Centrifugal Pump Performance Curves and Technical Information
Centrifugal Pump Performance Curves and Technical Information
HEAD (FT) NPSH IN FEET PSI Centrifugal Pump Performance Curves and Technical Information 110 250mm IMPELLER DIAMETER 9 13/16" 45 100 40 240 60 HP 25 7.5 70 40 P 30 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 3H 80 Y P 235 35 50 5H 90 HEA DC AP AC IT 245 30 50 20 20 40 15 30 10 20 5 0 10 NPSH REQUIRED 10 0 GPM 0 LBS./HR. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 CAPACITY Table of Contents Introduction.........................................................................................................................2 Pump basics..........................................................................................................................4 Selecting a pump..................................................................................................................5 Pump inquiries application data sheet................................................................................7 How to calculate required pressure.....................................................................................8 Determining net positive suction head (NPSH)..................................................................8 Specific gravity and viscosity chart......................................................................................9 Conversion factors..............................................................................................................10 Vapor pressure chart..........................................................................................................10 Tubing friction loss chart...................................................................................................11 Fristam centrifugal pump options.....................................................................................12 Pharmaceutical options......................................................................................................13 Pump Performance Curves: 1750 RPM FP/FPX Composites...................... 14 FPR Composites............................ 16 701................................................ 18 711................................................ 19 721................................................ 20 3521............................................... 21 731................................................ 22 3531............................................... 23 741................................................ 24 1741............................................... 25 3541............................................... 26 751................................................ 27 3451............................................... 28 3551............................................... 29 1051............................................... 30 1151............................................... 31 1161............................................... 32 4001............................................... 34 Pump Performance Curves: 3500 RPM FP/FPX Composite........................ 35 FPR Composites............................ 36 702................................................ 38 712................................................ 39 722................................................ 40 3522............................................... 41 732................................................ 42 1732............................................... 43 3532............................................... 44 742................................................ 45 1742............................................... 47 3542............................................... 49 752................................................ 50 3452............................................... 51 3552............................................... 52 Dimensional Drawings FP Single Flange..........................................................................................................54 FP Double Flange.........................................................................................................55 FPX Single Flange........................................................................................................56 FPX Double Flange......................................................................................................57 FPR Single Flange........................................................................................................58 FPR Double Flange......................................................................................................59 FPR 4001 Double Flange.............................................................................................60 1 Fristam Pride Fristam is a global manufacturer of sanitary centrifugal and positive displacement pumps, mixers and blenders respected for unmatched performance, reliability, and technical superiority. Fristam manufactured its first pump in 1931. Today, Fristam equipment is used by many of the world’s top dairy, beverage, brewing, bio-pharmaceutical, and food processing companies. High Lifetime Value The solid design, precise machining, and robust construction of a Fristam pump ensures efficiency and operational reliability. Fristam pumps simply run better and last longer. Quality Control Fristam Pumps USA designs, manufactures, and assembles its pumps in the United States. Each component is carefully checked from raw material through final assembly. The result of this effort is a pump worthy of the valuable product your company produces. To achieve the highest level of quality, Fristam offers the most comprehensive testing and documentation packages in the sanitary pump industry. 2 Experience and Expertise Over the past 100 years, Fristam has built its reputation with experience, attention to detail, and a willingness to adapt to changing needs. Fristam’s strong applications engineering capabilities make it the most reliable source for straight, smart answers to process needs. Fast Delivery, New Solutions Manufacturing in the United States ensures Fristam customers receive prompt delivery, not lead times measured in months. Additionally, if a new production challenge arises, Fristam is responsive and able to develop new solutions quickly. Dedicated Support Fristam’s dedication and quality service do not end with your initial purchase. An international network of manufacturing facilities, sales offices and distribution supports Fristam’s commitment to customer satisfaction. Why Customers Choose Fristam “simply better pumps” “reliable, dependable” “high standard for sanitization and performance” “knowledgeable people who help solve problems” 3 Pump Basics: Background Information 35 FPR 722 FPR 3522 PRESSURE 72 2 The FP, FPX, and FPR Series pumps are manufactured of 316L stainless steel and have the same pump head. The FP incorporates a heavy-duty pedestal flange between the motor and pump head. The FPX is a motor mounted pump used for standard duties. The FPR has a front-loading seal for easy changeout and may be used in place of either the FP or FPX. Double seals are only available in the FP and FPR. The FP is used for vacuum withdrawal, high temperature, high viscosity, aseptic processes and other demanding applications. 22 Pump Series – FP, FPX, or FPR Pump Model/Housing Size Fristam offers both volute and non-volute (circular) housings in many sizes to best match different process needs. The 700 and 1700 series pumps are non-volute and designed for lower capacities. Their shorter, steeper curves provide better efficiencies on low flows and superior accuracy when used with control devices. The 1050, 1150, 3400 and 3500 series pumps are volute high capacity pumps. Their long, flat curves provide greater capacity and an ability to provide steady discharge pressure over a wide flow range. VOLUME Figure 1 Horsepower Horsepower must be matched to a given duty or duties. The requirements are determined by individual curves. Enough horsepower must be supplied to handle the most demanding duty, often the duty requiring the most flow, pressure or the pumping of the heaviest product. Speed Pumps are sized using two standard speeds, 1750 and 3500 RPM. Speed selection is determined when selecting a housing. The last digit of the Fristam model number indicates the speed. All models ending in 1 are 1750 RPM. All models ending in 2 are 3500 RPM. Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) 003.p3 fig.1 Product must be forced into a centrifugal pump for it to function properly. This force is called NPSH. Your process must have sufficient NPSH available to meet or exceed the NPSH required. Efficiency The efficiency of centrifugal pumps varies over the individual curve. The most efficient point of two curves is illustrated in Figure 1. When sizing, it is helpful to select a pump whose curve puts the duty point as close to this bend in the curve as possible. Seals Fristam offers a wide selection of seals. Most processes require a standard single seal of chrome oxide coated stainless steel on carbon. More difficult applications will require harder seal materials such as silicon carbide. Double seals are used when a flush is required, where abrasion or stickiness is a problem, for vacuum withdrawal or if a sterile barrier is required between the process and atmosphere. Impeller Size Within a given housing, the impeller diameter will determine the flow and pressure produced. Pressure results from the velocity achieved within the pump. The highest velocity occurs at the tip of the impeller and is directly proportional to the square of the impeller diameter. At a given speed, a larger diameter impeller will impart more velocity and produce more pressure. 4 Selecting a Fristam Pump: A Step by Step Guide Special Considerations Example All curves are based on 70°F water. If your process involves products under vacuum, with high viscosity, high specific gravity, high temperatures, undissolved solids or entrained air there are special considerations which affect pump selection. In such cases, please consult Fristam Pumps or your local Fristam distributor. As an example, size a pump to pump 50 gallons per minute and generate 135 feet of head. In the composite shown in Figure 2, find the intersection point of 50 GPM on the bottom of the graph and 135 feet on the side. The pump curve directly above the duty point is the 722. In this example, model 742 (the next size larger) might also be considered. A quick review of the duty point on their individual curves reveals the 722 will be more efficient than the 742. Selecting a Pump Model From the Composite Curves Composite curves appear at the beginnings of the low- and high-speed sections. To select the correct pump model from the composite curves, find the desired flow rate along the bottom scale and the desired pressure on the left-hand vertical scale. Find the point where the vertical line from the flow rate and a horizontal line from the pressure intersect. The curve immediately above this point will be most suitable. Considering Speed and Efficiency If both pumps are the same speed, consider which will be more efficient based on the information discussed in Figure 1. If both a high and low speed pump can handle the duty, the high speed will generally be more economical, but the low speed model may have a lower NPSH requirement. Choosing Impeller Size and Horsepower FEET OF HEAD BAR Figure 2 FPR 3500 RPM Composite Curve Having chosen a pump model based on the first two steps, find the specific curve for the pump model chosen. To determine the impeller diameter and horsepower move vertically from the flow and horizontally from the pressure or head desired. Find the intersecting point. 450 13 12 400 11 350 10 9 752 300 PRESSURE 8 250 7 6 200 742 5 1742 150 4 3 100 2 722 50 1 0 712 702 0 GPM 0 50 LPM 200 0 100 400 150 600 200 250 800 1000 300 1200 350 400 1400 CAPACITY 450 1600 1265000206 Rev. A RD 2/08 5 The next higher curve indicates the correct impeller diameter. The diagonal line immediately to the right of the intersection identifies the motor horsepower required. Example Seal Selection: Single or Double Using our previous example of 50 gallons per minute and 135 feet of head, we can determine from Figure 3 that the impeller diameter should be 145 millimeters (5.7 inches). The motor required is 5 horsepower. Many applications require only single seals. Double seals are recommended for applications involving: • Abrasive products • Sticky products • Vacuum >14” Hg • Temperature regulation Checking NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) To assure there is sufficient product pressure at the inlet of the pump the suction conditions need to be checked. The NPSH required can be determined by finding the point on the individual pump curve where the vertical line from the desired flow rate intersects the NPSH curve. From this point, a horizontal line to the right will intersect the NPSH scale at the net positive suction head required.* Seal Selection: Materials Recommended seal material configurations: • Simple transfer applications: FR-N-(K)* • Sticky applications: FR-C-(N)* • Pharmaceutical applications, chlorine, brine: C-C-(N)* * rotating seal, stationary seal, (flush/double seal) N = Carbon C = Silicon Carbide FR = Chrome Oxide Coated Stainless Steel K = Ceramic Figure 3 HEAD (FT) PSI The procedure for determining the NPSH available is described in the “How To Calculate Required Pressure” section of this book. When the NPSH available is determined, it must meet or exceed the NPSH required for the pump to function properly. If the NPSH available is insufficient, a change to the inlet conditions, an enlarged inlet or 150 another pump selection may be 145mm IMPELLER DIAMETER 5 1 required. 1/16" 140 60 140 Example AD HE 125 120 40 P 2H 7 1/ 115 80 110 Y CIT PA CA 100 30 2 HP Viton is the standard seal elastomer and BUNA is standard for the cover gasket. Other materials and combinations are available to meet your application or process needs. 130 3 HP Elastomers 135 120 50 5 HP A 722 pumping 50 GPM against 135 feet of head will require 6 feet or more of NPSH. The installation must provide at least 6 feet of head. 60 20 40 10 20 10 NPSH IN FEET NPSH REQUIRED 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 140 150 70,000 75,000 CAPACITY *Please note that the NPSH values shown are for full size impellers. Smaller impellers may require somewhat greater NPSH. 6 Pump Inquiry Application Data Sheet The following information is required to properly process an inquiry: Requested by______________________________________________________ Date___________________________________ Customer________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone___________________________________ Fax__________________ Email___________________________________ Description of product to be pumped__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Temperature___________ Specific Gravity______________________________ or Density_________________________ lb./gal. Viscosity____________________________________ Centipoise (CPS) or other Desired Flow Rate____________________________ GPM or lb./hr. *Discharge Head_____________________________ ft. or PSI Suction Conditions Is the pump withdrawing from a vacuum?_________ Yes__________No If so, how much?_____in. Hg. Is the product level on the inlet side of the pump above or below the center line of the pump inlet? Above_________________ Below________________ By how much?_________ in. or ft. Tubing _______________ in. Diameter___________ Length_______________ No. of elbows______________ No. of tees Tubing _______________ in. Diameter___________ Length_______________ No. of elbows______________ No. of tees No. of size of valves in suction piping: _____________________ No.___________________ Size (in.) _____________________ No.___________________ Size (in.) Other equipment in the suction piping________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *If you do not know the desired discharge head, please provide the following: Discharge Conditions Is the final destination of the pump above or below the center line of the pump inlet? Above_________________ Below________________ By how much?_________ in. or ft. Tubing _______________ in. Diameter___________ Length_______________ No. of elbows______________ No. of tees Tubing _______________ in. Diameter___________ Length_______________ No. of elbows______________ No. of tees Tubing _______________ in. Diameter___________ Length_______________ No. of elbows______________ No. of tees No. and size of valves in discharge piping: _____________________ No.___________________ size (in.) _____________________ No.___________________ size (in.) _____________________ No.___________________ size (in.) Other equipment and the drop or pressure requirement (PSI) in the discharge piping__________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 How To Calculate Required Pressure Example: Find the head under these conditions: Pump is drawing from an open tank to discharge through a heat exchanger into an open tank that is 20 ft. above the pump. The supply is 8 ft. above the pump. 50 GPM flow is required. Solution: 1. Height to be pumped is 20 ft. minus 8 ft. Tank 180 20 ft. =12.0 ft. 2. Friction loss from pipe is (8 ft. + 10 ft. + 20 ft. + 299.2 ft. = 337.2 ft.) 337.2 x .25 ft./ft. =84.3 ft. 3. Friction loss from 3 elbows is = 0.6 ft. 299.2 ft. 8 ft. Outlet 1 1/2" Pipe Open Tank Water 62 Heat Exchanger System Head The total head of a system against which a pump must operate is made up of the following components: Inlet 1 1/2" Pipe 1. Static Head 2. Difference of pressures existing on the liquids 3. Friction 10 ft. = 0.6 ft. 4. *Heat Exchanger loss 2.31 times 16.5 PSI =38.1 ft. The Total Head Loss is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135.0 ft. *Heat Exchanger information supplied by manufacturer. Determining Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) The pump model required is a 722 with a 145 mm impeller (see “Selecting a Fristam Pump”). From the actual pump curve or from the example in “Selecting a Fristam Pump,” we see that the NPSH required is 3 feet. Fristam pumps are well known for requiring less net positive suction head (NPSH) available than other sanitary centrifugal pumps. However, due to the hydraulic principles involved, some level of NPSH is still required in order for the pump to run efficiently and without cavitating. Assuming 10 feet of 1 1/2 inch line and one elbow in the suction line, 8 feet of height of liquid above the pump center line and pumping 180°F water from an open tank, we can compute the NPSH available. The NPSH required for each Fristam pump model has been determined by careful testing. The results of these tests are illustrated by the NPSH curve under the performance curves for each pump model. NPSH available = Physical height of liquid + atmospheric pressure - friction losses - vapor pressure (see “Vapor Pressure Chart”). To determine the NPSH available, first add the physical height of the liquid above the centerline of the pump inlet to the pressure above the liquid (in an open tank this is atmospheric pressure). From this total, subtract the friction losses of the line and fittings on the suction side and the vapor pressure of the liquid at the operating temperature. The remainder is the NPSH available. This number must meet or exceed the NPSH required in order for the pump to function properly. As an example, figure the NPSH available and required to pump 50 GPM and generate 135 feet water column of pressure. NPSH available = 8 ft. + 33.9 ft. - 4.7ft. - 17.3 ft. = 19.9 ft. Since the NPSH available of 19.9 feet is greater than the NPSH required 3 feet, the pump has sufficient NPSH available to run properly. 8 Specific Gravity and Viscosity for Various Liquids Detailed information is available on viscosity correction factors. Contact Fristam Pumps for details. The following viscosities may vary, depending upon products, formulas, and processes used by processors. Product Product SP. Gr. Visc. (cps) Temp °F Condition Acetone 0.80 1 70 Acid: Acetic 1.01 1 100 5% Citric 1.02 1 140 10% Lactic 1.10 1 140 Nitric 1.02 1870 Alcohol: Ethyl 0.82 1.4 70 Methyl 0.79 0.6 70 Alum 1.33 804050% Conc. SP. Gr. Milk–Sweetened 1.25 Condensed Milk of Magnesia 1.08 Visc. (cps) Temp °F Condition 2000 50 500150 200 70 Oils: Butter 0.90 4070 Corn 0.93 150 60 Frying 0.90 10 400 Lard 0.96 165 80 Mineral 0.93 150 70 Olive 0.92 110 60 Peanut 0.92 100 60 Soybean 0.93 9560 Vegetable 0.92 40 100 Paint Solvents0.90 1070 Paper Coatings 1.05 400 70 35% TS Paraffin 0.90 9 140 Pear Puree 1.30 4000 160 Thixotropic Perfume 0.95 1 70 Pie Filling 1.20200140 Propylene Glycol 1.02 203050% Barbecue Sauce 1.10 150 70 33° Brix Beer 1.02 1 40 Beverage Concentrate 1.26 8080 Blood 1.00 5 20 Brine 1.10 to 1 40 Sodium Chloride 1.20 1.20 Butter–Melted0.95 9090 Buttermilk 1.04 2040 Carbon Tetrachloride 1.59 1 70 Catsup 1.15 100 60 Chocolate Bar Coating 1.08 65 120 Cream 0.99 204040% Fat Dye, Water Base 1.10 10 70 Egg—Whole 1.04 6840 Egg Yolk 1.12 400 68 200 86 Ethylene Glycol 1.10 1870 Fat–Animal Melted 0.90 43 110 Glaze–Donut 1.2255 120 Honey 1.30 230 100 81.2° Brix 1500 70 Ice Cream Mix 1.15 300 40 Varies Ink, Printer’s 1.20 520 130 Juice–Single Strength: Apple, Clear 1.05 20 140 Cranberry 1.03 10 140 Grape 1.05 25 140 Orange 1.05 20 140 Tomato 1.03180140 Sauce–Apple 200071 800190 Salad Dressing 0.96 5000 75 Shampoo 1.00 350 70 Sorbitol 1.30 150 70 75% Soup, Clear 1.00 20 160 Spaghetti Sauce1.10200140 Syrups: Corn 1.3924018040° Be Dextrose 1.3528018077° Brix HFCS 42 1.35 160 70 42% TS HFCS 55 1.35 800 70 55% TS Invert 1.38 800 80 76° Brix Maple 1.37 600 68 Sugar 1.33 220 80 68° Brix Soft Drink 1.26 80 80 Toulene 0.87 1 70 Tomato Paste 1.14 150 75 11% TS 1.1410018011% TS 1.14 1500 200 17% TS Varnish 0.90125100 Vinegar 1.01 1 70 Water 1.00 1 70 Includes WFI Wax, Liquid 1.00 7570 Whey: Acid/Sweet 1.06 2 100 Condensed 1.11 20 100 27% TS 1.20 800 40 40% TS 1.2040013050% TS 1.20 550 65 50% TS 1.24 1500 65 60% TS Sweetened 1.20 900 55 50% TS 1.2460014560% TS Salt 1.06 2 80 Wort 1.05100150 Yeast–Brewer’s Fermenting 1.10 150 40 20% TS Yeast Slurry 1.10 270 45 35% TS Yogurt Mix 1.03 20 40 Juice–Concentrate: Apple 1.36 600 50 Thixotropic Cranberry 1.03250100Thixotropic Grapefruit 1000 38 Thixotropic Orange 1.32 5000 38 Thixotropic Liqueurs 1.15 1070 Margarine 0.93 50 120 Milk–Whole 1.03 1 40% TS Milk–Concentrated 1.10 1000 50 40% TS 1.3010013175% TS Milk–Concentrated 1.20 20 110 45% TS Skim 1.10 957030% TS Milk–Evaporated 1.17 607048% TS Milk–Skim Condensed 1.20 20 110 45% TS 9 Conversion Factors Pressure (continued) Length Meters Centimeters Millimeters Mass x x x 3.281 = Feet 0.394 = Inches 0.0394 = Inches Kilograms Gallons Of Water Cubic Feet of Water Pounds x 2.2 x 8.34 x 62.4 x0.454 = Lbs. = Lbs. = Lbs. = Kilograms x x x 0.264 7.48 0.119 = Gallon = Gallon = Gallon x x 1.2 3.785 = Gallon (U.S.) = Liter x x x x 0.433 0.491 14.7 1.42 = PSI = PSI = PSI = PSI x x 14.22 14.7 = PSI = PSI Volume Liter Cubic Feet Lbs. Of Water Imperial Gallon (British) U.S. Gallon Pressure Feet of Water Inches of Hg. Atmosphere Meters of Water Kilograms/sq. Centimeter Bar Atmosphere PSI Inches of Hg. x x x 33.9 2.31 1.13 = Feet of Water = Feet of Water = Feet of Water Lbs. Of Water/Hour Lbs. Of Fluid/Hour Specific Gravity Cu. Meter/Hour Kg. Of Water/Minute Liters/Minute GPM x x 0.002 0.002 = GPM = GPM x x x x 4.4 0.264 0.264 3.785 = GPM = GPM = GPM = Liters/Minute Flow Power Liquid HP = GPM x Head ft. x Specific Gravity 3960 BHP = GPM x Head ft. x Specific Gravity 3960 x Pump Efficiency Viscosity Centipoise Specific Gravity = Centistokes Centistokes x 4.64 Temperature (1.8 X °C) + 32 = °F .555 (°F – 32°) = °C Degrees Kelvin – 273.2 = Degrees Centigrade Vapor Pressure Chart VAPOR PRESSURE OF WATER 50 40 30 PRESSURE (psia) 20 10 0 0 32 50 = SSU (Approx.) 100 150 200 TEMPERATURE (F) 10 250 300 Loss of Head Due to Friction in Feet per Foot of Stainless Steel Tubing and in Feet for Sanitary Fittings Notes: 1. Flow Elbows—R/D = 1.5 A 2. Flow Through Tees—Flow A to B Port C capped off. B C 3. Test Medium—Water at 70°F 4. 16 gauge tubing was used for the measurements when the outer diameter (O.D.) was between 1" - 3" and 14 gauge tubing was used with the 4" O.D. measurement. *Calculated data for estimating purposes only. Consult your tubing manufacturer with specific questions. Capacity in O.D. 1 ″ O.D. - 1.5″ O.D. 2 ″ O.D. 2.5″ O.D. 3 ″ O.D. 4″ U.S. G.P.M. I.D. - .870″ I.D. - 1.370″ I.D. - 1.870″ I.D. - 2.370″ I.D. - 2.870 ″ I.D. - 3.834″ Tubing Elbow Tee Tubing Elbow Tee Tubing Elbow Tee Tubing Elbow Tee Tubing Elbow Tee Tubing Elbow Tee 2 .01 .01 .1 4 .025 .02 .2 5 .035 .025 .25 10 .12 .06 .4 .02 .01 .15 .005 .015 .1 15 .25 .1 .8 .04 .02 .25 .013 .02 .15 20 .43 .22 1.5 .06 .03 .3 .02 .025 .2 .005 .02 .1 .003 .02 .06 25 .66 .4 2.3 .08 .04 .4 .025 .03 .25 .006 .03 .15 .004 .03 .08 30 .93 .7 3.3 .105 .06 .55 .035 .05 .3 .008 .05 .2 .005 .04 .1 35 1.22 1.25 5.2 .135 .09 .8 .04 .06 .4 .011 .06 .25 .006 .05 .13 40 .17 .11 1.0 .05 .08 .5 .015 .07 .3 .007 .06 .15 45 .21 .16 1.3 .063 .1 .6 .02 .09 .35 .008 .065 .18 50 .25 .2 1.6 .073 .12 .7 .022 .1 .4 .01 .07 .2 60 .34 .35 2.2 .1 .18 .9 .03 .12 .45 .015 .08 .25 80 .57 .76 3.7 .16 .3 1.5 .05 .15 .55 .02 .1 .4 100 .85 1.35 5.8 .23 .44 2.3 .075 .18 .6 .03 .11 .5 .008 .04 .1 120 1.18 2.05 9.1 .32 .64 3.3 .105 .21 1.0 .04 .13 .6 .01 .05 .15 140 .42 .85 4.5 .14 .23 1.25 .05 .16 .8 .013 .06 .2 160 .54 1.13 5.8 .17 .28 1.6 .07 .2 1.1 .015 .07 .25 180 .67 1.45 7.4 .205 .31 2.0 .08 .21 1.3 .02 .08 .3 200 .81 1.82 9.0 .245 .35 2.5 .1 .26 1.6 .025 .09 .4 220 .95 2.22 11.0 .29 .41 3.0 .12 .3 1.9 .028 .1 .5 240 1.10 2.63 13.5 .34 .48 3.7 .14 .33 2.2 .035 .11 .55 260 .39 .53 4.5 .165 .39 2.5 .04 .115 .6 280 .45 .61 5.3 .19 .42 2.8 .045 .12 .65 300 .515 .7 6.2 .22 .5 3.1 .05 .13 .7 350 .68 1.05 8.5 .28 .67 4.1 .07 .15 .9 400 .86 1.55 11.0 .36 .88 5.2 .085 .18 1.2 450 1.05 2.25 13.5 .44 1.1 6.6 .105 .2 1.5 500 .54 1.4 8.0 .13 .23 1.75 550 .64 1.7 9.5 .15 .27 2.1 600 .75 2.05 10.2 .175 .3 2.5 650 .87 2.41 13.0 .2 .34 2.8 700 1.0 2.8 15.0 .23 .4 3.4 750 .26 .43 3.8 800 .3 .5 4.4 850 .33 .56 5.0 900 .37 .62 5.7 950 .41 .7 6.3 1000 .45 .8 7.0 1100 .53 1.06 8.6 11 Fristam Centrifugal Options and Ordering Matrix MODEL SEAL MATERIALS 1750 RPM 3500 RPM 701 711 721 3521 731 –– 3531 741 1741 3541 751+ 3451 3551 1051 1151++ 1161 4001+ 702 712 722 3522 732++ 1732++ 3532 742 1742 3542 752+ 3452 3552 –– –– –– –– 1st – Rotating 2nd – Stationary 3rd – Flush (Double) Seal [FP and FPR only] FITTING TYPE C – Clamp* B – Bevel seat F – 150# flange 3F – 300# flange N – NPT I – I-Line (female) X – Other (specify) Single Seal FR-N – Chrome oxide SS vs. carbon* C-C – Silicon carbide vs. silicon carbide FR-C – Chrome oxide SS vs. silicon carbide Double Seal [FP and FPR only] FR-N-K – Chrome oxide SS vs. carbon vs. ceramic* C-C-K – Silicon carbide vs. silicon carbide vs. ceramic FR-C-K – Chrome oxide SS vs. silicon carbide vs. ceramic * Standard + FPR only ++ FP/FPX only Preferred Ordering Sequence (sample) FPR 3541 205 3x2.5 C FR-N-K VB 15-EP-SF OTHER OPTIONS PUMP SERIES FP FPX FPR IMPELLER SIZE Impeller diameter (mm) PORT SIZE 1st – Inlet (in.) 2nd – Outlet (in.) ELASTOMERS 1st – seal (Viton®*) 2nd – cover gasket (Buna*) V – Viton® B – Buna E – EPDM X – Other (specify) Fristam Centrifugal Specialty Pumps • Water for Injection • Aseptic • Jacketed Housing 12 25 – 25 Ra 20 – 20 Ra 15 – 15 Ra EP – Electropolish PV – Passivation LF – Low ferrite SF – Stainless steel flange TC – Tungsten carbide coating AS – Aseptic JH – Jacketed housing CD – Casing drain BB – Bearing block mounted AL – Adjustable base with legs X – Other (specify) Pharmaceutical Options All standard stainless steel components are 316L. Special castings are available in low-ferrite stainless steel or high-performance alloys such as Hastelloy® and AL-6XN®. Class VI elastomers are standard for pharmaceutical applications. Seal materials include ceramic and silicon carbide. Electropolishing and enhanced internal surface finishes to 15 Ra are available on most products. Casing drain and mounting options provide complete drainability critical for long-term system cleanliness. Pumps can be easily configured for steam-inplace sterilization, with no external cooling devices required. Water For Injection (WFI) Pumps Fristam is the industry leader for WFI and other high-purity service. Fristam WFI centrifugal pumps are a precision adaptation of our FP, FPX, and FPR pumps. They feature an advanced seal design that protects product sterility, saves valuable product and provides for long seal life. Comprehensive Documentation Options Certified Drawings Mill Certification Physical Certifications Material Verification Certificate of Conformance Fristam pioneered a pressurized double seal flush system that ensures product sterility and saves valuable product by maintaining positive pressure in the critical seal area. The internal seal design provides extra cooling and lubrication on the front seal face to significantly extend seal life and provide for more system uptime. Warranty Statement Certified Finish Passivation of Pump Stainless Steel Tag Certified Welding Hydrostatic Test Numerous seal and piping configurations, including single seal piping, are available to meet your processing requirements. Dynamic Seal Test Short Run Test Performance Test NPSH Test Witness Test Vibration Test Ferrite Test Saline Test Seismic Calculation 13 3 FEET OF HEAD BAR FP/FPX Performance Curves Models: 1750 RPM(Composite A) FP and FPX 1750 RPM Composite Curves 100 75 PRESSURE 2 1741 50 1 741 3451 25 3541 731 721 711 0 GPM LPM 0 3531 3521 701 0 0 50 200 100 150 400 200 600 250 800 300 1000 350 1200 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 14 400 9/23/02 1265000074 RD 2/08 BAR FEET OF HEAD FP/FPX Performance Curves Models: 1750 RPM(Composite B) 6 200 FP and FPX 1750 RPM Composite Curves 175 5 150 1161 4 PRESSURE 125 3 100 1151 75 2 50 1 1051 25 3551 0 0 GPM 0 200 LPM 0 800 400 1600 600 800 2400 1000 3200 CAPACITY 4000 1200 4800 1400 1600 5600 6400 9/23/02 1265000073 RD 2/08 Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 15 1800 FEET OF HEAD BAR FPR Performance Curves Models: 1750 RPM(Composite A) FPR 1750 RPM Composite Curve 125 3 100 PRESSURE 75 751 2 1741 50 741 1 25 731 711 0 0 721 701 GPM 0 LPM 0 20 40 100 60 200 80 100 300 400 CAPACITY 120 140 500 160 180 600 700 1265000197 Rev. A RD 2/08 Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 16 200 6 FEET OF HEAD BAR FPR Performance Curves Models: 1750 RPM(Composite B) FPR 1750 RPM Composite Curve 200 175 5 150 4001 1161 4 PRESSURE 125 3 100 75 2 50 1 3451 3541 25 0 0 GPM 0 LPM 0 3551 1051 3521 3531 200 800 400 1600 600 2400 800 1000 3200 CAPACITY 4000 1200 4800 1400 1600 5600 6400 1265000196 Rev. A RD 2/08 Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 17 1800 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 701 (1750 RPM, Inlet 1.5”, Outlet 1.5”) 20 8 18 100mm IMPELLER 16 DIAM ETE 95 6 14 R3 15 /16 " 90 85 12 1/3 HP 80 10 1/ 4 75 HP AD HE 4 CA 8 Y CIT PA 6 2 4 10 NPSH REQUIRED 5 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 4 8 4,000 12 16 20 8,000 24 12,000 28 32 36 16,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 18 40 20,000 NPSH IN FEET 2 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 711 (1750 RPM, Inlet 2”, Outlet 1.5”) 30 130mm IMPELLER 12 DIAMETER 125 5 1/8" 120 25 HE 115 HP 1/2 10 CA PA TY CI 1 10 AD 105 20 HP 1/4 1 00 8 HP 3/4 15 6 4 2 10 10 5 5 NPSH IN FEET NPSH REQUIRED 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 19 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 721 (1750 RPM, Inlet 2”, Outlet 1.5”) 40 145mm IMPE LLER DIA METER 16 140 35 5 11/1 6" 135 14 13 0 30 HE AD HP 3/4 125 12 25 TY CI PA CA 1 20 115 10 1HP HP 1/2 110 20 8 15 6 4 5 5 NPSH REQUIRED 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 20 NPSH IN FEET 2 10 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 3521 (1750 RPM, Inlet 2.5”, Outlet 2”) 40 145mm IMPELLER DIAM ETER 5 1 1/16" 16 35 140 14 135 30 12 TY CI PA CA HP 1 1/2 25 AD HE 130 125 10 8 P 1/2 H 115 P 3/4 H 20 1 HP 120 15 6 4 10 5 NPSH REQUIRED 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 12,500 25,000 37,500 50,000 62,500 75,000 87,500 100,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 21 NPSH IN FEET 2 10 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 731 (1750 RPM, Inlet 2”, Outlet 1.5”) 50 175mm IM PELLER DIAME TER 6 170 7/8" 165 160 20 HP 3/4 155 40 150 HP 1/2 P 1H 15 HE AD Y CIT PA CA 30 P 2H 1 1/ 10 20 5 10 10 NPSH REQUIRED 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 20 40 60 80 100 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 22 NPSH IN FEET 5 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 3531 (1750 RPM, Inlet 2.5”, Outlet 2”) 55 50 175mm IMPELLLER D IAMETER 6 7/8" 170 165 20 160 155 P 3H 40 150 15 P 2H 145 135 30 TY ACI CAP AD HE P /2 H 11 140 130 P 1H 10 20 5 20 10 NPSH REQUIRED 0 0 GPM 0 LBS./HR. 50 100 150 200 250 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 23 275 NPSH IN FEET 10 30 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 741 (1750 RPM, Inlet 2.5”, Outlet 2”) 70 P 2H 205mm IMPELLER DIAMETER 8 1/16" 2 00 195 190 11 /2 185 HP 180 175 1 70 165 60 25 D EA P 1H H Y CIT PA CA 50 3 HP 20 40 15 30 10 20 5 10 10 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 24 NPSH IN FEET 5 NPSH REQUIRED HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 1741 (1750 RPM, Inlet 2.5”, Outlet 2”) 90 35 80 205mm IMPELLER DIAMETER 8 1/16" 200 195 30 70 HEA DC 190 170 1 65 P 5H 60 P 3H 1 80 175 P /2 H 11 25 P 2H 185 APA CIT Y 50 20 40 15 30 10 10 10 5 NPSH REQUIRED 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 25 NPSH IN FEET 5 20 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 3541 (1750 RPM, Inlet 3”, Outlet 2.5”) 80 30 205mm IMPELLER DIAMETE 70 R8 200 1/16 " 195 190 60 185 HE AD P 5H P 3H 25 TY CI PA CA 7 HP 180 175 170 50 20 165 160 155 40 150 15 30 10 5 20 10 10 NPSH REQUIRED 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 175,000 200,000 225,000 250,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 26 NPSH IN FEET 20 HEAD (FT) NPSH IN FEET PSI FPR Performance Curves Model: 751 (1750 RPM, Inlet 3”, Outlet 2”) 110 250mm IMPELLER DIAMETER 9 13/16" 45 100 40 240 60 HP 25 7.5 70 40 P 30 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 3H 80 Y P 235 35 50 5H 90 HEA DC AP AC IT 245 30 50 20 20 40 15 30 10 20 5 0 10 NPSH REQUIRED 10 0 GPM 0 LBS./HR. 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 27 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 3451 (1750 RPM, Inlet 3”, Outlet 2”) 120 50 45 100 250mm IMPELLE 40 245 R DIAME TER 9 1 3/16" 240 35 235 80 230 225 HE 30 P 5H 220 215 210 CA PA CI TY 205 P 3H 25 60 AD 200 20 P 2H 195 P 2H 7 1/ 40 15 10 20 20 10 NPSH REQUIRED 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 28 NPSH IN FEET 5 55 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 3551 (1750 RPM, Inlet 3”, Outlet 2.5”) 130 120 50 250mm IMPELLER DIAMETER 9 13/16 245 " 240 235 110 45 100 40 90 P 5H 20 20 0 195 ITY 70 C PA CA 30 P 10 H 80 HE AD P 2H 7 1/ 35 25 230 225 220 215 210 205 60 50 P 15 H 40 15 30 10 40 10 20 NPSH REQUIRED 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 50 100 50,000 150 200 100,000 250 300 350 150,000 400 200,000 450 500 250,000 550 600 300,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 29 650 NPSH IN FEET 5 20 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 1051 (1750 RPM, Inlet 4”, Outlet 4”) 120 50 280mm 275 45 IMPEL LER D 270 100 IAME T ER 11" 265 40 260 255 35 250 80 245 AD HE CI PA CA P 15 H TY P 10 H 60 P 2H 7 1/ 25 P 20 H 240 30 20 40 15 10 20 20 10 D NPSH REQUIRE 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 150 300 450 600 750 900 75,000 150,000 225,000 300,000 375,000 450,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 30 NPSH IN FEET 5 FP/FPX Performance Curves Model: 1151 (1750 RPM, Inlet 4”, Outlet 4”) HEAD (FT) PSI FPR model 1161 covers the range of both the FP/FPX 1151 and 1161 200 80 180 70 160 60 140 20 HP CIT Y HP 30 HP 40 25 HP HP 40 HEA DC APA 15 100 HP 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 240 120 10 50 IMPELLER DIAMETER 11" 280mm 80 30 60 20 20 40 0 20 10 ED NPSH REQUIR 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 31 NPSH IN FEET 10 FP/FPX Performance Curves Model: 1161 (1750 RPM, Inlet 4”, Outlet 4”) HEAD (FT) PSI FPR model 1161 covers the range of both the FP/FPX 1151 and 1161 200 80 70 320mm IMPELLER DIAMETER 12 180 315 310 305 300 160 HP HP HP 40 30 285 AD CA PA CIT Y 50 HP HP 50 290 140 HE 25 20 295 60 5/8" 120 100 40 80 30 60 20 20 40 0 20 10 ED NPSH REQUIR 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 32 NPSH IN FEET 10 FPR Performance Curves Model: 1161 (1750 RPM, Inlet 4”, Outlet 4”) feet psi FPR model 1161 covers the range of both the FP/FPX 1151 and 1161 200 80 70 60 40 DIAMETER HE AD 285 280 125 275 270 265 260 255 100 24550 2 240 50 Head IMPELLER 320 175 315 310 305 300 5 150 29 290 20 HP 15 HP CA PA C ITY 50 HP 40 HP 25 HP 30 HP 10 HP 75 feet 30 20 10 25 10 0 0 NPSH REQUIRED gpm lbs /hr 0 0 100 0 50,00 200 100,000 300 150,000 400 200,000 500 250,000 600 300,00 700 350,000 800 400,000 900 450,000 1000 500,000 Capacity 1265000208 Rev. A Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 33 NPSH 50 20 HEAD (FT) PSI FPR Performance Curves Model: 4001 (1750 RPM, Inlet 6”, Outlet 4”) 200 80 70 350 340 160 HEA D 330 TY HP HP HP HP 300 120 60 310 CAP A CI 75 320 140 40 50 180 50 60 PELLER DIAMETER 14 13/16 360mm IM " 290 280 100 40 80 30 60 20 20 40 0 QUIRED NPSH RE 20 10 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 34 NPSH IN FEET 10 FEET OF HEAD BAR FP/FPX Performance Curves Models: 3500 RPM(Composite) FP and FPX 3500 RPM Composite Curves 450 420 12 390 360 10 330 3552 300 PRESSURE 8 270 240 6 210 1742 180 742 150 4 3452 120 732 1732 90 2 GPM LPM 0 3542 722 60 30 0 3532 702 0 0 50 400 712 100 800 150 3522 200 1200 300 1600 400 500 2000 2400 600 700 2800 800 3200 900 3600 1000 1100 1200 1300 4000 4400 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 35 4800 6/18/1998 il-0364.eps RD 2/08 FEET OF HEAD BAR FPR Performance Curves Models: 3500 RPM(Composite A) FPR 3500 RPM Composite Curve 450 13 12 400 11 350 10 9 752 300 PRESSURE 8 250 7 6 200 742 5 1742 150 4 3 100 2 722 50 1 0 712 702 0 GPM 0 50 LPM 200 0 100 400 150 200 600 250 800 CAPACITY 1000 300 1200 350 400 1400 1600 1265000206 Rev. A RD 2/08 Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 36 450 BAR FEET OF HEAD FPR Performance Curves Models: 3500 RPM(Composite B) 12 400 FPR 3500 RPM Composite Curve 11 350 10 9 300 3552 8 250 PRESSURE 7 6 200 5 150 4 3 100 3452 3532 3542 2 50 1 3522 0 0 GPM 0 LPM 0 100 400 200 800 300 400 1200 1600 500 2000 600 700 2400 800 2800 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 37 8/25/04 1265000205 RD 2/08 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 702 (3500 RPM, Inlet 1.5”, Outlet 1.5”) 90 35 75 30 100mm I M 25 60 PELLER D IAMET E 95 R 3 15 /16" 90 20 85 45 /2 11 HE AD HP P HP CI PA CA TY HP 75 1/2 15 1H 3/4 80 30 10 15 6 4 NPSH REQUIRED 0 2 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 38 NPSH IN FEET 5 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 712 (3500 RPM, Inlet 2”, Outlet 1.5”) 120 50 130mm IMPELLER DI AMETER 5 1/4 " 45 100 40 P 3H 120 115 80 HE AD Y CIT PA CA P 2H 35 125 110 30 25 60 P 5H 20 40 15 10 10 20 0 5 IRED NPSH REQU 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 39 NPSH IN FEET 5 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 722 (3500 RPM, Inlet 2”, Outlet 1.5”) 150 60 145mm IMPELLER DIAMETER 5 1 140 1/16" 140 135 120 50 130 AD HE 125 P 2H 7 1/ 5 HP 120 40 115 80 3 HP 110 Y CIT PA CA 100 30 2 HP 60 20 40 10 20 10 NPSH IN FEET NPSH REQUIRED 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 140 70,000 75,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 40 150 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 3522 (3500 RPM, Inlet 2.5”, Outlet 2”) 160 145mm IMPELLE R DIAME 60 140 TER 5 11/16 " 140 135 HP 10 120 130 50 HE P /2 H 71 125 AD Y CIT PA 40 CA P 5H 100 120 115 P 3H 80 HP 15 30 60 20 40 10 20 NPSH REQUIRED 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 175,000 200,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 41 NPSH IN FEET 40 20 FP/FPX Performance Curves Model: 732 (3500 RPM, Inlet 2.5”, Outlet 2”) HEAD (FT) PSI FPR model 742 covers the range of both the FP/FPX 732 and 742 200 80 175 165mm IM 160 70 PELLER D IAMETER 6 1/2" 155 HEA DC 150 150 HP 10 145 60 HP /2 71 140 125 APA CIT Y 135 50 100 P 5H 130 125 40 120 P 3H 75 30 20 10 25 5 QUIRED NPSH RE 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 25 50 75 12,500 25,000 37,500 100 125 150 175 200 50,000 62,500 75,000 87,500 100,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 42 NPSH IN FEET 10 50 FP/FPX Performance Curves Model: 1732 (3500 RPM, Inlet 2.5”, Outlet 2”) HEAD (FT) PSI FPR model 1742 covers the range of both the FP/FPX 1732 and 1742 225 90 80 210 PELLER DIAMETER 6 1/2" 165mm IM 160 180 40 145 P 20 H 60 HE AD CA PA CIT Y HP 150 150 50 7 1/2 70 P 15 H P 10 H 155 140 120 90 30 60 30 30 15 20 NPSH IN FEET 10 NPSH REQUIRED 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 50 100 150 25,000 50,000 75,000 200 250 300 350 100,000 125,000 150,000 175,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 43 375 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 3532 (3500 RPM, Inlet 2.5”, Outlet 2”) 225 175mm IMPELLER DIAMET 90 ER 6 7/8" 170 200 165 80 160 175 155 70 HE AD 150 145 140 P 30 H P 5H 130 P 10 H 50 P /2 H 71 135 P 15 H 125 TY P 20 H 60 C I AC AP P 25 H 150 100 40 30 75 50 10 25 25 0 0 NPSH REQUIRED GPM LBS./HR. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 175,000 200,000 225,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 44 NPSH IN FEET 50 20 FP/FPX Performance Curves Model: 742 (3500 RPM, Inlet 2.5”, Outlet 2”) HEAD (FT) PSI FPR model 742 covers the range of both the FP/FPX 732 and 742 300 120 205mm IMPELLER DIAM 110 200 250 ETER 8 1/16" HP 15 100 HP 10 195 190 185 HP /2 71 180 90 APA CIT Y HP 20 175 170 200 HEA DC 80 70 150 60 50 40 100 30 20 50 10 ED NPSH REQUIR 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 30 60 15,000 30,000 90 120 150 180 45,000 60,000 75,000 90,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 45 NPSH IN FEET 5 10 FPR Performance Curves Model: 742 (3500 RPM, Inlet 2.5”, Outlet 2”) feet psi FPR model 742 covers the range of both the FP/FPX 732 and 742 300 120 205 IMPELLER DI AM ETER 200 250 195 190 185 180 175 200170 100 80 HEA DC 20 HP 7.5 HP 160 155 Head Y 15 HP 10 HP 165 150 150 145 60 APA CIT 5 HP 140 135 130 100 125 120 feet 40 3 HP 10 50 20 UIRED 0 gpm lbs /hr NPSH REQ 0 0 0 25 12,500 0 50 25,000 75 37,500 100 125 150 175 50,000 62,500 75,000 87,500 200 100,000 Capacity 8/25/04 1265000207 Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 46 NPSH 5 FP/FPX Performance Curves Model: 1742 (3500 RPM, Inlet 2.5”, Outlet 2”) 150 HEAD (FT) PSI FPR model 1742 covers the range of both the FP/FPX 1732 and 1742 350 140 130 300 205mm IMPELLER DIAME TER 8 1/ 16" 200 195 120 190 110 250 185 P 40 H P 30 H Y CIT PA CA AD HE 50 HP P 25 H 200 P 20 H 90 P 15 H 175 P 10 H 180 100 170 80 70 150 60 50 40 100 30 20 50 20 0 10 IR E D NPSH REQU 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 47 NPSH IN FEET 10 FPR Performance Curves Model: 1742 (3500 RPM, Inlet 2.5”, Outlet 2”) feet psi FPR model 1742 covers the range of both the FP/FPX 1732 and 1742 350 140 300 205 IMPELLER DIAMETER 200 HE 195 120 AD 190 250185 180 80 175 170 200 5 16 160 Head 100 155 150 150 145 60 25 HP CA PA C ITY 30 HP 40 HP 20 HP 15 HP 10 HP 50 HP 7.5 HP 140 100 feet 40 50 20 10 NPSH REQUIRED 0 gpm lbs /hr 0 0 0 0 50 25,000 100 150 50,000 75,000 200 100,000 250 125,000 300 150,000 350 175,000 400 200,000 450 225,000 500 250,000 Capacity 8/26/04 1265000209 Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 48 NPSH 20 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 3542 (3500 RPM, Inlet 3”, Outlet 2.5”) 300 120 205mm IMPELLER DIAMETER 280 8 1/16" 200 110 100 195 240 190 185 P 50 H 10 HP 155 AD HE 160 160 150 60 50 P 15 H 70 HP 25 80 P 20 H 175 170 165 P 30 H 200 P 40 H 180 90 120 40 80 30 20 40 25 0 NPSH IN FEET 10 D NPSH REQUIRE 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 450,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 49 HEAD (FT) PSI FPR Performance Curves Model: 752 (3500 RPM, Inlet 3”, Outlet 2”) 100 500 200 450 250mm IMPELLER DIAME TER 9 13/16 " 90 245 180 400 HEA D 240 CAP ACI TY 80 235 160 HP HP HP HP 250 60 HP 20 P 200 25 H 15 120 70 30 300 225 220 215 210 205 40 140 230 50 350 50 100 200 40 150 30 100 20 80 60 40 50 0 0 GPM 0 LBS./HR. 10 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 150,000 175,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 50 NPSH IN FEET 20 IRED NPSH REQU 170 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 3452 (3500 RPM, Inlet 3”, Outlet 2”) 400 250 mm IMP ELL 245 ER DIA 240 ME 160 150 350 235 230 140 130 " 220 TY CI PA CA 50 HP P 15 H 195 200 D 200 P 25 H P 20 H 205 P 30 H 210 250 A HE P 40 H 215 100 90 91 3/1 6 225 300 120 110 TER 80 70 150 60 50 40 100 30 50 10 0 20 NPSH REQUIRED 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 51 NPSH IN FEET 20 HEAD (FT) PSI FP/FPX/FPR Performance Curves Model: 3552 (3500 RPM, Inlet 3”, Outlet 2.5”) 500 200 250mm IMPELLER DIAMETER 9 13/1 245 180 6" HEAD 240 75 400 160 HP 235 HP HP 40 HP 30 HP 120 25 HP 210 205 200 195 300 50 140 Y 60 230 225 220 215 CAP ACIT 100 200 80 60 40 50 100 NPSH REQUIRED 0 0 GPM LBS./HR. 0 150 300 450 600 750 75,000 150,000 225,000 300,000 375,000 CAPACITY Performance curve based on tests using 70°F water and 0 psig inlet pressure. A tolerance of ± 5% applies to all figures. Actual performance may vary by application product. Please contact Fristam for different conditions. 52 NPSH IN FEET 25 20 53 FP Single Flange Dimensional Drawing All pump dimensions are in millimeters (inches). Dimensions are based on clamp fittings. Motor dimensions may vary by manufacturer. D H B OUTLET C 198 (7.80") J A ØK ØG 180 (7.09") INLET 210 (8.27") 98 (3.88") 180 (7.09") 356 (14.00") 36(1.42") X 16(.63") SLOT (4 PLACES) ADJ. LEGS (OPTIONAL) F 38 (1.50") MAX. ADJ. E 203 (8.00") 1265000384 REV- PUMP MODEL INLET OUTLET FP 701 / 702 1.5" 1.5" FP 711 / 712 2" 1.5" FP 721 / 731 / 722 2" 1.5" FP 741 / 732 / 742 2.5" 2" FP 1741 / 1732 / 1742 2.5" 2" FP 3521 / 3522 2.5" 2" FP 3531 / 3532 2.5" 2" FP 3541 / 3542 3" 2.5" FP 3451 / 3452 3" 2" A 108 (4.25") 144 (5.67") 170 (6.69") 195 (7.68") 200 (7.87") 190 (7.48") 191 (7.52") 211 (8.31") 211 (8.31") DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES) B C D E F 154.5 44.5 186.5 146.5 108.5 (6.08") (1.75") (7.34") (5.77") (4.27") 158 190 58 113 150 (6.22") (7.48") (2.28") (4.45") (5.90") 158 79 190 113 150 (6.22") (3.11") (7.48") (4.45") (5.90") 141 149 96 101 181 (5.55") (5.87") (3.78") (3.98") (7.13") 190.5 150.5 91 104 158.5 (7.50") (5.93") (3.58") (4.09") (6.24") 202 162 80 118 170 (7.95") (6.38") (3.15") (4.64") (6.69") 202 95 162 115.5 170 (7.95") (3.74") (6.38") (4.55") (6.69") 202 115 118 162 170 (7.95") (4.53") (4.64") (6.38") (6.69") 198 140 114 158 166 (7.80") (5.51") (4.49") (6.22") (6.54") ØG 150 (5.90") 185 (7.28") 230 (9.06") 270 (10.63") 270 (10.63") 230 (9.06") 260 (10.24") 290 (11.42") 350 (13.78") MOTOR HP 1750 RPM 3500 RPM 0.75 HP 1 HP 0.5 HP 56C 0.75 HP 56C 1 HP 56C 1.5 HP 143TC 1.5 HP 2 HP 145TC 2 HP 145TC 3 HP 145TC 3 HP 5 HP 7.5 HP 10 HP MOTOR FRAME 182TC 5 HP 184TC 7.5 HP 184TC 7.5 HP 213TC 10 HP 215TC 15 HP 215TC DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES) ØK J H 157 115 236 (6.19") (4.53") (9.29") 157 115 236 (6.19") (4.53") (9.29") 157 115 236 (6.19") (4.53") (9.29") 115 252 157 (4.53") (9.94") (6.19") 183 133 259 (7.19") (5.22") (10.19") 183 133 284 (7.19") (5.22") (11.19") 183 133 284 (7.19") (5.22") (11.19") 216 133 313 (8.50") (5.23") (12.31") 216 152 348 (8.50") (6.00") (13.68") 216 152 386 (8.50") (6.00") (15.18") 263 189 388 (10.34") (7.46") (15.27") 263 189 388 (10.34") (7.46") (15.27") 263 189 416 (10.34") (7.46") (16.40") 1265000385 REV- 54 FP Double Flange Dimensional Drawing All pump dimensions are in millimeters (inches). Dimensions are based on clamp fittings. Motor dimensions may vary by manufacturer. J L D H C B OUTLET INLET A BALDOR ØK 250 (9.84") ØE 290 (11.42") M 300 (11.81") 19(.75") X 35(1.38") SLOT (4 PLACES) F 559 (22.00") ADJ. BASE (OPTIONAL) N 300 (11.81") E 1265000386 REV- PUMP MODEL INLET OUTLET FP 1051 4" 4" FP 1151 4" 4" FP 1161 4" 4" FP 1161 6" 4" FP 742 2.5" 2" FP 1732 / 1742 2.5" 2" FP 3532 2.5" 2" FP 3542 3" 2.5" FP 3452 3" 2" FP 3551 / 3552 3" 2.5" A 250 (9.84") 250 (9.84") 250 (9.84") 250 (9.84") 195 (7.68") 200 (7.87") 191 (7.52") 211 (8.31") 211 (8.31") 231 (9.09") DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES) ØG E F C D B 254 317.5 167 202.5 170 406 (6.69") (6.57") (7.97") (10.00") (12.50") (15.98") 197.5 261 110.5 170 146 406 (6.69") (4.35") (5.75") (7.78") (10.28") (15.98") 197.5 110.5 146 406 170 261 (6.69") (4.35") (5.75") (7.78") (10.28") (15.98") 197.5 111 146 406 170 261 (6.69") (4.37") (5.75") (7.78") (10.28") (15.98") 195 101 143.5 270 96 258.5 (3.78") (3.98") (5.65") (7.68") (10.18") (10.63") 204.5 268 91 104 153 270 (3.58") (4.09") (6.02") (8.05") (10.55") (10.63") 216 115.5 164.5 260 95 279.5 (3.74") (4.55") (6.48") (8.50") (11.00") (10.24") 216 118 290 164.5 115 279.5 (4.53") (4.64") (6.48") (8.50") (11.00") (11.42") 212 114 160.5 350 140 275.5 (5.51") (4.49") (6.32") (8.35") (10.85") (13.78") 222 119 170.5 350 140 285.5 (5.51") (4.68") (6.71") (8.74") (11.24") (13.78") MOTOR HP MOTOR 1750 RPM 3500 RPM FRAME *3 HP 182TC *5 HP 213TC **7.5 HP 213TC **10 HP 215TC 15 HP 254TC 20 HP 256TC 20 HP 25 HP 256TC 284TC 25 HP 30 HP 284TSC 286TC 30 HP 40 HP 286TSC 324TSD 40 HP 50 HP 324TSD 326TSD 50 HP 326TSD H 133 (5.23") 189 (7.46") 189 (7.46") 189 (7.46") 220 (8.67") 239 (9.42") 225 (8.88") 333 (13.12") 333 (13.12") 333 (13.12") 333 (13.12") 333 (13.12") 333 (13.12") 333 (13.12") 333 (13.12") * 3551 ONLY ** 3551, 1051 & 1151 ONLY *** 117 (4.62") FOR 1051, 1151 & 1161 **** 44.5 (1.75") FOR 1051, 1151 & 1161 55 DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES) ØK J L M N 44.5 313 216 200 117 (12.31") (8.50") (7.87") (4.62") (1.75") 44.5 200 117 388 263 (15.27") (10.34") (7.87") (4.62") (1.75") 200 263 388 44.5 117 (15.27") (10.34") (7.87") (4.62") (1.75") 200 44.5 117 416 263 (16.40") (10.34") (7.87") (4.62") (1.75") 200 263 415 98*** 38**** (16.33") (10.34") (7.87") (3.88") (1.50") 98*** 38**** 200 499 336 (19.66") (13.25") (7.87") (3.88") (1.50") 98 38 200 491 263 (19.34") (10.34") (7.87") (3.88") (1.50") 200 44.5 117 588 395 (23.13") (15.56") (7.87") (4.62") (1.75") 98 38 395 588 200 (23.13") (15.56") (7.87") (3.88") (1.50") 44.5 200 117 395 588 (23.13") (15.56") (7.87") (4.62") (1.75") 98 38 395 588 200 (23.13") (15.56") (7.87") (3.88") (1.50") 44.5 395 117 588 220 (23.13") (15.56") (8.66") (4.62") (1.75") 395 588 44.5 117 220 (23.13") (15.56") (8.66") (4.62") (1.75") 395 588 44.5 117 220 (23.13") (15.56") (8.66") (4.62") (1.75") 44.5 117 395 588 220 (23.13") (15.56") (8.66") (4.62") (1.75") 1265000387 REV- FPX Single Flange Dimensional Drawing All pump dimensions are in millimeters (inches). Dimensions are based on clamp fittings. Motor dimensions may vary by manufacturer. F N D C J OUTLET B A ØE ØG H INLET 98 (3.88") ØP K M 38 (1.50") MAX. ADJ. Q PUMP MODEL INLET OUTLET FPX 701 / 702 1.5" 1.5" FPX 711 / 712 2" 1.5" FPX 721 / 731 / 722 2" 1.5" FPX 741 / 732 / 742 2.5" 2" FPX 1741 / 1732 / 1742 2.5" 2" FPX 3521 / 3522 2.5" 2" FPX 3531 / 3532 2.5" 2" FPX 3541 / 3542 3" 2.5" FPX 3451 / 3452 3" 2" FPX 3551 3" 2.5" DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES) ØE A B D C 108 (4.25") 144 (5.67") 170 (6.69") 195 (7.68") 200 (7.87") 190 (7.48") 191 (7.52") 211 (8.31") 211 (8.31") 231 (9.09") 44.5 (1.75") 58 (2.28") 79 (3.11") 96 (3.78") 91 (3.58") 80 (3.15") 95 (3.74") 115 (4.53") 140 (5.51") 140 (5.51") ADJ. LEGS (OPTIONAL) 108.5 (4.27") 113 (4.45") 113 (4.45") 101 (3.98") 104 (4.09") 118 (4.64") 115.5 (4.55") 118 (4.64") 114 (4.49") 119 (4.68") 146.5 (5.77") 150 (5.90") 150 (5.90") 141 (5.55") 150.5 (5.93") 162 (6.38") 162 (6.38") 162 (6.38") 158 (6.22") 168 (6.61") 150 (5.90") 185 (7.28") 230 (9.06") 270 (10.63") 270 (10.63") 230 (9.06") 260 (10.24") 290 (11.42") 350 (13.78") 350 (13.78") MOTOR MOTOR HP 1750 RPM 3500 RPM FRAME 1 HP 1.5 HP 145TC 1.5 HP 2 HP 2 HP 145TC 3 HP 182TC 3 HP 182TC 5 HP 5 HP 7.5 HP 184TC 213TC 10 HP 15 HP 15 HP 215TC 215TC 254TC 20 HP 20 HP 184TC 184TC 7.5 HP 10 HP 143TC 256TC 256TC F 281 (11.06") 281 (11.06") 281 (11.06") 313 (12.31") 348 (13.69") 347 (13.68") 386 (15.18") 386 (15.18") 388 (15.27") 388 (15.27") 436 (17.15") 447 (17.59") 491 (19.34") 499 (19.66") L ØG 183 (7.19") 183 (7.19") 183 (7.19") 183 (7.19") 183 (7.19") 216 (8.50") 216 (8.50") 216 (8.50") 263 (10.34") 263 (10.34") 263 (10.34") 263 (10.34") 263 (10.34") 336 (13.25") H 89 (3.50") 89 (3.50") 89 (3.50") 114 (4.50") 114 (4.50") 114 (4.50") 114 (4.50") 114 (4.50") 133 (5.25") 133 (5.25") 133 (5.25") 159 (6.25") 159 (6.25") 159 (6.25") il-0657 DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES) J K M L 133 (5.22") 133 (5.22") 133 (5.22") 132 (5.21") 132 (5.21") 152 (5.97") 152 (5.97") 152 (5.97") 189 (7.46") 189 (7.46") 189 (7.46") 225 (8.88") 225 (8.88") 239 (9.42") 102 (4.00") 102 (4.00") 102 (4.00") 140 (5.50") 140 (5.50") 140 (5.50") 140 (5.50") 140 (5.50") 140 (5.50") 140 (5.50") 140 (5.50") 210 (8.25") 254 (10.00") 254 (10.00") 140 (5.50") 140 (5.50") 140 (5.50") 191 (7.50") 191 (7.50") 191 (7.50") 191 (7.50") 191 (7.50") 216 (8.50") 216 (8.50") 216 (8.50") 254 (10.00") 254 (10.00") 254 (10.00") 70 (2.75") 70 (2.75") 70 (2.75") 89 (3.50") 89 (3.50") 89 (3.50") 89 (3.50") 89 (3.50") 108 (4.25") 108 (4.25") 108 (4.25") 121 (4.75") 121 (4.75") 121 (4.75") N 120 (4.72") 120 (4.72") 120 (4.72") 140 (5.53") 140 (5.53") 140 (5.53") 140 (5.53") 140 (5.53") 140 (5.53") 140 (5.53") 140 (5.53") 169 (6.65") 169 (6.65") 169 (6.65") ØP 8.7 (11/32") 8.7 (11/32") 8.7 (11/32") 10.3 (13/32") 10.3 (13/32") 10.3 (13/32") 10.3 (13/32") 10.3 (13/32") 10.3 (13/32") 10.3 (13/32") 10.3 (13/32") 13.5 (17/32") 13.5 (17/32") 13.5 (17/32") Q 356 (14.00") 356 (14.00") 356 (14.00") 356 (14.00") 356 (14.00") 356 (14.00") 356 (14.00") 356 (14.00") 356 (14.00") 356 (14.00") 356 (14.00") 406 (16.00") 406 (16.00") 406 (16.00") 1265000540 56 FPX Double Flange Dimensional Drawing All pump dimensions are in millimeters (inches). Dimensions are based on clamp fittings. Motor dimensions may vary by manufacturer. Q H D C L OUTLET B INLET A BALDOR ØJ ØE K 117.5 (4.62") ØR M S PUMP MODEL P 44.5 (1.75") MAX. ADJ. INLET OUTLET DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES) ØE A B C D FPX 1051 4" 4" FPX 1151 4" 4" FPX 1161 4" 4" FPX 1161 6" 4" FPX 1742 2.5" 2" FPX 3532 2.5" 2" FPX 3542 3" 2.5" FPX 3452 3" 2" FPX 3552 3" 2.5" 250 (9.84") 250 (9.84") 250 (9.84") 250 (9.84") 200 (7.87") 191 (7.52") 211 (8.31") 211 (8.31") 231 (9.09") 170 (6.69") 170 (6.69") 170 (6.69") 170 (6.69") 91 (3.58") 95 (3.74") 115 (4.53") 140 (5.51") 140 (5.51") 167 (6.57") 110.5 (4.35") 110.5 (4.35") 111 (4.37") 104 (4.09") 115.5 (4.55") 118 (4.64") 114 (4.49") 119 (4.68") ADJ. LEGS (OPTIONAL) N 202.5 (7.97") 146 (5.75") 146 (5.75") 146 (5.75") 153 (6.02") 164.5 (6.48") 164.5 (6.48") 160.5 (6.32") 170.5 (6.71") 406 (15.98") 406 (15.98") 406 (15.98") 406 (15.98") 270 (10.63") 260 (10.24") 290 (11.42") 350 (13.78") 350 (13.78") MOTOR HP MOTOR 1750 RPM 3500 RPM FRAME 7.5 HP 213TC 10 HP 215TC 15 HP 254TC 20 HP 256TC 25 HP 284TC 25 HP 30 HP 284TSC 286TC 30 HP 40 HP 286TSC 324TC 40 HP 50 HP 324TSC 326TC 50 HP 326TSC H 388 (15.27") 416 (16.40") 447 (17.59") 499 (19.66") 588 (23.13") 588 (23.13") 588 (23.13") 588 (23.13") 636 (25.00") 636 (25.00") 636 (25.00") 636 (25.00") ØJ 263 (10.34") 263 (10.34") 270 (10.62") 320 (12.60") 367 (14.44") 367 (14.44") 367 (14.44") 367 (14.44") 413 (16.25") 413 (16.25") 413 (16.25") 413 (16.25") DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES) P K L M N 133 (5.25") 133 (5.25") 159 (6.25") 159 (6.25") 178 (7.00") 178 (7.00") 178 (7.00") 178 (7.00") 203 (8.00") 203 (8.00") 203 (8.00") 203 (8.00") 189 (7.46") 189 (7.46") 226 (8.88") 239 (9.42") 333 (13.11") 333 (13.11") 333 (13.11") 333 (13.11") 371 (14.62") 371 (14.62") 371 (14.62") 371 (14.62") 140 (5.50") 178 (7.00") 210 (8.25") 254 (10.00") 241 (9.50") 241 (9.50") 279 (11.00") 279 (11.00") 267 (10.50") 267 (10.50") 305 (12.00") 305 (12.00") 216 (8.50") 216 (8.50") 254 (10.00") 254 (10.00") 279 (11.00") 279 (11.00") 279 (11.00") 279 (11.00") 318 (12.50") 318 (12.50") 318 (12.50") 318 (12.50") 108 (4.25") 108 (4.25") 121 (4.75") 121 (4.75") 121 (4.75") 121 (4.75") 121 (4.75") 121 (4.75") 133 (5.25") 133 (5.25") 133 (5.25") 133 (5.25") il-0661 Q 200 (7.87") 200 (7.87") 200 (7.87") 200 (7.87") 200 (7.87") 200 (7.87") 200 (7.87") 200 (7.87") 216 (8.50") 216 (8.50") 216 (8.50") 216 (8.50") ØR 10.3 (13/32") 10.3 (13/32") 13.5 (17/32") 13.5 (17/32") 13.5 (17/32") 13.5 (17/32") 13.5 (17/32") 13.5 (17/32") 16.7 (21/32") 16.7 (21/32") 16.7 (21/32") 16.7 (21/32") S 470 (18.50") 470 (18.50") 444 (17.50") 470 (18.50") 444 (17.50") 444 (17.50") 444 (17.50") 444 (17.50") 470 (18.50") 470 (18.50") 470 (18.50") 470 (18.50") il-0660 57 FPR Single Flange Dimensional Drawing All pump dimensions are in millimeters (inches). Dimensions are based on clamp fittings. Motor dimensions may vary by manufacturer. P L T B Outlet D C E A Inlet M N X Ø V Adjustable Legs (Optional) R Z Q S Y Max. Leg Adjustment W MOTOR HP 1750 RPM 3500 RPM 1 HP 1.5 HP 1.5 HP 2 HP 143TC 145TC 2 HP 145TC 3 HP 182TC 3 HP 182TC 5 HP 5 HP 184TC 184TC 7.5 HP 7.5 HP 184TC 213TC 10 HP 10 HP 215TC 215TC 15 HP 15 HP 215TC 254TC 20 HP 20 HP 256TC 256TC 25 HP 284TSC 30 HP 286TSC 40 HP 324TSC 50 HP 326TSC 25 HP 284TC 30 HP 286TC 40 HP 50 HP MOTOR FRAME 324TC 326TC L M N P Q R S T V W X Y Z 284 11.18" 284 11.18" 284 11.18" 340 13.39" 354 13.94" 354 13.94" 354 13.94" 423 16.65" 403 15.87" 403 15.87" 416 16.38" 515 20.28" 499 19.65" 499 19.65" 499 19.65" 588 23.15" 588 23.15" 588 23.15" 588 23.15" 636 25.04" 636 25.04" 636 25.04" 636 25.04" 175 6.89" 175 6.89" 175 6.89" 221 8.7" 221 8.7" 221 8.7" 221 8.7" 221 8.7" 260 10.25" 260 10.25" 260 10.25" 260 10.25" 327 12.87" 327 12.87" 327 12.87" 371 14.63" 371 14.63" 371 14.63" 371 14.63" 419 16.5" 419 16.5" 419 16.5" 419 16.5" 89 3.5" 89 3.5" 89 3.5" 114 4.5" 114 4.5" 114 4.5" 114 4.5" 114 4.5" 133 5.25" 133 5.25" 133 5.25" 133 5.25" 159 6.25" 159 6.25" 159 6.25" 178 7" 178 7" 178 7" 178 7" 203 8" 203 8" 203 8" 203 8" 133 5.25" 133 5.25" 133 5.25" 149 5.87" 149 5.87" 149 5.87" 149 5.87" 149 5.87" 187 7.38" 187 7.38" 187 7.38" 187 7.38" 244 9.63" 244 9.63" 244 9.63" 333 13.13" 333 13.13" 333 13.13" 333 13.13" 359 14.13" 359 14.13" 359 14.13" 359 14.13" 101.6 4" 127 5" 127 5" 114 4.5" 114 4.5" 140 5.5" 140 5.5" 140 5.5" 140 5.5" 178 7" 178 7" 178 7" 210 8.25" 254 10" 254 10" 241 9.5" 241 9.5" 279 11" 279 11" 267 10.5" 267 10.5" 305 12" 305 12" 140 5.5" 140 5.5" 140 5.5" 191 7.5" 191 7.5" 191 7.5" 191 7.5" 191 7.5" 216 8.5" 216 8.5" 216 8.5" 216 8.5" 254 10" 254 10" 254 10" 279 11" 279 11" 279 11" 279 11" 318 12.5" 318 12.5" 318 12.5" 318 12.5" 127 5" 127 5" 127 5" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 102 4" 102 4" 102 4" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 120 4.72" 120 4.72" 120 4.72" 169 6.65" 169 6.65" 169 6.65" 169 6.65" 169 6.65" 169 6.65" 169 6.65" 169 6.65" 169 6.65" 169 6.65" 169 6.65" 169 6.65" 179 7.05" 179 7.05" 179 7.05" 179 7.05" 179 7.05" 179 7.05" 179 7.05" 179 7.05" 8.7 0.34" 8.7 0.34" 8.7 0.34" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 13.5 0.53" 13.5 0.53" 13.5 0.53" 13.5 0.53" 13.5 0.53" 13.5 0.53" 13.5 0.53" 16.7 0.66" 16.7 0.66" 16.7 0.66" 16.7 0.66" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 406 16" 406 16" 406 16" 445 17.5" 445 17.5" 445 17.5" 445 17.5" 470 18.5" 470 18.5" 470 18.5" 470 18.5" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 118 4.63" 118 4.63" 118 4.63" 118 4.63" 118 4.63" 118 4.63" 118 4.63" 118 4.63" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 57.2 2.25" 57.2 2.25" 57.2 2.25" 69.9 2.75" 69.9 2.75" 69.9 2.75" 69.9 2.75" 69.9 2.75" 88.9 3.5" 88.9 3.5" 88.9 3.5" 88.9 3.5" 108.0 4.25" 108.0 4.25" 108.0 4.25" 120.7 4.75" 120.7 4.75" 120.7 4.75" 120.7 4.75" 133.4 5.25" 133.4 5.25" 133.4 5.25" 133.4 5.25" 1265000463 58 PUMP MODEL INLET OUTLET FPR 701/702 1.5" 1.5" FPR 711/712 2" 1.5" FPR 721/731/722 2" 1.5" FPR 741/742 2.5" 2" FPR 1741/1742 2.5" 2" FPR 3521/3522 2.5" 2" FPR 3531/3532 2.5" 2" FPR 3541/3542 3" 2.5" 1265000202 Rev A B C A D 108 4.25" 144 5.67" 170 6.69" 195 7.68" 200 7.87" 190 7.48" 191 7.52" 211 8.31" 44.5 1.75" 58 2.28" 79 3.11" 96 3.78" 91 3.58" 80 3.15" 95 3.74" 115 4.53" 106.5 4.19" 113 4.45" 113 4.45" 101 3.98" 104 4.09" 118 4.65" 115.5 4.55" 118 4.65" 139.5 5.49" 145 5.71" 145 5.71" 136 5.35" 145.5 5.73" 157.5 6.2" 157.5 6.2" 157.5 6.2" E 150 5.91" 185 7.28" 230 9.06" 270 10.63" 270 10.63" 230 9.06" 260 10.24" 290 11.42" FPR Double Flange Dimensional Drawing All pump dimensions are in millimeters (inches). Dimensions are based on clamp fittings. Motor dimensions may vary by manufacturer. T L D Z P C B Outlet Ø E A Inlet M N Q X R Adjustable Legs (Optional) Ø V S Y Max. Leg Adjustment W 1265000203 Rev C MOTOR HP 1750 RPM 3500 RPM 3 HP 182TC 5 HP 184TC 7.5 HP 184TC 10 HP 215TC 3 HP 182TC 5 HP 184TC 7.5 HP 10 HP MOTOR FRAME 213TC 15 HP 15 HP 215TC 254TC 20 HP 20 HP 256TC 256TC 25 HP 284TC 25 HP 284TSC 30 HP 286TSC 40 HP 324TSC 50 HP 326TSC 60 HP 364TSC 75 HP 365TSC 30 HP 286TC 40 HP 324TC 50 HP 326TC 60 HP 364TC 75 HP 365TC L M N P Q R S T V W X Y Z 313 12.32" 348 13.7" 347 13.66" 386 15.2" 386 15.2" 388 15.28" 388 15.28" 436 17.17" 447 17.6" 491 19.33" 499 19.65" 588 23.15" 588 23.15" 588 23.15" 588 23.15" 636 25.04" 636 25.04" 636 25.04" 636 25.04" 685 26.97" 685 26.97" 685 26.97" 685 26.97" 221 8.7" 221 8.7" 221 8.7" 221 8.7" 221 8.7" 260 10.25" 260 10.25" 260 10.25" 327 12.87" 327 12.87" 327 12.87" 371 14.63" 371 14.63" 371 14.63" 371 14.63" 419 16.5" 419 16.5" 419 16.5" 419 16.5" 470 18.5" 470 18.5" 470 18.5" 470 18.5" 114 4.5" 114 4.5" 114 4.5" 114 4.5" 114 4.5" 133 5.25" 133 5.25" 133 5.25" 159 6.25" 159 6.25" 159 6.25" 178 7" 178 7" 178 7" 178 7" 203 8" 203 8" 203 8" 203 8" 229 9" 229 9" 229 9" 229 9" 149 5.87" 149 5.87" 149 5.87" 149 5.87" 149 5.87" 187 7.38" 187 7.38" 187 7.38" 244 9.63" 244 9.63" 244 9.63" 333 13.13" 333 13.13" 333 13.13" 333 13.13" 359 14.13" 359 14.13" 359 14.13" 359 14.13" 383 15.06" 383 15.06" 383 15.06" 383 15.06" 114 4.5" 114 4.5" 140 5.5" 140 5.5" 140 5.5" 140 5.5" 178 7" 178 7" 210 8.25" 254 10" 254 10" 241 9.5" 241 9.5" 279 11" 279 11" 267 10.5" 267 10.5" 305 12" 305 12" 286 11.25" 286 11.25" 311 12.25" 311 12.25" 191 7.5" 191 7.5" 191 7.5" 191 7.5" 191 7.5" 216 8.5" 216 8.5" 216 8.5" 254 10" 254 10" 254 10" 279 11" 279 11" 279 11" 279 11" 318 12.5" 318 12.5" 318 12.5" 318 12.5" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 102 4" 102 4" 102 4" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 89 3.5" 89 3.5" 89 3.5" 89 3.5" 160 6.3" 160 6.3" 160 6.3" 160 6.3" 160 6.3" 160 6.3" 160 6.3" 160 6.3" 160 6.3" 160 6.3" 160 6.3" 174 6.85" 174 6.85" 174 6.85" 174 6.85" 209 8.23" 209 8.23" 209 8.23" 209 8.23" 209 8.23" 209 8.23" 209 8.23" 209 8.23" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 10.3 0.41" 13.5 0.53" 13.5 0.53" 13.5 0.53" 13.5 0.53" 13.5 0.53" 13.5 0.53" 13.5 0.53" 16.7 0.66" 16.7 0.66" 16.7 0.66" 16.7 0.66" 16.7 0.66" 16.7 0.66" 16.7 0.66" 16.7 0.66" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 356 14" 406 16" 406 16" 406 16" 445 17.5" 445 17.5" 445 17.5" 445 17.5" 470 18.5" 470 18.5" 470 18.5" 470 18.5" 508 20" 508 20" 508 20" 508 20" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 98 3.86" 118 4.63" 118 4.63" 118 4.63" 118 4.63" 118 4.63" 118 4.63" 118 4.63" 118 4.63" 127 5" 127 5" 127 5" 127 5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 38 1.5" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 45 1.75" 69.9 2.75" 69.9 2.75" 69.9 2.75" 69.9 2.75" 69.9 2.75" 88.9 3.5" 88.9 3.5" 88.9 3.5" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 108 4.25" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 121 4.75" 133 5.25" 133 5.25" 133 5.25" 133 5.25" 149 5.87" 149 5.87" 149 5.87" 149 5.87" 1265000463 59 PUMP MODEL INLET OUTLET FPR 751/752 3" 2" FPR 3451/3452 3" 2" FPR 3551/3552 3" 2.5" FPR 1051 4" 4" FPR 1161 4" 4" A B 205 8.07" 211 8.31" 230 9.06" 250 9.84" 250 9.84" 145 5.71" 140 5.51" 140 5.51" 170 6.69" 170 6.69" C D E 99 142 379 3.9" 5.59" 14.92" 114 160.5 350 4.49" 6.32" 13.78" 119 170 350 4.69" 6.69" 13.78" 167 202.5 406 6.57" 7.97" 15.98" 110.5 146 406 4.35" 5.75" 15.98" FPR Double Flange Dimensional Drawing Model 4001 232 [9.13"] A 239.5 [9.43"] 228.5 [9.00"] D 127.8 [5.03"] 4" SANITARY CLAMP 300.5 [11.83"] B 6" SANITARY CLAMP 4X ØH E 440 [ 17.32"] C ADJUSTABLE LEGS (OPTIONAL) K G J 44.4 [1.75"] MAX. ADJ. F 1265000053 8/19/02 MOTOR HP MOTOR FRAME 40 HP 324TC 50 HP 326TC 60 HP 364TC 75 HP 365TC 100 HP 405TC A B C D E F G ØH J K 636 25" 636 25" 684 26.9" 684 26.9" 782 30.8" 418 16.5" 418 16.5" 470 18.5" 470 18.5" 520 20.5" 203 8" 203 8" 229 9" 229 9" 254 10" 371 14.6" 371 14.6" 380 15" 380 15" 477 18.8" 267 10.5" 305 12" 286 11.3" 311 12.2" 349 13.7" 317 12.5" 317 12.5" 355 14" 355 14" 406 16" 133 5.2" 133 5.2" 149 5.9" 149 5.9" 168 6.6" 16.7 0.7" 16.7 0.7" 16.7 0.7" 16.7 0.7" 20.6 0.8" 470 18.5" 470 18.5" 508 20" 508 20" 508 20" 117 4.6" 117 4.6" 127 5" 127 5" 127 5" 1265000054 1/28/2008 60 CENTRIFUGAL POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT Fristam Pumps USA 2410 Parview Road Middleton, WI 53562-2524 MIXING & BLENDING Tel +1 800 841 5001 Fax +1 608 831 8467 fristam@fristampumps.com www.fristam.com/usa Part #1050000103 ©2014 Fristam Pumps USA
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