19.02.16 - Combined.fm - Queensland Government
19.02.16 - Combined.fm - Queensland Government
Queensland Government Gazette PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 371] ISSN 0155-9370 Friday 19 February 2016 Easter Public Holidays Gazette Closing times for the Easter Period Calendar March/April 201 .BSDI Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Appointments BOE Pther HB[FUUF Ootices UPCF TVCNJUUFECZ12 noon Friday (PPE'SJEBZ 1VCMJD)PMJEBZ (B[FUUF SFMFBTFE PO5IVSTEBZ BGUFSOPPO Final proofs0,UP QVCMJTIUPCFSFDFJWFE CZDlose of business "QSJM Tuesday Monday &BTUFS.POEBZ 1VCMJD)PMJEBZ Wednesday Appointment OPUJDFTUPCF TVCNJUUFECZ12 noon Thursday OtheSHB[FUUF OPUJDFTUPCF TVCNJUUFECZ12 noon Final QSPPGT0,UP QVCMJTIUPCFSFDFJWFE CZDMPTFPGCVTJOFTT Friday (B[FUUF SFMFBTFE PO'SJEBZ NPSOJOH [205] Queensland Government Gazette Natural Resources and Mines PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 371] Friday 19 February 2016 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Native Title Act 1993 (Commonwealth) Native Title (Queensland) Act 1993 TAKING OF NATIVE TITLE RIGHTS AND INTERESTS AND NON-NATIVE TITLE RIGHTS AND INTERESTS NOTICE (No 01) 2016 Short title 1 This notice may be cited as the Taking of Native Title Rights and Interests and Non-Native Title Rights and Interests Notice (No 01) 2016. Native Title Rights and Interests taken [s.9(6) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967, s.24MD of the Native Title Act 1993 (Commonwealth) and s.144 of the Native Title (Queensland) Act 1993] Native Title Rights and Interests Taken 2. The native title rights and interests, if any, in the land and waters described in the Schedule are taken by Cloncurry Shire Council for setting apart, subdividing, resubdividing, reclaiming, alienating, taking up, occupying or leasing any unallocated State land, or dealing with unallocated State land in any way in which it may be dealt with under the Land Act 1994 (whether in carrying out the purposes for which the land is taken, the land is dealt with separately or in conjunction with any adjacent or other unallocated State land) (for ongoing use as a local government depot) on and from 19 February 2016. Non-Native Title Rights and Interests Taken and Extinguished 3. All non-native title rights and interests in relation to the land described in the Schedule are taken by Cloncurry Shire Council for setting apart, subdividing, resubdividing, reclaiming, alienating, taking up, occupying or leasing any unallocated State land, or dealing with unallocated State land in any way in which it may be dealt with under the Land Act 1994 (whether in carrying out the purposes for which the land is taken, the land is dealt with separately or in conjunction with any adjacent or other unallocated State land) (for ongoing use as a local government depot) on and from 19 February 2016. SCHEDULE 1RUWK5HJLRQ&ORQFXUU\2I¿FH Lot 2 on D7706, area 750 m2, unallocated State land, whole of Title Reference 47011152, parish of Saracen. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ENDNOTES Made by the Governor in Council on 18 February 2016. Published in the Gazette on 19 February 2016. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. File Reference - 079/0001112 ISSN 0155-9370 [No. 27 Land Act 1994 OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE (No 06) 2016 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Objections to Proposed Road Closure Notice (No 06) 2016. Application for road closure [s.100 of the Act] 2. Applications have been made for the permanent and temporary closure of the roads mentioned in the Schedule. Objections 3.(1) An objection (in writing) to the proposed road closures mentioned in the Schedule may be lodged with the Executive Director, Department of Natural Resources and Mines, at the UHJLRQDORI¿FHIRUWKHUHJLRQLQZKLFKWKHURDGLVVLWXDWHG (2) Latest day for lodgement of objections is 31 March 2016. (3) Any objections received may be viewed by other parties interested in the proposed road closure under the provisions of the Right to Information Act 2009. If you lodge an objection, please include in your objection letter whether you would like to be consulted if this issue becomes the subject of an access request under the Right to Information Act 2009. Plans 4. Inspection of the plans of the proposed road closures may be made atD WKH'HSDUWPHQWRI1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHVDQG0LQHV2I¿FHVDW Mackay, Cairns, Innisfail, Toowoomba and Atherton; and E WKH/RFDO*RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHVRI,VDDF5HJLRQDO&DLUQV Regional, Cassowary Coast Regional, Toowoomba Regional and Tablelands Regional; for a particular plan in that district or that local government area. SCHEDULE PERMANENT CLOSURE &HQWUDO5HJLRQ0DFND\2I¿FH 1 An area of 14.32 ha within Lot 2 SP256590 contained within stations A2-B2-C2-D2-E2-F2-G2-H2-I2-J2-K2-L2-M2-A2 (parish RI(PLQORFDOLW\RI(DJOH¿HOGDQGVKRZQDVDUHDRIFORVHGURDG on DP256592. (2015/005629) 1RUWK5HJLRQ&DLUQV2I¿FH 2 An area of about 270 m2 being part of the unnamed road abutting Lot 362 on SP210227 (parish of Grafton, locality of Gordonvale) and shown as plan of Lot A, proposed permanent road closure on Drawing CNS16/005P. (2016/000159) 1RUWK5HJLRQ,QQLVIDLO2I¿FH 3 An area of about 100 m2 being part of the esplanade abutting Lot 307 on NR8111 (parish of Glady, locality of Flying Fish Point) and shown as plan of Lot 1, proposed permanent road closure on Drawing TSV16017. (2016/000139) 206 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 27 [19 February 2016 6RXWK5HJLRQ7RRZRRPED2I¿FH 4 An area of about 11.3 ha abutting part of the northern and western boundaries of Lot 127 on CA31992 (parish of Ravensbourne, locality of Palmtree) and shown as road to be closed permanently on Drawing 16/030. (2015/006941) TEMPORARY CLOSURE 1RUWK5HJLRQ$WKHUWRQ2I¿FH 5 An area of about 3.25 ha being part of Raso Road abutting Lot 1 on RP716912 (parish of Tinaroo, locality of Tolga) and shown as plan of Lot A, proposed temporary road closure on Drawing CNS16/002. (2015/004107) ENDNOTES 1. Published in the Gazette on 19 February 2016. 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 3. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. © The State of Queensland 2016 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 19 February 2016 [207] Queensland Government Gazette Local Government PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 371] Friday 19 February 2016 ISSN 0155-9370 [No. 28 Local Government Act 2009 Local Government Act 2009 DOOMADGEE ABORIGINAL SHIRE COUNCIL NOTICE OF THE ADOPTED LOCAL LAWS AND SUBORDINATE LOCAL LAWS DOOMADGEE ABORIGINAL SHIRE COUNCIL NOTICE OF REPEAL OF LOCAL LAWS The Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council has resolved on 29 January 2016 to adopt the following Local Laws and Subordinate Local Laws: Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2016 ; Subordinate Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2016 ; Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2016 ; Subordinate Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2016 ; Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2016; 6. Subordinate Local Law No. 3 (Community and Environmental Management) 2016; 7. Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas Facilities and Roads) 2016; 8. Subordinate Local Law No. 4 (Local Government Controlled Areas Facilities and Roads) 2016 ; 9. Local Law No. 7 (Indigenous Community Land Management) 2016 ; and 10. Subordinate Local Law No. 7 (Indigenous Community Land Management) 2016 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Anti-competitive provisions were identified in the adopted Local Laws. A copy of each Local Law and Subordinate Local Law may be inspected and purchased at Council’s Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council Office or at the State Office of Department of Local Government. The Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council has made by resolution on 29 January 2016 the Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council Local law (Repealing) various current 1990 Laws 2016 , which repeals the following Local Laws: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Local Law No. 1 – Preliminary Repeal Etc (1990) Local Law No. 2 – General Provisions (1990) Local Law No. 3 – Accommodation (1990) Local Law No. 4 – Advertisements (1990) Local Law No. 5 – Aerodromes (1990) Local Law No. 6 – Allotment Numbers (1990) Local Law No. 7 – Animals and Birds (1990) Local Law No. 8 – Aqua Ammonia (1990) Local Law No. 9 – Bridges and Culverts (1990) Local Law No. 10 – Buildings (1990) Local Law No. 11 – Camping, Caravans, Caravan Parks and Cabins (1990) Local Law No. 12 – Cemeteries (1990) Local Law No. 13 – Common Seal (1990) Local Law No. 14 – Dangerous Goods (1990) Local Law No. 15 – Discarded or Disused Machinery, Second-Hand Materials, etc (1990) Local Law No. 16 – Explosives (1990) Local Law No. 17 – Extractive Industries (1990) Local Law No. 18 – Go Kart Control (1990) Local Law No. 19 – Libraries (1990) Local Law No. 20 – Meetings and Business of the Council, Committees and Officers (1990) Local Law No. 21 – Guest Houses (1990) Local Law No. 22 – Nuisance and Annoyance Control (1990) Local Law No. 23 – Parks and Reserves (1990) Local Law No. 24 – Petrol Pumps (1990) Local Law No. 25 – Places of Public Amusement or Public Resort (1990) 208 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 28 Local Law No. 26 – Poisonous Baits (1990) Local Law No. 27 – Preservation of Trees (1990) Local Law No. 28 – Private Works (1990) Local Law No. 29 – Public Conveniences (1990) Local Law No. 30 – Roads and Control of Traffic and Obstructions on Roads (1990) Local Law No. 31 – Saleyards (1990) Local Law No. 32 – Community Halls (1990) Local Law No. 33 – Sporting Places (1990) Local Law No. 34 – Temporary Homes (1990) Local Law No. 35 – Zoos (1990) Local Law No. 36 – Water Supply (1990) Local Law No. 37 – Sewerage (1990) Local Law No. 38 – Protection of Fauna and Flora (1990) Local Law No. 39 – Noise (1990) Local Law No. 40 – Fire – Fighting Services (1990) Local Law No. 41 – Emergency Services (1990) Local Law No. 42 – Guests (1990) Local Law No. 43 – Miscellaneous Offences (1990) Local Law No. 44 – Rates and Charges (1990) Local Law No. 45 – Motels (1990) Local Law No. 46 – Restriction on Possession and Consumption of Intoxicating Beverages (1990) No competitive provisions were identified in the Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council Redundant Local Laws) Local Law 2016 . (Repeal of No anti-competitive provisions were identified in the Doomadgee Shire Council (Repeal of Interim Local Laws) Local Law 2016. A copy of this Local Law may be inspected and purchased at Council’s Doomadgee Aboriginal Shire Council Office or at the State Office of Department of Local Government. [19 February 2016 Local Government Act 2009 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GOLD COAST (MAKING OF LOCAL LAW) NOTICE (NO. 1) 2016 Title 1. This notice may be cited as Council of the City of Gold Coast (Making of Local Law) Notice (No. 1) 2016 . Commencement 2. This notice commences on the date it is published in the gazette. Making of local law 3. Council of the City of Gold Coast (the “Council”) has, by resolution dated 29 January 2016, made— a. Public Health, Safety and Amenity (Amendment) Local Law (No. 1) 2016 (the “public health local law”); b. Public Health, Safety and Amenity (Amendment) Subordinate Local Law (No. 1) 2016 (the “public health subordinate local law”); c. Bathing Reserves (Amendment) Local Law (No. 1) 2016 (the “bathing local law”); and d. Bathing Reserves (Amendment) Subordinate Local Law (No. 1) 2016 (the “bathing subordinate local law”). Existing local law amended 4. The public health local law amends Local Law No. 8 (Public Health, Safety and Amenity) 2008 ; 5. 6. The public health subordinate local law amends Subordinate Local Law No. 8.1 (Public Health, Safety and Amenity) 2008 ; The bathing local law amends Local Law No. 10 (Bathing Reserves) 2004 ; and 7. The bathing subordinate local law amends Subordinate Local Law No. 10.1 (Bathing Reserves) 2005 . Adoption of consolidated versions 8. Council has prepared and adopted consolidated versions of each of Local Law No. 8 (Public Health, Safety and Amenity) 2008, Subordinate Local Law No. 8.1 (Public Health, Safety and Amenity) 2008, Local Law No. 10 (Bathing Reserves) 2004 and Subordinate Local Law No. 10.1 (Bathing Reserves) 2005 by resolution dated 29 January 2016 and the consolidated versions are also available for inspection and purchase. Dale Dickson Chief Executive Officer 19 February 2016] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 28 NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF A MAJOR AMENDMENT TO BRISBANE CITY PLAN 2014 PURSUANT TO STEP 9 OF STAGE 4 OF PART 2.4A.1 OF THE STATUTORY GUIDELINE 04/14 MAKING AND AMENDING LOCAL PLANNING INSTRUMENTS (THE GUIDELINE) MADE UNDER THE SUSTAINABLE PLANNING ACT 2009 TO INCLUDE THE TARINGA NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN AND TO MAKE AN INTERIM LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN AMENDMENT PURSUANT OF STEP 8 OF STAGE 4 OF PART 2.4B.1 OF THE GUIDELINE. At its meeting on 2 February 2016, Council adopted amendments to Brisbane City Plan 2014 to include the Taringa Neighbourhood Plan together with necessary consequential and interim Local Government Infrastructure Plan amendments. The amendments apply to parts of the suburb of Taringa and will commence on 19 February 2016. Purpose and General Effect The amendments are intended to: • • • • • provide certainty to the community and the development industry with respect to future development that can occur in the area. encourage higher density development in the established Taringa Village area to support the area’s renewal and take advantage of the proximity to the Taringa Railway Station. create vibrant, high quality, pedestrian-scale streetscapes close to the Taringa Railway Station. encourage sustainable transport choices by improving pedestrian and cyclist connections to the Taringa Railway Station. preserve the opportunity for future upgrade and widening of the Moggill Road corridor. Further information Copies of the amendments are available for inspection and purchase from the Brisbane City Council Library and Customer Service Centre, Level 1, North Quay Podium, Brisbane Square, 266 George Street, Brisbane. The amendments can also be accessed by searching for ‘Taringa Neighbourhood Plan’ at www.brisbane.qld.gov.au . For more information, please either visit the Council Customer Service Centre or telephone Council on 3403 8888. Colin Jensen Chief Executive Officer Sustainable Planning Act 2009 FRASER COAST REGIONAL COUNCIL PUBLIC NOTICE ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE FRASER COAST PLANNING SCHEME 2014 MINOR AMENDMENT PACKAGE 4 AND MAJOR AMENDMENT PACKAGE 2 Notice is hereby given under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 that on 10 February 2016, Fraser Coast Regional Council resolved to adopt major and minor amendments to the Fraser Coast Planning Scheme 2014 . The Fraser Coast Planning Scheme 2014 amendments will have effect on and from Friday 4 March 2016. The purpose and general effect of the major amendments are listed below. • • • • • • Part 1 correction of typographical errors (typos); Update Part 5 Table of Contents; Amend Table 5.5.18 and Table 5.8.1 to include revised levels of assessment for Uses in the Urangan Harbour Master Plan Area; Update Part 6 Table of Contents; Amend Mixed use zone code to incorporate new Performance Outcomes and Acceptable Outcomes for Precinct MU1 (Urangan Harbour) and include Figure 6.2.18A Urangan Harbour Master Plan, Figure 6.2.18B Urangan Harbour Master Plan Building Heights, Table 602018.3.2 Urangan Harbour Master Plan Sub-Precinct Design and Land Use Intent; Consequential amendments to Mixed use zone code including updated numbering and correction of typos; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 209 Amend 9.3.1 Business uses code AO13 to include Table titles; Update Part 9 Table of Contents; Amend 9.3.7 Home based business code to include provisions for small scale commercial activities; Amend 9.3.8 Industry uses code AO8 to include table titles; Amend 9.3.10 Multi-unit residential uses code AO19 to include table titles, correct a typo in PO23 and remove reference to Charlton in AO8; Amend 9.3.13 Residential care facility and retirement facility code PO14 to correct a typo; Amend 9.3.14 Rural uses code AO12 to include table titles; Amend 9.4.3 Reconfiguring a lot code AO14 to include table titles and correct a typo in PO19; Amend 9.4.4 Transport and parking code Table Minimum on-site parking requirements; Amend 9.4.6 Works, services and infrastructure code Table AO1 to include table titles; Correct Schedule 1 typo in Rooming Accommodation definition; Amend SC1.4 Administrative definitions to include a definition for “Bedroom” and amend numbering; Update Schedule 2.1 Map index to include the Mixed Use Zone Precinct MU1 Sub-Precinct Map ZPM-001; Include the Mixed Use Zone Precinct MU1 Sub-Precinct Map ZPM-001 in SC2.2 Zone Maps; Amend Schedule 6 Table of Contents; Update SC6.1 Planning Scheme Policy Index; Include SC6.6 Planning Scheme Policy for the Urangan Harbour Master Plan; Update consolidated Table of Contents; Amendment to Schedule 2 – Zone Maps: – Rezone Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11 on RP700096 from Sport and Recreation Zone to Low Density Residential Zone; – Rezone Lot 2 on RP159084 from Rural Zone to Sport and Recreation Zone; – Including the entire Urangan Boat Harbour Master Plan area within the “Mixed Use Zone”; Introduce ZPM-001 Mixed use zone precinct MU1 sub-precinct map into Schedule 2; and Amend 9.3.11 Nature based tourism code PO3 to remove reference to superseded SPP terminology. The purpose and general effect of the minor amendments are listed below. • Amendments to Schedule 2 – Zone Maps: – Rezone Lots 1-41 on SP276110 from Emerging community zone to Low density residential zone; and – Rezone part of Lot 3 on SP257055 from Emerging community to Medium density residential. • Amendments to Schedule 2 – Overlay Maps: – Biodiversity areas, waterways and wetlands overlay map; – Bushfire hazard overlay map; – Coastal protection overlay map; – Infrastructure overlay map; – Flood hazard overlay map; and – Heritage and neighbourhood character overlay map. • Update SC2.1 Map Index. Copies of the Planning Scheme (Version 6) and the amendments are available for inspection and purchase at the Council Administration Centres at 77 Tavistock Street, Hervey Bay and 431-433 Kent Street, Maryborough, from 4 March 2016. The Fraser Coast Planning Scheme 2014 and the amendments can be viewed on Council’s website at www.frasercoast.qld.gov.au. Copies of the Planning Scheme amendments are also available for inspection at the Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning in the Planning Information Area, 63 George Street, Brisbane from 4 March 2016. Lisa Desmond CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 210 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 28 [19 February 2016 © The State of Queensland 2016 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 19 February 2016 [211] Queensland Government Gazette General PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 371] ISSN 0155-9370 Friday 19 February 2016 [No. 29 Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 17 February 2016 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 21(5) of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has been appointed and is registered as a Commissioner for Declarations. Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Chantal Louise BALDRY Natasha Mauree BON Melinda Jane CAIN Amelia Diane COPPUS Hannah COWELL Kimberley Joanne DUBICKAS Lynette Joy GRIFFITHS Minna Marjaana HARRI Bradley John HAYNES Christopher Eric MAGUIRE Josephine Anne MEDCALF Dean Robert NOTTINGHAM Richard Wade NOYES Simon James PARKER John Elliot REED Zoe Richelle SHANG Stephen George SPANNER Christopher Neil STEWART Tamara WEST Victor Carroll WHITE Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 17 February 2016 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 23 of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has resigned as a Commissioner for Declarations. Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Elaine Margaret DODD Noel William HEAPS Desmond John MORRIS Keith PATTINSON 212 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 29 [19 February 2016 Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 17 February 2016 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 21(5) of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has been appointed and is registered as a Justice of the Peace (Qualified). Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Trina Louise ADAMS Lorretta Mae AISTHORPE Jordan Louise ANDERTON Roland James ATHERTON Glenda Margaret BANNAN Philip James BARNARD Kim Michelle BEIGHTON Juanita Maria BOYCE Michelle Katherine BRADLEY Amelia Helen BRADSHAW Dean Anthony BRAHIM Barry Graham CANTON Nancy Beth CARTER Han Chay CHIA Kwun Ho CHIANG Carla Marissa CIOTTI Melissa Erica COOK David Edward CORBY Sharon Elizabeth CROSS Emma Lormae CURRIE Cassandra DUGGAN Carolyn Fay ELBOZ Jamie Hsiao-Chien ELSON Ian George FISCHER Jillian Camiel FREESE Timothy Gerard GARVEY Ben Kelly GILLIAM James Michael GINTY Stefanie GLIGORIC Megan Patricia GRANT Deborah Ann GREEN Paul Jason GREEN Tracey Lee GYDE Andrew Thomas HAGAN Cheronne HALE Benjamin Thomas HAWKINS Christopher John HAY Rachel Kathleen HEINRICH Kellie Maree KEMP Isobel Margaret KIRBY Brenton Mark KNUDSEN Patrick Edgar KRAUKLIS Carla Thomasine LAMBART Declan Morgan George LANE Anthony Charles LEIGHTON Delia Rosemary LIDSTONE Naomi Lee LORENZ Janet So Yin LOW Emma Catherine MACDONALD Duncan Conrad MARTIN Eden Laura MAYNARD Madonna MOLE Genevieve Renee MOORE Joel Benjamin MOORE Robyn Joy MORRISSY Sharyn Louise MORWOOD Patrick Denis MULHERON Lisa Maree NIVEN Brett Harvey ROBINSON Karen Sneddon ROBINSON Timothy John ROBSON Tina-Louise Maria SAWYER Kristin Louise SCHULZ Nikkie SHIKE Joanne SMITH Darren Paul STEAD Benjamin Jay STEWART Karyn Michele STROET Patti Joanne STURGEON Steven John SWAIN Dimity Leigh THOMS Djanisa Dia TRINDER Rana John TRINDER Henriette VAN DER WALT Pauline VON NESSEN Laura Irene WEST Matthew Richard WHITLOCK William WONG Sharon Marie WORTHING Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 17 February 2016 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 23 of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has resigned as a Justice of the Peace (Qualified). Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Helen Gaie BAKER Gwenith Winifred JACKSON Malcolm Grant LONERGAN 19 February 2016] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 29 213 NOTIFICATION OF THE FILLING OF ADVERTISED VACANCIES The following appointments to various positions have been made in accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Act 2008 . NOTIFICATION OF THE FILLING OF APPOINTMENTS PART I A public service officer, tenured general employee or a tenured public sector employee of a public sector unit listed in schedule 1 of Public Service Regulation 2008 who wishes to appeal against a promotion listed in Part 1 must give a written Appeal Notice within 21 days following gazettal of the promotion to – Industrial Registrar Industrial Registry Email: qirc.registry@justice.qld.gov.au Web Address: www.qirc.qld.gov.au for Appeal Notice For general enquiries prior to lodgement of an appeal: Contact PSC Advisory Service 1300 038 472 or email pscenquiries@psc.qld.gov.au APPOINTMENT PART I - APPEALABLE Reference Number Vacancy Date of Appointment Name of Appointee Previous Position and Classification (Unless otherwise indicated) Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 200110/15 Forest Ranger, North Fma, Forest Products, Forestry, Fisheries and Forestry, Bowen (AO4) Date of duty Cullen, Matthew Forest Ranger (South), North Fma, Forest Products, Forestry, Fisheries and Forestry, Atherton (AO3) Department of Education and Training MER 196387/15 Transition Officer, Early Childhood Education and Care Unit, Metropolitan Region, State Schools Division, Brisbane North (AO6) 18-01-2016 Minto, Joanne Experienced Senior Teacher, Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital School, Metropolitan Region, State Schools Division, Brisbane – South (TCH) Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning 194516/15 Social Benefits Manager, Frameworks Date of duty Davies, Wayne Group, Building Queensland, Brisbane (AO8) Economist, Economic Evaluation, Project Evaluation, SIAM Directorate, Portfolio Investment and Programming, Policy, Planning and Investment, Department of Transport and Main Roads, Brisbane (AO5) Department of Justice and Attorney-General 200305/15 Correctional Supervisor, Borallon Training and Correctional Centre, Custodial Operations, Queensland Corrective Services, Ipswich (CO2) Date of duty Richards, Shannon Custodial Correctional Officer, Maryborough Correctional Centre, Queensland Corrective Services, Maryborough (CO1) 198049/15 Senior Case Manager, Victim Assist Queensland, Community Justice Services, Justice Services, South Brisbane (AO4) Date of duty Naylor, Michelle Program Support Officer (Jigsaw), Office of the Public Guardian, Justice Services, Brisbane (AO3) 199839/15 Principal Vendor Consultant, Service, Date of duty van den Berg, Nathan Planning Policy Transition, Information Technology Services, Corporate Services, Brisbane (AO7) Senior Systems Administrator, Service Delivery, Information Technology Services, Corporate Services, Brisbane (AO6) 214 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 29 [19 February 2016 APPOINTMENT PART I - APPEALABLE Reference Number Vacancy Date of Appointment Name of Appointee Previous Position and Classification (Unless otherwise indicated) 198049/15 Senior Case Manager, Victim Assist Queensland, Community Justice Services, Justice Services, South Brisbane (AO4) Date of duty Topping, Megan 200621/15 Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Coordinator, Woodford Correctional Centre, Custodial Operations, Queensland Corrective Services, Sunshine Coast (AO5) Date of duty Cessford, Mary Louise Roster Officer, Woodford Correctional Centre, Custodial Operations, Queensland Corrective Services, Sunshine Coast (AO3) 201526/15 Support Officer, Custodial Operations, Date of duty Lees, Katrina Queensland Corrective Services, Borallon Training and Correctional Centre, Ipswich Region (AO3) Administrative Officer, Brisbane Correctional Centre, Custodial Operations, Queensland Corrective Services, Wacol (AO2) 198536/15 Technical Support Officer, Service Delivery, Information Technology Services, Corporate Services, Brisbane (AO4) Case Manager, North Coast Region, Probation and Parole, Queensland Corrective Services, Caboolture (PO2) Date of duty Donaldson, Michael Administrative Officer, Victim Assist Queensland, Community Justice Services, Justice Services, South Brisbane (AO2) Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing 200838/15 Senior Advisor, Sport and Recreation Date of duty Reimann, Karen Services, Infrastructure and Regional Delivery, Regional Service Delivery, Regional Service Delivery North West, Far North Region, Cairns (AO6) Advisor, Sport and Recreation Services, Infrastructure and Regional Delivery, Regional Service Delivery, Regional Service Delivery North West, Far North Region, Cairns (AO5) Department of Natural Resources and Mines 201818/15 Project Officer Mining and Petroleum, Date of duty Byron, Kayte Northern Region, Mining and Petroleum Operations, Minerals and Energy Resources, Townsville (AO3) Administration Officer, State Land Asset Management, Land Services, North Region Natural Resources, Townsville (AO2) 202044/16 Land Officer, Titles Operations, Titles Registry, Natural Resources, Robina (AO4) Land Administration Officer, Titles Operations, Titles Registry, Natural Resources, Robina (AO3) 162688/15 Senior Surveyor, Land Services, North Date of duty Landgraf, Mark Region, Service Delivery, Townsville (PO4) Surveyor, Land Services, South Region, Natural Resources, Maryborough (PO3) 200302/15 Senior Native Title Project Officer, Northern Region, Mining and Petroleum Operations, Minerals and Energy Resources, Townsville (AO6) Project Officer Assessment, Northern Region, Mining and Petroleum Operations, Minerals and Energy Resources, Townsville (AO4) 197832/15 Manager, Land Services, North Date of duty Rolland, Rianha Region, Service Delivery, Cairns (AO8) Evelyn Senior Land Officer, State Land Asset Management, Land Services, North Region, Natural Resources, Cairns (AO6) 198190/15 Senior Program Officer , Titles Automation, Titles Registry, Natural Resources, Brisbane City (AO6) Program Officer, Titles Automation, Titles Registry, Natural Resources, Brisbane City (AO5) Date of duty Muir, Michelle Date of duty Leathbridge, Dale Date of duty O'Rourke, William 19 February 2016] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 29 215 APPOINTMENT PART I - APPEALABLE Reference Number Vacancy Date of Appointment Name of Appointee Previous Position and Classification (Unless otherwise indicated) Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation 171524/15 Facilities and Administration Officer, ICT Operations - IT Service Desk, Technology and Infrastructure, Smart Service Queensland, Digital Productivity and Services, Brisbane (AO3) Date of duty Cross, Matthew Concierge, Integrated Contact Centre, Customer Contact, Smart Service Queensland, Digital Productivity and Services, Zillmere (TAO2) 201339/15 Client Solutions Officer, Client Solutions, Business Development, Smart Service Queensland, Digital Productivity and Services, Brisbane (AO4) Date of duty Mayo, Evy Customer Service Advisor, Zillmere A, Integrated Contact Centre, Customer Contact, Smart Service Queensland, Digital Productivity and Services, Zillmere (AO3) 201339/15 Client Solutions Officer, Client Solutions, Business Development, Smart Service Queensland, Digital Productivity and Services, Brisbane (AO4) Date of duty Manukau, Deane Concierge, Mount Gravatt A, Integrated Contact Centre, Customer Contact, Smart Service Queensland, Digital Productivity and Services, Mount Gravatt (TAO2) 201622/15 Project Officer – Transfers, Collections and Preservation, Collections and Access, Queensland State Archives, Digital Productivity and Services, Brisbane (AO5) Date of duty Dobeli, Gregory Transfers Officer, Queensland State Archives, Digital Productivity and Services, Brisbane (AO4) 200818/15 Senior Consultant, Client Solutions, Business Development, Smart Service Queensland, Digital Productivity and Services, Brisbane (AO6) Date of duty Watts, Mark Team Leader, Integrated Contact Centre, Customer Contact, Smart Service Queensland, Digital Productivity and Services, Brisbane (AO5) Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games 200726/15 Principal Project Manager, Tourism Investment Attraction, Industry Development, Tourism, Brisbane (AO7) Date of duty Bussian, Rachael Senior Project Officer, Industry Development and Innovation, Industry Development, Tourism, Brisbane (AO6) Department of Transport and Main Roads 201519/15 Systems Coordinator, South, Date of duty Sellars, Juvena RoadTek, Infrastructure Management and Delivery Bundaberg (AO4) Project Management Support Officer, South, RoadTek, Infrastructure Management and Delivery, Bundaberg (AO3) 216 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 29 [19 February 2016 NOTIFICATION OF THE FILLING OF APPOINTMENTS PART II Appointments have been approved to the undermentioned vacancies. Appeals do not lie against these appointments. APPOINTMENTS PART II - NON-APPEALABLE Reference Number Vacancy Date of Appointment Name of Appointee Department of Education and Training CO 198685/15 Assistant Director-General, Information and Technologies, and Chief Information Officer, Brisbane (SES3.3) 27-01-2016 O’Leary, Michael 22-01-2016 McLeod (previously Lauriston), Maxine Family Responsibilities Commission 200355/15 Registrar, Family Responsibilities Commission, Cairns (AO8) Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games * 197213/15 General Manager, Strategy, Small business Directorate, Small Business, Brisbane (SES2) Date of duty O’Brien, Gayle 199179/15 Date of duty Slattery, James # 199793/15 General Manager (Human Resources), Human Resources, Corporate, Brisbane (SES2) Date of duty Waters, David * 193785/15 Executive Director (Customer Experience), Customer Experience, Customer Services, Safety and Regulation, Brisbane (SES2) Date of duty Salsbury, Julie Michelle Director Executive Services, Office of Commonwealth Games Delivery, Brisbane (SO) * Contract for 12 (twelve) months. Department of Transport and Main Roads # 4 (four) month contract. * Contract for a period of 3 (three) years with possible extension. 19 February 2016] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No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o. 29 Economic Development Act 2012 Department of Justice and Attorney General Brisbane, February 2016 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 319T(2)(1)(b) of the Corrective Services Act 2006 , a Victim Trust Fund has been established in the name of Jonathan RICHWOOD as a result of a payment to him pursuant to the Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002 . Victims of Jonathan RICHWOOD may have a claim against the Victim Trust Fund and that claim may be payable from the Victim Trust Fund. Potential claimants have six months from the publication of this notice to start a proceeding in a court to have an eligible victim claim against Jonathan RICHWOOD. Any victims of Jonathan RICHWOOD who commence a claim against the offender and wish to make a claim against the Victim Trust Fund must notify the Public Trustee of the commencement of the claim and provide sufficient proof of the commencement of the claim to satisfy the Public Trustee. This notification must be made to the Public Trustee within six months of the publication of this notice, as detailed above. [19 February 2016 OONOONBA PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT AREA PERMANENT ROAD CLOSURE Under the provisions of section 124 of the Economic Development Act 2012 (the Act) the Minister for Economic Development Queensland (the MEDQ) gives notice that from 19 February 2016 it will permanently close part of a road in the Oonoonba Priority Development Area. Under section 124(1) of the Act the MEDQ may perform functions or exercise powers for a road closure in a priority development area that the MEDQ considers necessary or desirable to perform its other functions. The MEDQ has deemed it necessary to permanently close an area of 347m² being part of Intercept Circuit (Lot 656 on SP286616) for the proposed construction future residential allotments. It should be noted that pursuant to section 319S(2)(a) of the Corrective Services Act 2006 , a victim may have a potential eligible victim claim whether or not the offender is prosecuted for, or convicted, of an offence in relation to the conduct for which the victim is claiming. Further information relating to this claim can be obtained, in the first instance, by writing to: Director Legal Advice and Advocacy Department of Justice and Attorney-General GPO Box 149 BRISBANE QLD 4001 Mark Rallings Deputy Director-General Queensland Corrective Services Phone: 07 3452 7880 For more information on the Minister for Economic Development Queensland: Phone: 07 3452 7880 Website: www.dsdip.qld.gov.au 19 February 2016] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 29 219 Economic Development Act 2012 Queensland Heritage Act 1992 OONOONBA PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT AREA PERMANENT ROAD CLOSURE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE PROTECTION Under the provisions of section 124 of the Economic Development Act 2012 (the Act) the Minister for Economic Development Under the provisions of s.54 of the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 , the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection gives public notice that on 5 February 2016 the Queensland Heritage Council entered in the Queensland Heritage Register the following as State Heritage Places: Heritage Register Decision Queensland (the MEDQ) gives notice that from 19 February 2016 it will permanently close part of a road in the Oonoonba Priority Development Area. Under section 124(1) of the Act the MEDQ may perform functions or exercise powers for a road closure in a priority development area that the MEDQ considers necessary or desirable to perform its other functions. The MEDQ has deemed it necessary to permanently close an area of 314m² being part of Wilmot Lane (Lot 6000 on SP283212) for the proposed construction future residential allotments. HRN 650020 Newmarket Newmarket State School 320 Enoggera Road HRN 650021 North Ipswich Ipswich North State School 9 Fitzgibbon Street HRN 650022 Bardon Ithaca Creek State School 49 Lugg Street NOTICE OF MINISTERIAL DESIGNATION OF LAND FOR COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE UNDER THE SUSTAINABLE PLANNING ACT 2009 A Ministerial designation has been made I, the Honourable Bill Byrne, Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services and Minister for Corrective Services, give notice that under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 chapter 5, I made a Ministerial designation of land for community infrastructure on 12 February 2016. The designation will take effect from 19 February 2016. Description of the land to which the designation applies The Ministerial designation applies to land located at 143 McDowall Street, Roma, Queensland 4455 and is described as being Lot 3 on SP281453. Type of community infrastructure for which the land has been designated The land has been designated to allow for the development of ancillary residences at the existing Roma Police Station. This community infrastructure is described under the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 , Schedule 2 Part 2 as(7) emergency services facilities; (15) storage and works depots and similar facilities, including administrative facilities associated with the provision or maintenance of the community infrastructure mentioned in this part. Matters included as part of the designation under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 , section 207 The designation for community infrastructure is made subject to the following requirements – For more information on the Minister for Economic Development Queensland: Phone: 07 3452 7880 Website: www.dsdip.qld.gov.au Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 SCHOOL ENROLMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN (School EMP) In accordance with Chapter 8, Part 3 Section 170, of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 , this School EMP has been prepared by the Regional Director of the Central Queensland region, as delegate of the Chief Executive. Region: School: Central Queensland Sarina State School (new) Copies of School EMPs are available for public inspection, without charge, during normal business hours at the department’s head office, and accessible on the department’s website at http://education.qld.gov.au/schools/catchment. Nil Honourable William (Bill) Byrne MP Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services and Minister for Corrective Services Dated: 12 February 2016 220 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 29 [19 February 2016 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys SUPPLEMENTARY REGISTER OF UNCLAIMED MONEYS HELD BY ENERGEX LIMITED, 26 REDDACLIFF STREET, NEWSTEAD, QLD 4006, GPO BOX 1461, BRISBANE QLD 4001 ON 31 JANUARY 2016 Cheque no./ Reference no. Name Address Postcode Date payable Amount ($) 64477 SCANLAN & SIMS PTY LTD 51 LANDSBORO AVENUE BOONDALL QLD 4034 27/05/2013 2,200.00 64689 TEN HIRE PL PO BOX 851 BOX QLD 4014 30/05/2013 2,776.95 67869 THIESS PTY LTD LOWER GROUND FLOOR BRISBANE SEBELCITIGATE CNR ROMA AND ANN STREETS QLD 4000 11/11/2013 2,542.04 68489 T & K BUI ENTERPRISES PTY LTD 130 GRANNARD ROAD ARCHERFIELD QLD 4108 18/12/2013 2,200.00 69593 JON-BUILD PTY LTD 5/20 PIERS STREET MOOROOKA QLD 4105 29/01/2014 2,200.00 69619 TTF NORTHSHORE INVESTEMENT TRUST 21 MOORE STREET MILTON QLD 4064 29/01/2014 69623 LINCOLNE SCOTT AUSTRALIA PTY LTD P.O. BOX 2227 MILTON QLD 4064 29/01/2014 2,200.00 69637 FC (2) P/L & VL VECCHIO P/L WEST 42 ASCOT STREET ASCOT QLD 4007 29/01/2014 2,200.00 550.00 GAZ00088/16 Z'/^dZK&hE>/DDKE/^ ŶŶƵĂůZĞŐŝƐƚĞƌŽĨhŶĐůĂŝŵĞĚDŽŶŝĞƐŚĞůĚďLJZ'KEEZ'zYhE^>EWdz>d ;E͗ϭϮϭϭϳϳϴϬϮͿ͕ϯϰͲϰϲĂůƌLJŵƉůĞZŽĂĚ͕'ĂƌďƵƚƚ͕YůĚ͕ϰϴϭϰŽŶϭϰƚŚ&ĞďƌƵĂƌLJ͕ϮϬϭϲ ĐĐŽƵŶƚ EƵŵďĞƌ EĂŵĞ ĚĚƌĞƐƐ ^ƵďƵƌď ^ƚĂƚĞ WŽƐƚĐŽĚĞ ĂƚĞ hŶĐůĂŝŵĞĚ 40 WATT ST MURGON QLD 4605 19/02/2013 16/86 ABBOTT ST OONOONBA QLD 4811 20/02/2013 17697069 MR J VAN BAALEN 12/304 LAKE ST CAIRNS NORTH QLD 4870 25/02/2013 63014629 MRS C R ANDY 17 KATOORA ST INNISFAIL ESTATE QLD 4860 5/03/2013 18293875 MR K G GEORGE 18 OTT ST RANGEVILLE QLD 4350 10/03/2013 17023521 MR L K GORDON 1/39 JOHN ST COOKTOWN QLD 4895 11/03/2013 18231217 MS J M ADAME 23 EPSILON AVE MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 25/03/2013 98109090 PARTYPACKER HOLDINGS PTY 93 Esplanade CAIRNS QLD 4870 26/03/2013 17155070 MRS L A MCGEOWN 12 CILENTO CRES DOUGLAS QLD 4814 27/03/2013 17634130 MR C M CREEK 1/7 JACARANDA CL COOYA BEACH QLD 4873 31/03/2013 99109883 MR N P WINTOUR 1 MARGARET ST SOUTH GLADSTONE QLD 4680 31/03/2013 19155883 MR J M COLLEY 3/40 AUBURN RD TORQUAY QLD 4655 8/04/2013 14307120 5/65 PERROUX ST DYSART QLD 4745 9/04/2013 11287268 MR J A HENRY MRS M L SCOTT & MR G R SCOTT T/AS QUILPIE POST OFFICE 44 BROLGA ST QUILPIE QLD 4480 9/04/2013 14019744 MRS E KERBY 17 EARL CIRCUIT KIRWAN QLD 4817 17/04/2013 19108036 MS J MILLER A/71 WINE DVE WILSONTON HEIGHTS QLD 4350 22/04/2013 19744196 EST J D WHITLEY 2B ELIZABETH ST BUNDABERG SOUTH QLD 4670 22/04/2013 62983997 MS J E CONNORS 14/38 RAMBUTAN CL MANOORA QLD 4870 28/04/2013 17975786 MR A J MANOA 2 FRASER ST MORANBAH QLD 4744 30/04/2013 17343810 MISS R M FARRELLY 10 TANIA CRT BURDELL QLD 4818 12/05/2013 19039905 MR P PEARCE 1/10 WHITEFRIARS ST ROCKVILLE QLD 4350 26/05/2013 10404848 MR M I REHREN T/AS ABSOLUTELY FISH 3/76 MAIN ST PIALBA QLD 4655 29/05/2013 19803630 MISS N S BATCHLER 772 DUCKPOND RD MOOLBOOLAMAN QLD 4671 10/06/2013 78690935 MRS S J JONES 92 RIVERVIEW DVE BURRUM HEADS QLD 4659 26/06/2013 67192190 MR W R RYLE 3 MUSIC CRT CONDON QLD 4815 2/07/2013 16684079 MR S L SMALL 47 RENECOL AVE RASMUSSEN QLD 4815 2/07/2013 92463746 MR M S GOODE 3/52 BAYSWATER RD HYDE PARK QLD 4812 10/07/2013 68075669 MS B E HOWARD 10 SUE SEE AVE PIONEER QLD 4825 21/07/2013 14521121 MISS R HYDE 5 KENNEDY DVE MORANBAH QLD 4744 24/07/2013 81591047 EST N M POWER & MR G R POWER 11 ADRIENNE CRT WARWICK QLD 4370 11/08/2013 15804551 KATIEPAP PTY LTD 79 BOWEN RD ROSSLEA QLD 4812 15/08/2013 73411981 MR G R CRAIGIE 2 HOSKYN CRT CLINTON QLD 4680 20/08/2013 19872615 MR N W LORD RUNNYMEDE STN MAXWELTON QLD 4816 21/08/2013 16546504 MR J N SCHWARZ CITY LIGHTS ESTATE 3 FLYNN CL GRACEMERE QLD 4702 5/09/2013 68929404 MR J GRANDELIS 6 BRENT ST DOUGLAS QLD 4814 6/09/2013 18101178 MISS J V GREGORY 13 BARRY ST GRACEMERE QLD 4702 8/09/2013 16505093 PALM COVE DEVELOP NOM PTY 14 KURT CL PALM COVE QLD 4879 11/09/2013 12719340 MR J L KITSON 5 WATSON CL SOUTH GLADSTONE QLD 4680 17/09/2013 19203217 SILVERBACK CONSTRUCTIONS 16 KEYS PL DALBY QLD 4405 19/09/2013 15997839 MR A TEMO 12 BUSHLARK PL SMITHFIELD QLD 4878 22/09/2013 19120761 MISS V MCDONAGH 2/6 HELMET ST PORT DOUGLAS QLD 4877 24/09/2013 13386930 MS A E THORNE 1050 TEELBA RD ST GEORGE QLD 4487 25/09/2013 ϲϭϳ͘ϳϱ Unclaimed Credits ϱϮϮ͘ϴϱ Unclaimed Credits ϳϱϲ͘ϭϱ Unclaimed Credits ϳϰϳ͘ϲϬ Unclaimed Credits ϴϬϯ͘ϰϬ Unclaimed Credits ϱϱϮ͘ϳϱ Unpresented Cheques ϱϮϴ͘ϳϱ Unclaimed Credits ϳϮϳ͘ϲϱ Unclaimed Credits ϭ͕ϬϭϮ͘ϴϱ Unclaimed Credits ϱϴϴ͘ϳϱ Unclaimed Credits ϭ͕ϭϯϲ͘ϮϬ Unpresented Cheques ϱϱϲ͘ϳϬ Unpresented Cheques ϲϱϲ͘ϴϱ Unpresented Cheques ϱϲϬ͘ϬϬ Unclaimed Credits ϭ͕ϴϰϮ͘ϯϬ Unclaimed Credits ϱϱϬ͘ϬϬ Unclaimed Credits ϭ͕Ϭϯϲ͘ϴϬ Unclaimed Credits ϯ͕ϭϱϮ͘ϭϬ Unpresented Cheques Ϯ͕Ϯϴϭ͘ϴϬ Unpresented Cheques ϴϳϰ͘ϯϬ Unpresented Cheques ϲϴϭ͘ϭϬ Unclaimed Credits ϭ͕ϰϮϳ͘ϭϬ Unpresented Cheques ϲϬϯ͘ϯϬ Unclaimed Credits ϲϰϬ͘ϮϬ Unpresented Cheques ϱϰϰ͘ϳϱ Unclaimed Credits ϵϭϰ͘ϯϬ Unpresented Cheques ϲϴϮ͘ϴϬ Unclaimed Credits ϵϬϯ͘ϱϱ Unclaimed Credits ϭ͕ϭϯϬ͘ϱϱ Unpresented Cheques 221 MRS F A RICHARDS MR D GREAVES QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 29 93919816 18403522 EĞƚ ŵŽƵŶƚ ^ƚĂƚƵƐ ϱϴϭ͘ϯϱ unclaimed Credits ϲϲϭ͘ϲϱ unclaimed Credits ϲϰϰ͘ϱϬ unclaimed Credits ϭ͕ϳϳϯ͘ϯϱ Unclaimed Credits ϱϴϲ͘ϲϱ Unclaimed Credits ϰ͕ϰϮϰ͘ϴϬ Unclaimed Credits ϱϬϭ͘ϭϬ Unclaimed Credits ϭ͕ϬϴϬ͘ϴϬ Unpresented Cheques ϭ͕ϭϴϱ͘ϲϬ Unclaimed Credits ϳϯϮ͘ϭϱ Unclaimed Credits ϱϬϬ͘ϬϬ Unclaimed Credits ϲϲϬ͘ϯϬ Unclaimed Credits ϲϭϴ͘Ϯϱ Unclaimed Credits 19 February 2016] EŽƚŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƵŶĚĞƌ^ĞĐƚŝŽŶϭϬϬŽĨƚŚĞWƵďůŝĐdƌƵƐƚĞĞĐƚϭϵϳϴ 222 EŽƚŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƵŶĚĞƌ^ĞĐƚŝŽŶϭϬϬŽĨƚŚĞWƵďůŝĐdƌƵƐƚĞĞĐƚϭϵϳϴ Z'/^dZK&hE>/DDKE/^ ŶŶƵĂůZĞŐŝƐƚĞƌŽĨhŶĐůĂŝŵĞĚDŽŶŝĞƐŚĞůĚďLJZ'KEEZ'zYhE^>EWdz>d ;E͗ϭϮϭϭϳϳϴϬϮͿ͕ϯϰͲϰϲĂůƌLJŵƉůĞZŽĂĚ͕'ĂƌďƵƚƚ͕YůĚ͕ϰϴϭϰŽŶϭϰƚŚ&ĞďƌƵĂƌLJ͕ϮϬϭϲ ĐĐŽƵŶƚ EƵŵďĞƌ EĂŵĞ ĚĚƌĞƐƐ ^ƵďƵƌď ^ƚĂƚĞ WŽƐƚĐŽĚĞ ĂƚĞ hŶĐůĂŝŵĞĚ MRS M E WARREN 1648 OLD ROSEVALE RD JANDOWAE QLD 4410 MRS E H HARDY CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 CHARTERS TOWERS QLD 4820 26/09/2013 8/10/2013 18211071 MISS C J GOURLAY MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870 MOOROOBOOL QLD 4870 13/10/2013 19307519 MR J P AUSTIN RGHT/41 UPWARD ST PARRAMATTA PARK QLD 4870 16/10/2013 12886360 MRS K M MICALLEF 558 SARINA BEACH RD SARINA QLD 4737 30/10/2013 20393661 MS K O'NEIL 16 ELLENA ST MARYBOROUGH QLD 4650 11/11/2013 77508335 MR F D LEE 193 ROBIN-LEES RD NANANGO QLD 4615 12/11/2013 17473357 MR M J GILL 3 SATINASH CL REDLYNCH QLD 4870 19/11/2013 21006628 LEVI CARPO HOLDINGS PTY LTD 5/LOT 2 COTTONVIEW RD EMERALD QLD 4720 22/11/2013 75466058 SUN CLINICS PTY LTD SH 1/1 GILBERT CRT BOYNE ISLAND QLD 4680 25/11/2013 96587474 DR H J MC INTOSH 42 DAVEY ST GLENELLA QLD 4740 27/11/2013 91166012 MR R G TAYLOR & MRS M TAYLOR 365 MONTO RD CALLIOPE QLD 4680 1/12/2013 20564732 PUCHIWU FISHING LIMITED LOT 123 PIIRAMO RD LOCKHART RIVER QLD 4892 2/12/2013 22219811 MR E M NOWLAND 25 SALTER ST KEPNOCK QLD 4670 5/12/2013 21074615 MR G O TROUGHTON & MR E J WANOA 22 HAMILTON DVE CLINTON QLD 4680 8/12/2013 16823745 MS J F MCMAHON 25 CAIRNWELL ST SMITHFIELD QLD 4878 15/12/2013 74099892 STEVEN KRIARIS PTY LTD MONIER RD PARKHURST QLD 4702 16/12/2013 11512814 MR C B DOYLE & MR A J HENSEN & MR J P ROBERTS 51 CONCH ST MISSION BEACH QLD 4852 19/12/2013 68929404 MR J GRANDELIS & MS F A BIDDULPH-AMARAL 6 BRENT ST DOUGLAS QLD 4814 29/12/2013 81947712 MT HUTTON RETIREMENT VILLAGE 2 BROUGHTON ST INJUNE QLD 4454 2/01/2014 18689353 MRS T G GODWIN 23 PROSPECT ST STATUE BAY QLD 4703 2/01/2014 68016956 COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA 23 MILES ST MOUNT ISA QLD 4825 7/01/2014 17416426 MR R A STAIB & MRS J M STAIB 39 DUNDONALD CRES TINANA QLD 4650 13/01/2014 14882655 MR J M BYRNE 12 SOMMERFELD CRES CHINCHILLA QLD 4413 14/01/2014 79718434 MRS M N MAY & MR D S MAY 327/7 BAY DVE PIALBA QLD 4655 14/01/2014 13425714 MR D J BERTRAM 953 YEPPOON RD IRONPOT QLD 4610 22/01/2014 66903289 MR B I MULLER 10 MASKELL ST PALLARENDA QLD 4810 24/01/2014 20502567 MR B L KETCHUP 10/8 FULHAM RD PIMLICO QLD 4812 27/01/2014 11222671 MISS D E WOODS 2/37 ROCKHAMPTON RD YEPPOON QLD 4703 2/02/2014 73832073 MRS R T DOWLING HURDLE GULLEY RD MONTO QLD 4630 3/02/2014 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 29 94766231 12787493 EĞƚ ŵŽƵŶƚ ^ƚĂƚƵƐ ϲϴϳ͘ϴϱ Unpresented Cheques ϭ͕ϴϱϵ͘Ϯϱ Unclaimed Credits ϲϭϱ͘ϲϱ Unclaimed Credits ϲϵϳ͘ϳϬ Unpresented Cheques ϳϭϰ͘ϯϬ Unpresented Cheques ϭ͕ϭϲϰ͘Ϯϱ Unpresented Cheques ϲϳϵ͘ϱϱ Unpresented Cheques ϴϬϭ͘ϮϬ Unpresented Cheques ϭ͕ϯϯϯ͘ϬϬ Unpresented Cheques ϭ͕ϭϱϲ͘ϴϬ Unpresented Cheques ϵϭϵ͘ϱϱ Unpresented Cheques ϱϲϯ͘ϱϱ Unclaimed Credits ϴϮϰ͘ϱϱ Unpresented Cheques ϱϰϬ͘ϵϱ Unpresented Cheques ϲϵϬ͘ϯϬ Unclaimed Credits ϵϭϮ͘ϱϱ Unclaimed Credits ϴϴϮ͘ϰϳ Unpresented Cheques ϳϮϴ͘Ϯϵ Unpresented Cheques ϳϱϲ͘ϰϬ Unclaimed Credits ϭϴ͕Ϯϳϱ͘Ϭϵ Unpresented Cheques Ϯ͕ϭϱϳ͘ϵϵ Unpresented Cheques ϯ͕ϱϬϳ͘ϱϵ Unpresented Cheques ϱϯϱ͘ϭϯ Unpresented Cheques ϲϬϲ͘ϲϱ Unclaimed Credits Ϯ͕Ϭϲϴ͘ϬϮ Unclaimed Credits ϭ͕Ϯϴϵ͘Ϭϱ Unpresented Cheques ϳϳϴ͘ϵϵ Unpresented Cheques ϲϮϬ͘ϭϬ Unclaimed Credits ϳϬϲ͘ϵϬ Unclaimed Credits ϰ͕ϮϰϬ͘ϰϳ Unpresented Cheques GAZ00086/16 [19 February 2016 Z'/^dZK&hE>/DDKE/^ 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..........................................NIL THIS WEEK Bills Assented to.......................................................NIL THIS WEEK ADVERTISEMENTS..............................................................220-223 Public Trustee Act Natural Resources and Mines Gazette................................205-206 Transport / Main Roads Gazette................................NIL THIS WEEK Local Government Gazette .................................................207-210 General Gazette .................................................................211-223 © The State of Queensland 2016 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 19 February 2016