Winter 2011 - The Canadian MPS Society
Winter 2011 - The Canadian MPS Society
WINTER 2011 ISSUE HIGHLIGHTS Medical Advisory Board Profile Dr. Aneal Khan Celebrate the Rare on International Rare Disease Day! Travel Bursaries available for our 2012 National Family Conference and the 2012 International MPS Symposium Once Upon a Cure: a whimsical, star-studded fundraiser takes place in Vancouver for MPS II An Evening in Italy raises funds for MPS IV B - “That’s Amore!” Team MPS hits the streets of Toronto in the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon with a goal of No “MORE” MPS! Brooke Hodson logs over 560 kms for kids with MPS! Jessica Gentle wins our 2011 Holiday Art Contest - see her creation on the back cover and Happy Holidays to all! SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES. RESEARCH FOR A CURE. IN THIS ISSUE Our Vision: Director Reports 4 MAB Profile 8 Birthday Greetings 9 Donations 10 In the News: MPS Spain 11 International Rare Disease Day 12 Advocacy 13 Upcoming Events 14 Treatments & Trials 16 Clinical Studies 18 Once Upon a Cure 20 An Evening in Italy 24 Fundraising 28 Publication List 32 Membership Form 33 Family Assistance Program Application Form 34 We believe in a brighter future for those affected with and by Mucopolysaccharide (MPS) and related lysosomal diseases. We envision a future where patients no longer die from MPS and related diseases because treatments have been developed, cures have been discovered, and our government has made these treatments and cures accessible to those who need and deserve them. In the future we envision, those affected are living long, healthy and fulfilling lives - enjoying the company of their friends, children and grandchildren. Our Mission: Founded in 1984, The Canadian Society for Mucopolysaccharide and Related Diseases Inc. (The Canadian MPS Society) is committed to providing support to individuals and families affected with MPS and related diseases, educating medical professionals and the general public about MPS, and raising funds for research so that one day there will be cures for all types of MPS and related diseases. Our Values: The Canadian MPS Society values: • community and compassionate support • health and wellness • justice and equality • education and awareness • research and innovation • accountability and transparency PO Box 30034, RPO Parkgate North Vancouver, BC V7H 2Y8 Phone: 604.924.5130 / 1.800.667.1846 Fax: 604.924.5131 Email: Charity # 12903 0409 RR0001 Smiles on the Front Cover: Maya Bosdet (MPS I) with her mother Lisa. The Bosdet family is featured in our 2011 Annual Fund Campaign Mailer. Please consider making a gift to the Society this holiday season. Do you have family news, photos, fundraising news or an interesting article to share with the Connection’s readers? We’d love to hear from you! Please submit your information by email, if possible, to The articles in this newsletter are for informational purposes only, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Canadian Society for Mucopolysaccharide & Related Diseases and its board of directors. We do not endorse any of the medications, treatments or products reported in this newsletter, and strongly advise that you discuss any drugs or treatments mentioned with your physician. 2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bernie Geiss, Chair North Vancouver, BC Professional 604.924.3451 Carrie Nimmo, Vice-Chair Vancouver, BC MPS I Aunt 604.936.6183 Jean Linden, Secretary Prince George, BC MPS III Parent 250.564.3698 Brenda MacLean, Treasurer Vancouver, BC Professional 604.980.7556 Mary Nelis, Quebec Representative Bedford, QC MPS I Parent 450.248.7376 Barbara Boland, Newfoundland Representative St. John’s, NL MPS III Parent 709.753.7874 Judy Byrne Guelph, ON MPS I Parent 519.836.5949 Todd Harkins North Vancouver, BC MPS I Parent 604.929.8969 Aubrey Hawton Moonstone, ON MPS III Parent 705.835.5288 Dan Priest Richmond, BC MPS IVB Parent 604.271.2995 Matthew Santos Mississauga, ON Adult with MPS IVB 905.542.1442 MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD Lorne Clarke, Chair M.D., C.M., F.R.C.P.C., F.C.C.M.G. University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC Robin Casey M.D., M.S.C. Alberta Children’s Hospital Calgary, AB Joe Clarke M.D., Ph.D. Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, ON Serge Melancon M.D. Montreal Children’s Hospital Montreal, QC John Mitchell M.D. Montreal Children’s Hospital Montreal, QC Cheryl Rockman-Greenberg M.D., C.M., F.R.C.P. Winnipeg Children’s Hospital Winnipeg, MB Julian Raiman M.D. Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, ON Tony Rupar M.D. CPRI London, ON Sylvia Stockler M.D. BC Children’s Hospital Vancouver, BC STAFF Kirsten Harkins, Executive Director Jill Ley, Executive Assistant Aneal Khan M.D. Alberta Children’s Hospital Calgary, Alberta Mark Ludman M.D., F.R.C.P.C., F.C.C.M.G. IWK Health Centre Halifax, NS Eva Mamak Ph.D. (Neuropsychology) Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, ON 3 “Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee.” - Montaigne CHAIR’S REPORT Hi everyone, My name is Bernie Geiss and I am the new chair of the Canadian MPS Society’s board. I was elected to the board in 2009 and to the chair position in August of 2011. I have been involved with the Canadian MPS Society since 2006 as a donor and was drawn to become more active because of what I learned. It was through attending the MPS Cup Fantasy Hockey Game & Gala in Vancouver and getting to know the Harkins family that educated me about the realities of this devastating disease. Above all my heart strings were tugged by the stories of both sadness and courage I heard involving affected individuals and their families. I was also moved by the fact that our government does not have a Rare Disease Policy nor does it have an Orphan Drug Policy. I wanted to do more than just give money and attend dinners so I got involved on the board. My goal is to bring whatever relevant experience I have to bear on fulfilling the goals of this great organization. It might be small but it does good work. hope for the future. It is my hope to increase the involvement of non-affected families in Canada so they can join our voices to build a better future for MPS-affected individuals in the area of political advocacy, fund raising and board development. It is my hope that we can continue to recruit board members who enthusiastically push our society forward with new ideas for increasing awareness of us within the community. To that end we will develop and implement a new Board Development Policy. A vital board is important so that we can do more of what we need to do. It is my hope that we will continue to run an effective board that is clear on its role. To that end we will develop and implement a new Governance Policy for the Society. Governance Policy is a step by step manual describing how the board manages itself to make sure we comply with the requirements imposed upon us from external agencies like the CRA’s Charities Directorate as well as our own policies and procedures that we set internally. It is my hope to raise greater and greater amounts of money to be able to achieve The past board chairs and board memour objectives in research, family support bers have done a phenomenal job of and advocacy. To do that we need clear building and maintaining a strong society guidelines on how our society supports from both a financial and services perfundraising activities. It is equally imporspective. We have a dedicated Executive tant that fundraisers understand and comDirector in Kirsten Harkins who brings ply with all relevant charity and tax rules more to us than just administrative abiliwhen undertaking to promote their event ties. She is tirelessly committed. We also using our name and reputation. To that have a very dedicated office staff person end we will develop a Fundraising Policy in Jill Ley. We all agree that there is much and a Fundraising Manual that will be more that can be done and I look forward made readily available to anyone who to building on what has be handed to me. takes up the torch for our causes in an I envision an even stronger board and empowering way. society with clarity of purpose and reIt is my hope that more and more people newed energy working towards some see the Canadian MPS Society as a despecific goals over the coming year. The serving and responsible recipient of role of board chair is to direct the board small, medium and large gifts. The receipt and the society according to the vision of these gifts brings a high level of reand mission statement of our society. I sponsibility to insure that the goals of the realize that I can't do things alone and welcome the involvement of anyone will- donor are aligned with our society and ing to make a contribution. I am filled with vice versa. We will endeavour to make 4 sure that donors understand how important they are to us while committing to transparency of management in a manner that encourages giving again or telling others about us. To this end we will develop a Gift Acceptance Policy. I am excited to be involved in your society and look forward to reporting back next year about all that has been achieved. Our society is strong and has a good foundation upon which to build. I never lose sight of the fact that for a small society we already have great capabilities. Help me maximize those capabilities and grow our hope for a better future for those with MPS. Sincerely, Bonjour tout le monde! Mon nom est Bernie Geiss, je suis le nouveau Président du conseil de la Société MPS. J’ai été nommé par le conseil en 2009 pour assumer mes fonctions à titre de président, à compter du mois d’août 2011. Je fais partie de la Société depuis 2006, en tant que donateur, et lorsque j’ai mieux compris ce que faisait la Société j’ai décidé de m’impliquer davantage. Lorsque j’ai assisté à MPS Cup Fantasy Hockey Game (coupe de hockey fantaisiste MPS) et au dîner de gala à Vancouver, et que j’ai rencontré la famille Harkins qui m’a fait connaître les ravages causés par les MPS, toutes les ficelles de mon cœur furent touchées par ces histoires tristes et courageuses que j’ai entendues au sujet des individus et leurs familles. De plus, j’ai été très touché par le fait que notre gouvernement n’a aucune politique en matière de maladies rares et aucune politique sur les médicaments orphelins. Donc, je voulais m’impliquer davantage et non seulement à titre de donateur et comme invité au dîner de gala. C’est pourquoi j’ai décidé de m’impliquer et de faire partie du conseil de la Société. Mon but consiste à me servir de toutes mes expériences connexes à l’atteinte des objectifs de cette grande organisation. RAPPORT DU PRESIDENT Au cours des années passées, les présidents et membres du conseil ont fait un travail phénoménal en créant et maintenant une Société forte sur le plan financier et en matière de prestation des services. Kirsten Harkins, notre directrice générale dédiée contribue au-delà de ses capacités en administration, elle fait preuve d’un engagement inlassable. Faisant partie de notre personnel administratif, nous avons Jill Ley qui est aussi très dédiée. Nous sommes tous d’accord, qu’il reste encore beaucoup à faire et j’anticipe organiser les tâches qui m’ont été confiées. J’envisage une Société plus forte et ayant une vision claire, dotée d’une énergie renouvelée, et visant des buts spécifiques au cours de la nouvelle année. Le rôle du Président est de diriger le conseil et la Société afin qu’ils soient en lien avec la vision et l’énoncé de mission. Je constate que je ne peux effectuer ces tâches sans votre soutien et j’invite tous ceux et celles qui voudront bien apporter leur contribution. Je suis rempli d’espoir pour ce que l’avenir nous réserve. procéderons à l’élaboration et à la mise en œuvre d’une nouvelle politique d’amélioration du conseil. Un conseil vital c’est important, car cela nous permettra d’aller au-delà de ce que nous devons faire. collectes de fonds qui seront faciles d’accès, afin d’aider ceux qui veulent promouvoir la cause des MPS. J’ai l’espoir qu’il y aura de plus en plus de gens qui percevront la Société comme étant un organisme responsable et digne de recevoir de petits, moyens et grands J’ai l’espoir que nous continuerons à gérer un conseil efficient, avec une vision cadeaux. C’est une grande responsabilité de recevoir ces cadeaux, claire en ce qui a trait à sa mission. À cette fin, nous procéderons à l’élaboration ce qui exige que les buts des donateurs soient alignés avec ceux de la Société et et la mise en œuvre d’une nouvelle vice et versa. Nous poursuivrons nos politique sur la gouvernance pour la Société. La politique sur la gouvernance efforts afin de nous assurer que les donateurs comprennent à quel point ils sera un guide qui décrira les étapes, à savoir, comment le conseil s’autogère, et sont importants pour nous, et ce, tout en continuant notre engagement à ce, afin de nous assurer que nous démontrer de la transparence dans notre respectons les exigences qui nous ont gestion, d’une façon qui encouragera les été imposées par les agences externes donateurs à continuer à donner et faire comme la direction générale pour les organismes de bienfaisance de l’Agence connaître notre Société. À cette fin, nous élaborerons une politique d’acceptation du revenu du Canada, et aussi pour des dons. respecter nos propres politiques et procédures internes. Je me réjouis de pouvoir faire partie de J’ai l’espoir d’amasser de plus grandes la Société et j’anticipe vous informer l’an prochain, de nos progrès et réalisations. sommes d’argent afin que nous soyons Notre Société est forte et possède une en mesure d’atteindre nos objectifs en fondation solide sur laquelle nous matière de recherches, l’appui aux J’ai l’espoir d’accroître l’implication des pouvons construire. Jamais je ne perds familles et notre cause. Pour atteindre familles non-affectées par les MPS au de vue, le fait que, bien que notre Société nos objectifs nous devrons établir des Canada, afin qu’elles joignent nos voix soit petite, nous avons déjà d’énormes directives claires, à savoir, comment pour créer un avenir meilleur pour les possibilités. Aidez-moi à maximiser ces notre Société soutien les activités de individus affectés par les MPS, pour la possibilités et à accroître notre espoir levées de fonds. C’est également défense de la cause, faire des levées de pour un avenir meilleur, à la cause des important que les leveurs de fonds fonds et pour l’amélioration du conseil. MPS. comprennent et respectent tout ce qui J’ai l’espoir que nous pourrons continuer concerne les activités de bienfaisances et à recruter des membres pour faire partie les règles fiscales, car lorsqu’ils décident Sincèrement vôtre, de promouvoir un événement, ils utilisent du conseil qui, par leur enthousiasme, pourront trouver de nouvelles idées pour notre nom et notre réputation. À cette fin, nous élaborerons une politique de nous mieux nous faire connaître auprès collecte de fonds et un guide pour les de la communauté. À cette fin, nous 2012 MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS Early in December, you received an emailed reminder to renew your membership online. If we do not have your email address, please fill out and submit the membership form on page 33. Your 2012 membership will be valid through December 31, 2012. When you renew online, your membership will be updated automatically and the Society will save on printing and postage costs. When renewing online, please first login to your account (if you don’t remember your password, the website will email it to you) then renew your membership and update your profile so that we have your consent to include your contact information in our membership directory and to reprint your child(ren)’s photos, birthdates and/or memorial dates. Thank you for your continued support! 5 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT Happy Holidays, everyone! nual meeting of the International MPS Network. Gathering together with those from the international MPS community is In the pages of this issue always an inspiration, and this time in you’ll find many things to particular I was so enamoured by a new celebrate: the success of friend I met – Liu Yuan Chao, a 15-yearseveral amazing fundold affected by MPS II from mainland raisers, the initiation of China. Yuan Chao gave me a beautiful an exciting clinical trial, drawing of a panda (which is hanging in and the beginning of a new term for our incoming board chair, Bernie Geiss. In September, Deb and Ryan Purcell organized a starstudded, whimsical and incredibly successful event entitled Once Upon a Cure to raise funds for the Society’s MPS II Research Fund (see page 20). In October, Dan and Tina Priest brilliantly hosted An Evening in Italy - their second annual Journey of Hope event to benefit the Society’s MPS IV B Fund (see page 24) - and gave the 200plus guests many reasons to sing ‘That’s Amore’. And the More family (page 28) rallied their families and friends to walk and run under the exceptionally fitting team name No MORE MPS in the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, raising thousands of dollars for the Society. Of course, we would be remiss if we didn’t recognize Brooke Hodson’s 10th walk around Cowichan Lake in the 2011 Great Lake Walk. Brooke has now walked an incredible 560 kilometres in support of kids with MPS and related diseases. Thank you so much, Above: Kirsten with her new friend Liu Yuan Chao; Brooke – we must owe you a Page 7: Members of the International MPS Network new pair (or two) of running shoes by now! my office), a lovely red rose at the gala One of the highlights of the fall for me dinner, and a very special reminder that was a trip to Taiwan where the Taiwan no matter where we come from, we in the MPS Society graciously hosted its 3rd MPS community are all dealing with simiAsia-Pacific Forum for Families & lar challenges and doing our best to live Caregivers on MPS as well as the an6 the best lives we can. I’ll be hard-pressed to receive any gifts over the holiday season that are equal to those given to me by this very special young man. As you’ll read in his report, Bernie is enthusiastically helping us to move forward toward increased board engagement and policy development, with an ultimate goal of achieving our vision of a brighter future for Canadians affected with and by MPS and related diseases. We head into the New Year filled with appreciation for all that our members do to raise awareness and to raise funds to help us continue our work, and we welcome your participation in our programs and activities in 2012. May your holidays be filled with magical and meaningful moments with family and friends, and gifts that enrich your spirits. Blessings to you all, Joyeuses Fêtes à tous! Dans les pages de ce numéro, vous trouverez beaucoup d’événements à célébrer: le succès de plusieurs campagnes de financement extraordinaires, le lancement d'un essai clinique passionnant, et le début d'un nouveau terme pour notre Président du conseil : Bernie Geiss. En septembre, Deb et Ryan Purcell ont organisé un événement fantastique d’un succès éclatant qui était intitulé « Once Upon a Cure » (Il était une fois un espoir de guérison), afin d’amasser des fonds pour la recherche de la Société MPS II (voir page 20). En octobre, Dan et Tina Priest ont brillamment organisé « An Evening in Italy » (une soirée en Italie) leur second événement « Journey of Hope » (voyage en l’espoir) au profit de la société MPS IV B (voir paont donné à leurs invités, plus de 200 ge 24) - et ils raisons pour chanter «That’s Amore». RAPPORT DE LA DIRECTRICE EXECUTIVE Plusieurs familles (page 28) ont ralliés leurs proches et leurs amis pour marcher et courir, et cette équipe exceptionnelle portait un nom de circonstance « No More MPS » (c’est la fin des MPS), lors de l’événement du Marathon Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront, lequel a permis d’amasser des milliers de dollars pour la Société. Bien sûr, nous serions négligents si nous ne reconnaissions pas la 10ième marche de Brooke Hodson : la Marche 2011 des Grands Lacs, qui s’est déroulée autour du Lac Cowichan. Brooke a fait une marche incroyable de 560 kilomètres à l'appui des enfants affectés par les MPS et les maladies apparentées. Merci beaucoup Brooke – jusqu’à maintenant, nous vous devrions vous rembourser au moins une ou deux paires de chaussures de courses! Un des faits saillants de l’automne fut pour moi un voyage à Taiwan où la Société MPS de Taiwan a offert gracieusement son 3e Forum AsiePacifique sur les MPS, pour les familles et les aidants naturels, ainsi que la tenue de la réunion annuelle du Réseau international des MPS. Le fait de se réunir avec les membres de la communauté internationale MPS est toujours une source d'inspiration, et cette fois-ci particulièrement, car j'ai été beaucoup épris par un nouvel ami que j'ai rencontré - Liu Yuan Chao, 15 ans, touché par les MPS II, résidant de la Chine continentale. Yuan Chao m'a donné un beau dessin d'un panda (qui est accroché dans mon bureau), une belle rose rouge au dîner de gala, et un rappel spécial et je cite : «… peu importe d'où nous venons, nous dans la communauté MPS, nous sommes tous aux prises avec des défis similaires et faisons de notre mieux pour vivre la meilleure vie qui soit ». Lors de la saison des fêtes, je me sentirai mal à l’aise d’accepter tous cadeaux équivalents à ceux m’ont été donnés par ce jeune homme aux qualités particulières. Comme vous pourrez le lire dans son rapport, Bernie nous aide de façon enthousiaste, afin de faire avancer les engagements du conseil en matière d'élaboration des politiques, et pour 7 atteindre l’objectif ultime de notre vision : un avenir meilleur pour les Canadiens affectés par les MPS et les maladies apparentées. Nous nous dirigeons vers la nouvelle année remplie de gratitude pour l’appui et les efforts que nos membres nous offrent afin de sensibiliser la population et pour d’amasser des fonds pour nous permettre de continuer notre travail. Nous nous réjouissons à l’avance de votre participation à nos programmes et nos activités en 2012. Que vos vacances soient remplies de moments magiques et significatifs, en compagnie de votre famille et vos amis, ainsi que des cadeaux qui rempliront vos cœurs. Bénédictions à vous tous. MEDICAL ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER : DR ANEAL KHAN eyes - they are looking to into the future – and we all would want to promise a child that there will be a future. WHY DID YOU BECOME A DOCTOR? I have always been interested in biology and in particular how the human body works and why people become sick. I didn’t just want to learn about the science though, I wanted to be able to do things on a daily basis that would improve the lives of patients when they are sick. TELL US A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOUR FAMILY: I have a lovely wife and 2 children – a 5 year old boy and 3 year old girl. I know have a much better understanding when parents tell me their struggles in getting their children to eat their meals, take a bath and trying to keep the car clean (I’ve realized the latter is a fleeting goal). WHAT LED YOU TO BECOME INVOLVED IN MPS DISEASES? I found that in the last few decades we had learned so much about the biochemistry of the human body and this opened to door to understanding and treating many Metabolic diseases. Managing patients with MPS diseases meant that you were involved for the long haul and would get to know your patients, about their lives and challenges and not just about the disease itself. Also, MPS diseases were at the forefront of finding new treatments where patients’ lives could be improved with technologies that I could use in the near future. I found that it was hard for patients to find physicians that could connect with the struggles and challenges that faced and I wanted to be there for them as they faced a journey most people would not understand. PERSONAL INTERESTS/HOBBIES: Having as many barbecues as possible and getting to as many trails as I can in the Rocky Mountains during our short summers. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? WHAT WOULD WE BE SURPIRSED TO LEARN ABOUT YOU? What inspires me is the hope that the future will be better than the past, that all of the work everyone is doing is making a I love to race cars on closed tracks. real difference each and every year. What inspires me is looking into a child’s WELCOME NEW MEMBERS: Linda Hawbolt: Linda is the grandmother of a child in England diagnosed with MPS I-H Mary Cavanagh: Mary is the mother of Scott Cavanagh (MPS IVA) Paul Pennington: Paul is the grandfather of Maya Bosdet (MPS I H/S) 8 BIRTHDAY WISHES HAPPY BIRTHDAY! JANUARY Tyler Huneault – January 2, 1999 – ML I Jasper More – January 9, 2009 – MPS VI Stefan Gacic – January 15, 2000 – MPS IV A Gregory Alan Lipton – January 21, 1989 – ML IV Raza Amin – January 25, 1999 – MPS III B FEBRUARY Sheena Hodder – February 4, 1985 – MPS III C Jean-Luc Amirault – February 23, 2000 – MPS I H MARCH Trey Purcell – March 1, 2004 – MPS II Colin Collins – March 9, 1975 – MPS III A Andrew Lanese – March 10, 1997 – MPS II Sophie Marie Hamza – March 14, 2008 – MPS III B McKay (Mac) Stiles – 21 March, 2004 – MPS I H Elisa Linton – March 31, 1994 – MPS III B 9 WE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE OUR DONORS: Karen Tomkins In Memory of Scott Burns John Sheu Premier Marine Margaret Ryan Lissa Matyas John Beldman Construction Ltd. Laura-Lee Walker In Memory of Gayle Purcell * Shire Human Genetic Therapies (Canada) Inc. Andrea Matyas Marleen Ferguson Synergy Foundation In Memory of Andrew Perry In Memory of Ron Cavanaugh Ahmed Lahiouel Ronald & Betty Anne Perry Winnie Hennessy Tina Haldenby (Steps to a Cure Ron & Betty Anne Perry In Honour of Monika Nelis-Dupont Barbara Cavanaugh Stanbridge East United Church Women MPS II Research Fund Donations Marilyn & Omer Cormier Joyce Golbourn Lorne & Christine Bruce Steve Sachs & Joanne Cavanaugh fundraiser) Maxwell Winter In Memory of Matthew Di Ilio Jorge Paclawsky Linda Ward Karen Berkhout Melissa Barrie *indicates donations were allocated to the MPS II Research Fund In Memory of Beatrice Wagner * Zdenka Prunkl Ilse Cehak In Memory of Peggy Johnson In Memory of Greg Matyas Dave & Sandy Klein Peter Kerekes Remembering our Children: Bill Baillie – March 10, 1969 – January 8, 2000, MPS II Abdullah Alglaieny – September 14, 1987 – January 15, 2007, Fucosidosis Scott Haines – November 21, 1963 – January 27, 1991, MPS III Damien Kaweski – September 3, 1992 – March 3, 2011, MPS IVA Jenna-Anne Woodworth – September 20, 1983 – March 11, 1989, MPS (undiagnosed type) Lindsey Olsen – April 25, 1983 – March 19, 2002, MPS III B Jason Furoy – August 30, 1979 – March 30, 2003, MPS I S 10 IN THE NEWS 7th National MPS Family Congress—Barcelona, Spain get involved and be able to say anywhere: I am research". She also encouraged everyone to visit the website of the Spanish MPS Society, for more information about MPS disorders, that affect both adults and children, giving them a life expectancy of 10 to 15 years and affecting their vital organs, and for which there is no cure. Also attending the Congress, held on the Campus of Bellaterra of the Autonoma University of "All institutions, companies and also any citizen should Barcelona, were get involved and be able to say anywhere: I am research." researchers and physicians, families and affected said the Princess of Spain. children with whom the Princess was very close as she knew some of them from a previous The Princess of Spain, Mrs. Letizia Ortiz meeting held at the Zarzuela Palace in appealed to citizens to become involved Madrid in January 31, 2011. in scientific research to inaugurate the 7th National Scientific/Family Congress of In the nearly two hours in which she MPS Spain, which took place the last day participated in the Congress, Princess of October, 2011. Letizia talked to everyone, took photos, and became interested in the activities In her speech, in Catalan and Spanish, that were taking place for children in the Princess Letizia advocated philanthropy MPS nursery, where the children were as a way to promote scientific culture, being looked after during the sessions. because, in her words, "all institutions, At that time, she read the children two companies and also any citizen should versions of the book "The Little Odyssey", one in Catalan and the other in Spanish, a story about a group of children affected by MPS diseases. ‘The Little Odyssey’, a book about a group of children with MPS Princess Letizia reads from ‘The Little Odyssey’ to children in the nursery identify researchers in these diseases, to monitor how doctors treat affected patients and how many patients there are, and to try to become more effective in the fight against MPS and other rare diseases. Researcher Fatima Bosch also participated in the Congress, and explained how research into gene therapy hopes to directly restore the defective enzyme in the affected organs. Submitted by Mercedes Cruz Spanish MPS Society The Minister of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Mr. Boi Ruiz, who also attended the ceremony, recalled that there are 400,000 people affected by the 7,000 known rare diseases, and in Catalonia diagnosis is often difficult. In his speech he announced that the Catalonian Government has said that the affected patients and their families should not have to continue to suffer the long process leading up to diagnosis. He Princess Letizia talks with other participants at explained that the government has the Congress created a platform and a network to 11 INTERNATIONAL RARE DISEASE DAY CELEBRATE THE RARE! International Rare Disease Day is February 29, 2012. Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders (CORD) is planning a number of activities in celebration of this truly unique day for extraordinary people! February 29, 2012 - Ottawa, ON: Action Day on Parliament Hill: join others from Canada affected by rare disorders and help spread the word to parliamentarians about rare diseases and the challenges facing Canadians living with them. Participants will be divided into small groups and visit 3-4 MPs delivering messages about their own experiences and about CORD’s proposals for possible rare disease legislation. After this, attend Question Period to see our federal government in action! Visit for more information about Action Day and travel bursaries available. 2012 Rare Disease Day Gala CORD is pleased to announce the first annual Rare Disease Day Gala in support of rare disease research to be held on February 29, 2012 at the Ottawa Marriot Hotel. Ticket Prices: $150 individual, $90 Non-Profit/Patient. Visit for event details and updates. The Global Genes Project is preparing to celebrate International Rare Disease Day by providing a number of resources to help you celebrate in whatever way is most meaningful to you! World Rare Disease Day is a time when the global community comes together in unity, to build voice, awareness and support for the hundreds of millions of patients and their families affected by rare disease. The Global Genes Project™ is a campaign that works to help individuals and organizations participate in this annual Day Of Unity. Global Genes Project™ has put together resources and ideas about how to participate and get involved, garner support or show your support! Visit to view the resources available and contact with any questions. Join the discussion about International Rare Disease Day at MAY 15th IS INTERNATIONAL MPS AWARENESS DAY!! International MPS Day began as a way to honour everyone in the MPS Community, to recognize, remember and rejoice in each other. On International MPS Day we: Remember all the children and adults who suffer from MPS diseases. Think about the children we have lost. Think about the doctors and scientists who are dedicated to finding a cure for MPS. Remember each other and be thankful for the strength and support we both give and receive. Please join us in celebrating by sending e-cards available at or consider hosting a Canadian MPS Jeans Day as a means to raise awareness and funds - it’s easy to do!Just email or call the Society office for a proposal template for your school or business, and if approved, let us know how many people you anticipate will be participating. You will receive a Canadian MPS Jeans Day package with enough stickers for your event. Packages will also contain 2 posters, 5 colour brochures (you will have to photocopy enough brochures to distribute at your event), and a donor information sheet to record the names and addresses of those wishing to receive income-tax receipts for donations of $10.00 and over. Participants simply wear their jeans on Jeans Day & donate! 12 ADVOCACY ENZYME REPLACEMENT THERAPIES Since enzyme replacement therapies (ERTs) for MPS I and MPS II have not been recommended for funding by the federal Common Drug Review (CDR), it continues to be up to provincial, territorial, and federal funders to either follow those recommendations or fund these treatments regardless. ERT for MPS VI has not yet been submitted for regulatory approval by Health Canada, so is only available through the Special Access Program (SAP) and applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Patients in several provinces are receiving funding for ERT, but others are not. The Society is committed to assisting patients receive the treatments they need and deserve. Contact us to find out what we can do to help. DISEASE CARE AND MANAGEMENT Point for Rare Disorders in Canada” meeting organized by Canadian Organization of Rare Disorders (CORD). The meeting, which took place September 15th and 16th in Toronto, featured presThe Society is also here to help assist its entations on innovative and sustainable members in accessing services and care approaches to treating, researching, and to aid in overall disease care and manfunding rare disorders, how patient oragement. We have DVDs, booklets, fact ganizations can take an active role and sheets, and PowerPoint presentations push the treatment boundaries, how best available and are happy to speak with or to apply health technology assessment write to teachers, community support technologies (HTA) to rare disease treatworkers or allied healthcare professionals ments, where we’re at in terms of a proin order to provide information that may posed Orphan Drug regulatory framebe beneficial. work. A summary of the proceedings will be available on the CORD website soon, and for now all the meeting presentations are posted at The Society continues to collaborate with other Canadian rare disease organizations and with international MPS societies to reach common goals. The Society was well-represented at the recent “Tipping COLLABORATION Do you live in the Greater Vancouver Area? Are you curious about the benefits of yoga? Attend any of YYOGA’s weekly bydonation classes in the lower mainland during the months of Jan-March, 2012- all proceeds will be donated to the Society! 13 UPCOMING CONFERENCES & EVENTS TRAVEL BURSARIES AVAILABLE FOR NATIONAL FAMILY CONFERENCE & INTERNATIONAL MPS SYMPOSIUM: The Canadian MPS Society is pleased to announce that it will be providing a limited number of travel bursaries, of up to $500 each, to help families attend our 2012 National Family Conference at the Nottasawaga Inn Resort in Alliston, Ontario, from July 27 to July 29. These bursaries will be awarded to parents or legal guardians of children affected with MPS or a related lysosomal storage disease, or to affected adults. Only one bursary will be awarded per family. advances in clinical management and research, and to meet families from around the world affected by MPS. Please visit for more information. Because we know how much our members could benefit from attending this sympoisum, the Canadian MPS Society’s Board of Directors has decided to offer a Travel Stipend Program to assist Society members in travelling to the Netherlands for the symposium. Conference travel bursaries can be used Stipends will consist of $1,000 grants, which can be used to assist with to assist with travel, registration or acregistration, travel, or accommodations commodation expenses. For more deexpenses. Society members will be tails, please see the application form posted on our website, or contact the So- responsible for booking their flights and ciety office to receive a hard copy. Com- accommodations, but should register for the symposium through the Society. pleted conference application forms Stipend guidelines and the application with explanatory letters must be reform are posted on our website. ceived by the Society no later than April 30, 2012. Completed symposium application forms must be received by mail, email From June 28-July 1, 2012, the 12th (scanned forms) or fax (604-924-5131) by International Symposium on the Society no later than February 15, Mucopolysaccharide and Related 2012. The symposium’s early bird Diseases will be held in Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands. This registration deadline is March 1, 2012, so we must make funding decisions in symposium represents a fabulous time to meet the early-bird deadline. opportunity to learn about recent GUIDELINES: The following guidelines apply: Applicants must be current Canadian MPS Society members (dues must be paid for 2012); Applicants must be parents or guardians of an affected child or adult, or be affected adults; Applicants must be Canadian residents; Applicants must attend all conference sessions while at either conference; Only one application per member family will be considered; Applicants must complete the appropriate application form and submit by the deadline; Bursary recipients must submit a letter to the Society following the conference or symposium explaining how they benefited from the experience. We hope that many of our members will be able to participate in either or both of these upcoming conferences! UBC’S “ALLIES IN HEALTH” COMMUNITY AND PATIENT FAIR On November 2, 2011, the Canadian MPS Society had a booth at UBC’s “Allies in Health: 3rd Annual Community and Patient Fair for Health Professional Education.” Graduate student David Back joined us at the booth (pictured at right with Jill Ley) to interview us about the Society and former Summer Studentship recipient and current UBC medical student Sarah Truelson (pictured at far right) stopped by for a visit. 14 UPCOMING CONFERENCES & EVENTS - ADD MPS CUP&YY UPCOMING CONFERENCES & EVENTS Please visit for more information: January, February, March 2012: The Canadian MPS Society will be the recipient of the funds donated through YYoga’s by-donation classes. YYoga studios are located throughout the Greater Vancouver Area. Pease visit for class schedules and more information. February 7, 2012: Just Singin’ Round at the Vancouver Rowing Club; visit our website for more information and tickets, and for more information on the Synergy Collective Society, visit February 8-12, 2012: WORLD Symposium; the annual research meeting of the Lysosomal Disease Network; San Diego, CA, USA. For more information visit February 29, 2012: International Rare Disease Day; celebrate this “rare” day for unique and amazing people! See page 12 for more details. March 28, 2012: 13th Evening for Elisa Gala. May 12, 2012: 10th Annual MPS CUP Fantasy Hockey Game & Gala; Vancouver, BC. Visit for updates - please join our team! Invitation to the Netherlands! Dear friends and colleagues, May 15, 2012: International MPS Awareness Day; consider holding a Canadian MPS Society Jeans Day or celebrate the day in any way that is meaningful to you and your family. Visit our website for more information. We have great pleasure in inviting you all to the 12th International symposium on MPS and related June 28-July 1, 2012: 12th International MPS Symposium; Noordwijkerdiseases, which will be held in Noordwijkerhout, the hout, The Netherlands. Visit for more information. See Netherlands, from 28 June to 1 July 2012. page 14 for travel bursary information. By bringing patients, parents and families together with professionals, the symposium will be able to share information on all aspects of MPS and related disorders. The overall objective is to advance the quality of care and treatment. As well as musculoskeletal disease and MPS, the brain and MPS, and new approaches to treatment, the main topics of the symposium will be pricing and reimbursement. All will be covered in joint sessions attended by doctors, scientists, patients and patients’ families. Separately, doctors and scientists will also attend more detailed sessions on the CNS, bone disease and novel approaches to treatment. July 27-29, 2012: The Canadian MPS Society’s National Family Conference; The Nottawasaga Inn, Alliston, Ontario. See page 14 for travel bursary information - we hope you’ll be able to join us! The symposium will be held at the four-star NH Leeuwenhorst conference center in Noordwijkerhout, which is approximately 20 minutes from Amsterdam Schiphol airport and 30 minutes from the city of Amsterdam. Noordwijkerhout lies very near to a coast with long sandy beaches, and various major cities and sites of interest are within easy reach. Special activities will be organised for young patients and their siblings, who will be accompanied by trained volunteers. On behalf of the organizing committee, we look forward to welcoming you to Noordwijkerhout next June, Families will not only have opportunities to meet Frits Wijburg peers from other countries, but will be able to attend sessions on optimizing care, dealing with clini- Ans van der Ploeg cal issues and surgery in MPS, and ‘living fully with Hanka Meutgeert 15 TREATMENTS & CLINICAL TRIALS MPS I: Aldurazyme (laronidase) enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) was licensed for use by Health Canada on May 31, 2004, for long-term treatment in patients with a confirmed diagnosis of MPS I, to treat the non-neurological manifestations of the disease. For more information, please visit The Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrence, California, and the University of Minnesota are collaborating on three studies of intrathecal enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) for patients with MPS I: MPS I Intrathecal ERT for Spinal Cord Compression: Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) has been developed for MPS I. ERT helps many physical ailments due to the disease, but does not treat the central nervous system due to inability to cross the blood brain barrier. The purpose of this study is to test delivery of ERT to the spinal fluid via intrathecal (IT) injection in patients with MPS I to find out whether giving ERT directly into the spinal canal can help reduce spinal cord compression and provide an alternative to surgery. have MPS I. The term “cognitive decline” refers to a change for the worse in the ability to think and learn. Study participants will have: up to 10 treatments given one to three months apart over two years (treatment group) or four treatments given three months apart beginning at month 12 (control group) physical examinations (general and neurologic) neuropsychological testing for cognitive decline and MRI of the brain reimbursement of travel expenses Additional information can be found at; search under “mucopolysaccharidosis” or contact Principal Investigator Dr. Patricia Dickson at 310-781-1399 or placement therapy (ERT) was approved by Health Canada for the treatment of MPS II. For more information, please visit Shire MPS II Intrathecal Study: Dr. Joseph Muenzer is conducting a Phase I/II (Safety/Dosage) trial using intrathecal ERT for the treatment of MPS II, with a goal of preventing central nervous system involvement. This study is taking place at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, NC. If you are interested in obtaining more information about the clinical trials, please contact Dr. Muenzer (919)966-1447, or study coordinator Heather Preiss at (919)843-5731 or MPS III: A Phase I/II Study of ERT for MPS IIIA: Shire Human Genetic Therapies is developing a sulfamidase enzyme replacement The University of Minnesota in Minneapo- therapy (ERT) for patients with MPS IIIA. lis has obtained FDA approval for the de- rhHNS is being administered into the livery of laronidase into the spinal fluid of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) via a surgically children with MPS I (Hurler syndrome) implanted intrathecal drug delivery device being considered for marrow/cord blood (IDDD), because when administered intransplantation. The goal of these studies travenously (IV) it does not cross the is to decrease the neurophsychologic blood brain barrier (BBB). decline that has been observed in chilThis study is a multicenter, multiple-dose, dren with Hurler from the time the padose escalation study designed to evaluStudy participants will have: tients are initially evaluated to the time ate the safety, tolerability, and clinical they are one year from transplantation. up to 16 IT ERT treatments given one The study will involve four doses of laroni- activity of up to 3 dose levels (2 doses [10 to three months apart over one-and- dase given during a lumbar puncture ap- and 45mg] monthly and 1 dose [45mg] every other week for 6 months) of rhHNS a-half years proximately three months before transplantation, at the time of admission to the administered via an IDDD in patients with physical examinations (general and Sanfilippo syndrome Type A ages greater hospital for the transplant, three months neurologic) after the transplant, and six months after than or equal to 3 years of age. other diagnostic tests the date of the transplant. The phase I/II clinical trial is planning to enroll 15 patients. The study is expected reimbursement of travel expenses Principal Investigator Dr. Paul Orchard can be contacted for more information at to be completed March 2012, and the duration of the study for each patient is 612-626-2961 or MPS I Intrathecal ERT for Cognitive nine months. The Phase I / II clinical Decline: study is being conducted at two sites: The purpose of this research study is to Emma Children’s Hospital, Academic find out whether giving ERT with Medical Center in The Netherlands by Dr. Aldurazyme as an injection directly into Frits Wijberg and the St. Mary’s Hospital the cerebral spinal fluid can stabilize or in Manchester, UK under the direction of On June 15, 2007 Elaprase enzyme reimprove cognitive decline in patients who MPS I Intrathecal ERT for Children Being Considered for Transplant: MPS II: 16 TREATMENTS & CLINICAL TRIALS MPS VI: Drs. Simon Jones and Ed Wraith. Additional information about the clinical trial can be obtained at (Identifier: NCT01155778) or by contacting Tiffany Crump at 484-595-8257 or news. In addition, visitors have the option to register on the website to receive news about updates via email. Further information about MorCAP (natural history study) and MOR-004 is also available on at this link: http:// NCT00787995?term=morquio&rank=2. Genistein Aglycone: Brian Bigger’s research team from the University of Manchester’s MPS Stem Cell Research Laboratory found that “Genistein may prove useful as a substrate reduction agent to delay clinical onset of MPSIIIB and, due to its multimodal action, may provide a treatment adjunct for several other neurodegenerative metabolic diseases.” Please visit our website for more information. Editor’s note: There is no word on when Patients or physicians who are interested BioMarin will apply for licensing approval in participating in MorCAP or MOR-004 for Naglazyme in Canada. For more inforcan contact the Society for more informamation, please contact BioMarin Patient tion. and Physician Support (BPPS) at 1-866906-6100 or If you have particular questions about operational aspects of BioMarin’s trials, you can contact Candice Henkel at or 415-506-6973. For additional medical questions related to MPS IV A and the clinical details of A gene therapy clinical trial for MPS VII, BioMarin’s program, please contact the Medical Director for BioMarin’s MPS IV A also known as Sly syndrome, has been put on hold pending additional data. program, Celeste Decker, at or 415-506-6469. A clinical trial of high-dose Genistein Aglycone will be beginning soon in Manchester (UK), with Simon Jones as the principal investigator. Frits Wijburg is also conducting a Genistein study at the Amsterdam Medical Centre. Dr. J. M. Heard is currently recruiting patients for a MPS IIIB AAV gene therapy clinical trial, to be conducted at the institute Pasteur in Paris, France. MPS IV: BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. has initiated the much anticipated Phase 3 study (MOR-004) for N-acetylgalactosamine 6sulfatase (GALNS) for the treatment of Morquio A Syndrome (MPS IVA). Please visit our website to read BioMarin’s press release and for more details on trial guidelines. Currently there are three Canadian sites for this trial: Montreal and Sherbrooke, Quebec and Toronto, Ontario, with the possibility of additional sites in Western Canada. BioMarin’s MPS IV A program’s website ( is a great place to look for current information. It will be updated at least four times per year, and of course, more often if there is significant The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted marketing approval for Naglazyme(TM) (galsulfase), enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) for the treatment of MPS VI, on June 1, 2005. MPS VII: Please visit our website for information on treatments for other types of LSDs. CLASSIFICATIONS OF MPS DISEASES: People born with mucopolysaccharide (MPS) and related lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) cannot produce certain enzymes necessary for breaking down and recycling materials in cells. Consequently, these materials store throughout the bodies of those with LSDs, causing damage to their hearts, respiratory systems, bones, joints, and central nervous systems. Affected babies may show no signs of disease, but as more cells become damaged and storage increases, symptoms begin to appear. Syndrome Eponym Enzyme Deficiency MPS I a-L-Iduronidase MPS II MPS III A MPS III B MPS III C Hurler, Scheie, Hurler-Scheie Hunter Sanfilippo A Sanfilippo B Sanfilippo C MPS III D MPS IV A MPS IV B MPS VI Sanfilippo D Morquio A Morquio B Maroteaux-Lamy MPS VII MPS IX Sly 17 Iduronate sulfatase Heparan N-sulfatase a-N-Acetylglucosaminidase Acetyl CoA: a-glycosaminide acetyltransferase N-Acetylglucosamine 6-sulfatase Galactose 6-sulfatase b Galactosidase N-Acetylgalactosamine 4-sulfatase (arylsulfatase B) b-Glucuronidase Hyaluronidase CLINICAL STUDIES OPEN FOR ENROLMENT lodging expenses will be reimbursed. No experimental drug is administered during the visit. The study comprises a physical examination of the affected patients, blood and urine tests, a questionnaire The Montreal Children’s Hospital is the concerning medical history, cardiac and Canadian site for a multinational clinical study of Morquio disease type A or Muco- respiratory function tests, and endurance tests. polysaccharidosis IV type A (MPS IVA) sponsored by BioMarin Pharmaceutical BioMarin has also conducted a Phase I/II Inc. The Morquio A Clinical Assessment study of an experimental enzyme replaceProgram (MorCAP) is designed to provide ment therapy for Morquio A and its Phase a fuller understanding of MPS IVA synIII study has recently begun at three Cadrome in preparation of phase III clinical nadian centres. Please see our website trials of a potential treatment. for more details. More information can be MorCAP clinical study for Morquio syndrome type A (MPS IV A) Patients of all ages are eligible for the MorCAP study. Participation will require a visit of 2 or 3 days to the Montreal Children’s Hospital in Montreal. Travel and found at or at Hospital or if you want more information, contact GailOuellette, study coordinator, at or 819543-0550. Si vous êtes intéressé à participer à l’étude MorCAP à l’Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants ou si voulez obtenir plus d’information, contactez Gail Ouellette, coordonnatrice de l’étude (courriel : ou téléphone : 819-543-0550). Une version française de ce communiqué est disponible à If you are interested in participating in the MorCAP study at the Montreal Children’s how and how much medical therapy can conditions. help to improve ocular outcomes over the Patients from Quebec, diagnosed with years. any MPS or Fabry disease are invited to Sponsored by Biomarin and Genzyme enter into this study. This involves an Canada, this unique project aims also to annual visit to Dr. Michaud’s clinic at Université de Montréal throughout the raise awareness amongst eyecare next five years. Results of exams will be professionals about LSDs. With a better Dr Langis Michaud, o.d. M.Sc. FAAO, shared with treating physicians. There is understanding of the diseases and of associate professor at the École no cost for the patient to cover the exam their related ocular manifestations, d’optométrie de l’Université de Montréal is proud to announce the official launch of optometrists in the field will be better able fees but there is also no monetary to screen and refer patients suspected of compensation to participate. clinical activities related to a unique having LSDs in a more timely manner. project: a study on the long-term Any person interested in more evolution of ocular manifestations related information about the study or to plan an Started less than a year ago, this to Fabry’s disease and other LSDs such educational effort has already generated ocular exam can contact Dr. Michaud as MPS I and VI. directly at 514-343-6111 ext 8945 or very good results: 3 new families with email him at This study will help gain understanding Fabry’s disease were identified and 12 patients were referred to a geneticist. At about the evolution of ocular this point, 3 of them have been manifestations among this group of immediately treated for their conditions patients. Very little is known about how ocular manifestations appear and evolve mainly due to major renal dysfunction Une version française de ce communiqué which was not diagnosed before. Others est disponible à among affected patients. This study will will be closely monitored to follow their also help gain better understanding of Longitudinal study of ocular manifestations of lysosomal storage disorders (LSD) at Université de Montréal, École d’Optométrie University of Minnesota Study: Longitudinal Study of Bone Disease in MPS I, II, and VI Dr. Lynda Polgreen, an endocrinologist at the University of Minnesota, is conducting a study on bone growth and bone health in children with MPS I, II, and VI and is recruiting subjects with MPS I (Hurler), MPS I (Hurler/Scheie), and MPS II (Hunter syndrome). She would ideally like to recruit 3, 7, and 2 more subjects, respectively, in these disease areas. years. Travel support is available for those interested in participating in this study. For more information, parents are welcome to contact Dr. Polgreen directly at This study aims to characterize the 612-624-4469. bone disease of children with MPS I, II, and VI by measurements of bone architecture, density, strength and metabolism. Study participants will be followed over 5 18 CLINICAL STUDIES OPEN FOR ENROLMENT watch a video. We will be doing two procedures. One procedure is an MRI that allows us to calculate the volume of various brain structures (volumetric MRI). The other MRI procedure allows us to Dear adult with or parent of a child with visualize the structure in the connections MPS I, II, or VI, between one part of the brain and anWe are inviting individuals over the age 6 other (DTI – Diffusion Tensor Imaging). of with MPS I, II or VI to participate in a This study will be different than clinical longitudinal research study seeking to studies because we are using a more better understand the brain basis for the powerful magnet called a 3 Tesla scanlearning difficulties sometimes found in ner. Studies with a more powerful magMPS disorders. You or your child must be net are more sensitive to the details that over the age of 6 and able to cooperate in we are investigating in this study and are an MRI imaging study without any seda- just as safe as less powerful magnets. tion. We are studying the central nervous We will also draw a small amount of system so that we can better understand blood to measure new biomarkers that the brain changes in MPS disorders to are being developed by Dr. Clarke at the find better ways of treating these probUniversity of British Columbia. lems. None of these tests are in any way The participant will be seen for two harmful. No embarrassing questions or sessions in one day, one for neuropsysensitive stimuli will be used in the neurochological testing that will last about two psychological testing. MRI scans do not hours to three hours, and the other for involve any radiation. There are no known brain imaging which will last for one hour. risks associated with magnetic resonance Neuropsychological tests will include a scanning itself. We take care not to scan brief test of cognitive ability and attention, people with some types of metal in their and several tests of memory. Some of bodies (from surgery or accident) and this testing will be done on a computer. people with pacemakers or programmaThis testing will be done in the Center for ble shunts should not enter a magnetic Neurobehavioral Development at the Uni- resonance scanning facility. We will ask versity of Minnesota. You will also come you detailed questions about these risks to the Center for Magnetic Resonance to ensure that it is safe for the participant Research. The participant will be placed to enter the magnet. The blood draw has on a table in the scanner. Imaging will usual risks of bruising but it is only about require lying still for about 30 to 35 minthe amount of two teaspoons. utes. During this time the participant can Air and ground transportation and hotel for one night will be provided to the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis campus, for two persons. tions and their families. The purpose of the study is to determine and document Charting the Territory is a longitudinal the clinical progression of the condition descriptive, correlational study currently and the associated bio-psychosocialunderway with children 0-19 years who spiritual experiences of the parents and are diagnosed with progressive neurologi- siblings age 7-18 years. Approximately cal, metabolic, or chromosomal condi300 families, both newly diagnosed chil- dren and those with established conditions, are being recruited in six Canadian cities. University of Minnesota Study: Learning Difficulties in MPS I, II, and VI Charting the Territory MPS III Natural History Studies Shire Human Genetic Therapies, Inc. is sponsoring a clinical trial to evaluate the natural history of Sanfilippo syndrome Type A (MPS IIIA). Please visit our website for more information about the study, also called the Surrogate Endpoint Trial (SET). The Neurodevelopmental Function in Rare Diorders (NFRD) Program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is conducting a MPS IIIC (Sanfilippo syn- 19 Please contact Kate Delaney at 612-6251143 ( or Elsa Shapiro at 612-625-1618 ( for more information. Thank you for reading this description. Elsa Shapiro, Ph.D. Principal Investigator Professor of Pediatric and Neurology University of Minnesota ****************************** Editor’s Note: The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto is also a site for this study with Dr. Julian Raiman acting as the Principal Investigator. Canadian patients are welcome to participate in this study at the Toronto site or, if more convenient, at the Minneapolis, Minnesota or Portland, Oregon sites. Please contact the Society for more Information. Contact Hal Siden at for more information. drome Type C) natural history study. Please contact Dr. Maria Escolar to enroll: 919-966-4465. More information about this study can be found on our website. ‘ONCE UPON A CURE’ GALA FOR MPS II RESEARCH Gala last night. And the rest of the special they loitered until the end) are absolutely fabulous. REALLY funny and smart. guests were the same. "Once Upon a Cure was almost indescribable. I've heard it said that planning an event is like planning a wedding. It's true. Especially when it's your wedding and an event you are planning to raise money to cure your child's progressive disease. It is overwhelming and frustrating, nerve wracking and exciting- there's a lot of emotion wrapped up in it, which is an understatement. Below is a blog I wrote for our website, the day after the gala, to the hundreds of fans we've acquired over the past year. I hope you enjoy." Amanda Tapping came dress shopping with me, then came over the next day to drop off jewelry to go with the dress she helped me pick out. This after doing numerous interviews on our behalf to spread awareness about the gala and MPS II Hunter Syndrome and while she is busy with PR for the new season of Sanctuary about to start up. In addition to having a partner (who I’d like to get to know better one day, what a wonderful man) and child and ‘regular’ life stuff. Jensen Ackles’ wife, Danneel, from One Tree Hill, followed me around so I could introduce her to my sister, who is a fan, and was honestly good with doing that (how many actors would do that?) Christopher Heyerdahl gave me the best bear hug, in addition to donating to our online auction, which raised over $20,000. One half of a research grant. Ryan Robbins, with his girlfriend Karyn Baltzer, tweeted and re-tweeted about our gala leading up to the event and donated to our online auction and showed up to the event looking amazing. They are becoming friends, they have done so much and gotten so involved in our cause (they’ve always been friends of Ryan’s, I just never met him until a few months ago). Julia & Peter Benson came and I know they have our backs for good. Touches my heart. I also met Christine Chatelain, Jen Spence & Paul McGillion for the first time, which was very cool. Ginny Goodwin and Josh Dallas just wanted to know: It’s time to blog. Reading Jared Padal“When do we get to meet ecki’s tweet from last night got the emoTrey?” Bring him to set for tions rolling this afternoon (“Had an lunch, they said! Lana The fabulous Cupcakes amazing experience tonight with onceRobin Dunne, after all Parrilla came over to our Thank u to the Purcell’s the talk, did not take his table to say hi to Ryan and introduce herfor their incredible bravery & honesty. I pants off. But he did look darned good self and Jared Gilmore to me. What a feel blessed.”). This is a guy I’ve never with them on. thoughtful and kind act. Robert Carlyle met before last night, who has thousands showed up even though he’s an incrediNever got to meet Jennifer Morrison, but or millions of fans from his show Superbly private person. saw her across the room. Also never got natural, who gets God knows how many to say thank you to Damian Kindler, crearequests for appearances, but who still Edward Kitsis, writer and producer from tor of Sanctuary, for coming. showed up for our Once Upon a Cure Lost and executive producer from Once Upon a Time, dropped (among other One of our volunteers, who has also volthings) $1000 for a one day pass for unteered at conventions, commented that two people to the Vancouver Aquarthis gala was relaxed. Formal in what you ium (valued at $62). had to wear, but Jensen and Jared wereExecutive producer from Once Upon a n’t surrounded by 6 security guards and Amanda, Robin & Ryan weren’t sitting at Time, Steve Pearlman, and his awesome wife Debby, are responsible for a head table twenty feet away. There wasn’t a line up to get a picture or autofinding our Once Upon a Cure Gala graph. It was a small and intimate space. and getting Once Upon a Time involved. Debby also flew up from Cali- People got to hang out and mingle. The whole thing was honestly surreal. That fornia to attend the gala with Steve. this many people who get this many rePeter & Anne Marie DeLuise (who we quests, all showed up at our Gala, was got to spend lots of time with because nothing short of awesome. The Red Queen and the Mad Hatter 20 ‘ONCE UPON A CURE’ GALA FOR MPS II RESEARCH to the depths of our bodies and souls for all your support. It is you who are helping us find a cure for MPS II Hunter Syndrome. It is going to happen. A cure. DurThank you to everyone who came and ing Trey's lifetime. Believe it. It is you sponsored, volunteered, donated, bid, got who gives us hope. Thank you. I don’t involved. We raised just under $75,000. know what we’d do without you. Because of that, our MPS II Research Simon Ibell and Will Blunderfield inspired. Fund will be able to fund a $100,000 reDeb Purcell Dirty Radio rocked the house. DJ CWikii search grant this coming year. Brings kept the party going. The Cupcakes were tears to my eyes. Ryan and I are grateful And that’s not to take away from all the family and friends, old and new guests who came. Kid Carson & Amy Beemanwere hilarious and entertaining, as always. Dr. Paul Moxham made us laugh even though he was talking about a rare & progressive disease that affects kids. beautiful and FABULOUS. The Mad Hatter, Alice, Red Queen & contortionist were astonishing. Thank You ‘Once Upon a Cure’ Donors! Alastair Bird Photography AnneMarie Felser All Axis Systems Inc. Robert Finnigan Judith & James Anderson Greg Fox AWM Productions G.F.H. Enterprises Ltd. Lawren Bancroft-Wilson William Gibson Maria Barreto Kathy Gilroy Ivan Bartok Dave Griffiths Linnae Bee Braden Haggerty Antje Boehm Highwater Tackle Ltd Dawn Bourn Salim Hirji Mark & Shirley Brunke Janet Horner Jennifer Lo Pauline Campbell Gillian Horvath Long & McQuade Musical Instruments Canada West Productions Ltd. Robert & Barbara Hufsmith Milton Loo Kid Carson Paul & Lisa Humer Lugaro Jewellers Michelle Castillo Italian Sporting Goods Duncan MacDonald Sue & Ady Cech Jemac Productions Inc. Amara MacLeod Undefined Dana Johl David Magee Ian & Peter Cicansky Nancy & David Johnson Carol Marks-George Corrie Clark Ken Kabatoff Stephanie Mascoe Meagan Corbett Robyn Kancs Mavel Sanu Diane Culin Mike & Sharon King Judy May Dano Consulting Ltd. Edward Kitsis Richard McSweeney Peter & AnneMarie DeLuise Harvey LaRocque Angelique Mialon Michael Diebolt Ledingham Design Consultants John & Lynda Noble Krystal Dorsey Jill & Gary Ley Krystal O'Byrne Anthony Epp Sarah Little Abigail Odland Deb and Ryan Purcell 21 ‘ONCE UPON A CURE’ GALA FOR MPS II RESEARCH Kent Ogilvie Liz & Klaus Reiniger Mike Osbourn Mark Richards Gurjit Parmar Marla Robinson Pawsabilities Holdings Corporation Jamie Ross Steve & Debby Pearlman Jen Rothfelder Pemberton Insurance Corporation Grizz Salzl Craig Powell Edna Sandberg Halley & Don Prestage Amelia Sandhu Dan & Tina Priest John & Marlene Schreiner Ryan & Deb Purcell Mark Seaton Thomas Ramsauer Jennifer Shark Dr. Paul Moxham shows off his purchase Simon Ibell (MPS II) & Deb Purcell lead the auction Helga Ungurait Susanna Smith William & Sharon Van Dijk Courtenay Spencer Victorian Epicure Inc. Audrey Spielmann Vincor International Inc. Rene Spielmann Carol Wagner Simon Stanlake Oliver Webbe Steedcycles Mel Weisbaum Krista Stumph Elizabeth Werner Cheryl Swan Joe & Kristine Whitney Dorothy Symons Eva Winship The Sonja Picard Collection Martin & Dianne Wood Laura Ramsden Gillian Thody Dustan Woodhouse Nadine Ramsden Graham & Elaine Thody Kelly & Chris Zimmer Laura Reid Kristine Thody John Zulinski Thank you ‘Once Upon a Cure’ Supporters and Volunteers! Jennifer Abbott Will Blunderfield Michelle Cehak AWV TELAV Jeffrey Bowyer-Chapman Jack Cehak Eric Ballinger Alyssa Brownsmith Ilse Cehak Heidi Barker Donna Brownsmith Christine Chatelain The Beat 94.5 Kelly Brunner Janine Coney Amy Beeman Carats Jewellers Anjonette Copon Peter Benson Robert Carlyle Cupcakes Julia Benson Kid Carson Josh Dallas Blanche MacDonald Heather Cehak Darwin Construction 22 ‘ONCE UPON A CURE’ GALA FOR MPS II RESEARCH Peter DeLuise Sean Koo Grizz Salzl Anne Marie DeLuise Kathy Kreiner Brooke Salzl DirtyRadio Krista Lawley Clara Shandler DJ Cwikii Robert Lawrenson Shire – Human Genetic Therapies Elyse Levesque The Sutton Place Hotel Jill Ley Jen Spence Lydia Lin Jewel Staite Jennifer Lo Katie Stevens Lucky Aerial & Performance Art Alyssa Steveson Joanna Lynch-Lawrenson M.A.C. Cosmetics Karen Margolese Graham Masters Robin Dunne and Amanda Tapping Robin Dunne Madeleine Funk Jared Gilmore Ginnifer Goodwin Greenscapes Val Halverson Kirsten Harkins David Hewlett Christopher Heyerdahl Sasha Houston Joey Howell Simon Ibell Stephanie Ip Megan Karkness Tony Kastelic Peter Kelamis Tarun Keram Mariella Koc-Spadaro Paul McGillion Shannen McGreevy Molson/Coors Clayton Tait Amanda Tapping Sharon Taylor Ayasha Valji Savanna Van Der Zwan The WestEnder Isis Wright Will Wu Dr. Paul Moxham Justine Yu Maureen O'Brien Yyoga (Chloe & Nico Luce) Lisa Odland Once Upon A Time Production OOXX invitations PacBlue Printing Tovah Paglaro Lana Parrilla Sona Payvandi Alysha Radvak Nadine Ramsden Ryan Robbins Jen Rothfelder The cast of ‘Once Upon a Time’ Joy Roxas 23 ‘EVENING IN ITALY’ GALA FOR MPS IV B RESEARCH “Finché c'è vita c'è speranza” “As long as there is life, there is hope” I was born Cristina Maria Boeri. A first generation Canadian to a couple who immigrated to Canada from opposite ends of Italy. Both were very young adults, on their own journeys with hope to find a life that would be their new beginning after years of war and poverty. tell jokes; often ones that he’s made up. He plays the air guitar and sings, “I love love love yah mommy” in his rock star voice. He’s curious, determined, and smart. He makes me laugh, and he drives me crazy! In my eyes, he’s perfect. My son Stephen has MPS type IV B, or Morquio B syndrome. It is a genetic disorder that has a name, requires numerous precautions for everyday living, and over time will usually create some horrible medical complications. Yet ask any doctor you know if they’ve heard of Morquio B. The answer you will most likely get is no. Ask any lay person you meet if they My parents met, and were married in BC. have heard of Morquio B. I can guaranThey started with nothing, and together tee you that the answer you will get is no. faced their own challenges: establishing themselves in a new country where they didn’t speak the language, finding jobs and a home, and stepping up to the responsibility and sacrifice of looking after their families. I have had the opportunity to experience two entirely different styles of Italian living. Although Italy is not very large, life in the north, and life in the south differs significantly. One thing that is consistent though, is the great emphasis on family and friendship, loyalty to one another, and the genuine enjoyment of life. As a parent, it’s the mystery of this disorder that I’m told my son has that terrifies me more than the disorder itself. I live in fear every day of what I know will happen to my son, I live in fear every day of what It’s these learned values, and these com- I have been told might happen to my son, forting memories, that are my inspiration but most of all I live in fear every day of for the theme tonight. An Evening in Italy the unknown. reminds me that everyone has a journey I’m often told that I worry too much. to make in life, and if we can find the “Stephen looks fine. He’s doing well.” comfort of true friendship and close family ties, we will find the strength to overcome This, I am finding, is one of the greatest the challenges we must face, and face challenges with a condition that does not them head on with all of the strength that prove itself visually - until it’s too late. we have. Stephen looks like a regular kid with a I have one child named Stephen. He’s few physical differences. I must be over seven. In my eyes, he’s perfect. He has reacting. The problem is, I’ve seen a smile that lights up a room. He loves to Stephen’s x-rays, and the ultrasound pic- 24 tures of his heart. I’ve had to watch him endure tests for his hearing, his vision, his sleep pattern and his nervous system. I’ve had to learn in disbelief how his body and his organs could change as he grows. And I’ve had to smile and say, “I’ll see you soon” to him before he had his first operation, knowing that because of complications from Morquio Syndrome, he may not wake up. To me, the differences I see on the outside are a constant reminder of what could be happening on the inside. To me, it is like a time bomb that could go off at any moment. Because this disorder manifests itself in various ways, the future is a mystery; one that unravels itself with each new doctor’s appointment, and follow-up test. A mystery that, without a treatment, will haunt me forever. Stephen is fine today, but without treatment, the reality is that tomorrow he won’t be getting better. What we do know though, is that there is a window of time, his growing years, where much of the damage that will occur to his body will begin to take place, and where treatment will be most beneficial. We are racing against time to make sure that when a treatment does become available, Stephen will be able to benefit from it. It is for all of these reasons that Dan and I have taken it upon ourselves to raise funds for research, and equally importantly, raise awareness for Morquio B Syndrome. I will admit to you that since I first heard the words Morquio Syndrome associated with my son I began to pray, every day, for a miracle. I begged God to help me find a way to demystify this condition and make myself useful to those with it. Somehow I needed to see with my own eyes what the future holds for my son, not just hear possible scenarios of what might happen to him. This weekend I received my miracle. Dan and I have come in contact with a handful of people with Morquio B through our website; all affected by the condition in ‘EVENING IN ITALY’ GALA FOR MPS IV B RESEARCH We are, however, a very small piece of a very large pie. It is thought that MPS, or Mucopolysaccharidosis as a whole affects 1 in 25,000 children in the world. There are several types of MPS disorders which require their own specific treatments. Approved treatments are available Arthur Cabral flew to Vancouver from for MPS Type I, Type II, Type VI and now California bringing with him, his girlfriend, MPS Type IV A is in clinical trials. All of and his parents to be here this weekend these treatments have proven to be effecand to meet Stephen. Stephen’s retive in slowing the progression of these sponse to this news was, “Finally, some- various types of MPS. one like me.” Research for the first enzyme replaceI showed Stephen a picture of Arthur and ment therapy was funded by Mark Dant, he pointed to the physical similarities they the determined father of a little boy who share. He said, “Look mom, he looks like was diagnosed with MPS Type I. He beme.” gan his fundraising efforts with a bake sale that netted just over $300. He conArthur and his family are here tonight to tinued to move forward focused on his make us feel like we are not alone as they have felt for years, and for this, Dan goal, raised over a million dollars, and soon after his dream of a replacement and I will be forever grateful. therapy became a reality. We have created a donor advised fund Mark Dant saved his son’s life. within the Canadian MPS Society, and we’re doing our best to spark more Tonight, I ask you to consider supporting interest in research for a treatment for us in our fight against MPS Type IV B, or Morquio B. Every dollar that we raise Morquio B Syndrome. goes towards this research. More and more rare conditions are being discovered and treated, but there is not enough funding to support research for all of them. very different ways. But one person we met is here tonight. We began a somewhat cautious exchange of information just over a year ago, and in a short while, I began to feel like we have known each other forever. Many of tonight’s generous auction donations were made by people I’ve approached through various businesses who told me a story of how they could relate to my efforts because their family is affected by rare disease. Dr. Lorne Clarke, the Medical Advisory Board Chair of the Canadian MPS Society, said that approximately 85% of children in BC Children’s Hospital are there with some sort of rare condition. Tina & Dan Priest, Kirsten Harkins, Laura Guerrero, Arthur Cabral, Dr. Sylvia Stockler, Hans Hamberger & Jenifer Gentle much older; or may not affect us at all, but may affect our children or even our grandchildren. Dr. Sylvia Arthur Cabral, 33 year old Stockler adult living with Morquio B said to me one day, “I look at people as I pass them in the street and sometimes I wonder, what condition could they be carrying that they don’t know they have yet?” I think about that statement often. Supporting research for Morquio B is more than supporting treatment for this condition alone. It’s about supporting research that may cross over into conditions as common as osteoporosis or arthritis. In closing, I’d like to tell you a story. A story about why I believe that Dan and I were chosen to lead this fundraising effort. We were told that Stephen had Morquio B in May of 2009. He was to start kindergarten in September of that year. We were also told by several doctors that his condition is very rare and we would never come across anyone like him. Stephen started school and immediately made a friendship with a little girl named Amie. Two weeks after school began, a notice came home for a family barbeque open house. I was still fighting depresIt is thought that 1 in 10 people is affected sion and not ready to tell anyone about by a rare condition. In fact, we all carry 7- Stephen’s condition. I didn’t want to go to 10 recessive genes. There are over 200 the barbeque, but Dan convinced me that of us here tonight. it would be good for Stephen, so we went. That doesn’t make rare very rare any Shortly after we arrived, Stephen saw more does it? Amie and began talking to her. Her parSome of us here could be carrying a rare ents introduced themselves as Darren condition that won’t affect us until we are and Leanne. Dan and Darren discovered 25 ‘EVENING IN ITALY’ GALA FOR MPS IV B RESEARCH I almost fell over. It honestly felt as if I had been hit by a bus. I wasn’t sure if I had heard her correctly, but I could feel the color drain out of my face. My immediate response was, “No.” She continued with, “That’s funny because Darren’s cousin has two children with Morquio Syndrome and they sort of resemble Stephen.” Once again I blurted out, “What type A or B?” So much for my lie about not knowing what Morquio Syndrome was. Capilano University students with Andrew Knight that they had both worked for London Drugs for several years and had never met. Leanne and I took the kids to the school field to play while our husbands talked. tunity to meet him. He was 18 years old. Corri called me shortly after Damien died and told me that the family had decided to have all donations made to the Canadian MPS Society in his name designated to our fund for Morquio B research. I was speechless. She simply said, “Don’t worry, we’ll get there.” These experiences have proven to me that Dan and I are headed in the right direction. Someone is leading us to where we need to be. Oddly enough, this new life we have had to face has turned me into the person I She continued to tell me about these great kids who live in Delta, and what a wonderful family they Stephen and Amie ran around the field. It have. Honestly, I can’t remember much after that because I couldn’t was obvious that Stephen couldn’t keep up and I was trying to think up excuses to stop thinking about what the docbe prepared when Leanne would ask me tors had told me. Had I just entered the Twilight Zone? Was this what was wrong with him. an amazing coincidence? Or Finally, the kids came running back to us. were the doctors just wrong? I Stephen was far behind and struggling. I don’t know, but I can tell you one Dr. Sylvia Stockler quickly blurted out, “Stephen has trouble thing. That day turned out to be with his bones so he can’t run very well. more than just a barbeque to our family. have always wanted to be. I am a human We’re actually in the process of taking That day was a giant first step in our fambeing who can feel empathy for others, is him to the doctor for it.” And I waited, in ily’s journey. less likely to judge, and is more likely to fear, for Leanne’s response. listen and understand. Today, Stephen and Amie are best To my surprise, Leanne calmly asked, friends. Leanne and Darren have bePlease join us in our journey and consider “You know...have you heard of Morquio come very close friends of ours, and donating to the future of people living with Syndrome?” we’ve had the opportunity to meet DarMorquio B. Please consider talking to ren’s cousin Corri. She spent others about what you’ve learned tonight. an evening at our house trying Who knows what incredible discoveries to help us understand what we may come of just talking about this condiare facing. She brought family tion? photos, and told us wonderful stories, and was able to con“Finché c'è vita c'è speranza” “As vince us that they do have a long as there is life, there is hope” wonderful life despite the chalEveryone has a journey. Thank you for lenges that they face having spending an evening travelling with us on two children with Morquio A ours. Syndrome. She told us that they are thankful for every day that they’re given. Dan and Tina Priest MPS IV B Donor Advised Fund Corri and her family lost their son Damien to Morquio A this year. We never had the opporCapilano University students with Dave Stafford 26 ‘EVENING IN ITALY’ GALA FOR MPS IV B RESEARCH Thank you ‘Evening in Italy’ Donors! Glad Rycroft Gary Baanders Lauren Craze Betty Done Susan & Gerry Mezzarobba Keith & Lauri Poulin Don Gerevas Gordon & Rita Thomas David & Kirsten Yurkovich Darren & Leanne Bernaerdt Jamie Sivecki Dwight & Karen Epp Happy Scissors John & Sharon Thomas Marni Fraser Preceptor Alpha XI Judith Isaacson Randall Walrond Nazline Karmali Mark & Kim Ramsey Tom Gigliotti Dr. Suseela Reddy Vana Kirby Dwight & Karen Epp Vic & Marnie Trapasso Carmelo & Mirella Boeri Victoria Gavilov David Stafford Linda Smith Linda Smith Maria Medic Terrance & Jackie Sawasy Melanie Bridle Anuradha Reddy MIchael Go Chua Dina Chies Solarno Ong Bruce Hawley Guests view fabulous auction items Stephen & Lisa Ross Stephen & Anne Meyer Darlene Thom Elliott & Kathie Clarkson Jessica Chen Kelly & Jamie Kusch Marty & Doris McKinney Lisa & Vaughn Marshall Renee Martin Rufina Chang Gary & Jill Ley Jenifer Gentle & Hans Hamberger Anuradha Reddy Linda Yorke Alexander Thomas Linda Bentley Sheila McFarland Stephen & Anne Meyer Patricia Martin Ted's Brent Brownmiller Peter & Vivienne Lowenstein Daphne Tsai Carlie Painter Mike & Vanessa Hilton Todd & Kirsten Harkins David Robertson Robert & Yvonne Newmarch Howard & Eileen Bennett Cari & Derek Stadel Rosalyn Manthorpe Tom & Phyllis Williams Elio D'Odorico Sean Nieuwenhuis Chris D'Odorico Paul & Erin Rozman Grant & Donna Smith John & Johanna Inglis Gunther & Ingrid Genz Mark & Carly Spence Norm Williams Ian & Anne Pritchard Triance Capital Inc. Kelly & Jamie Kusch Ian & Julie Thomas Two Pillars Construction Ltd. Colin Haskins Ivan Priest Northern Building Supply Ltd. David Stafford Kirsten Wallace Cheryl & Falco Rhem Lana Chan 27 TORONTO SCOTIABANK WATERFRONT MARATHON Thank you to: Fundraising Committee: Erika Babins Evening in Italy Sponsors: Darren & Leanne Bernaerdt Gillian Barber Northern Building Supply Ltd Dina Chies Kevin Michael Cripps URP Event Production & Creative Services Janet Gigliotti Richard Berg Shelley Stewart Hunt Craig Alfredson Lisa Marshall Collette Brown Kim & Mark Ramsey The Capilano University Third Year Musical Theatre Students Invis – Team Rob Regan-Pollock Data Group of Companies The Richmond Review Darren Bernaerdt Photography Melissa Thomas Sensory Overload Productions Performers, Choreographers, Technical support, and Volunteers: Flower Expressions Tracy Neff Jack and Jill Weddings Caitlin Hayes Corporate Gold Donor Anna Kuman London Drugs Keri Minty Our deepest gratitude to The Canadian MPS Society, Dr. Sylvia Stockler, and everyone who has donated to The MPS IV B Donor Advised Fund. Together, we will find a treatment. Dan and Tina Priest TEAM NO ‘MORE’ MPS HITS THE STREET OF TORONTO each one of them doing their own excellent job of fundraising. Finally I said ‘enough’ playing around and set our goal at $10,000. I thought myself I was going crazy, but the support and encouragement we had been receiving thus far told me that it could be done. And could it ever. As of race day, we had surmounted more than $12,000 in pledges for Jasper and for the MPS Society. A feat that I never would have dreamed possible. My brother-in-law told me though, part way through the campaign, “if you give people a good cause, they will support it.” Aside from all the money raised, which is fantastic, I would do this event again without blinking an eye or even giving it a second thought. It was almost therapeutic ily as well as some extended family and What an amazing experience this event in a way, sharing our emotions and our some close friends. When I first regiswas for myself and for my family as a purpose with more than 22,000 other partered back in August, I set our team fund- ticipants. whole. I was simply awestruck and very raising goal at $500. I HATE asking peohumbled at the same time. Seeing all of I hope to meet and see more people ple for money. But as we got started, I the different people there, each walking and raising money for their own individual soon realized that $500 was not enough. touched by MPS at next years walk. So I raised it to $600, then $1000, then reason, purpose and or charity. Sincerely, $2500. People kept on donating and our Darren, Pam, Daphnie, Clayton and Personally, our team “No ‘MORE’ MPS” team of participants kept on growing, Jasper More. was comprised of mostly immediate fam- 28 TORONTO SCOTIABANK WATERFRONT MARATHON Thank you Team ‘No MORE MPS’ Donors! Beth-Anne Rumph Ron Rody Bev May Rosemary Godin Clark & Barb McAlpine Scott Walls Cliff & Annie Campbell Sharon Welsh-MacDougall Dan Sinclair Shirley Cosens Darlene Loos Shirley Hammond Dave Jagger Theresa Cochrane Ellen Thomson Jeremy Culling Elli Pederson Joan Reibeling Erla Dickson Joe & Jenny Heanen Adelle Gibbing Florence Stanners John Simpson Ann Oosterveld Frank Lobsinger Katie & Don Wood Brad Craven Nancy Dunbar Brian & Sherri DeByer Nancy Ellis Bruce Shantz Nancy Young Bruce Turton Paul & Laura Craven Christy Foster Pearl Elliott Elizabeth & Dennis Craven Reg Walls Derrick Givens Renee Beswitherick Donna Mick Rick & Joan Fisk Doreen Welsh Rick Boyd Jasper More (MPS VI) and Quinn Jasper with brother Clayton Doris Palmer Bob & Cindy Skinner Marion Ash Doug Davie Ross & Elaine Beattie Gloria Bird Edith & Grant Schiek Roy Weaver Greg Mallet Edith Bustin Sandy Vallance Greg Morphy Fraser & Lois Donaldson Sarah & Geoff Gunson Jean Borth Gary & Penny Ternent Scott Norman Kay Bounsall Ginny Franklin Todd Norman Kent & Kerry Doig Glenn & Dorothy Dickson Tom Wood Liz DeByer Marlene Heida Darren & Pamela More Lloyd & Doris Gonder Audrey Cummings Rodger & Judy Shulist Lynda Duncliffe Ben Blackwell Ron & Gillian Browne Edge Automotive Ben Dobben Members of ‘Billie’s Team’ Ron Ellis 29 FUDRAISING GREAT LAKE WALK Great Lake Walk Donors: Brooke & Wilma Hodson Lake Cowichan, BC Floyd Augustine Another 56km walk/run around our beautiful lake became part of the 10th anniversary celebrations. This year there were 333 registered participants from various places near and far away with 280 walkers crossing the finish line throughout the day. Once again we were blessed with sunny skies. Young, old and in between were challenged. Oldest males to finish were 75, oldest females were 82 &75, youngest male 12 & youngest female 16. Our faithful walker Brooke Hodson has, over the past 10 years, walked a total of 560 km raising a total of $6,336 for the Canadian MPS Society. This year he completed the walk in 8 hours 32 minutes, crossing the finish line in 52nd place (none the worse for wear!). 10 year pins were presented to 10 participants who had participated in the Great Lake Walk every year. Congratulations to Brooke who was one of the recipients! We thank Lloyd Blackburn Val Calleberg Ken & Helga Irving Harold Hanson Gail Webster Carol Laforge Dick Nimmo Brent Malcolm Yvonne Nimmo him for his persistence and for his enthusiastic continued support for MPS and to everyone who participated and pledged. Yvonne Nimmo (Grandmother of Nicklas Harkins - MPS I H/S) Arlene Feke Todd & Kirsten Harkins Rod Nimmo Lorraine Lawrence REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS THE CANADIAN MPS SOCIETY IS REQUESTING APPLICATIONS FOR ITS 2012 RESEARCH GRANTS: Congratulations to the Sanfilippo Children’s Research Foundation for placing 3rd in the category of “most raised per participant” in the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon. SCRF received $2,000 for their team’s accomplishment! MPS was well represented this year! 2012-1: Research into MPS Disease (any type of MPS) 2012-2: Research into MPS II 2012-3: Research into MPS IV B Application forms and guidelines can be downloaded from our website: 30 EDUCATION & AWARENESS PRIZES: Two Grand Prizes will be awarded in each age group: Children 5-11: $100 Visa Gift Card; Teens 12-17: $250 Visa Gift Card; Adults 18+$500: Visa Gift Card Calling all artists, kids, parents, friends & family! Share your art that captures the beauty, power, love, pain and courage of the rare disease community. Words from a past winner: Each Grand Prize winner will also receive an iPod Touch. Winners can use the i Pod touch to record a video and share their story about being an artist affected by a rare disease. The artists’ video stories will be posted on CONTEST RULES & HOW TO ENTER: Please visit: DEADLINE: Entries must be received by 5 pm PST on “ This is so much more than just a simple contest to me; this is Tuesday, January 31, 2012. about being a part of something enormous and beautiful in people's lives. This stands to show people who are hurting and QUESTIONS: Please contact or (415) 8840223 ill, that greatness can still be achieved, no matter how ill you become.” BE A FAN OF THE CANADIAN MPS SOCIETY ON FACEBOOK! The Society now has a facebook page and we would love to increase our fan base! Please “like” us so that you can keep up to date on Society news and events and add your own posts to keep in touch! COURAGE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Christopher Dutcher was diagnosed with MPS II when he was six years old. He is now in his twenties and has an MBA in marketing and management. Chris is trying to raise enough money to fund a road trip across the US and parts of Canada by the spring of 2012. The trip will take him to different families across the continent that have been affected by MPS disorders. Along the way he will raise awareness by talking to media about the reasons for the trip. If you’d like to contact Chris to find out if he’ll be visiting your area (for now, he plans to visit Vancouver, but will finalize his travel route once he’s heard from families willing to take him in during his travels), email him at We’ll be updating our members as Chris’s journey progresses - good luck, Chris! $$ Do you know about the Canadian MPS Society’s Family Assistance Program? $$ Grants of up to $1,500.00 are available to individuals or families affected by MPS or a related disease, and can be used for respite or for emergency or non-emergency costs associated with care and management. View our FAP guidelines & download an application form at under “support” or submit the form on page 34 of the Connection. Please call with any questions—we’re here to help! 31 PUBLICATION LIST & MERCHANDISE BOOKLETS & VIDEOS # OF COPIES PRICE PER COPY Family Resource Book - English or French* 4.00 Daily Living with MPS and Related Diseases 2.00 MPS I (Hurler/Scheie Diseases) - English or French * 2.00 MPS II (Hunter Syndrome) 2.00 MPS III (Sanfilippo Syndrome) 2.00 MPS IV (Morquio Syndrome) 2.00 MPS VI (Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome) 1.00 Mucolipidosis II (I-Cell Disease) and III 1.00 Fucosidosis 1.00 Mannosidosis 1.00 Aspartylglucosaminuria 1.00 Mucolipidosis IV 1.00 Multiple Sulfphatase Deficiency 1.00 Tay-sachs & Sandhoff Disease 1.00 Hearing impairment in MPS Children 1.00 Is your child Having an Anaesthetic? 1.00 Bone Marrow Transplants in MPS Children 1.00 The Pattern of Inheritance 4.00 Choices – When your child is Dying - English or French* 7.00 Video—A Roll of the Dice CANADIAN MPS SOCIETY LOGO WEAR TOTAL PRICE 10.00 Sweatshirts (indigo blue with embroidered logo; unisex) 30.00 Total Booklets * all booklets are in English, except those noted with an *. Please circle language. Jean Shirts (denim with embroidered logo; unisex) 30.00 Total Logo Wear $ Golf Shirts (navy blue; indicate M or W) 40.00 Total Awareness Bracelets $ Adult T-shirts (royal blue; indicate M or W) 25.00 15.00 Expression of Hope Greeting Cards ( ____ boxes x $25.00) $ Children’s T-shirts (royal blue) TOTAL ENCLOSED $ Awareness Bracelets (royal blue; S, M, L) PRICE S M 2.00 L XL XXL $ ALL PRICES INCLUDE SHIPPING & HANDLING. Please submit this form with payment or order online at - click on “store” to place your order. Name: _________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ( _____) _____-________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City:___________________________________________________ Province _______________ Postal Code: _____________ □ Cheque enclosed or □ Charge my Credit Card #_______________________ Exp:__/__ Signature: _____________________ 32 CANADIAN MPS SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP FORM First/Last Names: _________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ Province: _________________ Postal Code: __________________ Telephone: ________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________________ AFFECTED CHILD’S NAME(S) AND SIBLINGS’ NAMES DATE OF BIRTH MEMORIAL DATE SEX DIAGNOSIS/ MPS DISORDER Affected Family: ______$30.00 Enclosed membership payment: $ ________ Relative/Professional/Other: ______$40.00 Enclosed donation: $ ________ Out of Country: ______$50.00 Total: $ ________ Would you like your name to appear in our Family Referral Directory (Membership Directory)? Yes ______ No ______ Initial consent:__________ Would you like to have your affected child’s name appear on the Birthday/Memorial page? Yes ______ No ______ If so, please fill in all information in the above chart, as you would like it to appear. I am willing to allow the Society to publish pictures of my living/deceased child(ren) on its posters, advertising, booklets, brochures and the MPS website. Yes ______ No ______ (Please mail/email clear photos. We will return photos if requested.) Signed:______________________________________________ Date:_____________________ IF YOU HAVE AN AFFECTED CHILD AND CANNOT AFFORD THE $30.00 MEMBERSHIP FEE, PLEASE INFORM THE OFFICE AND WE WILL WAIVE YOUR FEES. Due to the increased costs associated with printing our newsletters (and the corresponding increased “benefit” to our members) we can no longer issue income tax receipts for membership payments. Please visit for information on receipting policies. The Canadian MPS Society is committed to providing support to families affected with MPS and related diseases, educating medical professionals and the general public about MPS, and funding research so that one day cures will be found for all types of MPS and related diseases. Members will receive: Four newsletters per year (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) Our Family Referral Directory Our Annual Report Access to our Family Assistance Program (Canadian residents only) Advocacy support All new publications printed by the Society Invitations to family meetings and conferences and reduced fees Please make cheques payable to: THE CANADIAN MPS SOCIETY PO Box 30034, RPO Parkgate North Vancouver, BC V7H 2Y8 Please charge my credit card in the amount of $___________ Credit Card #_______________________________________ Name on card ______________________________________ Expiry Date__________Signature_______________________ Registered Charity # 12903 0409 RR0001 33 FAMILY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FAMILY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FUNDING APPLICATION Date:_________________ Name:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________ Name(s) of affected child(ren):____________________________________________________________________________ Amount of funding requested: ______________ (Maximum of $1,500.00) Please describe what the funds will be used for: ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Will the funds being requested be used to pay for part of a larger project or piece of equipment? (eg. home renovations, wheelchair-accessible van, etc.) Yes________No_________ If you answered yes to the previous question: What is the estimated total cost of the project/equipment? _____________ Please list other funding agencies you have applied to for funding for this project/equipment, and funds received, if any: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ □ Estimate(s) included. (Please see the FAP guidelines on for information on required estimates.) Signature______________________________________________Date___________________ Thank you for submitting your Family Assistance Program funding application. The Executive Director or a member of the Board of Directors will contact you as soon as possible to inform you of the Board’s decision regarding your application. Please visit or email for complete Family Assistance Program guidelines. 34 SUPPORT FOR FAMILIES. RESEARCH FOR A CURE. Please consider holding a Canadian MPS Jeans Day in your community! Jeans Days are a great way to raise funds and awareness! Just email or call the Society office for a proposal template for your school or business, and if approved, let us know how many people you anticipate will be participating. You will receive a Canadian MPS Jeans Day package with enough stickers for your event. Packages will also contain 2 posters, 5 colour brochures (you will have to photocopy enough brochures to distribute at your event), and a donor information sheet to record the names and addresses of those wishing to receive income-tax receipts for donations of $10.00 or more. Participants simply wear their jeans on Jeans Day & donate! It’s that easy! ORDER YOUR CANADIAN MPS SOCIETY AWARENESS BRACELETS! Our bracelets are royal blue and inscribed with “BELIEVE - MPSSOCIETY.CA” Our awareness bracelets come in three sizes: large, medium, and small and are available for a minimum donation of $2.00 per bracelet, plus shipping. Please place your order through our online store at or call us at 604-924-5130 or 1-800-667-1846 and help spread the word about MPS diseases! “Expression of Hope II” art cards are available for purchase! These beautiful cards, created by and for the lysosomal storage disorder community, come in packs of 20 inspiring designs. View all selected pieces as well as all submissions to Expression of Hope II at Order your art cards for $25.00 by visiting our online store at, or by calling 604-924-5130 or 1-800-667-1846. THE CANADIAN MPS SOCIETY’S TRIBUTE CARD PROGRAM IS A SPECIAL WAY OF PAYING TRIBUTE TO A LOVED ONE. Send an MPS tribute card for any occasion as a meaningful gift to support children affected with MPS: to welcome a new baby, to celebrate a holiday, birthday or anniversary, to memorialize the passing of a friend or relative or to say thank you to someone special. MPS tribute cards may be ordered by making a contribution of $10.00 or more. Contact the office with your request or donate online. Sympathy or tribute cards are sent out the same day if possible and income tax receipts are issued. 35 HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM THE CANADIAN MPS SOCIETY! WISHING YOU AND YOUR FAMILY A YEAR FILLED WITH PEACE, JOY AND LOVE. PO Box 30034, RPO Parkgate North Vancouver, BC V7H 2Y8 Phone: 604.924.5130 / 1.800.667.1846 Fax: 604.924.5131 Email: Top: Artwork created by Holiday Art Contest winner Jessica Gentle (MPS I); Above: Artwork by runners-up Monika NelisDupont (MPS I) and Stephen Priest (MPS IV B). Congratulations to Monika - the winner of our 50.00 Visa Gift Card - and thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s contest! 36 Charity # 12903 0409 RR0001