Brisport_2015_01 - Brisbane Sporting Car Club


Brisport_2015_01 - Brisbane Sporting Car Club
Brisport – January 2015
What’s in this month’s edition?
President’s Report
View our Board member profiles
A report on the Silver Fern from Club Member Ed Mulligan
Dates for events in 2015
Stewards report from Lockyer 300
Spend 5 minutes with a couple of our officials
A report from Paul Woodward on the KCF Forest Finale
TJM Lockyer 300 Report from CoC Barry Neuendorff
Brisport – January 2015
Dear BSCC Members.
The festive season has now slipped by as quickly as it came, and I hope
everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and Festive Season with family and
friends. Having endured the hectic time that accompanies this time of the
year, it leaves us facing another twelve months similar to the previous,
working through day to day activities, making ends meet and facing the
obstacles that life deals out. The only differences will be the effects that our
New Year Resolutions impose.
The same circumstances for the coming year, to a certain extent, apply to
the operation of the car club, making decisions for better operations,
financial, and expansion of members.
The Board has again programmed a full year of activities, and is constantly
streamlining the operation to effectively work smarter than harder, and
curbing expenses for day to day operations, to and including, the cost of
promoting our events. With these pressures constantly increasing, and
conformity becoming more involved, I can say the Board has performed an
incredible job throughout 2014, and that you as members, have a
dedicated band of men and women tirelessly working on your behalf.
The Officials of the events in 2015 have our heartfelt thanks for the time,
effort and financial expense bestowed to the club, to make these events
successful, not only in their operation, but to deliver finances to the club. My
report for the AGM in March will have a full breakup of these events and an
expanded report of the club’s activities and finances.
In closing, on behalf of the Board, I extend to you every success for the
coming year, and that 2015 will bring you joy and happiness along with
health and prosperity.
Barry Neuendorff
Brisport – January 2015
You’ve just done a smooth and fast stage of 46km in 24 minutes at a 115 kph average, and others
were a bit quicker!
Yes the Epay (not EBay) Silver Fern was an 8 day event, starting at Picton at the top of the NZ
South Island on a Saturday and finishing in Queenstown the next Saturday afternoon.
Five Aussie crews competed. They were NSW’s John Hills / Mick Tuckey and son David Hills / Paul
Bennett in a pair of British built BDAs, and QLD crew John Spencer and veteran Tony Best in an ex
works Nissan 240RS. Keith and Maryanne Callinan from Mackay ran their BDA Escort. I ran my
BMW 325i with Cate Kelly from QLD telling me where to go (she’s got the gift!).
There’s no pace notes, just blind rallying with the route disclosed before. Some pommy crews
print these off as large as possible and use them to describe the corners coming up. Maybe
that’s why they crashed occasionally (or regularly in some cases).
Look at the Silver Fern Rally site at the maps and
you’ll see it’s a real marathon event. 1,000 plus
competitive klms and a few thousand transport
stages; great roads, beautiful scenery and an
ideal climate for such an event.
As the BMW now resides on the South Island, Paul
Goatley (my mate who fettles it) was crew chief
with his young mate Brad and a young American
bike mechanic Alex as the other crew. Steve
King, a mate from the Gold Coast (alias Carbon
Footprint), completed the crew.
We borrowed Derek Ayson’s diesel Ford Transit van and Paul’s Triton ute and car trailer to carry
the gear from service points and overnight stops.
The overnight stops were in Blenheim, Westport, Christchurch, Timaru, Dunedin, Invercargill,
Wanaka and Queenstown. Are you tired yet?
The crews are allowed an hour every night (approx. 6pm) to service the cars and put them into
park ferme for the night. You can keep your car out for one night during the event without
penalty to repair it if necessary.
John Spencer rolled on the last corner of the day going into Dunedin and luckily had the
windscreen and panels at a local rally boy’s place. The rally boy, Tony Johnstone and John’s
crew repaired it overnight and he held 4th outright from there till the end.
Our BMW had a driveline and suspension failure on day 3 and we repaired it in Christchurch and
lost minimal time. Going into Invercargill our brake calipers wore out from rock / stone damage.
The boys put it into park ferme without any rears and refitted them on the first transport next
morning. We borrowed the calipers from a local rally boy. Isn’t it great getting brake failure at
high speed?
Brisport – January 2015
The roads got smoother and faster as we went south and tyre wear was minimal as the temp was
only 10 – 15 degrees.
This is great when you’re in a car warmed by the extractors and
Wearing a driving suit for nearly 12 hours a day is better at these temperatures. Luckily we had
great weather with only one or two wet stages.
Co-drivers like Cate had to interpret the tulips and make the calls. Sometimes it was 8 or 10 kms
between the calls so it’s up to the driver to frighten the co-driver and keep them awake.
With the majority of stages on shire style “Bega” roads, this event is one I’ve now done twice and
loved every minute. Those of you who have been to the Otago event will know what I mean.
The field had a huge number of BDA Escorts with about 8 coming from the UK. There was another
late model BMW CSL, Toyota Sprinters, Lancer turbo, Honda Civic, Toyota 86 and even a lone old
There is another rally event called the Silver
Frond that joins the Fern for the last 3 days
of competition. It’s the budget event and
another 10 competitors joined in. These
included VIP pet foods boss Tony Quinn in
his BDA Escort. The last stage was held at
his Highlands Park racetrack at Cromwell
near Queenstown.
Whilst it was not a timed part of the event,
it was a good way to scrap four old rally
tyres and put on a show for the small
crowd of competitors and their crews.
The Silver Fern event was won by Pommy
Vince Bristow in one of my friend Bryce
Biggs’ BDA rent-a-cars.
Our BMW team
came 5 in the Challenge category and 2nd in class. It’s just great to finish 8 days of great rallying
on NZ roads.
My sincere thanks to my crew - Cate Kelly, Paul Goatley, Brad and Alex, plus Steve King.
looking forward to the next one in 2016.
Ed Mulligan
Brisport – January 2015
14 February 2015
18 April 2015
Queensland Rally
21 March 2015
16 May 2015
19-21 June 2015
15-16 August 2015
7 November 2015
27-29 March
15-17 May
19 - 21 June
10-13 September
30 Oct - 01 Nov
BSCC Club Rallies other than QRC & APRC/ARC
Multi Club Rally with Peter Flynn as Clerk of Course
Short Course Pace Noted Event with Margot Knowles as
Clerk of Course
Organising Club/Location
BSCC - Manumbar
CQMSC - Wowan
BSCC - Imbil (International Rally of Qld)
GCTMSC - Border Ranges
BSCC - Imbil
Australian Rally Championship
3 & APRC
4 & WRC
10-12 April
5-8 June
24-26 July
11-13 September
16-18 October
17 - 19 April
15- 17 May
19 - 21 June
03 - 05 July
14 - 16 August
18 - 20 September
30 Oct - 01 Nov
Asia Pacific Rally Championship
APRC Pacific Cup Junior Cup
APRC Pacific Cup Junior Cup
APRC Pacific Cup Junior Cup & Australian Rally
Asia Cup
APRC Asia Cup Junior Cup
APRC Asia Cup Junior Cup
APRC Asia Cup
Brisport – January 2015
04 - 06 December
WRC Dates
22 - 25 January
12 - 15 February
05 - 08 March
23 - 26 April
21 - 24 May
11 - 15 June
02 - 05 July
30 July - 02 August
20 - 23 August
10 - 13 September
01 - 04 October
22 - 25 October
12 - 15 November
Great Britain
APRC Asia Cup
*Some dates are provisional and subject to confirmation by the organizing club and CAMS
Brisport – January 2015
Brisport – January 2015
Spend 5 minutes with a couple of our officials
Margaret Mackay
What’s your occupation : Retired – plus Club
volunteer Administration Officer – and work part
How long have you been a motorsport official and
what got you started: Since about the early 1970’s.
Husband Keith was navigating and I was in the
Service car. After Keith stopped navigating we did
controls for a few years – then had a break – boating
and 4WD driving. In 1990 Fred van Tuinen asked
Keith to go with him as step up with him for the ARC.
That next year is when I decided that I was not
staying home, so Son Gary and I went and did a
control – the first year that BSCC used beams at the
flying finish. Since then Keith & I have been
involved, working our way up the ladder from control officials - stage commanders - Course Car, then I
took on Secretary for ARC for numerous years with Keith as my back stop. The first years of Secretary
also took in scoring and I have kept doing the scoring for events. I have also been secretary for many
other BSCC Events. And a big highlight for me was receiving CAMS Official of the Year in 2002 and Life
Membership of BSCC in 2005
What events do you like to officiate at: Rallies and Off-Road (but you’ll pretty much see Margaret at
What do you enjoy most about your participation: The camaraderie between all the people involved and
the way people just get on with the job – the attitude of people to make things happen. Just enjoy being
out in the bush.
What do you enjoy the least about your participation: Packing up and going home.
Brisport – January 2015
Barry Farrell
What’s your occupation : Retired
How long have you been a motorsport official and what got
you started: I first started competing in rallies in the late 60’s.
I had started work at BP and met a few people there who
were involved. After doing a few controls, I thought I have to
be in this. I quickly started competing and did so until 1974
when I moved out of Brisbane for work. I was
director/assistant Director of a number of rallies in the 70’s
including the two night BP Rallies that stopped over in Miles.
I competed in the 1971 Dulux Rally and the 1972 BP Rally of
South East Australia. I returned to Brisbane in 1994 and eventually rekindled my interest. I now act as an
official as often as I can and look forward to every event.
What events do you like to officiate at: Rallies and Off-Road
What do you enjoy most about your participation: I enjoy the atmosphere that surrounds a rally. Now that I
have retired, it is an interest that is enjoyable and you certainly get to meet a lot of good people. It is
amazing just how many people from the 60’s / 70’s are still involved or their children are now competing. I
particularly enjoy the rallies that involve going away. We love camping at Gallangowan, Imbil or heading to
Coffs Harbour for Rally Australia. It combines the both activities that we enjoy.
What do you enjoy the least about your participation: The mud and the dust but a glass of red at the end of
the day makes you quickly forget!
If you’re an official we’d love to hear your answer to our “5 Minutes with an Official” – send your
answers and of course a photo to
Brisport – January 2015
17 – 19 October 2014
Address: Brisbane Sporting Car Club Ltd, 16/23 Ashtan Place, Banyo 4014
Website: Email: Facebook:
TJM LOCKYER 300 OFF ROAD EVENT 17th 18th 19th OCTOBER 2014.
Firstly I must thank TJM for their support for the second year and without them
the event would not be financially viable. Thanks to the Lockyer Valley
Regional Council who for the last three years has supported us both
financially, and along with services and equipment. Without their valued
support the dream of this event wouldn’t have lifted off the ground. We
thank both of them, TJM and the Council for having confidence in our
operation and expertise to deliver these events at a level of their
expectations. To all our minor and class sponsors listed on this page we
thank you also for your generosity in supporting us.
The event is now well and truly over, and has been run and won, but some of
the post event work continues being the motive to hold off with an event
report until all work and finances have been dealt with and finalised.
However, below is a blanket view of the event. The four days prior went well
with officials arriving early and helping set up the course and the HQ
Precinct. The operation was well and truly on time until a storm on Friday
night lifted up the large TJM Marquee and dumped it onto the club’s white
marquees, demolishing them to absolute smithereens. At the time, I was
attending scrutineering and a Stewards Meeting at the Laidley Showground
when I was advised of the disaster, which I must say put me into a frantic
distressed spin. Visions of our VIP lounge and catering marquee now in tatters
I had no idea how we were going to seat and feed property owners and
sponsors. Not knowing where to turn, I phoned my old mate Nashy, who was
thankfully officiating at the event, who took control of the situation, cleaned
up the disaster zone and re-erected the TJM Marquee. Performing his magic,
he procured extra TJM pop-ups, helped Kerry, Pammy and Michael re-set
the tables with table cloths and cutlery, repositioned the chairs and the
infrastructure and away we went. What a relief, and thanks heaps to the
four of them.
Saturday started exceptionally well under hot and dusty conditions until that
massive crash during the prologue, thankfully, no serious injuries were
suffered by the crew, although taken to hospital for observation. Thanks to
Brisport – January 2015
Tim, his medical and rescue team for their professional performances in
attending to the crew and handling the crash site.
My sincerest thanks must go to all the officials who came and helped, either
leading into the event, during the event or dismantling the event along with
the clean-up. Due to their expertise the event ran on time for the two days
producing some great racing by those massive machines without any further
Nashy, Pammy, Kerry and Michael have done a wonderful job with the
catering under makeshift conditions and under the guidance of Kerry,
compliments on their capabilitities kept flowing.
I cannot thank the Organising Team enough for their professionalism, and
expertise in performing their duties under the extreme conditions. Thanks to
the LVRC and Graham Emmerson for their water trucks that must have
dumped thousands of litres of water onto the HQ Precinct and spectator
area. Thanks to Shane Wilson for driving the LVRC truck and to Simon and
Margot for supplying their Off Road vehicle and performing the duties of
Event Checker.
The post event activities mentioned above has to do with the restoration of
the course and the unexpected costs associated with it. All I can advise at
the moment is that a grader and operator has been employed to repair the
course and the berms due to the massive damage done by those high horse
powered machines digging their way to China. To add to this frustration,
during the grading of the course, the grader slipped off the course and over
the side of the hill, luckily no one was hurt.
I should be in a position to deliver up to date details, more than likely in the
forthcoming weeks and probably in the next Presidents Report. One update I
can provide at this point is that CAMS has again awarded the club the
opportunity to promote the final round in 2015. This will be the fourth year
that the club has promoted the event.
Barry Neuendorff
Clerk of Course
Brisport – January 2015
Brisport – January 2015
Brisport – January 2015
Brisport – January 2015
A Blast from the past!
Thanks to Barry Farrell for keeping the article this long.
Brisport – January 2015
KCF Rallysport Forest Finale
22 November 2014
Event Report – From Clerk of Course Paul Woodward
The KCF Rallysport Forest Finale was held on Saturday 22 November 2014 and as it was the last
round of the 2014 Hankook Tyre Queensland Rally Championship, the Imbil State Forest was to
provide a challenging arena for a close battle to win the Championship.
The organising team had put together a testing event with 4 stages in the Imbil State Forest run 3
times for the QRC and All-Comers and twice for the Clubman entrants. The total competitive
distance was more than 118kms with a compact itinerary that kept the pressure on the crews from
start to finish.
A strong field of 43 entrants assembled on a very hot day at the Imbil Showgrounds and all eyes
were on Ian Menzies/Bob McGowan (Car 1) and Matt Van Tuinen/Erin Kelly (Car 2) who were
separated by only a few points for the Championship win.
The entry list looked like a “Who’s Who” of Queensland rallying with notable entries including
Wayne Menzies/Chris Baxter, Mike Bailey/Matt Harriott, Ryan Smart/John McCarthy and Dave
Feron/Craig Mole.
The itinerary comprised Stage 1 (Breakneck) which was 12.75kms of this well-known IROQ stage
with a run downhill over the last 3 kilometres. This was followed by Stage 2 (Western Gully) which
was 9.11kms of parts of Western Creek Rd, the APRC test area near Casey’s Gully Rd before a run
across the ridge to Casey’s Gully Road. Stage 3 (South Branch) was a 11.59km run through the
familiar IROQ roads of Melawondi, Dwyer and Branch Logging Areas and its started within the
Forestry areas and finished at the end of Branch Rd near Yabba Creek Rd. Stage 4 (Scorpion
Long) was 5.99kms and included run through the technical roads of Little Derrier before a quick
run down Derrier Rd and a circuit through the Cutters Camp Creek Crossing before finishing on
Derrier Rd.
Stage 1 saw Matt Van Tuinen take the lead by 7 seconds from Ian Menzies before extending that
lead by a further 20 seconds in Stage 2. Ian Menzies fought back in Stages 3 and 4 to draw level
with Matt Van Tuinen at the first service. The hot weather was already testing cars and crews alike
with several withdrawals for car overheating and some crews being treated by the QAS
paramedics for heat symptoms. All crews recovered however some decided to withdraw to fully
recover. The QAS paramedics did not need to make any formal medical reports but their advice
was that rally crews need to prepare for hot weather events in the same way as extreme athletes
do in the week or more before the event. A number of engines and turbos also failed and
withdrawals were starting to increase.
Section 2 saw another close fight between Ian Menzies and Matt Van Tuinen with the lead seesawing as the stages were completed. A close look at the score sheet showed a brilliant run by
Phil Casper in his Ford Escort Mk 2 had him in third place at the end of Section 2, beating many
4WD cars and other favored entrants. Mechanical failure and a slight roll for Jordan Lawson
could have spelt disaster, but Jordan restarted the night stages of Section 3. The Clubman field
finished at the end of Stage 8 and Shaun and Annette Dragona won the Clubman event with a
Brisport – January 2015
very good drive in testing conditions. Rob Parkinson/Darelle Dawes were 2 nd Clubman ahead of
Steve Bailey and Marney Kucharski.
Section 3 was run over the same 4 stages in darkness and many predictions were made about
how drivers would handle stages in conditions that were not very common in 2014. After another
tight tussle through Stages 9 and 10, Matt van Tuinen/Erin Kelly drew ahead of Ian Menzies/Bob
McGowan to win the event and the QRC by just 12 seconds over 118 kms of tough rallying. Phil
Casper/Chris Hamilton were third outright in the Escort.
A total of 19 cars finished the event and all competitors were happy to cool down. Keith Fackrell
was at hand to present the trophies after the event in the Imbil Showgrounds Hall and everyone
settled own to relax and think over what had been a hard event where mechanical problems,
vehicle overheating and some crew sickness took their toll.
Clerk of the Course, Paul Woodward thanked his organising team of Matt Sosimenko, Ian Gorski,
Cameron Gorski and Kylie Hopkins and the ever reliable scoring team of Lois Collings and Marg
Mackay. Paul also thanked Keith Fackrell and Cate Kelly for their sponsorship of the event and
made mention of the Course car teams, and the four stage teams that were ably led by Tony
Kabel, Dave Martin, Adrian Clark and Dick Owen.
Competitors commented on how they needed to better prepare for hot events and expressed
thanks to the organisers for an event that used new combinations of roads in a very familiar area.
Brisport – January 2015
For Sale
Subaru WRX Model Year: 1998
Registration: 885TPF
Road Worthy/ Registered Car
149,000km (Engine
40,000km) Car is in Great condition with huge amount of work done, is currently used as daily
Whiteline Front and Rear Strut Brace
Whiteline Front 22mm adjustable and Rear adjustable 22mm Sway
bars Whiteline Anti-Lift kit
Whiteline MAX-C adjustable Strut Top hats (Maximum Castor and
DMS 40mm adjustable Coil overs (Camber, Bound/Rebound, Ride
height) STi front lower control arms with extra castor plate for even
more castor. Whiteline roll-centre adjust kit
Rear control arm bushes replaced
Arias Forged Pistons (oversize) and 2.5L crank balanced and blueprinted Port matched heads with a bit of 'tickling',
std cams
VF22 Turbo
Autronic stand-alone Engine Management ECU (inverter under passenger seat to run laptop)
MRT race top mount intercooler (150mm thick) with custom ducting and silicon piping. Tilted to improve airflow
MRT cold air intake into guard. Aftermarket silicon intake to turbo. Intercooler spray kit.
Brisport – January 2015
K&N pod filter in guard
Custom dump pipe and full 3inch Exhaust system
Parallel fuel rail conversion, adjustable FPR, Walbro Pump, 550cc injectors
Approx. 40,000km since rebuild
Mobil 1 fully synthetic engine oil from first oil change
PPG Straight Cut Gearbox 1-4th 5th gear heli cut Rear LSD
MY99 4pot Front and MY99 rear calipers
Standard Brakes discs and pads currently fitted; require new rotors for DBA 5000 to be re-fitted (DBA 5000 Slotted
Rotors on Aluminium hats with Project Mu Brake Pads)
STi Front and Rear Seats
Mongoose black wire alarm and immobiliser and central locking Nardi Torino Leather steering wheel
Matching Leather (red stitching) Gear Knob and Handbrake and Shift Boot.
240V 300W power supply under front passenger seat (run your laptop) Innovate Motorsport LC-1 Wideband Oxygen
Sensor and USB interface A pillar Oil Pressure gauge (for track monitoring)
White face 260kph Gauge cluster JVC USB MP3 and i-pod Head Unit Alpine Front speakers
JVC rear speakers
10inch sub and custom enclosure and Amplifier in boot
Car is located in Toowoomba. Contact Amanda on Mobile 0401 286 871.
Brisport – January 2015
Page 8
Brisport – January 2015
Page 10
Brisport – January 2015
The Business Card Page
Your Business Card here:
Only $30.00 for 12 months
Your Business Card here:
Your Business Card here:
Only $30.00 for 12 months
Only $30.00 for 12 months
Your Business Card here:
Your Business Card here:
Only $30.00 for 12 months
Only $30.00 for 12 months
Page 10
Brisport – January 2015
A snapshot of four of our Club Board Members
Peter Flynn
Trina Thompson
Peter Flynn is our Vice-President and has been
on the Board for 2 years.
Peter’s goal on the board is to use what
experience and knowledge he has from the
business world to make the club financially
stable and better prepared to meet the future.
To that end there have been massive
improvements in transparency and big
reductions in club costs. From here we can now
look to take some financial pressure off the club
so we can get more focused on what we are
really here for. Running good, fun events that
competitors and officials want to be engaged in,
and give Peter somewhere to realise his longheld driving ambitions.
Peter got back into rallying in the mid 90’s after
career, kids and houses. He spent most of the
time since then as an official, on stages, stage
commanding, chief marshal at Rally Qld and
WRC, command centre operator and lately C-ofC and Deputy C-of-C. Three months before his
50th birthday in 2013 he actually drove in his first
event in an Alfa GTV6 – which he’d been
building since 2004. Since then Peter hasn’t
spent as much time in the seat as he would like,
but can’t wait to do more. He’s looking to pick
good rallies that suit him and his lovely car and
do some gentlemen’s rallying just to have some
fun and remind himself that the older he get the
better he was!
Trina is the Club Secretary and has been on the
board for 9 months. Trina’s aim on the Board is
to provide a “Gen Y” perspective on Club
management and operations whilst continuing to
network with and maintain the junior members
of the Club. Trina believes her accounting skills
and knowledge will assist in the interpretation of
reports and provide current industry advice. She
began in motorsport as an official in 2007 by
doing numerous start and finish controls. From
there she took a few years off (for study) and
came back into Rallying at the end of 2012.
Trina competed in the 2013 QRC with Andrew
Lenton and then 2014 saw her compete in the
ARC round of Rally Queensland.
Page 11
Brisport – January 2015
Paul Woodward
Paul is Chair of Finance Committee and has
been on the board for 3 years.
Paul would like to achieve a return of BSCC to
financial stability and foster greater involvement
in event organisation by younger members.
Through his role as Chair of the Queensland
Rally Advisory Panel he aims to strengthen the
sport of Rallying in Qld. Paul’s first rally
(mapped) was as third crew on 1967 Ampol
Warana. He got the taste and worked to get a
Paul started active competition in 1976 (?) in a
Cortina Mk 2 and progressed to use several Fiat
124 Sports Coupes. He stopped competing in
1984/5 after buying a house. However Paul has
been actively involved as an Official and on
organising committees for IROQ and Rally
Australia for many years.
Paul became Clerk of the Course for IROQ
2014 and continues in that role. He has also
been C of C for several QRC rounds.
Margot Knowles
Margot is our most recent Board member joining
in December 2014. Margot would like to try to
increase sponsorship participation with all
events, revitalise the magazine and engage
members to participate in more club events and
social activities. She would also like to engage
with the official’s base to ensure we have our
officials for the long haul and that their needs
are met. And Margot would like to see an
increase in competitor numbers at all levels.
Margot had her first co-drive in about 1995 since
then she has had numerous class wins at State
and National (ARC) level. She’s been an ARC
competitor for over 7 years. Winning Premier
League ARC Co-driver 2012 and won
International Cup (Grp N) ARC with Simon the
same year. She is also a multiple Australian
Off-Road Class winning navigator (Extreme
4WD) competing for numerous years in the
AORC with Colin Hunter. With husband Simon
they won the Pacific Cup (APRC) 2013. And in
2014 the Knowles went Cross Country Rallying
doing the Condobolin 750 and the Australasian
Safari – winning their class and third outright
Production car at the Safari.
Page 12
Brisport – January 2015
Brisbane Sporting Car Club
Honorary Board
Patron ...................................... Campbell Newman MP, Premier of Qld
President ................................. Barry Neuendorff
Vice President ........................Peter Flynn
Secretary ................................ Trina Thompson
Treasurer ..................................Rod Sams
Club Captain ......................... Gavin Wieland
Immediate Past President ... Brian Everitt
Board Members ..................... Peter Flynn, Ian Gorski, Tony Kabel,
Gavin Wieland, Paul Woodward, Margot Knowles
CAMS Delegate ..................... Paul Woodward
Magazine Editor .................... Jamie Macfarlane/Margot Knowles
Membership Officer ............. Margaret Mackay (0412 553 186)
All correspondence to:
Brisbane Sporting Car Club
Unit 16 - 23 Ashtan Place
Banyo QLD 4014
Phone: (07) 3267 7647
(07) 3267 7650
Email- Club:
If you’ve got something to contribute to the magazine we’d love to hear from you – send your
articles and photos to Jamie Mac or Margot Knowles.
Page 13
Brisport – January 2015
On behalf of the Board of Brisbane Sporting Car Club and Membership Registrar, Margaret
Mackay It is with great pleasure that we welcome the following new Members to our
4835 - Dianna Aguis
4836 - Andrew Smith
Position Vacant
The BSCC is still seeking to fill the position of Club
Storeman. The position entails the checking in and out of
Club equipment, keeping store room tidy and keeping
records of Club Equipment.
If you are interested in this position, please contact Barry
Neuendorff 0414 335 862
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Brisport – January 2015