May 2013 - Caldwell Board of REALTORS
May 2013 - Caldwell Board of REALTORS
CBOR Volume 15 Issue 5 April 2013 CALDWELL BOARD OF REALTORS Canyon County, Idaho Member of the National Assoc Canyon County, Idaho Member of the National Association of Realtors and IAR CALDWELL BOARD OF REALTORS 1509 Caldwell Blvd STE 1226 NAMPA ID 83651 PHONE: 208.459.3301 FAX: 1.208.498.9372 E-MAIL: Website: 2013 Executive Board Officers President’s Message: News and Membership Update: It's truly wonderful to be a part of the Real Estate Market in the Treasure Valley we have found ours the last few years that we can survive as a Real Estate Professional, because we can do anything we put our minds to and we believe in Homeownership for everyone. Sheri Arkoosh – President: 965.5141 Maureen Jackson – VP: 880.7430 Laurie Gibson– Secretary: 631.2466 Carla Berg – Treasurer: 573.4236 Trula Carrow – 2013 Director: 850.2009 Nikki Trautman - 2014 Director: 440.4423 Rob Jerome – 2015 Director: 517.1003 Patti Zatica – 2013 State Director: 573.7091 Randy Jensen - Past President: 870.5689 Shaun Steward – MLS Director: Dear Caldwell Board of Realtors Membership, When our AE resigned we looked at two different avenues that we felt would best benefit our memberships that made the most sense on several levels. Financial -- Administration – Bookkeeping—and being in Compliance with our Local, State, and National Organizations. As well as filling our Contract with the Payette Washington County Board of Realtors which we have served as their Association Management Program, for Minimum Board Services for the past two years. 1 Hire an individual to operate the office 2 Contract with another Board to participate in the Association Management Program, for Minimum Board Services implemented by NAR. a. Office Staff Because of the nature of our business not everyone is well rounded in QuickBooks, accounting, paying bills, emailing, meeting membership needs, compliance, and customer service as well as meeting Payette Washington County Board needs. A decision was made to use a Temp Service, to provide office staff. No payroll responsibilities for Caldwell Board of Realtors (Contract Labor). If a person did not work out we simply dismiss the person. b. The Caldwell Board of Realtors contacted several different Real Estate Boards that we felt would most benefit our needs if we were to use the services of a “Minimum Board Services”. We spoke with them about how we have structured our contract with the Payette Washington County Board, and the Minimum Service Criteria we provide for them. Administrative, membership, bookkeeping, and Compliance with Local, State and National Associations. The meetings were very successful we felt that Caldwell Board of Realtors Membership would highly benefit if we were to contract with one of these associations. They were also informed that we may choose to staff our office. As a board, the decision was made to try and find someone to staff the office and if that did not work out we would revisit a Minimum Board Service. We did contract a secretary, but the nature of our business did not fit with her skills. From this point we contacted the Brokers to speak with them at a Broker Forum meeting. We discussed everything I have just visited with you about, and we ask them their feelings about going forward with Minimum Board Services. All that attended were in agreement they felt this was a good idea and thought with using Minimum Board Services we could provide more for our membership as a whole, financially, and the opportunity of providing more serves to each of you. 459-1597 This brings us to today. Continued on Page 5 Jon Brougher – Affiliate Director: 860.5857 4 13 14 20 20 20 Dragon 5 11 18 18 Dragon 2 8 15 June Parade of Homes 1130-1230 Broker’s Forum at Pioneer Title WCR Breakfast-Nampa Civic Center 8:30-2:30 New Member Orientation 8:30am CBOR Executive Board Meeting 11:30-1 CBOR Full Board Luncheon –Golden July WCR Breakfast-Nampa Civic Center 1130-1230 Broker’s Forum – Pioneer Title 8:30 am CBOR Executive Board Meeting 11:30-1 CBOR Full Board Luncheon – Golden August WCR Breakfast-Nampa Civic Center 1130-1230 Broker’s Forum – Pioneer Title 8:30 am CBOR Executive Board Meeting NO LUNCHEON THIS MONTH CBOR: Who has joined? New Members: Richard Gildone-Silverhawk Realty David Peterson-C-21 Golden West Shane Royce-Landmark Realty Patsy Kline-Windermere New Affiliates: New Offices: AFFILIATE MEMBERS Academy Mortgage 455-8477 Alliance Title & Escrow 465-6600 ALS Land Surveying and Planning 585-5858 Caldwell Chamber of Commerce 459-7493 Cutco (Reuben Cleveland) 249-9511 DL Evans Bank 442-1011 Eagle Home Mortgage 938-3245 First Mortgage Co. of Idaho 475-5300 Future Techs Pure Water 459-9459 Homestreet Bank 599-4095 Housemasters of Idaho 465-5556 Idaho Central Credit Union 846-7000 IHFA 331-4789 Idaho Independent Bank 454-3731 Idaho Press Tribune 465-8156 Intermountain Community Bank 454-2800 Midtowne Insurance 459-9422 Paul’s Market 454-0711 Pioneer Title 459-1651 SRVBCA 467-9276 TitleOne Corp. 475-1155 US Bank Home Mortgage 884-2088 Washington Federal Savings 459-4671 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage 463-7153 CBOR MAY LUNCHEON DATE: 06/20/2013 TIME: 11:30 – 1:00 PLACE: The Golden Dragon – Caldwell 211 S 21st Ave COST: $6.95 plus personal tip Drawings from April Lunch RPAC: Rob Jerome WCR free breakfast: Rob Jerome Sponsor Door Prizes: Sheri Arkoosh Jackpot winner: Cheryl Sutton Absent $150.00 jackpot next month in June 2013 BROKERS FORUM June 13, 2013 11:30 – 12:30 Pioneer Title – Caldwell Contact Cindy OldenKamp for additional information at 880-3094 or email The Caldwell Board of Realtors provides the opportunity for each member to pay their Annual Dues on a Quarterly payment schedule. Quarterly dues invoices will be emailed to all who wish to participate, the first day of each quarter and they will be due to the CBOR office by the end of that month. The 2014 annual dues will be $554.41. If paid by cash or check by the due date, a discount will be applied and the amount will be $535.00. If paid by cash or check, your quarterly payment amount will be $133.75. Otherwise, your quarterly payment amount will be $138.60. Quarterly payments will be due March 31st, June 30th, September 30th, and December 31st. ATTENTION CBOR COMMITTEE REPORTS: It's Your Board Get Involved! WE WANTYOU! Please sign up for our 2013 committee ******************************************* New Member Orientation The class for new agents will be the 20th of June at Pioneer title, Caldwell. Arvid Salibury is the instructor. Time is from 8:30 am. We need the new agents to register for the class. They can call me at 459-8553 or 850-2009. We really need the head count... Trula Carrow Luncheon Program: June 2013 RPAC Luncheon & Cake Auction th SAVE THE DATE: 28 Annual Realtor Golf th Tournament will be held Thursday September 12 , at Purple Sage Golf Course. This year golf teams will be comprised of 4 players as opposed to 6. Look for more information in the upcoming months. CBOR Website: WE HAVE A NEW WEBSITE: Anyone wishing to get involved that is computer savvy, we will be building a new web page this year and need your expertise. Please contact Chris Mooney, BonnieJean Callihoe or Carla J Berg. MLS Report: The board is going to be adding a "store" on to the MLS allowing agents to buy real estate related software. Shaun Steward Broker/Owner – CBOR MLS Director Parade of Homes 2013: Parade of Homes bus tour will be Tuesday, June 4 at 8 to 8:30, buses leave at 8:45SHARP. Catered breakfast, tickets are $5 (includes breakfast, lunch, and bus ride). To buy tickets, call or email Mercedes Mascorro 467-9276 or Stephanie Malson 794-4758 . Business Resource Meeting @ Nampa Civic Center Canyon Bring your check books, credit cards or cash. Let’s make to our best year yet!!!! CALDWELL BOARD OF REALTORS received a plaque from Idaho Association of Realtors for 140% support this year by our members. If you want to know why to Support RPAC – just check out their website: Jon Brougher & Laurie Gibson The Humanitarian committee will be giving $100 to each of the outlying community food banks in June. Canyon County Women's Council of Realtors invites you to Join Us on Friday, June 14, 2013 for our monthly Business Resource Meeting & Father's Day Auction. We have a fantastic morning planned, live and silent auctions, food, fun, and motivation! See the attached flyer for full details. This is the perfect meeting to bring a guest and introduce them to the wonderful world of WCR, so please share with your friends and industry partners! Please make your RSVPs by Wednesday, June 10th. See you there! Please contact Kathryn Lyon-Pierson at with your RSVP and any questions. Lena Pierson Canyon County WCR Secretary 2012-2013 Visit Us on Facebook! EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES Realtor Financing Guide class on May 8th 1- 5 PM. Learn the most current financing information on IHA, FHA, Rural Development, plus recent Title developments. This class will help you close more transactions! This class offers the most up to date financing information available. Representatives from IHA and RD will teach their sections. Cost is only $30. Please Rsvp: or 841-4008. Location: Coldwell Banker Classroom. 1173 E. Winding Creek Eagle, ID. This class is good for 4 IREC CE credits! We will refund your money if not completely satisfied. Please forward this on to any agent that may be interested. Thank you, Curtis Mangus American Pacific Mortgage 208-629-4959 Continuing Education Idaho's CE requirement: Renew on active status - 16 elective hours plus one Idaho core course Renew on inactive status - none Inactive to active status (after first renewal period) - 16 elective hours plus one Idaho core course *Must be completed before reactivating the license IREC reviews all license renewals and reactivations for compliance with the CE requirements. If you don't have the required CE hours posted to your record, you will receive an audit letter. Keep your course completion certificates in a safe place! Idaho's Core requirement: All Idaho licensees must take a minimum of one Idaho Commission core course each renewal period. Other state's core courses will not count for this requirement. IREC strongly encourages taking the Idaho core every year to keep up with legislative changes and current case law. The second core course in a renewal period counts for CE elective credit. * "Cracking the Code" is NOT the Commission core course! Type in your first name, last name and your password (NRDS number) Technical Support Technical support and inquires regarding the InstanetForms services is available via email, or Through the InstanetForms online technical chat room from within the InstanetForms service, or Call technical support at 800-668-8768. The online technical chat room can be accessed from the main toolbar on every page within the InstanetForms service. Feel free to refer to the Online Help and FAQ Site before contacting the technical support department. Training Information View the Instanet Forms Introduction Video Access Instanet Training Webinar Access your IAR Member Training To schedule an individual, office or Board training contact Gregg Driscoll, Gregg@instanetsolutions.comor check calendar availability. Desktop version available: Call the 1-800-668-8768, option 1 for sales. Individual Pricing - $59.00 per year for a promotional three month period, after that, $79.00 per year. ONLINE EDUCATION Online education brought to you by the Idaho Association or REALTORS® and the CE Shop and Hondros USEFUL INFORMATION: Struggling with Instanet and Authentisign? The Board will sponsor another workshop if there is sufficient interest. For more information or to sign up, please call the office, Nikki Trautman (4404423) or Maureen Jackson (880-7430). IAR Events Calendar CONVENTION 2013: Annual convention will th be held in Sun Valley, October 9-12 . Theme is and attendees are sure to have a “totally tubular” time! InstanetForms will remain as IAR's only forms provider. Please contact the IAR office or your local board with any questions. What You Need Internet Explorer or Firefox if you use a PC, Safari if you use a Mac AND Adobe Acrobat Reader 9 or higher (available for free here) Go to InstanetForms Service
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