Saint Bruno Church
Saint Bruno Church
Saint Bruno Church St. Bruno Parish is a multi-cultural community, founded in 1912, that welcomes everyone to worship God, especially through the Holy Eucharist and Perpetual Adoration, to grow in the faith and to serve the less fortunate in order to be light and truth for others. 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 14, 2010 MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS: Sunday 8:00 A.M., 12:00 P.M., 6:00 P.M. Domingo 10:00 A.M. Spanish Saturday 8:00 A.M., 4:30 P.M. (Vigil) Sabado 7:00 P.M. (Vigilia) Weekdays 8:00 A.M., 6:00 PM except Wed. 7:00 PM First Fridays and Holy Days: 8:00 AM & 7:00 PM 3RD FRIDAYS: 8:00 PM (SUNG ADORATION/OUR LADY’S PRAYER GRP) Filipino Mass bawat huling Linggo ng buwan 3:00 P.M. ANOINTING OF THE SICK/UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS: Please call parish office when you know of anyone who would like to receive the sacraments but is unable to come to the church. Favor de llamar a la Oficina cuando usted sepa de alguien que quisiera recibir los sacramentos pero no puede venir a la Iglesia. BAPTISMS/BAUTIZOS: “The Little Parish with a Big Heart” 555 West San Bruno Avenue San Bruno, CA 94066 Phone: 650/588-2121 Fax: 650/588-6087 Website: OFFICE HOURS/HORAS DE OFICINA TUE.-SAT. 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM & 2:00 - 5:00 PM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: 650/588-2121 Ext. 14 Saturday 9-11 a.m. PASTORAL STAFF/PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Rev. Michael Brillantes Rev. Santos Rodriguez Rev. Mr. Joseph H. Lavulo Rev. Mr. Ramon de la Rosa Bea Zamora Lupita Mendoza Painisaipalesi Lautaimi Aulola Lavulo Maritza Aberouette Kacey Carey Teresa Navarro Veronica Rodriguez Kathie Bassett Marco Carranza Pastor Parochial Vicar Deacon Deacon Administrative Assistant Front Desk Secretary Youth Minister Pastoral Council Chair Finance Council Chair DRE CCD Spanish Confirmation R.C.I.A. Maintenance PARISH OFFICE CLOSED ON MONDAYS Primer Sábado: 11:00 A.M. Clase Pre-Bautismal Segundo Sábado: 12:00 P.M. Bautismos Third Saturday: 11:00 A.M. Baptismal Class Fourth Saturday: 12:00 P.M. Baptisms CCD SCHEDULE/CATECISMO: Grades 1 - 7 Saturdays: 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. CONFIRMATION CLASS: Grades 8-12 Tuesdays starting with 6:00 P.M. Mass CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES: Saturdays: 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM Wednesdays: 6 pm to 9 pm MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIO: Arrangements must be made at least six months before the tentative date of the marriage. Hacer arreglos por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda. RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS): For adults interested in the Catholic Faith; those preparing to receive the Sacraments: Thu. 7:00 pm Main Hall Upper Room RICA (INICIACIÓN PARA ADULTOS): Para adultos interesados en la Fe Católica, por favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial. WELCOME TO ST. BRUNO CHURCH/ BIENVENIDOS At our Sunday Mass, we come together from all our small communities and celebrate our oneness in Christ. Take a little time to get to know the folks you are celebrating Mass with. En nuestra misa del domingo todas nuestras pequeñas comunidades nos juntamos para celebrar nuestra unión con Cristo. Tomen un poco de tiempo y trate de conocer a la persona que está a su lado acompañándolo en la Misa. . Bulletin Deadline: Tuesday 12:00 p.m. FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Highlight of the Pilgrimage Fr. Michael B. Brillantes Aspectos más destacados de la peregrinación Se me pidió un par de veces acerca de los aspectos más destacados de la peregrinación. Es difícil hacer una selección ya que todos los lugares que visitamos son igualmente impresionantes y significativos. Sin embargo, si yo tuviera que hacer una elección sería la Iglesia de la Natividad y la Iglesia del Santo Sepulcro. Situado en Belén, la Iglesia de la Natividad es un destino turístico que representa la mayor fuente de ingresos para la ciudad de Belén y de toda la zona del distrito Oeste. Por otra parte, la Iglesia del Santo Sepulcro en la Ciudad Vieja de Jerusalén ha traído peregrinos desde el siglo cuarto. Es en esta iglesia donde se encuentra el Santo Pesebre y es en esta última donde se encuentra la tumba de Jesús. Las líneas a ambos sitios son largas y se necesita más de una hora para llegar a ellos. El Santo Pesebre y el Sepulcro Santo marcan el inicio y el final de 'la vida de Jesús en la tierra. La primera se centra en el misterio de la Encarnación, del Dios hecho hombre, el segundo en el misterio de la Resurrección de Jesús se manifiesta a sí mismo como Dios en su totalidad. Por seguro que los lugares santos nos hablan del amor de Dios, la humanidad y la divinidad. Pero hay más. También nos hablan sobre el cuerpo humano. En el Santo Pesebre Dios puso en nuestro cuerpo humano. En el Santo Sepulcro de Jesús resucitado en el cuerpo. Debido al "cuerpo" lo que me apresuro a añadir el Cenáculo como punto culminante de la peregrinación. Situado en el Monte Sión y fuera de las murallas de la vieja ciudad de Jerusalén, el Cenáculo fue el lugar donde Jesús observó la Pascua con sus discípulos. Es también allí donde Él instituyó la Sagrada Eucaristía, el don de su cuerpo y su sangre como alimento y bebida. Jesús nació en el cuerpo, se levantó en el cuerpo y le dio su cuerpo como alimento. Amigos, el cuerpo humano es bueno. Es un regalo de Dios. Me encanta. Te lo agradezco. Debemos proteger y cuidar de él. No importa cuál sea la forma o el tamaño, es hermoso. Respetarlo. Nutrirlo. Úselo con razón. No abuse o haga mal uso de ella. Eso va también para los cuerpos de los demás. Nutra su cuerpo. Participar en actividades sanas. La pereza hace que sea débil y sin vida. Exceso de ejercicio lo hace susceptible a la enfermedad y acelera el envejecimiento. Libera tu cuerpo de cualquier compromiso adictivo ya sea comida, bebida, la televisión o lo que no. Observar la moderación y la templanza en todas las cosas. Vivir una vida saludable en cuerpo, mente y espíritu. Y cuando nos llegue la hora, esperamos compartir en la resurrección del cuerpo y la vida eterna. I was asked a few times about the highlights of the pilgrimage. It’s hard to make a selection since all the places we visited are equally impressive and significant. However, if I were to make a choice it would be the Church of the Nativity and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Located in Bethlehem, the Church of the Nativity is a top tourist destination that accounts for the biggest source of income for the city of Bethlehem and the entire West Bank district. On the other hand, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Old City of Jerusalem has been drawing in pilgrims since the 4th century. It is in the former where the Holy Manger is located and it is in the latter where Jesus’ tomb is situated. The lines to both sites are long and it takes more than an hour to get to them. The Holy Manger and the Holy Sepulchre mark the beginning and the end of Jesus’ life on earth. The first focuses on the mystery of the Incarnation, of God becoming man; the second on the mystery of Resurrection, of Jesus manifesting Himself as fully God. For sure the holy sites speak to us of God’s love, humanity and divinity. But there is more. They also speak to us about the human body. At the Holy Manger God put on our human body. At the Holy Sepulchre Jesus resurrected in body. Because of the “body” thing let me hasten to add the Cenacle as highlight of the pilgrimage. Located in Mount Zion and just outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, the Cenacle or Upper Room was the place where Jesus observed the Passover with His disciples. It is also there that He instituted the Holy Eucharist, the gift of His body and blood as food and drink. Jesus was born in body, rose in body and gave His body as food. Friends, the human body is good. It’s a gift from God. Love it. Appreciate it. Protect and care for it. No matter what shape or size it comes, it is beautiful. Respect it. Nurture it. Use it rightly. Don’t abuse or misuse it. That goes for the bodies of others as well. Nourish your body. Engage it in wholesome activities. Idleness makes it weak and lifeless. Over-exertion makes it susceptible to sickness and quickens ageing. Free your body from any addictive engagement be it food, drink, TV or what not. Observe moderation and temperance in all things. Live healthy in body, mind and spirit. And when our time comes, we hope to share in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Lastly, kindly include in your prayers Shaun Balleza, grandson of Mila, a daily Mass-goer who lights the altar candles. Shaun died in a drive-by shooting incident that took place in front of his house on November 3rd. Por último, les pedimos que incluyan en sus oraciones a Shaun Balleza, nieto de Mila, el asistía a misa todos los días y ayudaba a encender las velas del altar. Shaun murió en un incidente de tiroteo que tuvo lugar frente a su casa el 3 de Noviembre. Father Michael Padre Michael In everything, give thanks. November 14, 2010 PRAYER LIFE / VIDA DE ORACIÓN “Could you not watch one hour with Me?” Matthew. 26:40 PERPETUAL ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ( 24/7 ) For information, please call (650)588-0572 ADORACION PERPETUA DEL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO Para informacion, llame al (650)588-0572 “In His Presence is fullness of joy” Ps. 16:11b “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Luke 12:34 “Be still and know that I am God.” Ps.46:10 Mass Intentions All the Masses in November are for ALL SOULS IN PURGATORY. SPECIAL PRAYER REQUESTS We pray especially for the healing and full recovery of Salvacion Bocalbos, Jorge Buccat, Rudy & Rachel Espinoza, Babeth Fuentes, Martha Gallardo, Joe Rio Gomez, Loretta Groulx, Frances Metcalf, Frank and Norma Miranda, Tranquilino Nilo, Joaquin Ochoa, Rustico Oraa, Jr., Eliseo Ramos, Ricardo Salinda, Consuelo San Miguel, Kim Marie Scott, Lloyd Velasquez & Cynthia Wilkinson. MEDITACION DEL DIA Siervo Útil Fortifícame con la gracia de tu Espíritu Santo y dame tu paz a mi alma que esté libre de toda ansiedad, soledad, y preocupación. Ayúdame a siempre desear lo que es aceptable y agradable para ti para que tu voluntad se haga mi voluntad. Otórgame que me deshaga de todos mis deseos impuros, y que por tu amor, yo me mantenga obscuro y desconocido en este mundo, para ser solo conocido por ti. No me permitas darme el atributo ante otros de lo bueno Que haces en mi y mediante de mi, en vez, refiriendo todo honor a tu majestosa, puede yo dar gloria sólo en mis debilidades, para que renunciando sinceramente a todos los que se vanagloria del mundo, puedo aspirar a la gloria verdadera y duradera, que viene de ti. Amen. Santa Frances Xavier Cabrini (+1917) Nacio en Lombardy, Italia, Y se movio a los Estados Unidos en 1889 para cuidar a los imigrantes Italianos. Ella fue la primera ciudadana Americana canonizada. ST. BRUNO CHURCH GIFT SHOP Gifts for Major Religious Occasions * PLEASE NOTE NEW HOURS * OPEN: Wednesday 6:00 pm—9:00 pm Saturday 4:00 pm—8:00 pm Sunday 9:00 am—2:00 pm/5pm– 7pm Contact: Terry & Francis Cruz 515-2591 NOVENA TO CHRIST THE KING (Nov.21) Nov. 13 - Nov. 21 or Nov. 21 - Nov. 29 (may be prayed anytime of the year too) This Novena may be prayed once a day for 9 days. “O Lord our God, You alone are the Most Holy King and Ruler of all nations. We pray to You, Lord, in the great expectation of receiving from You, O Divine King, mercy, peace, justice, and all good things. Protect, O Lord our King, our families and the land of our birth. Guard us, we pray, Most Faithful One! Protect us from our enemies and from Your just judgment. Forgive us, O Sovereign King, our sins against You. Jesus, You are a King of Mercy. We have deserved Your just judgment. Have mercy on us, Lord, and forgive us. We trust in Your great Mercy. O most awe-inspiring King, we bow before You and pray: May Your Reign, Your Kingdom, be recognized on earth! Amen.” Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be…” MEDITATION OF THE DAY Useful Servant Fortify me with the grace of your Holy Spirit and give Your peace to my soul that I may be free from all needless anxiety, solicitude, and worry. Help me to desire always that which is pleasing and acceptable to You so that Your Will may be my will. Grant that I may rid myself of all unholy desires and that, for Your love, I may remain obscure and unknown in this world, to be known only to You. Do not permit me to attribute to myself the good that You perform in me and through me, but rather, referring all honor to Your majesty, may I glory only in my infirmities, so that renouncing sincerely all vainglory which comes from the world, I may aspire to that true and lasting glory which comes from You. Amen. ST. FRANCES XAVIER CABRINI Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini (+1917) was born in Lombardy, Italy and moved to the United States in 1889 to care for the Italian immigrants. She was the first American citizen to be canonized. We pray for the repose of the souls of: Jose Raul Arauz, Shaun Balleza, Rodolfo Cinco, Manuel Cordoba, Virginia Cunanan, Nellie Dennis, Esperanza Gonzalez, Teresa Hernandez, Mario Jimenez, Tony Kortenkamp, Freddie Macias, Bill McConnell, Jose Santiago and for all those who died recently. Our deepest sympathy to all the families mourning the loss of a loved one. Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: READINGS FOR THE WEEK Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6; 14-22; Lk 19:1-10 Rv 4:1-11; Lk 19:11-28 Rv 5:1-10; Lk 19:41-44 or Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Mt 14:22-33 Rv 10:8-11; Lk 19:45-48 Rv 11:4-12; Lk 20:27-40 2 Sm 5:1-3; Ps 122; Col 1:12-20; Lk 23:35-43 St. Bruno Parish News CCD COSTUME CONTEST WINNERS YOUR CONTRIBUTION / SU CONTRIBUCION “The Saints Come Marching In” The FAMILY OF SAINTS Winners are: Familia Esquivel Yasmin as Virgen de Guadalupe, Cynthia as St. Theresa, Omar, Jr. as St. Bruno, David as El Niño Jesus, Jaqueline as Sta. Eduviges, Carolina as Virgen Maria MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE SAINT Winner: Leitu Takapu as St. Maria Goretti MOST UNIQUE GROUP: Sepasetiano Otuhiva as St. Bravo, We are grateful for your consistent financial support each Sunday. Please remember us in prayer and offering even when you are not able to be present. Agradecemos mucho su ayuda financiera de cada semana. Por favor recuérdenos en sus oraciones y en sus ofrendas aun cuando no pueda estar presente. NOV. 6th and NOV. 7th 1st Collection: $ 3,503.20 2nd Collection: $ 1,016.05 2nd Coll. TODAY: Archbishop’s Annual Appeal NEXT WEEK: Catholic Campaign for Human Dev’t with his family: Karina Ramirez as St. Bravo’s wife, Nestor Fernandez as St. Amand, Manuel Garcia as Valet, Brenda Gova, Isela Villanueva, Priscilla Frias as his servants LITTLE KNOWN SAINT: Ana Fonua as Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha WELL-KNOWN SAINTS: Jonathan Tesfa as St. Joseph and JasonTesfa as St. Anthony Congratulations to all the Winners! SECOND COLLECTION Next week’s Second Collection is for the CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEV’T (CCHD) Fight poverty in America; Defend Human Dignity The poverty rate in America increased between 2007 and 2008 when nearly 40 million Americans lived in poverty. Jobs were lost, incomes dropped, savings dwindled, and families struggled to keep their heads above water. The CCHD funds programs in communities across the United States where people living in poverty join together to identify problems, make decisions, and find ways to improve their lives and neighborhoods. Please visit to read more details of CCHD’s efforts to break the cycle of poverty in your community and across the country. EWTN - Eternal Word Television Network Special programs in November include live coverage of the USCCB’s Annual Fall General Assembly in Baltimore. EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo will host the telecasts which air Nov. 15 & 16 at 11 a.m. & Nov. 16 & 17 at 6 a.m. “Xavier: Missionary & Saint”, Nov. 28, Sun.7pm & Nov.30 at 10 a.m. All times are Pacific Time. EWTN is carried on Comcast Ch. 229, AT&T Ch.562, Astound Ch.80, San Bruno Cable Ch. 143, DISH Satellite Ch. 261 & Direct TV Ch. 370. SCRIPTURE VERSES FOR THE WEEK “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” Jn 6:63 “May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ.” 1 Thessal. 3:5 “The things that are impossible with people are possible with God.” Lk 18:27 WEEKLY CALENDAR/CALENDARIO SEMANAL Saturday, Nov. 13 Sábado , 13 de Nov. 8 AM-12PM CCD Classes (ALL HALLS) 2 pm Mem.Mass +Jose Arauz Sunday, Nov. 14 Domingo, 14 de Nov. REGULAR SCHEDULE OF MASSES 1 pm La Soledad Prayer Grp (MH) 7 PM Guadalupe Play Rehearsal (IGLESIA) Monday, Nov. 15 Lunes, 15 de Nov. 6 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM 7 PM Feast of St. Albert the Great Alcoholics Anonymous in Spanish (ST. GABRIEL) Guadalupe Play Rehearsal (CHURCH) Talleres de Oracion y Vida (UPPER RM) Esquipulas (UPPER ROOM - small room) Estudio de Biblia (MAIN HALL) Tuesday, Nov. 16 Martes, 16 de Nov. Feast of St. Gertrude the Great 530-9PM Confirmation Classes (CHURCH, ALL HALLS, Confer. Rm) 7 PM Fe y Esperanza Hispanic Choir (UPPER ROOM2) 8 PM Tongan Choir (CHURCH) 8:30 PM CFC Choir Practice (MAIN HALL) Wednesday, Nov. 17 Miercoles, 17 de Nov. St. Elizabeth of Hungary 6 PM Our Lady’s Prayer Group (CHURCH) Novena to OLPH 6 PM—9 PM Confession (CHURCH) 7 PM Mass with Our Lady’s Prayer Group (CHURCH) 6:30 PM Soldiers of Christ (UPPER ROOM) Thursday, Nov. 18 Jueves, 18 de Nov. Dedication of the Basilicas of 5 PM Overeaters’ Anonymous (ST. GABRIEL) St. Peter & St. Paul 7 PM RCIA (MAIN HALL—Upper Room) 7 PM Legion de Maria (ST. GABRIEL’S HALL) 7 PM MFCC Meeting (ST. MICHAEL) 8 PM Tongan Choir (CHURCH) 8 :30 PM Couples for Christ Choir (MAIN HALL) Friday, Nov. 19 Viernes, 19 de Nov. 2 PM Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Spanish (ST. GABRIEL) 5:30 PM Alma de Cristo Hispanic Choir (UPPER ROOM) 7 PM Fe y Esperanza Hispanic Choir (UR) 7 PM La Purisima (ST. MICHAEL’S HALL) Saturday, Nov. 20 Sabado, 20 de Nov. NO CCD Classes for this weekend - Faith Formation Conference 12 PM Baptismal Class (IGLESIA) 2 PM Quinceñeara of Alejandra Gonzalez (IGLESIA) 5 PM-10PM Couples for Christ Cluster Assembly (MAIN HALL) COME & SEE … DISCERNMENT DAY Single young women discerning a religious vocation, are invited to the SISTERS OF NAZARETH DISCERNER’S DAY Nov. 21, 2010 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Nazareth House, 245 Nova Albion Way, San Raphael, CA For info and reservations, please contact Sr. Fintan 310/839-2361 or Sr. Linda 415/871-1727 email: Mario Benavente, DDS General Family Dentistry Office hours by appt. 298 Linden Ave. 650-589-0494 San Bruno (at Crystal Springs) Join us during the recent interview of Dr. Louis Ignarro (a Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine) in the Prevention & Cure of CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES & Related Illnesses Reserve your spot: April 24 • May 29 • June 26 Call (may leave message) Tel # 650-201-5974 / 650-278-0349 / 650-302-1914 Traditional & Cremation Services 500 Westlake Avenue • Daly City (650) 756-4500 FD1098 Unlimited Parking If you or your loved ones are suffering from Diabetes, High blood pressure, Cancer, Obesity, High Cholesterol, Depression, Allergies, Low Energy levels and ED, you don’t want to miss this event! 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Santos DMD 650-873-4740 Fax 650-873-3179 dr 1001 San Bruno Ave. West San Bruno, CA Open Mon. thru Fri. 10-7 Sat. 9-6 ADS = SALES PLACE YOUR AD HERE 422 San Mateo Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066 (650) 872-5008 Hours: Mon, Wed-Fri 11:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Mon, Wed-Fri 5:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Sat-Sun 11:00 a.m.-9:30 p.m. Closed Tuesday 10% Discount for dine-in only Authentic Filipino Cuisine Ya sea Vender o Comprar Casa Yo Puedo Ayudarles. Cualquiera que sea su Necesidad • Comprando cada por Primera vez • Necesita una Casa mas Grande • Quiere invertir su dienero Donate your vehicle, household items or your time! Llame al 650-224-0380 650-871-3632 Dedicada Teresa Navarro learn more at 650 871-6844 Society of St. Vincent de Paul a Trabajar para Usted Large Pizza & Twists 1 Large 2-Topping Pizza & a 3 Piece Groovy Twists™ .99 16 + Tax Pizza Party Large 2-Topping Pizzas & a 2-Liter Soda* .99 26 + Tax Dine-In Guests receive 2 Free Fountain Drinks. 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(650)588-2121 Ext. 14 Saturday 9-11 a.m.
Rev. Michael Brillantes
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Saint Bruno Church - St. Bruno`s Catholic Church
“The Little Parish with a Big Heart”
555 West San Bruno Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066
Phone: (650)588-2121 Fax: (650)588-6087
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