ffiE'As..IK &6\'r.rr PowER To THE PeoPLe lt r lslsrLi6lU 1110712016 Eid-Eve.luatiq!-Bepert Evaluation Report- Renovation of Dr. Ziauddin 4hmed Road Branch, Karachi I Name of Procuring Agency 2 Tender Refercnce No. SNDB/COK/ADM IN/TD/697I20 J Tender Description Renovation of Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed Road. Karachi 4 Method of Procurement Single Stage One Envelop Bidding Procedure 5 Tender Published 6 Total Bid Documents Sold 04 7 Total Bids Received 04 8 Technical/Financial Bid Opening Date & Time 2810612016 9 No. Of Bid qualified 04 l0 Bid(s) Reiected / SPPRA S.No Sindh Bank Ltd I6 S.No: 26428. Express Tribune, Daily Express, Daily Ibrat (10/02120t6) SPPRA S.No: 29415 /2016 (lOth June 2016) at 1200 Hrs Detail on the above is as follows:Cost offered by the SNa Name of Firm or Bidder Bidder Ranking (Tbtal Area = 1450 sq.ft) in terms 0 t ) I M/s. Shahjee Brother & Co Rs.1,475l- per sq.ft. Rs.2,138,7501 M/s. Arcika 2. Trader & Contractor ., 4. M/s. Z. Hasan Enterprises M/s. Engineering Experts Rs.l,496/- per sq.ft. Rs.2,169.200/- of cosl 3 lst Lowest 2d Lowest Comparison with Engineering Eslimaled cosl (Rs.2,196,875) Rs.58,125 3rd Rs.2,305,500/- Lowest Rs.2,050/- per sq.ft. Rs.2,972.500/- 4th Lowest for acceplance/ Remorks rejection 4 5 /- below the estimated cost Rs.27,6751below the estimated cost Rs. 1,590/- pcr sq.ft. Reosons Accepted 6 l't Lowest Qualified Bidder 2nd Lowest Qualified Bidder Rs.108.625 /above the estimated cost High in Bid Rs.775,625 /above the estimated cost High in Bid Accordingly going by the eligibility criteria offered in the tender document, Serial No.l stands as only I't Lowest Qualified Bidder. Members Signature- Procurement Committee Lt. Col. (R) Shahzad Begg Head of Administration Mr. Saeed Jamal Chief Financial Officer Mr. Syed Muhammad Aqeel Chief Manager, IDBL Karachi rsrr\rDr-< ffiF-IK ATTENDANCE SHEET BID OPENING FOR SELECTION OF ,"", ZlAl (e S.No Company Name Name of Company Representative Contact No. Company Address D- t> f to, }^.& I ). o2 0t1 AR.C \U{r?rDcOrqa>-r )xs'i.\l..r$ttr )-ra<g"t &W^u (-t'r") 9l^aAiee Lratl-<^ Eng,n^'..r" UU >-- Head of Adminstration Chief Financial Officer Chief Manager (tDBL) erPat Signature Fku',t T.-t-*--l'B'N^ 63ot.820iou o\2.),agStt) L-rt*<'r+ t' ,*r" o/z* fror-a t H 11.n.a-L \ D'.of A er- WPE OF PROCUREMENT TENDER NAME ADMIN / fL.--, IT / CONSULTANT l>.' / MEDIA Z;tqloti^ R"*'l tLc.*l* w-/ WPE OF TENDER OPENING DATE OPENING TIME SINGTE STAGE.ONE ENVELOPE / SINGLE STAGE.TWO ENVELOPE / TWO STAGE /TWO STAGE.TWO ENVELOPE >8 loa la.rc lz-o" 1tr",. ATTENDANCE (MEMBER PC) FIRM ATTENDANCE (REPS, OF BIDDERS) L- N.t&e z-7.klqSa^ €ty-v g"pfro,z TOTAL BIDS ACCEPTED FOR EVALUATION TOTAT BIDS RBECTED REMARKS PROCUREMENT COMMITTEE Tender Document 4 - - DR Sindh Bank Limited ZIAUDD\N AHMED ROAD BMNCH SIGNATURE ilIEM&ER Head . Fin Div, FINANCIAL PROPOSAL PRICE SCHEDULE (Applicable for the year 2016) Head. Admin Dirl Member.IDBL, Name of Bidder Description Renovation, Interior, Works & Construction of DR. ZIAUDDIN AHMED ROAD BRANCH *Total Amount 1450 sq.ft(Approx.) (As per specification mentioned in i5oloSFT 2 )o5,5oof/ scope of work) This *total amount will be taken as thefinancial bid offered by the contractor. Note 1' 2' 3' The branch has to be handed over within 45 days of issue date of award letter. In case of delay, a penalty @o.ts% of total contract amount, for each day of delay will be imposed. The cost must include all applicable taxes, stamp duty (as applicable under stamp Act l9g9) duly stamped on the contract agreement, installation, Iabor and any other charges.- No advance payment will be made, bills willonly be processed for necessary payment on receipt of certificate of satisfaction from the Branch Manager/project Managei. 4. calculation of bid securitv.2%o of the *TotalAmount will be submitted with the tender document as bid security. 5. In case it is reviled at any stage after the completion of work that the asked specification of the tender have not been met' the amount of that specific item will be fined to the contractor with aipropriate action as deemed necessary by the procurement committee. 6. In case of any observation arising in respect of-quality of the item, the company will be liable to address it at his own cost' non-compliance of the same will result into initiation of a case againstihe company for non-commitment or cancellation of tender as will be decided by the procurement commiuee. ?, The per square ft' rate given above by the contractor will be for inside-area of the premises. However for any outside premises work' its changes will be covered in premises p"r ;q*r; ft. area. No charges for any necessary outside work will be entertained separately. 8. All terms and condition of Agreement (Annexure ,,H,,) 9. In case financial bids are the same, the successful bidder technical evaluation prequalifi cation. are part of render Document. will be the one who has acquired more marks Signature & Stamp of Bidder $ks$r{fd&g" 30 in the Sindh Bank Limited TenderDocument--DR ZTAUDDIN AHMED ROAD BMNCH FINANCIAL PROPOSAL 4 PRICE SCIIEDULE (Applicable for the year 2016) Name of Bidder Description Rate per sq.ft Unit 1450 sq.ft(Approx.) Renovation, Interior, Works & Construction of DR. ZIAUDDIN (As per specification mentioned in scope of work) AHMED ROAD BRANCH This *total amowlt will be taken as the *Total Amount v' taq(|, %>tm>4^ financial bid olfered by the contractor. Note l. The branch has to be handed over within 45 days of issue date of award letter. In case of delay, of total contract amount, for each day of delay will be imposed. The cost must include all applicabte taxes, stamp duty (as applicable under Starnp contract agreement, installation, Iabor and any other charges. 3. a penalty @0.15% Act I989) duly stapped on the No advance payment will be made, bills will only be processed for necessary payment on receipt of certificite of satisfaction from the Branch Manageri?roject Manager. 4. Calculation of bid securifv.2Yo of the +Total Amount will be submitted with the tender document 5. In case it is reviled at any stage after the completion ofwork that the asked specification ofthe tender have not been met, the amount of that specific item will be fined to the contractor with appropriate action as deerned lecessary by the procurement committee. 6. In case of any observation arising in respect of quality of the item, the company will be liable to address it at his own cost, non-compliance of the same will result into initiation of a case against the company for non-commitment or cancellation of tender as will be decided by the procurement committee. 7. The per squar-e ft. rate given above by the contractor will be for inside area of the premises. However for any outside premises work, its changes will be covered in premises per square ft. area. No charges for any necessary outside work will be entertained separately. All terms and condition of Agleernent (Annexure ..H,') e Hfr :^fl11', lxl,:'5Hlli iffi ' th e c ces s s " rul b i are part of render Document. dder sl Uil'AlTffiB Head - Fin Div, Signature & Starup of Bidder Member-lDBL, Date: lv? r Fr$EmHe as bid security. Sindh Bank Limited Tender Document- SIGNATURE I',IIMBER Head' Fin Div, FINANCIAL PROPOSAL 4 Head . Admin Div PRICE SCHEDULE (Applicable for the year 2016) Name of Bidder fu 6 rarrzac r u1 - DR.ZIAUDDIN AHMED ROAD BRANCH Meniber.IDB[, Date; UleR *Total Amount Description Renovation, Interior, Works & Construction of DR. ZIAUDDIN AHMED ROAD BRANCH 1450 sq.ft(Approx.) (As per specification mentioned in scope of work) Tosol 4 +er>soof This *total arnaunt will be taken as the financial bid offered by the contractor. Note l. The branch has to be handed over within 45 days of issue date of award letter. In case of delay, a penalty @0.15% of total contrast amount, for each day of delay will be imposed. 2. The cost must include all applicable taxes, stamp duty (as applicable under Stamp contract agreement, installation, labor and any other charges. -). No advance payment will be made, bills will only be processed for necessary payment on receipt of certificate of satisfaction from the Branch Manager/Project Manager. 4. Calculation of bid securitv.2Yo of the *Total Amount will be submitted with the tender document as bid security. 5. In case it is reviled at any stage after the cornpletion of work that the asked specification of the tender have not been met, the amount of that specific item will be fined to the contractor with appropriate action as deemed necessary by the procurement committee. o. In case of any observation arising in respect of quality of the item, the company will be liable to address it at his own cost, non-compliance of the same will result into initiation of a case against the company for non-commitment or cancellation of tender as will Act 1989) duly starnped on the be decided by the procurement Committee. 7. The per square ft. rate given above by the contractor will be for inside area of the premises. However for any outside premises work, its changes will be covered in premises per square ft. area. No charges for any n...rrury outside work will be entertained separately. 8. All terms and condition of Agreement (Annexure "H") 9. ln case financial bids are the same, the successful bidder technical evaluation Prequalification. signarure & sramp of nraar, are part of render Document. will be the one who has acquired more marks in the l) '))' & 30 Sindh Bonk Limitcd TendcrDoaunent--DR. ZIAUDDIN AHMED ROAD BMNCH SIGNATURE MEMBERS A Head - Fin Div, FINANCIAL PROPOSAL pRrcE scHEpuLE Head . Admin Div (Applicabte tor the year 2016) [,f embef .IDBL, Name o/'Bidder Description Unit Renovation, Interior, Works & Construction of DR. ZIAUDDIN AHMED ROAD BRANCH 1450 sq.ft(Approx.) (As per specification mentioned in Rate per sq.ft *Total Amount ,rry a/L87Y scope of work) This *total amount wilt be talcen as theJinancial bid ofibred by the contractor. Note 1' The branch has to be handed over within 45 days of issue date of award letter. In case of delay, a penalty @0.15% of total contract amount, for each day of delay will be imposed. 2' The cost must include all applicable taxes, stamp duty (as applicable under Stamp ^ contract agreenrent, installation, labor and ury oihe, it 3' u.g.r. Act l9g9) duly stamped on No aclvance payment will be made, bills will only be processed for necessary payment on receipt of certifioate satisfaction from the Branch Manager/project Managei. the of 4. caJculation of bid securitv' 5. ln case it is reviled at any stage after the completion of work that the asked specification of the tender have not been item will be fined to the contractor with aipropriate aciion as d"..ed necessary 2o/o of the *Total Amount will be submitted with the tender document as bid security. ill:hltJr#"rlffii:'Hffcifi.c 6. In case of any observation arising in respect of quality of the item, the company will be liable to address it at his own cost' non-complia,ce of the same will result into initiation oru ,.r, against the company for non-commitment or canr-:ellation of tender as wiil be decided by the prooure.ent commiit"e. 7. The per square ft' rate given above by the contraotor l,',if;ili,I3T;,:fflH',ALilJ;.;o""0 8. All will be for inside area of the premises. However for any outside in premises pe' squa." ft. area. No charges rb,;;y necessary outside ternrs and condition of Agreement (Annexure,,H,,) are part of Tender Docun:ent. 9. ,':;fi:"flXTiXi,bJf'nffii:i;:?ft:f'successrur bidder wlr be the one who has acquired more marks in the Signature & Smmp of Biclder 30