning impossible games purely with our on court effort. The feeling on court
picked up and you could see the team overcoming challenges during the game to not just ‘hang their heads
when we were down’ but to win at all costs. With three games left of the season we were in a position to
make finals and the challenge was set. Our season came down to the very last game of the season and we
were one win out of the finals. Unfortunately, two other teams (expected to lose) pulled off a win and with our
points ratio, we finished bottom of the ladder. How unusual - win and make finals or lose and finish bottom.
This division saw every team within 1 win of the teams above it and 2-3 teams on the same amount of
points. I am so incredibly proud of the tenacity, teamwork, dedication, honesty, and hard work that this team
put into the season. This team pulled together like no season before it and had every opportunity to make
finals, where anything was possible.
On another note, a game or so into the season, Dianne Rogers approached me about assistant coaching
the team. Best decision ever made. Having Diz on the sidelines, bringing her observations to the team and
supporting us every week made a big difference to this team (and my coaching). I was completely lost the
games she wasn’t there.
We had a session at Bounce, a PT session at the gym (love those stairs!), team dinners and a lot of laughs.
On a “Sunday session” at the pub, this team (who finished bottom of the ladder) talked about nothing but the
positive side of the season and how they enjoyed playing so much. You couldn’t ask for anything more from
your players. Thanks to my girls!
Gail – energiser bunny – Warren
Louise – bring it on - Batzavalis
Julie – three’s good – Cameron
Emma – long arms – Hull
Britt – sure you’re not a goalie – Burton
Kristy – always on the run – Moore
Stacey – throw your body into it - Pengilly
Sam – I’ll be there - McGregor
Diz – best ever stats - Rogers
Coaches Award – A massive congratulations to Julie Cameron on receiving the Coaches Award this year.
Jules is my demonstration player, shows a big commitment to this team, the club, and me as a coach. She
gets the Coaches Award this year because she ‘gets it’ when it comes to how the season needs to run.
Love your work Jules.
Best and Fairest – Congratulations to dual winners Julie Cameron and Gail Warren!
Thanks also to the husbands/partners/friends/Morphies team mates that watched us and supported us this
year (including my gorgeous fiancé for looking after all our children every week).
Nicole Clark
Sarah McLaughlin
Sarah McLaughlin
Sarah Woodward
Best & Fairest:
Sarah McLaughlin
Runner Up:
Caitlin McManus
Coach’s Award:
Sarah Woodward
Back Row: Amanda Bettens, Sarah McLaughlin (Coach)(C), Sarah Woodward (VC),
Caitlin McManus
Front Row: Alyce Jones, Annalisa Sheridan
Absent: Ebony Saxton and Michelle Fergusson
I would like to start by welcoming the four new players to our Club: Alyce, Ebony, Rachel and Samantha. I
hope you enjoyed your first season at Morphies and that we will see you back next year.
We had an unsettled start to the season, losing Jodie Thiele (congratulations on your pregnancy) and Mel
Paunovic prior to the first game which required the addition of Samantha, Rachel and Ebony into the team.
We also lost our coach after the first game as well, and two more players later in the season. This meant
that we were short of shooters and circle defenders and also that our centre court players spent more time
off the court. We had some ups and downs during each game and throughout the season. I would also like
to thank our fill ins, particularly Claire Simons, Amanda Bettens and also Kamara and her E Grade team for
all their assistance.
I would like to congratulate Caitlin on Runner-up Best and Fairest and also Sarah Woodward who received
the Coaches award. Thank you Sarah for supporting me during this season and essentially doing both the
Captain and Vice-Captain role as I had to coach.
Lastly, I would like to thank all of the friends and family who came and supported us during the season (and
often got roped into scoring, a special mention to Maria Saxton for all of her help). To all of the players in the
D team, I would like to wish you all the best and hope to see you again next year.
Sarah McLaughlin
Kamara Green
Alanna Kwok
Liata Selby
Best & Fairest:
Alanna Kwok and Emma Taylor
Coach’s Award:
Alanna Kwok
Back Row: Cassie Bennier, Kamara Green (Coach), Megan Heinrich, Alanna Kwok (C),
Hannah Fyfe, Michaela Liddle
Front Row: Jasmine Thomas, Isabella Condello, Georgia Cassidy, Liata Selby (VC)
Absent: Zoe Pullen
UNDER 8 (H1)
Robyn Wolfenden and Kerrilea Wheeler
Best & Fairest:
Sofia Koutzonis
Coach’s Award:
Sofia Koutzonis
Most Improved:
Michaela Kwok
Back Row: Robyn Wolfenden (Coach), Logan Fazulla, Grace Raeburn, Chloe Amato,
Jasmin Payne, Sofia Kouzionis, Kerrilea Wheeler (Coach)
Front Row: Michaela Kwok, Erin Young, Katie Wolfenden, Keira Smith
The Under 8 team had a fantastic start to the winter season. The team moved their way from Div 2 up to Div
1 before climbing their way to the top of the ladder. We loved watching their skills and speed develop each
game. We played two finals and unfortunately lost by 1 goal in the preliminary final. A big congratulations to
all the girls for what they achieved, you all improved and you all worked hard. Thank you to all the families
and friends for their support each week.
Robyn Wolfenden and Kerrilea Wheeler
UNDER 9 (G1)
Scott Burford and Karen McNicol
Best & Fairest:
Sienna Burford
Coach’s Award:
Lily Stalker
Most Improved:
Emma Smith
Back Row: Karen McNicol (Coach), Kate Smith, Sophie Bond, Summer McNicol, Lilly
Newell, Scott Burford (Coach)
Front Row: Lily Stalker, Emma Smith, Sienna Burford, Lucy Plouffe
The U9 Div 1 girls have had a very successful season. We ended up coming second for the season and
then making it to the Grand Final after a great game against Westbourne Park. Sadly, the girls lost the
Grand Final to Grange by only a few goals. It was a very exciting game and they all played fantastically.
Both Karen and myself were very proud of them. I was also very proud that even though they were upset
about their game they still ran over after hearing the U11's were in extra time and cheered them on to help
get them over the line in their Grand Final win.
All the girls have improved so much since their first game and have listened to all our advice and you can
see it paying off. We tried all of the girls in different positions during the year and they always gave their best
no matter where they were placed. We are looking forward to seeing the girls continue their netball careers
at the Roos. I would like to say a big thank you to Karen McNicol who has been coach with me this season.
Without her we wouldn’t have known what to do during training drills or learning new skills. I would just like
to say congratulations to all the girls and it has been a pleasure coaching you this season.
Most Improved
Most improved goes to Emma Smith - she ended up scoring over 100 goals for the season which isn't bad
seeing she never has played in that position before.
Coaches Award
Coaches award goes to Lily Stalker.
Best Player Award
Best Player award this year has been won by Sienna Burford - we have used her in both goals and defence.
Scott Burford and Karen McNicol
UNDER 11 (F7)
Davina Carne
Best & Fairest:
Rylee Carne
Coach’s Award:
Stella Foote
Most Improved:
Chloe Brain
Back Row: Charlotte Brisbin, Stella Foote, Rylee Carne, Sophie Measday, Chloe Brain,
Davina Carne (Coach)
Front Row: Emily Brookes, Amy West, Isabella Antonello, Natalie Bryne
Wow! What an amazing season the girls have had. It was great to have the opportunity to coach several
girls from my last years’ U9 premiership team and welcome some new faces to our team and Club for the
winter season. The girls gelled perfectly and from the onset formed a great team. We had a great season
and slowly climbed our way to the top of the ladder ending up second on the ladder going into finals. Our
first final was close but the girls were formidable and played a great game to win against Rosefield and go
straight through to the Grand Final. The Grand Final was a different story and was a nail biter. Rosefield
challenged us to play our best and it ended up at a draw on the final whistle. I was so proud of the way the
girls fought back the tears and found strength and determination to get back on the court to play two more 5
minute quarters. The girls were amazing under pressure and held on to win by 2 goals and claim the
Premiership! It was a super special moment for all the players, families, supporters and coach.
Charlotte has developed into a strong, solid defender who gives 100% in every game.
Rylee is strong in attack and ever reliable in goals and shows great skills and tenacity on the court.
Amy provides great runs through the centre court and reads the play exceptionally well to take great
Emily is a skilled centre court player who provides options and runs all day.
Isabella provides options in the centre court and goals and continues to develop skills every game.
Stella has worked really hard to find her strength in defence and played a vital role in GK.
Sophie continues to improve her skills and confidence across the court.
Chloe is a natural goal shooter who reads the play and finds space in the circle.
Natalie is quick on her feet and finds space around the court and shows great determination to attack the
I am very proud of these girls, they have a great future in netball and I look forward to seeing them develop
over the next few years. Lastly, I would like to thank my wonderful parent support group who timed, scored,
helped out with drills at training and pre-match and were always encouraging and supportive to myself and
the girls. Also thank you to Nic Budd for doing a fantastic job with the juniors this winter and the committee
for all their hard work. Well done to the other junior teams on their seasons and to the U8 and U9 for making
Davina Carne
UNDER 13 (E8)
Vanessa and Jeff Graham
Best & Fairest:
Matthew Aylmore
Runner Up:
Chloe James
Coach’s Award:
Lucy Bond
Back Row: Jeff Graham (Coach), Florence John, Chloe James, Lucy Bond, Matthew
Aylmore, Vanessa Graham (Coach)
Front Row: Tayla Farrelly, Paige Rosser (C), Olivia Burford
Absent: Holli Graham (VC)
The remaining games of the season provided our team with some definite challenges. Unfortunately on a
few occasions we came close, but not enough to get us over the line. The team never gave up and
continued to try their best even when we mixed a few positions around. Unfortunately, we just missing out on
finals this season. We’re very proud of everyone and their efforts thus far and we have seen immense
improvement from every player. Look out summer season!
Vanessa and Jeff Graham
UNDER 13 (E3)
Josie Hyde
Best & Fairest:
Ella James
Most Improved:
Jasmine Timms
Coach’s Award:
Millie Brown
Back Row: Josie Hyde (Coach), Lilly Peters, Jasmine Timms, Millie Brown, Abby Scott
Front Row: Ella James, Milla Taylor-Campbell, Shreya Thakur
Absent: April Harding
I feel that the girls had a great season this year. These girls played with great strength and determination
and never gave up. I am proud of my girls for sticking in there and forgetting about our results at the end of
the games. There was a definite improvement in the girls, playing both individually and as a team as the
season progressed. The girls played with increasing confidence and each week played more as a team, and
that is what I wanted from the girls.
I would like to thank all the girls for their commitment to the team and their work at training and for their great
attitude every game. While I am proud of all of the girls I would particularly like to thank the girls who moved
up from the U11 to play for our team, they all worked hard, and I am very impressed with their abilities on
court. I hope all the girls continue to play netball as it is not just about the sport, but the friendship and fun
they have playing.
I would like to thank Kristen Ryan, who came down and helped me with the girls at training (particularly with
shooting tips). Thank you to all the parents that supported the girls throughout the season and helped with
timing and scoring. And a big thank you to our various umpires during the season.
Josie Hyde
UNDER 15 (D6)
Troy Rosser
Best & Fairest:
Emma Geirsch
Runner Up:
Jessica Carroll
Coach’s Award:
Gemma Boss
Back Row: Emily Jones, Lauren Aylmore, Troy Rosser (Coach), Emma Giersch, Amy
Front Row: Gemma Boss (VC), Caitlin Rosser, Ellie Wheatley, Ashleigh Leydon, Jessica
Carroll (C)
Thrown into the deep end of coaching once again, I went into the season full of optimism and with some
expectations for the squad we had in the U15s for season 2015. I guess being a male from a footy
background entering the world of netball certainly presented me with some challenges in this age bracket. I'd
like to think I fronted these head on but there were times when I did question myself and my ability to give
the girls the best available coaching.
We had a really good, evenly balanced squad with plenty of versatility, enabling me to be able to swing
some changes of positions for the girls when things weren't working for us during games. We welcomed a
new player to the Club in Gemma, Emily back for her second season after some time away from netball with
the rest of the squad made of returning players from the Club.
To say we've had an unsuccessful year is unfair on the players. Our win/loss ratio didn't allow us to play
finals but being the first year in U15s for most of the squad I reckon they performed well above our ladder
position. Another year of development and come next year most of the girls will become the "older" players
in this age group. With that extra level of experience behind them they will be better equipped in those close
The really pleasing aspect of the season is that second time around playing teams we improved on our
results from the first round. We were probably even a bit unlucky in a couple of games in not securing the
win. The girls never dropped their heads during games and gave 100% right to the final siren.
The team bonded really well throughout the year which included a mid-season team night out at Pizza Hut
and an end of season shoot out with 10 pin bowling. Thanks to all the girls for making it an enjoyable and
rewarding season for me. You made life easier for me with the positive attitudes you all brought to training
and games.
I'd also like to thank the support from the parents and friends who came out each week to cheer on the girls
and help me with some of the sideline duties. Much appreciated.
I'd also like to make a special mention to the three main people who umpired our home games - Evie,
Stacey and Nic. Their umpiring was excellent, unbiased and very even for both teams on the court. If only
some of the other clubs out there umpired the same way.
Congratulations to all trophy winners and here's looking forward to future seasons.
Troy Rosser
UNDER 17 (C5)
Nicole Budd
Best & Fairest:
Liata Selby
Runner Up:
Tayla Aistrope and Georgia Cassidy
Coach’s Award:
Isabella Condello
Back Row: Jess Parker (C), Tayla Aistrope, Zoe Strickland, Charlotte Cassidy, Nic Budd
Front Row: Jasmine Thomas, Isabella Condello, Georgia Cassidy, Liata Selby (VC)
This season was a little bit up and down for us. We had a couple of injuries throughout the season, which
unsettled us but the girls kept going out there and giving their all. There were some amazing games where
the team gelled; the girls passing went down the court smoothly, the defensive pressure was intimidating
and the goals were just sinking in. Then there were some games that didn’t go so smoothly.
Throughout the season, the girls interest, attitude and skills improved immensely as the season went on,
regardless of the score at the end of the games.
I am truly proud of every single player on this team. They all pushed themselves to breaking point and were
very supportive of each other.
A big congratulations to our well-deserved Best and Fairest winner Liata and also to our joint Runner-Ups
Georgia and Tayla. All three of these girls had very consistent games but also improved themselves
throughout the season.
Well done girls, it was a hard season but everyone should be proud of themselves and each other.
Nicole Budd