Elektromagnetisme, noter og formelsamling
Elektromagnetisme, noter og formelsamling
Notes for Elementary Particle Physics Dennis Hansen January 15, 2013 Scalar General 1 1 L = − ∂ µ φ̂∂µ φ − m2 φ̂2 + Ω0 2 2 0 = −∂ 2 + m2 φ̂(x) ˆ h i ˜ â(k)eikµ xµ + ↠(k)e−ikµ xµ φ̂(x) = dk ∂L ∂ φ̇ h i 0 = φ̂(x, t), φ̂(x0 , t) ± h i 0 0 = Π̂(x, t), Π̂(x , t) ± h i 3 0 0 iδ (x − x ) = φ̂(x, t), Π̂(x , t) Π̂(x, t) ≡ [â(p), â(q)] = 0 ± kkout k √ dΩCM dLIPS2 (pin ) = 16π 2 s ~ 2 k out dσ |T | = 2 dΩCM 4 k~ pin kCM s 16π 1 2 |T | dLIPS2 (pin ) dΓ = 2ωk † â (p), ↠(q) = 0 3 â(p), ↠(q) = (2π) 2ωp δ 3 (p − q) 2 Spinor s = − (pin1 + pin2 ) 2 L = Ψ i∂ − m Ψ 0 = i∂ − m Ψ ˆ X ˜ Ψ(x, t) = dp bs (p)us (p)eipx + d†s (p)vs (p)e−ipx 2 u = − (pin1 − pout2 ) (~a · ~σ ) ~b · ~σ = ~a · ~b I + i~σ · ~a × ~b s=± ˆ Ψ(x, t) = t = − (pin1 − pout1 ) ˜ dp X b†s (p)us (p)e−ipx + ds (p)v s (p)eipx {γ µ , γ ν } = − 2g µν I4 s=± n o 3 bs (p), b†s0 (p0 ) = (2π) 2ωp δ (3) (p − p0 )δss0 n o 3 ds (p), d†s0 (p0 ) = (2π) 2ωp δ (3) (p − p0 )δss0 γµγν = µν a b = − (ab) I4 + i2aµ S bν X s X Photons and QED s 1 L = − F µν Fµν + J µ Aµ 4 ˆ i Xh 0 ˜ A (x) = 0 , A(x) = dp ∗λ aλ (p)eipx + λ a†λ (p)e−ipx λ=± LQED 1 = − F µν Fµν + Ψ (i D − m) Ψ 4 1 µ ν 1 {γ , γ } + [γ µ , γ ν ] 2 2 X us (p)us (p) = − p +m vs (p)v s (p) = − p −m ν µν µ∗ λ (p)λ0 (p) = g λ X ∗λi (p)λj (p) = δij − λ pi pj p2 p · λ (p) = 0 p2 = − m2 = −ω 2 + p2 Contents 1 Preface 3 2 Elements of analytical mechanics 4 2.1 Lagrangian formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.2 Hamiltonian formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Relativistic classical eld theory 3.1 5 Lagrangian density and the eld action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Lorentz transformations 5 9 4.1 Lorentz transformation of coordinates and derivatives . . . . . . . . . 9 4.2 Unitary transformations in QM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4.3 Lie algebra of the Lorentz group 14 4.4 Lorentz transformation of scalar elds 4.5 Generalization of the Lorentz transformation 4.6 Representation of the Lorentz group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5 Continuous symmetries and Noether's theorem 5.1 Energy-momentum tensor 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Free quantum elds 18 21 22 6.1 Canonical quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 6.2 The Klein-Gordon equation and free elds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 7 Free spin-0 elds 23 7.1 Lorentz transformation of elds and operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 7.2 Simple inner products and expectation values of states . . . . . . . . 27 8 Interaction and scatting in spin-0 theories 28 8.1 The interaction picture, Dyson expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 8.2 Interaction picture in spin-0 quantum eld theories . . . . . . . . . . 32 9 Scattering theory 38 9.1 Cross sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 9.2 Mandelstam variables 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Free spin-½ elds 45 10.1 Spinor representations of the Lorentz group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 10.3 Canonical quantization of the Dirac eld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 10.2 Bispinors, the Majorana and Dirac eld 10.4 Quantization in terms of b, d operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.5 The free Dirac eld and its Hamiltonian 10.6 Conserved charges 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 CONTENTS 11 Interaction and scattering in spin-½ theories 63 11.1 Interaction picture in spin-0 quantum eld theories . . . . . . . . . . 63 11.2 Scattering in spin-½ theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 12 Photon elds and Quantum Electrodynamics 12.1 Maxwell's equations and Lagrangian formulation 69 . . . . . . . . . . . 69 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 12.3 Interactions, spinor QED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 12.4 Massive gauge bosons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 12.5 The Higgs mechanism for massive gauge bosons . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 12.2 The free photon eld and its quantization 13 Non-abelian gauge theories 77 13.1 Extending the symmetry groups to non-abelian . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 13.4 The Standard Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 13.2 Quantum Chromodynamics 13.3 Electroweak interaction A Nice-2-know relations 82 A.1 Delta functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2 Dirac adjoint/barred identities A.3 Traces of γ -matrices 82 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 B γ -matrices 83 C Quantum Mechanics 84 C.1 Basic equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 C.2 Commutator relations 85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D Collection of Feynman rules 86 D.1 Scalar elds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 D.2 Spinor elds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 D.3 Photon elds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 D.4 QED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 E Mandelstam variables 88 2 of 88 1 PREFACE 1 Preface Theese notes are intended for the master course 'Elementary particle physics' at the University of Copenhagen. First we will have a recap of the classical mechanics and classical eld theory that Quantum Field Theory uses to some extent. Then comes a bit about Lorentz transformations, and its impact on the physics. Then something about symmetries in eld theories, especially Noether's theorem and how to use it. Next we begin the actual QFT by looking at scalar QFT in terms of the spin-0 bosons, free eld theory rst, but then how interactions works in QFT. We then describe spin-½ particles/antiparticles, which are fermions, in the free eld QFT, and then the interactions. We next is free photon elds and spinor interaction in QED, and shortly say something about the Higgs mechanism for massive bosons and their Feynman rules. Finaly, we shortly say something about non-abelian eld theories (Yang-Mills theories) in general, and give a very short example of QCD, before discussing the electroweak theory and the Higgs mechanism in the theory, and briey the Standard Model. In the appendix, some useful stu can be found; relations, derivations, standard quantum mechanics relations etc. Suggestions for improvements and corrections are welcome by email xnw909@alumni.ku.dk - this is pre-release version 0.3 and is subject to typos and one should read the lines critical - I may have fucked up big time! Change-log: Added lots of useful formulas and equations on the front page. Added QM formulas and Feynman rules, and something more about Mandelstam variables. Finished main text! Added some real calculation examples. Needs to be done: Add more examples, especially in QED and QCD. Write more about non-abelian gauge theories and in greater details. Find typos. Dennis Hansen 3 of 88 2 ELEMENTS OF ANALYTICAL MECHANICS 2 Elements of analytical mechanics 2.1 Lagrangian formalism The cumber stone of the Lagrangian formalism is the Euler-Lagrange equations d dt where there are so there are k n ∂L ∂ q̇i − ∂L = 0, ∂qi generalized coordinates n = 3N − k Euler-Lagrange qi and equations in total, where N n generalized velocities q̇i , and is the number of particles and is the number of (holonomic) constrains. The Lagrangian is given by Lagrangian L=T −V , where T is the sum of kinetic energy of the particles of the system and of the potentials of the particles (the force may be conservative so may be a velocity dependent potential so the generalized force is V is a sum Fi = −∇i V , Qi = or The Euler-Lagrange equations gives second order dierential equations, and the generalized coordinates system is said to have qi n constitutes the V ∂V d ∂V − ∂q + dt ( ∂ q̇i )). i n n dimensional conguration space, and the Conguration space degrees of freedom. The Euler-Lagrange equations follows d'Alembert's principle or can be derived from Hamilton's variational principle of the action integral ˆ ˆ t2 S= Action t2 Ldt = L (q(t), q̇(t), t) dt , t1 t1 i.e. that the action has to be stationary along the correct trajectory in conguration space to rst order (occasionally known as the 'The principle of least action') ˆ tion t2 δS = 0 = δ Principle of least ac- L (q(t), q̇(t), t) dt. t1 We have that for a generalized coordinate qi , the generalized canonical momentum Canonical momentum is given by pi = ∂L , ∂ q̇i with the usual physical interpretation. 2.2 Hamiltonian formulation The Hamiltonian of a system with freedom is n = 3N − k N particles and k constraints so the degrees of Hamiltonian is given by H(q, p, t) ≡ q̇i pi − L(q, q̇, t) , is a Legendre transformation of the Lagrangian, with momentum and qi pi = ∂L/∂ q̇i as the canonical as the canonical coordinate. From the Legendre transformation it is seen that the Euler-Lagrange equations has the equivalent formulation given in Hamilton's equations, Hamilton's equations 4 of 88 3 RELATIVISTIC CLASSICAL FIELD THEORY q̇i = ∂H , ∂pi ∂H , ∂qi ṗi = − ∂L ∂H =− . ∂t ∂t The Hamiltonian formulation now consists of that spans the 2n 2n rst order dierential equations, dimensional phase space of the canonical variables. Hamilton's Phase space equations can also be obtained from variation of the action, ˆ ˆ t2 t2 q̇i pi − Hdt = 0 . Ldt = δ δS = δ t1 t1 If the generalized coordinates doesn't depend on time, then H is the total energy of the system and is given by H = T + V. There are several other shortcuts to go from the Lagrangian to the Hamiltonian under certain circumstances, which can be seen in chapter 8.2 of [Goldstein]. A cyclic coordinate we have ṗi = − ∂H ∂qi qi is a coordinate that = 0 ⇒ pi = constant, H Cyclic coordinate doesn't depend explicitly on. Hence so the corresponding canonical momentum is conserved. 3 Relativistic classical eld theory In classical eld theory one treats the spatial variables as labels, just as time is just a label in ordinary Lagrangian or Hamiltonian formulation, but where the spatial coordinates remains function to be solve for. Hence it is very easy to obtain a fully covariant formulation of the equations of motion, and it follows very naturally from the notation used. φ(t, x, y, z) = coordinates Now we will end up having to solve our equation for a eld φ(xµ ) (and perhaps some extra variables) in stead of the generalized qi . One can say that q and φ is the same thing, but we have that continuously labeling of the coordinates, whereas q classical eld theory we have that the coordinates φ is a is discretely labeled. Hence in a xµ is completely independent. We could also imagine that the physics demand that the eld is a vector eld, φ, φν . This is for example the case i with the the electromagnetical elds, where we have E = (Ex , Ey , Ez ), but in a fully so that the eld may have several components covariant formulation of classical electrodynamics, we have that it is better formulate stu in the 4-vector potential Aµ . 3.1 Lagrangian density and the eld action We can go from the denition of the the Lagrangian to the Lagrangian density, which is the function that meets the requirement that 5 of 88 Lagrangian density 3 RELATIVISTIC CLASSICAL FIELD THEORY ˆ L= Ld3 xi , where we integrate over some region of R3 . We have that we can extend the denition of the action integral quite easily to a structure with much better properties than the former denition. We take ˆ Field action ˆ S= Ld4 xµ , Ldt = where we integrate over some region of the space-time (Minkowski space M= R1,3 ). Now, to the good properties: Since the innitesimal volume of the Minkowski space is invariant d4 xµ is Lorentz invariant, we have that the action is the same in all inertial frames and is Lorentz invariant. Hence, the variation gives the same result in all inertial frames, and we can be sure that the eld equations are covariant (given that L and other quantities used are Lorentz invariant). Example 1 . (Show that the action is Lorentz invariant) We start by show- 4 µ is invariant. We have by changing coordinates that ing that the measure d x µ 0 0 0 ∂(x ) 4 µ d4 xµ = ∂(x = 1d4 xµ = d4 xµ , since the determinant of the Jacobi maµ0 ) d x µ ∂(x ) trix = 1 because the corresponding transformation matrix belongs to the ∂(xµ0 ) Lorentz group. Hence we have for a region R of the space-time that ˆ ˆ 0 L0 d4 xµ = S 0 , 4 µ Ld x = S= R0 R and the action integral is shown to be Lorentz invariant. Variation of the eld The variation of the action integral by taking the deformation of the correct eld component φν φ̃ν;α = φν + αξν , to be where ξ is an arbitrary eld that vanishes at the start-point and end-point in space-time. We have that φ̃ν → φν for α → 0. ˆ ! ˆ dφ̃ν;α µ dS d dφν µ 4 µ 4 µ δS = δ L φν , µ , x d x = 0 ⇔ = L φ̃ , , x d x ν;α dx dα α=0 dxµ R R dα α=0 ˆ R ∂L ∂ φ̃ν;α ∂L + d φ̃ ∂ φ̃ν;α ∂α ∂ dxν;α µ 4 µ d x ∂α dφ̃ ∂ dxν;α µ = 0. α=0 We are actually taking functional partial derivatives here, not very rigoursly... We 1 can do some manipulation of the last part of the integral by integration by parts for each of the µ integrals: ˆ ∂L R ∂ dφ̃ν;α dxµ 1 ´ uv 0 dx = uv − ´ ∂ ∂α dφ̃ν;α dxµ ! d4 xµ = 0 u0 vdx 6 of 88 =0 3 ˆ End = RELATIVISTIC CLASSICAL FIELD THEORY ∂L dφ̃ ∂ dxν;α µ d ∂L ∂ φ̃ν;α d4 xµ µ dφ̃ν;α ∂α R dx ∂ dxµ Start ˆ d ∂L ∂ φ̃ν;α 4 µ =0− d x . µ dφ̃ ∂α R dx ∂ ν;α ∂ φ̃ν;α ∂α − dxµ ˆ =− R d ∂L ξν d4 xµ . dxµ ∂ dφ̃ν;α dxµ Where the last part follows since ∂ ∂α φν;α ∂ ∂α (φν = + αξν ) = ξν which must vanish at the start- and endpoint in spacetime. Hence we nd ˆ d ∂L ∂L 4 µ ξν − µ ξν d x dφ̃ dx R ∂ φ̃ν;α ∂ dxν;α µ α=0 ˆ ∂L d ∂L 4 µ = ξν d x − µ dφ̃ dx R ∂ φ̃ν;α ∂ dxν;α µ α=0 " !# ˆ ∂L d ∂L = ξν d4 xµ = 0 . − µ dx ∂ dφµν R ∂φν dS = dα α=0 dx If this is to be zero, we must have that the integrand is zero, since the variation ξν is arbitrary. Hence we nd the eld version of the Euler-Lagrange equations to be ∂L d − µ ∂φν dx ∂L Euler-Lagrange eqs ! dφν ∂ dx µ = 0. We can dene the proper eld theoretic generalization of the canonical momenta to be the Canonical momentum density ∂L ∂L Π = = , ∂ (∂0 φν ) ∂ φ̇ν ν 2 which is a eld in its own right, and not the same as the four-momentum at all . The interpretation is more like the it is the intrinsic momentum that the eld carries, not of any particle. One can go from the Lagrangian formulation to the Hamiltonian formulation of the elds in the same way as in regular analytical mechanics by performing a Legendre transformation, which with the proper generalization gives os the Hamiltonian density H H = Πν φ̇ν − L . The canonical momentum density is a contraction of the tensor eld Pνµ = ∂ (∂∂Lφ ) , which µ ν enters in the denition of the stress-energy tensor T µν . 2 7 of 88 Hamiltonian density 3 Example 2 RELATIVISTIC CLASSICAL FIELD THEORY (Derive the Lagrangian density for a classical eld of harmonic oscilla- tors, and nd the eld equations) . Consider rst the the classical simple harmonic oscillators with mass atated by a distance where ηi a. Let the i'th m and spring constant oscillator have the position is the deviation from the position (ηi+1 − ηi ), x-direction and say that we have ia. k seper- xi = ia + ηk , i ∈ Z, We have each spring is compressed and the Lagrangian for each oscillator is then 1 1 1 1 Li = Ti − Vi = mẋ2i − k(ηi+1 − ηi )2 = mη̇i2 − k(ηi+1 − ηi )2 . 2 2 2 2 And for all oscillators we have L= X1 X 1 1 1 mη̇i2 − k(ηi+1 − ηi )2 = a a−1 mη̇i2 − a−1 k(ηi+1 − ηi )2 . 2 2 2 2 i i We have that ma−1 = ` is the linear mass density, and ka = Y , where Y is Youngs modulus. Hence we have (ηi+1 − ηi )2 1 X 2 `η̇i − Y . L= a 2 a2 We have For a→0 we (ηi+1 − ηi )2 ηi+1 − ηi 2 ∂η(x, t) =( ) → for a → 0 . 2 a a ∂x ´ P dx, and η becomes continous in t have that a i → and x and we have ˆ 1 L= 2 ` ∂η(x, t) ∂t Hence, dropping the constant factor sions is L = ` ∂η ∂t 2 −Y ∂η ∂x 2 2 −Y ∂η(x, t) ∂x 2 dx . 1 2 the Lagrangian density in one spatial dimen- It is straightforward to see that in three spatial dimensions we have L = ` If we have ∂η ∂t 2 −Y ` = Y = 1, ∂η ∂x 2 + ∂η ∂y 2 + ∂η ∂z 2 ! = `∂ 0 η∂0 η + Y ∂ i η∂i η we have L = ∂ 0 η∂0 η + ∂ i η∂i η = ∂ µ η∂µ η . Putting into the Euler-Lagrange equation, we have ∂ (∂ µ η∂µ η) ∂L ∂L ∂ (∂ ν η∂ν η) 0 = − ∂µ = − ∂µ ∂η ∂ (∂µ η) ∂η ∂ (∂µ η) ν ∂ (∂ η∂ν η) = ∂µ = ∂µ (δνµ ∂ ν η) = ∂µ (∂ µ η) = ∂µ ∂ µ η ⇔ ∂ 2 η = 2 η = 0. ∂ (∂µ η) Hence, the governing equation is the wave equation, and the solutions are given by plane waves exp(ikµ xµ ). 8 of 88 4 LORENTZ TRANSFORMATIONS 4 Lorentz transformations 4.1 Lorentz transformation of coordinates and derivatives The laws of physics must be the same in all inertial systems, and the equations of motion must have the same form in any inertial system. The class of linear transformations of coordinates that leaves the 4-norm invariant is called the Lorentz Lorentz transforms transformations, and is of the form xµ = Λµρ xρ , This transformation must of course be bijective, and hence we must be able to perform Lorentz transformations back and forth between dierent inertial system, so there must always exist an inverse Lorentz transformation. The metric tensor gµν The metric is used to take inner products, raise and lower indicies. We have that the metric is symmetric; gµν = gνµ , and that the inverse metric has the same elements as the metric, but with raised indicies and hence we have gµα g αν = g αν g µα = Inverse metric δµν . We further have some restrictions on the possible transformation. First, the metric tensor must be unchanged under a Lorentz transformation, that is gµν Λµρ Λνσ = gρσ . We must have det Λ = ±1 to leave the spacetime volume invariant. This also comes from the fact that Lorentz transformations just are rotation in space-time. The Lorentz transformations constitutes a group, since a composition of any two Lorentz transformations is again a Lorentz transformation, and every Lorentz transformation has an inverse, and the Lorentz group can be represented in dierent ways. Innitesimal transform A innitesimal Lorentz transformation is given by Λµρ = δ µρ + δω µρ , , and the inverse transformation is given by Λµρ = δ µρ − δω µρ , Since we have 1. (1 + δω)(1 − δω) = 11 − 1δω + δω1 − δω 2 = 1 + O(δω 2 ) = If we restrict ourselves to the class of Lorentz transformations with 0 (the proper subgroup) and even further take Λ 0 ≥ 1, det Λ = 1 that corresponds to keep the direction of time, theese form the orthochronous subgroup. This subgroup is what Orthochronous is normally referred to very slobby as the Lorentz group, and is actually also a Lie group group (manifold and a group), since all of the transformations are continuous, and Lie group hence we can reach all transformations from the identity transformation by doing a series of innitesimal transformation. Also, we can develope the Lie algebra of the Lorentz group, which alow us to investigate the structure of the transformations even further. 9 of 88 Lie algebra sub- 4 LORENTZ TRANSFORMATIONS Example 3 (Show that for an innitesimal Lorentz transformation Λµρ = δµρ + δωµρ , δω µρ is an antisymmetric tensor (problem 2.1)). Let Λµρ = δ µρ +δω µρ be an innitesimal Lorentz transformation (that is to rst order in δω ). To let the length of a 4-vector be invariant, we must for any Lorentz transformation have that gµν Λµρ Λνσ = gρσ . Hence, by inserting Λµρ = δ µρ + δω µρ and Λνσ = δ νσ + δω νσ , expanding parentheses and contracting indicies, we have that gµν (δ µρ + δω µρ )(δ νσ + δω νσ ) = gµν (δ µρ δ νσ + δ µρ δω νσ + δω µρ δ νσ + δω µρ δω νσ ) = gµν (δ µρ δ νσ + δ µρ δω νσ + δ νσ δω µρ + O(δω 2 )) = gρσ + gµν (δ µρ δω νσ + δ νσ δω µρ ) Where we have neglected µ ν for gµν Λ ρ Λ σ = δω µρ δω νσ since δω µρ δω νσ = O(δω 2 ) gρσ to hold, we must have gµν (δ µρ δω νσ in the last line. Hence, + δ νσ δω µρ ) = 0. By contraction, we nd 0 = gµν (δ µρ δω νσ + δ νσ δω µρ ) = gµν δ µρ δω νσ + gµν δ νσ δω µρ = gρν δω νσ + gµσ δω µρ = δωρσ + δωσρ ⇒ δωρσ = −δωσρ . Hence δω µρ is an antisymmetric tensor. Notice, that we also have δω κτ = −δω τ κ by simply applying the inverse metric tensor two times to raise indicies, i.e. appling the tensor g κσ g τ ρ to both sides of the equation. 4.2 Unitary transformations in QM Sym.transforms in QM In quantum mechanics a continuous symmetry transformation is given by an element of the unitary group, which is called an unitary operator. An element U in the Unitary group (continuous) unitary group takes the general form U = exp (iαa T a ) , where Ta is the generators of the unitary group, and αa are a set of real numbers, that must have same dimension as the number of generators of the group. a generators T must be hermitian, (T a )† = The T a , since U † = exp (iαa T a )† = exp −iαa (T a )† = exp (−iαa T a ) . From this we see that we must have U †U = I , so the inverse operator is the 10 of 88 Inverse 4 adjoint, U −1 = U † . LORENTZ TRANSFORMATIONS For the group of continuous symmetry transformation, that is 3 by innitesimal transformations that are connected to the identity transformation transformations, and hence theese are the only ones we need to consider: U = I + iαa T a . A, the operator transforms as α with eigenvalue a transforms as α 0 = U −1 α If we do an unitary transformation of an operator A0 = U −1 AU , and an eigenvector 0 and must have a Operator transforma- tion = a, where the last equalty is required to leave the physics invariant under the transformation. We see that 0 A0 α = U −1 AU U −1 α = U −1 Aα = U −1 aα 0 = aU −1 α = aα . Hence the eigenvalue of A0 remains the same as for A for the transformed eigen- vector. We must have that any Lorentz transformation in QM depends on the coordinate transformation Λ, transformation Λ = 1 + δω , so the unitary operator is U (Λ). As an innitesimal Lorentz we can dene the generators of the Lorentz group by M µν i U (1 + δω) ≡ I + δωµν M µν , 2 since there can be maximally 42 = 16 generators for the group, but we have some restrictions that limits the number of independent generators to M µν antisymmetric since M µν δωνµ M νµ , and δωµν = µν also M must be hermitian operators. Since because U (Λ) δωµν Λ y U (Λ) 6: We must have is antisymmetric, and must be an isomorphism represents an unique transformation, the group product (composition of Lorentz transformations) must be preserved, and hence we have U (Λ0 )U (Λ) = U (Λ0 Λ) , U (Λ)−1 U (Λ0 )U (Λ) = U (Λ−1 Λ0 Λ) . As opposed to transformation that involve some kind of discrete transformation as represented by antiunitary operators, U −1 = −U † or some group product of a continuous group and a discrete group. 3 11 of 88 Isomorphism 4 LORENTZ TRANSFORMATIONS Example 4 (Show that for an Lorentz transformation Λ, the unitary representation −1 M µν U (Λ) = Λµ Λν M ρσ (problem 2.2)). We have that the representaobeys U (Λ) ρ σ tion map is a homomorphism, so we must have that for any Lorentz transformations 0 Lorentz transformation as Λ Λ, Λ0 . U (Λ)−1 U (Λ0 )U (Λ) = U (Λ−1 Λ0 Λ) We can use that we can write an innitesimal = 1 + δω , and do the following calculation on Λ−1 Λ0 Λ: Λ−1 Λ0 Λ = Λ−1 (1 + δω)Λ = Λ−1 1Λ + Λ−1 δωΛ = 1 + Λ−1 δωΛ . And since we have for an innitesimal transformation that i µν and 2~ δωµν M 1+ U (1 + δω) = I + Λ−1 δωΛ also is an innitesimal transformation, we have that U (Λ)−1 U (1 + δω)U (Λ) i U (Λ)−1 (I + δωµν M µν )U (Λ) 2~ i −1 U (Λ) (I + δωµν M µν )U (Λ) 2~ i I + δωµν U (Λ)−1 M µν U (Λ) 2~ = U (1 + Λ−1 δωΛ) i = I+ Λ−1 δωΛ ρσ M ρσ 2~ i = I + δωµν Λµρ Λνσ M ρσ 2~ i = I + δωµν Λµρ Λνσ M ρσ , 2~ δωµν is an arbitrary innitesimal Lorentz transformation, we must have −1 that U (Λ) M µν U (Λ) = Λµρ Λνσ M ρσ , which was what we wanted. and since 4.2.1 Derivative operators The derivative operator ∂µ Derivative operator transforms like ∂ µ = Λ−1 ρ µ ∂ρ = Λµρ ∂ρ , µ ∂ = Λµρ ∂ ρ , So this is also a linear transformation. The operator ∂2 is easily shown to be invariant. One can also show that given two elds φ, ϕ, we have ∂µ φ∂ µ ϕ = ∂ µ φ∂µ ϕ . Example 5 (Show that ∂µ φ∂ µ ϕ = ∂ µ φ∂µ ϕ). fullles We use that the metric and its inverse δνσ = gνξ g ξσ : ∂µ φ∂ µ ϕ = δνσ ∂σ φ∂ ν ϕ = gνξ g ξσ ∂σ φ∂ ν ϕ = ∂ ξ φ∂ξ ϕ = ∂ µ φ∂µ ϕ . As we wanted to show. 12 of 88 4 Example 6 (Show that ∂ µ = Λµρ ∂ρ ). ∂µ ≡ LORENTZ TRANSFORMATIONS By the chain rule we have ∂Λνρ xρ ∂ ∂ ∂xν ∂ ∂ = = Λνµ ν ≡ Λνµ ∂ ν . = ν ν µ µ µ ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂x Hence, the inverse yields the wanted relation: Λ−1 µ ∂ = Λ−1 ρ µ µ ρ Λνµ ∂ ν = δ νρ ∂ ν = ∂ ρ . As we wanted to show. 13 of 88 4 LORENTZ TRANSFORMATIONS 4.3 Lie algebra of the Lorentz group Example 7 (Find the commutator relations of the generators of the Lorentz' group (problem 2.3)) . We have that innitesimal transformation U (Λ)−1 = U (Λ−1 ) =I− U (Λ)−1 M αβ U (Λ) = Λαρ Λβσ M ρσ . Λ = 1+ δω , we have Λ−1 = 1 − δω , Using the and hence i µν 2 δωµν M . We nd i i αβ ργ ργ I − δωργ M I + δωργ M M = δ αµ + δω αµ δ βν + δω βν M µν 2 2 i i i i M αβ I + M αβ δωργ M ργ − δωργ M ργ M αβ I − δωργ M ργ M αβ δωξθ M ξθ 2 2 2 2 = δ αµ δ βν + δω βν + δω αµ δ βν + δω βν M µν Removing all terms that are O(δω 2 ), we nd i M αβ + δωργ M αβ M ργ − M ργ M αβ = M αβ + δ αµ δω βν M ρσ + δω αµ δ βν M µν ⇒ 2 i h i δωργ M αβ , M ργ = δω αµ M µβ + δω βν M αν . 2 We now factor out and 1 2 δωργ on the RHS by using the antisymmetry of M µβ = −M βµ and δω βν = −δωνβ changing the dummy index, to see that we can take out the metric = = = = = = i h i δωργ M αβ , M ργ 2 1 2δω αµ M µβ + 2δω βν M αν 2 1 − δω αµ M βµ − δωµα M βµ − δω βν M αν + δωνβ M αν 2 1 − δω αγ M βγ − δωρα M βρ − δω βγ M αγ + δωρβ M αρ 2 1 − g αρ δωργ M βγ − g αρ δωργ M βρ − g βρ δωργ M αγ + g βρ δωργ M αρ 2 1 αρ βγ βρ αγ αγ βρ βγ αρ − g M −g M − δωργ g M − g M 2 1 − δωργ g αρ M βγ − (α ↔ β) − (ρ ↔ γ) . 2 Hence, we nally have the commutator relations h i M αβ , M ργ = i g αρ M βγ − (α ↔ β) − (ρ ↔ γ) . Example 4 shows that the generators transforms as we expect any second-order tensor to do, so everything looks good. We can go even further by taking Λ = 1 + δω and derive some commutation relations for the generators of the Lorentz group to Commutation tions 14 of 88 rela- 4 LORENTZ TRANSFORMATIONS nd the Lie algebra of the Lorentz group as done in Example 7, so we get the commutation relations h i M αβ , M ργ = i g αρ M βγ − (α ↔ β) − (ρ ↔ γ) . This analysis shows that there are 6 generators for the Lorentz group; 3 boosts and 3 rotations (which gives 6 spacetime rotations), and the generators are the momentum, angular momentum and so forth. Theese commutator relations for the generator can be rewritten, if we take the denitions 1 Ji ≡ ijk M jk , Ki ≡ M i0 , 2 where Ji is the angular momentum operator (at least, it has the same form and Angular Ki is the boost operaνρ tor, which is the time part of M . With theese denitions, we get the following operator propities as the regular angular momentum operator), and momentum Boost operator equivalent commutation relations [Ji , Jj ] = iijk Jk , [Ji , Kj ] = iijk Kk , [Ki , Kj ] = −iijk Jk . Lie algebra This is the Lie algebra of the Lorentz group, and the physics behind this is of course that it does matter in which way one does rotations/boosts. algebra, since it is self-dening. It is a closed From this it is also somewhat easy to see that there are no nite-dimensional hermitian (matrix) representation, since we will get a contradiction from the fact that the trace of the operators is non-zero, but should be zero for nite hermitian matrices. 4.4 Lorentz transformation of scalar elds A classical eld φ(x) = φ(t, x) must be a Lorentz scalar and hence transform under 0 a Lorentz transformation of the coordinates x have φ(x) = = Λx 0 and the eld φ = Λ (φ) so we φ0 (x0 ). Similary a quantum eld, where φ̂(x) now is an operator, we must have that the transformation is given by unitary operators, and transforms according to φ̂(x) → φ̂0 (x) = U (Λ)−1 φ̂(x)U (Λ) = φ̂(Λ−1 x) . Derivatives of the eld transform as ρ U (Λ)−1 ∂ µ φ̂(x)U (Λ) = Λµρ ∂ φ̂(x̄) , 15 of 88 Lorentz scalar: φ0 (x0 ) = φ(x) φ(x) 7→ 4 LORENTZ TRANSFORMATIONS 2 U (Λ)−1 ∂ 2 φ̂(x)U (Λ) = ∂ φ̂(x) , Hence ∂ 2 φ̂(x) is a lorentz scalar, and ∂ µ φ̂(x) is a Lorentz vector. 4.5 Generalization of the Lorentz transformation Say that we have a physical object ♦A (x) that has some generic index A that runs over some discrete set. For this quantity to be Lorentz invariant, we must have that under a Lorentz transformation Λ we have U (Λ)−1 ♦A (x)U (Λ) = DAB (Λ)♦B (Λ−1 x) , where DAB (Λ) is some tensor/matrix that depends on the transformation Λ. To satisfy the group properties of the Lorentz group, we must have that DAB (Λ)DBC (Λ0 ) = DAB (ΛΛ0 ) . We call any matrices/tensors that fullls this for a representation of the Lorentz Representation group, since we will have the same commutation relation for a set of some generating matrices S αβ B A (set running over the double index A, B ) which may or may not be hermitian depending on what we choose S αβ B A , (S ργ )AB =i g αρ S βγ B A − (α ↔ β) − (ρ ↔ γ) , and a innitesimal transformation is given by i DAB (1 + δω) = IδAB + δωµν (S µν )AB . 2 Similarly one can go to tensor objects of arbitrary many indicies ♦A1 ...AN (x)by requiring that they are Lorentz invariant, that is transforms as U (Λ)−1 ♦A1 ...AN (x)U (Λ) = DAB11 · · · DABNN (Λ)♦B1 ...BN (Λ−1 x) . 4.6 Representation of the Lorentz group Denition 8. A representation of a Lie algebra homomorphism ρ vector space x∈L over some Lie group (product/Lie bracket preserving) from V , gl(V ), we have Representation L where the Lie bracket of ρx ∈ gl(V ) and V L L is a to endomorphisms of a is the commutator. Hence for ρ[x,y] = ρx ρy − ρy ρx . Informally, if we have some operators or matrices that has the same algebra as the Lorentz group, we say that it is a representation. Raising/lowering oper- One can dene the non-hermitian raising/lowering operators Ji+ = for which we have ators 1 1 (Ji + iKi ) , Ji− = (Ji − iKi ) , 2 2 † Ji+ = Commutation Ji− , and the commutation relations tions 16 of 88 rela- 4 h Ji+ , Jj− i LORENTZ TRANSFORMATIONS = 0, h i Ji+ , Jj+ = iijk Jk+ , h i Ji− , Jj− = iijk Jk− , which can be shown to be equivalent to the regular Lie algebra of the Lorentz group. Now, we have two closed rotation algebras for each Ji+ , Jj− that doesn't talk to each other, so that must mean that we can represent the Lorentz group by a group product of two smaller identical groups, that are isomorphic to the Lorentz group. There are no nite dimensional hermitian representation of the algebra, but Finite if we allow the matrices of the representation to be non-hermitian, we can nd nite matrices non-hermitian dimensional representations. The commutation relations for Ji+ , Jj− is just the standard angular momentum algebra from quantum mechanics, so there exists a number n± such that 2n± + 1 n± = 3 1 2 , 1, 2 , . . . is exactly the spin number from quantum mechanics. The representa- denes the dimension of the matrices in the representation, and this number 0, 4 tions are irreducible, which means that the only subrepresentations for a given n± are given by matrices of full rank or of zero-rank. We also know that for each n± Spin number Irreducible reps. the matrices have a set of (orthogonal) eigenvectors of full dimension that has the eigenvalues − |n± | , − |n± | + 1, . . . , n± − 1, n± sentations by a set of numbers . Thus we can label dierent repre- (2n+ + 1, 2n− + 1) for the corresponding representations matrices of sion of the quantum eld ϕ̂ is which is the set of dimensions Ji+ , Jj− , (2n+ + 1, 2n− + 1). and hence the dimen- Now since Ji+ † = Ji− , we can go from one representation to another just by taking the hermitian conjugate (2n+ + 1, 2n− + 1) y (2n− + 1, 2n+ + 1). Ji = + Ji together as Now since we have the regular (hermitian) angular momentum operator is Ji− + Ji+ , the spin of the eld is reduced to adding the spin of Ji− , Spin of eld in regular quantum mechanics. So we can in this way deduce that dierent types of quantum elds, since they must be Lorentz invariant, have dierent spin, and the representation of the Lorentz group we use corresponds to elds of particles with 5 dierent spin . We then know that the eigenvalues of 1, . . . , n+ + n− Ji is |n+ − n− | , |n+ − n− | + when the two parts of eld spin is coupled. Depending n± we have that the coupling gives rise to some decomposition of the representations in terms of higher/lower dimensional representations as given by the ClebschGordan expansion. The representation as written before gives that the quantum eld sion (2n+ + 1, 2n− + 1), ϕ̂ haves dimen- and the four rst representations are the most common: 4 Denition. A subspace W of V that is invariant under the group action is called a subrepresentation. One can say that the very existence of the Lorentz group leads to the fact that there must exist spin. 5 17 of 88 Eigenvalues of Ji 5 CONTINUOUS SYMMETRIES AND NOETHER'S THEOREM (2n+ + 1, 2n− + 1) Name of representation/eld Spin of corresponding eld (1, 1) Scalar 0 (2, 1) Left-handed spinor (1, 2) Right-handed spinor 1 2 1 2 (2, 2) Vector 1 5 Continuous symmetries and Noether's theorem6 Theorem 9 (Formal version). To every dierentiable symmetry generated by local actions, there corresponds a conserved current. Theorem 10 (Informal version). If a system has a continuous symmetry property, then there are corresponding quantities whose values are conserved in time. ´ Theorem 11 (Useful eld theoretic version). Suppose the action integral S = Ld4 xµ is invariant under a transformation of the eld φ (in the Lagrangian, which may be both classical or quantum) given by φ → φ + αf , where α is a scalar and f is a eld. Then there is exists a quantity that is conserved, namely a current j µ (the Noether ´ current), and some charge Q = d3 xi j 0 (x) (the Noether charge). Noether's theorem Noether's theorem was initially formulated for discrete systems and yields result as momentum and energy conservation for theese systems. However, it is quite easy to generalize it to eld theories, where it is very powerful and useful, and with no modications can also be applied to quantum eld theories. Example 12 (Various conservation laws) . If the Hamiltonian (Lagrangian) is in- dependent of time, Noether's theorem gives that the total energy of the system is conserved. If the Lagrangian has an cyclic coordinate, the corresponding generalized momentum conjugate to the cyclic coordinate is conserved, since d dt ∂L ∂ q̇i ∂L − ∂q = i d dt (pi ) = 0 ⇒ pi = constant. All of the discussion below applies also to elds with more components, but we will just formulate it for a scalar eld. If we take and f φ → φ + αf , where α is a scalar is some eld that this leaves the action invariant (that is given, we assume). Then when taking α to be a eld also, that the action is necessarily invariant! 0 Lagrangian as L = Lorginal + δL, where α → α(x), then it is no longer the case Assuming that we can write/rewrite the Lorginal the part of the Lagrangian that depends on is the original Lagrangian and αf , we can isolate δα = δL is ∂µ αdxµ to write ´ 4 0 δL = d xδL0 = µ α(x), then the variation of the action of the form δS = ´ 4 ´ 4 d xδL = d x [j µ (x)∂µ α(x)], then j µ (x) will be the conserved Noether current, ´ 4 when applying the equations of motion of the elds since δS = d xδLorginal = 0. j µ (x)∂ When we do a variation in the action with respect to α, δS 0 /δα, and we want this to be zero when the equations of motions are imposed for it to be a true symmetry. Hence we must have 6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noether's_theorem 18 of 88 Noether current 5 CONTINUOUS SYMMETRIES AND NOETHER'S THEOREM ˆ ˆ d x [j (x)δα] = d4 x [j µ (x)∂µ α(x)] ˆ = − d4 x [∂µ j µ (x)] α(x) 0 = 4 µ Where the last line follows from integration by parts. Hence we must have ∂µ j µ (x) = 0 , so j µ (x) is conserved. We can write this as a continuity equation ∂j 0 (x) ∂ρ(x) + ∇ · j(x) = 0 ⇔ + ∇ · j(x) = 0 , def ∂t ∂t and so we have the Noether charge Noether charge ˆ Q(t) = d3 xi j 0 (x) , is conserved, which can easily be shown from the continuity equation. This can be formulated very neatly in Pouls method below. Pouls method for applying Noether's theorem: 1. Identify 2. Take 3. α φ → φ + αf . as it was a eld, S is no longer invariant. that terms ∝ α(x) α → α(x) Factor (making it local). δS 0 = most vanish for ´ d4 xδL = δS 0 = 0 4. Apply equations of motion to check that since δS 0 = 0 ´ d4 x [j µ (x)∂µ α(x)] by noting α is actually a constant. to identify conserved current j µ (x). 5. Identify conserved charge. 19 of 88 5 CONTINUOUS SYMMETRIES AND NOETHER'S THEOREM Example 13 (Symmetry of the complex eld Lagrangian L = −∂µ φ∗ ∂ µ φ − m2 |φ|2 ). For the given Lagrangian, we can treat φ and φ∗ as independent elds, since we can express any of them as a sum of the real and imaginary part of dependent. We see that φ∗ → φ∗ e−iα ), L is invariant under the transformation φ, which are in- φ → φeiα since we will obtain the same Lagrangian. Hence, since α (and is a con- tinuous parameter, we have a continuous symmetry, and will now look for the corresponding conserved current of the theory. We will look at the innitesimal symmetry transformation, that is By inserting in L φ → φ+iφα (and φ∗ → φ∗ −iφ∗ α), and we will take α → α(x). we nd L0 = −∂µ (φ∗ − iφ∗ α) ∂ µ (φ + iφα) − m2 |φ|2 = Lorginal − i (∂µ φ∗ ∂ µ (φα) − ∂µ (αφ∗ ) ∂ µ φ) + O(α2 ) ⇒ δL = i (∂µ (αφ∗ ) ∂ µ φ − ∂µ φ∗ ∂ µ (φα)) = i ((∂µ α) φ∗ ∂ µ φ + α (∂µ φ∗ ) ∂ µ φ − ∂µ φ∗ (∂ µ φ) α − ∂µ φ∗ φ (∂ µ α)) = i ((∂µ α) φ∗ (∂ µ φ) − (∂µ φ∗ ) φ (∂ µ α)) = i (φ∗ ∂ µ φ − ∂ µ φ∗ φ) (∂µ α) . Hence, the candidate for the conserved current is j µ = i (φ∗ ∂ µ φ − φ∂ µ φ∗ ), for which we now must apply the equations of motion, which is easily seen to be the KleinGordon equation for each of the elds: ∂L −∂µ ∂φ ∂L ∂ (∂µ φ) 2 ∗ 2 ∗ =0⇒∂ φ =m φ ∂L , −∂µ ∂φ∗ ∂L ∂ (∂µ φ∗ ) = 0 ⇒ ∂ 2 φ = m2 φ . We then have ∂µ j µ = i∂µ (φ∗ ∂ µ φ − φ∂ µ φ∗ ) = i φ∗ ∂ 2 φ − φ∂ 2 φ∗ = i φ∗ m2 φ − φm2 φ∗ = 0 , so we see that jµ is a conserved current. 20 of 88 5 CONTINUOUS SYMMETRIES AND NOETHER'S THEOREM 5.1 Energy-momentum tensor Figure 1: Components of the Energy-momentum tensor. For any physical theory, we must have that the equations of motion must be invariant under a spacetime translation by a xed vector the Lagrangian L aµ , xµ → xµ + aµ . that is Hence Spacetime translation µ cannot depend on x but only dierences in coordinates that are invariant under Lorentz transformations. Now, to use Noethers theorem we assume that 7 by a Taylor expansion (for small values of aµ L aµ ) that and φ xµ , we have aµ ∂ µ L(x) and δφ(x) = depends of δL(x) = ∂ µ φ(x) ∂L ∂L δφ + δ(∂µ φ) ∂φ ∂(∂µ φ) ∂L ∂L ∂L δφ + ∂µ = − ∂µ δφ ∂φ ∂(∂µ φ) ∂(∂µ φ) | {z } δL = =0 for eqs. of motion ∂L ∂L δφ = ∂µ aν ∂ ν φ(x) ⇒ ∂(∂µ φ) ∂(∂µ φ) ∂L aν ∂ ν L(x) = aν ∂µ ∂ν φ ⇒ ∂(∂µ φ) ∂L ν ν 0 = aν ∂µ ∂ φ − δµ L ∂(∂ µ φ) ≡ aν Tµν , = ∂µ hence the quantity Tµν is conserved, and T is just what we will call the energy- momentum tensor: tensor Tµν = ∂L ∂ ν φ − δµν L . ∂(∂ µ φ) We can also write T µν = g µα Tαν = g µα 7 Energy-momentum ∂L ∂L ∂ ν φ − g µα δαν L = ∂ ν φ − δ µν L . α ∂(∂ φ) ∂(∂µ φ) f (x + a) = f (x) + aµ ∂ µ f (x) + O(a2 ) ⇔ δf = aµ ∂ µ f (x) 21 of 88 6 FREE QUANTUM FIELDS The energy-momentum tensor contains a lot of informations, and its components interprets as given in gure 1. Especially we see T00 = so this is just the H, ∂L ∂ 0 φ − L = Πφ̇ − L = H , ∂(∂ 0 φ) the hamiltonian density, which Tµν tells us is conserved. 6 Free quantum elds 6.1 Canonical quantization The standard procedure for obtaining a quantum eld theory is to perform a canonical Canonical quantization which comes to replacing classical elds and densities by operators, and tion quantiza- imposing commutation relations given below (putting 'hats' on everything). Hence we substitute φ(x) 7→ φ̂(x) which is now the quantum eld (which we would like to nd; there may be more quantum elds φ̂ν is a generalization of the coordinates, and Π(x) 7→ Π̂(x), which each gives an operator) which and impose the following canonical commutation relations (all given at the same time h Quantum eld t) Canonical c.r. i φ̂(x, t), φ̂(x0 , t) = 0 , ± h i Π̂(x, t), Π̂(x0 , t) = 0 , ± h i φ̂(x, t), Π̂(x0 , t) = iδ 3 (x − x0 ) , ± where we must choose the commutator for bosonic elds, and anti-commutator for fermionic elds. Strictly, these commutation relations are only valid for free elds (to be dened below), and we don't really know or care about interacting elds, since these can just be considered perturbations of the free eld. 6.2 The Klein-Gordon equation and free elds The Klein-Gordon equation is is Klein-Gordon eqs −∂ 2 + m2 f (x) = 0 , where f (x) = f (t, x, y, z) and m is some real parameter. The Klein-Gordon appears in many dierent contexts, and most importantly when one tries to square the Hamiltonian of a free relativistic particle H2 = P2 + m2 = ∇2 + H = √ P 2 c2 + m2 c4 = where ψ P 2 + m2 ⇒ m2 and inserts it in the square Schrödinger equation, which then yields that the equation of motion for a free particle is 0, √ is the wave-function. −∂ 2 + m2 ψ(x) = Looking at it this way however leads to having wavefunctions with negative energy - and even worse; normalization is not retained. The Klein-Gordon equation has plane-wave solutions of the type e i(~k·~ x−ωk t) q µ , ωk ≡ ~k 2 + m2 , ~k ∈ R3 ⇔ eikµ x , 22 of 88 Single relativistic particle 7 FREE SPIN-0 FIELDS which can put together in an superposition to form any real solution f (x) (by Fourier transformation) as f (x) = = where a(~k) ˆ h i 1 3~ ~k)ei(~k·~x−ωk t) + a∗ (~k)e−i(~k·~x−ωk t) d k a( (2π)3 ˆ h i 1 3~ ~k)eikµ xµ + a∗ (~k)e−ikµ xµ , d k a( (2π)3 is the Fourier coecients of f. A free eld theory is a theory where the particles doesn't interact. In mathe- matical terms, a free eld theory is that has linear equations of motion, that is, the Lagrangian contains terms that is at most quadric. Hence, a free eld must have a equation of motion given by the Klein-Gordon equation −∂ 2 + m2 φ̂(x) = 0 , which has the Lagrangian 1 1 L = − ∂ µ φ̂∂µ φ − m2 φ̂2 + Ω0 . 2 2 Perhaps with more indicies, several eld components and so on. 7 Free spin-0 elds When canonical quantization is performed, it yields the free bosonic eld when using commutators. In principle we should also be able to use anticommutators for all we know now, but we would quickly see that for the free eld we would get nonsense, which implies that spin-0 particles are bosons. For a classical eld the general solution ˆ φ(x) = φ is given by General solution h i ˆ h i d3~k ikµ xµ ∗ ~ −ikµ xµ ~ ˜ a(~k)eikµ xµ + a∗ (~k)e−ikµ xµ , a( k)e + a ( k)e = dk (2π)3 2ωk where the measure ˜ ≡ dk d3~k is Lorentz invariant as can be seen below. (2π)3 2ωk 23 of 88 7 Example 14 showing ´ = . d3~k is Lorentz invariant) This is equivalent to (2π)3 2ωk 3 ~ d k 2 2 0 dk 0 (2π) 3 δ(k + m )θ(k ), which is Lorentz invariant since it is (Show that d3~k 3 FREE SPIN-0 FIELDS ˜ = dk (2π) 2ωk 4 a d measure. We have ˆ ˆ d3~k δ(k 2 + m2 )θ(k 0 ) = dk (2π)3 ˆ d3~k X θ(k 0 ) = = dk 0 (2π)3 k =±ω 2k0 dk 0 0 0 since k 2 + m2 = 0 The factor θ(k 0 ) ~k X k0 =±ωk only has a zero at k02 = m2 + ~k 2 = ωk2 ⇒ k0 = ±ωk . arises since we only want orthosynchronous transformations. Going to quantum eld theory, we want to 'put hats' on φ, we see that the only factors that could become operators are and a∗ (~k) → ↠(~k). θ(k 0 ) d(k 2 + m2 )/dk 0 d3~k ˜ , = dk (2π)3 2ωk k for xed d3~k (2π)3 and trying to do this a(~k), so a(~k) → â(~k) Hence, a general quantum eld is given by ˆ φ̂(x) = General free quantum eld h i ˜ â(~k)eikµ xµ + ↠(~k)e−ikµ xµ . dk Now, we can nd the momentum density eld operator, which for the Klein- Momentum density Gordon eld is given as ˆ h i ˜ â(~k)∂0 eikµ xµ + ↠(~k)∂0 e−ikµ xµ Π̂(x) = ∂0 φ̂(x) = dk ˆ h i ˜ k â(~k)eikµ xµ − ↠(~k)e−ikµ xµ . = −i dkω Applying the commutation relations of φ̂(x) tation relations for the annihilation operator and â(~k) Π̂(x) can then give us commu- and the creation operator Applying the formulas and collecting in commutators of for â(~k) and ↠(~k), ↠(~k). we nd â(~k) that and ↠(~k) h i â(~k), â(~q) = 0 , h i ↠(~k), ↠(~q) = 0 , h i â(~k), ↠(~q) = (2π)3 2ωk δ 3 (~k − ~q) , which is the same commutation relations as for the usual creation/annihilation operators. Hence we should expect the same physical interpretation, in the matter of creating or annihilating states. We can rewrite the Hamiltonian in terms of the creation/annihilation operators by doing a lot of tedious algebra and integration: 24 of 88 Hamiltonian c.r. 7 ˆ Ĥ(t) = = = = = ˆ ˆ FREE SPIN-0 FIELDS 2 1 1 d xH = d x Πφ̇ − L = d x Π̂2 + ∇φ̂ + φ̂2 2 2 ˆ 1 ˜ k ↠(~k)â(~k) + â(~k)↠(~k) dkω 2 ˆ h i ˜ k ↠(~k)â(~k) + 1 â(~k), ↠(~k) dkω 2 ˆ ˜ k ↠(~k)â(~k) − π 3 δ 3 (~k − ~k) dkω ˆ ˜ k ↠(~k)â(~k) , dkω 3 where the term ´ 3 h ˜ k π 3 δ 3 (~k − ~k) dkω i 3 is very much innity, but we can allow ourself to ignore it since it is a 'constant shift', and theese has no inuence on the expectation values. There exists a state of the Hamiltonian Ĥ that has energy zero, since bounded from below. We will call this state the vacuum state â(~k) |0i = 0 † k) (and equivivalently h0| â (~ terminology that ↠(~k) |0i = 0). is an eigenstate of |0i, Ĥ is and it must fulll We will now see as expected by Ĥ 8 : ˆ † ˜ 0 ωk0 ↠(~k 0 )â(~k 0 )↠(~k) |0i dk ˆ h i ˜ 0 ωk0 ↠(~k 0 ) â(~k 0 ), ↠(~k) + ↠(~k)â(~k 0 ) |0i = dk ˆ h i ˜ 0 ωk0 ↠(~k 0 ) â(~k 0 ), ↠(~k) |0i = dk ˆ ˜ 0 ωk0 ↠(~k 0 )2π 3 2ωk0 δ 3 (~k 0 − ~k) |0i = dk ˆ = d3~k 0 ωk0 ↠(~k 0 )δ 3 (~k 0 − ~k) |0i Ĥâ (~k) |0i = = ωk ↠(~k) |0i , p ωk = ~k 2 + m2 . This we can † k) created a particle with momentum ~ interpret as â (~ k and mass m. The same way QN † † † † ~ ~ ~ ~ we can show that â (k1 )â (k2 ) · · · â (kM ) |0i = n=1 â (kn ) |0i ≡ |k1 k2 · · · kN i is an PN eigenstate of Ĥ with eigenvalue ωk1 + ωk2 + . . . ωkN = n=1 ωkn : so 8 ↠(~k) |0i h is really an eigenstate with eigenvalue i Using â(~k0 ), ↠(~k) = â(~k0 )↠(~k) − ↠(~k)â(~k0 ) = 2π 3 δ 3 (~k0 − ~k) ⇔ â(~k0 )↠(~k) = ↠(~k)â(~k0 ) + 2π 3 δ 3 (~k0 − ~k) 25 of 88 Vacuum state 7 FREE SPIN-0 FIELDS ˆ Ĥ |k1 k2 · · · kN i = = = = = = ˜ 0 ωk0 ↠(~k 0 )â(~k 0 )↠(~k1 )↠(~k2 ) · · · ↠(~kM ) |0i dk ˆ n o ˜ 0 ωk0 ↠(~k 0 ) â(~k 0 )↠(~k1 ) ↠(~k2 ) · · · ↠(~kM ) |0i dk ˆ h i ˜ 0 ωk0 ↠(~k 0 ) â(~k 0 ), ↠(~k1 ) + ↠(~k1 )â(~k 0 ) ↠(~k2 ) · · · ↠(~kM ) |0i dk ˆ ˜ 0 ωk0 ↠(~k 0 ) 2π 3 2ωk0 δ 3 (~k 0 − ~k1 ) + ↠(~k1 )â(~k 0 ) ↠(~k2 ) · · · ↠(~kM ) |0i dk ˆ d3~k 0 ωk0 δ 3 (~k 0 − ~k1 ) ↠(~k 0 ) · · · ↠(~kM ) |0i ˆ n o ˜ 0 ωk0 ↠(~k 0 )↠(~k1 ) â(~k 0 )↠(~k2 ) · · · ↠(~kM ) |0i + dk ˆ h i ˜ 0 ωk0 ↠(~k 0 )↠(~k1 ) â(~k 0 ), ↠(~k2 ) + ↠(~k2 )â(~k 0 ) · · · ↠(~kM ) |0i ωk1 |k1 k2 · · · kN i + dk . . . = N X ! ωkn |k1 k2 · · · kN i , n=1 and hence |k1 k2 · · · kN i is an eigenstate of Ĥ . Notice that the calculation above implies that the particles obey Bose-Einstein statistics, since ↠(~kj )↠(~ki ) by the commutation rules, so we have that ↠(~ki )↠(~kj ) = |k1 · · · ki · · · kj · · · kN i = Bose-Einstein tics |k1 · · · kj · · · ki · · · kN i for arbitrary i, j , so the states are symmetric under exchange of particles. 7.1 Lorentz transformation of elds and operators We know from the discussion of section 4.4 that we must have φ̂(Λ−1 x). U (Λ)−1 φ̂(x)U (Λ) = In terms of the creation/annihilation operators, we have ˆ h i ˜ â(~k)eikµ xµ + ↠(~k)e−ikµ xµ U (Λ) φ̂(x)U (Λ) = U (Λ) dk ˆ h i ˜ U (Λ)−1 â(~k)U (Λ)eikµ xµ + U (Λ)−1 ↠(~k)U (Λ)e−ikµ xµ = = dk ˆ h i −1 ˜ â(~k)eikΛ−1 x + ↠(~k)e−ikΛ−1 x (φ̂(Λ x) ⇒) = dk ˆ h i 0 ˜ 0 â(Λ−1~k 0 )eiΛ−1 k0 Λ−1 x + ↠(Λ−1~k 0 )e−iΛ−1 k0 Λ−1 x (changing variables to k = Λk) = dk ˆ h i ˜ â(Λ−1~k)eiΛ−1 kΛ−1 x + ↠(Λ−1~k)e−iΛ−1 kΛ−1 x = dk ˆ h i ˜ â(Λ−1~k)eikµ xµ + ↠(Λ−1~k)eikµ xµ , = dk U (Λ) −1 −1 This gives us that the creation/annihilation operators transforms as they should, that is U (Λ)−1 â(~k)U (Λ) = â(Λ−1~k) , U (Λ)−1 ↠(~k)U (Λ) = ↠(Λ−1~k) , 26 of 88 Transformation statis- 7 and we have that as a consequence of this that a state |k1 k2 · · · kN i FREE SPIN-0 FIELDS ↠(~k) = U (Λ)−1 ↠(Λ~k)U (Λ), so transforms as N −1 Y U (Λ) |k1 k2 · · · kN i = i=1 N −1 Y = i=1 N Y ! † U (Λ)â (~ki )U (Λ) −1 U (Λ)↠(~kN ) |0i ! U (Λ)↠(~ki )U (Λ)−1 ! † −1 U (Λ)â (~ki )U (Λ) = U (Λ)↠(~kN )U (Λ)−1 |0i |0i i=1 = |Λk1 Λk2 · · · ΛkN i where we in line two have inserted an |0i → U (Λ)−1 |0i, since we must have |0i = U (Λ)−1 |0i for the vacuum state since nothing happens there. |k1 k2 · · · kN i Hence have that transforms as any vector is suppose to. 7.2 Simple inner products and expectation values of states For the vacuum state we have that it is normalized, so h0|0i = 1 , and it is easy to see (using â(~k) |0i = 0 and h0| ↠(~k) = 0) that D E hk1 · · · kN |0i = k1 · · · kN |â(~kM ) · · · â(~k1 )|0 = 0 unless k1 = k2 = . . . = kN = 0 , and the normalization 0 k|k = (2π)2 2ωδ 3 (k − k0 ) . We also have that D D ˆ E h i µ µ ik x † −ik x µ µ ˜ â(~k)e 0|φ̂|0 = 0| dk + â (~k)e |0 ˆ h i ˜ h0| â(~k) |0i eikµ xµ + h0| ↠(~k) |0i e−ikµ xµ = dk ˆ h i ˜ 0eikµ xµ + 0e−ikµ xµ = 0. = dk k|φ̂|0 E ˆ h i ˜ 0 â(~k 0 )eikµ0 xµ + ↠(~k 0 )e−ikµ0 xµ |0 k| dk ˆ i h 0 xµ 0 xµ 0 0 ikµ † ~ 0 −ikµ ˜ ~ ~ ~ = 0| dk â(k)â(k )e + â(k)â (k )e |0 = = ... = eikx . 27 of 88 8 INTERACTION AND SCATTING IN SPIN-0 THEORIES 8 Interaction and scatting in spin-0 theories Figure 2: Sketch that shows why we can treat interactions as pertubations; elds are free most of the time anyway. As the gure above indicates, particles are most of the time free (or can at least be treated so), and the physics (that we are interested in) happens on very short timescales and spatial regions (but may be 'wild'), so we can just treat interaction between particles as a pertubation to the previous derived free particle Hamiltonian. To develope this, it is neat to realize that quantum mechanics can take place in dierent 'pictures', that is dierent views on how the system evolves in time an place, but which of course yields same physics (expectation values). Pictures We have the three most important: The Schrödinger picture (time evolution of the wavefunction), the Heisenberg picture (time evolution of operators), and the interaction picture (a mix between the two former). The Schrödinger picture Schrödinger picture In the Schrödinger picture, one looks at the operators are constant, but the states evolve in time. To make translations in time, we need to dene the time evolution operator U (t, t0 ) ≡ exp −iĤ(t − t0 ) , which of course is unitary and have the property that |ψ(t)i = U (t, t0 ) |ψ(t0 )i . When taking expectation values of an operator Q̂ we get an expression of the kind D E E D E D E D Q̂(t) = ψ(t)|Q̂|ψ(t) = ψ(t)|U † (t, t0 )Q̂U (t, t0 )|ψ(t) = ψ(t)|eiĤ(t−t0 ) Q̂e−iĤ(t−t0 ) |ψ(t) . S 28 of 88 8 INTERACTION AND SCATTING IN SPIN-0 THEORIES The Heisenberg picture Heisenberg picture In the Heisenberg picture, the states are constant in time, but the operators evolves in time. Time evolution of the operators are given by Q̂(t) = U † (t, t0 )Q̂(t0 )U (t, t0 ) = eiĤ(t−t0 ) Q̂(t0 )e−iĤ(t−t0 ) , so when we are taking expectation values we have D E Q̂(t) H D E D E D E , = ψ|Q̂(t)|ψ = ψ(t0 )|U † (t, t0 )Q̂U (t, t0 )|ψ(t0 ) = Q̂(t) S so the two pictures are equvalent when it comes to the physics. 8.1 The interaction picture, Dyson expansion Interaction picture In the interaction picture we will have a mix of the two, since this will suit us best when we want to do pertubation theory in quantum eld theory. We assume that the Hamiltonian (of the Schrödinger picture) can be written as Ĥ = Ĥ0 + ĤI , where Ĥ0 is the 'unpertubed' Hamiltonian (which we assume we can solve exactly), and ĤI is the interaction Hamiltonian. For an operator Q̂, we will do a time evolution by Ĥ0 only, so Q̂I (t) = eiĤ0 (t−t0 ) Q̂(t0 )e−iĤ0 (t−t0 ) , and we must compensate for not taking the full Hamiltonian for time evolution, so the states must be pushed forward in time by |ψ(t)i = eiĤ0 (t−t0 ) e−iĤ(t−t0 ) |ψ(t0 )i , since we wil now have D E Q̂(t) I D E ψ(t)|Q̂I (t)|ψ(t) D E = ψ(t0 )|eiĤ(t−t0 ) e−iĤ0 (t−t0 ) eiĤ0 (t−t0 ) Q̂(t0 )e−iĤ0 (t−t0 ) eiĤ0 (t−t0 ) e−iĤ(t−t0 ) |ψ(t0 ) D E D E D E = ψ(t0 )|eiĤ(t−t0 ) Q̂(t0 )e−iĤ(t−t0 ) |ψ(t0 ) = Q̂(t) = Q̂(t) , = H S so the physics is the same. The advantage comes now when dening UI (t, t0 ) ≡ i Ĥ 0 e (t−t0 ) e−iĤ(t−t0 ) , and the job is now to evaluate this in a good way. We see that fullles the dierential equation i ∂ UI (t, t0 ) = eiĤ0 (t−t0 ) Ĥ − Ĥ0 e−iĤ(t−t0 ) ∂t = eiĤ0 (t−t0 ) ĤI (t0 )e−iĤ(t−t0 ) = ĤI (t)U (t, t0 ) , which is to say that it is the interaction that drives the time evolution of the 29 of 88 8 INTERACTION AND SCATTING IN SPIN-0 THEORIES state. This equation can we solve for get an approximation to UI (t, t0 ) UI (t, t0 ) in an iterative way, so that we can as good as we want. We have then the following integral equation: ˆ t ∂ UI (t0 , t0 )dt0 = I − i ∂t UI (t, t0 ) = I + t0 ˆ t ĤI (t0 )U (t0 , t0 )dt0 . t0 To a zero'th order approximation we simply have UI0 (t, t0 ) = I , and then to a rst order approximation we get ˆ UI1 (t, t0 ) t =I −i ĤI (t0 )dt0 , t0 and to a second order approximation we have ˆ ˆ tˆ t UI2 (t, t0 ) = I − i t0 To n'th t2 ĤI (t1 )dt1 − dt2 dt1 ĤI (t2 )ĤI (t1 ) , t0 t0 order we have the Dyson series UIn (t, t0 ) ˆ n X =I+ (−i)j j=1 Dyson series ˆ ··· dtn · · · dt1 ĤI (tn ) · · · ĤI (t1 ) t0 <t1 <···<tn <t This formal solution will eventually diverge when taking many terms, and so is an asymptotic series (diverges in the innity, but converges at high nite order of Asymptotic series expansion, which yields a good approximation). If we look at the expansion, we see that it is actually time-ordered with the latest times at the left and the earliest times at the right. We can dene the time-ordering symbol T operators to simplify the expression quite a bit. The time-ordering symbol of two A and B is given as A(t )B(t ) 1 2 TA(t1 )B(t2 ) = B(t )A(t ) 2 1 if t1 > t2 if t2 > t1 = θ(t1 − t2 )A(t1 )B(t2 ) + θ(t2 − t1 )B(t2 )A(t1 ) , and so forth to many operators. 30 of 88 Time ordering Time ordering symbol 8 Figure 3: INTERACTION AND SCATTING IN SPIN-0 THEORIES Illustration that shows what the time ordering does (Source: http://bolvan.ph.utexas.edu/~vadim/Classes/2008f.homeworks/dyson.pdf ) If we take a look at gure 3, we see that for the case with the intergral over two operators, we because of the symmetry that we have two identical operators that are beeing time orderet that the two intergrals in the second line are identical and hence we have ˆ t T 0 ĤI (t )dt 0 ˆ t ˆ 2 t dt2 dt1 ĤI (t2 )ĤI (t1 ) = T t0 ˆ t0 tˆ t ≡ t0 dt2 dt1 TĤI (t2 )ĤI (t1 ) t0 t0 ˆ t ˆ t1 ˆ tˆ = t0 t0 ˆ tˆ t2 t0 and so on for larger exponents than T 0 0 ĤI (t )dt t0 t0 dt2 dt1 ĤI (t2 )ĤI (t1 ) , t0 t dt1 dt2 ĤI (t2 )ĤI (t1 ) t0 = 2 ˆ t2 dt2 dt1 ĤI (t2 )ĤI (t1 ) + 2 we have: ˆ n ˆ ··· = n! dtn · · · dt1 ĤI (tn ) · · · ĤI (t1 ) . t0 <t1 <···<tn <t We then see that the formal solution is ˆ t ˆ t n X j 1 = I+ (−i) ··· dtn · · · dt1 TĤI (tn ) · · · ĤI (t1 ) ⇒ j! t0 t0 j=1 ˆ t ∞ 0 0 UI (t, t0 ) = UI (t, t0 ) = T exp −i ĤI (t )dt . UIn (t, t0 ) t0 This result we can just expand at any order we like to get the required accuracy. 31 of 88 8 INTERACTION AND SCATTING IN SPIN-0 THEORIES 8.2 Interaction picture in spin-0 quantum eld theories Now comes the real deal; going to quantum eld theory in the interaction-picture. The time-evolution of the eld is just by the free eld (Heisenberg-evolution), so we have for some initial eld conguration evolution φ̂I (x) φ̂(t0 , ~x) that the interaction picture time- is: φ̂I (x) = φ̂I (t, ~x) = eiĤ0 (t−t0 ) φ̂(t0 , ~x)e−iĤ0 (t−t0 ) . All of the perturbation happens in the states. We must take the elds as time ordered since, we are going to expand the interaction Hamiltonian according to the time-ordered Dyson expansion, so we dene the time ordering of the eld operators is given by Time ordering Tφ̂(x)φ̂(x0 ) = θ(t − t0 )φ̂(x)φ̂(x0 ) + θ(t0 − t)φ̂(x0 )φ̂(x) . Say we want to nd the vacuum expectation value of this two-point correlation function Two-point correlation function 0 0 F(x, x ) = Tφ̂(x)φ̂(x ) , which could be interpret as nding the amplitude of particles of the eld interacting with as φ2 . It is useful to make sure that Ĥ |0i = 0 (can by done by an arbitrary constant shift in Hamiltonian) and if the vacuum state has the lowest energy, that is, that |0i is the ground state of Ĥ . expres the true ground state of If we don't have that this is fullled, then we must Ĥ , called |Ωi, in terms of |0i in some way to make True ground state sure that we can take vacuum expectation values, since we are treating everything above the free eld as a pertubation. The formula relating the two is |Ωi = where e−iĤT |0i , T →∞(1−i) e−iE0 T hΩ|0i lim D E E0 = Ω|Ĥ|Ω is the true ground state energy. When taking expectation |Ωi of some time-ordered product of eld operators, we have values with repect to the the relation to the vacuum state as True-vacuum state relation D D n o E Ω|T φ̂(x1 ) · · · φ̂(xN ) |Ω = lim T →∞(1−i) so we can always just evaluate n o E ´T 0|T φ̂(x1 ) · · · φ̂(xN )e−i T dtHI (t) |0 D E , ´T 0|Te−i T dtHI (t) |0 D n o E ´T 0|T φ̂(x1 ) · · · φ̂(xN )e−i T dtHI (t) |0 and nor- malize it properly afterward. If we now want to evaluate the vacuum expectation value of the two-point correlation function, we have that D E D E D E 0|Tφ̂(x)φ̂(x0 )|0 = θ(t − t0 ) 0|φ̂(x)φ̂(x0 )|0 + θ(t0 − t) 0|φ̂(x0 )φ̂(x)|0 , 32 of 88 ground 8 INTERACTION AND SCATTING IN SPIN-0 THEORIES and thus we only need to calculate D E 0|φ̂(x)φ̂(x0 )|0 to get the full time-ordered product, since we can just swap the names of the variables. We have D 0|φ̂(x)φ̂(x0 )|0 E ˆ ˆ h ih i ˜ dk ˜ 0 â(~k)eikµ xµ + ↠(~k)e−ikµ xµ â(~k 0 )eikµ0 x0µ + ↠(~k 0 )e−ikµ0 x0µ |0 0| dk ˆ ˆ D h i E ˜ dk ˜ 0 0| â(~k), ↠(~k 0 ) |0 eikµ xµ eikµ0 x0µ = dk = ˆ = d3~k 0 eik(x−x ) . 3 (2π) 2ωk 8.2.1 The Feynman propagator Figure 4: Feynman outside Plot that propagator, of the shows and light-cone, the one but amplitude can falls and phase see that it is of very quickly of the non-zero (Source: http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2009/03/the_algebra_of_grand_unied_t_1.html). The last integral can be evaluated by Cauchy's residue theorem in terms of Bessel functions, and totally when adding the step-functions θ Feynman solved it in terms of the Feynman propagator makes it complicated, but ∆(x − x0 ) to nd Feynman propagator 33 of 88 8 D INTERACTION AND SCATTING IN SPIN-0 THEORIES ˆ 0 E 1 eik(x−x ) 1 d4 k 0|Tφ̂(x)φ̂(x0 )|0 = ∆(x − x0 ) ≡ , > 0. i i (2π)4 k 2 + m2 − i One can say that the Feynman propagator propagates the eld interaction (in terms of some virtual particles, that mediates the interaction and only exists for a Virtual particles short while). It is of course Lorentz invariant, but is not exactly causal in the usual sense. It is non-zero outside of the lightcone, but only noticeable around x − x0 = 0 which one can interprets as the virtual particles may break causality and travel faster than light, but as the name suggest the virtual particles must disappear before we can ever peform measurements that shows their existence. We can't actually construct such experiments, since this would destroy the quantum states upon measuring. In momentum space, the Feynman propagator is just the Fourier transform of 1 i ∆(x − x0 ), so we have 1˜ −i ∆(p) = 2 i p + m2 − i Mathematical details: The poles of the Feynman propagator is 4 (o the real axis' in C ), and the small k 0 = ± (ωk − i) Poles > 0 is just to make integration simple so we won't integrate over some singularities in R4 , and in the end we will just take →0 if we ever need it. 8.2.2 n-point correlation function and Wick's theorem When we have a correlation function with n eld terms, n o F(x1 , . . . , xn ) = T φ̂(x1 ) · · · φ̂(xn ) , and we would like to evaluate the time-ordered vacuum expectation value of this, we can start with Tφ̂(x)φ̂(x0 ) and do induction from there. Dene: ˆ φ̂+ I (x) ≡ ˜ ~k)eikµ xµ , φ̂− (x) ≡ dkâ( I We then have the original eld given by φ̂(x)φ̂(x0 ) (for t> ˆ ˜ † (~k)e−ikµ xµ . dkâ − φ̂I (x) =h φ̂+ I (x) + φ̂I (x) i. t0 ) in terms of the commutator φ̂+ I (x), 0 φ̂− I (x ) We can rewrite and some other terms. We nd that + − − 0 + 0 0 0 φ̂I (x)φ̂I (x0 ) = φ̂+ (x)φ̂− φ̂− (x)φ̂+ I (x)φ̂I (x ) + φ̂ I (x ) + I (x ) + φ̂I (x)φ̂I (x ) hI i I + 0 + − 0 − 0 + − + 0 − − 0 = φ̂+ I (x)φ̂I (x ) + φ̂I (x)φ̂I (x ) + φ̂I (x )φ̂I (x) + φ̂I (x)φ̂I (x ) + φ̂I (x)φ̂I (x ) h i + − 0 − = φ̂I (x), φ̂I (x ) + N (φ̂+ I , φ̂I ) , where − + + 0 − 0 + − + 0 − − 0 N (φ̂+ I , φ̂I ) = φ̂I (x)φ̂I (x ) + φ̂I (x )φ̂I (x) + φ̂I (x)φ̂I (x ) + φ̂I (x)φ̂I (x ) is a normal ordering of − φ̂+ I , φ̂I , that is, all of the â operators to the right and all of † the â 's to the left. For any normal ordering of elds, we have that 34 of 88 Normal ordering 8 INTERACTION AND SCATTING IN SPIN-0 THEORIES h0|N |0i = 0 . We have that h φ̂+ I (x), i 0 φ̂− I (x ) ˆ ˆ h i ˜ 0 â(~k)↠(~k 0 )eikx−k0 x0 − ↠(~k 0 )â(~k)eikx−k0 x0 ˜ dk dk ˆ ˆ h i ˜ 0 â(~k), ↠(~k 0 ) eikx−k0 x0 ˜ dk = dk ˆ d3 k 0 eik(x−x ) , = 3 (2π) 2πωk = Which is a part of the Feynman propagator written in sums of step-functions. If we evaluate the whole time-ordered product, we will then nd that to its contraction φ(x)φ(x0 ) (now dropping the subscript I φ̂(x)φ̂(x0 ) is equal since it is understood that Contraction we are working the interaction picture, and the hats) plus some normal-ordered terms N, where the contraction is dened as: h i φ̂+ (x), φ̂− (x0 ) I I i φ(x)φ(x0 ) ≡ h φ̂+ (x0 ), φ̂− (x) I I We can absorb φ(x)φ(x0 ) , t > t0 1 = ∆(x − x0 ) . i , t0 > t into the normal ordering since it is just a number and thus we can write n o T φ̂(x)φ̂(x0 ) = N φ̂(x)φ̂(x0 ) + φ̂(x)φ̂(x0 ) , and to be explicit in this notation D n o E D E 0|T φ̂(x)φ̂(x0 ) |0 = 0|N φ̂(x)φ̂(x0 ) + φ̂(x)φ̂(x0 ) |0 D E = 0φ̂(x)φ̂(x0 )|0 = φ̂(x)φ̂(x0 ) h0|0i = 1 ∆(x − x0 ) . i Wick's theorem is very useful, since it states that any time-ordered products of Wick's theorem elds can be written as contractions plus normal-ordered products. We have explicit: n o T φ̂(x1 ) · · · φ̂(xn ) = N φ̂(x1 ) · · · φ̂(xn ) + all possible contractions . As a consequence of this, the only terms that will count when calculating the vacuum expectation values is the fully contracted terms (that is with contraction symbol connecting every eld), because the uncontracted part of the term can be normal-ordered to give zero. Further because of this we have that any time-ordered product of uneven number of eld operators has expectation value 0, because for the the terms that are contracted as much as possible we still have it D E ∝ 0|φ̂|0 = 0. 35 of 88 Fully contracted 8 Hence INTERACTION AND SCATTING IN SPIN-0 THEORIES n o T φ̂(x1 ) · · · φ̂(xn ) is equal to sums of products of Feynman propagators, that reduces the workload quite a bit when evaluating the pertubation series. It is now a matter of combinatorics to determine the the number of distinct ways to do this, since the Feynman propagator is symmetric in the argument, 1 1 ∆(x − x0 ) = ∆(x0 − x) , i i ∆(x − x0 ) = ∆(x0 − x) so we have many terms that are the same when evaluating later on. Example 15 (Find the vacuum expectation value of . terms of Feynman propagators) n o T φ̂(x1 )φ̂(x2 )φ̂(x3 )φ̂(x4 ) in We have T {φ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(x3 )φ(x4 )} = N (φ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(x3 )φ(x4 ) + all possible contractions) = N φ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(x3 )φ(x4 ) + φ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(x3 )φ(x4 ) +φ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(x3 )φ(x4 ) + φ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(x3 )φ(x4 ) +φ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(x3 )φ(x4 ) + φ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(x3 )φ(x4 ) +φ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(x3 )φ(x4 ) + φ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(x3 )φ(x4 ) + φ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(x3 )φ(x4 ) + φ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(x3 )φ(x4 ) . Hence the vacuum expectation value is only the last three terms. 1 1 ∆(x1 − x2 ) ∆(x3 − x4 ) i i 1 1 + ∆(x1 − x3 ) ∆(x2 − x4 ) i i 1 1 + ∆(x1 − x4 ) ∆(x2 − x3 ) i i = −∆(x1 − x2 )∆(x3 − x4 ) h0|T {φ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(x3 )φ(x4 )} |0i = −∆(x1 − x3 )∆(x2 − x4 ) −∆(x1 − x4 )∆(x2 − x3 ) . We can generalize the notion of contraction to also contain external contractions External contraction by some state that is not the vacuum state. We have φ(x) |pi = e−ipx |0i , hp| φ(x) = h0| eipx . Again Wick's theorem applies, so the calculation of D E D E f |Ŝ|i = k1 k2 . . . km |Ŝ|p1 p2 . . . pk is simplied a great deal when doing this. Each particle should be drawn as a external line, that then might go into an interaction vertex. D i k1 k2 . . . km |T̂ |p1 p2 . . . pk E , since D Actually one E ˆ k1 k2 . . . km |I|p1 p2 . . . pk = 0 calculates just unless it is the same number of particles, and they have the same momentum. 36 of 88 External line 8 INTERACTION AND SCATTING IN SPIN-0 THEORIES 8.2.3 Feynman diagrams and rules in spin-0 theories The previous use of Wicks theorem can be represented as Feynman diagrams, which Feynman diagrams are spacetime diagrams with a 'time axis' and a 'space axis'. The rules of computing numbers from these diagrams can be derived from the contractions, and does depend on what the perturbation looks like. Each Feynman propagator is an internal line, that is drawn as a line between the two spacetime points with verticies on the ends. At each vertex we write −ig (in momentum space), where g is the coupling constant of the interaction. At every vertex momentum is conserved, which can also be shown by explicit calculations, so this must also be implied on the diagrams; the total momentum of each vertex must be zero. All of the combinatorial factors from the propagator-expansion, is exactly canceled when drawing all of the topologically inequivalent Feynman diagrams. Finally, Topologically inequiv- to obtain the expectation value (to the given order), everything is multiplied together. alent Example 16 tonian rst HI order (Find = we λ D ´ n o E ´∞ 0|T φ̂(x1 )φ̂(x2 )e−i ∞ dtHI (t) |0 d3 zφ(z)2 −i e have ´∞ ∞ using dtHI (t) Feynman = gives h0|T {φ(x1 )φ(x2 )} |0i = ´ 3 −iλ 0|T φ(x1 )φ(x2 ) d zφ(z)φ(z) |0 just I − iλ 1 i ∆(x1 for the interaction Hamil- diagrams ´ to d3 zφ(z)2 . − x2 ). . rst order) The The rst second and by example 14 we have by To term term is z 7→ x3 , x4 ˆ −iλ 0|T d3 zφ(x1 )φ(x2 )φ(z)φ(z) |0 ˆ = iλ d3 z (∆(x1 − x2 )∆(z − z) ∆(x1 − z)∆(x2 − z) + ∆(x1 − z)∆(x2 − z)) ˆ = iλ d3 z (∆(x1 − x2 )∆(z − z) + 2∆(x1 − z)∆(x2 − z)) This is equal to the sum of the Feynman diagrams below, where the last two terms is the second order terms Often it is easier to go to momentum space, since the Feynman propagators are easier, and if we just have a few particles that we know the momentum of at some earlier and later times, they will enter the equations very simple. ´ If we have a bubble as in example 16, where the bubble is d3 z∆(0), ´ d3 z∆(z − z) = we have this is divergent since ˆ ∆(0) = which diverges for large k. transforming the expression for d4 k 1 4 k 2 + m2 − i , (2π) We should then introduce a ultraviolet cuto ∆(0) Λ and so 37 of 88 Ultraviolet cuto 9 ∆(0) = SCATTERING THEORY i Λ2 . 16π 2 This bubble can be thought of as a loop-correction to the Feynman propagator, and it takes another course to gure out how to renormalize this. Feynman rules The Feynman rules for spin-0 elds are Figure 5: Components of Feynman diagrams for spin-0 elds in momentum space. 9 Scattering theory In the interaction picture we can dene the time evolution operator take from some very early time −∞ to some very late time ∞, and assume that the particles are free to begin with and end up free. Then we call the time-evolution operator for Ŝ , the S-operator or the S-matrix, which then glues the interaction together with the free states to obtain some amplitude for a given proces to happen. Hence ˆ ∞ 0 0 Ŝ = UI (∞, −∞) = T exp −i ĤI (t )dt −∞ ˆ = T exp −i d4 xHI (x) all spacetime We have that Ŝ Ŝ † = I , 38 of 88 S-operator 9 which implies that probability is conserved, and Ŝ SCATTERING THEORY is of course unitary (by de- nition). It is useful to dene another operator T̂ such that Ŝ ≡ Iˆ + iT̂ . T̂ is is really the pertubation part of Ŝ . Further we can dene an operator T T operator such that X T̂ ≡ (2π)4 δ (4) X pi − incoming kj T̂ . outgoing When evaluating the perturbations we will always get the factor 9 δ (4) P incoming pi which is just energy conservation, so this we take out so the expressions for T − P outgoing kj , is more compactly written. If we want to evaluate the probability amplitude for a initial state |ii = |Φ(t = −∞)i with some number of particles and their momenta to end up ind a nal state |f i = |Φ0 (t = ∞)i. We want to join these states, so since we are in the inter- action picture, we have have that we are evaluating |Φ(t)i = UI (t, −∞) |ii and |Φ0 (t)i = UI (t, ∞) |f i hΦ0 (t)|Φ(t)i Φ0 (t)|Φ(t) ≡ hf |ii = hf | UI† (t, ∞)UI (t, −∞) |ii = hf | UI (∞, t)UI (t, −∞) |ii = hf | UI (∞, ∞) |ii D E = f |Ŝ|i . So when we want to evaluate these scattering amplitudes, we can get a good physical quantities (when absolute squared to get the probability, at least). Now, physically all particles are given as a wavepacket in momentum-space, but one just look at the states of pure momentum to make life easier, but still remember that it is quite nonphysically, and some integrals over all spacetime will diverge, which we need to take care of by assuming that the universe has volume integral is T, so the total spacetime volume is |ii = |p1 p2 . . . pk i and |f i = |k1 k2 . . . km i. V T. We then have X incoming where T ≡ hf | T̂ |ii and the time Hence we will assume that hf |ii = (2π)4 δ (4) V pi − X kj T , outgoing is the scattering matrix element, for cases where there is an actual scattering, that is hk1 k2 . . . km |p1 p2 . . . pk i = 0. Scattering matrix element Feynman diagrams in When using Feynman diagrams, we nd, by construction, that scattering iT = X All Feynman diagrams (in momentum space) . For pure states of denite momentum only! Real, physically wavepackets doesn't have the explicit factor. 9 39 of 88 9 Example 17 for the HI = g a† (p A (Evaluate the transition amplitude for the proces scalar ´ A, B, C particles . d3 zφA (z)φB (z)φC (z)) )a† (p under the hf | = h0| a(kA )a(kB ). A+B → A+B interaction Given that the initial state B ) |0i of the elds and the nal state giving the ket SCATTERING THEORY hamiltonian |ii = |pA pB i = |f i = |kA kB i = a† (kA )a† (kB )D|0iE, We then have that we can evaluate iTf i = i T̂ to rst order iTf i ˆ D E D E 3 ˆ = i T̂ = f |Ŝ − I|i = f |gT d zφA (z)φB (z)φC (z)|i ˆ 3 † † = g 0| a(kA )a(kB )T d zφA (z)φB (z)φC (z) a (pA )a (pB )|0 = 0, since when inserting a† (~k), a(kA ), a(kB ) φ(z) = ´ commute h i ˜ a(~k)eikµ z µ + a† (~k)e−ikµ z µ , since the operators dk and so does a(~ k), a† (pA ), a† (pB ) since the particles are of dierent species, and the canonical commutation relations only apply to particles of the same kind. Going to second order, we perform the calculation by doing external contractions and noting that only full contractions contribute iTf i ˆ ˆ = f |gT d z1 d z2 φA (z1 )φB (z1 )φC (z1 )φA (z2 )φB (z2 )φC (z2 )|i ˆ ˆ 2 3 3 = g kA kB |T d z1 d z2 φA (z1 )φB (z1 )φC (z1 )φA (z2 )φB (z2 )φC (z2 )|pA pB ˆ = g 2 d6 zi hkA kB |TφA (z1 )φB (z1 )φC (z1 )φA (z2 )φB (z2 )φC (z2 )|pA pB i . 3 3 There are in total X (26?) ways of doing this, so this is much easier evaluated using Feynman diagrams to nd T, since there are only two topologically inequivalent diagrams that contribute. Theese are Hence we have by multiplying all of the factors according to the Feynman rules for each term (ignoring iT in the Feynman propagator) −i −i + (ig)2 · 1 · 1 · 1 · 1 · 2 (kb − pa ) + m2c (pb + pa )2 + m2c ig 2 ig 2 + . (kb − pa )2 + m2c (pb + pa )2 + m2c = (ig)2 · 1 · 1 · 1 · 1 · = 40 of 88 9 SCATTERING THEORY 9.1 Cross sections Cross section σ is a measurable quantity, that can be computed from the scatD E2 amplitudes f |Ŝ|i . To derive a formula for it, we have by assuming The cross section tering the universe is nite in space and time, so the total spacetime volume is (2π)n δ (n) (0) = Ln , where L VT and is a combination of space and/or time: 2 D E2 X X 4 pi − kj |T |2 f |Ŝ|i = (2π) δ (4) incoming outgoing X X = (2π)4 δ (4) pi − incoming kj d4 xei( incoming pi − P outgoing kj ) X = (2π)4 V T δ (4) X pi − incoming h0|0i = 1. P outgoing Recall that ˆ kj |T |2 . outgoing We have that hp|pi D E 0|a(p)a† (p)|0 hp|pi = = (2π)3 2ωp δ (3) (p − p) h0|0i = 2ωp V . Now, we consider 2→N particle scattering in the following, with the two in- coming particles called 1 and 2. We have the norm squared of the states given by hi|ii = hp1 p2 |p1 p2 i = hp1 |p1 i hp2 |p2 i = 4ωp1 ωp2 V 2 , hf |f i = N Y 2ωkj V j=1 We need the scattering probability P = P to be normalized properly, so hence |hf |ii|2 , hf |f i hi|ii and the probability pr. unit time for the scattering proces we get from dividing by the timespan of the universe Ṗ = = T to get |hf |ii|2 T hf |f i hi|ii P P 2 (2π)4 V δ (4) p − k incoming i outgoing j |T | . Q 4ωp1 ωp2 V 2 N j=1 2ωkj V Since each of the particles are in a nite box of volume V, momenta is actually 41 of 88 |T |2 9 SCATTERING THEORY quantized (free particle in a box) and we must sum over them, but in the limit of large, this sum tends to an integral. We should then correct Ṗ V V by the factor d3 kj (2π)3 so P 2 N p − k incoming i outgoing j |T | Y V 3 QN 3 d kj 2 (2π) 4ωp1 ωp2 V j=1 2ωkj V j=1 P P 2 N (2π)4 δ (4) incoming pi − outgoing kj |T | Y ˜j . dk 4ωp1 ωp2 V (2π)4 V δ (4) Ṗ = = P j=1 Rewriting the expressions using the Mandelstam variables we can show that 4 k~v1 k ωp1 ωp1 = 4 q q (p1 · p2 ) − m21 m22 = 2 s2 − 2 m21 + m22 + (m1 − m2 )2 , | {z } Lorentz invariant dσ is a Lorentz invariant quantity, and hence is Lorentz invariant as we would like it to be. Hence, if we now choose a frame where particle 2 is xed (Fixed Target system) so p~2 = ~0 that and particle 1 moves with speed s ≡ − (p1 + p2 ) 2 k~v1 kF T , we have from Mandelstam variables is the square of the center-of-mass energy. k~ p1 kF T 1 = 2m2 Fixed Target CM energy q 2 s2 − 2 m21 + m22 s + m21 − m22 , and we have, which can be shown √ m2 k~ p1 kF T = We divide Ṗ by s k~ p1 kCM k~v1 k /V = k~ p1 k /V ωp1 , which is the incoming ux of prticle 1, to get a quantity that say how much likelihood there is for scattering to occur, which we will call the dierential cross section 10 dσ : Dierential tion (2π)4 δ (4) P dσ = incoming pi − P outgoing N kj |T |2 Y 4 k~v1 kF T ωp1 ωp2 ˜j dk j=1 2 where ≡ |T | dLIPSN (p1 + p2 ) 4 k~v1 k ωp1 ωp2 = |T |2 dLIPSN (p1 + p2 ) 4 k~ p1 kF T m2 = |T |2 √ dLIPSN (p1 + p2 ) , 4 k~ p1 kCM s dLIPSN (p1 +p2 ) ≡ (2π)4 δ (4) P incoming pi − Lorentz Invariant Phase Space measure for used that k~v1 kF T ωp1 = kp1 kF T and N ωp2 = m2 P outgoing kj Q N ˜ j=1 dkj is the outgoing particles. In line three we since particle 2 is not moving, and 10 It is implicitly understood that we must integrate over all unknown variables in the expression of dσ to get rid of the δ -function. 42 of 88 cross sec- 9 m2 k~ p 1 kF T = from line 3 to 4 we used that for √ s k~ p1 kCM SCATTERING THEORY to obtain a simple expression dσ . For a proces of the kind frame where B A + B → C + D, is xed and A is shoot at assuming we are in the Fixed Target B. invariant, we can calculate it in the CM frame, dLIPS2 (p1 + p2 ) is Lorentz where p ~A + p~B = ~0 (but the particles Since may still move in dierent directions with dierent speeds, since their mass is not the same). In CM we have p0total = ωA+B = ωA + ωB = √ s, and we have dLIPS2 (ωA+B ) = dLIPS2 (pA + pB )) ˜C dk˜D = (2π)4 δ (4) (pA + pB − kC − kD ) dk √ 1 = δ ωC + ωD − s δ (3) (~kC + ~kD )d3 k~C d3 k~D . 2 4 (2π) ωC ωD We can integrate over d3 k~D to get rid of δ (3) -function, from which we now get that that the energies of the particles are xed to r r ~ 2 2 ωC = kC + m2C , ωD = k~C + m2D , and we then have dLIPS2 (ωA+B ) dLIPS2 (ωA+B ) = = 1 2 given as δ ωC + ωD − √ 3 s d k~C 4 (2π) ωC ωD √ 1 ~ 2 ~ s k δ ω + ω − C d kC dΩCM , C D 4 (2π)2 ωC ωD where we in the last line switched to spherical coordinates and have the dierential solid angle dΩCM = sin θdθdφ . Integrating over ~ kC , Dierential solid angle we get by some calculation that after some algebra and delta-function manipulation gives us ~ kC √ dΩCM . dLIPS2 (ωA+B ) = 16π 2 s Hence we will get the dierential cross section to be ~ kC |T | √ √ dΩCM ⇒ 4 k~ p1 kCM s 16π 2 s ~ |T |2 kC . 64π 2 s k~ p1 kCM 2 dσ = dσ dΩCM = The dierential decay rate of the proces dΓCM A → 1, 2 Decay rate is given by ~ 1 k1 = |T |2 dΩCM 32π 2 m2A 43 of 88 9 SCATTERING THEORY 9.2 Mandelstam variables Figure 6: The three channels of 2-2 particles scattering (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelstam_variables). To simplify 1+2 → 3+4 particle scattering, one can dene the Lorentz invariant Mandelstam variables Mandelstam variables s ≡ − (p1 + p2 )2 = − (p3 + p4 )2 t ≡ − (p1 − p3 )2 = − (p2 − p4 )2 u ≡ − (p1 − p4 )2 = − (p2 − p3 )2 then the expression for the scattering process becomes much easier. We can view scattering in the Feynman diagrams as going along certain channels (since each incoming particle can scatter with the three others, we have three diagrams). We further have the property that s + t + u = m21 + m22 + m23 + m24 ≡ M 2 , which puts a constraint on the variables. Hence we have just two degrees of freedom in our equations. Also we have some inner product relations: p1 · p2 = 1 m21 + m22 − s 2 p1 · p3 = 1 t − m21 − m23 2 p1 · p4 = 1 u − m21 − m24 2 p3 · p4 = 1 m23 + m24 − s 2 p2 · p3 = 1 u − m22 − m23 2 Inner products 44 of 88 FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS 10 p2 · p4 = 1 t − m22 − m24 2 See appendix for more relations. Example 18 (Show the inner product relations). We have −s = (p1 + p2 )2 = p21 + p22 + 2p1 · p2 = −m21 − m22 + 2p1 · p2 ⇒ p1 · p2 = 1 m21 + m22 − s 2 and −t = (p1 − p3 )2 = p21 + p23 − 2p1 · p3 = −m21 − m23 − 2p1 · p3 ⇒ p1 · p3 = 1 t − m21 − m23 2 and −u = (p1 − p4 )2 = p21 + p24 − 2p1 · p4 = −m21 − m24 − 2p1 · p4 ⇒ p1 · p4 = Example 19 1 u − m21 − m24 2 A + B → A + B for the scalar ´ 3 particles A, B, C under the interaction Hamiltonian HI = g d zφA (z)φB (z)φC (z)). To 1 3! g second ´ (Write the scattering amplitude for order d3 zφ(x in the perturbation expansion 1 )φ(x2 )φ(z)φ(z), an expression for iT = g 2 iT of φ3 -theory (with ĤI = then takes the form 1 1 1 + + . m2 − s m2 − t m2 − u 10 Free spin-½ elds 10.1 Spinor representations of the Lorentz group After the scalar elds with tation is ½ (2, 1) respectively (2n+ + 1, 2n− + 1) = (1, 1) (1, 2), the next simplest represen- that gives rise to quantum elds describes spin- particles, are called left-handed (Weyl) spinors respectively right-handed (Weyl) spinors, which corresponds to spin-up and spin-down for the eld quanta. The corresponding elds are two dimensional and given as (2, 1) : (1, 2) : ψ̂a (x) = ψ̂ȧ† (x) = ψ̂1 (x) ψ̂2 (x) ! , ψ̂1̇† (x) ψ̂2̇† (x) , 45 of 88 Weyl spinors FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS 10 where we have introduced the dot-notation, where we use undotted indicies for Dot notation the left-handed spinors and dotted indicies (and dagger on the eld) for the right- Ji+ handed spinors. Notice that because of h † = Ji− we have that i† ψ̂a (x) = ψ̂ȧ† (x) Under a Lorentz transformation we must then have for the left-handed spinor elds that Lorentz transforma- tion U (Λ)−1 ψ̂a (x)U (Λ) = Lab (Λ)ψ̂b (Λ−1 x) , where Lab (Λ) are 2×2-matrices that depends on the transformation Λ. To satisfy the group properties of the Lorentz group, we must have that Lab (Λ)Lbc (Λ0 ) = Lab (ΛΛ0 ) . We call any matrices/tensors that fullls this for a representation of the Lorentz Representation group, since we will have the same commutation relation for a set of some generating matrices SLαβ b SLαβ a which may or may not be hermitian depending on what we choose, b a , b SLργ a =i g αρ SLβγ b a − (α ↔ β) − (ρ ↔ γ) , and a innitesimal transformation is given by b i Lab (1 + δω) = Iδab + δωµν SLµν a , 2 and we must have that SLαβ are antisymmetric matrices (because of δω being antisymmetric), so SLµν b a = − SLνµ b a . One can show that the Pauli matrices and the identity matrix are generators for Pauli matrices this representation via the relations SLij b a b 1 = ijk σ k 2 a , SLk0 b a = i k b . σ 2 a Likewise we for the right-handed spinor elds have that U (Λ)−1 ψ̂ȧ† (x)U (Λ) = Rȧḃ (Λ)ψ̂ḃ† (Λ−1 x) , and where the i µν ḃ Rȧḃ (1 + δω) = Iδȧḃ + δωµν SR , ȧ 2 µν ḃ generators SR again of course are 2 × 2-matrices. ȧ We have by the intimate relation between the left/right-handed elds that Intimate relation 46 of 88 10 µν ḃ SR ȧ =− i∗ µν b SL a h FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS . We can then always just choose one handedness and then it is easy to translate it to the other handedness by some of these relations above. Example 20 (Show that µν SR ḃ ȧ =− h SLµν b i∗ a . ) We have h i† † = [U (Λ)]† ψ̂a† (x) U (Λ)−1 U (Λ)−1 ψ̂a (x)U (Λ) = U (Λ)−1 ψ̂ȧ† (x)U (Λ) = Rȧḃ (Λ)ψ̂ḃ† (Λ−1 x) h i† = Lab (Λ)ψ̂b (Λ−1 x) h i† = Lab (Λ) ψ̂b† (Λ−1 x) , and hence must have † Rȧḃ = Lab . Hence we have by using the innitesimal trans- formation that i µν ḃ Rȧḃ (1 + δω) = Iδȧḃ + δωµν SR ȧ 2 † i µν b b = Iδa + δωµν SL a 2 h b i† i = Iδab − δωνµ SLµν a 2 h b i∗ i = Iδab − δωνµ SLνµ a 2 h b i∗ i b = Iδa − δωµν SLµν a , 2 and by using the antisymmetry of δω any innitesimal transformation that SLνµ , we nd that since h i∗ µν ḃ µν b SR = − S . L a ȧ and Now, say that we have a eld of two spinor undotted indicies it must hold for Cab (x). Under a Two indicies Lorentz transformation it must transform as U (Λ)−1 Cab (x)U (Λ) = Lac (Λ)Lbd (Λ)Ccd (Λ−1 x) . The question is now whether we can the (four) components of Cab (x) into smaller sets that does not mix under a Lorentz transformation. Now by coupling of angular momentum, we know from regular quantum mechanics when coupling two spin-½ particles (same algebra, but not same particle-interpretation here) that the statespace is spanned by the Clebsch-Gordan expansion triplets (s (s = 0). = 1) and singlets This leads to the interpretation that the quantum eld can be in spin-0 (in which case it is a scalar eld, antisymmetric) or in spin-1 (in which case it is a 4-vector eld, symmetric). This can be formulated as the group-theoretic relation (2, 1) ⊗ (2, 1) = (1, 1)A ⊕ (3, 1)S . Decomposition of 47 of 88 Cab FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS 10 This gives that we can always write Cab (x) as Cab (x) = εab D(x) + Gab (x) , D(x) ∈ (1, 1)A where is an scalar eld, and εab = −εba is a 2×2 antisymmetric εab matrix of constants, which makes normalization holds, so we can choose ! 0 −1 εab = 1 = −iσ 2 , 0 and will show up to have function as some kind of spinor-metric that can be used to raise indicies, and Gab (x) is symmetric. Now, since D(x) is a scalar eld, it must transform as one, and hence we have by linearity U (Λ)−1 εab D(x)U (Λ) = εab U (Λ)−1 D(x)U (Λ) = Lac (Λ)Lbd (Λ)εcd D(x)(Λ−1 x) ⇒ εab = Lac (Λ)Lbd (Λ)εcd , so εab is an invariant symbol of the Lorentz group. Like the metric, we can dene an inverse εab that turns out to be ε ab 0 = ! 1 = iσ 2 , −1 0 so we thus have εab εbc = δac , εab εbc = δ ac . The same relations are of course true for dotted indicies. Mixed symbols have no meaning, since the dierent spinor elds are independent. Example 21 (Check that εab εbc = δac ). bc εab ε = 0 −1 1 0 ! We have by matrix multiplication that 0 1 ! −1 0 = 1 0 0 1 ! = δac . Thus we can dene raised indicies of elds and other quantities using the spinor ab metric ε ; ♦a (x) ≡ εab ♦b (x) . We further, by antisymmetry, have that equality relations ♦a (x) = εab ♦b (x) = ♦b (x)εab = −εba ♦b (x) . Likewise, if we contract indicies, we have ♦a a = εab ♦a a = −εba ♦a a = −♦a a . We have that for a eld with two mixed indicies, Caȧ (x), we have the group 48 of 88 Spinor metric FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS 10 relation (2, 1) ⊗ (1, 2) = (2, 2) , Caȧ (x) is actually a 4-vector µ 11 12 invariant symbol σaȧ such that which implies that C µ (x). Hence we can nd an σaµȧ Caȧ (x) = σaµȧ Cµ (x) , where we nd that we actually have σaµȧ = (I, ~σ )aȧ = I, σ 1 , σ 2 , σ 3 . We can aȧ µḃb , and we also nd the inverse relation, for which the invariant symbol is called σ σ µḃb have 1 C µ (x) = − σ µḃb Abḃ (x) . 2 In this case we have σ µḃb ≡ εab εȧḃ σaµȧ = (I, −~σ )bḃ . 10.1.1 Other useful relations We have some metric relations σaµȧ σµaȧ = −2εab εȧḃ , εab εȧḃ σaµȧ σaνȧ = −2g µν . Note that we also have h For the generators σaµḃ S µν , SLµν i† h i† = σbµȧ , σ µȧb = σ µḃa . we have that ab = SLµν ba µν ⇔ SR ȧḃ µν = SR ḃȧ . 10.1.2 Index free notation We can develop an index free notation for the spinors, so it is easier to keep track of the products. The rule is that left-handed (undotted) elds are summed with indicies going and right-handed (dotted) elds are summed as , . Since we are working with fermions, observable objects (elds and so on) must anticommute, so ab = −ba, which this index free notation neatly takes care of and makes consistent. We have ♦ ≡ ♦a a = εab εac ♦b c = −εba εac ♦b c = −♦a a = a ♦a = ♦ . The same for the the dotted indicies: 11 12 Index free notation It is invariant since it consists of invariant objects; Pauli matrices and the spinor metric. The existence of this symbol is guaranteed by the group product relations. 49 of 88 Anti-commutation FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS 10 ♦† † ≡ ♦†ȧ ȧ† = εȧḃ εȧċ ♦ċ† †ḃ = −εḃȧ εȧċ ♦ċ† †ḃ = −♦ȧ† †ȧ = †ȧ ♦ȧ† = † ♦† . Likewise, for hermitian conjugation, we have [♦]† = [♦a a ]† = †ȧ ♦ȧ† = † ♦† , which agrees with normal behavior of the objects. 10.2 Bispinors, the Majorana and Dirac eld We can build the Lagrangian for a free spin-½ eld by trail-and-error and a little insight. We want the equations of motion to be linear and the elds ψ̂a (x) and ψ̂ȧ† (x), so the Lagrangian can be no more that quartic in these terms, and the Lagrangian must be hermitian. ψψ + The terms with no derivatives can only be proportional to ψ † ψ † (which doesn't vanish because of the index free notation, even though the elds anti-commute). The term with derivatives cannot be ∂ µ ψ∂µ ψ + ∂ µ ψ † ∂µ ψ † , since this gives a Lagrangian that is unbounded below. The only other choice is the term iψ † σ µ ∂µ ψ , which is almost hermitian except for some boundary terms from partial integration, that vanishes anyway when doing suitable integration later. Thus our free Lagrangian is of the form 1 1 L = iψ † σ µ ∂µ ψ − mψψ − m∗ ψ † ψ † , 2 2 where m is a complex parameter, which with no loss of generality can be assumed to be real since the Lagrangian is independent of the phase of m. Hence we have Lagrangian 1 L = iψ † σ µ ∂µ ψ − m ψψ + ψ † ψ † , 2 and will later interpret m as the mass of the eld. The Euler-Lagrangian equa- tions then gives the equations of motion ∂L d − ∂ψ † dxµ ∂L ∂ [∂µ ψ † ] ∂L d − µ ∂ψ dx ∂L ∂ [∂µ ψ] Equations of motion = 0 ⇒ −iσ µ ∂µ ψ + mψ † = 0 , = 0 ⇒ −iσ µ ∂µ ψ † + mψ = 0 . In dotted/undotted notation we then have −iσ µȧc ∂µ ψc + mψ ȧ† = 0 , −iσaµċ ∂µ ψ ċ† + mψa . We can write these two equation as one system of four equations mδac −iσaµċ ∂µ −iσ µȧc ∂µ mδ ȧċ Here we have that the object ψc , ψ ċ† ! ψc ψ ċ† ! = ~0 ~0 ! . Bispinors is called a bispinor, that as we will see constitutes a new representation of Lorentz group as the (1, 2)⊕(2, 1) representation, 50 of 88 10 FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS which we can now develop to some really neat and powerful notation, since we now can describe both spin-up and spin-down particles (and antiparticles) in one eld structure. We can go even further and introduce the 4×4 gamma matrices Gamma matrices γ 0 , γ 1 , γ 2 , γ 3 , that is dened as γµ ≡ 0 σaµċ σ µȧc 0 ! , and the gamma matrices has the dening property that they fulll the anticommutation relations A.C.R and C.R of the gamma matrices {γ µ , γ ν } = −2g µν I4 . Example 22 (Show that γ µ γµ = 4I4 from the dening properties). γ µ γµ = gµν γ µ γ ν = = We have 1 1 (gµν γ µ γ ν + gνµ γ µ γ ν ) = (gµν γ µ γ ν + gµν γ ν γ µ ) 2 2 1 gµν {γ µ , γ ν } = −gµν g µν I4 = −4I4 . 2 If we introduce the Majorana eld Ψ≡ Majorana eld ψc ψ ċ† ! , which is a bispinor, then the equations of motion reduce to the Majorana equation Majorana equation (−iγ µ ∂µ + m) Ψ = 0 . Here we interpret ½ Ψ as a real eld, which will correspond to a eld of spin- particles that are their own antiparticles. We can also do a complex eld theory, where this is not the case by combining two Majorana elds. If we dene the bispinor ψa ≡ ψ ψ† , a = 1, 2, which contains both a left- and right-handed eld, we can then dene a Lagrangian that is a sum of left-handed and right-handed spinor elds as 1 L = iψa† σ µ ∂µ ψa − m ψa ψa + ψa† ψa† , 2 we can take the complex linear-combination of the elds 1 1 χ ≡ √ (ψ1 + iψ2 ) , ξ ≡ √ (ψ1 − iψ2 ) , 2 2 and rewrite the Lagrangian in terms of these complex spinor elds. We then nd 1 L = iχ† σ µ ∂µ χ + iξ † σ µ ∂µ ξ − m χξ + ξ † χ† , 2 which is hermitian. This Lagrangian has a χ → e−iα χ and ξ → e+iα ξ U (1) symmetry, so the transformation U (1) leaves the Lagrangian invariant, and we have a corre- sponding conserved Noether current and charge. The equations of motion can easily 51 of 88 symmetry FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS 10 be derived ∂L d − µ ∂χ dx ∂L ∂ [∂µ χ] = 0 ⇒ −i∂µ χ† σ µ + iξ † σ µ ∂µ ξ + mξ , and so forth, and this we can rewrite as a system of equations by mδac −iσaµċ ∂µ −iσ µȧc ∂µ mδ ȧċ ! ! χc ~0 ~0 = ξ ċ† ! . By dening the complex Dirac eld Dirac eld χc Ψ≡ ! , ξ ċ† the equations of motion can be written as the Dirac equation Dirac equation (−iγ µ ∂µ + m) Ψ = 0 . Using Feynman's slash-notation by dening A ≡ γ µ Aµ , we have Feynman notation (i ∂ − m) Ψ = 0 . Note that both the Dirac and Majorana equation (having same form, but dierent interpretation) obey the Klein-Gordon equation (or at least, four Klein-Gordon equations), since we by multiplying the operator (i ∂ − m) by (−i ∂ − m) nd that it is exactly the Klein-Gordon equation(s). Example 23 (Show that a a = −a2 ). We have by the dening anti-commutation relation that 1 a a = aµ γ µ aν γ ν = aµ aν ({γ µ , γ ν } + [γ µ , γ ν ]) 2 1 1 1 = aµ aν ({γ µ , γ ν } − i4S µν ) = aµ aν ({γ µ , γ ν } − i4S νµ ) = aµ aν {γ µ , γ ν } 2 2 2 = −aµ aν g µν I4 = −aµ aµ I4 = −a2 I4 . Now, the problem with the Dirac eld is that it is not quite hermitian, so this has to be taken care of. We have Ψ† = If we dene the matrix β χ†ċ ξ c . β as β≡ we can dene the barred 0 δ ȧċ δac 0 ! = γ0 , Ψ, which is called the Dirac adjoint to simplify notation as Ψ ≡ Ψ† β = matrix ξ c χ†ċ . 52 of 88 Dirac adjoint slash- FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS 10 We then see that 1×4 Ψ is some kind of generalization of the hermicity and is a Ψ vector eld, and is dened so to make sure that transforms as a 4-vector under Lorentz transformations, which is not the case for just representation is not unitary. dene for any matrix Ψ† , since the Lorentz This barred notation can be generalized and so we A A = βA† β We have by a simple calculation that ΨΨ = χξ + ξ † χ† , and by some algebra and partial integration Ψγ µ ∂µ Ψ = χ† σ µ ∂µ χ + ξ † σ µ ∂µ ξ + ∂µ ξσ µ ξ † , but since the last term is a divergence term, and the equation of motions have a gauge freedom, we can just forget about it. Hence we nd by comparison that we have the equivalent Dirac Lagrangian Dirac Lagrangian L = iΨγ µ ∂µ Ψ − mΨΨ = Ψ (i ∂ − m) Ψ . In this notation we also have that the Lagrangian has an itly the transformation Ψ→ e−iα Ψ and Ψ→ U (1) symmetry, explic- e+iα Ψ leaves the Lagrangian invariant. We can project to the bi-spinors back onto the right- or left-handed eld by a proper Projection projection matrix. It is easy to see that we have and that P∓ = ΨL = I4 − γ 5 Ψ, 2 ΨR = I4 + γ 5 Ψ, 2 I4 ∓γ 5 2 is a genuine projection operator (P∓ 2 = P∓ ). For the Majorana eld, we can rewrite the Lagrangian and eld as such that we will get the same Lagrangian L = iΨγ µ ∂µ Ψ − mΨΨ, but with Ψ = Ψt C , where C is the charge conjugation matrix as dened below, since all we have to do is formally Dirac→Majorana: ψ → χ ψ → χ, ξ and ψ → ξ. Thus, since notation, Lagrangian, and equation of motion is the same, we can treat them very much alike, besides a few but crucial points: The Majorana eld has no for this symmetry. U (1) symmetry and hence no corresponding conservation law For the Majorana eld, we can explicitly write the simplied Lagrangian with charge conjugation if we want to: L = iΨt Cγ µ ∂µ Ψ − mΨt CΨ . 10.2.1 Charge conjugation Now, since L is hermitian and swapping χc ↔ ξ ċ† in Ψ, gives † Ψ ↔ Ψ ,, the La- grangian is invariant under such a discrete transformation since 53 of 88 No U (1) symmetry for Majorana elds FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS 10 † iΨγ µ ∂µ Ψ − mΨΨ L† = † † = −iΨ† [γ µ ]† ∂µ Ψ − mΨ† Ψ † † = iΨ† γ µ ∂µ Ψ − mΨ† Ψ = iΨγ µ ∂µ Ψ − mΨΨ = L , even though the spinor elds ξ, χ swap places, it doesn't change the result and the hermicity of the Lagrangian.This transformation is called charge conjugation, and the corresponding unitary matrix C that implements this is the 4×4 charge conjugation matrix C= ! εac 0 0 εȧċ , with C −1 χC = ξ , C −1 ξC = χ , and C −1 LC = L . Going to the Dirac eld we have that t C Ψ ≡ CΨ = which is just Ψ with ξ ↔ χ, ξc ! χ†ċ , so one can say that the charge conjugate is just the Dirac eld with the 2-spinors' charges interchanged. For a Majorana eld we have Ψ = ΨC , which is to say that the spinors have the same charge. 10.2.2 Lorentz transformation of the Dirac and Majorana elds We know from the representation theory of the Lorentz group for spin-½ particles, that we have innitesimal transformations given by b i Lab (1 + δω) = Iδab + δωµν SLµν a , 2 i µν ḃ Rȧḃ (1 + δω) = Iδȧḃ + δωµν SR , ȧ 2 h i∗ µν ḃ µν b and that SR = − S . This we can collect into a more unied manner L a ȧ b ij that ts our bispinor notation. One can as mentioned before show that SL = a b b b 1 ijk σ k a and SLk0 a = 2i σ k a , and similarly for the right-handed part of the 2 eld. This implies that we can write SLµν b a i = + (σ µ σ ν − σ ν σ µ )ab , 4 54 of 88 Charge conjugation 10 µν SR ȧ ḃ FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS i = − (σ µ σ ν − σ ν σ µ )ȧḃ , 4 and we can thus see that that when going to bispinor representation as the Dirac or Majorana eld, that we can collect the left- and right-handed parts in a matrix so that we can dene a set of 16 4×4 matrices named S µν that allows us to treat S µν the Lorentz transformation of the spinor elds in a unied manner + SLµν S µν ≡ b a − 0 where the denition of S µν 0 ! = µν ȧ SR ḃ i µ ν [γ , γ ] , 4 . We explicitly have U (Λ)−1 Ψ(x)U (Λ) = D(Λ)Ψ(Λ−1 x) , where we for an innitesimal transformation have i D(1 + δω) = I + δωµν S µν , 2 so in this notation S µν = i 4 [γ µ , γ ν ] is again the generators of the Lorentz group. 10.3 Canonical quantization of the Dirac eld Since the Dirac eld describes fermions, we must use anti-commutators, since the elds must be antisymmetric under exchange. Imposing the standard canonical quantization relations thus gives us for the Weyl spinors: A.C.R. for Weyl spinors n o n o ψ̂a (x, t), ψ̂b (x0 , t) = 0 , π̂ a (x, t), π̂ b (x0 , t) = 0 , n o ψ̂a (x, t), π̂ b (x0 , t) = iδab δ 3 (x − x0 ) . Using that we have the canonical momentum π̂ b (x) ≡ π̂ b density given as ∂L = iψḃ† (x)σ 0bḃ , ∂ [∂0 ψb (x)] we nd by substituting that n o n o ψ̂a (x, t), ψḃ† (x0 , t) σ 0bḃ = iδab δ 3 (x−x0 ) ⇔ ψ̂a (x, t), ψḃ† (x0 , t) = iσa0ḃ δ 3 (x−x0 ) . Similarly we can nd relations for the right-handed eld. For the bispinor representation as the Dirac eld we nd that the equivalent anti-commutation relations is given by Ψα (x, t), Ψβ (x0 , t) = 0 , Ψα (x, t), Ψβ (x0 , t) = i γ 0 αβ δ 3 (x − x0 ) . 55 of 88 A.C.R. for Dirac eld FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS 10 Example 24 (Show the anti-commutation relations for Ψ). Ψ(x, t), Ψ(x0 , t) = We have Ψ(x, t)Ψ(x0 , t) + Ψ(x0 , t)Ψ(x, t) ! ! ! ! χc χb 0 χc χb0 + 0 0 ξ ċ† ξ ḃ † ξ ċ† ξ ḃ † ! ! χc χb0 − χc χb0 χc χb0 + χb0 χc = 0. = 0 0 0 0 ξ ċ† ξ ḃ † − ξ ċ† ξ ḃ † ξ ċ† ξ ḃ † + ξ ḃ † ξ ċ† = = The Dirac LagrangianL 0. = Ψ (i ∂ − m) Ψ, gives the Dirac equation (i ∂ − m) Ψ = equation (−i ∂ − m) Ψ = 0, they together implies that the Together with the Klein-Gordon equation is fullled (our 4 copies of it at least), since we by multiplying have (i ∂ − m) (−i ∂ − m) = ∂ ∂ − i ∂ m + mi ∂ + m2 = ∂ ∂ + m2 = −∂ 2 + m2 , which is exactly the Klein-Gordon equation. Hence there exists plane wave solutions, and they must fulll either (i ∂ − m) Ψ = 0 or (−i ∂ − m) Ψ = 0. (i ∂ − m) Ψ = 0 for the physical solutions, that fullls the Dirac equation We look and hence have a total of four independent plane-wave solutions which can be grouped as us (p)eipx , vs (p)e−ipx , where us (p) and vs (p) are bispinors and with or spin down, that solves the Dirac equation. be function of the 4-momentum p s=± corresponding to spin up When solving, us and vs seems to , but since they must satisfy the Klein-Gordon equation also, we have the constraint p p0 = ωp = p2 + m2 . Restriction of p0 = ωp The general solution is thus ˆ ˜ dp Ψ(x, t) = Xh i bs (p)us (p)eipx + d†s (p)vs (p)e−ipx , s where bs (p) and d†s (p) are a set of (scalar) operators, and we have ˆ Ψ(x, t) = Ψ† β = ˜ dp i Xh b†s (p)us (p)e−ipx + ds (p)v s (p)eipx . s We are to interpret momentum p b†s (p) as the creation operator of a particle of type b with three and spin s, and (the antiparticle of particle b) d†s (p) as the creation operator of a particle of type with three momentum pretation goes for the annihilation operators Ψ(x, t) p and spin bs (p), ds (p). s. d The same inter- Now the interpretation of says that it is the same to annihilate a particle as to create an antiparticle. 56 of 88 Creation/annihilation FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS 10 10.3.1 Solution of us (p), vs (p) and properties of the bi-spinors We can solve the Dirac equation for each of the 4 independent plan wave solutions, where we have that the Dirac equation reduces to (i ∂ − m) us (p)eipx = (iγ µ ∂µ − m) us (p)eipx = (iγ µ ipµ − m) us (p)eipx ⇒ (p + m) us (p) = 0 , and (i ∂ − m) vs (p)e−ipx = (iγ µ ∂µ − m) vs (p)e−ipx = (−iγ µ ipµ − m) vs (p)e−ipx ⇒ (−p + m) vs (p) = 0 . The mass m is understood to be mI4 , so we have two times 4 equations to solve to nd the bispinor motion. This is easy to solve in the rest frame, but horrible in a general frame, but luckily the bispinors transforms as four-vectors (since they are four-vectors), so we can just boost them to a general frame afterward. In the rest frame we have that the spatial components of the four-momentum is zero, p = γ0p 0 = −γ 0 m − mI4 us (0) = 0 p = 0, so −γ 0 m, so the equations reduces to γ m − mI4 vs (0) = −mI2 0 0 mI2 mI2 0 0 −mI2 ! − ! − mI2 0 0 mI2 mI2 0 0 mI2 !! us (0) , !! vs (0) . This gives 4 unique solutions up to a normalization constant, and we nd that we can normalize the solutions as 1 0 √ u+ (0) = m , u− (0) = m 1 0 0 √ 1 √ v+ (0) = m , v− (0) = m 0 −1 √ The barred bispinors Ψ ≡ Ψ† β 0 1 , 0 1 −1 0 . 1 0 are given as row vectors, and we nd that 57 of 88 10 FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS us (p) (p + m) = 0 , v s (p) (−p + m) = 0 , u+ (0) = v + (0) = √ √ m 1 0 1 0 , u− (0) = m 0 1 0 1 , √ m 0 −1 0 1 , v − (0) = √ m 1 0 −1 0 . The boost to a general frame is given by exponentiation of the innitesimal transformation Λik = 0 for 1 + δω i 6= k , , and since the boost contains no rotations, we have that and so the only non-vanishing components is in the rst column and rst row (pure boosts). Hence we have D(Λ) = exp (iΛµν S µν ) = exp iΛj0 S 0j = exp (iη p̂ · K) , where we in the last equation have rewritten the transformation in terms of the rapidity η ≡ arsinh(kpk /m) and boost. The formal solution for the p̂ is the unit 3-momentum; the direction of the u's and v 's Rapidity is thus us (p) = exp (iη p̂ · K) us (0) , vs (p) = exp (iη p̂ · K) vs (0) . Not very useful, but we can derive some useful consequences from the solutions. The barred spinors is given as us (p) = us (0) exp (−iη p̂ · K) , v s (p) = v s (0) exp (−iη p̂ · K) , where we use that the gamma-matrices are invariant under barring, and so must K be in the chosen representation of S µν . We thus see that we have the following relations for products of the kind w s ws 0 , which are all scalar products us (p)us0 (p) = us (0)e−iηp̂·K eiηp̂·K us (0) = us (0)us (0) = 2mδss0 , v s (p)vs0 (p) = −2mδss0 , us (p)vs0 (p) = 0 , v s (p)us0 (p) = 0 . 58 of 88 10 Example 25 FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS . (Show the relations for the product of the spinors) We have by a direct calculation for two of the cases: u+ (p)u+ (p) = us (0)e−iηp̂·K eiηp̂·K us (0) 1 √ 0 √ = us (0)us (0) = m 1 0 1 0 m 1 0 = 2mδss0 , and u+ (p)u− (p) = √ m 1 0 1 0 √ 0 1 m 0 = m0 = 0 . 1 We can also calculate more general products with gamma matrices and dierent momenta, given as the Gordon identities: 2mus0 (p0 )γ µ us (p) = us0 (p0 ) −2mv s0 (p0 )γ µ vs (p) = v s0 (p0 ) p0 + p Gordon identities µ − 2iS µν p0 − p ν us (p) , µ p0 + p − 2iS µν p0 − p ν vs (p) , Now, if we instead take products of the kind ws 0 w s , we get 4×4 matrices. We can calculate the spin averaged sums of products (which is the only physical relevant Spin averaged sums thing we need anyway), and we nd X s X s us (p)us (p) = −p + m , vs (p)v s (p) = −p − m . These are called the completeness relation for the spinors, and gives a simple result for spin sums. The relations are easy to prove in the rest frame, since we can just use that we have 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 u+ (0)u+ (0) = m 1 1 0 1 0 = m 1 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 , u− (0)u− (0) = m 0 1 0 1 = m 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 59 of 88 Completeness relation 10 1 0 1 0 FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 , us (0)us (0) = m +m 0 0 0 0 = m 1 0 1 0 = mγ +mI4 = −p+m 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 X s which is proven likewise for the other spinors in the rest frame. Going to prove that the completeness relation holds in a general frame is more complicated, but can be done by showing that mation, that is m γ 0 + I4 exp (iη p̂ · K) m γ0 is invariant under a general Lorentz transfor- + I4 exp (−iη p̂ · K) = m γ 0 + I4 . 10.4 Quantization in terms of b, d operators We can rewrite the general solution for the Dirac equation b, d Ψ and Ψ to isolate the Dirac equation operators. We nd after some clever algebra that ˆ ˆ d x e−ipx us (p)γ 0 Ψ(x) 3 bs (p) = , b†s (p) , d†s (p) ˆ ds (p) = d3 x eipx Ψ(x)γ 0 us (p) , = ˆ 3 −ipx d x e 0 Ψ(x)γ vs (p) = d3 x eipx v s (p)γ 0 Ψ(x) . From these, we can from the canonical commutation relations work out the algebra for the b, d operators. We nd that 3·2 of the 9 unique relations anti-commute Algebra for b, d and is trivially zero, namely o n bs (p), bs0 (p0 ) = 0 , ds (p), ds0 (p0 ) = 0 , bs (p), d†s0 (p0 ) = 0 , and likewise for the hermitian conjugates: o n o n o n b†s (p), b†s0 (p0 ) = 0 , d†s (p), d†s0 (p0 ) = 0 , b†s (p), ds0 (p0 ) = 0 . The only non-trivial commutation relations is and {bs (p), ds0 (p0 )}. n o n o bs (p), b†s0 (p0 ) and ds (p), d†s0 (p0 ) We nd for these that n o bs (p), b†s0 (p0 ) = (2π)3 2ωp δ (3) (p − p0 )δss0 , n o ds (p), d†s0 (p0 ) = (2π)3 2ωp δ (3) (p − p0 )δss0 , This shows that the bs (p), ds0 (p0 ) = 0 . b's and d's constitutes a set of creation/annihilation algebras, 60 of 88 Creation/annihilation 10 FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS that doesn't talk together for the dierent particles, nor for dierent spins. † think of bs (p) as creating a particle of spin an antiparticle. Likewise we think of s bs (p) We † and momentum p, and ds (p) as creating as annihilating an particle and of as annihilating an antiparticle. Note the way that Ψ is written in terms of b ds (p) and d† , that this implies that creating an antiparticle is equivalent to destroying a particle. Likewise from Ψ we interpret that creating a particle is equivalent to destroying Hence the quanta of the Dirac eld is spin-½ particles and the an antiparticle. corresponding spin-½ antiparticles. Majorana eld Writing the algebra for the Majorana is done the same way, but we now have only one set of operators since the condition t Ψ = CΨ implies that bs (p) = ds (p). This interprets as the quanta of the Majorana eld is spin-½ particles, that is also its own antiparticle. 10.5 The free Dirac eld and its Hamiltonian We can write a Hamiltonian for the free Dirac eld, which is given by the Legendre Hamiltonian transform of the Lagrangian. We nd Dirac eld H= Xˆ for h i ˜ p b† (p)bs (p) + d† (p)ds (p) . dpω s s s Now, this Hamiltonian is bounded from below, so there exists a vacuum state |0i Vacuum state such that bs (p) |0i = ds (p) |0i = 0 . Acting on the vacuum state with the creation operators is an eigenstate of the Eigenstate † Hamiltonian, as one can see by the calculation for bs (p) |0i: Hb†s (p) |0i = Xˆ i h ˜ 0 ωp0 b†0 (p0 )bs0 (p0 ) + d†0 (p0 )ds (p0 ) b† (p) |0i dp s s s s0 = Xˆ i h ˜ 0 ωp0 b†0 (p0 )bs0 (p0 )b† (p) + d†0 (p0 )ds (p0 )b† (p) |0i dp s s s s s0 = Xˆ ˆs i h n o ˜ 0 ωp0 b†0 (p0 ) bs0 (p0 ), b† (p) + (−1)2 b† (p)d†0 (p0 )ds (p0 ) |0i dp s s s s 0 h n o i ˜ 0 ωp0 b† (p0 ) bs (p0 ), b† (p) + b† (p)d† (p0 )ds (p0 ) |0i dp s s s s ˆ h i ˜ 0 ωp0 b† (p0 ) (2π)3 2ωp0 δ (3) (p − p0 ) |0i = dp s = = ωp b†s (p) |0i , ωp . Likewise one can do the † † † same for ds (p) |0i to show it has eigenenergy ωp also. Now, consider bs (p)bs (p) |0i. † † † † Since we by the commutation rules have bs (p)bs (p) = −bs (p)bs (p), we must have b†s (p)b†s (p) |0i = 0, which implies that there can maximally be one particle in each Eigenenergy state, which we already know from the Pauli principle and the way we constructed Pauli principle the Dirac theory. One-particle state so hence it is an eigenstate with eigenenergy 61 of 88 free 10 FREE SPIN-½ FIELDS Now we can write the one-particle (with plus)/antiparticle (with minus) states as b†s (p) |0i = |p, s, +i , d†s0 (k) |0i = k, s0 , − . Multi-particle states can be written as b†s (p)d†s0 (k) |0i = |p, s, + k, s, −i = −d†s0 (k)b†s (p) |0i = − |k, s, − p, s, +i , b†s1 (p1 ) · · · b†sn (p)d†r1 (k1 ) · · · d†rn (kn ) |0i = |p1 , s1 , + · · · pn , sn , + k1 , r1 , − · · · kn , rn , −i . We have the inner product of two states (which easy generalizes to multi-particle states) by the anti-commutation-relations is given by p, s, q|p0 , s0 , q 0 = (2π)3 2ωp δ (3) p − p0 δss0 δqq0 . We also nd h0|Ψ(x)|0i = 0 , hp, s, +|Ψ(x)|0i = 0 , hp, s, −|Ψ(x)|0i = vs (p)e−ipx , p, s, +|Ψ(x)|0 = us (p)e−ipx , p, s, −|Ψ(x)|0 = 0 . 10.6 Conserved charges We have a and U (1) Ψ → Ψe−iα . symmetry of the Dirac eld under the transformation Ψ → Ψeiα The conserved Noether current is given by j µ (x) = Ψγ µ Ψ , which can be shown by using Poul's method as below. The corresponding conserved charge is ˆ Q= 3 0 d xj (x) = Xˆ h i ˜ b† (p)bs (p) + d† (p)ds (p) , dp s s s which is actually electrical charge. We see from this that the electron and its antiparticle have opposite charge. 62 of 88 11 INTERACTION AND SCATTERING IN SPIN-½ THEORIES Example 26 (Show the conserved current is j µ (x) = Ψγ µ Ψ). The transformation Ψ → eiα Ψ ⇔ Ψ → e−iα Ψ, α ∈ R, is a U (1) continuous symme- try, as we have that the Lagrangian is invariant: L0 = e−iα Ψ (i ∂ − m) eiα Ψ = eiα e−iα Ψ (i ∂ − m) Ψ = Ψ (i ∂ − m) Ψ = L . By Noether's theorem, we thus have a corresponding conserved current and charge. We derive an expression for the current by Poul's method by assuming that eld, α = α(x) formation α is a (making the transformation local), and take the innitesimal trans- Ψ → (1 + iα) Ψ. We then have the transformation becomes L0 = (1 − iα) Ψ (i ∂ − m) (1 + iα) Ψ ∂ − m) Ψ − iα(x)Ψ (i ∂ − m) Ψ + Ψ (i ∂ − m) [iα(x)Ψ] = Ψ (i −iα(x)Ψ (i ∂ − m) [iα(x)Ψ] = L − iα(x)Ψ (i ∂ − m) Ψ + Ψ (i ∂ − m) iα(x)Ψ + O(α(x)2 ) Hence, the change in the Lagrangian is ∂ − m) Ψ + Ψ (i ∂ − m) [iα(x)Ψ] δL = −iα(x)Ψ (i = α(x)Ψ ∂ Ψ − Ψ ∂ [α(x)Ψ] = α(x)Ψγ µ ∂µ Ψ − Ψγ µ [∂µ α(x)] Ψ − Ψγ µ α(x) [∂µ Ψ] = −Ψγ µ Ψ [∂µ α(x)] For the action to be invariant we must thus have, since a constant factor doesn't matter, that the conserved current is j µ (x) = Ψγ µ Ψ . 11 Interaction and scattering in spin-½ theories Going to interaction Hamiltonians of the spin-½ elds, we can reuse much of the developed stu from the bosonic spin-0 theory and just generalize it properly. 11.1 Interaction picture in spin-0 quantum eld theories The time-evolution of the bispinor eld is just by the free Dirac eld (Heisenbergevolution), so we have for some initial eld conguration Ψα (t0 , x) that the interaction α picture time-evolution ΨI (x) is: 63 of 88 Interaction picture 11 INTERACTION AND SCATTERING IN SPIN-½ THEORIES ΨαI (x) = eiĤ0 (t−t0 ) Ψα (t0 , x)e−iĤ0 (t−t0 ) . We must take the elds as time ordered since we would like to calculate the spin-½ ∆(x − x0 ), equivalent of the Feynman propagator which we can expand the time- ordered Dyson expansion in terms of. Now, since the eld is fermionic, the operators anti-commute, and thus we dene the time ordering of the eld operators by Time ordering TΨα (x)Ψβ (x0 ) ≡ θ(t − t0 )Ψα (x)Ψβ (x0 ) − θ(t0 − t)Ψβ (x0 )Ψα (x) . x0 > x00 , we have that we can calculate 0|Ψ(x)Ψ(x0 )|0 0|Ψ(x)Ψ(x0 )|0 αβ = 0|Ψα (x)Ψβ (x0 )|0 ) given as Assuming ˆ ˆ 0|Ψα (x)Ψβ (x0 )|0 = ˜0 ˜ dp dp ˆ = ˆ = Assuming x00 > x0 (a matrix, D Ei Xh 0 eipx e−ipx us (p)α us0 (p)β 0|bs (p)b†s0 (p0 )|0 s,s0 i Xh 0 ˜ eip(x−x ) us (p)α us (p)β dp s ˜ ip(x−x0 ) (−p + m) . dpe αβ we likewise nd that ˆ ˆ 0|Ψβ (x0 )Ψα (x)|0 = ˜0 ˜ dp dp s,s0 ˆ ˜ dp = ˆ = D Ei Xh 0 eipx e−ipx vs (p)α v s0 (p)β 0|ds (p)d†s0 (p0 )|0 Xh 0 eip(x −x) vs (p)α v s (p)β i s ˜ −ip(x−x0 ) (−p − m) . dpe αβ If we then take the expectation value of the time-ordered product with respect to the vacuum state we |0i, we then nd 0|TΨα (x)Ψβ (x0 )|0 = 0|θ(t − t0 )Ψα (x)Ψβ (x0 ) − θ(t0 − t)Ψβ (x0 )Ψα (x)|0 ˆ 1 d4 p (−p + m)αβ ip(x−x0 ) e = i (2π)4 p2 + m2 − i 1 ≡ S(x − x0 )αβ , i where S(x − x0 )αβ is the fermionic Feynman propagator. In momentum space we thus nd that the fermionic Feynman propagator is given as S̃(p)αβ = (−p + m)αβ p2 + m2 − i Fermionic propagator . We nd by easy use of anti-commutation relations for the creation/annihilation operators that 64 of 88 Feynman 11 INTERACTION AND SCATTERING IN SPIN-½ THEORIES 0|TΨα (x)Ψβ (x0 )|0 = 0|TΨα (x)Ψβ (x0 )|0 = 0 , which also makes good sense because of Pauli's principle. 11.1.1 n-point correlation function and Wick's theorem When we have a correlation function with n eld terms of barred and unbarred eld components (some other ordering than thus perhaps), Fα1 ...αn α1 ···αn (x1 , . . . , xn , x1 , . . . , xn ) = T Ψα1 (x1 ) · · · Ψαn (x1 )Ψα1 (x1 ) · · · Ψαn (xn ) ⇔ Fα1 ...αn (x1 , . . . , xn ) = T {Υα1 · · · Υαn } , and we would like to evaluate the time-ordered vacuum expectation value of expressions like this one. We thus dene normal ordering for fermionic eld analogously Normal ordering to the bosonic spin-0 case, but with the generalization that all daggers (creation operators b† (p), p† (q)) goes to the left, and all non-daggers b(p), p(q)) (annihilation operators goes to the right. Hence by the properties of the operators, these terms all vanish and we have for any normal ordering of eld components We can dene a contraction of two eld components Υα , Ωβ h0|N |0i = 0 . (either barred or Contraction unbarred elds) as {Υ (x), Ω (x0 )} α β Υα (x)Ωβ (x0 ) ≡ − {Ω (x0 ), Υ (x)} β α , t > t0 , t0 > t Using the result we found for the Feynman propagators, we have that Ψ (x)Ψ (x0 ) α β Ψα (x)Ψβ (x0 ) ≡ − Ψ (x0 )Ψ (x) α β , t > t0 , t0 1 = S(x − x0 )αβ , i >t Ψα (x)Ψβ (x0 ) = 0 , Ψα (x)Ψβ (x0 ) = 0 . We can absorb the contractions into the normal ordering since it is just a number.Wick's theorem generalized in this case and is very useful, since it states that any Wick's theorem time-ordered products of elds can be written as contractions plus normal-ordered products. We have explicit: T {Υα · · · Ωβ } = N (Υα (x1 ) · · · Ωβ (xn ) + all possible contractions) . As a consequence of this, the only terms that will count when calculating the vacuum expectation values is the fully contracted terms (that is with contraction symbol connecting every eld) of equally many barred and unbarred eld components, be- 65 of 88 Fully contracted 11 INTERACTION AND SCATTERING IN SPIN-½ THEORIES cause the uncontracted part of the term can be normal-ordered to give zero. Further because of this we have that any time-ordered product of uneven number of eld operators has expectation value 0, because for the the terms that are contracted as much as possible we still have it ∝ h0|Υα |0i = 0. External contraction There are here four possible ways of contracting with external lines, since we have four bispinors in the general solution. We have for example that contraction of the eld with the incoming particle state b†s (p) |0i = |p, s, +i, is us (p) |0i Ψα (x) |p, s, +i = eipx us (p) |0i , The contraction with an external outgoing state hp, s, +| is given by hp, s, +| Ψα (x) = h0| us (p)e−ipx . Generally, the contractions with external antiparticle states is the same as with particle states, which is contained in the Feynman rules. 11.1.2 Feynman diagrams and rules The previous use of Wicks theorem can be represented as Feynman diagrams, which are spacetime diagrams with the 'time-axis' and 'space-axis'. Each Feynman propagator is drawn as a line between the two spacetime points with dots on the ends. The rules of computing numbers from these diagrams can be derived from the contractions, and does depend on what the perturbation looks like. All of the combinatorial factors from the propagator-expansion, is exactly canceled when drawing all of the topologically in-equivalent Feynman diagrams, and must be added up, to a relative minus sign. The Feynman rules for calculating/drawing the expectation values. Figure 7: Components of Feynman diagrams for spin-½ elds How, given a Feynman diagram, we can compute the amplitude is by going 66 of 88 Feynman diagrams 11 INTERACTION AND SCATTERING IN SPIN-½ THEORIES against the arrows on the Feynman diagram and multiply factors together from left to right. Relative sign rule The sign rule says that, if we write the diagrams in standard form (so they look like e− e− → e− e− scattering with ow to from left to right, →). Then, taking one diagram (they will all look the same) as the zero-diagram, we get a relative minus sign every time every time a line is exchanged, when comparing to the zero-diagram. Hence, odd number of exchanged lines, gives a relative minus sign. Benny Lautrups rule Benny Lautrup has a easier rule, that simply says ever time an antiparticle goes all the way through the diagram, we get a relative minus sign. 11.2 Scattering in spin-½ theory To calculate scattering amplitudes in spin-½ theories, we do as always; read o the Feynman diagrams. We have iT = X All Feynman diagrams (in momentum space, with signs) . The situation is more complicated than with pure scalar elds, since the elds now have several components, and the incoming states also can be of several dierent type, since we have both particles and antiparticles with spin up and down (4 in total), and the same number of outgoing states. It is so that it is much easier to calculate |T |2 directly than just calculating iT , since we have |T |2 = T T , which allows for some simplications. Especially, if we don't care about the spin of the incoming particles/antiparticles, we can average over the incoming spin, and likewise we can average for the outgoing states, so 1 |T |2 ≡ n X |T |2 . all spins (nspinors) Then this can be converted into a trace of some product of matrices (Casimir's trick), and we can apply the completeness relations at most times. Now, everything is reduced to calculating traces of gamma-matrices (see the appendix) 67 of 88 Casimir's trick INTERACTION AND SCATTERING IN SPIN-½ THEORIES 11 Example 27 e− proces (Compute µ− + the e− → + spin-averaged µ− which scattering interacts amplitude under a for scalar the pion) . We have that the Feynman diagram is given as above with the denition of momenta and so on. We then have that using the Feynman rules gives iT = us (k) (ig) (−i) ur (p) us0 (k0 ) (ig 0 ) ur0 (p0 ) 2 (p − k) + m2π T = = igg 0 us (k)ur (p) us0 (k0 )ur0 (p0 ) , m2π − t gg 0 gg 0 us (k)ur (p) us0 (k0 )ur0 (p0 ) = 2 ur0 (p0 )us0 (k0 ) ur (p)us (k) . 2 mπ − t mπ − t And thus |T |2 = = g 2 g 02 2 us (k)ur (m2π − t) g 2 g 02 (p) us0 (k0 )ur0 (p0 ) ur0 (p0 )us0 (k0 ) ur (p)us (k) us (k)ur (p)us0 (k0 )ur0 (p0 ) ur0 (p0 )us0 (k0 ) 2 ur (p)us (k) {z }| {z } (m2π − t) | scalar = g 2 g 02 2 Tr [ur (m2π − t) scalar (p) ur (p)us (k) us (k)] Tr [us0 (k0 ) us0 (k0 )ur0 (p0 ) ur0 (p0 )] In second line we moved the scalar ur (p)us (k) from right to left so we can take traces. We now spin-average over incoming and outgoing states and use the completeness relations (and divide by 4) 2 |T | = = = g 2 g 02 4 (m2π − 2 02 0 0 (−p + me ) −k + me Tr −k + me (−p + me ) 2 Tr 0 0 2 2 p k + me Tr k p + me t) g g 4 (m2π − 2 02 2 Tr t) 4g g 2 (m2π − t) p · k + m2e k 0 · p0 + m2e . 68 of 88 12 PHOTON FIELDS AND QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS 12 Photon elds and Quantum Electrodynamics 12.1 Maxwell's equations and Lagrangian formulation As always, taking our starting point in classical physics, and then impose the canonical quantization relations. Maxwell's equations (with c = 1 and in Heaviside-Lorentz Maxwell's equations units) is ∇ · E = ρ , ∇ · B = 0 , ∇ × E = −Ḃ , ∇ × B = Ė + J , with the usual meaning. We can always nd a four-potential E and B Aµ so we can write as E = −∇A0 + Ȧ , B = ∇ × A . Maxwell's equations are actually Lorentz invariant, so and not just some smart labeling. Now, the same (physical) elds E and B Aµ is Aµ is genuine four-potential not uniquely determined: we will get for all transformations of the type Aµ → Aµ − ∂ µ Γ , Γ = Γ(x) is an arbitrary dierentiable function. All transformations that leaves 13 transformations, and the elds unchanged is called gauge E and B is said to be Gauge transformation gauge invariant. One must thus choose a gauge when working with the four-potential. Maxwell's equations can be rewritten in terms of the antisymmetric (2,0) Faraday Faraday tensor µν dened as tensor (or eld strength tensor) F F µν ≡ ∂ µ Aν − ∂ ν Aµ . F µν is of course gauge invariant, as can easily be shown. µ (Lorentz invariant) four-current J ≡ (ρ, J), When dening the we nd that Maxwell's equations can be written as ∂ν F µν = J µ , µνρσ ∂ ρ F µν = 0 . The equation µνρσ ∂ ρ F µν = 0 µν as we dene it. Since for F is redundant since it is automatically fullled F µν is antisymmetric (and the derivative operators commute), we have that ∂µ ∂ν F µν = ∂µ J µ = 0 . Hence the four-current Jµ is a conserved Noether current (which we also knew from the continuity equation in electrodynamics). In total, we have that the equations of motion for the electromagnetic eld is given by ∂ν F µν = J µ . 13 Means: to measure, ne-tune. 69 of 88 Four-current 12 PHOTON FIELDS AND QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS The Lagrangian that gives these equations of motion is Electrodynamics Lagrangian 1 L = − F µν Fµν + J µ Aµ , 4 which can be shown to gauge invariant. Writing it in terms of the four-potential, we nd that 1 Aµ g µν ∂ 2 − ∂ µ ∂ ν Aν + J µ 2 1 1 = − ∂ µ Aν ∂µ Aν + ∂ µ Aν ∂ν Aµ + J µ , 2 2 L = which is still gauge invariant under the transformation Aµ → Aµ − ∂ µ Γ. But µ now, to have no ambiguity in A , we must now explicitly choose a gauge. From the Euler-Lagrange equations, we have that the equations of motion is Equations of motion g µν ∂ 2 − ∂ µ ∂ ν Aν + J µ = 0 . 12.2 The free photon eld and its quantization We say that the eld is free when J µ = 0. We will call Aµ for the photon eld, since the quanta of the eld is spin-1 particles, that we call photons. Free photon eld Hence, the Lagrangian reduces to 1 L = − F µν Fµν . 4 ∂µ Aµ = 0, If we choose to work in the Lorentz gauge, where we choose the Lorentz gauge Lagrangian can be written as 1 1 L = − F µν Fµν − (∂µ Aµ )2 4 2 and the Maxwell equations gives us that ∂ν F µν = ∂ν ∂ µ Aν − ∂ν ∂ ν Aµ = ∂ µ ∂ν Aν − ∂ 2 Aµ = −∂ 2 Aµ = 0 , which shows that Aµ fullls the massless Klein-Gordon equation, and hence has 14 If one looks at plane wave solutions. needs to be expanded in basis of four to solve. ∂ 2 Aµ = 0 with no restriction, it apparently 4-vectors, since there actually are four equations However, we have two conditions imposed Lorentz gauge brings down the degrees of freedom from 4 to 2. ∂ µ Aµ = 0 and This is true for any gauge, but it is just easy to see for the Lorentz gauge, and is actually a consequence of the photon being massless. This also implies that the photon as a spin-1 particle only has the spin states ±1. Hence the plane wave solutions is of the kind µλ (p)e−ipx , where µ∗ λ (p), ipx µ∗ λ (p)e µλ (p) are a 4-vectors, that by the condition that be real gives that they must be each others conjugate and λ = ±. and Aµ must We see that the applying the Lorentz gauge gives 14 Plane wave solutions A great source: http://courses.washington.edu/phys55x/Physics%20557_lec13.htm 70 of 88 Degrees 4→2 of freedom 12 PHOTON FIELDS AND QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS ipx ipx ∂µ µ∗ = ipµ µ∗ = 0 ⇒ pµ µ∗ λ (p)e λ (p)e λ (p) = 0 , and similarly pµ µλ (p) = 0 , which is to say that 4-vectors µ and pµ are orthogonal, and would classically be interpret as the electromagnetic waves are transverse (here goes one degree of µ µ freedom). We will call the for polarization vectors, and specic + (p) for the µ right-handed polarization vector and − (p) for the left-handed polarization vector. µ µ µ The Lorentz gauge is not unique though. Since we have ∂µ (A + ∂ Γ) = ∂µ A = 0 if ∂ 2 Γ = 0, it is not unique, and we can hence choose an Γ. If we take Γ(x) = Transverse Polarization vectors −iaeipx , then we have15 ∂ 2 Γ = p2 iaeipx = 0 and ∂ µ Γ(x) = −ia∂ µ eipx = apµ eipx , and by inserting the plane wave solution into the Lorentz gauge condition, we nd that ipx ipx µ ∂µ µ∗ + ∂ µ Γ = ∂µ µ∗ e =0⇒ λ (p)e λ (p) + ap µ µ∗ λ (p) + ap = 0 . From this, we can always choose spatial part of p. a so 0λ (p) = 0, since it only depends on the Hence we have nally brought the degrees of freedom down to 2 as we argued we could. The general solution for Aµ is thus, when we use the adjoint instead of the conjugate on the Fourier coecient as we are going to quantize soon: ˆ 0 A (x) = 0 , A(x) = ˜ dp General solution i Xh ∗λ (p)aλ (p)eipx + λ (p)a†λ (p)e−ipx λ=± We can solve for the polarization vectors, and choose the basis as the so-called circular polarization basis for propagation along the µ+ (p) 0 z -direction, 0 where we here nd Circular polarization basis 1 1 1 1 µ . =√ , + (p) = √ 2 −i 2 i 0 0 We have in a general direction of polarization a orthonormalization condition for the polarization vectors: ∗λ (p) · λ0 (p) = δλλ0 , pµ µλ (p) = 0 . Furthermore, we have a completeness relation 15 2. Completeness relation Hence we see that if the photon had mass, we would have 3 degrees of freedom instead of just 71 of 88 12 PHOTON FIELDS AND QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS X ν µν µ∗ , λ (p)λ0 (p) = g λ=± which makes it much easier to calculate scattering amplitudes, when we average over the photon polarizations. For just the spatial components we have X ∗iλ (p)jλ0 (p) = δij − λ=± pi pj . p2 The way to prove the completeness relation is to argue that we must have the most general relation given by X ∗iλ (p)jλ0 (p) = Aδij − Bpi pj , λ=± since the polarization vectors must be at most linear in ∗ constraints λ (p) · λ0 (p) = δλλ0 and p, and then use the p · λ0 (p) = 0. Since the photon is a spin-1 particle, it must be a boson, and we must use commutators when imposing the canonical quantization relations, that with the generalized canonical momentum Π0 = ∂L ∂L = ∂ν Aν = 0 , Πi = = ∂ i A0 − ∂ 0 Ai = −∂ 0 Ai = Ȧi . ∂ Ȧ0 ∂ Ȧi must be µ A (x, t), Aν (x0 , t) = 0 , µ Π (x, t), Πν (x0 , t) = 0 , Now, however, Aµ (x, t), Πν (x0 , t) = ig µν δ (3) (x − x0 ) . [Aµ (x, t), Πν (x0 , t)] = ig µν δ (3) (x − x0 ) implies that there are four polarization vectors, which becomes polarizations in time and in the longitudinal direction, which we won't mind, since our circular (transverse) polarization is still two of the 4 polarization vectors. After expressing aλ (p) and a†λ (p) in terms of A(x), we have that commutation relations is the creation/annihilation algebra: Creation/annihilation algebra [aλ (p), aλ0 (q)] = 0 , h i a†λ (p), a†λ0 (q) = 0 , h i aλ (p), a†λ0 (q) = (2π)3 2ωp δ 3 (~k − ~q)δλλ0 . Finally, the Hamiltonian becomes 72 of 88 12 PHOTON FIELDS AND QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS H= Xˆ h i † ˜ dp ωp aλ (p)aλ (p) + 2E0 V . λ 12.2.1 Feynman rules and diagrams The Feynman propagator (or photon propagator) becomes ˜ µν (k) = ∆ g µν . k 2 − i The Feynman rules for photons is straight out easy. The factors is as given below in gure 8, and when going through the diagram (in the way the rest of the Feynman rules for the interaction, for example spinors, where we must go against the arrows along a complete fermion line), we must contract indicies at each vertex where they join up by a metric in the right indicies, but otherwise the polarization vectors (just numbers) don't need to be written in any special way. Again all of the combinatorial factors from the propagator-expansion, is exactly canceled when drawing all of the topologically inequivalent Feynman diagrams, and the sum of the diagram is exactly iT . Figure 8: Components of Feynman diagrams for photon elds (in momentum space). 73 of 88 12 PHOTON FIELDS AND QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS 12.3 Interactions, spinor QED Figure 9: Components of Feynman diagrams for QED (in momentum space). We can include interactions with spinor elds (electrons, positrons) very naturally. Remember that we for the Dirac Lagrangian have a conserved current Ψγ µ Ψ, and that the particles are charged. Hence Conserved current J µ (x) = eΨγ µ Ψ , must be a 4-current suitable for electrodynamics, since we as we saw in the Dirac theory has a conserved charge that has all of the same properties as electric charge. With this, the combined Lagrangian becomes 74 of 88 12 PHOTON FIELDS AND QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS L = LDirac + Lphoton + Linteraction 1 = Ψ (i ∂ − m) Ψ − F µν Fµν + eΨγ µ Aµ Ψ 4 1 µν Ψ − mΨΨ , = − F Fµν + iΨ D 4 where we have introduced the gauge covariant derivative Covariant derivative ≡ D ∂ − ieA . We have a symmetry for this Lagrangian; namely a local transformation in Dirac and photon eld simultaneously: Aµ → Aµ − ∂ µ Γ , Ψ → e−ieΓ Ψ , Ψ → eieΓ Ψ . This is a local U (1) 16 , since gauge transformation Γ may be any (dierentiable) Gauged symmetry function. The gauge covariant derivative transforms as → e−ieΓ eieΓ . D D F µν of as D is invariant in itself under this transformation. We can express F µν in terms a commutator relation: F µν = i µ [D , Dν ] . e We must also have ∂µ F µν = eΨγ ν Ψ . There are also Feynman rules for QED, which is just a combination of the rules for photons and electrons/positrons, together with a vertex rule for the interaction derived from Linteraction . We have them given in gure 9. 12.4 Massive gauge bosons As an extension of the workings of the photon eld, we could imagine spin-1 bosons that aren't mass-less. In this case we from the gauge invariance (choosing the Lorentz gauge) get the constraint pµ µλ (p) = 0, and thus still have three degrees of freedom. Hence the polarization vectors in a given basis must consist of three vectors, corresponding to the polarizations 16 λ = 0, ±, which is of course also the allowed spin states Or we may say that we have 'gauged the U (1) symmetry'. 75 of 88 Degrees of freedom 12 PHOTON FIELDS AND QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS of the particle. Otherwise, we have same Feynman rules as for massless photons, but must use the completeness relation: X Completeness relation ν µν εµ∗ + λ (k) ελ (k) = g λ=0,± kµ kν M2 12.5 The Higgs mechanism for massive gauge bosons 17 For a scalar eld φ we have the scalar electrodynamics Lagrangian 1 1 1 2 2 µν † L = − [D φ] [Dµ φ] − V (φ) − Fµν F , V (φ) ≡ λ φ φ − v , 4 4 2 µ † Dµ ≡ ∂µ − igAµ is the covariant derivative and, v is some real number, and λ, g are coupling constants. The Lagrangian looks like it is massless This Lagrangian is invariant under a local gauge transformation: Aµ → Aµ − ∂ µ Γ , φ → e−ieΓ φ . φ(x) has a vacuum expectation value to a eld φ(x) = ρ √1 2 h0|φ|0i = √1 v , but we can shift the eld 2 that has a vacuum expectation value that is zero (v + ρ(x)), h0|ρ|0i = 0 by setting and a general gauge transformation gives a phase factor that results in 1 φ(x) = √ (v + ρ(x)) e−iχ(x)/v , 2 where ρ(x) is a real (uctuation eld) and then we have Higgs potential given by 1 1 2 2 3 4 V (φ) = λ v ρ(x) + vρ(x) + ρ(x) . 4 4 Now, under the given gauge transformation, but further in the unitary gauge where χ(x) = 0 we have [Dµ φ]† [Dµ φ] = |Dµ φ|2 = = = = 1 |(∂µ − ig (Aµ + 0)) (v + ρ(x))|2 2 1 |(∂µ ρ(x) − igAµ (v + ρ(x)))|2 2 1 µ 1 ∂ ρ(x)∂µ ρ(x) + g 2 (v + ρ(x))2 Aµ (x)Aµ (x) 2 2 1 1 µ ∂ ρ(x)∂µ ρ(x) + g 2 ρ(x)2 + 2vρ(x) Aµ (x)Aµ (x) + g 2 v 2 Aµ (x)Aµ (x) 2 2 Substituting back into the Lagrangian we nd 17 Unitary gauge [Srednicki] 76 of 88 13 L=− NON-ABELIAN GAUGE THEORIES 1 µ 1 1 ∂ ρ(x)∂µ ρ(x) + g 2 ρ(x)2 + 2vρ(x) Aµ (x)Aµ (x) −V (φ)− Fµν F µν − g 2 v 2 Aµ (x)Aµ (x) . 2 4 2 If we identify M = gv , the gauge eld Aµ (x) has acquired a mass term, and hence we interpret it as the interaction with Higgs potential has given mass to the boson. This is the Higgs mechanism, which is generalized to non-abelian gauge theories in a similar manner; we will get something ∝ Aµ (x)Aµ (x) that we interpret as a mass 4 term. We will actually for any ρ potential get the Higgs mechanism, which can be argued for on physical grounds, since it is related to the 4 space-time dimensions. 13 Non-abelian gauge theories 13.1 Extending the symmetry groups to non-abelian So far we have only considered theories (Lagrangians) with corresponding abelian symmetry groups, that is where the symmetry transformations A, B fullls AB = BA (regular complex number multiplication as the group product of U (1) for example). We could also have theories with non-abelian symmetry groups, where the symmetry transformations doesn't commute so Abelian symmetry Non-abelian symmetry AB 6= BA. Example 28. We have that U (1) and SO(2) are isomorphic (clearly), U (1) w SO(2), and since U (1) hence so must is clearly an abelian symmetry group, it has only 1 generator, and SO(2), and thus is also abelian. If we have a symmetry group transformations A, B that AB erty. We must also have that have that tors [A, B] {T a }a∈I S, then we must have that for two symmetry is also a symmetry transformation by the group prop- A−B is a symmetry transformation, and hence we is a symmetry transformation. Given that we have a set of genera- for the symmetry group, where numel(I) = numgen = dim (S ) is the number of generators of the group, this implies that h i T a , T b = if abc T c , where f abc Structure constants is called the structure constants of the group. From this we see that the symmetry group is abelian if and only if f abc = 0 for all a, b, c ∈ I . If this is not the case, the group is non-abelian. Even further, if the symmetry group is also a dierentiable manifold (we have some continuous parameters to label the group elements), then the symmetry group is also a Lie group and we have a Lie algebra with the commutator as the bracket product. Lie group and algebra Thus the Jacobi identity must be satised for the generators and hence for the structure constants, so we must have hh i i hh i i h i T a , T b , T c + T b , T c , T a + [T c , T a ] , T b = 0 ⇔ f abd f dce +f bcd f dae +f cad f dbe = 0 . Hence we can do ne with just looking at innitesimal transformations when we want to extract information about the group. The general innitesimal transforma- 77 of 88 13 NON-ABELIAN GAUGE THEORIES tion is given by U = I + ωaT a . Normally we work with a representation of the symmetry, and so most of the times we only have SU (N ) and SO(N ) symmetry groups (perhaps a group product U (1) to get U (N ) or O(N )), and so we the generators are some appropriate matrices SU (2) that span the group. The simplest non-abelian symmetry (Lie) group is erators (and thus is a Lie group of dimension 3, SU (2), which has three gen- dim (SU (2)) = 3), that doesn't commute and hence is non-abelian, since the generators can be chosen as the Pauli SO(N ) matrices. The group generators is SO(N ) is a non-abelian Lie group for N ≥ 3, and the number of dim (SO(N )) = N (N − 1) /2. The more general group number of generators is SU (N ) SU (N ) is a non-abelian Lie group for dim (SU (N )) = N ≥ 2, and the N 2 − 1. We have that a general innitesimal transformation in this case can be written as Ukl = δkl − igθa (T a )kl , where the generators Ta can all be taken to be traceless hermitian matrices. Non-abelian gauge theories is extensions of QED to a non-abelian symmetry group and such a theory is also called Yang-Mills theory. Yang-Mills theory 13.2 Quantum Chromodynamics QCD Quantum Chromodynamics QCD is constructed by take the Lagrangian from QED as a starting point and then take enough copies of the spinors and photon elds so we can get a SU (3) symmetry group. Thus we have, that since dim (SU (3)) = 32 −1 = 8 that we must have 8 copies of the QED elds. The generators can be taken as the 3×3 18 Gell-Mann matrices . So for (color index) and from a, b, c = 1 . . . 8 (gluon index) and i, j = 1 . . . 3 I = 1 . . . 6 (avor index; theory brings down the degrees of freedom dim (SU (3)) = 8 to 6) we have the elds ΨiI , ΨiI (the quark elds) and Aµa (the gluon elds) and the QCD Lagrangian is given as 1 a )ij ΨjI − mI ΨiI ΨiI − F aµν Fµν LQCD = iΨiI ( D 4 1 = (QED like terms) − gf abc Aaµ Abν ∂ µ Aνc − g 2 f abe f cde Aaµ Abν Acµ Adν . 4 6 X 1 a k − mk ) Ψk = − F aµν Fµν + iΨk (i D 4 k=1 This Lagrangian is invariant under a have the covariant derivative SU (3) transformation by construction. We )ij ≡ ( D ∂ δij − ig Aa Tija . Now the electric charge is replaced by the charges of the quarks (two kinds of charges, 18 2 3 |e| and − 13 |e|). The http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gell-Mann_matrices 78 of 88 Gell-Mann matrices 13 NON-ABELIAN GAUGE THEORIES Lagrangian gives only the that there are three possible vertices: QED vertices, a 3-gluon vertex, and a 4-gluon vertex. 13.3 Electroweak interaction The Lagrangian for the electroweak interaction is given by 1 1 LEW = − F~µν · F~ µν − Bµν B µν − V (φ) − [Dµ φ]† [Dµ φ] , 4 4 where we have ~ ν − ∂ν A ~ µ + g2 A ~µ × A ~ν , F~µν ≡ ∂µ A Bµν ≡ ∂µ Bν − ∂ν Bµ , ~ σ ~ µ · + g1 Bµ Y , Dµ ≡ ∂µ − i g2 A 2 g1 , g2 are coupling constants, I2 ), V (φ) ≡ 41 λ φ† φ − 12 v 2 2 Y = − 12 I2 is the weak hypercharge (2 ×2 matrix φ is a set is the Higgs potential. It is understood that of two complex scalar elds and we write them in terms of four real elds φ1 + iφ2 φ(x) ≡ ! . φ3 + iφ4 This Lagrangian is invariant under the SU (2) × U (1) gauge transformation: φ(x) → e−i~α(x)·~σ/2−iβ(x) φ(x) , ~ µ (x) , ~ µ (x) → A ~ µ (x) − 1 ∂µ α ~ (x) + α ~ (x) × A A g2 Bµ (x) → Bµ (x) − The invariance is easy for the 1 ∂µ β(x) . g1 F~µν · F~ µν , Bµν B µν terms, that is just as in QED. The diculty is with the covariant derivative, but using ~σ (x) ~σ (x) ~σ (x) ~ µ (x) × α ~ Aµ (x) · ,α ~ (x) · = A ~ (x) · , 2 2 2 it is done by a direct calculation in the where we take 19 and further take φ2 = φ3 = φ4 = 0 and expand φ1 α ~ (x) = ~0 around the β(x) = 0 √ minimum at v/ 2 and so we have φ(x) = φ1 0 ! 1 =√ 2 v + H(x) 0 ! , This is a gauge choice also, since we can just translate φ by a constant to the vacuum expectation value and insist on it to be real so that the unwanted terms cancel. 19 79 of 88 Unitary gauge 13 where H(x) NON-ABELIAN GAUGE THEORIES is the Higgs eld. By calculation we then nd Higgs eld 2 1 − [Dµ φ]† [Dµ φ] = − v 2 g2 A3µ g1 Bµ + g22 A1µ − iA2µ A1µ + iA2µ . 8 If we now dene the elds Wµ± ≡ A1µ ∓ iA2µ , 1 g2 A3µ g1 Bµ , Zµ ≡ p 2 g2 + g12 Wµ± is complex elds for two bosons of same mass (as it will show soon) and Zµ Wµ± , Zµ bosons is a real eld boson. We see that we can write the Lagrangian as ! v 2 g22 + g12 g22 v 2 + − LEW Zµ + Wµ Wµ , 4 4 1 1 1 2 MZ2 Zµ + MW Wµ+ Wµ− = − F~µν · F~ µν − Bµν B µν − V (φ) − 4 4 2 p 1 where we in the last line have dened MZ ≡ v g22 + g12 and MW ≡ 21 vg2 . We 2 1 1 1 = − F~µν · F~ µν − Bµν B µν − V (φ) − 4 4 2 here see that we now get the appropriate mass terms for a real and complex eld, which we interpret as Wµ± , Zµ bosons has gained mass. We can dene cos θW ≡ where θW MW g2 =p 2 MZ g1 + g22 g1 , sin θW ≡ p 2 , g1 + g22 Weak mixing angle is the weak mixing angle. We then nd the relation Aµ Zµ ! = cos θW sin θW − sin θW cos θW We also from this see that the photon eld ! Bµ ! A3µ Aµ haven't gained any mass, consistent with experimental ndings. Again it is the Higgs mechanism at play. 80 of 88 13 NON-ABELIAN GAUGE THEORIES 13.4 The Standard Model Figure 10: Vertex rules for Feynman diagrams for the standard model. The Standard Model is the combination of the electroweak theory and quantum chromodynamics, so we have a combined theory for these interactions. We have a QCD sector, a electroweak sector and a Higgs sector, where the Higgs boson again gives mass terms to the right particles (perhaps some discrepancy with the neutrino). The symmetry group is SU (3) × SU (2) × U (1) | {z } | {z } strong electroweak 81 of 88 A NICE-2-KNOW RELATIONS A Nice-2-know relations A.1 Delta functions ˆ eipx dx δ(x) = R ˆ 1 f (0) |c| f (cx)dx = R ˆ δ(g(x)dx = R X zeros xi 1 |g 0 (xi )| ˆ X f (x)δ(g(x)dx = R zeros xi f (xi ) |g 0 (xi )| A.2 Dirac adjoint/barred identities The denition of the Dirac adjoint for a scalar Barred spinors a is a = a∗ For some spinor Ψ we have Ψ ≡ Ψ† β A combination of γ -matrices A Ψ ≡ βA† β We have that β = γ0 and β2 = I From [Srednicki] (38.15) we have the identities γµ = γµ iγ 5 = iγ 5 γµγ5 = γµγ5 S µν = S µν iγ 5 S µν = iγ 5 S µν For the bi-spinors we have 82 of 88 γ -MATRICES B us (p) ≡ u†s (p)β , us (p) ≡ βus (p) . A.3 Traces of γ -matrices γ -matrix We have a bunch of useful rules when calculating traces of γ5 2 γ -matrices: =I µ 5 γ , γ = γ5γµ + γ5γµ = 0 Tr [odd # of Tr γ 5 (odd γ -matrices] = 0 # of γ -matrices) = 0 Tr [ab] = −4aµ bµ ≡ −4 (ab) Tr γ 5 ab = 0 Tr [abcd ] = 4 [(ad) (bc) − (ac) (bd) + (ab) (cd)] 20 . More can be found in [Srednicki] page 294-297, and on Wikipedia B γ -matrices The gamma matrices is a set of four 4×4 matrices that is a representation of the generators of the Dirac algebra, which is to say the anti-commutation relations {γ µ , γ ν } = −2g µν I4 . We can from thus further deduce the property that γ0 2 = I , γi 2 = −I . Also, they obey the following commutation relations: i µ ν [γ , γ ] ≡ S µν , 4 where S µν is the generator of the Lorentz group. The Dirac algebra have many representations, but the representation used in [Srednicki] is the Weyl or chiral representation is given in terms of the Pauli matrices: 20 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_matrices 83 of 88 technology C µ γ ≡ 0 σµ σµ 0 QUANTUM MECHANICS ! , Or: γ ≡ 1 γ ≡ γ2 ≡ γ3 ≡ ! 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 1 0 0 σ1 −σ 1 0 0 σ2 −σ 2 0 0 σ3 −σ 3 0 0 0 = 0 1 1 0 ! 0 0 = 0 −1 ! 0 0 = 0 −i ! 0 0 = −1 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 , −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −i 0 i 0 , i 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 −1 . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Also, we have the fth gamma matrix: 5 0 1 2 3 γ ≡ iγ γ γ γ = −I 0 0 I ! −1 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 , 0 1 0 0 0 1 that obeys γ5 2 =I, and γ µ , γ 5 = 0 ⇔ γ µ γ 5 = −γ 5 γ µ C Quantum Mechanics C.1 Basic equations Time dependent Schrödinger equation i d S = Ĥ(t)S dt Uncertainty relation 84 of 88 C 1 σ σB̂ ≥ Â, B̂ , 2i QUANTUM MECHANICS σx̂ σp̂ ≥ 1 2 C.2 Commutator relations General relations: i h Q̂, Û h i Q̂, Q̂ i h Q̂ + P̂ , Û h i Q̂P̂ , Û ∀Q̂, Û , P̂ ∈ L (H) , ∀λ ∈ C : i h = − Û , Q̂ h i = 0 , Q̂, λ = 0 i i h h = Q̂, Û + P̂ , Û h i h i = Q̂ P̂ , Û + Q̂, Û P̂ Canonical commutation relation: [x̂, p̂] = i Angular momentum commutation relations: Li , Lj = iijk Lk i j L , x = iijk xk i j L , p = iijk pk Or explicitly: h i h i h i L̂x , L̂y = iL̂z , L̂y , L̂z = iL̂x , L̂z , L̂x = iL̂y h i L̂, L̂2 = 0 h i h i h i L̂x , r̂ = (0, iẑ, −iŷ) , L̂y , r̂ = (−iẑ, 0, ix̂) , L̂z , r̂ = (iŷ, −ix̂, 0) h i L̂x , p̂ = (0, ipˆz , −i~pˆy ) , h i h i L̂y , p̂ = (−ipˆz , 0, ipˆx ) , L̂z , p̂ = (ipˆy , −ipˆx , 0) h i L̂, p̂2 = 0 , h i L̂, r̂2 = 0 85 of 88 D COLLECTION OF FEYNMAN RULES D Collection of Feynman rules D.1 Scalar elds D.2 Spinor elds 86 of 88 D COLLECTION OF FEYNMAN RULES D.3 Photon elds D.4 QED 87 of 88 E MANDELSTAM VARIABLES E Mandelstam variables To simplify 1 + 2 → 3 + 4 particle scattering, one can dene the Lorentz invariant Mandelstam variables Mandelstam variables s ≡ − (p1 + p2 )2 = − (p3 + p4 )2 t ≡ − (p1 − p3 )2 = − (p2 − p4 )2 u ≡ − (p1 − p4 )2 = − (p2 − p3 )2 s + t + u = m21 + m22 + m23 + m24 ≡ M 2 , p1 · p2 = 1 m21 + m22 − s 2 p3 · p4 = 1 m23 + m24 − s 2 p1 · p3 = 1 t − m21 − m23 2 p2 · p3 = 1 u − m22 − m23 2 p1 · p4 = 1 u − m21 − m24 2 p2 · p4 = 1 t − m22 − m24 2 In the center of mass frame we further have that 1 kp1 k = kp2 k = √ 2 s q 2 s2 − 2 m21 + m22 s + M12 − m22 1 kp3 k = kp3 k = √ 2 s q 2 s2 − 2 m23 + m24 s + M32 − m24 and √ s = p01 + p02 = p03 + p04 √ √ t = p01 − p03 = p02 − p04 u = p01 − p04 = p02 − p03 88 of 88