Senior Executive Team


Senior Executive Team
Introducing Our Academic Staff For 2014
Senior Executive Team
Dr Lyn Bishop
Dr Lyn Bishop has had a long and distinguished career in the State Education
Department. She has held the positions of Senior Mistress, Deputy Principal, Principal,
Deputy Executive Director of Metropolitan East Region (responsible for over 200
primary, secondary and special schools in the Region), and A/Director of Quality
Assurance for Education Queensland, before leaving the Department at the
end of 1996 to set up Sheldon College as an independent, non-denominational,
co‑educational College in the Redland Shire. Dr Bishop opened Sheldon College as
its Foundation Principal in 1997.
Dr Bishop holds Bachelor Degrees in Arts and Education; Masters Degrees in
Educational Studies, Educational Administration and Business Administration, as well
as a Doctor of Philosophy in Education. Dr Bishop is a Fellow of the Australian Institute
of Management, and a Fellow of the Australian College of Educational Leaders.
Dr Bishop is a fully qualified psychologist and is registered with the Queensland
Psychologists Board and the Australian Psychological Society. Dr Bishop is also a
Justice of the Peace (Qualified).
Dr Bishop was also a part time lecturer in the Business Faculty at the Queensland
University of Technology where she lectured in the Master of Business Administration
Program (MBA).
In 1999 Dr Bishop won the Australian Institute of Management Professional Manager
of the Year. This is the first time this award had been won by someone in the field
of education. In 2002 Dr Bishop won the prestigious Ernst and Young Queensland
Entrepreneur of the Year and the Australian Entrepreneur of the Year for a Community,
Social and Not-for-Profit Enterprise. She was also awarded a Centenary Medal for
services to education in 2003.
Mr John Lord
BEd St, Dip T (Primary)
John Lord has been a member of the Sheldon College staff since 2002 and currently holds the
position of Director of College Operations. Prior to working at Sheldon College John was acting in
the position of Head of Middle School at Kelvin Grove State College. In 2000 John had been acting
as Deputy Principal at Ferny Grove State High School.
With 17 years experience as a Health and Physical Education teacher in Queensland and New South
Wales, John has been the former Board of Senior Secondary School Studies Chairperson for Senior
Health Education since 1996. He was also a member of the Senior Health Syllabus Accreditation
Committee and a member of the Evaluation Review Panel for the Health and Physical Education
(P-10 Syllabus). John has also been a Guest Lecturer on a number of occasions for the University of Queensland’s Human
Movements Faculty. During Semester 2 2001 he was heavily involved with the New Basics Trial being introduced by Education
Queensland and directed the program’s initiation into the Middle School at Kelvin Grove State College.
John thoroughly enjoys working at Sheldon College and has developed many strong relationships with students, staff and
Mrs Michelle Luhrmann
BEd(Primary) AssocDipEd(Early Childhood) Post Grad Degree (Child & Family Studies)
A skilled practitioner with over 22 years teaching experience, Michelle holds a Bachelor of Education
Degree, an Associate Diploma of Early Childhood Education and a Post Graduate Degree in the
area of Child and Family Studies. As the Director of Early Learning, Michelle works with a dynamic
group of teachers who are responsible for ensuring that the Early learning programs offered at
Sheldon College are second to none.
She is directly responsible for Curriculum Implementation and for the general care and education of
all children enrolled from Wonderland to Prep. She plays an active role in classrooms and oversees
each individual child’s progress and development. She is across all aspects of staff development and
performance management and is always available to meet with parents to discuss issues regarding their child’s education.
Her inherent passion for Early Childhood Education not only won Michelle an Award for Teaching Excellence in 2002 it is
also the reason why she is so actively involved in so many facets of Early Childhood education within the wider community.
Michelle’s background in education has always been involved with Early Childhood Education. Throughout her career
she has spent time as a classroom teacher, a Director of a Long Day Care Centre and a TAFE Lecturer in the area of Early
Childhood Studies. She is pleased to say that she is now entering her fourteenth year at Sheldon College and can’t wait to
see what 2014 has in store.
Michelle is looking forward to another exciting year working with all students within the close and supportive community
that is Sheldon College.
Mr Michael Rohweder
BEd, Grad Cert TESOL, M.A.C.E.L.
Michael Rohweder began his career in the mid-1990’s, teaching Japanese and Social Science with
Education Queensland. He thoroughly enjoyed these early teaching experiences, working in primary
and secondary schools at the Darling Downs and the Sunshine Coast.
This is Michael’s second time at Sheldon College. He taught English and SOSE between 2000 and
2003. 2000 was the year that Sheldon had its first Year 10 intake, so Michael worked closely with
teachers during this time, to build the beginnings of the Senior College English and Humanities
courses. Sheldon College gave Michael his first taste of curriculum leadership and management,
being appointed to the roles of Faculty Leader – SOSE and Curriculum Advisor – English, SOSE and
In 2003, Michael had a serious bout of the travel bug, and decided to travel to London for most of 2004, where he taught
an energetic group of Year 4’s. In 2005, Michael accepted an offer to teach at a central Brisbane independent school,
which led to his appointment as Head of Faculty – Humanities by semester two of that year. By 2010, Michael was successful
in becoming the Director of Learning Innovation, which was created to build creativity and innovation into an already
successful curriculum. One of his key achievements in this role was the creation of the “Centre for Professional Practice and
Innovation”, designed to build teacher capacity and collaboration.
Michael continues his role as Director of Academics, leading and managing curriculum, teaching and learning processes
throughout the College.
Mr Rick Samuels
DipT(Primary) GradDip ECE
Rick has been with Sheldon College since its inception and he is passionately committed to the
College, its ethos and its community. Over the course of the last 15 years he has undertaken various
roles from Preschool Teacher, to Director of Student Services and then Director of Early Learning
before being assigned the exciting new role of caring for the Community Engagement portfolio.
This area of the College focuses on promoting the College’s standards, ethos and values and their
connection to stakeholder satisfaction and happiness. This means Rick will be working with students,
staff, parents and the wider community. There are three target areas Rick will be concentrating on
this year.
Firstly, he will be helping staff and parents in their endeavours to help their children find happiness and fulfilment by
recognising its connection with play and the ability to maintain a playful attitude into adulthood. Secondly, Rick will be
teaching the value of reflection in a world that is very focussed on material things and instant gratification. The third focus
area will be providing more opportunities to give back to the community so that young people realise it’s important
to contribute to something more important and more permanent than the self. As you would expect, these valuable
experiences will be implemented through drama and with warmth and humour.
Rick will also assume responsibility for the administration of Chaplaincy within the College including pastoral care, support
for families in need and seeking to help people reflect on what gives them meaning and purpose in their lives.
Rick has lived in the Redlands for the past twenty-six years and for the last twenty-seven years he has worked in a wide
variety of Early Childhood contexts, combining education and care. Rick is especially excited about further developing an
integrated Arts play-based curriculum for little people, probably because he is still basically a big kid himself.
Mr Samuels is looking forward to working with families this year with his new focus of helping to build people of strength
and virtue.
Mrs Lisa Slender
Director of Student Services
BTch BEd (APD) MEd
Lisa has been working in her chosen vocation of Education for the past 22 years. She has worked
across both the state and private sector. Lisa actually taught at Sheldon as a foundation staff member
in 1997. She was delighted to return to the College in 2007 as the Director of Student Services.
Lisa has completed her Master of Education majoring in Educational Leadership and enjoys the
opportunity to participate in professional development in the areas of Pastoral Care and Student
Lisa has great experience working with students presenting challenging behaviours in the classroom
and has taught in a number of state schools throughout South East Queensland. Lisa was seconded by Education
Queensland to work as an advisory visiting specialist for Behaviour Management. In this role, Lisa was responsible for all
behaviour management and social skilling programs across a cluster of Gold Coast schools. She valued the ability to work
as a mentor teacher in establishing classroom environments that promoted student achievement and success.
Lisa lectured in the Education Faculty at Griffith University for 5 years. She has enjoyed the opportunity to work with
preservice teachers and liaise with many state and private schools across South East Queensland. Whilst at Griffith, Lisa
was responsible for teaching courses in English, Science, Social Sciences and Supportive School Environments. She also
supervised students completing prac and reviewed teachers completing Internship programs.
Lisa is keen to ensure the effective development of the College Pastoral Care and Camping programs and is focused on
ensuring the students attending Sheldon College are well balanced and highly effective participants as they progress
into the wider community. She works very closely with the Year Level Co-ordinators across the College and continues to
focus on the maintenance of our high standards. Lisa enjoys working closely with the College community and welcomes
all students and families to meet with her throughout the year. She views the home-school connection as vital to effective
education and she is passionate about ensuring each student is able to reach his/her full potential. A focus for the 2014
Year will be to continue ensuring our students are Cybersafe and are positive role models for those around them. Lisa is
passionate about giving students the skills they need for a successful and happy life beyond the schooling years.
Lisa believes that the role of the Student Services office is to support both students and their families as we work together to
achieve great things for our students within this very challenging and dynamic society within which we live.
Mrs Diane Vandermeer
BEdSt DipT
Diane Vandermeer joined Sheldon College in 2001 as the Director of Senior Schooling. Mrs
Vandermeer has a wealth of experience in the field of senior schooling having held many senior
positions in this area within Education Queensland.
Diane’s background in education spans 30 years, and during that time, she has had direct experience
with Senior Schooling issues at a management level for 20 years.
Diane lectured at QUT in teacher education and was appointed as the inaugural Head of School of
Applied Studies at Alexandra Hills Senior College. In addition, she also performed the role of Head of
School Continuing Education for a period of time.
These roles encompassed responsibilities across education and training sectors in adult tertiary preparation, community
education and training, Senior Schooling staff management, budgeting and curriculum implementation.
In order to be at the cutting edge of Senior Schooling curriculum development and implementation, Diane researched
current trends and best practice both nationally and internationally.
Diane took up the appointment of Education Advisor Senior Schooling for Metropolitan East Region where she liaised
with 45 Secondary and Special schools to implement Senior Schooling programs. In this capacity, Diane was involved in
regional and state policy-making committees and established links with business and industry.
Diane held the position of Head of Department Senior Schooling for eight years and has current knowledge of policy
and procedures in this area. During this time Diane established business and industry networks in the Bayside District and
greater Brisbane area.
Diane has developed a vision for Senior Schooling, which is being implemented at Sheldon College. This framework
embodies many of the recommendations proposed in the White Paper of the “Education and Training Reforms for the
The overarching aim is to facilitate quality education programs and enhance partnerships between Sheldon College
and tertiary and other training organisations, business, industry and the community in order to provide senior Secondary
students with “Pathways to Success.”
In a context of academic excellence, individual senior education and training plans are developed according to student
needs and aspirations. To achieve this, Diane conducts interviews with each of the Year 11 and Year 12 students and
consults with their parents on a case-by-case basis.
Study programs linked with universities provide students with credit transfer towards future degree courses or guaranteed
entry to selected degree courses.
Coaching, TAFE programs, work education, core skills training, personal development, mentoring and school based
traineeships and apprenticeships are some of the senior schooling programs available to students.
Mr Darren Harvey
DIRECTOR – ASTA (Australian School of The Arts)
BEd (Drama & English) (Hons) Drama
Entering his seventeenth year at Sheldon College, Darren Harvey continues to develop The Arts
as part of our College curriculum in the Arts Education program this year. Due to the outstanding
success of classroom Arts subjects and all of our Ensembles, along with the development of the
College’s School Musical Theatre Studies, Darren will continue to expand the Australian School of
the Arts further, with a fully developed curriculum on offer for all students across the College, from
Preschool to Year 12.
With a Bachelor of Education Degree (Drama) and experience in teaching and performing arts,
Darren offers all students an opportunity to discover their performing/acting talent and true potential
in classroom Drama and the acting component of the ASTA program. In 2007, Darren was appointed to the new role of
Manager of the Institute of The Arts. This position is something he has enjoyed implementing and developing now as the
Director of the Australian School of the Arts. He looks forward to the ongoing challenge that Sheldon College provides
and knows that 2014 will be an exciting and challenging year of enriched learning experiences and achievements at
the College. He is particularly excited about producing and directing Sheldon College’s 15th Musical – “West Side Story”.
Darren is also incredibly excited about being involved with the Senior Executive to contribute strategically at a whole of
College level.
Darren has gained further experience and success over past years as coach of many sporting teams at various levels,
including coaching the U18’s AFL team to a grand final appearance, and winning the premiership.
At the end of 2007, Darren undertook a six week sabbatical tour visiting many Arts Schools and Universities across America
and Canada. This trip’s agenda was focussed on analysing different Arts Schools and different stages of development.
In 2010, Darren also visited the Singapore School of the Arts to look at the incredible arts facilities and programs that
are currently being offered there. 2013 was another very busy year for Darren and the Arts department, with his role of
producer and director of the Musical ‘Hairspray’, performed at the Redland Performing Arts Complex and the 9th Annual
Arts Academies held at the Sheldon Event Centre.
2014 marks the ninth year of the ASTA (Australian School of the Arts) Professionals Program. This initiative is proving to be a
very exciting adventure for teachers, parents and students alike and continues to grow.
Mr Murray James
Film, Television and New Media; Sheldon College TV (SCTV),
Australian School of the ARTS (ASTA)
BEd (Media/Information Technology)
Since the first time Murray saw Star Wars, he has always had a very keen interest in how movies are
made, especially the application of technology and the construction of special effects. As well as a
continued interest in film making, Murray enjoys all forms of sport, especially tennis, cricket, volleyball
and cross country.
Murray graduated from Queensland University of Technology in 1998 with a Bachelor of Education in
Secondary Communications, specialising in Film and Television and Information Technology.
During his time at Alexandra Hills State High School, Murray developed and implemented the Film and Television program
into the senior curriculum and also assisted with the rewrite and technological update of the Media and Information
Processing and Technology programs.
Murray assisted the Queensland Curriculum Council with the writing and testing of the Media Strand of new P-10 Arts
Murray is passionate about supporting staff and students in developing their skills with technology through self-learning
and he has provided many workshops and professional development activities.
Murray is also passionate about creating educational tools that can deliver education outside the confines of the classroom
and has developed an online curriculum resource for the Senior Subject Information Processing and Technology, which
allows students to access all facets of the course at any time on the World Wide Web. Murray was given recognition of this
educational tool with an Excellence in Teaching Award from the Rotary Club of Cleveland.
Murray looks forward to working once again with the staff and students at Sheldon College and documenting life through
a range of video productions.
This is Murray’s 13th year at Sheldon College.
Mr David Savage
BArts DipMus Postgrad DipEd
David Savage is delighted to commence his tenth year as Director of Sport at Sheldon College.
Since starting off as a junior tennis player at the age of 8, David has enjoyed playing, coaching,
officiating and watching a wide range of sports. From co-coaching North Brisbane / QUT United to
the Brisbane Women’s Soccer Premier League title to co-ordinating the Andrew Gaze basketball
clinics at Sheldon College and planning our annual Sports Awards Dinners, David has a passion for
all things sport.
In his role, David aims to encourage and enable as many students as possible to fulfil their sporting
potential. David loves watching young students play their first game just as much as seeing older
students gain selection in Queensland teams. He is dedicated to continuous improvement in the Sheldon College Sport
program and to building upon the successes already achieved in the school’s short history.
David encourages parents to get their children involved in the Sheldon College Sport program. As well as the obvious
physical and health benefits, research shows that children who play sport do better in school, develop personal discipline
and learn how to get on with others. David believes Sheldon College offers an exceptionally supportive environment for
such sporting activities, utilising first class facilities. He is particularly looking forward to the commencement of operations
for our brand new Learn to Swim Centre this year.
David represents the Queensland Tennis Centre in Division 1 tennis fixtures and plays social golf during the school holidays.
He enjoys supporting Arsenal and the Brisbane Roar.
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Mr David Adelt
Head of Percussion, Wind and Brass
GradDip(FET) DipMus (QCON)
David Adelt is a graduate of the Queensland Conservatorium of Music where he was a member
of the Percussion Virtuosi Ensemble that toured the UK and Philippines. He has had more than 20
years experience as a percussion teacher, percussion ensemble director and jazz orchestra director
with Education Queensland. David has presented talks on “Teaching Percussion” at both state and
national conferences and has adjudicated at national music festivals. He is an examiner for the
Australian Music Examination Board on both percussion and drum kit and has an extensive and
varied performance career including work with professional shows, orchestras, cabaret ensembles,
rock bands, big bands and corporate bands. David loves working at Sheldon College and is looking forward to further
developing the skills of our talented percussionists.
Miss Fiona Ayers
Middle/Senior College, Film and Media Studies and English
Fiona joined the academic staff of Sheldon College in 2005. In 2014, she is excited to be joining
the English faculty. Fiona has a strong passion for technological, analytical and creative learning
experiences and she looks forward to exploring these with her students. It is the dynamic and vibrant
learning environment that makes Sheldon College an inspiring place to work and learn.
Fiona embraces her need for travel as it creates experiences outside the comfort zone and inspires
a life of learning. These are traits she hopes to impart to her students, instigating curiosity within each
individual. Fiona eagerly awaits the experiences of 2014 and she looks forward to working with her
Mr Jacob Ballard
Middle and Senior College Music, Piano Teacher
BMus (Perf) MMus Studies GradDipEd (Sec) GradCertRE
Jacob is eagerly looking forward to working with Middle College and Instrumental music this year,
after commencing at Sheldon in 2013 as the Junior Music Specialist. Jacob has channelled a passion
for music into his studies, completing a Bachelor of Music and a Masters of Music Studies at Griffith
University’s Queensland Conservatorium of Music. He has also completed degrees in Education and
Religious Education from Australian Catholic University. During his studies, Jacob was active as a
private voice, piano, and music theory teacher, whilst also serving as the drama teacher for Brisbane
Performing Arts Academy, where he adapted and directed several productions.
On the stage, Jacob has performed in numerous concerts and ensembles through the Conservatorium, whilst also fronting
the New Groove Jazz Ensemble and Sojourn as a big band jazz singer. He has performed regularly at the Brisbane Jazz Club
as well as other venues and both private and public events. He currently sings with The Australian Voices, an internationally
touring vocal ensemble, and joined them on an extensive national tour in 2013 after the release of their Warner Classics CD.
Jacob is thrilled to be applying his passion for music to the field of education, and plans to continue honing his craft as both
a performer and an educator. He is incredibly appreciative of the support and facilities that Sheldon College provides to
the arts, and plans to utilise these resources to ensure an engaging, inspiring learning experience for the young musicians
and artists of the future.
Mrs Shonel Balsillie
Junior College, Year 1 Teacher
Shonel is delighted to be returning to the Junior College this year. After years of teaching in the Junior
College and more recently in the Middle College, Shonel is thrilled to be teaching Year One once
Having obtained a Bachelor of Education (Primary) degree at the Australian Catholic University,
she has developed a thirst for shaping and influencing the lives of youngsters. There is no greater
gift a parent can give their child than a solid, supportive and well rounded education and Sheldon
College encompasses such integral qualities.
Shonel has coached students of all ages in Equestrian, Swimming and Netball. She is a Queensland
representative in Equestrian and has coached students from Brisbane Girls Grammar, Moreton Bay College and Somerville
House in this sport.
Shonel is looking forward to another fun-filled year working with the Staff and Students of the Junior College.
Mr Russell Bauer
Head of Performance Music
BMusic(1st Class Honours) B Creative Arts, GradDip(Secondary Education)
“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and
work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea” - Antoine de Saint Exupery
(NEiTA) in 2003.
Now in his third year as a teacher at Sheldon College, Russell moves into the role of the newlyappointed Head of Performance Music, and at the heart of his teaching philosophy is his desire to instil
a love of music upon all those he teaches. His aim is to create a vibrant, engaging and unparalleled
beginner music program for young students, by bringing together audio-visual, graphical and storytelling resources. To that end, Russell will continue to develop his innovative ‘detective’ system that
saw him recognised as one of the 15 Australian finalists in the National Excellence in Teaching Awards
Sheldon College has a Performance Music Program that provides weekly tuition to more than 600 students who have
access to more than 35 ensembles, many of which received outstanding recognition in Brisbane competitions and music
festivals last year. In 2013, student ensembles provided the music for the College Musical “Hairspray” and for the 9th Arts
Academies Awards, while the Senior Concert Band received national recognition for their performance at the First Ashes
Test held at the ‘Gabba. The Orchestra ended the year by being selected as the Christmas Orchestra for the Redlands City
Carols. 2014 will see more opportunities for Sheldon College ensembles to perform at major events across the city.
While working closely with a team of 18 Music Specialists, Russell will also continue teaching three year levels of classroom
music, with the goal of creating one of Australia’s first truly synergetic Music Programs where classroom and instrumental
studies are merged as one creative subject.
In teaching Senior Music, Russell will draw on his experience as a former University Music Lecturer to extend the ability of
his students in all areas, but particularly in Composition and Arranging. 2010 saw the world premiere of Russell’s musical
“Houdini: The Man From Beyond” which was co‑written by Australian poet, Dr Bruce Dawe. This collaborative work was
selected in 2011 as one of seven new musicals showcased at the Sydney Writers Festival.
One of Russell’s overarching principles is the development of advanced memory techniques and he is considered one of
Australia’s leading authorities in this area, winning the first national Australian Memory Championships back in 2002. He
also holds the Australian record for most hours playing piano (37 hours), a feat which included playing from a repertoire of
over 800 memorised pieces.
Mr Lachlan Bell Email:
Guitar Specialist
BMus (Perf)
Lachlan Bell graduated from the Queensland Conservatorium in 2010, earning a Bachelor of Music
in Performance. He has studied with many of Australia’s finest guitarists, including James Sherlock,
James Muller, Jamie Clark, Toby Wren and Bruce Woodward. He has been tutoring guitar since 2007.
In 2013, Lachlan became the main guitar specialist at the College and also started directing several
ensembles including the Guitar Ensembles and specialist groups such as the Soul Band and Rock
Outside of the College, Lachlan performs in a wide variety of groups ranging from big bands and R&B
groups to intimate duo and solo jazz performances. He releases music with these groups regularly
and has participated in numerous east coast tours and many of the major music festivals in the state, such as the Woodford
Folk Festival and the Caloundra Music Festival. Lachlan had a fantastic year in 2013 and is looking forward to taking the
guitar program at Sheldon to greater heights this year.
Miss Vanessa Bice Email:
Junior College, Year 3 Teacher
Vanessa is thrilled to be rejoining the Junior College team in 2014. This is Vanessa’s sixth year at
Sheldon College and she is extremely excited to be working with the Year three cohort. Vanessa has
completed a Bachelor of Primary Education at the Queensland University of Technology and has
also completed her Graduate Certificate in Religious Education at the end of 2009.
Vanessa has had extensive experience teaching children from babies to students in Year 12 through
her work as a Learn to Swim Teacher for five years. Vanessa is a keen and active sportswoman and
still plays competitive hockey and touch football. Since her arrival, Vanessa has continued to be
impressed by the standard of facilities offered at the College and is looking forward to providing the
quality of teaching for which Sheldon College is renowned.
Vanessa is an energetic teacher who has a deep passion for educating children. Vanessa is looking forward to providing
her students with a supportive, caring and engaging classroom in which her students can achieve their full potential.
Mrs Karen Bishop Email:
Junior Resource Centre Manager
Much to her delight, Karen is the Manager of the Junior Resource Centre.
Karen has a vision for this building to become the epicentre of learning for students, teachers and the
College community. Her goal is to connect our students to other students through organised activities
which will be student-led and provide opportunities to share literature and develop leadership skills.
In addition to this, Karen will conduct lessons in the Junior Resource Centre, which through literature
and digital resources will connect the students to their classroom learning. Furthermore it is Karen’s
vision to connect with the College and broader community and bring them into the Junior Learning
Centre so students can benefit from the wonderful community which is Sheldon College.
Mrs Karen Blair
Head of Strings and Guitar
GradDipEd BMus AMusA
Karen is a graduate from the Queensland Conservatorium and has worked in both the State and
Independent school systems in numerous regions throughout Queensland. She is also an experienced
Primary and Secondary Music Specialist and has been a lecturer with the Central Queensland
Conservatorium of Music, Mackay.
Over time, Karen has played with many orchestras and ensembles throughout Brisbane and
Queensland, most recently in Townsville and Mackay.
2013 was very successful for the String Department and Karen is looking forward to another wonderful
year at Sheldon College developing the skills and experiences of the talented String students.
Mrs Mardi Bolton Email:
Junior College, Year 4 Teacher
BEd (Primary)
Mardi Bolton is thrilled to be joining the dynamic Year 4 team this year. She is a highly knowledgeable
and experienced primary teacher who has had the privilege of being an academic staff member
at Sheldon College since 1998. In this time, Mardi has enjoyed witnessing firsthand the incredible
transformation of Sheldon College over the years and she is looking forward to actively contributing
to its continued growth and success in the future.
Mardi is a Griffith University Bachelor of Education (Primary) graduate and a member of its Golden
Key Society awarded to the top 5 percent of graduates. Since joining the Sheldon family, she has
thoroughly enjoyed teaching in the Junior College in many different Year Levels. Mardi received her
Sheldon College ten year service pin in 2012 which she wears with pride.
Mardi has two beautiful daughters, Jade and Paige. Jade commences Year 3 while Paige commences Prep this year so
she looks forward to continuing to experience the wonderful world of education from a parents’ perspective as well as a
teachers’ perspective.
Whilst on leave over the years, Mardi has spent time teaching Years 5 and 6 in the United Kingdom. She has worked for
Griffith University running workshops and tutorials for Bachelor of Education undergraduates in the area of Learning and
Teaching in the Early Years. Mardi has also supervised and supported Undergraduates on their Professional Studies at over
30 different schools.
Mrs Mardi Bolton (Cont.)
Mardi was nominated by Griffith University for her innovative teaching practices to take part in a working party that aimed
to support the use of critical thinking skills in an early childhood context. She was very excited to have her ideas published.
As a teacher, Mardi believes children learn best in an environment where they will feel safe, supported, enthusiastic and
most importantly loved. She aims for her classroom to provide a warm, loving environment where students are confident,
possess high self-esteem, are caring and considerate of others, are not afraid to take risks and most importantly always try
to do their very best.
Mardi also strives to make lessons innovative and relevant. She believes a child’s mind is not a vase to be filled, but a fire to
be lit. Mardi hopes to inspire her students, make learning fun and give students enthusiasm to be learners not just now but
for life.
Miss Kristy Brennan Email:
Middle/Senior College, Health & Physical Education, Drama and Dance
BEd (Secondary)
Kristy Brennan is enthusiastic and passionate about being a member of the Sheldon College
community in 2014. Kristy completed her studies at Griffith University and holds a Bachelor of Education
(Secondary) majoring in Health & Physical Education and also Geography. She is delighted to be the
Home Group teacher of 8B and teaching across the HPE and Arts Faculties. Kristy is looking forward
to being able to provide an enjoyable learning environment in which students feel comfortable to
be themselves and to reach their full potential in and outside of the classroom. Kristy has found it
valuable to respond to the students’ unique qualities and believes it is important to equip students
with the necessary skills to participate in an increasing technological society to succeed beyond
Sheldon College.
Kristy has a passion for all sports and physical education; she brings knowledge and experience to the College in the areas
of Athletics, Cross Country and Touch Football. In April 2014 she will be representing Australia in New Zealand for the third
time in Touch Football as a member of the Australian Open Mixed Team. Kristy is looking forward to continuing to share her
expertise with the students of Sheldon College as the Touch Football Coordinator for 2014.
Mrs Toni Brook
Junior College, Preparatory Teacher, BTch(Primary)
BEd (Early Childhood)
Toni is looking forward to another year of teaching within the outstanding Preparatory team at
Sheldon College and is very excited to be the Preparatory Team Leader for 2014. She completed
her Bachelor of Teaching and Bachelor of Education at Griffith University, with her major studies
being completed in the areas of Early Childhood and Primary Art. Throughout her eighteen year
teaching career, Toni has taught across the range of Primary School year levels as well as teaching
Art Specialist lessons for Prep to Year 4 students. It is, however, the Early Years that inspire Toni so
much. The joy of seeing the creativity and boundless energy of our younger members of Sheldon
College, as they explore, discover, share and ultimately learn, is truly the essence that makes her
career as an educator, so rewarding.
Toni is passionate about creating stimulating learning environments that encourage and support all children in her class to
reach their potential. She believes that the school and family must work together in order to achieve the best outcomes,
and looks forward to developing these precious relationships with the families of the children in her class this year.
Outside of College life, Toni enjoys spending time with her family and friends, skiing, painting and drawing, running and
Sunday morning sleep-ins!
Mr Nathan Burridge
Middle/Senior College, HPE/SCIENCE Teacher
BEd (Secondary) PE
Nathan is eager to begin another year at Sheldon College and he is looking forward to the
challenges that the new school year will bring. Nathan is excited to be taking on the role of Year Level
Coordinator for Year 9 in 2014 and he is keen to build positive relationships with his cohort. Nathan
has a love of teaching and he ensures that maximum participation is incorporated into his lessons
and that students look forward to participating in Health and Physical Education in a fun-filled, safe
and positive environment. Nathan is keen to also take on the added role of Middle College Science
teacher in 2014.
Nathan does not only bring to the College a passion and love of sport but also a high level of
enthusiasm and strong desire to acquire the very best out of every student. He has a passion for teaching and he is looking
forward to teaching with a likeminded team.
Nathan’s passion for sport and physical activity began at an early age when he first picked up a Tennis racquet. Since that
moment he has played a number of sports at a social and representative level. The sports include Baseball, Cricket, Soccer,
Tennis, AFL, Touch Football and Netball.
Mr John Butler
Performance Management Co-ordinator
BEd P/G Dip Prof Ed St
John Butler has an extensive history in teaching with a career spanning some 37 years in both
government and non-government schools in rural and metropolitan Queensland. John trained as a
secondary teacher, graduating from the former Mount Gravatt College of Advanced Education in
1976 with a Diploma in Teaching. John upgraded this initial qualification in 1990 with a Bachelor of
Education Degree from the Queensland University of Technology and a Post‑Graduate Diploma in
Educational Studies from the University of Queensland in 1991.
John’s area of expertise is Mathematics. He has, within the government sector, held leadership
positions of Subject Area Co-ordinator, Year 12 Co-ordinator and Head of Department. John was
seconded to the former Queensland Board of Senior Secondary School Studies for a period of four years as the Review
Officer for Senior Mathematics, where he provided advice to schools throughout Queensland regarding the implementation
of syllabuses in Mathematics A, Mathematics B and Mathematics C.
Prior to his appointment at Sheldon College, John’s most recent school-based appointment was as Director of Studies at
Saint Stephen’s College, Coomera, where he successfully led a team of teachers and heads of department through their
early years of curriculum development and implementation to the culmination of the College’s first exit of Year 12’s and
Special interests include the pursuit of better teaching in the area of Mathematics at state and national levels. John is a
former President of the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers. He remains influential at state and national
levels by his continued involvement in advisory roles with the Queensland Studies Authority and Independent Schools
John brings to Sheldon College a wealth of curriculum experience and he continues with his responsibility for coordinating
‘Performance Management’ at Sheldon College with the capacity to collect, organise and analyse data and to help
teachers improve curriculum based outcomes for the students of Sheldon College.
Ms Anna Butterworth
Vocal Specialist
Diploma of Music QCM (Vocal Performance) Masters Of Music MU (Performance and Pedagogy)
Anna completed her undergraduate studies at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music in classical
voice. She subsequently studied at The Victorian College of the Arts, participated in Master classes
at the Australian Academy of Music and at the University of Melbourne she completed her Masters
of Music Studies in Vocal Performance and Pedagogy.
Anna has been a finalist in several Opera Foundation Australia competitions; the Metropolitan
Opera Study Scholarship, the National Opera Studio Scholarship, a recipient of the Lady Galleghan
Encouragement Award and a winner of the Herald Sun Aria Competition.
Anna has sung with the Concordia Foundation for the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, providing
music therapy which is a special interest, as is building confidence in young singers.
Mr Brenton Campbell Email:
Middle/Senior College, English teacher
Head of Faculty – English and Languages Education
Bachelor of Creative Industries (Drama) Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
“Be guided by the stars which you place well In the canopy of your night sky” Mary Anne Radmacher
So too, Brenton believes that the young ladies and gentlemen and staff that he works with
each day, need to place their goals and ambitions high in their night sky, like stars, to ensure
Brenton is excited about the opportunities that await the 2014 academic year. As the Head
of Faculty for English and Languages Education, he believes that the skills of reading, writing
and speaking, skills inherent in the English Curriculum, are skills that prepare people for life. Consequently, he is
leading a team this year that are committed to reaching for the stars, for excelling in English and Indonesian,
and ensuring that high quality outcomes are reached.
In the classroom, Brenton is a facilitator of learning and is passionate, enthusiastic and committed to his students
and his curriculum. He aims to foster his Drama background and skills into his English classes in the Middle and
Senior Colleges. He would like to think that he takes a creative approach to his lessons.
Brenton values the knowledge and experiences of the students in his classroom and celebrates in our diversity
as a learning community. He has high standards of his students and himself and he is continually developing
self-worth and confidence in the students on a daily basis. He believes that successful
staff should model success for our students.
Outside of work, Brenton loves travelling the world and has an ambition to fill his passport with stamps from
countries around the world. He also loves reading, going to the movies and enjoying a great meal. Brenton is a
keen cook and enjoys baking for his classes. ‘When stressed, eat cake!’ is a motto that he lives by.
Mr Brenton Campbell (Cont.)
In 2014, Brenton will lead a Sheldon College party of 28 people to Europe in the second bi-annual Literature Tour
to Europe. Students from Years 11 and 12, along with 3 other staff, will travel to England and visit Warner Brothers
Studio’s The Making of Harry Potter exhibition, many houses and farms in Stratford-upon-Avon (birthplace
of William Shakespeare), Oxford Universities, the Globe Theatre, Westminster Abbey and many other places
around London. They will also travel to Italy and see the places that inspired many of Shakespeare’s works,
namely Romeo and Juliet and The Merchant of Venice, two texts studied in Years 9 and 10 English. The tour will
also visit Florence and Rome.
Brenton aims to foster responsibility, commitment and a rigorous work attitude in his students. He also wants
them to be critical thinkers who judge and question information that is provided by the media. Brenton believes
students who are responsible for their learning and who self-direct themselves will ultimately shine, like the stars
that they are!
Brenton looks forward to a most successful and star filled 2014.
Miss Sarah Carey-Gorey
Junior College, Year One Teacher
BEd (Primary – Music Major)
Sarah Carey-Gorey has been teaching at Sheldon College since 2006. This will be her third year
teaching in Year One and she is thrilled to be joining the amazing Year One team again this year.
Sarah has also had the pleasure of teaching Year Two at Sheldon College, including three years in
the role of Team Leader. She is very excited about the many wonderful experiences that 2014 will no
doubt bring.
Sarah is a qualified Primary educator after receiving a Bachelor of Education – Primary degree from
Griffith University. She completed a major in Music as part of this degree and therefore thoroughly
enjoys participating in all the wonderful cultural events that Sheldon College provides for the children. Sarah plays the
flute, piccolo, piano and she also enjoys singing. She was very honoured to be a member of the Sydney Olympic Marching
Band that performed in the Opening Ceremony of the 2000 Sydney Olympics Games and she was also very fortunate to
accompany our talented Sheldon College musicians to Beijing in 2008.
Sarah has experience teaching in both lower and upper primary classrooms and aims to provide diverse learning
experiences that encourage the children to develop academically, physically, emotionally and socially in a supportive
learning environment. She believes in a holistic education where children can grow and discover through learning. Sarah
attributes successful teaching and learning experiences to effective communication and community partnerships as well
as catering for individual needs and interests.
Sarah is passionate about teaching and firmly believes that an excellent education is one of the greatest gifts that we can
provide for our children. Her personal interests include going to the gym, playing Netball, music, art, cooking and reading.
Sarah looks forward to another rewarding year working with all of the wonderful children and staff at Sheldon College.
Ms Denita Carr
Middle College, Indonesian Teacher, Year 7 Co-ordinator
BEd (Secondary) BA (Eng Lit & Indon Language)
Denita is thoroughly looking forward to continuing her role as Middle College Indonesian teacher
in 2014. She has completed a Bachelor of Education (Secondary) and a Bachelor of Arts majoring
in English Literature and Indonesian Language through the University of Southern Queensland in
Toowoomba. She has experience teaching Indonesian to primary and secondary students in schools
across the Darling Downs.
Denita has a real passion for Indonesian teaching and looks forward to instilling in students a love
of and appreciation for foreign language and culture. She believes that the language classroom
should be both dynamic and stimulating and plans to employ a range of teaching strategies and authentic resources to
create meaningful learning experiences that mirror real life.
Outside of school, Denita will be extra busy this year planning her wedding. So after April her students will no longer be able
to call her Bu Mobil (Miss Carr in Indonesian), rather they will now need to refer to her as Bu Burung (Mrs Bird)!
In 2014, Denita will teach Indonesian to students in Years 5 – 9 as well as taking on the role of Year 7 Co-ordinator.
Miss Jessica Carson
Junior College, Year 4 Teacher
BAEd (Hon)(Primar y)
Jessica Carson joined the Junior College Team in 2008 and is thrilled to be assuming a position in
the Year 4 teaching team this year. Jessica is a qualified Primary educator after graduating from
the Queensland University of Technology with a Bachelor of Education (Primary) with Second Class
Honors. Jessica is passionate about teaching and is delighted to have found a school whose values
and philosophy so closely align with her own.
A major focus of Jessica’s teaching philosophy encompasses the belief that a good education is
one of the greatest gifts that we can provide for our children and she intends to strive to always
provide a safe, supportive and loving environment in which children can learn and develop to their
full potential. Further to creating a caring classroom environment, Jessica also aims to develop learning and teaching
experiences that are innovative and relevant to the students’ real world, with the aspiration that this will inspire children
with the enthusiasm for lifelong learning. Prior to coming to Sheldon, Jessica was fortunate enough to have the opportunity
to work extensively with Indigenous students in far North Queensland and the Torres Straight Islands. Her work in these
communities has mainly revolved around the development of mathematics programs for implementation with the local
schools, however she thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities to work with the children in their classrooms and engage with
the local cultures of the area. Jessica is looking forward to working again with a faculty of teachers at Sheldon College
who all have a strong commitment to engaging students in enjoyable and engaging learning. She is eagerly anticipating
2014 to be a successful year filled with many experiences to treasure and memories to cherish.
Miss Holly Champlin
Early Learning Centre, Kindergarten Teacher
BPsycSc GradDipEd (Early Years)
Holly Champlin is delighted to be teaching Kindergarten at Sheldon College in 2014. She is a
dedicated teacher with a passion for Early Years education.
After completing a Bachelor of Psychological Science at the University of Queensland, Holly moved
to London on a two-year working/holiday visa. From her new home in London, Holly enjoyed travelling
throughout Europe and North Africa and loved experiencing the many different cultures, traditions
and foods. As part of her overseas adventures Holly began work as a Nanny and discovered her
passion for Early Years education and her ability to build positive rapport with young children.
After returning to Brisbane, Holly enrolled in a Graduate Diploma in Education (Early Years) at the
Queensland University of Technology and graduated with Distinction. Holly then went on to teach Kindergarten, followed
by Upper Primary and Junior School, displaying her flexibility in teaching across year levels. Holly returned to teach
Kindergarten in 2013, at Sheldon College, and is thrilled to be part of the dedicated Kindergarten team again in 2014.
Holly’s Kindergarten learning environment is always filled with love, laughter and imagination. She is a firm believer that the
experts of tomorrow are in Kindergarten today.
When she is not teaching, Holly loves spending quality time with her family and friends and enjoys keeping fit with yoga
and pilates.
Ms Ingrid Chapman
Middle College, Mathematics/Science Team Leader
BEd (Primary)with a Minor in Science
Ingrid is starting her tenth year at Sheldon College and she is delighted to be the Home group
teacher of 9B. This year she will be teaching Mathematics within the Middle and Senior Colleges
and coaching a netball team. Overall, her teaching philosophy can be summed up in three words:
firm, fair and fun and this comes from both inside and outside the classroom activities, projects and
lessons. Ingrid believes that building positive relationships with her students and their caregivers is
the key to a successful teacher and student working relationship. She loves to share and hear family
stories and events with her students, no matter how exciting or sometimes, quite embarrassing!
Before coming to Sheldon College Ingrid had been part of a variety of different working environments
each with a different focus. When she left high school she had little idea of which career path she wanted to pursue. Not
one to sit around, the week after she finished high school Ingrid started working full time as an office and warehouse
assistant. This opened a door to a variety of other full time positions including Restaurant Manager, fast food trainer and
childcare worker.
When Ingrid turned 21 she made a list of the elements in the “workplace” that she enjoyed. Key points such as being part
of a team, talking face to face with a variety of people and above all, teaching skills and knowledge or training people,
became a focus. With this in mind, Ingrid then decided to pursue a teaching career and since then has not looked back.
Along with teaching, Ingrid also enjoys playing a variety of sports, especially netball, running, CrossFit and spending time
with her family, friends and Bailey, her red cattle dog. Upon reflection, Ingrid says she is very fortunate to be a part of the
Sheldon College family and she is looking forward to another exciting year filled with learning, laughs, events and good
Mrs Melissa Cochran Email:
Middle College, Year 6 English, Year 6 & 7 Humanities
BEd AssocDipEd
In her tenth year at Sheldon College, Melissa is delighted to once again be teaching Year 6 English
and Year 6 and 7 Humanities. She is dedicated to meeting the unique needs of Middle College
students and strives to provide them with programs that are challenging, engaging and rewarding.
Melissa has worked for over fifteen years in the field of Education, in both Australia and abroad, and
she has gained valuable experience from the diverse range of opportunities that she has embraced
during this time. While always maintaining her commitment to classroom teaching, she has worked
in leadership roles that have allowed her to develop and implement work programs in a variety of
early childhood and primary education settings. Melissa is passionate about providing environments
that are both supportive and motivating, and where fun and laughter go hand in hand with learning. She strives never to
lose sight of the impact a child’s sense of self can have on their learning; focussing on a student’s belief in themselves and
on her belief in their great potential.
Melissa is approaching the 2014 school year with great excitement and she is certain that she will be sharing another
rewarding year with the students, families and staff of the Sheldon College community.
Miss Lauren Cossettini Email:
Middle/Senior College, Drama, Media, Dance
BCI (Drama/Film and Television), BEd (Secondary) (First Class Hons)
Lauren Cossettini is excited to be returning to Sheldon College in 2014 for her fourth year with the
college. She completed her studies with the Queensland University of Technology in 2010 graduating
with a double degree in Creative Industries (Drama/Film and Television) and First Class Honours in
Lauren believes that Arts Education offers students endless opportunities to understand and explore
the world through imagination, critical thinking, cultural engagement, empathy, communication,
creativity and problem-solving. Through interaction with the Arts within the classroom, Lauren aims
to provide students with the opportunity to discover their full potential, ignite a love of learning and
an opportunity to develop the necessary skills to become active participants in a world beyond school.
Lauren is looking forward to again working with the energetic and conscientious students of Sheldon College. She is a
passionate and enthusiastic teacher who is looking forward to sharing and creating many memorable moments with her
This year Lauren is most excited to continue to share her love of the Arts and education with all the students, their families
and the wider Sheldon College Community. She is looking forward to what her Curriculum team and the greater Arts
Team can and will produce for the College in 2014. Lauren has a deep passion for learning and is optimistic about the
opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in 2014.
Miss Sally Crothers Email:
Senior College, Humanities/English Teacher
BEd (Hons) MEd
Sally is delighted to be returning to Sheldon College in 2014 working in the Senior English and
Humanities faculties. As a professional educator Sally has developed and refined her skills as a leader
and teacher. Sally completed her Master of Educational Leadership at the Australian Catholic
University and graduated from her Bachelor of Education with Honours from the Queensland
University of Technology. Sally is a dedicated teacher who constantly reviews and updates her
teaching practices to ensure the best possible outcomes for her students. In her specialist areas
of History and English Sally has continually sought to improve her performance and model best
practice by participating in relevant professional development to keep abreast of current teaching
practices and changes to curricula. Through her participation in QELI’s Emerging Principal’s Program in 2013, she has
further developed her knowledge and understanding in relation to the educational paradigms in operation within the
secondary years of schooling and the specific educational needs of students in those year levels.
Sally believes that through quality education, all members of the College community need to be given the opportunities
to holistically develop themselves into global citizens not afraid to take risks but have also developed the resilience to move
forward in times of hardship and learn the valuable life lesson. She believes that staff and students need to feel passion
and inspiration about what they are doing so that they are committed to and value the College community that they
are a part of. Sally firmly believes that she displays her passion for education and learning daily, and hopes that in 2014
her fervour inspires her students at Sheldon College to become stewards of their environment and develop an intrinsic
motivation to remain open to continuous life-long learning.
Ms Fiona Dixon Email:
Middle/Senior College, Head of Faculty – Mathematics
H Dip Ed
Fiona completed her training in Johannesburg, South Africa and has a Higher Diploma in Education
from the University of the Witwatersrand in Senior Primary teaching (years 4 to 9) specialising in
Mathematics, English, Geography, Art and School Guidance Counselling. She went on to complete
an online Engineering Mathematics course through the University of South Africa to qualify to teach
in the Senior College phase.
Fiona has dedicated 22 years to educating and inspiring young inquisitive minds. She began her
journey in South Africa as part of an experienced team, teaching in informal settlements, tackling the
issues of bridging the education gap post-Apartheid in South Africa. Her involvement in various specialised and leadership
roles in both State and Independent Schools within Johannesburg and Pretoria further challenged and enriched her as an
educator and mentor.
Fiona migrated across to Australia in December 2007 and embarked on an exciting adventure teamed with a kaleidoscope
of new experiences. As a Year Level Coordinator at Croydon Secondary College, Victoria in 2008, her awareness of the
emotional, social and physical challenges young Australians are faced with was, at times, overwhelming. Fiona went on
to teach Mathematics and The Theory of Knowledge as a part of the International Baccalaureate curriculum at Tintern
Grammar School as well as Senior Mathematics and Geography for the Victoria Certificate of Education. As an academic
member of the Luther College community in Croydon Hills in 2010 to 2011, Fiona was exposed to a full load of Middle
College Science and Maths teamed with Senior Mathematics classes and enjoyed the learning experiences associated
with the curriculum. During the school year, in 2010, she assisted a fellow colleague in the Science department and fellow
home group counsellor, with her ‘Girls in Science’ project. This involved alerting female student in the Middle College to
the wonders of Science in the greater community with the aim of inspiring more girls to take an interest in Science on the
senior level and how they can be a part of it on a Tertiary level. Fiona moved to Queensland at the end of 2011 and has
spent the past 2 years as a Head of House at Faith Lutheran College. This Pastoral leadership role had an increasingly
positive impact on her professional career. The extra responsibility to work with and mentor students, male and female, in
responsible choice making, social etiquette and appropriate interactions with others, although not a new experience to
her, has been invaluable.
Fiona values, above all things, her family and her vocation and aims to continually lead by example and show respect
and compassion towards others. As a newly appointed member of the Sheldon Team, she is looking forward to the many
challenges and new learning experiences that await her.
Mr Damien Durham
Senior College, Humanities
Damien is delighted to be entering his sixth year with the Sheldon College family in 2014, as a teacher
of Humanities and Senior Geography. He has a love of learning, and hopes to impart this enthusiasm
to the students in his classes. Damien believes that positive relationships are a key part of an effective
learning partnership. He also has a passion for environmental issues and hopes to impart his desire to
enact change for sustainable management of the planet onto his students.
Damien completed his Education Degree at Griffith University in 1996. After a number of years
working in a middle management role in the retail industry, he decided to follow his heart and return
to teaching. Damien taught at Wynnum North State High School for five years across a range of subjects from Year 8 to
Year 12 – Maths, English, Science, SOSE and Senior Geography. He also had fantastic opportunities to work as a Key Teacher
in a Year 8 Sports Immersion class for 4 years, as Year 8 Welfare Leader in 2008 and also at various times as Acting Head of
Department, Humanities/Middle School. He has been privileged to teach Maths, SOSE and Geography across both Middle
and Senior College since commencing at Sheldon in 2009.
In 2014, Damien will enhance his own professional learning through the commencement of a Masters of Sustainability
Science. He has been a District Panel Member for the past 8 years, and has also devoted the first week of the September
holidays to QCS test marking since 2007. Additionally, he has had the opportunity to mark the 3,5,7,9 NAPLAN writing task
for the past 4 years.
Damien has a passion for sport and, since undergoing knee surgery last year, has become heavily involved with the
Sheldon Triathlon Club. He has participated in a number of shorter triathlons over the summer months and looks forward to
completing longer events in the future. Damien still enjoys watching Rugby League and has recently returned to playing
Touch Football.
Mr Scott Easdown Email:
Junior/Middle College, Health & Physical Education Specialist
BTeach (Physical Education) BArts (Information Technology)
Scott enters his third year at Sheldon College with gusto and a willingness to achieve even more than
he did in 2013. Scott graduated with a Bachelor of Teaching (Physical Education) and a Bachelor of
Arts (Information Technology) in 2002 from the University of Ballarat. He taught in Marsden in 2003
and joined the wonderful community at Sheldon in 2004.
After two and a half years Scott was bitten by the travel bug and he and his wife, Elise moved to
Doha, Qatar where he taught in an international school that catered for the Qataris, especially
ones from the royal family. After an interesting year Scott moved to Dubai to teach at Wellington
International School for the next two years. Scott was involved with students from over 82 nations and was very fortunate to
have gained such wonderful experiences. After the birth of their son, Julius in Dubai, Scott and Elise returned to Australia.
Scott was pursued by local Aussie Rules clubs in the Wagga Wagga region and took the position of Head Coach at
the Coolamon Rovers Football Club. He also taught HPE at Kooringal High School. While in Wagga Scott, Elise and Julius
welcomed Charlotte to their family.
After a fantastic second year back at Sheldon, Scott is really looking at driving the Junior HPE Program even further than
the great achievements of 2013. This year will see an emphasis on building the Perceptual Motor Program throughout he
junior college, developing the students’ skills and critical understanding and questioning.
2013 was also a successful year for the AFL Program and this year Scott will work on building the participation levels in the
Junior College. Scott will also build on the momentum of the Independent Schools Cup competition after the amazing
success last year.
Mrs Heidi Esdaile Email:
Junior College, Music Specialist
MEd GradDipPsych BEd(Music) AMusA
Heidi has been interested in music since she was a child, and is extremely passionate about music
education in the early years. She began playing the piano at a young age, and was involved in
choirs and music workshops growing up. This involvement in music making has inspired her to help
the young students at Sheldon to develop a love of music that they can build upon and enjoy in their
future years.
Having recently completed her Masters of Education at Griffith University, Heidi is interested in the
psychology of learning and how the Arts can be used to enhance brain function and creativity. This
interest has also led to her studies in Psychology and has fuelled her current interest in brain development and Creative Arts
education. Heidi hopes to continue her research in these areas in order to provide the most challenging and engaging Arts
education possible for the capable young students in Junior College.
After taking some time out to spend with her new baby in 2013, Heidi is looking forward to again working within both the
classroom music and choir programs at Sheldon College.
Mr Michael Farrell Email:
Junior College, Year 4 Teacher
BEd (Primary)
Michael Farrell is excited to be entering his sixth year at Sheldon College. He will be responsible for
the form class 4FAR and is keen to meet both the children and parents of his new school community.
Michael has been given the wonderful opportunity of working in such a prestigious schooling
environment and is excited by the times that lay ahead. He recognises the myriad of learning
opportunities available to both himself and his students and is committed to providing all of whom
he has the fortune to teach an innovative, engaging and challenging curriculum.
During his time at Sheldon College Michael has worked with students both in and out of extension
classes and across year levels. Having the opportunity to further meet the diverse needs of his Year Four Students is
something Michael is excited by.
As well as teaching, Michael enjoys spending time with his partner and their three wonderful children aged 13, 8 and 6. He is
also involved in a range of sports such as soccer and cricket and loves pursuing his passion for creating and listening to music.
It is with the utmost enthusiasm and passion for student achievement that Michael continues his teaching endeavours at
Sheldon College. Michael would like to extend his greetings to all and give his best wishes to all students for a successful 2014.
Mr David Freeman
Piano Teacher, Sound and Music Technology Specialist
B Mus (QCM)
David commenced his Piano studies at the age of 12. At age 15 he entered the Queensland
Conservatorium of Music on scholarship for Piano & Bassoon, and then subsequently completed
his Bachelor of Music degree in 1996. During his time at the Conservatorium he was fortunate to
study with many international artists including Geoffrey Lancaster, Stephen Savage, Piers Lane &
Nancy Weir. His lessons with Nancy make David a sixth generation student of Franz Liszt. He has won
numerous competitions including the Barrier Reef Piano Competition and the Conservatorium Piano
Concerto Competition. He has also performed piano works by Australian composer Peter Sculthorpe
in concerts in the presence of the composer.
In recent years, David has also established his own production & recording studio. He has written music for short film, television
and radio broadcasts as well as sound design for theatre productions, music for websites and multimedia performances.
David’s passion for learning through creativity and innovation led him to work at the Queensland Academy for Creative
Industries in its foundation year. In his “Creative Support” role, he was able to facilitate the use of music technology in the
classroom, recording studio and also in live performances. Students had hands on experience with ProTools, Sibelius, Logic,
Garage Band and Ableton Live. David also co-created the “Electrofusion” ensemble – a blend of electronic, electric and
traditional instruments with electronic manipulation.
David is really excited about returning to Sheldon College this year in a dual role of Piano Tutor and Sound and Music
Technology specialist. He is thrilled to be working with a very talented and vibrant Arts team, and of course, the wonderful
students at Sheldon College.
Mr Jade Frewin
Junior College, Year 3 Teacher
BEd (Primary) ACU
Originally from Victoria, Jade has now called Queensland home for more than ten years. A graduate
of Australian Catholic University National, this year marks his ninth year as an employee of Sheldon
College. Jade feels privileged to be part of an organisation that strives for excellence and empowers
its people to be innovative and creative. He has seen many changes during his employment and is
excited by the future developments of the College.
Jade’s classroom is a dynamic environment, rich in materials and resources, and valuing all aspects
of the curriculum. In recent years he has looked at ways of meaningful and purposeful integration of
learning technologies into the classroom. The advent of mobile technologies in the classroom has provided an abundance
of new learning opportunities for teachers and students alike.
Jade believes that it is the relationships formed between teacher and student that are paramount to success. He seeks
to form a deep understanding of each child as a person and as a learner, only from then can the real learning occur.
He believes that all children are capable of excellence and it is a matter of unlocking their potential and providing
opportunities for them to demonstrate.
Mr Matthew Gammie
Middle College
BEd Secondary (Drama)
Matthew is delighted to be a part of the Sheldon College community in 2014, working in both the
English and Humanities departments. Matt completed his studies with Griffith University and holds a
Bachelor degree in Secondary Education - Drama and History.
Matthew is looking forward to working with the multi-talented and enthusiastic students of Sheldon
College. He is a passionate teacher of History and English and is looking forward to sharing his
knowledge and skills with his students.
Matthew is a keen supporter of all sports and likes to share that enthusiasm both inside and outside of the classroom.
Mr Nick Gates
Senior College, Graphics (CAD), Robotics, IT, Manufacture Technologies
DipTech BCIT ( British Columbia Institute of Technology), BEd UBC (University of British Columbia)
Nick has been a passionate educator for over 20 years in both Canada and Australia. His focus
on design, 3D manufacture, robotics and micro-electronics studies has positioned Nick as a strong
advocate for emerging technologies into schools and continuing to support curriculum programs
like Fabrication Laboratories, (Fab Labs). With a Bachelors degree in Technology Education from
University of British Columbia and Technology Diploma from British Columbia Institute of Technology,
Canada, Nick brings with him a vast experience and viewpoints from both education and industry
that strengthen our technology programs, particularly in the emerging field of 3D Printing. His
leadership in developing 3D Printing Labs for schools in Victoria has allowed these schools to position themselves on the
cutting edge of design education in Australia. His professional experience in engineering bring more authentic learning
experiences to our Design Technology curriculum. The College’s most recent 21st Century Building acquisition will be an
opportunity to trial much of what Nick has brought with his experience and promises to bring our College further innovative
and enterprising educational opportunity.
Nick’s passion for understanding all things mechanical and technical is inspired by the poet Samuel Beckett:
“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”
Mr Mick Godbold
Senior College, Science & Biology
Sc GradDipEd
Mick commences his seventeenth year at Sheldon College, as part of the Senior College team, and
more particularly in the Science Faculty.
Mick’s involvement will see him teaching Years 8, 9 and 10 Science, and Senior Biology. This year he
will once again take on the role of Year Level Co-ordinator for Year 12 – a role which he is looking
forward to with enthusiasm and excitement. In addition, he will continue to work closely with other
students in the Middle and Senior College through Science-related activities. He is also keen to
continue the development of the extra-curricular aspect of the Science program, and promote the
importance of Science.
In addition to his teaching duties, Mick is also looking forward to continuing to have an active role in the development of
the Sports Program, particularly in Touch Football, at Sheldon College.
Mrs Anni Gold
Junior College, Year 4 Teacher
BTeach BSocSc(Hons) Cert Gifted Ed (UNSW) (Extn)
The world needs dreamers, and the world needs doers, but above all, the world needs dreamers
who do. Wisdom begins in wonder - Socrates
Anni is thrilled to be continuing her teaching adventure at Sheldon College, having enjoyed working
with the delightful 4GOA last year. She has previously taught at several independent schools in
Brisbane and Cairns. Anni has a great deal of experience in gifted education, as a student, parent,
teacher, educational leader and presenter. She followed this passion with further study at the Gifted
Education Research, Resource and Information Centre at the University of New South Wales. Anni
has previously held positions of added responsibility as a Gifted Education Coordinator, Teacher Mentor and Curriculum
Team Leader.
Anni brings to her class a passion for learning, and for sparking creativity and curiosity in her students. She is anticipating
another exciting year with her new class, learning from and with each other and going boldly where none have gone before.
When not living and breathing new ideas for her class, Anni can be found reading, listening to music, walking her dogs with
her husband, or tending the veggie patch. She has recently enrolled in a Philosophy course, and gone back to playing in
a symphonic band, in the belief that you should always challenge your persistence and resilience with new experiences. 17
Mrs Julie-Ann Goldman
Early Learning Centre, Kindergarten Teacher
BEd (Early Childhood) DipCommServ (Children’s Services)
Julie-Ann is delighted to be commencing her eighth year as part of the Sheldon College community
and is looking forward to an exciting and busy year ahead in Kindergarten. With over 14 years
experience in the area of early learning, this will be Julie-Ann’s fifth year as a member of the
Kindergarten teaching team. In addition to her teaching role, Julie-Ann is again looking forward to
undertaking the additional role of Team Leader in Kindergarten for 2014.
Julie-Ann completed her Bachelor of Education with Honours at Queensland University of Technology,
specialising in the area of Early Childhood. She is also a member of the Golden Key International
Honour Society which recognises and celebrates outstanding academic achievement obtained
whilst studying at a tertiary level.
When at school, you will find Julie-Ann singing and dancing to HI-5 with the Kindy children, constructing castles from
blocks, digging up dinosaur bones in the sandpit, experimenting with colour mixing or exploring the wonders of the world
through the eyes of the little people in her class. Outside school life, Julie-Ann enjoys playing touch football, swimming and
reading, but most importantly, she savours time spent with her family.
Julie-Ann is passionate about the value of early childhood education and she creates a classroom environment that is
both stimulating and engaging; where fun‑filled learning is a daily occurrence. Julie-Ann looks forward with enthusiasm
to the year ahead and the privilege of working in partnership with the Kindergarten children and their families to create
memories and friendships that will span a lifetime.
Mr Josh Hanek
Middle/Senior College, Visual Art and HPE
BEd (Secondary) BFA Trade Cert. (Carpentry and Joinery)
Josh Hanek is about to engage in his third tenure of teaching at Sheldon College. It is the quality
of educational experience, relationships and professionalism that keeps enticing Josh to return the
Sheldon College Family. Josh has taught in both the State and Private Systems in Queensland, The
United Kingdom and most recently Tasmania. As a Teacher Josh loves the tactile experiences that
practical subjects offer students. Josh has taught in the subject areas of Visual Arts, HPE, Design and
Technology, Woodwork, Metalwork and Humanities. Professionally Josh has been a member of State
and District Assessment Panels for The Visual Arts and has held middle management pastoral care
positions such as Senior Tutor, Head of Year, Year Level Coordinator and Boarding Master throughout his career. Josh has
just spent five years teaching at The Hutchins School in Hobart Tasmania where he held the position of Director of Boarding
and First XVIII AFL Coach. Josh is looking forward to his return to Sheldon College and the classroom environment where
he believes his true talents are tried and tested. In his spare time Josh is fanatical about Art, Music, AFL, Cricket, Animals
and anything to do with the ocean and he readily shares these passions with his students or anyone else that is willing to
humour him.
Miss Rachel Head Email:
Voice Teacher
DipMus (QCM) AMusA GradDip MusStudies (Contemporary Vocal Pedagogy)
A graduate of the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, Rachel is an accomplished vocalist and
piano player. After completing her tertiary studies, Rachel began studio teaching as a means of
sharing her love of music with others; she has been teaching voice at Sheldon College since 2002.
Rachel returned to the Conservatorium for post-graduate work where she is currently working
toward a Master of Music Studies. Rachel is also a specialist lecturer in Contemporary Voice in the
Conservatorium’s Open Conservatorium program.
Rachel’s love of all forms of vocal music has led to a development of her interest in choral work. She
conducts and directs Sheldon’s all-girl ensemble, Eve, who in 2012 were finalists in ABC Radio’s School
Bands and Choirs competition. Also, in conjunction with her studio work at the Conservatorium she has conducted the
Young Conservatorium’s prestigious “Singers” choir.
Along with her teaching commitments, Rachel is an experienced session vocalist and performer. She has appeared as
a featured vocalist alongside The Queensland Orchestra and has been involved in many musical theatre productions.
In 2012 she produced her first album “Here to Remind You: The Bacharach Project”, a collection of jazz-influenced Burt
Bacharach covers.
Rachel is proud of the exceptional outcomes achieved in the Sheldon College vocal program. She is also proud of the
program’s tertiary entrance record where, to date, all students interested in pursuing voice at a tertiary level have been
accepted into their preferred courses.
Mrs Catherine Heiner
Middle/Senior College, SOSE; Modern History
BA BEd GradDipT(Sec) Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training
Catherine graduated from Griffith University and has taught for over 30 years in State and private
Secondary schools and in the TAFE system. She has held positions of Subject Master History, Head
of Department Studies of Society and Environment and Acting Deputy Principal at Beenleigh SHS.
As a Foundation teacher at Wellington Point SHS in 1988, she set up the Social Education course for
Years 8-10 as well as serving in the positions of Year 8 Co-ordinator and Special Needs Co-ordinator.
She has written sample modules and presented papers for the Qld History Teachers’ Association
as well as given presentations for the Qld Association for Gifted and Talented Children. In 2001, she
implemented the Certificate III and IV in Education (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) course at
the Indigenous Australian People’s Unit, Southbank Institute of TAFE, designed to train Teacher Aides
to work with Indigenous children in the classroom.
Having undertaken extensive professional development in the area of literacy development and genre writing skills,
Catherine is keen to equip students with the necessary skills and confidence to conduct research and to write in an
appropriate academic style. In 2011, she was invited to be on an advisory panel for the Parliamentary Education Office,
Canberra, as they prepare support material for the National Curriculum in Civics Education. In 2012, she was an External
Panelist evaluating QSA History Assessment as part of the National Curriculum implementation. She is a qualified marker
for the Short Response Items paper of the Queensland Core Skills Test and was a member of the initial group of teachers
deciding on the Common Curriculum Elements.
A special interest in the education and extension of Gifted and Talented children led her to serve on the Regional Advisory
Committee for Gifted and Talented and to judge the QAGTC Tournament of Minds at local and national levels of the
competition. She particularly understands the needs of the Visual Spatial Gifted child. Catherine is looking forward to
continuing in the role of Co-ordinator of Academic Talent Development in 2014, overseeing the needs of Gifted and
Talented students from Kindergarten through to Year 12.
Mrs Karen Hill Email:
Middle College, Literacy Support Teacher
DipT Dip Special Ed.
This is Karen Hill’s sixth year as The Middle College Literacy Support Teacher and in her many years
of teaching at schools in Brisbane and overseas, she undoubtedly knows that Sheldon College is the
best school in which she has ever had the privilege of teaching at, in her entire career.
She began her teaching career as an English as a Second Language Teacher in Liverpool, Sydney, in
1980. Following this position, she accepted a teaching position in Africa, which resulted in her being
an expatriate, primary school teacher at International Schools for the following ten years.
Firstly, she taught at St. Constantine’s School in Arusha, in Tanzania then moved to The International
School of Tanganyika, in Dar-es-Salaam, in Tanzania. Her next position was at The Union School in
Port-au-Prince, in Haiti. Her last overseas positions were in Papua New Guinea, where she taught at Kimbe International
School, in Kimbe and later at Bulae International School, in Lae.
Karen returned to Brisbane and studied a Graduate Diploma in Special Education at Griffith University. Consequently, she
worked as a Support Teacher Learning Difficulties, primarily in the area of literacy, in several schools in Brisbane’s south and
south-west areas for thirteen years.
One of Karen’s proud pieces of history occurred when she was growing up in Sydney. Karen trained in the sport of
springboard and highboard diving for nine years, beginning at the age of 10 and retiring at 18. Near the end of her career,
she was selected to represent Australia in the first Australian Age Group Diving Team to compete in an international event,
in Santa Clara, California, against divers from Mexico, Canada and the USA. In the 16/17 years competitions, she won
the prestigious highboard diving event, placed second in the 3 metre event and placed third in the 1 metre event. In the
following year, she narrowly missed out on representing Australia at the Montreal Olympics.
Karen is extremely inspired and motivated to dive into another year of exciting and engaging reading comprehension,
writing, grammar, punctuation and spelling activities in a creative and fun-filled way.
Mr Chris Holland
Middle College, Mathematics; Science
CertEd BA GradCert ESL
This will be Chris’ thirteenth year at Sheldon College and, as usual, he is looking forward to another
rewarding and positive year ahead. He is always passionate about teaching Mathematics and
Science and he is confident that his enthusiasm will transfer to his students.
Chris is well into his 40th year of teaching. During that time he has obtained a Certificate in Education,
a BA degree, and post graduate certificates in teaching Mathematics and Second Languages (ESL).
His career includes over 16 years experience in Comprehensive and Middle Schools in the UK, a
contract at an international school in Singapore as well as 9 years in Queensland State High Schools.
Chris has a wealth of experience that he is keen to share with his colleagues, but he is always ready
to follow new directions and incorporate fresh ideas into his classroom practice.
Mr Peter Holmes
Senior College, Science & Biology, Year 11 Co-Ordinator
BSc GradDipEd (Sec)
Peter is very excited to once again work with the dynamic Science Faculty at Sheldon College in
2014. He has always had a passion for science and he strongly believes that if students find science
boring, he’s doing something wrong! He is looking forward to working within both the Middle and
Senior Colleges this year and hopes that he can bring the life back into science.
Peter graduated from the University of Queensland majoring in Biomedical Science and has a keen
interest in physiology as well as microbiology and biotechnology. Prior to Sheldon he spent five
years teaching at Canterbury College where he had a range of responsibilities including Biology
Co-ordinator and Ski Trip Co-ordinator. He also worked as the P-6 Science Liaison Officer, aiming to
boost science in the Junior Curriculum. He has also been a District Review Panellist for Biology with the Queensland Studies
Authority for the past four years.
This year sees Peter take on the role of Year 11 Co-Ordinator and he is looking forward to working with students on a dayto-day basis to help them cope with the beginning of their Senior Schooling.
His other passion in life is sport and loves futsal, squash, cycling and volleyball just to name a few.
Dr David Hughes
Head of Faculty, Science and Technology
BSc(Hons) PhD PGCE MIBiol MIABiol CBiol MIHort MACE
David is delighted be continuing in his role as the Head of Faculty for Science, and this year takes
on the additional role of Head of Faculty for Technology. He has 21 years of experience, teaching at
junior, secondary and tertiary levels in Australia and the UK. David’s experience in implementing the
Science National Curriculum in the UK has given him a valuable insight into ensuring that the Sheldon
College Faculty of Science and technology delivers an exciting, engaging and creative curriculum
at all year levels.
Prior to joining Sheldon College in 2011, David was Head of Biology and Team Leader for Student Data
Management at Canterbury College. He taught in both the Junior and Middle Colleges enhancing
teaching and learning in Science and Literacy. He also taught Biology, Chemistry and Multi-Strand Science in the Senior College.
Before moving to Queensland, David held the position of Manager of Learning and Teaching and Head of Chemistry
at Purbrook Park School, UK. David has also held positions in University education; at Oxford Brookes University as Senior
Lecturer in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry and at The University of Queensland as Manager of Student Services.
In the UK, David’s role saw him work with the staff and students of Purbrook Park School to implement the National Literacy
and Numeracy Strategy across all curriculum areas. Starting with English and Mathematics, during his time there he
introduced new learning initiatives into Science, Humanities, IT and LOTE subjects.
At UQ, David was involved in an Inclusive Practice research project to produce a website to guide staff in enhancing
student engagement across the University. He has also developed and facilitated programmes to support the transition of
first-year students from both domestic and international backgrounds into university study.
Through his teaching David plans regular opportunities for students to consider the wider moral, environmental and ethical
side of each topic, which, in itself makes the work relevant and engaging. He believes that students will achieve their best
in a student-centred, positive, structured learning environment.
David has also spent time in the fitness industry where he was a Gym Instructor and Group Fitness Instructor.
David is proud to lead a highly devoted and talented group of educators and professional staff in the Faculty of Science
and Technology and he is looking forward, once again, to working closely with the students, parents and teachers of the
Sheldon College community.
Miss Jessica Hughes
Middle/Senior College, Dance
BCI(Dance) BEd(Secondary)
Jessica is delighted to be entering her ninth year at Sheldon College and she is particularly excited
about continuing to foster the Dance Program in 2014 through the management and development
of the curricular and extra-curricular programs. This year Jessica will be teaching Dance to Years 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.
Jessica is thrilled to be once again involved in the vast extra-curricular and curricular activities that
the College has to offer in the area of the Arts such as this year’s Senior College Musical ‘West Side
Story’, Arts Academies, Dance Night, the ASTA Professional’s program and the ASTA Dance Academy.
Jessica has extensive knowledge and experience of Dance education in the areas of performance and
choreography. She completed a Bachelor of Creative Industries, majoring in Dance and a Bachelor of Secondary Education
majoring in English at QUT. Jessica has studied various styles of Dance including Jazz, Tap, Ballet, Contemporary and Hip Hop,
and she has been involved in eisteddfods, competitions, musicals and ATOD examinations for Jazz, Tap and Ballet.
Jessica is looking forward to another promising year working with the students and staff at Sheldon College as the
co‑ordinator of Dance and a member of the Arts Team.
Mr Scott Jacka
Middle/Senior College, Health & Physical Education
BScApp(HMS – Ed)Hons
Scott completed a Human Movements Degree from the University of Queensland, graduating
with honours. He then taught briefly at Cleveland State High School before obtaining his position
at Sheldon College. Scott is now in his eleventh year of teaching at Sheldon College. He originally
started at Sheldon in 2001, however he lived overseas for 2 years teaching in England and travelling
the world. He returned to Sheldon midway through 2006 after a brief stint in the Real Estate Industry.
Scott has had the unique experience of teaching across the whole of Sheldon College. He has
taught Health and Physical Education from Preschool to Year 12, and Maths to Years 9 and 10. Scott
helped establish the Touch Football Club within the College, and coaches a variety of Touch teams
for Friday nights and interschool tournaments. Scott also assists with athletics training and the Volleyball teams, travelling
to the Volleyball Schools Cup tournament in Toowoomba.
This year Scott is the Year 10 Co-ordinator and teaching Health and Physical Education from Years 7 to 12. Scott loves
working at Sheldon College and looks forward to working with the students again this year.
Mr Pree Jeewandara Email:
Junior College, Year 2 Teacher
Pree is very delighted to be teaching Year Two this year. As a former Sheldon College graduate,
he reflects fondly on his experiences at the College as a student. In particular, he values the strong
relationships that he developed with College staff during his senior years of schooling and those
experiences that inspired him to take on an exciting and rewarding career as a teacher.
Pree graduated from Griffith University, with a Bachelor of Education (Primary) specialising in the
Middle Years of Schooling. Upon graduation, he was awarded the Griffith Award for Academic
Excellence. Pree has also worked as a student ambassador for Griffith University and as a supervisor
at a School Aged Care Service.
Pree endeavours to instill the values of lifelong learning and promote active citizenship with all his students. He is thoroughly
looking forward to yet another rewarding experience of love, laughter and learning with the students, families and staff of
Sheldon College.
Miss Krista Jensen
Middle College, Health & Physical Education
Krista is a positive and motivated teacher who is looking forward to being a part of the Sheldon
College team for the third year. She graduated from Griffith University with a Bachelor of Secondary
Education in Health and Physical Education and Information and Communication Technology. She
will be teaching Health and Physical Education to students in the Junior College through to the Senior
College; and Information and Communication Technology to Years 5 & 6, as well as taking on the
role of Year 7 Home Room teacher.
With a passion for sport as her driving force, Krista strives to stimulate students in the pursuit of
knowledge; and to foster a wide range of skills for use on and off the field; such as critical thinking,
self-regulated learning, knowledge of self and others and also lifelong learning. Krista aims to build
a strong relationship with the students and parents and also to create a safe and supported learning environment where
students’ minds can become inspired.
Krista has been heavily involved in a number of sports over the years and is qualified in a variety of sports ranging from
swimming and cricket to touch football and netball. Krista is looking forward to a fantastic year ahead and is proud to be
part of the Sheldon College community.
Miss Tara Johnston Email:
Senior/Middle College, English
BCI(Drama) BEd(Drama/English),
“What we learn with pleasure we never forget.” -Alfred Mercier
Tara completed her studies at QUT, and now holds a double degree in Creative Industries (Drama)
and Education (English/Drama), graduating with honours in Education. After completing her studies,
Tara travelled Europe, the UK and parts of Asia. Tara was a Senior English teacher at Sheldon College
in 2009 and 2010. She returned to Sheldon College in July 2012 after teaching English for 18 months in
Japan. During her time in Japan, she taught Year One through to Year Eleven.
Returning for her fifth year at Sheldon College, Tara is looking forward to working once again with
the vibrant and diligent students of the Middle and Senior College. She is a passionate educator and
is delighted at the prospect of sharing many memorable moments with her students this year. In 2014, Tara is excited to
travel to Europe with a group of Senior College students on the Literature Tour. She believes that travel is one of the most
incredible learning experiences in life.
Dr Colin Jones Email:
Technology Specialist
BE(Hons) PhDChemEng BEd
Dr Colin Jones has been a digital technology teacher at Sheldon College since 2005. He has a PhD in
Chemical Engineering and has worked as a research scientist with the CSIRO. Colin has owned and
operated his own businesses in the hospitality sector.
Colin has one child, a teenage son who attends Sheldon College. This gives him the additional
perspective of appreciating the College both from a teaching viewpoint and that of a parent.
Digital technologies are a specialty for Colin and he enjoys exploring how new innovations can be
adapted to classroom use. Colin has implemented the use of the Moodle learning management
system at Sheldon College and is exploring new ways to increase student access and engagement.
He is a champion of open source solutions and strongly believes that students should be encouraged to explore a wide
range of technology tools.
Colin adopts an “as you need it” approach to using technology. In this framework, students investigate and master tools
and techniques to solve specific problems as they become apparent. This is how the commercial sector operates and it is
important that students learn to work confidently in the same way. Students are encouraged to always keep in mind the
purpose of what they are doing and the unique attributes of the audience. In Colin’s classroom there is a belief that all
students will perform to their highest level.
Outside the classroom, Colin has a keen interest and involvement in football (soccer) and futsal. He also maintains an
interest in cooking (especially from the consumption point of view).
Mr Gareth Jones Email:
Piano Specialist
BMusic MMusStudies AMusA LMusA
Gareth started piano lessons at age 7 because he was playing all of his sister’s pieces by ear. Most
parents are surprised to hear that Gareth considered quitting the piano when he reached Grade
4 standard, a decision that would have been the biggest mistake of his life. Playing the piano has
given Gareth the freedom to be creative and emotive, and has taught him a great deal about
responsibility and discipline. Piano has been the foundation for Gareth to be able to learn other
instruments, such as the clarinet, trombone, guitar, cello and voice.
Gareth moved to Brisbane in 1998 from Dubbo to study at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music
and started teaching the piano during his postgraduate studies. He was a finalist in the Queensland
Piano Competition (2000) and adjudicated the Sunshine Coast Eisteddfod (2006). After completing university Gareth
began teaching at Sheldon College where he developed a new love and passion for teaching. He has an eclectic taste
for music ranging from Mozart to 30 Seconds To Mars.
Gareth is looking forward to his tenth year at Sheldon College and seeing all of the familiar faces plus some new ones..
Mrs Tina Kelly
Junior College, Year 3 Teacher
I am excited to be continuing in the Junior College this year as a Year 3 teacher. I am especially
looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead and working with a wonderful team of teachers in
Last year, I was privileged to teach in a Year 3 classroom, prior to that I have taught in a Year 4
classroom for a short time. Previously, I have also fulfilled the role of Learning Enhancement Teacher
for the students of the Junior College. In this role, I supported students to achieve their full potential
and provided programs to help this eventuate, through running the ELF, PAL and Literacy Club
programs, along with in‑class support for teachers and students.
I bring to the classroom several years experience of working in the Junior College and feel privileged to have taught Year 3
for a number of years. During this time, I gained a broad understanding of the emerging curriculum and have kept up to
date with recent events and initiatives, particularly the gradual implementation of the Australian Curriculum. Over the past
few years I have been fortunate to have taken part in professional development in the area of Reading Comprehension and
the teaching of Grammar, and I look forward to implementing many of these strategies with my students. I have also taught
Year 5 Maths, Science and Technology and Junior College Technology during my first year at Sheldon College, in 2001.
I will also be taking on the role of a Year 3 and Preppie mum, as my son continues his very important journey through the
fantastic Junior College and my daughter joins the amazing Preparatory program this year.
As both a teacher and parent, I firmly believe in the amazing educational experience that children are given at Sheldon
College. I feel so privileged to teach in such a fulfilling and gratifying environment, where it is my pleasure to see children
experience learning in a variety of ways. Helping each student grow and feel the positive power of success is a part of my
role that I will endeavour to make a part of each interaction, remembering that ‘No two flowers bloom in exactly the same
way’. I look forward to being a part of my students’ journey and working with you all to make it a positive and enjoyable one.
Simone Kettley
Junior College, Year 2 Teacher
BEd(Early Childhood) DipEd(Early Childhood)
Simone Kettley is very excited about joining the Junior College this year. She has over 6 years
experience teaching Year 2 and is excited to be getting back to this age group. Simone is an
enthusiastic and dedicated teacher with a commitment to helping students with their learning and
fostering a love of the educational process.
Over the past 15 years Simone has been working in the Early Childhood industry, in both childcare
and lower primary areas and has gained extensive experience working with children of all ages.
Simone completed a Diploma of Childcare and Education in 1998 and gained a full time position
at John Paul College working with children under 6 years of age. She prides herself on the care and support she provides
all her students with as they grow and develop. During her years at John Paul College Simone discovered her true passion
for teaching early childhood and went on to complete her Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood through Central
Queensland University in 2005. She then gained a full time teaching position at Hills International College teaching lower
primary. She came to Sheldon in 2013, spending a year in Kindergarten. Simone is looking forward to a wonderful year in Grade 2 at Sheldon College and is excited about meeting her new little
friends and supporting them on their learning journey. Simone’s goal as an educator is to provide her students with an
exciting, safe and engaging environment that provides diversity, support and growth.
When Simone is not at school she enjoys bike riding, going for a run, playing with her little boy and spending time with family
and friends.
Mr Timothy Kilchester
Middle/Senior College, Film and Media Studies
BVA(Fine Arts) BEd(Secondary)
Timothy is excited about returning to Sheldon College in 2014. He is an experienced Arts educator
who has spent the past ten years teaching Visual Arts, Media Studies, and Film and Television
within the private education sector in Brisbane. He is passionate about teaching, in particular, the
disciplines for which he is trained and has taught. Timothy is a strong advocate for the Arts and feels
that a robust education including the Arts is integral to the successful formation of well-balanced
individuals who are the future of this country.
Timothy attained a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Queensland College of Art and a Bachelor of
Education (Secondary) from Griffith University. He believes in the value of a quality education and is greatly looking forward
to re-joining the Sheldon community and working as part of a team towards the future development of the school. Miss Alana Leahy
Junior College, Kindergarten Teacher
BEd(Early Childhood) DipCommServ(Children’s Services)
Alana Leahy is thrilled to be entering her third year as Kindergarten teacher in 2014. Over the past
nine years Alana has had the privilege of both studying and working in the child care industry and has
gained extensive experience working with young children of all ages, particularly the Kindergarten
age group. Alana completed a Diploma of Community Services (Children’s Services) as she worked
in the roles of assistant and Group Leader for various early learning centres in the Toowoomba and
South/West Brisbane areas. It was during this time in the early childhood industry that Alana quickly
discovered her passion and dedication for teaching young children and believes is what ultimately
lead her to complete her Degree in Education, specialising in Early Childhood Education at the
University of Southern Queensland where Alana graduated with distinction. Alana is looking forward to a wonderful year
ahead in Kindergarten and is excited for her classroom to be bursting with happy faces, laughter and many new discoveries.
Alana’s goal as an educator is to structure a learning environment which offers a wide variety of engaging and flexible
experiences to encourage not just learning, but a love of learning. Alana has a strong commitment to providing quality
teaching and learning and aims to build a positive classroom where students are encouraged and supported to become
lifelong learners. In her spare time, Alana enjoys cooking, travelling and spending time with her much loved friends and
Mr Joshua Long
Middle/Senior College, HPE, Modern and Ancient History
Joshua Long is thrilled to be joining the Sheldon College team for 2014. Joshua completed his studies
at Griffith University and holds a Bachelor of Education (Secondary) majoring in Health and Physical
Education and also History. He is delighted to be the Home Group teacher of 8C and teaching
across the HPE and Humanities Faculties. With an interest in all sports and physical activity, Joshua
brings specialist knowledge to the College in the area of volleyball. He is looking forward to being
able to provide all of his students with a safe and enjoyable learning environment, whilst upholding
the traditional values Sheldon College is well known for. Throughout his teaching career, Joshua has
proven himself to be a highly motivated individual who creates positive working relationships with
students and members of the school community. Joshua absolutely loves working with children across all ages and he is
keen to share his enthusiasm and passion with his new classes. As well as providing clear and relevant content in his subject
areas, Joshua also believes that it is important to equip students with the necessary skills to participate in an increasing
technological and professional society to enable them to succeed beyond Sheldon College.
Joshua believes teaching is the most exciting and rewarding job in the world and he is looking forward to teaching with a
like‑minded team. He would like to wish everyone a wonderful year and he is looking forward to a year full of exciting and
meaningful experiences.
Mr Adam Lopez
Head of Vocal Studies
Mr Adam Lopez began singing at the age of three and after High School, went on to study Opera
at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music. He specialises in Classical, Jazz, Musical Theatre, Pop
and Latin music styles and is able to sing in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Latin and English. Mr
Lopez also developed a virtuosic, multi-octave, vocal range which led to smashing two Guinness
World Records in the category of ‘Singing the highest vocal note by a male singer’. The record note
is C sharp in the 8th octave (one note above the range of a piano!) This achievement has astounded
audiences from all around the world leading him to perform in Japan, Spain, Italy, Korea and Hong
Kong. His professional performing experience includes a string of sell-out concerts alongside Jazz
legend James Morrison, performing with Kate Ceberano and Emma Pask and also featuring as
Special Guest with acapella vocal group ‘The Idea of North’.
Apart from his work on the stage, Mr Lopez has also acquired over 20 years experience in the Recording Studio as a Session
Singer and as a Recording Artist. Some examples of work in the Recording Studio include TV and Radio Jingles for National
Advertisements, over 100 International recording projects, 3 self released albums and 1 professionally released album
through the Record Label ABC/Universal Music which is planned for release in the United States of America. Mr Lopez
draws on his Recording Industry experience to teach electives in the Sheldon College ASTA programs in the following
subjects; Recording Techniques for Singers, Studio and Live Microphone Technique, Recording/Mixing, Composition and
Music Production.
For over 15 years Mr Lopez has taught Singing and directed Choirs and Vocal Ensembles as well as delivered Workshops on
the various facets of Singing Technique, Alexander Technique and Stage Craft. Mr Lopez can tutor students for examinations
in AMEB and Trinity at all levels in the styles of Classical and Contemporary music.
Mr Lopez plans to continue songwriting, recording albums and performing around the world in the professional Music
Industry and to then pass on his knowledge and experiences to his Vocal, ASTA and Choral Students.
Miss Melissa Loveday
Student Advisor
DipLibArts BEd(Secondary) Certificate IV Training and Assessment
Melissa is thrilled to be returning to Sheldon College, having worked in the SAC team from 2004-2007
whilst completing her Bachelor of Education (Secondary) at Griffith University. As an experienced
secondary educator Melissa has an in-depth understanding of curriculum as well as the challenges
adolescents face today in an increasingly globalised world. Melissa’s passion lies in the areas of
career development and counselling and in 2013 she commenced her Masters in Educational
Guidance and Counselling at the Queensland University of Technology. She was recently awarded
a Dean’s Commendation for her excellent results.
Melissa understands the pressures on young adults to choose a profession that best suits their
personality, interests and skills. She is looking forward to meeting and guiding our senior students to make informed decisions
on career planning, related courses and future employment options. Melissa will be available on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday each week and is happy to answer any career‑related questions and assist both students and their families.
Melissa is excited to get to know parents and students of the College throughout the year and support students in reaching
their goals and developing a personalised career plan.
Miss Elizabeth Macintosh
Junior College, Year 2 Teacher
BEd(Primary) - Early Childhood
Elizabeth is delighted to be teaching at Sheldon College for her sixth year this year, and she
will be teaching in Year 2. Teaching has always been a passion for Elizabeth and she has
wanted to teach for as long as she can remember. Elizabeth loves being in the company of
young children, who are always so energetic and full of life and have a passion for wanting
to learning about everything and anything in their world! Elizabeth brings children’s learning
to life in her classroom in a fun, fair and supportive environment.
Elizabeth has had experience working in a variety of Early Childhood settings, including teaching
in both the Preparatory Year and Year 2. In addition, she has coached a number of sporting teams,
including rowing and netball, which she finds very enjoyable.
As well as teaching, Elizabeth enjoys various fitness activities and playing netball, spending time with family and friends and
listening to a variety of music. Elizabeth is so proud to be part of the wonderful Sheldon College family once again and she
looks forward to another fantastic year of love, laughter and learning!
Miss Natalie Maczyszyn
Junior College, Year 1 Teacher
BEd(Early Learning) 1st Class Honours
Natalie Maczyszyn rejoins the Junior College again this year as part of our Year 2 team. Natalie is a
qualified Primary educator after graduating from the Queensland University of Technology with a
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) with First Class Honors. This is Natalie’s sixth year at Sheldon
College and she is looking forward to another extraordinary year teaching the treasures of Year Two.
Natalie is passionate about teaching and believes that providing children with a stimulating learning
environment, resources and adult support and scaffolding, children will reach their ultimate potential.
Further, Natalie believes in co-construction, where by the answers are not always given but rather
children question, pursue and construct their own understandings of topics related to interest and
Natalie thoroughly enjoys all sports, particularly hockey which she played for many years with St Andrews Ladies Hockey
Club. She has also been involved in the Touch Football program offered at the college since 2009. Last year Natalie took an
active role in managing teams within the Basketball Club and hopes to continue to support students in their participation
in the excellent sporting opportunities offered at the College.
Natalie is looking forward to another exciting year meeting members of the Sheldon College community and creating
lasting memories while teaching the treasures of tomorrow.
Miss Brooke Maidment
Middle College, Year 5 Teacher
After travelling around the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States of America, teaching and
being an au-pair, Brooke is excited to be returning to the Sheldon College family in 2014. She is thrilled
to be teaching Middle College English and Humanities this year. Brooke brings youth, professionalism
and excitement to her Middle College team. Brooke graduated from the Australian Catholic
University with a Bachelor of Primary Education degree and has experience with both younger and
older year levels in the primary setting.
Brooke believes the key to education is building positive relationships with all stakeholders, students,
families and the wider community. She believes it is paramount to develop and foster these powerful
relationships with her students and in doing this develops a level of trust. Brooke is looking forward to the year ahead,
working with her Year 5 and 7 classes and her Middle College team.
Dr Gladys Martoo
Consultant – Research And Development
DipT(Visual Arts) BEd MEd(Research) DEd
Gladys joined Sheldon College in 2011 and brought with her extensive experience and a passion
for learning leadership. Working initially as our Manager for the Centre of Creativity and Innovation,
Gladys is now engaged as our Consultant – Research and Development, providing a broader
advisory service to the Senior Executive to develop and foster learning innovation practices within
the College. As such, Gladys’ role respects that learning in the 21st Century demands creative
problem solving capacities for not only our students, but also our practitioners.
Acknowledging Sheldon’s existing community partnerships, as well as its standards of excellence,
Gladys’ work therefore enhances these achievements, to present Sheldon College as one of
Australia’s most premier schools.
Dr Gladys Martoo (Cont.)
As with Gladys’ previous roles, her work draws on her passion for:
developing a learning culture that values teachers as learners, as well as students
leading and supporting teacher led school-based research, and the contribution that this research can bring to the
scholarship of the profession
enhancing curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, planning and program evaluation
working with a view to continuous improvements in learning and teaching through adopting a scholarly critical praxis
which is dynamic, data informed and well researched
investigating and supporting the development of new technologies, innovations and learning spaces, to provide a
range of blended learning options to better meet today and tomorrow’s student learning needs.
Gladys’ position within the College demands that she work dynamically and collaboratively with our Senior Executive
and all teaching staff, gathering the strengths and excellence at all levels. This work respects that schools are dynamic
communities – communities that have their own set of professional and community challenges. It is within this environment
that Gladys strives to truly make a difference at Sheldon College.
Miss Rachel Merton
Piano Specialist
BMus(Comp) MMusStud MTAQ Professional.
A full professional member of MTAQ Rachel teaches piano and composition at Sheldon College
and pays great attention to developing each student’s creative process. Whether it be learning for
leisure, or sitting an exam, Rachel assists students to become confident musicians. Rachel began studying composition from 12 years of age at the Young Conservatorium of Music.
She studied with Stephen Leek for 5 years, right through to her Bachelor of Music in Composition with
Dr Stephen Cronin, which she received in 2005 at the Queensland Conservatorium. In 2012 Rachel
returned to studies to complete a Master of Music Studies in Composition in 2013. During that time
her achievements included placing’s in the ASME Young Composers Competition 1997-2001, the A.G. Francis Composition
Prize in 2002, 2004 Fellowship of Australian Composers Award, first place in the advanced section of composition for the
national Keys Festival for Australian Music (2006) and the 2013 national winner Fine Music FM Young Composer Award,
for her orchestral and SATB piece performed by the Willoughby Symphony which will be aired on ABC later in the year.
Her works have been aired on 4MBS, ABC Classic FM, and Bay FM; they have also been performed in Brisbane, Adelaide,
Sydney and Melbourne including ensembles such as The Song Company (2003), The Firm Concert series and the Zephyr
Quartet (2000). Rachel is also the current coordinator for the Australian Society for Music Education [ASME] QLD Young
Composers Competition (YCC). Mr Cameron Millar
Woodwind Teacher
BMusAdvPerf(1st Class Hons)
This is Cameron’s second year at Sheldon College after graduating from the Queensland
Conservatorium of Music with First Class Honours in 2012. Majoring in advanced classical saxophone
performance, Cameron is a passionate advocate for the saxophone.
Following his extensive research into the history and development of saxophone repertoire and
performance styles, Cameron has developed a strong passion for the tradition pioneered by Sigurd
M. Rascher and vintage saxophones. This research culminated in Cameron’s honours thesis, “Sigurd
M. Rascher in Australia: A Reception History of the 1938 Tour”.
In 2012 Cameron toured Scotland and Greece with the Queensland Saxophone Orchestra where he performed at the 16th
World Saxophone Congress and the International Society of Music Educator’s Conference.
As a solo instrumentalist Cameron has had the pleasure of attending the 2011 Rascher Saxophone Quartet Masterclass in
Marktoberdorf, Germany. He also enjoyed private tuition with both Carina Rascher and Harry Kinross White while in Europe.
Cameron was awarded the Tyalgum Festival prize for the Most Outstanding Classical Instrumentalist for the Young
Conservatorium in 2008. He was also honoured to receive a Young Conservatorium Scholarship to travel to Seattle USA in
November 2008 to participate in the Pacific Honours Ensemble Program.
Cameron is excited to be a part of the outstanding Sheldon College instrumental music faculty and hopes to inspire his
students with his own undying enthusiasm for his instrument.
Miss Julianne Moore
Head of Faculty – The Arts, Music Teacher
BA(Creative) GradDipEd(Secondary) AMusA MACE AIMM
Julianne is excited to be returning to Sheldon College in 2014. She is looking forward to working with
students in both Middle and Senior Colleges teaching Music and Music Extension.
Julianne graduated from the University of Southern Queensland in 1995 with a Bachelor of Creative
Arts majoring in Pipe Organ (Performance) and Mathematics. In the following year, she completed
a Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary). Her love of learning continues to grow and she is
looking forward to graduating with a Master of Arts Management (MBA equivalent) later this year.
Whilst her first love is teaching, Julianne feels privileged to have performed around the world as a
pipe organist, including in Germany, Hong Kong, San Francisco and St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. She
has worked extensively with a range of ensembles including the Queensland Youth Symphony and Australian Youth Choir.
Julianne values very highly her co-curricular involvement as Conductor of the Senior College Chorale and Accompanist
for Voiceworx (the Middle College Chorale).
Over the last seventeen years, Julianne has worked extensively with the Queensland Studies Authority as a District Review
Panel Chair (Music Extension), State panellist (Music Extension) and District panellist (Music and Music Extension). She was
also a member of the Music Extension syllabus writing team and the Arts Syllabus Advisory Committee.
Mrs Louise Morris
Head of Faculty – Primary, Middle College, Year 5 Mathematics and Science
BEd BTch
Louise is excited to be given the privilege in 2014 to lead and work with a dynamic and passionate
group of teachers within her new role as Head of Faculty – Primary (Years 1-6). She will also be teaching
Mathematics and Science for Year 5 students in the Middle College. Louise is an experienced
educator who has taught in a variety of classroom and specialist and school administration positions
within primary schools across the Redland District. 2013 was her first year at Sheldon College and
prior to that she had been working in various Acting Deputy Principal positions at local primary
schools within the state school system and prior to this was working as the Head of Curriculum.
Louise is passionate about making a difference and engaging students to reach their full potential.
She looks forward to an exciting year full of growth, new relationships and many memorable experiences.
Mr Andrew Nairn
Senior College, Mathematics Teacher
BBA BEd(Secondary) MEd(Admin and Leadership)
Andrew is very pleased to be joining the teaching team at Sheldon College in 2014. He brings with
him a wealth of teaching experience in both public and private schools across several countries,
including Canada, China and since July 2010, Australia. These experiences have resulted in a greater
understanding of learning styles and the importance of differentiated instruction to meet the needs
of all students. Andrew has a passion for Mathematics instruction, and encouraging students by
fostering a positive teaching and learning environment.
He has recently completed a Masters degree in Educational Administration and Leadership and
hopes to use these skills to contribute to developing highly effective instructional practices within the
Mathematics department. Andrew is excited to be working with such a high calibre of staff and students, and is committed
to serving the Sheldon College community to the best of his ability. He also intends to make significant contributions to the
co-curricular programs offered at the school.
Andrew is looking forward to a fantastic year developing the numeracy skills and abilities of the students of Sheldon
Mr Chris Niven
Middle/Senior College, Mathematics
BA(Accounting and Finance)(Hons) GTT(QTS in England) GradDipEd
Chris left a successful teaching spell in England to emigrate back to Queensland and his birthplace.
Chris joined Sheldon in 2010 and will be in his sixth year of teaching and still teaching with the same
amount of enthusiasm as when he first began. After teaching secondary Maths in England Chris
qualified to teach in Queensland and became a member of the Sheldon College team. His teaching
philosophy is based around engaging lessons, stretching pupils and catering for all learning styles.
Chris’ teaching background saw him heavily involved in gifted and talented policy and technology
in the active Maths classroom. He believes that Maths is all around us and realises the importance of
linking education to the real world.
2014 will see a lot of Chris’ ICT initiatives put into place from the school’s digital pedagogies project.
Outside of teaching Chris enjoys several sports but his passion for soccer and coaching soccer is deep rooted.
Chris is looking forward to a new home group and working together with pupils, colleagues and their families alike.
Mrs Nicole Nolan
Middle College, Year 3 Teacher
BArts(Psych, Communications, & Tourism and Leisure Studies) GradDipEd(Primary)
Nicole first started teaching in 1997 in North Queensland. She then moved to New South Wales
when her husband was posted there with the Army. After this posting, she spent 5 years teaching
in Melbourne before moving to Queensland at the end of 2005. Nicole spent 2 years working for
the Catholic Education Office in Curriculum before her commencement as a teacher at Sheldon
College in 2008.
Nicole started teaching at Sheldon in the Middle College as an English and Humanities teacher.
During her 4 years in the Middle College, Nicole taught Years 5, 6 and 7. At the end of 2011 Nicole
then went on maternity leave and she returned at the start of Term 2 in 2013 as a Junior College
teacher in the Year 2 Team.
During her career Nicole has had the privilege of working in many schools across a range of age groups from Preparatory
to Year 7. She has held leadership positions in Mathematics and English/Humanities and also Year Level Coordinator roles.
Nicole has also worked in the area of Learning Support.
Nicole lives in Redland Bay with her husband and two children. Both her children attend Sheldon College and she loves
being part of the Sheldon College family.
Nicole is very excited about 2014 and being part of the Year 3 Team. She is looking forward to a wonderful year with her
students and is very happy that she is able to teach some of the Year 2 students she had in her class last year.
Mrs Vanessa Noonan
Middle/Senior College, eLearning Coordinator, ICT Teacher
BTch BArts(Computing )
Vanessa has been employed across several schools within Sydney and Brisbane and has been
working as an IT teacher and an eLearning Coordinator during the past 10 years. She has worked
across both the Catholic and Lutheran systems.
Whilst an eLearning Coordinator she facilitated a whole school device roll out. This involved
working in partnership with the staff, students and community to assist in identifying the learning
outcomes which innovative and effective use of technology can bring about. Working in a 1 -1
device environment, has seen many great learning snippets where students have developed skills in
collaboration, communication, problem solving and multimodal literacy.
The use of technology as a learning tool comes with challenges.
Vanessa ensures to keep the learning community well informed about Cyber safety and appropriate use of technology in
particular social media use, preserving young peoples’ digital reputation, online safety and setting high expectations at
home in relation to computer usage.
Vanessa values professional development and is fortunate to be inducted in the area of eLearning by International leaders
such as Ian Jukes, Stephen Heppell and Alan November, furthermore she was certified by Harvard Graduate School of
Education in Teaching to Standards with New Technologies.
Vanessa’s extra curricular commitment has been in the area of social justice. She has facilitated programs with students
such as the St Vincent’s Night Patrol Van, Buddy Program, Nursing Home visits and a Blood Donation Drive. Additionally, she
has worked with Marist Youth Care mentoring young boys who live in crisis homes across Sydney.
Vanessa is excited to be joining the Sheldon community and is looking forward to the wonderful opportunities and
challenges the year will bring about.
Mrs Sophie Norton
Middle College, English and Humanities
BA(Accounting and Finance)(Hons) GTTP(QTS in England) GradDipEd
Sophie is delighted to be returning to Sheldon College this year to join the Middle College team and
is looking forward to teaching Year 5 English/Humanities and Year 7 Humanities. After Graduating
with a Bachelor of Education (Primary) degree from QUT, Sophie taught for Education Queensland
before she joined the Sheldon College family in 2002. She thoroughly enjoyed working in the Junior
College and is looking forward to seeing many of her past students who are now in Senior College.
She has taught at schools in the UK whilst travelling and more recently for Griffith University conducting
lectures, tutorials and workshops for Bachelor of Education Undergraduates. Over the last few years
she has been teaching a wide range of year levels in State Schools across the Redlands District and
has found this very rewarding.
Sophie believes that it is a teacher’s responsibility to focus on the success of each student as an individual to ensure they
excel in their learning and life skills development. Sophie is looking forward to working with the Middle College students
this year.
Mr Alan Osgarby
Senior College, Graphics, ITDE
Alan is an outstanding educator. He has had 38 years experience in Education. He formerly held the
position of Head of Department of Applied Technology at Salisbury and Nyanda State High Schools.
He was a full-time lecturer in the Bachelor of Technology Education Program at Griffith University
in 1988 and 1989 and part-time in 2004. He has been a member of the Senior Graphics Panel for
the Queensland Studies Authority. In his career Alan has had considerable experience in setting up
new schools and has assumed the roles of Year Level Co-ordinator and Sports Master in his previous
Alan strongly believes that the family and the school must complement and reinforce each other in providing quality
role models for children to emulate. He maintains “it is the responsibility of all educators, including parents, to encourage
their children to perform to their full potential, not only in areas that they find easy, but also in aspects of their life that they
may find difficult, and which require much greater self discipline and effort”. He further believes that “a healthy body is a
healthy mind, and an active body is an active mind”.
This is Alan’s 15th year of teaching at Sheldon College. Alan is looking forward to further developing the Industrial Technology
and Graphics Programs at Sheldon College and developing links with industry to secure a future for our graduates.
Mrs Tracey Pollard
Manager Senior Learning Centre
BA(Soc Sci) S.E.N. GradDipAppSci (Distinction) (Library and Information Management) JP(QUAL)
Tracey has managed the Senior Learning Centre since its opening in 2012. She has developed this
space into a state of the art learning environment, in which students can thrive and pursue individual
academic achievements. Tracey has over seventeen years’ experience in School, Public and
Corporate library sectors. She has a wealth of experience in delivering information and technological
services, managing author and library events and developing and presenting information literacy
programs. Tracey has managed a diversity of specialist library teams including Public Libraries,
Community and Outreach Departments, Technical and Corporate Services and the Young Peoples
Library Service for Redland City Council. Her goal is to ensure that the Senior Learning Centre remains pivotal in the
academic and College community and that the students are offered a welcoming, relevant, technology rich, first class
library service. Tracey is looking forward to another action packed and rewarding year with students and staff.
Mr Jarrod Pleass Email:
Senior/Middle College, Head of Faculty – Health & Physical Education (P-12)
BEd(Secondary) BAppSci(Human Movement)
Jarrod continues this year at Sheldon College teaching Health and Physical Education in the Senior
College. He continues the role of Head of Faculty across the P-12 Curriculum. Jarrod holds a passion
for the HPE field and believes strongly in teaching children holistically about HPE, not only focusing on
the physical domain. Jarrod is most excited about the amazing facilities Sheldon College has to offer
the students. The pool, gym, ovals, cafeteria annex, hard courts and stadium courts bring fantastic
opportunities for all students at Sheldon College in the Health and Physical Education arena.
With a keen interest in all sports, Jarrod has specialist knowledge within triathlon, AFL, golf, strength
and conditioning, athletics, and netball. He has represented Queensland in a number of the above mentioned sports
and hopes this experience will assist students to strive for their goals within the sporting arena. In recent years, Jarrod has
managed the introduction of the Sheldon College Triathlon Development Academy into the College program. This is the
first of its kind in Australia and continues to forge fantastic opportunities for students in this arena of sport.
Jarrod has spent time previously in the fitness industry where he was a personal trainer, gym instructor, and group fitness
instructor. He is highly motivated in assisting to create healthier and more rewarding lifestyles, and hopes he can pass this
knowledge on to students.
Jarrod’s enthusiasm and goals for Sheldon College span further than just sporting. He loves being involved in all facets of
Sheldon College, and looks forward to making a positive difference in the life of every child.
Mr Cyril Puel Email:
Senior College, Physics, Science and Mathematics
BSc(Hons)(Chemistry) GradCert(HMS) GradDipEd(Sec) Master of Sports Coaching Cert IV TAA
Cyril has previously taught in the areas of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. He loves to lead the
students through the discovery of Science and pass on his enthusiasm and passion to his classes.
Cyril has worked for a number of years in research in Physical Chemistry. However, he found his true
passion while studying at the University of Queensland: Teaching.
This year, Cyril will be teaching Physics, Science and Mathematics to Years 9, 11 and 12. He will also
be involved in Co-curricular activities such as Coaching Football, Space Design competition and
Chemistry Titration competition.
Cyril is thrilled to join the Science and Mathematics faculties, and is looking forward to working with
the students and staff at Sheldon College.
Mr Mathew Reece-Anderson Email:
Middle College, Year 6 Teacher
BEd(Human Movement)
Mat is excited to be entering his tenth year as a teacher at Sheldon College in 2014. In that time he
has worked with students from Years 3 to 7 as a classroom teacher and more recently as a Maths and
Science specialist in the Middle College.
Mat started his teaching career in state education in the Logan-Beaudesert area at a multi-age
school for three years. As is the way with young Australian teachers, Mat headed to England to teach
at an East Anglian Middle School whilst experiencing all the wonders of the European mainland.
After five years of a seemingly eternal winter and not so subtle and gentle prodding from his wife,
it was time for Mat to return to Australia where in the space of six months Mat started teaching at
Sheldon College, built his first house and welcomed his first child, William into the world. Two years later and another house
and further addition to his family, Siena, Mat had well and truly settled into the relaxed and rewarding lifestyle that the
Redlands has to offer.
Mat’s philosophy of teaching and learning is ‘if you believe, you will succeed’ and ‘if it is to be then it’s up to me’ and this
is a mantra that you may hear his students chanting on regular occasion. Balancing the pastoral and academic needs of
his students is a high priority. He also has a strong awareness and understanding that if learning is to be meaningful then
students need to be having fun while working to their highest standard.
Please feel free to stop and say hello to Mat if you see him around the campus throughout the year to discuss anything
mentioned within or beyond.
Mr Daniel Robbins
Guitar Tutor
BMusStudies GradDipEd
Daniel is looking forward to his second year as part of the instrumental teaching team at Sheldon
College. Daniel has completed undergraduate and postgraduate study in music and education
whilst working as a full-time musician. Daniel spent five years as a senior guitar tutor in studios around
Brisbane and has previously taught classroom music, conducted jazz big bands, and directed sound
and lighting crews.
Daniel has spent many years performing across a range of genres and constantly seeks opportunities
to explore further techniques through professional development with other music industry experts. He
now specialises in jazz and Brazilian music, playing with a wide range of musicians in these disciplines.
Bringing this passion for music to Sheldon College is something Daniel is very excited about. He hopes to engage his
students with their instruments through fun-filled and informative lessons, whilst helping them achieve their full potential.
Miss Cassie Ryan
Preparatory Teacher
BEd(Special Ed)
This year is Cassie’s ninth year at Sheldon College. She is part of the Early Learning Team and is
excited to be teaching Prep again this year.
She is qualified to teach Years Prep – 7 in mainstream education and Kindergarten - 12 in Special
Education, having obtained her degree from Griffith University, specialising in learning difficulties
and behaviour management.
Cassie has a deep passion for teaching young children. She aims to create fun-filled and engaging
learning experiences that both support and challenge her students. Cassie loves watching her
students’ excitement and delight as they share new discoveries and master new abilities.
When she is not busy in the classroom, Cassie enjoys travelling, reading, exercising, cooking and playing with her puppy.
Mr Bob Schultz
Trumpet, Euphonium, French Horn Tutor
BMus(Jazz studies)
Bob Schultz is one of Australia’s leading Trumpet artists and educators. After his first professional
engagement at the age of 13, Bob has worked extensively in stage shows, including Miss Saigon,
Beauty and the Beast, The Sound of Music, Singing in the Rain, Company and West Side Story, to
name but a few. He has appeared nationally and internationally in concerts with groups and artists
such as The Temptations, The Four Tops, The Black Sorrows, The Saints, Tom Burlinson and with 7 time
winner of Down Beat magazine’s International Jazz trombonist of the year, Bill Watrous. His festival
appearances include; The Falls Festival, Bellingen Global Music Carnival, Woodford Folk Festival,
QMF and the Sydney Salsa Congress
Bob has appeared as guest Principal Trumpet with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, is member of Brisbane-based
group Chukale (one of Australia’s leading Latin ensembles) and BoB Brass Quintet (Queensland Conservatorium Griffith
University Ensemble in Residence). He is also involved in the recording industry, appearing as featured soloist and lead
player on numerous albums, TV commercials and radio ads. Notable examples include Chukale’s debut album Expedition
(featuring the legends of Cuba, members of the Buena Vista Social Club and the Afro-Cuban All-stars), The Final
Conversation of Kings (Australian rock band The Butterfly Effect), and Flame Trees with LDG group.
After graduating from the Queensland Conservatorium, under the guidance of trumpet legend John Hoffman, Bob
has been very active in passing his knowledge and expertise on to the next generation of young brass players. Bob has
taught at a number of leading education institutions including the Queensland conservatorium, The Southport School
and Nudgee Junior College. Bob is also amongst a select few of the artists endorsed by Vincent Bach, the world leaders
in trumpet and brass manufacture. He can regularly be found giving workshops and master classes in Queensland and
around the world. Recently Bob was invited to perform with both BoB Brass Quintet and his own Jazz quintet at the Silk
Road international music festival in China. Along with the performances, Bob gave master classes and presented at the
North‑west music school in Lonzoh.
Mrs Cathy Sculley Email:
Middle/SeniorCollege, Visual Arts
Cathy graduated from QUT as a secondary Visual Art teacher in 1984 and she has been excited by
this challenge ever since. Throughout the last twenty five years she has assumed various roles within
each school that she has taught. The most precious moments she carries with her are the ones that
she spends with her students and with her classes.
Over her last fourteen years at Sheldon College Cathy has been excited by the amazing new
directions in the Visual Art Faculty. As well as a vibrant and creative curriculum that caters for, and
explores the various nature of the inner artist, the Visual Art department has grown to cater for the
different needs of the artist in the co-curricular arena. From Junior Art Workshops to Pre‑ASTA and
ASTA the department offers students the ability to work directly with industry artists that Cathy believes is both invigorating
and necessary in fostering tomorrow’s artists.
Cathy’s other passion is her Wearable Art Ensemble, working with a variety of students to create exciting and, to say the
least, unusual fashion. This Ensemble has been very successful, gaining first and second in Queensland and being offered
the opportunity to compete on a national level.
With exciting times ahead with further exploration into the digital world, she is looking forward to another year teaching at
Sheldon College and believes that the College is truly a place that reflects the following quote:
“ . . .the wise person looks into space, and does not regard the small as too little, nor the great as too big; for they know that
there is no limit to dimensions. . .” Lao-tze
Cathy believes that Sheldon College is a place where that happens.
Mr Neil Sewell Email:
Middle/Senior College, Science, Business Education and SOSE. Year 8 Coordinator
BApplSci GradDipEd
This year is Neil’s seventh year at Sheldon College and he is absolutely delighted to have the honour
of being the Year Level Co-ordinator for the Year 8 cohort in 2014. Neil is looking forward to further
developing meaningful relationships with, and assisting all Year 8 students with their personal,
academic and social growth during this very important stage of their adolescence.
2014 will see Neil teaching Humanities in both the Middle and Senior College and Science in the Senior
College. Neil embraces the 4 C’s and the 3 L’s of Sheldon College wholeheartedly and believes that
all students can achieve any goal with the right attitude and caring, compassionate guidance. Neil
loves to see students achieve and exceed their goals.
Neil brings to Sheldon College a dynamic nature and aims to operate an exciting and creative classroom. He has a
number of years teaching experience, together with professional experience from a diverse range of fields including
media, business, science and the hospitality industry to the College.
Miss Jenna Silvester
Junior College, Preparatory Teacher
BEd(Early Childhood)
Jenna is returning for her seventh year at Sheldon College in 2014. She is delighted to be teaching
in Prep this year as a part of the fabulous Early Learning team. Jenna is excited about the many
fantastic experiences that 2014 will bring with her class of ‘preppies’.
Jenna has a Bachelor of Education specialising in Early Childhood from Queensland University
of Technology and she is passionate about teaching young children. She loves the energy and
enthusiasm which children possess and believes that their education should be filled with fun and
happiness. Jenna endeavours to create a learning environment which is supportive and stimulating,
allowing all students to reach their full potential and develop a life-long love of learning.
Jenna is looking forward to another fantastic year at Sheldon College and the opportunity to get to
know her new students and their families.
Mrs Sarah Slade Email:
Junior College, Preparatory teacher
Sarah is delighted to be entering her sixth year of teaching at Sheldon College. She is passionate
about teaching in Early Years Education and she feels privileged to be part of such a dedicated
team. Sarah has two children who attend Sheldon College. Her son George will commence Year 7
this year as her daughter Milly starts Year 4.
Sarah gained her Bachelor of Education with Honours from Gloucestershire University, England.
She then spent eight years teaching Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 at Primary Schools in Hampshire and
Somerset. During this time, Sarah was Key Stage Leader and she was responsible for coordinating
Science from Prep to Year 7.
After moving to Australia nine years ago, Sarah worked in many local state and independent schools as a supply teacher.
She came to Sheldon College in 2008 to fill a position in Wonderland before moving to Kindergarten in 2009. Sarah spent
three fulfilling years teaching in Kindergarten and she is excited to be teaching Prep again this year. Sarah prides herself on
creating a stimulating and nurturing environment in which each child’s interests and abilities are recognised and valued.
Sarah is looking forward to an exciting year ahead and getting to know all of her students and their families.
Mrs Gaylyn Stevens
Junior College, Year One Teacher
BEd (Early Childhood) Dip Community Services (Children’s Services)
Gaylyn is looking forward to her eighth year at Sheldon College and she is very excited about her
third year within the Junior College Team, in her role as a Year One Teacher.
Gaylyn has completed her Bachelor of Education at Queensland University of Technology,
specialising in Early Childhood. She has had extensive experience teaching young children, as she
has previously worked in the childcare industry for seven years and holds a Diploma of Community
Services (Children’s Services). She has undertaken various roles in this industry including an Assistant,
Group Leader and Director positions at a local childcare centre. It was throughout this time that her
passion for young children blossomed, which inspired her to further her studies and become an Early
Childhood Teacher.
Gaylyn believes that the first five to six years of a child’s life are critical in the moulding of young children’s minds and laying the
foundations for life-long learning. “In our children rests the future of the people” (Alfred Adler & Sigmund Freud). Gaylyn strongly
agrees with this statement and believes that the young students of today will most certainly mould how our future is shaped!
Gaylyn looks forward to the commencement of another fabulous year and she cannot wait until her classroom is filled
with many happy, smiling young children! She ensures that this year will bring success, fond memories and many positive
experiences, creating a fun-filled learning environment for all and a year not to be forgotten!
In her spare time, Gaylyn likes to keep busy by engaging in a variety of fitness activities such as attending boot camp and the
gym. She also enjoys going on shopping sprees, listening to music and she always finds time to relax with a nice cup of chai tea!
Ms Nicole Tattam Email:
Senior College, English
BEd Secondary (English and Social Science, History Major) AdvDip Professional Photography.
Nicole is excited to be joining Sheldon College this year where she will be teaching English. Nicole
has spent the two previous years with Education Queensland and in her previous school was Quality
Teaching Leader for the 2015 Year 7 Flying Start Program. This program aimed to make the transition
from primary to secondary school seamless and enjoyable. She firmly believes that all students have
the capability to achieve when in learning conditions that support their needs. Furthermore, Nicole
attempts to intrinsically motivate and instil a love of learning through her own passion for the subjects
she teaches.
A strong believer in life-long learning, Nicole is also a BETA (Beginning and Establishing Teachers’
Association) committee member which runs national conferences supporting teacher development. In this role she
has presented a number of beginning teacher workshops with the goal of further inspiring
Ms Nicole Tattam (Cont.)
teachers’ passions and keeping their practice current based on the most recent educational research.
Nicole is particularly looking forward to sharing this experience, knowledge and love of learning with her students and their
parents this year. In her spare time Nicole enjoys reading, watching terrible movies, and runs a social photography group
of over 200 members. She also has a love of Ancient History, stemming from extensive travel in Europe and Egypt.
Mr Iain Taylor Email:
Middle/Senior College, Mathematics Teacher
BSc (Applied Mathematics and Statistics) GradDipEd (Secondary)
Iain is delighted to be returning to Sheldon College in 2014. He looks forward to again teaching
the motivated, positive and friendly students and working with the dynamic team of Mathematics
teachers at Sheldon College. Iain is motivated to help students become critical thinkers, problem
solvers and share his genuine love of Mathematics. He is looking forward to meeting new students
and being reunited with the students he taught last year.
Iain graduated with a Bachelor of Science in applied Mathematics and Statistics in 1995 from Griffith
University and went on to complete a Diploma of Secondary teaching in areas of Science and
Mathematics. Iain has worked in both state and private schools in Queensland as well as a Sixth Form
College in Cardiff in the United Kingdom. Whilst in Cardiff, Iain held the position of Head of Mathematics Department and
taught a variety of A Levels including Mathematics, Further Mathematics and Statistics. Most recently, Iain was Head of
Year 10 at Saint Stephens College at Coomera. Here he was involved in the development of senior and junior mathematics
work programs and the implementation of the new Australian curriculum for Grades 7 to 12. He has been a member of
various district panels since 1999 (including Maths B, Maths A and Physics) and has been a QCS Short Response marker
since 2005.
Iain is also a keen sportsman, especially in the areas of football (soccer) and touch football. He also has a love of the
outdoors and has been involved in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and the Outward Bound Programs for more than
10 years.
He has thoroughly enjoyed the past 16 years spent in education and looks forward to his third year at Sheldon College.
With plans to again increase the profile of Mathematics in the College through an active role in the extensive Mathematics
tutoring programme and further development of the opportunities to compete in various Mathematics competitions
including everyone’s favourite event – The Sheldon Mathematics Competition.
Mr Neal Thomas Email:
Middle/Senior College, English Teacher
BA DipEd
Neal completed his Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1976 and Diploma in Education in 1977, both at the
University of Queensland. He has extensive teaching experience, having taught for over 35 years.
Neal’s areas of expertise include English, Drama and Humanities.
After being heavily involved in Theatre and Drama for almost twenty years, directing numerous
school musicals and Year 12 Drama Course Productions, Neal has returned to his first love: English.
Since arriving at Sheldon College, Neal has been responsible for developing the initial Curriculum
Documents for Years 9 to 12 English, and implemented the Read It & Reap Program in Years 9 and 10
to promote reading for pleasure. He is passionate about classic literature and films, and is delighted
to be able to share this passion with Sheldon College students.
Neal has also been involved in a variety of extra-curricular activities during his teaching career, taking on the role of Work
Experience Co-ordinator for fifteen years, and coaching students in a variety of sports.
In order to hone his literacy skills, Neal is currently completing an Advanced Diploma in Editing and Publishing with Australian
Neal’s interests include animal welfare, etymology, esoterica, cycling, music, reading and learning about information
2014 is Neal’s fourteenth full-time year at Sheldon College.
Mr Alastair Tomkins
Performance Manager ASTA – Australian School Of The Arts
BComm (UNSW) ATCL Cert IV in Workplace Training and Assessment
Alastair is excited to be entering his sixth year as Performance Manager at Sheldon College. Alastair
has previously been employed by the Department of Education as a manager of the Creative
Generation Arts programs and events, and has worked as an actor, musician, writer and producer
in the Arts sector in Australia and overseas for the past 20 years. Notable career highlights include
signing with ABC music as a children’s songwriter, representing Qld in the National Theatresports
competitions, touring internationally in a 12 piece Blues Bros. show, performing for 2 years in Japan as
Charlie Chaplin for Universal Studios, hosting live Crocodile Hunter shows with Steve Irwin, and writing
comedy sketches for Qld Theatre Company revues. Whilst holidaying in France Alastair performed in
Mr Alastair Tomkins (Cont.) an impro’ comedy show in Paris, and performed with local musicians in Provence.
In his role as Performance Manager Alastair oversees all the internal and external performances and Arts-related events at
the College. He also is a link to industry; facilitating professional artist visits and workshops, arranging students to undertake
professional gigs, liaising with casting directors and event producers for audition opportunities, and preparing students
for tertiary and industry pathways. Alastair also teaches within the Australian School of the Arts and regularly visits Junior,
Middle and Senior classrooms to surprise, engage and challenge students. He believes passionately that all students
deserve an Arts-rich education to stimulate their imagination, their understanding of humanity and to spark their creativity
for the challenges that await them in adult life.
Alastair is a fan of travel, beautiful food and cracking jokes. He looks forward to an action-packed and Arts-filled 2014.
Mrs Joanna Trotter Email:
Middle College, Mathematics and Science
BEd Primary (Hons)
Joanna returns for an eighth year in Middle College. She will have a Year 5 Home Group class and
will be teaching Mathematics and Science to the Middle College.
Joanna is originally from the north east of England where she obtained a Bachelor of Primary
Education at Sunderland University in 1996.
As an experienced teacher of Mathematics and Science, Joanna caters for the diverse needs of her
students. It is her daily challenge to instil a love of learning in her students. Joanna strives to make the
learning environment in her classroom one of enjoyment.
It is with excitement and enthusiasm for all of her students and their social and academic development
that Joanna approaches teaching. She looks forward to engaging with students and their families throughout the 2014
school year.
Joanna has a love of music and was involved in tutoring groups of children, whilst teaching in England. She also enjoys
spending time with family and friends and travelling.
Mr Paul Trotter Email:
Middle College, Mathematics and Science
BEd (Hons) MEd
Paul has always been passionate about his teaching. He has always understood that students deserve
the finest quality teaching and prides himself on his dedication to that ideal. Paul is delighted to be in
his tenth year at Sheldon College and he remains proud to be part of such a talented team.
Paul began his teaching career in the north-east of England. It was on a holiday to Brisbane, visiting
family that he fell in love with Queensland. Since then, he has quickly settled into life at Sheldon
College. His eldest son James is in Year 8 and his youngest son Sam is entering Year 5. Sheldon College
has a wonderful family atmosphere.
Paul states that it is a constant source of pride to be part of such an amazing community – Sheldon
College is a truly remarkable place.
Mr Leon Van Der Merwe Email:
Senior College, Mathematics
BCom (Insurance Science) BScHons (Mathematics of Finance) PGCE (Senior and FET Phase)
Leon joined Sheldon College after his arrival in Australia in 2010 to teach Mathematics in the Senior
College. He was born and educated in South Africa. He first taught in a public school for three years
in Stanger (South Africa) and then taught in a bilingual private school for two years in Bedfordview.
He is very excited about the challenges and opportunities that the coming year will bring, both for
himself and the students in his classes. He feels that Sheldon College is a really special place where
the students are afforded the opportunity to develop to their true mathematical potential. Leon is
passionate about Mathematics and he is keen to see more students discover the wonderful, exciting
world of Mathematics.
At this time in his life, Leon is still passionate about reading, bushwalking, travelling and Mathematics.
Mrs Prudence Vaughan Email:
Senior College, Business Education
BEd (Secondary – Social Sciences)
Prue is in her 14th year of teaching, beginning her career in Gladstone before joining Sheldon College
in 2004.
Prue completed a Bachelor of Education majoring in Social Sciences (Political Studies) from
Queensland University of Technology after attending her first year at Sydney University. Since then
she has obtained several vocational certificates which enable her to deliver and assess students in
Hospitality, Tourism and Business. In the ten years at Sheldon College, Prue has held the position of
Legal Studies District Panel Chair for 2 years, Senior College Curriculum Leader for 18 months and
Mrs Prudence Vaughan (Cont.) Faculty Leader for the Humanities (including Business Education) for 4 years, and is currently
co-ordinating the Professional Development profile of teachers.
Entrepreneurship education is the focus of Prue’s teaching and is evident in the extra curriculum programs she manages.
She is excited about continuing to develop further the profile of the eVenture team (the Senior Small Business for Years 11
and 12 students) as well as developing the Years 9 and 10 Business Education students entrepreneurial skills.
Prue will be teaching a range of subjects equally exciting and challenging in 2014 whilst continuing her studies by
undergoing a Bachelor of Accounting online with the University of South Australia. The subjects Prue is teaching includes
Legal Studies, Business Organisation and Management, Hospitality Studies and Business Education.
Mr Simon Vaughan
Senior College, Economics, Business Education, Business Organisation & Management
Academic Co-ordinator Business/Technology
BEd (Secondary)
Simon Vaughan is entering his eleventh year at the College and brings Retail Industry knowledge to
his teaching. He has a Bachelor of Education majoring in Economics, SOSE and Business Management
from QUT. He will be teaching Economics, Business Organisation and Management, Junior Business
Education and Humanities in 2014.
Simon began his teaching career in Bundaberg at Kepnock State High School, where he taught for
18 months before returning to Brisbane and taking a position with Sheldon College in 2003.
Simon is also interested in a number of sports, holding Level 1 qualifications in Touch Football, Cricket
and Rugby. His passion lies with Touch Football and he will be heavily involved in the progression of this sport in the College.
Simon will be undertaking the role of Head of Faculty for the Business/Humanities Department for 2014. He looks forward to
the challenges that are ahead of him in the upcoming year.
Simon is extremely excited to be at Sheldon College and is looking forward to a rewarding and successful year ahead
being involved with the students.
Mrs Maree Wimhurst Email:
Middle College, Year 6 Teacher
BEd (Primary) (Literacy Major)
The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking.
(Albert Einstein)
This is Maree’s ninth year at Sheldon College. She started teaching in the Middle College and then
moved down to the Junior College where she has been teaching the Year Three Extension class for
the past eight years. This year she is excited about moving back to the Middle College where she will
be teaching Year Six English/Humanities.
Maree graduated from Griffith University having completed a Bachelor of Education (Primary)
majoring in Literacy. She has experience teaching all year levels in the primary setting. Maree is
passionate about teaching literacy and has a particular interest in the development of higher order thinking skills.
Maree firmly believes in knowing her students, who they are, where they come from, how they fit within society and how this
impacts upon her planning for teaching and learning. She is dedicated to creating a success-oriented classroom, which
envelops students with positive experiences and success, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured and
students are encouraged and challenged to learn together.
Ms Debra Woodroofe Email:
Piano Specialist
CMusA (Piano)
Debra was born in Melbourne in 1964 and moved to Queensland with her family in 1990.
Debra holds a Certificate of Music on Piano. She has been teaching for over 25 years, having built a
successful private music business in both Victoria and Queensland. Since arriving in Queensland she
has also taught in various schools around Brisbane.
During these years Debra has furthered her qualifications by studying with a number of teachers
thereby gaining from their years of experience and differing techniques. Her most memorable
teacher was Stephen Savage from the Queensland Conservatorium of Music.
Debra’s love for music has given her opportunities to play publicly in Melbourne at various eisteddfods
and restaurants as resident pianist; and in Queensland at various wedding receptions, ceremonies, recitals, private dinner
parties and auditions for Queensland universities.
Debra thoroughly enjoys teaching piano to students of all ages at Sheldon College.
Taylor Road Sheldon QLD 4157
PO Box 1188, Capalaba DC QLD 4157
T•07 3206 5555
F•07 3206 5588