Organics! - Doens Food Ingredients
Organics! - Doens Food Ingredients
Product List Your partner in Organics! DOENS FOOD INGREDIENTS b.v. Oranjestraat 40 A 4515 CA IJzendijke The Netherlands Tel +31 117 302020 Fax +31 117 301811 WWW.DOENSFOOD.COM DFI Organics Inc. 575 Lexington Avenue, 4th floor Tel +1 888 9709 993 New York, NY 10022 USA WWW.DFIORGANICS.COM 1 2 Xxx Xxx SEEDSSAMEN SEMENCES AlfalfaAlfalfa Alfalfa Your partner in Organics! SEMILLASZADEN AlfalfaAlfalfa 4 Xxx About usBACKEREI/ÖLL SAMEN BAKERY / OIL SEEDS Flax seed Brown Leinsamen Braun BOULANGERIE / HUILE Lin brun In Europe Doens Food Ingredients (DFI) is one of the leading importers and exporters of organic food and feed ingredients. Not only does DFI trade organic food and feed ingredients, the company also processes and stores all kinds of ingredients. You are invited to have a look at our list of products and services and you will see that Doens Food Ingredients is your one-stop-shopping partner providing a solution to all your needs. Mission It is our mission to provide the industry with high quality-, sustainable- and safe organic food and feed ingredients. Through a worldwide network BAKKERIJ / OLIE ZADEN of reliable suppliers and our Lijnzaad bruin own projects we try to contribute to a sustainable trade in organics. All our products are certified according to the latest EC-regulation 834/2007, NOP, JAS, Ecosocial or Fairtrade. PANADERIA / ACEITE Linaza marrón Company Doens Food Ingredients (DFI) is a family-owned company and is one of Europe’s leading importers and exporters of organic food and feed ingredients, serving the wholesale industry. From the headquarters in IJzendijke, strategically located in between the European Main Ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp, DFI trades the most exotic food ingredients from all over the world. As a matter of fact DFI seems to bring the golden era back to life. The trading company not only focuses on traditional commodities, but also on oriental, outlandish products and trades in a way that The Netherlands knew in the 17th century. The sailing boats in the meantime have been replaced by container ships, but the resemblance with the advanced business spirit of our pioneering ancestors is obvious. As the United States of America represent an important market, DFI’s sister company DFI Organics Inc. offers tailor-made solutions for the North-American customers. DFI Organics Inc. has offices in New York and warehousing/dispatch facilities in New Jersey. This US based sister company provides the same high quality organic products and service. However DFI is more than just a trading company. Its own well-equipped production facility allows DFI to provide its customers with top quality products and additional services. Cleaning, colour-sorting, mixing, grinding and polishing are just some of the processing techniques DFI can offer its customers. Moreover DFI operates its own cooled and insulated silo’s and warehouses where thousands of tons of product are kept in stock. History The company originally started as a family owned milling company in 1891 in IJzendijke. The old mill is still there, but over the past few years the company has grown from a local grain trader to one of Europe’s key players in the market for organic food and feed ingredients, keeping thousands of tons of product in stock. The company is still family-owned and managed by the 3rd generation of the Doens family. 25 3 Products FOOD GRAINS ............... 6 GRAIN DERIVATIVES ............... 7 BAKERY SEEDS ............... 8 OIL SEEDS ............... 9 SPROUTING SEEDS ............... 9 PULSES ............... 10 HERBS ............... 10 SPICES / SEEDS ............... 12 DRIED VEGETABLES ............... 14 NUTS & DRIED FRUITS ............... 15 RICE ............... 16 SUPERFOODS ............... 17 VARIOUS FLOURS ............... 18 SOY & DERIVATIVES ............... 18 STARCHES ............... 19 OILS & FATS ............... 19 SWEETENERS ............... 19 FEED ANIMAL FEED ............... 20 SERVICES SERVICES ............... 22 CLEANING ............... 22 WAREHOUSING ............... 22 PACKING ............... 23 VARIOUS ............... 23 QUALITY ............... 23 CERTIFICATION ............... 24 74 85 6 Grain Derivatives GRAINS GETREIDEGRAINES GRAINS GETREIDEGRAINES AmaranthAmaranth Amaranth BarleyGerste Orge Barley hulled Gerste geschält Orge décortiqué Barley pearled Gerste geperlt Orge perlé Buckwheat hulled Buchweizen geschält Sarrasin décortiqué Bulgur coarse Bulgur grob Boulghour grossière Bulgur fine Bulgur fein Boulghour fin CornMais Maïs CousCous white CousCous weiss CousCous blanc CousCous whole CousCous braun CousCous complet CousCous medium CousCous medium CousCous medium Durumwheat Durum Weizen Blé dur Millet hulled Hirse geschält Millet décortiqué Millet whole Hirse ungeschält Millet non décortiqué Oats whole Hafer ungeschält Avoine non décortiqué Oats hulled Hafer geschält Avoine décortiqué PopcornPopcorn Popcorn Quinoa Quinoa Quinoa Rye RoggenSeigle Spelt hulled Dinkel geschält Epautre décortiqué Wheat Weizen Blé Buckwheat grits fine Buckwheat grits coarse Buckwheat hulls Corn grits < 1200 microns Semolina durum fine Oat bran Wheat bran coarse Wheat gluten Barley flakes Buckwheat flakes Millet flakes Oat flakes coarse Oat flakes fine Quinoa flakes Rye flakes Wheat flakes Spelt flakes Corn flakes gluten free Buchweizengrütze fein Buchweizengrütze grob Buchweizenschalen Maisgrütze <1200 microns Hartweizengriess Haferkleie Weizenkleie grob Weizengluten Gerstenflocken Buchweizenflocken Hirseflocken Haferflocken grob Haferflocken fein Quinoaflocken Roggenflocken Weizenflocken Dinkelflocken Maisflocken glutenfrei Brisures de sarrasin fin Brisures de sarrasin grand Balles de sarrasin Bris de maïs < 1200 microns Semouille de blé dur Son d’avoine Son de blé grand Gluten de blé Flocons d’orge Flocons de sarrasin Flocons de millet Flocons d’avoine grand Flocons d’avoine fin Flocons de quinoa Flocons de seigle Flocons de blé Flocons d’epautre Flocons de mais sans gluten GRANOSGRANEN GRANOSGRANEN AmarantoAmaranth CebadaGerst Cebada pelada Gerst gepeld Cebada perlada Gerst gepareld (gort) Trigo sarraceno pelado Boekweit gepeld Bulgur grueso Bulgur grof Bulgur fino Bulgur fijn MaïzMais CousCous blanco CousCous wit CousCous integral CousCous volkoren CousCous medium CousCous medium Trigo durum duro Durum harde tarwe Mijo pelado Gierst gepeld Mijo sin pelar Gierst ongepeld Avena sin pelar Haver ongepeld Avena pelada Haver gepeld Palomitas de maïz Popcorn QuinoaQuinoa CentenoRogge Espelta pelada Spelt gepeld TrigoTarwe Granillo de sarraceno fino Granillo de sarraceno grueso Cascos de sarraceno Granillo de maïz < 1200 microns Semolina de durum blanco Avena salvado Trigo salvado grueso Gluten de trigo Copos de cebada Copos de sarraceno Copos de mijo Copos de avena gruesos Copos de avena finos Copos de quinoa Copos de centeno Copos de trigo Copos de espelta Copos de maïz sin gluten Food Food Grains Boekweit grutten fijn Boekweit grutten grof Boekweitdoppen Mais grits < 1200 microns Durumgries wit Haverzemelen Tarwezemelen grof Tarwegluten Gerstevlokken Boekweitvlokken Gierstevlokken Havervlokken grof Havervlokken fijn Quinoavlokken Roggevlokken Tarwevlokken Speltvlokken Maisvlokken glutenvrij 7 Oil Seeds BAKERY / OIL SEEDS BACKEREI SAATEN BOULANGERIE / HUILE SEEDS SAATENSEMENCES Flax seed brown Flax seed yellow Flax seed brown broken Poppy seed blue Poppy seed white Pumpkin hulled Shine Skin Pumpkin hulled Snow White Pumpkin GWS A Pumpkin GWS AA Sesame seed hulled Sesame seed natural Sesame seed natural toasted Sesame seed black Sunflower seeds confectionary grade Sunflower seeds bakery grade Sunfower seeds R&S Sunfower roasted Leinsaat Braun Leinsaat Gelb Leinsaat Braun geschrotet Blaumohn Weisser Mohn Kürbiskerne Shine Skin Kürbiskerne Snow White Kürbiskerne GWS A Kürbiskerne GWS AA Sesam geschält Sesam natur Sesam natur geröstet Schwarzer Sesam Sonnenblumenkerne confectionary Sonnenblumenkerne Bakery Sonnenblumenkerne geschält R&S Sonnenblumenkerne geschält geröstet Lin brun Lin doré Lin brun brisure Graine de pavot blue Graine de pavot blanc Pépins de courge Shine Skin Pépins de courge Snow Pépins de courge GWS A Pépins de courge GWS AA Sésame décortiqué Sésame naturel Sésame naturel tosté Sésame noir Tournesol conf Tournesols bakery Tournesol déc. tosté + sel Tournesol déc. tosté RapeseedRaps Black oil sunflower seeds Sonnenblumenkerne Schwarz für Öl Flax seed brown Leinsaat Braun Flax seed yellow Leinsaat Gelb Pumpkin Seeds Kürbiskerne Sesame seed natural Sesam natur PANADERIA / ACEITE BAKKERIJ / OLIE ZADEN Linaza marrón Linaza dorada Linaza marrón cortado Semilla de amapola azúl Semilla de amapola blanco Calabaza Shine Skin Calabaza Snow White Calabaza GWS A Calabaza GWS AA Sésamo pelado Sésamo natural Sésamo natural tostado Sésamo negro Girasol pelado conf Girasol pelado bakery Girasol pelado tostado + sal Girasol pelado tostado Lijnzaad bruin Lijnzaad geel Lijnzaad bruin gebroken Maanzaad blauw Maanzaad wit Pompoenpit Shine Skin Pompoenpit Snow White Pompoenpit GWS A Pompoenpit GWS AA Sesam gepeld Sesam ongepeld Sesam ongepeld geroosterd Sesam zwart Zonnepitten gepeld confectionary Zonnepitten gepeld bakery Zonnepitten gepeld R&S Zonnepitten gepeld geroosterd Colza Tournesol noir huile Lin brun Lin doré Pépins de courge Sésame complet Food Food Bakery Seeds SEMILLASZADEN Semillas de col Girasol negro aceite Linaza marrón Linaza dorada Calabaza Sésamo natural Koolzaad/Raapzaad Zonnepitten zwart olie Lijnzaad bruin Lijnzaad geel Pompoenpit Sesam ongepeld Sprouting Seeds SEEDS SAATENSEMENCES AlfalfaAlfalfa Alfalfa Red Clover Rotkleesamen Graines de trèfle Fenugreek BockhornskleesaatFenugrec Radish China Rose Chinese Rose Radieschensaat Radis rose (chinois) Radish seed Daikon Daikon Radieschensaat Radis Daikon Mustard seed Senfsaat Moutarde SEMILLASZADEN AlfalfaAlfalfa Semillas de trébol rojo Rode klaver zaad TrigonellaFenugriek Rabanillo - rosa Radijszaad China Rose Rabanillo Daikon Radijszaad Daikon Mostaza Mosterd 8 9 BEANS BOHNENHARICOTS ALUBIASBONEN Azuki beans Black Eye beans Black Turtle beans Borlotti beans Butterbeans Brown beans Mung beans Navy beans Pinto beans Red kidney beans Black kidney beans White kidney beans Medium Dark speckled lentils Brown lentils (Berg) Brown lentils (whole red) Eston lentils (small green) Laird lentils (large, green) Black lentils Beluga Red Split lentils Red Lentils football Chick peas nr. 7 Chick peas nr. 8 Chick peas nr. 9 Green peas Green split peas Lupins sweet Yellow peas Yellow split peas Alubias Azuki Alubias “Black Eye” Alubias Negras Turtle Alubias Borlotti Alubias blancas Alubias marrón Soja verde mung Alubias Navy Alubias Pinto Alubias rojas (Kidney) Alubias negras (Kidney) Alubias blancas medium Lentejas verdes oscuros Lentejas marrón (Berg) lentejas marrón Lentejas Eston (pequeña) Lentejas Laird (verdes) Lentejas negras Beluga Lentejas rojas partidas Lentejas Rojas enteras Garbanzos nr. 7 Garbanzos nr. 8 Garbanzos nr. 9 Guisantes verdes Guisantes verdes partidas Altramuz dulce Guisantes amarillas Guisantes amarillas part. Adzukibohne Black Eye Bohnen Schwarze Bohnen Turtle Borlotti Bohnen Riesenbohnen Weiss Braune Bohnen Mung Bohnen Navy Bohnen Pinto Bohnen Rote Nier Bohnen Schwarze Nier Bohnen Weisse Nier Bohnen Medium Grüne Linsen Braune Linsen (Berg) Braune Linsen Eston Linsen (klein, grün) Tellerlinsen (gröss, grün) Schwarze Linsen Beluga Rote Linsen halbiert Rote Linsen ganz Kichererbsen nr. 7 Kichererbsen nr. 8 Kichererbsen nr. 9 Grüne Erbsen Grüne Spalterbsen Lupinen Süss Gelbe Erbsen Gelbe Spalterbsen Haricots Azuki Haricots Black Eye Haricots Noir Turtle Haricots Borlotti Haricots blancs Haricots bruns Soja vert mung Haricots Navy Haricots Pinto Haricots rouge (Kidney) Haricots noir (Kidney) Haricots blancs medium Lentilles vertes foncées Lentilles bruns (Berg) Lentilles bruns Lentilles Eston (petit, vert) Lentilles blondes Lentilles noirs Beluga Lentilles rouges cassées Lentilles rouges entières Pois chiches nr. 7 Pois chiches nr. 8 Pois chiches nr. 9 Pois verts / petits pois Pois verts cassés Lupins doux Pois jaunes Pois jaunes cassés Food Food Pulses Azuki bonen Black Eye bonen Zwarte turtle bonen Borlotti bonen Boterbonen Bruine bonen Mungbonen Navy bonen Pinto bonen Rode nierbonen Zwarte nierbonen Witte nierbonen 220/100gr Donker groen gespikkelde linzen Bruine linzen (Berg) Bruine linzen (ongespikkeld) Eston linzen (klein, groen) Laird linzen (groot, groen) Zwarte linzen Beluga Rode split linzen Rode linzen heel Kikkererwten nr. 7 Kikkererwten nr. 8 Kikkererwten nr. 9 Groene erwten Groene spliterwten Lupinen zoet Gele erwten Gele spliterwten Herbs Herbs 10 ENGLISHLATIN NEDERLANDS ENGLISHLATIN NEDERLANDS Basil leaf 1-3mm Chamomile flower (TBC) Hibiscus flower (TBC) Laurel leaf Lavandin flower Lavender flower Lemon Balm leaf Lemongrass (TBC) Lemon peel Orange peel Liqourice root (TBC) Basilicumblad 1-3mm Kamillebloemen Hibiscusbloem Laurierblad Lavandinbloesem Lavendelbloesem Citroenmelisse Citroengras Citroenschil Sinaasappelschil Zoethoutwortel Marjoram 1-3mm Oregano leaf Parsley leaf Passion flower herb Peppermint leaf (TBC) Rosemary leaf broken Rosemary leaf whole Sage leaf Thyme Melisse leaf Spearmint (TBC) Savory Marjoraam / Marjolein Oreganoblad Peterselieblad Passiebloemkruid Pepermuntblad Rozemarijn gebroken Rozemarijn heel Salieblad Tijm Melisseblad Kruizemunt Bonenkruid Basilici Folia 1-3mm Chamomillae Flores Hibiscus sabdariffa Flores Laurus Nobilis Folia Lavandin flores (Lavendula x. Hybrida) Lavandula Angustifolia Flores Melissa officinalis Cymbopogon citratus Citrus limon Citrus sinensis Liquiritiae Radix Majorana hortensis Origanum Vulgare Folia Petroselini Folia Passiflorae incarn. Herba Menthae Piperita Folia Rosmarini Folia Rosmarini Folia Salviae Folia Thymus Vulgaris Melisae off. Folia Mentha Spicata Folia Satureja Hortensis 11 12 SPICES GEWÜRZEÉPICES ESPECIASSPECERIJEN AllspiceAllspice Allspice Cardamom Bold Green Cardamon bold green Cardamone bold green Cardamom powder Cardamon pulver Cardamone poudre Cassia sticks Zimtstangen Casse en tuyeaux Cassia powder Zimt gemahlen Poudre de canelle Cassia Cassia broken & cleaned Zimtbruch Ginger powder Ingwer gemahlen Poudre de gingembre Ginger sliced Ingwerscheiben Gingembre morceaux Black pepper sterilized schwarzer Pfeffer ganz sterilisiert Poivre noir sterilisé Black pepper ground schwarzer Pfeffer gemahlen Poivre noir poudre White pepper steralized weisser Pfeffer sterilisiert Poivre blanc sterilisé White pepper ground weisser Pfeffer gemahlen Poivre blanc poudre Chili powder Chilies gemahlen Piment de cayenne poudre Cloves Nelken ganz Clou de girofle Cloves ground Nelken gemahlen Clou de girofle en poudre Turmeric powder Kurkuma gemahlen Poudre de curcuma Turmeric root Kurkuma Curcuma coupé Vanilla beans Bourbon Vanille in Stangen ganz Vanille gousses Bourbon Vanilla powder Vanillepulver Poudre de vanille Nutmeg whole Muskatnüsse ganz Muscade noix entiers Nutmeg powder Muskatnüsse gemahlen Poudre de muscade Star anis Steranis Anis étoilé Anise Anis ganz Anis Anise ground Anis gemahlen Poudre d’anis Caraway Kümmel ganz Carvi Caraway 2 year Kümmel ganz (2-Jähriger) Carvi 2 ans Caraway ground Kümmel gemahlen Poudre de carvi Coriander Koriander ganz Coriandre Coriander ground Koriander gemahlen Poudre de coriandre Cumin KreuzkümmelCumin Cumin ground Kreuzkümmel gemahlen Poudre de cumin Fennel sweet Süssfenchel ganz Fenouille doux Fennel sweet Egypt Süssfenchel Ägypten Fenouille doux Egypt Fennel bitter Bitterfenchel Fenouille amer Fennel ground Fenchel gemahlen Poudre de fenouille Fenugreek Bockhornskleesaat Fenugrec Mustard seed brown Brauner Senf Moutarde brune Mustard seed yellow Gelber Senf Moutarde jaune Mustard seed oriental Orientalischer Senf Moutarde orientale Mustard yellow ground Gelber Senf pulver Poudre de moutarde jaune Nigella Schwarzkümmel Nigelle - carvi noir ChiaChia Chia Allspice Allspice (piment) Cardamomo bold green Cardamom bold green Cardamomo polvo Cardamompoeder CassiaCassiastokjes Polvo de canela Cassia Kaneelpoeder Cassia Cassia broken & cleaned Polvo de Jengibre Gemberpoeder Rebanadas de Jengibre Gemberschijfjes Pimienta negro sterilisado Zwarte peper gesteriliseerd Pimienta negra polvo Zwarte peper gemalen Pimienta blanca sterilisado Witte peper gesteriliseerd Pimienta blanca polvo Witte peper gemalen Pimienta picante (Chile) Chilipoeder ClavosKruidnagel Polvo de Clavos Kruidnagelpoeder Polvo de cúrcuma Geelwortelpoeder Cúrcuma cortado Geelwortel stukjes Vanilla Bourbon Vanilleboon Bourbon Polvo de vainilla Vanillepoeder Nuez moscada Nootmuskaat Polvo de moscada Nootmuskaatpoeder Anis estrella Steranijs AnísAnijs Anís en polvo Anijs gemalen AlcaravesKarwijzaad Alcaraves 2 años Karwijzaad 2 jarig Harina de alcaraves Karwijzaad gemalen CoriandroKoriander Harina de coriandro Koriander gemalen CominoKomijn Harina de comino Komijn gemalen Hinojo dulce Venkel zoet Hinojo dulce Egypt Venkel zoet Egypt Hinojo amargo Venkel bitter Harina de hinojo Venkel gemalen TrigonellaFenugriek Mostaza marrón Bruine mosterd Mostaza amarilla Gele mosterd Mostaza oriental Oriëntaalse mosterd Harina de mostaza amar. Gele mosterdmeel Nigela - alcaraves negro karwijzaad zwart ChiaChia Food Food Food Spices / Seeds 13 14 Nuts & Dried Fruits Food Food Dried Vegetables DRIED VEGETABLES TROCKEN GEMÜSE VEGETALES SECHÉS NUTS NÜSSENNOISSETTES Carrot cubes Carrot powder Spinach powder Tomato flakes Tomato powder Red beet powder Paprika powder Paprika flakes red Paprika flakes green Garlic powder Garlic granule 1-2mm Onion powder Broccolli powder Karottenwürfel Karottenpulver Spinatpulver Tomatenflocken Tomatenpulver Rote beeten pulver Paprikapulver Paprikaflocken rot Paprikaflocken grün Knoblauchpulver Knoblauchgranulat 1-2mm Zwiebelpulver Broccolipulver Carotte en pieces Farine de carotte Poudre d’épinaca Flocons de tomates Poudre de tomate Poudre de blette rouge Poudre de paprika Granules de paprika rouge Granules de paprika Poudre d’ail Granules d’ail 1-2mm Poudre d’ognion Polvo de Brócoli Almonds brown Mandeln braun Amandes brun Almonds white Mandeln weiss Amandes blanc Cashew W320 Cashew W320 Cajou W320 Cashew W240 Cashew W240 Cajou W240 Cashew W450 Cashew W450 Cajou W450 Cashew pieces SWP Cashewbruch SWP Brissure de cajou SWP Cashew pieces LWP Cashewbruch LWP Brissure de cajou LWP Cashew pieces Babybits Cashewbruch Babybits Brissure de cajou Babybitd Coconut dessicated fine Kokosraspeln fein Noix de coco fin Coconut dessicated coarse Kokosraspeln grob Noix de coco grand Hazelnuts Haselnüsse Noissettes Pinenuts - vacuum Pinienkerne Pignons de pin Walnuts Walnüsse Cerneaux de noix Apricots nr. 4 Aprikosen nr. 4 Abricots nr. 4 Figs Feigen Figues Banana chips sweetened Bananenchips Gesüsst Tranches de banane Raisins Thompson Thompson Rosinen Raisins Thompson Sultanas SultaninenSultanines Brazilnuts Paranüsse Noix du Brésil GojiGoji Goji Dried Physalis/Inca berries Kapstachelbeere Physalis VEGETALES SECAS GEDROOGDE GROENTEN NUECESNOTEN Trozos de zanahoria Harina de zanahoria Polvo de epinaca Copos de tomates Polvo de tomate Polvo de betabel rojo Polvo de paprika Gránulo de paprika Gránulo de paprika Polvo de ajo Gránulo de ajo 1-2mm Polvo de cebolla Poudre de Brocoli Wortelstukjes Wortelpoeder Spinaziepoeder Tomatenvlokken Tomatenpoeder Rode bietenpoeder Paprikapoeder Paprikavlokken rood Paprikavlokken groen Knoflookpoeder Knoflookgranulaat 1-2mm Uienpoeder Broccolipoeder Almendras marrón Amandelen bruin Almendras blanco Amandelen wit Anacardos W320 Cashews W320 Anacardos W240 Cashews W240 Anacardos W450 Cashews W450 Trozos de anacardos SWP Cashewstukjes SWP Trozos de anacardos LWP Cashewstukjes LWP Trozos de anacardos BB Cashewstukjes Babybits Coco deshydratado fino Kokos gedroogd fijn Coco deshydratado grueso Kokos gedroogd grof Avellana Hazelnoten Piñones - vacio Pijnboompitten - vacuum Nueces mitades Walnoten Albaricoques nr. 4 Abrikozen nr. 4 Higos Vijgen Platano en rodajas Bananenchips gezoet Pasas Thompson Rozijnen Thompson Sultanas Sultana’s no 9 Nueces de Brasil Paranoten GojiGoji Physalis Peruviana Physalis 15 16 RICE Basmati brown / white Long brown rice Round brown rice Long white rice Round white rice Parboiled rice Risotto/Arborio Wild rice Red rice Black rice Superfoods REIS RIZ Superfoods Superfoods Superfoods Basmati Braun / Weiss Langkornreis Braun Rundkornreis Braun Langkornreis Weiss Rundkornreis Weiss Parboiled Reis Risotto/Arborio Wildreis Rotem Reis Schwarzem Reis Basmati brun / blanc Riz long complet Riz rond complet Riz long blanc Riz rond blanc Riz precuit Risotto/Arborio Riz sauvage Riz rouge Riz noir Chiaseed white Chiaseed black Quinoa white Quinoa red Quinoa black Quinoa tricolor Gojiberries Cacao-beans Cacao-nibs Mulberry black Mulberry white Incaberry Chia weiß Chia schwarz Quinoa weiß Quinoa rot Quinoa schwarz Quinoa tricolor Goji-beeren Kakaobohnen Kakaonibs Maulbeere schwarz Maulbeere weiß Incabeere Chia blanc Chia noir Quinoa blanc Quinoa rouge Quinoa noir Quinoa tricolore Baies de goji Fèves de cacao Éclats de cacao Mûre noir Mûre noir Baie de inca ARROZ RIJST Basmati integral / blanco Arroz largo integral Arroz redondo integral Arroz largo blanco Arroz redondo blanco Arroz precocido Risotto/Arborio Arroz salvaje Arroz rojo Arroz negro Basmati bruin / wit Lange bruine rijst Ronde bruine rijst Lange witte rijst Ronde witte rijst Parboiled rijst Risotto/Arborio Wilde rijst Rode rijst Zwarte rijst Superfoods Superfoods Chia blanco Chia negro Quinoa blanco Quinoa rojo Quinoa negro Quinoa tricolor Bayas de goji Granos de cacao Fragmentos de cacao Morera negro Morera blanco Bayas de inca Chiazaad wit Chiazaad zwart Quinoa wit Quinoa rood Quinoa zwart Quinoa tricolor Gojibessen Cacao-beans Cacao-nibs Moerbei zwart Moerbei wit Incabes Food Food Rice 17 Starches FLOURSMEHLE FARINES STARCHESSTÄRKE AMIDONS ALMIDÓN ZETMELEN Amaranth flour Buckwheat flour Chickpea flour Corn flour extra fine Corn flour < 1 mm Bramata Lupin flour Lupin flour toasted Yellow pea flour Green pea flour Locust bean gum Quinoa flour Rice flour whole Rice flour white Corn starch Potato starch Wheat starch Amaranthmehl Buchweizenmehl Kichererbsenmehl Maismehl extra fein Maismehl < 1 mm Bramata Lupinenmehl Lupinenmehl geröstet Gelbe Erbsenmehl Grüne Erbsenmehl Carobpulver Quinoamehl Vollreismehl Reismehl weiss Farine d’amaranth Farine de sarrasin Farine de pois chiche Farine de maïs extra fin Farine de maïs < 1 mm Bramata Farine de lupins Farine de lupins tosté Farine de pois jaunes Farine de pois verts Locust bean gum Farine de quinoa Farine de riz complèt Farine de riz blanc Maisstärke Kartoffelstärke Weizenstärke Amidon de maïs Amidon de patates Amidon de blé Almidón de mais Almidón de patatas Almidón de trigo Maiszetmeel Aardappelzetmeel Tarwezetmeel Various Various Flours Oils & Fats HARINASMELEN Harina de amaranto Harina de sarraceno Harina de garbanzos Harina de mais extra fino Harina de mais < 1 mm Bramata Harina de altramuz Harina de altramuz tostado Harina de guis. Amarilla Harina de guis. Verde Locust bean gum Harina de quinoa Harina de arroz integral Harina de arroz blanco Amaranthmeel Boekweitmeel Kikkererwtenmeel Maismeel extra fijn Maismeel < 1 mm Bramata Lupinenmeel Lupinenmeel getoast Gele erwten meel Groene erwten meel Johannesbroodpitmeel Quinoameel Rijstmeel volkoren Rijstbloem wit SOJA BOHNEN Soy beans Soja Bohnen Soy beans hulled Soja Bohnen geschält T.V.P. coarse, fein etc. T.V.P. grob, fein, medium 18 ÖL / FETT HUILE / GRASSE ACEITE / GRASA OLIE / VETTEN Oliveoil extra virgin Crustmargarine Pastrymargarine Olivenöl extra virgin Backmargarine Walzmargarine Huile d’olive extra virgin Margarine Margarine Aceite de oliva extra virgin Olijfolie extra virgin Margarina hojaldre Korstmargarine Margarina pastelería Walsmargarine Sweeteners Soy & Derivatives SOY BEANS OILS / FAT HARICOTS SOJA ALUBIAS SOJA SOJA BONEN Soja jaune Soja décortiqué T.V.P. fin, grand, medium Alubias Soja Soja pelada T.V.P. fino, mediano, grande Soja bonen Soja bonen gepeld T.V.P verschillende types SUGAR ZUCKERSUCRE AZÚCAR SUIKER Beetsugar <40 Rübenzucker <40 Sucre de betteraves <40 Azúcar de remolacha <40Bietsuiker <40 Cane sugar light <300 Rohrohrzucker hell <300 Sucre de canne Azúcar de cana <300 Rietsuiker licht <300 claire<300 Cane sugar dark >800 Rohrohrzucker Sucre de canne Azúcar de cana >800 Rietsuiker donker dunkel >800 brun >800 >800 Demerara >2800 Demerara >2800 Demerara >2800 Demerara >2800 Demerara >2800 Cane sugar light golden Rohrohrzucker Sucre de canne golden Azúcar de cana oro Rietsuiker light golden light golden 19 Your partner in Animal Feed Feed ANIMAL FEED TIERFUTTER ALIMENT. ANIMALES VOEDER TrigoTarwe GuisantesErwten AltramuzLupinen CebadaGerst AvenaHaver SojaSojabonen Soja tostada Soja geroosterd TriticaleTriticale Tortas de girasol Zonnekoeken Tortas de col Raapkoeken MaisMais CentenoRogge Granillo de Trigo Tarwegries/Kortmeel 20 ALIMENT. ANIMALE WheatWeizenBlé Peas ErbsenPois Lupins LupinenLupins BarleyGerste Orge OatsHaferAvoine Soy beans Sojabohen Soja Toasted soy beans Sojabohnen geröstet Soja tosté TriticaleTriticale Triticale Sunflower cakes Sonnekuchen Tourteaux de tournesol Rapeseed cakes Rapskuchen Tourteaux de colza CornMais Maïs Rye RoggenSeigle Wheat grits Weizenkleie Son de blé Organics! Services Packing Doens Food Ingredients is more than just a trading company and offers its customers additional services. In the well-equipped production facility (HACCP certified by Det Norske Veritas), DFI is able to clean and process organic food and feed ingredients in order to meet any customer demand. DFI also operates its own storage facilities and offers the service to store products for its customers. This enables customers to contract their annual demands and call off according to their scheduled needs. The DFI production facility also comprises a fully flexible packing line where goods can be packed and/or palletized in a secure way. Its packing line enables DFI to pack goods in different quantities ranging from 25 KG bags to 1000 KG Big Bags. Cleaning Various The Doens Food Ingredients production facility is equipped with state-of-the-art computer controlled machinery, among them de-stoning machines, paddy tables, SG tables, colour sorters, X-rays and many more. As quality always prevails, DFI continuously invests in the latest cleaning techniques. Throughout the production process the DFI production staff calibrates all machines according to the specific product characteristics. DFI always tries to serve its customers in many ways and is therefore always prepared to investigate and provide tailor-made solutions to its customers. Warehousing All products, both bulk and palletized, are stored in high-tech warehouses located throughout the world. In the DFI warehouses both temperature and humidity are kept under control by a computerized system. Each product demands its own storage conditions and that is why DFI operates various warehouses complying with these specific conditions. 22 In order to comply with the latest food safety standards, the DFI packing line is equipped with numerous safety measures ensuring all critical control points. Prior to palletization all goods packed at DFI are being scanned for anomalies by several metal detecting and X-ray machines. Quality Doens Food Ingredients, Quality Assured… Quality, food safety and customer satisfaction are the key points of our quality policy. Our processes follow strict and certified HACCP and GMP guidelines. DFI guarantees full traceability of its products entirely complying with the latest food laws and customer demands. 23 Certification DFI serves the industry with 100% certified organic food and feed ingredients. The following certifications are available: Organic certificate issued by Skal GMP+ certificate issued by Det Norske Veritas USDA National Organic Program (NOP) issued by Control Union JAS organic production methods issued by Control Union Kosher certificate issued by the London Beth Din Kashrut Division Your partner in Organics! Please check our website for updates. Contact Doens Food Ingredients B.V. Oranjestraat 40a 4515 CA IJzendijke The Netherlands DFI Organics Inc. 575 Lexington Avenue, 4th floor New York, NY 10022 USA Tel: +31 (0) 117 302020 Fax: +31 (0) 117 301811 E-mail: Tel: +1 888 9709 993 E-mail: Chamber of commerce no.: 22048339 General Terms and Conditions: General Terms and Conditions: 24 1