2015 Officers Saturday, October 17th Hermon Lowery Field Weenie
2015 Officers Saturday, October 17th Hermon Lowery Field Weenie
AMA Chapter #755 October 2015 Newsletter of the Pekin RC Club http://pekinrc.com/ 2015 Officers PRESIDENT Dennis Shoemaker VICE PRESIDENT Paul Meyer SECRETARY/ TREASURER Jim Roach EDITOR Paul Meyer WEBMASTER Curtis Colburn EVENTS Donna Smith SAFETY Denny Baker Mo Neibecker Chad Rowe MAINTENACE/ GROUNDS Chris Leibel Next Meeting Date Saturday, October 17th Hermon Lowery Field Weenie Roast @ XX:XX PM Meeting @ 6:30 PM PUBLIC RELATIONS Curtis Colburn # Our Big Bird this year had perfect weather and a good turnout. We had 21 pilots with a nice variety of planes and all pilots got several flights in. Thank you to everyone who helped with setup and running the event, with a special thanks to Wayne, Donna, Curtis, Chris, Bill and everyone who donated items to be raffled. President Dennis Shoemaker If there is any single thing we need to improve on, it’s our reaching out to the general public to get more visitors that are not flyers. If we can do that, our raffle ticket sales and snacks / drinks sales will increase. We may also get a few more new members. We need to think about how we promote the event and what might attract the general public more. We also learned a little about raffle items. I made a point to check the amount of tickets in the jars at the end. As expected the RC items were the most popular, followed by general merchandise and the homemade items doing the poorest. I suspect if we had more general public attendance, it may shift a little towards general merchandise and homemade items. I did happen to notice one Mom carrying one of the swings off with a big smile. This next meeting on October 17 is also our annual Weiner Roast. The Club is furnishing the hot dogs, buns, condiments and drinks. Bring a pot-luck picnic item if you can. I’m going out early afternoon to get some flying in and I’ll have enough tape and streamers for anyone who wants to try it. Hot dogs start around 5 and our meeting is at 6:30. Please think about nominations for our officers for next year. Donna just confirmed a few days ago that we can use the Lake Whitehurst Clubhouse again this winter. Skipping the December meeting, the dates are November 21, January 16, February 20, March 19 and April 16. As usual, we are seeking chefs for each meeting. The Club reimburses you for the cost. Dennis #02 Greetings The Big Bird event was a great success! Thanks to everyone that put forth effort to plan, set up, host and clean up. I was out for an hour or so to watch some very impressive flights and long enough to drool over the models that people brought out. Vice President Paul Meyer I have not heard back how the ordering food and the landing fee went over, but it did not seem to reduce the crowds any, which is good news. See you at the weenie roast. Paul #03 Minutes from the September 19th 2015 Meeting Welcome by President Dennis Shoemaker followed by The Pledge of Allegiance. Secretary/Treasurer Jim Roach Motion to accept the August 2015 minutes as published in the September 2015 Newsletter was made by Curtis Colburn, 2nd by Bill Swearinger. Motion carried. Motion to accept the August 2015 Treasurer Report as published in the September 2015 Newsletter was made by Kevin Cline, 2nd by Cliff Jacobson. Motion carried. There were 12 club members present at the meeting. Discussions: Merle Jackson donated an electric 40 size plane as a raffle item for the Big Bird event. The cleanup and setup for the Big Bird event went well with about 25 members present. Reminder that the October meeting will be at the field and will be a wiener roast / meeting. August Fly-for-Fun club picnic was a huge success. Because of the money received from the raffle and donations, the event did not cost the club any money. Thanks to Chris Leibel for cooking the wieners. The winter meeting place (November, January, February, March and April) has not been finalized. Donna Smith will contact the person who arranged for the Whitehurst club house to see if it is available this winter. Old Business: None. New Business: None. Events: Nothing new about Big Bird. Safety: Reminder, when flying helicopters set the Throttle Lock on your transmitter for safety. Guests / New Members: None. 50/50 Raffle: None. Motion to adjourn was made by Bill Swearinger and 2nd by Bob Schaich. Motion carried. #04 Club Members Last week I was mowing the field with the Woods Mower and noticed that it was really showing its age. Other mowing members have noticed the same thing. We purchased the mower in 1993, used with 500 hours on the meter. Chris Leibel has spent much time and money to keep the mower going. Now, so many things are starting to break or wear out that Chris is having a hard time keeping up. It may be soon that an expensive part will need to be replaced. The right hyd. pump is running with reduced pressure causing steering problems and slow mowing speed. I talked to Fligingers and they thought it is likely the pump wearing out. The 2 main large tires need replacing as they have hardened with age and need air before we mow each week. The engine is using oil. We need to spend money to bring it up to usable condition for mowing the field and that money could be wasted as more things go bad. I talked to Fligingers (John Deere) and a mower that could work would be the JD Z665. This is a residential grade mower and our cost is $6,000. Chris has found a Ferris 700z from Midwest Equipment. This is a commercial grade mower with a heavier deck and larger engine. Midwest came down to $6100. Both have 60” deck. The mower fund has about $5600. This is about $500 short. Remember, we have not put much money into the fund over the last 3 years ($137). The Woods does not have much, if any, trade-in value. We would recommend not spending any money on the mower and sell “as is”. Chris and I will bring up the subject of replacement at the next membership meeting. Hope to see you there. Chris Leibel, Jim Roach #05 #06 #07 #08 #09 #10 #11 THE SERVO is the monthly newsletter of the Pekin RC Club, AMA Chapter#755, 29511 Allentown Rd. Mackinaw, IL 61755 http://www.pekinrc.com #12 #13