EndoVault Brochure Procedure - HBL Distributors : Products
EndoVault Brochure Procedure - HBL Distributors : Products
EndoVault Gastroenterology GI Specific Procedure Documentation Designed specifically for the GI environment, EndoSoft GI is a Meaningful Use Certified (ONC-ATCB EHR Modular) procedure documentation application. With EndoSoft GI, healthcare providers quickly and accurately document each visit of a patient from consent to discharge. Procedure Report EndoSoft GI was designed with departmental workflow in mind and offers fully customizable reports, image and HD video capture as well as database management. EndoSoft GI includes modules for Colonoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy, Gastroscopy, ERCP, EUS, Liver Biopsy, Paracentesis and Enteroscopy and Capsule Endoscopy. P Meaningful Use Certified (ONC-ATCB EHR Modular) P Enhance Quality of Care Colonoscopy EndoSoft Surgery Center 135 Broadway Schenectady, NY 12144 Patient Name: Date of Birth: Record Number: Date / Time of Procedure: Referring Physician: Endoscopist: John Smith 09/15/1950 0159834 5/7/2012, 07:56:49 Frank Black, MD Debbie Doe, MD PROCEDURE PERFORMED: Colonoscopy - complete to terminal ileum. INDICATIONS FOR EXAMINATION: Blood in stool. INSTRUMENTS: MEDICATIONS: VISUALIZATION: EXTENT OF EXAM: LIMITATIONS: CF 180 254875 Versed 3mg IVP, Fentanyl 100 mg IV Good TOLERANCE: Good Terminal ileum None COMPLICATIONS: None PROCEDURE TECHNIQUE: A physical exam was performed. Informed consent was obtained from the patient after explaining all of the risks (perforation, bleeding, infection and adverse effects to the medication), benefits and alternatives to the procedure which the patient appeared to understand and so stated. The patient was connected to the monitoring devices and placed in the left lateral position. Continuous oxygen was provided with a nasal cannula and IV medicine administered through an indwelling cannula. After adequate conscious sedation was achieved, a digital exam was performed and the colonoscope introduced into the rectum and advanced under direct visualization to the terminal ileum. The terminal ileum was identified by visual landmarks. The scope was subsequently removed slowly while carefully examining the color, texture, anatomy and integrity of the mucosa on the way out. In the rectum, the scope was retroflexed to evaluate for internal hemorrhoids and anorectal pathology. The patient was subsequently transferred to the recovery area in satisfactory condition. FINDINGS: Normal to the terminal ileum Internal hemorrhoids ENDOSCOPIC DIAGNOSIS: Normal colon Internal hemorrhoids without complication P Save Time & Resources RECOMMENDATIONS: Follow-up procedure in 10 years Continue current medications High fiber diet Await biopsy results P Increase Efficiency CPT Code: 45384 Colonoscopy, flexible, proximal to splenic flexure; with removal of tumor(s), polyp(s), or other lesion(s) by hot biopsy forceps or bipolar cautery. P Realize Revenue Growth ICD Code: 578.1 Blood in stool P Integrate Directly with EHR & HIS 455.0 Internal hemorrhoids without complication Signature: _________________________________________________ Debbie Doe, MD P World Class Training & Support This procedure was electronically signed off on: 5/7/2012, 07:56:49 AM By Debbie Doe, MD For the Latest Updates and Sales Information, Please Visit: www.EndoSoft.com sales@EndoSoft.com PHOTOREPORT® by EndoSoft® Scalable and Flexible EndoSoft products are used by over 15,000 clinicians every day all around the world. From individual offices to large, multi-site surgery centers and hospitals, EndoSoft GI ensures seamless dataflow for quick and easy access to all patient data across all enterprises. CONSENT FORMS - Fully customizable templates - Multilingual - e-Signature Individualized Reporting With EndoSoft GI, physicians utilize their own templates and reporting style to document patient care. An optional speech recognition tool offers the same comprehensive reporting hands free. Expert Data Reporting Tools Over 100 standard reports and custom reporting tools, instantly turns patient data into expert reports. Reports can be generated to help meet regulatory requirements, prepare for audit inspections, analyze productivity and more. As a certified GIQUiC vendor, EndoSoft enables clinicians to efficiently capture, track and submit GI Quality Indicators, relevant PQRS measures and GIQuIC registry data. P Fully Customizable by Each Physician P Based on CMS, AGA, ACG & ASGE Guidelines P Integrated ICD & CPT® Codes P Canned Reports for PQRS & Pay-for-Performance P Inventory Management & Tracking P GIQuIC Certified with Quality Indicators & Statistical Data Reporting P Cancer Registry Forms P Seamless Interface with HIS & PACS P Optional Speech Recognition Tool P Developed in line with HIPAA & The Joint Commission Rules & Regulations PRE-ENDOSCOPY EVALUATION - Allergies - Indications for exam - Anesthesia classification - Sedation goal - History & medications - Anticoagulants - Physical exam ENDOSCOPY IMAGES - Capture & view full size images & HD video clips - Compare & annotate images - Digital image archiving - Import & export images - Save as DICOM PROCEDURE REPORT - Customizable templates - Automated CPT® & ICD codes - Images printed directly on the report PATHOLOGY REQUISITION - Print labels & barcodes - Tissue submittal details - Pre & post operative diagnosis - Electronic signature sign off on results - Set recalls based on results LETTER TO REFERRING PHYSICIAN - Print & mail, e-mail (.pdf) or fax including images DISCHARGE INSTRUCTIONS - Detailed instructions with optional images - Patient education - Written instructions & appointment reminders - Community agency referrals - Multilingual P DICOM & HL7 Compliant www.EndoSoft.com