April 2014 - Broadmoore
April 2014 - Broadmoore
Volume 7, Issue 1 April 2014 BROADMOORE ESTATES HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION INC. Broadmoore Estates Annual Inside this issue: Upcoming Events 2 Broadmoore Park Update 2 Recipes 3 Board & Committees 3 Tips & Reminders 4 Garage Sale Sign-up 4 We are on the web at www.broadmoorehoa.com Check us out… be informed! EASTER EGG HUNT At Broadmoore Park April 12th, 10:00am Even bigger and better than last year! Children ages 2-5 and 6-10 are welcome. Are you Broadmoore’s Top Chef? We hope to spotlight a few recipes every issue. If you have a family recipe that earns rave reviews whenever you take it to a potluck or party...we want to hear about it! Submit a recipe with detailed instructions (and permission to use your name, or not) to admin@broadmoorehoa.com. Try to make it seasonal, such as salads and BBQ for summer, or soups and stews for winter. A great dessert is never out of season! Broadmoore Estates HOA Assessments In order to save time, money and resources, the HOA Assessments are being sent out with the newsletters. If you would prefer to have a separate bill sent to you home or mailing address, then contact the HOA Administration at 208-765-5600 and request it. Upcoming Events Annual Easter Egg Hunt: April 13th Arbor Day Celebration: April 24th Hayden Kite Festival: April 26th at 12:00pm Memorial Day Ceremony: May 26th Annual Garage Sale: June 13th & 14th Thursday Nights in the Park Hayden Concert Series: July 10th to Aug 21st Hayden Days & Parade: July 25th & 26th 4th Annual Hayden Sprint Triathlon: July 12th Movie Night in the Park: Aug 28th Items in bold are city events. See www.cityofhaydenid.us for more details. Annual Broadmoore Bash: August 30th Broadmoore Park Update You may have noticed the structures that enclose the “porta-potties” at local Coeur d’Alene parks. The city of Hayden is moving forward with plans to build a similar structure at Broadmoore Park. The Broadmoore structure will be a slightly different design, with square posts, denser mesh (for better “camouflage” ) and more “design” elements. Architectural drawing of proposed structure (below) Similar structure at Sunshine Meadows park in Coeur d’Alene (at right) Since Broadmoore is host to the annual kite festival, the preliminary plan is to have threedimensional plasma-cut metal kites decorating the mesh panels. For ease of servicing, the city is tentatively planning placement of the structure at the Newcastle entrance. B RO AD M O O RE EST AT ES N E WSL ET TE R PAGE 2 Volume 7, Issue 1 April 2014 Recipes Karen’s Minestrone Soup 2 medium potatoes, diced 2 large carrots, sliced 3 stalk celery, sliced 2 handfuls cut green beans (fresh or frozen) 1 medium yellow onion, diced 2 T each butter and olive oil Eric’s Garlic Dip 3 (or more) cloves Garlic, minced 1 pkg Cream Cheese, 8oz (softened) ½ c Sour Cream 1 T Milk 1 t Worchestershire Sauce ¼ t salt dash White Pepper Mix well and store in refrigerator at least one hour before serving. In a large soup pot, sauté the vegetables in the butter and olive oil until the vegetables are tender, approx 15 minutes. Add to the vegetables: 8-10 cups beef broth 1 can diced tomatoes, 15 oz 1 can kidney beans, 15 oz, drained 10 oz bag of frozen spinach Let simmer for 4-6 hours on the stove, or in a crock pot all day. Serve with fresh parmesan cheese on top, and sourdough garlic bread. Optional, about 1/2 hour before serving, add sliced yellow squash to the soup. Board & Committees Board of Directors: Eric Schoutens, President Barb Baker, Vice President Dale Hedman, Director Angela McClimans, Director Paul Roat, Treasurer/Director Participate in committees that strive to keep Broadmoore safe and beautiful, including: ● Neighborhood ● Communication ● CC&R ● Architectural Review Contact the HOA Administration for more details, or attend one of the bi-monthly Board meetings. BROADMOORE ESTATES HOMEOWNERS’ ASSOCIATION INC. c/o HOA Administration, LLC 21 W Commerce Drive, Unit E Hayden, ID 83835 Phone: 208-765-5600 Fax: 208-667-7933 E-mail: heather@rentalpropcda.com B RO AD M O O RE EST AT ES N E WSL ET TE R Regular meetings of the Board of Directors are held on the first Tuesday of each even numbered month at 6:30pm at the City of Hayden Public Library. The next meeting will be Tuesday, June 3, 2014. Approved meeting minutes are posted on the website www.broadmoorehoa.com. All association members are welcome to attend; however, space is limited. Please notify HOA Administration at 765-5600 of your intention to attend and the topic you wish to discuss. PAGE 3 · The speed limit in Broadmoore Estates is 25 mph and 15 mph in roundabouts. Please be mindful of this, be cautious and obey the speed limit for the safety of our children. · The CC&R’s require that your trash and recycle containers are out of sight. If you don’t have a fence, they must be in your garage or at the rear of your home. · The sidewalk portion of your driveway is public right-of-way. Be respectful of walkers and bicyclists by not blocking their path with a vehicle or trailer. · An infestation of aphids, scales or mites may be fought off with a container of ladybugs. Just be sure to water your yard right before releasing them, after dark. One ladybug, during their lifetime, can eat up to 5000 aphids! 2014 Garage Sale sign-up form Name________________________________________(will not be published) Address______________________________________(will not be published) Please plan to be open from 8:00 am to at least 1:00 pm each day that you participate. o I will be open: Friday Only o Saturday Only o Friday & Saturday Please select the items you will be offering for sale: Clothing for: o Infants o Toddlers o Kids o Women o Men o Movies o Music o Electronics o Video Games o Books o Collectibles (sports) o Collectibles o Toys o Games o Antiques o Art / Décor o Garden Tools o Furniture o Cookware o Tools o Seasonal / Holiday Décor o Other_____________________________________ There is a $3.00 fee for advertising & signage. Call Eric at 208-819-8595 for pick-up of form & fee. Please respond by June 1st! June 13th & 14th from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm (or later) B RO AD M O O RE EST AT ES N E WSL ET TE R PAGE 4
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There is a $3.00 fee for advertising & signage. Call Eric at 208-819-8595 for pick-up of form & fee.