Street furniture catalogue
Street furniture catalogue
Street furniture catalogue magyar angol német francia horvát cseh szlovák román,rozsdamentes stainless rostfrei, korrosionsfrei, inox, Edelstahl inoxydable, inox nehrđajući nerez nerez inox,rozsdamentes acél stainless steel rostfrei, korrosionsfrei, inox, Edelstahl acier inoxydable, inox nehrđajući čelik Nerezová ocel nerezová otel inoxidabil,nemesacél stainless Edelstahl acier inoxydable, inox nehrđajući čelik nerez nehrdzavejúca oceľ otel inox,utcabútor street furniture Staßenmöbel, Straßenmobilar, Stadtmöbel, Stadtmobilar mobilier urbain ulica namještaj městský mobiliář mestský mobiliár mobilier stradal,pad bench Bank, Sitzbank banc klupa lavice lavice bancă,ülőke seat Bank, Sitzbank siege, assise, si?ge sjedalo sídlo sídlo scaun,oszlop street column, pillar Pfosten, Poller, Kolonne, Säule potelet, borne de rue, poteau kolona sloupec stĺpec coloană,korlát railing, handrail, rails Geländer, Handgeländer balustrade, rampe barijera bariéra bariéra barieră,térelválasztó elem Space partitioner, space partition element, space separation element, space separator Trennwand, Raumteilung, Partition partitionneur de l'espace Privatnost čuvar soukromí obrazovky súkromie obrazovky ecran de confidentialitate,köztér public area öffentlicher Platz, öffentliches Land, öffentlicher Raum domaine publique trg náměstí námestí plaza,oszlopsor colonnade Kolonnade colonnade kolonada kolonáda kolonáda colonadă,pavilon pavilion, kiosk Pavillon, Pavilon pavilion, kiosque paviljon pavilón pavilón pavilion,újságos pavilon journal stand Zeitschriftenkiosk, Zeitschriftenpavillon kiosque a journaux, pavilion a journaux, kiosque ? journaux, pavilion ? journaux kiosk trafika trafika chio?c de ziare,stand stand Stand kiosque stajati stát stáť stand,szemetes garbage bin, waste container Mülleimer, Abfalleimer, Abfallbehälter, Müllbehälter poubelle kanta za smeće odpadkový koš odpadkový kôš co? de gunoi,szemétgyűjtő waste container Müllkontainer poubelle i boravak popelnice aj izba camera bine,kuka litter bin Mülltonne poubelle kanta za smeće dustbin popolnice lada de gunoi,hulladékgyűjtő garbage bin Mülleimer, Abfalleimer, Abfallbehälter, Müllbehälter poubelle zbirka sbírka zbierka colectie,hamutartó ashtray Ascher, Aschenbecher cendrier pepeljara popelník popolník scrumiera,ivókút drinking fountain, water fountain Trinkbrunnen, Fontäne fontaine a eau, fontaine a boire, fontaine ? eau, fontaine ? boire fontana kašna kašna izvor,kerékpár tároló bycicle rack, bycicle stand Fahrradständer, Fahrradhalter, Fahrradabstellplatz support vélos, support velos, présentoir vélos, presentoir velos skladište za bicikle úschovna kol úschovňa bicyklov de depozitare pentru biciclete,utcabútor család street furniture family Stadtmobilarfamilie, Stadtmöbelgruppe familee de mobilier urbaine ulica namještaj městský mobiliář je mestský mobiliár je mobilier urban este,terelő korlát guiding pillar Leitplanke potelet odbojnika svodidla zvodidlá parapeti,poller guiding pillar Pfosten, Poller, Kolonne, Säule potelet odbojnika svodidla zvodidlá parapeti,kapaszkodó handrail Handlauf, Geländer main courante rukohvat zábradlí zábradlia balustradă,kapaszkodó oszlop handrail column Handlaufpfosten, Geländerpfosten potelet a boucle, potelet avec boucle, potelet ? boucle zgrabite bar madlo madlo apuca bar,hirdetőtábla billboard Anzeigetafel, Werbetafel, Werbungsschild, Werbeschild, Plakatwand, Billboad tableau d'affichage, tableau d affichage, panneau d'affichage, panneau d affichage pano plakátovací tabule plagátové tabule panou,hirdetőtábla tartó billboard holder, billboard street column Anzeigetafelständer, Werbetafelständer, Werbungsschildständer, Werbeschildständer, Plakatwandständer, Billboadständer, Anzeigetafelhalter, Werbetafelhalter, Werbungsschildhalter, Werbeschildhalter, Plakatwandhalter, Billboadhalter potelet tableau d'affichage, poteau de tableau d affichage, panneau d'affichage, panneau d affichage Plakatima izraz Billboardy termín Billboardy termín termen panouri,virágtartó flower holder Blumenbehälter boite a fleur, boîte ? fleurs postolje za cvijeće květina stojan kvetina stojan Suport plantat...,virágláda flower box Blumentopf, Blumenkasten, Blumenbox boite a fleur, boîte ? fleurs prozor boksz okenní truhlík okenné hrantík cutie cu fereastră,faveremrács tree grid Baumgitter, Baumschutz grille d'arbre, grille d arbre Tree zaštita Strom ochrany Strom ochrany protectii copac,tervezés design Planung planification, design dizajn design dizajn proiect,fejlesztés development Entwicklung développement, developpement razvoj vývoj vývoj dezvoltare,BME BME BME BME BME BME BME BME,BMGE BMGE BMGE BMGE BMGE BMGE BMGE BMGE,Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Budapest University of Technology and Economics Technische und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Universität Budapest Université de Technologie et de l'Économie de Budapest, Universite de Technologie et de l'Economie de Budapest Budapest University of Technology i Ekonomije Budapest University of Technology a Ekonomiky Budapest University of Technology a Ekonomiky Budapesta Universitatea de Tehnologie ?i Economie,Gépészmérnöki Kar Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Fakultät für Maschinenbau Faculté de Génie Mécanique, Faculté d'Ingénierie Mécanique fakultet strojarstva Fakulta strojního inženýrství strojárstvo Facultatea de Inginerie mecanică,gépészmérnök mechanical engineering Maschinenbauingenieur ingénieur mécanique, ingenieur mecanique inženjer strojarstva Strojní inženýr strojný inžinier Inginer mecanic,formatervezés design Design design dizajn design dizajn proiect,formatervező designer Designer designer dizajner návrhář návrhár proiectant,követelmények requirements Anforderungen, Voraussetzungen exigences zahtjevi požadavky na požiadavky na Cerinte,gazdasági economic wirschaftlich économique ekonomski ekonomický ekonomický economic,minőségi quality qualitäts qualité, qualite kvalitativan kvalitativní kvalitatívne calitativ,konstrukciós construction, constructional Konstruktion constructionnel izgradnja konstrukce konštrukcia constructie,kerékpár támasztó bycicle rack, bycicle stand Fahrradständer, Fahrradhalter, Fahrradabstellplatz support vélos, support velos, présentoir vélos, presentoir velos ciklus podrška cyklus podpory cyklus podpory suport ciclu,támla backrest Rückenlehne dossier sjedala opěradlo sedadla operadlo sedadla bancheta din spate,fa ülőfelület wooden sitting surface Sitzfläche aus Holz, Holzsitzfläche surface d'assis en bois drvena sjedala dřevěný sedák drevený sedák scaun din lemn,ülőfelület sitting surface Sitzfläche surface d'assis sjedalo sídlo sídlo scaun,karfa armrest Lehne, Handlauf accoudoir sjedalo zábradlí zábradlia balustradă,esztétikus aesthetic ästhetisch, Ästhetik esthétique, esthetique estetski estetický estetický estetic,vonalvezetés tracing Linienführung ligne linije linky linky liniile,laposacél váz flatbar structure, flatbar framework Flachstahl Rahmen, Rahmen aus Flachstahl charpente en acier plat, structure en acier plat, charpente en barre plate, structure en barre plate Stan čelični okvir Plochý ocelový rám plochý oceľový rám cadru din otel plat,modern, korszerű modern modern, zeitgemäß moderne moderna moderní moderné modern,keményfa hard wood Hartholz arbre dur tvrda drvena građa tvrdé dřevo tvrdé drevo lemn de esenta tare,elegáns elegant elegant élégant, elegant elegantan elegantní elegantný elegant,festett painted gefärbt, koloriert, bemalt peint obojen namalovaný namaľovaný vopsit,támlás pad bench with backrest Bank mit Rückenlehne banc avec dossier Klupa s naslonom Lavička s opěradlem lavička s operadlom banc cu spătar,kivitel layout Ausführung construction izvoz export export export,asztal table Tisch table stol tabulka tabuľka masă,laptop tartó laptop holder Laptopständer support laptop laptop rukav laptop rukáv laptop rukáv mânecă laptop,szénacél carbon steel Karbonstahl acier carbone, acier au carbone Ugljični čelik Uhlíková ocel uhlíková oceľ otel carbon,hirdető felület advertising surface Werbefläche surface d'affichage, surface publicitaire reklamni prostor reklamní prostor reklamný priestor spatiu publicitar,hirdetőfelület advertising surface Werbefläche surface d'affichage, surface publicitaire reklamni prostor reklamní plocha reklamné priestor spatiul de anunt,rozsdamentes lemez stainless steel sheet, stainless steel plate Edelstahlblech nehrđajućeg čelika nerezová deska nerezová doska inox,háttámla backrest Rückenlehne planche inox, plaque inox naslon za leđa opěradlo operadlo spatar,ülés seat Sitz siege, assise, si?ge sjedalo sídlo sídlo scaun,2 személyes 2 persons, 2 seater für 2 Personen Pour 2 personnes, pour deux personnes 2 osobe 2 lidé 2 ľudia 2 persoane,két személyes two persons, two seater für 2 Personen pour deux personnes dva osobna dvě osobní dve osobné două personală,3 személyes 3 persons, 3 seater für 3 Personen Pour 3 personnes 3 osobe 3 osoby 3 l'udia 3 persoane,három személyes three persons, three seater für 3 Personen pour trois personnes utroje trojice trojica partidă în trei,lehajtható fold down seat, foldable seat runterklappbar siege pliable dessous, assise pliable dessous, si?ge pliable dessous, siege pliant dessous, assise pliante dessous, si?ge pliant dessous preklop skládací skladacie pliere,felhajtható fold up seat, foldable seat einklappbar, aufklappbar siege pliable debout, assise pliable debout, si?ge pliable debout, siege pliant debout, assise pliante debout, si?ge pliant debout preklop skládací skladacie pliante,ülőalkalmatosság sitting place Sitzgelegenheit siege, assise, si?ge sjedenje místa k sezení miesta na sedenie a?ezare,kerti csap garden tap Gartenhahn, Gartenschlauch robinet de jardin crijevo za polijevanje kropicí hadice kropiace hadice furtun de gradina,kerékpáros kapaszkodó handrail column for cyclists Fahrradhandlaufpfosten potelet a boucle pour cyclistes, potelet avec boucle pour cycliste, potelet ? boucle pour des cyclistes bicikl grip půjčovna rukojeť požičovňa rukoväť prindere biciclete,lezáró oszlop guiding column, guiding pillar Geländer, Handgeländer potelet, borne de rue, poteau ukida stupac ukončení sloupec ukončenie stĺpec încheiere coloana,terelő oszlop guiding column, guiding pillar Geländerpfosten, Handgeländer potelet, borne de rue, poteau stupići patníky pätníky borne,méret dimension, size Maß dimension, mesure veličina velikost veľkosť dimensiune,cső méret tube dimension, tube size Rohr Durchmesser, Rohrdimensionen dimensions des tuyaux, dimension tuyau Veličina cijevi velikost potrubí veľkosť potrubia Dimensiune ?eavă,szélesség width Breite largeur širina šířka šírka lătime,hosszúság length Länge longeur dužina délka dĺžka lungime,magasság height Höhe hauteur visina výška výška înăltime,űrtartalom volume Volumen volume kapacitet kapacita kapacita capacitate,térfogat volume Volumen volume volumen objem objem volum,literes liter 1 Liter litre litra litr liter litru,tábla board Tafel panneau odbor deska doska bord,tér place, square Platz place prostor místo miesto spatiu,szobor sculpture, statue Skulptur, Plastik sculpture skulptura sochařství sochárstvo sculptură,szökőkút fountain Springbrunnen, Brunnen fontaine fontana fontana fontana fântână,Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapest Budapesta Our company works not only for today as due to their extremely long lifetime, stainless steel street furniture can serve several generations. Direct-Line Kft. 14 street Jedlik Ányos 2330-Dunaharaszti email: webpage: Our activities Direct-Line Ltd. was established in 1991 and as a young company, it has played a significant role in contributing to the image of Budapest. The street furniture made of stainless steel dedicated for public areas, such as ball headed columns protecting pavements or billboard holders, which proved to be the first successful products can be found all over in the streets of Budapest. Today, any vistor may meet elegant journal stands, railing and handrail systems, shelters, garbage bins, bycicle racks, benches or drinking fountains. (Detailed information on these products can be found at the introduction of our references.) As an outplaced laboratory of the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Budapest University of Technology and Economics, we have developed different stainless steel street furniture families of several styles together with design engineers and university student groups during our R&D activity. Regardless of their modern style or their fitting into monumental environment, our street furniture possess a common feature: as a result of thorough engineering design, each of our products comply with design, quality and construction requirements, with a special regard on economic aspects. Why stainless? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● The secret of success of our stainless steel street furniture lies in the followings: they represent a favourable price/quality ratio they resist well to aggressive media and environmental hazards they have an aesthetic appearance and unique layout they have various design, as the treatment of stainless steel surfaces can be optically shiny, totally matt or coloured, according to client needs they do not require any maintenance, they can be kept clean easily their mechanical characteristics and more favourable than in the case of other steels of similar use they possess a long lifetime Our street furniture product families Benches and seats Garbage bins and ashtrays Bycicle racks Drinking fountains Guiding rails and street columns Billboards Flower boxes and tree grids Unique needs We are open to manufacture street furniture from designs based on unique needs, as well. Benches Stop-by pad/ Stop-by bench Unique and practical, stainless steel bench with handle that can be used as bycicle support or handrail column, backrest and wooden seat. Item number: Dimensions: DL-10-0121-02 1800 x 600 x 780 mm Erd bench Elegant and comfortable stainless steel bench with backrest, wooden seat, optionally with or without armrest. Item number without armrest: DL-10-0117-02 Item number with armrest: DL-10-0116-02 Dimensions: 1800 x 730 x 700 mm Deak bench Aesthetic bench with modern tracing, stainless steel flatbar structure, wooden seat and backrest. Item number with armrest: DL-10-0135-05 Item number without armrest: DL-10-0134-05 Dimensions: 1800 x 680 x 760 mm Velence bench Robust but elegant, painted bench recalling the ambiance of oldtowns or ports, with stainles steel flatbar structure, hard wooden seat and backrest. Item number: Dimensions: DL-10-0105-04 800 x 480 x 500 mm Benches Flessa bench and seat Modern bench, offering an extremely elegant and demanding appearance, with stainless steel structure, stained hard wooden seat and backrest. Optionally, a seat without backrest can also be ordered. Item number seat: DL-10-0110-02 Item number bench: DL-10-0100-02 Dimensions: 1800 x 550 x 500 mm Bermuda bench and seat Comfortable and aesthetic bench built in a stainless steel structure with hard wooden seat and backrest. Optionally, a seat without backrest can also be ordered. Item number seat (BS): DL-10-0106-02 Item number bench: DL-10-0102-02 Dimensions: 1860 x 700 x 900 mm Campus bench Unique and modern stainless steel bench, offering young dynamism, with hard wooden seat and multifunctional armrest that can be used either as table or laptop holder. Item number: Dimensions: Capri bench Having an elegant and rounded form and stainless steel side sheets, the Capri bench has proved to be an attractive sitting place both for younger and elder generations by today. Item number: Dimensions: DL-10-0120-05 1800 x 500 x 800 mm DL-10-0119-05 2100 x 800 x 740 mm Benches Siberia bench Modern and comfortable bench with acided flatbar structure, acided sheet backrest, armest and sitting surface divided into three parts. The backrest can be perfectly used as billboard, as well. Item number: Dimensions: DL-10-0097-05 1500 x 730 x 710 mm Alaska bench An aesthetic bench with elegant and modern tracing, stainless steel sheet structure, seat surface and backrest. Item number: Dimensions: DL-10-0099-05 1250 x 500 x 770 mm Inas/Servant bench An extremely elegant, space saving, modern, stainless steel bench with unique up or down folding seat surface. Item number: Dimensions: Obuda bench Lively, stainless steel bench with elegant and demanding appearance and coloured hard wooden seat. Its modern backrest provides an excellent billboard or advertising surface, as well. Item number: Dimensions: DL-10-0096-05 1200 x 650 x 740 mm DL-10-0104-02 1500 x 600 x 1200 mm Drinking fountains Dama product family Straight Item number: Layout: Dimensions: DL-10-0090-02 1.4301 stainless steel 1000x300x350 mm With clamp Item number: Layout: Dimensions: DL-10-0089-02 1.4301 stainless steel 1000x300x350 mm With hosepipe end (drinking fountain and garden tap) Item number: DL-10-0091-02 Layout: 1.4301 stainless steel Dimensions: 1000x300x350 mm Bycicle racks and stands C type Item number: DL-10-0095-05 Layout: 1.4301 stainless steel Dimensions: 350 x 350 x 1000mm F type Item number: DL-10-0094-05 Layout: 1.4301 stainless steel Dimensions: 820 x 635 mm Tube dimensions: 40 x 2 mm D type Item number: DL-10-0092-05 Layout: 1.4301 stainless steel Dimensions: 550 x 750 x 1250 mm Tube dimensions: 25 x 2 mm N type Item number: DL-10-0093-02 Layout: 1.4301 stainless steel Dimensions: 860 x 720 mm Tube dimensions: 50 x 2 mm Handrail column for cyclists Item number: DL-22-0088-02 Layout: 1.4301 stainless steel Dimensions: 1000 x 175 x 25 mm Tube dimensions: 50 x 2 mm Guiding columns Drop street column Galaxy street column Item number: DL-22-001102 Layout: Stainless steel Dimensions: 920 mm Tube dimensions: 48,3 x 2 mm Item number: DL-22-001202 Layout: Stainless steel Dimensions: 940 mm Tube dimensions: 76,1 x 2 mm Lense street column Lense-slim street column Item number: DL-22-001003 Layout: Stainless steel Dimensions: 920 mm Tube dimensions: 76,1 x 2 mm Item number: DL-22-000903 Layout: Stainless steel Dimensions: 920 mm Tube dimensions: 48,3 x 2 mm Ufo street column Color head street column Item number: DL-22-000802 Layout: Stainless steel Dimensions: 930 mm Tube dimensions: 48,3 x 2 mm Item number: DL-22-000702 Layout: Stainless steel Dimensions: 910 mm Tube dimensions: 48,3 x 2 mm Guiding street column Ribboned street column Item number: DL-22-001502 Layout: Stainless steel Dimensions: 1300 mm Tube dimensions: 88,9 x 2 mm Item number: DL-22-001302 Layout: Stainless steel Dimensions: 910 mm Tube dimensions: 48,3 x 2 mm Garbage bins Panama Item number: DL-10-0224-05 Layout: 1.4301 stainless steel Volume: 50 litre Dimensions: 1000 x 300 x 490 mm Vessel height: 850 mm Berlin Item number: Layout: Volume: Dimensions: Vessel height: DL-10-0221-05 1.4301 stainless steel 30 litre 1000 x 305 x 490 mm 500 mm Budaors Item number 60 litre: DL-10-0228-02 Item number 90 litre: DL-10-0229-02 Layout: 1.4301 stainless steel Dimensions 60 litre: 900 x 260 x 260 mm Dimensions 90 litre: 900 x 320 x 320 mm Bermuda Item number: Layout: Volume: Dimensions: Vessel height: DL-10-0225-05 1.4301 stainless steel 50 litre 1000 x 320 x 420 mm 630 mm Mongol Item number: Layout: Volume: Dimensions: Vessel height: DL-10-0220-04 1.4301 stainless steel 30 litre 1320 x 450 x 3000 mm 370 mm Ashtray Item number: Layout: Volume: Dimensions: DL-10-0219-02 1.4301 stainless steel 1,6 litre 80 x 80 x 350 mm Billboards and handrails Info street columns Item number: DL-22-0006-02 Dimensions: 3200 mm Tube dimensions: 70 x 2 /50 x 2 mm Billboard dimensions:700/1400x150 mm Vertical billboard Item number: DL-22-0018-02 Dimensions: 1905 x 650 mm Billboard dimensions: 50 x 2 mm Tube dimensions: 1230 x 580 mm Vertical billboard holder Item number: Dimensions: Tube dimensions: DL-22-0021-02 1905 x 650 mm 50 x 2 mm Horizontal billboard Item number: DL-22-0020-02 Dimensions: 1350 x 1450 mm Billboard dimensions: 625 x 1250 mm Tube dimensions: 50 x 2 mm Horizontal billboard holder Item number: DL-22-0016-02 Dimensions: 1350 x 1450 mm Tube dimensions: 50 x 2 mm Standard handrail Item number: DL-22-0017-02 Dimensions: 1100 x 1350 mm Tube dimensions: 50 x 2 mm Trapeze handrail Item number: DL-22-0019-02 Dimensions: 1100 x 1000 mm Tube dimensions: 50 x 2 mm Accessories for horticulture Wooden tub Item number: DL-10-0086-04 Dimensions: 950x950x960 mm Layout: carbon steel Wheeled flower box (large) Item number:DL-10-0085-02 Dimensions: Ø 650x800 mm Tree grid Item number: DL-10-0070-05 Dimensions: 1250x1250x30 mm Grid pitch: 30x30 mm Layout: carbon steel Wheeled flower box (small) Item number: DL-10-0084-02 Dimensions: Ø 230x210 mm Flower box (large) Item number: DL-10-0082-05 Dimensions: 2000x400x480 mm Flower box (small) Item number: DL-10-0083-05 Dimensions: 800x600x480 mm Our main artistic references Budapest, KÖKI terminal Stainless steel propeller fountain Budapest 17th district, development of city centre Digital, stainless steel fountain, pedestrian bridge, railings and handrails Construction of stauettes of József Zalavári DLA artist-teacher Budapest, Memorial of 1956 front part of stainless steel Ordered by the Hungarian Ministry of Defence Dunaharaszti City Library Budapest Austrian School Stainless steel flower statue Stainless steel figures for fountain Our main street furniture references Papp László Arena Stainless steel and carbon steel street furniture, wooden tubs Érd city development Benches, garbage bins, street signs Cora Department Store, Debrecen Benches, garbage bins, lighting units, arbours Public areas of Budapest Street colums and railings to separate pavements from roads Savoya Park Budafok Benches, garbage bins Our main public area references Budapest, 13th district, street Ditrói Mór Uniquely designed furniture elements: benches, garbage bins, tables, fountain element, ashtrays BKV ZRt. Underground station platform furniture Lapker ZRt. Journal stands MÁV Rt. Shelters, benches Szerencsejáték Zrt. Lottery pavilions Our further products Solar collector systems Drain systems Bath technology, pools Products for construction industry Railing systems Loading stations Direct Line Kft DirectLine1 rozsdamentes rozsdamentes acél Direct-Line Kft. 14 street Jedlik Ányos H-2330-Dunaharaszti Tel: +36 (24) 492 111 Fax: +36 (24) 492 112 email: