Young Minds Marketing
Young Minds Marketing
E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r F o r m Young Minds Marketing Yo u n g M i n d s M a r k e t i n g The catalogue features products that awaken creativity, encourage curiosity, enhance motor skills, develop imagination, challenge thinking and offer a child hours of fun. We always choose toys that stand the test of time, which translates into more value for your money. PLUS you support your local FUNDRAISER as well! Spring 2 011 E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r Young Minds Marketing F o r m E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r Young Minds Marketing F o r m E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r Young Minds Marketing F o r m E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r Young Minds Marketing F o r m E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r Young Minds Marketing F o r m E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r Young Minds Marketing F o r m E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r Young Minds Marketing F o r m E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r Young Minds Marketing F o r m E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r Young Minds Marketing F o r m E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r Young Minds Marketing F o r m E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r F o r m Young Minds Marketing Qty Item # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Play House Happy HomeMake Tin Cookware My Backyard Wooden BBQ w/ Fixins Set Authentic Metal Grocery Cart “I’m a Little Tea Pot…” Musical Tin Tea Set Butterfly 11PC Porcelain Tea Set Fire Fighter Tool Case Pink Beauty Case W/ Hair Dryer Price INCLUDING HST $22.54 17 $67.74 18 $33.84 19 $39.49 $33.84 $28.19 9 Thomas Trains Table Legs Thomas Trains Table Top Thomas Trains Bash Engine Thomas Trains Dash Engine Thomas Trains Ferdinaand Egine Thomas Trains 5 in 1 Track Expansion Set $249.95 13 14 20 21 22 $22.54 12 15 $169.44 Medical Case 11 Item # 16 8 10 Qty $282.44 23 24 25 $14.63 26 $14.63 27 $.28.19 $101.64 28 Description Thomas Trains Harolds Rescue Station Thomas Trains Captains Sled Thomas Trains Figure 8 Water Tower Set Thomas Trains Tidmoth Sleds Roundhouse Chuggington Over & Under Starter Set Chuggington Expansion Track Pack Chuggington Brewster Engine Chuggington Clog Wash Chuggington Roundhouse Set Chuggington Kobo Engine Chugginton Safari Cars Chuggington Wilson Engine Chuggington Old Perfect Pete Engine Chuggington Rescue Cars Engine Price INCLUDING HST $79.04 $67.74 $56.44 $101.64 $67.74 $44.95 $14.63 $45.14 $112.94 $14.63 $25.93 $14.63 $14.63 $25.93 E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r F o r m Young Minds Marketing Qty Item # 29 Description Price INCLUDING HST WOW Toys Ronnie the Rocket W/ Pull Cord Motor & Secret Cockpit Royal Princess Castle Playset Daisy Girls Magnetic Dress-Up Dolls Melissa & Doug Wooden Cupcake Decorate Set Melissa & Doug Wooden Ice Cream Sundae Set Leap Frog Star Wars The Clone Wars Leap Frog Disney Princess $45.14 36 Leap Frog Toy Story $39.49 37 Leap Frog Leapster Explorer Handheld Learning System V - Reader Disney Fairies $101.60 39 V-Reader Dora the Explorer $33.84 40 V-Reader Mickey Mouse Clubhouse $33.84 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 $33.84 $22.54 Qty Item # Description 41 VTech V-Reader Animated Reading System Corolle Lara 14” Toddler Doll Corolle Amber Toddler Doll Corolle Nourisson Pink 17” Baby Doll Corolle Pink 14” Party Dress Corolle Suce Pouce Clementine 14” Baby Doll w/ High Chair Chloe Ballerina 13” Les Cheries Doll Snowtime Camile 13” Les Cheries Doll Camile Ballerina 13” Les Cheries Doll Classic Cradle $90.34 51 Classic Red Fuchsia Carriage $101.64 52 Calico Critters Townhouse w/ Lights & 3 Large Rooms to Decorate Plan Toys Terrace Doll House Plan Toys Dollhouse Wooden $112.94 42 43 44 $33.84 $45.14 $39.49 $39.49 $33.84 45 46 47 48 49 50 53 54 Price INCLUDING HST $79.04 $79.04 $90.34 $28.19 $95.99 $56.54 $56.54 $41.75 $73.39 $169.44 $28.14 E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r F o r m Young Minds Marketing Qty Item # Description 55 Plan Toys Dollhouse Wooden Bathroom Plan Toys Dollhouse Wooden Bedroom Plan Toys Dollhouse Wooden Kitchen Kidkraft Groovey Dollhouse Groovy Dolls Princess Isabella Groovy Girls Seraphina Groovy Girls Princess Ariana Groovy Girls Varoom Velocity Voyages Groovy Girls Style Bodacious Bed Playmobil Fully Furnished School Building & Accessories Playmobil My Take -A-Long Princess Playset Kidkraft Jr. Rocket Playset 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Price Item # Description $28.14 67 $28.14 68 $28.14 69 Playmobil Giant Dragon W/ LED Fire Playmobil Giant Catapult W/ Jail & Armory Playmobil Great Dragon Castle Kidkraft Foldable Wooden Pirate Ship Playset W/ Figures & Accessories Kid’s Turnable First Guitar Klatz Make Your Own Music Video Guide Wooden Puppet Theatre W/ 4 Fingers Puppets Manhattan Toy Fraggle Rock Gobo Manhattan Toy Fraggle Rock Red Manhattan Toy Fraggle Rock Whembly Sing Along Music MP3 Player INCLUDING HST $225.94 Qty 70 $22.54 $22.54 71 $22.54 72 $45.14 $22.54 $225.94 73 74 75 76 $67.74 77 $112.94 Price INCLUDING HST $39.49 $45.14 $192.04 $146.84 $79.04 $22.54 $45.14 $24.80 $24.80 $24.80 $56.44 E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r F o r m Young Minds Marketing Qty Item # Description 78 Quercetti Transparent ConstructA-Saxoflute VTech 3-in-1 Piano, Drum & Guitar Musical Band Duet Stage Microphone W/ MP3 Hookup Woodstock Percussion Chimalong Xylophone & Songbook Moon Dough Barnyard Share Hammered Metal Creations Kit Design Your Own Enviro Shopping Bag SpriceBox Friendship Bracelet Kits Faber Castell Young Artists Essentials Wood Case Melissa & Doug Deluxe Easel & Easel Companion Set 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Price Item # Description Price INCLUDING HST $14.95 88 $45.14 $39.94 89 $45.14 90 $56.44 91 My Very Own Cardboard Colour In Cottage Shrinky Dinks Monster Lab 3D Playscape Create Your Own Enchanted Storybook Designer Doggie Carrier Design Your Own Fasion Headbands Bitty Bobbler Decorating Pet Shiop Make Your Own Petite Sweets Soaps Nail Art Salon Set Spiffy Spa Set “Treat your Feet” Kit Cap it Off Bottle Cap Jewelry Pop Tab Jewelry Making Kit Colour A Wristlet Purse Colour a Glamberella $28.19 INCLUDING HST Qty 92 $33.84 93 $16.89 94 $12.37 95 96 $28.23 $67.74 97 98 $129.84 99 100 $25.93 $24.80 $25.93 $25.93 $31.58 $25.93 $25.93 $22.54 $22.54 $19.15 $22.54 E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r F o r m Young Minds Marketing Qty Item # Description 101 Make Your Own Groovy Scrapbook Colour & Cuddle Washable Kitty Colour A Peace Shoulder Bag Scientific Explorer Magnificent Manicure Kit Fashion Angels Fashion Editor Tote Designer System London / Paris Musical Designer Jewelry Box Fashion Angels Interior Designer Light Box System Fashion Angels Super Sketch Fashion Deisgn Portfolio Stick Mosaics Binglets Bracelet Maker Artistlab Snap Fashion Jewelry Studio Kiss Naturals All Natural Lip Balm Making Kit 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 Price INCLUDING HST $28.19 $19.15 Qty Item # Description 112 Sticky Mosaics Decorate A Fairy Jewelry Box The Magic Labyrinth Qwirkle Colour & Shapes Strategy Game Q.Biz Visual Dexterity Game of Pattern Matching Murder Mystery Mansion Whodonit Game Totally Gross A Game of Science Morphology Creativity Game BananaGrams Game BananaGrams for Kids Books Yamslam Dice Game In Storage Tin Touch & Explore Electronic Facts Animal Map 8” Clestial Light Up Globe 113 $33.84 114 $28.19 115 $28.19 116 $50.79 $39.49 $28.19 117 118 119 120 $22.54 121 $31.58 122 $22.54 123 Price INCLUDING HST $22.54 $33.84 $28.19 $28.19 $28.19 $28.19 $45.14 $21.41 $13.50 $22.54 $67.74 $67.74 E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r F o r m Young Minds Marketing Qty Item # Description 124 World GEOPuzzle W/ Country Shaped Pieces Replogle Intelliglobe 10” City Lights Light-Up Globe Flags of the World Spotter’s Cards 2011 National Geographic Kids Almanac Super Detailed Children’s Wall Map of the World Build Your Own Robotic Arm Kit Hydro-Pneumatic Vehicles Kit ( Learning the Power of Water) 6-in-1 Solar Vehicles Robotics Kit 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 Green Science Solar Rover Kit The Magical School Bus Science Kit The World of Germs Price INCLUDING HST $16.89 $169.44 $112.94 $16.89 Qty Item # Description 136 Green Science Tin Can Robot Kit Science On a Tracking Expedition Stepping into Science Kit For StartUp Scientists Science Whiz Projects w/ Light Uncle Milton Star Theatre Moving Planets Solar System Kit My First DuoScope Microscope Meade Star Gazing 70MM Telescope Snap Circuits 100 137 138 139 $19.15 140 $16.89 141 142 $56.44 $45.14 143 144 145 $22.54 $39.95 146 $19.15 147 $22.54 148 149 Enchanted Fairy Liquid Motion Kaleidoscope Quadrilla Twist & Rail Set FiddleStix 164pc Set Kapla 200pc box Set K’Nex Dinosaurs Model Building Set Price INCLUDING HST $16.89 $33.84 $50.79 $22.54 $4514 $22.54 $101.64 $146.84 $45.14 $12.95 $169.44 $33.84 $67.74 $30.45 E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r F o r m Young Minds Marketing Qty Item # Description 150 159 JamBones Construction System Straws & Connectors 400pc set Plan Toys Wooden Unit Blocks Starter Set Meccano Super Construction Set Meccano MultiModels 10 Model Construction Set Rokenbok Power Sweeper W/ Controller Rokenbok RokWorks Construction & Action Set K’Nex Sonic Blizzard Dual Coaster Quercetti Migoga Marble Run Lego Fire Ship 160 Lego Airport $146.84 161 Lego Tank Truck $30.45 162 Lego Transport Truck Lego Passanger Plane $50.79 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 163 Price Item # Description $45.14 164 $22.54 $28.19 165 $22.54 166 ZipBin Lego City Storage Bin Blast Pad Rocket Launcher JumpStart Music & Sound Trampoline Wobble Deck Balance Activity Game Board Master Pogo Stick Maverick Pogo Stick Razor Ultra Pro Scooter Diablo Stix Kit $45.14 INCLUDING HST Qty 167 $146.84 $45.14 168 169 $90.34 $192.04 $90.34 $39.49 $79.04 $62.09 170 171 Price INCLUDING HST $33.84 $79.04 $45.14 $56.44 $101.64 $22.54 E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r F o r m Young Minds Marketing Qty Item # Description Price INCLUDING HST Qty Item # Description Price INCLUDING HST E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r F o r m Young Minds Marketing Name Address Phone Order total: Organizer/Teacher Method of Payment Check Bill Me Credit Card A Credit Card B Credit Card C Credit Card # Exp. date Signature R ETUR N THIS PAGE TO TEACH ER S W I T H PAY M E N T Page 20 E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r F o r m Young Minds Marketing Benefits & Fundraising Details Your customers (parents) will receive premium toys available in the catalogue and your organization makes 15% of the entire order. How do we start a fundraiser with Young Minds Marketing? Call us at 416-998-0882 (Monday – Friday, How it Works Each season teachers will receive a catalogue. They then hand out copies of the catalogue to the students. The parents purchase products from the catalogue. A date is set for students to return their order forms to the teachers with payment. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery time once orders have been placed. Delivery is made to the teachers, who then send the children home with the products. Is there a sales tax on the orders? There is sales tax (13% HST) on all orders., it is already included in the price on the order form. 9:00AM-5:00PM EST) or Email us at: or visit Contact us to speak with a Customer Service Specialist who can answer all your questions and help you get started. PLEASE PLACE STAMP E d u c at i o n a l T o y Fundraising C a t a l o g u e & O r d e r Young Minds Marketing 4 Clendenen Crt. Markham Ontario, L3P - 4J1 Phone: 416-998-0882 Fax: 416-481-3717 E-mail: Mission Statement: The goal is to provide a simple solution for fundraiser's to replace the unhealthy very low revenue programs that have been utilized in the past. Young Minds Marketing will provide you with professional service from first contact to order completion. We will organize an effective campaign based on your goals, which means less hassles and headaches for you.. HERE F o r m
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