the spire - Our Church School


the spire - Our Church School
The Spire
35 Conant Street, Beverly MA 01915
Senior Minister: Rev. W. Alan Froggatt, Jr.
Pastor for Congregational Life: Rev. Tara Olsen Allen
Director of Music: Mr. Robert A. Lague
Phone: 978.922.5722
Fax: 978.922.3064
Web site:
November 2015
It is that time of year again! The Fall Fair is right around the corner. Not only is it one of Second
Church’s largest fund raisers, it is a golden opportunity for fun and fellowship.
In addition to local crafters offering their creations, Church sponsored tables include Books, Knits,
Food, Kitchen, Sewing, Silent Auction, Snack Bar and SERRV 3rd World crafts. Books can be dropped off
at designated tables in the lower hall beginning November 16; other donations may be delivered to
church office for safe keeping. We need workers to help price and set up, folks to help sell, and a cleanup crew. I am still looking for someone to head up the food table. Sign-up sheets are available
Sunday after church.
We will be setting up and pricing all day Friday, the 20th. The Fair will be from 9:00 to 2:00 on
Saturday, November 21. We will need strong arms and backs around 1:30 to help clean up and move
unsold items to the parlor for perusal and purchase on Sunday after church.
Remember, the closer we can come to all hands on deck, the better the fair will be. If you have time,
but don’t know where you fit in, we will find you the perfect job. If you are unable to help that weekend, please consider bringing a fun or unique offering to sell at the silent auction.
Please call Peg Round at 978-998-0473 or e-mail her at if you are willing to
head the food table or have any questions on the fair.
The Massachusetts General Hospital Bloodmobile will be here as well, 8:30 am—2pm
Contact Bob/Suzanne Munroe for Appointment:
or 978-922-6742
November Worship & Events
Sermon: Rev. Tara Olsen Allen
Lay Reader: Lorelei Azarian
During November the Church Spire
will be lit in Memory of Richard &
Carolyn Farley by their daughter
Sermon: Rev. W. Alan Froggatt, Jr.
Lay Reader: Kathy Taylor
Church Council Meeting
The Tablet on the Cabot Street end of
the building continues to be illumined
in loving memory of Marian & Bill
Tannebring by their family
Board Meetings: Deacons, Prudential,
Social Action & Mission
CE Board Meeting
Community Supper
Youth Sunday
Second Hour— “In Paul’s Footsteps”
Spirited Women
Hymn Sunday
Second Hour -“The Dawn of Civilization”
First Sunday of Advent
Sermon: Rev. Olsen Allen
Lay Reader: Suzanne Munroe
Congratulations to the Rev. Angela Menke
Ballou on the 10th anniversary of her Ordination, which was celebrated at the Cotuit
Federated Church on Sunday, October 25
The Season of Advent begins on Sunday,
November 29, with the Advent Candle
Ceremony calling us to worship.
Families and/or individuals are invited to
Please connect with Rev. Froggatt to select a
Sunday or a Christmas Eve Service
(5 & 11pm).
Don’t miss morning Worship when
once again
our favorite hymns will be featured.
All voices welcome!
Rev. W. Alan Froggatt
One of you popped your head in my door on a recent Sunday and asked, “Are you back yet?” I looked around to
make sure we were where I thought we were, and responded, “Yep, I’m definitely back.” She continued,
“Because you know, it’s supposed to take at least a month to get your feet back on the ground after sabbatical.”
And then I realized what she meant; even though I was fully immersed within a day of returning to work, I’m still
somewhere in the ether of having spent three months away from Second Church, one of which was spent in
Greece. Sometimes I ask, “Did we really do that?” but most other times I find myself noticing something or oththat brings me back to the wonderful experiences my sabbatical afforded.
While I did share some stories with you all my first two Sundays back in the pulpit, I am also trying to avoid the
temptation of making every sermon about Greece, or Acts, or Paul, or Odysseus, or what have you. But there
will be at least two opportunities for me to go into greater depth about some of the aspects of my trip. Rather
than design evening studies around my research, as in the past, there will be two after-church sessions set aside
to share thoughts, discoveries, stories and photos with you. The first, Sunday November 15, will trace Paul’s
second missionary journey in Acts 15-18. It will be a combination travelogue & Bible study, and if you’d like to
get a leg up, then read Acts 15.36-18.22 some time before the 15th. It will make Paul’s story come alive for you.
The following Sunday, November 22, will cover some of the more classically historical, mythological and literary
aspects of the experience, including visits to Athens, Delos, Mycenae & Mt Olympus. (I won’t recommend you
read Aeschylus or Sophocles beforehand, but then again, it wouldn’t hurt…)
Meanwhile, feet firmly back on the ground, I want to remind everyone that we are about to embark on an
exciting journey of ministry together. Last Sunday, Moderator Roger Moulton traced the outlines of a program
called Crossroads: New Beginnings. Designed in partnership between the United Church of Christ and our sister
denomination Disciples of Christ, and initiated in the Connecticut Conference, Crossroads is designed for congregations that find themselves at a crossroads and want to intentionally discern a path forward. In it, we will
consider entering into a deliberate season of assessment, discernment, bold decision making and implementation. It is designed to assess the strengths and challenges we face together as we ascertain the shape and
contour of our ministry in the community. Part of the intent is to help us gain a realistic picture of our resources
for ministry, our demographic strengths, potential for change and vital ministry.
The success of the initiative will of course depend on congregational commitment and engagement. It is through
the guidance of God combined with the dedication of our ministry staff, our church leadership, and every
member of the congregation that the endeavor will prove a success. We will be hearing more about this project,
and during the season of Lent will be invited to engage in a church-wide conversation about what our ministry
will look like in the generation to come. While many of us recall the Visioning process of five and six years ago, it
needs be said that Crossroads: New Beginnings is not the same thing. We will have the benefit of a consultant
from the Hope Partnership for Missional Transformation, as well as the input and guidance of our own Rev.
Wendy Vanderhart, Northeast Area Regional Minister. Be sure your voice is heard and that your hopes and
dreams for our church are part of the coming conversation about this new chapter of our ministry together.
As the closing chapters of revelation express it, “Look, I am making all things new; these words are trustworthy
and true.”
Thoughts from Tara
I took our dog, Shazam, for a walk the other day. It was a glorious day with a bright blue sky, sun streaming
through the red, orange, yellow and green leaves. The air was crisp and felt cool but not cold on my face as we
walked through our neighborhood. My heart was full to overflowing with the beauty of the day. I felt blessed. I
was blessed. I am blessed.
To live where we live at this time of year is a blessing.
To have my basic needs taken care of is a blessing.
To live in this country is a blessing.
To know love of family and friends and furry ones is a blessing.
This was not always the case.
There have been times in my life when I could not see the blessings around me; times when I was unable to
appreciate all of that God has given to me. There have been times when I did not know how I was going to pay
the next bill that came in or how I was going to buy gas for my car. There have been times when I didn’t want to
answer the phone or look at another email for fear more bad news would be delivered. There have been times
when I couldn’t get out of my own way to utter a word of gratitude for everything I had to be thankful for.
Meister Eckhart, a medieval German philosopher, said “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank
you, it will be enough”. While this may be true, sometimes it is difficult to say that simple phrase. When life is
challenging us we may pray for help or ask for guidance, but “thank you” is not the first thing that comes to mind.
It seems when times get tough our natural inclination is to go inside ourselves and withdraw from the world.
What is amazing and difficult is that, as Christians, we are asked to follow God’s example walking in the footsteps
of Jesus Christ. Instead of clutching things to ourselves and keeping material goods for our own use, we are asked
to reach out and share and be generous of heart. As Joyce Rupp says, “A generous heart freely gives and can live
without some of the material things we think are so desperately needed. A generous heart is also one that can
give freely of the greater, nonmaterial gifts such as compassion, understanding, patience and forgiveness” (Fresh
Bread 140).
I know I struggle with how to do this. How do I live without something when there isn’t that much to spare? I
work daily at trusting God and having faith that God will provide. Usually, when I take that leap of faith and give
something of myself to someone, I am rewarded tenfold and receive back much more than I put forth.
God does work in mysterious ways!
I encourage you this November to take the time to reflect on the things in your life that you are blessed with.
I encourage you to take some time to reflect on the people of your life who are special gifts to you; choose one
who might need a pick-me-up and thank them. Let them know how much they mean to you.
I encourage you to find a way to give thanks for something or someone and notice how it shifts your perspective,
how it changes your heart.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving! Oh, and Thank you!
A Take on Crossroads; New Beginnings—Dana Allara
Crossroads: New Beginnings is not a ‘fix-it’ program for churches who want to build attendance. It is not
going to be a magic pill that will suddenly increase our weekly offerings. It is not a new committee or a
new program offering. It is bigger than that. Crossroads is a program that is going to allow us as a church
community to dream BIG. We are going to dig deep and discover who we, Second Church, want to BE as
we move forward.
The program that we are entering is going to require us all to work hard, to be honest, to be thoughtful and
to be open to new ideas and new points of view. Right now we know that there needs to be change in our
church, but we are not yet sure what that change will be. Crossroads will support us as we include all voices to create a shared dream for where we want to take our church. This is going to be a re-envisioning of
who we are as a church community. The Crossroads program will help us in identifying our strengths and
using those strengths as we take the next steps toward making our dream a reality. Dreaming big can be
frightening at times. It is going to mean putting a bold vision out there and trusting that we have the
strength to make it come true. It will mean accepting that things are not going to be the same as they were
in the past. It will mean that we are going to need to take risks and try things we have never tried
before. It means our church is going to be different going forward than we know it now. It also means that
we have an opportunity to create something wonderful.
Update on Second Congregational Church’s Confidentiality Practices on Pledging
At our Annual Meeting in May, the Prudential Board shared some shifts in the way we will handle future
Stewardship campaigns and pledging. These shifts came about as a result of the Prudential Board reading
"Not Your Parent's Offering Plate," a book that lays out 3 characteristics successful churches and nonprofits have in common with Stewardship practices – mission based budgets, types of gifts, and avoiding
being overly restrictive. There has been a request for more details on the changes to confidentiality practices; these details were outlined at the September Prudential Board meeting.
In particular, by giving the Pastors and a few church leaders a little more data, the Pastoral staff would be
aware if members’ giving situation changes and be able to make contact to see if prayers, spiritual support
or a discussion of concerns would be beneficial. Additionally, the Stewardship Committee (or Prudential
Board in lieu of a Stewardship Committee) will be able to reach out to each person who pledges to Second
Church in a way that meets them where they are in their giving, hopefully yielding a different outcome in
pledges made to support the work and mission of Second Congregational Church.
The following positions will have access to pledging information:
Financial Secretary*
Senior Pastor
Pru Board Chair
Stewardship Chair
Pastor for Congregational Life
* access per past practices
Spirited Women
Monday, November 16
At 6:30 in the Church Parlor
Tibetan Prayer Flags
Wendy Linares will be leading The group in
assembling Tibetan prayer flags. These flags are
seen in Tibet and other places and are flown as
a way of spreading goodwill and compassion.
Each person will be taking home their own
small set of flags to be flown at their
home. Come join us and learn the story of the
flags from the Buddhist tradition in Tibet. If
you are able please bring a simple addition to
our potluck meal! Hope to see you!
The colored leaves of the trees have fallen, so we
know the cooler weather is around the corner.
Recently, I was approached by a Gentleman for the
Prayer Shawl knitting pattern. He is very enthusiastic
about knitting for our Prayer Shawl Ministry.
In the month of October, six Prayer Shawls were
delivered to shut-ins, and five baby blankets were
given to the newly baptized babies.
HELP! Our Prayer Shawls and baby blankets are in
need of replenishing, PLEASE keep the needles
busy. Thank You to Charleen Casey and Ruth Moran
for their Prayer Shawls.
Our Next meeting will be November 11, 2015 in the
church parlor at 1 pm. Everyone is welcomed to join
the laughter and chatter.
A blessed and happy Thanksgiving to all.
Ruth Moran
Turkey Supper
Saturday, Nov. 14
5:00 - 6:00 PM
Adults - $7.00
Seniors - $6.00
I would like to continue having talented
younger people perform music in our church
service on Sundays. It's possible for them to
perform vocally or instrumentally. In the
service, this could be done as a prelude, introit,
or postlude. We can practice together after any
Sunday service and just prior to the Sunday of
performance. If you are interested, please let
me know. I am looking forward to our young
people participating in our service.
Bob Lague
Children - $3.50
Slice of Home Baked Pie - $1.50
Menu: Turkey,stuffing,gravy, mashed
potatoes, vegetables, cranberry sauce,
coffee, tea, milk and rolls.
Food Collection
Last year, with donations from the community, Bootstraps was
able to provide over 500 Thanksgiving meals to our neighbors in
need. You are welcome to drop off the following items in the
designated basket in the Narthex (deadline: Sunday November 15), which we will deliver
to Bootstraps for distribution this year: stuffing mix, canned green beans, cranberry
sauce, apple or other juice, canned gravy, chicken broth, French’s fried onions, cream of
mushroom soup, brownie/bread mixes, instant mashed potatoes (family size). These
items can also be dropped off at your voting locations in Beverly on November 3.
The 2nd Annual Family Promise North Shore
Boston Walk to End Homelessness
During the month of November, families
are invited to donate jars of Peanut
Butter and Jelly in the specially marked
basket in the Narthex. These simple
food items, which we often take for
granted, will be donated to
Bootstraps to nourish local families.
was a big success in raising nearly $30,000!
Thanks to all the walkers and supporters!
We have a new schedule of awesome activities and great opportunities to get together
coming up this year and are looking forward to hanging out with all of you!
Please remember, friends are ALWAYS welcome at any Youth Group event! The more
the merrier
If you are on Facebook, make sure you message Tara Olsen Allen and ask to be added
to the SCC High School Youth page
Coming Events in November:
Middle School
November 1
Youth Sunday Prep at Church
Bowling with High School
During Church
Youth Sunday
Visit to Service Dog Project, Ipswich
During Church
Youth Sunday
High School
November 1
What has been happening . . .
A fabulous performance by Racky
Thomas and The Travelin’ Medicine
Revival Band - our own Daemian Allen
joined in on the fun!
Spirited Women lead by Wendy Linares
learned about prayer weaving and
even their own! In November Wendy
will be showing us about Tibetan Prayer
And this familiar guy is back with us.
Welcome back Alan, we hope you had a
wonderful sabbatical. We missed you.
Second Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
35 Conant Street
Beverly MA 01915
Beverly, MA 01915
Permit No. 93
“Keeping You Informed & Going Green”
The monthly Spire newsletter is currently being sent to families
via email or by the US postal service. It has come to our attention that the USPS is experiencing great difficulty in executing the
delivering of 3rd class mail. The October Spire has taken 19 days to go from the Tozer Road
mail depot to homes in Beverly. Our mission is to get current church news to you ASAP. If
you have email in your home we encourage you to send along your email address to the
church office (, and you will be added to the current email
mailing list and receive the news in a timely manner. If you do not have email we will begin
mailing the newsletter 1st Class to your home beginning January 2016 . Please let the office
know if this is your desire by phone: 978.922.5722.