Online ads specs
Online ads specs
Online ads specs May 2009 Bringt Gesprächsstoff. 1 Bringt Gesprächsstoff. Content General Guidelines Page Formats Page 3 – 5 Tech Specs Page 6 – 9 Layer Structure Page 1 2 10 Bringt Gesprächsstoff. General Online Advertisement Guidelines All online advertisements which will be shown on the and website, must fulfill this 20 Minuten Online Ads document and all AdTech Advertisement specifications and guidelines – including but not limited to, file size, animation frame count, dimensions, file type and content – in addition to all other specifications noted in this document and in emails sent by 20 Minuten employees. All advertisement files, regardless of the format, must be free of harmful applications/scripts such as, but not limited to ActiveX, viruses, exit pops, malicious code and other forms of malware. The code (AS2, AS3, JavaScript, etc.) behind the advertisement is not allowed to do Cross Site Scripting ( XSS ) or set cookies in unapproved domains, unless clearly needed for the realization of the advertisement and specifically permitted by the IT department of 20 Minuten. The “click”-tag of the advertisement must always be set to open a new tab/window when clicked on, by setting the target to “_blank”. No advertisement is allowed to open up the target page within or! Sound is never allowed to be turned on by default or start playing by moving the mouse over the advertisement! If sound is part of the campaign, there must be a button, so that the user can specifically allow sound by turning it on and off again. All the created advertisements of the campaign must be sent to no later than three working days before campaign start, except advertisements of the AdSpots format (for details, please see page 4). The creative agency is responsible that the advertisement flawlessly works on and as defined by the campaign - it is not good enough, that the advertisement works on a test page of the creative agency. During the development of the advertisement, the creative agency has the possibility of testing the advertisement in the environment of or, by sending an email to 20 Minuten will help and try to make the advertisement work on their websites, but the responsibility remains with the creative agency. If the advertisements do not fulfill these specifications, 20 Minuten has the right to stop or post-pone a campaign until the delivered advertisements meet the specifications. Damage and cost caused in such a case (towards the advertiser, 20 Minuten or contractors of 20 Minuten), must fully be carried by the creative agency not complying with our specifications. 2 Bringt Gesprächsstoff. Formats Skyscraper Pixels 120x600 Max. File Size 70 KB Format GIF, JPEG, SWF, Third Party Tag Rectangle Pixels 300x250 Pixel Max. File Size 70 KB Format GIF, JPEG, SWF, Third Party Tag Monsterboard Pixels 468x400 Max. File Size 70 KB Format GIF, JPEG, SWF, Third Party Tag Leaderboard Pixels 890x107 prefered Format / 728x90 Max. File Size 70 KB Format GIF, JPEG, SWF, Third Party Tag 3 Bringt Gesprächsstoff. Floating Ad Pixels 500x500 Max. File Size 70 KB Format GIF, JPEG, SWF, Third Party Tag Animation Displays up to 10 seconds Frequency Capping 1x per User in 24h Note Must be designed to overlay other Flash elements on the page. Fullbanner Pixels 468x60 Max. File Size 50 KB Format GIF, JPEG, SWF, Third Party Tag Sticky-Monster-Skyscraper Pixels 245x770 Max. File Size 70 KB Format GIF, JPEG, SWF, Third Party Tag Wallpaper Pixels 890x107 / 245x770 Max. File Size 70 KB each Format GIF, JPEG, SWF, Third Party Tag 4 Bringt Gesprächsstoff. Pre-/Post Roll Max. File Size 50 MB Format All formats accepted Pre Roll max. 10 seconds Post Roll max. 30 seconds AdSpot Placement Monsterboard, Monster-Skyscraper, Rectangle Format Recomanded length 30 second mov (uncompressed or compressed with Standard-Codec) avi (uncompressed or compressed with Standard-Codec) mpeg (Standard versions) Resolution: At least PAL 768x576 Prefered HD Format 1280x720 / 1440x1080 / 1920x1080 Not acceptable formats flv, swf, dvd-videos (vob files), Windows Media Video, Real Video Frequency Capping 3x per User in 24h File delivery for Adspots Via mail: Freddy Prost Agentur für Werbung im Internet Schraubenfabrik Lilienbrunngasse 18/2/44 A-1020 Wien Monster-Skyscraper AdSpot Monsterboard AdSpot Via FTP: Username: ftpfreddy Password: merk82gut Via e-mail: Note If the data is delivered with low quality images, compression, low resolution etc. we cannot guarantee optimal results. 5 Bringt Gesprächsstoff. Tech Specs Preparing Flash Files Introduction To use Flash files for Flash banners in Helios IQ, they need to be prepared with the variables for counting clicks and other functions implemented into the Flash files. getURL vs. Fscommand Most of the functions that are described here can be programmed in two ways. Both are fully functional, so you may choose which works better for you. Flash Functions for Tracking Link URL with ClickTAGs The link URL in the Flash file will be passed in the variable clickTAG. The variable will be connected to a button action in most cases. – The variable is case-sensitive! Although Helios IQ detects different variants for upper and lower case the given one is highly recommended: «clickTAG»! – The link URL will be entered in the Helios IQ front end during banner booking The link URL is programmed with the following ActionScript commands: Multiple ClickTAGs If a Flash file needs to contain more than one link URI they will be passed by numbered variables (clickTAG1, clickTAG2 etc.). Multiple clickTAGs will be programmed just like single clickTAGs. Helios IQ supports up to ten clickTAGs in a Flash file. Multiple link URLs are programmed with the following ActionScript commands: 6 Bringt Gesprächsstoff. Flash Functions for Layer Banners Open The variable openTAG contains the URL to show the layer. By default a Flash layer will be visible, so this function will be needed only to show the layer once it has been hidden. The layer opening will be programmed with the following ActionScript commands: Close The variable closeTAG contains the URL to close the layer. Note: Layer banners should be closed in either case! They should also be closed if the Flash banner is completely transparent at the end of the animation because links that are covered by the transparent Flash banner cannot be clicked in some browsers. The layer closing will be programmed with the following ActionScript commands: 7 Bringt Gesprächsstoff. Flash Functions for Expandable Banners Expand The variable expandTAG contains the URL to expand the expandable Flash banner to its full size. The expanded and collapsed sizes will be defined in the Helios IQ front end during banner booking. The expanding is programmed with the following ActionScript commands: Collapse The variable collapseTAG contains the URL to collapse the expandable Flash banner to its collapsed size. The expanded and collapsed sizes will be defined in the Helios IQ front end during banner booking. The collapsing is programmed with the following ActionScript commands: Change height The command expandheight changes the height of a layer. The desired height will be given as a parameter. The changing of height is programmed with the following ActionScript commands (example with a height of 500 pixels): 8 Bringt Gesprächsstoff. Change width The command expandwidth changes the width of a layer. The desired width will be given as a parameter. The changing of width is programmed with the following ActionScript commands (example with a width of 500 pixels): Flash Functions for Loading Additional Files Additional file from Helios IQ Additional files can be loaded from Helios IQ with the variable pathTAG. The variable contains the path to the banner files that the user uploaded. The additional files have to be uploaded into Helios IQ. The loading is programmed with the following ActionScript commands (example with a file flash2.swf): Additional file from an external source Additional files can be loaded from external sources with the loadMovie command. The loading is programmed with the following ActionScript commands (example with a URL 9 Bringt Gesprächsstoff. Layer Structure 1)The Flash-Player-swf is framed by <div id="min_switchlayer">...</div>. (An ID is necessary so that 20 Minuten Online can automatically correct problematic elements on the website when loading streaming ads) 2)At the start the Flash banner will load a Javascript request: admanage.to_bottom("min_switchlayer"); (div will be put on z-index 1) 3)Upon opening of the banner, a Javascript request must be made in Flash: admanage.to_top("min_switchlayer"); (div will be put on z-index 10500) 4)Upon closing (not Mouseover) a Javascript request must be made in Flash: admanage.to_bottom("min_switchlayer"); 1 id=min_header (z-index: 1) 2 id=min_navi (z-index: 11) 3 id=min_content_S (z-index: 11) 4 id=min_sideline (z-index: 2) 5 id=min_banner 6 id=min_werbung_scroll_navi (z-index: 800) 7 Monsterboard 1: id=min_monster_1 8 id=min_rectangle (z-index: 11) 9 id=min_werbung_scroll (z-index: 1000) Monsterboard 2: id=min_monster_2 Contact and creatives delivery Please send all the creatives to except the adspots (details on on page 4). Samuel Lutz, Ad-Master Werdstrasse 21, Postfach, 8021 Zürich Tel. 044 248 68 32 10 Bringt Gesprächsstoff.