user guide - QA Software
user guide - QA Software
Project Document Management System USER GUIDE Document: UGD-DM-001 Revision: 5J th Last Updated: 18 May 2013 Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names and data used in examples are fictitious. 1995 - 2013 by QA Software. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express permission of QA Software. Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft FoxPro are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Although QDMS has undergone extensive testing, QA Software makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this software or documentation, its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for purpose. As a result this software and documentation are licensed “as is”, and you, the licensee are assuming the entire risk as to its quality and performance. In no event will QA Software be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the software or documentation. Please send your comments to: QA Software Level 3, 332 St Kilda Road Melbourne, VIC, 3006 Australia For technical support: Australia Phone: 03 8379 0000 Fax: 03 9326 6544 International Phone: +61 3 8379 0000 Fax: +61 3 9326 6544 Email: Internet: Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 2 of 155 Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Getting Started ........................................................................... 9 1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 10 1.1.01 Introducing QDMS .................................................................................................. 10 1.1.02 Highlights ................................................................................................................ 10 1.1.03 How to get started with QDMS ............................................................................... 11 1.2 Installing QDMS .............................................................................................................. 11 1.2.01 System Requirements ............................................................................................ 11 1.2.02 Installing the QDMS application ............................................................................. 11 1.3 Running QDMS .............................................................................................................. 12 1.3.01 Launching QDMS ................................................................................................... 12 1.3.02 Registering the Program ........................................................................................ 12 1.3.03 Entry of Registration Key........................................................................................ 13 1.4 Configuring QDMS ......................................................................................................... 14 1.4.01 Moving QDMS to the Server .................................................................................. 14 1.4.02 Installing the QASYS Files ..................................................................................... 14 1.4.03 Creating a short cut icon on your desktop .............................................................. 14 1.4.04 QDMS Directory Structure ...................................................................................... 15 1.4.05 QDMS Standard Tool bar buttons .......................................................................... 16 1.4.06 Quick Start Check list ............................................................................................. 17 Chapter 2 - Creating and working with Projects ....................................... 19 2.1 Creating Projects ............................................................................................................ 20 2.1.01 Overview................................................................................................................. 20 2.1.02 Creating a Project ................................................................................................... 20 2.2 Working with Projects ..................................................................................................... 21 2.2.01 Project Details ........................................................................................................ 21 2.2.02 Project Settings ...................................................................................................... 21 2.2.03 Project Messages ................................................................................................... 23 2.2.04 Cloning of Projects ................................................................................................. 24 2.2.05 Project Calendar ..................................................................................................... 25 2.2.06 Project List .............................................................................................................. 25 2.2.07 Deleting Projects ................................................................................................ 26 2.3 Working with the QDMS Configuration Tables ............................................................... 26 2.3.01 Overview................................................................................................................. 26 2.4 Document Attributes ....................................................................................................... 27 2.4.01 Authorisations ......................................................................................................... 27 2.4.02 Categories .............................................................................................................. 27 2.4.03 Disciplines .............................................................................................................. 27 2.4.04 Files ........................................................................................................................ 27 2.4.05 Groups .................................................................................................................... 27 2.4.06 Package Numbers .................................................................................................. 27 2.4.07 Revisions ................................................................................................................ 27 2.4.08 Sizes ....................................................................................................................... 28 2.4.09 Status Codes .......................................................................................................... 28 2.4.10 Sub Projects ........................................................................................................... 28 2.4.11 Tag Numbers .......................................................................................................... 28 2.4.12 Types ...................................................................................................................... 29 2.4.13 WBS Codes ............................................................................................................ 29 2.4.14 Zones ...................................................................................................................... 29 Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 3 of 155 Table of Contents 2.5 Transmittal Attributes...................................................................................................... 29 2.5.01 Media Transmitted .................................................................................................. 29 2.5.02 Messages ............................................................................................................... 29 2.5.03 Methods .................................................................................................................. 29 2.5.04 Reasons ................................................................................................................. 30 2.5.05 Response Messages .............................................................................................. 30 2.6 Address Book Attributes ................................................................................................. 30 2.6.01 Contact Titles.......................................................................................................... 30 2.6.02 Company Types ..................................................................................................... 30 2.7 Circulation Lists .............................................................................................................. 30 2.7.01 Overview................................................................................................................. 30 2.7.02 Defining a Circulation List ....................................................................................... 30 2.8 Transmittal Packages ..................................................................................................... 31 2.8.01 Defining a Transmittal Package ............................................................................. 31 2.8.02 Package Defaults ................................................................................................... 32 Chapter 3 - Working with the Address Book ............................................. 33 3.1 Working with the Address Book ..................................................................................... 34 3.1.01 Overview................................................................................................................. 34 3.1.02 Company Types ..................................................................................................... 34 3.1.03 Companies ............................................................................................................. 35 3.1.04 Contacts ................................................................................................................. 35 3.1.05 Defaults (for Controlled docs)................................................................................. 36 3.1.06 Transfer Address Book ........................................................................................... 37 3.1.07 Rename Company/Contact ID ............................................................................... 38 3.1.08 Address Book Maintenance Wizard ....................................................................... 39 Chapter 4 - Working with Controlled Documents ..................................... 41 4.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 42 4.1.01 Working with Controlled Documents ...................................................................... 42 4.1.02 Using a mandatory sequence with revisions .......................................................... 42 4.2 Receiving Documents..................................................................................................... 43 4.2.01 Overview................................................................................................................. 43 4.2.02 Receiving Documents ............................................................................................ 43 4.2.03 Defining the Columns for use when receiving documents ..................................... 44 4.2.04 Receiving Package Documents ............................................................................. 45 4.2.05 View Transmittals Received ................................................................................... 46 4.3 The Master Document Register ..................................................................................... 47 4.3.01 Overview................................................................................................................. 47 4.3.02 Adding Documents ................................................................................................. 47 4.3.03 Using Document Attributes ..................................................................................... 48 4.3.04 Revising a Document ............................................................................................. 49 4.3.05 Using Filters............................................................................................................ 50 4.3.06 Deleting Controlled Documents ............................................................................. 50 4.3.07 Finding Documents ................................................................................................ 51 4.3.08 Universal Search .................................................................................................... 51 4.3.09 Re-Numbering Controlled Documents ................................................................... 52 4.3.10 Alternative Views .................................................................................................... 52 4.3.11 Clearing the Highlight Changes flag ....................................................................... 53 4.3.12 Adding Comments to Documents .......................................................................... 53 4.3.13 Removed Data ....................................................................................................... 54 Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 4 of 155 Table of Contents 4.4 Using View Files ............................................................................................................. 54 4.4.01 View Files ............................................................................................................... 54 4.4.02 Storing View Files at Remote Locations ................................................................ 55 4.4.03 Viewing Drawings ................................................................................................... 55 4.4.04 The QVIEW Toolbar ............................................................................................... 56 4.4.05 Mark-up Drawings .................................................................................................. 57 4.4.06 Moving View Files to another Location .............................................................. 58 4.5 Document History ........................................................................................................... 59 4.5.01 Document History ................................................................................................... 59 4.6 Using Document Masks.................................................................................................. 59 4.6.01 Using Document Masks ......................................................................................... 59 4.7 Managing the Document Review Process ..................................................................... 60 4.7.01 Overview................................................................................................................. 60 4.7.02 Receiving Documents for Review .......................................................................... 60 4.7.03 Transmit the Documents for Approval .................................................................... 61 4.7.04 Update Status of Transmitted Documents ............................................................. 61 4.7.05 Transmit the Response to the Originator ............................................................... 62 4.7.06 Document Review Status Report ........................................................................... 63 Chapter 5 - Working with Outgoing Transmittals...................................... 65 5.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................... 67 5.1.01 Working with Outgoing Transmittals ...................................................................... 67 5.2 Transmittal Generation - Wizard .................................................................................... 67 5.2.01 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 67 5.2.02 Transmittal Generation Wizard Screen .................................................................. 68 5.2.03 Recipients Selection ............................................................................................... 68 5.2.04 Messages Selection ............................................................................................... 69 5.2.05 Document Selection ............................................................................................... 70 5.2.07 Printing and Saving the Transmittal ....................................................................... 71 5.3 Transmittal Generation – Standard ................................................................................ 72 5.3.01 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 72 5.3.02 Transmittal Generation Standard Screen ............................................................... 72 5.3.03 Recipient Selection ................................................................................................. 72 5.4.04 Message Selection ................................................................................................. 73 5.3.05 Document Selection ............................................................................................... 74 5.3.06 Printing and Saving the Transmittal ....................................................................... 74 5.4 Transmittal Types ........................................................................................................... 74 5.4.01 Single Recipient ..................................................................................................... 74 5.4.02 Single Recipient with CC values ............................................................................ 74 5.4.03 Multiple Recipients ................................................................................................. 75 5.4.04 Circulation Lists ...................................................................................................... 75 5.4.05 Transmittal Packages ............................................................................................. 76 5.4.06 Revised................................................................................................................... 76 5.4.07 Free Form ............................................................................................................... 77 5.4.08 Re-Transmit a Transmittal Received ...................................................................... 77 5.4.09 Superseded Documents .................................................................................... 78 5.5 e-Transmittals ................................................................................................................. 78 5.5.01 e-Transmittals ......................................................................................................... 78 5.5.02 e-Transmittals with Attachments ............................................................................ 78 5.5.03 e-Transmittals with Hyperlinks ............................................................................... 80 5.6 Using Set Tags to Select Documents ............................................................................. 80 5.6.01 Clear Tags .............................................................................................................. 80 5.6.02 Tags Automatic ...................................................................................................... 81 5.6.03 Tags Manual ........................................................................................................... 82 Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 5 of 155 Table of Contents 5.7 Transmittal Storage ........................................................................................................ 83 5.7.01 Overview................................................................................................................. 83 5.7.02 Transmittal view ..................................................................................................... 83 5.7.03 Recipient View ........................................................................................................ 84 5.7.04 Document No. View ................................................................................................ 84 5.7.05 Hot List ................................................................................................................... 84 5.8 Transmittal Maintenance ................................................................................................ 85 5.8.01 Copies of Transmittals ............................................................................................ 85 5.8.02 Delete Transmittals ................................................................................................ 85 5.8.03 Cancel Transmittals ................................................................................................ 85 5.8.04 Print/Copy View Files Transmitted ......................................................................... 86 5.9 Recipient Document Register ......................................................................................... 86 5.9.01 Overview................................................................................................................. 86 5.9.02 Modifying the Distribution ....................................................................................... 87 5.9.03 Transmittals Pending .............................................................................................. 87 5.10 Managing Responses and Acknowledgements ........................................................... 88 5.10.01 Responses............................................................................................................ 88 5.10.02 The Update Responses to Transmittal option ...................................................... 88 5.10.03 Responses via the Transmittal History ................................................................. 88 5.10.04 Acknowledgements .............................................................................................. 89 5.10.05 Show Alerts .......................................................................................................... 90 5.10.06 Dashboard Transmittal Statistics ......................................................................... 91 5.11 Uploading Documents to TeamBinder ......................................................................... 91 5.11.01 Overview............................................................................................................... 91 5.11.02 Set up the TeamBinder Defaults .......................................................................... 91 5.11.03 Synchronize the QDMS configuration tables with TeamBinder ........................... 92 5.11.04 Upload of Documents to TeamBinder .................................................................. 92 Chapter 6 - HOW TO .................................................................................... 93 6.01 How to Register QDMS ............................................................................................. 94 6.02 How to Create a New Project .................................................................................... 94 6.03 How to Set up Valid Revisions .................................................................................. 94 6.04 How to Enter a New Document ................................................................................. 94 6.05 How to Find a Document ........................................................................................... 94 6.06 How to Edit Document Details ................................................................................... 95 6.07 How to Delete a Document ....................................................................................... 95 6.08 How to Transfer documents from one project to another .......................................... 95 6.09 How to Update a Recipient's Details ......................................................................... 95 6.10 How to Enter a New Recipient .................................................................................. 95 6.11 How to Tag a Document for Transmittal ................................................................... 96 6.12 How to Generate a Transmittal to a Single Recipient ............................................... 96 6.13 How to change the default sender for a Transmittal ................................................. 96 6.14 How to Generate a Transmittal to Multiple Recipients .............................................. 96 6.15 How to Identify Transmittals Pending ........................................................................ 97 6.16 How to Generate a Transmittal for Revised Documents ........................................... 97 6.17 How to Stop Sending Revised Documents to a Recipient ........................................ 97 6.18 How to Re-start sending Revised Documents to a Recipient ................................... 97 6.19 How to Clear all Tags ................................................................................................ 98 6.20 How to Print a complete Document Register ............................................................ 98 6.21 How to Print a list of the latest documents sent to a Recipient ................................. 98 6.22 How to Print a list of Transmittals Pending ............................................................... 98 6.23 How to Print a copy of a Previous Transmittal .......................................................... 98 6.24 How to Export a Transmittal to another QDMS User ................................................ 99 6.25 How to Email a Transmittal ....................................................................................... 99 6.26 How to use Custom Transmittal Formats .................................................................. 99 6.27 How to Import from an Excel File .............................................................................. 99 6.28 How to Delete a Project ............................................................................................. 99 6.29 How to Activate the Add-on Viewer ......................................................................... 100 Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 6 of 155 Table of Contents 6.30 How to Use a Global Address Book ........................................................................ 100 6.31 How to exit from QDMS ........................................................................................... 100 6.32 How to move QDMS to the Server .......................................................................... 100 6.33 How to load a Company Logo ................................................................................. 100 6.34 How to recover QDMS after an unexpected exit ..................................................... 101 6.35 How to speed up QDMS .......................................................................................... 101 Chapter 7 - Reports.................................................................................... 103 7.1 Grid Reports ................................................................................................................. 104 7.1.01 Overview............................................................................................................... 104 7.1.02 Document registers .............................................................................................. 104 7.1.03 Recipient Document Register............................................................................... 104 7.1.04 Transmittal History ............................................................................................... 104 7.1.05 Pending Transmittals ............................................................................................ 105 7.1.06 Address Book ....................................................................................................... 105 7.1.07 Configuration Tables ............................................................................................ 105 7.2 Standard Reports ......................................................................................................... 105 7.2.01 Overview............................................................................................................... 105 7.2.02 Creating a standard report ................................................................................... 105 7.2.03 Area of the System to Report on Options ............................................................ 106 7.2.04 Sorting Data.......................................................................................................... 108 7.2.05 Using Filters.......................................................................................................... 108 7.2.06 Advanced Filters ................................................................................................... 110 7.2.07 Printing to Excel ................................................................................................... 110 7.2.08 Printing to PDF ..................................................................................................... 110 7.2.09 Page Setup ........................................................................................................... 110 7.3 Special Reports ............................................................................................................ 111 7.3.01 Project Statistics ................................................................................................... 111 7.3.02 Transmittal Package History Report .................................................................... 111 7.3.03 Print-room Report ................................................................................................. 111 7.3.04 Print Status of Transmitted Documents ............................................................... 112 7.3.05 Print Shop Drawing Report ................................................................................... 112 Chapter 8 - Import and Export .................................................................. 113 8.1 Importing data to the MDR ........................................................................................... 114 8.1.01 Importing data from MS Excel or Database files .................................................. 114 8.1.02 Importing CAD files .............................................................................................. 115 8.1.03 Importing Transmittals .......................................................................................... 115 8.1.04 Importing an Address Book .................................................................................. 116 8.2 Export data ................................................................................................................... 117 8.2.01 Exporting data ...................................................................................................... 117 8.2.02 Export Transmittals .............................................................................................. 117 Chapter 9 - Customising QDMS ................................................................ 119 9.1 Customising Screens.................................................................................................... 120 9.1.01 The Master Document Register ........................................................................... 120 9.1.02 Adding Custom fields to the Master Document Register ..................................... 121 9.1.03 Changing the Default Sort Order for the Master Document Register .................. 122 9.1.04 Defining View File Type Exceptions ..................................................................... 122 9.2 Dashboard .................................................................................................................... 123 9.2.01 Customising the Favorites .................................................................................... 123 9.2.02 Dashboard Logo and Project Summary Details ................................................... 123 Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 7 of 155 Table of Contents 9.3 Customising Reports .................................................................................................... 124 9.3.01 Grid Reports ......................................................................................................... 124 9.3.02 Standard Reports ................................................................................................. 124 9.3.03 Using a Custom Title ............................................................................................ 124 9.3.04 Customising the Fields that appear on the report ................................................ 124 9.3.05 Customising the Report Layout ............................................................................ 125 9.4 Using Customised Transmittals .................................................................................... 125 9.4.01 Overview............................................................................................................... 125 9.4.02 Customising the HTML Transmittal Format ......................................................... 126 9.4.03 Customising the email body text templates .......................................................... 126 9.4.04 Customising the Alert Reminders .................................................................... 126 Chapter 10 Administration ........................................................................ 127 10.1 Options ....................................................................................................................... 128 10.1.01 The Program Defaults ........................................................................................ 128 10.2 Security ....................................................................................................................... 130 10.2.01 Overview............................................................................................................. 130 10.2.02 Levels and Features ........................................................................................... 130 10.2.03 Users and Projects ............................................................................................. 131 10.2.04 Duplicate User Settings ...................................................................................... 132 10.2.05 Change Password .............................................................................................. 132 10.2.06 View User Login Details ..................................................................................... 133 10.3 Utilities ........................................................................................................................ 133 10.3.01 Compact Files .................................................................................................... 133 10.3.02 Make a Global Change ....................................................................................... 134 10.3.03 Update Recipient Document Register ................................................................ 135 10.3.04 Update Document History File ........................................................................... 135 10.4 Upgrading QDMS ....................................................................................................... 135 10.4.01 Overview............................................................................................................. 135 10.4.02 Install Upgrade ................................................................................................... 136 Chapter 11 – Reference ............................................................................. 139 11.1 File Menu .................................................................................................................... 140 11.2 Edit Menu ................................................................................................................... 140 11.3 View Menu .................................................................................................................. 141 11.4 Transmit Menu ............................................................................................................ 141 11.5 Receive Menu ............................................................................................................. 142 11.6 Misc Menu .................................................................................................................. 142 1.7 Wizards Menu ............................................................................................................... 143 11.8 Tools Menu ................................................................................................................. 144 11.9 Help Menu .................................................................................................................. 144 Chapter 12 - Appendices ........................................................................... 145 12.1 File Formats supported by QVIEW.......................................................................... 146 12.2 Trouble Shooting ..................................................................................................... 146 12.3 Support/Feedback ................................................................................................... 149 12.4 QA Software Y2K Statement ................................................................................... 149 12.5 Work Flow for Initial Transmittal Generation ........................................................... 151 12.6 Work Flow for Transmittal of Revised Documents .................................................. 152 12.7 Examples of some Customisations for QDMS ........................................................ 153 Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 8 of 155 Chapter 1 - Getting Started 1.1 Introduction 1.1.01 Introducing QDMS 1.1.02 Highlights 1.1.03 How to get started with QDMS 1.2 Installing QDMS 1.2.01 System Requirements 1.2.02 Installing the QDMS application 1.3 Running QDMS 1.3.01 Launching QDMS 1.3.02 Registering the Program 1.4 Configuring QDMS 1.4.01 1.4.02 1.4.03 1.4.04 1.4.05 1.4.06 Moving QDMS to the Server Installing the QASYS Files Creating a short cut icon on your desktop QDMS Directory Structure QDMS Standard Tool bar buttons Quick Start Check list Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 9 of 155 Chapter 1 – Getting Started 1.1 Introduction 1.1.01 Introducing QDMS In any Drawing Office, on any Construction Site, or in fact anywhere else where there are large quantities of documents, there will be a Register of Documents. With time, documents are revised, new documents are created, and documents become superseded. The document register is continually updated to reflect these changes. When documents are issued from one party to another, they are generally issued under a transmittal. This is a cover sheet that lists the issued documents, their status, the reason for issue etc. A transmittal is the means by which document issues are controlled. QDMS is a Document Management and Transmittal System developed by QA Software to electronically maintain a document register, to generate transmittals for the issue of new documents, and to manage the distribution of revised documents. Though this may sound simple, in today’s fast track environment, control of documents is fundamental to the smooth operation of any Project and is often managed badly. Handwriting of transmittals is time consuming and a manually maintained distribution matrix, (or more common still, a distribution matrix held only in someone’s memory) is prone to error and potential disaster. QDMS is a powerful and flexible PC based system. It has been designed to be as simple to use as possible while offering the maximum power for the advanced user. QDMS has been developed to assist companies in meeting the requirements of ISO 9000 standards for document control, but offers far more than the means of simply meeting this standard. See also: How to get started with QDMS [Section 1.1.03] 1.1.02 Highlights QDMS is special because it has been developed on the job. People actually doing document control have written it. QDMS displays information in a spread sheet format that enables the user to see multiple records at a glance. Flexibility has been considered of primary importance. Data can be browsed, or reports generated in a wide variety of ways. A powerful filter generation facility is incorporated for editing or reporting on selected information only. QDMS generates an audit trail for all revisions to documents and document Issues. Data entry with QDMS is rapid with single line or batch entry for new documents. Documents are selected for generating transmittals by simply tagging the documents in the Document Register. The distribution of revised documents is almost completely automated. Full automation has not been implemented in order to provide the user with the final control button. Importing and Exporting from and to other systems is a built-in feature of QDMS. The system can generate electronic transmittals that can be imported by other users. All, or only selected records within any QDMS data file can be exported from within the system to most popular software packages such as Excel, Lotus, etc. QDMS is designed so that you can access the information you want quickly and the system operates with standardized Tool buttons for maximum user-friendly operation. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 10 of 155 Chapter 1 – Getting Started In an environment with electronic versions of drawing files, QDMS can be supplied with an integrated Viewer which can read most of the common CAD file formats. The viewer also has red lining facilities which can be controlled per user. 1.1.03 How to get started with QDMS QDMS requires installation of some software. This can be obtained from or by contacting QA Software on: Phone: +61 (3) 8379 0000 Fax: +61 (3) 9326 6544 Email: 1.2 Installing QDMS 1.2.01 System Requirements The system requirements for running QDMS are: Hardware/Software Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements Computer/Processor Pentium 250 Pentium 800 Memory (RAM) 512 MB 1 GB Available Hard Disk Space 30 MB 80 MB Display 800 x 600 16 Bit 1024 x 768 16 Bit Operating System Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows XP, Windows 7 Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 1.2.02 Installing the QDMS application To install the QDMS application files: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Close all open applications. Click on the Start button and select Run. Insert the QA Software CD in your CD drive. Click on the Browse button and locate the D:\QDMS\Setup folder on the CD. Select the QDMS.msi file in this folder and click OK. Back at the Run window, click the OK button to start the setup process. Follow the instructions without changing the default settings in the setup process. Note: a) QDMS can also be installed using the Menu that appears when you load the QAS CD ROM. Simply click the QDMS Option. b) After Installation and prior to running QDMS, ensure you screen is set to a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels or greater. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 11 of 155 Chapter 1 – Getting Started See also: Installing the QASYS files (for Server installations) [1.4.02] Launching QDMS [1.3.01] 1.3 Running QDMS 1.3.01 Launching QDMS With the QDMS installed you can now log into the system for the first time. By default, QDMS will be installed in the QA Software program group. To start the QDMS: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the Start button. Select Programs. Select the QA Software Work group. Select QDMS At the login screen, enter the User ID as QA and type the Password as QA. Click OK. Note that the User Id and Password values are populated automatically when you first run QDMS from version 4 onwards. You are now at the QDMS main menu, which confirms that the installation has been successful. Click on the File menu and choose Exit to close the program. At this point it is highly recommended that staff new to QDMS work through the QDMS Guided Tour. If you do not already have a hardcopy of the Guided Tour, a copy can be found on the QAS CD ROM in the \Valupack\Documentation\Guided Tours folder. 1.3.02 Registering the Program QA Software products are normally licensed: Either to specific PCs that will be able to access the software OR On a Concurrent User basis (a) Registering QDMS for Per Seat Licensing With Per Seat Licensing, each PC accessing QDMS must be registered. For this reason it is essential for you to go around to every PC that you are purchasing a license for and choose either the Register button from the Register Reminder window, or select Register Program from the Help Menu. Obtaining a Registration key: 1. From the Help menu, select Register Program. 2. Complete the Name and Organisation fields. Note that for first time registrations, you will need to add your organisation (company) to the QDMS Address book to be able to select it at the Registration screen. See Companies [3.1.03] for more on how to do this. 3. Select the Contact Information Tab and complete the contact information that QA Software will use to communicate with you. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 12 of 155 Chapter 1 – Getting Started Note the License number will have been provided to you with your QA Software CD Rom. This License number should be quoted on all correspondence with QA Software. 4. Click the Add to Log button. If you have been to each PC you are registering, go to 6. 5. Go to the next computer and return to step 1. 6. Click either Print Log and attach it to your purchase order; or click Email Log to electronically mail the log to QA Software. Note: If you only have a couple of computers to register, you may want to call QA Software and register each PC over the phone. Entry of Registration Key: Once QA Software have received your purchase order and your registration log, they will either send you a printed Registration Details sheet via mail/fax or send you an updated registration log via email. If you have received such a print registration details sheet: Go around to each PC you placed an order for, enter the registration screen and manually enter the appropriate Registration Key for each machine and click Register. If you have received a registration log by email: 1. Copy the attached file to your CONFIG Directory (usually C:\Qasoft\Qdms\Config\). 2. Go around to each PC you placed an order for and enter the registration screen. 3. Click Register. (b) Registering QDMS for Concurrent User Licensing With Concurrent User Licensing, the system can be registered from any PC setup to access the system. Hence the following steps can be performed from any PC and need only be done once. Obtaining a Registration key: 1. 2. Follow Steps 1 – 3 in Section (a) above for per seat licensing. Copy and paste the User Reg No. into an email and send the email to Note: You can also call QA Software and register over the phone. 1.3.03 Entry of Registration Key Once QA Software have received your purchase order and your User Reg No., they will either send you the registration key required encrypted for the number of concurrent users.. Repeat step 1 above and enter the Registration key provided, and click Register. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 13 of 155 Chapter 1 – Getting Started 1.4 Configuring QDMS 1.4.01 Moving QDMS to the Server With the QDMS installed on your local drive, it is now time to move the program to the server, which is necessary if you are going to have more than one user of the system. Instructions for moving the QDMS to the Server: 1. Start Windows Explorer. 2. Move the complete QASOFT folder and all subfolders to the server drive (e.g. K). 3. Install the QASYS files (QA Software System Files) on all work stations requiring access to QDMS. See Installing the QASYS Files [1.4.02] 4. Finally, create icons pointing to QDMS.EXE on all workstations requiring access to the QDMS System. 1.4.02 Installing the QASYS Files The QA Software System Files (QASYS Files) contain a number of Dlls that are used by QA Software Applications. It is necessary to install the QASYS files on all workstations that are going to run QA Software applications. The QASYS files are not the application itself. Ie they are not QDMS. However they are required to enable you to run QDMS. Note that the QASYS files are installed automatically when you install QDMS. Hence if you have a network license, you normally move the QDMS Application from the PC that it was first installed on to the server. On this PC it is not necessary to also install the QASYS files. You must use the QA Software Setup program to install the QA Software System files. The files on the program CD are compressed; you can’t just copy them to your hard drive. Follow the steps below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Close any open applications. Click on the Start button. Select Run. Insert the QA Software CD in your CD drive. Click on the Browse button and locate the QASYS folder on the CD. Select the Setup.exe file in this folder and click OK. At the Run window, click the OK button to start the setup process. Follow the instructions on the screen. Note at this stage it is advisable to accept the default settings in the setup process. At the end of the setup process you will normally be requested to restart your computer. See also: Installing the QDMS Application [1.2.03] 1.4.03 Creating a short cut icon on your desktop If a short cut icon was not created automatically on your desktop when installing the system you can manually create such a short cut icon as follows: 1. Run Windows Explorer. 2. Locate the Desktop Folder (often right at the top). Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 14 of 155 Chapter 1 – Getting Started 3. Select the Desktop folder and click on the File menu and sub-menu New. 4. Select Shortcut. 5. At the “Create shortcut” screen, click on Browse and locate the \QASOFT\QDMS folder on the server drive. 6. Click on the QDMS.EXE file and click Open. 7. Follow the remaining instructions and a QDMS icon will be created on the desktop. 1.4.04 QDMS Directory Structure During installation of QDMS, a number of directories are created. These are: QASOFT\QDMS Stores Program files. QASOFT\QDMS\CAD Contains all sample view files to QVIEW QASOFT\QDMS\CONFIG Contains all Configuration files. QASOFT\QDMS\PROJECTS All Project Data files are stored in folders underneath the Projects folder. QASOFT\QDMS\PROJECTS\DEMO Data files for the Demonstration Project. QASOFT\QDMS\PROJECTS\DEMO\ TEMPLATES HTML Templates for use with Project eTransmittals QASOFT\QDMS\PROJECTS\DEMO\ TRANSMITTALS Default folder for storage of Transmittals generated to PDF format. QASOFT\QDMS\REPORTS Contains all QDMS Standard Reports. QASOFT\QDMS\HELP Used to store the QDMS help file. QASOFT\QDMS\HTML Used for the storage of HTML files generated when transmitting via HTML. QASOFT\QDMS\PDFFILES Used for the storage of report files generated to PDF format. QASOFT\QDMS\TMPFILES Used for the storage of temporary tables. When QDMS is closed and no users are logged in, this folder should be empty. QASOFT\GLOBAL The global folder is created after first login and stores user profiles, and the global address book. QASOFT\Runtimes Additional System Files. The \Runtimes directory can be made “Read Only” if required on network installations. Note however that ALL users on a network installation require write access to all folders other than the Runtimes folder and essentially full control of TmpFiles folder. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 15 of 155 Chapter 1 – Getting Started 1.4.05 QDMS Standard Tool bar buttons With the QDMS system installed you are now ready to start using the system. Until you become familiar with the system it maybe worthwhile making a copy of this page which explains the meaning of the most commonly used buttons on the QDMS Toolbars. Add New Used to add a new row to the main table. Add Duplicate Used to add a new row to the table, duplicating the current row. Edit Used to edit a record or details on a screen. Undo Used to undo changes. Delete Used to delete the current row. Find A simple search based on the key field in the table. Filter A structure search on any field in the table. Preview Preview a report. Print Print a report. Save Close This button is used to close the current form. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 16 of 155 Chapter 1 – Getting Started 1.4.06 Quick Start Check list It is suggested that the check list below be used as a guide when setting up QDMS for the first time to ensure that key elements of the system are set up correctly prior to processing the first transactions (Mail or Controlled Documents). 1. Have you checked that all workstations meet the Technical Specification [1.2.01] required to use QDMS? 2. Have you Installed QDMS [1.2.02] on all work stations requiring access to the system? 3. Have you moved QDMS to your server [1.4.01] (if applicable)? 4. Have you installed the QASYS files [1.4.02] on each workstation (if applicable)? 5. Have you registered [1.3.02] each work station that will access QDMS? 6. Have you installed your custom transmittal [9.4.01] (if applicable)? 7. Have you set up the Address Book [3.1.01] to enter the key Companies [3.1.03] involved in the project? 8. Have you added Contacts [3.1.04] to the address book for both internal users and key contacts at external companies? 9. Have you set up Company Types [3.1.02] to reflect the type of project you are undertaking? 10. Have you created the project using the Project Wizard [2.1.02]? 11. Have you defined the Default Company ID [10.1.03] for your Project? 12. Have you set up the Configuration Tables [2.3] for use on your project? 13. Have you considered the use of mandatory sequences for revisions [4.1.02]? 14. Have you defined the Security Levels [10.2.02] you will use on your project? 15. Have you set up users of QDMS and Assigned each User [10.2.03] a security level? Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 17 of 155 Chapter 2 - Creating and working with Projects 2.1 Creating Projects 2.1.01 Overview 2.1.02 Creating a Project 2.2 Working with Projects 2.2.01 2.2.02 2.2.03 2.2.04 2.2.05 2.2.06 2.2.07 Project Details Project Settings Project Messages Cloning of Projects Project Calendar Project List Deleting Projects 2.3 Working with the QDMS Configuration Tables 2.3.01 Overview 2.4 Document Attributes 2.4.01 2.4.02 2.4.03 2.4.04 2.4.05 2.4.06 2.4.07 2.4.08 2.4.09 2.4.10 2.4.11 2.4.12 2.4.13 2.4.14 Authorisations Categories Disciplines Files Groups Package Numbers Revisions Sizes Status Codes Sub Projects Tag Numbers Types WBS Codes Zones 2.5 Transmittal Attributes 2.5.01 2.5.02 2.5.03 2.5.04 2.5.05 Media Transmitted Messages Methods Reasons Response Messages 2.6 Address Book Attributes 2.6.01 Contact Titles 2.6.02 Company Types 2.7 Circulation Lists 2.7.01 Overview 2.7.02 Defining a Circulation List 2.8 Transmittal Packages 2.8.01 Defining a Transmittal Package 2.8.02 Package Defaults Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 19 of 155 Chapter 2 – Creating and Working with Projects 2.1 Creating Projects 2.1.01 Overview QDMS is a multi project system. There is no limit to how many projects you may create within QDMS. Each Project is maintained in a separate database which facilitates archiving at project completion if required. While each project is a separate database, meaning controlled documents for a project are stored within a project database container, the address book in QDMS can be either Project Specific or Global which services all projects for your company. The first step to manage a project via QDMS is to create the project. 2.1.02 Creating a Project 1. From the File menu, select New Project. 2. At the Start screen of the Project Wizard, enter the Project Number (this must be a minimum of 4 characters) and press Tab. 3. Enter the Project Name. 4. Do not change the Database Suffix or Data Directory settings unless you are an advanced QDMS user. 5. Click Next. 6. At the Transfer Existing Data screen of the Project Wizard, select the Data Transfer methodology. See Transfer project data [2.2.04] for more on this. TIP: Choose Do not populate if this is your first QDMS Project. Choose Current project (All) if this is not your first QDMS project, or you are evaluating the system only. 7. Tick Use Global address book for this project if required. See Working with the Address book [3.1.01] for more on this. 8. Click Next. 9. If at step 6. you choose any option other than Do not populate, the next screen will prompt you to select the tables that you want to have populated from the current project. Select or un-select the tables as required. 10. Click Next. 11. At the Enter Project Details screen, enter/edit the project details as required. TIP: These details print on transmittals so should be entered accurately. Leave the Custom Menus field empty unless you have been advised to do otherwise. 12. Click Next. 13. At the Enter Other Details screen, enter/edit the other details as required and 14. Click Next. 15. At the Finish screen, click Finish to create the new project. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 20 of 155 Chapter 2 – Creating and Working with Projects Notes: (a) If at step 6 you choose Do Not Populate, you can transfer data selectively from another project at any time using Transfer project data [2.2.04]. (b) You can switch between using a Project or Global Address book for your project at any time. See Project Details [2.2.01]. (c) Users can be assigned access to your new project See Assigning users to projects [10.2.03]. (d) See also Using Document Masks [4.6.01] and Using Document Number Formatting [4.7.01]. 2.2 Working with Projects 2.2.01 Project Details Once a project has been created, the general details about the project can be edited at any time (security permitting). 1. From the Tools menu, select Options. 2. Click on the Project Details tab and click Edit on the toolbar. 3. Adjust values as required and click the Save button on the toolbar when done. Notes: a) Use the Project Settings screen (also found under Tools\Options) to set the default company Id for the project. If you have not yet created your company in the Address book you will need to do this first. b) The System Administrator at the Project Details screen is normally printed on Transmittals as the Refer any Queries to value. c) The Project Number can be edited at any time. d) Projects can be made In-Active using the tick box for this purpose. At login, there is an option to login to In-Active projects, in which case the data is read only. 2.2.02 Project Settings The Project Settings page of the Options screen in QDMS is a project specific page of default settings for use on a project. 1. From the Tools menu, select Options 2. Click on the Project Settings Tab. The project settings that can be controlled via this screen are as follows: Project Number: This is printed on Reports and Transmittals. Data Base Suffix: This is a system value and cannot be changed. It is used in the naming of the folder where the QDMS project data is stored. Data File Directory: This is the folder location where your project data is stored. Document Number Mask: A Mask for the Document number field can be defined here to ensure that documents are always entered in a fixed format. Click on the Samples button to see how to setup a mask. Note that masks should be set up at the start of a project if they are to be used to maximum effect. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 21 of 155 Chapter 2 – Creating and Working with Projects Vendor Document Number Mask: As per the Document Number mask but for the Vendor Doc Number field. Alternate Document Number Mask: As per the Document Number mask but for the Alternate Doc Number field. Document Register Document No: This is the default Document number to be used when generating a controlled issue of the Document Register [See Section 4.3.11]. Company ID: Default company (selected from the Address book, for this project). Default Transmittal Sender: The default transmittal sender entered here is used as the default From value on transmittals generated for this project. Report Logo: Select a logo for use on QDMS Reports (excluding transmittals) on this specific project. Transmittal Logo: Select a logo for use on QDMS Transmittals on this specific project. Dashboard Logo: This can be used to select a project related image to appear on the Dashboard. Document Review Coordinator: Used to define a default Review Coordinator for the Project. The Review Coordinator has two unique roles in QDMS: The ability to delete comments; and the ability to change comments from being Public to Private. [See section 4.3.12] Default Folder for Transmittal Exports/Imports: This is the default directory for the location of exported transmittals and/or transmittals to be imported. Default Folder for Data Export/Import Files: This is the default location for files exported from QDMS and for files to be imported into QDMS. Default Folder for View Files: This is the default location for selection and storage of view files linked to document entries in QDMS. Highlight Revision Changes in MDR: this is used to control the display or a Revision flag in the Master Document Register to indicate changes between controlled issues of the Master Document Register. Restrict Attachment Folder: Tick this option to restrict the selection of view files from the Default folder for view files or beneath this directory in the folder structure. Revision Sequence Required: This option is used to control whether use of revision sequences is mandatory for this project. Print Distribution on Transmittal: This option can be used to make the default setting when generating transmittals to multiple recipients that the distribution is included on each transmittal. Use Transmittal Wizard: Tick this box to use the transmittal wizard interface for generation of transmittals. If un-ticked the traditional transmittal generation screen will be used. Automatically Save Tags when generating transmittals: Tick this option only for projects with very large document registers where the transmittal generation screen documents page is slow to load. This option will make the screen load faster but requires that each user with access to the project is assigned a different Tag Number via Tools \ Security – Users and Projects. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 22 of 155 Chapter 2 – Creating and Working with Projects Default Find Mode: This option can be used to change the default find mode. The default mode is recommended on all but the largest projects. The options are: Advanced Find with Real-time Searching (this is the default incremental search mode). Advanced Fine without Real-time Searching (this is as per the incremental search except the search is not initiated until Search is clicked). Simple Find (this is a simple option to select a field and enter a text string contained in that field to search for. The option is recommended for very large projects). Attach to eTransmittals: Used to set the default attachments to eTransmittals in QDMS for the current project. The options are: File Attachments (to include the view files with eTransmittals); Transmittal Cover Sheet (to include the PDF version of the transmittal); XML Files (to include the transmittal data in XML which would allow the recipient to import the date into their document management system). Rev Number Mask: This mask can be used to ensure Revision numbers are entered in a fixed format. Click on Samples to see sample formats. No of Tags to use: This option can be used to increase the number of Tag files that can be assigned to users. It is only required for projects where there are a large number of document controllers on a single project all needing to generate transmittals. Default Transmittal: Used to define the default transmittal type (1 or 2) for the project when generating transmittals. Custom Transmittal Type 1 and 2: Used to define the default custom transmittal format for the project. This format will be used only if there is no custom format defined at a recipient level. Custom Library: Used by QA Software for client customisations. Custom menu: Used by QA Software for client customisations. Custom Configuration File: Used by QA Software for client customizations. Set TeamBinder Defaults: Used to set up the default details for use when uploading transmitted documents to TeamBinder. 2.2.03 Project Messages The Project Messages page of the Options screen in QDMS is a project specific page of default messages for use on a project. 1. From the Tools menu, select Options 2. Click on the Project Messages Tab. The Key fields in this screen are: Dashboard Heading: Use this field to type a heading to appear above the project image on the dashboard. Project Summary Heading: Use this field to type a heading to appear above the Project Summary information on the dashboard. Project Summary Details: Use this field to enter the summary text about your project that appears on the dashboard. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 23 of 155 Chapter 2 – Creating and Working with Projects eTransmittal Message: This is the default message that will accompany eTransmittals on the current project. Transmittal Acknowledgement Request: This is the message printed on the standard QDMS transmittal for requesting acknowledgements on this project. 2.2.04 Cloning of Projects QDMS Supports the cloning of Projects in a number of ways. Firstly, when you create a new project, the Project Details are duplicated by default from the current project. These can be edited in the Create Project Wizard. Secondly, once a new project has been created, the data from one or more of the Configuration Tables [2.3] from an existing project can be copied into the current project. The above cloning is performed using the Transfer Project data option. 1. From the Wizards menu, select Transfer Project Data. 2. Select the Project to transfer from using the drop down option in the top right of the screen. 3. Via the Source Data tab, tick the tables you wish to transfer. As the tables are ticked you can see the data from the project you are transferring from in the grid on the right hand side of the screen. Note also that QDMS will auto select linked tables if you select for example the Address Book. This is to protect the data integrity of the data being transferred. 4. Click the Transfer button in the top left corner to perform the transfer. Notes: a) Using the Preview Target tab it is possible to view what the target table in the current project will look like after the transfer has taken place. This is very useful if you are transferring project data after some initial data has already been created in your current project. b) At the bottom of the transfer project data window there are options to: Select all tables: This can be used to select all Configuration Tables in a single go. Overwrite all: During the transfer, the target table will be deleted and replaced with the data from the project being transferred from. Replace Existing Records: The Transfer process will replace existing records where an equivalent existing record is found. Existing records for which there is no equivalent in the transfer file will remain as they are. Only New: During the transfer, if it is found that there is a record being transferred for which an equivalent record already exists in the current project, the current record will be left unchanged. This is the default setting. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 24 of 155 Chapter 2 – Creating and Working with Projects 2.2.05 Project Calendar QDMS has its own project specific calendar. This is used in the process of automatic calculation of Respond By dates when generating transmittals. Respond by dates are defined on a per recipient basis in the Default Details page of the Address Book. To define the project calendar: 1. From the File menu, select Calendar. 2. Use the arrow buttons on the toolbar to navigate from month to month and year to year. 3. Non Working days are defined simply by clicking on the appropriate squares in the calendar display. Note that Saturdays and Sundays default as non working. Non working days can be reverted to working days by clicking on them. Extending the Calendar Range: The Calendar range is normally extended automatically by QDMS as required but, to extend it manually click the edit date range button on the toolbar: 4. Enter a new From date and To date and click OK. To add notations on the calendar: Messages can be displayed against required dates for reference purposes. 5. Tick the Edit Descriptions check box. 6. Click the day for the annotation. 7. Enter a summary annotation in the field for Short Description that appears. 8. Enter a detailed annotation in the large field for Long Description that appears. Printing the project calendar: The calendar can be printed as a project calendar if required. Note that each working day will be numbered on the printed copy. Notes: a) To make a non-working day as working, simply click on the grey square and it will change to white. b) To change an annotation, click on the square, and click on Edit Descriptions. 2.2.06 Project List The Project List page of the Options screen in QDMS lists all projects within the system and can be used to quick find a project for maintenance of any of the Project Details, Project Settings or Project Messages. 1. From the Tools menu, select Options 2. Click on the Project List Tab. 3. Click on any of the displayed projects in the list and then use the other Project related Tabs in the Option screen as required. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 25 of 155 Chapter 2 – Creating and Working with Projects 2.2.07 Deleting Projects Once a Project has been completed it can be deleted from QDMS. Note that only the listing of the Project at the login screen is deleted. The data files cannot be deleted from within QDMS. To delete a project: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Run QDMS and select a project other than the one to be deleted. Click on the Tools menu. Select Options. Click on the Project Settings Page. Navigate to the project to be deleted. Click the Edit button. Click the Delete button. Enter a Reason when prompted to confirm you want to delete the project and click Yes. The data files should then be deleted by locating the project folder via Windows Explorer and deleting this folder (after first copying it to CD or diskette). Notes: (a) If a situation arises where the data files for a project have been deleted without first deleting the project from within QDMS, the project can no longer be deleted in the above way and it is necessary to use the Delete Invalid/Removed Projects under the Tools menu. This option only displays projects that exist in QDMS but which have no project data folder. (b) The options screen is closed automatically after deleting a project to ensure that the project is deleted successfully. (c) To view information about deleted projects, use View \ Removed Data. 2.3 Working with the QDMS Configuration Tables 2.3.01 Overview Throughout QDMS there are a large number of drop down lists. The values displayed in these drop down lists can be defined on a per project basis. This is done via the Configuration Tables. The configuration tables are divided into three groups: Document Attributes Transmittal Attributes Address Book Attributes To access the Configuration Tables: 1. From the View menu, select Configuration Tables. 2. Select the Configuration table Group to work with. 3. Use the Files drop down list to select the file to work with. 4. Use the toolbar to add new records, delete records or edit existing records. See also: Document/Transmittal Attributes [2.4/2.5] Transfer project data [2.2.04] Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 26 of 155 Chapter 2 – Creating and Working with Projects 2.4 Document Attributes 2.4.01 Authorisations Authorisations are a controlled document attribute. The person responsible for a controlled document can be assigned via the Authorisations drop down list when viewing the Master Document Register and editing a document. 2.4.02 Categories Categories are a controlled document attribute. The category of a controlled document can be assigned via the Category drop down list when viewing the Master Document Register and editing a document. 2.4.03 Disciplines Disciplines are a controlled document attribute. The Discipline of a controlled document can be assigned via the Category drop down list when viewing the Master Document Register and editing a document. Note that Disciplines are the equivalent of CSI categories in North America. 2.4.04 Files Files are a controlled document attribute. The physical location where a hard copy of a controlled document is stored can be assigned via the Files drop down list when viewing the Master Document Register and editing a document. 2.4.05 Groups Groups are a controlled document attribute. The Group of a controlled document can be assigned via the Group drop down list when viewing the Master Document Register and editing a document. 2.4.06 Package Numbers Package Numbers are a controlled document attribute. They differ from other Controlled Document Attributes in that via the Define Transmittal Package Wizard a single document can exist in more than one package. See also: Transmittal Packages [2.8] 2.4.07 Revisions Revisions are a mandatory attribute of controlled documents. When registering, receiving or updating a controlled document it is mandatory to enter the Revision. In the Revisions table it is possible to define both a code and title plus a sequence and a percentage complete. The Sequence field (if made mandatory) controls: The order in which the Revisions are displayed in drop down lists. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 27 of 155 Chapter 2 – Creating and Working with Projects The hierarchy of revisions. If a document is processed with a revision that is of a lower sequence than the existing document, the user is warned and prompted to either update the Master Document Register with this revision, or simply record this document in the Document History file. To change the sequence values against the listed Revisions, click the Edit button and change the values directly in the grid. Click Save when done. The percentage complete is used when QDMS is integrated with time sheet management to enable automatic allocation of earned values based on the revision of a document. See also: Using a mandatory sequence with revisions [4.1.02] 2.4.08 Sizes Sizes are used in a number of areas of QDMS. The Size values are a controlled document attribute. The Size of a controlled document can be assigned via the Size drop down list when viewing the Master Document Register and editing a document. Size values are also used when distributing documents via Transmittal. The size in this case is the size of the document being transmitted. 2.4.09 Status Codes Status codes are a mandatory attribute of controlled documents. When registering, receiving or updating a controlled document it is mandatory to enter the status code. In the Status codes table it is possible to define both a code and title plus a percentage complete. The percentage complete is used when QDMS is integrated with time sheet management to enable automatic allocation of earned values based on the status of a document. It is also possible to define that one or more status codes are “Restrained”. Documents with a Status that is restrained appear with a padlock icon in the Master Document Register and cannot be transmitted until their Status is updated to an un-restrained status. Note that a Status Code of “-“ is automatically added to the Status configuration table if not manually added by the user. 2.4.10 Sub Projects Sub Projects are a controlled document attribute. The Sub Project that a controlled document relates to can be assigned via the Sub Project drop down list when viewing the Master Document Register and editing a document. Sub Projects can be used to group documents into sub sets of the total project. 2.4.11 Tag Numbers Tag Numbers are a controlled document attribute. The Tag Number that a controlled document relates to can be assigned via the Tag Number drop down list when viewing the Master Document Register and editing a document. Note that Tag Numbers generally relate to “Tagged Equipment” on a project. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 28 of 155 Chapter 2 – Creating and Working with Projects 2.4.12 Types Types are a controlled document attribute. The Type of document that a controlled document relates to can be assigned via the Types drop down list when viewing the Master Document Register and editing a document. Note that use of Types is highly recommended to be able to distinguish in the controlled document register between specifications, manuals, drawings, shop drawings and the like. 2.4.13 WBS Codes WBS Codes are a controlled document attribute. The WBS Code of a controlled document can be assigned via the WBS drop down list when viewing the Master Document Register and editing a document. Note that use of WBS Codes as a document attribute enables links to a Project Schedule where WBS Code = Schedule Activity ID 2.4.14 Zones Zones are a controlled document attribute. The Zone that a controlled document relates to can be assigned via the Zone drop down list when viewing the Master Document Register and editing a document. 2.5 Transmittal Attributes 2.5.01 Media Transmitted Media Transmitted are used in a number of areas of QDMS. The Media Type values are a controlled document attribute. The Media of a controlled document can be assigned via the Media Types drop down list when viewing the Master Document Register and editing a document. Media Type values are also used when distributing documents via Transmittal. The Media Type in this case is the Media of the document being transmitted. 2.5.02 Messages Messages are used when generating transmittals and generating print shop requests. Messages allow the user to select from a list of messages when creating transmittals or print shop requests thus saving time. Note the sequence column controls the order in which the values are displayed in the drop down list. 2.5.03 Methods Methods are used when generating transmittals. They indicate the method being used to transmit the documents (by Hand, by Courier etc). If a method of EMAIL is defined then when selected during the transmittal process, QDMS will auto initiate the eTransmittal wizard at the end of the transmittal generation process. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 29 of 155 Chapter 2 – Creating and Working with Projects 2.5.04 Reasons Reasons are used when generating transmittals. They indicate the reason why the documents are being issued. Examples are “Issued for Information”, “Issue for Quotation”. The Reason code can be used as a legend. Note the sequence column controls the order in which the values are displayed in the drop down list. 2.5.05 Response Messages Response messages are used when generating transmittals and generating print shop requests. Response messages allow the user to select from a list of response messages when creating transmittals or print shop requests thus saving time. Note the sequence column controls the order in which the values are displayed in the drop down list. 2.6 Address Book Attributes 2.6.01 Contact Titles Contact Titles are an address book attribute. Examples of Contact Titles are “Mr”, “Mrs”, “Ms”. 2.6.02 Company Types Company Types are used to categories companies in a large address book. Examples are “Subcontractor” and “Architect”. 2.7 Circulation Lists 2.7.01 Overview A Circulation List is a pre-defined group of recipients. When used with Transmittals, Circulation Lists are characterised by the fact that only a single Transmittal is created and sent. Hence circulation lists are used in the circumstance when documents are perhaps issued for review and will be reviewed by each recipient in the circulation list selected in turn and then passed on to the next recipient. 2.7.02 Defining a Circulation List To define a Circulation List: 1. From the Wizards menu, select Circulation List Wizard and click Next at the Welcome screen. 2. Choose Create new list from the three options and click Next. 3. Enter a Number and Title for the List in the fields provided and click Next. 4. Select one or more people from the Address book to be included in the Circulation list using the arrows at the mover screen for this purpose. The Filter button can be used to filter for same all contacts within a single company. Click Next when done. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 30 of 155 Chapter 2 – Creating and Working with Projects 5. Enter a sequence number from 1 onwards against each person in the Circulation list to indicate the order in which documents are to be circulated amongst them. Click Next when done. 6. Identify the Circulation List Team Leader by ticking the box against them (default setting is the person with the lowest sequence). This is the person responsible for consolidating the reviewer comments. Click Next when done. 7. Enter the default transmittal details for transmittal attributes such as Reason for Issue, Size, Media, Transmitted By etc and click Next when done. 8. Enter the name of the Custom Transmittal format to be used with transmittals to a circulation list (optional). Generally users can leave these fields empty. Click Next when done. 9. Click Finish at the final screen of the wizard. Notes: (a) To Edit or Delete a Circulation List, use the Edit/Delete options at page 2 of the Circulation List Wizard. (b) A Circulation List can only be deleted if it has not yet been used for Transmittal purposes, See also: Transmittal Types – Circulation Lists [5.4.04] 2.8 Transmittal Packages 2.8.01 Defining a Transmittal Package A Transmittal Package is a predefined matrix of both Controlled Documents and Recipients. Transmittal Packages are a useful method of managing the workflow of a particular group of documents that have a relatively fixed distribution. To define a Transmittal Package: 1. From the Wizards menu, select Transmittal Package Definitions. 2. Click the Add new Package button on the toolbar (top right of the screen). 3. Enter the new Package Number and click OK. 4. Enter the Package Title. 5. Select the documents from the Master Document Register to be included in the package using the mover windows. Documents can also be selected by double clicking. 6. Click on the Recipients radio button at the bottom left of the screen. 7. Select the Recipients from the Address Book to be included as part of the package using the mover windows. 8. Click OK when done and Yes when prompted. Notes: (a) The filter button can be used to filter the master document register when selecting documents for the package if required. See also using filters. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 31 of 155 Chapter 2 – Creating and Working with Projects (b) Use the New Duplicate button to quickly create a new package that is similar to an existing package (the documents and recipients from the existing package will be copied automatically to the new package). (c) Use the Renumber button to renumber a package if required. (d) A Package can only be deleted if it has not yet been used for Transmittal purposes. (e) See also - Transmittal Types – Packages [5.4.05] (f) See also - Receiving Package Documents [4.2.04] 2.8.02 Package Defaults There are a number of default attributes that can be assigned to packages. These are assigned via Transmittal Package Definition screen. Once at the Package definition screen (Wizards\Transmittal Package Definitions), select the package in the top grid. The fields against the package are explained below. Field Description Last Received System date updated with the last date at which one or more documents within the package were received Default number of copies of documents to send when using the Transmit Package option. Default Size of documents to send when using the Transmit Package option. See also [2.4.08] Default Media Type of documents to send when using the Transmit Package option. Default Reason for Issue to use when transmitting the package. See also [2.5.04] Default setting for the Acknowledgement required tick box when using the Transmit Package option. Default Message to use when transmitting the package. See also [2.5.02] The last response required date. Copies Size Media Reason Ackn Required Message RspnReqd Response Message Archive Box No Destruction Location Remarks Default Response message to use when transmitting the package. See also [2.5.05] Date the documents in the package were archived (normally at project completion). A text field to store a Box number where any hardcopies of documents in the package are stored when archived. This is a date field to define the date on which the package documents can be destroyed. A text field to store a Location where any hardcopies of documents in the package are stored when archived. A free text field to store any comments about the Package. Notes: (a) See also Receiving Package Documents [4.2.04] Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 32 of 155 Chapter 3 - Working with the Address Book 3.1 Working with the Address Book 3.1.01 3.1.02 3.1.03 3.1.04 3.1.05 3.1.06 3.1.07 3.1.08 Overview Company Types Companies Contacts Defaults (for Controlled docs) Transfer Address Book Rename Company/Contact ID Address Book Maintenance Wizard Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 33 of 155 Chapter 3 – Working with the Address Book 3.1 Working with the Address Book 3.1.01 Overview The Address book in QDMS is structured in three levels: Company Types: These are the types of companies involved in projects you perform. Companies: These are the companies you do business with on projects. They are categorised by Company Types. Contacts: These are the contacts (names and addresses) of the people within each company. It is important that the Address book is one of the first areas set up after installation of QDMS. Notes: a) The Address book in use for any project can either be a project specific address book or a Global Address book that services multiple projects. b) The Address book is used to validate Users setup to access the QDMS System [10.2.03] c) To use a Global Address book, see [2.2.01]. d) To Import an Address book, see [8.1.04]. 3.1.02 Company Types 1. From the View menu, select Address Book. 2. At the top centre of the screen, click the Edit Company Details select button above the Company ID drop down list. 3. At the top right corner of the Company Details screen, click the Edit Company Types select button. 4. At the Company Types screen, click the New Company Type button to add a new Company Type. 5. Enter a company Type and Title and click OK. 6. Add / Edit further company types as required. 7. Close the Company Types screen via the toolbar when done. Tip: Examples of some suggested company types are: Architects Design Engineers Print Shops Sub Contractors General Contractors Internal (For your own company) Clients Authorities Vendors Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 34 of 155 Chapter 3 – Working with the Address Book Notes: a) You can print a list of company types using the print or preview buttons on the toolbar. b) You can delete company types using the delete button on the toolbar. c) If the Title of a company type contains the word “CLIENT”, then when documents are issued by Transmittal to a company allocated this type, the “To Client” date field in the Master Document Register is updated automatically with the Issue date. Generally only one company within a project should be allocated such a Company Type. 3.1.03 Companies 1. From the View menu, select Address Book. 2. At the top centre of the screen, click the Edit Company Details select button above the Company ID drop down list. 3. At the Company Details screen, click the New button. 4. At the Add new company window, enter the Company ID, the Company Title, select the Company Type, and click OK. Note that the Company ID you assign will be used throughout the QDMS system and it is worthwhile preparing a procedure on how you will assign Company Ids before creating too many companies. A meaningful abbreviation for Company Ids is suggested. E.g. QASOFT for QA Software. 5. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for other companies. Notes: a) You can print a list of companies using the print or preview buttons on the toolbar. b) You can delete companies using the delete button on the toolbar as long as there are not contacts set up for the company. c) Use the Filter button to display selected companies only in this screen. d) Use the Response Days field to capture a default response period in days by which documents received from the company must be returned. This value is used to control the default Respond By date when receiving documents. e) Your own company after being setup above should also be defined as the default company for the system via Tools\Options\Program Defaults [10.1.01] as the default company for the project via Tools\Options\Project Settings [2.2.02]. This is important as only contacts belonging to this company can be created as QDMS Users. 3.1.04 Contacts Contacts are used extensively throughout QDMS. There is no difference in QDMS between internal and external contacts. All contacts are simply related to companies and companies grouped into company types. To create new contacts you must first have created the company they belong to. Once the company has been created, contacts are created as follows: 1. From the View menu, select Address Book. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 35 of 155 Chapter 3 – Working with the Address Book 2. At the Contact details screen, select the company that the contact relates to from the Company ID drop down list in the top centre of the screen. 3. Once the company is selected, click the Create a new contact button on the toolbar. 4. At the new window, enter a Contact ID, a Title, a First Name, and a Last Name, and click OK. Note that Contact Ids must be unique within each company. This means it is possible to have JB as a contact Id in many companies but this Id can only be used once within a single company. Generally it is suggested to use Initials for Contact Ids. 5. Once the new Contact has been added to the contact details screen you can enter the remaining details for the contact on the form on the right hand side of the screen. Tip: When creating the first contact within a company, ensure you complete the address details as fully as possible as you can then use the New Duplicate option to create further contacts and save the retyping of the same or similar address details. 6. Click on the Close button when done to return to the main menu. Notes: a) You can print a contact register using the Print or Preview buttons. b) Use the filter button to print a selected list of contacts only. c) Use the Full Name button to edit the First and Last name details. d) Use the Addresses button to add/edit the address details for the contact. Note that QDMS supports allocation of both a Business and Other address for each contact. The address to be used on transmittals is controlled by ticking the Mailing Address box with either Business or Other selected. e) It is possible to store a digital copy of the contacts signature that can be used to auto sign transmittals. Select the require image file and tick Use Signature if this feature is required. f) There are a large number of other values you can define for contacts which are used as defaults when generating transmittals [See Section 3.1.05] g) Un-Tick the “Hide Inactive Contacts” tick box to display both Active and Inactive contacts within a project. Contacts made Inactive will not be displayed in drop down lists using the Address Book throughout the project. h) Un-tick the Show Active contacts box to display both Active and Inactive contacts in the Address Book. This is required if an Inactive contact needs to be changed back to Active. i) Contacts can be deleted only if they have not been transmitted documents. j) The Title band of the Address book indicates whether you are using a Global or Local (project based) address book. 3.1.05 Defaults (for Controlled docs) When transmitting documents to recipients, QDMS searches the Address book to use any defaults defined for the person the transmittal is being sent to. These might include: Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 36 of 155 Chapter 3 – Working with the Address Book Field No of Copies Purpose Default number of copies when using transmittals. Size Default size of documents when using transmittals. [2.4.08] Media Default media type when using transmittals. [2.5.01] Response days Default Response period used to calculate the respond by date for transmittals. Reason Default Reason for issuing documents. [2.5.04] Message No Default message to use on transmittals. [2.5.02] Response Msg No Default Response message for transmittals. [2.5.05] Calendar Default Calendar to use to calculate the respond by date for transmittals. [2.2.05] Default Transmittal Default Transmittal Type (Type 1 or 2). Priority Default priority for outgoing mail (not currently active). Transmittal Prefix A prefix to be used with the standard transmittal number. Transmitted By Default send method for transmittals. [2.5.03] Acknowledgement Required Indication of whether an acknowledgement to transmittals is always required. Custom Transmittal File Name Definition of any Custom transmittal formats. Defaults for Type 2 Transmittals Default sets of copies, size and media for use with Type 2 transmittals. [5.2.03] Remarks A general Remarks field. To modify the above settings: 1. From the View menu, select Address Book. 2. At the Address Book screen, select the company that the contact relates to from the Company drop down list in the top centre of the screen. 3. Select the contact and click on the Details tab and adjust any of the above settings as required. 4. Click Close when done. 3.1.06 Transfer Address Book While Address Book details can be copied between projects using the Transfer Project Data option [2.2.04], if a Global Address Book is in use or would like to be used, it is often desirable to be able to transfer address book data either from a project to the Global address book or from the Global address book to a project address book. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 37 of 155 Chapter 3 – Working with the Address Book Typically in the situation where the use of a Global Address Book option was not defined during project creation and data entry has already commenced, if the user wants to change to using a global address book, the transfer address book option can be used to transfer data already entered in the project address book to the Global address book. To transfer the address book: 1. From the Wizards menu, select Transfer Address Book. 2. Click Next at the Welcome screen. 3. Choose between transferring the addresses from a Local to Global address book, or from a Global to Local address book and click Next. If you select Local Address Book to the Global Address Book: 4. A mover window opens listing Companies in the Local Address book in the left hand pane and existing company entries in the Global address book in the right hand pane. Using the arrow buttons move one or more, or all of the companies from the left hand side to the right hand side and click Next. 5. A further mover window now appears with Contacts within the companies selected to be transferred listed in the left hand window (the right hand window displays existing contacts in the Global address book). Again using the mover arrow buttons, move one or more contacts from the left to the right of the screen and click Next when done. 6. Click Finish at the final screen of the wizard. If you select Global Address book to Local Address book: 7. A mover window opens with companies in the Global Address book (that are not already in the Local Address book) in the left hand pane and existing companies in the Local address book in the right hand pane. Using the arrow buttons move one or more, or all of the companies from the left hand side to the right hand side and click Next. 8. At the Select Contacts window, select the required contacts to transfer in a similar manner to step 7 and click Next and then Finish at the final screen of the wizard. 3.1.07 Rename Company/Contact ID Contact and Company ID’s may need to be changed from time to time, especially in the setup period of the project. These ID’s cannot simply be edited in the Address Book as they are likely to already have been used when either receiving, or transmitting documents. Hence there is a special utility provided to perform this renumbering process. Before proceeding, the renaming process requires that the logged in user making the changes is the only user logged into the system. 1. From the Tools menu, select Rename Contact ID/ Company ID. 2. Click Next at the welcome screen of the wizard that launches. 3. Choose from the four available renaming options and click Next. Merge Duplicate Contact ID Only the Company ID Only the Contact ID Both Company ID and Contact ID Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 38 of 155 Chapter 3 – Working with the Address Book 4. Select the Current Values to be changed. 5. Enter the New Values to change the current values to. 6. Click the Next button and then click the Finish button. 7. Click Yes at the warning about the process requiring Exclusive access to the system (if you are the only user logged in). 8. Enter a reason for making the change at the confirmation window that appears and click Yes. 9. Click OK when the process is completed. Notes: (a) If the Company ID or Contact ID is not displayed in the list of old Company and/or Contact Ids, tick the I want to rename an ID that is not listed option and manually type the existing Company and/or Contact ID to be changed. (b) Changes to Company and Contact Ids are reflected throughout the QDMS System in the current project only. This includes in the Document History and Transmittal History tables. The QVDMS system for Vendor Data management will also be updated if in use. 3.1.08 Address Book Maintenance Wizard From time to time it is necessary to perform housekeeping on the Address Book when companies or contacts move location and/or change their phone and fax numbers. Because these details are entered against contacts in a company in QDMS and not against the company itself it can be a time consuming process to bring a change of company address into effect. The Address Book Maintenance Wizard allows you to change some or all of a companies details against some or all of the contacts working for that company. 1. From the Wizards menu select Address Book Maintenance Wizard. 2. Click Next 3. Select the Company ID of the Company whose details need editing 4. Select a Contact ID from within the company whose details need editing 5. Click Next and edit the details as required. All changed details will be highlighted in red. 6. Click Next and select other contacts from the same company who require the same company details changing. 7. Click Next and then click Finish. Notes: (a) Details that cannot be edited via this wizard are; contact name, mobile phone number, email address, signature image file. (b) At the Finish screen there is the option to edit additional company details. Tick this box to take you back to the beginning of the Address Book Maintenance Wizard. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 39 of 155 Chapter 4 - Working with Controlled Documents 4.1 Overview 4.1.01 Working with Controlled Documents 4.1.02 Using a mandatory sequence with revisions 4.2 Receiving Documents 4.2.01 4.2.02 4.2.03 4.2.04 4.2.05 Overview Receiving Documents - Simple Receiving Documents - Advanced Receiving Package Documents View Transmittals Received 4.3 The Master Document Register 4.3.01 4.3.02 4.3.03 4.3.04 4.3.05 4.3.06 4.3.07 4.3.08 4.3.09 4.3.10 4.3.11 4.3.12 4.3.13 Overview Adding Documents Using Document Attributes Revising a Document Using Filters Deleting Controlled Documents Finding Documents Universal Search Re-Numbering Controlled Documents Alternative Views Clearing the Highlight Revised flag Adding Comments to Documents Removed Data 4.4 Using View Files 4.4.01 4.4.02 4.4.03 4.4.04 4.4.05 4.4.06 View Files Storing View Files at Remote Locations Viewing Drawings The QVIEW Toolbar Redlining Drawings Moving View Files to another Location 4.5 Document History 4.5.01 Document History 4.6 Using Document Masks 4.6.01 Using Document Masks 4.7 Managing the Document Review Process 4.7.01 4.7.02 4.7.03 4.7.04 4.7.05 4.7.06 Overview Receiving Documents for Review Transmitting the Documents for Approval Update Status of Transmitted Documents Transmitting the Response to the Originator Document Review Status Report Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 41 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents 4.1 Overview 4.1.01 Working with Controlled Documents Controlled documents in QDMS are any document types that are subject to revision control. Typically the bulk of controlled documents are engineering drawings. Other types of controlled document include specifications, manuals, procedures, in-fact any type of document for which version control is important. QDMS maintains a Master Document Register of controlled documents. The Master Document Register stores the latest revision of each document and optionally, it’s associated View file which might be an AutoCad file, Mircrostation file, Plot file, PDF or any other file format that is supported by the optional viewer add-on to QDMS called QVIEW (+150 file formats are supported by QVIEW). Controlled documents are issued in QDMS using transmittals. QDMS maintains an auto generated distribution of documents as they are transmitted and tracks the latest revision supplied to each recipient ensuring that all parties are kept up to date as documents are revised. 4.1.02 Using a mandatory sequence with revisions In QDMS it is possible to ensure that revisions of documents are processed in a defined sequence. This is set via Tools\Options\System Administration\Use Mandatory Revisions. If use of mandatory sequencing for revisions is activated it has the following implications: Populating the Revisions configuration Table: When populating this table, entry of a sequence value becomes mandatory. Processing revised documents: When revised documents are processed, if the revision entered is lower in sequence than the current revision, the user is prompted with the following options: Ignore change: The document revision will not be updated. Update the Document History file only: If this option is chosen, the revision selected will be added as a record to the Document History file but the Master Document Register will not be updated. Update both the Document History file and Master Document Register: If this option is chosen then both the Master Document Register and Document History files will be updated with the new revision. Importing Transmittals: If the revision in the transmittal being imported is of a lower sequence than the existing revision in the master document register, the user will have to manually override the accepted revision during the import process of the particular document and revision to be imported. See also [8.1.03] Import Documents from DBF/Excel: If the revision in the DBF file being imported is of a lower sequence than the existing revision in the master document register, the user will have to manually override the accepted revision during the import process of the particular document and revision to be imported. See also [8.1.01] Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 42 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents 4.2 Receiving Documents 4.2.01 Overview Controlled documents in QDMS are stored in the Master Document Register. There are two ways of registering documents into the QDMS system. One method (recommended) is via the Receive menu which is typically used to process incoming controlled documents. There are two Receive menu options: Receive Documents Receive Package Documents The second method is to register documents directly into the Master Document Register. This method is more commonly used for registering internally generated controlled documents. See Adding documents [4.3.02] to the Master Document Register for more. 4.2.02 Receiving Documents The Receive Documents option is a structured form via which incoming drawings are processed into QDMS. 1. From the Receive menu, select Documents. 2. Enter the Incoming Transmittal Number. This is the senders reference – i.e. their transmittal number when sending the documents to you. 3. Enter the Dated value which is the date on the Incoming Transmittal 4. Enter the Received on date. This defaults to the current date. 5. Select the From value for the documents. For external documents, this is the originator. For internal documents this would be your company. 6. If a response to the Incoming Documents is required (e.g. they are being submitted for review), enter the Respond by date [see Section 4.7 for more on this]. 7. If it is required to send an acknowledgement to the company the transmittal is received from, tick the Acknowledgement Required box. To enter documents: 8. Press F4 or use the New document button to enter the first document in the lower grid. 9. Enter the Document Number. 10. Select the Revision and Status Received and/or the Status (STS) Tip: The Status Received is the status assigned to the document by the originator. The Status (STS) is the status assigned by the Receiver. Some companies use only the Status value and ignore the Status Received. The Status Received field, if not being used can be hidden via Tools\Options\Program Defaults. 11. Enter the Title of the Document. 12. Click OK. 13. Right click on the cell under Filename and choose Select File to locate a view file to associate with the document details just entered. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 43 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents Tip: To view the attached file simply double click anywhere on the entry in the grid. 14. Enter values in the remaining columns (if any – see Defining the Columns [4.2.03] below) 15. Repeat steps 5. to 11. for additional documents. Tip: Use the New Duplicate button on the toolbar or F5 rather than F4 at step 5. if the documents being entered are all similar. 16. Close when finished and click Yes when prompted to update the Master Document Register. Notes: (a) When registering internal documents, the Transmittal Received number can be left empty by ticking the Other radio button. Note however that by selecting Other, a record of the incoming documents is posted to the Master Document Register and Document History files but not to the system tables for incoming transmittals which are used when using the QDMS Re-transmit a transmittal received option. (b) Incoming transmittals are saved into an incoming transmittal history (in addition to the Master Document Register and Document History File) and cannot be edited later. [see Section 4.2.05 below]. (c) Use the Save button to save your work periodically if processing a large incoming transmittal. (d) If the revision of the document being entered is of a lower sequence than the existing document revision, the user is warned and can either update the Master Document Register regardless or simply update the Document History file only (assuming use of revision sequences is set as mandatory). (e) The information entered at this screen can be printed for checking prior to saving if required. (f) It is possible to define the additional columns to be used on this screen using the Columns button (see Defining the Columns [4.2.03] below). (g) Use the Import button (after first entering the Transmittal Received number) to import a list of documents from a DBF or Excel file (generally this would have been sent to you by another company using QDMS). See also [8.1.03]. (h) The Respond By date against one or more documents can be updated in one go by using the select tick box against the required documents in the grid, then updating the Respond By date in the summary area (see Step 6 above) and finally clicking the Update Respond By button at the bottom of the screen. (i) To update that an acknowledgement to the transmittal has been sent, us View \ Transmittals Received and update the AcknDate field. (j) There are a number of standard reports available to report in Incoming Transmittals. Use File \ Standard Reports – Report Groups 7 and 8. 4.2.03 Defining the Columns for use when receiving documents When using the Receive Documents screen, it is generally desirable to enter additional data about the documents being received in addition to the mandatory information on the default screen. This is achieved by adding additional columns to the lower grid based on the available fields in the Master Document Register. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 44 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents To add additional columns to the document grid: 1. Assuming you are already in the Receive Documents screen and have added at least one document to the grid, the Columns button will be enabled (see also Note (a)1 below). 2. Click the Columns button. 3. All fields available from the Master Document Register will be listed in a window. Tick the Visible box against required fields to select them for display. 4. Click the Show button to see the selected fields grouped together at the top of the list. 5. You can use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the order of the newly selected fields. 6. Click Save when done. Notes: (a) Only users with Supervisory access (see Security – Users and Projects [10.2.03]) can define additional columns. (b) Changes to the columns apply to all users on the current project. (c) Use the Set Default values button while you have a field selected in the list to define the default value to be used with this field when processing incoming documents. (d) Un-tick the “For existing documents, populate fields from existing documents in MDR” if required. This option defaults as ticked and means that if a document being entered already exists (say at a previous revision) the value for the attribute fields will default to the existing values for this document in the MDR rather than any defaults defined via the Columns screen (unless the existing value is blank). (e) If the PCT field is added as a column, the value defaults based on the value defined in the Status Configuration table. 4.2.04 Receiving Package Documents The receive package documents option is for use only if you have set up transmittal package definitions. Refer to Define Transmittal Packages [2.8.01] for further information on setting up packages. The concept behind this screen is that once you have packages of documents defined, you can simply tick the documents received on any submission rather than have to enter the documents in the normal way. 1. From the Receive menu, select Receive Package Documents. 2. Click on the New button on the toolbar. 3. Enter the Incoming Transmittal number. 4. Select the Package that the documents you are processing relate to and click OK. 5. Select the company the documents are From. 6. If a response to the Incoming Documents is required (e.g. they are being submitted for review), enter the Respond by date [see Section 4.7 for more on this]. 7. If it is required to send an acknowledgement to the company the transmittal is received from, tick the Acknowledgement Required box. 8. Now click on the Documents page frame (TAB). The documents already defined as part of this package will be displayed. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 45 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents 9. Tick the Select button for those documents being received (or un-tick the select button for the documents not being received). 10. Update the Rev, the Status Received and/or Status (STS) of these documents by typing the new rev etc in the correct field and updating the information in the Key Information window which will then appear. Tip: The Status Received is the status assigned to the document by the sender. The Status (STS) is the status assigned by the Receiver. Some companies use only the Status value and ignore the Status Received. The Status Received field, if not being used can be hidden via Tools\Options\Program Defaults. 11. Right click on the cell under Filename and choose Select File to locate a view file to associated with the document details just updated. 12. New Documents, not already part of the package can be added by clicking the New Document button on the toolbar. 13. Click the Close button when done and click Yes when prompted to save. Notes: (a) At step 4 above, use the *Add option to create a new transmittal package on the run. (b) At step 8. use the Select all Documents check box at the bottom of the screen to select or un-select all documents. (c) If the revision of the document being entered is of a lower sequence than the existing document revision, the user is warned and can either update the Master Document Register regardless or simply update the Document History file only (assuming use of revision sequences is set as mandatory). (d) The information entered at this screen can be printed for checking prior to saving if required. 4.2.05 View Transmittals Received A history of incoming transmittals can be viewed via the Transmittals Received menu option under the View menu. Incoming Transmittals relate to documents received via either the Receive Documents option [see Section 4.2.02] or the receive Package Documents option [see Section 4.2.04]. From the View menu, select Transmittals Received. The upper grid displays the Incoming Transmittal numbers and the lower grid, the documents on each of the incoming transmittals. Notes: (a) Incoming Transmittals can be renumbered but the received date cannot be modified to before or after the existing transmittals received before and after it. The renumbering of incoming transmittals updates the incoming transmittal history, the master document register and the document history file. (b) A history of Incoming Transmittals can be printed using the preview or print buttons. (c) To update that an acknowledgement has been sent in regard to an incoming transmittal, use the AcknDate field. (d) The Respond By Date is updated automatically by the system as part of the Document Review Process [See Section 4.7 for more on this]. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 46 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents 4.3 The Master Document Register 4.3.01 Overview The Master Document Register in QDMS stores only the latest revision of each controlled document. All controlled documents must be processed via the Master Document Register either by direct entry or, by using the Receive menu options. Storing the latest revision only of documents in such a register ensures that the register of current documents is explicit. Furthermore it is from the Master Document Register that documents are issued which ensures that only the latest revisions of documents are distributed, minimising the risks associated with accidentally transmitting a superseded document. To access the Maser Document register, select it from the View menu. A complete register of all controlled documents will then be displayed. For large projects the controlled document register may contain many thousands of documents. To work with large volumes such as this effectively, learning how to Use Filters [7.2.05] will be essential. There is a large array of functionality available to the user at the Master Document Register screen. This includes: Adding new documents [4.3.02] Deleting existing documents [4.3.06] Printing a Master Document Register [7.1.02] Filtering the display [4.3.05] Finding and looking for documents [4.3.07] Print/Export View files [4.4.01] Alternative views [4.3.10] Adding Comments to Documents [4.3.12] Customising the Master Document Register [9.1.01] 4.3.02 Adding Documents Controlled Documents must be processed via the Master Document Register either via the Receive menu [4.2.02] or by direct entry into the Master Document Register. 1. From the View menu, select the Master Document Register. 2. Click the New Documentno button on the toolbar to open the Document Key Information window. 3. Enter the Document Number in the field provided and press Tab. 4. Enter a Title for the Document and press Tab. 5. Select a Revision, Status Received, and/or Status (STS) from the drop down lists. Tip: The Status Received is the status assigned to the document by the originator. The Status (STS) is the status assigned by the Receiver. Some companies use only the Status value and ignore the Status Received. The Status Received field, if not being used can be hidden via Tools\Options\Program Defaults. 6. Enter the Document Title. 7. Click the OK button when done. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 47 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents 8. Back at the document register, enter the additional attributes about the document as required. See using document attributes [4.3.03]. Notes: (a) The New Duplicate button is a useful tool to quickly register documents that have similar attributes to an existing document. On clicking the new duplicate button the attributes for the current document will be duplicated (although the document number will need to be modified as a new document is still being created). (b) All documents added to the Master Document Register are also automatically added to the Document History file. (c) It is possible to attach a View file to a document from within the Master Document Register by right clicking on the Title and choosing Select File. Documents with view files attached display a paper clip against them in the grid. (d) If the document you are entering already exists you will be warned and can update the revision and status if required. (e) If the Status assigned to the Document is a Restrained Status a padlock icon appears against it and it cannot be transmitted. [See the Status Configuration table 2.4.09] 4.3.03 Using Document Attributes The following document attributes are available for use: Attribute FromCompID Received Revision Discipline Type ToClient ForReview Reviewed Approved Schedule Forecast Authorised AltDocNo Category Description This is the originating company of the document. This is the date the document was received. This is the date the document was revised. This is the Discipline of the document. [2.4.03] This is the Type of the document. [2.4.12] This is the date that the document was sent to the client at the current revision. It can be manually updated. It is automatically updated when the document is transmitted to a recipient that has been assigned a company type for which the company type title contains the word CLIENT. Note also that the date every document is sent to every recipient is always recorded in the transmittal history so use of this field is entirely optional. This is a manually maintained date field. Use is optional as the date each document is sent to each recipient is permanently stored in the transmittal history. This is a manually maintained date field. Use is optional as this date is often also the date received in the MDR (if the review of a document comes from an external party) or the Response Received date in the Transmittal history if review is recorded via Update status of transmitted documents. [4.8.04] This is a manually maintained date field. Use is optional as this date is often also the date received in the MDR (if the approval of a document comes from an external party) or the Response Received date in the Transmittal history if approval is recorded via Update status of transmitted documents. [4.8.04] This is a manually maintained date field. This is a manually maintained date field. This is the name of the person who has authorised the document for release. It must be manually maintained. This is provision for an alternative document number (perhaps a client document number). This document number can be printed on custom transmittals in lieu of or addition to the Document number. Contact QA Software for more details. This is the document Category. [2.4.02] Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 48 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents Attribute File FileName Cadpath Group Package Size SubProject Tagno VndDocNo VndSts Wbs Zone CostCentre Pct ActHrs FcstHrs BudHrs PrevHrs PrevPct Remarks Description This is the location where the hardcopy of the document is filed. [2.4.04] This is the file name of the view file (if any) for the document. Eg a CAD file name. This is the location of the view or CAD file. This is the document Group. [2.4.05] This is the Package [2.4.06] the document belongs to. Note that if you are using Transmittal Packages [2.8.01] this field should NOT be used. This is the Size [2.4.08] of the document. This is the Sub project [2.4.10] the document relates to. This is the Tag Number [2.4.11] or Equipment number the document relates to. This is provision for a vendor document number. This document number can be printed on custom transmittals in lieu of or addition to the Document number. Contact QA Software for more details. This is the Vendors Status for the document when QVDMS is used. This is the WBS [2.4.13] or Activity the document relates to. This field can be used to integrate QDMS to a project schedule. Contact QA Software for more details. This is the Zone [2.4.14] or area the document belongs to. This is the cost centre the document belongs to. This is the Percentage complete of the document. The field is automatically updated based on the Status of the document. This is the actual hours expended against the document. It must be manually maintained. Note that QA Software offers an advanced option on managing hours and progress in a drawing office by linking QDMS to QTIME. Contact QA Software for more information. Forecast final hours for the document. Budget hours for the document. Previous Actual hours expended against the document. Previous percentage complete for the document. Remarks Notes: (a) It is suggested that you review the above attributes and decide which attributes you will always record when registering new documents. This should then become part of your document control procedure. 4.3.04 Revising a Document A new revision of an existing document can be processed in one of two ways. Firstly if the document is received on an incoming transmittal it can be processed via the Receive menu options. When completing the incoming transmittal, if a document number is entered that already exists, the user is prompted with the current document details and the revision and/or status and any other attributes are updated. If the revision of the document being entered is of a lower sequence than the existing document revision, the user is warned and can either update the Master Document Register regardless or simply the update the Document History file only. This assumes that the use of revision sequences is set as mandatory. A document can also be revised directly in the Master Document Register: 1. From the View menu, select the Master Document Register. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 49 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents 2. Locate the document to be revised using the Find button. See also Finding documents [4.3.07]. 3. To change the revision, type the revision in the revision field. The Key Information window will launch. 4. Check the new revision is correct and enter a reason for this revision if required. 5. If required adjust the settings for the clearance of the following data in regard to the new revision: Transmittal Received #, Received Date, Revision Date, File Name and Cad Path. By default these values are cleared for a change in revision but not for a change in Status (STS). If they should be cleared for a change in Status also tick the box provided. 6. Click OK when done. Notes: a) The process of revising a document means that the latest revision is now the only version stored in the Master Document Register. The Document History file will store all revisions of the document. Pending transmittals [5.9.03] will be updated if the document being revised has been previously issued to one or more recipients. b) If the document being revised has an associated view file, the revised version of the view file will need to be selected as the process of revising a document breaks the link between the latest revision of the document and the view file that was associated with the previous revision. 4.3.05 Using Filters On large projects the amount of data in the controlled document register can be large. To work with a group of documents only, a filter can be applied which restricts the display to documents filtered via a defined selection criteria. See Using Filters [7.2.05] for how to set up a filter. Application of a filter affects both the screen display and any reports generated from within the screen display. 4.3.06 Deleting Controlled Documents Documents contained in the Master Document Register may be deleted. This is done by selecting the document from within the Master Document Register and using the Delete button on the toolbar. A reason for the deletion must be entered when prompted. Note however that controlled documents cannot be deleted from the Document History file. Since documents are added to the Document History file at the same moment they are added to the Master Document Register, all documents registered into the Master Document Register will always exist in the Document History file, regardless of whether they are subsequently deleted from the Master Document Register. A copy of all deleted documents I maintained in the Removed Data file. Refer also [4.3.13]. See also: Renumbering Controlled Documents [4.3.09] Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 50 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents 4.3.07 Finding Documents There are a number of ways of finding documents in the Master Document Register. Using the Find button: This provides a powerful search window that enables location of documents quickly via any of the attributes. As you type the first few characters of the value you are looking for in the Locate field at the top of the window, documents meeting the criteria you have set will be displayed in the grid below and as you type additional characters the list diminishes until you see only the document you are looking for. At this point click on the Document in the list and click OK. To use this incremental search window: 1. Click the Find button or press F7. 2. Select the Field that you want to find a document by. The default is Documentno. 3. Choose from the options of “Containing text” or “Beginning with text” and which control whether the incremental search works from left to right or works on finding the text anywhere in the field. The default is “Containing text”. 4. Now type the first few characters of the value you are looking for in the Locate field at the top of the window. 5. Documents meeting the criteria you have set will be displayed in the grid below and as you type additional characters the list diminishes until you see only the document you are looking for. 6. Click on the document on the lower grid and click OK. Note that on very large projects, the performance of incremental search window can be optimised by changing the Default Find Mode [Refer Section 2.2.02]. Using the Filter: The filter is also a useful way of finding documents. The filter enables the search criteria to be based on any or a combination of the fields in the Master Document Register database. See Using Filters [7.2.05]. Using the Look for button: The look for button is a text search across all fields in the Master Document Register database. Click the Look for button and then enter the search text in the value field. Then click Locate. After locating the first matching record the Look for window reappears. Click Next to locate the next matching record or Cancel to close. Auto-Tag: A final option for finding documents is the powerful Auto-Tag utility. This can be used to auto tag (select) all documents not transmitted to anyone, or all documents currently being sent to a specific recipient just for example. [Refer Section 5.6.02 for more details on the Auto Tag options] 4.3.08 Universal Search In a multi project environment, it is sometimes necessary to locate a document where even the project number is not known. This can be attempted via the Universal Search which searches across selected projects for documents subject to a filter criteria. 1. From the Edit menu, select Universal Search. 2. First set up the Filter expression required by clicking on the Filter Button. 3. Now tag the projects to be searched. All available projects are tagged by default. The Search results are displayed in a grid with the full document details plus the Project Number. Notes: (a) The results can be printed using the print button. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 51 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents 4.3.09 Re-Numbering Controlled Documents When editing the details of a controlled document in QDMS it is not possible to change the document number itself. This is because the document number is a key field that is stored in a number of locations in the system. A controlled document number can however be renumbered. To renumber a document: 1. From the View menu, select the Master Document Register. 2. Locate the document to be renumbered using the Find button or press F7. 3. To renumber the document, click on the Re-number button on the toolbar. 4. Enter the new document number in the field provided and click OK. Notes: a) When a document is renumbered in the Master Document Register by default, the same document in the Document History file with the same revision is also renumbered. Previous revisions of the document number are not renumbered. b) If the document being renumbered has been transmitted to one or more recipients you will be warned and these recipients should be notified that the document has been renumbered. The best way of doing this is to transmit the new document number to these recipients under transmittal with an appropriate message. This also has the added important benefit that it will bring the Recipient Document Register up to date to ensure that future revisions of the renumbered documents appear in pending transmittals. c) It is also possible to copy the old number to the Remarks field if required. d) A copy of each document that is re-numbered is maintained in the Removed Data table. Refer [4.3.12]. 4.3.10 Alternative Views From the Master Document Register it is possible to find out a lot of information about a document. To display the document history (previous revisions of a document), use the Show Document History also radio button option at the top of the Master Document Register screen. Previous revisions will be shown in a lower grid and View Files associated with previous revisions can be opened by double clicking on the document in the lower grid. To display the outgoing transmittal history (who each document has been issued to), use the Show Outgoing Transmittals also radio button option at the top of the Master Document Register screen. The outgoing transmittal history will be shown in a lower grid. Click on the hyperlinked transmittal number to view a copy of the transmittal. To display the history of incoming transmittals history (for documents processed into the Master Document Register via the Documents option under the Receive menu), use the Show Incoming Transmittals also radio button option at the top of the Master Document Register screen. The incoming transmittal history will be shown in a lower grid. Right click on any document in the Master Document Register and select Highlight Changes to highlight in red any documents that have been recently changed. The definition of recently changed is those documents that have been added to the Master Document Register or have been revised since the recently changed flag has last been cleared [4.3.11]. See also the Standard Report 1A5. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 52 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents A form view of the Master Document Register is available via the Misc menu and sub menu Master Doc Reg – Form View. Choosing this option displays information in the Master Document Register via a form. Use the toolbar buttons at this screen as follows: Sort: This button enables you to change the way the document register is sorted. Select a Primary, Secondary and Tertiary field to sort the register by. Tick Descending to reverse sort. Grid Find: Use this button to select the drawing required by browsing a grid view of the document register. Next and Previous: Use these buttons to navigate from drawing to drawing. The remaining toolbar buttons operate as per the normal view of the Master Document Register. 4.3.11 Clearing the Highlight Changes flag For occasional users and with a large document register, it is useful to be able to see at a glance documents that have been recently added to the document register or recently revised. As new documents are added to the master document register or drawings are revised, the QDMS system automatically flags the entries as “changed”. Selecting Highlight changes from the Shortcut menu (right click) will highlight these entries in red. To clear this flag (perhaps weekly or monthly for example): 1. From the Misc menu, select Master Doc Reg – Controlled Issue. 2. If this is the first time you have run this option you will be prompted to enter a document number for the document register (which in effect is a controlled document in it’s own right). You will then be prompted to enter a Revision. 3. If this is not the first time you have run this option, simply update the Revision. 4. Now tick the Clear Revision flag after printing check box. 5. Print at least one page of the report to clear the revision flag. Note: (a) The controlled issue of the Master Document register can be used as a formal distribution of your current master document register. 4.3.12 Adding Comments to Documents It is possible both from within the Master Document Register and Document History files to add both Comments and External File attachments (as opposed to a single View File) to a document. 1. First select the document to be commented on either in the Document register (or it is a superseded document then in the Document History File). 2. Click on the Comments button on the toolbar 3. At the comments window, click New to add a new comment. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 53 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents 4. At the Add new Comments window enter the date for the comment (defaults to the current date) and select the name of the person making the comment (defaults to the logged in user). 5. Enter the comment details and if required, click the select attachment button to select an external attachment file. Comments can also be made either Public or Private (see note (e) below.) 6. Click OK when done to return to the comments window and click Close to return to the Document Register. Notes: (a) Users can make unlimited comment entries against a single document and each entry can have a single attachment file. (b) Double click on a comment within the comments window to view the attachment file. (c) There are two standard reports available to print lists of comments. These are reports 1A7 and 1A8 under the Master Document Register group of standard reports. (d) The Review Coordinator (as defined via Tools \ Options \ Project Settings) is the only user who can delete another user’s comments and who can change a public comment to being a private one. (e) In future releases of QDMS it will be possible to include Public comments when transmitting documents. 4.3.13 Removed Data The Removed data table in QDMS stores a list of all data including Documents that have been either Deleted or Renumbered. The table is updated automatically. Double click on the word Memo in the Reason column to view the reason why a deletion has taken place. 4.4 Using View Files 4.4.01 View Files A View File in QDMS has a specific meaning. It is the electronic representation of a controlled document. There can only be a single view file associated with a controlled document in the Master Document Register. View files in QDMS can be in any format. However to view these files, you need to either have the application the file was created in installed on your PC (see Defining file type exceptions [9.1.04]) or the optional add-on Viewer application for QDMS which is called QVIEW. A record for each controlled document must first exist in the Master Document Register before a view file can be associated with the document. View files can either be located on the same Local Area Network that QDMS is installed on or at any remote location that can be defined via an HTTP address (such as an FTP Site) [See section 4.4.02]. To attach a view file (located on the LAN): 1. 2. 3. 4. From the View menu, select Master Document Register. Locate the entry in the Master document register to attach the view file to. Right click on the document title and choose Select file. Locate the View file to be attached and click OK. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 54 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents Notes: (a) View Files are not embedded in any way in the QDMS database. QDMS simply stores the path and file name. Hence if the view file is moved from this path, QDMS will not be able to find it and it must be re-attached. (b) A paper clip icon is used in the Master Document Register to indicate the presence of a View file. (c) View files that are not in the controlled document register can be viewed via QVIEW using the File\QVIEW option. (d) When a Document is revised, by default the previous View file is cleared from the MDR Record. (e) View files can be copied from one location to another or batch printed using the Print/Export View Files button on the toolbar (or via Transmit \ Print/Copy View Files Transmitted). This options copies and or Prints the view files of tagged documents to the selected folder / printer. 4.4.02 Storing View Files at Remote Locations To attach a view file that is stored on a website (or HTTP address): 1. 2. 3. 4. From the View menu, select Master Document Register. Locate the entry in the Master document register to attach the view file to. Type or copy and paste the URL into CadPath field in the MDR without the filename. The File name must be entered into the FileName field. For example CadPath = FileName = FAQ - What are QDMS View Files.Pdf Note also that the http:// can be omitted and any URL that would work in a browser will work here so the above could also be: CadPath = FileName = FAQ - What are QDMS View Files.Pdf 4.4.03 Viewing Drawings Viewing of Drawings or other controlled documents in QDMS is via the Master Document Register (for the latest revision of the documents) or via the Document History file (for superseded versions). 1. From the View menu, select Master Document Register. 2. Locate the document to be viewed using the Find button. 3. Double click the record to launch a view of the file. The file will either be opened in its native application (if the file type is defined as a file type exception [9.1.04]) or, via QVIEW if QVIEW has been purchased. 4. To return to the Master Document Register, use the Close button on the toolbar. Notes: (a) The QVIEW viewer comes with a feature rich toolbar. See [4.4.03] for an explanation of the toolbar options. (b) An alternative method of viewing drawings in the master document register is via Misc Master Doc Reg - CAD Viewer. This is essentially a form view of the Master Document Register with QVIEW available in the lower half of the screen. This option is only applicable if QVIEW has been purchased and is being used as the method for viewing all documents. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 55 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents (c) Single files unrelated to QDMS can be viewed from within QDMS using the FileQVIEW option and selecting the file to view. (d) View files of a type that have been defined as file type exceptions [See Section 9.1.04] are viewed using the native application they were created in if this application is installed on your PC. (e) View files that are of a type that has not been defined as a file type exceptions can only be viewed using QVIEW. To purchase QVIEW, please contact QA Software on 4.4.04 The QVIEW Toolbar The Main QVIEW Toolbar has the following options: The buttons on the main toolbar have the following meanings: Button Description Enable/Disable Image Filters: Filters can be used to exclude specific file types from being viewed. Convert File Format: This button enables file format conversions. Extract Text from current view file: Copies any text in the current file to a clipboard. Undo Save Mark-up information: Saves the mark-ups created in the session. Export Mark-up: Exports the marked up drawing to a selected file format, Print Mark-up to PDF: Prints the document with mark-up information to a PDF file. Email Mark-up: Sends a copy of the document with mark-up information (printed to a PDF file) to one or more recipients by email. Select Mark-up Layers: If the document you are viewing is a drawing and has been drawn with Layers, the layers displayed can be controlled using the Show Layer Information button. This means selected layers only can be displayed if required. Set Background Colour Black and White View Close the Viewer Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 56 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents The Standard QVIEW Toolbar The Standard Toolbar contains the above controls for zooming and panning of the viewed document. The buttons have the following meanings: Button Description Print: Prints the current view. File Properties: This button will display a series of file statistics such as the file size, the file type and the like. Zoom All Unscaled Zoom In Zoom Out Fit Width Fit Height Zoom in Window: Click and draw a window on the area of the drawing that has to be zoomed. Pan Rotate 90 Degrees Page up, Page Down Magnifier Window Birdseye: Birds eye View – launches a small birds eye window to assist with navigating around a large drawing. 4.4.05 Mark-up Drawings The process of marking up a drawing (redlining) means adding annotations to a view file using the available mark-up tools. All mark-up annotations are stored in layers and do not affect the original view file. A mark-up layer is stored per user. This layer being displayed is controlled via the Active Layer drop down list. The active layer when the viewer loads is by default the layer of the logged in user. It is possible via the Active Layer Drop down list to see a layer called Common which will include all layers created by other users on the document. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 57 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents The Mark-up toolbar has a number of options: These have the following meanings: Button Description Mark-up Preferences: Define default colours, pen sizes etc. Mark-up Layers: If the document you are viewing is a drawing and has been drawn with Layers, the layers displayed can be controlled using the Show Layer Information button. This means selected layers only can be displayed if required. Disable Mark-up Edit Go to next mark-up Find mark-up elements Rubber Text: Click on this button and then click on the drawing and drag the mouse to create a text area. The Text dialog box will then open automatically. Enter the text, adjust the font height and click Ok. Note Stamps: Predefined or custom stamps for marking a Document as Received, Approved, Etc. Freehand Pen: Draws free hand. Click mouse and draw. Drawing Tools Rectangular Tools Measuring Tools Colour Marker Mode 4.4.06 Moving View Files to another Location There are times when it is necessary to move the View files related to QDMS from one location to another. This requires that both the files are moved and that the CADPath (location of the file) values are updated in QDMS. A wizard can be used to facilitate this process. 1. From the Wizards menu, select Move View Files from one Location to another. 2. Click Next and select both the Source and Target folders. The Source folder defaults to the default folder for view files as defined via Tools \ Options \ Project Settings. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 58 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents 3. Click Next and the screen displays the view files located at the Source Location. The select of individual files can be fine tuned here (all are selected by default). 4. At the last screen of the wizard click Finish to perform the process. Notes: (a) The View files are copied from the Source Location to the Target Location and the CADPath value in QDMS is updated with the Target Location path for the selected Documents. 4.5 Document History 4.5.01 Document History The Document History file is an auditable history of all document revisions. The Document History file is updated automatically as documents are processed via the Master Document Register. Access to the Document History is provided via the View menu and then the sub menu Document History. The Document History can also be viewed from with the Master Document Register using the Show history option. View files can be viewed via the Document History file by double clicking on the document in the document history file to launch the viewer. Comments (and file attachments) can be added to Documents in the Document History file by using the Comments button. [ See Section 4.3.12 for more on adding comments]. Note: a) The Document History file is updated for each change in Revision and / or status of document. b) An alternative view of the Document History file is available via MiscDocument History – CAD Viewer. This works in the same fashion as the Master Document Register – CAD Viewer option except the documents to view are selected from the Document History file. 4.6 Using Document Masks 4.6.01 Using Document Masks Document Masks are a method of applying a fixed format structure to the controlled document number, revision, vendor document number and alternative document number fields. By defining masks when creating a new project it means that all documents processed via the project must conform to the mask formatting. All screens and forms in QDMS where fields that have masks defined appear are affected. A mask can be defined using the Project Settings page under the ToolsOptions menu. Note that once the first controlled documents have been processed, the masks cannot be changed and new masks cannot be applied. The syntax for defining masks is: © @ # § = Any alpha numeric character = Any alphabetic character = Any numeric character = Any character Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 59 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents All other characters in the mask refer to hard coded elements of the document number such as the Project number or a “/” or a “-“ etc. An example is shown below: P100-©©-#### would restrict the documents to the format: P100-A1-0001, P100-ZZ-2341, P100-99-1001 etc. Notice that the document number will always start P100, then a hyphen, then two alpha numeric characters then a hyphen and then four digits. Notes: (a) Document Masks cannot be used to restrict the length of the document number (up to 25 characters) and when defining document masks the systems automatically adds additional § characters to pad the mask out to 25 characters. 4.7 Managing the Document Review Process 4.7.01 Overview For Documents such as Shop Drawings, Vendor Data etc that received for review the following typical business process applies: 2. Transmit: Document Control transmits documents for review to Reviewers. 1. Receive Documents: Originator submits documents for Review. ORIGINATOR REVIEWER(S) DOCUMENT CONTROL 4. Transmit: Transmit response to Originator. 3. Update Review Status of Transmitted Documents: Documents returned to Document Control after Review is complete. Note that in the above business process the Originator is typically an external company but can be internal. The Reviewer(s) can be Internal and/or External companies. QDMS contains some tools that are ideally suited to the management of the above business process. 4.7.02 Receiving Documents for Review 1. From the Receive menu, select Documents. 2. Enter the Incoming Transmittal number. 3. Enter the Dated value (date on the transmittal) and the Date Received. 4. Select the From company. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 60 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents 5. Enter the Respond by date. This is the date by which the documents must be returned to the Originator after the review process is complete. The value defaults based on the Response Days value defined against the Originator Company via the Address Book\Company Details screen. 6. Click the New Documents button on the tool bar. 7. Add the first Document Number, it’s Rev, and Status Received and Title. Note that it is recommended that the Status Received is used to indicate the document is being received for Review (eg IFR). Note also that the Status value should be set to “-“ as at this point the document is not yet reviewed. 8. Repeat steps 6 to 7 for the remaining documents received. 9. Click Save and Yes when prompted and then Close when done. 4.7.03 Transmit the Documents for Approval The Documents/Drawings received are next transmitted for review/approval. For Internal Reviews a transmittal to a Circulation List is generally used. For External Reviews a standard Transmittal to Single Recipient is normally used. Notes: (a) When generating the transmittal for review/approval, it is important that the Respond By date on the transmittal is set to a date that is before the Respond by date defined in Section 4.7.02 above, entered when receiving the documents from the Originator. I.e. the Reviewers need to review and return the documents back to Document Control before the documents are due to be returned to the originator. (b) If Documents have been received via the package documents option, then they should be distributed for approval using the Re-Transmit a Transmittal Received option [See Section 5.4.08]. 4.7.04 Update Status of Transmitted Documents Once the Documents/Drawings have been issued for approval, the next step is that they will be returned by the reviewer(s) to document control with the approval status. For Internal Reviews this is commonly done by marking up the outgoing transmittal used to issue the documents for review. For External reviews the reviewer comments are normally received by an incoming transmittal from the reviewing company. In both cases it is important that the Status of the Documents is updated as follows: 1. From the Receive menu select Update Review Status of Transmitted Documents. 2. Select the Outgoing Transmittal Number being responded to (use the Find button to quickly locate the correct Transmittal Number if necessary). The Documents on the Outgoing Transmittal will be listed. 3. Enter the Response Transmittal/Reference Number. If the review was External this is generally the incoming transmittal number from the Reviewing company. If the Review was Internal this value can be set equal to the outgoing transmittal number. 4. Enter the Status Dated (date on the incoming transmittal) and Response Received (date response actually received) Dates. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 61 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents 5. Select the Review Status (RvwSts) value for each document that has been reviewed. Note that not all documents on the outgoing transmittal may have been reviewed. 6. Click the Save button and then click the Close button. Notes: (a) Rather than select the documents to be updated via the outgoing transmittal number at step 2 above it is also possible to select the Reviewer in which case all documents issued to the reviewer will be listed for selection using a mover window after clicking the Select button. This option is useful if the Reviewer responds randomly to documents transmitted for their review rather than in batches based on your outgoing transmittals. (b) The Update Sts of MDR tick box option can be used to control whether the Review Status being record should also update the Status of the Document in the Master Document Register. This is useful when there is more than one external reviewing company but only one of them has the final say (and it is their status that should update the MDR). It is important to capture the review status by each reviewer (and this is captured in the Transmittal History) but the MDR is generally only to be updated with the final review status from the master reviewer. (c) The Review Status (RvwSts) values are defined via the Configuration table for Status codes. (d) The Attach Files button on the top far right of the screen can be used to replace the View file associated with the current revision of the document (for example a marked up copy of the drawing) for documents for which the RvwSts is updated. Note that if an attachment is selected here for the document it is linked only to the current Rev + STS combination for the document. The previous attachment remains linked to the same Rev but previous STS combination in the Document History. Note also that this option is only active if the “Update STS of MDR” option is also ticked. (e) The Comments button can be used to capture comments by one or more user/contact for each document that has been reviewed. External files can also be attached to each comment if required. [See Section 4.3.12 for more on adding comments]. (f) The above process automatically updates the following areas of QDMS: Incoming Transmittals – Updated with a record of the receipt of the response. Transmittal History – Updated with the Review Status, Response Received Date and Incoming Transmittal/Reference. Document History – Updated with a new record to record the change in Status. Master Document Register (conditionally updated with the Review Status) 4.7.05 Transmit the Response to the Originator The final step in the above process is to transmit the reviewed documents back to the Originator. This is done using a standard transmittal but the documents can be most easily selected by using the Re-Transmit Transmittal Received option and selecting the Incoming transmittal processed in Section 4.7.02 above. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 62 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents 4.7.06 Document Review Status Report The Document Review Status Report (Report 2E) can be found under the Document History group within Standard Reports. This report is used specifically to report on the above business process. 1. From the File menu select Print Standard Reports. 2. At the Standard Reports window, select Document History File – All Revisions from the upper window. 3. Double click Report 2E – Document Review Status Report. 4. Select the Originating Company for the Documents being submitted for Review. 5. Use the Filter button to filter for specific documents from the originating company if required. 6. Choose between printing the report for: Latest Revisions of Documents Only (i.e. current review cycle). Last 2 Revisions. All Revisions (Review cycle history for all revisions of each document). 7. The report can be further filtered by using the Report options (default setting is All) which are as follows: Submissions Review Returns Responses Based on Schedule Date in the MDR Vs Actual Date Received Based on Respond By date defined [see Section 4.7.03] Vs Actual Response Date [see Section 4.7.04] Based on Respond By date defined when receiving documents [see Section 4.7.02] Vs Response to Originator Date [See Section 4.7.05] For each of the above options the report can print any of: Outstanding Only Overdue Only Due in the Next X Days So for example, to print a report on all the Documents that are out for approval and need to be returned back to Document Control within the Next 5 Days, choose the Review Returns option above and then enter 5 in the Due in the Next X Days option. 8. Click Next. 9. Select one or more Reviewers using the mover buttons and click Next. 10. At the last screen of the wizard click Finish to generate the report. Notes: (a) At the last screen of the wizard, there are options to out to the report in A3 or A4 format; and to send the report to a PDF or an Excel file. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 63 of 155 Chapter 4 – Working with Controlled Documents Notice that the information relating to the Document Review process is grouped into 4 areas on the above report. Receipt Information recorded when receiving the submitted Documents [4.7.02] Review – Issue Information captured when transmitting the documents for Approval [4.7.03] Review – Return Information captured when processing the response to the transmitted Documents 4.7.04] Response to Originator Information captured when transmitting the documents back to the Originator [4.7.05] Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 64 of 155 Chapter 5 - Working with Outgoing Transmittals 5.1 Overview 5.1.01 Working with Outgoing Transmittals 5.2 Transmittal Generation - Wizard 5.2.01 5.2.02 5.2.03 5.2.04 5.2.05 5.2.06 Introduction Transmittal Generation Wizard Screen Recipients Selection Messages Selection Documents Selection Saving the Transmittal 5.3 Transmittal Generation - Standard 5.3.01 5.3.02 5.3.03 5.3.04 5.3.05 5.3.06 Introduction Transmittal Generation Standard Screen Recipients Selection Message Selection Document Selection Printing and Saving the Transmittal 5.4 Transmittal Types 5.4.01 5.4.02 5.4.03 5.4.04 5.4.05 5.4.06 5.4.07 5.4.08 5.4.09 Single Recipient Single Recipient with CC values Multiple Recipients Circulation Lists Transmittal Packages Revised Free Form Re-Transmit a Transmittal Superseded Documents 5.5 e-Transmittals 5.5.01 5.5.02 5.5.03 e-Transmittals Overview e-Transmittals with Attachments e-Transmittals with Hyperlinks 5.6 Using Set Tags to Select Documents 5.6.01 5.6.02 5.6.03 Clear Tags Tags Automatic Tags Manual 5.7 Transmittal storage 5.7.01 5.7.02 5.7.03 5.7.04 5.7.05 Overview Transmittal View Recipient View Document Register View Hot List 5.8 Transmittal Maintenance 5.8.01 5.8.02 5.8.03 5.8.04 Copies of Transmittals Delete Transmittals Cancel Transmittals Copy View Files Transmitted 5.9 Recipient Document Register 5.9.01 5.9.02 5.9.03 Overview Modifying the Distribution Transmittals Pending Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 65 of 155 5.10 Managing Responses and Acknowledgements 5.10.01 5.10.02 5.10.03 5.10.04 5.10.05 5.10.06 Responses The Update Responses to Transmittal option Responses via the Transmittal History Acknowledgements Show Alerts Dashboard Transmittal Statistics 5.11 Uploading Documents to TeamBinder 5.11.01 Overview 5.11.02 Setup the TeamBinder Defaults 5.11.03 Synchronize the QDMS configuration tables with TeamBinder 5.11.04 Upload of Documents to TeamBinder Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 66 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals 5.1 Overview 5.1.01 Working with Outgoing Transmittals Transmittals in QDMS are the means by which controlled documents are issued to other project participants, whether internal team members or external companies. Transmittals are generated from the Transmit menu via either of two alternative transmittal generation interfaces: Transmittal Wizard [See Section 5.2] Transmittal Standard [See Section 5.3] There are numerous options when transmitting documents but the results are always the same: The recipient(s) will receive a transmittal detailing the documents they are being sent. If the transmittal is sent by hard copy a printed transmittal, the view files themselves must be plotted and sent. If the transmittal is sent by email, the recipient receives the transmittal as an email message, with the view files either attached (zipped or un-zipped) or hyperlinked, and the transmittal cover sheet as either a PDF file or HTML attachment. QDMS will update the transmittal history with a record of the transmittal and the transmitted documents (see Transmittal storage [5.7]) QDMS will update the Recipient Document Register [5.9] to build or update the distribution matrix. QDMS will update Pending Transmittals [5.9.03]. 5.2 Transmittal Generation - Wizard 5.2.01 Introduction Transmittals are generated via the Transmit menu. While there are many transmittal types, in this section the basic process is discussed in detail. The various types are discussed elsewhere with only the variations from the typical process detailed. The Transmittal Types supported by QDMS are: Single Recipient Single Recipient with CC Values Multiple Recipients To a Circulation List To a Transmittal Package Revised Documents Free Form Transmittal Re-Transmit a Transmittal Received Superseded Documents To activate the Transmittal Wizard as the user interface for generating transmittals, go to Tools\Options\Project Settings and tick the Use Transmittal Wizard option. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 67 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals 5.2.02 Transmittal Generation Wizard Screen To access the transmittal screen, from the Transmit menu, select Single Recipient. The Transmittal Generation screen has three main sections: To: Used to select the Recipient(s) for the transmittal(s) Messages: Used to define the messages to be included on the transmittal(s) Documents: Used to select the documents for transmittal. Other information on the transmittal generation screen includes: From: This is the sender of the transmittal. Use the From link to change this value. The list of possible senders defaults to other contacts within the licensee company. The Show all companies option can be used to select a contacts belonging to another company – limited to those companies whose name matches part of the licensee company name. Transmittal Number: The Transmittal number is generated automatically by QDMS. It is a sequential number series per project. Custom transmittal numbering (e.g. sequential per recipient can be provided on request). See also using a Transmittal Prefix [2.2.02]. Reference Number: This is an alternative reference to the standard Transmittal Number. Using this field is optional. The basic transmittal generation process involves: 1. Selecting the Recipient(s) to Transmit to. This can be a single recipient, multiple recipients or a circulation list. 2. Select the Messages to include on the transmittal. 3. Select the Documents to Transmit. 4. Clicking Next to go to the second page of the wizard. 5. Printing the transmittal. 6. Saving the Transmittal. 7. Sending the Transmittal by email (optional) However there is a large range of additional functionality available when creating transmittals. 5.2.03 Recipients Selection 1. Click the To: link to access the recipient selection window. 2. Recipients are selected by either double clicking on their entry in the left hand grid to move them to the right hand grid, or by using the arrow buttons. 3. For transmittals to a Single Recipient, only one contact can be selected. Use the Company ID drop down list to select the company the contact belongs to first if required. 4. Click OK when done to return to the transmittal generation screen. The Change Recipient Type drop down list a the bottom left of the screen can be used to change the selection to Single with CC Values, Multiple Recipients, Circulation List, or Transmittal Package. These other options are discussed later in this chapter – see Transmittal Types [5.4] for an explanation. Other options at the Select Recipient(s) window are: Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 68 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals For all Recipient Types: Add New Contacts: Used to add new contacts on the fly. Acknowledgement required: This means that the recipient is required to acknowledge receipt of the transmittal. See managing acknowledgements [5.10.04]. Pending Transmittals Required: This setting which defaults to ticked is used to indicate that QDMS is to create/maintain a distribution matrix for the selected documents and recipients on this transmittal. QDMS does this by populating the Recipient Document Register once the transmittal is sent. This is a key feature of the QDMS system as it means the system will constantly monitor transmitted documents to ensure that if they are revised, pending transmittals are created to flag that the recipient has a superseded revision. For Multiple Recipient Transmittals: Different Reasons, Copies, Size, Method, and Media etc: For transmittals to multiple recipients It is possible to define a different set of messages [5.2.04] for each recipient by scrolling to the right in the right hand grid after first selecting the recipients. It is also possible to control if each recipient is required to acknowledge receipt of the transmittal they receive. Print Distribution on Transmittal: It is possible to print a list of the recipients selected for the transmittal on each transmittal if required. Use the tick box for Print Distribution list on transmittal for this purpose. The default setting is to suppress the distribution but can be changed via Tools \ Options \ Project Settings. Set Values: The Set Values button can be used to set the messages [5.2.04] for each recipient using either: The Defaults values from the Address book for each recipient or, Fix values based on the values defined via the Messages window [5.2.04]. Use the Find button at the bottom of the left hand grid to locate contacts from a large Address Book 5.2.04 Messages Selection 1. Click the Messages: link to access the message selection window. The transmittal message options are: Transmitted By: This is the method of delivery for the transmittal. Select from the values in the drop down list [2.5.03]. Note that if “Email” is selected the eTransmittal Wizard will be activated by default at the end of the transmittal generation process. Copies, Size, Media: Here you can define the number of copies, their size and the media of each document that is being transmitted. If different numbers of copies are required per document, see Type 2 Transmittals [5.4.04]. Reason for Issue: The reason for issue defines why the documents are being issued. If you are transmitting to multiple recipients it is possible to use a different reason for each recipient. See Different Reasons, Copies, Size and Media [5.2.03]. See also Configuration Tables\Reasons for Issue [2.5.04] Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 69 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals Response Required: This is a specific response message to appear on the transmittal and is used in conjunction with a respond by date. Note that the respond by date defaults to a fixed period after the current date based on the default settings for each recipient in the Address Book. See also Configuration Tables\Response Messages [2.5.05]. Message: This is a general text message to appear on the transmittal. It is possible to define a library of standard messages to minimise typing for commonly used messages. See also Configuration Tables\Messages [2.5.02]. The Reset to Recipient Defaults button (active for transmittals to a Single Recipient) can be used to revert to the defaults values from the Address Book for the recipient if required. 2. Click OK when done to return to the transmittal generation screen. 5.2.05 Document Selection 1. Click the Documents: link to access the document selection window. 2. Select the required documents by tagging them (see below for more on tagging). 3. Click OK when done to return to the transmittal generation screen. Tagging Documents The simplest method to select documents is just to Tag each document to be transmitted by typing a tag letter against the selected documents (the default tag letter to use is T). 1. This is done by scrolling through the list of documents in the grid and typing a letter T in the Tag column against the required documents. 2. Once the required documents have been tagged, click the Show Documents Tagged with tick box to confirm your selection is correct. 3. If there are documents in the grid that you do not want to transmit at this point, simply delete the tag letter against them. With a large document register, selecting the documents via the above method can be impractical. In this case use the Set Tags button at the bottom of the screen. Tags can be allocated automatically via a number of options (Refer Tags – Automatic [5.6.02]) or manually by simply typing document numbers (see Tags – Manual [5.6.03]) Notes: (a) The method of tagging documents for selection provides a lot of flexibility. It is possible to use any tag letter when selecting documents. At the bottom of the select documents screen is the text Show Documents Tagged with and a field with a tag letter. When the tick box to display tagged documents is ticked, only documents with the tag letter that matches the value above will be displayed. This means different tag letters could be assigned to different members of the project team meaning that multiple users can create transmittals at the same time on the same project each with their own tag letter. (b) With Show Documents Tagged with active, use the Enter Documents button to add additional documents to the grid simply by typing their numbers. (c) Use the Set \ Tags - Clear option to clear the currently defined tag letter. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 70 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals Other Options Type of Documents: While tagging documents to select them is the standard method in QDMS, there are alternative methods of selecting documents. The other options are: Revised Documents – see transmitting revised documents [5.4.06]; Free form – see free form transmittals [5.4.07]; Re-Transmit – See using re-transmit a transmittal [5.4.08]; and Superseded Documents [5.4.09]. Type 1 and Type 2: The default in QDMS is to transmit a fixed number of copies at a certain size and media. These values are completed on the Generate page of the transmittal generation screen. This is called a Type 1 transmittal. There are occasions when it is required to transmit a different number of copies of each of the documents being transmitted. This is possible via a Type 2 transmittal (the radio button for this setting is at the bottom right corner of the screen). For a Type 2 Transmittal there will be three additional columns titled Copies/Size/Media on the Documents page frame of the transmittal generation screen. These columns allow you to define up to three Copies + Size + Media configurations for each document being transmitted. The syntax required in these fields is: NN-AA-B Where: NN = The number of copies (must be numeric) AA = The size (alpha numeric) B = The Media (Alpha only) Right click on the any of the Copies/Size/Media fields to easily select the required values for each document. 5.2.07 Printing and Saving the Transmittal 1. Once the Recipients, Messages and Documents have been selected and other information on the transmittal generation screen is completed as required, click Next to go to the second page of the transmittal wizard. 2. By default the transmittal destination will be set to Preview so you can view the transmittal output on the screen before printing. 3. If the transmittal looks ok, click Print from within the Print Preview toolbar. 4. At the Save transmittal screen, click OK to save the transmittal and finally click OK at the confirmation of save screen. 5. Click Close to return to the QDMS Dashboard. Notes: (a) Saved Transmittals are stored in the Transmittal History. (b) There are number of alternatives to previewing and then printing the transmittal: Print – sends the transmittal to the printer without previewing. PDF – Creates a PDF copy of the transmittal (stored in the \Transmittals folder under the project directory) rather than a hard copy None – the transmittal is not printed. (c) At the Save Transmittal screen there are also a number of options: Do not save in transmittal file – used if the transmittal should not be saved. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 71 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals Send this as an e-transmittal – used to send the transmittal by email. [see Section 5.5] Copy View files to a specified location / Print View files. You will be prompted to specify a folder location (default is \<Project>\Transmittal\View Files\<Transmittal No>) and/or select a printer for the view file printing [5.8.04]. Upload the transmitted documents to TeamBinder - [see Section 5.11] (d) Documents with a Restrained Status cannot be selected for Transmittal [See Section 2.4.09] 5.3 Transmittal Generation – Standard 5.3.01 Introduction An alternative to using the Transmittal Wizard for transmittal generation is to use the transmittal generation standard interface. This can be activated by going to Tools\Options\Project Settings and un-ticking the Use Transmittal Wizard option. In general the process for generating transmittals via the Standard Interface is very similar to the Transmittal Wizard. Only the differences are described in the next sections. 5.3.02 Transmittal Generation Standard Screen To access the transmittal screen, from the Transmit menu, select Single Recipient. The Transmittal Generation Standard screen has three page frames (Tabs): Generate: Documents: Recipients: Used to complete the general transmittal information. Used to select the documents for transmittal. Used to select the Recipients for the transmittal(s) if any of Multiple, Circulation, or Package documents is chosen as the transmittal type. The basic process involves: 1. Selecting the Recipient(s) to transmit to. This can be a single recipient, multiple recipients or a circulation list. 2. Select the Documents to transmit. 3. Completing the Generate page fields. 4. Clicking OK to generate the transmittal. 5. Printing and Saving the transmittal 5.3.03 Recipient Selection The differences between the Transmittal Generation Standard screen and the Transmittal Wizard in regard to selection of Recipients are described below. The Recipient Type which controls whether the transmittal is to Single or Multiple Recipients etc is managed via the drop down list at the top right of the Generate page. Single Recipient and Single and Copies Types: For transmittals to a Single Recipient the recipient is selected from a drop down list on the Generate page. The Add button can be used to add new recipients on the fly. For Single & Copies, the recipient is selected from the drop down list and the Copies button used to define the copies. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 72 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals Use Defaults: Click this button to use the transmittal defaults (messages) for the selected recipient from the Address book. See Transmittal Defaults [3.1.05] for further information. Multiple Recipients: For Transmittals to Multiple Recipients, the Recipients tab becomes active and Recipients must be selected by Tagging. Tagging Recipients The simplest method to select recipients is just to Tag each recipient by typing a tag letter against the selected recipients (the default tag letter to use is R). 1. This is done by scrolling through the list of recipients in the grid and typing a letter R in the Tag column against the required recipients. 2. Once the required recipients have been tagged, click the Show Recipients tagged with tick box to confirm your selection is correct. 3. If there are recipients in the grid that you do not want to transmit to at this point, simply delete the tag letter against them. Other options available when transmitting to multiple recipients are as for the Transmittal Wizard [see Section 5.2.03] and include: Different Reasons, Copies, Size, Method, and Media: Print Distribution Set Values Use the Add New button at the bottom of the screen to add new contacts on the fly. Use the Find button to locate contacts from a large address book if required. Circulation Lists: For Transmittals to a Circulation List the list is selected on the generate page and the details are edited on the Recipients Tab. Other Recipient Settings: The following settings related to recipients are managed via the Generate Page: Acknowledgement required Resend Revisions (Notify Recipients of future revisions automatically) These options are explained in section 5.2.03 above. 5.4.04 Message Selection With the Standard Transmittal Screen, messages are selected from within the Generate Page itself. This includes values for: Transmitted By Copies, Size, Media Reason for Issue Message Response Message Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 73 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals These options are explained in section 5.2.04 above. 5.3.05 Document Selection The difference between the Transmittal Generation Standard screen and the Transmittal wizard in regard to selection of Documents is simply that on the Standard screen the user must click on the Document tab to access the selection screen. Other options are generally as per the Wizard. 5.3.06 Printing and Saving the Transmittal 1. Once the Documents and Recipients have been selected and all other information on the Generate page is completed click OK to generate the transmittal. The printing and saving process is as per the Transmittal wizard with the following differences: (a) The Print Destination choices are at the bottom of the generate screen and should be selected prior to clicking OK to generate the transmittal. (b) If a PDF or No Print is required, click the File option against Destination and select either PDF or File before clicking OK to generate the transmittal. 5.4 Transmittal Types 5.4.01 Single Recipient A Transmittal to a Single Recipient means that the selection of only one recipient for the transmittal, either via the Recipients Selection window (Transmittal Wizard) or via drop down list (Transmittal Standard) is enabled. Only a single transmittal is generated. 5.4.02 Single Recipient with CC values This option is as per the Single Recipient option. However it has the additional feature that enables definition of other contacts from the address book who are to be listed on the transmittal as receiving a Copy of the transmittal (CC) or a Copy without Attachments (CWA) of the transmittal. For the Transmittal Standard Interface, use the Copies button that appears when this option is chosen. Note that only a singe transmittal is generated. A Copy (CC) of the transmittal means that the person receiving a copy is receiving the transmittal cover sheet and a copy of the drawings. They are NOT however being Issued the documents. A Copy without Attachments (CWA) of the transmittal means that the person receiving a copy is receiving the cover sheet only. Copies and Copies without attachments can be controlled using acknowledgements if required. Notes: (a) This transmittal option should be used with care. If documents are being issued to someone for whatever reason, they should be a recipient rather than a CC or CWA on the transmittal. (b) CC and CWA values will be printed on the transmittal. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 74 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals 5.4.03 Multiple Recipients A Transmittal to Multiple Recipients means that a group of documents are going to be sent to a group of recipients or Multiple Recipients. Each recipient receives a uniquely numbered transmittal. The options available are described sections [5.2.03] and [5.3.03] 5.4.04 Circulation Lists Circulation Lists are predefined group of recipients. To define a circulation list refer Working with Circulation Lists [2.7.02]. The difference between a transmittal to multiple recipients and a transmittal to a circulation list is that in the latter case only a single transmittal is created. Circulation lists are useful for both internal reviews and squad checks where the documents are reviewed in turn by recipients. When choosing Transmit to a Circulation list from the Transmit menu, at the select Recipients window (transmittal wizard) or the Generate page (transmittal standard interface) you are prompted to select a Circulation List for the transmittal. Use the Add button to add a new circulation list if the list you require is not displayed. The contacts in the circulation list are displayed (click the Recipients page if using the transmittal standard interface). You can un-select one or more of the contacts for this particular transmittal (they will remain on the circulation list for future transmittals) by either double clicking on them in the right hand grid to move them to the left hand grid (Transmittal wizard) or un-ticking the Send check box against the contact (Transmittal standard interface). It is also possible on the Recipients page to define the Sequence in which the documents and the transmittal will be circulated and also to define a Team Leader, this is the person who is responsible for consolidating any comments and is normally the last person in the circulation list (by sequence). When sending an eTransmittal for a transmittal that was generated to a Circulation List, only the first person in the circulation list is selected as the To value of the eTransmittal email. It is possible to tick the “Cc to the rest of the circulation list” box (in eTransmittal wizard) to auto select all other parties in the circulation list as CC values. However when recording follow up responses, QDMS can capture and record only the consolidated review comments and not individual comments (via Receive\Update Review Status of Transmitted Documents). If required a Circulation Lists specific custom transmittal format can be supplied. This can be assigned to the Circulation List via Wizards\Circulation List Wizard. Contact QA Software if this is required. Note: (a) The distribution is always printed on transmittals to a circulation list. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 75 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals 5.4.05 Transmittal Packages Transmittal Packages are a predefined group of controlled documents and recipients. To define a transmittal package refer Transmittal Packages [2.8.02]. When transmitting documents to a transmittal package, the display of documents to transmit is limited to only those documents defined as part of the transmittal package. In a similar way the recipients to select from are also restricted to those recipients defined as part of the package. Not all the documents or recipients need be selected. Each recipient selected is sent a uniquely numbered transmittal as with regular transmittals. 1. From the Transmit menu, select To a Transmittal Package. 2. Click on the To: link and at the select Recipients window select the Package being transmitted. The recipients will be listed in the right hand grid. Remove any recipients not being included with this issue by double clicking on them. If using the Transmittal Standard interface, select the Package at the generate page and the Recipients are then listed via the Recipients page. 3. Click OK and click on the Documents link to select the Package Documents. Un-tick the documents not being sent on this particular issue. If using the Transmittal Standard Interface, use the Documents page frame to achieve the same result. 4. Complete the remainder of the transmittal as per normal. Notes: (a) New Packages can be added on the run using the Add button at the Select Recipients window (Transmittal Wizard) or on the Generate page (Transmittal Standard Interface). (b) All documents can be unselected using the Un-tick all tick box. See also: Transmittal Package History Report [7.3.02]. 5.4.06 Revised A Revised Transmittal differs from a regular transmittal in that QDMS selects the documents to transmit automatically via Pending Transmittals [5.9.03]. By interrogating pending transmittals QDMS can determine the new revisions of documents to issue to recipients who have received previous versions of these documents. To transmit revised documents, select Revised Documents from the Transmit menu. After the user has selected the recipient (and only recipients with superseded copies of documents are available for selection), click the Documents link to select from the list of documents that are needed to be sent to bring the selected recipient up to date with the latest revision. The user can determine which of these documents are transmitted by changing the Y to a N in the Send column on the documents selection screen. Documents transmitted will be removed from pending transmittals. Documents not transmitted will remain in pending transmittals. Note: (a) Regardless of the transmittal type used, pending transmittals is always updated. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 76 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals 5.4.07 Free Form There are times when you need to use a transmittal to record the issue of a document or other materials but for whatever reason, the document does not exist in your controlled document register. A Free Form transmittal is ideal for this purpose as it allows the user to create documents on the fly for inclusion on the transmittal without these documents being or ending up in the Master Document Register. The transmittal history however will be updated as normal. 1. From the Transmit menu, select Free Form transmittal. 2. At the Document selection screen, click the Add button to add a document to the grid. 3. Type the Document number in the grid. If the document does not exist in the master document register, the key information window will open and you must complete the Rev, Sts and Title values. Note that the document will not be added to the document register. 4. Repeat steps 2 to 3 for additional documents. 5. Complete the remainder of the transmittal as normal. Notes: (a) When adding documents to a Free Form Transmittal, the default Document Mask is used by default. Un-tick this option if preferred. (b) Use the Delete or Delete all buttons to remove documents incorrectly added to the grid. 5.4.08 Re-Transmit a Transmittal Received There are instances where you are acting very much like a post office. Drawings come in and you transmit them on to other parties. In this circumstance, Re-Transmit a Transmittal automates the document selection process for the outgoing transmittal by selecting the documents automatically, based on your entering an incoming transmittal number. 1. From the Transmit menu, select Re-Transmit a transmittal received. 2. Next either type the incoming transmittal number for the documents you want to transmit relate to, or select the transmittal via the lower grid. 3. Click OK. 4. At the transmittal screen, proceed as normal. At the Documents selection window you will notice the documents have been selected automatically. You can un-tag one or more documents if required. Notes: (a) Using this transmittal option it is possible to transmit a superseded revision of a document. This is done by changing the revision at the Select Transmittal Received screen. Once you have selected the correct transmittal received (the one that contains the revision of the document that has been subsequently superseded), you then click on the Documents tab of this screen. On this page you will see three columns for: MDR Rev; TRM Rev; and Send Rev. Here you can change the Send Rev to the TRM Rev. The default is the MDR Rev which will be the current Revision. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 77 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals (b) If QVDMS is being used for Vendor Data Management in conjunction with QDMS, an option to Re-Transmit a Vendor Transmittal Received becomes active on the Transmit menu. This option works in a very similar way to the standard Re-Transmit a Transmittal Received option except that the incoming transmittals available for selection are transmittals received into QVDMS rather than QDMS. Note that this option does not update QVDMS in any way. It’s purpose is for QDMS users to be able to easily retransmit vendor documents (e.g. to a client) when QVDMS is being in used. 5.4.09 Superseded Documents In the instance where it is required to transmit superseded documents to a recipient (ie where the Revision is not the latest), the transmittal of Superseded documents option can be used to select the documents for transmittal out of the Document History file rather than the Master Document Register. The Transmittal itself clearly identifies that the documents being transmitted are superseded. 1. From the Transmit menu, select Superseded Documents. 2. At the transmittal screen, proceed as normal. When selecting Documents, the selection is made from the Document History based on Document + Status combinations that are no longer the latest. Note: (a) In the transmittal history the Superseded column is ticked for documents that have been transmitted in this way: 5.5 e-Transmittals 5.5.01 e-Transmittals Rather than print hardcopy transmittals and paper copies of the drawings, it is often convenient to be able to send documents and the accompanying transmittal information electronically. This is possible only if you have electronic copies of the drawings. Emailing of transmittals in QDMS means that once a transmittal has been created in the normal way, it can be emailed to a recipient in any of the following ways: Transmittal Cover Sheet: Either generated by the system as a PDF file and attached to the email, OR formatted as HTML and included in the body of the email message. View Files: Zipped or Not Zipped and sent as attachments OR listed in the body of the email with hyperlinks. 5.5.02 e-Transmittals with Attachments To generate an e-Transmittal with the View files associated for each document attached: 1. Either tick the Send as eTransmittal option at the save transmittal screen of the normal transmittal generation process OR Select e-Transmittal from the Transmit menu, select the Transmittal number and click the eTransmittals (via Email) button adjacent to eTransmittal caption. 2. The recipients from the transmittal will appear in the To window automatically (assuming they have had an email address defined in the Address Book). Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 78 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals 3. Add any other addressees from the left hand pane to either the TO, CC or CWA (copies without attachments) windows if required. Note that you can chose between using the recipients Business email address or their “Other” email address as defined in the Address Book. 4. Click Next to move to the Select Attachments page. The documents transmitted are listed (and can be viewed by double clicking on them if required). Any documents highlighted in red have no View file associated with them. In this instance, click the Locate button against a document to locate the electronic file. The Locate button will load a file open dialog window. Click OK when you have the file selected. Note that the cumulative file size of the selected document view files is displayed as long as the files reside on the same server as QDMS. 5. Click Next. 6. At the next screen you can edit the Email Subject and / or Message that will accompany the transmittal. The attachments for the eTransmittal can also be defined at this screen. The options are: File Attachments: View files will be zipped and attached to the email Transmittal Cover Sheet: Transmittal cover sheet will be generated as a PDF file and attached to the email. XML Files: Transmittal details will be generated into XML files enabling import of the transmittal information by the recipient either into their own QDMS installation or another Document Management system that supports import of XML data. Zip or Do not Zip: These options control whether the view files will be zipped into a single attachment or left in the format to which they are attached to the document in the Master Document Register. Leave the Send View files as option as Attachments unchanged. 7. Click Finish when done. The eTransmittal will be generated and sent via your normal email client. Notes: (a) A Default message can be defined via Tools\Options\Project Messages [2.2.03] (project specific) or Program defaults [10.1.01] (for all projects). (b) Email clients supported include MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express, Eudora, Lotus Notes, and GroupWise. For Lotus Notes you must change the Email Client setting in Program Defaults. (c) The requirement for a Read Receipt (managed via the email client being used) can be controlled via Tools\Options\Program Defaults [10.1.01]. (d) The Default attachments to the eTransmittal can be defined via Tools\Options\Project Settings [2.2.02]. (e) It is possible to limit the size of the zip file that is created when sending eTransmittals in circumstances when you are sending the eTransmittal to a recipient who has a cap on the size of email attachments they may received. This is done via Tools\Options\Project Settings [2.1.02]. (f) If the View Files associated with the documents are stored at a remote location, QDMS will automatically download them as part of the eTransmittal process. (g) Transmittals that have been sent as eTransmittals have a 1 in the eTransmit field in the Transmittal history. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 79 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals (h) When sending an eTransmittal for a transmittal that was generated to a circulation list, only the first person in the circulation listed is selected as the To value. Tick the “Cc to the rest of the circulation list” box to auto select all other parties in the circulation list as CC values. (i) The body text in the emails used to send e-transmittals can be modified if required [See Section 9.4.02]. (j) The PDF copy of the transmittal can be edited to a limited extent (e.g. to add signatures). The QDMS generated details cannot be changed. 5.5.03 e-Transmittals with Hyperlinks Rather than sending the view files associated with documents on a transmittal as attachments, it is possible when using eTransmittals to specify that the view files should appear as hyperlinks in which case they can be downloaded by the recipient(s) of the transmittal from within the email they receive. Obviously they need to have access to the source location of the view files so generally this option is only used for internal transmittals or for when the view files are stored on a web site or at an HTTP address. To generate an e-Transmittal using Hyperlinks for the Documents: 1. Follow steps 1 to 5 in Section 5.5.02 as for using eTransmittal with Attachments. 2. At the last screen of the ETransmittal wizard, change the Send View Files as option to Hyperlinks. 3. Click Finish. Notes: (a) With the Hyperlinks option, the transmittal cover sheet is included as the body text of the email and the documents listed are hyperlinked back to their source location. (b) The format of the transmittal cover sheet can be customised if required [See Section 9.4]. 5.6 Using Set Tags to Select Documents 5.6.01 Clear Tags Tags are the means by which controlled documents are selected for Transmittal. Each user maybe assigned their own tag letter to use when tagging documents within the same project. While there is no requirement to save the tag settings once a transmittal has been generated and saved, it is often the case that users fail to remove the tags after this has been done (perhaps they plan to generate more transmittals later that day with the same or similar documents). Tags can be quickly removed via either of two options: Option 1: 1. From the Wizards menu, select Tags – Clear. 2. Tick against the Document Register (ticked by default) and / or Address Book. 3. Click OK. Option 2: 1. From within the transmittal generation screen, click on the Documents link to go to the Document selection window. 2. Click the Set Tags button and select Clear. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 80 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals 3. Tick against the Document Register and / or Address Book. 4. Click OK. Notes: (a) Only the tags for the currently selected tag letter will be cleared. (b) Tags can also removed by deleting them directly in the Master Document Register. (c) While tags are an elegant way of selecting documents for transmittal there is no requirement to save your tags. This in fact would represent a misunderstanding of QDMS. All transmittals are saved in QDMS and if it is required to resend documents that have already been transmitted, there are a number of ways to do this and none of them involve using saved tags against documents. 5.6.02 Tags Automatic With a large document register, automatically tagging documents is a powerful feature of QDMS to quickly select groups of documents for transmittal. 1. From the Wizards menu, select Tags – Automatic. 2. At the Automatically Tag Documents window, there are four options displayed. The first step however is to select the tag letter to use (the default is T). The options now are: All documents: This option will Tag All documents in the Master Document Register. This could be used if every document in the register was to be transmitted to a recipient. More commonly it is used to tag the complete register as the first step in an advanced use of Auto Tag such as determining which documents have NOT been sent to a recipient. That meet a Filter condition: This is the most commonly use Tags Automatic option. For example, you would like to transmit all Civil drawings in Zone A to a recipient. Assuming that documents in the Master Document Register have been allocated in to Disciplines and Zones, you could select these documents for transmittal automatically with this Tags Automatic option. On clicking on this option the Build filter expression window will open. Your filter in the above example would be: Field DISCIPLINE ZONE Comparison Equal to Equal to Value CIVIL A And/Or And Another typical example might be to filter for PACKAGE = X where X is perhaps a sub contract package. Revised since last Controlled issue: Used to tag documents that have been added to the Master Document register or Revised since the last Controlled issue of the Master Document Register [see Section 4.3.11]. Status updated since last Controlled issue: Used to tag documents that have has their Status updated since the last Controlled issue of the Master Document Register [see Section 4.3.11]. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 81 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals Transmitted on Transmittal No: This option is used to re-tag the documents sent on a previous transmittal. This is useful if you need to send a group of documents to a recipient that have already been sent to someone else on an existing transmittal. To use this option, select it and then enter the number of the existing Transmittal Number. Not Transmitted to anyone: This option is used to tag the documents that have not been sent to at least one recipient. Tag documents for CAD attributes containing: This option can be used to Tag Documents based on searching for an expression stored in the attribute block of the linked CAD Files. All fields in the attribute block are searched. Currently being sent to Recipient: This is a particularly powerful option in Tags Automatic. Say you need to add a recipient to the current distribution for a group of documents, or perhaps you need to send all the documents you are currently sending to recipient A to new recipient B. Using this option you will be prompted to select a recipient. This should be a recipient already on the distribution in the first example above or the recipient A in the second example above. The Auto Tag routine will firstly analyse the Recipient Document Register and identify all the documents that are currently being sent to the recipient. Then it will cross to the Master Document Register and tag these documents ready for transmittal. The check box option and Revised since then will further restrict the above selection to only documents from Transmittals Pending that are going to the recipient selected. 3. It is recommended that the Clear all tags first is ticked for any automatic option (this is the default setting), prior to clicking the OK button to perform the auto tag. 4. Click OK to perform the Auto Tag process. Notes: (a) Automatic tagging can also be performed from within the transmittal generation screen using the Set Tags button at the document selection window. (b) Automatic tagging can also be performed within the Master Document Register. The option to Auto Tag all restrained documents can be used here to quick filter for restrained documents. 5.6.03 Tags Manual On very large document registers, tagging documents in the standard way (by locating them one by one and then tagging) can be tedious if the documents are not neatly grouped together in the document register. Tags – Manual is an option provided for the circumstances where it is quicker to type the document numbers for selection on a transmittal rather than find them one by one and tag them. 1. From the Wizards menu, select Tags – Automatic. 2. At the Manually Tag Documents window, enter the Tag number to be allocated for the documents about to be entered. 3. Enter the first document number to be selected in the Document Number field. If a valid number is entered the title and rev will appear in the fields provided. 4. Click on the Accept button to add the document to the lower grid. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 82 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for additional documents. 6. Click on Close when done to return to the select documents screen and tick the Display only documents tagged check box to see the selected documents. Notes: (a) Documents may be removed from the lower grid by selecting them and clicking the Discard button. (b) Manual tagging can also be performed from within the transmittal generation screen using the Set Tags button at the document selection window. 5.7 Transmittal Storage 5.7.01 Overview Transmittals in QDMS are stored in a read only database that is accessed via the View menu and sub menu Transmittal History. There are a number of important views at the Transmittal History screen. Transmittal View Recipient View Document No View 5.7.02 Transmittal view By default when you access the transmittal history, the upper grid displays a register of transmittals and the lower grid displays the documents that were issued on the selected transmittal in the upper grid. This is a useful view if you are searching a list of the documents sent out on a particular transmittal number. The most important uses of this view are however: Record Acknowledged Transmittals: To record that a recipient has acknowledged receipt of a transmittal. Locate the transmittal number in the upper grid and enter the “acknowledged date” in the AcknDate column or press F8 for today’s date. Note a report of transmittals that have not been acknowledged can be generated via File\Print Standard Reports – Transmittals Summary 5C. Transmittal Responses: Locate the transmittal number in the upper grid and then enter the date on which the Response was Received in the RspnRcvd column or press F8 for today’s date. Note a report of responses outstanding or overdue can be generated via File\Print Standard Reports – Transmittals Summary - 5E or 5F. Show Recipient List Button: When this option is selected from the top right of the Transmittals Window a list of the recipients will be shown. This button is only needed when Viewing a Transmittal to a Circulation List. This button is available in “Transmittals View” only. Notes: a) A transmittal can be reprinted by clicking on the hyperlinked Transmittal Number. b) The layout of columns in the Transmittal History can be customised by the end user using the Customize button. c) The Remarks column in the lower grid is editable and can be used to make any comments as required. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 83 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals 5.7.03 Recipient View It is often necessary to search the system to see what documents have been sent to a particular recipient. This is possible by selecting the By Recipient view at the Transmittal History screen. The display will change so that the upper grid displays the Address Book (those contacts who have been transmitted documents only). Now it is a simple task to locate the company/person you are interested in and the lower grid will display a complete history of all the documents they have been sent. Clicking Print or Preview will generate this information as a report and a filter may be used to restrict the report to selected information only. Note that if you are interested in only the latest versions that the recipients have been sent you can click the Latest Transmitted only check box which appears with this view. 5.7.04 Document No. View It is common to need to search the system to see if a particular document has been sent to the correct people. This is possible by selecting the By Document view at the Transmittal History screen. The display will change so that the upper grid displays the Master Document Register (those documents that have been transmitted only). Now it is a simple task to locate the document you are interested in and the lower grid will display a complete history of all the recipients that have been sent the selected document and at what revision. Clicking Print or Preview will generate this information as a report and a filter may be used to restrict the report to selected information only. 5.7.05 Hot List The Hot List button on the tool bar in the Transmittal History can be used to quick display any of the following in regard to transmittals: Responses Required (Response to Transmittal Required). Responses Outstanding (Response to Transmittal Required but none received). Responses Overdue (Response to Transmittal Required but none received and the respond by Date has passed). Acknowledgements Required (Acknowledgement of Transmittal Required). Acknowledgements Outstanding (Acknowledgement of Transmittal Required but none received). Notes: a) To return to the standard view of all transmittals after using the Hot List, select Clear from the Hot List options. b) To launch the QDMS Alerts, select Show Alerts from the Hot List options. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 84 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals 5.8 Transmittal Maintenance 5.8.01 Copies of Transmittals To obtain a reprint of a transmittal that has been issued: 1. From the Transmit menu, select Transmittal – Reprint. 2. Select a Transmittal number or a transmittal range. 3. Click OK to print. Alternatively, locate the Transmittal via ViewTransmittal, double click on it and select Preview. It is also possible to export the transmittal to Excel or PDF from this screen. 5.8.02 Delete Transmittals To maintain the integrity of the system, QDMS does not generally allow for the deletion of transmittals once saved. However it does make provision for deletion of the last saved transmittal only. To delete the last save transmittal, select this option from the Transmit menu. Note that once the transmittal is deleted, all references to the transmittal in the system will be removed and the next transmittal generated will re-use the deleted transmittal number. If the transmittal to be deleted is not the last saved transmittal then you will need to use the Cancel a transmittal option. 1. To delete a transmission, from the Transmit menu select the Delete last Transmittal sub-menu. 2. Click OK. 5.8.03 Cancel Transmittals The Cancel a Transmittal option in QDMS is used when a transmittal has been generated and saved but not issued to the recipient. When cancelling a transmittal the transmittal number remains in the register of transmittals but all references to documents on the transmittal are removed. The number cannot be re-used. 1. To cancel a transmission, from the Transmit menu select Cancel a Transmittal. 2. Select the Transmittal Number. 3. Click OK. Notes: (a) The Transmittal summary file is updated that the Transmittal is now cancelled. (See the Media column). (b) The transmittal detail file has the documents on the transmittal removed and a single record remains with a cancelled note in the document number field. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 85 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals 5.8.04 Print/Copy View Files Transmitted The Print / Copy view files transmitted option can be used to both: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Copy the view files associated with documents on a transmittal to a specified location. This is useful for example if these view files need to be printed and are stored currently in multiple locations as they can be quickly copied to a single location without having to manually locate them first. Batch print the view files associated with documents on a transmittal. From the Transmit menu select Print/Copy View Files Transmitted. Select the Transmittal Number. Choose between Copy & Print, Copy Only, and Print Only. Select the folder to copy the view files to and/or the Printer as required. Click OK. 5.9 Recipient Document Register 5.9.01 Overview The Recipient Document Register is a record of the latest revision of every document that has been sent to each recipient. It can be thought of as a distribution which QDMS builds automatically as documents are transmitted to recipients. In many document management systems it is necessary to define the distribution of documents on either a per document basis or per document type before the documents can be issued. In QDMS this is not required. Documents need to be simply transmitted and the system builds the distribution automatically. While the information in the Recipient Document Register cannot be altered, it is possible to modify the distribution if required. To access the Recipient Document Register, from the View menu, select the Recipient Document Register. There are two main views available: Recipient View In this view, the top grid displays Recipients and the lower grid displays the latest revision of all documents that have been sent to the selected Recipient. Document No. View In this view, Documents are displayed in the top grid and the lower grid displays recipient(s) to whom the selected document has been transmitted. Notes: (a) The revision shown here is the RevSent – i.e. the “Last Revision” sent and which is not necessarily the current revision in the MDR although this is displayed for information as RevNow. The Status shown here is the StsSent, which is the Status of the documents at the moment of transmittal and not necessarily the current Status of the document which is displayed for information as StsNow. (b) Reports of either view are available using the Print or Preview buttons (c) The Remarks column in the upper grid is editable. (d) The layout of the columns can be re-arranged using the Customize button. (e) In the lower grid the following columns have specific meanings: Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 86 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals Resend: Indicates that Pending Transmittals will be created when this document is revised. Latest: If ticked this indicates the revision is the Latest revision that has been sent to the Recipient. If un-ticked this indicates that a later revision has been sent since the selected revision was sent. Superseded: Indicates that the revision was superseded at the time of being transmitted (see Re-Transmit a Transmittal Received [5.4.08]). 5.9.02 Modifying the Distribution The Recipient Document Register stores an auto generated distribution matrix built by QDMS based on the transmittals that have been sent out. To add a person to the distribution for one or more document, these documents simply need to be transmitted to the person and the Recipient Document Register will be updated automatically. In cases where a recipient no longer needs to be on the distribution, it is possible to stop sending them new revisions as they are received by changing the resend status. This is done as follows: 1. From the View menu, select Recipient Document Register. 2. Click the Change Resend status check box. 3. Click OK at the warning message. 4. Now un-tick the Resend check box against documents after first selecting the required recipient in the upper half of the screen or use the Select/De-select All option at the top of the screen. Notes: a) The process of stopping sending revisions of documents to recipients means that if QDMS detects that a recipient has not been sent the latest revision of the document, transmittals pending will not be updated with this information. The history of which documents have been sent to a recipient is not affected by this process. b) For recipients which have previously been issued documents but have since been taken off the distribution, it is possible to add them back onto the distribution by reversing the above process. 5.9.03 Transmittals Pending Pending Transmittals is defined as a list of documents previously transmitted to recipients that have subsequently been revised and are awaiting re-issue. This information is held in pending transmittals until a transmittal of revised documents is generated. To view Pending Transmittals, from the View menu, select Pending Transmittals There are two views available: By Recipient By Document No In the By Recipient view, the top grid displays Recipients with one or more superseded documents, and the lower grid displays the documents for which the selected recipient has superseded revisions. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 87 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals In the By Document No view the top grid displays documents that have been superseded and the lower grid displays the recipients who are yet to be transmitted the latest revision. It is beneficial to print your pending transmittals for checking on a regular basis. Notes: (a) Pending Transmittals is updated automatically in QDMS. (b) Click the hyperlinked transmittal number in the lower grid to reprint a copy of the last transmittal sent. (c) The layout of the columns can be re-arranged using the Customize button. (d) It is possible to make QDMS prompt you as you log in to QDMS that you have pending transmittals to process. See Show Alerts [5.10.05]. 5.10 Managing Responses and Acknowledgements 5.10.01 Responses Responses to outgoing transmittals can be managed in a number of ways: Via the Update Response to Transmittals option Via the Transmittals History Update Review Status of Transmitted Documents [See Section 4.7.04] The third option above is used primarily with Documents Issued for Review/Approval [see Section 4.7]. 5.10.02 The Update Responses to Transmittal option This is the simplest method of updating responses to transmittals. 1. From the Misc menu, select Update Response to Transmittals. 2. Select the Transmittal Number to update. 3. Enter the Response Date 4. Click on a Document and click the Selected button to update the response date of selected documents one by one. 5. OR Click the All button to update the response date against all documents listed. 6. Click Close when done. Note: a) Use the Find button to locate a specific document to update. 5.10.03 Responses via the Transmittal History All outgoing transmittals are stored in the Transmittal History file. In the Transmittal history, response dates can be entered or adjusted if required although in normal circumstances, this is best done via the Update Response to Transmittals option above. To update/modify the response date for a transmittal or document within a transmittal via the transmittal history: Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 88 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals 1. From the View menu, select Transmittal History. The default view is by Transmittal number 2. Locate the transmittal that has been responded to. 3. In the lower grid locate the first document number for which a response has been received. 4. Update the Response Received date or press F8 to enter today’s date. 5. Enter any Remarks or Comments. 6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for additional documents. Notes: It is also possible to record that a transmittal has been completely responded to via the Transmittal History screen. Simply select the transmittal in the upper grid and update the Response received date with the relevant date. It is also possible to use the Update Response Received button which simplifies the process of updating the responded data against multiple documents on a large transmittal. To print a list of documents transmitted for which a response has not been received: a) From the Reports menu, select Standard Reports. b) In the Report on drop down list, select Outgoing Transmittals – Details. c) In the Report list, choose report 4R - Responses to transmitted documents and choose from the following 4 options: Outstanding (Responses requested for which no response has been received). Requested (Responses requested). Overdue (Responses requested for which no response has been received and for which the respond by date has passed). Due in next X days (Responses requested which are due in the next X days – insert a number of days for X). Choose between By Document or By Recipient to control the way the report is sorted. d) Click OK to run the report. 5.10.04 Acknowledgements When creating outgoing transmittals it is possible to define that an acknowledgement by the recipient is required. Acknowledgements received are updated via the Transmittal History. To update transmittal acknowledgements: 1. From the View menu, select Transmittal History. The default view is by Transmittal number. 2. Locate the Transmittal that has been acknowledged. 3. Update the Acknowledgement Date or press F8 to enter today’s date. 4. Click OK when done. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 89 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals Notes: To print a list of transmittals that have not been acknowledged: a) b) c) d) From the Reports menu, select Standard Reports. In the Report on drop down list, select Outgoing Transmittals - Summary. In the Report list, select report number 5C. Click Ok to run the report. The message “Please acknowledge receipt by signing . . . .” at the bottom of the standard Transmittal in QDMS can be changed via Tools\Options\Project Messages. 5.10.05 Show Alerts The QDMS Alerts window is a tool to assist users with the expediting of responses to transmitted documents and the receipt of transmittal acknowledgements. From the View menu, select Show Alerts. 1. The QDMS Alerts window displays the current quantity of each of the following: Transmittal Acknowledgements Outstanding Responses to Transmitted Documents Outstanding Responses to Transmitted Documents Overdue Pending Transmittals 2. Select one of the above 4 options and click the View button to view the details. You can also double click any of the above options to view the details. 3. Tick the Send Auto Reminders Box to choose from a further three options in relation to sending reminder emails to recipients: Acknowledgements Outstanding Responses to Transmitted Documents Outstanding Responses to Transmitted Documents Overdue 4. To send the auto reminders, click the Select transmittals and send reminders button relative to the required option above. 5. At the mover window, click Email. Notes: a) A separate email is sent to each recipient with only information that is relevant to them. b) It is possible to unselect Transmittals/Documents at the auto reminder mover window using the arrow buttons. c) It is possible to define a custom message to be used with Auto reminders (see Project Messages) d) It is possible to attach the original transmittal cover sheets with the reminder emails by ticking this option after ticking Auto Reminders. The transmittals will be converted to PDF automatically by QDMS and attached to the reminder emails. e) It is also possible if the transmittal being followed up was to a circulation list, to CC the full circulation list. If this option is ticked all recipients in the Circulation list will be sent an email. If un-ticked only the Team Leader will be emailed a reminder. If there was no Team Leader identified then the recipient with the lowest sequence number will be emailed. f) The format of the Auto Reminders can be fully custom tailored if required by customising the HTML Templates [See Section 9.4.04]. g) To activate the Alerts window: From the View menu, select Show Alerts; or From the Transmittal History, select Hot List and select Show Alerts. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 90 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals 5.10.06 Dashboard Transmittal Statistics The transmittal statistics shown on the dashboard display quick links to the following: Acknowledgements Outstanding: Transmittals you have sent for which an acknowledgement has not been received [5.10.04] Responses Outstanding: Transmittal you have sent for which you require a reply but one not is yet received [5.10.01] Responses Overdue: Transmittal you have sent for which you require a reply but not is yet received and the due date is now past. Transmittals Pending: See [5.9.03] 5.11 Uploading Documents to TeamBinder 5.11.01 Overview TeamBinder is a web-based collaboration solution used to manage information and improve communications between project participants. All project documents and communications are maintained on a secure, open platform, accessible 24 hours a day, and available from anywhere with Internet access. It is possible from QDMS to upload documents to TeamBinder. Integrating QDMS with TeamBinder in this way can be very effective when QDMS is being used as a project document management system yet for one or more reasons, the electronic documents need to be accessed by other parties in different physical locations. For example the client wants to have access to documents in the document register over the internet. QA Software have anecdotal evidence from their large customer base that on many projects, customers are using both QDMS (as this is their corporate standard for document management on projects) to document control as well as double processing the data into a project collaboration solution, creating a great deal of additional work. By deploying TeamBinder as the collaboration solution, documents can be managed in QDMS as normal with a one click upload to TeamBinder (once the necessary defaults have been set up) giving access to external parties to the documents as long as they have internet access. 5.11.02 Set up the TeamBinder Defaults Before you can start uploading documents from QDMS to TeamBinder you have to: Set up the TeamBinder Defaults Synchronize the QDMS configuration tables with TeamBinder To set up the TeamBinder Defaults: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. From the Tools menu, select Options. Click on the Project Settings Page. Click the Edit button. Click on the Set TeamBinder Defaults button in the bottom right corner. Select your TB (TeamBinder) Company. Select your TB (TeamBinder) User. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 91 of 155 Chapter 5 – Working with Outgoing Transmittals Note if your TB Company and User ID are not already in the Address book in QDMS you will need to add them in. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Enter the TB Project Number. Enter the TB Email address as Click the OK button. Click the save button on the toolbar at the top of the screen Close the Options screen Notes: a) The Email Subject and File Naming Format Prefix are optional. b) The Email address at step 8 may be different depending on the location of the TeamBinder installation. 5.11.03 Synchronize the QDMS configuration tables with TeamBinder TeamBinder has a series of mandatory attributes applied to documents. These include: Revision Status (STS) Discipline Category Documents that are to be uploaded to TeamBinder must have these attributes assigned in the QDMS Master document register and further more the values used must coincide with the values defined in the TeamBinder Configuration Tables. 5.11.04 Upload of Documents to TeamBinder The Upload to TeamBinder is managed via a transmittal. You simply generate the transmittal as normal and at the end of the transmittal you choose to upload to TeamBinder. Note that TeamBinder has its own distribution management system so it is not necessary for you to select more than one recipient (you may in-fact chose to create a recipient called TeamBinder within QDMS). Note that the recipient has no impact whatsoever on what happens when the documents reach TeamBinder. 1. Hence from the Transmit menu, select Single Recipient. 2. Select any recipient (if you like, add a new recipient called TeamBinder) 3. Select the documents. 4. Click Next to generate and print the transmittal. 5. At the end of the transmittal process, tick the option to upload the documents to TeamBinder and then click OK. The documents will be uploaded via your normal email client. Notes: a) It is possible to modify the name of the user performing the upload task by clicking on the Change TB User option at step 5 above. b) An error report will be received by the user uploading to TeamBinder if for any reason the documents being uploaded fail validation on reaching TeamBinder. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 92 of 155 Chapter 6 - HOW TO 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 5.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 6.31 6.32 6.33 6.34 6.35 How to Register QDMS How to Create a New Project How to Set up Valid Revisions How to Enter a New Document How to Find a Document How to Edit Document Details How to Delete a Document How to Transfer documents from one project to another How to Enter a New Recipient How to Update a Recipient's Details How to Tag a Document for Transmittal How to Generate a Transmittal to a Single Recipient How to Change the default sender for a Transmittal How to Generate a Transmittal to Multiple Recipients How to Identify Transmittals Pending How to Generate a Transmittal for Revised Documents How to Stop Sending Revised Documents to a Recipient How to Re-start sending Revised Documents to a Recipient How to Clear all Tags How to Print a complete Document Register How to Print a list of the latest documents sent to a Recipient How to Print a list of Transmittals Pending How to Print a copy of a Previous Transmittal How to Export a Transmittal to another QDMS User How to Email a Transmittal How to use Custom Transmittal Formats How to Import from an Excel File How to Delete a Project How to Activate the Add-on Viewer How to Use a Global Address Book How to exit from QDMS How to move QDMS to the Server How to load a Company Logo How to recover QDMS after an unexpected exit How to speed up QDMS Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 93 of 155 Chapter 6 – How To . . . 6.01 How to Register QDMS QA Software products are normally licensed to specific PCs that will be able to access the software. For this reason it is essential for you to go around to every PC that you are purchasing a license for and choose either the Register button from the Register Reminder window, or select Register Program from the Help Menu. To register QDMS, see Registering QDMS [1.3.02]. 6.02 How to Create a New Project Projects in QDMS are stored in separate database tables. To create a new project: 1. Click on the menu File. 2. Select New Project. 3. See [2.1.02] for more on this. 6.03 How to Set up Valid Revisions Revisions along with many other document attributes in QDMS are defined in a series of miscellaneous libraries so that they can be selected from drop down lists during document entry or maintenance. To add to the library of revisions (or any other attribute): 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the View menu. Select Configuration Tables. Select the Group Document Attributes. From the Files drop down list select Revisions [2.4.07]. 6.04 How to Enter a New Document Documents in QDMS are either entered directly into the Master Document Register (for advanced users) or via the Receive menu using either the simple or advanced options. To enter a new document: 1. Click on the Receive menu. 2. Select Documents. [4.2.02] 6.05 How to Find a Document There are a number of options for finding documents. If you do not know the project, use the Universal Search [4.3.08] from the Edit menu. If you know the project, then select this project and: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the View menu. Select the Master Document Register. Press F7 or use the Find button. Enter the Document Number to find. Note, if the document number is not known, use Advanced button at the Find Value screen. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 94 of 155 Chapter 6 – How To . . . 6.06 How to Edit Document Details Document details can only be edited via the Master Document Register. This can be accessed via the View menu or via the Misc menu – Form View of the MDR. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click on the View menu. Select the Master Document Register. Press F7 or use the Find button. Enter the Document Number to Edit. Use Tab or Enter, or Shift + Tab, locate the field containing the data you wish to edit. Either type over directly or press End to go straight to the end of the text and use the left arrow or backspace key to position correctly within the text being edited. 6.07 How to Delete a Document While documents can be deleted from the Master Document Register, a record of all documents is always maintained in the Document History file. To delete a document from the Master Document Register: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click on the View menu. Select the Master Document Register. Press F7 or use the Find button. Enter the Document Number to Delete. Enter a document number for the search and click OK. Click on the Delete button on the toolbar. 6.08 How to Transfer documents from one project to another A query often received by the QA Software help desk is the question of how to transfer one or more documents between projects. The simplest way to do this is: In Project 1, use WizardsExport Data Files [8.2.01] to export the drawings to a database (dbf) file. In project 2, use WizardsImport Data Wizard [8.1.01] to import the drawings exported from Project 1. 6.09 How to Update a Recipient's Details To update the information about a recipient: 1. Click on the View menu. 2. Select the Address Book (Recipients). 3. To change the Company Name, select the Company file via the Edit Company Details button. 4. To change the Contact Details, select the contact and then edit the required fields. Note Company and Contact ID’s can only be changed via a Rename [3.1.07] program. 6.10 How to Enter a New Recipient Recipients are maintained in the QDMS Address Book. To add a new Recipient: 1. Click on the View menu. 2. Select the Address Book (Recipients). Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 95 of 155 Chapter 6 – How To . . . 3. If the company for the new Recipient already exists, the new recipient can be added as a contact to the company by first selecting the company and then clicking on the New Contact button. 4. If the company for the new Recipient does not exist, you must first create a new Company (also done via the Address Book) before creating the contact details. 6.11 How to Tag a Document for Transmittal Documents in QDMS are generally selected for transmittal via a process of tagging. Documents can be tagged directly from with the Master Document Register (accessed via the View menu) or at the transmittal generation screen – Documents window [5.2.05]. 6.12 How to Generate a Transmittal to a Single Recipient The most commonly used transmittal type in QDMS is the Transmittal to a single recipient. To generate such a transmittal: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click on the Transmit menu. Select Single Recipient. Select the Recipient via the To link. Define the required Messages via the Messages link. Select the Drawings via the Documents link (using tagging). Click Next and then Finish. 6.13 How to change the default sender for a Transmittal To change the default sender for a transmittal: 1. 2. 3. 4. From the Tools menu, select Options. Click on the Project Settings tab. Click the Edit button. Select the Default Sender using the drop down list at the bottom of the screen. Note: (a) Only contacts from the licensee company for the project can be select as the default transmittal sender. 6.14 How to Generate a Transmittal to Multiple Recipients A transmittal to Multiple Recipients is used to send a group of tagged documents to a group of tagged recipients. To do this: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click on the Transmit menu. Select Multiple Recipients. Select the Recipients via the To link. Define the required Messages via the Messages link. Select the Drawings via the Documents link (using tagging). Click Next and then Finish. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 96 of 155 Chapter 6 – How To . . . 6.15 How to Identify Transmittals Pending Once documents have been issued to one or more recipients, if the documents are subsequently revised, QDMS creates pending transmittals automatically (assuming Re-send was ticked during initial transmittal generation). To view the pending transmittals: 1. Click on the View menu. 2. Select Pending Transmittals. It is a good idea to print out pending transmittals on a regular basis for checking. To transmit the pending transmittals, use Transmit – Revised Documents [5.4.06]. 6.16 How to Generate a Transmittal for Revised Documents To transmit the contents of Pending Transmittals: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Click on the Transmit menu. Select Revised Documents. The first recipient is selected automatically. Define the required Messages via the Messages link. Select the Drawings via the Documents link by clicking OK Click Next and then Finish. Repeat for other recipients. 6.17 How to Stop Sending Revised Documents to a Recipient If it is required to stop sending revised versions of one or more documents to a recipient: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the View menu. Select Recipient Document Register. Click on the Change Resend Status Tick Box. Locate the Recipient and un-tick the Resend field against the documents they no longer require. Note it is important to perform the above action when appropriate to keep down the volume of information in Pending transmittals. 6.18 How to Re-start sending Revised Documents to a Recipient If it is required to re-start sending revised versions of one or more documents to a recipient: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the View menu. Select Recipient Document Register. Click on the Change Resend Status Tick Box. Locate the Recipient and tick the Resend field against the documents to be added back to the current distribution. Alternatively, send the document via transmittal and this will add it back onto the re-send list. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 97 of 155 Chapter 6 – How To . . . 6.19 How to Clear all Tags From time to time it is advisable to clear all tags in the Master Document Register: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the Wizards menu. Select Tags – clear. Tick Documents and or Address Book. Click OK. Note that Tags are a temporary means of selecting documents only. 6.20 How to Print a complete Document Register To print a complete Master Document Register: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the File menu. Select Print - Standard Reports. Select the Report on file as Master Document Register. Double click on Report 1A. Note that the Master Document Register could also be printed direct from View – Master Document Register. 6.21 How to Print a list of the latest documents sent to a Recipient A commonly used report in QDMS is to print a list of the latest documents that each recipient is working to based on what you have issued to them. To do this: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click on the File menu. Select Print - Standard Reports. Select the Report on file as Recipient Document Register. Click once on Report 3B. Click on the Filter button and set up a filter for the Recipient. Click OK to generate the report. 6.22 How to Print a list of Transmittals Pending It is important to print a list of pending transmittals for checking periodically. To do this: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Click on the File menu. Select Print - Standard Reports. Select the Report on file as Recipient Document Register. Click once on Report 3C. Click OK to generate the report. 6.23 How to Print a copy of a Previous Transmittal To reprint a copy of an existing transmittal: 1. Click on the Transmit menu. 2. Select Transmittals - Reprint. 3. Select one or more transmittal numbers and click OK. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 98 of 155 Chapter 6 – How To . . . 6.24 How to Export a Transmittal to another QDMS User Sending electronic transmittals to other QDMS users will save them a lot of time in regard to data entry. To Export a transmittal for this purpose: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the Wizards menu. Select Export Transmittals. Define an Export file name and select the transmittal to export. Click OK to export and then email the export file to the recipient. 6.25 How to Email a Transmittal Emailing of transmittals is used when it is required to send electronic files with an accompanying transmittal in an electronic format that can be read by the recipient (without the use of QDMS). To email a transmittal: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Generate the Transmittal as normal. Click on the Transmit menu. Select e-Transmittal. Select the transmittal number to email. Click on eTransmittal (via email) option at the bottom of the screen. Select any other contacts to copy the transmittal to. Click OK. 6.26 How to use Custom Transmittal Formats Most companies using QDMS will have at least one custom transmittal format supplied. Custom formats can be defined at any of three levels: Recipient: View the Address Book, locate the contact and on the Default Details page, enter the name of the custom format for use with this recipient in the fields provided. If a custom format is defined here it will be used regardless of the project and system settings below. Project: From Tools menu, select Options and click on the Project Settings Page. Enter the name of the custom format for use on this project in the fields provided. If a custom format is defined here it will be used in lieu of any system settings below. System: From the Tools menu, select Options and click on the Program Defaults Page. Enter the name of the custom format for use on all projects in the fields provided. If a custom format is defined here it will be used unless a custom transmittal is defined above. 6.27 How to Import from an Excel File See How to Import from a Data File [8.1.01]. 6.28 How to Delete a Project To delete a project: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Run QDMS and select a project other than the one to be deleted. Click on the Tools menu. Select Options. Click on the Project Settings Page. Navigate to the project to be deleted by clicking on the arrow buttons on the toolbar. Click the Edit button. Click the Delete button. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 99 of 155 Chapter 6 – How To . . . The data files should be deleted by locating the project folder via Windows Explorer and deleting this folder (after first copying it to CD or diskette). Note: If a situation arises where the data files for a project have been deleted without first deleting the project from within QDMS, the project can no longer be deleted in the above way and it is necessary to use the Delete Removed Projects under the Tools menu. This option only displays projects that exist in QDMS but which have no project data folder. 6.29 How to Activate the Add-on Viewer The optional add-on Viewer available for use with QDMS is installed via separate Installer. The QVIEW.MSI file can be downloaded from,com and comes with instructions for installation. Once installed, to activate the viewer: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on the Tools menu. Select Options. Click on the Program Defaults Page. From the Viewer drop down list, select QView. 6.30 How to Use a Global Address Book QDMS supports the use of either a Project specific Address Book or a Global address book on a project by project basis. By default the Address Book is project specific. To use a global address book: 1. When creating a new project, click the check box for Global Address book at the project creation screen. 2. To change to a Global Address Book after creation of the project, From the Tools menu, select Options and on the Project Details page tick Use Global Address Book. Note that in case (b) above, it would then be a good idea to run the option Wizards – Transfer Address Book [3.1.06]. 6.31 How to exit from QDMS To quit the QDMS Program: 1. Click on the File menu. 2. Select Exit. 6.32 How to move QDMS to the Server QDMS can reside either on a single PC or on a server. Even a QDMS Single user license can reside on a server. To move QDMS to the server, see Moving QDMS to the server [1.4.01]. 6.33 How to load a Company Logo To install your company logo onto QDMS Reports and Transmittals: 1. Obtain a company logo in the format of a bit map (.bmp) file. Assume this logo file is called Mylogo.bmp. 2. From the Tools menu, select Options 3. Click on the Project Settings tab and click the Edit button. 4. Select the Logo file in 1. above by using the Select button against the Report Logo field. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 100 of 155 Chapter 6 – How To . . . Notes: a) QDMS will handle the scaling of the logo to fit on reports as long as they are rectangular. b) For speed of generation on reports, the company logo file should be less than 50kb in size. 6.34 How to recover QDMS after an unexpected exit Should your computer crash for any reason while the QDMS program is running, it is possible that any database files open could get corrupted. The chances of this are minimized if the first action on returning to QDMS is as follows: 1. Ensure you are the only person logged into QDMS 2. Click on File menu. 3. Select Compact Files and Click OK. This will re-build the file indexes and is normally sufficient to recover completely from an unexpected exit from the system. If using the above method does not fix any problems that occur after an unexpected exit from the system, contact QA Software. 6.35 How to speed up QDMS If the speed of QDMS starts to slow down after a time, the first thing that can be done is to compact the files. This will ensure that the system runs at optimum speed. See Compact Files [10.3.01]. If the system is still slow after compacting files, you may need to consider upgrading your infrastructure. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 101 of 155 Chapter 7 - Reports 7.1 Grid Reports 7.1.01 7.1.02 7.1.03 7.1.04 7.1.05 7.1.06 7.1.07 Overview Document registers Recipient Document Register Transmittal History Pending Transmittals Address Book Configuration Tables 7.2 Standard Reports 7.2.01 7.2.02 7.2.03 7.2.04 7.2.05 7.2.06 7.2.07 7.2.08 7.2.09 7.2.10 Overview Creating a standard report Area of the System to Report on Options Sorting Data Using Filters Advanced Filters Printing to Excel Printing to PDF Sending reports by Email Change Report Settings 7.3 Special Reports 7.3.01 7.3.02 7.3.03 7.3.04 7.3.05 Project Statistics Transmittal Package History Report Print-room Report Print Status of Transmitted Documents Print Shop Drawing Report Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 103 of 155 Chapter 7 – Reports 7.1 Grid Reports 7.1.01 Overview Generating reports directly from screens in QDMS is a popular method of reporting on data. Grid reports work by printing the data in the current display, with the data sorted in the same way as it is on the screen, and with the column order that the columns are arranged in. Hence many useful reports can be very simply generated direct from the screens throughout QDMS. When generating grid reports, keep in mind the following: To restrict the data displayed, use a filter. See Using filters [7.2.05]. To re-arrange the column order, simply click and drag the column headings to rearrange. To re-size column widths, click on the vertical line between columns in the column header and drag. To re-sort the data on the report, click the column heading in the grid view. To print a grid report to PDF or Excel, right click on the Print button on the Toolbar and select Print Setup and following instructions. Note that if the output is PDF or Excel in this case it is possible to have QDMS auto open the file created once the report is generated by ticking the “Open report after creating” option. 7.1.02 Document registers A quick report of one or more documents in the Master Document Register can be achieved via a grid report from within the Master Document Register. Generally the Master Document Register will contain many records and typically a filter would be applied to restrict the display. Sorting the data using the column headers can also be advisable. For a history of one or more documents, generate the grid report from the Document History file. 7.1.03 Recipient Document Register There are two useful grid reports available from within the Recipient Document Register. With the view set to By Recipient, the print and preview buttons will print the distribution for each recipient (or selected recipients if a filter is active). With the view set to By Document, the print and preview buttons will print the distribution for each document (or selected documents if a filter is active). 7.1.04 Transmittal History There are three useful grid reports available from within the Transmittal History. With the view set to By Transmittal, the print and preview buttons will print the details of each transmittal stored in the system (or selected transmittals if a filter is active). With the view set to By Recipient, the print and preview buttons will print a complete history for every recipient (or selected recipients if a filter is active) of each document they have been sent. With the view set to By Document, the print and preview buttons will print a complete history for every document (or selected documents if a filter is active) of each recipient that the document has been sent to. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 104 of 155 Chapter 7 – Reports With any of the above views, use the Hot List button on the toolbar to view only transmittals or documents with responses outstanding or overdue or transmittals with acknowledgements outstanding. 7.1.05 Pending Transmittals There are two useful grid reports available from within Pending Transmittals. With the view set to By Recipient, the print and preview buttons will print a list for every recipient (or selected recipients if a filter is active) of each document for which the latest revision that has been sent to the Recipient is now superseded. With the view set to By document, the print and preview buttons will print a list for every document the recipients for which the latest revision that has been sent to them is now superseded. 7.1.06 Address Book There are three address book grid reports: Contact Details: This report is available from the Contact details screen and prints the contact details for each person in the address book. Company Details: This report is available from the Company details screen and prints a register of companies in the address book. Company Types: This report is available from the Company Types screen and prints a list of Company Types. 7.1.07 Configuration Tables Each configuration table in QDMS has an associated grid report. This is accessed by using the View menu and selecting Configuration Tables and then selecting the required table and clicking print or preview. 7.2 Standard Reports 7.2.01 Overview Standard reports are a predefined series of numbered reports available with QDMS. All standard reports are generated in a similar way and from a single screen. The sorting of the data on the report is predefined and the user controls the filter settings and the destination of the report. A number of standard reports contain either calculations or print data from a number of related tables which makes them different from Grid reports which generally print the data from a single table while viewing it on the screen. 7.2.02 Creating a standard report To run a standard report: 1. From the File menu, select Print Standard Reports. 2. Select from the various options at the report generation screen. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 105 of 155 Chapter 7 – Reports 3. Click Ok to generate the report. The standard reports generation screen has the following sections: Area of the System to Report on: This upper window on the standard reports screen lists the various tables or areas of QDMS from which reports can be generated. Selecting the area of the system to report on is the first step in generating a standard report. See Report on options [7.2.03]. Report No.: For each report on option there are a predefined list of reports. After selecting a report on option the reports available are listed in this section. Print Range: The print range area controls: The Page range to print. The number of copies of the report to print. Access to the windows page setup dialog box. Destination: The destination controls how the report is generated. The options are: Preview: To generate the report to the screen. Printer: To send the report to a printer. File: To send the report to a file such as Microsoft Excel. See printing to Excel [7.2.07] PDF File: To generate the report in PDF format. See printing to PDF [7.2.08]. Email: To send the generated report by Email. See Emailing reports [7.2.09]. Custom Title: This is a facility to define a custom title for the report [9.3.03]. Custom Report: This is a facility to create a customised version of the standard report. See customising reports [9.3.05]. Report Type: This is a facility to control the fields that appear on the standard report. See customising reports [9.3.04]. Filter: The filter is a means of controlling the data that is selected for the report. See using filters [7.2.05]. Notes: (a) It is possible to control the color of the shading in rows and the text color via Tools \ Options \ Program Defaults – Edit Report Band Colors. 7.2.03 Area of the System to Report on Options The Area of the System to report on options window at the standard report generation screen contains a list of all areas of the QDMS system from which reports can be generated. These include: Report on Master Document Register Document No: UGD-DM-001 Description Reports 1A to 1Z offer a range of sorting options for printing the Master Document Register. Report 1A5 prints only documents which have changed since the last controlled issue of the MDR. Report 1A6 prints only documents for one or more recipients that have not been transmitted to them. Reports 1A7 and 1A8 relate to printing document comments. Reports 1D2/1D3 and 1W2/1W3 include calculations on earned values if budget man hours are allocated to documents. Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 106 of 155 Chapter 7 – Reports Report on Document History File Description Reports 2A to 2D offer four sorting options when printing the Document History file. Report 2E is a Document Review Status Report [see Section 4.7.06] showing details in regard to the Submission, Review Issue, Review Return and Response to Originator in relation to Documents submitted for review by a selected company. Report 2F lists Documents not transmitted at any revision. Recipient Document Register Reports 3A to 3B are alternative support orders for the Recipient Document Register. Reports 3C and 3D relate to pending transmittals. Outgoing Transmittals Details Reports 4A to 4F are alternative sort orders for printing a history of transmitted documents. Report 4R – Responses to Transmitted Documents, provides options to report on Documents (By Document or Recipient) whom have been transmitted documents for which the response is outstanding or overdue or due in the next X days. Report 4S is a specific report for transmittals to circulation lists. Report 4T is a statistical report for tracking average and maximum response times to transmitted documents. Outgoing Transmittals Summary Report 5C relates to managing transmittal acknowledgements outstanding. Report 5D – Responses to Transmittals, provides options to report on transmittals at a summary level for which the response is outstanding or overdue or due in the next X days. Reports 5G and 5I relate to printing a summary of transmittals. Report 5J prints a list of Cancelled Transmittals. Report 5S is a specific report for transmittals to circulation lists. Address Book (recipients) Reports 6A and 6B are Detailed and Summary Address Book reports sorted by Company. Reports 6A1 and 6B1 are similar but sorted by Company Type. Reports 6C and 6D relate to Circulation lists. Reports 6M and 6M1 relate to Transmittal Packages. Incoming Transmittals – Detailed Reports 7A to 7C are alternative sort orders for printing a history of documents received via Incoming Transmittals. Incoming Transmittals – Summary Reports 8A and 8C are alternative sort orders for printing a history of Incoming Transmittals. Report 8B prints incoming transmittals with acknowledgements outstanding. Configuration Tables There are more than 20 Configuration Tables in QDMS and each one is listed here as a sort option. Projects Report PA provides a simple list of projects in QDMS. Report PB is a statistical report on the number of records in each major QDMS table within the current project. The user can select which project statistics to include on the report and over what date range the report should run. Report PC is a Key Performance Indicators report that can be run for All or a selected user to show key usage statistics. Correspondence Register Reports RA to RF are alternative sort orders for the Correspondence Register. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 107 of 155 Chapter 7 – Reports 7.2.04 Sorting Data The way the information on your report is sorted can make an important contribution to the usefulness of the report. For example, if you printed the contents of the Transmittals detailed file sorted by Recipient, this would be very useful to see which documents have been sent to each recipient. However, if the same report was sorted by Document number, it would not be useful for finding out which documents have been sent to each recipient despite being exactly the same data, but just sorted differently. This is because in the latter case, each document will be listed with each recipient it has been sent to and every line of the report would need to be searched to find all documents being sent to a specific recipient whereas, with the report sorted by Recipient, this information will be neatly grouped together. Sort orders for Standard Reports in QDMS are predefined. Each Sort order for a QDMS file has a unique report number. A commonly used report in QDMS is report 1D which is a report on the Master Document Register sorted by Discipline. While the same sorting could be achieved and a report generated from with the View of the Master Document Register, if the report is generated via Print Standard Reports, at each change of Discipline on the report a subheading will be printed for the Discipline with the Discipline title drawn from View\Configuration Tables\Disciplines. For example: Discipline 1 Doc01 Doc04 Discipline 7 Doc02 Doc03 Civil Drawings Drawing 01 Drawing 02 Electrical Drawings Drawing 02 Drawing 03 The same effect can be achieved when sorting by Group No, Type, Package No. etc. In fact this effect applies to any report sort order associated with one of the QDMS Attribute tables found under View\Configuration Tables. 7.2.05 Using Filters A Filter is a means of selecting the data to be displayed either on the screen or in a report. A filter button is present on most toolbars throughout QDMS and is also available when generating standard reports. To use the filter, click on the Filter button or press F6.. The Build filter expression window will open and it is now that you set up your selection criteria. The structure of the filter is always FIELD + COMPARISON + VALUE, where FIELD is a field name or column heading and COMPARISON is how the field is to be compared to the VALUE (e.g. begins with, equal to, greater than, contains etc.). Some examples of Filters are shown below: Field REV Document No: UGD-DM-001 Comparison Equal to Rev: 5J Value 1 QDMS User Guide Page 108 of 155 Chapter 7 – Reports In the above example, the filter expression is REV equal to 1 where REV is the FIELD NAME, equal to is the COMPARISON and 1 is the VALUE. With this filter active on a report on the Master Document Register, documents would only appear on the report if their Revision is 1. Another example is: Field TITLE Comparison Contains Value Steel This filter, if applied to a Master Document Register report, will select only documents whose Title field contains the word STEEL (use the Ignore case check box to ensure uppercase/lowercase characters make no difference). If you selected equal to instead of contains as the comparison, the title field of the document would have to contain only the word STEEL and no other characters to be selected. The Build Filter Expression screen can be used to set up a multi lined filter to apply more complex selection criteria. Up to five expression lines can be defined. The And Or buttons at the end of each line control how to join together the next expression line to the previous line. For example: Field TITLE DOCUMENTNO Comparison Contains Begins with Value Steel S And/Or And This filter expression has two lines: TITLE contains STEEL And DOCUMENTNO begins with S. As the And option has been used to join line 2. to line 1., both expressions must be true for a document to be selected. If Or had been used to join the two lines then either expression could be true for a document to have it selected. Consider the following documents: Document D1234 S3452 R3256 S1212 Title STEELWORK SHEET 1 STRUCTURAL DRAWING 1 STRUCTURAL DRAWING 2 STEELWORK SHEET 2 With the above filtering example and And as the join selection, only document S1212 will be selected since this is the only document that has a number that begins with the letter S and for which the Title contains the word Steel. With Or as the join selection, all but document R3256 would be selected. Note that if the field selected relates to a configuration table (e.g Discipline or Type etc), then the Value field becomes a drop down list for selection of the required value. Note also, that the application of filters on reports and at screens is optional. It is also possible to save filters for re-use later. To save a filter, first setup the required filter and then click the Save button at the filter screen. Enter a title for the saved filter and any remarks when prompted. Note that saved filters are User specific. To load the filter at any time, activate the filter screen and then click the Load button. Select the required filter from the list. Tip: Tick the Optimised View box to speed up filters when working with a very large database. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 109 of 155 Chapter 7 – Reports 7.2.06 Advanced Filters Advanced Filters are a means by which more complex filter criteria can be applied to a screen view or report than those options available with a simple filter. A simple filter operates only on the current or primary table being viewed or reported on. An Advanced filter enables filtering information contained in tables that are linked to the primary table. For example, using an Advanced filter is it possible to print a list of documents transmitted based on a field value in the Master document register. In this example the primary table is the Transmittal History and the linked table is the Master document register. Contact QA Software for more information on the syntax to use when the need to use an Advanced filter arises. 7.2.07 Printing to Excel The destination of a report when generating standard reports can be selected from any of Preview, Print, File, or PDF. To print a report to Excel requires the selection of the destination as File. After selecting File the user will then see a drop down list from which they can select a File Type. The options are: Excel The Report will be output to a Microsoft Excel file. ASCII The report will be output to a text file (.TXT). The Excel option is the most commonly used. When printing to Excel any formatting in the report is maintained in the Excel file. QDMS will allocate a file name to the report file in the format <Project Number>+<Report Title>+<Date>. The User can change this required as they can the default location where the report will be saved. To auto open the file after saving tick the option to “Open report after creating”. 7.2.08 Printing to PDF The destination of a report when generating standard reports can be selected from any of Preview, Print, File, or PDF. To print a report to PDF requires the selection of the destination as PDF File. After selecting PDF a default file name will be allocated automatically in the format <Project Number>+<Report Title>+<Date>. The user can change this if required. The resulting report will be stored in the \QDMS\PDFFiles folder or the user can select an alternative folder if required. To auto open the file after saving tick the option to “Open report after creating”. 7.2.09 Page Setup Page setup can be used to change the default windows print settings for the current session. 1. From the File menu, select Page Setup. 2. Change the settings as required. 3. Click OK. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 110 of 155 Chapter 7 – Reports 7.3 Special Reports 7.3.01 Project Statistics The Project Statistics report details the number of records in each of the Primary QDMS tables for the current project. To generate Project Statistics: 1. From the File menu, select Print Standard Reports. 2. Select the Report On group as Projects. 3. Run Report PB – Project Statistics. 7.3.02 Transmittal Package History Report There is a special report available in QDMS for displaying the history of transmittals and documents sent out via the Transmittal Packages option. This report will be familiar for many consultants in that it simulates the traditional drawing distribution matrix whereby drawings are listed in a matrix in the left most column, issues dates are the column headings, revisions are used in the grid to indicate a document was issued on a date and which revision was issued. Below the list of documents, recipients are listed and the number of copies is used in the grid to indicate which document was issued to which recipient. To run this report: 1. From the Transmit menu, select Transmittal Package History Report. 2. Select the Package to be reported on. 3. Click OK. There are some other variables that can be defined at the report generation screen such as: For Transmittal Dates: The Transmittal package history report prints only the last 17 transmittal issues for the package. If the number of transmittal issues is greater than 17, it is possible to define the date range window for the report using the On or After or On or Before options and selecting a date. Shop Drawing Report option: A variant on the Transmittal package history report is a Shop drawing report. This prints for a package all Incoming and Outgoing transmittal transactions for each drawing. For this to refer to shop drawings, shop drawings must be allocated to packages. For Each Recipient Show: At the bottom of the matrix the Recipients are listed with the No. of copies indicating whether they received a particular issue. The Transmittal number used can also be shown if required. Notes: (a) This report will work retrospectively in the sense that it is not necessary that the issues were done via the Transmittal option to a package. Once a package is defined, all transmittal issues that affect the package will be included. 7.3.03 Print-room Report The Print Room report is a useful report when arranging the reprographics for documents on a range of transmittals. For example, you have generated half a dozen transmittals. Some documents are on more than one transmittal and you want to know the total numbers of copies of each document you require to enable you to send out the transmittals. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 111 of 155 Chapter 7 – Reports 1. From the Misc menu, select Print Room Report. 2. Select a range of transmittals to generate the report for or select a date range for all transmittals within the range. 3. Click OK to generate the report. Notes: a) The lower grid displays a register of all transmittals. The Show Selected tick box can be used to display the transmittals selected when the date range option is used for selection. b) The report can be output to MS Excel of PDF format using the Destination File option. 7.3.04 Print Status of Transmitted Documents This report can be used to advise a submitted or documents in regard to the approval status (without generating them a formal transmittal). It is recommended however that that the approval status is advised to submitters of documents for review via transmittal [See Section 4.7.05]. 1. 2. 3. 4. From the Misc menu, select Print Status of Transmitted Documents. Select the Status update reference number. Select the company/contact to address the report to (generally the drawing originator). Click Print. This will print a formal report that can be faxed or sent to the shop drawing detailer. It is also possible to out this report to an Excel or PDF file for distribution. Note however that no record of this transaction is maintained in QDMS. 7.3.05 Print Shop Drawing Report The Shop Drawing report is a specific report that prints for a package of documents in a cross tabulated style a report of Incoming and Outgoing transmittal transactions. In effect it is printing information from both the Document History File (Incoming transactions) and the Transmittals File (Outgoing) on the same report. The report is rarely used and generally report 2E – Document Review Status Report more useful [See Section 4.7 on managing the document review process]. To run this report: 1. From the Misc menu, select Print Shop Drawing Report. 2. Select the Package of drawings 3. Click OK to generate the report. Notes: (a) The IN Transactions on the above report relate to documents received on a particular date. In the columns related to IN transactions, the revision value(s) is printed. (b) The OUT Transactions on the above report (when generated) relate to the date documents were issued and in the columns for OUT transactions Status of the documents at that time is printed. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 112 of 155 Chapter 8 - Import and Export 8.1 Importing data to the MDR 8.1.01 8.1.02 8.1.03 8.1.04 Importing data files from MS Excel and Dbf files Importing CAD files Importing Transmittals Importing an Address Book 8.2 Export data 8.2.01 Exporting data 8.2.02 Export / Import Transmittals Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 113 of 155 Chapter 8 – Import and Export 8.1 Importing data to the MDR 8.1.01 Importing data from MS Excel or Database files Typically when starting a project in QDMS, a document register may already exist in say a spreadsheet. QDMS supports the import of such data into the Master Document Register. The File formats supported are MS Excel and DBF. To import data from a MS Excel or Dbf file to the Master Document Register: 1. Login to QDMS to the correct project. 2. From the Wizards menu, select Import Data Wizard. 3. Choose the first import option which is “Documents in a Database file into the Master Document Register” and click Next. 4. Click the Select File button to locate the file to be imported and click Next. 5. The next screen displays the contents of the import file and against each document is shown the Current Revision if one exists in the Master Document Register. Documents in the import file that have a lower revision that the current revision in the Master Document Register are highlighted in red. These documents cannot be imported. 6. Click the Finish button to perform the import. Notes: (a) It is possible to tick a box labelled Overwrite Titles and other fields with imported data. This is to control the case where documents in the import file already exist in the QDMS Master Document register and you want to update the titles and other attribute fields for these documents with the data in the import file. (b) The import file must have field or column headings that relate to the field names used in QDMS. (c) It is possible to de-select documents for import by changing the Import column value from Y to N. (d) If there are documents in the import file that do have a lower rev than the current rev of the document in the MDR (see step 5), then if you click Next at step 5 rather than Finish, a list of “Invalid documents” will be displayed. This is for information only. (e) If the import file contains Documents with Rev + Status combinations that already exist in QDMS then either the existing entry in QDMS is updated from the import file OR a new record is added into the Document History. It is up to the user to select the preferred option. (f) If the import file contains documents with attributes that relate to configuration tables and the attribute values are not already defined in QDMS, then the new values will be automatically added to the relevant configuration tables. (g) If importing from an Excel file, in the QDMS folder there is an MS Excel template called MDR.XLS that QA Software recommend is used for all imports from Excel. 1. Open this template (MDR.XLS) and copy and paste the information from your excel file into the Excel template. Do not remove the first row from the MDR.XLS file. 2. Once done, use the QDMS menu option that will appear on the top right of the Excel menu system and select Save as DBF . . . 3. Give the file a meaning file name (do not change the Save as type value). 4. Now proceed with the import. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 114 of 155 Chapter 8 – Import and Export 8.1.02 Importing CAD files An optional add on to QDMS enables the master document register to be updated automatically from the attribute blocks of Auto Cad files. Contact QA Software for more information on this feature. 1. If you have this feature active, from the Wizards menu, select CAD – Import. 2. Enter the location of the CAD Files. Note you can click the Search Subdirectories check box to re-curse directories. 3. Select the type of files. DWG only are supported at time of writing 4. Select how to determine the latest Rev: Using either the Sequence number in the QDMS Revisions table (See View\Miscellaneous), or using the Revision date in the attributes of the CAD files them selves. 5. Click Next. 6. Now you must map the QDMS Field names in the Master Document Register to the CAD File Attributes. 7. Click Next to continue and follow the remaining screen instructions. Click Finish when done. Notes: a) The CAD import can search sub directories for files if the Search Sub Directories option is ticked on the first screen. b) The CAD Import process supports the use of multiple template formats. 8.1.03 Importing Transmittals Export and Import Transmittals is a real time saver in environments where the senders and receivers of documents both use QDMS. Typically if you generate a transmittal with say 30 documents on it, the receiving party would have to enter these into their document control system manually. If the recipient is using QDMS and the transmittal sent is first exported, the receiver can import the transmittal to update their Master Document Register rather than manually enter the documents. This is a real benefit to all parties on a project. To Import a Transmittal: 1. Login to QDMS to the correct project. 2. From the Wizards menu, select Import Data Wizard. 3. Choose the second import option which is “A transmittal received electronically into the Master Document Register” and click Next. 4. Select the transmittal Dbf file that you received and now want to import. 5. Select the From Company from the drop down list. 6. Adjust the received on date if necessary and click Next. 7. The next screen displays the contents of the import file and against each document is shown the Current Revision if one exists in the Master Document Register. Documents in the import file that have a lower revision that the current revision in the Master Document Register are highlighted in red. These documents cannot be imported. 8. Click the Finish button to perform the import. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 115 of 155 Chapter 8 – Import and Export Notes: a) If the import file contains documents that have not actually been received, they can be removed for the purpose of import by changing the value of the Import field to N. b) If there are documents in the import file that do have a lower rev than the current rev of the document in the MDR (see step 7), then if you click Next at step 7 rather than Finish, a list of “Invalid documents” will be displayed. This is for information only. c) It is also possible to import a transmittal directly from within the Receive Documents screen [4.2.04]. 8.1.04 Importing an Address Book Often when starting a project in QDMS, a list of companies and contacts may already exist in say a spreadsheet. QDMS supports the import of such data into the Address Book. The File formats supported are limited to MS Excel. To import data from a MS Excel file to the Address Book: 1. Login to QDMS to the correct project. 2. From the Wizards menu, select Import Address Book Wizard and click Next at the welcome screen. 3. Click the Select File button to locate the file to be imported. Select the file and click Next. 4. If there are any entries in the Import file which are invalid (for example a company with no contact or a contact with no company), these will be displayed first. These entries will not be imported. 5. Click Next. 6. If there are any entries in the import file that already exist in the QDMS Address book, these will be displayed next. The details about these recipients will be updated from the import file. 7. Click Next. 8. The new valid entries in the import file will now be displayed. To import these, click the Select All box in the top right corner of the screen. 9. Click Next and then click the Finish button to perform the import. Notes: (a) The import file must have field or column headings that relate to the field names used in QDMS. (b) It is possible to fine tune which contacts will be imported using the Import tick box against each contact. (c) The setting for Acknowledgement required (when the contact is sent transmittals) is automatically set to ticked for all imported contacts. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 116 of 155 Chapter 8 – Import and Export 8.2 Export data 8.2.01 Exporting data QDMS supports exporting data from the various modules out to common file formats. 1. From the Wizards menu, select Export Data files. 2. Click on a QDMS table to export data from. 3. Now choose the Export file type from the drop down list. 4. Now enter the file name to export to. 5. Click Ok to run the export. Note: (a) Use the Filter button to further condition the Export of data. (b) Use the Browse button to preview the data to be exported. (c) The Advanced Filter button [see Section 7.2.06] within the Simple Filter window can be used to: Filter the Export of the Document History file conditioned on a filter on the Master Document Register. For example, to filter the Document History File to eliminate any documents currently not existing in Master Document Register use the Advanced Filter: “DocumentNo = fParent.DocumentNo” Filter the Export of the Transmittal History file condition on a filter on the Transmittal Summary file. For example, to filter transmitted documents that were transmitted for Reason = ‘ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION’ use the Advanced Filter: “(UPPER(ALLTRIM(fParent.Reason)) == 'ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION')” 8.2.02 Export Transmittals Export and Import Transmittals is a real time saver in environments where the senders and receivers of documents both use QDMS. Typically if you generate a transmittal with say 30 documents on it, the receiving party would have to enter these into their document control system manually. If the recipient is using QDMS and the transmittal sent is first exported, the receiver can import the transmittal to update their Master Document Register rather than manually enter the documents. This is a real benefit to all parties on a project. To Export a Transmittal: 1. From the Wizards menu, select Export Transmittals. 2. Enter the name of the export file to be created. Note that it is useful to include the transmittal number in the file name for future reference. The export file must have a .DBF extension. 3. Enter the number of the transmittal to export. Note that the transmittal must first have been generated in the normal way. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 117 of 155 Chapter 8 – Import and Export 4. Click OK to perform the export. 5. From outside of QDMS, email the export files to the recipient. There will be a DBF and FPT file created. Both of these files need to be sent to the recipient. Notes: (a) It is advisable to view the contents of the export file via the browse button before clicking OK. (b) It is possible to select all transmittals sent to a recipient for export using the check box provided for this purpose. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 118 of 155 Chapter 9 - Customising QDMS 9.1 Customising Screens 9.1.01 The Master Document Register 9.1.02 Adding Custom fields to the Master Document Register 9.1.03 Changing the Default Sort Order for the MDR 9.2 Dashboard 9.2.01 Customising the Favorites 9.2.02 Dashboard Logo and Project Summary Details 9.3 Customising Reports 9.3.01 9.3.02 9.3.03 9.3.04 9.3.05 Grid Reports Standard Reports Using a Custom Title Customising the Fields that appear on the report Customising the Report Layout 9.4 Using Customised Transmittals 9.4.01 9.4.02 9.4.03 9.4.04 Overview Customising the HTML Transmittal Format Customising the email body text templates Customising the Alert Reminders Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 119 of 155 Chapter 9 – Customising QDMS 9.1 Customising Screens 9.1.01 The Master Document Register QDMS supports up to three customised views of the Master Document register per user. To customise the layout of the Master Document Register: 1. From the View menu, select Master Document Register. 2. At the Master Document Register screen, select the view to customise from Default, Custom #1, and Custom #2 by clicking the appropriate radio button. 3. Click the Customise button. 4. Change the values as required of the following settings: Setting Description Alternative Field name Assign an alternative field name for the selected field. This will appear as the column heading on the grid and on reports in lieu of the standard field name. Note the alternative field name will not however appear on reports generated via File\Print – Standard Reports. Field Type Indicates the type of field (for information only). Field Width Indicates the number of input characters for the field (for information only). Decimals Indicates the number of decimal places for numeric fields (for information only). Visible This logical flag indicates whether the field is visible at the mail register view. Note that certain fields are always visible and this cannot be changed. Column Number The column number controls the order in which the columns are displayed on the grid. Column Width The column width (in pixels) controls how wide a column appears on the grid. Font Name Controls the font with which the values in the column are displayed. Font Size Controls the size at which the values in the column are displayed. Fore Colour Controls the colour of the text in a column. Back Colour Controls the background colour of a column. StdFld Indicates whether the field is a standard QDMS field of a custom defined field. 5. Select the default sort order for the documents in the Master Document register using the drop down lists at the bottom of the screen. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 120 of 155 Chapter 9 – Customising QDMS 6. When you have modified the settings as required, click the Save button to save your changes and then close to return to the mail register. Notes: (a) The Partition value in the bottom left of the screen controls whether the master document register will be displayed as split screen. Set the Partition to 100 to use a split screen with a non scrolling reference number. (b) The Row Height controls the height of each row in the grid. 18 is recommended. (c) The Add Fields button can be used to add your own fields to the MDR and Document History. See Adding custom fields to the MDR [9.1.02] for more on this. (d) The Custom Sort Order can be set using the drop down lists provide to control the default sort order. See changing the default sort order [9.1.03] for more on this. (e) Use the Find button to locate a field in a large database. (f) The File Type button can be used to add the File Type exceptions that will allow the viewing of View files from within the Master Document Register using the application the file was created in as long as this is located on your PC. (See Defining File Type Exceptions [9.1.04] for more on this. (g) To reset a custom view back to the factory settings, click on Restore and then click Yes when prompted. (h) With the document register displayed, columns can be re-arranged simply by clicking the column heading and dragging right or left. (i) With the document register displayed, data in columns can be re-sorted simply by clicking on the column heading. (j) With the document register displayed, columns can be re-sized by clicking on the vertical line between columns in the column header and dragging left or right. 9.1.02 Adding Custom fields to the Master Document Register QDMS supports users adding their own custom fields to the master document register and document history files. To add custom fields to the MDR: 1. From the View menu, select Master Document Register. 2. At the Master Document Register screen, click the Customise button. 3. Click the Add Fields button. 4. Click OK at the message advising the number of fields that can be added to the MDR. 5. Click the Insert button. 6. Enter the name for the field (spaces are not allowed). 7. Select the field type. 8. Enter the field width and click OK 9. Repeat steps 4 to 8 for additional fields and click OK when done. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 121 of 155 Chapter 9 – Customising QDMS Notes: a) To make the new field or fields available to all users in their default view of the MDR, tick the box Make the new field(s) visible for all users before clicking OK at step 10. b) After adding a new field the MDR is closed automatically. c) It is possible to modify the field width of custom fields after they have been created by editing the value in the Field Width column from within the Customize window. d) It is possible to delete custom fields that have no data in them via Tools \ Delete User Defined Custom Fields from the MDR. 9.1.03 Changing the Default Sort Order for the Master Document Register QDMS supports users defining the default sort order of documents in the master document register and document history files. To change the default sort order of the MDR: 1. From the View menu, select Master Document Register. 2. At the Master Document Register screen, click the Customise button. 3. Select the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary fields for the Sort Order at the bottom of the screen. 4. Click OK Notes: a) It is not necessary to select the Document Number as any of the sort order fields as it is automatically added to the end of the sort order combination selected. 9.1.04 Defining View File Type Exceptions QDMS allows the viewing of Files which are attached to entries in the Master Document Register or Document History File using the application the file was created in. To do this however, first you must define the File Type Exceptions. These are the file extensions that are to be viewed using the native application as opposed to being viewed by the integrated viewer for QDMS – QVIEW. File type Exceptions are defined by default for all users across all projects globally via the Program Defaults [See Section 10.1.01] To define file type exceptions: 1. From the Tools menu, select Options and click on the Program defaults tab. 2. Click the Edit button on the toolbar and then click the Edit File Type Exceptions button. 3. Click on the Add button. 4. Type in the file extension for the file type – e.g. DOC for word documents. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for other file extensions. 6. Click OK to return to the Program Defaults screen and click the Save button. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 122 of 155 Chapter 9 – Customising QDMS Notes: (a) The settings made via the Program Defaults can be changed for each User via the Customise option within the Master Document Register using the File Types button within the Customise window. However for user defined File Types to take effect for the user administrator must first go to Tools \ Security – Users and Projects and un-tick the option “Use Program Specific File Types” for that user. 9.2 Dashboard 9.2.01 Customising the Favorites The list of Favorites that appears on the dashboard when you run QDMS can be customised per user if required. The steps to follow are: 1. Click on the Tools menu and select Customise Favorites You can have up to ten menu items on the list of Favorites. If there are 10 items already on the list you will have to remove one or more first before new items can be added. Items are moved from right to left or left to right using the Arrow buttons at the top of the screen. 2. Click Save to save the settings and Close to exit. Notes: a) The following options cannot be added to the Favorites list: Open Project; Print Setup; Re-enter password; Hide dash board; Register program; QDMS help; Customise Favorites. b) The items in grey are ones that have already been selected. c) To add one or more Standard Reports to the Favorites list, click on the Standard Reports option button and select the required reports as above. 9.2.02 Dashboard Logo and Project Summary Details The Image and Text that appear on the right hand side of the dashboard when you run QDMS can be customised per Project if required. The steps to follow are: 1. Click on the Tools menu and select Options To select a Project Image: 2. Click on the Project Settings Tab of the Options screen. 3. Click the Edit button. 4. Use the select button against the field for Dashboard Logo to select the required image. 5. Click the Save button to save your changes. Notes (a) The image will be automatically resized to fit the space available on the dashboard. (b) A heading above the image can be defined via the Project Messages Tab of the Options screen in the field Heading for Dashboard Logo. To define the Project Summary text: 6. Click on the Project Messages Tab of the Options screen. 7. Click the Edit button. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 123 of 155 Chapter 9 – Customising QDMS 8. Enter the required summary text in the Project Summary Details field. 9. Enter a heading for the summary text in the Project Summary Heading field. 10. Click the Save button to save your changes. 9.3 Customising Reports 9.3.01 Grid Reports In nearly all screens in QDMS, reports can be generated by clicking the print or preview buttons. Grid reports work by printing the data in the current display, with the data sorted in the same way as it is on the screen, and with the column order that the columns are arranged in. Hence many useful reports can be very simply generated direct from the screens throughout QDMS. When generating grid reports, keep in mind the following: To restrict the data displayed, use a filter. See Using Filters [7.2.04]. To re-arrange the column order, simple click and drag the column headings to rearrange. To re-size column widths, click on the vertical line between columns in the column header and drag. To re-sort the data on the report, click the column heading in the grid view. 9.3.02 Standard Reports Limited customisation for QDMS Standard reports is available. From the File menu, select Print - Standard Reports. There are now three types of customisation to consider: Using a Custom Title Customising the Fields that appear on the report Customising the Report Layout 9.3.03 Using a Custom Title To use a custom title on the report, first select the report to be run and then click the Custom title tick box at the bottom left of the screen. Enter the custom title in the field provided and click Ok to run the report. Note the custom title will be saved for future use on the same report. 9.3.04 Customising the Fields that appear on the report To simply modify one or more of the columns/fields that appear on the report, use the Edit button at the bottom centre of the screen. For each report that supports this type of customisation it is possible to store up to four layouts for each report. This is made up of a default layout and three custom layouts. 1. First select the layout to modify using the Report Type drop down list at the bottom centre of the screen. 2. Then click the Edit button. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 124 of 155 Chapter 9 – Customising QDMS 3. At the Modify fields window, select the fields to be added to the report from the drop down lists provided and then click Ok. 4. Finally click Ok to run the report. Note that using this method of customising reports, key fields that make up the report will always be printed and the user is modifying which fields are printing on the right hand side of the report. 9.3.05 Customising the Report Layout The most advance customisation of reports available from within QDMS is achieved by using the Modify button at the bottom left of the screen. 1. First select the report to modify. 2. If the report can be modified, when you click the Modify button a Report Design Window will open. Note that you are not about to modify the standard version of the report. Rather a copy of the report is made automatically and it is the copy you are about to modify. 3. The report designer window is based on the Microsoft Visual FoxPro Report designer. If you are unfamiliar with customising database reports, go no further without advice. 4. To save the changes you make to the report, press Ctrl+W. To exit the report designer without saving, press Esc. 5. Finally to run the Customised version of the report, click the Run button rather than the Ok button. Notes: a) Additional customisation of reports can be performed by the QA Software technical support team. Contact for details. 9.4 Using Customised Transmittals 9.4.01 Overview Most companies using QDMS will have at least one custom transmittal format supplied. Custom formats can be defined at any of three levels: Recipient: View the Address Book, locate the contact and on the Default Details page, enter the name of the custom format for use with this recipient in the fields provided. If a custom format is defined here it will be used regardless of the project and system settings below. Project: From Tools menu, select Options and click on the Project Settings Page. Enter the name of the custom format for use on this project in the fields provided. If a custom format is defined here it will be used in lieu of any system settings below. System: From the Tools menu, select Options and click on the Program Defaults Page. Enter the name of the custom format for use on all projects in the fields provided. If a custom format is defined here it will be used unless a custom transmittal is defined above. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 125 of 155 Chapter 9 – Customising QDMS 9.4.02 Customising the HTML Transmittal Format When generating eTransmittals using Hyperlinks [see Section 5.5.03], the transmittal format is generated in HTML and included as the body of the email message. This HTML format is not customised (i.e. will not be the same format as the customised printed transmittal) unless requested to QA Software (charges apply). The HTML format can be modified by the end user. This is done by modifying the file dmtrmtl.html located in the \qasoft\qdms folder using an HTML Editor such as MS FrontPage. 9.4.03 Customising the email body text templates When generating eTransmittal using attachments [see Section 5.5.02], the complete body text of the covering email can be modified if required. Note that this is in addition to defining the default eTransmittal message via Tools\Options\Project Settings. There are three HTML templates used to manage the body text of emails sent when using ETransmittals with attachments: DmTrmTo.Htm Used to generate the body text of eTransmittals for the TO Recipients. DmTrmCc.Htm Used to generate the body text of eTransmittals for the Cc Recipients when using the Transmit – Single Recipient with CC Values transmittal option. DmTrmCwa.Htm Used to generate the body text of eTransmittals for the Cwa Recipients when using the Transmit – Single Recipient with CC Values transmittal option. These templates are located in the \Qasoft\Qdms\Templates folder. To modify these templates they should be opened with an HTML editor such as MS FrontPage, changed as required and saved as zDmTrmTo.Htm, zDmTrmCc.Htm, andzDmTrmCwa.Htm respectively (in the same folder). Contact QA Software for assistance if required. 9.4.04 Customising the Alert Reminders Using the Show Alerts – Send Auto Reminders option available via the View menu or from within the Transmittal History it is possible to have QDMS auto send out email reminders in regards to transmittals requiring responses or outstanding acknowledgements. The format of these emails can be customised if required as follows: The standard template files are located in the \QDMS\Templates folder and are named: DmRemindTrmAckn.Htm DmRemindTrmOutstand.Htm DmRemindTrmOvrdue.Htm To create a customised set of reminder formats, simply open and edit the above files in a suitable editor and then save the results into the same Templates folder with the following names: zDmRemindTrmAckn.Htm zDmRemindTrmOutstand.Htm zDmRemindTrmOvrdue.Htm Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 126 of 155 Chapter 10 Administration 10.1 Options 10.1.01 The Program Defaults 10.2 Security 10.2.01 Overview 10.2.02 Levels and Features 10.2.03 Users and Projects 10.2.04 Duplicate User Settings 10.2.05 Change Password 10.2.06 View User Login Details 10.3 Utilities 10.3.01 Compact Files 10.3.02 Make a Global Change 10.3.03 Update Recipient Document Register 10.3.04 Update Document History File 10.4 Upgrading QDMS 10.4.01 Overview 10.4.02 Install Upgrade Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 127 of 155 Chapter 10 – Administration 10.1 Options 10.1.01 The Program Defaults From the Tools menu, select Options There are a number of page frames (tabs) at the Options screen, one of which is the Program Defaults page. The program defaults page is used to maintain attributes that affect the complete QDMS System. The key fields in this screen are explained below: Program Defaults Forms – Zoom to Fill Screen: This will maximise the window size of the Master Document Register to fill your screen. Show Dashboard at Startup: With this box ticked the Quick menu will load when QDMS is started. Request Read Receipt for Emails: Tick this box to have QDMS flag via your email client that a read receipt is required in regard to eTransmittals. Hide Sts Rcvd field: Tick this box to hider the Status Received field from the key information window that appears when registering or entering documents into QDMS. Ability to update configuration tables within MDR: Tick this box to allow users to add to the QDMS configuration tables from within the Master document register. Century Roll over Year: With the default setting of 30, QDMS interprets a year entered as 60 as 1960 because 60 is greater than 30. For a year entered as 20, QDMS interprets the year, as 2020 since 20 is less than 30. This default setting of 30 could be changed. Show Century: To display all date fields with the year in four digits. Edit Report band colors: This button is used to control the shading and text color used on standard reports. Email Client: This is the email software system that you use. Leave this field as Other if Outlook, Outlook Express or any Microsoft Exchange based system is being used. Change to Lotus Notes if using Lotus. Report Logo: Select a logo for use on QDMS Reports (excluding transmittals). This logo will only be used on projects for which no project specific file has been selected via the Project Settings page. Transmittal Logo: Select a logo for use on QDMS Transmittals. This logo will only be used on projects for which no project specific file has been selected via the Project Settings page. Define File Type Exceptions: Used to define the File types for view files that should be opened via the native application rather than via the add-on viewer QVIEW. See section 9.1.04 for more on this]. Viewer: Select the installed viewer from the list. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 128 of 155 Chapter 10 – Administration Transmittal Defaults Company ID: This is the default company for the From value when sending transmittals. Default Transmittal Sender: Select a default transmittal sender from the drop down list. Note this sender will be used as the “From” person on transmittals only if a default sender is not defined per project under the Project Settings page. The available default senders are based on the Company ID selected. eTransmittal Message: This is the default message that accompanies eTransmittals. This message will only be used if there is no default message defined via Project Messages. Default Transmittal: Used to define the default transmittal type (1 or 2) for all projects when generating transmittals. No. of Transmittal Copies: This is the number of transmittal hardcopy prints that are printed when generating transmittals. Limit of attachments for eTransmittals (MB): This is a cap on the zip file size created when generating eTransmittals. If the transmittal requires a zip file greater than this limit, QDMS will automatically split the documents on the transmittal into a number of separate eTransmittals. Default Folders Transmittal Export/Import Path: This is the default directory for the location of exported transmittals and/or transmittals to be imported. This location will only be used if no default location has been defined via Project Settings. Export/Import Files Path: This is the default location for files exported from or Imported to QDMS. This location will only be used if no default location has been defined via Project Settings. Default for Emailing QA Software Email Subject: Used to define the default Subject used when using the link on the QDMS Dashboard to contact QA Software. Email Message: Used to define the default Message as per the Email Subject option above. Custom Settings Custom Transmittal Type 1 and 2: Used when necessary to define the default custom transmittal format for the whole system. This format will be used only if there is no custom format defined at either a project or recipient level. Custom Library: Used when necessary to specify a customised Library for a client. Custom Menu: Used when necessary to specify a customised menu for a client. Custom Exe: Used by QA Software when necessary for client customization specification. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 129 of 155 Chapter 10 – Administration 10.2 Security 10.2.01 Overview QDMS has a robust and easy to define internal security system. Security settings are defined in terms of User levels. A user level controls the functionality of QDMS available to a user who is assigned that level of access. 10.2.02 Levels and Features 1. From the Tools menu, select Security – Levels and Features. User Levels: The top section of the grid displays the User Levels that have been defined. New user levels can be defined using the Add new User Level button or the New Duplicate User Level button. The maximum number of user levels that can be defined is 999. Access Rights: The Lower grid displays all the menu options in QDMS with the access rights for the User Level in the upper grid. The menu options are sorted into related groups to make identification of similar parts of QDMS easy. Select between the three levels of access for each menu option. The access levels are: Read/Write: This option gives the user level full access to this menu option. Read only: This option restricts the user level to Read Only access which means new information cannot be added or existing information edited. No Access: This option denies access to this item for this user level. Use the Select All, Un-select All, and Invert Selection options at the bottom of the screen to quickly apply a level of access to all menu options. Restricted Reports For each user level, not only can you define the menu access but you can also restrict access to specific reports. To do this, at the above screen click on the Restricted reports button on the toolbar: 1. Select Report type from the drop down listing. 2. Select Report title to restrict access of selected User Level. 3. Tick No Print to prevent the selected user level from printing this report. 4. Tick No Edit to prevent the selected user level from editing this report. 5. Click OK when done. Notes: a) Use the Select All no Print and Select All no Edit options to quickly modify the security settings. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 130 of 155 Chapter 10 – Administration 10.2.03 Users and Projects All staff requiring access to QDMS must be set up as users before they can access the system. All users are allocated a Security level from the levels defined in the next section. Users can also be assigned to one or more projects. Tip: It is recommend that Users of QDMS are first be defined as contacts in the Address book under the Company that is defined as the Default Company in the Program Defaults [10.1.01]. This is because “Users” must also exist as belonging to this company in the address book To add a new User 1. From the Tools menu, select Security – Users and Projects. 2. Click on the New User button and the Add User window will appear. Note that the Company ID is read only and cannot be changed. If this is not the correct company you will need to go to Tools\Options\Program Defaults to re-define the Default Company. 3. Against the User ID field, select a contact from the address book to create as a User. Note: If the person is not listed in the drop down list, use the Address Book button to access the address book and add the person in as a contact for your company. See also [3.1.04] 4. Enter the password and reconfirm your entry. 5. Select a User Level for the user and a Tag Number (This is used in multi user environment when multiple users need to generate transmittals at the same time in the same project. These users should be allocated a different Tag Number. All other users can share a Tag Number). 6. Enter the first and last names and the user’s title. 7. Click OK to return to the previous screen. Notes: a) The check box for Supervisory Access at the top of the users screen controls access to the Security screens. b) The check box for Use Program Specific File Types is used to control whether users can define their own file type exceptions or whether all users will use the globally defined File Type Exceptions [See Section 9.1.04]. c) The check box for Allow redlining in QVIEW: Used to control whether users can markup drawings on QDMS Installations where the optional add-in viewer QVIEW is installed. d) The check box for Restrict Login to Read Only Access: Used to link users to READ ONLY Licenses when these have been purchased for QDMS (so these users do not use up FULL Licenses). Applicable for concurrent user licensing only. e) Note that on very large projects where the option to Automatically Save Tags when generating transmittals is activated via the Project Settings, then every user assign to the project MUST have a separate Tag Number at step 5 above. f) To see a list of all users that have been allocated Supervisory Access use Help \ QDMS Supervisor Details. g) Use the Refresh User Details button to update the User First and Last Names from the address book when required. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 131 of 155 Chapter 10 – Administration To Assign Projects to Users: You can restrict the access of users to complete projects in QDMS using the Assign Projects button on the Security - Users and Projects screen. 1. Click on the Assign Projects button. 2. Use the arrow buttons to add or remove projects assigned to the selected user. If a large number of projects are listed, use the Find and Filter button to select required projects (located in the bottom left corner of the screen). 3. Click OK when done. Notes: It is possible to assign multiple users to a new project very simply using the Tools menu and sub menu Assign users to projects. (a) (b) (c) (d) Select the Project to assign the users to. Click Assign. Use the mover window to select the users to assign to the project. Click OK when done. 10.2.04 Duplicate User Settings The duplicate user settings wizard can be used to copy the settings for a selected user and project to one or more other users for one or more selected projects. 1. From the Tools menu, select Duplicate User Settings and click Next at the welcome screen. 2. Select the User and Project whose settings are to be copied to other users and click Next. 3. Select the Settings to be copied. These can be any of: Supervisory Access Quick menu (favourites) options Default sort orders for registers Custom layouts for registers. User Level File Type Exceptions 4. Click Next. 5. Using the arrows, select the users to copy the settings by moving the selected users from the left window to the right window. Click Next when done. 6. Now select which projects these settings are to be copied to for the selected users. 7. Click Next and then Finish when done. 10.2.05 Change Password Users can change their passwords using the Change Password option under the File menu. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 132 of 155 Chapter 10 – Administration 10.2.06 View User Login Details The View User Login Details screen allows an administrator to see which other users are currently logged into QDMS and also to see a history for a selected user on past access to the system. The ability to see who is currently logged into QDMS is especially useful if you are about to perform a system upgrade and need to ensure all users are logged out. 1. From the Tools menu, select View User Login Details. 2. Choose between Current User Access Details (the default), User Access History, and Deleted User Access Details. 3. If Current User Access Details is selected, the grid displays the session details of users currently logged into QDMS. 4. If User Access History is selected, the grid displays a list for all users of each access they have made to QDMS. Use the drop down list to restrict the display to a specific user. 10.3 Utilities 10.3.01 Compact Files QDMS is a database system that stores data in tables. It is possible during operation of QDMS that one or more tables become corrupted if for example you just switch of your computer while generating a transmittal. While this may seem unlikely, this is effectively what happens if you lose power while using QDMS or the network crashes. After any un-expected exit from the QDMS program such as described above, it is highly recommended that you run the Compact Files utility provided which will compact and re-index all the QDMS tables. To do this: 1. From the File menu, select Compact Files. 2. Choose All Projects. 3. Click OK. If while running compact files, errors are reported, this means that one or more of your tables have become corrupted. In this case you will need to restore you latest backup of your installation and re-enter any data processed since this backup. If for any reason you do not have a recent backup: Using Windows explorer, locate the \QDMS\Projects\1234 folder where 1234 is the project number of the project that has corrupt data files. Zip up the \QDMS\Projects\1234 folder and email the zip file to QA Software are often able to repair corrupted data. There is a minimum two hour charge for this service. Notes: a) IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOUR QDMS INSTALLATION IS BACKED UP DAILY. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 133 of 155 Chapter 10 – Administration b) It is possible to compact your files for current project or a selection of projects if necessary rather than compact all projects. c) The compact files routine for a Single Project will compact the Configuration tables and Global folder (without having to select the All Projects option). This is useful if there are other users logged into the system. d) If the Config and/or Global folder tables cannot be opened (due to other users being logged in), the Single project will be compacted successfully and only the Config and/or Global folders are not compacted. A message is given advising on the results. 10.3.02 Make a Global Change The Global change utility is provided to enable attribute values in the Master document register to be changed in a single process rather than record by record. For example, say you want to change the value of the Discipline field for all documents that contain the words “MAIN STEEL” in the Documents Title. 1. From the Edit menu, select Make a Global Change. 2. First select the required field (selected from the dropdown list) – in this example Discipline. 3. Then enter the new value in the With field – in this case “MS”. Note that if the field being replaced relates to a configuration table, the With field becomes a drop down list to enable selection of the value. 4. Now click on the Filter button and set up the Filter condition as follows: FIELD NAME : TITLE COMPARISION : Contains VALUE: MAIN STEEL 5. If required the changes can be applied to only those documents that have no discipline (to prevent existing data being overwritten) by clicking the Empty fields only checkbox. If this is not selected, all documents that match the filter condition will have their Discipline replaced.) 6. It is highly recommended to view the projected changes before saving by clicking the Browse button. This will display side by side a comparison of the existing value for the Discipline field and the new value for the selected documents. See also using the Selected option in Note (b) below. 7. Click the Close Window icon to exit from this window. 8. Click OK to effect the global changes. Note: a) It is also possible to use Make a Global Change to replace the value in one field in the Master Document Register with the value in another field. To do this select the Field option and select both the current field to be replaced and the field to replace the current field with. Other options for filtering etc are as above. b) Use the Selected option to fine tune which records are updated with the Global Change. If the Selected option is chosen, after clicking OK at step 8 above, a window appears where it is possible to select individual records to change from all records that meet the filter defined at Step 4 above. Use the arrow buttons to select the required records and click OK. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 134 of 155 Chapter 10 – Administration 10.3.03 Update Recipient Document Register The Recipient Document Register is maintained by the system with only the "last" revision of each documents transmitted to each recipient. It may be thought of as a Master Document Register for recipients. It is highly unlikely that this file will become corrupted. However in the unlikely event that it gets corrupted, a utility is provided to re-build the recipient document register from scratch, using your transmittals details file to extract the required data. To run this utility: 1. From the Misc menu, select Update Recipient Document Register. 2. Click OK. 10.3.04 Update Document History File The Document History file contains all revisions of all documents at every status. As new documents are added to the master document register, the document history file is also updated with these documents. As documents are revised in the master document register, additional entries are made in the document history file. A potential problem occurs however if for example a document title is changed in the master document register and/ or any of the other attributes about the document are added or changed without revising the document or changing it’s status. This is because the document details at this revision/status will already be in the document history file and the changes made in the MDR are not updated in the history file unless the revision and/or status is changed. This could lead to the document history file (which cannot be edited) containing errors in the document titles and / or other attributes which the user corrected in the master document register at the time but did not get transferred to the document history for the same revision + status combination. To force such changes into the document history file for the same revision + status combination: 1. From the Misc menu, select Update Document History. 2. Click OK. This menu option can be run as often as required and it is a good idea to run this option after every maintenance session on the Master Document Register. 10.4 Upgrading QDMS 10.4.01 Overview Further development of the QDMS system is a continuous process. From time to time and at least once a year a new release of the system is made available to customers. Information on new releases is available from which can also be checked using the Check for Upgrades option under the Help Menu. Contact QA Software if you have not received an upgrade in the last 12 months. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 135 of 155 Chapter 10 – Administration 10.4.02 Install Upgrade QDMS Upgrade are normally provided by email in the form of a zip file. The process of upgrading is simple and seamless and the steps required to install the upgrade are: Determine where QDMS is Installed Backup your existing installation Install the upgrade file Run the upgrade wizard Cleanup Determine where QDMS is Installed To find out where you existing QDMS System is installed: 1. Run QDMS and login to your project as normal. 2. On the left hand side of the screen under the Copyright message, the QDMS Program folder is listed. 3. Make a note of this program folder. Backup your existing installation The following backup procedure is recommended: 1. 2. 3. 4. Quit all QA Software Products (QDMS, QTRAK, etc) on all machines. Run Windows Explorer. Create a folder called ZQABACKUP on your c: drive. Copy the QDMS Program Folder to C:\ZQABACKUP (Typically this is simply done by copying the QASOFT folder with all sub directories. Alternatively if you have other QA Software products installed, copy the Qasoft\Qdms folder with all sub directories plus the Qasoft\Global folder.) Install the Upgrade file The QDMS Upgrade can be provided in a number of formats: Zip file: Simply extract the zip file provided to the C:\ directory on your PC. Note that it is essential that the User folder names option in Winzip is ticked when extracting the zip file so that the correct folder structure is created. This will normally be c:\UpgradeQDMS plus sub folders. Self Extracting EXE: Simply double click on the file and click Unzip. By CD ROM: Install the CD ROM. Run the Upgrade Wizard 1. Check that no one else is using QDMS (the upgrade will not work if someone else is in the system). See also View User Login Details [10.2.06]. 2. Run QDMS and login to your project. Option 1 3. From the Tools Menu choose Upgrade QDMS. 4. You will be presented with an Upgrade Window. 5. Type D:\UpgradeQDMS\ in the field Upgrade From Drive and Directory Note if the upgrade was supplied by zip file or select extracting EXE, type C:\UpgradeQDMS at this screen or use the select button to locate this folder. 6. Make sure Update all Projects is selected and click OK. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 136 of 155 Chapter 10 – Administration Option 2 7. If Tools\Upgrade QDMS option is not available in your QDMS then from the Tools Menu choose Execute a Program Command. 8. Type: DO D:\UpgradeQDMS\DMUPD Click OK. Note if the upgrade was supplied by zip file or select extracting EXE, type C:\UpgradeQDMS at this screen or use the select button to locate this folder. 9. You will be presented with an Upgrade Window. Make sure Upgrade all Projects is ticked and click OK. The Upgrade will begin and a status window will flash in the top right corner of your screen. When the upgrade is complete, QDMS will shut down and restart automatically. This may take several minutes. The next thing that will happen is that the QDMS login screen will reappear and you can log in and start work with the new version. Notes: a) The Upgrade Process may consume a lot of network resources. It may be advisable to either run the upgrade from your server machine, or temporarily copy the application to a local drive and run the upgrade. b) It is possible to upgrade only the current or selected projects but this is only recommended in exceptional circumstances. Cleanup The latest QDMS version is run via the executable file QDMS.exe which is located in the QDMS folder. If you are upgrading from a very old version of QDMS3, it may be necessary to modify the short cut icons on all PCs to access the QDMS.exe file as the previous exe might have been called for example QDMS3110.exe. If you are upgrading from a more recent version of QDMS3 or QDMS4, this step is not necessary. To check simply right click on the short cut icon you use to access QDMS and select Properties and check that the icon is pointing to the QDMS.EXE file. If it is then there is no need for further action. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 137 of 155 Chapter 11 – Reference 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 File Menu Edit Menu View Menu Transmit Menu Received Menu Misc Menu Wizards Menu Tools Menu Help Menu Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 139 of 155 Chapter 11 – Reference 11.1 File Menu Menu Option Open Project Description This option is used to switch from one Project to a different project. Reference New Project Use to Create New Projects. 2.1.02 Print – Standard Reports Page Setup Use to generate Standard Reports. 7.2 Compact Files Use to Compact Files. Re-enter Password Used to Re-Enter your password to re-login. Change Password Use to Change your Password. 10.2.05 QView Used to run the Integrated Viewer – QVIEW. 4.4.02 Calendar Used to set up the Project Calendar. 2.2.05 Hide/Show Dashboard Exit Use to hide or re-activate the Dashboard. 9.2.01 Use to access the Windows Page Setup. 10.3.01 Used to Exit the Program. 11.2 Edit Menu Menu Option Undo Description Undo the last action when in a Grid View. Cut Standard Windows Cut button. Copy Standard Windows Paste button. Paste Standard Windows Copy button. Clear Used to clear a field. Select All Used to select all in a field. Universal Search Make a Global Change To Search for a Document across projects. To make a Global Change to the MDR. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Reference 4.3.08 10.3.02 Page 140 of 155 Chapter 11 – Reference 11.3 View Menu Menu Option Master Document Register Description Table storing the latest revision of controlled documents. Reference 4.3 Document History file (all revs) Transmittals Received Recipient Document Register Table storing all revisions of all controlled documents. 4.5 Table storing all incoming transmittal information 4.2.05 Table storing the latest revision of each document sent to each recipient. 5.9 Transmittal History Table storing all outgoing transmittals. 5.7 Pending Transmittals Table storing pending transmittals. 5.9.03 Address Book (Recipients) Configuration Tables Correspondence Register Removed Data Tables storing Companies and Contacts (Recipients). 3.1 A series of Configuration tables. A simple Correspondence Register. 2.3 Table storing documents that have been deleted or renumbered. Activate the QDMS Alerts window. 4.3.13 Show Alerts 5.10.05 11.4 Transmit Menu Menu Option Single Recipient Description Transmit Documents to a single Recipient. Reference 5.3 Single Recipient with CC values Transmit Documents to a single Recipient with Copies to other Recipients. 5.4.02 Multiple Recipients Transmit Documents to Multiple Recipients. 5.4.03 To a Circulation List Transmit Documents to a Circulation List. 5.4.04 To a Transmittal Package Transmit Documents via a Transmittal Package Selection. 5.4.05 Revised Documents Transmit Revised Documents based on Pending Transmittals. 5.4.06 Free Form Transmittal Transmit Documents not in the Master Document Register. 5.4.07 Re-Transmit Transmittal Received Re-Transmit Vendor Transmittal Received Transmit Documents based on the documents on an incoming transmittal. Transmit Documents based on the documents on an incoming vendor transmittal (requires QVDMS). 5.4.08 Superseded Documents Transmit Superseded Documents from the Document History file 5.4.09 Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide 5.4.08 Page 141 of 155 Chapter 11 – Reference Menu Option Print/Copy View Files Transmitted e-Transmittal Description Used to copy and/or print the view files related to a transmittal to a specified location/printer. Generate an e-Transmittal. Reference 5.8.04 Transmittals – Reprint Upload Transmittals to TeamBinder Transmittal Package History Report Cancel a Transmittal Re-print a copy of a Transmittal. 5.8.01 Upload documents to the TeamBinder collaboration system from within QDMS. Special Transmittal Package Report. 5.11 Cancel any transmittal. 5.8.03 Delete Last Transmittal Delete completely the last transmittal saved. 5.8.02 5.5 7.3.02 11.5 Receive Menu Menu Option Documents Description Register incoming documents Reference 4.2.02 Package Documents Update Review Status of Transmitted Documents Register incoming documents via a Package. Used to update the Review Status of Documents that were issued for Review/Approval and have now been returned. 4.2.04 4.7.04 Menu Option Master Doc Reg – Form View Master Doc Reg – CAD Viewer Description Form View of the Master Document Register. Reference 4.3.10 Form View of the Master Document Register with the Viewer active. 4.4.02 Document History – CAD Viewer Form View of the Document History File with the Viewer active. 4.4.02 Master Doc Reg – Controlled Issue Print Room Report Controlled Issue of the Master Document Register. 4.3.11 Print Room Report – typically used when organising prints from a reprographics company. Shop Drawing Report. 7.3.03 Report on the status of Transmittal Documents. Typically used in the shop drawing management process. 4.8.05 Update Response to Transmittals Utility to simplify the process of updating the responses to outgoing transmittals. 5.10.02 Update Recipient Document Register Update Document History File Utility to rebuild the Recipient Document Register. 10.3.03 Utility to update the Document History file. 10.3.04 11.6 Misc Menu Print Shop Drawing Report Print Status of Transmitted Documents Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide 4.8.06 Page 142 of 155 Chapter 11 – Reference 1.7 Wizards Menu Menu Option Tags – Clear Description Utility to clear the tags from the Master Document Register. Reference 5.6.01 Tags – Automatic Utility to automatically tag documents in the Master Document Register. 5.6.02 Tags – Manual Screen to manually tag documents in the Master Document Register. 5.6.03 Export Data Files Utility to Export Data from QDMS. 8.2.01 Import Address Book Wizard Utility to import Data into the Address Book from an MS Excel file. 8.1.04 Import Data Wizard Utility to Import Data into the Master Document Register from a DBF File. 8.1.01 CAD – Import Utility to Import/Update data in the Master Document Register by reading the attributes of AutoCAD drawings. 8.1.02 Export Transmittal Utility to export transmittal data from QDMS for import into other QDMS Installations. 8.2.02 Transfer Project Data Utility to transfer configuration tables between projects. 2.2.04 Transfer Address Book Utility to transfer Address book data from a project to a Global address book and vica versa. 3.1.06 Address Book Maintenance Wizard Move View Files from one Location to another Circulation List Wizard Transmittal Package Definitions Wizard to change the address details of contacts within a company. Used to make a copy of a set of view files in a new location (and update the links in QDMS). 3.1.08 Method of creating and maintaining Circulation Lists. 2.7.02 Method of creating Transmittal Packages. 2.8.02 Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide 4.4.06 Page 143 of 155 Chapter 11 – Reference 11.8 Tools Menu Menu Option Security – Users and Projects Security – Levels and Features Assign Users to Projects Description Security screen for creating and maintaining Users. Reference 10.2.03 Security screen for defining User Levels. 10.2.02 Utility to quickly assign multiple users to the current project. 10.2.02 Customise Favorites Used to customise the Favorites on the Dashboard. 9.2.01 Options Access to Project Details; Program Defaults; System Administration; and Contact Details. 10.1 Delete Invalid/Removed Projects Rename Contact/Company ID Duplicate User Settings Used to delete projects where the project folder no longer exists. 2.2.07 Utility to rename an existing Recipient. 3.1.07 Utility copy the settings for one user to other users and projects. 10.2.04 Delete user defined custom fields from MDR Execute a Program Command Execute a Script file Install Customisation Utility to delete custom fields added to the MDR. 9.1.02 Upgrade QDMS Utility to perform system upgrades. 10.4.02 View User Login Details Screen to see who is logged into QDMS and user access history. 10.2.06 Menu Option QDMS Help Description QDMS Help Reference QDMS Supervisor Details Check for Upgrades 10.2.03 Register Program Technical Support/Feedback Screen to view users that have been assigned Supervisory Access. Links to QA Software’s website showing the latest version of QDMS with links to download. Utility to required to Register the QDMS Installation. Method of sending a Support request or feedback to QA Software from within QDMS. About QDMS Screen about QDMS. Utility required only by QA Software. Utility required only by QA Software. Utility required only on instruction from QA Software. 11.9 Help Menu Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide 1.3.02 Page 144 of 155 Chapter 12 - Appendices 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 File Formats supported by QVIEW Trouble Shooting Support/Feedback QA Software Y2K Statement Work Flow for Initial Transmittal Generation Work Flow for Transmittal of Revised Documents Examples of some Customisations for QDMS Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 145 of 155 Chapter 12 – Appendices 12.1 File Formats supported by QVIEW QVIEW is the optional integrated viewer for the QDMS Drawing Management System. The File Formats supported by QVIEW as listed below: File Ext. DRW BGP CCP CG4 CGM CIT DWF DWG CRF DGN DXB IG4 FLX GBR TG4 PRT MI PLT PSL REF RES RLC RND TG4 VC4 VC5 WS XWS Description Anvil 1000 Rx AutoImage Calcomp CALS Raster CGM File Integraph Raster AutoDesk DWF AutoCAD Calcomp Raster Microstation AutoCAD Image Systems G4 FelixAD Gerber Integraph Tiled G4 CadKey Print MP ME 10/30 HP-GL/2 RxAI Edit Hybrid GTX Raster CAD CAD Overlay Run Length Coded AutoCAD Rendering Tiled G4 Rx Vectoring Rx Spotlight Rx Spotlight Rx WorkSpace File Ext. SAT VEC DRW XWD XBM RAS IFF SLD XLS DOC RTF WPD TXT BIN HTM DCX GIF JPG PCX WMF BMP TGA TIF RGB PNG RLE PDF Description ACIS SAT File Data Design Systems Personal Drg X – Windows X - Windows Bitmap SUN Bitmap Amiga IFF AutoCAD Slide MS Excel 97 Word 97 Doc Rich Text Format WP 6.0/Win Text Files Binary Files HTML Intel Fax format Compuserve GIF JPEG Picture PC Paintbrush PCX Windows Meta File Windows Bitmap Targa TIFF Bitmap Integraph RGB Portable Network Graphics Integraph RLE Adobe Acrobat 12.2 Trouble Shooting 1. Cannot change Company Name in Project Details Problem: I am not able to change Company Name from QA Software when creating a new project or even after creating a project. Solution: The company name stored in the project details must be identical to the company name in the Registration Details. If the Company Name field was left empty when registering QDMS, QDMS will use a default company name whenever the project details are edited or a new project is created. To solve this problem, use HelpRegister Program and note down your User Registration Key. Then use the Un-Register button to temporarily un-register the program. Then enter the correct company name and register again. If you are still having problems in the Project Details screen, copy and past the company name from the registration details screen to the project details screen. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 146 of 155 Chapter 12 – Appendices 2. Dialog Box appears when running the QDMS EXE Problem: When I try to run QDMS, it comes up with a Do dialog box with all the fxp files in it. Solution: This may occur because of a corrupted QDMS.exe. You will need to replace the exe from the backup or contact Technical Support at QA Software. 3. Transmittal screen won’t open Problem: When trying to open the Transmittal screen it defaults back to the main screen. Solution: Run Files Compact Files. It is due to corruptions in data/index files. 4. PCLXL error when generating reports/Transmittals Problem: Can’t print Report or Transmittals, getting a PCLXL error Solution: Need to uninstall the existing printer driver & re-install it using the correct Microsoft Windows CD for that pc. 5. No scroll bar when using File/Project-Select Problem: There is no scroll bar when using Project – Select with a long list of projects. Solution: Use File/Re-enter Password to get a scrollable list of projects. 6. eTransmittal – some drawing attachments are not sent. Problem: Sometimes it is not sending all the document attachments with the eTransmittal. Solution: This may occur because the document attachments selected to send with the eTransmittal have not been found. In this case such documents will be highlighted in red and there is a note in eTransmittal – Select Attachments screen advising the user to un-tick or locate the documents highlighted in red. 7. Transmittal report – Acknowledgement details are not printed sometimes. Problem: Sometimes the acknowledgement details do not appear in transmittal report. Solution: This may occur because the “Acknowledgement Required” check box on the Recipients window may not have been ticked. If acknowledgement details are required to be printed on all transmittals then this must ticked at Recipient level via View/Address Book – Default Details. 8. Sending eTransmittals to some recipients is a permanent failure. Problem: It fails to send eTransmittals to some recipients and keep receiving failure notices via email software. Solution: This may occur because the email addresses in QDMS Address Book may have been entered within quotation marks. Removing the quotation marks should solve the problem. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 147 of 155 Chapter 12 – Appendices 9. Not defaulting to the correct paper size/source when printing QDMS reports Problem: Each time QDMS reports are printed printer keeps changing the default paper size/source to something else. Solution: Contact our Technical Support Division. Technical Notes: Clear the contents of the TAG, TAG2 and EXPR fields of the FRX files. 10. Illegal copy message on login Problem: After login to QDMS an illegal copy message is displayed. Solution: This can arise if the company name in the Project Details (ToolsOptions and Project Details tab) has been changed to be different from the company name registered. The solution is to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Login into QDMS using another project or the Demonstration Project. Click on HelpRegister Program Check the Organisation Name and click Close From the Tools menu, select Options. At the Project Details screen, use the arrow buttons on the toolbar to locate the project causing the problem at login. Click Edit. Change the Company field to the name at step 3 above. Click Save and then close. Now try to re-login to the problem project. 11. Table has no index set Problem: A table has no index set message appears when using Receive documents or any other screen. Solution: Run Compact Files. 12. Master Document Register – Custom button gives error Problem: In the Master Document Register, when the Custom button is clicked and error message is displayed. This problem only occurs with version 3.33.2 Solution: Upgrade QDMS to a later version. Contact QA Software for details. 13. Error when registering the program Problem: When clicking on Help\Register Program, an error “Registration entry creation failed” is displayed. Solution: Reinstall the QASYS files. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 148 of 155 Chapter 12 – Appendices 14. Help is not working Problem: When you click on the Help menu, Help option, nothing happens. Solution (for Version 3*): Ensure that QDMS help file (QDMSHelp.chm) resides in the folder QDMS\HELP folder (this file is on the CD under the valupack\documentation folder). Ensure the QA Software systems files (QASYS) are installed. Run the file hhupd.exe which can be found in the CD valupack\patches\htmlhelp folder. 15. Extend Calendar Range when using Transmittals Problem: When using the Transmittal generation screen, an Extend Calendar Range message appears in the top right corner of the screen. Solution: Extend the calendar range using File\Calendar. 16. Cannot update cursor Problem: When using screens in QDMS a program error “Cannot update cursor” appears. Solution: This is because one or more files in the QDMS folder structure are read only (this can occur if you have moved QDMS via CD from one installation to another). Use Windows explorer to ensure all files in all folders of QDMS (from the QASOFT folder down) are not read only. This is done by selecting all files in each folder and reviewing the file properties. 17. QVIEW White screen problem Problem: When using QVIEW the file starts loading and then a white screen appears. Solution: Call QA Software for the QVIEW patch. 12.3 Support/Feedback Support can be obtained during normal business hours by emailing QA Software on or by calling QA Software Pty Ltd on +61 (3) 8379 0000 or by facsimile on +61 (3) 9326 6544. Use the Technical Support/Feedback option under the Help menu to send your request directly from within QDMS via email. If necessary you can attached files from within this screen also. 12.4 QA Software Y2K Statement Year 2000 Testing Criteria The product stores and calculates dates consistent with a 4-digit format throughout its operational range. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 149 of 155 Chapter 12 – Appendices If the product allows the user to enter a 2-digit short cut for the year, the product recognizes the year consistent with a 4-digit format. The product will correctly execute leap year calculations (The year 2000 is recognised as a leap year). The product does not use special values for dates within its operational range for data. The product will function into the 21st Century, through to the end of year 2045. Note: all references to "dates" refer to using either 4 digits or 2 digits for the YEAR portion of the date. This testing criterion does not constitute a warranty or certification expressed or implied, of any kind. QA Software Products All QA Software products are written in Microsoft Visual FoxPro. For this reason: Dates are stored as 8-bits in the format yyyymmdd. Dates are calculated via the Microsoft Windows operating system. Century Switch QA Software products include an operational century switch. This is located in the Program Defaults window. Turning the century switch on will display all dates with a 4-digit year. Rollover Year To assist ease of use, QA Software products will accept a 2-digit year to be entered. All new QA Software products released after 1-1-99 include an operational rollover year. Using this function (located in the Program Defaults window) you can define a 100-year period. For example, if you set the century switch to 45 (default setting): When you enter a 2-digit year greater than or equal to 45 it will be interpreted as th being of the 20 Century. E.g. 96 will be interpreted as 1996. st When you enter a 2-digit year less than 45 it will be interpreted as being of the 21 Century. E.g. 02 will be interpreted as 2002. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 150 of 155 Chapter 12 – Appendices 12.5 Work Flow for Initial Transmittal Generation The process of generating transmittals in QDMS is basically a combination of selecting documents from the Master Document Register and selecting a Recipient to send these documents to from the address book. The flow diagram below details the actions that occur during the generation of a transmittal of tagged documents to a recipient for the first time. Notes: a) Since Documents are selected for transmittal from the Master Document Register, this ensures that only the latest revision of documents are transmitted. b) Transmittals once generated are saved in the Transmittals file. This is like a filing cabinet of transmittals and cannot be edited. c) As transmittals are saved, the Recipient Document Register, which can be thought of as storing the distribution of documents, is also updated. d) Note that in QDMS there is no requirement to build a distribution matrix to enable transmittal generation. The process is simply a matter of selecting documents, recipients and generating the transmittals. QDMS builds the distribution (or matrix) for you automatically and this is stored in the Recipient Document Register. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 151 of 155 Chapter 12 – Appendices 12.6 Work Flow for Transmittal of Revised Documents The flow diagram below details the actions that occur during generation of transmittals for the issue of revised documents to a recipient who has previously received these documents. Note: The automatic selection of drawings in the above process is as follows: The revision status of documents in the Recipient Document Register is first compared by the system with those in the Master Document Register. Only those documents in the Recipient Document Register that do not have the current revision number in the Master Document Register are selected for transmittal. In order to prevent the system from generating numerous transmittals as soon as the revision status of a document is changed, the above will only take place automatically, when requested by the user. It is therefore recommended that such a request be carried out on a regular basis as a part of the QA Document Control Procedure (at least weekly) or more frequently after major updates to the Master Document Register. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 152 of 155 Chapter 12 – Appendices 12.7 Examples of some Customisations for QDMS QDMS has been often customised for individual clients to meet their specific requirements since it’s creation in 1995. Some of the common customisations include: Auto Numbering Enhancements for the management of the Internal Document Review Process Management of progress during the Design Phase Preparation of Custom Reports In the next few pages are some images of customised screens prepared for individual clients. Please contact QA Software if you think you require any customisation of QDMS. Example of an Auto Numbering screen for Document Registration prepared for Devon Energy in Jakarta, Indonesia. Example Custom Menu prepared for BP Indonesia . Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 153 of 155 Chapter 12 – Appendices A Custom Document Details screen prepared for BP Indonesia that includes auto document number plus management of the entire document review and approval process from a single screen. Example Internal Document Review Sheet developed for BP Indonesia. Notice that this allows for Multiple Circulation Lists on the same Transmittal when using a Flood Issue. Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 154 of 155 Chapter 12 – Appendices Custom Scheduling screen developed for Clough Engineering, Western Australia. Allows for the definition of Document Classes and Milestones with auto scheduling and forecasting built in. Example custom report also developed for Clough Engineering, Western Australia Document No: UGD-DM-001 Rev: 5J QDMS User Guide Page 155 of 155
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