Patricia Shimanek


Patricia Shimanek
2 0
for DownS has
seen many
changes in the
past few years with the various new programs that have been implemented.
These new programs are the result of the ideas, dreams and hard work of many
people. Everyone should be extremely proud of this organization and its commitment to people with Down syndrome. I know I am.
With that said, my time as co-chair
must come to an end. I, too , have
many ideas, dreams and goals that I
would like to implement in my life.
My husband and I are very involved
with our three children and their
Tim Kelly and Bob Olson share not only an
apartment and job description (one at Jewel programs. I am looking to broaden
and one at Dominicks), but also a deep
our family life as well as further my
friendship and sense of humor. For more
career as a physical therapist. There
about Tim, Bob and the other panelists, see p. are many opportunities outside of
3. A reprint from 1/98 about Tim is on p. 6.
UPS for DownS that I would like to
take advantage of.
Note from the Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Parent Social Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Upcoming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
May Meeting Topic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Map to Alexian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
April Meeting Recap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Coffee/Playgroup/Mentor Project . .4
Sibshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
There are many paths we take in life, some are given and some are chosen.
While Down syndrome was given, UPS for DownS was chosen and will
NADS Annual meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
never be far off of my path.
Scotch Doubles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
I will continue to help and support many of these wonderful programs and
Looking Ahead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
people. UPS for DownS is a part of my life just as Down syndrome is a part
Annual Dinner Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
of my life.
TeenScene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
I look forward to welcoming the new co-chair and hope he or she will have as
Commitment to Excellence . . . .insert
great an experience as I have over the course of the past three years.
Note from the Chair - reprint . . . . . . . .6
Kids’ Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Birthday Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
The Playhouse Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Hey Parents! Do you need an
Photo Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
inexpensive night out?
DS Literacy Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
UPS for DownS Potluck Mexican Fiesta
PreTeenScene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
7 p.m., Friday, May 14 2004
Resource Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Neri house in Schaumburg
Viva Las Vegas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
RSVP by 5/12 to:
Stephanie Neri
Terri Devine Steering Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
708-349-9669 Bowling Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Down Syndrome 101 . . . . . . .back page
Patricia Shimanek
May 25 2004
7:30 p.m.
M e e t i n g To p i c
May 14 2004
Parent Social Night
Mexican Potluck
May 15 2004
May 22 2004
New Parent Coffee
NEW! - Kids Club
TeenScene - LolliPots
May 23 2004
PreTeenScene - popcorn and a movie
May 25 2004
UPS for DownS meeting
Grandparents/Extended family meeting
June 5 2004
Scotch Doubles Bowling
June 14 2004
NEW! - Down Syndrome 101
Annual Grandparents Meeting
(other family members also welcome)
This meeting is Please join us for a very special
back at Alexian! meeting for grandparents, pseudo-
grandparents and extended family.
This meeting will provide a forum for them to share
their joys, concerns and insights about loving someone with Down syndrome.
When: Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Where: Alexian Brother Medical Center
800 Biesterfield Road; Elk Grove Village
Auditorium A and B
Time: 7:30 p.m. (allow extra time for parking)
As always, you are welcome to bring others who might
be interested in this topic to the meeting. Child care
is not available.
Exit I-355 at Biesterfield, travel east approximately a
quarter-mile. Alexian is on the north side of
Biesterfield Rd.
June 22 2004
Annual Dinner meeting
July 24 2004
SibShop and Family Swim Party
September 10-12 2004
TimberLee Family Camp Outing
September 28 2004
UPS for DownS meeting
October 15 2004
Fall Event - Viva Las Vegas!
U nl e s s o t h e r w i s e i n d i c a t e d , a l l
e v e n t s l i s t e d h e r e a re p r e s e nt e d
a n d h os t e d by U P S f o r D o w n S .
Send changes or additions to our mailing list to:
UPS for DownS
Attention Pat Fogarty
1069 W. Golf Road
Hoffman Estates, IL 60194
Phone: 847-885-6216
Please Note: UPS for DownS is a v olunteer group consisting
of parents, rat her than educat iona l, m edical, or legal professionals. The UPS for DownS n ewsletter is similar ly written
on a volun tee r, non-professional basis. Inf ormat ion pr esen ted in th e ne wsletter sh ould n ot be constr ued to be objective
or definitive , but represents the opinion s and un derstandings
of the con tribu tors.
We are not respon sible for reliance
made on a ny information in this new sle tter.
We wish to
bring together those in terest ed in Down sy ndrome an d
attem pt to create an optimistic outlook a nd at titude a bout
Down syndr ome for our families and other s.
The facts regarding this meeting will just not be able
to convey the wonderful feelings emanating from the
panel of adults with Down syndrome and the crowd
of parents that came to absorb every word. We
laughed, some cried, we clapped, we cheered, and we
nodded with understanding.
they were all different: math, reading, writing, biology, and counting money. For the most part, they
were not teased for having a disability, but if they
were they told someone about it and it was stopped.
All of the panel members recalled fond memories of
dances, sports, and
A huge thank you goes to
Linda Picchi, a founding
All six adults participatmember of UPS for DownS
ed in Special Olympics
who presently works for
and Special Recreation
NADS, for the outstanding
activities in high school
job of moderating the meetand continue to do so.
ing. And an enormous thank
Some of the favorite
you is extended to each panel
activities mentioned
member for sharing their
include bowling, volleythoughts, lives, and feelings
ball, basketball, swimwith us. The panel consisted
ming, skiing, figure
of Tim Kelly, age 28, and
skating, crafts, and
Bob Olson, age 49, who
attending movies and
Tim, Bob, Jeff, Tracy, Beth and Angie listen
share an apartment in Park
to meeting facilitator, Linda Picchi.
Ridge. Angie Picchi, age 23,
lives in a lower level apartment in her parents’ home.
Friendships are extremely important to all. Most of
The rest of the panel members live with their parents
the panel members have girl- or boy- friends who are
- Jeff Falcone, age 24, from Schaumburg; Tracey
a big part of their lives.
Beesley, age 23, from Elk Grove; and Beth Walsh,
age 25, from Arlington
Jobs are also important and
“Down syndrome is OK to have.
rewarding to each panel member:
No matter what, you have to accept it;
Tim and Angie work at
it’s a part of life.”
All of the panel members
attended school and enjoyed
it (except for Tracey who
didn’t like getting detentions for being stubborn). Not surprisingly, their best
memories of school are the extra-curricular activities
they participated in along with the friendships they
made. The classes they took were mainly special
education classes; Jeff and Bob went to schools for
students with disabilities. Each member of the panel
reported a subject that was particularly difficult, and
Dominick’s as baggers (not at the
store) - Tim for seven
~Jeff Falcone same
years, Angie for 4 years.
Bob has worked for Jewel for thirteen years and also
is involved in volunteering (Thrift Shop, church,
Adult DS Center, and is on the National Association
for Down Syndrome’s Board of Directors).
Jeff works at the Countryside Workshop putting test
tubes in boxes for Abbott Labs. He’d like to work
more in the community, perhaps at Alexian Brothers.
Tracey works at IKEA bussing tables in the restaurant. She has also worked at Sears and at another
Beth has worked with her mom at a retirement home
for five years. She works in the dining room and
stocks the salad bar, cleans tables, makes coffee, and
cleans windows. She also volunteers there and helps
with Bingo, the cooking club, bowling, and gives
Tracey, Beth and Angie spoke of boyfriends, jobs, shopping
and social outings - typical topics of conversation for all
young women their age.
cont. on p. 7
Coffee and playgroup
Are you new to United Parent Support for Down Syndrome? Are you new to the area? Do you just feel
like getting together informally with other parents of kids with DS? If the answer to any of those questions is “yes,” please join UPS for DownS for our monthly coffee and playgroup.
GiGi’s Playhouse; 1069 W. Golf Road; Hoffman Estates
Saturday, May 22, 2004
10 a.m. to noon
For questions about the coffee and playgroup this month, contact Janet Zanichelli at 847-524-9124 or Roberta Costion at or 847-839-8966.
Parent mentor project
UPS for DownS has a parent mentoring project to mentor new families into the group. If you are new and
would like to be introduced to someone to answer your questions or accompany you to meetings or events,
contact Patricia Shimanek at 630-595-8147 or
UPS for DownS
Have you signed your
kids up for the SibShops?
Space is still available for
siblings ages 7-12.
Saturday, May 15, 2004
GiGi’s Playhouse
2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Saturday, July 24, 2004 at
Schaumburg CRC
2:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
REQUIRED. To obtain the registration form or more information, send an e-mail to or call
National Association for Down
Syndrome Annual Meeting
Friday, May 21st is the date for the
NADS Annual Meeting. The meeting
will be held at Lutheran General
Hospital’s Johnson Auditorium in
Park Ridge, Illinois.
The business portion of the meeting
will run from 7:00 to 7:30, followed by
a presentation on Nutrition from 7:30
- 9:00 p.m.
Call NADS at 630-325-9112 for more
If anyone would like to donate a gift to the
Scotch Doubles bowling event to be
used for the raffle on June 5, 2004,
please contact Stacy Graves at 847608-9781 to make arrangements.
Without your support, this event
could not be a success.
Looking ahead to May and June:
June 22: Annual Meeting - Dinner
Join us with your ideas as we plan ahead for
next year’s events, meetings and activities.
July 24: Family Swim Party
Get the kids (and your swimsuits) and join us
at Schaumburg WaterWorks, an indoor water
park reserved just for us from 6 - 9 pm
Annual Dinner Meeting
June 22, 2004
Prairie Rock Brewing Company
Grove Room;1385 N. Meacham Road;Schaumburg
Please join us for our annual dinner meeting. This is the time of year that we formally look to the future
to plan next year's programs and activities. Let your voice be heard. We encourage and welcome any
new ideas, time or talent that you may want to contribute.
RSVP by June15th to Sandy Pazerunas 847-705-0715 or
by Pat Fogarty
Crafts, anyone?
At the Egg Painting and Spring Craft Party
on April 10, teens painted Easter eggs, but
that was only the beginning. They also
frosted individual egg-shaped cakes and
made “Bunny Bags” to hold their eggs.
Thanks to Lisa Reninger, who volunteered
her crafting skills, the teens also decorated
flower pots and potted-up pansies in them.
They left with their arms full of treats and
chocolatey smiles on their faces!
On May 22, the Teen Scene will meet at
Lollipots in Schaumburg (111 E. Schaumburg
Road) to paint and glaze a plate. You must
preregister for the Lollipots outing by May
Please watch for a survey to be sent to all
of the teens on the Teen Scene list. We
want to hear WHAT the teens want to do,
and WHEN parents can get the teens to the
Katelyn Grunewald and Garrett Anderson decorate their
egg cakes.
Carolyn Meier,
who runs the Teen
Book Club wants
to make it easier
for TeenSceners
to join. Teen
Sceners, what do
you think about
having the book
club right before
Teen Scene activities?
Allison Fogarty shows off her
Would you be
the pot she made
interested in con- pansiesatinTeenScene.
tinuing activities
through the summer?
Start thinking of ideas!
Let us hear from you!
Call Peggy at 847-359-3394 or email Pat at or
Emma Scheid and Lisa Reninger discuss the
finer points of decorating Emma’s pot.
A Note from the Chair
(This reprint from the January 1998 UPS for DownS newsletter mentions one of our panelists, Tim Kelly)
As we struggle with the day to day business of being
a family, the most emotionally draining moments
happen when we least expect them. On a particularly
busy Sunday afternoon at the local grocery store, I
was kicking myself for my decision to wait til the
weekend to get our supplies so that I wouldn’t have
to take the kids along. The pace at the store was frenetic. People were everywhere, making sure they
had their chips and salsa for the Packer game that
would start within an hour or two... I was, I admit, a
bit harried and frazzled, and really sorry that I’d not
finished this task earlier in the week. So...I was
maneuvering around people, trying not to walk off
with someone else’s cart (which is easy to do without
the identifying children hanging out of it), and trying
to make sure that I had everything we needed for
enjoyable Packer-backing. And as I turned from the
frozen food aisle to sign over my first-born in
exchange for my basket of groceries, the lines at each
checkout lane were long, slow-moving, and every
cart was as loaded down as mine. So I picked a lane,
frustrated and hungry, (not a good combination on
any day at the grocery store) and waited.
UPS for DownS
There are two truths to being me: I always pick the
line that moves the slowest and I always lose my luggage when I fly. This day was no exception. The
checkout clerk was having a terrible time of it, the
tape in her machine jammed, she ran out of change,
the credit card machine jammed and each transaction
had to be walked up to the service desk...all before it
was my turn.
As I got closer to the register, I saw who was helping
her through each of these trials. According to his
nametag, he was Tim. By his job description, he was
probably a bagger. But in this sea of chaos, he was a
port in a storm, a beacon. He was calmly and capably fulfilling all the tasks that were his to complete,
while ably helping someone else in need. He was not
harried; he was not frantic; he was steady and unruffled. He was a young man with Down syndrome.
As I watched him work, I was emotional and near
tears for reasons I don’t yet know for certain.
I thought about my good friend whose two
young children will, quite likely, not reach
adulthood (they do not have DS, but another
syndrome). It struck me that she never sees
adults with the same syndrome her kids have.
Think about it.
You knew it was inevitable!
Introducing the all new:
I was fiercely proud of this young man and
his grace and tranquility on this hectic afternoon of frenzied shoppers.
Yet, I also felt a sense of shame and guilt for
ever having been saddened by the thought
that perhaps the best job opportunities for my
son might be bussing tables or bagging groceries.
Since there seemed to be a social group for every
age except the 3 - 7 year-olds, it was about time
we got one started!
Our first ever get together for the new Kids’ Club
will be:
Saturday, May 22
1:30 - 3:00
Our inaugural club meeting will be at GiGi's
Playhouse. The kids can have open playtime and
get to know each other while the adults plan an
agenda for the next few months. Activities could
include a picnic in the park, play dates at GiGi's
Playhouse, Chuck E. Cheese's, zoo trips - the possibilities are endless!
Group activities and snack for the first meeting
are planned.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please
contact Shari Andress at (847) 891-6678 or
Our children are not all going to be Chris Burke.
They are not all going to be Raymond Hu (the artist
with DS) or Gretchen Josephson (the poet with DS)
or Ann Forts (the self-advocate with DS). But each
of our children, with or without Down syndrome, has
his or her own gifts and individuality to bring to their
world and their community, for it does belong to
them. Someone busses the tables. Someone bags the
groceries. And if everyone would apply themselves
to doing their “thing” as expertly and kindly as Tim
does, this would, indeed, be a much better place for
all of us.
As for me, you’ll find me at my bustling local grocery store early on most Sunday afternoons.
--Terri Devine
UPS for DownS would like to extend extra special birthday greetings and a big thank you to
the many teens and young adults and their families for all you’ve done to help pave the way
and open doors for people with Down syndrome in our communities.
Please send corrections
additions to
the birthday
Joshua Foy . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 1, 1991
Jack Butler Masucci . . . . . . .April 2, 1998
Zane Herr . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 3, 1991
Benjamin Reifsteck . . . . . . . .April 7, 2000
Sarah Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 9, 2003
Brett Wilkinson . . . . . . . . . .April 9, 1999
Alison Barr . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 10, 1996
Natalie Dopp . . . . . . . . . . .April 13, 1991
Keith Wagner . . . . . . . . . . .April 15, 1976
list to
Pat Fogarty:
Danny McGinn . . . . . . . . . .April 15, 1981
Mallory Taylor . . . . . . . . . . April 18, 1997
Ray Strzewski . . . . . . . . . . .April 19, 1979
Andy Szenda . . . . . . . . . . .April 19, 1990
John Worth . . . . . . . . . . . .April 21, 1995
Laura Manda . . . . . . . . . . .April 22, 1988
Steve Poyner . . . . . . . . . . .April 25, 1971
Christina Lanera . . . . . . . . .April 27, 1992
Lazarus Tolefree . . . . . . . . .April 29, 1999
MEETING RECAP cont. from p. 3
Dreams for the future
included continuing their
lives as they are now with
jobs and volunteering.
Jeff, Beth, and Angie each
hope to get married to their
sweethearts someday.
Teens with DS joined the audi- Tracey hopes to move into
ence to hear what their future an apartment with a roommight hold.
mate. Jeff would love to
drive a motorcycle. Beth can’t wait to be an aunt!
convey the hope,
the joy, and the
appreciation felt
by the parents in
the audience.
Linda Picchi
began the meeting
by sharing her
feelings as a new
parent to Angie.
“The extra chromosome
Every adult or
doesn’t make them
older child with
all the same.”
DS that she met
~Linda Picchi
Angie shared her understanding of the difficulty of
she thought - is
having children. The child may have a disability,
Angie going to be like that? It took her a long time
which would make parenting very hard. She has also to realize that no, Angie wasn’t going to be like that!
seen how difficult being a parent of Angie was going to be Angie, a unique individual
any child is, now that she is an aunt. who has DS.
When asked about how they found
out they had Down syndrome,
Angie said that her mom told her,
and that she still just felt like a regular person. Beth said she found out
when she had to wear a patch on her
Luis Vargas enjoyed eye. She says DS is OK - “I’m glad
the humor exhibited my mom had me!” Jeff said:
by the panelists. “Down syndrome is OK to have.
No matter what, you have to accept it; it’s a part of
life.” Robert said that he was shocked when he
found out, and that it is important to talk about how
you feel. Tim said that he is OK with having DS and
feels like a normal person.
Just reporting the topics discussed and shared cannot
One of Picchi’s hopes in moderating this panel was
to demonstrate to parents of younger children with
DS that each individual with DS is - first and foremost - an individual. Yes, the DS is part of what
makes them who they are, but each individual is
unique as a person. “The extra chromosome doesn’t
make them all the same.”
That declaration was demonstrated to be true by the
panel members. Each member of the panel is clearly
loved and appreciated for who they are by friends,
family, and coworkers, and most importantly, enjoys
life as they are now living it and looks forward to
more adventures in the future.
GiGi's Playhouse is going to
be in the 4th of July parade
and is looking for kids interested in participating.
(strollers are OK) We need
to know ASAP so we can
order some outfits. We are
looking for ALL ages!!
1069 West Golf Road
Hoffman Estates IL 60194
Our Friday pizza night is a
big hit! Thank you to
Located 3 miles west of Woodfield, next to
The Easter bunny greets Estefania Santillan Rosati's in Schaumburg
Schaumburg Toyota in the Brandess Center
and her dad, Carlos.
for donating the delicious pizzas so our moms can have a
night off!! Come join us Friday, May 14th and May 21st for pizza and a movie from 5-7.
Please RSVP so we have enough pizza and treats!! All ages welcome!
Sunday from 1-3 we have a Polish outreach "GRY I ZABAWA" For information contact
Krystyna at 847-962-4820.
"TIEMPO LIBRE" - our hispanic group, meets on the 3rd Sunday
of each month. For information contact Blanca at 847-963-1320
"Picnics in the Park" will begin this summer. There is a wonderful
park behind GiGi's Playhouse. If you are interested in hosting a
picnic or any activities this summer, please contact the Playhouse.
DOWN SYNDROME AWARENESS!! Stop by the Playhouse to
pick up free calendars and activity books to distribute to
schools, churches, doctors offices etc. The calendars have the
Down syndrome creed in them and the activity books are awesome for school aged children to learn about DS. The activity
book can be customized for your child and his/her school. If
you are giving a presentation at your
school and would like a customized activity book, please call the Playhouse and we
will make it for you.
Part of the vision of GiGi’s
Playhouse was to give people with
Down syndrome the opportunity to
mentor others, seen here as a child
reads to younger children.
If you are not receiving your monthly
activity calendar please notify the
Playhouse ASAP!!
1st Sat. Birthday party for anyone!
2nd Sat. New baby playgroup - 2 & under
3rd Sat. Someone Special day
4th Sat. UPS for DownS Parent Coffee
Pizza night is a hit with all of the kids (and especially their parents)!
R em e mb e r , Gi G i ' s P la yh o us e i s y ou r p l a y ho u s e , t o o !
There is no charge to host a Down syndrome-related event. Call 847-885-PLAY to schedule.
It is that time of year again! We are looking for your child's beautiful face to place around
The Cotillion for our annual dinner dance (see p. 10 for more information). The photos from
last year have been conveniently stored in the front windows of GiGi’s Playhouse for our
entire community to enjoy throughout the year!
The program and photos were a big highlight at last year's dinner dance.
The deadline is August 31st to get in your photo and brief introduction for the program. It
seems early, but the deadline will sneak up on you, so get your child's picture in early. Don’t
miss out!
1. Provide a hard copy or digital photo (high resolution)
2. Must be a head shot or close-up of your child with Down syndrome
3. Please contact Stacy Graves to arrange delivery of photo (see below)
4. Introduction of your child-some examples of things to include- name, age, accomplishments, hobbies, favorite thing to do, etc. This is intended to be a way for your to
briefly introduce your child to those attending the dance and describe why they are
special. Keep to 150 words or less.
The photo you submit can be any size (i.e. 4x6), color or black and white.
Submit photos or questions to Stacy Graves at or call 847-608-9781.
An update about our Katie MacDonald Literacy Project:
We are putting together a workshop to teach parents how to make their own, personalized
books for their children. This should be ready some time early this fall - keep watching for a
specific date.
Efforts are underway to create a tutoring program to help our children get started reading
and to assist children who need a little "extra" help. We will be using the methods outlined by Patricia Oelwein in "Teaching Reading to Children with Down
Syndrome - A Guide for Parents and Teachers" that we distributed to teachers
last year as part of this project. Oelwein has graciously agreed to provide
materials and mentoring and is working with Shari Andress to help get the
program up and running. Watch this spot for more information about this
exciting opportunity.
This Down syndrome literacy project was established by UPS for DownS in
loving memory of Katie MacDonald - an inspiration to all who knew her!
ON THE E -GROUP ? UPS for DownS has a list-serve that allows users to par-
ticipate in e-mail discussions and get reminders about upcoming events.
To join, send an e-mail to
Next outing:
Sunday, May 23rd 4 - 6 p.m.
LOCATION: GiGi’s Playhouse
Cost: free/preteen
RSVP by May 20th to Connie at:
PreTeenScene is for 8-11 year olds with Down syndrome
and any siblings who are also in that age group.
D AT E !
Get out the sequins
and rhinestones - it's
going to be a flashy
night! This year's
theme is VIVA LAS VEGAS.
UPS for DownS will host its second
annual dinner dance on Friday,
October 15th 2004. It’s guaranteed to
be another unforgettable evening!
Tell the sitter you’ll be out late! The
Gentlemen of Leisure Band will keep
you dancing til midnight.
Please remember that UPS for DownS maintains a very
informative resource library set up at GiGi's Playhouse.
There are many different types of books and videos available - ranging from fictional children's stories to
resource-type books for parents. We request that when
you check out an item that it be returned within three (3)
weeks as we have other people interested in the books and
If anyone has any questions or ideas for the resource
library, please contact MaryLynn Cassata at (847) 8708906 or e-mail address
Co-Chairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sandy Pazerunas . . . . . . .847-705-0715 . . . . . . .
Pat Shimanek . . . . . . . . . .630-595-8147 . . . . . . .
Program Co-Coordinators . . .Kim Orlando . . . . . . . . . .630-483-6903 . . .
Anne Cardascio . . . . . . . .847-520-0623 . . .
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lisa Reninger . . . . . . . . .847-301-0702 . . . . . . . . . . .
New Parent Coordinator . . . .Janet Zanichelli . . . . . . . .847-524-9124 . . . . . . . . . . .
Special Events Coordinator . .Melinda Zambito . . . . . . .847-466-9953 . .
Bowling Event Coordinators: Diane Paradise . . . . . . . . .630-483-8113 . . . . . . .
Stacy Graves . . . . . . . . . .847-608-9781 . . . . . . .
Dinner Dance Coordinator . . .Stephanie Neri . . . . . . . . .847-891-3224 . . . . . .
Teen Club Coordinators . . . . .Peggy Grunewald . . . . . .847-359-3394 . . . . .
Pat Fogarty . . . . . . . . . . .630-893-6740 . . . . .
PreTeen Club Coordinator . . .Lori Boldt . . . . . . . . . . . .847-818-1717 . . . . . . . . . .
GiGi’s Playhouse liaison . . . .Nancy Gianni . . . . . . . . . .847-885-7529 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Newsletter Printing . . . . . . . .Mike Grunewald . . . . . . .847-359-3394 . . . . . . . . .
Webgroup Moderator . . . . . . .Terri Devine . . . . . . . . . . .708-349-9669 . . . . . . . . .
Video/Resource Librarian . . .MaryLynn Cassata . . . . . .847-870-8906 . . . . . . . .
Newsletter Editor . . . . . . . . . .Terri Devine . . . . . . . . . . .708-349-9669 . . . . .
Mailing List Information . . . .Pat Fogarty . . . . . . . . . . .630-291-6740 . . . .
United Parent Support for Down Syndrome
Scotch Doubles Bowling Night
I am bowling for: _________________________
(name of person with Down syndrome)
Your name (or contact person) : _______________________
Phone Number:______________ E-mail Address:_______________
_____ Mail me a registration form next year
Enclosed is my payment for the following couples:
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
4 _________________________________
5. _________________________________
I would like to purchase ____ tickets for the
Bowling Fundraiser at $45 each (per couple).
I wou ld like to pu rchase ____ raffle tickets
($5.00 for a book of 6 or $1.00 each).
tickets can be sent to you upon request.
I can’t attend, bu t would lik e to donate:
Total amount enclosed
Mail to: UPS for DownS, c/o Diane Paradise, 1408 White Fence Road, Bartlett, IL 60103,
Questions? Contact Diane at: 630-483-8113 or
Down S y ndrome 101
Do you have a young child with Down
syndrome and older siblings who
want to know more about Down
syndrome? This is what you’ve
been looking for!
This class will cover basic information about Down syndrome,
presented in language that kids
can understand.
Each session will include an informal
presentation, question and answer
period and some age appropriate
activities (craft, snack, activity books).
What: Down Syndrome 101
Where: Gigi's Playhouse
When: Monday, June 14, 2004
Ages 5-9
6:00 - 6:45
Ages 10 and up 7:00 - 8:00
FYI: This is it
until the
arrives in
July. Mark
dates today.
Who: Any siblings with questions about
Down syndrome (if you have kids who are
in both age groups, they are welcome to
stay for the entire time, just let us know).
Shari Andress will be presenting along
with her sons Daniel (7) and Eric (10).
Shari is the mother of four-year old
Heather, who has DS. Shari recently
completed her master’s degree in
Early Childhood Special Education and
is a developmental therapist at
To sign up for this workshop, please send
an e-mail to or call
me at (847) 891-6678.
Be sure to provide the following:
Names and ages of participants
Specific questions you want addressed
Your phone number and/or e-mail
UPS for DownS
Commitment to Excellence Award
Many of us who are parents, friends or family of a person with Down syndrome have had our lives
touched in many wonderful ways by others.
UPS for DownS would like to formally recognize the people or organizations that have enriched
the lives of people with Down syndrome. In an effort to do so, UPS for DownS has established
the “Commitment to Excellence” Award for recognition of those who have helped people with
Down syndrome, their families and/or this organization. We encourage you to nominate your
educators, medical professionals, organizations, coaches, or volunteers.
The awards will be presented at the UPS for DownS Fall Event on October 15, 2004. We look forward to saying “thank you” to the many wonderful people and organizations that make the world
a better place for people with Down syndrome through the gifts of their time, talent, treasure or
Questions? Call Patricia Shimanek at 630-595-8147.
Nomination Form
I nominate _________________________________ for the United Parent Support for
Down Syndrome “Commitment to Excellence” award. The above named has
enriched the lives of people with Down syndrome and/or the Down syndrome community through the following significant contribution:
Name, address; phone # of nominee:
Your Name, phone number; e-mail address:
One nomination per household. Nomination form limited to one page.
Nomination Deadline: June 30, 2004
Return to: UPS for DownS; c/o Patricia Shimanek; 123 W. Florina Court; Wood Dale, IL 60191

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