Winter Fun Day @ Sabula Ikes District Dinner
Winter Fun Day @ Sabula Ikes District Dinner
MESQUAKIE DISTRICT ILLOWA COUNCIL SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: V O L U M E Winter Fun Days District Volunteer Recognition Dinner 2016 Friends of Scouting Incentives District Pinewood Derby SQUAK BOX 2016 Camp Card Fundraiser INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Scouting for Food 2 Training Opportunities 2 STEALTH 4 Calendar of Events 5 January Roundtable 6 2016 District Activities 7 1 6 , I S S U E 3 M A R C H Winter Fun Day @ Sabula Ikes We are working on a new date for Winter Fun Day at the Sabula Izaak Walton, 60190 Hwy 52, Sabula, IA. Between the mud and other events we are looking at April. 83 and Pack 83 from Preston for putting this event on for the Cub Scouts in Mesquakie District. The cost for this event is $8 per person if received by February 11th Roundtable, the cost after that will be $12 per person. We have lots of fun activities for the kids to do including BB Guns, Archery, Sledding, games, camp fire, and much more. Reminder February is still cold outside, so make sure your son is dressed for the weather. This is a family friendly day so feel free to bring out siblings and friends. We will need assistance to run some stations the day of. Huge thanks for Troop District Dinner @ Tycoga Winery You work for Scouting 365 Days of the year, for one night, let Scouting work for you! The 2016 Mesquakie District Volunteer Recognition Dinner will be held Thursday, March 10th, 2016 at the Tycoga Vineyard & Winery. This is just north of DeWitt on highway 61 before Welton. This event is for ALL ADULTS, this includes parents, leaders, spouses, and charter organization representatives. Get a sitter and come out to help us celebrate all we accomplished in 2015. of Merit, and celebrate 2015 Journey to Excellence. This will be a great night you will not want to miss. There will be door prizes, a silent auction, we will award the District Award Thanks to Guardian Industries in DeWitt for sponsoring the dinner! VOLUME 16, ISSUE 3 PAGE 2 Scouting for Food – March 12, 2016 The time for Scouting for food is once again here already. Scouting for food is a unit day of service where you go around your community collecting food for local food pantries. Pack and Troop 29 with local Girl Scouts cover DeWitt, Grand Mound, Welton, and Low Moor and go door to door to collect non-perishable food for the referral center. Having taken part in this for many years as a Cub Scout and Boy Scout it is amazing how much food can be collected by just going door to door and gathering it all in one place. This year Pack 515’s Cubmaster Matt Steenhard is spearheading the effort in Clinton. Any unit who wishes to participate is welcome to join with Matt’s Pack and go door to door to collect non-perishable food items for a food pantry in Clinton. The It is important as we go out and collect food that you count the number of people participating and how many hours you have worked. The people do not need to be Scouts they can be anyone who is helping out. This information needs to be recorded in the Good Turn for America website for you to get credit on your Journey to Excellence form at the end of the year. If anyone else would like assistance on how to put together a food drive in your area give the District Executive a call or talk with members of DeWitt Clinton Rotary has taken up the Pack & Troop 29 or Matt Steenhard of cause as well and has been collecting Pack 515 Clinton. food at their weekly meetings to help the Scouts get started. Upcoming Training Opportunities Cub Scout Leaders Cost is $5. Register online. April 8-9 @ Camp Loud Thunder BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) & OWL (Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders) May 5th 6:00PM-8:30PM @ Camp Loud Thunder Wood Badge Packs are permitted to conduct Pack campouts, as long as the activity is conducted at a Council approved location and is under the direction of a leader in the pack trained to do so. Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (OLS) & Scoutmaster Specifics April 8-9 @ Camp Loud Thunder Shooting Sports Training Get trained to run Cub Scout BB Gun and Archery Ranges at Council and District Events. Boy Scout Leaders This is an intensive overnight course for all Boy Scout and Venture leaders that provides instruction and practice in outdoor skills that are important to Scouting. OLS is required to be considered FULLY trained as a Troop Assistant Scoutmaster or Scoutmaster along with Youth Protection and Scoutmaster Specifics. Cost is $15. Register online. Wood Badge is a training course for Scouting Leaders. Lord Baden -Powell designed this course so Scouters could learn, in as practical a way as possible, the skills and methods of Scouting. It is first and foremost, a “learning by doing” experience. This course requires two weekends September 23-25 and October 2123. The cost for the course is $220 by June 1 or $250 after. There is some financial assistance available for those who qualify. VOLUME 16, ISSUE 3 PAGE 2016 FRIENDS OF SCOUTING Why Friends of Scouting (FOS)? FAMILY FOS CAMPAIGN The Boy Scouts of America has shaped lives of our youth since 1910. A Friend of Scouting provides a vital portion of the financial support we need to teach Scouting principles that will result in a positive influence on character, citizenship, and personal fitness. You can help shape the future by investing in Scouting today! Family FOS Goal: $16,000 Your Friends of Scouting Investment: $250 GIFT INCENTIVE Family Friends of Scouting (FOS) is an annual, council-wide presentation conducted in every pack, troop, crew, team or post between the months of January through April. The Family FOS Campaign asks parents and families to consider financially supporting the Scouting program in an effort to offset the cost of providing Scouting to their child. The true cost of Scouting is greater than the $24.00 registration fee, greater than the dues additional programming such as STEALTH, HALT, Camporee, Summer that your pack, troop, crew, team or post may require and even greater than the fee charged and Day Camps for a week of camp. Registration fees and We are adding new restroom facilities, camping costs, for instance, are kept low so that all youth can experience the fun and shower house, and cabins to lower excitement of the Scouting program. Family camp in 2016 FOS support ensures that quality Scouting can Your gift helps maintain Camp Loud happen by supporting the cost of camp upkeep and expansion, training of adult leaders, Thunder including camping areas, advancement record keeping, professional staff observatory, COPE course, water guidance and support, and more! front, pool, and shooting ranges effort to offset the cost of providing Scouting to youth in their community. 2016 UNIT INCENTIVE Units that complete the following three requirements will receive a discount of $10 per Scout for Illowa Council Boy Scout Resident Camp, Cub Scout Resident Camp, and/or District Cub Scout Day Camp. FOS allows the Council to offer Check out the Friends of Scouting tab on the Illowa Council website for more detailed information on Friends of Scouting! Every family should be given the opportunity to experience an FOS presentation, learn more about the ways in which FOS benefits the program their child enjoys, and consider making a gift dependent on their giving ability. The true cost of support the Council provides for each child is $185.00 annually. of Scouting Giving Levels include: Training materials come as no cost to our volunteers DISTRICT FOS CAMPAIGN DISTRICT FOS Goal: $26,000 This goal is accomplished through two giving campaigns, Family and Community. $1,000 Eagle Sponsor $570 Life Sponsor $250 Leadership Sponsor $185 Family Sponsor COMMUNITY FOS CAMPAIGN Community FOS Goal: $10,000 Community Friends of Scouting (FOS) is an annual, council-wide campaign that asks local businesses to consider financially supporting the Scouting program in an 1. Schedule your Family Friends of Scouting Presentation for sometime during January-March 2016 with your District by January 14, 2016 2. Have 75% of your families participate by turning in a pledge card by April 15, 2016. Pledge cards with $0.00 or "No thank you" on the card count toward this goal. 3. Raise your Unit's Family FOS goal by April 15, 2016. Current DISTRICT FOS Totals Community - $4,850 or 49% of goal Family - $14,115 or 88% of goal Overall - $18,965 or 73% of goal THANK YOU TO ALL OUR DONORS! $185 GIFT INCENTIVE 3 VOLUME 16, ISSUE 3 PAGE District Pinewood Derby @ McEleney’s The 2016 Mesquakie District Pinewood Derby Championship is scheduled for April 24 @ McEleney’s auto showroom. There will be a weigh-in from 2:00PM to 3:00PM with the race starting at 3:00PM. The race will cost $5.00 per car if paid by April 14th and $8.00 per car at the door. The classes for the race include Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, and Adults/Sibling. Scout will receive a patch and there will be trophies for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each class. showroom! We also have a big thank you to Pack 515 Clinton for allowing us to use their Pinewood We are super thankful for McEleney Derby track and providing the Motors to once again sponsor this manpower to run it! event and allow us to use their The District Executive is working on a new car for this race! Boy Scouts dust off those old cars and bring them out! Last year we had 83 cars racing. Let’s see how many more we can get! See the website and flier for more information. STEALTH (STEm At Loud THunder) STEM AT LOUD THUNDER will be May 21 - 22 @ Camp Loud Thunder. The cost for this event is $12 if signed up and paid by May 13, and $15 at the door. Cub Scouts can experience STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) in the great outdoors! You can earn your SWING Nova Award, plus experience BB Guns, Catapults, Slingshots, and much more! Come for the day and camp overnight! Cub Scouts can earn the “new” Cub Scout shooting sports award. This is a rank based program where scouts earn a patch and pin based on learning skills. STEALTH shirts will be available for purchase on site from PowerGrfx. The cost is $15 and Scouts will be able to make their own shirt! This is a great one day event with hundreds of fellow Scouts from across the 13 counties in Illinois and Iowa that make up the Illowa Council. As staff advisor for this event I can tell you we are planning a ton of cool activities! This is not an event you will want to miss out on. We plan to have a drive in style movie to end the night and then Scouts can go spend the night in their tent at Camp Loud Thunder! 4 VOLUME 16, ISSUE Schedule of Events 3 - District Committee DeWitt Community Center 6:00 - 7:00 3 PAGE MARCH 2016 Sun Mon 10 - District Dinner @ Tycoga Winery 12 - Scouting for Food 19 - Camp Card Sale begins Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 CAMP CARDS SALE 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Camp Card Fundraiser The 2016 Camp Card fundraiser will begin March 19, 2016. Units can participate in this fundraiser free of cost. The cards sell for $5 and the unit keeps $2.50 and gives the Council $2.50. The cards are not 100% yet but it looks like we will have Hyvee, Caseys, Theisen’s, Hall of Fame, Kwik Star, Taco Bell, Hardee’s, and Pizza Ranch. because that is free money for you to must fill out a Unit Commitment use to send your Scout to camp for form and turn it in to the District free. Executive asap. The cards will be The cost for Day Camp is as shown: distributed in packs of 100. When your unit wants more you will Day Camp = $65 need to turn in the money and you Day Camp Early Bird Price = $50 can receive 100 more. Let’s beat last year’s sale of 1,902 cards and Unit Makes FOS Goal = $40 work to sell them all! 15 Camp Cards @ $2.50 = $40 Boy Scouts can sell these cards to help pay for their Summer camp and The District will have 3,000 cards to even start to fundraise for the 2017 sell. Last year we had to throw half National Scout Jamboree! of the cards away, which is a shame In order for units to participate they 5 VOLUME 16, ISSUE 3 PAGE Mesquakie District Committee Want to stay informed? Website Key 3 District Chair District Commissioner District Executive Bryce Albrechtsen Doug Leon Zachary Beuthien Committee Chairs Advancement Chair Camp Promotions Chair Training Chair Finance Chair Membership Chair Activities Chair Mark Neblung Arnie St John Joe Vance Nick Vance Matt Steenhard Marc Smith Facebook MesquakieDistrictIllowaCouncil 2016 Cub Scout Day Camp Director Matt Steenhard Program Director Marc Smith April 14th Roundtable - DeWitt Community Center Roundtable is for ALL ADULTS involved in Scouting. You should be able to come to Roundtable and get all the information you need for your next month’s meetings and also network and ask questions of other leaders in your same situation. Cub Scout Leader Break Outs: Next Roundtable: Den Leaders Training - National Den Award May 12, 2016 @ 7:00PM Roundtable Topics Pack Leaders Training - National Summertime Pack Award Big Rock Topic - Spring Roundups Cub Scout break out sessions Monthly Pack Meeting - Animal Fair Cub Scout Interest Topic Recognizing Leaders Cubmasters Training - Campfire Programs Boy Scout Leader Break Outs: Boy Scout Interest Topic Troop Program Features - DeWitt Community Center 6 VOLUME 16, ISSUE 3 TARGET GROUP PAGE ACTIVITY DATE CUB SCOUT YMCA LOCK IN JANUARY 19, 2016 KLONDIKE DERBY JANUARY 23, 2016 WINTER FUN DAY APRIL DISTRICT DINNER (ADULT LEADERS) MARCH 10, 2016 DISTRICT PINEWOOD DERBY APRIL 24, 2016 STEALTH (STEM AT LOUD THUNDER) MAY 21, 2016 DISTRICT FISHING DERBY JUNE 4, 2016 QC RIVERBANDITS SCOUT NIGHT JUNE 2016 CUB SCOUT DAY CAMP JUNE 14-17, 2016 SCOUT NIGHT AT THE DRIVE IN JULY 2016 CLINTON LUMBERKINGS SCOUT NIGHT AUGUST 19, 2016 FISHOREE ON WHEELS SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 HALT (HALLOWEEN AT LOUD THUNDER) OCTOBER 14-16, 2016 CAMPOREE OCTOBER 2016 UNIVERSITY OF SCOUTING NOVEMBER 5, 2016 (ADULT LEADERS) SKATE PARTY NOVEMBER 12, 2016 SCOUT NIGHT AT THE MALLARDS NOVEMBER 2016 7
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