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top dentists Also from our most recent poll. COSMETIC DENTISTRY Bruce Apfelbaum Quality Dentistry, 101 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 230, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-2020 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Thomas Bachstein Bachstein Dental Esthetics, 3475 West Chester Pike, Suite 230, Newtown Square, (610) 353-0753 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine JeffreyBellisario636WynnewoodRoad,Ardmore,(610)642-7024 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry Evan Berson Berson Dental Health Care, 301 City Line Ave., Suite T2, Bala Cynwyd, (610) 667-6666 Education: University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine Deborah Brennan 3400 West Chester Pike, Suite 1000A, Newtown Square, (610) 356-5533 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Martin Brown 333 East City Line Ave., Suite IL41, Bala Cynwyd, (610)664-2664Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry JosephCapistaWilliamsburg Dental, 601Williamsburg Drive, Broomall,(610)353-2700Education:TempleUniversitySchool of Dentistry Edward Chermol 3501 West Chester Pike, Suite 102, Newtown Square,(610)353-0500Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry Barry Cohen 4750 Township Line Road, Suite 2, Drexel Hill, (610)449-7002 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Richard DeForno Thorndale Dental Associates, 3105C.G.Zinn Road,Thorndale,(610)384-2541Education:UniversityofPittsburgh School of Dental Medicine ErnestDellheimMainLineDentalHealth,632MontgomeryAve., Narberth,(610)664-6061Education:TempleUniversitySchool of Dentistry Michael Feeney 305 N. Pottstown Pike, Exton, (610)363-6870 Education: University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine John Fitzgerald Chesterbrook Dental Associates, 1201 W. Swedesford Road, Berwyn, (610)296-9990 Education:Temple University School of Dentistry PeterFlahertyContemporaryAestheticDentistry,128-130Plant Ave.,Wayne,(610)687-5360Education:TempleUniversitySchool of Dentistry HowardFraiman AmsterdamDental Group, 1800 E. Lancaster Ave.,Paoli,(610)651-5611Education:UniversityofPennsylvania School of Dental Medicine StephenGershberg14S.Bryn Mawr Ave.,Suite 200,Bryn Mawr, (610)527-6700Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolof Dental Medicine Anna Giacalone 100 Ridge Road, Suite 36, Chadds Ford, (610)558-1760 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Andrew Goldenberg 2004 Sproul Road, Suite 300, Broomall, (610)359-1093Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry Ronald Goldenberg 2004 Sproul Road, Suite 300, Broomall, (610) 359-1093 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Neil Gottehrer 1847 Old York Road, Abington, (610) 715-1548 Education: University of Maryland Dental School JosephGreenberg600NewtownRoad,Villanova,(610)520-0200 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine StevenHartDevonDentalAssociates,125E.SwedesfordRoad, Suite111, Wayne, (610)687-0990 Education:Emory University School of Dentistry Lon Kessler Axler Kessler Dental Associates, 1150Valley Forge Road,Suite101,Phoenixville,(610)933-3342Education:University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine ErickaKlein227LancasterAve.,Suite201,Devon,(610)688-4100 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry Ernesto Lee 976 E. Railroad Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-1200 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Lindsey Marshall 602 The Times Building, Suburban Square, Ardmore, (610)649-0696 Education:Harvard School of Dental Medicine Jason Muck Caln Family Dental, 3149 Lincoln Highway, Thorndale,(610)384-6700Education:BostonUniversityGoldman School of Dentistry Hema Nair Star Care Dental, 1102 Baltimore Pike, Suite 203, GlenMills,(610)358-5151Education:TempleUniversitySchool of Dentistry Dallas Pulliam Wayne Family Dentistry, 415 E. Lancaster Ave., Wayne, (610)688-4578 Education:University of Pennsylvania Dental School Robert Rose Devon Dental Associates, 125 E. Swedesford Road, Suite 111, Wayne, (610) 687-0990 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Jonathan Scharf Exton Dental Health Group, & Pennsylvania CenterforCosmeticDentistry,101JohnRobertThomasDrive, Exton,(610)363-2300Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchool of Dental Medicine Susan Schlesinger 4750 Township Line Road, Drexel Hill, (610)328-2627 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Rajnikant Shah 2121 W. Main St., Norristown, (610) 539-6550 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine AmyShoumer Main Line Dental Group, 744W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 115, Wayne, (610) 971-0717 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Michael Sophocles Paoli Medical Arts Building, 21 Industrial Blvd.,Suite202,Paoli,(610)644-4080Education:TempleUniversity School of Dentistry JosephSpina121N.WayneAve.,Suite201,Wayne,(610)687-5567 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Aaron Ufberg 664 Lancaster Ave., Berwyn, (610) 251-2227 Education:UniversityofPittsburghSchoolofDentalMedicine Thomas Watson Broomall Dental Health, 39 N. Sproul Road, Broomall,(610)356-8011Education:UniversityofConnecticut School of Dental Medicine MichaelWollock604TheTimesBuilding,Ardmore,(610)649-0313 Education:UniversityofMedicineandDentistryofNewJersey AnthonyZalisMainLineFamilyDentistry,931HaverfordRoad, BrynMawr,(610)525-2311Education:GeorgetownUniversity School of Dentistry ENDODONTICS AllysonAbbott 2050ButlerPike,Suite300,PlymouthMeeting, (610)834-7770Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry Bruce Apfelbaum Quality Dentistry, 101 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 230, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-2020 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Jeffrey Bellisario 636 Wynnewood Road, Ardmore, (610)642-7024Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry PeterBrothman 191 Presidential Blvd.,Suite128,Bala Cynwyd, (610) 668-2442 Education: McGill University Dental School MariaConcepcion 250W. Lancaster Ave.,Paoli, (610)644-8899 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry FrancineCwyk1050BaltimorePike,Springfield,(610)543-2288 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine CraigHurtt1AldwynLane,Villanova,(610)525-9845Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine SamuelKratchman665ExtonCommons,Exton,(610)524-1610; 606E.MarshallSt.,WestChester,(610)431-7025Education:Tufts University School of Dental Medicine BrianKunz 1AldwynLane,Villanova,(610)525-9845Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Kenneth Lee 665 Exton Commons, Exton, (610) 524-1610; 606 E. Marshall St., West Chester, (610) 431-7025 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Jason Muck Caln Family Dental, 3149 Lincoln Highway, Thorndale,(610)384-6700Education:BostonUniversityGoldman School of Dentistry Kara Rosenthal-Fraiman Ardmore Endodontics, Suburban Square,TheTimesBuilding,Suite702,Ardmore,(610)649-5235 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Sweta Shah 1050 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, (610) 543-2288 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Susan Silberg Endodontic Specialists, 85 Old Eagle School Road,Wayne, (610)995-0109; 1220Valley Forge Road, Suite 40, Phoenixville,(610)917-9984Education:UniversityofPennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Ming-LungYang 665 Exton Commons, Exton, (610)524-1610; 606 E. Marshall St., West Chester, (610) 431-7025 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine GENERAL DENTISTRY Natalie Amann 491Allendale Road, Suite 203, King of Prussia, (610)265-3939Education:ColumbiaUniversitySchoolofDental and Oral Surgery Bruce Apfelbaum Quality Dentistry, 101 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 230, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-2020 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Thomas Bachstein Bachstein Dental Esthetics, 3475 West Chester Pike, Suite 230, Newtown Square, (610) 353-0753 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine JeffreyBellisario636WynnewoodRoad,Ardmore,(610)642-7024 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry Richard Berman 34 Berkeley Road, Devon, (610) 687-6950 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Evan Berson Berson Dental Health Care, 301 City Line Ave., Suite T2, Bala Cynwyd, (610) 667-6666 Education: University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine David Block Main Line Center for Dental Excellence, 632MontgomeryAve.,Narberth,(610)664-6061Education:Temple University School of Dentistry Deborah Brennan 3400 West Chester Pike, Suite 1000A, Newtown Square, (610) 356-5533 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine David Brown 7 Davis Ave., Broomall, (610) 353-5990 Education: Baltimore College of Dental Surgery Martin Brown 333 East City Line Ave., Suite IL41, Bala Cynwyd, (610)664-2664Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry Judy Buxton 234 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 203, Bryn Mawr, (610)525-6060 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine MariaCapacio Havertown Family Dentistry, 525West Chester Pike, Suite 204, Havertown, (610)789-7800 Education:Temple University Dental School JosephCapistaWilliamsburg Dental, 601Williamsburg Drive, Broomall,(610)353-2700Education:TempleUniversitySchool of Dentistry Edward Chermol 3501 West Chester Pike, Suite 102, NewtownSquare,(610)353-0500Education:TempleUniversity School of Dentistry MariaChila100ChurchRoad,Suite302,Ardmore,(610)642-0186 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry Barry Cohen 4750 Township Line Road, Suite 2, Drexel Hill, (610)449-7002 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine DanteDeCrescenzoNarberthProfessionalBuilding,145Narberth Ave.,Narberth,(610)667-6630Education:UniversityofPennsylvania School of Dentistry RichardDeFornoThorndale Dental Associates, 3105 C.G. Zinn Road,Thorndale,(610)384-2541Education:UniversityofPittsburgh School of Dental Medicine ErnestDellheimMainLineDentalHealth,632MontgomeryAve., l healthcare guide/spring 2013 H29 Narberth,(610)664-6061Education:TempleUniversitySchool of Dentistry Barbara Diorio Westtown Dental Associates,1581 McDaniel Drive,WestChester,(610)436-9736Education:TempleUniversity School of Dentistry Michael Feeney 305 N. Pottstown Pike, Exton, (610)363-6870 Education: University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine Kenneth Fetter 415 E. Lancaster Ave., Wayne, (610) 688-4578 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dentistry John Fitzgerald Chesterbrook Dental Associates, 1201 W. Swedesford Road, Berwyn, (610) 296-9990 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry Peter Flaherty Contemporary Aesthetic Dentistry,128-130 PlantAve.,Wayne,(610)687-5360Education:TempleUniversity School of Dentistry Stephen Gershberg 14 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 200, BrynMawr,(610)527-6700Education:UniversityofPennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Julia Golden Main Line Center for Dental Excellence, 632MontgomeryAve.,Narberth,(610)664-6061Education:UCLA School of Dentistry Andrew Goldenberg 2004 Sproul Road, Suite 300, Broomall, (610)359-1093Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry Ronald Goldenberg 2004 Sproul Road, Suite 300, Broomall, (610)359-1093 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine BrentGuenthnerWesttownDentalAssociates,1581McDaniel Drive,WestChester,(610)436-9736Education:TempleUniversity School of Dentistry StevenHartDevonDentalAssociates,125E.SwedesfordRoad, Suite111,Wayne, (610)687-0990 Education:Emory University School of Dentistry Christopher Hussin Innovative Dentistry of Valley Forge, 1260ValleyForgeRoad,Suite110,Phoenixville,(610)933-2821 Education: University of Maryland School of Dentistry ErickaKlein227LancasterAve.,Suite201,Devon,(610)688-4100 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry Lynnette Mesina Bryn Mawr Dental HealthGroup,19 Morris Ave., Bryn Mawr,(610)525-4910Education:TempleUniversity School of Dentistry KatharineMiller145N.NarberthAve.,Narberth,(610)667-6630 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry JasonMuck 3149LincolnHighway,Thorndale,(610)384-6700 Education: Boston University Goldman School of Dentistry Hema Nair Star Care Dental, 1102 Baltimore Pike, Suite 203, GlenMills,(610)358-5151Education:TempleUniversitySchool of Dentistry CharlesPicchioni894GlenbrookAve.,BrynMawr,(610)525-2861 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry Dallas Pulliam Wayne Family Dentistry, 415 E. Lancaster Ave., Wayne, (610)688-4578 Education:University of Pennsylvania Dental School RobertRoseDevonDentalAssociates,125E.SwedesfordRoad, Suite 111, Wayne, (610) 687-0990 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Bryan Ruda 1999 Sproul Road, Suite 15, Lawrence Park ShoppingCenter,Broomall,(610)356-8100Education:Temple University School of Dentistry Susan Schlesinger 4750 Township Line Road, Drexel Hill, (610)328-2627 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Rajnikant Shah 2121 W. Main St., Norristown, (610)539-6550 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine AmyShoumer MainLineDentalGroup,744W.LancasterAve., Suite 115, Wayne, (610) 971-0717 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Michael Sophocles Paoli Medical Arts Building, 21 Industrial Blvd.,Suite202,Paoli,(610)644-4080Education:TempleUniversity School of Dentistry JosephSpina121N.WayneAve.,Suite201,Wayne,(610)687-5567 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine David Stall 1646 West Chester Pike, Suite 1, West Chester, (610)692-8454 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Jonathan Stone 123W. Lancaster Ave.,Wayne, (610)687-0505 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Aaron Ufberg 664 Lancaster Ave., Berwyn, (610) 251-2227 Education:UniversityofPittsburghSchoolofDentalMedicine Thomas Watson Broomall Dental Health, 39 N. Sproul Road, Broomall,(610)356-8011Education:UniversityofConnecticut School of Dental Medicine MichaelWollock604TheTimesBuilding,Ardmore,(610)649-0313 Education:UniversityofMedicineandDentistryofNewJersey AnthonyZalisMainLineFamilyDentistry,931HaverfordRoad, BrynMawr,(610)525-2311Education:GeorgetownUniversity School of Dentistry ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Quality. OFFERING ACCREDITED, AWARD-WINNING CARE. Brandywine Hospital has been recognized, awarded, commended and accredited for a range of categories from cardiac services to wound care. It all adds up to an outstanding healthcare experience for our patients. To learn more about how we are setting new standards for care in our area, visit It’s better at Brandywine. H30 healthcare guide/spring 2013 67469_BRAN_Quality_4_625x7_375c.indd 1 l Michael Bianchi 491 Allendale Road, Suite 215, King of Prussia, (610) 265-2150; 26 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-3110 Education: SUNY at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine NealBozentka700S.ChesterRoad,Swarthmore,(610)328-0773 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry RobertBrillman 204 E. Chester Pike, Ridley Park, (610)521-1111 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry Fredrick Disque Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Chester County, 600 E. Marshall St., Suite106,West Chester, (610)431-2161;630CopeRoad,KennettSquare,(610)444-2818 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Peter Famiglio 213 Reeceville Road, Suite 11, Coatesville, (610)383-7600Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry AnthonyFarole 191Presidential Blvd.,SuiteW2,BalaCynwyd, (610) 668-3300 Education: Tufts School of Dentistry G.JoelFunari AdvancedOralandFacialSurgeryoftheMainLine, 223 Lancaster Ave.,Devon, (610)688-6682 Education:Temple University School of Dentistry MartinGreenberg PennMedicineRadnor,250KingofPrussia Road,Radnor,(800)789-7366Education:ColumbiaUniversity College of Dental Medicine Chad Gretzula 616 E. Lancaster Ave., Berwyn, (484) 318-8567 Education: The University of Pennsylvania Dental School James Gustainis Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Chester County, 600 E. Marshall St., Suite106,West Chester, (610)431-2161;630CopeRoad,KennettSquare,(610)444-2818 Education:UniversityofPittsburghSchoolofDentalMedicine Barry Hendler OMS/Cosmetic Surgery Associates, 1000 Germantown Pike, Suite D2, Plymouth Meeting, (800)789-7366Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry Jason Huffman Pennsylvania Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 26 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-3110 Education: West Virginia University School of Dentistry Joseph Ilacqua Pennsylvania Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 26 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 3, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-3110 Education:Creighton University School of Dental Medicine AminKazemiOral&MaxillofacialSurgeryAssociatesofChester County,600E.MarshallSt.,Suite106,WestChester,(610)431-2161; 630CopeRoad,KennettSquare,(610)444-2818Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Joseph Kern Pennsylvania Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 860 First Ave., Suite 3, King of Prussia, (610) 265-2150 Education: University of Maryland JosephLeonetti Main Line Center for Oral & Facial Surgery, 21 IndustrialBlvd.,Suite100,Paoli,(610)644-6497;87DowlinForgeRoad, Exton,(610)363-0500Education:TuftsSchoolofDentalMedicine MansoorMadani 15PresidentialBlvd.,Suite301,BalaCynwyd, (610)667-6161 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine 2/18/13 2:07 PM LouisManna119E.UwchlanAve.,Suite101,Exton,(610)363-4400 Education: New York University College of Dentistry Robert Paolino 871 Baltimore Pike, Suite 15, Glen Mills, (610)459-4179 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Henry Rambo Main Line Center for Oral & Facial Surgery 21 Industrial Blvd., Suite100, Paoli, (610)644-6497; 87 Dowlin ForgeRoad,Exton,(610)363-0500Education:FairleighDickinson University James Robbins Delaware Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgical Associates, 200 E. State St., Suite 103, Media, (610) 565-7200 Education: Tufts University School of Dental Medicine Eric Schlesinger Pennsylvania Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, 860FirstAve.,Suite3,KingofPrussia,(610)265-2150Education: New York University College of Dentistry Keith Silverstein 21 Industrial Blvd., Suite 100, Paoli, (610)644-6497; 87 Dowlin Forge Road, Exton, (610)363-0500 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Thomas Sollecito Penn Medicine Radnor, 250 King of Prussia Road,Radnor,(610)902-2100Education:UniversityofPennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Cynthia Trentacosti Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates of Chester County, 600 E. Marshall St., Suite106,West Chester, (610)431-2161;630CopeRoad,KennettSquare,(610)444-2818 Education: Medical College of Virginia Harvey Wank 525 West Chester Pike, Suite 100, Havertown, (610)446-3222 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine AlfredWolaninSuburbanOralSurgery,2010WestChesterPike, Suite128,Havertown,(610)449-2100Education:TempleUniversity School of Dentistry ORTHODONTICS Anne Angle Angle Orthodontics, 1207 Egypt Road, Oaks, (610) 650-7775 Education: University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine Thomas Brady Brady Orthodontics, 80 W. Welsh Pool Road, Suite 203, Exton, (610) 363-2200 Education: University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine Glenn Burkland 440 E. Marshall St., Suite 301, West Chester, (610)918-3200Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolof Dental Medicine PaulCarpinello 1041 Pontiac Road, Drexel Hill, (610)446-6004 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine RobertCederquist 3475WestChesterPike,NewtownSquare, (610)356-4288;609GordonDrive,Exton,(610)524-7202Education: Case Western Reserve University Anthony Costa 800 Summit Grove Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610)525-3008Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry Kimberly Dondici-Chermol 42 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Ardmore,(610)642-3417Education:TempleUniversitySchool of Dentistry MariannaEvans InfinityDentalSpecialists,3855WestChester Pike, Suite 225, Newtown Square, (484) 420-4643 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Shawn Faust 1621 Darby Road, Havertown, (610) 446-8000 Education: University of Michigan School of Dentistry Catherine Foote Foote Orthodontics, 101S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 320, Bryn Mawr; (610) 525-6142 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine GeraldGinsberg1288ValleyForgeRoad,Suite60,Phoenixville, (610)935-1547Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolof Dental Medicine Stuart Gutsche 159 W. Lancaster Ave., Paoli, (610) 722-9790 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine MichelleHalpernHalpernOrthodontics,500W.TownshipLine Road,Havertown,(610)446-4001Education:HarvardSchoolof Dental Medicine JeffreyHendrixHendrixOrthodontics,WillowdaleCommons, 127 W. Street Road, Building 200, Suite 201, Kennett Square, (610)444-9952;695W.BaltimorePike,WestGrove,(610)869-5850 Education: University of Maryland Dental School KellynHodges1BelmontAve.,Suite414,BalaCynwyd,(610)6241181Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentalMedicine SamKadan15N.PresidentialBlvd.,BalaCynwyd,(610)667-5789 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Mary Kelley 145 Narberth Ave., Narberth, (610) 667-6630 Education: Tufts University School of Dental Medicine DavidMarkowitzLowerMerionOrthodontics,715Montgomery Ave., Narberth, (610)667-6770 Education:Temple University School of Dentistry LynAnnMastajMastajOrthodontics,976RailroadAve.,Suite100, BrynMawr,(610)525-2277;1646WestChesterPike,WestChester, (610)692-5590; 14 S. State Road, Upper Darby, (610)789-2410 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine VincentMongioviMongioviOrthodontics,4WoodlandDrive, GlenMills,(610)358-5003Education:UniversityofPennsylvania School of Dental Medicine May O’Keeffe 491Allendale Road, Suite 312, King of Prussia, (610) 265-3034 Education: University of North Carolina Bryan Ruda 1999 Sproul Road, Suite 15, Lawrence Park ShoppingCenter,Broomall,(610)356-8100Education:Temple University School of Dentistry Christopher Smedley 845 West Chester Pike, Suite 200, West Chester,(484)881-3322;797-4E.LancasterAve.,Downingtown, (484) 364-3294; 495 Highlands Blvd., Suite 110, Coatesville, (610)380-9068Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry Larry Smedley Smedley Orthodontics, 797 E. Lancaster Ave., Suite 4, Downingtown, (610) 269-6065 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry StevenSolow 990 City Line Ave.,Wynnewood, (610)649-8383 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine PaulStutmanLowerMerionOrthodontics,715MontgomeryAve., Narberth,(610)667-6770Education:TempleUniversitySchoolof Dentistry RichardTanzilliTanzilli Orthodontics, 1246West Chester Pike, Suite 306, West Chester, (610) 431-7350 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry Adam Weiss 491 Allendale Rd., Suite 312, King of Prussia, (610)265-3034Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Marc Albano 400 McFarlan Road, Suite 200, Kennett Square, (610)925-5700;795E.MarshallSt.,WestChester,(610)918-2400 Education:UniversityofMarylandBaltimoreCollegeofDental Surgery SheldonBernickBroomallPediatricDentistry&Orthodontics, Delaware County Medical Center, 1999 Sproul Road, Suite14, Broomall, (610)356-1454 Education:University of Minnesota School of Dentistry Micaella Borges-Schocker Pediatric & Adolescent Dentistry of the Main Line, 780 W. Lancaster Ave, Suite100, Bryn Mawr, (610)527-2434 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Shurong Cao 4 Smedley Lane, Newtown Square, (610)687-4264 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Natalie De Barros Broomall Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Care & Orthodontics, 1999 Sproul Road, Suite 14 and 15, Broomall, (610)356-1454Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry Kimberly Dondici-Chermol 42 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Ardmore,(610)642-3417Education:TempleUniversitySchool of Dentistry JayGoldsleger Upper Merion DentalAssociates, 357S.Gulph Road,Suite100,KingofPrussia,(610)337-2325Education:Temple University School of Dentistry ScottGoldslegerBroomallPediatricDentistry&Orthodontics, Delaware County Medical Center, 1999 Sproul Road, Suite 14, Dentistry for Children Since 1976 Jay Goldsleger, DDS With six offices throughout the greater Philadelphia suburbs, Dr. Jay Goldsleger and his associates have been treating pediatric patients for over 35 years. The pediatric dentists understand that each child is unique and must be treated according to his or her individual needs. From routine care, very light sedation with nitrous oxide (laughing gas), through in-office oral sedation and hospital treatment with general anesthesia, all different options are discussed with parents. The offices also treat medically compromised, disabled and special needs patients. Most insurance accepted. Visit our website or call the office for more information or to make an appointment. UPPER MERION Dental Associates HIGHPOINT Pediatric Dental Associates King of Prussia 610-337-2325 Chalfont 215-822-4042 ARDMORE Pediatric Dental Associates Ardmore 610-896-8300 ALLENTOWN-BETHLEHEM Pediatric Dental Associates BROOMALL Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics Allentown 610-433-2357 Bethlehem 610-954-5400 Broomall 610-356-1454 l healthcare guide/spring 2013 H31 Broomall, (610) 356-1454 Education: University of Maryland Dental School Sandra Grzybicki 17 Industrial Blvd., Suite 203, Paoli, (610)647-6688 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Robin Harshaw Pediatric & Adolescent Dentistry of the Main Line,780W.LancasterAve.,Suite100,BrynMawr,(610)527-2434 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Stanley Horwitz 42 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 100, Ardmore, (610)642-3417Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry CarolynLoughlin ChestnutDentalAssociates,319E.Chestnut St.,Coatesville,(610)384-2320Education:GeorgetownUniversity School of Dentistry Benjamin McKee 890 Lancaster Ave., Devon, (610) 225-0500 Education: Ohio State University College of Dentistry Jeffrey Melini Chester County Dentistry for Children, 795 E. MarshallSt.,Suite100,WestChester,(610)918-2400;105Dowlin ForgeRoad,Exton,(610)363-2100Education:TempleUniversity School of Dentistry Neil Moscow 510 Darby Road, Suite 201, Havertown, (610)449-5010Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry SaraRashediOaksDentalSpecialists,405HighlandAve.,Oaks, (610)666-0101 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine RobertRaymondDevonPediatricDentistry,125E.Swedesford Road, Suite 111, Wayne, (610) 687-0990 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry Allison Rose 491 Allendale Road, Suite 306, King of Prussia, (610)265-4142 Education:University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine StevenSolow 990 City Line Ave.,Wynnewood, (610)649-8383 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Yoosung Suh 1309 E. Township Line Road, Suite 1, Blue Bell, (610)277-4811 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Abbey Sullivan Broomall Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Care & Orthodontics, 1999 Sproul Road, Suite 14 and 15, Broomall, (610)356-1454Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry HIGH RESOLUTION FILE - FOR PRODUCTION PERIODONTICS Bruce Apfelbaum Quality Dentistry, 101 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 230, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-2020 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Steven Atlas 664 Exton Commons, Exton, (610) 524-2555 point of view From our point of view, Cathedral Village offers the very best in retirement living • Spectacular Views • Spacious Apartments • Inspired Amenities • Exceptional Care Call today for a tour and let us change your point of view. PROSTHODONTICS 215.984.8621 855.769.6942 (toll free) A premier continuing care retirement community PETS WELCOME NO E O NTR P AV T Y AI ION FE E LA BL E H32 healthcare guide/spring 2013 600 East Cathedral Road Philadelphia, PA 19128 Nondenominational CCRC Accredited Since 1984 l Education: Temple University School of Dentistry Georges Bandelac Infinity Dental Specialists, 3855 West Chester Pike, Suite 225, Newtown Square, (484) 420-4643 Education: University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry Milita Borguet 110 N. Essex Ave., Narberth, (610) 664-9510 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Stephen Chermol 1515 West Chester Pike, West Chester, (610)431-6520Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry MariannaEvans InfinityDentalSpecialists,3855WestChester Pike, Suite 225, Newtown Square, (484) 420-4643 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine CyrilEvian10112ValleyForgeCircle,KingofPrussia,(610)783-7800 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Ronald Goldenberg 2004 Sproul Road, Suite 300, Broomall, (610)359-1093 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Neil Gottehrer 1847 Old York Road, Abington, (610)715-1548 Education: University of Maryland Dental School JosephGreenberg600NewtownRoad,Villanova,(610)520-0200 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine HowardGrossTheTimesBuilding,32ParkingPlaza,Suite502, Ardmore,(610)896-1780Education:UniversityofDetroitMercy School of Dentistry Joseph Havrilla 905 W. Sproul Road, Suite 108, Springfield, (610)328-9608Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry JeffreyIngberAmsterdamDentalGroup,1800E.LancasterPike, Paoli,(610)651-5611Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry EmilieLarrazabalPlymouthPeriodontics,120W.Germantown Pike,Suite225,PlymouthMeeting, (610)825-4334Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine StevenLiuMainLineDentalImplantCenter,110GallagherRoad, Wayne, (610)688-0837 Education:University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine John Nikas Total Confidence Dentistry, 600 E. Marshall St., Suite 201,West Chester, (610)692-4440 Education:University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine Mark Perecman Main Line Periodontics & Dental Implants, 29MorrisAve.,BrynMawr,(610)527-6061Education:University of Connecticut Dental School StevenSierakowskiBrandywinePeriodontics,1786Wilmington Pike, Glen Mills, (610) 558-8283 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine ScottSmith 170N.HendersonRoad,Suite308,KingofPrussia, (610)265-7023Education:UniversityofMarylandDentalSchool BarryWeinstein 80W.Welsh Pool Road, Exton, (610)363-5997 Education: Emory University School of Dentistry JohnWhytosekMainLinePeriodontics,29MorrisAve.,BrynMawr, (610)527-6061Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry Edward Woehling Bryn Mawr Periodontal Associates, 1201 County Line Road, Suite 201, Bryn Mawr, (610)525-8485 Education: Temple University School of Dentistry Bruce Apfelbaum Quality Dentistry, 101 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 230, Bryn Mawr, (610) 527-2020 Education: University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Georges Bandelac Infinity Dental Specialists, 3855 West Chester Pike, Suite 225, Newtown Square, (484) 420-4643 Education: University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry HaroldBaumgarten1800E.LancasterAve.,Paoli,(610)651-5611 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Ernest Dellheim Main Line Dental Health, 632 Montgomery Ave., Narberth, (610)664-6061 Education:Temple University School of Dentistry HowardFraiman AmsterdamDentalGroup,1800E.Lancaster Ave.,Paoli,(610)651-5611Education:UniversityofPennsylvania School of Dental Medicine Andrew Goldenberg 2004 Sproul Road, Suite 300, Broomall, (610)359-1093Education:TempleUniversitySchoolofDentistry JosephGreenberg600NewtownRoad,Villanova,(610)520-0200 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine Andrew Halbert 234 S. Bryn Mawr Ave.,Suite 200, Bryn Mawr, (610)527-8900Education:GeorgetownUniversitySchoolofDentistry Jeffrey Ingber Amsterdam Dental Group, 1800 E. Lancaster Pike,Paoli,(610)651-5611Education:TempleUniversitySchool of Dentistry Ernesto Lee 976 E. Railroad Ave., Bryn Mawr, (610) 525-1200 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine JohnThalerBrynMawrDentalAssociates,945HaverfordRoad, Suite 200, Bryn Mawr, (610)527-2469 Education:Universityof Maryland Baltimore College of Dental Surgery James Vito 523 E. Lancaster Ave., Wayne, (610) 971-2590 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine David Weinstock 15 N. Presidential Blvd., Suite 201, Bala Cynwyd,(610)667-2770Education:UniversityofPennsylvania School of Dental Medicine R. Craig Williams Main Line Dental Group, Devon Square II, 744 W. Lancaster Ave., Suite 115, Wayne, (610) 971-0171 Education:UniversityofPennsylvaniaSchoolofDentalMedicine AnthonyZalisMainLineFamilyDentistry,931HaverfordRoad, BrynMawr,(610)525-2311Education:GeorgetownUniversity School of Dentistry HG
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