Low-Volume Vehicle Production - Center for Automotive Research


Low-Volume Vehicle Production - Center for Automotive Research
Low-Volume Vehicle Production
Manufacturing, Engineering, and Technology Group
Center for Automotive Research
January 2006
Sponsored by
American Plastics Council
ASC, Inc.
Dana Corporation
Diversified Tooling Company
KUKA Flexible Production Systems
McKinsey Consulting
TATA Consulting
United Tooling Coalition
The statements, findings, and conclusions herein are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of the project sponsor.
As with any project, this report is the result of many people contributing in a number of ways.
The authors of this report would like to thank Emilio Brahmst and Chris Gulis who spent many
long hours researching, documenting and detailing manufacturing technologies and
manufacturing processes. Mr. Gulis is responsible for the Corvette Z06 case study and
contributions to several other case studies. He also analyzed many of the assembly and tooling
facilities for this project. Karen Esper contributed greatly by creating and formatting the
document. Her expertise and patience were critical to the project’s success. Ray Miller also
contributed research and performed overall project maintenance.
The authors also thank Ernst & Young, and their funding of this project through the Automotive
Industry of the Future program at CAR. Their generous grant has been an important part of the
research CAR has produced in recent years.
Finally, we would like to thank the members of the Low-Volume Vehicle Consortium who took
time to guide the authors. The members of this consortium have very strong opinions, and a
great knowledge of low-volume vehicle production. Without their knowledge, this report would
not have been possible. While all members offered value to the effort, the authors would
especially like to thank John Basso (Diversified Tooling Co.) , Mike Powers (Dow Automotive,
through participation in the APC), Glenn Mercer (McKinsey & Co), Todd Smit (ASC), and John
Waraniak (TATA Consultancy) for their guidance on this project. These consortium members
showed great insight—and support for this project. The authors are greatly appreciative.
Dr. Jay Baron
Director, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, and President, CAR
Brett C. Smith,
Assistant Director, Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, CAR
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Table of Contents
STRATEGIC CONSIDERATIONS..............................................................................................................12
LOW-VOLUME OPPORTUNITY FRAMEWORK ..................................................................................15
A. DECISION FACTORS FOR LOW-VOLUME VEHICLE MANUFACTURING .........................................................16
LOW-VOLUME VEHICLE MANUFACTURING PATHWAYS.............................................................20
IN-HOUSE FLEXIBLE BODY ASSEMBLY .......................................................................................................20
INTEGRATOR OPERATED FLEXIBLE BODY ASSEMBLY ................................................................................32
COACHBUILDER MODEL .............................................................................................................................37
INTEGRATOR-OPERATED LOW-COST TOOLING (AND ASSEMBLY) MODEL .................................................38
POST PRODUCTION VEHICLE ALTERATION MODEL ....................................................................................40
CASE STUDIES..............................................................................................................................................42
INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................42
GM SSR.....................................................................................................................................................42
CORVETTE Z06...........................................................................................................................................44
SCION .........................................................................................................................................................46
MATERIALS AS AN ENABLER FOR LOW-VOLUME .......................................................................................47
GM – SOLSTICE ..........................................................................................................................................50
PART FABRICATION TOOLING ..............................................................................................................53
INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................................53
SHELL TOOLING .........................................................................................................................................53
LIQUID IMPACT FORMING ...........................................................................................................................54
HYDROFORMING (SHEET)...........................................................................................................................54
ALUMINUM MOLDS ....................................................................................................................................55
LAMINATED TOOLS ....................................................................................................................................56
QUICK PLASTIC FORMING ..........................................................................................................................56
ROLL FORMING ..........................................................................................................................................56
LEAN DIES ..................................................................................................................................................58
TANDEM MOLDS ........................................................................................................................................59
DIRECT METAL TECHNOLOGIES .................................................................................................................59
FLEXIBLE HEMMING (ROLLER HEMMING)..................................................................................................59
MULTI-SPINDLE MACHINING CENTER ........................................................................................................60
CONCLUSIONS (AND NEXT STEPS)........................................................................................................61
VII. APPENDIX: LOW-VOLUME MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES................................................63
SHELL TOOLING TECHNOLOGY ..................................................................................................................63
LIQUID IMPACT FORMING ...........................................................................................................................67
HYDROFORMING (SHEET)...........................................................................................................................69
ALUMINUM MOLDS ....................................................................................................................................72
LAMINATED TOOLS ....................................................................................................................................73
QUICK PLASTIC FORMING ..........................................................................................................................78
ROLL-FORMING ..........................................................................................................................................80
LEAN DIES ..................................................................................................................................................83
DIRECT METAL TECHNOLOGIES .................................................................................................................87
FLEXIBLE ASSEMBLY .................................................................................................................................90
SPRAY METAL ............................................................................................................................................94
FLEXIBLE HEMMING (ROLLER HEMMING)..................................................................................................96
TANDEM MOLD ..........................................................................................................................................99
MULTI-SPINDLE MACHINING CENTER ......................................................................................................101
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
List of Figures
FIGURE 1 – CONSORTIUM MEMBERS ..............................................................................................................................9
FIGURE 2 – PRODUCT DIFFERENTIATION & ASSEMBLY INTEGRATION .........................................................................13
FIGURE 3 – LOW-VOLUME PRODUCTION OPPORTUNITY FRAMEWORK ........................................................................15
FIGURE 4 – INTELLIGENT FLEXIBLE BODY LINE PALLET ..............................................................................................23
FIGURE 5 – FLEXIBLE BODY LINE FRAMING.................................................................................................................24
FIGURE 6 – NIMS FISHBONE ARCHITECTURE ..............................................................................................................25
FIGURE 7 – NISSAN FLEXIBLE BODY ASSEMBLY TOOLING ..........................................................................................25
FIGURE 8 – HONDA ROBOTIC FIXTURING TECHNOLOGY ..............................................................................................26
FIGURE 9 – HONDA UNDERBODY RE-SPOT LINE ..........................................................................................................27
FIGURE 10 – GENERAL MOTORS C-FLEX TECHNOLOGY...............................................................................................28
FIGURE 11 – DAIMLERCHRYSLER FLEXIBLE ROBOTIC SYSTEM...................................................................................29
FIGURE 12 – RENAULT FLEXIBLE ROBOTIC WORKSTATION .........................................................................................30
FIGURE 13 – RENAULT FLEXIBLE ROBOTIC BODY FRAMING CELL ..............................................................................31
FIGURE 14 – NEXT GENERATION ASSEMBLY................................................................................................................34
FIGURE 15 – MAGNA STEYR GRAZ AUSTRIA ASSEMBLY FACILITY..............................................................................35
FIGURE 16 – STYLIZED MULTI-VEHICLE BODY ASSEMBLY LINE .................................................................................36
FIGURE 17 – STYLIZED COST CURVES – SELECTED DIE MATERIALS ............................................................................39
FIGURE 18 – JOINT ASC/GM PRODUCED SSR .............................................................................................................42
FIGURE 19 – ASC’S SHOP LAYOUT ..............................................................................................................................43
FIGURE 20 – CHEVROLET CORVETTE Z06 ....................................................................................................................44
FIGURE 21 – Z06 SPACEFRAME – MANUFACTURED BY DANA ......................................................................................44
FIGURE 22 – Z06 PRODUCTION LINE ............................................................................................................................45
FIGURE 23 – FRONT-END MODULE COMPONENTS ........................................................................................................48
FIGURE 24 – GM KAPPA PLATFORM ............................................................................................................................52
FIGURE 25 – DANA FAST CAR ......................................................................................................................................58
FIGURE 26 – PUNCH IN PROGRESSIVE DIE ....................................................................................................................66
FIGURE 27 – PUNCH......................................................................................................................................................66
FIGURE 28 – DIE BEFORE FORMING .............................................................................................................................67
FIGURE 29 – DIE AFTER FORMING................................................................................................................................67
FIGURE 30 – FLEXIBLE PRODUCTION SYSTEM ..............................................................................................................70
FIGURE 31 – FLEXIBLE MULTI-FORMING SYSTEM........................................................................................................70
FIGURE 32 – PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GXP.....................................................................................................................71
FIGURE 33 – LAMINATED AIRBAG MOLD .....................................................................................................................74
FIGURE 34 – LAMINATED MOLD...................................................................................................................................75
FIGURE 35 – LAMINATED DOOR PANEL FOR DODGE VIPER..........................................................................................75
FIGURE 36 – LAMINATED DIE (BEFORE FINAL MACHINING) AND DRAWN PART..........................................................76
FIGURE 37 – EXAMPLE FOR MOTORCYCLE TANK .........................................................................................................77
FIGURE 38 – 2005 CHEVROLET MALIBU MAXX LIFT GATE..........................................................................................78
FIGURE 39 – ROLL-FORMED SPACEFRAME ...................................................................................................................80
FIGURE 40 – CURRENT P-TECH APPLICATIONS ............................................................................................................82
FIGURE 41 – LEAN TRIM DIE ........................................................................................................................................84
FIGURE 42 – MATCHING TOOL STANDARDS WITH VOLUME .........................................................................................85
FIGURE 43 – DIRECT METAL DEPOSITION PROCESS .....................................................................................................88
FIGURE 44 – LASER DEPOSITION TOOL COATING .........................................................................................................88
FIGURE 45 – CONFORMAL COOLING TOOL FOR FIAT AND FIRST SHOT (CRF)..............................................................89
FIGURE 46 – FLEXIBLE COLLABORATIVE TOOL CELL ..................................................................................................91
FIGURE 47 – ROBOTIC WELDING, COLLABORATIVE ACTIONS ......................................................................................92
FIGURE 48 – SPRAY FORMING PROCESS .......................................................................................................................94
FIGURE 49 – SPRAY METAL CONSTRUCTION PROCESS .................................................................................................95
FIGURE 50 – DOOR ROLLER HEMMING SYSTEM ...........................................................................................................98
FIGURE 51 – HOOD/DECK LID ROLLER HEMMING SYSTEM ..........................................................................................98
FIGURE 52 – MOLDING CYCLE ...................................................................................................................................100
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
FIGURE 53 – MULTI-SPINDLE MACHINING CENTER ...................................................................................................102
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
List of Tables
TABLE 1 – FORECASTED N. A. BUILT LOW-VOLUME VEHICLE PROGRAMS .................................................................13
TABLE 2 – N. A. NAMEPLATE SALES: 2005 MEAN AND MEDIAN .................................................................................14
TABLE 3 – LOW-VOLUME JAPAN VEHICLE PRODUCTION .............................................................................................21
TABLE 4 – ALUMINUM MOLDS: COST AND TIME TO MARKET REDUCTIONS ................................................................55
TABLE 5 – TYPICAL BUDGETARY COST SYSTEM ..........................................................................................................97
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Executive Summary
Many auto companies are targeting low-volume vehicles as a means to increase market share,
and in some cases, establish a “halo effect” with niche products. However, there are two critical
constraints with low-volume products: engineering and production resource availability, and
manufacturing cost. These constraints can be addressed in several ways. Many automotive
OEMs have developed relationships with external suppliers to provide engineering and
production capacities, while others have focused more on developing internal flexibility.
Flexibility can be achieved through flexible manufacturing technologies and product design
flexibility (e.g., strategic use of carry-over parts and parametrically designed components).
Advanced companies have taken both approaches by developing strategic external
partnerships while, at the same time, increasing their own internal flexibility.
The Low-Volume Vehicle Production Project identified technologies, manufacturing processes,
and business strategies that enable the manufacture of unique, proactively positioned, lowvolume vehicles—at a profit. Lessons learned from this research will be used to educate
industry stakeholders and promote effective low-volume vehicle solutions. Further, the purpose
of this investigation is to identify and assess strategies and technologies that are supportive of
low-volume manufacturing for body-in-white (BIW) fabrication and assembly. The body-in-white
(BIW) process presents the biggest manufacturing challenge and opportunity in the
development of profitable low-volume vehicle production. This report will not, however, address
another critical aspect of low-volume vehicle production—that of product development. While
the authors strongly believe that product development is a critical enabler of LVVP, resource
constraints require that we focus on manufacturing technologies and strategies.
A review of nameplate sales for 2005 shows that, while the average sales volume for passenger
cars sold in the United States is approximately 49,350 units per nameplate, the median is only
24,107. Although the average sales per nameplate for trucks is somewhat higher, 67,090, the
data indicates the median is 34,959. Thus, more than half of the nameplates are below the
35,000 unit per year upper limit for this study. And, while CAR can not conclude whether or not
many of these vehicles are financially successful at their current sales volumes, CAR is certain
that many were not intended to be low-volume vehicles.
It is also certain that low-volume vehicle production will increase in coming years; CAR identified
60 new low-volume products that are likely for North American production from 2006 through
2010. These vehicles include both strongly unique derivatives—for example a different body
style (i.e., a CUV compared to a sedan), and derivatives with somewhat less differentiation.
This may be a strong indication of manufacturers’ intent to leverage current platforms and
assembly facilities in coming years.
The decision to engineer and/or build a vehicle in-house or outsource it to a vehicle integrator is
a complex process. CAR has developed a rudimentary decision tree that manufacturers follow
to decide whether to make internally or buy externally. This is a critical piece to understand;
manufacturers need to compare their strategies against industry benchmarks, evaluate
competing technologies and determine viable options. The OEM’s must first decide whether to
outsource any part or all of the product engineering. Then, a vehicle manufacturer can proceed
down two paths–assembling the vehicle in one of their own facilities or outsourcing the
assembly. If the OEM decides on the ‘make’ pathway, they must decide whether or not to build
the vehicle integrated into an existing assembly process sequencing the lower volumes
through weld, paint, and final assembly lines or build a separate line. These decisions are all
basic “make or buy” decisions that are a function of availability and cost of required human
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
skills, physical plant capacity, and (most certainly) tooling and equipment capabilities. A strong
understanding of available technologies is a critical element of this decision process.
Another intent of this report is to illustrate manufacturing technology strategies that enable the
manufacture of low-volume vehicles. To this end, CAR identified five low-volume vehicle
production pathways. The five pathways are:
In-house flexible body assembly
Integrator-operated flexible body assembly
Coach builder
Low-cost tooling and assembly
Post production vehicle alteration
While each pathway differs from the others in many aspects, there is one common
trait reducing the cost of low-volume vehicle manufacturing. They all also rely on low cost dies
and molds, small component runs (often enabled by quick changeover tooling), and costeffective highly flexible assembly processes (both automated and manual).
CAR investigated a number of manufacturing technologies that are supportive of low-volume
production. The list is not—nor could it be—comprehensive. Instead, it is intended to provide
an overview of tooling and process developments aimed at reducing the high cost of tooling
when manufacturing a low-volume vehicle. It is important to add two caveats. First, it was not
the purpose of this report to verify the readiness of these technologies; instead, CAR identified
technologies that appear to present opportunity. We make no guarantee as to the accuracy of
their performance. Second, CAR made every effort to identify as many low-volume enabling
technologies as possible. Although the research identified several potential technologies, it was
also apparent that there were other technologies that presented opportunity as well. However,
the specifics of many of those technologies were closely guarded, and thus not readily
presentable. CAR believes there is opportunity to work with companies providing novel lowvolume processes and offer a forum to permit industry to better understand these technologies,
while maintaining the privacy deemed necessary.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Low-Volume Vehicle Production
The Center for Automotive Research has been interested in the issues, challenges and
opportunities presented by low-volume vehicle production for several years. Phase one
of this effort received initial funding from BMW AG. This phase was designed to be a
brief investigation of low-volume manufacturing technologies in North America. Phase
one was presented to BMW in the first quarter of 2005.
CAR used the Automotive Industry of the Future (AIF), an internal research program
funded at CAR by Ernst & Young (E&Y), as the base funding for phase two of the LowVolume Vehicle Project. The AIF was developed from a grant by E&Y to investigate
issues of importance to the automotive industry. Another critical part of phase two was
the involvement and support of companies and associations. CAR identified companies
and associations that are viewed as industry thought leaders, or had unique knowledge
of the low-volume vehicle landscape. The companies that participated in the LowVolume Vehicle Consortium include:
American Plastics Council
ASC, Inc.
Dana Corporation
Diversified Tooling Company
KUKA Flexible Production Systems
McKinsey Consulting
TATA Consulting
United Tooling Coalition
The blend of companies was important to the overall effectiveness of the project. Each
company represented an aspect of the LVVP value chain. Figure 1 illustrates how each
consortium member filled an important element of that chain. These companies brought
a different point of view to the research, and offered insight into their respective areas of
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 1 – Consortium Members
Dies and
Stamping and
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Many auto companies are targeting low-volume vehicles as a means to increase market
share and, in some cases, to establish a “halo effect” with niche products. Engineering
and production resource availability, and manufacturing cost are two critical constraints
present in low-volume products. These constraints can be addressed in a variety of
ways. Many automotive OEMs have developed relationships with external suppliers to
provide engineering and production capacities, while others have placed greater
emphasis on developing internal flexibility. Flexibility can be achieved in two main
areas: through flexible manufacturing technologies and product design flexibility (e.g.,
strategic use of carry-over parts and parametrically designed components). The most
advanced companies have taken both approaches: developing strategic external
partnerships while increasing their own internal flexibility.
The cost constraint is traditionally seen as trading off lower investment costs for higher
variable costs. The decision process is driven by volume and financial objectives (e.g.,
minimizing risk through lower up-front investment). Cost curves for tooling and
production automation can differ significantly by volumes, materials, and technologies.
Every OEM is attempting to create manufacturing strategies to build low-volume vehicles
The Low-Volume Vehicle Production Project will identify technologies, manufacturing
processes and business strategies that enable the manufacture of unique, proactively
positioned low-volume vehicles—at a profit. Lessons learned from this research will be
used to educate industry stakeholders and promote effective low-volume vehicle
solutions. Further, the purpose of this investigation is to identify and assess strategies
and technologies that are supportive of low-volume manufacturing for body-in-white
(BIW) fabrication and assembly. BIW presents the biggest manufacturing challenge and
opportunity in the development of profitable low-volume vehicle production. This report
will not, however, address another critical aspect of low-volume vehicle production—
product development. While the authors believe that product development is a critical
enabler of LVVP, resource constraints require that we focus on manufacturing
technologies and strategies.
Section I of this study identifies low-volume strategies and technologies for the
manufacture of low-volume vehicles. For this report, low-volume vehicle production is
approximately 30 to 120 units per day (approximately 7,000 to 30,000 units per year).
The upper boundary was chosen because traditional tooling and manufacturing
processes are viable above the 30,000 unit level. Conversely, vehicles manufactured at
volumes below 7,000 are most frequently higher priced vehicles, thus enabling
handcrafted manufacturing strategies, or the use of high technology solutions.
Section II of the report will investigate strategies and pathways for low-volume
production. We will briefly investigate the decision process for low-volume engineering
and assembly as well. It is essential to illustrate this decision tree in order to better
understand the opportunities and barriers for low-volume vehicle production in North
America. We will then address several pathways, including business strategy, part
fabrication and assembly that enable low-volume production.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Section III of the report presents four low-volume vehicle case studies. These case
studies present opportunity to investigate current strategy, and illustrate techniques that
may or may not be effective for low-volume manufacturing. Importantly, it is not our
intent to identify successful—or unsuccessful projects. Instead, the emphasis will be on
highlighting elements that we feel provide insight into the challenges and opportunities of
low-volume vehicle manufacturing.
Section IV of the report identifies a number of technologies that are supportive of lowvolume production. The list is not–nor could it be—comprehensive. Instead, it is
intended to provide an overview of tooling and process developments that are aimed at
reducing the high cost of tooling when manufacturing a low-volume vehicle. It is
important to note that the technologies investigated are, for the most part, tooling-based
solutions. (Enabling assembly strategies will be addressed in Section II.) Finally,
Section V will provide viable strategies and implementation recommendations to create
low-volume vehicles.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
I. Strategic Considerations
The purpose of this section is to highlight the business strategies that enable lowvolume vehicle production technologies. Although the investigation of low cost
tooling technologies and processes is an essential part of this study, it is important to
first address the differing strategies that enable such technologies. This section will
use a decision tree to illustrate the strategic decision alternatives for low-volume
vehicle programs. It will then describe the models—or potential pathways—for the
manufacture of low-volume vehicles. It is important to note that this project is
manufacturing–centric. That is, it focuses mostly on the pathways to manufacture
and assemble low-volume vehicles. Thus, it only briefly covers vehicle engineering
and program management challenges. By doing so, the authors do not mean to
suggest that these issues are not important. To the contrary, they are essential.
However, the focus of this investigation is manufacturing opportunities for lowvolume vehicle production.
In order to properly frame the discussion of low-volume production, one must first
ensure that terminology is concise and clear. For this report, low-volume vehicle
manufacturing will include vehicles with an annual production between 7,000 and
30,000 units per year. CAR believes that the definition used for this report presents
important challenges and opportunities. The lower end of this range represents
mostly high value, luxury vehicles, usually built using higher cost processes. The
upper end is comprised of a wide range of products and processes, depending
greatly on different vehicle producers’ manufacturing strategies. This report will
investigate technologies and strategies that may enable the cost effective
manufacture of vehicles in this range.
We will consider a range of product strategies to produce low-volume vehicles.
Figure 2 shows the level of product differentiation, and sale price. Low-volume
vehicles can be grouped into at least three levels of differentiation: 1) Unique
platform—a product that is manufactured on a platform that is not shared with other
(high volume) vehicles; 2) Strongly differentiated derivative—a product that shares a
high-volume platform but is markedly different from the other vehicles on the
platform. (An example of this is a cross-utility vehicle built off a platform previously
used to build sedans.); 3) Differentiated derivatives—a vehicle that shares a high
volume platform, but is differentiated from the other vehicles using the platform.
(This could be a sport wagon, or convertible version.) This report will also address a
fourth level of differentiation—post production alteration. However, the post
production model does not require manufacturing changes, and thus does not
appear in the figure. Finally, the right axis includes different manufacturing pathways
to manufacture the vehicle.
Figure 2 shows that higher priced low-volume vehicles in North America have
traditionally been built on stand-alone assembly lines. These vehicles have often
used high-cost manufacturing processes designed for lower-volume, with the higher
price of the vehicle able to offset some of the added costs.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 2 – Product Differentiation & Assembly Integration
Low Cost
Integrator/ or
Unique Line
SLK Hummer H2
Ford GT
Lexus RX330
CAR identified 60 new low-volume products that are likely for North American
production from 2006 through 2010 (Table 1). These vehicles include both strongly
differentiated derivatives—for example a different body style (i.e., a CUV compared
to a sedan) and derivatives with less differentiation. CAR identified only one
possible vehicle with a unique platform. This revelation may be a strong indication of
manufacturers’ intent to leverage current platforms and assembly facilities in coming
years. It is important to note that CAR has had no direct contact with any
manufacturers regarding future vehicle programs. Information on these vehicle
programs was gathered through public sources and represents, at best, a highly
informed estimate. However, it does give an indication of the intent of manufacturers
to further segment their products into smaller niche markets.
Table 1 – Forecasted N. A. Built Low-Volume Vehicle Programs
Strongly Differentiated
Number of
Number of
Source CSM, JD Power, CAR Estimates
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
A review of nameplate sales for 2005 shows that while the average sales volume for
passenger cars sold in the United States is approximately 49,350 units per
nameplate, the median is only 24,107 (Table 2). Although the volume per nameplate
for trucks is somewhat higher, 67,090 and 34,959 respectively, the data still indicates
that more than half of the nameplates are below the 35,000 unit per year upper limit.
Importantly, this data must be viewed with some care. First, in any given calendar
year, there are vehicles that are either entering or exiting production. Therefore, they
may have artificially low sales figures for a given year. Second, we have only looked
at sales for the United States market. Some of these vehicles are sold globally; thus
this data would be representative of only a portion of the total production volume.
However, even given those caveats, it is apparent that the United States market has
a large number of low-volume vehicle programs. And, while CAR can not conclude
whether or not many of these vehicles are financially successful at their current sales
volumes, CAR is certain that many were not intended to be low-volume vehicles.
Table 2 – N. A. Nameplate Sales: 2005 Mean and Median
Passenger Car
Light Truck
Sales per Model Year (Units)
Source, J.D. Powers
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
II. Low-Volume Opportunity Framework
In recent research, CAR identified what appears to be a 24 month/24,000 unit rule.
That is, if a new product is needed in 24 months and not in a manufacturer’s current
product cycle plan or if the unit production is expected to be less than 24,000 units, it
would be extremely beneficial to engage outside engineering and/or assembly
resources. While this is not a steadfast rule, it does present a valuable starting point.
Given this assumption, it is important to note that the definition of low-volume
production used for this study includes both vehicles that would be likely candidates
for outsourcing and those that would more likely be built in-house. Therefore, it is
valuable to consider the decision process for identifying low-volume product build
options, which in turn will provide a foundation for discussion of alternative
manufacturing technologies.
CAR has developed a rudimentary decision tree that manufacturers follow to decide
whether to make internally or buy externally. This is a critical piece to understand;
manufacturers need to compare their strategies against industry benchmarks,
evaluate competing technologies, and determine viable options. As illustrated in
Figure 1, the OEMs first must decide whether to outsource any or all product
engineering. Then, a vehicle manufacturer can proceed down one of two paths:
assembling the vehicle in one of their facilities or outsourcing the assembly as well.
If the OEM decides to produce the vehicle, they must decide whether or not to build
the vehicle integrated into an existing assembly process, sequencing the lower
volumes through weld, paint, and final assembly lines or build a separate line. These
decisions are all basic “make or buy” decisions that are a function of availability and
cost of required human skills, physical plant capacity, and (most certainly) tooling
and equipment capabilities. A strong understanding of available technologies is a
critical element in this decision process.
Figure 3 – Low-Volume Production Opportunity Framework
Stand Alone Assembly Line
Integrated Assembly Line
(Subaru Baja)
Stand Alone Assembly
Integrated Assembly Line
(G6 Convertible System
/GM Orion Assembly)
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
European producers have typically used a mix of internal and outsourced
engineering programs that have lead to both internal and outsourced assembly. In
North America, producers have utilized significant engineering outsourcing, and have
tended to use internal assembly capacity almost exclusively. For North American
manufacturers, low-volume to date, has meant significantly larger volumes than
European “niche” volumes, and the domestic manufacturers (with their large installed
assembly capacity and declining market share) have ample internal capacity
available. This is particularly true since recent union contracts have made assembly
labor a fixed cost.
A. Decision Factors for Low-Volume Vehicle Manufacturing
1. Engineering Resource Assignment
There are numerous factors that influence a manufacturer’s decision to
engineer a low-volume vehicle internally or conversely, to rely on an
integrator for lead engineering. The following is a list of important decision
a) Internal and external engineering resource availability and skills: When a
manufacturer determines the feasibility of developing a low-volume
vehicle, the assessment of potential engineering resources is an initial
decision criterion. The decision to engineer internally, or outsource, can
in part be viewed as a buy/make decision. It certainly varies among
manufacturers, and even from program to program. Some manufacturers
have a strong consistent product development process that enables lowvolume derivatives. Conversely, other manufacturers struggle with their
product development processes. For these companies to develop lowvolume vehicles, they must create a ‘skunk works’ team or even
outsource vehicle development to a vehicle integrator.
b) Speed of internal product development: a short development time is
arguably a more important competitive attribute for low-volume vehicles
than for mainstream products. Low-volume vehicles are often a response
to a unique market niche. Therefore, it is critical for these programs to
get to market quickly. Thus, manufacturers may look outside of their
traditional product development process to meet the time—and
cost constraints required to successfully address the project goals.
Subsystem specialist engineering offering opportunity: manufacturers
may also look outside for engineering expertise offered by suppliers
and integrators. Increasingly, suppliers are capable of full concept
development for major vehicle systems.
Concomitantly some
manufacturers have decreased their engineering resources in efforts
to cut costs. The ability to leverage supplier skills for major
components may greatly enable the viability of a LVVP. Certainly the
most common example of this is the development of convertibles.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Engineering capabilities complementary to manufacturing services
provided by supplier: suppliers with unique manufacturing skills may
also present the opportunity to combine engineering with
manufacturing expertise. This ‘one-stop shopping’ can be a strong
incentive for manufacturers looking for low-volume vehicle
opportunities. The program offers lessons to be learned (material,
processing, etc) that can become a competitive advantage: several
manufactures use low-volume vehicles to increase knowledge of
materials (i.e., aluminum, composites, etc.) or manufacturing
Such programs may leverage material or process
technology knowledge from suppliers and combine them with internal
resources. Often times, these projects are partially subsidized by
materials suppliers, making them even more inviting.
Corporate Pride: several recent low-volume programs have been
managed internally to ‘prove’ that the capability exists within the
company. Such a strategy may be important for corporate morale, or
executive ego. However, such a project may not necessarily make
the best business case for successful low-volume production.
2. Manufacturing Facility Assignment: In-house or Integrator Assembly
The decision to assemble a vehicle in-house, or rely on a vehicle integrator
requires numerous inputs. Manufacturers consider plant capacity utilization
to be a key element of profitability. To this end, the use of low-volume
vehicles is viewed as a means of keeping assembly plants’ operations at or
near capacity. Currently, labor contracts represent the most critical criteria
for domestic manufacturers.
a) Labor contracts: labor contracts—which for some manufacturers are a
fixed cost—present significant incentive to incorporate any low-volume
vehicle programs into current assembly facilities. In many cases, the
location decision for the manufacture of low-volume vehicles is driven by
these long-term contracts. It is likely that labor contracts will continue to
be a critical factor for the coming decade.
b) Manufacturer assembly capacity: manufacturers consider capacity
utilization a critical component of profitability. Thus, they are increasingly
looking to ensure high internal capacity utilization rates. The addition of
low-volume vehicles—especially those leveraging current platforms—into
plants running below desired capacity can be an effective tool in
maintaining capacity requirements.
c) Manufacturer assembly flexibility: the ability to introduce low-volume
vehicles for manufacture on existing tooling requires highly flexible (body
and final) assembly processes. While some manufacturers have had
high levels of flexibility for more than a decade, others are just now
implementing such strategies. As manufacturers become more adept at
flexible manufacturing, the opportunity for internally manufactured lowvolume vehicles increases greatly. Conversely, this flexibility may reduce
opportunities for integrators.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
d) Integrator assembly capability: the capability of the integrator is critical to
any willingness to choose outside assembly. Recent decades have seen
limited integrator-run assembly in North America. However, there have
been numerous convertible programs that have been successfully
operated by integrators.
Additionally, there are several European
integrators that have demonstrated complete vehicle engineering and
production capabilities. While these companies certainly represent
manufacturing excellence, their inexperience in the North American
market results in uncertainty.
e) Paint shop flexibility: the paint shop represents an expensive decision
point for low-volume vehicle production. Traditionally, paint shops have
not been highly flexible. This inflexibility has made adding low-volume
vehicle programs a difficult task at many assembly plants. However,
newer paint facilities are designed to be capable of handling numerous
body styles. Further, due to high investment costs, the paint shop
presents an important challenge for vehicle integrators. It may be difficult
to cost-justify building a manufacturing plant—and an accompanying paint
shop for one low-volume vehicle (e.g., for 10,000 units per year). Instead,
an integrator may need several programs before they can justify the
3. Manufacturing Facility Assignment: Integrated or Stand-Alone Assembly
If a decision is made to manufacture a vehicle in-house, the company must
then decide whether to build it on an integrated assembly line, or build a
stand-alone line.
Several recent North American low-volume vehicle
programs used in-house stand-alone assembly lines (e.g., Dodge Viper,
Plymouth Prowler, and Ford Thunderbird). However, it is likely that as
manufacturers increasingly leverage common platforms, there will be fewer
programs built off stand-alone assembly lines.
a) Body shop flexibility: as identified earlier, the flexibility of a body shop is a
critical driver in the location decision. The model mix and capacity
limitations of a body shop along with expected launch speed (especially
with regard to interruption of on-going vehicle mix) are elements of this
flexibility. Part and process commonalities are also important criteria.
Finally, floor space and inventory requirements present an important
hurdle. Many newer body shops are designed to be capable of running
several different models, and some are even capable of making different
platforms. Yet, it is uncommon to find North American plants running
more than three highly differentiated models.
There have been
suggestions that this is due to the inventory flow issues accompanying
numerous variations within the body shop.
b) Cost of incremental stand-alone assembly: as the cost of implementing a
low-volume vehicle into an integrated assembly line decreases, it
becomes less likely that manufacturers will use in-house stand-alone
assembly lines. It is possible that only high-end halo vehicles built off
unique platforms will be considered for stand-alone assembly in the
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
c) Cost of incremental stand-alone paint shops: the paint shops have
historically presented a challenge for LVVP. Although paint shops have
become more flexible in recent years, they continue to present a
significant cost. Due to emissions equipment (among other costs) it can
be difficult to justify the paint shop for a stand-alone assembly line (either
in-house or integrator-operated).
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
III. Low-Volume Vehicle Manufacturing Pathways
An important aspect of this report is to illustrate manufacturing technology strategies
that enable the manufacture of low-volume vehicles. To this end, CAR identified five
low-volume vehicle production pathways. The five pathways are:
In-house flexible body assembly
Integrator-operated flexible body assembly
Low-cost tooling and assembly
Post-production vehicle alteration
While each of these pathways differ in many aspects, all can be capable of reducing
the cost of LVVP. These strategies also rely on low-cost dies and molds, small
component runs (often enabled by quick changeover tooling), and cost-effective,
highly flexible assembly processes (both automated and manual).
The role of vehicle integrators is a central point for any discussion of low-volume
vehicle production. CAR identified three pathways for integrators to manufacture
vehicles (Integrator-operated flexible body assembly, coachbuilder, and low-cost
tooling and assembly). The coachbuilder pathway also presents a proxy for the
OEM-operated stand-alone assembly facility.
Finally, CAR includes the post-production vehicle alteration model as an alternative
to the other, more investment-intensive, pathways. This model leverages the strong
aftermarket segment of the industry to quickly deliver unique vehicles (albeit with far
less differentiation).
While it may not be viewed by many as a new—or
‘unique’ vehicle, it does offer two important opportunities. First, as stated earlier, it
presents the opportunity to create somewhat differentiated vehicles very quickly.
Second, it creates a pathway to prove developmental manufacturing technologies.
A. In-house Flexible Body Assembly
Unlike many North American OEMs, the Asian manufacturers have had a
tendency to keep product development and manufacturing internal (in most
cases1). The Asian model is built on standardized product and process
development, which they believe will be compromised by relying on outside
vendors. Asian manufacturing facilities have been developed to be flexible within
the constraints of each company’s product envelope. Toyota, Honda and
Nissan, for example, have very well defined and coordinated product and
process strategies. To further increase flexibility (and the ability to produce small
lot production), the number of platforms is decreasing without a corresponding
decrease in nameplates. Nissan, for example, announced a reduction of over 50
percent in the number of platforms: from 26 in 1999 to 12 in 2007, along with a
total vehicle production increase of over 12 percent from 2003 to 2005.
Some Asian manufacturers have historically used keiretsu partners to produce vehicles.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
The Japanese market includes numerous models that are manufactured at
volumes below 35,000. However, a majority of these vehicles share platforms
and would not be considered substantially different for this project. Table 3
shows selected low-volume Japanese-market vehicles that are unique—or
substantially different from other products. The majority of these vehicles are
either luxury or performance roadsters. We have also included two low-volume
body-on-frame trucks (the Toyota Land Cruiser and LX). For illustration
purposes, CAR has included one higher volume platform (Toyota NBC-1). The
NBC-1 shows Toyota’s ability to manufacture a large number of highly
differentiated low-volume vehicles from a single platform. It is important to note
that the many variations are built at several plants in the Toyota system.
Table 3 – Low-Volume Japan Vehicle Production
Ford (Mazda)
Renault/Nissan FX35/FX45
Renault/Nissan Fairlady Z
Ujina (U)
Suzuka J-Line
Nissan Shatai
Kanto Higashi
Ikeda #2
Land Cruiser 70 NU/029N/152N Yoshiwara
NU/029N/152N Yoshiwara
Source: CSM Worldwide, others
The manufacturing strategies of the assemblers are probably the most important
determinant of the tooling and equipment selected for low-volume production.
CAR believes that how manufacturers develop their high-volume production
strategies directly determines the viable methods (including processes, tooling
and assembly techniques) used for low-volume production. Some manufacturers
have chosen to invest in highly flexible production equipment, while others have
decided to invest in less flexible strategies. Those that have highly flexible
assembly strategies are more likely to incorporate a low-volume product into their
existing facilities, and therefore may have very different technical solutions than
those companies that have traditionally pursued a dedicated (less flexible)
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
It is likely that at the upper range of low-volume production (20,000 to 30,000
vehicles per year), many of the more flexible companies can incorporate such
niche vehicles into their current assembly paradigm using methods common to
their higher volume vehicles. Those programs at the lower end of the range
(approximately 10,000 units) are less likely to be incorporated into the current
plants of either the flexible or more limited producers. Programs in the lower
range likely require unique solutions and offer opportunity for novel technical
applications. Therefore, as we consider new technologies, it is important to ask
how, or if, this technology fits into the current manufacturing paradigm.
Different strategies are seen across Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs)
regarding flexibility and low-volume vehicles. These strategies play a vital role in
each company’s approach to low-volume production, and give a better
understanding of the tools each company uses to successfully deliver lowvolume vehicles.
1. Asian Strategies
Asian companies have generally taken the approach of increasing internal
high-volume flexibility and making many derivative vehicles from a common
platform. In contrast, the North American approach, though headed in a
similar direction, relies more on outside support for small volume production.
Internal plants are becoming more flexible through product and process
standardization, but are not designed for the low-volume nameplates often
seen in Japan.
The Asian auto companies (e.g., Toyota, Honda, and Nissan) have had a
long-standing strategy of standardized product and process design and
production flexibility as a key component of their low-volume strategy. Many
body types are derivatives of other types, often encompassing a significant
amount of carry-over components (such as underbody and engine
compartment). Derivative bodies typically have similar geometric envelopes
(i.e., the body fits within the operating window of the automation process) and
are compatible with a flexible manufacturing process. Generally, companies
are reducing the number of platforms because of cost, while trying to
maximize the number of body styles/variants from each platform. Reducing
the number of platforms reduces development costs, allows for more
component carry-over between models, and standardizes product design in
support of manufacturing flexibility. All automakers achieve body assembly
flexibility through programmable automation (robots). Uniquely different
vehicles at low-volume (under 50,000 annual units), however, are often a
different story. A brief description of the flexibility approach of major auto
companies is presented below.
a) Toyota
The Toyota body manufacturing strategy is based on body shop
standardization and (consequently) product design standardization. The
Flexible Body Line (FBL) was first introduced in 1985 at 17 plants around
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
the world. In addition to model mix flexibility, new product launch times
were reduced to nearly zero losses. (The primary FBL objectives were
flexibility, lean and quick launch). The FBL was not designed to
accommodate low-volume production. As Toyota added FBL lines, their
model mix capability increased (from over two per body shop to over
three per body shop, on the average). But in general, the FBL was
designed for large-volume product mix with a capacity of over 20,000
units per month. The FBL is very effective for low-volume vehicle
derivatives (such as 4WD, lift back, sedan/coupe versions of related
vehicle platforms on the same body line.)
Derivatives can be
competitively produced in volumes of a couple of thousand units per
month. FBL characteristics include:
They use a multi-tooling approach with many pallets (underbody, two
body sides, engine compartment, and RCU – roof/cowl/upper cross
member). The pallets come together to make the framing station
(Figure 4).
Most OEMs refrain from the multi-tooling concept because of quality
problems from dimensional variation, but Toyota has managed the
process effectively (Figure 5).
Several thousand combinations of pallets are feasible.
Flexibility can be achieved by changing the mix of pallets in the body
Volvo (Gothenburg, Sweden) has implemented a body shop based on
Toyota’s FBL and has achieved many of the benefits touted by
Figure 4 – Intelligent Flexible Body Line Pallet
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 5 – Flexible Body Line Framing
In 1998, Toyota changed from the FBL to the Global Body Line (GBL) for
body assembly, with several objectives in mind. Pallet simplification
(reduction in pallet count) and improved flexibility and maintenance were
achieved. An innovative approach to framing the body from the “inside
out” was developed, and an overall higher level of programmable
automation encompassed over the FBL system. The GBL is more
accommodating to lower volumes than the FBL, but is targeted toward
handling a model mix (up to eight) of derivative body styles.
b) Nissan
The Nissan flexible assembly technology is called IBAS for the Intelligent
Body Assembly System. This system, first introduced in Tochigi in 1989,
replaced rigid jigs and fixtures with numerically controlled robotic locators.
The initial span of IBAS included a provisional assembly station for the
major body subassemblies (underbody, body sides, roof, etc.), a gauging
and welding station (framing), and a body accuracy measuring station.
These three stations could accommodate totally different body variants,
but the upstream subassembly processes were conventional with
dedicated hard fixtures. The second generation IBAS system was
introduced in Kyushu in 1992. This body shop eventually added
upstream IBAS technology for the engine compartment and body sides.
Although flexible (able to accommodate up to eight different body styles
on the same line), the system’s complexity has been an ongoing concern.
More recently (approximately 2000/2001), International Truck purchased
IBAS technology for their Ohio (United States) truck plant to make large
truck cabs. IBAS was re-designed and installed by Nissan to construct
five different truck cab models at the International plant.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
IBAS has since evolved into the major tooling component of the “Nissan
Integrated Manufacturing System” or NIMS (Figure 6). NIMS is a flexible
single body line with integrated fishbone lines; often providing modules
produced on or off-site to the single body line. The major assembly
stations (e.g., framing) still employ the basic IBAS technology with flexible
NC locators (Figure 7). The NIMS system is producing eight body styles
on four vehicle platforms at the new state-of-the-art Mississippi (United
States) plant; with some vehicle volumes as low as 10,000 per year.
Nissan has indicated that this system can be competitive with model
variants as low as 1,000 per year.
Figure 6 – NIMS Fishbone Architecture
Nissan’s flexible tooling can introduce new models 50 percent faster at 50
percent lower tooling investment cost than non-flexible tooling.
Figure 7 – Nissan Flexible Body Assembly Tooling
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
c) Honda
The Honda body assembly process is standardized worldwide. Local
refinements are made for labor and automation tradeoffs due to labor
costs and production levels. The Honda process, like many other
Japanese processes, is based largely on product and process
standardization, and programmable automation. Process standardization
in the body shop is a large factor in Honda’s strategy to launch plants with
the same vehicles, nearly simultaneously. In many instances, this is
accomplished over a weekend with minimal loss of production.
Through programmable automation, Honda’s strategy is to eliminate (or
at least minimize) model-specific jigs that inhibit flexibility. Geometric
locators are integral to robotic automation so that robots can fulfill
dimensional locating roles in addition to welding. This approach is made
possible through “high accuracy” robots that were developed internally at
Honda. Commercially available robots have also been incorporated from
suppliers like Yaskawa Electric and Fanuc. The processing often has
robots holding parts geometrically (with locators) and moving the parts
under fixed welding stations (e.g., pedestal welders), resulting in a more
precise spot weld location (Figure 8). Servo-welders also contribute to
welding accuracy.
The general body shop layout has two major lines, underbody build-up
(Figure 9) and structural framing, with smaller feeder lines for different
subassemblies. Honda touts the significant advantage of a 40 percent
engineering and tooling investment savings through the New Honda
manufacturing process.
Figure 8 – Honda Robotic Fixturing Technology
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 9 – Honda Underbody Re-spot Line
2. North American Strategies
While the Japanese OEM leaders began aggressively pursuing flexibility in
the early 1990s, Ford and GM efforts began in earnest more recently. In
most cases, flexible technologies are initially introduced at a cost premium,
so business and marketing strategies probably account for the timing
(Note: Toyota, Honda and Nissan would now indicate that their flexible
assembly systems cost less than traditional rigid systems when looked at
from a company-wide perspective. In some ways, the myth that good quality
costs more than bad quality is analogous to flexibility costing more than nonflexible systems: once you achieve it, it costs less.)
a) General Motors
The Ford and GM approach to flexibility is similar and relies significantly
on supplier coordination. The new Ford/GM flexible facilities rely on close
proximity to outside suppliers and extensive use of modularization
(examples include the Chicago and Rouge plants at Ford, and the
Lansing Grand River plant at GM). Their push toward flexibility began
later than most Asian companies with the primary goal of more rapid
vehicle launches and a broader product mix at any one plant (to support
lower volumes of any one vehicle). The Ford Rouge plant, for example,
has the capability to interchange three vehicle platforms, producing nine
different models. Standardized manufacturing modules (“plug and play”)
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
are a key aspect of Ford’s and GM’s strategy. Both companies like to
employ proven, off-the-shelf manufacturing components and supplement
them with standardized processes and layouts.
GM has three key elements as part of their flexibility strategy: common
vehicle architecture and manufacturing systems, robotic welding, and
early simultaneous engineering with both product and manufacturing
The success of this strategy requires a “common”
standardized approach to product and process design. For example,
common locator points are assigned when possible. As much of the
vehicle is designed using common architecture as possible, and then
unique portions are assembled off-line, or by a supplier. To enhance
manufacturing flexibility, GM has taken a further step with the introduction
of C-Flex (Figure 10). C-Flex replaces body-specific tooling for welding
sub-assemblies. Multiple variations of assemblies such as floor pans,
deck lids, hoods and engine compartments can be welded using the
same set of tools and robots, simply by reprogramming the tool. C-Flex is
a servo-driven, programmable tooling system that can adjust to the
contours and size of various automotive models and body components.
GM president, Gary Cowger says that introducing a new model like the
SRX would normally cost $150 million, and the SRX was brought on line
for about $30 million (the SRX is on a common platform). C-Flex is
provided by Fanuc Robotics, Rochester Hills, Michigan.
Figure 10 – General Motors C-Flex Technology
b) Ford
Ford’s strategy for flexible, low-volume body shops focuses on process
standardization. Flexibility and lower investment costs are achieved by
having standardized process cells built from commercially available
components. The design of these process cells for producing sub28
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
assembly modules can be chosen in appropriate quantity and
configurations. Ford indicated that they will use approximately 300
standardized components (robots, material handling, weld guns, etc.) to
design sixteen modular cells. Programmable automation and advanced
technologies are a critical part of the standardized components.
Advanced technologies, such as laser welding, in-line coordinate
measuring machines, and robots are key aspects in achieving flexibility.
This standardized process strategy is intended to result in flexibility
sufficient to handle eight models from two different platforms in a single
body shop. Ford projects that 75% of their body shops will adhere to this
design by 2010, as each new body shop is fitted with this approach when
new models are introduced.
c) Chrysler Group
DaimlerChrysler’s strategy for body shop flexibility focuses on
commercially-available robots.
This strategy relies extensively on
development collaboration with outside robotic suppliers such as ABB
and Fanuc, and systems integrators such as Comau-Pico and Kuka.
DaimlerChrysler cited the significant advances made in robotic
performance for accuracy and payload capability, as they experience
major price reductions. DaimlerChrysler will use the “free market” with
competition to contain development costs. The cost for extremely
capable robots today is roughly one-half the price of just a few years ago,
and this trend is expected to continue. DaimlerChrysler indicated that
today’s accurate robots are easily capable of handling geometric tooling
as end-effectors, even on critical assemblies. While this strategy has
been used by companies for several years, the robotic accuracy and
repeatability today is adequate for much, if not all, of the body. Similar to
Ford and GM, DaimlerChrysler will upgrade their new plants with this
technology as they introduce model changeover and will evolve this
technology over time as the marketplace continues to make advances.
(This approach of upgrading over time based on the current technology is
slightly different from some of the Japanese strategies that attempt to
standardize all plants to approximately the same generation of
technology. There are merits to both approaches.)
Figure 11 – DaimlerChrysler Flexible Robotic System
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
3. European Strategies
a) Renault
Renault has a sophisticated product and process strategy for flexible
body manufacturing. The product strategy focuses on standardizing body
variations around three factors: body style, wheelbase and overhang.
Each of these attributes has constraints that must be met in order for a
body to be produced on the standardized manufacturing process. The
body shop relies on robots to carry and locate geometry tooling (very
similar to the DaimlerChrysler strategy). Both DaimlerChrysler and
Renault attribute the success of the robotized body shop to the increased
accuracy and payload capacity (to carry geometry tooling) of today’s
robots. The Renault body shop has no static tooling. All tooling is “load
and place” with robots, and therefore, is programmable. Renault goes a
step further than programmable part locators by incorporating geometry
pallets as the major mechanism for material handling. The geometry
pallets, similar to Toyota’s, have unique body tools on each pallet for a
particular vehicle model. Model mix can be affected by altering the model
mix of geometry pallets. The framing station, called the “Flex-Framer,”
has the pallet holding the underbody and engine compartment, as robots
pick up model-specific tooling to locate various assemblies and members
to add to the body-in-white. Renault has also standardized the vehicle
build by requiring that all models have to be built up in a progressive
assembly line sequence. This build is inclusive of the underbody, engine
compartment, body sides and roof (standard assembly sequence), that is
somewhat dictated by the geometry pallet concept.
Figure 12 – Renault Flexible Robotic Workstation
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 13 – Renault Flexible Robotic Body Framing Cell
b) BMW/Audi
In general, the BMW and Audi philosophies for body building are similar
for low-volume and high-volume vehicles. There is little distinction
between high- and low-volume lines, except in regard to the degree of
automation and line speed. This strategy is driven by the priority given to
quality and design flexibility. All the flexible processes described earlier
have inherent product design limitations. Common locating holes,
wheelbase size, and outside body dimensions are examples of
engineering elements that limit design flexibility. The German companies
indicated that they do not wish to be constrained by a design envelope.
(It was interesting that BMW was content to have numerous late
engineering changes in program development if it contributed to having
state-of-the-art product and process technologies.) Furthermore, their
high-volume manufacturing processes (predominately dedicated body
lines) are designed to achieve a high level of quality, and they are
concerned that flexible lines will compromise the standard process and
their ability to introduce new technologies as they become available.
Although inherently more expensive, this strategy for quality and product
performance overrides the cost benefit of flexibility. In order to help
contain high costs (especially high investment costs with low-volumes)
and meet their quality requirements, they place significant emphasis on
staying at the technological cutting edge. They are technology leaders at
introducing new body technologies. Some current examples of advanced
technologies include: laser welding, weld-bond adhesive, hydroforming
tubes, advanced high-strength steels and aluminum assemblies (axle
assemblies, body structures, etc.).
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
B. Integrator Operated Flexible Body Assembly
The role of vehicle integrator is a central point for any discussion of low-volume
vehicle production. CAR modeled the integrator operated flexible body assembly
pathway on two current production operations. These two facilities offer
examples of differing technology approaches. One approach encompasses the
body shop, final assembly and paint shop; the other is designed to include only
the body shop while another supplier operates the paint shop and the
manufacturer controls the final assembly. It is important to note that the second
model could easily become part of a complete integrator-operated manufacturing
The human resource (HR) management systems observed at the independent
assemblers (ASC, Karmann and Magna-Steyr) played a key role in their ability to
produce cost-effective vehicles. Although the focus of this project was on
technical strategies, it was clear that flexible HR systems were necessary for the
effective operation of the low-volume body shops and the effective use of flexible
automation whether it be automated or manual. Tooling varied, from simple
hand-assisted weld guns to robotic welders and indexing fixtures, depending on
the volumes (and cycle times) at each shop. Operators were trained and relied
upon to handle as many as six different job assignments at several plant
locations. There were sophisticated training programs and job rotation that
enabled operators to retain adequate skills for any of six different assignments
that they might be directed to on a given day. Also, with longer cycle times (five
to seven minutes versus about one minute in a high-volume plant) the number of
tasks performed per cycle is far greater in a low-volume facility. One company
that managed multiple low-volume vehicle lines (plants) indicated the need to
shift employees between plants when volume ceased or shifted between lines,
and employees were expected to pick up new responsibilities almost
immediately. The importance of flexible HR systems for low-volume production
cannot be over-stated, and should be an important consideration when
evaluating alternative production technologies.
The ability for an integrator to manufacture several vehicles at one location, using
a common body shop and common assembly line is a model of great interest—
especially for vehicle integrators. However, in North America, high investment
costs present a chicken and egg dilemma. Several integrators have shown the
desire—and even capability—to create low-volume vehicle manufacturing
facilities in this market. However, it is likely that the investment required for a
multi-vehicle plant suggests a commitment for more than one vehicle program.
Manufacturers on the other hand have shown great hesitancy to make such a
commitment. The recent trend has been for manufacturers to pull outsourced
vehicle manufacturing back in-house to take advantage of available internal
The Chrysler Toledo Assembly Plant is certainly of interest because of the high
level of supplier integration, but the size capacity of the facility is also intriguing.
The 135,000 (estimated) capacity of the plant is significantly smaller than most
new manufacturer-operated facilities. This suggests that lower scale economies
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
(traditionally associated with body shops) may be economically achievable. It
further reinforces the idea that an integrator-run niche plant capable of running
three to five different low-volume products may present a viable strategy for
North America.
The new Toledo plant represents the highest degree of supplier integration in any
major assembly facility in North America. The paint shop, chassis assembly and
body shop are owned and operated by suppliers, while final assembly is owned
and operated by DaimlerChrysler. This model offers a beginning point for the
integrator-operated model.
The capacity of the new Chrysler facility is approximately 135,000 units per year,
with the capability of manufacturing up to three unique products simultaneously.
The body shop is expected to run one high-volume vehicle (Jeep Wrangler) with
the option to introduce another production vehicle, and allowing the build of a
pilot model.
To accomplish this feat, the body shop system was created using highly flexible
robotic cells. The following describes the technology Kuka implemented in the
new Toledo facility. Importantly, it is similar to a discussion presented earlier
regarding in-house flexible assembly—Kuka robots are used by several
manufacturers for their internal strategies.
In the Kuka body shop, the ladder system is a robotic transfer system that utilizes
separate static geometry fixtures: one for the current product, the other as
protected space for the future model that is in reach of existing robots. The
ladder marriage tool is protected to add a tool tray slide for the future model.
The front and rear floor pan system employs a robotic transfer system that
utilizes separate static geometry fixtures one for the current product, the other
as protected space for the future model that is in reach of existing robots. The
ladder-pan marriage system is a seven axis robotic transfer system that utilizes
separate static geometry fixtures one for the current product, the other as
protected space for the future model. Welding robots are positioned in such a
way that they can be used for both the current and future models, with the
protected space for additional robots on the opposite side of the tool.
The under body is a skid on a roller conveyor system that will utilize generic skids
for current and future models to transfer the vehicle from station to station.
Fixturing for the current model is by static fixturing, while the future gaging will
occur with dump-in locators. Component fixturing is by geometry docking end
effectors to provide flexibility for the future models. The Body Side System is
also a 7th axis robotic transfer system that utilizes separate static geometry
fixtures one for the current product, the other as protected space for the future
model. Welding robots are also shared between models by utilizing a 7th axis
The Framing System is also a skid on a roller conveyor system that will utilize
generic skids for current and future models to transfer the vehicle from station to
station. Underbody fixturing for the current model is by static fixturing, while the
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
future gaging will occur with dump-in locators. All upper body fixturing is done by
geometry docking end effectors to provide flexibility for the future models.
All closure panel assembly systems are robotic transfer systems that utilize
separate static geometry fixtures one for the current product, the other as
protected space for the future model that is in reach of existing robots. Also,
robotic roller hemming is used for all hemmed panels.
A potential next step for the North American integrator-operated body shop would
be to incorporate the paint and final assembly into a full vehicle assembly facility.
Figure 14 was presented by Kuka at the 2005 CAR Management Briefing
Seminars as a possible next generation plant. The model as presented is
applicable for either an OEM run facility with supplier partnerships, or conversely,
an integrator could manage the entire facility. Importantly, this model has
similarities to a couple of highly integrated facilities in Europe.
Figure 14 – Next Generation Assembly
While the Kuka body shop at Toledo Jeep stands as the best example of
integrator-operated body assembly in North America, the Magna-Steyr facility in
Graz, Austria is an example of flexible body assembly, with the added value of
complete vehicle manufacture and assembly.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Magna Steyr is a subsidiary of Magna International and has complete product
and process engineering capability, as well as tooling and vehicle manufacturing
resources. The company builds approximately 250,000 vehicles per year at its
facility in Graz Austria, and also provides a strong logistics capability; they
manage more than 2,050 suppliers, and 1,300 trucks per day at their facility.
The Magna-Steyr facility builds vehicles for four different manufacturers, using
five different final assembly buildings, two paint shops and takt times ranging
from 2 to 24 minutes. The Graz facility produces seven DaimlerChrysler vehicles
(five Chrysler group vehicles, and two Mercedes-Benz vehicles), one GM vehicle
(the SAAB 9-3 convertible), and one BMW model (X3) (Figure 15). In addition to
the large number of products produced, it is also important to note the wide
variety of manufacturing pathways employed. The BMW product is considered
high volume (over 150,000 per year) with a dedicated paint shop, while the
Mercedes G-Class and Mercedes Benz E-Class 4matic and the SAAB 9-3
convertible are built using the coachbuilder model. Of particular interest for this
report, Magna-Steyr uses a highly flexible body (and assembly) process for the
five Chrysler Group products.
Figure 15 – Magna Steyr Graz Austria Assembly Facility
Mercedes Benz
E-Class 4MATIC
Paint Shop
Paint Shop
Jeep Grand
Cherokee /
Chrysler &
Jeep Body
SAAB 9-3
Chrysler 300 /
A majority of the components used for the Chrysler products are shipped from
the same suppliers that manufacture the components for North America.
However, some components are sourced from single-source European suppliers.
Magna-Steyr stamps some sheet metal parts in Austria using duplicate dies that
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
they engineered. The company also engineered and manufactured much of the
assembly equipment used in their body and final assembly operations.
The Magna-Steyr Chrysler Group body assembly facility uses traditional
manufacturing processes, with some alteration for flexibility (Figure 16). As with
many traditional body shop layouts, the underbody, framing, and side aperture
lines are unique for differentiated vehicles. However the finish and main framing
lines are able to assemble several vehicles. Magna-Steyr increases the flexibility
of the dedicated lines by relying on modular welding stations. The following
diagram shows a stylized representation of such a line. The implementation of
more flexible underbody and framing lines would present an important next step
in such a model.
Figure 16 – Stylized Multi-Vehicle Body Assembly Line
Underbody Line (Product 1 and 2)
Side Aperture Line (Product 1 and 2)
Finish Line All Products
Main Framing Line (All Products)
Side Aperture Line (Product 3)
Underbody Line (Product 3)
Final assembly for the Chrysler Group vehicles manufactured at the Magna Steyr
Graz facility presents a “we can assemble anything in-line” approach. The
system uses an adjustable, highly flexible, four-arm hanger system. The hanger
system is the critical element in achieving a varied model mix. It is flexible
enough to assemble a sport utility vehicle, a minivan, a sedan and a station
wagon, with little restriction in model mix. Further illustration of the overall
flexibility of the assembly process is the engine marriage system. Magna-Steyr
can install transverse, longitudinal, or four-wheel drivetrains in-line, as needed.
The flexibility of the paint shop also is worth noting. The paint shop used for the
Chrysler group products also serves the E-Class, G Class, and SAAB 9-3
convertible built at the Graz complex.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Currently, Magna is performing “peak-shaving” for the Chrysler vehicle adding
capacity outside of the manufacturers’ assembly system to meet peak demand.
In this case, it can more accurately be described as producing a low-volume of
vehicles for a new market. On first examination, the plant may be viewed as
similar to a complete knock-down assembly (CKD) operation. However, a more
thorough investigation of the facility suggests the manufacturing processes used
at the Graz facility are more advanced than traditional CKD facilities. It is also
quite clear that this system is easily transferable to manufacture uniquely
developed low-volume vehicles.
C. Coachbuilder Model
The second of the integrator models presented is the coachbuilder. The
coachbuilder model is a dedicated product manufacturing system. Each vehicle
is manufactured using dedicated equipment (body and/or final assembly), usually
with slower cycle times and lower-cost tools. Commonly, the coachbuilder is also
responsible for vehicle engineering and integration, program management and
manufacturing engineering. The coachbuilder model relies on the overall
strength of the integrator to perform, in essence, as a small-scale car company.
The ability of such a model is quick response, with few limitations placed on
product design. The coachbuilder must offer the ability to engineer and
manufacture vehicles that do not ‘fit’ into the manufacturer’s system, at a speed
and cost the manufacturers can not match.
The Chrysler Crossfire is an example of a coachbuilder developed and
manufactured vehicle. Karmann, which produces the vehicle at their Osnabuck,
Germany facility, built 19,426 Crossfire coupes and 16,250 convertibles in 2004.
The company shared responsibility for product engineering, program
management, die development, and manufacturing process engineering for the
Crossfire with a small team from DaimlerChrysler. The team used the OEM’s
development system when possible for the program, with Karmann and Chrysler
management involved in milestone approval. Karmann’s choice to re-use the
body structure from the Mercedes-Benz SLK roadster was an important cost and
time savings element of the Crossfire. By using many of the validation tests from
the SLK as a proxy for the Crossfire, Karmann was able to develop the coupe
without any prototypes (the Roadster convertible did require 11 prototypes).
Karmann was responsible for complete die development. The program uses
Karmann’s die manufacturing standards, and the dies were manufactured at their
die shop. The dies for most major parts were completed in approximately 10
months. Approximately 60 percent of the stampings are done at Karmann’s onsite stamping facility.
The body shop consists of mostly dedicated sub-assembly and underbody lines
using standardized reprogrammable flexible robots. Many of these robots were
reused from previous programs. However, the manufacturing process—the
layout of the facility—was new for the Crossfire. The cells were shared with
other programs during start-up, but are for the most part dedicated to Crossfire
production. Karmann assembles the vehicle on a stand-alone line, but employs
a shared paint shop using batch production.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
D. Integrator-Operated Low-Cost Tooling (and Assembly) Model
Each pathway places an emphasis on lower tooling investment, while accepting
a potential piece cost penalty. However, the low-cost tooling and assembly
model relies on technologies and processes that greatly reduce the capital
investment. The model is built on the premise that there are tooling alternatives
that, while unacceptable for high-volume applications, may offer great opportunity
for low-volume programs. Importantly, while the standards for low-volume dies
may be different from high-volume, there can be no difference in the final part
Several vehicle manufacturers have developed tool and die standards based on
historical runs of 250,000 per year or more, with an expected life of five to seven
years. Arguably, these standards lead to over-engineering for a die that
produces 35,000 or fewer parts per year. CAR considers the concept of lean
dies (as described in Appendix 1, Section H) essential to the successful
execution of a low-volume vehicle program. However, the low-cost tooling
pathway further lowers die cost via the use of alternative materials.
There are several die materials that are capable of producing high-quality, lowvolume parts. However, because these materials are not capable of meeting the
durability standards for a high-volume program, they are not considered for
production by many manufacturers. These materials are:
1. Mass cast epoxy dies: these dies utilize a poured epoxy solid mass with a
urethane face coat. Production wear plates are used for vertical guidance
between all moving parts. Mass epoxy dies can be utilized for class II
components with a volume of less than 3,000 parts.
2. Kirksite dies: these are traditionally used for automotive prototype dies. The
Kirksite die process is based on CNC-machined surfaces cut to math data,
and can be used for class I and II surfaces with volumes less than 2,000.
The tooling process requires eight weeks.
3. Red urethane plank dies: these dies are CNC-machined from math data and
can produce a very detailed surface. The construction procedure pours a
mass cast epoxy die below a two inch red urethane plank. The material is
very durable in compression but has limitations in tension. The red plank
dies can be utilized for Class I and Class II and have been used for
production levels of 10,000 panels. The tooling process requires eight weeks
for prototype dies.
4. CNC-machined simple dies: CNC-milled steel components, which are
positioned on generic die sets. This cost-effective method of CNC-machining
steel dies will produce Class I and Class II with a very durable surface. The
generic die sets are reusable but not the steel die material. These dies
require a sixteen-week time frame.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
5. Steel dies with designed standard die sets: although these do not adhere to
typical production die design standards, they are used by major stamping
facilities in North America. This die type has very good results for small and
medium parts. Due to the CNC milling of steel surfaces, this process is
stable for Class I and Class II parts with high production levels of sheet metal
stampings. The tool process saves cost and timing when compared to cast
iron production dies for the following reasons: 1) the elimination of cost and
timing of Styrofoam patterns, 2) the elimination of cost and timing of
programming and machining of all linear surfaces, 3) the partial savings of
the construction of heels, pins, bushings, production wear plates and the
fittings of the upper and lower die, and. 4) the purchasing of the designed die
set must be added. In comparison to a traditional production die, the time
savings is approximately six weeks and the cost is reduced by 10 to 20
6. Low-volume cast iron production dies: cast dies can be CNC-machined to
ensure Class I quality. Costs are reduced by designing reusable generic
components and sizing the die to the part and not to the press. Additionally,
castings were reduced in weight with thin wall concepts, vertical guidance
was achieved with simple heeling and pin and bushings, trim edges were
welded and then CNC-milled, etc. These types of cast iron dies can supply
typical high-production volumes of sheet metal stampings. The reduction in
tool time would be approximately eight weeks with a savings of 10 to 15
percent of traditional production dies.
The die industry has experience with each of these die materials and
understands the capabilities and limitations of each. This model leverages the
working knowledge, and the creativity of die makers to greatly lower the fixed
investment for a low-volume program. Figure 17 presents a stylized cost curve
for a deck lid. The figure shows that each of the die materials is cost-effective for
a narrow volume range. The low-cost tooling pathway relies on identifying the
best die material for the part and volume to create stamped parts that meet the
quality requirements, with the lowest capital investment. Importantly, because of
part geometry and other influences, different parts may require different die
materials for similar volumes. Thus each part for a vehicle would require a cost
curve similar to the one shown below.
Figure 17 – Stylized Cost Curves – Selected Die Materials
Panel Deck Lid Inner
CNC mach. steel
Cast Iron
Piece Cost ($)
Cast Epoxy
Volume (thousands)
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
The fragility of the dies would likely require that the parts be produced outside of
the traditional stamping facilities. The creation of low-volume stamping practices
would greatly increase the effectiveness of this model. It is apparent that the
low-cost tooling model would be a significant change in practice for
manufacturers. However, it is possible that, given cost pressures, it may present
a viable way to cost-effectively deliver stampings for a low-volume vehicle.
Another element in the low-cost tooling concept is the use of laser trimming.
Trim dies, by their nature, are expensive to construct. It is difficult to eliminate
cost in a trimming operation due to the accuracy required. Five-axis laser
trimming can be effective on small and medium size parts with intricate trimming
conditions. Again, a study must be done to each part to analyze the cost and
time of laser trimming in comparison to trim dies.
While it is logical to assume that the stampings produced in this model may be
sourced directly to a vehicle manufacturer or integrators body assembly facility,
this pathway can be carried further to include a low-volume body assembly as
part of the model. The use of low-volume robotic welding cells and roller
hemming could allow for the assembly of stampings into sub-systems, or even
more complete body assemblies.
E. Post Production Vehicle Alteration Model
The final pathway re-examines all that is assumed about low-volume vehicles.
This model suggests that, rather than spending resources on developing a
unique vehicle, it may be more effective (i.e., give a higher rate of return) to
invest in differentiating a current vehicle through accessories. While we
described this investment as the post-production vehicle alteration model, it may
be more descriptively coined the ‘SEMA’ model.
The Specialty Equipment Suppliers Manufacturers Association (SEMA)—those
companies that supply the aftermarket—have found that many United States.
Car buyers are strongly interested in customizing their vehicles. According to
SEMA, approximately $31 billion dollars were spent on customization in 2004.
The SEMA model suggests that manufacturers should work with aftermarket
suppliers to leverage their aftermarket cachet while giving customers an
opportunity to easily customize their vehicles. Currently, Toyota’s Scion division
is the most effective example of such a strategy. (Scion is investigated more
closely in the Case Studies section of this report). Increasingly, manufacturers
are affording key aftermarket suppliers the opportunity to work with early
production vehicles to assure that aftermarket product offerings are betterintegrated, and market-ready at vehicle launch. Some manufacturers are
leveraging the creativity of these suppliers by displaying their interpretations at
automotive shows and other events.
Several other manufacturers have created strategies that address the
aftermarket, yet there are questions as to whether these organizations have
positioned themselves to take advantage of the speed and creativity within the
SEMA community. The ability for a company to leverage a virtual supply base of
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
‘cool’ aftermarket suppliers is essential to this model. Thus, the SEMA model
relies on quick, low-cost responses to the market. All too often, the structure and
accompanying slowness of some vehicle manufacturers limits effectiveness in
such an environment. This model may be more effectively run by integrators
(i.e., vehicle integrators, mega-dealers or some other such outside party). The
model also may offer the opportunity to co-brand vehicles with other consumer
As part of this project, and with the support of SEMA, CAR interviewed several
SEMA member companies.
The group included, among others, two
aerodynamics package producers, a suspension specialist, and a seat cover
maker. The companies each presented successful business strategies to fill the
needs of vehicle customization. Yet it was apparent that some SEMA suppliers
were not capable (or did not want) to participate in a more structured OEM
model. Conversely, there are many aftermarket suppliers that offer strongly
branded products, with great opportunity to assist in vehicle differentiation. Many
of these companies lack the resources to breach the manufacturers’ walls of
bureaucracy. SEMA has done an excellent job of offering guidance to such
However, there remains much opportunity for suppliers,
manufacturers and SEMA. CAR expects to continue to work with SEMA and its
members to continue to explore this model.
While each of these companies interviewed represented creativity and cachet,
one company stood out as an example of how the SEMA members can bring
innovation and differentiation to low-volume vehicle manufacturing. Katzkin
Leather Interiors, Inc. in Montebello, California manufactures aftermarket leather
seat covers. Their seat covers are sold through dealerships and installed by
restylers. Consumers can use a dealer-located design kiosk to choose from over
eighty colors and textures, and add embroidery and piping to create a unique
seat. The order is then filled within 48 hours, and shipped to the restyler for
installation. The company is the sole source for aftermarket leather for Mopar,
and has been licensed by GM to reproduce the GM trademark on their products.
The Katzkin model presents an interesting seating option for any low-volume
vehicle program.
One final caveat regarding the post-production model—and its application back
to the more traditional concept of low-volume vehicle production: it is often
difficult for suppliers to convince manufacturers to accept new manufacturing
technologies—especially those that do not necessarily meet high-volume tooling
requirements. The manufacturer often is more willing to accept something that
has a proven track record. The post-production alteration model may serve as a
proving ground for new technologies.
There are numerous aftermarket
aerodynamics packages offered. In order to differentiate their package, a SEMA
supplier might partner with a die maker to offer a hood with a scoop as part of the
package. This hood could be created inexpensively on a low-cost die (using
materials highlighted in the low-cost pathway), and use manufacturer engineering
data and approved steel. The part would then be assembled using a flexible
roller hemmer. The SEMA supplier would have an original equipment quality
hood to include with the plastic aerodynamics package, and the company that
produced the hood would have evidence of a successful technology application.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
IV. Case Studies
A. Introduction
The Center for Automotive Research selected four low-volume vehicle programs
to study. These case studies present opportunities to investigate current strategy
and illustrate techniques that may or may not be effective for low-volume
manufacturing. Importantly, it is not our intent to identify successful—or
unsuccessful projects. Instead, the emphasis will be on highlighting elements
that we believe provide further insight into the challenges and opportunities of
low-volume vehicle manufacturing. Additionally, these case studies are useful
presentations of the pathways presented earlier in the report.
General Motors contracted with ASC to develop a facility in Lansing, Michigan to
co-produce the Chevrolet SSR roadster/pickup (Figure 18). The SSR had a 24month development program and was launched in the summer of 2003 with a
projected volume of 10,000 units per year. The body-on-frame design uses a
carryover truck frame from GM’s GMT360 (Chevrolet Trailblazer, GMC Envoy)
platform. The program will be discontinued in 2006.
The ASC Lansing plant is a complete module facility servicing the General
Motors Lansing Craft Centre (LCC). ASC is responsible for producing all 42
major subassemblies in their plant and supplying those assemblies to LCC
approximately five miles away. The subassemblies include: body structure
assemblies (motor compartment, front floor, rear floor, body-side inner and outer,
fenders, doors, closure panels, etc.), modification of frame, engine and
transmission dressing, wheel and tire assembly, fascia assembly, instrument
panel assembly, door trim, and console assembly, among others (Figure 19).
Figure 18 – Joint ASC/GM Produced SSR
While the SSR represents somewhat of a mixed bag in terms of marketing, the
ASC facility offers some excellent illustrations of a low-cost tooling pathway, and
how modularity can play a role in supporting low-volume manufacturing. CAR
believes this facility offers a valuable case study in low-volume modular
assembly for the North American market.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
It is important to note that the dies for the program were manufactured to meet
the traditional General Motors standards. Consequently, it was likely difficult for
GM to create a profitable low-volume vehicle program. Unlike the GM dies, the
ASC facility does not represent a high-volume, fixed-technology approach. The
most automated aspect of the plant is the frame-length reduction (about 6
inches) on the GMT-360 frame which arrives pre-assembled. The automatic
process, over several stations, uses a laser to remove a middle piece of the
frame and then reconnects it. Additional reinforcements and brackets are also
added in this process. From that point forward, there is only one station with any
additional robotic welding (fender sub-assembly). Several cells (powertrain,
instrument assembly and convertible roof) have low-cost automated guided
vehicles (AGVs). The guide wire for the AGVs is taped to the ground to allow for
layout modifications and flexibility.
The body shop welds sheet metal body parts into subassemblies using only
resistance spot welding. These are then shipped to LCC where they were
assembled into a complete body-in-white. The tooling at ASC is dedicated, but
simple. Theoretically, capacity could be quickly added simply by changing the
layout and by adding tools to the body shop. ASC took great pride in the fact that
much of the tooling was recycled from closed GM facilities—and thus was
extremely inexpensive. Important stations in the body shop had welding
counters attached to welders as an error-proofing device—an operator is not able
to unclamp a part if any welds are missing. All hems are performed by a simple
Fuji table top hemmer.
A final comment on this program is somewhat of a moot point given the
termination of the SSR program; however, the program does add some insight
into a potential business model. ASC’s Lansing plant operated on one shift.
Most of the ASC facility was flexible enough to be moved at the end of a shift
(most fixtures were either on wheels or not bolted to the ground). Potentially this
plant could have built the complete modules for three vehicles—one on each
Figure 19 – ASC’s Shop Layout
Fascia Asm .
Header/Latch Mid Motor
Control Shell & Switch
W heel
& Tire
Frame Line
G A Outbound
Control Bracket
Door Assembly
CRFM / Loosebag Asm.
Tonneau Asm.
Top Stack Asm.
M otor Com partment
IP Asm.
R r. Floor
Frt. Fender
B/S Inner
Frt. Floor
Tailgate Roof Frt.
B /S O uter
Roof Rr.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
C. Corvette Z06
The Corvette Z06, while externally not highly differentiated from the base model,
replaces the steel spaceframe found on the standard C6 Corvette with an
aluminum frame (Figure 20). Thus it presents a major change in a product—
albeit not necessarily a visually noticeable one. The Z06 shares an assembly line
and underbody with the baseline C6 Corvette at GM’s Bowling Green Assembly
Plant (BGAP) in Bowling Green, Kentucky. At a production volume of 7,000 units
per year, the Z06 represents the most sophisticated low-volume vehicle in
production at GM.
Figure 20 – Chevrolet Corvette Z06
In order for the Z06 to compete in a market which includes some of the fastest
vehicles in production, GM vehicle engineers set performance targets
significantly higher than the baseline C6: including mass reduction, improved
handling, decreased noise and vibration, and increased horsepower. However,
to maintain the Z06’s affordable price relative to its competition, GM required a
Z06 assembly that would mirror the steel baseline C6 final assembly so the two
vehicles could share the same assembly line with little process variation. In an
effort to significantly reduce vehicle mass, Dana Corporation’s Structural
Solutions Group was contracted to develop an aluminum spaceframe (Figure
21). The spaceframe is manufactured at Dana’s Hopkinsville, Kentucky plant,
sixty-five miles from Corvette’s final assembly plant
Figure 21 – Z06 Spaceframe – Manufactured by Dana
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
The frame represents several firsts for Dana. It was the first time they had
primary design responsibility for a frame. It was also Dana’s first frame made
entirely of aluminum. The frame is built on a stand-alone line at the Hopkinsville
facility (Figure 22), with 17 employees per shift, running two shifts. The line has
a cycle time of approximately 20 minutes. Dana engineered the dies for the
frame using their lean die standards, and worked with a supplier to build the dies.
Although the program is intended to serve as an opportunity to highlight
engineering and manufacturing capability, Dana expects the return on investment
to equal or better the industry average.
Figure 22 – Z06 Production Line
Tunnel laser
Seat backs
MIG welding
LH & RH rail
‘Swing’ stn.
For welding
tunnel to
Roof bow
load & prelim
Roof bow
pillar load,
pillar welding
Robotic SPR
(240 rivets)
SPR refined,
Weld dress
Skid bar,
threads for
control arms
HF rail
The spaceframe includes 8 castings, 21 extrusions, and 63 stampings. Dana
uses MIG welding, laser welding, and self piercing rivets for assembly. The use
of aluminum castings allowed for part integration not employed on the baseline
C6. A hydroform die is used to construct the longitudinal aluminum rails. This is
a carryover die that stamped the steel rails for the baseline C6, resulting in
dimensionally similar aluminum and steel rails. Laser welding—a total of 14
meters—is used for several joining locations. For example, the joining of the
tunnel requires ten meters of laser welding done off-line using 4 fixtures in one
cell. The frame also has 236 robotically applied self-piercing rivets. The
completed frames are shipped to the Bowling Green Assembly Plant.
The Corvette Z06 aluminum spaceframe suggests important lessons from
several standpoints. Although the manufacturing processes used at the Dana
Hopkinsville, Kentucky facility are fairly standard, the program incorporates
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
efficient die design—including tool re-use, and limited vehicle assembly line
changes—to reduce program costs. It also represents one of only two
spaceframe programs currently built in North America. Since the spaceframe
has seen an increased interest—specifically from European manufacturers—it is
valuable to explore this frame strategy. CAR will further investigate two
spaceframe concepts –the General Motors Kappa platform, and the use of roll
forming—later in this report.
D. Scion
Scion is the embodiment of the post-production vehicle alteration approach to
low-volume production: build a ‘monospec’ car at the factory to keep costs low
despite low-volumes, and do any necessary customization downstream either at
portside or at the dealer. CAR can not estimate how successful this approach
has been from a cost point of view, but from a revenue perspective (price
maintenance, volume growth, conquest rates) Scion appears to have been very
Toyota’s initial attempt to access the North American youth market was the
Genesis Project. The first such production was executed wholly within the Toyota
brand, leveraging existing vehicles (e.g., Celica and MR2) and developing new
ones with a more youthful focus (e.g. Matrix and Echo). This approach was not
effective in creating positive brand awareness among younger buyers. Toyota
then decided to establish a new brand, standing apart from Toyota and focused
more explicitly on youthful buyers.
Recognizing that younger buyers had expressed an interest in “not driving what
everyone else has,” Toyota realized Scion models would have to be profitable at
relatively low-volumes. Additionally, market research indicated that younger
buyers were very eager for individually customized or personalized vehicles.
Toyota was deemed “not very customer friendly” in this regard, as the company
had long gone to market with a trim-level approach grouping options into low,
medium, and high packages rather than allowing for a great deal of car-by-car
variation. However, the factory in Japan could not handle the variety required,
a) this would drive costs up and
b) the 30-day lead-time required for production and ocean crossing would be
rejected by impatient youthful buyers.
The resolution for these issues was to greatly reduce the production options in
Japan, so the factory would not be burdened by high levels of variation. Scions
from the factory vary only by automatic versus manual transmission and external
paint color (all interiors are black.) To avoid long lead-times, final customization
would be done in the United States., either at the port of entry or at the dealer.
There was another reason for offering high levels of local personalization,
beyond customer demand for it and impatience with waiting for it: it was very
important that dealers hold very little Scion inventory. Market research had
shown that Scion buyers were distrustful of the price haggling process, Toyota
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
needed to fix prices. Although dealers set the transaction price, the limited
availability creates price pressure. Any dealer with a 60-day supply of cars would
find the pressure too great and likely start cutting prices to increase sales. To
remove that temptation, Scion had to ensure that dealers had only enough
vehicles in inventory to meet customer demand, while leaving little excess to
create downward cost pressures. This requirement would be met by having
dealers order up mildly-customized cars from Toyota only as customer orders
were placed, holding the vehicles just long enough to do final customization. The
accessories would be added at the port of entry or at the dealership. The other
benefit of minimal inventory and thus minimal price cutting was better dealer
margin maintenance. This was critical to the Scion business model: to address
low-budget youthful buyers’ needs, dealers could not make the same high margin
on a Scion as on a Toyota. Obviously, this model relies on providing a desirable
product at a market competitive price point—something that the Scion brand
appears to have done well.
One helpful feature of the Scion accessory program (from the dealer’s
perspective, at least) is that, as factory-approved modifications, these can all be
rolled into the financing package reducing the “hit” the customer takes.
Importantly, it was reported that the accessories, and the dealer installation of
these accessories, have not generated any noticeable warranty cost increments.
The Scion project appears to be a great success for Toyota: all sales targets are
being hit or exceeded (currently 150,000 units annually, divided among three
models), without the use of incentives. Additionally, the average age of Scion
buyers is dramatically lower than for Toyota as a whole; the conquest from nonToyota owners is approximately 80 percent. Toyota has effectively used limited
funds for advertising, and the dealers appear to be very pleased with the brand.
It is interesting to note that Toyota appears to have applied some lessons
learned from Scion on their new FJ utility vehicle. Dealer-installed accessories
are expected to be an important part of the FJ marketing strategy. Finally, it is
worth noting that the Scion team in Torrance has effectively leveraged the
resources of The Toyota Motor Company—there are less than twenty people on
the Scion payroll.
E. Materials as an Enabler for Low-Volume
The selection of materials can greatly enable the cost effectiveness of a lowvolume vehicle program. There are numerous material choices that offer such
opportunity. The Z06 case study illustrates the implementation of aluminum as a
material that offers lighter weight for improved performance.
CAR also
investigated several applications of plastics for implementation into low-volume
vehicles. Three of those that CAR believes offer opportunity include: 1) hybrid
(material) front-end systems, 2) integrated roof modules, and 3) blow-molded
The hybrid (material) front-end carrier module (Figure 23) can include the cooling
system, head lamps, bumper system, hood latch mechanism, lighting system,
and air intake ducting. Such a strategy requires the use of an open body-in-white
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
front-end strategy. While European manufacturers have incorporated the open
ended design strategy more rapidly, North American vehicle manufacturers have
commonly used a closed front-end design. Because of the open-end design, the
front-end module must contribute to overall stiffness, and it is essential that the
manufacturer work closely with the module supplier. Increasingly, North
American manufacturers appear to be adopting the open ended architecture, and
embracing front-end modules.
Figure 23 – Front-End Module Components
First use of plastic/metal hybrids involved over-molding via injection molding.
The creation of a composite piece made of plastic and metal parts with
mechanical locking between the two components (produced through injection
molding or extrusion) enables production of highly load-resistant and low-cost
parts. With the help of injection molding technology, plastic ribbing and bracing
are molded onto the metal parts or metal profiles. These plastic structures
enhance the capacity of the metal construction through optimal transmission and
distribution of the forces in the component.
In comparison to conventional injection molding, complex structures and
performance (that plastic alone has been incapable of producing) can be created
with plastic/metal hybrid technology. Composite plastic/metal designs can have
a higher load capacity than open or even closed metal sections. With optimized
ribbing the hybrid solution is similar to a closed metal solution, even under
torsional load.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
The technology is applied in practice in the Audi A6 AVANT and in the Ford
FOCUS front-end modules. Reportedly, use of the technology in Audi vehicles
led to a 10% reduction in production costs and a 15% reduction in weight. After
initial experience with hybrid technology Audi is implementing this technology
successively in other models.
In the case of the Ford Focus, a new step has been taken towards
implementation of hybrid technology through consistent integration of functions
into the component. In addition to narrow tolerances, the new insurance
requirements were able to be met for this component through integration of the
hood lock into the front-end. Reportedly the program resulted in a 20% reduction
in part cost, a 50% reduction in investment cost and a 40% reduction in weight.
To achieve the needed balance of weight reduction and stiffness, front-end
modules use a combination of steel and plastic structural parts. The ability to
create adhesives that deliver required bonding characteristics has been a key
enabler for these modules. By bonding a continuous joint and forming a closed
section in plastic-to-steel components, the bond creates a stiffer component than
previous bonding methods. Such strategy offers further weight reduction, and
increased structural stiffness.
Another modular concept enabled by material selection is the plastic hybrid roof
module. Bayer Material Science LLC has developed an integrated roof module
concept that directly enables low-volume production opportunities. It enables a
flexible assembly strategy, decreases capital investment, and reduces labor
content at the assembly facility. The concept relies upon plastic metal hybrid
technology for structural components (e.g., roof bows). The metal profile is
placed in an injection mold, and plastic is injected around the profile. A
polyurethane headliner and foam, PUR carrier and a paint film are used to create
the roof panel then are combined with the plastic-metal hybrid structures. Such a
strategy would allow a vehicle manufacturer to offer several variations of a roof
(e.g., a base roof, a sunroof and a panoramic roof with assembly plant
A final material substitution offered for example is the use of blow-molded seat
backs designed by Dow Automotive. The flexibility of the blow-molding process
allows the integration of geometric features such as grips, molded channels for
head rest guides, support bars, and anatomically designed shells for improved
seat comfort. Short rise stamped steel brackets are bolted to the lower right and
left corners of the blow-molded plastic shell to connect the seatback to the
vehicle floor pan and allow the seatback to pivot and fold. Conventional
seatback designs utilize either a stamped steel shell welded to a steel tubular
structure along the shell periphery or a primary stamped steel shell with multiple
stamped steel shell reinforcements welded together. These designs are
optimized to provide structural stiffness by careful design of the tubular members
or metal cavities defined by the stamped shells, and to use the plastics to
manage deformation of the sheet metal. The blow-molded seatbacks present
opportunity for low-volume and allow for a greater number of seat options at
lower costs in part because of the flexible manufacturing processes and lower
cost tooling.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Daimler-Benz introduced the world's first volume-produced car seat containing a
load-bearing plastic/metal composite part on the 1997 Mercedes-Benz V-Class
minivan. The seat back combines a metal insert and polyamide 6 resin. The
resin is a 30 percent glass-fiber-reinforced, impact-modified nylon that provides
high strength and toughness.
The seat back, which normally consists of 20 to 30 parts, was reduced to only
one component. This plastic back with frame-stiffening ribs also offers an
integrated headrest support and an integrated belt housing and mechanism. A
metal frame is married to the plastic on the side where the seat belt is attached to
the seat at shoulder height instead of being attached to other parts of the
The rear seating system offers reduced cost, increased versatility, reduced
weight and a significant reduction in the number of component parts when
compared to a traditional seating system. The seat, which weighs 87 pounds, is
30 to 50 percent lighter than traditional automotive seats, and the cost savings
can reach 10 to 20 percent according to Daimler-Benz. The seat also features a
seat pan made from ABS resin.
While these applications are viable for higher volume programs, their low cost
and quick development (tooling) present even greater opportunity for highly costsensitive low-volume programs. Further, modularity becomes an enabler for the
implementation of several low-volume material substation applications. The
addition of low-volume vehicles into a manufacturing facility can create a marked
increase in inventory. The ability to incorporate pre-assembled modules into lowvolume vehicles limits the number of new parts processed by a manufacturing
facility, and thus creates less disturbance in that facility.
The three
aforementioned options, along with many others, must be considered when
investigating low-volume manufacturing.
F. GM – Solstice
General Motors has begun production of a series of low-volume small two (twoseat) roadsters. The program, operating under the internal designation Kappa, is
intended to produce niche vehicles in modules of roughly 20,000 units, with a
price of approximately $20,000 to $25,000. The General Motors facility in
Wilmington Delaware is currently producing two vehicles from this platform: the
Pontiac Solstice, and the Saturn Sky. A third vehicle—expected to be a Saturn
Sky re-badged as an Opel may be in production within a few years.
The development of the Kappa program has been well documented over the past
four years. General Motors has made it very clear that a key enabler for this
program was the different approach taken in product development. In many
ways, the program was effective because they were able to work outside General
Motor’s traditional product development process—a benefit shared by many
other low-volume programs. The ability of the program to reach production
without using integration vehicles was responsible for cost and time savings.
The program also relied heavily on the corporate parts bin—i.e., using parts from
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
other General Motors vehicle programs—to reduce development time and tooling
Although General Motors has developed a flexible body assembly strategy (CFlex), the Wilmington plant relies on manual welding for the body-in-white. Thus,
the Kappa represents an internally engineered program, built in-house on a
stand-alone assembly line. As such, it is representative of the challenge faced
by vehicle integrators in the North American market. While there are many
reasons the Kappa program was handled internally, it seemingly would have
presented an excellent opportunity for an integrator to take the lead on
manufacturing (and even engineering). However, given excess capacity—an
empty plant and idled workforce—General Motors had great incentive to keep
production in-house.
Two other aspects of this program are worth highlighting: first, the use of a
spaceframe design for the platform (Figure 24), and second, the innovative use
of sheet hydroforming for many of the body panels. General Motors initially
considered developing the Solstice on an existing GM platform (e.g., their Delta
platform), but instead chose to develop a unique platform for the program. The
company chose to develop the Kappa as a spaceframe. By not including the
body panels in the structure of the vehicle, GM was able to change the
appearance of the vehicle without re-engineering the entire vehicle. This design
flexibility gave General Motors the ability to quickly develop differentiated
derivatives for other GM brands. Many people interviewed for this project felt
that the spaceframe offered interesting advantages for low-volume vehicles.
The Solstice also used sheet hydroforming technology (see technology review in
section IV) to achieve deep draw forms for the outer sheet metal. Many of the
design features of the Solstice would have been difficult—or even impossible—to
achieve with traditional stamping technologies. The design freedom provided by
sheet hydroforming combined with the flexibility of the spaceframe; make the
Kappa a strongly innovative low-volume program
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 24 – GM Kappa Platform
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
V. Part Fabrication Tooling
A. Introduction
CAR investigated a number of manufacturing technologies that are supportive of
low-volume production (Appendix 1 presents a more complete description and
contact information for the following technologies). The list is not—nor could it
be—comprehensive. Instead, it is intended to provide an overview of tooling and
process developments that are aimed at reducing the high cost of tooling, when
manufacturing a low-volume vehicle. It is important to add two caveats: first, it
was not the purpose of this report to verify the readiness of these technologies.
Instead CAR attempted to identify technologies that offer opportunity (i.e., lower
tooling cost, faster development time, etc.) for a more cost effective manufacture
of low-volume vehicles. CAR makes no guarantee as to the accuracy of their
performance. Second, CAR made an effort to identify as many low-volume
enabling technologies as possible. Although the research identified several
potential technologies, it was also apparent that there were several tightly held
technologies that will further reduce tooling and process costs in the future. The
specifics of many of those technologies were closely guarded, and thus not
readily presentable.
B. Shell Tooling
The shell tooling process CAR investigated consists of a metallic shell backfilled
to create a die (Figure 26: Shell and Punch). The shell is created by applying
hydrostatic pressure to a heated sheet over a castable mold. The shell
production process is robust against material shrinkage because the metallic
sheet is reshaped, but the molecular structure remains unchanged. After the
shell is formed, and removed from the castable mold, any medium such as cast
iron, aluminum, or kirksite may be used as “backfill.” The shells may be used for
the drawing operation in any kind of die and features for actuators, cams, cooling
lines, and brackets can be incorporated into the dies, thus eliminating the need
for post-machining. The shell can also be polished to achieve class ‘A’ finishing
The performance characteristics of shell tooling are largely experimental. Shells
are expected to be capable of withstanding the most demanding stamping and
forming processes involved with high-volume production and have no geometric
restrictions. Preliminary experiments have shown that the material used for the
shell tooling is weldable and machinable; making them as maintainable as
regular dies. Currently, the maximum size of a shell is limited to five feet by ten
feet. This restriction is due to the available press in the shell production process.
The first production application is expected to launch soon with a planned output
of 5,500 parts per week.
The economic advantages of shell tooling increase with the size of the part. For
larger dies, labor savings outweigh the increase in material costs resulting in
savings of up to 30 percent. Lead time is also greatly reduced, as it takes
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
approximately four to six weeks to make a shell tool. This lead time involves a
reduction of up to 45 percent when compared to traditional tools.
Spirit AeroSystems—the lead developer of this technology—created the process
by combining technologies previously used in the aerospace industry. The
company has partnered with two North American die shops (Richard Tool & Die
and Sekely Industries) to develop and commercialize the technology.
C. Liquid Impact Forming
Liquid Impact Forming (LIF) combines aspects of traditional hydroforming and
tube, pipe and stretch bending. The process is relatively straightforward: a prebent metal tube is submerged into a lubricating compound, sealed with end caps
to preserve atmospheric pressure, and then stamped with 5,000 to 30,000 psi.
During stamping, the fluid inside the pipe is used to build counter pressure which
is subsequently released during the stamping process.
This technology appears to be best suited for creating roof supports, A-pillars,
and other structural frame components. A variety of metals can be formed
through LIF with tolerances of ± .25 mm. The process allows for severe section
changes, embossing, and sharp radii—bend to 150º. Production rates span from
450 – 500 parts per hour, approximately 2.5 times more than traditional
Cost savings stem from the increased production rates, reduced welding
requirements, and the ability to flange in press. Production in stamping press
may reduce costs by up to 200 percent when parts are eliminated. The process
is currently under development, and not considered ready for production
application. Successful tests have been completed for a variety of metals and
the next step involves testing dies in the production environment. LIF reportedly
can be performed in existing stamping presses.
D. Hydroforming (Sheet)
Sheet hydroforming can be accomplished using either passive pressurization
(forcing sheet metal with a punch into a chamber of water) or active
pressurization (forcing sheet metal into a female die using water pressure).
Amino Corporation has developed two systems that utilize passive
pressurization. The first is the Flexible Production System (FPS) which consists
of hydroforming, laser trimming, and piercing and flanging. The second is the
Flexible Multi-Forming System (FMFS) which is designed for higher volumes and
consists of three press operations: hydroforming, trimming/piercing, and
bending.2 In both cases, the hydroforming is completed in a chamber designed
like a traditional female die. Once the punch completes the down stroke, it hits
the female die and thereby performs a re-strike operation. This design helps to
minimize the required water pressure and to improve dimensional performance.
The conventional stamping process includes 5 operations; drawing, trimming, bending, cam
trimming and flanging, and cam flanging.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
The advantages of hydroforming when compared to traditional stamping include:
better surface quality, higher dimensional quality, and increased draw depth.
Depending on the draw depth, the typical cycle time for the hydroforming
operation is between 1.5 and 2 strokes per minute. FPS is designed for volumes
of approximately 10,000 units per year while the FMFS is designed for 10,000 to
Toyota utilized FPS in the Sera program (produced for the Japanese market) for
volumes of approximately 1,000 units per month. According to Amino, tooling
costs were reduced by 65% over conventional systems and piece costs were
reduced by 18% (labor and material were higher for the hydroforming process).
At higher volumes, hydroforming seems best suited when certain part features
are required such as deep draw or high surface quality. The system has been in
use in Japan for several years. Amino has recently begun part production in
North America for General Motors’ Kappa-based Pontiac Solstice and the
upcoming Saturn Sky. In addition, hydroforming will be used to make the fender
for the Pontiac Grand Prix GXP at volumes approaching 15,000 panels per year.
E. Aluminum Molds
Historically, aluminum molds were restricted to the production of prototype parts
due to the limited life of the tool. However, the development of new aluminum
alloys such as Alumold now allows for significantly longer production runs than
traditional aluminum molds. Processes designed for these molds result in
shorter time to market and lower tooling costs. Engineering changes on these
molds are also cheaper than comparable steel molds as aluminum is much
easier to engineer, leading to fewer labor hours. These molds and processes
can be applied to injection or compression molds.
The total number of shots for these Alumolds can be up to 20,000. Also, the die
cost is lower if fewer parts are required. Aluminum molds also have the inherent
advantage of lower cycle times due to faster cooling. For example, a bumper
created on an aluminum mold may have a 30% faster cooling time than if it were
produced on a steel mold. However, the increased changeover time associated
with low-volume production may reduce the benefits of lower cycle times.
Table 4 illustrates potential cost and time savings presented by aluminum molds.
The data, from Paragon Die and Engineering, shows that the molds may enable
the low end of the low-volume range, but still may not have the durability for the
higher segment of the targeted volume range.
Table 4 – Aluminum Molds: Cost and Time to Market Reductions
# of Parts
Cost of Mold
[In % of Steel Mold]
P20 Steel Mold
LV Al Mold
5,000 to 20,000
LV Al Mold (less content)
1,000 to 5,000
Prototype Al Mold
Source: Paragon Die and Engineering, Grand Rapids
Speed to
Market [Weeks]
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
F. Laminated Tools
Laminate tooling is constructed by producing and stacking thin sections of steel
or aluminum that have been laser cut and punched conforming to the geometry
of the part being produced. This technology was initially developed for molds, as
it allows for faster cooling and shorter cycle times due to the conformal cooling
channels designed and built into each tool; however, the technology can also be
used to build dies at lower costs than traditional methods. The basic steps in
producing a laminated tool are: prepare the math data of the mold/die; laser cut
and punch the steel or aluminum plates to part geometry; stack, locate and bond
plates; and finish machine surface to net shape, if needed. The problem of sheet
stock thickness variation has been solved by measuring the thickness of the
plates in the build process, and (in real time) modifying the math data and slice
files. Sections can be bonded several ways depending on the application,
ranging from epoxy for low pressure tooling to alloy infiltration for applications
where high tensile and shear strength is required.
The improved thermal management properties of conformal cooling in laminate
molds can significantly lower cycle times, in some cases by up to 50 percent.
Laminate tools can also be cut in one day, although the bonding process may
take longer. The major cost savings stem from the molding process where piece
price savings range from 5 to 20 percent. This technology is already being
applied to a variety of molding processes, and production dies, currently in use
G. Quick Plastic Forming
General Motors’ application of super plastic forming technology, referred to as
quick plastic forming (QPF), enables more complex forms from production
tooling, thus allowing greater flexibility in terms of shape or part integration. With
QPF, a heated aluminum sheet is subjected to high-pressure air that makes it
conform to the shape of a hot tool. The high temperature improves the
formability so that complex shapes can be manufactured. On the General
Motors Malibu Maxx the lift gate, for example, is made from one piece using
QPF, and it would have required two pieces without it. The manufacturing
process is more stable because the heated parts spring back less than if they
were formed conventionally. At General Motors, QPF was developed from a hot
blow forming aluminum process used in aerospace. This technology is used in
North America on the Chevrolet Malibu Maxx, Cadillac STS, and Ford GT.
H. Roll Forming
Roll forming technology has been utilized for several years in limited automotive
application. Historically, these applications have included small structural
components and larger, relatively flat, sheet components. However, roll forming
presents an interesting technology for low-volume vehicles—especially if the
program includes a space-frame design. Although cost and weight advantages
may be possible by incorporating roll formed structural components—for example
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
roof bows, or windshield frames—into an existing unibody platform, the
technology may present its greatest potential for cost and weight savings if
included as an integral part of a spaceframe design.
Pullman has further developed roll forming technology and combined it with heat
treatment in a process dubbed P-Tech. The P-Tech process consists of the
following steps: cold rolled steel is rolled, welded, heated, formed, and then
quenched. Holes are pierced before roll forming which does not affect the
dimensional accuracy of the hole diameter. The process can also shape boron
steel and convert it to martensite. The P-Tech process allows for: elongation of
up to 50%, more sweep than any traditional roll forming process, tailored profile
with varying cross-sections and zero spring back.
Parts can be produced at 35 feet per minute and laser cutting is possible,
especially for low-volume vehicles. The process can replace stamped parts for
many non-visible components, although class ‘A’ surface parts are possible but
require more effort. Like traditional roll formed parts, the materials can be easily
spot welded.
Cost savings stem from the flexibility of the machines as they can manufacture
several components, whereas stamping and hydroforming may require totally
separate tools. Pullman estimates that roll forming can reduce the weight of a
spaceframe by up to 30 percent when roll formed parts replace those traditionally
stamped. The process is currently being used by Ford to create front and rear
bumpers for the Mustang as well as several other OEMs.
Dana has presented a case study of a low-volume body structure for unique
niche vehicles which incorporates roll forming as an integral part of the structure.
According to Dana, the key to delivering low-volume vehicles is to develop the
capability to produce low cost and low investment body structures—the
spaceframe. Their model illustrates a potential pathway to manufacture multiple
low-volume variants from the same manufacturing infrastructure, while requiring
a minimal amount of dedicated tooling and body shop floor space.
The Dana study incorporates roll forming as an integral part of the structure.
F.A.S.T concept is a hybrid spaceframe construction composed of 16
hydrofrorm/tube components, 17 roll formed components, 57 pressings, and
eight composite components (Figure 25). In the case study, the completed
underbody is delivered as a completed model. The spaceframe is then
assembled using built-up modules in a six station body assembly line.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 25 – Dana Fast Car
Hydroform/Tube: 16
Pressings: 57
Roll form: 17
Composite: 8
I. Lean Dies
Lean stamping dies are often used by Japanese OEMs for cost reduction.
Different companies have significantly different strategies for lean die production
but there are several common aspects. Critical to this concept is the
minimization of component complexity—that is, machine complex shapes
through hydroforming, roll forming, etc. leaving the conventional dies as
straightforward as possible. Second, die design depends more on preventative
maintenance and less upon a “built to last” mentality. This allows for simpler and
more cost effective designs. Third is the ability to synchronize tool manufacturing
with product design, resulting in a construction process that is more automated
and faster than many current practices. Finally, the procedure to accept dies at
tryout is best utilized in a functional build environment concerned with getting a
subassembly that has very high dimensional accuracy without focusing on
getting each component from each die perfect.
Benchmark studies have indicated up to a 3 to 1 cost advantage by using the
Asian lean tool strategy. The best of the Asian OEM’s at tool cost minimization
achieve their press tooling for a car body at about 33 percent the cost of a typical
North American company. This difference is probably the same or more when
compared with many German tools. Although the total cost differential is not
practical to eliminate because of important differences in business and product
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
strategies, there are aspects of the lean tool strategy that can be employed. On
the negative side of the lean tools, higher operating costs are realized because of
increased production maintenance and vulnerability to tooling damage. Leaner
tools mandate a higher level of preventive maintenance in the press shop for
both presses and tools.
J. Tandem Molds
Tandem molds are used to make two parts in two separate cavities using a
specially designed mold. This process was originally designed to meet the cost
constraints of low-volume parts. By producing parts in tandem, it increases the
output of the mold machine. The savings is in cooling time, and mold
changeover. The added cost of the Tandem mold is slightly higher than the cost
of the second set of molds that would otherwise be required. Such a strategy
can be especially effective for family parts (e.g., right and left parts). They do not
require special machinery, thus can be used on standard horizontal presses.
K. Direct Metal Technologies
Direct Metal Technology (DMT) involves applying metal powder to a controlled
area and melting the powder with a laser. The result is a hardened surface that
has applications in reconfiguring old tools, converting prototype tools into lowvolume tools, restoring worn parts and die servicing. This technology, originally
developed at the University of Michigan, works with a wide variety of metals used
in the manufacturing process.
The wide range of capabilities from DMT makes it difficult to construct a general
business case analysis; however, several benefits can be expected. First, the
elimination of soft tools is feasible due to the rapid fabrication of low-volume
tools. Existing soft tools will become re-usable by adding a hardened layer of
metal to their surfaces. Finally, tooling lead-time will be greatly reduced by up to
50 percent.
L. Flexible Hemming (Roller Hemming)
Flexible hemming systems using robotic cells offer opportunity to lower the cost
of low-volume body-in-white assembly. Roller hemming utilizes a flexible robotic
cell to complete closure panels for doors, hoods, lift gates and other similar sheet
metal assemblies. The robot’s end-effecter is equipped with a roll that bends a
flange in order to create a hem. This is done by moving the roll at an angle along
the flange in several cycles. Roller hemming can eliminate the need for
hemming dies. The drastic reduction in the price of flexible robotics in recent
years has made roller hemming an even more cost attractive solution.
The roller hemming cell can be a rather simplistic operation, with relative low
cost, or it can be a more complex combination capable of hemming several
components. In its most simple form, roller hemming can enable cost effective
manufacture of very low-volume panels. For example, a roller hemming system
has effectively been used to assemble prototype parts. Audi also uses roller
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
hemming for selected aluminum closure panels on the A8. As might be
expected, the Audi roller hemming system presents a very capital intensive
solution. Utica Tooling offers a more complex roller hemming operation, capable
of producing several door, hood or deck lid variants at up to 90 products per
M. Multi-Spindle Machining Center
The multi-spindle machining center is a specialized system that allows for
efficient machining for a variety of parts, such as parts for chassis, transmissions
housings, common rails, pumps, fittings, hydraulics and electric motors. The
machining center has at least four independently controlled spindles that may be
used for drilling, milling, threading, phasing or turning. The machine also includes
a 5-axis work piece holder that can carry up to 16 parts of one family type or up
to 4 different families. The center is designed to be used by a single operator. It
replaces capital intensive and dedicated transfer lines. In one example, a
supplier previously made a knuckle for a suspension assembly in a transfer line
which consisted of several stations and multiple fixtures. The cycle time in this
process was about 17 minutes. This production line was replaced by a single
machining center, in which the part is machined in a single fixture in four minutes.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
VI. Conclusions (and Next Steps)
CAR believes there are numerous lessons learned from this research project. The
following is a brief description of those conclusions:
First, the outlook for low-volume is unclear with respect to how low the volumes (per
model) will go, how differentiated the models will become, and whether or not OEMs
can cost effectively (profitably) produce these vehicles at high volume prices.
However, the trend is clearly heading in this direction and most OEMs are well down
the path of implementing flexible body shops to compete in this market. Some
OEMs will continue to have difficulty as volumes continue to decline, and this opens
up opportunities for suppliers of tools, parts, materials, assembly, and engineering.
One of the future objectives of this project will be to better develop the business case
for the opportunity for suppliers.
Second, low-volume vehicles are producing a “technology pull” for new materials and
processes. Materials and processes with inherently lower investment costs (but
often higher variable costs) become more viable at low-volume production. Many
candidate technologies need further development before they can be deployed on
programs with acceptable technology risk.
This project proposes further
identification of the economic performance, risk profile, and additional development
that these technologies require before they can be used in low-volume production.
Finally, many automotive suppliers wish to support low-volume production but do not
know how to position themselves. There are numerous pathways to achieve lowvolume and each pathway results in a different business model for supplier
involvement. This project will further define these pathways and help suppliers
identify where they fit most competitively in the supply chain.
Next Steps: after discussions with industry stakeholders, CAR has identified at least
three possible avenues for future research. It is important to note that these are in
the developmental stage. Suggestions for refinement and/or new directions are
welcome. The proposed research directions are:
A rigorous cost model of integrator developed and manufactured low-volume
vehicles. CAR believes it is ideally positioned to lead a team of industry participants
in creating unbiased business cases for the development of low-volume vehicles.
Such a program would leverage the knowledge of the industry participants, with the
neutral analysis of CAR and our partners to create cost models for the manufacture
of low-volume vehicles. CAR would then validate the models with OEMs and
present the results for broad dissemination.
A consortium (likely including an integrator, and key module and tooling suppliers)
working together to bid on low-volume vehicle opportunities. This group would
leverage low-cost development, tooling and component strategies to deliver highquality, low-cost vehicles in a timely manner.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Create a consortium of stakeholders to develop a viable post production alteration–or
SEMA pathway for low-volume vehicles. Based on response from the SEMA
workshop, CAR believes this consortium could serve a critical need in this segment.
The creation of a pre-competitive consortium of integrators and tier 1 suppliers to
serve as a focal point for the development and promotion of pre-competitive lowvolume pathways. Such an organization could use USCAR as the model, with
development work on processes that would enable low cost low-volume techniques.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Appendix: Low-Volume Manufacturing Technologies
The investigation into technologies for part fabrication tooling was conducted using
the template below. Although it was the goal to get information for each item in the
template, it was either not always possible to obtain complete information. The
following is a template for data collection on low-volume part fabrication tooling
• Purpose
• Process steps
• System requirements
• Technology origin
• Technology developer
• Cycle time
• Tool life
• Part quality
• Tool maintenance requirements
Business Case
• Lead time for development
• Investment cost
• Piece cost (labor, material, etc.)
• Salvage
State of Readiness
• Current status
• Expected introduction
• Risk assessment
A. Shell Tooling Technology
Shell tooling consists of a metallic shell that is backfilled to generate a
die. The steps to produce a shell are:
− A modeling board is generated from CAD data.
− A negative of the modeling board is cast.
− A shell is made by applying hydrostatic pressure onto a heated
metallic sheet (to press it against the castable mold) and removed.
The shell is made out of an aircraft grade alloy, which is used in
aerospace. A gage of 2mm is used for most applications but it may vary
depending on the application. Any medium (e.g., aluminum, cast iron or
kirksite) can be used to “backfill” the shell once the metallic shell is
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
removed from the mold. The selection depends on the task and the tool
maker’s preference.
Features for actuators, cams, cooling lines, and brackets can be
incorporated into the dies. The process also eliminates the need for postmachining.
The shell may be used for the drawing operation in any kind of die (line
die, progressive die, etc.). It is expected to be capable of withstanding
the most demanding stamping and forming processes, such as, for high
volume production.
Compared to traditional stamping dies, there are no known restrictions on
the part geometry that can be formed with this technology. The shell can
also be polished to achieve the finish that is required of class ‘A’ panel
The maximum size of the shell is 5’ x 10’. This restriction is due to the
available press in the shell production process.
The shell production process is robust against material shrinkage as the
metallic sheet is reshaped and the molecular structure remains
The dies will have to be tested in the production environment to assess
their durability.
Preliminary experiments have shown that the material used for the shell
tooling is weldable and machinable. Hence, dies with shell tooling
technology are expected to be as maintainable as regular dies.
Weldability and machinability also depend on the thickness of the shell.
They might vary depending on the feature or if machining is expected to
be necessary in certain areas.
Business Case
The gain from shell tooling increases with the size and complexity of the
part. When designing larger dies, savings in labor cost outweighs the
increase in material cost.
Depending on size and complexity of the die, total tool cost (punch & die)
reduction can be up to 30% compared to conventional steel tooling. It
requires approximately 4-6 weeks to make the shell tool. This means that
the lead-time to deliver the tool may be reduced by 35% to 45%
compared to processes with traditional construction methods.
Spirit AeroSystems has partnered with two major die shops in the North
American automotive industry Richard Tool & Die, (www.rtdcorp.com),
and Sekely, (www.sekely.com) to develop and market this technology.
Stamping applications include hard metallic surfaces, matched tooling,
complex geometry parts, and multiple wear surface coatings.
The technology is also applicable to hydroforming under high pressure,
and multiple stage forming.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
State of Readiness
The two die shops that will help in the commercialization of the
technology have used dies with shells in test runs. One shell was used in
a draw die for wheel houses and another die was used in the progressive
die for a stiffener element.
The first production application in a progressive die with a planned
volume of 5,500 parts per week will launch soon.
Contact for Shell Technology:
Adwait (Ed) Dalal
Research & Development
Spirit AeroSystems, Inc.
Phone: 316-523-5565
Email: adwait.r.dalal@boeing.com
Contacts for Automotive Integrators (tooling supplier):
Steven S. Rowe
Executive Vice President & General Manager
Richard Tool & Die Corporation
Phone: 248-486-0900 x351
Fax: 248-486-4660
Email: srowe@rtdcorp.com
Carl J. Sekely
Vice President
Sekely Industries, Inc.
1602 Star Batt Drive
Rochester Hills, MI 48309
Phone: 248-844-9201
Fax: 248-844-9202
Email: csekely@sekely.com
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 26 – Punch in Progressive Die
Figure 27 – Punch
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
B. Liquid Impact Forming
Liquid impact forming (LIF), a development of Greenville Tool & Die
(www.gtd.com), bridges the gap between traditional hydroforming and
tube, pipe and stretch bending.
This works by submerging and filling a pre-bent metal tube with a
lubricating compound, and then stamping with 5,000-30,000 psi. It is
essentially a type of crash-forming operation where the fluid inside the
pipe serves to build counter pressure in the forming operation.
The fluid is not injected into the tube, but the tube is filled as it is
submerged into the die.
The tube is sealed with end caps to maintain atmospheric pressure.
During stamping, the hydraulic pressure is mechanically released.
LIF can be performed in existing stamping presses.
Figure 28 – Die Before Forming
Figure 29 – Die After Forming
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
It can hold tolerances of ±0.25 mm.
It can form a variety of materials.
LIF can produce 450-500 parts per hour; 2.5 times more productivity than
traditional hydroforming.
The process allows for severe section changes, embossing and sharp
radii (bend to 150˚). Parts can also be flanged in the LIF operation.
The technology seems most suitable for making roof supports, A-pillars,
and other structural frame parts.
Business Case
Savings are in production rates, reduced welding and the ability to flange
in press.
Production in stamping press might allow for up to 200% in savings (when
parts are eliminated).
State of Readiness
This technology is still being developed. Successful tests have been
conducted for a variety of materials (e.g., DP600 and 8mm aluminum
The next stage is the testing of dies in the production environment.
Contact Information:
Jennifer K. Ash
451 East Baldwin Lake Drive
Greenville, Michigan 48838
Phone: 616-225-1180
Fax: 616-225-1180
Email: JAsh8@aol.com
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
C. Hydroforming (Sheet)
In general, sheet hydroforming is performed by forcing sheet metal with a
punch into a chamber of water (passive pressurization) or by forcing
sheet metal with water pressure into a female die (active pressurization).
Amino (www.amino.co.jp) has built two systems around the hydroforming
The Flexible Production System (FPS) consists of hydroforming, laser
trimming, piercing and flanging.
The more recent Flexible Multi-Forming System is for higher volumes and
it consists of three press operations: hydroforming, trimming/piercing and
The Amino system works with passive pressurization, where the water
chamber is largely designed like a traditional female die. Once the punch
completes the down-stroke, it hits the female die and thereby performs a
restrike operation. This design helps to minimize the required water
pressure (or binder force) and to improve dimensional performance.
Hydroforming is normally used for low-volume applications.
There are possible advantages of sheet hydroforming over stamping
It has better surface quality
It has a higher dimensional quality
It has increased draw depth
It is cost-competitive in low-volume (e.g., investment and piece cost)
Depending on the draw depth, the typical cycle time for the hydroforming
operation is between 1.5 to 2 strokes per minute.
FPS has been used by Toyota on small volume vehicles. It is designed
for volumes around 10,000 units per year. The more automated Flexible
Multi-Forming System is designed for higher volumes of up to 40,000
units per year.
Business Case
In the Toyota Sera program, FPS showed the following benefits (at
volumes of 1,000 vehicles per month):
− a reduction in tooling cost by 65% over conventional systems, and
− a reduction in piece cost by 18% over conventional systems
At higher volumes of up to 50,000 panels, sheet hydroforming seems
most suited if certain part features are required, (e.g., deep draw, high
surface quality or high dimensional quality).
State of Readiness
Hydroforming has been used on several programs in Japan. The first two
hydroforming production lines in North America are currently being
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
installed at Amino in St. Thomas, Ontario and at GM in Pontiac, Michigan.
Both lines will support GM’s Kappa platform as well as other niche
vehicles (e.g., Pontiac Grand Prix GXP).
Amino will produce sixteen sheet hydroformed parts for the Kappa
platform (Solstice and Saturn Sky) at a volume of 25,000 panels per part
per year. Production for the Solstice will start in April of 2005. In addition,
they will also make the fender for the Pontiac Grand Prix GXP at 14,000
panels per year.
Figure 30 – Flexible Production System
Figure 31 – Flexible Multi-Forming System
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 32 – Pontiac Grand Prix GXP
Contact Information:
Trent Maki
General Manager
Amino North America Corporation
15 Highbury Avenue
St. Thomas, ON N5P 4M1
Phone: (519) 637-2156
Fax: (519) 637-7443
Email: tmaki@aminonac.ca
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
D. Aluminum Molds
Molds made from aluminum were usually limited to the production of
prototype parts, as the life of the tool did not allow for higher volumes.
The development of new aluminum alloys, such as Alumold, now allow for
significantly longer runs on aluminum molds.
A process that is designed around these new materials allows for shorter
time to market and for tooling cost reduction.
Engineering changes on these molds are also cheaper than for those with
conventional steel as aluminum is easier to machine than steel, leading to
fewer labor hours.
The process can be applied to injection or compression molds.
Operating Parameters
The number of total shots can be up to 20,000. The die cost is lower if
fewer parts are required.
The inherent advantage of aluminum molds is faster cycle time due to
faster cooling. For example, a bumper that is molded on an aluminum
mold might have a 30% faster cooling time than the same process on a
steel mold.
The increased changeover time due to low-volume runs might reduce the
benefit of lower cycle times.
Business Case Example
(www.paragondie.com) of the relative cost of aluminum molds for making
fascias when utilizing the material’s full potential is presented in Table 4,
Page 64.
State of Readiness/ Application
Aluminum tools from these materials are already in production.
Contact Information:
David Muir
Vice President
Paragon Die & Engineering
5225 33rd Street, S. E.
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Tel: 616-949-5138 ext. 135
Fax: 616-949-2536
Email: dmuir@paragondie.com
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
E. Laminated Tools
1. Laminated Tooling
Laminate tools are built by producing and stacking thin two-dimensional
sections of steel and aluminum. This technology was initially used for
molds as it provides conformal cooling for faster cooling and shorter cycle
times. The technology can also be used to build dies at lower cost.
Process description:
− Prepare math data (3D model) of mold/die
− Laser cut steel/aluminum plates
− Stack, measure and join parts
− Machine surface to net shape, if needed
Fast 4M, (www.fast4m.com) also solved the problem of variation stack-up
due to sheet thickness inconsistencies by designing a close-loop
measuring system. This system measures the thickness of the dies every
time after x number of sections are produced. Before producing the
remaining sections, the 3D model is updated to compensate for the
variation in the production of the next x sections.
Sections can be bonded in various ways, depending on the application.
Epoxy might be used for low-pressure tooling such as vacuum molds,
foam molds, RIM tooling, etc. Brazing might be used for high-strength
high-temperature molding applications, and alloy infiltration might be used
for applications where high-tensile strength is needed (e.g., for injection
and stamping dies.) Laminate tools that are bonded using alloy infiltration
have 92% to 94% of the tensile and shear strength of an equivalent
wrought block of steel.
This technology can be applied to dies and molds.
Materials for laminate tools can be aluminum, steel, stainless steel, etc.
For molds, it enhances options for thermal management as cooling
channels can be designed in any way desired. This reduces residual
stress and warp in the part and reduces cycle time of the operation.
The technology for laminate tools can be combined with other
technologies, such as deposition technologies, to achieve desired surface
There are several molds in production now and total tooling life is still
being investigated.
Better thermal management allows for shorter cycle time for molds. For
some parts, cycle time can be cut in half.
Laminate tools can be cut in one day (bonding might take several days).
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Business Case
For molding, part cost savings are estimated to range from 5% to 20%,
depending on the application. Cycle time can be reduced 20 to 50% as
the cooling time is lower than that for conventionally designed molds.
State of Readiness
Technology is already applied to molds.
Production dies are currently being developed by this company.
Example 1: Injection Mold Tool for Airbag Housing
Stainless Steel tool built in 2002
150,000 - 175,000 shots
Cycle time reduction of 20 to 30%
Figure 33 – Laminated Airbag Mold
Example 2: Mold for Seat Foam
Lightweight Aluminum tool built in 2003
10-day build time
Currently running in production
130,000 shots to date
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 34 – Laminated Mold
Figure 35 – Laminated Door Panel for Dodge Viper
Contact Information:
Rob Esling
VP Sales & Marketing
1107 Naughton
Troy, MI 48083
Tel: 248-457-9611
Fax: 248-457-9612
Email: resling@fast4m.com
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
2. Sekisou Laminated Tooling
Figure 36 – Laminated Die (Before Final Machining) and Drawn Part
Laminate tools are also made by companies in Japan and Europe.
Sekisou Tooling (www.sekisou.com) is a Japanese company which
makes molds and production dies. It uses 3D models of the die to
determine the contour of each layer of sheet metal. After the layers are
laser cut, the die or mold is built by stacking and connecting the individual
layers and by machining the die surface.
The layers are aligned horizontally and datum pins and holes are used for
proper alignment. Variation stack-up is controlled in the last operation,
when the excess material is removed in a machining operation.
Sekisou’s laminated dies and molds are designed for mass production
Business Case
The general advantages for dies are shorter lead time and reduced
manufacturing costs.
For some cases, the lead time to make a die can be cut in half at 70% of
the cost.
State of Readiness
Production of these dies started last year and 20 tools have been built.
Example for Production Die
Panel for motorcycle gas tank
So far, 200,000 panels made with this die
Lead time reduced by 50% over conventional tooling
Cost reduced by 30% over conventional tooling
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 37 – Example for Motorcycle Tank
Contact Informtion:
Hisao Yamazaki
Sekisou Tooling
3-34-21, Koinakamachi,
Nishi-Ku, Hiroshima, Japan
Tel: +81-823-34-5755
Fax: +81-823-34-5766
Email: mail@sekisou.com
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
F. Quick Plastic Forming
General Motors’ application of the super plastic forming technology referred to as
Quick Plastic Forming (QPF), enables more complex forms from production
tooling, thus allowing greater flexibility in terms of shape or part integration. With
QPF, a heated aluminum sheet is subjected to high-pressure air that makes it
conform to the shape of a hot tool. The high temperature improves the
formability so that complex shapes can be manufactured. On the General
Motors Malibu Maxx, the lift gate (for example) is made from one piece using
QPF. It would have required two pieces without it. The manufacturing process is
more stable because the heated parts spring back less than if they were formed
conventionally. At General Motors, QPF was developed from a hot blow-forming
aluminum process used in aerospace. This technology is used in North America
Figure 38 – 2005 Chevrolet Malibu Maxx Lift Gate
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Contact Information:
David Muir
Vice President
Paragon Die & Engineering
5225 33rd Street, S. E.
Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Tel: 616-949-5138, Ext. 135
Fax: 616-949-2536
Email: dmuir@paragondie.com
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
G. Roll-Forming
Pullmann, (www.pullmanind.com) has further developed the roll forming
technology and combined it with heat treatment.
The P-Tech process is done in the following steps: Cold rolled steel is
rolled, welded, heated, formed and quenched.
Holes are pierced before roll forming, a process which does not affect
dimensional accuracy on the hole diameter as it is well controlled. (The
quality on the hole diameter is very high.)
The P-Tech process can shape boron steel and convert it to martensite.
The process allows for:
− elongation of up to 50%,
− more sweep that any traditional roll forming process,
− tailored profile with varying cross sections, and
− “zero” spring back.
Figure 39 – Roll-formed Spaceframe
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Operating Parameters
Parts can be made at 35 feet per minute.
Laser cutting is an option, especially for low-volume.
Replacement of stamped parts is easier for non-visible parts. Class A
surface parts can be made but require more effort.
Roll-formed parts and materials can be easily spot-welded.
Example for Business Case
Roll forming can be used to make several parts: e.g., the rocker panel,
roof rail, header, and bumper.
Roll-forming tools are relatively inexpensive.
Parts with similar profiles can be made on the same tool, reducing the
number of tools needed (compared to stamping and hydroforming). This
effect can be enhanced by making parts with similar profiles across
several vehicles on the same tool.
Example: 3 roll tools can make 14 parts, which may save up to $10
A business case can also be made for the design of a spaceframe with
roll-formed parts. The advantage over a hydroformed spaceframe is the
low investment cost of roll-forming tools and the limited number of tools
needed for the production of roll-formed spaceframe parts.
For increased safety requirements, martensite/UHSS parts will have to be
incorporated into a safety cage (e.g., rocker panel and roof rails). Some of
those parts might be cheaper as roll-formed parts.
Pullman estimates that roll-forming can reduce the weight by 30% when
substituting hydroformed parts.
State of Readiness/Current Applications
A prerequisite to maximize the benefit is to design parts for roll-forming
within and across vehicles.
An upcoming application for parts made on the P-Tech process is the
front and rear bumpers for the Ford Mustang (185,000 units).
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 40 – Current P-Tech Applications
Ford Mustang Bumper
Volume: 180,000/year
Nissan A-Pillar
Volume: 40,000/year
Volvo Floor Beam
Volume: 92,000/year
Contact Information:
Janet M. Rawson
Director of Market Development
Pullman Industries
820 Kirts Blvd., Suite 400
Troy, MI 48084
Phone: 248-273-5077
Fax: 248-244-3754
Email: rawsonj@pullmanind.com
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
H. Lean Dies
A key strategy for tooling cost reduction (often observed with several Asian
OEMs) involves the design and construction of lean stamping dies. Different
companies have significantly different strategies with lean dies, so the following
description is general. The definition of lean dies entails several different
aspects, including:
Part design (component complexity) – simplifying part design so that the
tools are easier to design and construct. Using Asian parts that are
sometimes smaller and less complex (e.g., less depth of draw) than
comparable North American parts. Commonality across part designs also
contributes to fewer engineering changes that may be required later.
New advanced forming techniques (such as roll-forming, hydroforming,
and hot-forming, etc.) can be used for complex shapes/materials leaving
conventional dies for more straightforward part designs. Advanced
engineering tools (e.g., formability analysis, spring-back prediction, and 3D solids design) contribute to standardized and predictable tool
performance, thus reducing uncertainty and the need for future
engineering changes or tooling delays.
Die design (die standards) – many of North American tooling designs
have their roots in European (German) practices, and are “made to last”
with minimal maintenance. By Japanese tooling standards, North
American (and most European) tools are seen as “over-engineered” and
overly complex. Many Japanese tools are seen as fragile (e.g., less
reinforced base), simpler (fewer cams and complex forming operations),
and have less critical surfaces (e.g., less bearing surface). There are
examples where Asian tools (for comparable parts) can be as much as
50% lighter in mass. Because of the huge opportunity for cost reduction
with lean dies, the North American companies are cautiously exploring
how to exploit this technology. Specific considerations include, for
Reducing die mass by 50% through casting relief
Reducing the number of die components (cylinders, cams, etc.)
Reducing the punch finishing (which also reduces tryout, casting costs
and machine time)
Fewer hardened inserts and more flame-hardened surfaces
Elimination of double wear plates
Improved design to simplify gaging (eliminate flipper gages)
Matching the die to the part, rather than the part to the die, thus
resulting in smaller tools and tools that are suited to the anticipated
level of production
Less tool finishing on non-show part areas of the die
Construction (manufacturing) – a key result of standardized product
design is the ability to synchronize tool manufacturing with product
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
design, resulting in a construction process that is more automated and
faster than with new and uncertain tools whose processing times are
more unpredictable. Standardized product design leads to standardized
tooling construction processes which are faster and more predictable.
One North American OEM indicated that their internal tooling making
capability (number of dies) has increased 90% over the past five years
primarily due to developing standardized tooling construction methods
without any increase in tool construction personnel.
Tryout (procedure to accept dies at tryout)–the functional build
perspective taken by most Japanese firms focuses attention on quickly
attaining a subassembly that has very high dimensional quality, without
focusing resources on getting each component from each die individually
A different strategy is used in developing geometric
dimensioning and tolerance assignments (GD&T) with functional build,
rather than attempting to minimize all checkpoint tolerances. The
functional build tryout method alone can reduce tooling cost by 10% on
average (more on complex tools). The savings accrue principally from
focusing on cause-and-effect solutions.
Figure 41 – Lean Trim Die
Business Case
Benchmark studies have indicated a cost advantage of up to 3-to-1 by using the
Asian lean tool strategy. The Asian OEMs who are the best at tool cost
minimization achieve their press tooling for a car body at about 1/3 the cost of a
typical North American company. This difference is probably the same (or more)
when compared with many German tools. The cost differential significantly
accounts for why Asian companies can competitively produce lower-volume
vehicles than their North American counterparts. Although the total cost
differential is not practical to eliminate because of important differences in
business and product strategies, there are aspects of the lean tool strategy that
can be employed. On the negative side of the lean tools, higher operating costs
are realized due to increased production maintenance and vulnerability to tooling
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
damage. Leaner tools mandate a higher level of preventive maintenance in the
press shop, for both presses and tools.
State of Readiness
The cost and lead-time advantage of lean tools is forcing North American
companies to evaluate what aspects to use and how to best implement lean
The fear of tooling failures in production is restricting speed of
implementation much more than the lack of knowing what to do.
Example for North-American Approach to Lean Dies
Several companies are developing tools for low-volume production. One example
is the Diversified Tooling Group (http://www.diversifiedtoolinggroup.com/), a
major supplier of stamping dies to the Midwestern automotive industry. Their
definition of low-volume ranges from 25,000 to 125,000 panels for the life of the
tool, and their focus is on stamping tools for about 40,000 to 60,000 parts.
Concepts for these tools include a variety of ideas. For example, draw dies could
be made as red urethane plank dies. This design has been applied to a die for
door inner panels, and it can be used to run up to 18,000 parts. Dies may also be
constructed with shoes that are made from blocks of steel and that can be used
with a variety of dies within a program or across programs. Most of these
concepts include the use of laser trimming and hydraulic flanging after the
forming operation. The dies and the presses also require additional maintenance,
similar to Japanese die concepts.
Figure 42 – Matching Tool Standards with Volume
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Example of the North-American Approach to “Low-Cost Competitive” Dies
Low-cost competitive (LCC) tools are made in low-wage countries for North
American production. The LCC advantage is low wages. For example, the
hourly wage rate in China is about 20 times cheaper than in North America
(approximately $20 vs. $1 per hour). The challenge with LCC tools is that they
often have inferior quality, are difficult to program manage during construction,
and require extensive revisions before going into production. (As one customer
pointed out, “we know we can buy cheap tools overseas, but we do not know if
they will work.”) However, their low-cost appeal has intrigued many North
American customers. A so-called, “integrator” model is being encouraged by
many North American customers. With this approach, local tool companies will:
Program manage a tool package and determine what LCCs are capable
of producing and what must remain domestic.
Engineering may also be performed locally or in a foreign country. As
one example, Hindustan Motors (India) would perform tool engineering at
approximately 50% the rate experienced in North America. They would
also help source tools throughout Southeast Asia.
Implement engineering changes domestically when the tools arrive for
tryout. (Some customers have asked that engineering change costs be
pre-determined rather than based on time and materials.)
Provide tool tryout and validation support for final production approval.
Provide tool maintenance support as needed.
While there are many controversial aspects of this strategy, the appeal of
lowering production tooling by 50% is pressing the tooling industry to pursue this
approach. Lower-volume vehicles will accelerate this path.
Contact Information:
John Basso
Diversified Tooling Group
31240 Stephenson Highway
Madison Heights, MI 48071
Tel: 248-588-1100
Fax: 248-588-1104
Email: jbasso@superiorcam.com
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
I. Direct Metal Technologies
The direct metal technology (DMT) is a well established technology that was
developed into a production process at the University of Michigan. Precision
Optical Manufacturing (POM) spun off from the University and was founded in
1998 (www.pom.net). The DMT metal fabrication process is most effective for
the following types of applications:
Reconfigure old tooling into new tooling
Produce tooling using bi-metallic tooling technology
Last minute changes to modify styling
Convert prototype tooling into low-volume production tooling (by adding a
hardened coating to the “soft” tool)
Restoring worn parts on old tools
Die servicing – tool repairs
High productivity injection molding and die casting
Low-volume laser cut tooling (laminate tools)
The metal deposition process involves the synthesis of metallic powder, typically
an iron-based, cobalt-based or nickel-alloy or ceramic-metal composite),
transported to the nozzle by an inert gas (Ar or Ar-He mixture) at a pre-defined
rate from one of four powder feeders. Metallic powder is added to the melt pool,
established by the focused laser beam. The size of the melt pool and its
temperature are closely controlled.
POM holds over 30 patents on DMT. POM’s laser-based metal fabrication
process currently serves several industries, including automotive. A full service
tool fabrication facility for the design and development of prototype and
production tooling exists in Auburn Hills, Michigan. Metals that can be deposited
using DMT include:
H13 (automotive die casting tooling)
H19 (magnesium die casting for automotive
Anviloy (automotive die casting tooling)
P20 (interior, exterior auto trim tooling)
SS420 (rear lighting tools for automotive)
S7 (airbag tooling)
D2 (automotive stamping tooling)
15-5 (automotive lens tooling)
Nickel (door inner panel molding)
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 43 – Direct Metal Deposition Process
Figure 44 – Laser Deposition Tool Coating
DMT can also be applied to produce laminated tooling for low-volume production.
Laminated tooling can be made from laser cut sheets and then coated using
DMT. This process develops a “hard face” on the tooling surface and can be
applied to both molds and dies.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 45 – Conformal Cooling Tool for Fiat and First Shot (CRF)
Business Case
The broad range of capabilities of DMT makes it difficult to construct a general
business case analysis. Generally, the following benefits can be expected:
Elimination of “soft” tools, feasible due to the rapid fabrication of lowvolume tools.
Re-usability of soft tools by adding a hardened layer of material to the tool
Tooling lead time reduction (approximately 5 weeks turnaround time
versus 10 weeks or more for small tools, made conventionally).
Significant injection mold cycle time improvements due to improved
cooling (however, this is not a low-volume production objective.)
Production of laminated tooling is generally about 50% of conventional
tooling (conventional tooling will have a longer life for higher volumes, but
this is not needed for low-volume production).
Contact Information:
Dwight Morgan
Precision Optical Manufacturing
44696 Helm Street
Plymouth, MI 48170
Tel: 734-414-7900
Fax: 734-414-7901
Email: morgan@pom.net
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
J. Flexible Assembly
Cosma (a division of Magna International) has developed a flexible, fixtureless
assembly process for sheet metal parts. The cell would be competitive for highvolume or multiple small-volume vehicle production. The “Flex Cell Architecture”
uses highly automated and controlled robotic cells. The three components of the
cell are: 1) Modular End Effecter Tooling, 2) Collaborative Robots, and 3)
Controls Integrated with Human Interface. A key
1. Modular End Effecter (see figures below)
Lightweight and modular for quick load/unload
Laser tracking for accurate geometric locating
Functions include locating, welding, sealing and geometric dimensioning
2. Collaborative Robots
Multiple robotic axes controlled with a single controller
Improved synchronization
Multi-purposes (handling, sealing, spot welding, arc welding, fixture-less
3. Controls Integrated With Human Interface
Category IV safety with human interface
Controls allow individual or work groups of robots, turntable, servo-gun,
Networking and real-time data collection
The Flex Cell approach is applicable for many body-in-white assemblies
including doors and closures, underbody, and body side assembly. Additional
technologies that can be integrated with it are MIG welding and remote laser
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 46 – Flexible Collaborative Tool Cell
A – Load loose details
B – Load deck lid inner panel
C – Marriage and geometry weld
D – Pedestal weld
E – Roll hemming
F – Part exit
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 47 – Robotic Welding, Collaborative Actions (Mating Parts), and Robotic Handoff
Business Case
Although the Cosma flexible assembly process is clearly unique, it offers many
performance capabilities similar to the Honda flexible body shop that employs
high accuracy robots in place of many geometry fixtures. The benefits include:
Increased launch/start-up times because of modular design and carryover equipment across sub-assemblies (approximately 25%).
Reduced floor space with less material handling equipment, less work-inprocess, and less bulky tooling stations.
Lower investment costs (depending on the components, but 20% to 50%
lower for closures)
Manpower reduction from 20% to 50%.
Nearly the same cycle time as dedicated production systems with some
degradation possible due to robotic changeover (end effecters). Robotic
linear speed is also reduced by 25% when collaborative motion is used.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Contact Information:
Frank Horton
Vice President
Magna – Cosma Body & Chassis Systems
Vehma International of America, Inc.
1807 E. Maple Road
Troy, MI 48083
Tel: 248-689-5512
Fax: 248-689-6197
Email: frank.horton@vehmaintl.com
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
K. Spray Metal
Ford Research Laboratories has developed a low-cost tooling process involving
spray metal (http://www.fordbetterideas.com/tc/main/featuredtech/rapidtool.htm).
Spray metal is an additive process (spraying metal onto a substrate), rather than
one that removes metal, such as by machining. The Ford process uses an
epoxy backfill that is removed once the metal has been sprayed onto the form.
Once the backfill is removed, some structure has to be added to give the tool
strength and rigidity. Ford’s goal has been to find commercial development
partners. Several Michigan tooling companies have partnered (through a
licensing arrangement with Ford) to help develop the technology. While the
technology has been used on some simple parts in automotive, there have been
some challenges that have brought the process’ viability into question. The most
difficult challenge has been that the sprayed metal shrinks so that the net tool
shape is difficult to anticipate. The extent to which this prohibits further
development of the process is not certain. Tools that have been developed with
this process include:
Stamping tools
Injection-molding tools
Blow-molding tools
Casting and die casting tools
Thermoforming tools
Figure 48 – Spray Forming Process
Spray booth operates with one robot that has two degrees of freedom (X-Y
planar movement). Four spray heads dispense metal to the casting. Parts are
limited to shallow draws due to limitations in spraying (stress control and wall
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 49 – Spray Metal Construction Process
Business Case
The current process has been geared toward small tools (up to three feet by
three feet). The cost advantage for tools in this category is that they are
approximately 30% to 50% cheaper with the spray metal process. Larger tools
can be constructed by combining two or more smaller tools; however, the cost
advantage will diminish.
Contact Information:
Joseph Szuba
Group Leader, Rapid Tools
Ford Motor Company
Manufacturing Systems Department
Scientific Research Laboratory
MD3135, 2101 Village Road
Dearborn, MI 48124
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
L. Flexible Hemming (Roller Hemming)
Utica Products, Inc. has developed a flexible hemming system that is based
on a roller hemming operation. Roller hemming is a process in which a
robot’s end-effecter is equipped with a roll that bends a flange to create a
hem. This is done by moving the roll at an angle along the flange, in several
The first station in the company’s flexible hemming system is an optional prework station in which the panels may be clinched or in which pre-hemming
may be performed. A transfer robot moves the assembly from the pre-work
station into a hemming fixture where two robots perform the roller hemming
operation. The inside window header opening and beltline might also be
flanged with cams, if required. Upon completion, the transfer robot loads the
assembly onto a conveyor or exit station.
Figure 50 shows a roller hemming cell for doors. In this example, there are
four fixtures in the center of the cell which allow the processing or hemming
of four different door models. The number of fixtures, which may be
expanded to six or eight, is mainly limited by the available cycle time for the
Figure 51 shows a system for hoods and deck lids. The processing steps are
the same as for doors. Doors, hoods and deck lids can also be made in the
same cell.
The system is not designed to include the application of glue/sealant or the
curing of hemmed assemblies. Those operations typically take place outside
this system.
The advantage of the roller hemming system is its flexibility related to the
cycle time and the number of different doors, hoods or deck lids that can be
processed. The output of the system is about 90 jobs per hour in a system
with 4 hemming stations. The output may be limited to 20 jobs per hour if 8
different products are to be made.
It might be required to change the end-effecter to hem different types of
flanges. The Utica process has a quick change roller assembly that can be
changed in about 10 seconds.
The accuracy of the robots has limited influence on quality, as the head
compensates for positioning errors with its floating hydraulic piston. This
means that any type of robot manufacturer can be used.
The above compensation mechanism also expands the model range for the
system as it allows the hemming of closure panels that are designed as
The quality of the hem is comparable to the quality of those done with a
conventional press type or table-top hemmer.
There is about 35-55% less floor space required compared to conventional
hemming systems. The company’s system also requires less space relative
to other roller hemming systems. One reason is the vertical alignment of
panels in the hemming fixtures which minimizes the number of robots and,
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
thus, floor space. The easel fixtures also facilitate ergonomically friendly
access for the robots and for maintenance.
Business Case
The system may be scaled for speed or for flexibility as described above. The
cost largely depends on the number of models for each system. The following
table summarizes this cost for up to four models:
Table 5 – Typical Budgetary Cost System
Cost Comparison
Base System
Robots (Budget
2nd Model
3rd Model
4th Model
System Cost
Total Cost
Hood/Deck lid
Total Cost
In contrast to traditional hemming systems, a large majority of the roller
hemming system components can be reused in a new vehicle program.
Components that need to be replaced are mainly the holding fixtures and the
robot end-effectors.
State of Readiness
The Utica system is in operation in one North American high-volume
assembly plant.
Contact Information:
Mark A. Savoy
General Manager
Utica Products, Inc.
13231 23 Mile Road
Shelby Twp., MI 48315
Tel: (586) 803-1700
Fax: (586) 803-0700
Email: marksavoy@uticaenterprises.com
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 50 – Door Roller Hemming System
Figure 51 – Hood/Deck Lid Roller Hemming System
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
M. Tandem Mold
Tandem molds are used to make up to two parts in two cavities using a
specially designed mold. The main goal of this technology is to increase the
output of the molding operation. The technology is suitable for parts with any
thickness and especially for family parts (e.g., right and left part). If cooling
time is longer than 40 % of the total cycle time, the machine output can be
The tool consists of two sets of cavities in stacked parting lines that can be
used independently of each other.
Tandem molds do not require special machinery and they can be used on
standard horizontal presses.
T/Mould GmbH & Co KG in Germany holds worldwide patents on this
technology; they work with the Bielefeld University in Germany on its
It is estimated that 20-30% of all automotive plastics parts may be produced
more efficiently using this technology.
Any size of automotive parts can be made using this technology. The largest
tools in production currently run on 1800 ton presses.
The technology was originally designed for parts with low-volumes and large
cycle times. Recent tests have shown that the technology is also viable for
high-volume applications.
The quality of parts is comparable to those of standard molds.
Business Case
A tandem mold is generally not more expensive than two standard molds
because the mold cost is roughly proportional to the number of cavities. The
cost of the locking mechanism required for the alternating operation of the
additional parting line is smaller than 10 % of the mold price. The melt
passage system is designed similar to that type of stack molds.
Despite the higher investment cost, a production cost savings of 40 % can be
achieved if the cooling time accounts for 50% or more of the total cycle time.
The cost savings is due to the higher efficiency of the molding machine that
can run tow molds at the same time.
State of Readiness
There are currently 200 tools used in the production of parts.
Future research includes:
− utilization of TandemMould with thermo set material
− standardization of the interface between two parts of TandemMould to
design TandemMould-modules for production of parts with similar
material but different production volume
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 52 – Molding Cycle
Contact Information:
Udo Werner
T/Mould GmbH & Co KG
Im Wellenbuegel 3
32108 Bad Salzuflen
Tel: +49 (0) 5222 – 946 330
Fax: +49 (0) 5222 – 946 331
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
N. Multi-Spindle Machining Center
The multi-spindle machining center is a very specialized system that allows
for efficient machining for a variety of parts (e.g., parts for chassis,
transmissions housings, common rails, pumps, fittings, hydraulics and electric
The machining center has at least four independently controlled spindles that
may be used for drilling, milling, threading, phasing or turning. The machine
also includes a 5-axis work piece holder that can carry up to 16 parts of one
family type or up to 4 different families. Other major components include:
− Automatic tool changer with magazine
− Tool monitoring equipment
− Quality control system with compensation capabilities
− Automatic loading and unloading system
− Conveyor belt for part transfer
A picture of the machining center is shown in Figure 53.
The work piece holder may be configured to run different parts at the same
time. It is also designed to minimize idle when replacing parts in the working
Due to the machining center’s flexibility and the limited resources needed for
production, the multi-spindle machining center is ideal for high- and lowvolume machining runs.
The machine is used in automotive for runs of 1,000 to 300,000 parts.
The changeover time from one job to another is about 30 minutes.
The idle time between the machining of different parts is less than two
The tool wear is monitored and recorded automatically.
Machined parts may be checked for quality automatically. Any deviation from
nominal is automatically compensated for in the subsequent run.
Business Case
The center is designed to be used by a single operator. It replaces capitalintensive and dedicated transfer lines. In one example, a Porsche supplier
used to make a knuckle for a suspension assembly in a transfer line
consisting of several stations and multiple fixtures. The cycle time in this
process was about 17 minutes. This production line was replaced by a single
machining center, in which the part is machined in a single fixture in four
minutes. The machining center is also used by this supplier to make
additional parts.
For any new program, the cost to modify the machining center is about 10%
of the initial investment cost. This modification mainly includes the
replacement of fixtures and tools. In addition, new software needs to be
uploaded to the machine.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
State of Readiness
The multi-spindle machining center is currently used at various plants in
Europe and at a few plants in the United States. It is used for high- and lowvolume runs.
The current product spectrum could be expanded to other parts, such as
engine or transmission parts.
Figure 53 – Multi-Spindle Machining Center
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Figure 54 – Subset of parts that are machined on the multi-spindle machining center.
Contact Information:
Philipp Hauser
Vice President
Wenzler USA
1000 Victors Way, Suite 290
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Tel: 734-994-1323
Fax: 734-994-1324
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
Appendix 2
European Vehicle Integrators
The European automotive industry has developed a legacy of vehicle integrators. While
the model may—or may not be directly applicable to the North American market, it is
important to draw attention to those companies that have vehicle integration capability.
This appendix briefly describes the major European vehicle integrators.
Heuliez is a French company that provides niche vehicle manufacturing, including
product development, manufacturing, modules, and retractable hard top systems.
Heuliez currently employs approximately 1,600 people.
The company’s only manufacturing facility is located in Cerizay, France and has a
capacity of 90,000 vehicles per year. Engineering and product development takes place
at a facility in Le Pin, France. Heuliez also operates a showroom/design center in Paris.
Currently, Heuliez produces two models for Peugeot Citroën: the CITROEN Saxo
"Electrique" and the Peugeot 106 "Electric." The company’s roof system is currently
used on the Peugeot 206 Coupe Convertible.
Karmann is a privately held company that supplies the automobile industry with various
components (including roof designs) as well as final production services. The company
is based in Osnabruk, Germany and employs approximately 10,000 people. Karmann is
broken down into four main divisions: vehicle engineering, tooling, roof systems, and
production (vehicle assembly).
Final production, as well as most component and engineering work, occurs in various
German facilities. Karmann also operates several plants and engineering facilities
around the world. In the United States, Karmann produces the roof system for the
Pontiac G6 and operates an engineering center. A Mexican plant produces roof
systems for the Volkswagen Beetle; a Portuguese plant makes interior parts; and a
Brazilian plant offers tooling, stamping, and vehicle production.
Current production models are the Chrysler Crossfire coup and convertible and the
Mercedes CLK convertible. Roof systems appear on the Volkswagen Beatle, Renault
Megane, Nissan Micra, and the Pontiac G6. Future production includes a Bentley model
and the Chrysler Sebring roof system.
Magna Steyr:
Magna Steyr is a wholly owned subsidy of Magna International that sells total vehicle
engineering and concept development.
The company is headquartered in
Oberwaltsdorf, Austria and employs approximately 10,000 people. Magna Steyr is
separated into three divisions: engineering, vehicle assembly, and space technology.
The engineering division provides vehicle development services, system integration
services, and prototype/low-volume production services to automotive manufacturers.
The vehicle assembly division produces niche vehicles as well as derivatives of high-
© Center for Automotive Research 2006
volume vehicles. Finally, the space technology division provides manufacturing and
technology services for aircraft, satellites, and automotive manufacturing.
Magna Steyr assembles all vehicles in its Graz, Austria facility. The company also runs
engineering facilities in Austria, Germany, France, India, and the United States.
Modules and components come from various plants in Austria and Germany.
The current production at Magna Steyr consists of eight different nameplates from a
variety of OEMs: the Mercedes E-Class 4matic and G-Class, Jeep Grand Cherokee and
Commander, Chrysler Voyager and 300C (sedan and wagon), Saab 9-3 convertible, and
the BMW X3.
Pininfarina is a publicly traded company on the Borsa Italiana securities market that
provides manufacturing, engineering, and prototype services to various car
manufacturers. Based in Turin, Italy Pininfarina employs approximately 2,600 people
and is separated into two divisions: manufacturing and services. Manufacturing provides
dedicated niche vehicle production services to a variety of automotive partners. The
services division consists of design and engineering which encompasses all services
from concept drawing to full prototyping.
Pininfarina operates facilities in Italy, France, Germany, Sweden and Morocco. Three
manufacturing plants are located in Turin: Grugliasco, San Giorgio, and Bario. The
company also operates two plants in Uddevalla, Sweden to support Volvo activities and
produce retractable hard top roof systems. Engineering and prototyping services are
located in various Italian locations, Morocco, France, and Germany.
The current product mix at Pininfarina consists of the Alpha Romeo Bera, Volvo C70,
Ford Streetka, and Mitsubishi Pajero Pinin. Products announced for 2006 include: the
Alfa Romeo Spider, the Mitsubishi Colt C.C. and the Ford Focus C.C.
Valmet Automotive:
Valmet is a part of the Metso Corporation that provides engineering and design services,
as well as niche vehicle production to assist OEMs with low-volume operations. The
company is located in Uusikaupunki, Finland and employs approximately 800 people.
Valmet’s facility in Finland is capable of producing approximately 100,000 vehicles per
year and also includes a body shop, paint shop, and technical center. The company
currently produces the Boxster, Boxster S, and the Cayman S. Valmet also produced
several of the previous generation Saab 9-3 variants.
© Center for Automotive Research 2006