TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND TAA LOGO RATIONALE A rice stalk with 19 grains signifies the formation of TAA Trust Fund by its 19 institutional founding members. The rice stalk is shaped like a crescent, which symbolises the Islamic faith and values of charity especially observed during the month of Ramadan preceding Aidilfitri. Rice also symbolises livelihood and bountiful charity for the needy, and is a metaphor for communal growth and harvesting. The combination of mature earthly colours supported with solemn typography reflects compassion, trust and prudence. TAA TRUST FUND (TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI) Unique Entity No. Registered Date T06CC1974E 30 June 2006 IPC No. IPC Registered Date IPC Status 000602 1 August 2007 1 October 2009 to 30 September 2012 Registered Office 845 Geylang Road #04-10 Tanjong Katong Complex Singapore 400845 Main Line Fax Line 6748 8177 6842 7014 Email Address Website Contents Founding Member Organisations 2 Chairman’s Statement 3 Chairman’s Review 4 Board of Trustees 5 Executive Committee 6 Corporate Profile 7 Event Highlights 8 Key Statistics 12 Governance Statements 14 Financial Statements 16 Donors & Supporters 40 TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 1 Founding Member Organisations • Association of Muslim ProfessionalsAMP • Central Council of Malay Cultural Organisations Singapore Majlis Pusat • Federation of Indian MuslimsFIM • Islamic Fellowship AssociationIFA • Islamic Theological Association of Singapore Pertapis • Malay Youth Literary Association 4PM • Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore Muhammadiyah • Muslim Missionary Society SingaporeJamiyah • PMBM Scholarship Fund Board LBKM • Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry • Singapore Malay Teachers’ Union DPPMS KGMS • Singapore Malay Teachers’ Co-operative LtdSGM • The Muslim Converts’ Association of SingaporeDarul Arqam • The Muslimin Trust Fund AssociationMTFA • United Indian Muslim AssociationUIMA • Yayasan MendakiYM • Young Women Muslim Association 2 PPIS TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 CHAIRMAN’S STATEMENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Now in its 19th year of existence, TAA is already an established household name. Over almost two decades, untiring energy and efforts have been put in by TAA Executive Committee and TAA volunteers to do more and better in its noble cause to help the poor and needy as well as the disadvantaged members of Singapore’s society. Whereas previously TAA was operating in an ad hoc manner, since 2006 it has been registered as a legal entity and was granted an IPC (Institution of Public Character) status in 2007. This has put it on a firmer footing and further enhanced TAA’s standing as a charitable organization and has enabled it to enjoy greater trust, support and confidence from the community at large. Zulkifi Mohammed Chairman TAA Board of Trustees Mindful that TAA monies are public donations, it is critical to ensure transparency whilst at the same time it is essential to strive for high governance standards. This is the way it should be for any charity if it wants to sustain and perpetuate public trust and confidence in whatever programmes and activities that it has lined up. That TAA has been around for 19 years now is testimony of its good track record in managing its affairs. I commend the Executive Committee for living up to public expectations and all involved for a job well done. May the years ahead be more fruitful and rewarding as TAA stepped up on the accelerator to raise more funds in order to benefit a wider cross-section of the less fortunate in Singapore. TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 3 CHAIRMAN’S REVIEW EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The brand name of TAA, carefully built and cultivated over the years, is often associated with Ramadan and Aidilfitri. Over the last 19 years, TAA has effectively carried out its fund raising activities within the community during the fasting month as a way to ensure those who are less fortunate are able to celebrate Aidilfitri like everyone else. Each year, people have come to expect daily radio telepoll appeals on the Malay MediaCorp radio station, WARNA 94.2FM, with a special 2-hour talk-show on Friday nights during the month of Ramadan in aid of TAA. The support for the radio telepoll show has grown over the years; this year, a total of $296,800 was raised through the telepoll campaign. Mohd Anuar Yusop Chairman Executive Committee Every Ramadan, the Geylang Serai area sees the mushrooming of TAA donation boxes at key buildings such as Joo Chiat Complex, Tanjong Katong Complex, Malay Village and the Geylang Serai Market. These boxes often see a lot of foot traffic from generous shoppers in the area who stop by to donate a portion of their shopping money to help the needy. The merchants in these areas also play an instrumental role in ensuring the security of these boxes by keeping an eye of them and securing them when they close their shops for the day. The efforts and contribution by the community have undoubtedly led to the success of TAA this year in raising a total of $716,869 in Ramadan alone. These monies were distributed to a total of 3,634 beneficiaries, bringing a little cheer to their Aidilfitri. Although the disbursement of funds is concentrated in Ramadan, TAA’s fund raising activities are held all-year long, one of which is our annual Sinaran Hati Charity Concert organised in collaboration with MediaCorp TV’s Suria channel. The concert, which features celebrities in Singapore and the region, as well as corporate bodies, coming together for charity, has enjoyed a steady increase in viewership over the years. The successes enjoyed by TAA thus far had not come swimmingly; they were a result of determination and hard work by everyone involved, driven by the spirit of giving, generosity and compassion. I hope the support TAA has received over the years will continue to grow as we forge on with our effort to help the needy in the community. 4 TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 ADVISORS & BOARD OF TRUSTEES (as at 31st March 2011) Dr Ahmad Mohd Magad Mr Zulkifli Mohammed Mr Ahmad Nizam Abbas Mr Izzuddin Taherally Mr Ameerali Abdeali Mr Abdul Hamid Abdullah Mr Hamsani Raoh (Honorary Advisor) (Honorary Legal Advisor) (Chairman) TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 5 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (as at 31st March 2011) Mr Mohd Anuar Yusop (Chairman) Mr Zainal Abidin Nordin (Secretary) Hj Nasir Aman (Treasurer) Mr Sarjono Salleh Khan (Chairman, Disbursement Committee) Mr Muhd Harmizan Abdul Hamid Ms Fatimah Azimullah Ms Rahayu Mahzam Mr Farihullah Mr Jufferie Rashid Mr Shaik Md Iqbal Shaik Hussain Mr Muhd Zaki Ma’arof Mr Syed Abu Bakar Aljunied (Internal Auditor) Other Members : Mr Hirman Mohd Khamis Mr Nizar Kader Mr Mohd Saharin Mohd Nordin Mr Mohd Salleh Abu Taib 6 Mr Ismail Roziz Staff: Mr Mohd Yahya Zakaria (Manager) TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 CORPORATE PROFILE INTRODUCTION TAA Trust Fund (originally known as Tabung Amal Aidilfitri) was formed in 1992 as a charitable body with a mission to help the poor, needy, less fortunate and chronically ill. For 14 years, TAA Trust Fund (“TAA”) existed as a loose coalition of several organisations. On 30 June 2006, it was registered as a Charity Trust under the Charities Act (Chapter 37). It is now recognised as a legal institution upon its Trust Deed. TAA was accorded the status of an Institution of Public Character (IPC) on 1 August 2007. The core activity of TAA is to raise funds from the general public and to re-distribute these funds as financial assistance to the needy and less privileged in the community, primarily during the fasting month of Ramadan and the Hari Raya Aidilfitri season. VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT OUR VISION To provide financial assistance to disadvantaged families so as to enable them to celebrate Hari Raya (Aidilfitri) with dignity. OUR MISSION To foster the spirit of giving (sharing and caring) in our multi-racial community, especially during the month of Ramadan, through various fund raising activities and programmes for the benefit of the disadvantaged. BOARD OF TRUSTEES TAA’s Board of Trustees consists of five members responsible for overall policy making and governance matters. The Board delegates the day-to-day administration of TAA to the Executive Committee. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee comprises representatives from each of the 18 founding member organisations. It reports to the Board of Trustees. Each nominated member of the Executive Committee serves a two-year term and receives no remuneration for serving on the Committee. TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 7 EVENT HIGHLIGHTS INTRODUCTION TAA achieved a meaningful year in serving the community this financial year 2010/2011. Various fund raising activities, as well as the Ramadan campaign were successfully organised. Taking one step forward in serving the community, TAA provided financial aid for one term to Wahah’s Care, a programme managed by Just Parenting Association. In addition, TAA also extended its financial support to the Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah Needy Fund. We are glad to acknowledge that TAA remains highly regarded and is being recognised as an important pillar in the local Muslim community through its constant and persistent efforts in raising funds for the poor, needy and chronically ill. BENEFICIARIES AND DISBURSEMENT More than 3,103 beneficiaries received $200 each, and more than $620,600 was disbursed within a two-day period. The disbursement exercises were held on 28 and 29 August 2010 at and Malay Village respectively. The former was graced by Dr Mohd Maliki Osman, Parliamentary Secretary for National Development, while the latter event was officiated by Mr Matthias Yao, Mayor of Southeast CDC. TAA also distributed funds to Muslim kidney patients through the Muslim Kidney Action Committee (MKAC). 332 kidney patients received $200 each. A total of $66,400 was disbursed. Aljunied GRC also took part in assisting TAA in the distribution of financial aid to the needy residents of Eunos and Bedok Reservoir-Punggol Division. Mr George Yeo, Minister for Foreign Affairs, was the Guest of Honour at Bedok Reservoir-Punggol GRC while Mr Zainul Abidin Rasheed, Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, was the Guest of Honour at Eunos CC. 8 TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 EVENT HIGHLIGHTS ASIAN HALAL FOOD EXPO For the second consecutive year, TAA was invited to be the beneficiary of the Asian Halal Food Expo at the Singapore Expo from 15 to 18 July 2010. Dr Ahmad Mohd Magad, MP for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, graced the event as the Guest of Honour. Doing his bit for charity was Mr Rosyam Nor, a well-known Malaysian celebrity. Members of the public wholeheartedly supported the auction of celebrities’ personal items like Mr Rosyam’s jacket. This year, TAA appointed Mr A.B. Shaik as our Charity Ambassador to help promote our mission at TAA events. LAUNCH OF CHARITY DRIVE CAMPAIGN 2010 On 1 August 2010, TAA launched its Charity Drive Campaign at Tanjong Katong Complex with the slogan “Jadikanlah Hari Raya Ini Lebih Bermakna”. Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources and Minister-in-Charge of Muslim Affairs, graced the event. To mark the launch of the Charity Drive Campaign, the Trustees and Executive Committee made their inaugural donations on stage. The Guest of Honour unveiled the campaign’s poster and guests were entertained by Hyrul Anuar, Didicazli and Mahani Mohamed. TELEPOLL DONATION LINES TAA commissioned two telepoll lines for donation purposes. A total of $296,800 was raised via these telepoll lines from 1 July to 25 November 2010. The launch of the telepoll lines was held in conjunction with the Rentak Singapura event at Downtown East on 31 July 2010. Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister of State for Education and Home Affairs, graced the occasion. COLLECTION AT MOSQUES TAA collaborated with Madrasah Aljunied Al-Islamiah and the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) for the Friday collection at mosques. About 180 students were involved. A group of Muslim taxi drivers from Perpaduan Amal dan Ibadat (PADI) lent their support by ferrying the students to the designated mosques. $74,742 was raised from the exercise. TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 9 EVENT HIGHLIGHTS DONATION BOXES As in previous years, collections from donation boxes have raised a significant amount for TAA. A total of $337,465 was received during the Ramadan month, with the donation box located at Joo Chiat Complex collecting the highest amount. More eating outlets are also supporting TAA by graciously allowing donation boxes to be placed at their premises. DONATION VISITS During the campaign period, Members of Parliament together with their grassroots leaders visited the donation booths at Joo Chiat Complex and Tanjong Katong Complex. In addition, Iman Kindergarten and officers from the Singapore Prison Service also made their contributions. COMMUNITY PROJECT For the second year, Home-Fix DIY Pte Ltd and TAA embarked on a home improvement project. Students from ITE College West were involved in a fun and motivational hands-on activity which rewarded them with a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie. The projects ranged from a simple changing of electrical bulbs to the painting of walls of six selected homes. Dr Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, MP for Marine Parade GRC then, visited Block 44 Chai Chee Road, where he participated and lent a hand in the home improvement works. 10 TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 EVENT HIGHLIGHTS UNTUK MU…SINARAN HATI This is the 5th year that TAA adopted the Sinaran Hati charity concert as its signature event. It was held on Friday, 7 January 2011 at MediaCorp TV Theatre. More than 620 live audience members and 200,000 TV viewers witnessed the concert, which was jointly organised with MediaCorp Suria Channel. There was also a segment that featured the TAA’s beneficiaries during the concert. Both telepoll lines were well received and TAA raised a total of $298,470 during the concert. The breakdown of calls received on the two Telepoll lines is as follows: • 1900-112 9050 3,143 calls $157,150 • 1900-112 9010 14,132 calls $141,320 The on-stage donations included those from Mr Salleh Marican, Marine & Offshore Integrated Logistics (S) Pte Ltd and Kampong Ubi-Kembangan Citizens’ Consultative Committee. The on-stage donation and ticket sales raised another $175,075. This brought the total funds raised to $473,545 from the charity concert. TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 11 KEY STATISTICS Campaign’s Telepoll 12 Collection Centres Direct Donation Projects Sinaran Hati Total TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 KEY STATISTICS Breakdown Collections for the Financial Year 2010/2011 Campaign's Telepoll 2010/2011 Collection Centres 296,800 Campaign’s Telepoll Direct Donations Projects Campaign's Telepoll Sinaran Hati 337,465 63,535 19,069 Collection Centres Direct Donation Projects Donations received through 1900 telepoll lines 473,545 Collection Centre Donation boxes placed at various locations especially in Geylang Serai vicinity and including Friday collections at Mosques. Sinaran Hati Direct Donations Collection Centres Appeal Letters, Berita Harian Donation slips, Zakat; Donation from Organisations, Invidividuals & Companies. Direct Donations Projects Campaign's Telepoll Revenue from Auctions, Charities Sales and DVD Sales, etc Projects Sinaran Hati Sinaran Hati Concert A Charity TV Programme. Income include on-stage donations & Telepoll callers. Disbursement 2006 No of Beneficiaries 2007 2008 2009 2010 No of Beneficiaries 6,000 3,294 3,921 4,366 3,634 Amount Disbursed 723,250 522,060 744,150 832,190 750,940 Amount Disbursed 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 2006 No of Beneficiaries 2007 2008 2009 2010 Amount Disbursed No of Beneficiaries TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 900,000 800,000 700,000 13 GOVERNANCE STATEMENTS TAA has developed a code of governance to articulate its governance standards and best practices. We are committed to good standards of corporate governance and have incorporated it into this Annual Report. TAA has complied with 20 out of 21 applicable guidelines in the Code of Governance Evaluation Checklist for small Institutions of Public Character. This can be viewed on the charity portal at 1. TAA is governed by Trustees and assisted by an Executive Committee. 2. To assist in better decision making and accountability, TAA has set up several committees. They are: 1. The Audit Committee headed by Mr Harmizan Abdul Hamid. 2. The Disbursement Committee chaired by Mr Sarjono Salleh Khan. 3. The Human Resource Committee chaired by Mr Jufferie Rashid. Note: Mr Jufferie Rashid has stepped down on 31 December 2010. 4. The Fund Raising Committee chaired by Mr Mohd Anuar Yusop. 3. All committees have their written terms of reference, which are approved by the Executive Committee. These committees meet as and when necessary. 4. Conflict of Interest The Trustees, Executive Committee and staff have declared on the Disclosure Statement any potential conflict of interest with regards to their association with TAA or in all other organisations. Where a conflict of interest arises, the person concerned does not participate in the decision making. 5. The Executive Committee meets regularly and develops their work plans for the financial year. The Committee also approves the annual operating budget and monthly statements during its meetings. The Senior Executive Committee Members monitor the Charity Drive Campaign. 6.The 30% cap imposed under Section 2 of the Charities Act, Charities (Approved IPC) (Amendment) Regulations has not been exceeded. 14 TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 GOVERNANCE STATEMENTS 7. Human Resource Management TAA has two paid staff members to run its operations and activities and manage its human resource policies. TAA has developed a Staff Manual, which covers inter alia, recruitment, remuneration and benefits. The staff attends Trustees Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings in an ex-officio capacity. This is to provide additional information to facilitate necessary decision making and not to take part in the decision making process itself. Both employees of TAA each receive remuneration of below $50,000 per annum. 8.Reserve Policy This is the 3rd year that the Executive Committee has placed $50,000 in the Fixed Deposit as part of TAA’s Reserve Policy. 9.Looking Ahead TAA will continue to provide excellent service in line with its vision and continuously review and improve its corporate governance practices as part of its professional image. We hope that this Annual Report has given a true and fair view of TAA’s commitments to the poor, needy and chronically ill. Lastly, we would like to record our utmost appreciation to our generous donors and all who have support TAA in one way or another. TABUNG AMAL AIDILFITRI TRUST FUND ANNUAL REPORT 2010-2011 15
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