The Comet strip - School District of Waupaca


The Comet strip - School District of Waupaca
Waupaca High School
Main Office
Attendance Office
Nurse’s Office
The Comet
strip strip
Inside this issue:
Dear Waupaca High School Families:
April, May, June 2016
Waupaca High School
A Note from the Principals...
Can you believe that we have already started the last quarter of the school year?!
Main Office 715.258.4131
Attendance Office 715.258.4511
Nurse’s Office 715.258.4510
Bus Garage 715.258.4155
There are a lot of things happening at the high school. Remember, the best
source of information regarding what is happening continues to be our high school
website and Infinite Campus. Calendars and announcements are available there and both
are a great source of information!
Junior Prom will be held on Saturday, April 9th. The Grand March is at 11:00pm
p.m., and we welcome parents and community members to attend the ceremony,
recognizing the students who attend. Following the dance, the SADD chapter will host a
post prom party at the VFW with many games, food, and fun throughout the night. The
all school community service day projects will be taking place once again during the
morning of April 29th. This is a half day of school where our students gain an
appreciation to help others in the community. From working at the old train depot,
helping a family in need of home or yard care, to assisting at the animal shelters, the
Wisconsin Veterans Home, etc., the students are learning about being involved and active
citizens of our community.
As the warm weather comes along, so does the change of clothing. We ask
parents to assist in making our school educationally sound by talking to their children
about the appropriate style of clothing that should be worn in an educational setting.
Also, please remember that our school is an air conditioned building and if anything, our
environment gets colder as warm weather takes over. We are continuing to use the school
rules in our student agenda book to address this issue.
Seniors have begun the end of their high school experience! Our goal is to be able
to graduate all of our seniors, and have all attend the graduation ceremony and also to
have our students finish out their high school experience impressing us with their
attitudes and abilities. Some of our seniors each year forget that the staff at the high
school are the people providing references for them, we want all of those references to be
good ones! To reach that goal, regular attendance must be a priority. We welcome the
public to the senior awards program on Friday, May 27th, at 8:00 a.m., and also the
commencement ceremony on Sunday, May 29th, at 2:00 PM. Just to dispel any rumors
that may come home, there have not been and will be NO school authorized “skip day(s).”
We expect all of our students working to their level of success by attending all classes.
Special thanks go out to our district families and businesses for your ongoing support of
Waupaca High School. We look forward to seeing you at the many upcoming events this
Inside this issue:
Senior Information
Greenhouse Sale
Comet Central
Fall Sports Info
Counselors’ Pages
Notes from the Nurse
LIVE Program
Kid’s Day
AP Test Information
Art Show
Prom Court
Paper Drive
School Supply Collection
Sports Information
Carl Eggebrecht and Rob Becker
Work Permits / FAQs
Dates To Remember
May 29th — Graduation 2:00p.m.
April 9th—Prom
May 30th—No School
April 29th—Service Day /Early Dismissal
June 2nd—Tentative Last School Day --Full
May 27th—Seniors Last Day, Senior Awards at
Post Prom 2016
Booster Club
Tech. Ed. House
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
Notes from the Main Office...
Please remember to contact the main office if you have
an address, phone number, emergency contact, etc.
change. It is important for us to have up to date
information regarding your student. You may also
request an information change via your Infinite Campus account.
We ask that you try to refrain from leaving messages for your students. It
is not guaranteed that messages will reach your student. Also, please know
that students are not allowed to use office phones unless there is a true
Jostens will be here in April to hand out caps and gowns.
2016 Graduation
The Class of 2016 graduation will be held Sunday, May 29, at
2:00 p.m. The ceremony will take place in the Health
Enhancement Center (a.k.a. the gymnasium).
Senior Schedule for May 26th - 29th, & Graduation
Thursday, May 26 – During 6th hour, all seniors will report to the PAC to develop seating for the “Senior
Recognition Day,” Friday, May 27.
Friday, May 27 – All seniors and juniors report at 7:55 A.M. to the PAC for the “Senior Recognition Day.”
Awards will be presented, and a version of the senior slide show will be presented.
12:09 – 12:39 – All seniors will have lunch during 5C class period.
After 5C lunch period, all graduating seniors will be asked to report to the gymnasium for graduation rehearsal.
Upon the conclusion of rehearsal, all seniors who are graduating will have a picnic on school grounds, sponsored by the “Class of 2016.” This will take place until the end of the school day or beyond.
Sunday, May 29 – Graduation will begin at 2:00 P.M. All graduating seniors need to be in the IMC no later
than 1:00 p.m.
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
2016 Agriscience Greenhouse Sale
Thursday, May 5th from 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday, May 6th from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Plants will be on sale until all are purchased
The Intro to Greenhouse management students would like to invite community residents to the
Waupaca Agriscience Greenhouse Sale Thursday, May 5th from 6:30 a.m. to 5:00p.m. and Friday,
May 6th from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Plants will be on sale during school hours until all are
Students are accountable for all phases of the greenhouse including germination, fertilization,
cuttings, transplanting, displays, and marketing of all plants. The annuals and vegetables will
sell fast. Plants will be sold in baskets and 4 packs. Please call the agriscience department for a
listing of all plants and prices during the last week of April. Let students help you select a
wonderful gift for Mother’s Day!
Comet Central Spring Hours
Comet Central is open for business! Items available in the
store include wind-shirts, Comet jackets, Comet t-shirts,
Comet sweatshirts, full zip-up fleeces, car flags, long sleeve t-shirts, and
baseball hats.
Comet Central offers parents, students and community members an
opportunity to purchase quality Waupaca Comet apparel at a reasonable
price. Store hours will vary this spring, however, you may call the high
school at 715-258-4131 and ask for the agriscience department to schedule
an appointment to shop.
A Look Ahead…
Fall Sports Night: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 @ 5:30 p.m.
August—School registration: school fees paid, student photo ID’s made & pickup
schedule. Watch your mail, listen to WDUX, and see articles in the County Post for dates &
times. Click on the R School link on the WHS website homepage for schedules,
cancellations, notices, etc.
August 1—Football equipment issued
August 2—Football practice starts
August 8—Girl’s Golf begins
August 15—Cross Country, Boys Soccer, and Volleyball begins
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
Summer School:
Should there be a need for your son/daughter to make up a required credit,
it is important that these credits be made up through the high school's
summer school program and/or part of the regular schedule during the
2016-2017 school year. If you have questions or would like additional
information, please contact your son’s or daughter’s counselor.
Registration for high school credit recovery will be available this spring, and
can be found on the Waupaca High School website on the lower left-hand
side. Click on “Summer School Registration.”
2016-2017 Schedule Information:
At the present time, our goal is to give a copy of your student’s schedule
to him/her during homeroom in late May. Please pay close attention to
the graduation requirements (4 credits English, 3 Social Studies, 3 Math,
3 Science, .5 Health, 1.5 PE, .5 Computer Science, 24 total credits) and
the requirements of the post-secondary choices your student is making.
For example, the minimum requirements of a 4 year college are 4 years
of English, 3 years of math, 3 years of science (2 lab sciences), and 3
years of social studies. As far as foreign language, UW-Madison requires
2 years in order to be accepted. Please do not hesitate to contact us with
any questions.
ACT Reminder:
The registration deadline for the June 11th ACT is May 6th. You may register online at Be sure to do the practice test available in the Guidance Office or
online!! Good Luck!!
Waupaca Test Prep hosts a four-day test preparation prior to the June 11th ACT test
date. Please see your counselor if you are interested. Waupaca Test Prep registration
forms will be available in Student Services in May!
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
Counselor Assignments:
Jesse Riegert A-L ext. 1002
Jeff Dolski
M-Z ext. 1004
Kelly McKibben—Student Services Secretary ext. 1001
Freshmen: By now you are well acquainted with the high school and
knowledgeable with procedures, resources, and teaching staff. Nice job
during the transition this year! With second semester quickly progressing, be
sure to finish your freshman year strong with your best efforts and good
attendance. If you feel you could use a bit more information, schedule an
appointment with your school counselor. We welcome working with you.
Sophomores: If you are interested in scheduling a sophomore conference for
your child, please contact Mrs. McKibben to set up a time to meet. This fall
we will be hosting our 9th annual Junior Night during parent/teacher
conferences. A variety of information will be discussed, including 4 year
public and private universities, 2 year freshman and sophomore colleges, 2
year technical colleges, military, and other post-secondary work options.
This is a great opportunity to start planning your future.
Juniors: With only a quarter left in your junior year, finishing with strong
grades is extremely important. A successful junior year is paramount in the
post-secondary selection process. We encourage junior students and parents
to begin college visits and to set up job shadows in prospective careers.
Please contact us if you have any questions. We encourage your child to
meet with us early during senior year to finalize post-secondary plans.
Seniors: If you have not checked your graduation credits, please do so
immediately. Also, for those accepted to a college or university, please
remember that your acceptance is contingent on successful completion of
your senior year. In addition, all seniors must request a final transcript to be
sent to the college where you have been accepted and plan to attend. Please
make this request before graduation by filling out the Pink Transcript
Requests form in the Guidance Office.
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
If you would like further information on immunization, please see the following websites:
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
LIVE to Host an Open House!
LIVE, Lifelong Independent Vocational Education, is a new program being held at Waupaca High School.
LIVE is for exceptional education students ages 18-21. The vision of the program is to “provide opportunities
for students to apply independent living skills, social skills, employment and self-advocacy through a career
readiness program within their community.”
What’s new with
LIVE? We have been
serving the faculty in
the community room
every Friday with
lunch that we plan,
shop for and prepare
during the week.
From soups and
salads to lasagna
and gluten free
Kids Day
The WHS Student Council is again sponsoring Kids' Day on
the afternoon of April 29th. Information will go home with all
of the kindergarten through 4th grade students. The registration deadline is Thursday, April 21. Call Nancy Cummings
at 715.258.4131 x1117 with any questions.
Waupaca High School will again administer advanced placement tests in May. The testing schedule printed here is nationally regulated allowChemistry
May 2
ing for very few adjustments. The College
May 2
Board only makes exceptions for emergencies, Psychology
and in that case, a student must apply for late Spanish
May 3
testing privileges and may have to pay an adPhysics I
May 3
justment fee depending on the circumstances.
Physics II
May 4
Students taking the test are asked to check
May 5
their schedules carefully and let Mrs. Cum8:00
May 5
mings know of any conflicts as soon as possi- Calculus BC
U.S. History
May 6
Music Theory
May 9
May 9
Macro Economics
May 11
World History
May 12
May 12
Micro Economics
May 13
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
Eight Forensic Competitors Advance to National Competition
Waupaca High School will again be well represented at the prestigious National
Catholic Forensic League Tournament held in Sacramento May 27-29 as eight
students qualified for national competition at the Green Bay Catholic Tournament
on March 13 in Little Chute.
Advancing to nationals are the duo-interpretation teams of Nate SchulerJones and Nicole Weise and Kalista Revai and Laura Saunders. Others advancing
after multi rounds of competition included Dakota Marlega in Oral Interpretation of
Literature, Anna Lehman in Dramatic Performance, Hayden Walkush in Oratorical
Declamation, and Christian Bump in Student Congress. Lucas Myer is currently a
first alternate in both Student Congress and Oratorical Declamation.
The National Catholic Forensic League, which originated on the East Coast,
now includes students from all public and private schools in 49 states. This year
some 3000 students and 2000 coaches and judges will be in attendance.
Accompanying the students will be Waupaca coaches Mark Otte, Josh
Christensen, Eric Cummings, and Head Coach Ron Steinhorst who also serves as
the National Speech Tournament
Director. Both Steinhorst and former forensic coach Lynda Luce have served as
officers of the organization.
Waupaca High School Art Show
The annual Waupaca High School Art
Show will be on display Monday, May
9th through Friday, May 27th. Main
Street hallway showcases will feature
Advanced Student artwork. There will
also be additional displays with selected artwork from students enrolled in
any art class during the 2015-2016
school year. The show will also be
open to the public before the choir's
Senior Tribute Concert on Sunday,
May 22nd from 2 pm until the end of
the concert.
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
The 2016 Waupaca Junior
Prom Court include: (from left
to right), Victoria Nowak &
Brandon Anderson, Jane Ryder & Spencer Sondrol, Grace
Koch & Peter Stratton, Hannah Nasberg & Seth Boldt,
Kiersten Block & Ryan Johnson, Kei Namiki & Fran
Crnjac, Kathryn Hazen &
Ryan Dayton, and Andrea
Lemkuil & Robert Durfee.
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
Wednesday, May 25 – Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Sponsored by the Waupaca High School Student
The WHS Student Council is happy to sponsor this “green” event which will not only raise funds for school
events, clubs and charitable donations, but it will bring the school and community together to improve the sustainability of our environment. The Student Council has sponsored paper drives in the past and earned money
to help with student activities and specifically to purchase two filtered water bubblers where students can refill
their water bottles instead of throwing them away. Both the paper drive and the bubblers help our environment.
If you would like to help us continue this endeavor, please start saving your used paper products, and bring
your paper donation to the dumpster which will be located at the loading dock in the Waupaca High School
student parking lot between Wednesday, May 25, and Wednesday, June 3.
Things to Recycle and NOT to Recycle
YES- Newspaper, construction paper, computer paper, paper bags, books, magazines, and junk mail are acceptable as well as paper with staples, paper clips or a spiral binding.
NO- Tissues, paper towels, paper napkins, waxed paper, tin foil, or paper that has had contained food particles
like snack bags, potato chip bags, paper plates, etc.
YES- Corrugated, cereal boxes (take the wax lining out), cracker boxes, tissue boxes, etc.
NO- Waxed boxes like juice boxes or boxes that had food in contact with the cardboard such as pizza.
Other objects that do not belong in the recycling bins:
Plastic silverware, straws, dry erase markers, food of any kind, clothing, crayons, erasers, pencils, pens,
paper plates, styrofoam cups and containers, needles, plastic bags, full or half full bottles of soda or water, etc.
If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Cummings at 1-715-258-4131 ext. 1117 or e-mail her at
The students in room 2116 will once again be collecting gently used school supplies at the
end of the school year. The supplies are collected, then sorted and checked by the room
2116 students. Items that are appreciated include pens, pencils, notebooks, folders, binders, colored pencils and even backpacks. During the summer, members of the Waupaca
Lioness donate new supplies and then sort the supplies into packs. These packs are then
distributed through the Waupaca Food Pantry. All supplies stay in our community. So, if
you don’t plan to take your supplies home to use next year, drop the supplies off in the
donation boxes that will be located around the building. This will keep usable supplies
out of the landfill and help members of our community.
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
Waupaca High School Sports Information
Sports Offered:
Boys Cross Country
Boys Basketball
Boys Golf
Girls Cross Country
Girls Basketball
Girls Soccer
Girls Hockey
Girls Golf
Boys Hockey
Boys Track
Boys Soccer
Girls Track
At Waupaca High School every athlete - parent/guardian needs to fill out:
Athlete Participation Sheet - (Top half only of sheet.)
Emergency card - this form is for on the road and practice so coaches have the information (different from Nurse)
Physical Card - (every other year – this form also needs to be filled out by a physician, form located at doctor’s office or
online at
Alternate year card - (opposite year of the physical card)
WIAA Activity Sheet - (signed by both athlete and parent/guardian)
Waupaca Activity Code - (signed by both athlete and parent/guardian)
Concussion Form - (signed by both athlete and parent/guardian)
Shared Information Form - this is so that the District Office can release the information that student is on
free/reduced lunch.
Student Transfer Form - only if transferring from another school outside of the district
Foreign Exchange Form - only needs to be filled out for WIAA if student is from another country
(fees are subject to change)
The following fees apply to athletics at Waupaca High School:
$20.00 for each sport
$40.00 maximum per year per athlete
$100.00 maximum per year per family
No fee for cheerleading or managers
A few sports may have extra costs for uniforms. Also, shoes for all sports are the responsibility of the athlete. The
participation fees must be paid prior to practicing. An athlete will not receive an Athletic Eligibility slip without all
forms and fees paid.
Athletic Code:
All athletes must agree to abide by the Waupaca High School Athletic/Activity Code.
When can you turn in forms and fees?:
All forms and fees can be turned in at the parents night meetings or after watching a video, which is available in
the Waupaca High School main office during the school hours of 7:30 a.m. til 3:00 p.m.
Once forms are turned in. Obligations (fines and fees) and grades are checked, if cleared, lockers will be issued.
Any questions please feel free to contact:
Athletic Director – Carl Eggebrecht (715) 258-4131 ext. 1104
Athletic Secretary – Cindy Ikert (715) 258-4131 ext. 1101
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
Work Permits
You Mean I have to
************Student must be present to sign permit************
One of the following: Birth certificate or Baptismal certificate or Drivers license,
Note from employer stating what you will be doing (must include name, address,
phone number and specific job duties)
Permission note from parent/guardian indicating their permission for you to work for
that particular employer and doing the specific job you were hired for (note must state
employer name and job duties of minor) fill out below
Social security card or letter from Social Security office (stamped)
$10* fee paid for by employer – if you pay they must reimburse you.
I give my son/daughter ________________________ permission to work at ______________.
Their job duties will be the following
Students Address
Do parents own this business? Y/N
Is the student a HS graduate? Y/N
Is the student working here for restitution? Y/N (restitution = court appointed work)
Parent/Guardian signature ______________________________________________
Date _________________
REMINDER: Other area schools
have permit officers.
During the summer you will have
to call the home phone or cell
phones listed and make an
Cindy Ikert-Main Office
920-765-0246 (cell)
Amy TeBeest-Attendance Office
715-412-1437 (cell)
715-258-2406 (home)
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
Who, What, Where, When & Why?
The following are commonly asked questions about work permits:
Q: What information is needed to obtain a permit?
One of the following forms of proof of age: Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate, valid WI
license/WI photo ID. Temps are now accepted.
Original Social Security Card or letter from Social Security Administration.
Letter from employer with name of business, address, phone number, position hired for
and duties that minor will be performing.
Note from parent giving student permission to work at specific place (must include job responsibilities)
$10 fee (must be reimbursed by employer)
Q: Do students need to get a permit before they get a job and at what age can they get/need a
A: Permits are not obtained until after a student has been hired. They need to be 14
years old and need a permit until they reach the age of 18.
Q: Do students need to obtain a permit for every place of employment?
A: Yes, students need a permit for each employer.
Q: Does the parent or the student sign the permit?
A: The student must sign the permit.
Q: Can copies of the documents (SS card, birth/baptismal certificate) be used?
A: No, you must have originals to obtain a permit. If you are unable to find your originals then you must obtain new ones. A stamped letter proving that you applied for a
new card can be used in place of the SS card.
Q: Do work permits expire?
A: If minors are returning to a job they held last summer, they may not need a new
work permit. If the employer let them go last year with a promise of work in the following summer, they DO NOT need a new permit. However if the employer clearly ended
the work relationship at the end of last summer and the minor had to reapply for work,
this is a new work relationship and a new work permit is needed.
The number to call during school days (7:00-3:30) is 258-4131.
Once you have your letter of hire gather your needed documents and bring them to Mrs. Ikert
or Mrs. TeBeest at the high school, or call for an appointment. Other schools also have permit officers that can assist you. You must have all required documents.
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
Date: April 9, 2016
Place: VFW Hall. Take highway 54 east towards New London. Turn left by the Pepsi Building and
Add Inc. (I believe this is Industrial Drive.) Follow this road to the end and you will see the VFW
Hall on the left.
Food: Pizzas, Subway, deep fried cheese curds, fruit plates,
Pepsi products, bottled water, and much more!
Entertainment: Mark Simon will have the game show Jeopardy and karaoke. We will also have a
casino set up: Black Jack, Rolette, and Craps. You will be given poker chips at the door. Play the
casino games to win more tickets for the big prizes. $50 in chips gets one more tickets.
Community First has donated their money machine. How much money can you grab in one minute?
We will also have a photo booth for those special pictures!
D&D entertainment has donated free video game play for the night.
Prizes: Refrigerators, kayaks, and paddle boards. When you arrive you will receive two tickets, one
for the small door prizes and one for the grand prizes. You must be present to win and only Juniors may win the grand prizes.
You must arrive by 1:00 a.m. Sign in when you come and sign out when you leave. Closed door
policy. If you leave, you must see Mr. Feldt to come back in.
Come and have a great time. Play it safe. You want prom to be a good memory. Make the right
choices. The community, your parents, SADD members and I want you all to have a safe night.
Those Juniors that do not attend prom, but would like to attend post prom should see Mr.
Feldt before April 4. All students that have purchased a prom ticket may attend post prom.
A list of times when students arrive and when they left will be kept.
If you would like to help out or have any other questions please call Mr.Feldt at 258 4131 ext
2130. Thanks to all that have donated their time and funding.
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
The Waupaca Booster Club and the
Waupaca High School Student
Athletes Need Your Support!
The Waupaca High School Booster Club is asking for your monetary donation. Last year, well over 100 Waupaca
Area families and businesses added their names to the back of the Waupaca Comet Sports Program by donating
monies to be used to help our WIAA sanctioned athletic teams. With the monies donated, athletic coaches have the
opportunity to request needed equipment not covered in their athletic budget.
Below lists some of the athletic items purchased in recent years.
· Weight Room Flooring
· Baseball Conference/Regional Plaques
· Video Camera for Girls’ Basketball
·Medicine Balls for Girls’ Basketball
· Boys’ Golf Conference Plaques
· Updates to Conference Banners in Gym
· Specialized Timer for Track
· Homecoming Expenses
· Girls’ Soccer Travel Bags
· Resurfaced Baseball Diamond Base Paths
· Goalie Gear for Girls Hockey
· Bats for Softball
The Waupaca Comet Sports Program is printed in August for the entire 2016/2017 school year.
In order for your name(s) to be included in the 2016/2017 Sports Program,
your completed form and donation must be received by August 5, 2016.
Please send completed form along with your donation to:
Waupaca Booster Club / Anne Menzies, 926 White Oak Drive, Waupaca, WI 54981
Please print:
Phone: (_____)____________________
Address:_____________________________________ City:_______________________ Zip:______________
Name(s) as you would have them appear on the back of the program (42 characters maximum):
I would like to join (please check one):
) Booster Backer $25.00-$50.00 (
( ) Varsity Club $176.00-$250.00 (
) Frosh Club $51.00-$100.00
) JV Club $101.00-$175.00
) Coaches Club $251.00-$500.00
) Champions Club $501.00 and
Thank you for your
continuing support of
Waupaca High School WIAA
Sanctioned Athletics.
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016
Please stay tuned for
more information on
the open house and
sale of the Tech. Ed.
House in May. Details
will be made available
in the days to come.
Waupaca High School CTE
“Helping the students of today with
the technologies of tomorrow.”
The Comet Strip — April, May, June 2016