Entree, Chicken Enchiladas, per Ib Choice Beef Tenderloin Steak
Entree, Chicken Enchiladas, per Ib Choice Beef Tenderloin Steak
Costco Service Deli has a wir/!? range Oil (lmifabif;ry. 0/ deli platters (Ind sliced meats aud cheeses. Calf a!read to pface orders (lnd to cfleck Aff Cftts (Ire USDA Choice Graded. Please allow at feast 2-1 flOun to pl"Ucess orden. Thank JOII~ Choice Beef Tenderloin Steak Filet Mignon Choice Beef Top Sirloin Steak Boneless Choice Beef Top Sirloin Whole Trimmed Cryovac Choice Beef Sirloin TIp Roast, Whole Choice Beef Sirloin Tip Whole Cryovac Choice Beef Boneless Rib Eye Roasl, Whole Choice Beef Boneless Rib Eye Steak Choice Beef Rib Eye Whole Cr/ovac ChOice Beef Eye of Round Roasl ChOice Beef Flank Sleaks Choice Beef Brisket Choice Beef New York Steaks Choice Beef New York Strip Cryovac Choice Beef Round Sirloin Tip Steak Choice Beef Top Round Choice Beef Short Ribs Choice Beef Stew Meat Choice Beef Tn Tip Steak Choice Beef Tip Roast, Whole Choice Beef Tri Tip Whole Cryovac Ground Beef, Extra Lean, 12% fat or less Ground Beef, Organic, 311 Ib packs Ground Beef Patties, Extra Lean, '2 FRESH PRICED 8.99 4.49 2.55 3.49 2.29 5.99 5.99 4.59 3.99 5.99 3.89 6.99 4.59 3.49 3.89 3.99 3.49 4.99 4.99 3.55 2.99 12.99 2.99 33605 33617 33647 88906 93344 33670 33666 33684 33906 33977 76224 33593 33601 94356 21101 48360 33734 33654 33708 44784 33724 178350 69509 Costco BusiueS5 Dcftvoy is committed to prol'idillg you tile best value jor.vour doffar. Please caN for current pricing & selectioll. Chicken, Chicken, Chicken, Chicken, Chicken, Chicken, Chicken, Chicken, 1.29 2.69 1.99 2.29 3.79 35057 35068 35062 35059 35064 35065 34307 38531 99 2.29 33825 22992 129 Brease, Boneless/Skinless Half Breast Fryer Fryer Drumsticks Fryer Thighs Thighs, BonelessiSkinless Fryer Wings Whole Fryer, Organic Breast, Boneless/Skin:ess, Savory Servings 1.99 1.29 Lemon Ner/), }4edilerrUnCr.1Jl Chicken, Fryer,2ibag Fresh Ground • PRICED Cos/co fiusinc'iS Delivety is committed /0 providll1g yo" tile best vallie for your dollar. Plem:e call1or current priCl11g & se!ecliofl_ Pork Baby Back Ribs Pork Loin Chops Bone In Pork Top Loin Whole Cryovac Pork Top Loin Chops Boneless Pork Sirloin Tip Roast Cryovac Pork Rib Chops Pork Loin Roast Boneless Whole Pork Loin, Marinated Garlic & Onion Whole Cryovac Po,.k Spare Ribs Country Styie Boneless Pork Spare Ribs Cryovac Pork Tenderloin Boneless Cryovac FRESH - PRICED PER 3.99 2.89 1.99 2.99 1.99 2.79 2.99 3.29 1.99 2.29 3.49 33936 33738 73616 33955 30738 33746 ~6141 ~ 1017 33997 98677 33965 Cos/co Business Delivel), is committed to prm'idillgyolf 'hI! best value/oryollr dollar. Please crul/or current pricing & selection CatDsh Fillet Oysters, x-small, 32 oz Salmon, Fillet FRESH VEAL/LAMBiSAUSAGE - PRICED PER POUND 5.49 11.49 6.99 50834 1073 29216 COSlco Business Defil'elY is committed 10 providing YOIl tile best value/OJ" your dollar. Please call/or Cllrrcnt pricing & selection. 12.99 1.99 5.99 9.99 399 Breakfast Links, 6 Ibs Country Sausage, Pork Lamb Loin Chop, Australian Lamb Rib Rack Cryovac, Australian Lamb, Leg of, Boneless, Austra:ian FRESH MEAT - CASE-PRICES PER 12698 33765 18030 18499 27801 Custco Business De/iv!?I)' is committed to providing ),011 the bestl'alue/oryoflr dollar. Please call/or current pricil1g & selection Beef, Tri-Tip, Whole Beef, New York Strip, Trimmed Beef, Top Sirloin, Trimmed Beef, Rib Eye, Boneless Beef, Round Top Round Pork, Spare Ribs Pork, Baby Back Ribs Pork, Loin. Boneless Pork, Shoulder Bua, Boneless Lamb, Leg Boneless Chicken, Whole Fryer Salmon Fillet Product Availability and Prices Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case To Wirhoul Notice. Price/lb Priceilb Price/lb Priceilb Price/lb Priceilb Priceilb Priceilb Priceilb Price/lb Priceilb Price/lb 3.36 4.37 2.41 4.32 2.60 1.73 2.99 1.91 133 3.58 .99 6.37 97657 97672 97689 97648 97653 97623 97631 97562 97645 97668 13822 21556 Entree, Chicken Enchiladas, per Ib Entree, Chicken Parmigiana, per Ib Entree, Chicken Alfredo, per Ib Entree, Chicken Pot Pie, per Ib Entree, Flank Steak wi applewood smoked bacon, per Ib Entree, Salmon Milano, per Ib Entree, Shrimp Pasta, per Ib Meat, Ham, Black Forest, sliced, per Ib Meat, Ham, Honey, sliced, per Ib Meat, Roast Beef, siiced, per Ib Meal, Turkey, Brown, sliced, per ib Meat, Turkey, Honey, sliced, per Ib Pizza, Take N Bake, Hawaiian, 16" round 4.39 4.89 3.59 2.99 7.99 7.99 3.59 349 349 5.69 3.99 3.99 9.99 35425 36303 36767 16382 37022 74880 35868 34747 34746 34745 34678 34679 35790 9.99 35797 9.99 35813 29.99 2161'1 8.99 26.99 10904 33299 Platter, Shrimp w/cocktail sauce 37.99 14770 Platter, Shrimp wicocktail sauce, small Platter, Sandwich, TurKey, Ham, Roast Beef 9.99 29.99 18730 24533 14.99 4.19 4.69 5.99 4.99 10.99 8.99 8.99 34037 19927 14370 36093 37719 36605 37730 36516 John Morrell Rose's Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Fletcher Kirkland Signature Bal: Park Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Caspers Jimmy Dean Hillshire Farm 14.99 9.59 8.99 9.99 8.99 11.49 849 11.59 9.99 9.99 7.29 7.79 8.69 7.99 9.59 704190 856599 70000 77700 77000 19351 10500 799625 367352 367354 18476 293829 27116 227268 985308 Oscar Mayer 549 36216 Hor~e! Jimmy Deal' Tarantino Butterbali 8.39 5.99 12.99 8.39 929559 89734 36047 170725 Kirkland Signature Bolthouse Citrus Sunshine Odwalia Tropicana Odwalia 949 7.49 9.85 5.99 10.69 5.69 272506 228599 962869 2914 500156 316708 Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Kraft Kraft Schreiber Schreiber Presidenfs Tillamook Tillamook Bandon Schreiber Tillamook Tillamook 5.69 5.49 6.89 10.69 6.69 8.35 44111 41114 128912 96928 60490 22109 22111 15553 20366 67917 14389 22091 20384 179308 .:1.( I/OW·S notice/or IU<'7.(! orders Pizza, Take N Bake, Meat Lovers, 16" round 48 hours l10tice fur large orders i\~argherita, Pizza, Take N Bake, 48 hou,·, !lu/lce Platter, fUi" '16" round lorge orders Roller, Turkey & Swiss, 3 I/o/ice Platter, Hye Roller, Turkey & Swiss, ,0 pc Platter, Meat & Cheese w/cracked mustard j dars· lIotice 3 Juys Platter, Mesquite Chicken Wings ',II/dressing Salad, Caesar, VI/dressing, per !b Salad, Spinach, per Ib Salad, Shrimp, per Ib Salad, Rotisserie Chic~en, Der Ib Soup, Chicken TOI1illa, 60 oz Wrap, Salmon wi dressing, per ib Wrap, Rotisserie Chicken, per ib COOLER MEATS Baby Back Pork Ribs, Curlys, 3 Ibs Bacon, Canadian, 2 Ibs Bacon, Sliced, 4/1 Ib Bacon, Maple, 4/1 Ibs Bacon, Low Salt, 4/1 !b Bacon, Dry Cured, 4 Ibs Baccn, Precooked, 1 Ib Beef Franks, 5.25 Ib, 42 ct Beef Franks, 3.8lbs Beef Franks, 3.8 Ibs Ham, Sliced, 48 oz Ham, Shaved, Honey, 3/14 oz Hot Dogs, 2.5 Ibs Links, 48 ct Lunch Meat, 2/1.5 Ibs TlIrkcy Breast. Noney NOIli. Bremf Lunchables, 5/4.5 oz Pepperoni, Sausage, Pork Roll, 3 Ibs Sausage, Mild Italian, 61bs Tu:·key, Oven Roasted, sliced, 2/20 oz JUICE Acai Blueberry, 2/1 liter Carrot, 3,1 liter Orange Juice, 18113.75 oz Orange Juice, Pasteulized, Fresh, 1 gal Orange Juice, 4164 oz, w/calcium Strawbenry C Monster, 2i32 oz Butter Solids, 4/1 Ib Butter Quarters, 4/1 Ib Butter. Organic Salted, 2/1 Ib Cheese, /',merican Singles, 4 Ibs Cheese. American Singles, Fat Free, 2 Ibs Cheese, American Slices, 120 cU51bs Cheese, SWiss/American Slices, 120 cU5!bs Cheese, Mini Brie, 19.6 oz Cheese, Cheddar, Extra Sharp, 21bs Cheese, Cheddar, Medium, Slices, 2 Ibs Cheese. Cheddar, Medium, 21bs Cheese, Cheddar, Medium, 21bs Cheese, Cheddar, Medium, 51bs Cheese, Cheddar, Medium, Shred, 5 Ibs 8.49 5.99 7.79 6.85 549 4.59 13.69 1349 Cheese, Cheddar, Sharp, Ibs Cheese, Cheddar, Sharp, Cheese, Cheddar/Jack Cheese, Colby Jack, 2 Cheese, 31bs Cheese, Feta, Cheese, Goal, 11 oz Cheese, Grana Padano, grated, 1.251bs Cheese, Havarti, Sliced, 1 :bs Cheese, Marble 0aak, Sliaea, 21bs Cheese, 0arlsbe rg Lile, Slicec, 416 Cheese, Cow Cheese, Mexican Cheese, Mini Babybel, 28 at Cheese, Monterey Jack, 32 oz Cheese, Mozzarella, Part Skn 21bs Cheese, Mozzarella, Fresh, 2/11b Cheese, Mozzarella, Shredded, 5 Ibs Cheese, Muenster, Sliced, 2 Ibs Cheese, Parmesan, Shredded, 31bs Cheese, Parmigiano Reggiano, 1 Ib Cheese, PepDer Jack, 21bs Cheese, Pepper Jack, Sliced, 2 Ibs Cheese, Provolone, Mild, Sliced, 2 !bs Cheese, Siring, 60/1 oz Cheese, Swiss, sliced, 21bs Cheese, Velveeta, 212 Ibs Cream Cheese, Phlly Portion Cntrl, 50/1 oz Cream Cheese Loaf, 3 Ibs 31bs Cream Cheese C'eam, Whippea, Cream, Heavy Creamer, 3132 OZ, 24 ct Exira 3 Xlarge, 18 ct 11.39 Krklana 899 Tillamook Frigo 8e'90 10s0 KirklaGd Precious 6.69 Kraft Kraft Raskas 289660 26802 188943 251413 28985 12577 14024 146853 22108 22347 157327 84834 23003 752038 31346 12541 186626 144308 12613 14805 8.99 5.35 6.99 749 oz Mango wlPeach, 48 oz Mozzarel:a, Fresh, 211 Ib Noodles, Yaklsoba, 212,bs Oysters, X,Small, 32 oz Pastrami, Slicec, 21bs Pepperoni, Sliced, 3 Ibs Pesto, Basi, 22 oz Pica De Gallo, 48 02 Potato Salad, Red, 51bs Prosciutto, Sliced, 12 oz Quiche, HOI C{J/(lbl'ese. Wilcox Wilcox Grand Mesa Kirkland Bel9ioloso Sun Luck 11.49 Columbus Harmel Cibo Raja's Stonemill Di Parma La Terra Fina Monterey Pasla Gallo Columbus Daniele Aidells Har's Aide Is Emeraid Cecarlare Okami Olivieri Tortilalana Don Lee Don Lee Foxy Carando 3.35 699 Kirkland Circle Foods Dannon 3.69 6.79 8.39 Dannon 10.69 ~75143 Yoplait 10.79 164158 Yaple.! 10.79 164110 Yoplait Go-gurt 7.79 237686 Krkland 6.39 12488 Cibo 7.75 Okami 9.59 JohnsonVille 9.99 Okaml 5.99 Arthur Schuman 999 Elena 12.39 O,ami 1',99 OKami 10.89 >{irkla1d Signature 10.99 Don Miguel 949 Ivars 8.39 Kirkland 9.49 15.89 7.39 127082 2885E4 3265 300S 2019 9.99 7.99 5.89 999 8.89 9.99 8.65 8.49 4.85 4.99 3202 218663 982868 181761 18931 11749 181763 23535 16768 16769 370397 9862 619315 157491 252780 935257 446748 25739 273285 7.49 5,59 5,39 13.29 9.99 8.79 9.99 8.99 8.99 221450 51595 23003 1073 29107 929559 22326 202065 19406 22811 166225 137098 241177 32565 15084 Sa/Llme Hor Capoco[!o Sausage, Roasted Garlic & Gruyere, 3 Ibs Sausage, Sun dried tomalo & Provolone, 31bs Chicken 31bs 460z Bean Dip DiD, 44 oz Grape Leaves, 32 oz SJshi Pla:ter, 40 ct Tortellin, 5 Cheese, 21240z packs Torti! as, Uncooked, 44 ct 8.99 2.89 969609 218073 289670 163588 264086 Hili 4,99 California 5049 Meza Without 8.79 549 10.89 6.65 Wilcox Wilcox Kirkland Signature Kirkland Alfredo Sauce, 23 oz Bao, BBQ Pork, 12/2 oz Bratwurst, German, 1S oz Cal,fornia Rolls, Asst, 16 ct Cheese Pacty 21bs Chicken BJrrilo, 6 cl Chinese Chicken oz Chicken Letluce Wraps, 2/13 oz Chicken Grilled, 2 Ibs Chipolle Flaula, 16-2.5 Clam Chowder, White, 4/12 OZ Corn Chowder. Crab 16 DIP, Artichoke & Jalapeno, 30 Dip, Artichoke & 30 DIP, Romano Ranch,64 5.45 959 5.69 3.59 297145 376131 22104 Mortons Martha Stewart Ventera Ranch Mohawk Ventera Ranch Willowbrook Columbus :<irkland Kirkland Yancey's Prim·ose Peterson Trad. De Belmont Holland Peterson Kerrygold Peterson Kerrygold Peterson Norseland Kirklana nS9 1379 aS9 599 7.75 9.95 13.99 899 9.59 969 14.99 2.29 3.29 4.85 4.89 4.99 12.69 5,39 3.39 9,79 3.99 1149 11.99 13.99 5.49 6.85 9.69 7.89 3.39 5.29 8,99 5.79 1049 5.79 445 28'841 "90808 106173 20"107 201855 936226 203123 20569 163588 269981 31338 16606 77421 42066 10437 29630 36709 331491 36626 36018 35891 26430 '86096 28585 34823 22567 m1g 2224 16360 22437 18158 34833 36496 6'085 36084 99006 34779 36070 34777 34781 Kirklard Kirklana Produce items are seasonal Please call to confirm selection twd pricing, AS8aragJS, 2,25 Ibs ArtichOkes, 4 ct Avocado, 5ct BrOCCOli Florets, 3 Ib bag Celery Hearts, 4 ct Carrots, Peeled, Organic, 51b Carrots, Peeled, Snack Carrots, Organic, Corn, 8 ct Cucumbers, 3 pk Cucumbers, Baby, Ibs Garlic,3lb Garlic, Peeled, Ib jar Green Beans, 2 Ibs Lettuce, ROOla;ne, 6 pk Lettuce, Head trimmed, 3 ct Mushrooms, Baby Belia, 24 oz Mushrooms, Large, 24 oz 4,99 14658 24 ct 5,99 5,69 3.29 39036 77666 449 19813 Please Call For Current Prices, Thank You l 15.99 3A9 699 4.29 649 5.49 3.69 7.99 5.99 8A9 2.29 3.99 4.79 3.99 3.79 5.79 749 449 4.99 5.79 14.99 24036 67245 88436 39054 60357 91698 26603 83501 83505 31410 Croissant, Butter, i 2 ct Danisi1 Pull Apart Loaves, 3 ct flutter POllnd, Banana. NUl. Appli? Cmmb Muffins, Variety, 216 ct Pie, 12" O:eo 21bs Rolls, Sandwich, Ciabaita, 8 ct Rolls, Dinner, 36 ct BAKERY GOODS 6876 48757 Please 34469 5685 45341 83600 77053 171104 25595 16606 649 24311 Costeo Bakery Costeo Bakery Bakery Costeo Bakery 8.99 999 449 399 35666 30371 15057 64949 & selecliolr. Thank you. Plain, e: Italian Bread Shell, wlsauce pkts, Bread, Apple Strudel Bread, Wheat. 2132 oz loaves Bread, Whole White, 2132 Bread, Asiago Cheese, 02 Bread, Focaccia Brown & Serve, pk Bread, Oatnut, Ibs 96716 Costeo Bakery Chu)(x>/are. Blueben)" Banol7G 'VHf. ' 649 4.89 349 5.99 5A9 Produce items (Ire seasonal. Plellst cali to confirm _.. electioN Gild pricing, Smith. ct 14 ct 649 499 6.79 799 6.79 7.99 10lbs Bananas, 3 Ib bag 180z 1.32 5.49 699 Dates, 2 Ibs Fruit, Grapes. Rea Seedless, 4 Ibs Grapes, Green Seedless, 4 Ibs Grapes, Btack, Sibs Grapefruit 151bs 5.99 7 99 12.99 749 6.99 749 1~ .99 Kiwi, Ibs, Large Lemons,5lbs Limes, 5 Ibs Mangos, 9 ct Mangos, Ataulfo, 6 ct Nectarines, 8 ct Oranges, 13 Ibs Oranges, Cara Cara, 8 Ibs Oranges. Clementine Mandarin, 5 Ibs Papaya. Golden Papaya, Cariboean Red, each Pears, Asian, 4 Ibs Pears, D'AnJoJ, 6 IDS Pears, Red 6 Ibs Pineapple, Each Pineapple, Slices, 3 Ibs Plums,4lbs Pomegrante Seeds, 1 Ib Raspberries, 616 oz Strawberries,4 iDS Tangelos,8lbs Wate:meion, Mini, 2 ct BAKERY FROM THE COSTCO 83257 23205 Oroweat Oroweat Oroweat Oroweat Oroweat Oroweat Portland Gai's Oroweat Gai's Kirkland Siqnalure ct 148761 969425 32858 30669 72904 57554 15994 10715 16009 83337 83333 17744 Sv~nhards Hostess Thomas Williams Mltons Nazook Oroweat Flataut La T01111a Factory' Diane's 83406 83424 6,49 4.79 5.59 9.99 5.49 5.99 7. 99 7.49 6.49 7.49 4.29 6.99 5.29 3.99 83804 83345 81393 83303 29685 54857 47497 31030 18600 47748 24047 30961 Beef Patties, 78% Lean, y,; Ib, 24 ct Ground Sirloin Patties, 85%Lean, 1/310, 18 ct Ground Beef Chubs, 5/1 Ib SEAFOOD Halibut 2 Ibs Haiibut, Battered, 21bs Mahi Mahi, 31bs Salmon, Atlantic, 3 Ibs Salr'o~, 3 Ibs Salmon oz Salmon, 616 oz iii ets Scallops, Raw, 2 Ibs Shrimp, Cooked, Tail Off, 50-70 ct, 2 Ibs Shrimp, Cooked, Tail On, 31/40 ct, 2 Ibs Shrimp, Raw, Tail On, 31-40 ct, 21b baq Shrimp, Salad. 21bs Shrimp, 2ios Tilapia LOins, Ibs Tilapia, Panko Breaaed, 3 Ibs Sticks, 4 Ibs POULTRY Chicken Breast, Boneless/Skinless, 65 Ibs Chicken Breast, Boneless/Skinless, 10 Ibs Chicken Breasts, 3.751bs Chicken Strips, Ibs Chicken Nuggets, Disney, Breaded, 5 Chicken Breast Nuggets, 5 Ibs Chicken Tenders, breaded, 51bs Chicken Tenders, 61bs Chicken Boneless/Skinless, 6 IbS Chicken 5 ibS Chicken Wings, 10 Ibs Turkey Burgers, 12 ct 799 4 99 8 99 5.99 Please call for curreul pricing & selection. Orders for scralch hakery items mUSl v Bagels, P!mn. Cinnomon Raisin Bread, Pugliese, 2117 oz Bread, Demi 616 oz Bread, Garlic, oz loaves Bread, Whole Grain, 211 Ib loaves Cake, All American Chocolate, round layer 48 Noun ,A/r;lu.e/or Cake, Carrot, w/Cream Cake, Chocolale, Y, Sheet Cake, White, Y, Sheet 20 ct Coffeecake, Cinnamon Buller Cookies, Gourmet Chelle Chu nk, 24 ct Cookies, Govmet Oatmeal/Raisin 24 ct Cookies. Govmet Variety, 24 ct 37020 34423 4 ?roduct Availability and PrIces Subject 4,39 30174 131937 4.85 365579 1246 968000 899601 71096 3.79 3790 1713 34861 19454 3709 943928 6338 1863 402114 396114 4.79 4.99 5.49 5.99 3.29 2,49 2.75 2.89 12.39 5.25 649 4.25 345 8.99 3.99 6.39 5.99 4.99 Kirk and 12385 Kirkland 14.45 Kirkland Signature 11.99 Smoki Foods Trident Alfa Int. Kirkland Kirkland 2999 19.99 15.99 17,45 24.99 1299 Morey's Kirkland Kir,land Kirkland Kirkland Ocean 13.49 20.79 1199 13.99 1199 Seapak 13.45 High Liner 15.89 Trident 13.99 Trident 12.99 15.99 19.99 14.99 Kirkland Signature 8922 602705 919736 27497 20733 8478 63 9639 559 49013 15567 48 349338 38171 32282 "32745 434114 106338 4728 208429 88741 88742 88739 225615 343613 205796 46340 221177 16594 31801 24633 77009 25549 321110 958444 31051 930207 31784 APPETIZERS/SIDES Chicken Poislickers, 4.21bs Chicken Wings, Hal & Spicy, 5 Pork, 18/3 oz Fries, Crinkle Cut, Bibs Meatballs, 6 Ibs Pretzels, King, oz BREAKFAST 9.85 13,95 7.59 Ore-Ida Kirkland Signalure Bridgford 14,69 699 20.99 982859 309756 275336 88564 88744 103458 193685 11435 284520 102313 Kirkland ENTREES Boca 16 ct Chicken 6/8 02 Chicken Pot Pie, 8/1002 Chicken GarliC Meai, 58 Chicken & Rice, 2138 oz Chicken Cashew, 44 oz Chicken, Orange, 66 oz Chicken Slab Pie, 2116 oz Lasagna, Meat, 61bs Lasagna, Meat, 213 Ib Pizza, Pepperoni, 3 pack Pizza, Deep Dish 36568 Kraft 9A9 Birds Eye Mittons Birds Tasty Martha StewarVK.S, Kirkland Signature K:rkland Sabatassos 10.99 10.75 8.85 12.99 11.75 12.99 8.99 11.99 1249 12.99 10.99 Sabatassos Ling 7,39 9.85 Kirkland Marie 60061 386868 19965 32919 315801 217463 358042 326162 26968 992437 92123 255202 6 pepperoni, Pizza, Thin Crust Pepperoni, 3 pack Potstickers, Chicken, 4.2 Ibs Quesadilla, Chicken/Cheese, 8 ct Ravioli, 4 Cheese, 41bs Ravioli, Spinach & Mozzareila, 3.5 Ibs Rica, Teriyaki Chicken Bowl, 6/12.5 oz Soup, Shrimp Wanton, 6/5.1 oz Taquilos, Grilled Chicken & Cheese, 60 02 Taquitos, Beef. 60 ct VENDING Bagel Biles, 72 ct Burritos, Assorted, 30 ct 995 Kirkland Signature Valley Fine Hawaiian Products EI Monterey EI Monterey 945 9A9 1C.99 999 12.39 '2.39 346284 982859 970215 47578 229644 114900 140898 304902 Milk, Evaporated, 12112 oz Milk, Vanilla Soy, 12132 oz Milk, Plain Soy, 12132 oz Milk, Organic Rioe, 12132 OZ Milk, Chocolate, 2418.5 OZ Sail, 25 Ib bag Splenda, 1.6 Ibs Vanilla, Pure, 16 oz botlle Yeast, Active Dry, 21b bag Baking Mix, 96 oz box Brownie Mix, Triple Chocolate, 7.51bs Gravy Mix, Brown, 20 oz Gravy Mix. Poultry, 18 Ol Pancake Mix. 10 Ibs CEREAL Cheerios, Bulk Pack, 37 oz box Cheerios, Honey Nul. 48 oz Frosted Mini Wheats, 70 oz Triple Pack, 58 oz Oatmeal, Old Raisin Bran, Organic, 56 oz Cranberry/Macadamia, 34 oz Pecan, 36.5 oz 3402 Granola Flax Plus Brea~fast, 30 ct envelopes 48 ct Without Notice. 4.99 12.49 22.79 7.99 24.59 2.79 2.79 1449 ',3.99 6.99 14.99 999 5.59 4.59 16.99 8.99 4.99 6.39 7874 Gene:al Mills General Mills Kelloggs Kelloggs 5.69 23447 63480 144482 186474 699 8.69 7,99 7.99 695 7.99 6.29 ~ 0.99 808559 Kirkland Signature 8.99 306944 Quaker Kirkland Signa:ure Kirkland Signa:ure Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Natures Path Natures Path Kashi 6.99 43454 590C2 49961 266471 286772 993467 3366 281258 Quaker .Quaker Quaker 43607 43749 7.79 6.35 7.89 6.39 6.99 699 8.59 Carnation 8.99 Nutri Grain 11.39 Svenhards 12.39 Natures Path 7.99 ~ 283699 15567 337981 iHap/e Cinnarnon 5.99 C&H Sugar, Granula:ed, 10 Ib C&H Sugar, Granulated, Cane, Ib bag C&H Sugar, Granulated. 50 Ib bag Sugar, Organic, 10 Ibs Wholesome Sweetners C&H Sugar, Powdered, 50 Ibs C&H Sugar, Powdered, 4 Ib bag C&H Sugar, Brown, 4 Ib C&H Sugar, Brown, 251b Conagra Flour, Hotel & Rstrnt, Purpose, 50 Ib bag Conagra Flour, Hotel & Rstrnt, All Purpose, 251b bag Flour, Bread, 50 ib bag Red Baking Powder, 5 Ibs ArM & HaMmer 121bs Italian, 2140 10lbs Nestle 72 Realemon oz 389 CONDIMENTS 1049 Otis Spunkmeyer 11.69 Boboli 9.99 42200 847909 848005 Cinnomon. Carnation Instant EI Monterey 12.79 Raybem 899 Ruiz 12.89 Foster Farms 8.79 Nestle 9.95 Nestle 1.99 Pappalo's 9 89 555 5.99 699 7,99 8.95 1099 4.99 Cocoa Knlpics. FroOf Loops Heinz 9,99 Ruiz 13.79 Bybee TJ's Kirkland Signature Kirkland Kirkland 32911 McCormick Krusteaz Berries, 37 oz Bunches of Oats, 48 oz Granola, 100% Natural, 2134 oz Life, 62 oz Oatmeal. Instant, Variety Pak, 55 ct B(;.'Oil, Bean & Cheese BUrrito, & Cheese, 18 ct Cheese Steak, Philly, 615 oz Chicken Chimichanga, 1815 oz Corn Dogs, Chicken, 28 ct Lean Pockets, Garlic Chicken, 12 ct Pockel Meal, 17 ct Pizza Snacks, 02 FRUITS & VEGETABLES Blueberries, IQF, Ibs Fruit Blend, 6 Ibs Organic, Sibs Mix, bag Sibs 5.99 959204 235260 208598 25533 27664 216553 Yellow, Mustard, Yellow, 105 oz Mustard, Grey Olives, Pitted Med, #10 can OI'ves, Pitled Black, Ex. 816 50486 OIves, Sliced Black, 21 can 26835 OI'ves, Stuffed Queen, 2/2, oz Parmesan Cheese, Grated, 2116 oz can Peperoncini, Greek, 2142 oz 222 Picante Sauce, Medium, 64 oz 801461 Pickles, Cucumber Chips, 62 oz 814602 Pickles, Baby Oil!, 62 oz Jar 126525 Pickles, Kosher Dill, 1 Jar 97288 Pickle Strips, Kosher 1 gal jar 8313 Relish, Sweet, 62 oz 8314 Salad, 4 Bean, 64 oz 80'465 Salsa, Organic, 65 01 2029 Sauerkraut, 62 oz 2005 PORTION PACK CONDIMENTS 405 Ketchup Pkts, 1000 ct 861227 Mayonnaise Pkts, ct gm) 697729 Mustard Pkts, 5eC cl (5 grn) 44141 Relish Pkts, 2CO ct. (9 gel) 73999 MAYONNAISE/OIL/SHORTENING 118677 Mayonnaise, 64 oz 815248 Foster Family Kirkland Signature Slar Hershey Hershey Fresh Gourmet Johnnys McCormick McCormick Chef Mate Star Fine Heinz Heinz French's French's Kraft Blac~ Lindsay Star Kraft GL Mezzetla Pace Farman's Farman's Farmar's Farman's Farman's 8.59 7.79 4.99 5.89 6.69 5.35 545 3.59 3.89 6.59 3.59 6.79 4.25 4.69 3.69 6.79 7.25 7.99 12.59 959 279783 457449 399318 3057e 30647 31381 848005 283029 779552 937822 '30176 21328 676704 4793 27398 62364 79 1 825 27969 975 457439 608C3 5.69 23'444 4.65 60658 3.79 S9S7 8989 2196 4105 631 845521 280415 5.69 3.89 5.99 10.99 64270 44266 65086 689 Call You t Se!1t 'nH Mayonnaise, Extra Heavy, 1 gal Oil, Canola, 5 qt Oil, Corn, 2.5 gal Oil, PaC] & Griddle, Pourable, 351bs Oil, Liquid Fry, 35 ibs Oil, Olive, Extra Light 212 liters Oil, Olive, Extra Virgin, 2/2 iiters Oil, Olive, 5 Liters Oil, Soybean, 35 Ibs Oil, Vegetable, 5 qt Pan Spray, 2/12 oz cans Shortening, All VINEGAR/SALAD Vinegar, Balsamic, 1 Itr Vinegar, White, 50 Grain, 2/1 gal Dressing, 60 oz Dressing, Caesar, 2/32 oz Dressing, Vidalia Onion, 2/33.8 oz Ranch, 2/40 oz bottles Ranch Dressing & Dip, 48 01 Croutons, Focaccia Garlic, 2 ibs SAUCES/MARINADES BBQ Sauce, 2/40 oz Cileese Sauce, Nacho, #10 can Oriental Gourmet Sauce, 86 oz bottle Soy Sauce, 64 oz bottle Soy Sauce, 5 gal pail Steak Sauce, 33 oz bollie Tabasco Pepper Sauce, 12 oz bottle Worcestershire Sauce, 2/20 oz bottles HONEY/TABLE Honey, Pure Clover, 6 Ibs Syrup, Pancake & Waffie, 2/64 oz Syrup, Dark Amber, 32 oz PEANUT BUTTER/FRUIT SPREAD Peanut Butter, Creamy, 2148 OZ Peanut Butter, CrunChy, 2148 oz Peanut Butter, Organic Creamy, 2/28 oz Peanut Butter, Crunchy, 80 oz Strawberry Preserves, 2/32 oz FRUIT Appie Sauce, Natural, #10 can App:es, Sliced in Water, #10 can Dried Apricots, 48 oz Dried Blueberries, 20 oz Dried Cherries, 20 oz Dried Craisin, 48 oz Dried Mangos, 30 oz Dried Plums, 50 oz Fruit Cocktail, #10 can Fruit Cocktail, Nalural, 8/15 oz Mandarin Oranges, 12/11 oz Fruit To Go, Mand. Orng/Peaches, 20/4 oz Peach Halves, #10 can Peaches, Orchard Select, 4124 oz Peaches, Sliced in Juice, 8115 oz cans Peaches, Sliced, #10 can Pear, Halves, 8/15 oz cans Pineapple Chunks, 6/20 oz ca'lS Pineapple Tidbits, Light Syrup, #10 can Raisins, 2/21b bag VEGETABLES Artichoke Hearts, Marinated, 65 oz Jar Corn, Whole Kernel, 12/15 oz cans Corn, INhole Kernel, #10 can Green Beans, 12114,5 oz Green Beans, #10 can Mushrooms, Pieces & Stems, #10 can Mushrooms, S:iced, 1214 oz cans Sweet Peas, 8/15 oz cans MEAT & FISH Chicken, Fat Free, 6/12.5 oz cans Clams, Chopped, 2/51 oz can Luncheon Meat, Less Sodium, 8/12 oz cans Oysters, Smoked, 613.75 oz Salmon, Sockeye, 416 oz Salmon, Allantic, 617 oz Tuna, Albacore, 66.5 oz Tuna, Albacore, 817 oz Tuna, Solid White, 817 oz cans Tuna, Chunk Light, 12/7 oz Tuna, Chunk Lt, 66.5 oz can Turkey, Solid White, 4/12,5 oz Prodllct Avai:abll:ty and P:"ices Subject 'ro Kraft Kirkland Signature Mazola Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Montoiivo Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Cargill Pam Crisco 7.99 9.49 16.99 30.99 25.99 20.99 21.89 21.99 23.99 7,95 7,49 7.39 33859 71010 25825 71014 71012 20750 71000 71008 71011 297598 3095 8514 Kirkland Signatuce Four Monks Miracle Whip Cardini Oak Hill Hidden Valley Ranch Jol1nny's Fresh Gourmet 10.79 3.59 4.99 6.99 6.79 8.99 6,89 5.35 Swee, Baby Rays Ortega Yoshida Kikkoman Kikkoman A-1 Mcilhenny Lea & Perrins 4.99 9.65 6.69 4.49 27.59 8.79 4.65 6,49 Silverbow Mrs. BulierNorth Mopure Foods 10.99 5.95 16.99 Organic, 8/140z 46176 Lenfil & 444438 Ramen, Cup of Soup, Chicken, 24 ct 64515 Ramen, Beef & Cilicken, 48 ct 860336 Tomato Soup, low sodium, 12/10.75 oz 26091 1609 PREPARED PRODUCTS Beans, Kidney, 8/15.5 oz 21224 Beans, Black, 8/15 oz 30647 Chili, wlBeans, 12/15 oz Chili, w/Beans, #10 can 383456 Chili, wlBeans, 8/15 oz 2304 Macaroni & Cheese, 1517.25 oz 41531 Macaroni & Cheese, 15/6 oz 150 Veiveeta, 212 !b 182 Easy Mac, 18 ct 329217 Mashed Potatoes, 54 oz 2471 Minute Rice, 72 oz box 935109 Ravioli, 8/15 oz cans Refried Beans, Nonfat, 8/16 oz cans 1888 882206 DRY Rice, Basmati, Indian, 151bs, 384187 Rice, Brown, Organic,12lbs Rice, Calrose, Med Grain, Fancy, 50 Ib bag 917546 Rice, Long Grain White, 251b bag 917538 Jif Jif Kirkiand Signature Adams Wallsberry 8.79 8.79 7.79 6.99 4.65 Sno-Kist Blue Ribbon Mariani Kirkland Signature Skylar Haley Ocean Spray Philippine Sunsweet S&W Del Monte Festival Del Monte Del Monte Del Monte S&W S&W S&W Doie Dole Sunmaia 3.29 4.25 949 9.99 849 7.79 13.89 5.99 545 10.79 Kirkland Signature S&W Del Monte S&W Del Monle Festival Festival S&W 7.79 9.59 3.35 9.59 2.95 5.89 7.69 649 Kirkland Signature Sea Watch Soam Crown Prrnce Ki,'kland Signature Kirkland Signature Chicken of the Sea Kirkland Signature Chicken of the Sea Chicken of the Sea Chicken of the Sea Harvest Cceek 10.99 13.99 16.99 Change \VithoUl No[ice. 6.59 8.99 4.99 9A9 10.79 4.99 10.69 6.99 4.39 6.99 7A9 13.79 9.99 11.69 11,99 11.49 10.99 7.79 8.79 Beef Base, OrgaC];c, 16 oz Chicken Bouillon Cubes, 32 oz Chicken Base, Organic, 16 oz Chicken Broth, Organic, 6/32 oz Chicken Broth, low sodium, no MSG, 12/14 oz Chicken Noodle, low sodium, 12/10 oz Chicken Soup, Variety, 10/15 oz Superior Quality McCormick Superior Quality Pacific Food Swansons Campbell Healthy Choice 6,99 6.59 6.89 9.99 7.69 8,49 10.39 287783 33126 287780 719233 208551 300509 962005 Progresso 10,89 924434 Can'pbell Progresso Amy's 10.39 10.89 11.99 1228 216171 28721 Niss'n Nissin Campbell 6.75 7.45 8.69 980978 113519 290997 S&W S&W Nalleys Cattledrive Catt<edrive 5.89 5.89 10.99 6.99 9.89 9.69 12.89 8.79 6.39 6,69 749 6.59 192811 261078 101986 308266 616312 67137 157410 22750 47263 254623 220726 40636 15282 Daawat Lundberg Homa; Blue Ribbon 18.79 13.99 28.49 10.39 37636 219890 206 145588 C&F 15.99 26013 Garofalo Garofalo Garofalo Garofalo Garofalo Country Foods 8.89 9.99 7.79 7.99 8.59 7.85 654003 3965 654001 654002 993449 9077 Prego Classico Bella San Luci S&W S&W S&W S&W S&W S&W S&W S&W S&W Contadina 7.69 749 7,59 2.69 2.79 7.99 9.69 5.99 3.75 2.79 7.29 2.25 4.59 266811 2610 779728 192117 192113 135235 942403 134990 192119 192111 134993 192118 3575 Kirkland Signature Soice World McCormick Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Johnny's Kirkland Signature McCormick Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Kickland Signature Kirkland Signature Morton Johnny's Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Mccormick McCormick 2.99 3.45 5.89 3.95 4.89 5.45 3.29 2.69 4.59 3.99 3.99 3.99 3.49 195 5.29 8,29 4,49 5.99 399 165080 469788 928500 251813 251797 31381 263423 928549 164950 164981 164998 261105 261104 6754 203506 165041 257868 433677 158059 Tree Too 6.75 591 Chicken :Voodte, Chit kell &: Rice Chick@ Soup, Variety, 8119 oz Chic/I-ol };()odle, Chicken &. ROfini Cream of Mushroom, 12/10.75 OZ Light, Noodle & italian, 8/18 01 Kra~ Annie's Kra~ Kraft Potato Pearls General Foods Chef Boyardee Rosarita 5.59 jjox 4% Brokel7 555000 Pinto Bearls, Triple Cleaned, 251b bag 18257 19868 PASTA Spaghetti, 8/1 Ib Spaghetti, Whole Wheat, 8/17 oz 4534 Pasta, Penne Rigata, 611 Ib 2515 Pasta, Variety, 6/11b 138867 Pasta, Organic Variety, 6117,6 oz 968318 Pasta, Noodle.4lbs 131339 443313 Pasta Sauce, Heartsmart, 2167 oz 1555 Pasta Sauce, Organic, 3/26 oz 181602 Tomatoes, Sun Dried, 32 oz 192302 Tomatoes, Crushea, #10 can 192299 Tomatoes, Diced in JUice, #10 can 489638 Tomatoes, OrganiC Diced, 8114,5 oz cans 164470 Tomatoes, Italian Stewed, 12114 OZ cans 192303 Tomato Paste, Organic, 1216 oz cans 109716 Tomato Paste, #10 can 192301 Tomato Peeled Whole #10 can 192305 Tomato Sauce, : 2/' 5 oz cans 192300 Tomato Sauce, can 185983 Spaghetti Sauce, can 2253 SPICES 289685 Cinnamon, Ground, Saigon, 10.7 oz Garlic, Minced, 48 oz jar 47000 Garlic, Sliced, 16 OZ 722399 Garlic, Granulated, 18 oz 1071 Garlic Sait, 27.5 oz 722389 Garlic Spread, 18 oz 1069 Onion, Chopped, 11 oz 2349 Parsley Flakes, 2 oz bottle 25001 Pepper, Black Whoie, ~4 oz 192266 Pepper, Black, Fine Ground, 12.3 oz Pepper, Black, Coarse Ground, 12.7 oz 51070 Pepper, Black, Grinder, 6.3 01 38708 Salt, Sea Grinder, 13 oz 202195 Salt, Table, Non-Iodized, 251bs 426 Seasoning Salt, 42 oz 194690 Seasoning, No-Salt, Organic, 14,5 oz 46000 Steak Seasoning 21 A oz 4807 Steak Seasoning Montmal, 29 oz 335238 Taco Seasoning, 11 oz 360221 360205 8773 Apple Juice, 2/1 gallon 187773 Apple Joice, 2415.5 oz Cranberry Juice, 2/96 oz Cranberry-Raspberry Juice, 2/96 oz Grape Juice, 2196 oz Lemon Juice, 2/48 oz Nectar Variety, 30/11.5 oz Orange Jclice, 24/10 oz V-8 Vusion, Peach Mango, 4/46 oz V-8 Juice, 48/5.5 oz cans V-8 Juice, 28/11.5 oz cans Tree Top 6.69 Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Realemon Kern's Tropicana Campbeil's Campbell's Campbell's 6.79 6.69 6.79 4.99 1199 11.99 10.69 1999 14.69 32921 33151 27380 46721 815248 897224 12529 354461 2036 364934 Juice Variety, 36/6.75 oz boxes Kirkland Signature 9.79 13587 Capri Sun 7.69 17574 Sun 9}9 93677 Gatorade 14.99 214226 Gatorade 10.99 33547 Gatorade 14.99 245628 Gatorade 14.99 263015 Kirkland Signature 9.99 38400 1599 33.99 28.99 28.99 29.99 16.99 158936 242668 403312 749002 735709 207599 Lipton Enfission Enfission Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature 11.99 28.99 2949 12.69 12.69 152629 135576 130237 49000 49100 Carnation Dailys Crystal Light 8.99 7.75 6.99 283699 388893 208137 COFFEE/ESPRESSO Premium Restaurant Blend, Drip, 51b bag French Roast, Whole Bean, 3 Ib bag French Roast, Whole Bean, 2.5 Ib bag Colombian, Whole Bean, 31bs House Blend, Decaf, 2 Ib bag Espresso, INhole Bean, 21b bag House Blend, Whole Bean, Regular, 21b bag Rainforest Blend, Organic Whole Bean, 3 Ib Sumatra French Roast, Whole Bean, 3 Ibs COFFEE Fnll{ PUllch Juice Variety, Pleasant Hill San Francisco Bay Starbucks Kirkland Signature K.S. By Starbucks K.S. By Starbucks K.S. By Starbucks San Francisco Bay Kirkland Signature 17.99 11.69 19.99 11.99 10.99 9.99 999 13.59 11.99 12435 470 11357 120296 69791 69792 69790 956038 120298 Kirkland Foigers Kirkland Signature 7.99 949 8.85 17767 4445 46242 Foigers Kraft Foods Caffe D'Amore 8.69 5.99 7.99 24722 28750 111465 Oregon Chai Swiss Miss SWISS Miss Nestle Lipton Kirkland Signature 8.75 4.89 6.79 6.55 310455 496838 55526 178897 251767 979855 PaCific Cooler. Wild OZ Fru;/ Din?, Grope Tide Br!riy Breeze. SPECIALTY Gatorade, Widemouth, Variety, 24/20 oz Fruir Gatorade, Original, Variety, 12/32 OZ Fruit PUilch. Lemo!1-Lime. Orange Gatorade, Frost. 24/20 oz Glacicrfl'c('~c.Rlplicie Rush. Cascade Crash Gatorace, G2, 24120 02 Regular Blend. 16 oz International Coffee, French Vanilla, 27 oz Mocha Frappe Freeze, 2.43 IDs COC;OAlTEAlCIDER Chai Tea, Liquid Concentrate, 3/32 oz Cocoa Mix, 54 oz Cocoa Packets, 60 ct, no sugar added Cocoa, Nestle's Ouik, C~ocolate, 48.7 oz Tea Bags, Regular, 300 ct Tea Green, 100 ct 7}9 12.69 Crop!? Frllj! Punch, Sport Drink, Variety, 24/20 cz Frill! PUflch. LCJ/lol7-!;me. Frappuccino, Mocha, 12/9.5 oz Red Bull, Energy Drink, 24/8.3 oz Rockstar Energry Drink, 24/16 oz Diet Rockslar Energy Drink, 24/16 oz Monster Energy Drink, 24/16 ozq Snapple, Variety, 24/20 oz Slarbucks Premier Rockstar Rockstar Monster Snapple Fi'u!! Pllnch, KIIVI Tea, Green Diet Iced, 241169 oz Zipfizz Energy Drink, 30 ct Zipfizz Energy Drink Liquid Silot, 24 ct Organic Vanilla Soy, 12/32 oz MiI~, Plain 12/320z Instant Breakfast, Chocolate, 30 ct Envelopes Margarita Mix, 211.75 Itr Lemonade Drink Mix, 32 Ot. SODA Costeo Business Delivery is committed 10 providing YOli the best vallie for your dollar. For current pricing please call the order dok, Mountain Dew, 36/12 oz cans Dr. Pepper, 36/12 oz Diet Dr. Pepper, 36/12 oz Pepsi, 36/12 oz cans Diet Pepsi, 36/12 oz cans Caffeine Free Diet Pepsi, 36/12 oz cans Coke Classic, 32112 oz cans Diet Coke, 32/12 oz cans Caffeine Free Diet Coke, 32/: 2 oz cans Sprite, 32112 oz cans Coke of Mexico, 24/12 oz bottles WATER Spring, 35/16.9 oz bottles Spring, sport top, 28/23.7 oz bottles Spring, 35/16.9 oz Spring,15i1liter Mineral Water, 24/.5 Liter Vitamin Water, 24/20 oz 9A9 9A9 9A9 9A9 9A9 9A9 Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi Coca Cola Coca Cola Coca Cola Coca Cola Coca Cola 999 9.99 999 9.99 19.79 887 897 904 577 578 895 84 85 86 87 179571 Arrowhead Arrowhead Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Perrier Kirkland Signature 5.39 6.89 499 3.89 15.99 1199 473559 2790 10134 10136 12731 206060 Glaceau 1899 188950 Propel Fitnessl1A9 52430 irop!C:ul Cilrl/<" Pi_'lIIegrotw!e KiH'1 5"trowbe:rn', urcwO.'1II'!'" Vitamin Water, 20/20 oz Orange, Kill"j StI'Ow/nT!Y. Citrus. DrogOl'!fmif. Fruit PUII( h Fitness Water, 24116.9 oz Ben:)!, Lemon. Kill'l SfraH/nTI}" Talking Rain Diet Ice, Sparkling, 18/'7 oz 999 226615 Coffee-M"te Creamer, Non-Dairy Pkts, 6/50 ct Coffee-Mate Creamer, Non-Dairy, 50 oz can N' Joy Non Dairy Creamer, 8/16 oz cans Creamer, Non-Dairy, Vanilla, 188 ct C&H Sugar Pkts, 1/10 oz ea, 2000 ct Equal Packets, 800 ct Splenda Pkts, 1000 ct Splenda, 1.63 Ibs FLAVORED SYRUPS Caramel, 32 oz Hazelnut, 32 oz Irish Cream, 32 oz Orgeat (Almond), 32 oz Raspberry, 32 oz Vanl!la, 32 oz Vanillla, Sugar Free, 32 oz ASSORTED "'Na,~",:> Fruit Leathers, Variety, 100% Natural, 48 ct Fruit Snacks, Variety, 36 ct Fruit Snacks, Variety, 50 ct Fruit Snacks, Variety, 80 ct Fruit by the Foot, Variety, 42 ct One Hundred Calorie Packs, 34 ct Cheez 37896 720557 POifie!i'fQIIOle 989800 Naturai- Lemonlinw. Tangerj17'~, Be; I)' Colombian Coffee, Frac Pack 4211.75 oz Prices Subject To Change Without Notice. 8.99 899 12.79 1999 14.99 667929 975044 48445 972103 53378 843126 896879 926535 D'oro D'oro D'aro D'oro D'oro D'oro D'oro 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 3.95 158826 158858 158867 158903 158906 158888 158836 Stretch Island Fruit Kelloggs JeHy Belly Tree Top General Mills Kelloggs 10.65 10.39 9.99 999 9.99 10.89 864023 901400 166972 3532 676977 210522 Kelloggs Signature Signature Signature Signature 10.99 8.99 7.99 10.99 11.69 217249 16889 743006 12224 993156 Oberto Oberto Oberto Oberto Oberto Oberto 10.99 11.99 11.99 1199 13.89 8.99 379199 379179 379188 379189 164186 296995 Utz Kirkland Signature Frito Lay Stacy's Frito Lay Kirkland Signature Foodshou1dtastegood Frito Lay 6.29 4.25 4.99 5.79 4.99 3.35 6.29 10.95 957818 137378 933402 957447 309881 44004 114625 188140 10.99 188138 Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia Italia 6.45 5.95 9A9 Sho!"!vl"ead F!ldg£' Slnpe', eX': Grassi1up/le! Rice Krispies Treats, 54 ct Trail Mix, Assorted, 1213 oz Trail Mix, Rice Crackers & Nuts, 3lbs. Trail Mix, w/M&Ms, 64 oz bag Trail Mix, Fruit & Nut, 56 oz MEAT SNACKS Turkey Jerky, Teriyaki, 2/9 oz bag Beef Jerky, Original, 219 oz bag Beef Jerky, Teriyaki, 2/9 oz bag Beef Jerky, Pepper, 219 oz Beef & Turkey Variety, 12/1.5 oz Beef Pepperoni 24 oz CHIPS/PRETZELS/POPCORN Crunchy Snack Mix, Pub 36 oz Chips, Kettle, 32 oz C~ips, Doritos Nacho Cheese, 30 oz bag Chips, Pita, 28 oz Chips, Ruffles, 28 oz bag Chips, Tortilla, Strips, 48 oz Chips, Tortilla, Multigrain, 24 oz Pack, 30/3.5 oz '\jongo. Sf!"CiI\'ber:; KIlI"i. Sparkling, oz Sparkling, w/Juice, 28112 oz Dot:ies lr~, Carnation Carnation N' Joy International Delight C&H Nutrasweet Splenda Splenda Kirkland Kirkland Kirkland Kirkland PorolO. BBQ. Doriros Coo! Ranch & .tVacho. Cl:i!L'IOS Chips, Variety Pack, 50 ct Classtc Potaro. BEQ, Cheefos, Sun Frilo Lay Fl'IlOS, Dor/IOS 24 ct Cool Ronch & Nacho Frito Lay 8.99 222651 American Gourmet Schultz Utz Sensible Portion 7.39 5.25 5.79 5.79 173573 30426 275090 297775 Ol7lon. Han'cs! Cheddar Gardcn Saisu Kir,land Signature 14.69 25484 Pirate's Booty, 2110 oz bags Pretzels, Mini, 6 Ib bag Pretzel Sticks, Organic, 34 oz Veggie Crisps, Baked, 16 oz Please Call For Current Prices, Thank You l M & Ms Plain 56 oz bag Snickers wi alMonds, 2411.76 oz bar Milky Way, 36/2.15 oz bar Snickers, 48/2.07 oz bar Twix, Carame, 3612.0 oz bar Healh Toffee Bar, 2411 A oz bar Pop, 32 ct NUTS Almonds, 38 Almonds, RoastedlSalted, Ibs Almonds, Marcona, 16 Cashews, Extra Fancy, Ib jar Nuts, Mixed, Fancy, Ib jar Nuts, Variely, Tube, 24/2 oz Salted, In Shell, 5 Ib Unsalted, In SheiL 5 Ib Ex Large, 40 cz Pecans, 2 Ibs Pine Nuts, 24 oz Pislachios, 41bs Pistachios, Sail & Pepper, 3 Ibs Pistachio Kernels, 2 Ibs Walnuts, 3 Ibs SNACK BARS Bora Bora Bar, Variety, 18 ct Kirkland Signature 8 14.69 15.99 13.49 14.79 10.99 Bora Bora 17.99 General MI:ls Clil 10.69 19.89 1999 9.59 11.39 10.59 1016 236891 24/1.75 2412.1 Ol bar 972800 RIlHAriil10p.r 3612.1 oz 18328 100 Grand Bar, 36 ct 321063 190379 Nestle Cruncr., 3611.55 oz bar 4106 Junior Mints, 2411.6 OZ boxes 4007 Chocolate Covered Raisins, 54 oz 22249C KING SIZE CANDY 203444 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, 2412,8 pkg 23402 Nutrageous, 18 ct 203435 Payday, '8 ct 258631 NON - CHOCOLATE CANDY 5385 Jellybeans, Gourmet, 49 navors, 4 Ibs 36285 SkiWes, Tropical Fruit, 3612.17 oz Skittles, Or,ginal, 36/2.17 OZ 308564 Starburst, Original, 3612.07 oz Gummy Bears, 6 Ib bag Pay Day, 2411.85 oz bar 316306 Hot Tamales 24 ct 391076 Hot Tamales, 4.51bs 104'23 Mike & Ike Candies, ct 197202 CHANGE MAKER CANDY 698223 154365 11.89 11.89 11.79 18.99 1950 1952 975213 778499 Kirkland Signature Kirkland Kirkland Kirkland Kirkland Kirkland Crunch Peonut Bitner Clwco/aie Granola Bar, Granola Bar, Sweet Salty, 48 cl Granola Bar, Kashi, 25 ct Nutrition Bar, Variety, 24 ct Nalure Valley Nalure Valley Choeo/ar.:: BiaSi. Peonilf Butler, Really Vanilla Trail Mix Bar, Chewy, 48 cl Premier 2C.69 Mrs. Mays 15.99 217241 8.99 10.99 6.69 6,39 7.29 7.59 6.45 6.99 7.99 6.79 7.39 4.69 7.89 6.45 699 150774 GUM Juicy Fruit, Slim PaCk, 10 ilk 320420 2672 SUGARFREE 27491 204529 126823 154961 230060 110565 754400 45221 35439 349529 739538 300967 11.69 12.99 171859 953947 Kcaft Austin 7.79 5.69 66791 251361 Hershey 13.39 320888 Hershey Hershey Hershey Hershey Hershey Hershey Hershey Hershey M & MIMars 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.29 17.39 17.29 17.69 14.99 2529 105508 24600 24 ' 00 24000 44000 23963 24400 107051 M & MIMars M& :5.69 20.89 20.89 10.39 899 C/,(jco/aJe Chlp, Peam{,' Bulle'- Chocolate Oalmeu/ Raisin 12 cV2 ~ks BUlfer. Double Choco/afe 1951 COOKIES/CRACKERS Animal Crackers, Kirkland Biscotti, Dipped in Brownie Fudge Bites. 48 oz Just Desser,s 0'80, Super Cwton, 52.5 oz Nabisco G'aham Crac,ers, 57.50z box Nabisco Crac~er, Var:ety Pack. pk, 40.6 oz Dare Multi-Grain, 2/20 oz Miltons Meltl-Grain, 20 OZ Crunchmaster Cracker, 6 Crunchmaster Crackers, Nabisco Cheez-It Crackers, Saltine CraCKers, 3 Ib box Nabisco Goldfish Crackers, 58 box Wheal Thins, 40 oz Pita Btes, GarliciChive, 20 COOKIES/CRACKERS VEND/SINGLE SERVE Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies, ct Cookies/Cracker Va'iety Pack, 30 ct Goldfish, Flam, Blos/!?d Crackers & Cheese, Handi-Snacks, Cheese Crackers CHOCOLATE CANDY Hershey Variety PaCk, 30 cl 6 Kif ;':o!. 7l-lershey Mtlk Milk Chocu/art: w/o/monc/s Almond Joy, .76 oz bar Cookies'N'Cre!'1e, 36 ct Kit Kat. 36/1.50 oz bw Mlk Chocolate w/Almonds, 36/155 oz Milk Chocolate, 3611.55 oz Reese's Peanul Butter Cup, 36/1.6 oz pkg Reese's Sticks. 3611.5 Rolo, 36/1 93 roll M & M's, Siandard Bar Variety, 30 ct ,\f&MPlaill 3 oz M & M'g Plain, 4811.69 i'il & M's Peanut, 48/1.74 M & M's Peanut Butter, 24 ct M & M's Peanut bag 168754 1105 1101 1202 '123 129747 859223 32138 1273 20637 13179 Hershey 19.99 Hershey 14.99 Leal 14.99 48000 68278 866135 Nestle Nestle Nestle Kirkland Signature \Vithou; Nm:cc. 8503 835671 Kirkland M M & MIMars tv! & MIMars Black Forest Hershey Just Born Just Born JJst Born 1499 10.39 15.69 15.79 599 11.49 10.99 6.49 10.99 12173 825767 1160 1151 799849 11343 20644 297581 20651 Hershey M & MIMms 9,45 11.99 906014 Hershey 12.99 107979 Pearson Am. LiCOrice Tootsie Roll Kirkland Signature Yogurt Peanuf Crunch Snack Bar, Trio, 20 ct 10 8.99 10.39 15.69 20.69 15.69 11.49 11.65 11.59 17.29 17.29 16.99 11.59 7.99 N~Slle Red Vines, Licorice, Jar, Mint Patties, 240 ot Sour Punch TWists, cl Tootsie 100 ct 411222 HARD Nalure Valley 11.89 tv! & MIMars M & MIMars M & MIMars M & MIMars tv! & MIMars 7.99 999 10.89 799 10.99 Rancher.Slarl>urs/, T1\ 'izz/er, ,Venis. Tootsie Hard Candies, 112 oz Extra, ,Cobalt, ct Rain, 10 ct , Variety, 12 Orb;t, Orb ii, ,~"oIW[)f"IV. Orbit, Oroil, Winterminl. 12 ct Orbit, Peppecmint. 12 ct Orbil, 12 cl Orbit, 12 ct Oribl, Mint Variety, ~ 8 ct Orbit, Fruit Variety, 18 cl Orbit, While Variety, 20 ct Trident 18 stki12 ct Trident 18 stkJ12 ct Trident Twist, 12 ct Trident Trop:cal Twist, 12 Ct Trident Splash, S:raw~erry/Lime, 10 ct Trident White 12 ct Signat~re 8.99 Wrigley's 6.85 316246 Adams USA Adams USA Adams USA 8. ~ 5 8.15 8.15 18478 349702 673759 34239 446205 343357 Kirkland 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 11 8.99 699 699 8.99 8.99 11.39 9.39 10.99 8.15 8.15 8,15 8.15 Adams USA Adams USA Adams USA Altoid 8.15 834658 3121 341781 341960 276110 335702 335880 2089 402514 402516 40252C 713927 284346 23804: 306316 7507 7506 2203 30845 2065 435744 363185 40010 9207 Mentos, Mint, 20/15 ct TieTae Freshmint, 24 ct Van Melle 6.29 Ferrero 10.79 Freezer Paper, 18"xll 00' Plastic Wrap, 12" x 750', 2 pk PlaslicWrap, 12" x 3000' roll PVC Film Wrap, 18" x 3000' roll Pop-Up Foil, 12" x 10.75",500 ct Aluminum Foil, 250' Roll, 2 pk (500') Aluminum Foil, Standard Wt. 12'· x 1000' Aluminum Foil, Heavy Duty, 18" x 500' Aluminum Foil, Heavy Duty, 18"x150', 2 pk Wax Paper, Heavy Duty, 10" x 10,%",2/500 shts Kubne! l1/ax Food rVrop, 325821 7296 Georgia Pacific Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Polyvinyl KS/Reynolds Reynolds KSIReynolds KS/Reynolds Reynolds Dixie 35.99 8.99 11.99 18.99 10.59 16.99 23.99 25.39 13.99 9.99 15945 208721 208733 63202 31686 720 31680 31684 975 30864 Duro Duro Duro Duro Duro Duro Duro SC Johnson SC Johnson SC Johnson SC Johnson 5.99 7.49 7.99 10.99 16.49 15.99 10.99 7.99 9.69 10.79 9.99 63917 4927 7687 2719 110478 154886 272686 84839 921389 921279 197683 Bounty Kirkland Signature Scott Scott Maralhon Scott Scoll 19.49 14.59 23.99 27.99 ",9.99 22.99 47.69 370770 118265 475023 19540 478955 19563 19572 Marat~on Kirkland Signature Tidynap GP Vanity Fair Scott Scott Vanity Fair Georgia Pacinc 9.99 8.99 12.99 8.99 8.59 1249 9A9 745 5.69 15788 58601 39292 128467 414314 19444 8200 208815 315738 Strong holder 7.39 32766 Solo Solo Solo Kirkland Signature 7.79 7.79 7.79 9.39 127509 127279 127489 12648 Temple Inland Dixie Dixie Dixie Chi net Chi net Tenneco 16.99 10.99 14.69 7.29 1369 15.89 8.69 17521 128163 994311 1":15 18695 32711 265999 Tenneco Tenneco Amoco Amoco Amoco 6.59 7.89 6.79 9.89 9.89 2916 2917 6279 39401 39415 Dixie Soio Solo Solo Solo Solo Solo Solo 4.69 7.59 9.39 10.89 12.39 46,59 11.99 13.79 46829 24860 24862 24863 24864 23493 24866 24870 Dixie Dixie Dixie Dixie Dixie 5.99 7.99 9.59 11.89 9.99 40957 393424 24588 24592 24594 SeIlIO}" PAPER & PLASTtC BAGS Bags, #4 Brown, 500 ct Bags, #6 Brown, lunch size, 500 ct Bags, #8 Brown, 500 ct Bags, #12 Brown, 500 ct Bags, #66 Brown, Grocery Size, 300 ct Bags, #425 Brown, Grocery Size, 500 ct Plastic, Black, 1000 ct liploc Bags, Sandwich Size, 4/125 liploc Bags, Freezer Quart, 216 ct liploc Bags, Freezer Galion, 152 ct liploc Bags, El lipper Gallon, 117 ct PAPER TOWELSIHAND TOWELS Paper Roll Towels, 96 shts, 12 rolls Paper Roll Towels, 80 shts, 12 rolis Multifold Towel, 9Ax9,3 16/250 ct pks C-Fold Towel, 104xI3.3, 161150 et pks Center pull Towel, 4 rolls/320 shts Single Fold Towel, 10.5x9.3, 121250 ct Hard Roll Towel, 8"x425", 12 pk NAPKINS/TABLE COVERS Cocktail, 2 Ply, Y, Fold,1 0" x 10", 800 ct Napkins, '2"xl'.6". 1320 ct Napkins, Dispef'ser, 9x13, 3000 ct Napkins, Tallfold, 7xI3.5, 2500 ct Lunch, 2 Ply, 600 ct Dinner, 1 Ply, 1/8 Fold, 15" x 17", 1250 ct Dinner, 2 Ply, 1/8 Fold, 15' x 17", 600 ct Dinner, 3 Ply, 15" x 17", 200 ct Table Cover, White, 50" x 108", 3 pk HOLDERS/DISPENSERS Carrying Trays, Paper, 4 Cup, 85 ct DISPOSABLE UTENSILSICONTAINER Plastic Forks, Heavy Duty, 500 ct Plastic Knives, Heavy Duty, 500 ct Plastic Spoons, Heavy Duty, 500 cl Plaslic Cutlery Combo, Clear, 360 ct PLATES/PLAHERS/BOWLS Paper Plate, 9" Light Wt White, 1200 ct Paper Plate, 6 7/8", Heavy, 300 ct Paper Plate, 8 1/2" Heavy, 276 ct Paper Bowl, 12 oZ,175 ct Paper Plate, 8,%",225 ct Paper Plate, 103/8",165 cl Foam Plate, 9", 200 ct TRAYSICONTAI N ERS Paper Food Tray, lib, 250 ct Paper Food Tray, 2 Ib, 250 ct Hinged Foam Tray, 5 '%" x 5 '%" x 2 W', 125 ct Hinged Foam Tray, Laminated 3 Section, 100 ct Hinged Foam Tray, Laminated, 9" x 9",100 ct Paper Cups, Vending, 7 OZ, 150 ct Paper Cups, White, 8 OZ, 200 ct Paper Cups, White, 12 OZ, 200 ct Paper Cups, White, 16 OZ, 160 ct Paper Cups, White, 20 OZ, 160 ct Paper Cups, Bistro, 12 OZ, 1000 ct Paper Cup Lids, 8 OZ, 500 Ci Paper Cup Lids, 12116/20 oz, 500 ct PAPER CUPS/LIDS" COLD BEVERAGES Paper Cups, 3 OZ, Rio Design, 600 ct Paper Cups, 5 OZ, Rio Design, 450 ct Paper Cups, 12 OZ, 300 ct Paper Cups, 16 OZ, 240 ct Paper Cups, 20 OZ, 180 ct Prices Subject To Change Without Notice. Paper Cup Lids, 12116120 oz, Straw Slot, 600 ct Dixie FOAM CUPS Foam Cups, 8 OZ, 1200 ct Dart Foam Cups, 12 OZ, 1000 ct Dart PLASTIC CUPSILIDS Clear Cup Lids, 12/20 OZ, 500 ct Solo Clear Cup Lids, 16/24 oz, 500 ct Solo Clear Cup Dome Lids, 16 OZ, 1000 ct Solo Clear Cups, 120z, 200 ct Solo Clear Cups, 16 OZ, 200 ct Solo Clear Cups, 20 OZ, 200 ct Solo Clear Cups, 24 OZ, 100 ct Solo Clear Tumbler, 10 OZ, 150 C1 Comet Red Cups, 18 OZ, 240 ct Kirkland Signature STIRRERS/STRAWS Plastic Stirrers, 7", 5000 ct Comet Straws, Wrapped, 7 W,1500 ct Comet COFFEE FILTERS Coffee Filters, #4 Cone Type, 400 cl Gustin Kramer LTO Coffee Filters, 8 - 10 Cup, 700 ct Gustin Kramer LTO Coffee Filters, Commercial, 1000 ct Rockline Bath Tissue, 2 Ply, 425 Shts, 36 roils Kirkland Signature Bath Tissue, Giant Roll, 2 Ply, 30 pk Charmin Bath Tissue, 2 Ply, 500 sheet, 40 roll Marathon Bath Tissue, Jumbo Roll Refill, 6 ok, 1000" Scott Facial Tissue, 8/300 pk Kleenex Kleenex Facial Tissue, 12/85 pk, cube box Facial Tissue, 121100 pk, cube box Kirkland Signature Facial Tissue, 30/125 ct Kirkland Signature Toilet Seat Covers, 2500 ct GP EQUIPMENT Steam Carpet Cleaner, 2X Dryaire Bissell Steam Mop, Shark Europro Steam Vac, Mighty Pro Rug Doctor Vacuum, Upright, DC17 Dyson Vacuum, Poweclean Bissell Vacuum, Canister, Elile Cyclonic Hoover Vacuum, Self Propelled Hoover CLEANERS All Purpose Cleaner, 180 oz w/ 32 oz refill 409 All Purpose Cleaner, 175 oz Pine Sol Surface Wipes, 3 pk Kirkland Signature Disinfecting Wipes, 4 ct Clorox Oxi-Clean Oxi-Clean Multi Purpose, 15 Ibs GLASS CLEANER Giass Cleaner, Aerosol, 4/19 oz cans Sprayway G:ass Cleaner, 32 oz + 172 oz refil: Windex DISH/LAUNDRY DETERGENT/BLEACH Dishwasher Detergent, 125 oz Kirkland Signature Dishwasher Detergent, Powder, 125 oz box Cascade Complete Dishwasher Detergent Gel, 125 oz Cascade Gel Dishwasher Detergent Gel, 2/125 oz Kirkland Signature Dishwasher Tabs, 3-in-one, 100 ct Electrasol Rinse Agent, 32 oz Jet-Dry Liquid Dish Soap, Advanced Power, 90 oz bottle Dawn Liquid Dish Soap, Env. Friendly, 135 oz Kirkland Signature Fabric Softener Sheets, 250 ct Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets, 21246 ct Kirkland Signature Fabric Softener, Liquid, 168 oz Downy Fabric Softener, Liquid, 150 oz Kirkland Signature Liquid Laundry Detergent, 170 oz Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent, H E, 110 loads Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent. Free/Clear, 170 oz Kirkland Signature Liquid Laundry Detergent, Ultra, HO oz Kirkland Signatu,e Liquid Laundry Detergent, For Colors, Uitra, 100 oz Woolite Kirk:and Signaure Laundry Detergent, Super Concentrate, 281b Laundry Dete,gent, 180 use Tide Laundr/ Detergent, Advance Power, 95 use, wlbleach Tide Ultra Liquid Bleach, 2/182 01 Ultra Clorox StainfighUColor Boost, 112.75 oz Clorox 2 Stain Remover, 144 oz & 22 oz Spray n Wash HAND SOAP Bar Soap, Irish Spring, Original, 4.5 OZ, 20 pk Irish Spring Bar Soap, Dove, 4.75 oz, 14 pack Dove Bar Soap, Cool Moisture, ~ 4 pack Dove Bar Soap, Lever, 4.5 OZ, 14 pack Lever 2000 Bar Soap. 1414.5 oz Kirkland Signature Body Wash, 2/24 oz Dove Body Wash, Rainbath, 40 oz Neutrogena Liquid Soap Refi,l, Antibacterial, 2/80 oz Softsoap 18.75 16933 17.79 20.99 12906 12907 15.89 15.89 49.99 1179 13.99 17.79 9.99 8.49 9.99 25090 25092 20269 25082 25085 25087 25089 242828 277354 7.99 4.59 91543 91792 3.49 2.59 5.99 9661 7712 637628 17.99 19.59 21.89 21.99 14.99 1549 1169 21.99 21.99 15989 33911 439912 19528 273420 221663 221670 32152 76095 199.99 68.99 474.99 429.99 99.99 189.99 189.99 286631 269653 267156 562440 331632 356651 307185 11.49 8.99 8.99 12.79 16.99 966158 956678 33399 103518 309892 7.59 1149 811482 362058 5.69 9.39 949 8.99 14.99 11A9 8.39 7.99 8.99 8.35 14.49 8.69 22.99 23.99 14.79 14.99 13.79 13.99 29.99 22.99 5.59 13.99 8.49 295854 245676 246103 111498 301900 957402 980226 295861 323979 177806 163176 246112 213398 195087 273096 273095 248034 119903 898224 999903 918304 308543 423836 7.89 12.99 12.99 7.59 8.99 565840 61815 611375 328341 28613 124028 414510 446241 10.79 16.99 7.99 Please Call For Current Prices, Thank You l DEODORIZER/DISINFECTANT/BATHROOM Bow! Tabs, 6 ct Cleanser, 6/28 oz cans Drain Cleaner, 2/80 oz Disrnfectant Spray, Crisp Linen, 3/19 oz cans Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 4/32 OZ SPONGES/BROOMS/GLOVES Broom, Angle Broom, Push, 24" Mop, 10" sponge Mop, Hardwood Floor Heavy Sponges, 18 pk Multi Purpose Sponges, 18 pk TRASH LINERS/CANS/MATS 10 Gal, High Density, .34 mi[, Clear, 500 ct 13 Gal, Tall Kitchen, Drawstring, 200 ct 33 Gal, Clear, 200 ct 33 Gal, Drawstring, 90 ct 45 Gal, Smart Tie, 100 ct Mat, 3'x5', Entrance Mat, 2'x3', Door Shelf Liner, Clear, Ribbed, 18"x15' CLEAN ER Ciorox Comet Liquid P:ufYlmer Lysol Lyso! 9.99 5.79 9.59 10.99 7.99 614523 933307 36105 379338 378705 Libman Libman O-Cedar Scotch Brite 3M Scotcil Brite 10.69 12.99 11.99 14.99 10.99 11.79 285161 183421 633635 145340 726437 312652 Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature KirKland Signature Kirkland Signature Aoache Mills Apache Mills Kittrich 6.79 9.99 15.59 11.99 14.89 18.99 13.99 87507 50787 214988 384324 181228 321771 279651 273290 Inkjet ':399 FOI Laser X 27.99 GP 2999 GP 40.99 Grays Harbor 38.99 Xerox 6.89 COLORED/PHOTO PAPER 81/2x 11", Glossy Photo Paper, 150 sheets Kirkland Signature 17.99 4"x6" Glossy Photo Paper, 300 shts Kirkland Signature 13.79 ENVELOPES/LABELS National Envelope 6.19 Envelope, :1110 Security, White, 500 ct Envelope, #10 Security, Press It Seal It, 500 ct Mead 9.99 Manila, Clasp, 28#, 10' x 13", 150 ct Gould 8.99 Labels, Laser, 1 x 2 5/8", 4200 ct Avery 26.99 LEGAL PADS/MESSAGE BOOKSIPOST-IT-NOTES Letter Pad, Canary, 100 Sheet, Perf, 9 ct Pen-Tab 8.69 Post It Notes, 3 x 3", 24 ct 3M n99 FILE FOLDERS/STORAGE BOXES Storage Box, Heavy Duty, 10 pk Weyerhaeuser 17.99 Hanging File, Letter, 50 ct Smead 7.79 File Folder. Letter, 1/3 cut, 150 ct Smead 649 BINDERS/NOTEBOOKS View Binder, 1," 3 Ring, 6 pk Wilson Jones 9.69 View Binder, 1", White, 3 Ring. 6 pk Wilson Jones 9.69 View Binder, 2", White, 3 Ring, 4 pk Wilson Jones 10.99 View Binder, 3", White, DRing, 2 pk Wilson Jones 11.99 ADHESIVE TAPE Magic Tape Dispenser, '/o"x 1100" Roll, 6 pk Scotch 9.99 Magic Tape Refills, % x 1500", 12 pk Scotch/3M 18.79 Packing Tape, 2" x 54.6 yd, Clear, 8 pk Scotch/3M 20.99 PENS/PENCILS Blue, Med Pt, Stic, Pen, 108 ct Gillette 7.39 Ge! Pens, Asst Colors, 15 ct Pitot 12,49 Gel Pens, 12 ct Uniba:l 11.59 Pencils, WOOd, #2, 72 ct Dixon Ticonderoga 7.79 Pencils, Mechanical, 4 pk w/erasers Quicker Clicker 8.79 Sharpie, 25 ct, Black Sharpie 12.49 DESK AND DRAWER SUPPLIES Correction Tape, 6 pk Dryline 9.79 Scissors, 3 pk CRI 11.99 Sheet Protectors. Heavy Duty, 225 ct Averl 12.69 Stapler, Powerease Acco 16.99 PHONE CARDS Prepaid Phone Card 700 minutes MCI 19.99 Calculator, Business, 2 pk Cash Regisler, Dual Station Electric Pencil Sharpener Labeler, PTouch Shredder, Confetti Cut, DM12C ADDING MACHINE/CASH REGISTER ROLLS Thermal Rolls, 2 1/4", 24 pk LASER/COPIER/PRINTER SUPPLIES Inkjet Cartridge, #56, 3 pk black Inkjet Cartridge, 57/56, 2 Co:or, 1 Biack Color Cartridge, C6646AN, 1 pk Black Cartridge, C6615Dn, 2 pk Black Caliridge, 96 Black Cartridge, 12A Black Cartridge, 56, 3 pK Black Cartridge, 45A, 2 pk Black Cartridge, 88, 2 p, Combo Cartridge, 21/22 COfYlbo Cartridge, 57/56 Combo Caliridge, 2/98 & 95 Combo Cartridge, 97 & 96 Combo Calilidge, 94 & 97 Combo Cartridge, 2/92 & 93 Toner E40 539361 239248 388967 235749 233322 923855 142010 25500 217735 Safe, Biometric, 1.2 cubic ft. Table, Utility, 6', Fold-in-Half Workstation, comer CHAIRS/CHAIR MATS Task Chair, Fabric Office Chair, Leather Executive Office Chair, Managers Chair Mat, 45"x53" Chair, Folding, Padded Chair, Folding, Plastic 200889 91125 222522 311803 675749 133502 415022 Blending System, 22 pc Coffee Maker, 12 cup Programmable Coffee Maker, Grind & Brew Food Saver, Advanced w/pulse vac control Food Saver Bags, 6 rolls Food Processor, 11 cup Hangers, Flocked Slimlin, 50 ct Iron, Professional w. stainless soleplate Iron, Digital Juicer, Stainless Steel Knife Set, 10 pc Water Filtration, Pitcher Filters, 10 pk Water Filtration Faucetmount Filters, 6 pk Water Filtration, Faucetmount, w/2 filters Cookware Set, Hard Anodized,14 pc Cookware Set, Stainless Steel, 16 pc Cookware Set, Non Stick Hard Anodized. 11 pc Saute Pans, 3 pc Saute Pan, 5.5 Qt Storage 8ags, 12 ct Steamer, Portable TOWELS Towels, Bar, 17x20, 12 pk Towels, Commercial, Wash, 13x13, 24 pk Towels, Commercial, Hand, 16x30, 12 pk Towels, Commercial, Bath, 30x52 6 pk Towels, KitcheG, 10 pk 474869 41138 163197 684756 213512 448649 235817 787189 246106 264267 96 NCR 8.69 997964 HP HP 57.99 82.99 493335 494814 [0 Ploduct f\vailability and Prices Subject To Change W!rhout Notice. 237212 Epson 59.99 813329 HP 56.99 HP 55.99 HP 83.99 HP 65.99 HP 57.99 HP 58.99 HP 66.99 HP 41.99 HP 82.99 HP 63.99 HP 89.99 HP 71.99 HP 44.49 Canon 116.99 331388 331377 817699 795899 493335 237212 '175733 153986 494814 984212 817700 817702 984211 238705 Copi,-r PRINTERS/MONITORS/FAX Ail-In-One, MX860, Wireless All-in-One, J6450, Wireless Printer, J4550 Printer, Photosmart C5550, 3-in-1 Printer, Photosmart C7250 Wireless All-in-One Printer, Laser, MFC7420B Printer, Laser, MFC8670DN, 5-in-1 Monitor, 20", LCD, 2019VWA1 Monitor, 236", LCD, VX2433WM Monitor, 215" LCD, 2233SW Monitor, 25.5" LCD, VMM26F201 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES Baller! Back-Up, 1000VA UPS Hard Drive, 1 TB, Ext. Wireless Router Hard Drive, Portable, 320GB Canned Air 6 pk MEMORY CARDS Cruzer Micro, 4GB, 3 pk Cruzer, Micro, 16GB SD Card, 4GB, Hi Capacity, 2 pk Compact Flash, 4GB, 2 pk 126755 933656 438345 35 1 130 130631 298054 114066 58.99 For K'OO, R300, R320. RX500, RX600, RX620 35588 958403 958408 158062 428437 Canon 2199 Royal 259.99 Acme 18.79 Brother 27.99 Fellowes 99.99 HP 855('. 16001' Inkjet Cartridge, Combo, T048120-T048620 current 8 1, x 11", 20#, 92 Brite, 5k shts 81, xii", 20#,92 Brite, Multi-System, 5k shts 81, x 14", 20#,92 Brite, 5k shts 8 y, x11", 100% Recycled, 91 Brite, 8 1, x '1", Premium Multi-purpose, 800 ct Black HP51645,2 PK Canon HP HP HP HP Brother Brother AOC Viewsonic Safllsung Vizio 159.99 159.99 79.99 114.99 169.99 189.99 399.99 129.99 269.99 179.99 399.99 393018 278010 299688 345550 222221 282329 304559 345684 632632 384630 392620 Trioplite 99.99 Western Digital 134.99 Dlink 84.99 Western Digital 109.99 Falcon 17.99 524914 237242 193683 284320 246143 Sandisk San disk Sandisk Sandisk 34.99 39.99 27.99 34.99 344979 344980 344977 384549 Sentry 229.99 Lifetime Leisure 49.99 Bestar 399.99 110832 238397 224310 True Seating 88.99 True Seating 199.99 True Seating 179.99 E. S Robbins 21.79 Samsonite 15.79 Lifetime Products 19.99 379276 380462 276289 '22164 253029 313590 Magic Bullet Mr. Coffee Cuisinart Tilia Tilia Cuisinart Anchor Rowenta Sunbeam Jack Lalanne Henckels Brita Pur Pur K.S. Kirkland Signature Circulon Bialetli Bialetti Space Bags Tobi 49.99 29.79 69.99 149.99 39.99 149.99 18.49 69,99 29.99 89.99 169.99 41.69 51.99 38.79 159.99 1S9.99 199.99 19.99 19.99 23.99 79.99 203008 332651 276943 522516 349279 252853 320107 204600 706666 108709 777159 766229 908233 859926 20~ 384 208782 253550 291404 305843 310353 555505 Town & Country Martex Martex Marlex Town & Country 7.99 9.99 14.99 19.99 11.99 262881 243662 243661 243660 161371 Dryer, Electric Super Capacity Whirlpool 389.99 Dryer, Eiectric Duet Whirlpool1049.99 Dryer, Efectric Cabrio Whirlpool 649.99 Washer, Electric Cabrio Whirlpool 799.99 Washer, Electric Duet Whirlpoo!1049.99 Whirlpooi 169.99 Pedesta:, Duet Freezer, Chest, 7.0 cub ~ Whirlpool 229.99 Microwave,1.1 cub ft, 1100 watt Sharp 69.99 Microwave, 1.6 cub ft, 1250 watt Panasonic 139.99 Refrigerator, Top Mount, 14.4 cub K Kirkland Signature by Whirlpool 399.99 Refrigerator, Top Mount, 20.8 cub ~ Whirlpool 649.99 Refrigerator, Mini, 3.7 cub ft Sanyo 149.99 CAMERAS Observation System, 20" LCD Monitor Lorex 1299.99 Security Set, Wireless. Two Camera Astak 139.99 AUDIONIDEO TAPE/COLOR PRINT Sony 18.49 Recordable CD-R, SO min, ~ 00 pk Recordable CD-R, Music, 100 pk Sony 21.79 Recordable DVD+R Print-On, 100 pk Sony 29.49 BATTERIES "9 Volt", Alkaline, 8 pk Duraceil 13.99 "MA." Ceil, Alkaline, 24 pk Duracell 11.39 Kirkland Signature 12.99 "AM" Cell. Alkaline, 48 pk "AA" Cell, Alkaline, 36 pk Duracell 13.69 "AA" Cell, Alkaline, 48 pk Kirkland Signature 10.99 "AA" Ultra, 16 pk Duracell 8A9 "C" Cell, Alkaline, 12 pk Ouracell 11.49 "D" Cell, Alkaline, 12 pk Duracell 11.49 Hearing Aid, Size 10,30 ct Zinc Air Extra 9.39 Zinc Air Extra Hearing Aid, Size 13A, 30 ct 939 Zinc Air Extra Hearing Aid, Size 312, 30 ct 9.39 LIGHT BULBS Conserv-Energy ~ 7.69 Flood, IndoorlOutdoor, 23 wt, 4 pk Floodlight, LED R30 Refiector Lights of America 1399 Bathroom Globe CFL, 11 wt, 4 pk Conserv-Energy 10.39 Compact Fluorescent, 23 wt, 6 pk Feit 1U9 Compact F!uorescent, 13 wt, mini twist, 6 pk Feit 13.99 Conserv-Energy ~ 7.89 Compact Fluorescent, 15 wI reflector, 6 pk Fluoresceni, 23 wi reflector, 4 Conserv-Energy ~6.69 Ibuprofen, 200 mg, 2 pkJ500 ct Kirkland Signature 8.99 Motrin IB Caplets, 300 ct Motrin 13.75 Motrin, Ciliidrens, 2x4 oz Motrin 8.99 Naproxen SodiufY1, 250 ct Aleve 14.75 Naproxen Sodium Liquid Gel. 220 mg, 220 cl Aleve 17.99 Naproxen Sodium, Caplet, 220 mg, 400 ct Kirkland Signature 12.99 Sleep Aid Tablets, 96 ct Kirkland Signature 5.99 ANTACID/LAXATIVEIDIETARY AIDS Acid Control, 20 mg, 2185 ct Kirkland Signature 9.99 Acid Reducer, 150 mg, 190 ct Kirkland Signature 8.69 Antacid, Reg Strength, Assorted, 2/300 ct Kirkland Signature 5.99 Antacid Tablets, 116 cl Alka-Seltzer 9.99 Anti-Diarrheal Caplet, 2/200 cl Kirkland Signature 5.49 Beano Tablets, 120 ct + 12 ct Beano 13.29 Citrucel Caplets, 220 ct Citrucel 21.19 Cilrucel, Orange, Sugar Free Powder, 42 oz Citrucel 21.19 Fiber Supplement, 190 dose Benefiber 19.69 Fiber Laxative, Natural, Sugarfree, 180 Tsp Kirkland Signature 7.69 Fiber Tablet, 250 c! Kirkland Signature 6.99 Lactaio Fast Acting Cap:ets, 96 ct Lactaid 15.29 Lactase Caplet, Fast Acting, 180 ct Kirkland Signature 14.99 Laxative, 2/30 dose bottles Miralax 29.39 Pepto-Bismoi, Liquid, 2/16 oz Pepto-Bismoi 8.79 Pceparation H, Medicated Wipes, 144 ct Preparation H 10.89 Preparation H, Ointment, 2I2oz Preparation H 13.29 Preparation H, Suppositories, 48 ct Preparation H 16.39 Prilosec, 20 mg, 42 ct Procter & Gamble 25.89 Omeprazole, 20 mg, 42 ct Kirkland Signature 18.99 Tums, U:tra Berry Flavor, 265 ct Tums 9.85 Tums, Extra Strength, Tropical, 330 ct Tums 9.85 Zantac, 150 mg, 2x45 ct Zantac 19.89 COUGH/COLD/ALLERGY/SINUS In cooperation wllh laH' enforcement some olihese ifems are limit of 1 Airborne Effervescent, 2/18 ct Airborne 16.75 Allergy Relief, Allerciear, 10 mg non-drowsy, 300 ctKirkland Signature 12.59 Allergy Relief, Aller-Tee. 10 mg, 365 ct Kirkland Signature 16.29 Allergy Relief, 10 rYlg, 75 ct Zyriec 32.99 Allergy Relief, Childrens, Bubblegum Syrup, 2/4 oz Zyrtec 17.69 Allergy Relief, 10 rYlg, Liquidgel, 70 ct Claritin 34.49 Allergy Relief, Childrens, Grape. 2/4 oz Claritin 16.29 Allergy Relief, Reditab, 50 ct G:aritin 2499 Allergy Medicine. Mini Tab, 400 ct Kirkland Signature 3.' 9 Benadryl Ailergy, 25 mg, 148 ct Benadryl 13.S9 Benadryl Liquid, 2I8oz Benadryl 11.65 Cough Drops, Sugar Free Lemon & Cherry, 6 pk Ricola 7.25 Cough Drops, Original &Honey Lemon, 6 pk Ricola 7.25 Cough Drops, Variety, 6 pk Halls 7.59 Cough Drops, Sugar Free, Variety, 6 pk Halls 8.89 Decongestant, Nasal Drops, 2 ct Afrin 899 Dayquil Liquicaps, 60 cl Vicks 13.39 Expectorant/Cough Suppressant, 44 ct Mucinex 27.99 Expectorant. 44 ct Mucinex 25.59 Cold Remedy, Nasal Gel, HarYleopathic, 2 pk Zicam 13.49 Cold Remedy, Gel Swabs, 34 ct Zicam 13.49 Cold Remedy, Rapidmelts, w/vitamin C, 45 ct Zicam 13.49 Nyquil Liquicaps, 60 ct Vicks ~ 139 Nyquil, Liquid, Original or Cherry, 3/10 oz Vicks 13.39 Vicks Ointment. 60z Vicks 8.99 FIRST Alcohol, Isopropyl, 70%, 2/32 oz Cumberland 2.89 Antibacterial Cream, 2/1 oz Nesoporin 8.99 Lamisil ~4.99 Antifungai Cream &Spray Powder Chapstick Variety Pack, 10 ct Chapstick 8.99 Kirkland Signature Hydrocortisone Cream, 1% w/aloe, 4x2 oz 5.45 Hydrogen Peroxide, 2132 oz Cumberland 209 Bengay Cream, Ultra Strength, 2x4 oz Pfizer 9.19 Pain Relief Patch, 120 ct Salon pas 6.99 Thermacare Thrptc Heat Wrap Neck/Arm, 9 ct Proctor & Gamble 15.49 Thermometer, Temporal Artery Exergen 29.69 EYE CARE Alcon Systane Lubricant Drops. 2x30 ml Alcon 22.29 Renu Muitiplus, 2116 oz & 2 oz travel Bausch & Lomb 16.89 Boston Sirnplus M-Action, 2x3.5 oz Boston '4.99 Boston Advanced Multi-pack, 2 conditioner, 1 cleaner Boston 21.49 Eye Drops, 2x1 oz & 2x.5 oz Visine 9.99 DiSinfecting Solution, 2x16 oz Clear Care ~3.99 Multipurpose Solution, 3 x 16 oz Kirkland Signature 7.69 Opti-Free 18.29 Multipurpose Solution, Rep:enish, 2x14 oz Multipurpose Solution, 2x1 6 oz Opti-Free 18.29 Refresh Plus, 100 ct Refresh 18.39 Refresh Tears, 2x32m: Refresh 18.39 Preservision softgeis, 150 ct Bausch & Lomb 26.99 Ocuvite Tablets, 2/120 ct Bausch & Lomb 18.49 378594 298646 378665 378671 298645 729826 321503 367643 196026 401735 831225 387053 804321 918000 117615 277672 277669 75538 485474 176073 24878 227380 444111 451757 451778 139740 139747 139755 877703 256264 238660 877665 877205 877030 877541 8. Fire Extinguisher, 5 Ib Flashligilt, Combo pack Frames, 8x10, Walnut, 2pk Frames, 11x14, Walnut, 2 pk Work Gloves, medium &large, 3 pk. Rack, Industrial 77"x24"x72" Shelf Unit w/melamine shelves, 48"x18"x72" Shelf Unit, Chrome, 6 shelf, NSF Storage Box, Clear, 11 gaiton, 3 pk HARDWARE Generator, Portable, 7000 w! Garage Vacuum System Miter Saw, 12" Sliding Dual Motion Detector w/3 head security light Pressure Washer, 2600 PSI Pressure Washer, 1750 PSI Paint Sprayer, Airless Piston Pump Ladder, ~ T, AlurYlinum Tarp, 12x16,2pk WD-40, 3/12 oz Workbench, 8 It hardwood First Alert 32.49 Maglite 2999 CRr 15.99 CRI 19.99 Wells Lamont ~ 999 Whalen 149.99 Wha:en 59.49 placetech 94.99 Monona 15.49 540003 278107 766907 946738 864431 333051 295737 786529 332507 Champion Power Bissell Hitachi EML Technology Powerstroke Snap-On Wagner Little Giant Kwang Sung WOAO Whalen 699.99 169.99 399.99 24.79 329.99 149.99 299.99 19999 17.79 12.49 199.99 375672 318431 392197 309498 809031 873660 354465 269470 467428 259385 162584 Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature 15,99 15.99 533170 533180 Acetaminophen Caplets, 2 pkJ500 ct Kirkland Signature Tylenol Acetaminophen Caplets, Extra Strength, 325 ct Acetaminophen Gel Caps, Ex. Stmth, Rapid Release, 290 ct. Tylenol Tylenol Acetaminophen, Arthritis, 650 mg, 290 ct Acetaminophen, Childrens, Liquid, 2/4 az Tylenol Tylenol Acetaminophen, Infant Drops, Dye Free, 211 oz Aspirin/Acetaminophen, Extra Strength, 300 ct Excedrin Aspirin/Acetaminophen, M:graine Caplets, 300 ct Excedrin Aspirin, Enteric Coated, 325 rng, 500 ct Kirkland Signature Aspirin, 8~ rYlg, 2x365 ct Kirkland Signature Aspirin, Low Dose, 81 mg, 400 ct Bayer Advil Ibuprofen Liquigeis, 200mg, 240 cl Ibuprofen Tablets, 200 mg, 325 ct Advil Advil Ibuprofen PM Caplets, 180 ct 7.35 15.25 14.69 1599 8.99 12.39 12.75 12.75 197800 449832 504882 83829 123089 501670 672030 720393 197121 310715 352580 169233 352037 164450 Gioves, Nitrile, Med., 2/150 ct Gloves, Nitrile, 2/150 ct PAIN 5.29 4.99 11.59 17.89 16.59 17.69 107824 48137 236929 650890 652782 197 1 97 313699 295735 260486 197104 51447 780969 743750 41955 87589 700441 377778 204022 509109 146002 806505 674878 732060 373415 113585 945005 258141 72147 72079 421031 929505 295740 311676 720464 380078 807137 805195 310974 197832 507472 547170 941333 207672 546637 466375 214879 929737 638242 638240 62750 502053 322165 929738 929736 101877 453917 44125 297284 201011 49449 453914 935195 46581 256241 698455 821211 623576 54308 512396 749334 160936 253728 122584 173138 40310 965603 853240 838714 II Prices Subject To Change Without Notice. ----------- Pleasc Call For Currcnt Prices, Thank You l Description & Sell Unit NICOTINE AIDS Lozenge, mint, 2 mg, 168 ct Lozenge, mint, 4 mg, 168 ct Nicorette Gum, Original, 2 mg, 200 ct Nicorette Gum, Fresh Mint, 2 mg, 190 ct Nicorette Gum, 4 mg, 200 ct Nicorette Gum, Mint, 4 mg, 190 ct Nicoderm CO Clear 7 mg Patch, 14 cl Nicoderm CO Ciear 14 mg Patch, 21 ct Nicoderm CO Clear 21 mg Patch, 21 ct VITAMINS/AIDS 5 Hour Energy, Berry, 24 ct Calcium Citrate wimag, zinc, Vi!. D, 300 cl Calcium wi Vitamin D, 600 ct Calcium w/vitamin D, 500 mg, 250 ct Childrens Multivitamins, Chewable,300 ct Childrens Multivitamins, 200 ct Childrens Gummy Vites, 220 ct Calcium Gummy Bears, 200 ct Coenzyme 010,150 mg, 120 ct Coenzyme 010, 200 mg, 60 sofigels Cranberry, 300 mg, 180 softgels Diabetes Health Pack, 60 packets Fish Oil, 1000 mg, 400 ct Flaxseed Oil, Organic, 225 ct Flaxseed Oil, Organic, 1300 mg, 300 softgels Garlic, Odorless, 300 ct Ginkgo wlVinpocetine, 250 softgels Glucosamine 11500 mg, 170 ct Glucosamine wi MSM, 200 tablets Glucosomine w/MSM, 375 ct Glucosamine Chondroitin, 190 ct Glucosamine, 24/8 oz cans Glucosamine & Chondrtn, Liquid, 33.8 oz Move Free, Advanced, 140 ct Multivitamin Pak, 100 packets Multivitamin Tab!els, 500 ct Multivitamin Tablets, 270 ct Mullivitamin Tablets, 325 cl Multivilamin, Liquid, 32 oz Sam-E, 90 ct Sio-Niacin, 500 mg, 150 ct B-50 Stress Formula, 350 ct Melatonin, 3 mg, 300 ct Triple Flex, Triple Strength, 150 ct Prenatal Vitamins, 300 ct Vitamin C, 1000 mg w/rose hips, 500 ct Vitamin E, 400 IU, 500 ct DIET/NUTRITION DRINKS Cortisol wi Hoodia extract, 32 oz Greens To Go, 30 ct Zipfizz, Variety Pack, 30 c\ Ziofizz Liquid Shot, 24 ct Weight Loss Shake, RTD, 24 cans, Choc Muscle Milk, Light Chocolate, 24/8.5 oz Nutrition Beverage, Vanilla, 24/8 oz Nutrition Beverage, Chocolate, 2418 oz Nu:rition Beverage, Vanilla, 3018 oz Nutrition Beverage Plus, Vanilla, 3018 oz Mangosteen, Naturally Thai, 32 oz POll1egranate Juice, 32 oz Nor,i Juice, Double Strength, 32 oz Protein Shake, Chocolate, 18111 oz Whey Protein Powder, Chocolate or Vanilla Protein Powder, 3 stage biend BABY CARE Baby Wash, 2 ct Baby Food, 24 ct Brand Commit Commit Nicorette Nicorette Nicorette Nicorette Nicoderm Nicoderm Nicoderm Price Descri~lion Qt~ Item:: 69.99 69.99 60.99 61.99 60.99 61.99 41.99 54.49 54.49 572656 572854 286210 784950 286220 678495 327668 143050 147020 35.99 Kirkland Signature 10.69 Kirkland Signature 9.99 Oscal 15.99 Kirkland Signature 16.59 Flintstones 14.89 L'il Critters 9.99 L'il Critters 9.99 Trunature 26.99 Nature Made 31.79 Trunature 12.39 Nature Made 18.59 Kirkland Signature 9.99 Nature Made 10.99 Trunature 13.59 Nature Made 11.99 Trunature 11.65 Schiff 18.39 Schiff 16.59 Kirkland Signature 17.99 Kirkland Signature 23.45 Joint Juice 13.99 Joint Movement 18.99 Schiff 23.45 Kirkland Signature 16.49 Kirkland Signature 18.99 Centrum Silver 18.59 Centrum 17.69 Liquimax 12.29 Nature Made 39.89 Ups her-Smith 13.89 Kirkland Signature 12.49 Schiff 5.89 Nature Made 24.99 Nature Made 13.39 Kirkland Signature 15.85 Kirkland Signature 14.99 301363 286648 286666 248216 277065 50737 904528 611239 313350 184899 485088 449588 926628 163356 997045 941501 647768 960759 960756 249375 245375 692057 402146 119962 157850 286635 446370 445175 52290 771668 204159 179395 103901 616207 201304 98268 98211 Body Choice Biopharma Er'fission Enfrssion Kirkland Signature Cylosport Glucerna Glucerna Ensure Ensure Agrolabs Agrolabs Agrolabs Premier Performance Food EAS 19.49 28.99 28.99 29.49 1549 29.49 29.99 29.99 29.99 38.99 17.89 17.89 15.89 23.99 21.79 29.99 979458 166390 135576 130237 50460 249448 555744 55576 236784 335327 907349 839708 228943 153002 312770 1598n Aveeno Earth's Best 11.99 16.49 700115 232887 Desitir Isomi! Enfamil Similac Kirklar'd Signature 7.99 27.89 32.49 27.89 19.79 430003 323458 127344 321468 31221 Kirklar,d Signature Desitin Kimberly Clark Kimberly Clark Kimberly Clark Kimberly Clark Kimberly Clark Kirkland Signature 15.49 7.99 42.79 42.79 42.79 42.79 42.79 29.99 29309 430003 524670 524681 524690 524701 524711 520745 Product Availability and Prices Subject To Change \Vithou( Notice. ----- Brand Pnc\.': Q!;i hemt: Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Kimberly Clark Kimberly Clark 39.59 39.59 39.59 3959 28.89 28.89 520755 520765 520775 520785 861730 821940 Kimberly Clark 28.89 821950 Kimberly Clark 41.99 367042 Kimberly Clark 41.99 991065 Kimberly Clark 41.99 294011 Trojan-Enz Dove Gillette Degree Kleenex Kirkland Signature Kirkland Signature Unilever Cottonelle 9.99 11.79 9.99 11.79 14.99 13.69 21.99 8.49 14.99 939559 280187 184652 ':95172 273420 221670 32152 825400 240132 Glide Aquafresh Crest Sensodyne Listerine Oral B Crest 12.99 8.99 12.99 15.99 9.99 11.99 38.99 203155 214644 257562 935007 547427 297029 333474 Kotex Always Always Playlex Tampax 6.29 11.99 11.99 12.99 11.99 3:731 266120 266140 107735 26604 Chapstick Oil Of Olay Dove Neutrogena Celaphil Borghese Oil of Olay Kirkland Signature Vaseline Cetaphii Aveeno Lubriderm Borghese Amlactin Olay of Olay Cetaphil Roc Gillette Gillette Gillette Gillette Venus Acne Free Kirkland Signature Skintimate Edge 8.99 16.99 10.79 16.99 16.99 9.99 15.99 11.49 13.99 15.49 13.99 13.99 14.99 16.89 37.99 10.49 28.99 39.99 13.99 41.99 21.99 21.99 23.89 8.99 8.99 8.99 201011 88253 124028 414510 92182 255111 22982 276593 223621 39188 700388 528004 257311 135877 260593 23521 33466 274586 935124 935145 934314 357361 31815 28613 343280 343276 Kirkland Signature 6.99 Garnier 6.99 7.99 Pantene Dove 7.79 Nexxus 26.99 Kirkland Signature 6.99 Nexxus 16.99 Dove 7.79 Garnier 6.99 Pantene 7.99 Head & Shoulders 10.29 Biosilk 12.69 Kirkland Signature 17.99 505240 731795 41106 52601 209020 505140 209019 52600 731794 41104 70438 457600 778151 SIZe 2&].88 cl. Size ]&4, 80 cl Pull Ups, Girl SIZe l&3. 88 ci. Size 3&4 80 Ci ADUL T INCONTINENCE Depends Undergarment, Mens 72 smalilmed, 641rglxlrg Depends Undergarment, Womens 80 smailimed, 721rg Poise Pads Ultra Plus, 144 ct HYGIENE Condom, Lubricated, 40 ct Deodorant, 412.6 oz Deodorant/Antiperspirant, 3X Gel, 5/3 oz Deodorant, 4 pk Facial Tissue, 2 Ply, 81300 ct Facial Tissue, 121100 ct, cube Facial Tissue, 2 Ply, 301125 ct 0-Tips. 1750 ct Wipes, Fresh Folded, 342 ct DENTAL CARE Floss, 6 packs Toothpaste, Advanced, 5 pk Toolhpaste, Pro-Health, 4 pk Toothpaste, 3/6.5 oz, Extra Whitening Mouthwash, Cool Mint, 211.5 liter Toothbrushes, Advantage Plus, 10 pk Whitestrips Premium, 140 ct FEMININE HYGIENE Pantiliners, Lightdays, 192 ct Maxi Pads, Ultra Regular w/i'Vings, 96 ct Maxi Pads, Super wlWings, 90 ct Tampons, Deodorant, Super or Reg, 88 ct Tampons, Super or Reg, 100 ct SKIN CARE Chapstick Variety Pack, 10 ct Beauty Fluid, 216 oz Bodywash, 2124 oz w/3.5 oz bar & pouf Bodywash, Rainbath, 40 oz Cleanser, 2120 oz Cleanser, 7 oz & 3 oz travel size Facial Cloths, 120 ct Facial Towelettes, 150 ct Lotion, Multi-Pack Lotion, Moisturizing, 2I20oz Lotion, 2118 oz Lotion, Daily Moisture, 45.2 oz Lotion, Protective, SPF 15, 3.4 oz Lotion, Moisturizing, 16.9 oz Microsculpting Cream, 211.7 oz Moisture Cream, 20 oz Moisturizer, Facial Day or Night, 211 oz Razor Blades, Mach 3 Turbo Blades, 20 ct Razor, Fusion Power & 4 cartridges Razor, Fusion cartridges, 16 ct Razors, Disposable, Custom + Pivol, 52 ct Razors, Disposable, 12 ct Skin Care Treatment, 3 step, 3 month supply Soap, Moisturizing, 14 bars Shave Gel, 419.5 oz Shave Gel, 4 ct HAIR CARE Conditioner, Hydrating, 2/40 oz Conditioner, Fructis, 40 oz Conditioner, 40 oz Conditioner, Intense Moisturizing, 40 oz Conditioner, Humectress, 44 oz Shampoo, Hydrating, 2140 oz Shampoo, Tilerappe, 44 oz Shampoo, Intense Moisturizing, 40 oz Shampoo, Fructis, DrilDamaged, 40 oz Shampoo, 40 oz Shampoo, Fine/Oily or Dry/Damaged, 40 oz Silk Therapy, 5.6 oz Hair Regrowth Treatment, Mens, 12 oz PERSONAL CARE Nasal Strips, Clear, SIll/Med, 50 ct Nasal Strips, Tan, Lrg, 50 ct Blood Pressure Monitor, HEM 775 Turkey) Peach Oarmeal Banana & Sweet Potato Ointment, Creamy, 2/4.8 oz Formula, 34 oz Formula, Lipil, 38 oz can Formula Advance, 34 oz Formula w/DHAJARA, 36 oz can BABY WIPES/DIAPERS Baby Wipes, Supreme, 704 ct Ointment, 214.8 oz Huggies, sz 2, 258 ct Huggies, sz 3, 224ct Huggies, sz 4, 200 ct Huggies, sz 5, 176ct Huggies, sz 6, 144 ct Diapers, size 1-2, 216 ct & Sell Unit Diapers, size 3, 208 ct Diapers, size 4,186 ct Diapers, size 5, 168 ct Diapers size 6, 135 ct Pull Ups, Boy/Girl, 4T-5T, 66 ct Pull Ups, Boy J2 ----~----~------------. Breathe Right Breathe Right Omron 13.99 1399 61.99 524610 524575 796775 Electric Razor, Speed XL Hair Dryer, Ceramic, Hi-Torque Rep:acement Brushheads, 7 pack Oral-B Pro Care Deluxe wi 2 handles Rechargable Toothbrush, Flexcare Dual Handle Rechargable Toothbrush, Essence Dual Handle Replacement Brushheads, 4 pk Hydraulic Oil, AW46, 5 gallon pail Tractor Hydraulic Oil, 5 gallon pail CHEVRON PRODUCTS Delo 400, 15W40, 611 gal Motor Oil, 10W30, 12 qUcase Motor Oil, 10W40, 12 qtJcase Molor Oil, 30W, 12qUcase Motor Oil, 5W30, 12qUcase Transmission Fluid, 12ql/case MOBIL PRODUCTS Motor Oil, 10W30, 6 ql/case Motor Oil, 5W30, 6 ql/case HAND CLEANER/SHOP TOWELS Shamwow Towels, 8 Irg & 8 small Terry Towels, 60 pk Shop Towels, 10 pk Micro Fiber Towels, 36 pk CAR CARE Protectant Spray, 2128 oz Car Cover, medllrgix-Irg Car Wash, 128 oz Tire Care, High Shine, 4/21 oz Windshieid Cleaner, 2 pk Fuel Injection Cleaner, 6/16 oz Garage Door Opener, Yo HP Screw Drive F:oor Jack, 3.5 ton steel TIRES Norelco 99.99 Conair 19.99 Oral-B 32.99 Oral-B 89.99 Sonicare 159.99 Sonicare 99.99 Sonicare 39.99 292781 777772 210583 207391 214282 260482 255587 Citgo Citgo 35.99 42.99 33238 33259 Chevron Chevron Chevron Chevron Chevron Chevron 66.99 27.99 27.99 27.99 27.99 27.49 839410 52926 52922 53016 55317 52946 Mobil Mobil 33.99 33.99 9627 451879 Fitness Ouest Hometex Scott Sunset 27.99 18.59 16.39 15.99 362387 160422 872063 188426 Armor-All 10.79 Zong Zine 32.99 Meguiars 11.49 No Touch 11.99 20/10 Products 6.69 Proguard 14.99 Chamberlain 179.99 Arcan 99.99 272397 347994 358663 755958 86090 179620 995995 300930 Air Conditioner, 12,000 BTU Air Conditioner, 10,000 BTU, portable Fan, Tower w/remote, Ultra Slim line GPS, Portable, 4.3" LCD, NUVI1260W Charcoal, 2/21.6 Ibs Patio Heater, Commercial Grade Grill, wipull out cart Grill Brush Set, Forged Stainless Steel Cooler, 40 Ot, Roller Cooler, 70 Ot, Marine Cooler, 165 Ot Campstove, Triple Burner Camp Chair wlcarrying bag Tent,8x8 Sleeping Bag Garden Gloves, Women, 5 pair Hose, 100' Nozzle Set, 7 pc Potting Mix, 55 Ot Turfbuilder Round Up, Super Concentrate Round Up, Pump N Go, 1.33 gallon, 2 refills Backpack Sprayer, 4 gallon capacity Rid Moss, covers 12,320 sq ft Weed Preventer, 18.75 Ibs Lawn Fabric, 4x220' Garden Cart, 1200 Ib capacity wlliner & dump feature Sharp Sharp Seville Garmin Kingsford Nexgrill Sure Heat Mr Bar B 0 Igloo Igloo Igloo Camp Chief Tofasco Coleman Sleepcell Wells Lamont Flexon Orbit Miracle Gro Scotts Scotts Scotts Solo Nu-Life Preen Dalen Gorilla 249.99 449.99 368142 368143 45.99 341698 169.99 14.99 286.99 499.99 14.39 29.99 39.99 79.99 189.99 29.99 58.99 29.99 16.99 19.99 19.99 11.29 36.99 51.99 36.99 81.99 20.69 24.99 34.99 121.99 322898 982233 294772 321114 313074 360120 360199 968988 348863 343141 356784 382321 532009 361809 348576 438126 368226 385106 339250 337608 122058 153928 137187 337683 Please contact lite Costco Tire Center 285-2005 for prices and availability. CAT PRODUCTS Dry Food, Ckn & Rice,Super Premium, 25 Ib bag Kirkland Signature Dry Food, 2~.6 Ibs Meow Mix lams Dry Food, 20 ib Bag, Original Variety Pack, 36/3 oz cans Fancy Feast Friskies Variety Pack, 48i5.5 oz ct Cat Litter, 40 !bs Scoop Away Cat Litter, Scoopabie, 30 Ib Litterpurtect DOG PRODUCTS Bed, 42" round Kirkland Signature Pet Throw, 48"x58" Kirkland Signature Biscuils, Lamb Meal & Rice, 151b box Kirkland Signature Biscuits, 14 Ibs Milk Bones Dry Food, 44 Ib bag, Mealtime, Small Crunchy Bites Pedigree Dry Food, 50b bag Atta Boy Dry Food, 251b bag, Organic Chicken & Rice Kirkland Signature Dry Food, Puppy, Chicken & Rice, 20 Ib bag Kirkland Signature Dry Food, Chicken & Rice, 40 Ib bag Kirkland Signature Dry Food, Lamb & Rice, 40 Ib bag Nutra Nuggets Dry Food, Lamb & Rice, 40 lb bag Kirkland Signature Dry Food, Adult Large Breed, 48 Ib bag lams Pedigree Choice Cuts, Beef & Chicken, 24i13.2 oz Pedigree Premium Dog Food, 24114 oz cans Kirkland Signature Chicken Jerky, 3 Ibs Kingdoms Pig Ears, 25 ct Kasel Demal Chews, 31bs Check Ups Rawhide Bones, 12 ct Harpers MISCELLANEOUS/SEASONAL Rose Bouquet, 2 dozen Fresh Flower Growers Bunch Fresh Flower Floral Bouquet Fresh Flower Pillow, Down Alternative, Std, 2 pk Comfore! Ultima Pillow, Down Alternative, King, 2 pk Comforei Ultima Pillow, Down, Std. Pacific Coast Feather Pillow, Down, King Paci~c Coast Feather iviattress Top, Men'ocy Foam, 3" thickness, Twin Novaform Mattress Top, Memory Foam, 3" thickness. Full Novaform Mattress Top, Men'ocy Foam, 3" thickness, Oueen Novaform Mattress Top, Memory Foam, 3" thickness, King Novaform Air Bed, Oueen Aero Canopy, '1Ox10 Powell & Powell Gloves, Leather Work, med & Irg, 3 pk Wel!s Lamont Air Conditioner, 8,000 BTU Sharp 15.69 10.79 28.99 17.49 18.59 11.99 7.39 52296 390222 38563 379419 816299 966526 133890 19.79 17.99 10.99 8.99 23.99 16.79 21.89 11.99 22.99 22.99 23.99 38.99 16.69 17.99 14.79 13.99 11.79 11.69 28229 28227 30093 35532 387022 3660 253562 130317 25347 3515 25350 858016 81540 208474 169728 303853 157450 2979 15.99 8.99 14.99 17.99 19.99 32.79 39.89 99.99 123.99 144.99 164.99 129.99 194.99 19.99 189.99 283169 923103 923105 663756 663757 675146 675176 552224 552225 552226 552227 176693 233725 864431 368139 13 Prices Subject To Change Without Notice. Please Call For Clment Prices, Thank You' Partyplatter Revised S009 PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 01/21/09 Forro #5D09 Member ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone #:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Fax #:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Business Name:__________ Contact Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Business Address:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ City:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Delivery Location: (Front, Back Dock, Etc) Delivery Method of Payment: f----------+------t------------ Delivery hours: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Check American Express Costco card -------------------1----1--- Availability and prices subject to change without notice, Please call us for current prices - Thank you.
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