Brochure PDF - the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art
Brochure PDF - the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art
OCCCA ALTERNATE VIEWS OCCCA 117 North Sycamore Santa Ana California 92701 714 667-1517 “ OCCCA’s purpose is the pursuit of professional excellence and freedom of expression in the Arts. It provides emerging and established artists a forum to explore and develop ideas in contemporary art.” Gallery Hours Thursday and Sunday 12.00 - 5.00 PM Friday and Saturday 12.00 - 9.00 PM Show Closing Date; August 30, 2008 “ Untitled “ Mixed Media Surf Art Sergio Salgado Dirzo Sergio’s art explores California culture along the west coast that represents a spirit of freedom. A unique contemporary view, as an alternative idea. The old with a new prospective in different mediums. The act of making a revolutionary statement about this unique culture. Orange County Center for Contemporary Art Opening Reception August 2, 2008 6 - 10 PM Rich Bohn will delight us with his special sounds. Norman Korpi Rik Lawrence “ Twilight “ “ 25 Years of New Zealand “ Norman’s paintings of his “Twilight Series” walks a fine line between the real and what is not real. He wants us to see and understand (or to own – if only for a few moments) The Twilight. He captures his audience in a world that goes beyond the canvas and pushes the infinite possibilities of what Art can show us – and what we leave behind with Art. Rik’s Photographs document another Magical world of unique culture and beauty. The focus is on the rural beauty of New Zealand landscapes. Sometimes accompanied by other life forms such as goats, sheep, cows and occasionally people. But always beautiful. From the very last sunset of the 20th century and the very first sunrise of the new millennium; to the hearty and humble people who built this incredible country. Serving Sizes “ Sunset Boulevard “ “ Rangiora New Zealand “