what`s brewing at binding?


what`s brewing at binding?
A look at news, special events, and promotions
from Binding Brauerei USA, Norwalk, Conn.
Importers of Clausthaler, Radeberger, DAB and Henninger
from Germany
Vol. One No. Two
Fall 2003
Welcome to Binding Brauerei’s “What’s Brewing” – the latest news about BBUSA’s portfolio of rapidly expanding
brands – Clausthaler Classic and Amber N.A., DAB, Radeberger, and Henninger.
This has been an extraordinary year for the brand. Adding Amber to the Clausthaler line has increased awareness
as the N.A. grabs more shelf space. An aggressive radio campaign with the ever-popular and controversial sports
talk show host Jim Rome has also created some exceptional buzz.
DAB continues to expand, as well, as this once niche product gains more mainstream appeal. It has experienced
double digit growth thanks to the brand’s top-selling 5 L keg and 12-packs. Watch for more profits as we launch
DAB Low Carb shortly. At only 1.95 carbs per 12 oz. bottle, it fits right in with current health trends and meets
the competition head-on with a quality low carb German import. What’s more, it has only 92 calories per 12 oz.
Radeberger is a brand that’s becoming increasingly
accepted at fine, upscale dining establishments in key
U.S. markets, including New York and southern Connecticut this fall. It’s the perfect complement to any fine
dining experience.
We welcome your input and look forward to a successful Holiday season and rousing period of growth and
success for us all in 2004.
Hans J. Schliebs, president; Dilip Mehta, chief operating
Binding Brands Were a Sure Bet in Vegas – The gang from
BBUSA traveled to the Nevada desert to taste test new DAB Low
Carb at the NBWA show. The new low carb German import won
hand’s down.Pulling booth duty were (left to right) Dave Deuser,
Hans Schliebs, Dilip Mehta, Jim Steffann, and Jim Pyzyk. That’s
Amy in the front row, a local Vegas hostess who served up DAB,
Clausthaler, Henninger, and Radeberger with an ever-present smile.
officer, Dave Deuser, vice president – sales, and the
entire BBUSA team. ■
Fall 2003
Binding Portfolio Experiences Double Digit Growth
Business for Binding and its thousands of accounts is
Shipments are up 39.1 percent versus the same period
growing, despite the tough economy. Shipments are up
in 2002, thanks in part, to increased marketing and
and so are depletions, according to Dilip Mehta.
distribution. Trendy, high-end on-premise accounts are
beginning to stock the brand. Recent placements
The success of Binding’s portfolio is due to an excep-
tional sales team that works hand-in-hand with
BBUSA’s distributor partners and their in-house sales
Boston – Kitty O’Shea’s, LIR, Top of the Hub,
representatives. Take a look at shipments through Sept.
Sunset Grill, Sunset Cantina, Washington Square
30, 2003 – Company-wide, Binding is up 22.4 percent
versus the first nine months of 2002.
Chicago – Excalibur
Redondo Beach, California – Portofino Hotel &
Yacht Club
Shipments Grow All Year
Clausthaler – Our flagship continues to grow thanks
New York City – Cibo
Santa Monica, California – Sonny McClean’s
to increased marketing and consumer interest in products that lend themselves to a healthier and fitter
lifestyle. Shipments from Germany were up 5.8 percent
Solid Depletions Nationwide
during the first nine months of 2003, versus the same
Shipments are up, but so are depletions. Company-
period last year.
wide, BBUSA experienced 8.4 percent in depletions.
DAB – DAB has hit the ground running, which is
DAB – 59.5 percent this year versus last
something you might expect from a brand that’s been
available in the U.S. in some cities for over 45 years.
Radeberger – 55.8 percent through August 2003
Now under BBUSA management, shipments are ahead
compared to the same period in 2002.
of last year by 49.6 percent. This number is expected
to increase as BBUSA launches DAB Low Carb (1.95
Clausthaler Classic and Amber – Registers modest
carbs/12 oz.) in the states.
growth as well. ■
Henninger – Strong growth is also seen in this new
member of the Binding portfolio with shipments up
58.3 percent this year versus last.
Radeberger – Germany’s best-kept secret is becoming
less and less of a secret with each passing day.
Fall 2003
DAB Low Carb is Coming Soon
Watch for the coming launch of new
and has since enjoyed an international following for
DAB Low Carb. With only 1.95
more than a century. While famous Munich beers are
carbs per 12 oz. bottle, it beats the
decidedly malty, and the Pilsners are very well hopped,
pants off other low carbs with more
Dortmunder beers such as DAB – often called “Cool
than 2.5 carbs per 12 oz. What’s
Blonde” beer –
more, it contains only 92 calories
fall between the
per bottle, is made with all natural
two. DAB is a
ingredients, and is brewed accord-
delicate, bottom-
ing to the German Reinheitsgebot
fermented export
of 1516.
DAB Low Carb has a strong her-
appearance, mild,
itage. Brewed since 1868, DAB rep-
clean taste, and
resents the tradition of the largest and most famous
brewing capital of Germany – Dortmund. DAB invent-
mouthfeel. ■
ed the special type of bottom-fermented lager, which
became known around the world as “Dortmunder,”
DAB Beer Relaunched in Boston;
Chicago sales set new records
Since acquiring U.S. distribution rights for DAB
DAB recently benefited from a recent marketing push –
Dortmunder-style lager beer in 2002, Binding Brauerei
a so-called “crew drive” – by Binding sales reps from
USA has reintroduced the brand in Boston to 213 on-
throughout the U.S., who helped regional Binding sales
and off-premise accounts. In the Chicago area, it
reps Jim Steffann and Shawn Dunn open 71 new
racked up 44 percent YTD sales growth. Here are the
accounts. DAB is reportedly the only Dortmunder
available in the Boston area, and can be found offpremise at accounts including Kappy’s, Yankee Spirits,
DAB’s launch in the Boston area comes after a five-year
Marty’s (Newton and Allston), Martignetti’s, Town and
absence in the market. The American importer of the
Country, Sav-Mor, Curtis Liquors, and Blanchards.
classic German brew has confidence that the strong
former history of the brand in Boston will translate to
“DAB has great repeat sales,” said Shawn Dunn,
a warm reception from aficionados of quality beer.
Massachusetts/RI State Manager for BBUSA. “It has
Fall 2003
experienced an exceptional response from tastings we
have conducted with consumers in the area.”
The brand has sold over 1,000 cases in Boston since its
re-introduction in June. Currently DAB is available on
draft and in six- and twelve-packs. There are plans to
bring five-liter cans and DAB dark to the Boston area in
the near future.
The “Cool Blonde” beer is also doing well in the
Chicago area where one distributor, Oak Terrace
Beverage in Highland Park, Ill., has offered DAB since
the 1960s. Sales in the northern suburbs of Chicago
and Lake County (Ill.) were up 168 percent in June
2003, and 43.5 percent year-to-date. Oak Terrace is the
largest DAB distributor in the U.S., according to
Binding Midwest sales rep Jim Pyzyk. “Substantial
increases in this market are the result of a team effort
Empty Kegs Returned for More – Oak Terrace Beverage in
Highland Park, Ill., has carried DAB for over 40 years and is the
brand’s largest distributor in the U.S. In fact, some 75 percent of
Donald Innocenzi’s (center) on- and off-premise accounts in the
northern suburbs of Chicago and Lake County, Ill., carry the popular 135-year-old Dortmunder brand. “People know the name
around here, especially eastern European immigrants living in the
area,” he says. “It was one of the first draft beers imported from
Germany.” Donald tells Binding’s Ed Gustafson (left) and Jim
Pyzyk, “Our goal is to make it a mainstream beer.”
The three posed with a wall of 300 empty 50-liter DAB kegs ready
to be refilled back in Germany. Donald adds, “We’re on the right
track with DAB and with Jim and Eddie aboard, they know what it
takes to move beer in the Chicago market.”
by all Chicago wholesalers getting behind the brand.
They find that if they place it, it will sell.” ■
BIN Cover Story Features BBUSA
In case you missed the
“While not a huge portfolio, Binding’s growing collec-
tion of quality German brands does include some of the
story in BIN – Beverage
most recognizable names in the imported beer business
Industry News – here’s
– among them Clausthaler, the world’s best selling non-
what editor John Coleman
alcoholic brew.
had to say about the sales
and marketing arm of one
“With a portfolio rounded out by Radeberger, DAB,
and Henninger, Binding Brauerei USA, a self-proclaimed
brewing conglomerates:
‘long-term’ player in the U.S. beer market, is growing its
business by implementing strong marketing and promo-
“The Binding Brauerei USA portfolio is comprised of
tional activities designed to move product and enhance on-
unique brands that mesh nicely with the company’s
and off-premise profitability. ■
brand building strategy of quality over quantity.
Fall 2003
Sampson Brings Strength to Southern Market
Adding strength to Binding’s
He’s a former Boy Scouts of America scoutmaster, and
portfolio in the southeast is
facilitator for the American Cancer Society.
new district manager Chris
Chris hit the ground running in September with a two-
Binding, Chris was formerly
day crew drive throughout the Atlanta area, his new
sales representative for the
stomping grounds. The effort resulted in 56 new
Smart & Final/Cash N Carry
DAB placements and 30 for Clausthaler, You can
Food Service Division, and
reach Chris at csampsonbbusa@aol.com, or on cell at
district manager for Alta Marketing and their line of
404 433 4453. ■
Crystal Geyser water and beers including Clausthaler.
Radeberger Pilsner Featured at Michael Jackson’s
German Beer Tasting
“The Elegance of a Great Pilsner”
Over 350 sophisticated beer lovers from the D.C. area
sampled nine imports during a presentation of the
“Great Beers of Germany,” a public event hosted by
the National Geographic Society, whose company cafeteria became a beer garden for the evening. The audience included gourmets, restaurateurs, barkeepers, passionate beer aficionados, and food and beverage media.
Jackson praised Germany as one of the great beer brewing countries of the world and began the evening with
Radeberger Premium, served by volunteers from
Celebrated beer writer Michael Jackson signs an autograph during
a German beer tasting at the National Geographic Society in
Washington, D.C.
Michael Jackson, the irrepressible beer maven, featured
Binding Brauerei’s Radeberger Pilsner during a soldout tasting event in Washington, D.C., on March 19th.
Brewers United for Real Potables (BURP).
“I never met a beer that was too hoppy,” said the beer
writer as he explained that Radeberger’s survival during the dark days of communist East Germany is a testimony to the fame of the beer.
Fall 2003
“Radeberger has the elegance of a great pilsner, and
Representing Radeberger at the tasting were Binding
behind its elegant façade is a good, robust structure,”
Brauerei USA’s (BBUSA) Chief Operating Officer
Jackson said.
Dilip Mehta, International Marketing Director Michael
Heinrich, Ph.D., from Germany and Maryland area
“We’re thrilled to have Radeberger in the U.S.,” said
sales consultant Art Brzostowski.
Jackson, whose web site, beerhunter.com, is a treasure
trove of information about distinctive beers from
“Michael Jackson is the best-known and most widely
around the world.
published writer on beer,” said Binding’s Dilip Mehta.
“His are the best selling books on beer in Germany. We
Michael Jackson has been writing about malt drinks
are flattered he chose to recognize Radeberger’s taste in
(beer and whiskey) for the past 30 years. He is the most
front of connoisseurs who know their beer.”
widely published writer on the subject with 13 books in
16 languages.
As Michael Jackson himself likes to say, “If taste-alike,
bland, light lagers are all you drink, you’re missing out
on a whole world of beer.” ■
Radeberger returns to New York
After an absence of at least 100 years,
Radeberger Pilsner returned to the Big
Apple with its recent launch at Cibo,
known for its American cuisine with Tuscan-inspired
influences. According to the 2001 Zagat’s Survey, “In
the Tudor City ‘dining wasteland’ is this ‘serious’ Italian
that’s welcomed for its ‘well-crafted seasonal menus,’
‘kindly’ disposition, ‘classy, refreshing’ ambiance and
weekend brunch that ‘makes any Saturday feel like a
special occasion.’” It’s our kind of place. Cibo is located at
Cibo owner Ray Gilmore (left) and Ralph Mauriello (center), coowner of S.K.I. Beer Corp. in Brooklyn, join Binding’s Jim
Steffann for the launch of Radeberger in New York City. Says Ray,
“I heard great things about Radeberger and wanted it in my place
once it became available. The glassware is stunning. You rarely see
a pilsner glass in New York. Radeberger’s packaging is exquisite.”
Adds Jim, “It has been a dream of mine to introduce Radeberger –
the classiest beer in the world – to the classiest city.”
767 2nd Avenue; 212 681-6773; www.cibonyc.com. ■
Fall 2003
Rome is burning up the airwaves for Clausthaler
generation. As host of the nation’s premier sports radio talk show, as well as
his daily television program on Fox
Sports Net, Rome is one of the most
respected interviewers in sports broadcasting. Known for his aggressive,
This fall, Binding Brauerei USA again teams up with
informed, rapid-fire dialogue, Rome has established
millions of “Rome’s Clones,” the legion of fans dedi-
himself as the top choice of athletes and fans when it is
cated to Jim Rome and his nationally syndicated sports
time to know what is going on beyond the scoreboard.
talk radio program. Clausthaler Premium Non-Alcoholic
will be an official sponsor through Dec. 22 with a cam-
Rome’s nationally syndicated radio program, The Jim
paign urging listeners to, “Stay on course” through the
Rome Show, a.k.a. The Jungle, airs on more than 200
holidays. Each day, Rome reads a live spot in support of
radio stations each weekday and boasts more than 2.5
the brand.
million listeners. To learn more about this radio powerhouse, see www.jimrome.com. ■
Perhaps the most respected voice in the world of sports
broadcasting, Rome is the leading opinion-maker of his
Going Hollywood
Binding continues to roam the studios of Hollywood
seeking opportunities to provide Clausthaler product
and signage to a variety of sets. So far Clausthaler
identification has appeared in Yes Dear, Good Morning
Miami, 8 Simple Rules, and Queer As Folk. As an added
bonus, this exposure can last for years as each show
goes into syndication and is aired repeatedly on stations
The distinctive Clausthaler neon appeared prominently in this
Oct. 8 episode of the hit CBS sitcom, King of Queens. The logo was
on-camera for approximately 20 seconds and reached over 13 million viewers. Millions more will see it when the episode, called
“King Pong,” goes into syndication. The sign is positioned behind
the character dancing on the bar and is the same neon available to
on-premise accounts nationwide. Just ask your sales representative
for information about how to secure one for your establishment.
The campaign was designed by Binding’s Dilip Mehta
who says, “Each of these placements has aired one or
two more times in reruns to register over 100 million
impressions for the popular N.A.” ■
Fall 2003
BBUSA brands support Calif. Hopfest 2003
Binding was there in force as
All BBUSA brands received exposure among the 1,300
attendees, and best of all, helped raise over $35,000 for
Alameda County held its 10th
youth programs and volunteer services. ■
annual Hopfest in Pleasanton,
California. Binding, one of
over 55 breweries at the event,
poured Radeberger draft, and bottled Henninger, DAB,
and Clausthaler Classic and Amber in support of this
worthy cause.
Clausthaler also sponsored The Responsible One
Driver Program. Here’s how it worked: each designated
driver, a.k.a. the “Responsible One,” received a
Clausthaler T-shirt, one Clausthaler glass, and an
unlimited supply of Clausthaler to drink during the
event (hey… why not? It’s low calorie and non-alcoholic, so go to town). Binding also donated $250 for
Coming Back for More – Michelle Cattaneo, Binding’s sales
representative for northern California, staffed the recent Hopfest
promotion and reported many participants returned to sample
Radeberger throughout the day.
taxi cab rides to be used by event participants who,
well, let’s just say, didn’t drink Clausthaler.
Barley Wine Fest downs 10 kegs of Radeberger
One reason BBUSA is so committed to promotion is
that it works. In the case of the Toronado Barley Wine
Festival in San Francisco earlier this year, over 10 kegs
were sold in a single day. There were some 50 barley
wines on tap, but Radeberger was the only pilsner. The
Toronado is one of San Francisco’s finest multi-tap ale
houses (www.toronado.com). ■
Holy Toronado! – Fans of the Toronado, which marked its 15th
anniversary last summer, judged a few of the brews available during
the bar’s infamous Barley Wine Festival.
Fall 2003
Clausthaler stays the course with Bashas radio
promotion in Ariz.
From there, 10 finalists were drawn to putt for the gold
at Bashas #186 in Chandler, Ariz. The prize packages
for all competitors included a case of Clausthaler and a
case of glassware, golf for four, dinner for two at Kona
Grill, and Clausthaler and KTAR Radio imprinted
The end result: Southern Wine & Sprits of Arizona says
the promotion increased Clausthaler sales by 71 percent for the month of May.
Playing Around – The finalists in the Bashas Putt to Pebble
Beach competition gather in the Bashas store in Chandler, Ariz.,
before trying their luck on a miniature golf course.
“This promotion was a win-win for everyone. The
For the second year, Clausthaler conducted a promo-
retailer received recognition through radio, the distrib-
tion at Bashas in Arizona. Through radio ads on
utor gained increased sales, consumers had the oppor-
KTAR, consumers were invited to come to the store for
tunity to win prizes including the golf trip of a lifetime,
a chance to putt for a trip to Pebble Beach and $5,000
and finally, Binding helped build awareness for
in spending money. The radio station received over
Clausthaler in the state,” says Dave Deuser, vice presi-
1,000 entries through e-mail and printed entry forms.
dent of sales. ■
Radeberger celebrates end of summer
at A La Carte event in San Francisco
Radeberger Pilsner return-
restaurant pavilion. Multiple sales locations throughout
ed as the Official Import
the festival featured Radeberger as the festival’s
Beer Sponsor of “The
selected import beer.
Taste of San Francisco,” A
La Carte, A La Park. The
Prominent banner signage, concessions staff in imprint-
event brought noted San
ed shirts and hats, and popular branded stein glasses
Francisco restaurants, nationally acclaimed entertain-
assisted Radeberger in outselling the domestic beer brand
ment, and a variety of beverages together in Golden
at the three-day event. The festival also offered the
Gate Park for this 19th annual culinary festival.
opportunity to sample Clausthaler Classic and Amber
Radebeger proudly sponsored the International Cuisine
to the targeted young adult audience of 20,000. ■
Fall 2003
Binding across the U.S.A.
Knoll’s Knows Best – Want
to know everything there is to
know about German beers?
How to serve it? pour it?
even what kind of glass to
use? Buy a lunch or dinner at
Knoll’s Black Forest Inn and
if you’re lucky, Ronald Knoll,
son of the founders, will
teach you a thing or two.This
We can’t live in a brewery all our lives, so from time to
authentic 43-year-old German restaurant in Santa
time they let us out to visit with off-premise accounts
Monica is where residents of Los Angeles received their
and the people who serve Binding products in fine
first taste of Radeberger pilsner many years ago. “We
dining establishments and bars nationwide. Here are
believe in the importance of proper glassware,” Ronald
some scrapbook pages from a recent road trip.
says as he pours Radeberger into a special 16 oz. stein.
Breakwater’s Best – First
“We try to recreate the German ritual of correctly serv-
stop on our excellent adven-
ing beer. It takes a lot of patience to pour the right head
ture to the Golden State was
on a glass of Radeberger, but it’s worth it,” he says.
the Portofino Hotel & Yacht
“It should come out looking like an ice cream cone.
Club, home of the Break-
We want the foam to be creamy – that’s the sign of a
water restaurant in Redondo
fresh beer.” ■
Beach, Calif. There, restaurant
Party Time – “Every
Jennifer Grosskopf met us
with a few cool steins of
Germany’s best-kept secret, world class Radeberger pils-
says Roy Miller, gen-
ner. It’s the fine steak, jazz and seafood restaurant’s
eral manager of Ray’s
only import on draft. The Breakwater overlooks 100
of Wauwatosa, Wisc.
boat slips where, yes, room service will deliver Rade-
He says N.A.’s have
berger right to your yacht. The brand is distributed by
grown in popularity, especially since tougher driving
Haralambos Beverage Co., City of Industry, Calif.
laws went into effect. “When we plan a party for peo-
ple, we always suggest an N.A. such as Clausthaler. It’s
(For more information: www.hotelportofino.com)
an excellent product at a good price,” he says. Doing
Fall 2003
particularly well is Clausthaler Amber. “The typical
DAB is a delicate bottom-fermented lager that has a
N.A. customer is accustomed to drinking beer and
clear golden appearance, a mild and clean taste, and a
turns to Clausthaler Amber for its beer taste.” ■
firm body.
A Better Brand –
“We put it on display, draw attention to it, and the
People are starting to
brand takes over,” he tells Bindings Jim Pyzyk (center)
once again re-discover
and Ed Gustafson. “My customers love imported
DAB in the Midwest,
beers.” ■
even though the brand
has been around for
Nashville Rocks –
years, says Jeff Miller
Mike and Pat Nash
of Better Brands Distributing, Inc., in Germantown,
Wisc. He says the new 12-pack format is one of their
Clausthaler shirt), are
best success stories. “The market has almost all gone to
an institution in the
12-packs. In fact, 50 percent or more of our imports are
beer business. They
in 12-packs now,” says Jeff, who often participates in
both run Nash Distri-
local charity beer tastings to build positive word-of-
butors, Inc. – established in 1888, it’s now located
mouth. He especially likes the 5-liter containers
Carlstadt, N.J. Pat, vice president of sales and a fourth
generation beer man, tells us DAB has been carried by
Nash for 20 years with recent sales up 45 percent in the
“We’re really pushing DAB, which is not hard to do
five counties they cover in northeastern New Jersey. In
because it’s a high quality product. Our drivers have
honor of the brand’s growth, Jim Steffann (left) pres-
a big responsibility to make sure DAB is delivered on
ents Pat with a Binding mug to add to their collection of
time and well-positioned at off-premise accounts.”
over 200 mugs assembled over the past 30 years. ■
You gotta know the territory: Miller’s distribution busi-
ness serves an area of 200,000 people north of
The Dutchman’s Rick
Milwaukee in Ozaukee and Washington counties. ■
Schmid (left), grand-
son of the founders of
Promote It to Sell It
this institution on the
“The secret to selling
DAB is to promote it,”
proudly shows off the
says Nick Vaselopulos
restaurant’s DAB porcelain stanchions to Robert
of Foremost Liquor
Bischoff, owner of DAB’s local distributorship, Beer
Center in the Jefferson
Import Co., Union, N.J. The Dutchman’s has served
Park area of Chicago.
DAB for 45 years, and currently features 12 taps, mak-
Fall 2003
ing them the largest DAB distributor in the state. “It’s
center. Says John, “People are noticing the new DAB
the best German lager we serve,” says Rick, who is
packaging. It definitely makes a difference.” ■
often asked to mix a half and half – it’s a Dutchman’s
tradition, part DAB Light and part DAB Dark in the
same glass – a treat for true aficionados.
Choice for Sailors –
Adding to the décor are 50-year-old DAB lights, and
Annapolis is a “drink-
even the menus have DAB logos on them. Adds Bob,
ing town with a sailing
“If you want a good German draft beer, go somewhere
problem.” But land-
that sells a lot of it. There’s always a fresh barrel on
tap.” ■
alike can drink Claus-
thaler anytime, anyplace. That’s beer manager John
Cole (left) of Bay Ridge Wine & Spirits, rolling out
Dortmunder beers
a fresh supply with Art Brzostowski of BBUSA.
such as DAB, from
Cole says, “Clausthaler is one of our better-selling
N.A.’s.” ■
most famous brewing capital of Germany,
Perhaps no blonde is cooler than Valerie
Pine, the Binding promotion representative who,
dressed in authentic garb, kept things jumping during
Binding’s “What’s Brewing” is edited by Blumenfeld
the party on the Dutchman’s outside deck called “The
and Associates, Inc. PR, Rowayton, Connecticut,
Quelle.” There were plenty of imprinted beer glasses,
Tel. 203 855 9400; blumassoc@aol.com; blumen-
T-shirts and, of course, DAB to go around when she
partied with the locals. ■
The Team
Beer Import Co. –
Binding Brauerei USA Inc.
Bob Bischoff, owner
194 Main Street · Norwalk, CT 06851
(second from left)
Phone: (203) 229-0111
takes time out to
enjoy the sunset at
E-Mail: bbusa@optonline.net
the Dutchman’s with
(203) 229-0105
account manager Bob Sweeney (far left), and sales
manager John Donohue (far right). That’s Val in the