CARYOLOGIA Vol. 56, no. 3
CARYOLOGIA Vol. 56, no. 3
Vol. 56, no. 3: 253-260, 2003 CARYOLOGIA Cytogenetics of two central Amazonian species of Colostethus (Anura, Dendrobatidae) with nidicolous tadpoles ANA CRISTINA P. VEIGA-MENONCELLO1, ALBERTINA P. LIMA2 and SHIRLEI M. RECCO-PIMENTEL1, * 1 Departamento de Biologia Celular, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), CP 6109, 13084-971, Campinas, SP, Brasil 2 Coordenação de Pesquisas em Ecologia, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), CP 478, 69011-970, Manaus, AM, Brasil Abstract - A cytogenetic study of two central Amazonian species of Colostethus with nidicolous tadpoles indicated that Colostethus stepheni had 2n=24 chromosomes, whereas Colostethus nidicola had 2n=22 chromosomes. These species also differed in their NOR localization and C-banding pattern. These results suggest that karyotypic variation with a probable reduction in chromosome number and the presence of nidicolous tadpoles are independent events that may have occurred more than once during dendrobatid evolution. Key words: Anura; Dendrobatidae; Colostethus; nidicolous tadpoles; cytogenetic. INTRODUCTION Compared to dendrobatids of the genera Allobates, Cryptophyllobates, Dendrobates, Epipedobates, and Phyllobates all of which have toxic skin secretions and usually have bright coloration (FROST 2002), frogs of the genus Colostethus are rather drab in appearance and usually do not have potent skin toxins (DUELLMAN and SIMMONS 1988). Many species are similar in morphology and therefore difficult to distinguish from one another. According to MYERS et al. (1991), current members of the genus Colostethus are basal to the lineage leading to the toxic dendrobatids. Colostethus is extremely speciose, with 113 recognized species (F ROST 2002) distributed throughout neotropical forests from Costa Rica and the Antilles to Bolivia and Brazil (COLOMA 1995). One of us (APL) discovered four unde* Corresponding author: fax +55 19 3788 6111; e-mail: scribed species of Colostethus in central Amazon, including one of the species studied here, which was recently named as C. nidicola (CALDWELL and LIMA 2003). Another of these four species has been described by LIMA and CALDWELL (2001) as C. caeruleodactylus. Social behavior and parental care apparently occur in all dendrobatids and are considered synapomorphies of the family (W EYGOLDT 1986). Usually, the males call from close to potential nest sites to attract females. Amplexus is cephalic or absent, and the eggs are laid on leaf-litter on the forest floor. One of parents guards the eggs until they hatch, after which the tadpoles climb onto the parent’s back and are carried to a nearby pool or bromeliad where they develop (ZUG 1993). Only four Colostethus larvae are known to be endotrophic; C. degranvillei (LESCURE 1975), C. chalcopis (KAISER and ALTIG 1994), C. stepheni (JUNCÁ 1996) and C. nidicola. Colostethus stepheni has tadpoles with a terrestrial development, and does not require an aquatic habitat for reproduction, although the 254 VEIGA-MENONCELLO, LIMA and RECCO-PIMENTEL Table 1 – Morphometric analysis of the chromosomes of two Colostethus species. Colostethus stepheni CH 1 RL% 17.9 CI 0.437 CC M 2 13.8 0.396 M 3 12.6 0.238 ST 4 12.0 0.333 SM 5 10.7 0.367 SM 6 9.9 0.369 SM 7 5.3 0.464 M 8 4.6 0.458 M 9 4.1 0.474 M 10 3.7 0.467 M 11 3.4 0.455 M Colostethus nidicola CH 1 RL% 16.5 2 13.6 3 11.8 4 12.0 5 10.6 6 9.8 8 5.4 9 5.0 10 4.3 11 3.8 CI 0.443 0.422 0.354 0.286 0.383 0.405 0.488 0.466 0.452 0.452 CC M M SM SM M M 7 7.8 8.4 0.354 0.440* SM M* M M M M 12 2.1 T CH: chromosome, CI: centromeric index, RL: relative length (%), CC: centromeric classification, m: metacentric, sm: submetacentric, st: subtelocentric. (*): values obtained for one of the homologs of the respective pairs that showed heteromorphism in the C-banding and NOR size. leaf litter must remain moist throughout incubation since the tadpoles are not carried to water to complete their development (JUNCÁ et al. 1994; JUNCÁ 1998). Tadpoles of C. nidicola develop in leaf-litter nests similar to those of C. stepheni (CALDWELL and LIMA 2003), but this species does not appear to be closely related to C. stepheni. According to JUNCÁ (1998), terrestrial development is a derived character in dendrobatid frogs. The phylogenetic relationships of many genera within the family Dendrobatidae are problematic (see M YERS et al. 1991; F ORD 1993; CLOUGH and SUMMERS 2000). In Colostethus, most species groups are defined by combinations of character states variously present in other groups, rather than by unambiguous synapomorphies (GRANT et al. 1997). Despite the great number of Colostethus species, there is little information on their cytogenetics which could contribute to our understanding of the relationships between or within of dendrobatid genera. In this paper, we described the chromosome number, NOR localization and C-banding pattern of the two central Amazonian species of Colostethus with nidicolous tadpoles. MATERIAL AND METHODS Specimens Fourteen specimens of Colostethus stepheni (five males and nine females) from the Reserva Florestal Adolfo Ducke (RFAD), located 25 km from Manaus, Amazonas, (03º,08’ S, 60º,04’ W) and six specimens of C. nidicola from the municipality of Careiro, at km 12 on the road to Autazes, state of Amazonas, Brazil (03º,37’,10.4” S, 59º,86’,78.4” W) were studied. All specimens were collected by A. P. Lima under a permit issued by the Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA) (Proc. no. 02005.001367/99-58-AM). The animals were deposited in the Museu de Historia Natural “Professor Adão José Cardoso” (ZUEC) at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas or in the herpetological collections of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia (INPA), Manaus, under the following accession numbers: ZUEC 11450, 11609, 11612-14, 11616, 11619, 11621 and INPA 7200-04, 7207 (C. stepheni) and ZUEC 11694, 11699-702 and 11704 (C. nidicola). Chromosome preparations and techniques Chromosome preparations were obtained from a suspension of intestinal epithelial and testicular cells from animals pretreated with 2% colchicine for at least 4 h, as described by KING and ROFE (1976) and SCHMID (1978a). The techniques used were conventional Giemsa staining, Ag-NOR staining as described by HOWELL and BLACK (1980), and C-banding following the techniques of SUMNER (1972), with slight modifications in the duration of treatment with 0.2 N hydrochloric acid. The chromosomes were classified according to GREEN and SESSIONS (1991). RESULTS All specimens of C. stepheni had 2n=24 chromosomes, whereas the specimens of C. nidicola sp. had 2n=22 chromosomes (Table 1, Figs. 1 and 4). These number were confirmed by meiotic chromosome analysis, where 12 and 11 bivalents respectively were seen (Fig. 2). 255 CYTOGENETICS OF COLOSTETHUS The karyotype of C. stepheni consisted of seven pairs of metacentric chromosomes (1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11), three submetacentrics (4, 5 and 6), one subtelocentric (3) and one telocentric pair (12), whereas the karyotype of C. nidicola consisted of eight pairs of metacentric chromosomes (1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11) and three pairs of submetacentrics (3, 4 and 7) (Table 1 and Fig. 4). A bimodal structure of the karyotype was observed in both species, although the reduction in chromosome size in C. nidicola was less evident than in C. stepheni. Silver nitrate staining revealed only one NOR-bearing pair in each species. In C. stepheni, the NOR site was detected in the pericentromeric region on the long arms of pair 1, coincident with the secondary constriction, which was sometimes seen in Giemsa-stained metaphases (Fig. 3A). In C. nidicola, the NOR site was detected on the short arm of pair 7, but not coincident with the secondary constriction. The C-banding revealed interspecific variation in the location of constitutive heterochromatin. In C. stepheni, large amounts of constitutive heterochromatin were located in the centromeric regions of all chromosomes (Fig. 3D). A C-block occurred coincident with the NOR (Fig. 3A) in the pericentromeric region on the long arm of pair 1. Faint C-bands occurred on the long arms of pairs 3 and 5 (Figs. 3D and 4A). In C. nidicola, the centromeric region of all chromosomes also contained C-banded heterochromatin. Telomeric and interstitial bands were also observed in this karyotype. A darkly stained heterochromatic block occurred on the short arm of pair 7, within the secondary constriction closely adjacent to NOR. In the same chromosome pair, faintly stained heterochromatin occurred in the interstitial region on the long arm (Fig. 3D and 4B). Fig. 1 – Karyotypes after conventional Giemsa staining. Colostethus stepheni (A) and Colostethus nidicola (B). Bar 10 µm. 256 VEIGA-MENONCELLO, LIMA and RECCO-PIMENTEL Fig. 2 – Giemsa-stained meiotic metaphase I. Colostethus stepheni showing 12 bivalents (A) and Colostethus nidicola showing 11 bivalents (B). Bar 10 µm. Fig. 3 – Silver-stained NOR-bearing chromosome pairs and C-banded karyotypes. Colostethus stepheni (A), the arrow indicates the NOR and the arrowhead indicates the same pair 1 showing the C-band coincident with the NOR. Colostethus nidicola (B), the arrows indicate the homomorphic and heteromorphic NOR sites adjacent to a secondary constriction which is not stained (arrowhead). Colostethus stepheni (C), the arrows indicate a faint band on the long arm of pairs 3 and 5. Colostethus nidicola (D). The inset, shows pair 7 with heteromorphic C-blocks. The arrow indicates a faint band on the long arm of pair 7. Bar 10 µm. CYTOGENETICS OF COLOSTETHUS In one specimen of C. nidicola, the C-bands and the NOR located adjacent to the C-block on the short arm of pair 7 were heteromorphic in size (Fig. 3B and D). DISCUSSION The terrestrial nonpoisonous dendrobatid frogs of the genus Colostethus have a wide distribution in the neotropics and 113 species are currently recognized (FROST 2002). However, chromosomal data are available only for species that have tadpoles which complete their development in water. One species analysed by R ADA DE MARTÍNEZ (1976) and eight species analysed by BOGART (1991) had 2n=24 chromosomes, whereas three species from central Amazonia analyzed by VEIGA-MENONCELLO (2000) had 2n=22 chromosomes. The karyotype of C. stepheni differs from the other 24-chromosome species analysed by R ADA DE M ARTÍNEZ (1976) and B OGART (1991) in the morphology of some chromosome pairs and the location of the secondary constriction. However, the Colostethus species studied by BOGART (1991) were examined using only conventional staining methods. This makes it difficult to relate the NOR location in C. stepheni to the secondary constrictions detected in the karyotypes of the species studied by BOGART (1991) since, according to SCHMID (1978a) and KING (1980), not all secondary constrictions are nucleolus organizers. The usual structure of the karyotypes of dendrobatids analysed by LEÓN (1970), RADA DE MARTÍNEZ (1976), BOGART (1991), RASOTTO et al. (1987), V EIGA -M ENONCELLO (2000) and AGUIAR Jr. et al. (2002) included six large chromosome pairs followed by a variable number of small pairs: six or five in species of Colostethus, six pairs in species of Epipedobates and three or four pairs in species of Dendrobates. The karyotype of C. nidicola sp. was similar to other 22-chromosome species of Colostethus, with the only marked difference being in the size and morphology of pair 7, which altered the common structure of the karyotype since this pair was larger than in other species of Colostethus. Our results suggest that chromosomal rearrangements and heterochromatin and NOR-related events may be involved in this alteration of karyotype structure. In addition, in other species related to C. marchesianus analyzed by VEIGA- 257 MENONCELLO (2000), the NOR sites were not located on the same chromosome pair. The presence of an additional NOR site in one of these species (C. caeruleodactylus) reinforces the suggestion that chromosomal rearrangements occurred during the differentiation of these species. In addition to C. nidicola, one species of Minyobates (recently synonymized with Dendrobates, FROST 2002) analyzed by BOGART (1991) also had seven large and four small chromosome pairs. A cytogenetic study of a larger number of species of this genus and the application of different banding techniques may be helpful in understanding the unusual karyotype structure of M. opisthomelas. Colostethus nidicola are easily distinguished from C. stepheni and all 24-chromosome species already karyotyped by their diploid number of 22 chromosomes, and by the difference in the morphology of pair 7. In addition, C. nidicola can be Fig. 4 – Representative ideograms of the chromosome numbers, NOR locations and C-banding patterns of Colostethus stepheni (A) and Colostethus nidicola (B). Solid blocks: dark C-bands. Gray blocks: faint C-bands. Open regions: secondary constrictions. Gray circles: NORs. The parentheses indicate the NOR coincident with heterochromatin (A) and heteromorphic C-band and heteromorphic NOR site (B). 258 distinguished from other species of Colostethus with 2n=22 described from the Brazilian Amazon by the NOR localization and C-banding pattern. The presence of 22 chromosomes in another species of Colostethus as shown here reinforces the hypothesis of VEIGA-MENONCELLO (2000) that this chromosome number could be characteristic of a species complex within the genus Colostethus. Constitutive heterochromatin associated with the nucleolus organizer region (NOR), as observed in C. stepheni, has also been reported in other anuran species (S CHMID 1978b, 1982; KASAHARA et al. 1996; SILVA et al. 1999), although in these cases the NOR site is located in segments adjacent to the constitutive heterochromatin (SCHMID 1978a, 1982). In C. nidicola, the NOR site was not coincident with the secondary constriction, which also showed darkly stained constitutive heterochromatin in metaphases submitted to C-banding. According to S CHMID (1978a,b), a nucleolar constriction is a secondary constriction that reacts specifically with silver (Ag). Although chromosomal regions in which constitutive heterochromatin accumulates occasionally also have the appearance of secondary constrictions, they never exhibit the black Agblocks characteristic of NORs. K ING (1980) distinguished five structural classes of secondary constrictions in species of Litoria. According to this classification, the secondary constriction seen in C. nidicola would be considered as type 3 since it exhibited a dark Cband. However, this constriction lacks a silver staining reaction and is not as a nucleolar organizer region. According to KING (1990), the type 3 secondary constriction varies in expression between homologues and among cells and individuals. This author further suggested that type 3 constrictions appeared to be artifacts induced by certain characteristics of chromosome structure, such as a close proximity to C-bands, and may also be induced by variations in the methods of sample preparation. Although SCHMID (1978a) found some constrictions that were not NOR, and which KING (1980) suggested to be type 3, no mention was made as to whether the constriction was visible after a silver staining reaction, as in C. nidicola. Although most anurans have a single NOR site, there is considerable heteromorphism in its size. The small heteromorphism in NOR size observed in C. nidicola apparently involved an VEIGA-MENONCELLO, LIMA and RECCO-PIMENTEL amplification of rDNA sequences, since our results did not indicate complete amplification of the NOR. According to SCHMID (1982) and KING et al. (1990), the probable mechanisms involved are unequal crossing over and sister chromatid exchange. As mentioned above, the two species studied here were also distinguishable from each other by their C-banding pattern. Despite the different chromosome numbers, no unambiguous homeology was observed among the chromosomes. That could be indicative of a close relationship among these species. However, the faint C-band located on the long arm of pair 7 in C. nidicola was also found in other 22-chromosome species of Colostethus (V EIGA -M ENONCELLO 2000), and suggests a close relationship among the species. Considering the difference in the morphology of pair 7 in C. nidicola relative to other 22-chromosome species, the presence of the faint C-band on the long arm of pair 7 corroborates the hypothesis that chromosomal rearrangements involving constitutive heterochromatin and the NOR occurred in this species. Although some species of Colostethus in the Brazilian Amazon share the same chromosome number, they differ in their distribution of heterochromatin. According to KING (1991), it is very uncommon to find two related species which are alike in their heterochromatin distribution. However, in some species of Bufo, the C-banding pattern does not differ, indicating that the karyotypes of these species are indistinguishable in their heterochromaitn distribution (KASAHARA et al. 1996). B OGART (1991) analysed eight species of Colostethus and concluded that the variation observed in these species did not involve changes in chromosome number or severe karyotypic restructuring such as seen in species of Dendrobates. The results of the present study indicate karyotypic restructuring in the small chromosome pairs of C. nidicola They also indicate that although Colostethus is considered a less specialized genus, the chromosome number is not conserved. In addition, karyotypic variability, with a probable reduction in chromosome number, and the presence of nidicolous tadpoles, are independent events that may have occurred more than once in dendrobatid evolution, specially considering that there are 24- and 22-chromosome species that do not show this mode of reproduction. CYTOGENETICS OF COLOSTETHUS Acknowledgments – The authors thank W. E. Magnusson and O. Aguiar-Jr for reading drafts of the manuscript and providing valuable comments. This research was supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, grant 460233/00-9 to A. P. Lima), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, grant 97/12675-8 to S. M. ReccoPimentel), and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, fellowship to A. C. P. Veiga-Menoncello). The authors also thank the Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA) for issuing the collection permit (Proc. no. 02005.001367/99-58AM). REFERENCES AGUIAR Jr. O., LIMA A.P., GIARETTA A.A. and Recco-PIMENTEL S.M., 2002 – Cytogenetics of four dart-poison frogs of the Epipedobates genus (Anura, Dendrobatidae). Herpetologica, 58: 293-303. BOGART J.P., 1991 – The influence of life history on karyotypic evolution in frogs. In: M.D. Green and S.K. 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